THE nOMffillSlSTjiLE? j PUBLISHED DAILY, BY BAIM OI ptTBSCBXPTIOa IK ADYAXCT; ' one year, (by man) postage paid,.,..;.... 7 00 Sixmonths, " "1 " ......... 4 00 Three months( ". ") " " a 25 One month, C " ) " " 1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the city, Fifteen Centa per week. Our City Agents are not autnonzea w coueci ror more man 3 months in advance. !'i OUTL1XES. t i Fertilizer manufacturer at Baltimore re selved not to sell for barter. S, Teackle Wallis will contest election of At torney General in Maryland. Crown Prince of Denmark is seriously ilL Steamer Martin, New York harbor, burned, Tlje Government is hurrying up the naval preparations. At St. Louis a man shot himself at the funeral of another suicide. - New York markets: Gold, 114f 114J; cotton, 13; spirits turpentine, 39 i cents; rosin, 1 75$1 85. Cei tain revenue districts in this State and other States have been consolidated. That able and, popular magazine, the Galaxy, offers great attractions ior the cooling year. Spirits Turpentine Mrs. Piety Cookrell died in Nash countyy on tne lOtu. inst., in her 102nd year. Mr. Broughton, G. W. C. T. of North Carolina, addressed the mass meeting of the Good 1 emplars in Richmond Thursday night. Tarboro Southerner: Nick Has kins, old Nick, not the devil, but the cele brated colored town jebu and baggage man, fell from his wagon last Friday night, from the effects of which he died on Sunday. Two-thirds interest in Jenifer, the two-year old thoroughbred of Edger coin be, were sold on Wednesday, to the Tar Kiver Jockey Club for $950. Jenifer is en te.ed for the spring races at Saratoga, Long tiranch and Jerome Park. Latest Developments In tne Speaker ship Contest. f rN. Y. Tribune Editorial It is too early yet to give any posi tive .figures, about the Speakership. Enough is known, however, to make it certain that the four prominent candidates we name them in the or der of their probable strength, on the ,.first ballot are Messrs. Randall, Kerr, Wood and Cox. Messrs. Wood and Cox have about an equal number of supporters. - Randall is supposed to be ten or fifteen voters ahead of Kerr. The natural tendency of Wood's supporters would be to Randall as their second choice, while (Jox's would probably drift to Kerr. Randall's friends believe that Wood can control enough of. votes after his own chances are shown to be hope to eeure the uomination for the Pennsylvania candidate. The friends of Kerr doubt it. Meantime the gen eral attack seems to be rather upon Randall than anybody else, and there is a chance that his very preeminence may defeat him. Each sides is busy telling how the other is promising chairmanships and places on commit tees right and lvft in return for votes. On the one hand it is shown that Randall has a Pennsylvania dispo sition toward appropriations. On the other it is maintained that Kerr is the veriest Bourbon in his party. - Be tween now and the first of December the fight has time enough to become a great deal livelier and the time is likely to be improved. Tne Centennial. The Philadelphians have raise! over! three millions and a half for the Centennial- and the State of Penn sylvania has added an - appropriation of a million and a half. An immense amount of work has been done,' and certainly no one can claim that Phila delphia and Pennsylvania have not behaved liberally in the matter. They are now likely to ask Congress, direct ly orj indirectly, for a million and a half more, with which thejrthink they can pay off all indebtedness down' to the day' the Exhibition opens its floors. Debt and War. The recent estimate places the lebt of Spain at $2,000,000,000. The bulk of the new. loan is probably floating debt, borrowed from hand to mouih at Madrid. Spanish six per cents are quoted at 69 in London, and the probability is that Spain will follow. the example of Turkey in par tial repudiation.. Peace and wise ad ministration, which might enable Spain to pay her debts, seem still re mote. : 1 Deficiency. As the Custom Houses were for merly sustained in part by the re ceipt of moieties, and as the moieties are no longer collected, the service threatens to run short; but the Secre tary objects to calling on Congress to make up the deficiency. He proposes that the service be cut down accord ingly. Rats that live in granaries are said by a professional rat-catcher not to be poisonous, while those that feed on refuse meat inflict painful wounds. This. is another argument in favor of the; vegetarian "theory, and every pious family should keep, a granary. Chief Justice Warte says he will not allow his name to be used in con nection with the Presidency " under any circumstances." Sensible man ! The same remark from Mr. Orant would take tons off the party mind. Springfield Republican (Ind.) A lif.prartf ioHrnaLl Stvled the Vol It'je Merctiry, has been started at the UiCbiuond UolIege,unuer ine euaunw nVinagement of Rev. Hugh C Smith i and ReV. RchU-Pitt." r! llVHf ; ': 1 " - iarl Russell will next mouth pub lish a pamphlet entitled, ;"Ja the Ma hometan Empire in Europe Worth Preserving? " : . -v; - i The . XVII.--NO. 50. J ournaiUm and Pros r ess. The COmDliment naid to Mr. Stan ley, the correspondent of the New York Ilerald, who is now finishing Dr. Livingstone's work in Africa, by a gentleman as distinguished as Sir Henry Rawlinson, is not merely a tribute to the intrepidity and fore- sigui oi mr. otaniey, but an illustra tion of the progress of modern jour nalism, enr ienry Kawhnson is an authority UDon Oriental anestinns. Much of his life was spent in the East. He is now a member of the Board of Council for the government of the East India dominions. He con cedes to Mr. Stanley a title to rank wini me greatest explorers." lie thinks that the fitting out of the ex peditiou of the London Telegraph and tne JNew lork Herald shows a mu nificence "which puts to shame our public institutions," and has given an impetus "to African exploration that must soon produce practical results io commerce and civilization. THE CITY. The mails. The mails will close at the City Post-Of-Ccc until further notice as follows: Northern (night) mails for all points North, East and West of Weldon, ' daily at. i . . 5:45 P. II. . j " through and way (.day)' j mails daily. except Sunday. 0:30 A.M. Southern mails for all points SSouth, daily o:loP. M. Charleston, daily, at. .... . &30 A. II. Western mails (U. C. H y) datly (except Sundays.) ..... 6:00 A. M. Charlotte mail closes at. . . . . . . 4: 15 P. M Smithville (via Easy Hill and Town Creek) Tuesdays and Saturdays 6KJ0A.M. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape rear liiver, Mondays and Fridays. 1 :00 P M.! Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily texcept Sundays) 6 KXi A. M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate omces every x ridav ........ o:00 A. M. The Smithville mails, by steamboat, close at 8 A. M., daily, except Sunday's. Mails for xJasy Hill, Town Creek, Bell Swamp, Supply and Shallotle. every Friday at 8 A. M. Mails delivered from G :30 A. M. to 7S0 P. M., and on Sundays from8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.. and from 2 to 6 K)0 P. MV Money order or- Register Department open same as stamp office. . Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. - Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 5 P. M. NEW A OVKHTISETl KNTS. Heixsbeeger.; Pianos, Pianos. See ad. " For Sale or Rent" j gi l6cal Dots. f Both he Chapman Sisters are married. Warmer, partly cloudy weather and occasional rains predicted. The sportsmen are making things lively for the birds all about the city. - Another "warm spell" has set ini accompanied, yesterday, by consider able rain. j . We note a large crop of sore throats as a result of the reoent sudden changes and extremes of temperature. I Theo. N. . Ramsay, Esq., State Lecturer, will address the people of this city, on the subject of temperance, on Thursday, Dec. 7th. Cumberland Fair closed yester day at Fayetteville, and, so far asue recol- ect and are advised', closes the list of North Carolina fairs for this season. j ' The regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen, which was to have been held last night, was postponed on ac count of the indisposition of Mayor Cana- day. Parties who left their bank books of Freedmen's Savings Bank with J. E. .Sampson, are requested to call on him at the office of the Register of Deeds and get their checks. The matrimonial fever has bro ken out in earnest in. our city. We learn that there were no less thanthree marriages among our white populatiou on Thursday evening, while there were at least two more earlier in the week. ' A substantial brick pavement is being put down at the intersection of Mar ket and North Water streets, iu place of the dilapidated wooden oue which has long been an eyesore aud au annoyance to pedes trians in that quarter. We learn that there was almost conflagration Thursday night corner Seventh aud Walnut stieels. liut uiue damage was done beyond the destruction of a few dresses, to which the fire had in some way been communicated. We have" been shown a target or two with the bull's eye well peppered with bullet-holes,, being the result of ' a little shooting done. on the sly by certain ama teurs who propose to have something to say on the subject of the award of the St. George and St. Andrew's Club priza, Thanksgiving Day. Expected Arrival of a Dtsiiuic'utsued Kulgbc. Hon, Stillman II. Davis, of New Hamp shire,' Supreme Chancellor of the World of the order of JCu Ighta of hu v Will arrive in this city this eyeniag aud be. the guest of the .Knights at the Pu'rceli House. This gentleman is, we understand, on a general tour of inspection in the interests of the Order, which will embrace all the Lodges within bis jurisdiction. , WILMINGTON, Xbe Fire Yesterday morning The fire yesterday mbrnins, which oc curred after our newspaper force had left for their homes, being somewhat earlier than usual, was at the corner of Fifth and Taylor streets, north of the W. & W. R. R. It is thought to have originated in the kitchen of Mr. J. W. Moody, as when that gentleman was aroused from his slumbers and started to open the dining-room door leading into the kitchen he was arrested in his course by a mass of smoke and flame which burst in upon him, and discovered that the kitchen and the whole broadside of the dwelling on that side was on fire. He then made an effort to save his furniture, but only succeeded in getting out the bed ding, with perhaps a partof the bedclothing and some portions of the bedsteads. Every thing else was consumed, as the advancing flames soon drove everybody from the building. The fire communicated to the residence of Mrs. Savage, next adjoining that of Mr. Moody, on Fifth street, which also soon succumbed to the devouring ele ment, though she was fortunately enabled, by the assistance of friends, to remove all her furniture from the building. Here the fire department, which was promptly at the spot, succeeded in arresting the further progress of the flames. The los3 of Mr. Moody, including furni ture, was about $750, upon which there was insurance to the amount of $400. Mr. Savage's loss was $600, which was covered by insurance to the extent of $400. Mr. Moody is totally at a loss to account for the origination of the fire, and is inclined to believe that it was the work of an incen diarj The loss falls heavily upon both the un fortunate victims. Mr. Moody has been sick and unable to work for several months, while a large family, including his wife, six children and mother, aredependent upon him for support Personal and Ecclesiastical. . We learn that the Right Reverend Dr. Cummins, Bishop of the Reformed Episco pal Church, together with his family, arrived in this city last evening and arc the guests of Mr. T. C. Servoss. The Bishop, we understand, is on official business connected with his Church and will go southward as far as Georgia. He will remain here only a day or two. Rev. Wm. Mumford, formerly of this city, but now assistant minister of Christ Church, New Orleans, is here on a short visit and will preach at St. James' Church oh Sunday morning and at St. John's Church at night. He will leave on Monday. A Sad Case. The alleged lunatic, said to have made her escape from Laurinburg, an'd whose sister telegraphed here to have her arrested, mention of which was made in yesterday's paper, was found in a feonse in the suburbs of the city, yesterday morning, and taken to the Guard House. She gives very con fused statements, which are to the effect that she came from Laurinburg to this place on business, has no sister there, but only a distant relative, and that her home is in Lynchburg, Va., where she owns property, and that she has written there for money. The name of the unfortunate woman, who, from What we can learn, is evidently not in her right mind, is Laura Knight. Tlie Carolina Central Railroad. Great injustice has been done the Caro lina Central Railway Company in some of the State papers by the publication of a paragraph which is calculated to create the impression that the Company has defaulted in paying its interest. As we understand it, and ourinfoimation is from a reliable source, Mr. II. G. Onder donk holds a few bond3 on which there is $4,290 past due, which the Treasurer of the corporation refuses to pay, for the reason that the Company has a large claim against Mr. Onderdonk and considers it an offset as far as the above amount of interest will go toward liquidating it Tne Military. We are glad to learn that the Wilmington Light Infantry Company -propose to. turn out on Thanksgiving Day and be present on the Athletic Club grounds daring the pro gress of the exciting exercises and manly sports which will then and there take place. Their presence will add much to the Interest of the occasion, which promises to be one of the most interesting and entertaining in character that has borne off in Wilmington in a long time. Cannot the Cape Fear II A. Company also make it convenient to be present ? mayor's Court. The only case before the Mayor's Coart yesterday was .that of John Fry, colored. who was arraigned en the charge of having been found concealed in one of the cars of the W. & W. R. R., at Union depot, Thurs day night, by the watchman in charge of the premises, and. who also behaved some what disorderly when an attempt was made to arrest him. Fry, who is a stranger here, was ordered to pay a fine of $10 and costs or work for thirty days on the streets. TUe Cumberland Fair. Our intelligence from the Cumberland Fair, which has been in progress at Fayette ville during the pastjweek, is to the4 effect that it has in all respects been a very suc cessful one. The display of articles on ex hibition was a very creditable one,?, while the number of persons in attendance has beeu quite large, especially on . Thursday, which, as with us, was the principal day. 1 Uanxe'of TihrnnaiirjCl The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau! Jn Ibis cUy, 7 A. JI., 58; 18 M., 68j P. M , 55' 40 1 P. M., 67; 9 P k,G7;iiP. M.,W. N. C, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1875, HAlK.IrlUR1HCAROI.irfA. . Am Sweet-Eriri." ; BYWM. H. TOWSLEY. ' Hail! North Carolina, fair! resting by waters: Sweet waters that ripple, grand waters that roll From thy hills come the ripples, each bear- : - ing me music, To swell this sea-chorus which breaks o'er my soul! A song of thy glory 'tis Ocean is singing Thy glory of record, thy glory to come: All the lessons of Time her pulses are ringing- She has treasured them all let's listen to one: " You've hills filled with iron, with coal, gold and copper, For days of your greatBess that Earth hid of yore; Your fields swell with billows of white wavy harvest; Your forests are orchards; great fleets seek your shore: V These tell of your grandeur your -wealth is your children. ' Their deeds, more than acres, rich heri tage are. Exalt thyself, mother, in pride of possess ing Such heroes for peace and such giants in J war! 1 "Hail! Noiiti Carolina.' Hail! mother of. patriots! With fair scroll of history radiant all o'er XYT ! . 1 1 1 . r t, l r . vviui urigut names oi isrevmus, oi uasioiis of Grahams Names to live while Earth's noblemen hearts can secure! "And cheer ! Carolina ! Up ! gird on thy armor! The .work of the ages is scarce yet be gun! . Thy sons shall lead yet in the van-of the na tion, To glories undreamed of deeds death less as sung ! But in days of your power recall your past weakness, And tint all your judgments with charity bright, And while following conscience wherever it leadeth, . Remember, the strong may have not all the right!" " Well, all that the sea says I need not be telling: The leaves of the tall whisp'ring pines catch its song, And thro' vale-rustling corn, where ripples can hear it, Up snow-crowned peaks to the sky pass it on; Till all Nature, it seems, with blessing is vocal On thee, Carolina, wherever I roam; And children hear voices, throughout thy broad borders, By list'ning a moment while walking alone ! Wilmington, N. C, Not. 9, 1873. Credit to Whom Credit Is Dae, & We are requested by the President of the Female Benevolent Society to correct an in advertence in her report, which was pub lished in our paper yesterday morning, to the effect that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of this city had placed the very liberal donation of $348 at the disposal of the Society, to be dispensed by them in drugs from Drs. Cobb & Norcom's store, for which the ladies return their thanks. We are also requested to mention the fact that supplies of food for the poor have been placed at the Messrs. Cart's store, under the Manning House, where orders for the same must be sent. ' - '-' ' , raaglNtrate'e Court. Before Justice .Gardner, yesterday, Cat6 Daniel was arraigned under the Landlord and Tenant act of 1874, charged with ret. moving a crop from certain lands Without satisfactory Uerf iO , uen cao, ttade and provi'dedr. De"TenIdva"nY'was found guilty and ordered to pay a floe of f 50 and the costi Win. Dauid and Mack JDauiel, charged with the same pffence, will have a bearing before Justice Gardner Monday morning, at 10 o'clock, their cases iWviug beeu con tinued to that time." Unclaimed. Some of the articles on exhibition at our ate fair remain in the hands of Sir. Jas. Ai Willard, the Superintendent, aud may be obtained-by the owners oa applictioDr'al his residence in this city. We have been cognizant -of sofne cases' in - former years w here articles . 'were lost : by J aot . beD g .'17.- A promptly Claimed. Tne iraprove(T arrange ment s this year have prevented ach peenr- rences so faras w bave heard, but it is de sirable that all the articles should be claim- Keventie natter. ; 1 By reference to our dispatches !t wiD be seen- that amofg the recent, changes in the internat revenue districts, tiiePxesidentliat ordered tne cofjsolldatioa of the : first aod secood colleotion districts of this Btate, with. Thonma Powers 'retained as' Collector, and of the third and fourth collcctiojcfdisr tricta .witbJirtacflj'Toting as Collector, j . -r. 'itJ: i--v- i ; dtfctt iattl that tpp&ij' ecalrare.witftted. Tne Holmans. These jchaiming: sisters, with their en larged company, are announced to - appear here in English opera on Friday and Satur day of next week. ; This announcement will be received with pleasure by those of our people who are always glad to have the opportunity of attending a feast of song of a really high order of artistic merit. Such occasions come ODly once or twice in a sea son, and when they do present themselves our play-goers should see to it that we do not get the reputation abroad of being poor patrons ef the more intellectual orders -of art ' . We doubt not the production of "Girofle. Girofla," on the opening night, will be greeted by one of the best audiences to which our Opera House is accustomed. We shall take occasion to speak more at length of this opera in a day or two. tin mailable '.Letters. The following is a list of unmailable ltters remaining in the city postoffice Leander M. Brown, 85 Congress street. Boston; Amelia Smith, New Jersey; J. E. King, Spartanburg, S. C. ; Lewis Parrish, Warsaw, N. C. CITITE3Is. Book Kindest. The jwoEirma Btab Boole Bind ery does afl kinds of Binding and Baling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Her chants and others needing Receipt Cooks, or other work, may rely on promptness In the execution of their orders. Transfer PKnrrmo-lNKS. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and; at moderate pneee. liif e is but short, but we should do all we can to prolong it , Check a cough or cold at once and use an oia reiuoie remedy men as ut. .Bull s couea Bjrup. ; DIED. 8CIIRIVER. At Castle Haync. Willie Schriver. son of C. Schriyer and Arnes Schriver. ased twelve years, one month and eighteen days. , , . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Sale or Rent ! Tht desirable property located at the University of N. C and known as the . . Nancy Milliard ; Hotel, having been thoroughly repaired and painted, is offered for sale or rent for the ensuing year. In ad dition to the patronage of the Students, Chapel Hill affords unusual advantages as a Summer resort. It is perfectly healthy, has excellent water and can boast of Libraries second to none in the country. iror particulars apply to r , D. McCAULET, Chapel Hill. N. C. or W. R. KENAN. nov20-D10t Wilmington, N. C. Journal copy. : Pianos 1 Pianos ! FROM THE CELEBRATED MANUFACTORY of Wm, Knabe & Co. . The high degree of per- fectidn which these Instruments have attained has been acquired only by the employment of extra ordinary ingenuity and skill, with the aid of exten sive capital, and earnest endeavors to excel; and the succoss they have met with is unparalleled in the history of the manufacture of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALSO Marshall & Smith's Pianos. For sale At HBINSBVRGER'S Live Book and Music Store. nov SO-tf Millinery. The tjnbersicned wishes to inform the ladies that she has iuat returned: from New 1 fork, where she has been for several weeks staking aer x au parcoaseB ta - ; Fine French Hillinery. and will be prepared In a few days to snow her friends and the public generally the latest styles in FRENCH PATTERN.BONNETS AND HATS, and everything pertaining tothe business. 1 aave also a very fine selection efTancy Goods, ce agist ing of LAdics, Corsets, II oop Skirts, POMPADOUR'S LACES. FRINGES, BUTTONS f . ' SLIPPER PA TTEB1T8, MOTTOES : :i and Frames, Linen Collars ar Cuffs,Handkerch!ef s. and the Worstad and 6f Baltimore. Orders from the country solicited and attended to with promptness and care. Variety Store, 4i Market Street. " ' ': OCt3nactf - MRS. L. FLANAGAV. ; MISCELLANEOUS. , SUNDRIES. 6000 8ttCk8 Am" Fc Liverpool Jiaft, . i . jQQQBblsFleur. Bags Shot, , ; :.; ; 2 Barrels. Snar, all grnd!. BS2 Oottee, 1 A ( Boxes Tobacco. . 100 FXeS 'acory an 8tc Caeese, Boxes Potaeh, Boxes Lye,' - 00 Boxes Candy, rA BOXES HOSFORb'd BREAD PKEPABA OU.TION, Y5 Boxes Soap, -i Pkgs Snuff, Boxes at'd Half Barrelfv Pkga Crackers, Barrels and Bostae,' 0 TubsCloehea Butter, : v; ; . Yarn,. Sheeting, Paper, Pork, Baekete, Matches Axle Grease 8pirit Barrels, BuBgs, ' eotfon TVa, ' f: iiv " : - i !; Bagiag, Hoof I on, tc Above goods in Store and for sale Vy ::nor'7-t. '; WILLtAMS & MTJRCHIS S0n '. pTmN(j SEW,; .rpos INODOROUS COOKING POTT; NO SMELT, X from vegetables cooking. , k - i. -1 " : . h ';.; . .:-.', : (( , t BEST THINQ OUT1 TBX.OKElf t: J ; Wafer Irons, EngUsh pattern ; .Wame'Irona,lDaffaBd short lfldle4..For sale cneBobjr, 1: WHOLE NO. 2,657. MISCELLANEOUS. Saddles and Harness Of ALL DESCRIPTIONS, AT THE . NEW HARNESS SHOP, On Third, between Princess and Market Streets, nov 14 tf HAYDEN & GERHARDT. Feathers ! Feathers ! ! 1Y. LAROS LOT OF LIVE OBESE FEATHERS Just received and tor sale low. We warrant these WELt STEAMED, i noTl6-tf. D. A. SMITH & CO Hats, Caps and Furs. HE LATEST NOVELTIES, SEW and STYLISH i . Furs. Prices to suit the closest buyers. At : HARRISON A ALLEN'S, , aov 18-tf . City Hat Store. 39 Front St . Real Premium, X HAVE ON EXHIBITION AT CITIZENS' MAS' ket the Real Premium Beef. Premium: awarded to Mr. John V. Oarrell at our late Fair. Also Vine New River Oysters at lowest cash prices. Please return we oucKets. nov 18 tf T. A. WATSON: OVERCOAT S A. LARGE STOCK OF " 0VEBC0ATS . AT ALL PRICES Shaker Flannel Under Shirts and Drawers, and a general stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods can bo found at A.DAVID'S. Merchant Tailoring, A HANDSOME STOCK OF '' ' IMP OR TED fCHO THS AND CASSmEREsl I TOGETHER WITH A SELECT ASSORTMENT pf VE STIN GS Made up Stylishly with Flrst-Class Trimmings, by MTJNSON&CO., novn-tf SI North Front St : Ojfice Dining Saloon,; Dawson's Bank Lane, Between Front and Water Streets, . , Wm. HL Collins, Proprietor. THIS FAVORITE EATING 8ALOON IS NOW In full operation, and all the delkaciesof the season served at the shortest notice.' Also regular meals served and day boarders accommodated on REASONABLE TERMS.' : WM. M. COLLINS.' oct 13-TuefiA8at tf Just Received! . .. ... i-. fewest Style's in Ladies' Heavy Beaver CMuCMlla and ClfltH Sacpes. J. & H. SAMSON'S, 43 Market street oct 31-tf Eemoval. Jolia C Heyer H AS REMOVED TO HIS NEW BUILDING. On North Water, between ChesBut and Mnlberrr streets, where he will be pleased to eee bis friends and customers. . . ' ' octT-D&Wtf ' ' ' " Salt, Salt, Salt, i 10,000 Sacks Lhrerpool aad Asserfeam Salt Fos&te ey ': ; KBRCHNER tt C ALDER BROS. ' ' nov 13-11 " jPucklng Powder, Q. M KeS and No. SDvekteg Pewder, For sale by ' ' ' ' nov-tf KSRCHNBB CALDSBrBROS. Saar Ilonse Ilolasses. ; J 0 0 Hhda Sagat Heo Betestesi 350 Bbla ; " Fertoato by .."-"! : novtf :- KERCHNBB CALDER BROS. Oats, Corn and Hay. J 000 Bushels OatSi . . ' 51)0 SabIs Cm ' i '-i .v O Kfl 'Bares Eastera Hay, . -: "l ;1 .Mr.::! - ! ii-ivi'j : bov tf ; ..KERCHN&B b CALDBB fROS, Frshoimtam Butter Just recsived on consignment, and will be sold ebeao.' in email Tabs and KoUa. Freea lutof all kinds Preserves of best euallty, and all L kincfc.' wavaua uranges ana iinoM, Apples, p Unions, Jrotatoes, te etc. . i . aov 19-tf JAMES. C. STEVENSON'S. Notice I IS HEREBY GtVEN THAT A CKBTIFKSATB OF 8tock of the Real Estate and Loan Association, for five (5) shares, dated January 4, 1870, and num bered 113, having been toe, or mislaid, apptieatioa will be made at the next meetins of the Asseeiatiea tarihelssaeDf anotbe. - i B. W. PRICE. evltf t. Premixim Beef, At SECUND STREaT MARKET. EXTRA FIHH t Beet for the next 12 daye, weighinc ftemfV ts 1-300 net.: All caen orders proiBptfy flUbd. - ' 1 t .1 WM. F. FOTTEa. Per C. C. Rxnn, Manage.' "- MTMW Apple, Peach; 1:1 1 QutNCE, PEAR AND PLUM BUTTEBS, Fapa - . ..... .... . f , f. ; nips, Beets, Carrots, Hone Radieh'aad Gaxlfc. . . aov 14-tf ftr C0R1T SHELLEES. j THE BEST, AND MOST, APPROVED CORN i M .iff i ijiia;NewSarawarefoy f '. - t ' a HATJBS OK AliVLKIIMM . taBo,ut uae aS5:?r?gf iZSmi Jfrf - .fci mmjOf ...... .. mp ........ ........ . j Si" fourdayi..i...... .... a lvedays 8 ; - on week 8 M M M Two weeks. ..i.. ... . S SC -l-.Tn'eeweeke...;;.,...i;...v-...tJC to " Oae month... 8 00 " Tw MOHtaa..,. ....... ...........15 " M -v Three mouths.. 91 08 - "Contract AdverUMmente taken at propoi Uonately low rates; 1 ; Five Squares estimated as a quarter-column, ard ten squares aa a half -column. , , , ,.;.... Land Plaster. 0 Tons Land Flatter; 2QQQBbls Fresh Lime; . 200 BMs Cement aud Calcined Plaster; ; For sale by WORTH & WORTH. Goal, Coal. 500 Tobs Gratc 8tovo Cca1, " ' '" For sale low for cash. I -. . ov7-tf : WORTH & WORTH -FOB. SAIiE. SECOND HAND HORSE POWER L ( Stationary Steam Engine, and 80 korse power Portable Flue Boiler, with smokestack, pump, &&, all in exeellent Order Also 1 SECOND HAND 11 HORSEPOWER OSCTLLAT TNG STEAM ENGINE, ' ',-'. salUb.e for ginning and grist mCl. will be sold low. For information apply to ' I HART, BAILEY A CO., 17 South Front strevt Jhos i8-tf Tick! Tick! Tick! NOW IS TOUR CHANCE TO BUY WATCHES, Clocks and Silverware, wishing to reduce my stocK ei nne uoia ana Oliver watches. . Jewelry of the. Latest Styles. Solid Silver and ; fine t Mu1 1 class Jewelry Store. I offer at irrfmtl-r tsAiua prices to suit the times. I give all work my personal attention ana guarenieo sausracuon. via silver and Gold bought at the highest prices. 4. LU AJULKN. Jnryn-tf : Agent ' Floor, Sngar and Coffee. 800 ,Jbl3 Gocd FloBf' . iJQ Bbls Iieflned Sugar, JJ0 Bags Coffee, Apples Onions and Potatoes. BUTTER, CHEESE and CRACKERS, ' Kolasses, Pork and Bacon, &c. ' - A GOOD STOCK OF : j GBOGBBIES For sale very low by novia-tf EDWARDS & HALL. yictoriah ?pets, TT EDMUND CLARENCE STEADY AN. ' NURSERY NOONINGS, by Gail Hamilton, Au thor of Womau's Worta and Worthleeeneea. BEATRICE, by Julia Kivanah, Anther of Adela Queen Mab, Ac &c. three volumes In one All for Sale by : a W.YATES, Book Store.1 nov 7-tf GRAND EXHIBITION OF SIL VER WA RE! Wi ILL OPEN THIS MORNJNG, A; LA1.E and Fine Selection of WEDDING PKESENTS. J, m GEO. HONNET, nov,16 tf . . S3 Market Street ROD GUN,1 : LATE'-; . . . ' THE AMERICAN SPORTSHAS, A SIXTEEN" PA GE PAPER. dedicated to MM MwM Katnral IMory. o ciencb, amusement, adventure and O Field Sport article dt the Frusr BcmmnTs Jfc Spownxni of America. PRICE. fLW. 8 Months. $t00L Mentha. $4 Yearly. ' - l i Dcsa stamp tor specimen copy to - .-: j, . - ROD ' OUN. Apnl frtf . , ai Park Row. . New York Look to Your Interest. Airertmiis is a PwItaWe iifestment Tlxef Kershaw Gazette f a large and rapidly increasing circulation t!oagteu Fpneoiuteweanniestsecne&soa ina wateseemeE. it m eooaldeted a most Yaluable Advertising lledlum. " Atverttsert who eeitreto teaeh purebiiwe sbcuW advertbeinthe GAZETTE. - . . It Is published in Camden, Kennaw Co., B. C, 'tt tke head, of navigation oa , the Wateree rtrer, at 2 a year, always in advaEee." J ' " ' -w FprAermapf advertteiiw.H. addref. j . . FJOmprBEABJ),Bd?iprop', povttVtf . . .r, ,v .. ;aaadea.8. Cj The Centennial j Kewspaper of the 1 City of Cbirktte. THE OBEBFC ; j NOW OFFERS TO- THE" MEBCU ANTS' OK with Merchants and dealers la Western fertk Cro-lb.- 'i : . - '- n i - : It nas more than trebled Its circulation and ftz within th past twelve months, aod tonevanea the most attractive sheets in th Bute. Daring the coming Cea ten Dial edebratioa' a vs. y large edition, containing full accounts of the tetv-' monies, will be printed, $Mng advertisera a moei extraordinary opportunity to communieetewith tle pubKc Terms of subscription 8 pet anum. Terms of ad- Tertising very . low, Aaaresa, OBSERVER. msvH-tf Thfe fiohesoniatt;7 "DtTBtiSHED EVERY wEDNESDAY XwRNIMA X in Lnmberton, N. Jty.W.; Wallace. McM& mid, baa i he largest circulation of aay country panes In the State, lteiteuie exteaslvety la a eoau- ties of Kobeson. Richmond. lad. CbrntM. Camber land, Bruaswiek, and ltae adjemtag eoaa ttes of ManoaTMarlboro' and Datttngten, to Seaih CVeJina. As a Ia Newspaper tt has nesayefior. It is one of the few- country papese wheee EdHor. ana rooasner ipvee am wnoie unte ana anenu ca t kseohrmins. ' Jn PeUUes the RODESONIAM wlB atHre fa av mof the principles of the DeBKtcretie-renservMiee party, aad is mneomproistnglv la fkvorefWa e Bupremaey. Its Local colomus wilt always tern with the latsst aad bcrtwa, wriltmto a brief, la tclftrent and buviness-Iike manner. Its adltrl w1MT saoit aad. Jadd. aad ;pea. faajcete . vhiea direeUy concern our people. As aa advert-iag uediBat tt Is maca sought after aad has aaaaaaee econa ie no ower country papea jutaoi ace m &7Qi. it hae aver inea beea increrir la .mftseaee and popularity until K has reached aad occupied the very front raakefNofta CatcllaaiweiacllMiii. KATKS Cash xa? Asvkgb Oae vcar. SO: Six Months, 11 ; Three Mont-V 73 acuta Send a three-cent stamp for specimen copy. Advertising ratesfundsad M appliaOtav vAeresceP

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