THE HOBUItfe STAR. . ATKS OF ADYERXlSlPfc. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY , . . : I tth l-siii :h! oil ' .fSHiA r - Y bats or BUBacsmtQa ih adyaxcs: , One yr, (hy man) portage paid,..,...... an 00 Six month. " ......... 4 00 Threemonths" " ) ; " .. 3 28 One month, f ) - ... ... 1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the city, Fifteen Cent per week. Oar City Agents are not aathorixed to collect for more than S months in OUTLINES. Congressman Schumaker, of New York, sued by Pacific Mail for money unlawfully paid him for Lis services in Congress in aid of said Company. New York -mar kets: Gold, 114$; cotton, 13 7-16 cents; spir its turpentine, 39 cents; rosin, $175 $1 95. -Vice President Wilson died yesterday morning in Washington at 7:30. Commodore Cooper favors New Or leans as a base of operations in event of a Spanish war. Spanish Government has received a secret note from the Vati can. Honors will be fired in Wash ington in the various departments to the memory of the Vice President. - Sen ator ferry ia dead. ' '''' Spirits Turpentine Raleigh is increasing her cotton trade. Bishop Atkinson had a large congregation at Henderson, where five per sons were confirmed. J: Mr. Chas."B Statis, a former' Norfolk man, was killed at Armstrong's mill, Chowan county, last a tree falling on him, says the Virginian The cotton, gin and tobacco fac tory of Robt. A. Jenkins, Esq., of Williams boro, Granville Cotinty, were totally des troyed by fire accidentally on the morning of the 18th. . - ' ' Mrs. E. C. Woodson, the sprightly Local of the Raleigh News, an nounces bis withdrawal from that paper to connect himself with the Wilson Advance, the withdrawal to take place December 1. A funeral paity of ten persons were returning in a boat to Newborn a few days ago when the boat capsized a mile and a half from shore. It was with difficulty that the party, among whom were four children, were saved by clinging to the bot tom of the boat' until it could be turned over and bailed. COWHIDES AND PISTOLS. Gea. Imkoden Attacked -fay Gen. Bradley Johnson. Richmond Dispatch. About 9 o'clock Saturday night a difficulty, growing out ef the contess ed election occurred at the Byrd-Street depot between Generals Bradley T. Johnson and J. D. Imbo den. General Imboden was seated on a baggage-truck on the platform, waiting for the arrival of ihe. train, when General Johnson came up. Gen errl Johnson, after addressing some words to him, struck him severel blows with a cowhide, which up to that moment he had had concealed in bis sleeve. General Imboden seized General Johnson, and was defending himselffrom the blows, when police man Wallace Rowe stepped in be tween them and caused a cessation of hostilities. - Both gentlemen were put under ar rest, and were bailed by Justice (Jrulehtield. General Imboden went from Mr. CrutchtielcPs store to West Grace street, where he caught the train coming the depot, and went on his journey to St. Louis, where he will act as one of the delegates from Virginia in the Pacific Railroad Con-: vention. Amenities t Social Life In South western Kentucky. From the Hopkinsville Conservative.! Mr. Geo. Merritt and wife, who re side in this city, bat own a farm in the country, upon which a brother of Mr. Merritt resides, rode out to the farm one day this week and when arriving at the residence, Mrs. Merritt alight ed from the buggy and preceded her husband in the house, where she met with a violent assault by her brother-' in-law. On hearing her screams, her husband made haste to reach the iiwnsH, when lie found his wife down on the floor and his brother stabbing Ser with a large knife, which he had ucceeded in repeating some two r three times. The unnatural -brolher then turned upon the hus band, and, armed with the same "deadly knife and shot-gun, threatened, iiim also with instant death. . Mr. Geo. Merritt, however persuaded hia brother to desist from his bloody purpose, and conveyed his wife to the residence of his father. It is re ported that Mrs. Merritt is in a very dangerous condition, and that little hope of her recovery is entertained. Ko arrest has been made. Hie Whiskey Frauds and the Presi dent's Household." St. Louis, Nov. 19. The following card is published: " The names of many Washington of ficials and parties, have been men tioned as. being connected with the whiskey ring, through or with me, in St. Louis. I deshe to say that nei iher Gen. Babcock, Orville Grant, Jol. Casey, Commissioner Douglass, Col. Holt, Col. Luckey, or any other official or citizen of Washington have to my knowledge, either directly or indirectly, been connected in any way with the ring with the exception of Wm. O. Avery. I make this state ment in simple justice to any of the parties named. C. J. Mkgrue. Accident to Fcchter. At the Walnntl Street Theatre, Thiladelphia, on Thursday evening, r ecnier, wno nan uiuumcu iv u of a pair of stairs fifteen feet high, Htepped upon an unsecured platform and fell to the 'stage. He fortunate ly btruck upon his feet; but " was stunned for a moment by the shock. He finished the act, but afterwards tainted in the dressing-room. - After some delay he finisked the play, thnuorh nnflTorinor prnrnniatinff DaiD. A XT I . ; 1 1 1 ' . sarr TV -i O" i' " .' lib jfjj VOL. Xyil6& tste city; NEW ADvERTlSBmEMTS. W. P. Caxaday Tax Notice. Shrieh Baos.--Clothing. Edwards & Hall Premium Flour. Geo. A. Peck Fire Arms. Local Dots. An occasional deer makes its appeal in the market to the lovers of veni son. : Some scamp has stripped the fence of its palings at Seventh street and Chesnut There will be a meeting of the Ladies' Benevolent Society on Tuesday, the 23d insti, at o'clock P. M., at the Hook and Ladder Hall, on Dock street. All rormer visitors and ladies willing to visit the present year are urgently requested to be present TV i ersons wnose property was sold on the 17th inst , for taxes, will be glad to learn that so much of the same as was purchased by - P. Canaday, Esq., can Uyet be redeemed without the usual percent age, by paying the amount due for the taxes prior to December 1st, proximo. We learn that Captain I. B. Grainger, who,, as stated by us Sunday morning, was on his way to St. Louis to attend a Railroad Convention, missed con nection at some point on the route and will probably arrive here this morning, not be ing able to reach his proposed destination in time for the meeting. it was rumored on the streets w. ' yesterday that an attempt was made Sun day night to break into the store of Mr. G. H. W. Runge, corner of Market and Second streets, when, upou interviewing that gen tleman, he informed us that he bad heard the same report, but upon diligent exami nation he could discover no sighs indicating such an attemptnd was satisfied there were no grounds for the report. Cumberland Fair. We have no full advices from the Fair at Fayetteville last week. The exhibition was large in those practical articles of hus bandry and household fabrication without which a fair is not agricultural whatever else it may be. An informant says the whole occasion was pleasant, and he be- ieves profitable to managers and attend- at ants. On Thursday there was a full attend ance. The address of Hun. A. M. Waddell ou lue situation was listened to attent ively throughout, and apparently produced deep impression' It was partly agricul tural, partly financial and partly political, giving a ; summary ana analysis of the causes of the present depression, and point ing out what the speaker considered to be the safe and seasonable remedies for the same. . CoL Waddell strongly opposed the idea of immediate resumption, which he slid was impossible. If it could take place at all, it would bring about national distress, and would he dangerous to every interest in the broad land. The address, we under stand, will be printed this week in full ia the Fayetteville papers. We are glad our friends in Cumberland have been: successful in their annual exhibi tion. It is creditable to their skill and in dustry and gratifying to their pride. a a o1 Selllus Chickens Unnder Dime a 1 tier. An old lady from Brunswick county ar rived here: yesterday morning, after, as she says, camping but two nights, with a coop of about thirty chickens for sale. She sold a pair of them, to one party and the remain der of the coop to another, upon which she says she was arrested and taken to the Ciiy Hotel, where she was fined- $5 and costs for violating a city ordinance which forbids the selling of such things by wholesale be fore a certain hour. We heard of no such case before the City Court, but if the old lady did have to pay such a fine it was certainly a great hard ship in her case, as she was evidently una ware that such a law existed. ThaultsjtlvlnE Services. We are requested to state that there will be joint services of the Methodist. Presby teriau. Baptist and Lulheian churches at the First Baptist Church on Thursday (Thanksgiving) morning, at 11 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Bernheim of the Lutheran church offi ciating. We also learn that the evening services at the Lecture Room of the First resby terian Church w ill partake ' of the spirit of the day. There will doubtless be services in most if not all the other churches, due announce ment of Which will be made. Fayetteville Fair Ba borne of our Wilmiugiou fair were pres ent at the Fayetteville Fair, and of course the ball room at V illiains Hall on Friday evening was graced by them. The Raleigh JVcic says " some one Itundred couples not only from Wilmington, ttul from many other places! were oo thefijbor. The elegance and taste of dress exhibited by the ladies formed a peculiar attraction of the eveuing to the masculine eye. We looked on until our own braiu became dizzy, and ' ! -It.. J . -. . . . t .. I- i . . . r . .t .... " were compeneu vcaac iug ur.vo. J ana Bobbery lu Brooklyn. We hear of many thefts of fowls, tur keys, &cl, in that section of the city known' as "Brooklyn," and everybody is advised to be on their guard.' " One colored man, Sam Norton, Overseer of tue street prison ers, had his gardeu robbed Sunday uight of all the largest col bias iu it, otly a few of the smaller ones being left. ;' , . V; aancs otTfcr""?', 'The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterday: 7 . 7JuM., 45; 12 M., 54; 2 P. M , 53; 4:30 P. M., 50; 9 P. M.,47j It P. 4- WILMINGTON 'Attacked by Dogs. 7 Af worthy old colored man was attacked Saturday evening, near Boney bridge, by a vicious doff. V The old man - used ' his feet to some purpose and finally got dog No. down and one foot nlaced firmly on the prostrate brute. Just at this moment an other dog of heavier build, a companion of the former, came up behind tho man and seized him by the other leg, biting it severe ly. He. turned upon his new enemy as. quickly as possible, with the view of de fending himself against further injury, by which doe No. 1 became released and again returned to the assault with redoubled fierceness. This was too much for the old man and he wheeled suddenly and project ed ne foot savagely in the direction of the ferocious animal, but instead of striking the dog his foot -came in violent contact with the side of the fence near vthich be was standing, which had the effect of driv ing the nail of his big toe far into the flesh, resultidg in a painful wound. With one leg badly bitten and the toe ef the other foot causing him no little suffering, our old color ed friend,' finally cot clear of his tormentors and hobbled home, entertaining, no doubt, a very decided dislike of the canine race generally and of those two representatives of it particularly One of these -dogs is said to be very ferocious, and has attacked several children, one of which he literally stripped of its clothing. Magistrates' Court. Before Justice Cassidey, yesterday morn i ig, Henry James, Simon WilkinsandCato Macks, the three colored men implicated in tne money snatching business, referred to in Sunday's Star, had a hearing yesterday morning, the judgment of the Court being that they restore the money taken and pay the costs. Henry James, one of the above parties. who resisted the officer who arrested him yesterday morning, was arraigned for the same, when judgment was suspended on the payment of costs. Before Justice VanAmringe was arraign ed Ben. Lane, on a peace warrant sworn out by his wife, which was dismissed at the cost of the prosecutor. Lane, however, was committed on five cases in the same Court on which judgment had, on certain con ditions, been previously suspended. Before Justice Gardner, Wm. Daniels, Mack Daniels and Cornelius Daniels were arraigned under chapter 209 of acts of 1874 and 1875, commonly known as the Land lord and Tenant Act, charged with having removed the crop from certain lauds. The evidence being such as to show that the de fendants had satisfied all liens on said crop, judgment was suspended on the payment of costs. , The Lnnatle Ones More. Laura Knight, the alleged lunatic who came here from Lauriuburg last week, re ference to whom has been made several times in these columns, was yesterday taken before Justices VanAmringe and Gardner, who, after proper investigation, decided that she was indeed a lunatic. She still in sisted that she had property in Virginia, and said that she was here on business; that the parties in whose house she was found had robbed her of $2,000, atd that she wanted them all arrested. Upon being asked when the money was taken, she said it was about 14 yeais ago, and that it was in bills like one shown her, which was a greenback. She said that her child was taken from her about the same time, but as it was not likely she could now recover the one that was lost, she would be satisfied with any other child about the same age of her own. Other statements made by her were equally wild, and it was finally de cided by Justice VanAmriuge, as one of the Board of County Commissioners, to give her up to the party who claimed her as a sister and furnish a guard to attend her to Laurinbnrg. Thievery In the Conntry. Mr. D. C. Davis, residing . about three miles below this citv.fon the Middle Soundf I road, went home from town on SaturdayU night, between Hand 12 o'clock, his wife and children being at the house of a neigh bor in the meantime, and upon arriving at his dwelling the first thing he discovered was a large trunk lying in the yard, broken open, and the contents scattered about. He then examined the house and found the back door and the window of the kitchen open, entrance having no doubt been ef fected through the latter. The thieves took the clothing belonging to Mr. Davis and his children, together with boots, shoes, bed quilts, pillow cases, sheets, etc.,. and also provisions from the smoke house. They also took about $25 in specie. Two gold watches which were in the trunk were acci dentally missed by the thieves, they having doubtless become imbedded in the sand where Mr. Davis afterwards found them) while the trunk was being turned over and emptied of its contents. Complimentary. , Referring to the late reunion of Fort Fish er survivors in mis ciiy, tne Diaiesvuie Landmark says: " In a fifteen minutes' ad dress Maj. Duncan Devane welcomed the suivivorsto the hospitalities of Wilming ton on the occasion of their first reunion since the war. MDune?? Devane can say more in fifteen minutes, thaa any man we have ever heard on the Hustings or the Foi unj WeshtuliU' 5?3tcfeelBjygrati fied to see that speech in print. Maj. De vaae is a gradual . of Davidson. College, and won the valedictorian honor hr a con test wifli th ttowiRer Mr. Msek, j)ne of the most gifted and brilliant divines in the South. : W learned this recently from Mr. Mack, but as our friend is not used to newspaper puffery we will not shock his modesty by repeating the distinguished complitsent paid him by bis old class-mate. N. C TUES D AY. NOVEMBER '23,y875; 1 ; .myeK Cart.'. :ui bu,; l.'v:i - The following cases were disposed of yesterday morning: : ' r-' G. Herring, charged with the violation of section 14 of the general ordinance of the city referring to forestalling in the market, was required to pay a fine of f25 and .the' costs. Appealed to the Superior Court, and was required to give a justified bond in the sum of $250 for his appearance., . Nathan Perry, and Derry Pickett, color ed,, were arraigned for the same pffence as above and required to pay aflne of $25 and the costs, but. were subsequently released on the payment of costs, by order, of the Mayor. ' " ' William Ryan, charged with drunkenness and, vagrancy on the public , streets, . was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $20 and costs or work for thirty days on the streets. Chancy NcNeill, charged with cursing and abusing another woman on the streets, was ordered to pay a fine of $21, or. work f of thirty days on the streets, James Bales, charged with drunkenness and cursing and swearing on the streets, was required to pay a fine"of $20 and costs or work for thirty days on the streets. , Christopher Huggiusv charged with fight ing. Case dismissed on the payment of costs. Richard Martin, charged with fighting, was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $20 and costs or work for thirty days on the streets. . - Julia Smith, disorderly conduct, was fined $'?0 and costs or required to work thirty iiu. n the streets. M. E. Suiuu, i'-harged with the violation of -section 14 of ifceGeneral Ordinance of the c'ty in regard to forestalling. Case dis missed on application of Alderman -Cassi dey. - . . ' . : ' - ;.; William Ryan, charged with fighting, was fouud guilty and ordered to pay a fine o' $50 and costs or work for thirty days on the streets. : Jerry Norfolk, charged with violation of section 14 of the General Ordinance of the city Case continued. ' . A Bad Uceord. "Paddy's Hollow," after undergoing a season of comparative quiet, fully sustained its old reputation again on Sunday. From "early morn till dewy eve,M we understand, it was an almost continued scene of drunk enness and disorder, in which seamen from the large number of vessels in port took a prominent part. About 7 o'clock in the evening a colored man by the name of Rias Turner was passing that way when he was assailed,, as he says, by a sailor known by the name of "Dublin," who bantered him for a wrestle, and upon his refusing, seized him by the coat, wrestled him around con siderably and finally struck and kicked him several times. Turner got away from him once, but "Dublin pursued and nnaiiy overtook him, when thq act of kicking and cuffing was repeated. Warrants have been issued for "Dublin," and other parties implicated in the scenes of disorder referred to.' r. 1 Determined Boy. A boy employed on one of the vessels in port was arrested in the early part of last week and put in the Guard House for safe keeping, it being stated that he bad cursed and abased the officers of his ship and evinced a very insubordinate disposition generally, On Friday last, upon applica tion, he was delivered on board the vessel,. which soon after set saiL Arming off Smithville the boy yras again sent on shore and put in confinement at that place for safe-keeping 'until the vessel should be ready to go out. A day or two afterwards he was.taken out and once more put on board ship; but before she cleared the bar, as we are informed, he seized a favorable opportunity and (scaped, taking a planfc with him, upon which he swam for about two miles and was finally, picked up by it Lboat coming up the river and brought to this city. , ,7 .-V. Eseaoo and Be-Arrest ot Prisoner. One of the colored girls, attached to the chain-gang seized a favorable opportunity yesterday' afternoon, while the prisoners were at work somewhere in that part of the city known as "Brooklyn," and made her escape, running. in the direction of Hilton. Norton,- the overseer, dispalched-one of the remaining prisoners aftrr the fugitive,, who, after a hut chase, succeeded by overhauling her, when she made the girl cross her hands, tied -her securely and took her safely back to the "squad." On the principle tuat it takes a thief to eaten a tluer tins was a wise m ve, on the pirt Jof the over seer, and the result, ia this case seems to have substantiated the truth of the saying. Hobblnc tho Botchers., The,, stall, of fMessri Potter jAJltSldV in the lower part of the market house, was broken open Sunday morning, some1 time between the noun of 1 and 3 o'clock, and robbed of about 200 pounds of meat be- onging t -themselves and other jbutcbers, who had placed it in there for safe-keeping. Entrance was effected iy drawing the sta ple to which the lock was attached, while the light which had been left burning in the stall was put ont. A dressed bog was, also, taken .from Mr. F. Tilley'a stafUinC the. market a few G eights since; I Will Betwrst Bight Rev. Dr. Cumaaina, Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church,' who .arrivffd in this city oaFriday.evenmg, left 6atur day evenhforhaWsfonwbCTee had an appointment to preach on Sunday. Be will again visit this city ia the course of a month or two,' we understand,od preach in one of the chorchesi . : -. - .... . . f'-f I- 't' Fix ':'a .nr: :io' .' ii "TT'- '' ' , - : t-ul -bib 4rt?s y.n" ,; ro';-fi;- ' FniBNDSHKP, tllARlTir, BENBV. lf !-..- Urand Hally of. be Knlabts. of Fy ; thlas , to Weleowe Their supreme Chancellor . ; Iu accordance , with the. announcement made in this journal on Sunday, there was a gathering of all the lodges of the city at their Castle Hall last night to welcome and r - . attend the instruction of the Supreme Chancellor of the Order. .: - I :j " ; The Lodge, was opened with .music t juh derthe skilled leadership of V. D.: Macum- her, assisted by Messrs. II, Frank, Jas. W. King and J. W. Zimmerman ' The Supreme Chancellor of the World,- Hon.: 8 S. Davis,' assisted by the Supreme Master-at-Arms W. H. Gerken, then ex emplified to the brethren the secret work of the Order, : "After the ceremonies and exercises pro vided for the occasion were concluded the honored guest was most kindly and cor dially welcomed .personally. by tbe,great number of Knights in attendance, and the company proceeded to the Purcell House, where a sumptuous banquet had been pro- vided bv the brethren.' and where manv prominent citizens and members of other Orders were found assembled. Before proceeding to the enjoyment of the feast.the Cornet Concert Clnb appeared in front of the hotel and serenaded the Sd preme Chancellor, who briefly acknowl edged the honor. Whereupon mine host Davis marshalled the company into the supper-room, where he seemed to have done his best as a caterer, and judging from a remark dropped by one of the festive company in the course bf a response, after ' supper, the results of bis handiwork did not gd unappreciated. At the right of the &.C. sat Major M. P. Taylor, as Chairman, and at his left the Sf M. A... W. H. Gerken. With the removal of the cloth came in order the KEGCT.AR TOASTS. 1st. The SuDreme Lodce Eniehts of fytnias of the Vv orld we hail her Supreme Chancellor with our brotherly greeting and Diet mm tnrice welcome among us. . Responded to by Supreme Chancellor S. S. Davis, who thanked those present for the honor accorded him, and modestly credit ing it to a desire to magnify the high office he held rather than himself personally, pro ceeded to give a brief resume of his official work and of the late history of the Order in itS'growth from poverty and obscurity to a condition of prosperity and a membership of over 100,000 in the United States and Canada. v' 2d. The Old North State" Heaven's blessings attend her.1' Responded to, in absence of Horn A. M. Waddell, to whom it had been assigned,' by Major J. A. Engelhard. ' . '. 3d. The Masonic Fraternity Their good works are plainly 'vt3ibteovertbe entire Globe. . .-. . Responded to by Ii. H. Munson, Esq. : 4th. TheCitvof Wilmineton Mavneace and prosperity ever be her lot ;i This toast was to have been responded to by the Mayor, Hon. W P. Canaday, but he found himself unable to attend. 5th. The Grand Lodae K. of P. of North Carolina Bound to us by the strongest ties, we wish our good work God speed. Responded to by P.G. CVW. H. Gerken. 6th. The Press The faithful sentinel upon the watchtower of freedom; zealous, vigilant, argus-eyed. Responded to by W. H. Towsley, of the Star. 7th. Our German Fellow-Citizens Ever ready to extend a helping hand to the hind or tneir adoption. Responded to be W. H. Buhmann. 8tb. The Commercial Interest of Wil mington May - her trade with the enter worm steadily increase until our city shall become the leading seaport on the Atlantic coast Mr. F. W. Kerchn'er was to have respond ed, but sent a letter of greeting and asking to be excused on the score of inability to at tend." :.) 'i :.-- , ' Qth. Oar River ; and Harbor Improve ments TbeI"Kev-Stone" to the future Dros- perity bf Wilmington. Our city and State ' j - 1 .1 t 3 t-. m .. i . . . - . owe a lasiine ueui ot grauiuueio me prose cutors of this enterprise, and to none is she more indebted tnan to ner most worthy and faithful. sonr the Chairman of the Chamber. pf: Commerce Committee.' ,.. ,; , , Responded to very appropriately, and at. englh by Hon. Henry Nutt., , ; ., ,- . t J 10th. The.I. Q. O.F. -Odd Fellows in name only. The widows' and orphans' truest friend. Responded to by G. M. AltafJe'r, Eq. 11th. .The Subordinate Lodges K. of P. of Wilmington United by the strongest ties of brotherly. love, may their efforts to batld up the' Order, be crowned. ' with- tne moit abundant success. ., i '" . ' Responded to by D.- IX O. C Berry Gleaves. . : : ( 12th. Womas Chivalrous deference foir woman wo one of the cardinal principles of anpient knighthood. . - ..t . ., P. C. J. . Alacks, iq . Jiis response.. diSi closed a paiafulsecretj but paid an elo quent tribute to tbetoastl, nevertheless. ' Msji M. P.: Taylor proposed the following voluntary td! ' ' 1 r Col.; 1T.! ! tt. liavis the prince of botef keepers Wilmington owes him more than she can! ever repay.' ; Where i would she be without the Pusce)t House. .... i tiiVl , - Respondedjto wader , duress snd protest by a modest disclaimer f rom the Colonel.: A number' of volunteer , toasts weres pro posed and Variously responded to, and after the exchange' of inuch good humored re partee the company adjourned to the par lors' fori general dmversatioflr smdfk Un prove ihelr pleasant acquramtanco' with the SuprentnancelloK J-'K f "We regret that we cainbt atthiskte boor give a fuller chronicle of the responses and the information and pleasantries' Drought out therein, . . .. . ' 4nr?i57.. .real' . . .1?. ?1'Xi fi; ' WHOLE NO; 2,659. ' mi m t i t. n t ihb uww oi .u'coq wmcaHi.ue pro- duced Friday night by the Holmas, takes its name from its heroines, Girofleand GIrofia, twin daughters of Don Bolero d'Akarazas (a Spanish grandie) and his wife . Anrore. We are assqred tbat? tie hoinei; are so; much alike as only , to ba distinguished by their peculiarities of dress, and to this fact is due much, of the plotting, anxiety and general cussedness which comes upon the' family of the grandee. r By reason of his " a J errors, the Don. owes millions to a creditor "who would make the. terms of payment sat- isf actory if he jcould - only Secure, the band of the bewitbine Girofle. . There are other J pins in Don Bolero's cushion beside his in- debtcdness. He has for a neighbor a war like Moore,' whose raids are a' source of great anxiety because the seem to threat en a financial invasion of - the fendal do main; but by the plotting of Aurore the Moore sees a portrait of Girofla and the icuuer passion so taaes noia or uis savage heart that he would forego the hope of coc gnst for the sake of her possession. And as thq desires of the Moore and of the cred itor seem to be mel half-way by those con- ccrned, it is arranged that a double wed- I 'ding shall restore happiness and peace tb I the Castle' of the lord rf'8nainJ " Th wed.; ding day arrives, but the fates are uapropi- TlOna I hA . MnfiPA tma f Ha lAAhsnliA. 4Kss. banker will not have his wedding postpon ed on that account. After some worrimeht it is celebrated, but in the meantime Giro fla is carried off by pirates. The Moore has the teeth ' extracted and Comes to demand his bride. The parents dare not tell him the truth; and much circumvention and tribulation, and outbreaks of . rage ensue, I the admiral sent in pursuit of the pirates is defeated and in great distress the parents feel 'impelled to let the already wedded Girofia oersonate her stolen sister and mar. ry the Moor also lest vengance fall upon hichi uuiu uu uuuuo, . ij uiu iiopin jor the success of a , larger , expedition , sent against the pirates, and as -matters ' begin to get interesting, and mixed, we will say that if you want to learn the rest you may go and see and hear 4 1 for yourself, for we are sure you would not thank us for telling the plot in advance. . Prlsoners from Pender. : Sheriff Horrell, of Pender county, arrived in this city last evening with three prison ers. . We give their names. &c. as follows: Lloyd Dockery, charged, with larceny, and committed by Justice j. D. Sellars, of Union Township. He is a "penitentiary bird" and says he served out his time. The alleged larceny consisted of stealing a pistol from Jesse Herring, colored. : , : IiUlher Rich, white, is committed for non-payment of fine and costs in an assault and battery case. "He is also an escaped eoavict from the Work House of this : county, and those interested arc requested by Sheriff Horrell to" pay the reward and take him away as . soon as his present erm of imprisonment expires. The assault and battery in his case consisted of assaulting and otherwise maltreating two white ladies. Thomas Missick, colored, is charged with an affray, an : indictment j being found against him by the Grand Jury at the last term of Court He gave . bond in the sum of $200 after his arrival here and was there upon discharged. The other two were, committed to jail. : . Tkastks. We learn from the 2few that the Raleigh Light Infantry, at their meeting on Friday, resolved in a very complimentary' way about the attentions paid them during their kte visit here by the citizens, the soldiery, the officers and members of the Cape Fear Chib, and the Richmond & Danville and Wilmington & Weldbn Railroad managers. The champion drillists say the pleasures of their visit were such as hot soon to be for gotten. Messrs. T. J. Walker- J. T. Pol len and Fred. A. Olds were the committee to draw resolutions. Fair Premlnms. We are requested to state that orders for silver and cash premiums awarded at the: late Fair of the Cape Fear Agricultural Association will be sent through the mail by the Committee,' and that all such" orders will be paid by the Treasurer; Mr. T.r C. DeRosset, on demand, at his tffice1 on North Water street , . , Pieces) i mt Nrtls CaroUstst- tftstooy Xrman'a AppolaiaicuU. Flat River, Orange co. ....... ... Nov. 27 tiillsboro, Orange co. . . . . . .; . . 28 Salisbury, Rowan co. : ; . 30 Concord, Cabarrus co Dec. 1 Monroe, Union co. . . . . . . , 3 5 7 Wadesboro, Anson co..i Rockingham, Richmond co. , UIT1T ITEBlft. Boos JianssT.-T-'X-KS stosjruw 8tab Book Bind ery does sa kinds of Binding and Ruling In a work manlike manner,' and at reasonable prices.. Her coasts, and others needtog Receipt Books. , or othes work, may rely on promptness tnthe exeemtkmof their orders." ' "-ml, " a ' " TsaxairEB PBnrruw-lMKs. invaluable to raM rosd companies, steamabJ eomssBlss, bsaks, sser chants, manntacturers and others. They are en during and cfasageless, and will copy aoaip an clear fur ma indefinite period of time. Having jest received A fresh aepply of these inks, wears pre pared to execute orders promptly sad at moderate ' As old Baltimore negro who s4 Emigrated to Liberia jr ears ago, ordered a quantity of I)r. Ball's Cosgh syrup s short time ago, stating that although coughs sad colds were sot frequent in Africa, ne would sot like to fee withes it m his family. - ' ' - ' BaBBIBD. ' '-' " ' ' WOOD-SPRURT. Ia this city, on tas 17th last, by the Rev. James H Bsruat of Jessasville. Tbos. F. Wood, H. 1) to Mary Kennedy, dasgbter of Alsssariteevtaat. lA'uti -'rntu-i- ban .ti etui ' B AWES. In this cfty. on the ttnd mC', of diph theria, Aognsta Bewden. dsnghter of Cbaa.. W. and the Iste Miry Angotta Hawse, aged years and 1 onth, f ; V.. (..-;. . Funeral will take place at residence, corner Sixth sad Kan streets, to-day si 3 o'clock P. V., and from theses to Oakdale Cemetery , . . "'. tihlt I nil i5w.V.... ........ ............ s w tl r ff wsssi.. ............ 3 M Two ek.............. . 5 00 " 3sek...:....;....... .....; 8 60 ' u gP'swth.....,.....,......... 8 00 TwoBMmtlu....V.;..V. ..:.. ......15 W Tliresmoiiths. MOO " '! .WXMtas.i. ....... ;..86O0 One year.. .60 01 OrOoitrset AilvcrtlMminta t.VM tttmatelr km rates. .. : Itvs Sqnsres sstixaated as a qmter-colnmn, sx4 f NEW ADVERTISEMEN At Cost T Y ii ll - s KNlnKB STOCK OF and CMldretfs Clothisf. ; r GENTS' FUBKISBIKO GOODS. Ac, AT ACTUAL COST. At there wlH be a chann in the nrewnt Wnitinr on first of Jaanary, we most cloce out ear entire Stock by that time. ' All Goods will be. : n CASM OP DELIVER Y! SHBIER BROS. 4t Star and Crescent." I rryi.ouR flopr has bekn, awarded THE P R EMI UM tot prodnchir the best'aad greatest variety ol ar i cles on exhibition at tho recent FAIR. , EVERY BABBEL 73 WARRANTED. KDWARDS A HALL. Butter. 2Q kits, tsllow mountain butter, For (ale bv : dot 2S-tf . EDWARDS BALL. Guns, Pistols, &c. REMINGTON AND ENGLISH BREECH-LOAD era, Cartridge Pie tola, different kinde; SHOT AND GAME BAGS, X608' wiB' e I "w " GEO. A. PECK. Notice. THE OWNERS OF THE REAL ESTATE THAT was sold for City Taxes at pnblis suction. No vember lTlh, and pnrchaeed by the nndercign.d. are hereby notified that THE PERCENTAGE will not be claused if each Taxes are paid prior to De cember 1st. 1875. . - W7 P. CANADAY. Whtiiinston. N. C. Nov. M, 3875. no931w MILLINERY. J np HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM the ladles that she bss nst return fd from New York, where she hsu been for several weeks making her Fall parchsses In VlTI ft VrPTI fill TTllH Tl ftry and will be in s few dsvs to chow her friends and e public generally the latest styles in . FRENCH PATTERN. BONNETS AND HATF sndeverythmgpertamiDg tothe bnsinesf. alao s very fine selection of Fancy Goods, I have ' ug or ? . , Iadles, Corsets, IIoop Skirts, POMPADOUR'S LACES. FRINGES, BUTTONS SLIPPER PATTERNS, MOTTOES ' and Frames, Linen Collars and Coff g.Handkerchlef s, Keck Ties, RncWng Belts, Switches, Braids, and the largest and chespebt stock of Zephyr Worsted and Shetland Wool to be had this side ef Baltimore. Orders from the country solicited and attended to with xiromptness and care. Variety Store, 41 Market Street octSnaetf MRS. L. FLANAGAN. MISCELLANEOUST" 'Hi CHONliY, Auctioneer. By . &R ONI Y & MORRIS. POSITIVE SALE OF- SEASONABLE and DESIRABLE GOODS W)B AH OK ACOOUST OV : WHOM IT MAY OONCERS. ON TUESDAY NEXT, THE 23D INST. COM meocing at 10 o'clock A. M., we will sell at our Bales Booms, on Front Street, 10 Cases, 550 Pair, Men and Wo- men's Shoes, . Cases of Boots, Gaiters, Slippers, &c. Boll of Extra Eagliah Bnutsls Car- . . . ' . peting, 19 Bolls' Bagging, t ' WamsatU Linen Shirts, . Balmoral Skirts, . Undershirts, . . ; JUrieis Goods, . Fia Overcoais, BARBELS OF .FLOUR, STARCH, POTATOES . , , . Onions, Crackers, Sngat, :''. ' , : - Baas, Boxes of Csaned Goods, Herrrng, Soap Candles, , Table SaK, Nats, Candy, Tea, Ploughs, , Screws, Shoe Cutters, ., Sb.'SC ; '' Wrapping Psper, Furniture Moulding, Picture Frasaes, - , Mi,.;:, Towels,.-,.;., 1 ' Tia Basins, s ' " "' ' '' ' ' " Knives sad Forius Music Box, Spy Glass, Darometer. A Larce ani ExteasiTe Yanetj ef Toys: the ssls in this department concluding with that ef - The Large and Handsome Baby SUB AEimjtlfAN THE HQ. .TBS ELDERLY DETODR1N6 tot SI ts. '' Opera House. NE SIGHT OKLY, WEDNESDAY, Nov. tttb. The Old Favorites, QAYLORWS MW8TREL8 ' i'. t ., .-. -AKD BRASS BANP. : 20 STAR PERFORMERS 20 EKOAGSD EXPRESSLY FOR THEIR OWN specialties. Nowontheir.retorsfiemCallfonils with as entire sew company. . General sdmissioR, S) sen's; Gslery, 35 eeats; . Reserved ssata. TCcesU. SecBreyomr seats at Heiss berger's Book Store. JOiTS A. SPEARS, ' aovSlSt . - -Agent. - ? J;.M; Ohasten, ' General CoTnml rtiori , Merchant. , .. . BtaltsBsrc WILL.GITR FXRSOIffAL ATTENTION TO the sale ef Cotton, Naval Stores, Peanuts sna Cosmtry ;Prodoee teaersay also so the: par- chase of Merchsadlse. Refers by permlseioh to CspC L B. Grainger, Presdt Bank ffew Hssover. ssKsO-Sm. , - - Feathero ! Feathers !! A. LARGS LOT OF LIVE GEESE FEATHERS imU received and for sale low. We warrant these l WELL STEAMED. aov 16-tf : D. A. SMITH A CO. o nones were orosen.

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