THE H0B1IIIIG STAR. PUBLISHED DAILY.'BY 331- 'BttJR.lSr JLJR :t.4 HATES or BUBSCBIPTIOH Ipj ADVAJTCS ';ne yiau, i"J 'Vvgugrpuo,... MIX) Six monthjf, . " ) " " ......... 4 00 year, (by man) postagefpaid, . ' Three monins( - - t , ... 3 as One month, (" " " : 100 " to City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the city, Fifteen Cent per, week. Oar City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 3 months in Advance . OUTLINES. At San Francisco the $30,000 race for SoUl will occur on Thanksgiving Day. - McDonald has been convicted of whiskey frauds in 8 indictments. Grangers to have a special marriage ceremony. New York markets: Cotton, 131311-16; gold, U$m ; spirits turpentine, 39; rosin, L 75f 1 85. Herzegovinians gained some advantages. - Gen. Anderson, of Richmond, temporary chairman of the sreat St .Louis KaiJroad Convention. Sher iiian and Jo Johnson and Beauregard had a hearty handshaking. Jefferson Davis present, but declined seat on platform. Spirits Turpentine One of Charlotte's oldest and most esteemed citizens, Mr. Alex. Hamil ton, died Saturday. The Visitor saya the residence of Widow Taylor, near Mt. Airy, was burned one day last week. Gen. Lilley is making a success ful canvass of Raleigh for the Lee Mauso leum, says the Sentinel. . . The colored men of the Alt. . Any section are sensibly interested in the narrow gauge railway stock. ' There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the ML Airy Narrow Gauge Railroad in ML Airy, on Saturday, Decem ber the 4th. v Fifty convicts from the Peni tentiary have been sent West to work on the Asheville and Spartanburg Railroad.! The News learns that a hundred more .will I) : wanted. Several of delegates to the late IJaptist Convention ' at Shelby were so pleased with that prosperous and beautiful town that they speak of buying propertyand moving there. V At the Virginia Methodist Con ference, in session at Danville, Rev. Messrs. Jenkins, Sharp, Wilson and Lewis, from ihe North Carolina Conference, were in troduced and invited to take seats. " Raleigh News : The North Caro lina and Virginia Christian Conference met i i its til tie th annual session at Franklinton on Friday last, and was organized by elect ing Rev. VV. S. Long President, and Rev. D. Long Secretary, Quite a number of visitors were in attendance. Heidsville News: Most of our manufacturers have suspended operations for the present year. Hence a large num uer of hands are thrown out of employment and only a few, if any, have laid by any thing for a "rainy day, consequently some of them must suffer the coming winter. At the recent term of the Fed eral Court at Asheville, Polk Allman, U. S. Deputy Marshal, was indicted for the mur der ot Andrew Williamson Gunter, on Scott's Creek, Jackson county, in what is fam.l a ly known as the Heel String Nation, and was acquitted after a trial lasting: live diij's. ' Hancock, the Sunny " South agent, whom the Star, Charlotte Observer, Concord Register and other papers, as well as IheSunny South, published as a fraud, has explained matters satisfactorily. The money which did not reach the S. S. office was collected and appropriated by another jjeison, who subsequently ran off. Work Commenced on the w. N. C. Railroad. "JRaleigh News. We learn that the work of fixing the road bed for receiving the iron was actually commenced on the West ern N. C. Railroad on Thursday , last, just west of Old Fort, and that three more miles of the road will soon be in readiness. The balk tf the bands now employed, however, are at work at the tunnel. One hundred and forty-live peuiientiary convicts have al ieady been sent to work upon this road, and, under legislative enact MM'tit, about double this number, will eventually be sent. The people of liie transradutane section may at fast; f-jel that an effort is - being made to give th m nomraunication with the. outside world.1 " " Horrible murder of an Aged Lady, The wife of Mr. Joseph Schenck, a wealthy farmer living near Schenck ville, a small village nine miles from Allentowp, Pa., was murdered Friday night. It appears Mr. Schenck left home early in the morning, pn busi ness and returned after dark, finding everything dark in the house. In go ing about he stumbjed over some thing, atid stooping' down he caught hold of a cold hand. He - im mediately left the house and called neighbors in who found Mrs. Schenck on the floor with several pools of Mood near luer head and the entire ii or sprinkled with blood. Her face was beaten into a shapeless mass and. terribly maugled. She was almost xi xty-two years of age. There is no ciue whatever to the perpetrators of tliis horrible crime. The husband of fers $100,000 reward for the detec tion of the guilty parties. w OiulMlooary. Shelby Aurora. One of the preachers in the Con vention said there were three kinds of Baptists: r.-The Missionary Baptists; The Anti-Missionary J3aptists; 3, The Omissionary Baptists, meaning those who emitted to pay anything fr the Gospel. -There is a large class f these omissionary fellows in all the tlmrches. They omit, prayers, faithy holiness, as well as" paying anything for the Gospel. And it is to be fear ed that'when they come to -die, the Lord will omit to put them in heaven.; Omissions work both ways.-; y ' Uou biles Untrue:; This is from the Norfolk vCawf?- mark of Tuesday ; r VI - ry If. U79a inmAii) vocf orrfnvVm T)6aid - . mo a UIUV1 VS J WD VV- w t lie United States ship Worcester that . 1. ... . t V the Ossipee had been captured at sea by a Spanish cruiser and carried into .a Cuban port. This, ho wever, wants HE VOL. XVII. NO. 53. tsie city: Th Mailt.. The mails will close at the City Post-Of fice until further notice as follows: : Northern (night) mails for all points North. jasi ana wesi or vveiaon, daily at. J 5:45 P. M. " tnrough and way (day) mails daily, except Sunday, 6:30 A! M Southern mails for all points South, daily....... 5:15 P. M Charleston,! daily, at.., 5:30 A. H, Western mails (C. C. R'v i dailv (except Sundays,) .......... 6:00 A. M. unariotte mall closes at 4:15 P. M Smithville (via Easy Hill and Town Creek) Tuesdays and Hfitnrrinva ' e nn a lr . j - . ...... ........ u x. ill. JJayettevme, and offices on Cape rear uiver, Mondays and Fridavs. J. ump m Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily (except Sundays). 6.-00 A. M Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices every Fndav 6:00 A. M. The Smithville mail hv siMm - V j V wu vwwk WW ttt, o ju., juauy, excepi 0iDOays. - ' Mails foe EflfiV Hi Tnn i riAlr Doll Swamp, Supply and Shallotte, every Friday at8A.M.'i - Mails delivered fmm tt3i X V in P. M., and bn Sundays from8:30to 9:30 A. Stamn Office onen from 8 A. "M. to 12M and from 2 ItO 6 :00 P. M. Monev order or. Register Department open same as stamp StamDS for sale at p-eneml tflivrv when stamp office is closed. Kev Boxes accessible at all hours, dav and night Mails collected from street boxes everv day at 5 P. M. NEW ADVEHTISKMRVr. Oliver Ditson. En$li&h Song. JohnC. Koch. Notice. Joseph C Abbott. Thanksgiving Day. HeinsbeRgek. New Books. James C. Stevensojt. Fresh Celery. Local Dots. Warmer, cloudy weather or rain, cautionary signal ordered. - Thunder storm with , lightning in the southwest last night. The Ilatleras Telegraph is con structed as far as New River Inlet. The Post Office will be closed on Thanksgiving Daj from 9 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. There were four steamships at Capk Cazanx's wharf yesterday, two fiora New York and two from Baltimore. The Shelby Aurora says : "We notice that the Rutherfordton merchants are having all their goods shipped by way of Wilmington and Shelby." Warrants were issued yesterday for the arrest of certain parties in "Paddy's Hollow," one being charged with selling iquor on Sunday and the other with dis order, &c, jin her house on Sunday. The flags of the various public buildings and the shipping in port were at half-mast yesterday as a token of respect for Vice President Wilson, whose death was announced in the morning papers. - Warm and cool weather ; seem to be contending for the mastery just now, and it is difficult to tell which can claim an advantage c ver the other. Yesterday the temperature was decidedly spring-like. We learn that one of the boys attending Union School had bis arm broken, yesterday, by falling from a. gymnasium upon whichj the children were practicing. We did not hear the name of the youth. Captl G. W. Bailey, well known here as commander of the revenue cutter Crawford, is detached and ordered to a command at Boston, while his late vessel will proceed to Key West and be replaced on duty here by the cutter Colfax. We learn that a colored boy fell overboard it the steamship wharf of Capt. A. D. Cazajux, on Monday night, dropping between one of the steamers aud the wharf, but was rescued by the prompt action of the spectators of the accident. We jwere shown yesterday, at i Mr. J. WL Woolviu's establishment, a handsome palmetto gold-headed cane, which he has just completed for the victor in the one-mile walking race to lake place at the Athletic Club grounds to-morrow. Ex-policeman Simon Richard son was arrested yesterday for acting dis orderly at tbe hou&e of Mr. J. W. Hopkins, on whose premises he went to arrest a par ty on somej frivolous charge, which was to be tried before one of the colored Magis trates. He will have u hearing before tbe Mayor this morning. St. Ueoric Sc. k(. Andrew'. We learn that 19 new members were ad mitted at the meeting of the St. George & St. Audrew's Athletic Club held Monday night, many of whom immediately entered fur ' the games to be played at the club grounds near Oakdale Cemetery to-morrow. We note an addition to the list of attrac tions 'two races for boys, open to sons of members oihy. Tickets may be had at drug and book stores. - Queer Cn4acu . Complaint is made that a peddler of plus- ter-of-paris Images, who gives bis name as Baldaccl is ia the habit of insulting la dies and others' who decline U. purchase his wares. Several instances of such con duct on. h'sp1-1 have been called, to our at leniioD; anjl we, hope the matter will, be :ooked hrtoh:;7 :: i?.'r:::; . Banse of TIiermonTpier. ;r . . . . v . Tue following was the range of the ther mometer at: the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterday: 7 A. M., 45; 15J 4L, 7i5; a f. jl , ll 4:3U P. M., 70; fl P. M., GO; 11 P. M., C8. WILMINGTON, N. Industrial pair Association Preml- nm Mil, &e. Sol. Bear & Bros, offer the following $5 in gold for the best country -made knitted socks (home-made), and $5 in gold for the best home-made quiltl Jno. E. Tavlor. tl 00 in cold for befit proposition in Algebra. Jno. Sternberger & Co., $2 50 in gold for the best specimen of brick-mason's work in the county, for exhibition at the Fair; $2 50 for the best pair ot boots and shoes, made by hand, $2 50 in gold for the best wheelwright workmanship of the State; $2 50 in gold for the best corn, potatoes, pumpkins, turnips or wines produced, home-make. Christian Hussell, 5 00 in gold for the best pair of boots or shoes, made by hand, in the county. James E. King, $2 50 in gold to single lady who exhibits tbe best piece of crochet work, of her own make, by hand. Nathaniel Jacobi, for best specimen of hand-beat rice, not less than one bushtl, produced in North Carolina; and for. best specimen of barrel of rosin, of North Caro lina make; premiums of two Jacobi Axes in each case. Anthony Herring, best cupboard, hand made, $5 in gold. A. R. Black, $5 in gold for the woman who produces the best suit of clothes, in cluding pants, coat nnd vest, cost of suit not to exceed $10. There will be an excursion from Pender county of 200 visitors to tbe Fair. The Charlotte Star BrassxBand will also be in attendance. Capt. Hill's cadets are making prepara tions for the military display, and are work ing for the Bugle. The meeting of the boarding-house keep ers and citizens will take place to-night at Maria's Hall, to which all arc invited. The number of fast horses entered thus far is four. The list is still open. At a meeting of knights, two prizes were put up, and a fine silver cup by the Board of Directors makes the third prize to be contended for in the Tournament on the third day of the Fair. Magistrates Court. James Riley, a stranger in the city, was arraigned before Justice Gardner, yesterday afternoon, charged with keeping a gaming table at the Fair Grounds during Fair week. He was required to give bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance at the next term of the Superior Court. Nathan Moore, colored, arraigned under the landlord and tenant act, charged with removing a crop without leave and without satisfying all liens thereon, was sentenced to twenty days' confinement in the county jail. Before Justice Cassidey, Betty Faison, colored, was, arraigned for using vulgBr and obscene language en the streets, and also for creating a disturbance in " Paddy's Hollow" on Sunday. Defendant was found guilty and sentenced to thirty days in the county jail. Edward Roan, charged with assault and battery on tbe person of Albert Thompson, was found guilty. Judgment suspended on the payment of costs. Buck Wright, charged with assault and battery on the person of Thos. Henderson, was found guilty. Judgment suspended on the payment of costs. Vaccination. Persons desiring vaccination for them selves or children can have it done free of charge by the Superintendent of Health, who can be found at Mundt' drug store, opposite tbe City Hall, commencing with to-day. In this connection we would state that there is not a case of small-pox in tbe city,' but as the disease is raging at Brook lyn, N. Y., and perhaps some other points, it has been thought expedient to take pre cautionary measures to prevent its intro duction here and also to prepare for it in case it should come. The hours for vaccination are from 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. and from 3 to 5 P. M. mayor's CO art. : The following cases 'were disposed of yesterday morning; Jerry Norfieet, charged with a violation of the Market Ordinance, was ordered to pay a fine of $10 and costs. Owen R. Hanchey, charged with violat ing the tax ordinance, was required to pay a tine of $25 and costs. William Harvey, charged with disorderly conduct in " Paddy's Hollow"' on Sunday, was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $20 and costs. Tbe County Poor Mouse. J. G. Wagner, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, accompanied by Commissioners Morris and YanAmringe, paid a visit to the County Poor House, yes terday, with the view, if possible, of re trenching the expenses of. that institution. Tbe result was the discharge of some eight of the parishioners, who were thought able to look out for themselves, and who were dismissed with the. gentle admonition to "root, hog, or die." Plue Forest Cemetery. We 'learn that steps are being taken to get up a musical concert for the purpose of raising a fund for erecting a Lodge or Chap el at tbe Pine Forest .(colored) Cemetery. The choirs of the various colored churches will contribute to .the entertainment, which will come off as soon as the necessary ar rangements Can be made. ' ' ..j nia s e No Paper. " V . The editors, printers and all .concerned in the publication of '' the Star propose to celebrate Thanksgiving Day, consequently no paper need be looked for from this of fice on Friday. C, WEDNESDAY, "Inasmuch." We have had it in our mind for several days to speak a word in the public ear in reference to a Eociety whose works have long commended themselves to our judgment and their doers to our respect, reverence and esteem the Ladies' Benevolent Asso ciation. It is a society made up Of the kindest and best among ns, whose mem bers in becoming members take upon them selves responsibilities and duties which re quire a good deal of faithful, self-denying work in their discharge, and which yield them in return very little of public praise or reward of any kind save the calm conscious ness of duty performed. Their work is one not within the province of government. State, county or city do little or nothing f jr the class whom they benefit, and though the churches do something for the worthy poor among their membership, ' still the Benevolent Association occupies the field of general charity almost alone. The class for whom tbe almshouse is provided are the human wrecks the irretrievably helpless and ruined in society; but, the mission of the ladies is to the worthy poor who, while under tbe cloud of temporary adversity, feel that if some hand will only help them a little to struggle along into tbe sunshine again, they yethave a mission Of usefulness to hope and to live for. And here are the very angels of mercy the members of the Ladies' Benevolent Association ready and anxious to reai out the helping hand, but their tre; -ryjnpty and a load of debt piled i.-ilu u what can they do for those who have been overtaken by these dull times an J are unable to obtain employment sufficient to fully provide for. themselves f That is a class whose number in this com munity none but these ladies can tell, and we don't believe they will tell; because we believe the secret distresses of many a home are hidden in their charitable hearts from vulgar gaze. It is a class to be encouraged a class to which one's own neighbors or kindred may belong, and one to which the strongest willed and most prosperous of us all might easily by a chain of misfortunes and sickness be some day brought, and as we would hope for succor then it behooves us' to assist these ladies to succor and save and lift up others now. , To-morrow will be a day of rest from our toils, of sports and of public thanksgiving for the mercies that have followed' us, of family and social reunions and of feasting in our homes, and we say: wherever the people will assemble for worship or for pleasure at the churches, at the Athletic Grounds, at the ferry, at the street-corners there let the mite-boxes of tbe Ladies' Benevolent Association be found; and let us every one, of a little from our little, or bountifully from our abundance, make a tbank-offeiing for the poor which shall pray for us and give joy both here and in Heaven; An Outrageous Act. A Swedish sailor, employed on the Nor wegian barque St. Olqf, whicb cleared from this port a day or two since, had some mis understanding with tbe officers of the ship and threatened revenge for the real or im aginary injury or discourtesy he had re ceived at their hands. Tbe man left the vessel, and nothing more was tbonght of the matter until the ship was about to sail. when it was discovered that the lanyards of the mainmast had been nearly severed in twain and those of the mizzenmast entirely so. The lanyards connect the shrouds of the ship (which are attached to the masts above) with the sides of the vessel just be low a projecting point immediately beneath the railing, and with those severed the first strong breeze would be calculated to carry the masts by the board and probably result in serious injury to the vessel and men. As soon as this discovery was made the; threats of the seaman alluded to were called to mind, and no doubt is entertained that he was tbe perpetrator of the outrageous act. " .. . - ; .:; : ' . ;Y ; ; , Every means have been- used- by Vice Consul Heide to' ferret out the' sailor, but thus far without success.- . ShipaateW te'n look', to it that the watch is promptly and , punctually at bis post during toe nijht jrime while in (Baylord's .flf latrl ; aV', Vf This company or Ethiopian 'persdttators play at the Opeia House to-night ,Thfey come from a successful .-tour wttie Canadas and.the Noriheas numbering 20 perform ers, and are now on their sixth annual tour. Very complimentary notices are; accorded them in the late papers of Virginia cities wherethey have appeared, and all who think an evening's fun an occasion fdr thanksgiving can give them a call by way of preparation for the morrow. ; Personal.:' Q 0 ;;? 'i'S'l; 1 We learn from a gentleman of this city,; who is just in receipt of a letter from Dr.: Moran, that he (the Doctor) has reconsid ered his purpose of not being present at Conferepce pexf ,weettf wd. ih$t. it is now his intention to be here. We now consider it possible that , Dr. "Deems may be present also. Wouldn't Go. An attempt was made to send off Laura Knight, the alleged -lunatic, yesterday; morning, but she refused to" go, and by no means short of absolute force could she got to go ia the direction of the depot. She; will, therefore, remain foi the present In the debtor's room at the county jail- , ; i inxa "i LjjsSL ' A colored man went to one of our physi cians yesterday, morning with a pretty se vere cot on his knee, which he said . he re ceived in a fracas on the wharf, f (The wound was sewed up and the' man went mm NOVEMBER 24, 1875; his way, but; no .name was given, and we are without further . particulars of the "bloody transaction.'!: . , v Arrest or Two Colored Awlndlers. Two.colored individuals named William Robinson and Nathan Hill were arrested by Officer Edgar Miller, yesterday, charged with swindling a countryman of their own color, named David Burns, out of $5 in money, , through .means of the "string game,",. We can feel but little sympathy for a person who will allow birnself to be made the dupe of sdeh' scoundrels, .but at the same time it is a matter for .congratulation that the swindlers have come to grief. Wm. Harriss and Hardy Williams, both colored, were at first arrested and carried before the Mayor, but as they both pro tested that they were only spectators and had nothing to doing with the affair, the uuiu ui wuiv;M,BBB;itivuB iuero woa ivaavu to believe, they were refeased on condition that they would accompany Officer Miller and point out the real offenders, which they did. Hill and Robinson- ate both said to be notorious characters and they will no doubt receive tneir ust deserts beioretne mayors Court this morning. Diocese of Norttt Carolina Ulsbop Lyman's Appointments. Flat River, Orange co. . ; . . . ; . . Nov. 27 ttuisboro, Orange co.,.,.. " .28 Salisbury, Rowan co. . " 30 Concord Cabarrus co... 'ii...... Dec. 1 Monroe, Union eevw .-mrr.. " 3 Wadesboro, Anson co. ....... 5 7 Kockingbam, Richmond co. C1XX ITEMS. Book Bimdxst.thb Mobjoho 8TAB Book Bind ery does aa kinds of Binding and Baling In s work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, ht other work, may rely on promptness -lathe execution of their orders. Tbahbtzb Pbhtxihb-Inks. invatoable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and' others. They are en during and changeless, and will copy , sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Haying just, received a fresh supply of theBe inks, wears pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate ' prices. Is your life worth 35 cents t If it Is do not neg lect a cough or cold. Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup at once. THE MT. AIRY ROAD. UesoJutlons Adopted at a Railroad MeeMna beld In Mount Airy Not. 11 tta, 1875. f ' 1 Whereas,' We'a portion of the citizens of Surry county N.- C.,'-belie vinir that a bountiful Providence has blessed us with a J glorious climate, a fertile sou, rich minerals and invaluable water-power, and. . Whereas, All ' that is needed to put us among the foremost counties of the State is close connection by rail with our cities of Wilmington, f ayetteville, Greensboro and Charlotte, ns well as with all ether Atlantic cities, and, -Whereas. Tbe construction . of the Mt. Airy Narrow Gauge Railroad will secure to us these blessings, therefore be It ' - - Revolted,, That, we do not only feel a lively interest in the construction of the Mt. Airy Railroad but will contribute' "chterfvOy. of our means in proportion to our ability, and. : Resolved, That we call upon the farmers along tbe line and the citizens Of. the towns, who have an equal interest with us in this enterprise,' to come forward promptly and aid us in securing it. ,. Resolved, That we consider the construc tion of said road as being entirely within our reach, and that a moderate subscrip tion from each man who knows he will reap the benefit of its construction will se cure it. . :. Resolved, That the President and Direc tors be requested to use every means which they may think calculated to advance the interest of this enterprise. Resolved, That we highly appreciate the extorts oi Hon. u. jr. uaidwell and UOL a. M. Jones in behalf of this enterprise, and tender them our thanks. . Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the newspapers of the fol lowing towns with request to-publiabj Char lotte, Wilmington, Greensboro, Winston, Salem, Danbury and Mount Airy. R. S; GrxMEB,: Chairman. J, Wi Shepherd, Secretary.- Remaining ; inr s the. city, posj-offlce oy. SoV-)87fi::t u .V"';; - ivr A Catherine Ash, SaraTeo Alford, Mary L Atins, , PplBs Andeaon,.Wm,i Ander son. Moderator Svnod Atlantic. R Mrs Geo Rennet; A H Brown.'flar-i James OJetts; Jhn; :BreckenridB. H; Beery, .11 W 4arr V tt Jtfrown, , gatnenne Breeden, Fanj Barge, JanayBryanL . Katie D BrowqFany Briivkly, 8 Burnett. ' " " ' C-Mary P Capris. Louisa 1ertm6hii, Mafy Caughvarier, Zelhphy Campbell. Martin V Calvin. G H Cannon, Ilary Cbad- wick, John Coxi John W Copt, i , w m uuwuog, o j ivouuany, rjmus Deleon, Mrs 3 Dixon. " ' E-Mrs J A Everett, Wm Elliott. ' Fr-Robt Freneh, Ellen Farrow; : u: G Elizabeth Green, Amanda Green, G W Green, G'.T Green, pluses Grainger, Pigott Gilligan. V ' ' ' ' , ' H 'Wra Holmes," Owen 'AftV' Jessie Hales. Capt Thos H Hall, Mrs: Thos Her ring, Mrs G F, Hord, Mrs 'HBt Herring, Elizabeth Howe, Elizabeth Howard, Maria F Hewlett, Maggie Hal), Caroline Hill, Agness Hankins. 1 ' ! ' j J F Justice, H E Johnson, Priscilla Jussely Maria Johnson, Martha Jones; Hat- tie Johnson r, J a. KfT-MargareKing. . , . j ' j ' L Flora Lock, Jennie Lee, Ella Leslie, Jasper 1 L6ft6n,' Henry Lofton,' Rachael M-hMT Joseph H McRee,. Nora MorgS, Melvina McKoy, lartha, Mstfer.rLon Myer, Kitty Middleton, Lenor Mkhe'r, Martha Mason, Rev W G Malto'ri, 0 H Man den. Ricbard MalsebaL M Morriss. - Harry MoDroeG-Morrisaette Aug Mcintosh Ben Moore. .v, ,.-, H-D Itooo. Charlie Nickerson.- Mary lickerson1- - - - ; - IFaBnyPetetsoh. i'.yo-pun : B-WrA ' Roberts, i . W! W- Richards. CbanceoRespers, j& BeedU ifitjiobbins, rkjl Safinonson, Iv'H Cf STnitchei1,5 Jessie PMeUyViohii SSmftb, JohnD SmithJ Joba D Swee8, R j Sneeden Ellen ; Bheppwd, . ; Xdati Ux Sewarty iidwy - i -roryant i nomas. ! Ar-Jim Wffliarns.' John L Westeott, John Wallace, Charles M Weeks, Charles Wesly, CuptT- F Wellyi Mary A Woodard, Mra -. ' . - :f ' "- r ' ' WHOLE NO. ; 2.C60. M C Williamson, Katie Williams, Hannah w lggms, Amanda Washington, Annie SI Walker, Sue if Watters, Lida . Williams, lizzie wood., Persons calling tor letters in the above . list will please say advertised." If not I called for within 80 days they will be cent I to the Dead Letter Office. Ed. R. Brute? P. M. Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. ETAIL GROCERS, ASSOCIATION. Regular monthly meeting this Wednesday evening (S4:b inet.) at 8 O'clock: "Pnnct&aTSttendance is dsslred. V. j ki--Bj viet of President, a . v : v-1 . JOHNC. KOCH, novS4-lt Recording SecreUr. Thanksgiving Day. I rp O-MORROW, THE 5TH, BETNQ THAHK8- hiJday nohnsinees wm be transacted at : the Coatoni House. JOSEPH C. ABBOTT, Collector. nbvWlt Fresh Oeleiy Just Eeceived. ItXARTIN'S GILT-EDGE bttttkh jtjstrb- eeired, a very choice lot North Carolias Hams; Sausages, &c, at nor 34-tf JAMES C, STEVENSON'S. r Marrying BENEATH TOUR STATION. :WooL, . .. . , ... .:. By Mra. Hen.y LIFE IN PA.RI8, or the adventures of Alfred De Rosann in the French Metropolis, by Gee. W. M. Reynolds. CIPRINA. or The Secrets : of a Pfotnre Ut by ueo. W. Mx Reynolds. The Bridal Eve TOR ROSE ELMER, r : ' . ' By Mrs. B. D. E. N. Sonthworth. All for sale at UE1NSBKRGERS nov 34-tf . Live Book sad Mualc fttdrg. . NEW MUSIC BOOKS, 7 ..: ; , OEMS 07 .., - I,. ENGLISH SONG, Brought out in andelnatlnir nf tn .noTlSav fteaann 6w approaching, this new and superior Book of Bound kueic Isttractinff mnch auetif. and is nnfVsrfallv MWAArlArl tnhacniiAUiidntMiptA ercriaaued. : : c '. 75 Songs, 232 Large rages. , for Presents, f 4 OO. Remember that Gems or Erslish Soks, (as in fact r vine or our dqokm), wui os seat oy mail, post d, on receipt ot the retail price. Try this method once, ana yoa will be convinced of its perfect con venience. Also for sale i.y all prominent music I dealers. For Choirs, Chonues. fiocietiel BoylstonClab Collection, $150. Male Yokes.. Magnificent 4 part music, quite popular in concerts. vauros vuoir, v.' jnoirs, tmoruses, etc Perkin's Anthem Bopk. $1 jB0. ,Jtaey Anthems. Appendix to Moore's Encjflopedla of Music . The larrer work f61 nnhlloliMi in mtna almost everything that was known about music pre- Musical History, Biography and Theory up to the proBeui. nine very ueeim ana mccresune. V. U11TSON A CO., 1 CHAS. H. DITSON A CO. . iMMHon. - 711 Broadway, X4. X, nov 8t-dw3w Wed A 8at ; ' . : , mixlinei,; ; The undersigned wishes to inform the ladies that she has just returned from New York, where she has been for several weeks making her Fall parchases in Pine French HiUihefjj and will be nreDared in a few davs to; show' her inenos ana tne puoncgenerauy tne latest styles in FRENCH FATTERN.BbNNETSAHD.HAT8, and everything pertaining to the business. I have also a very fine selection of Fancy Goods, consist ing of Ladles, Corsets, Hoop. Skirts, POMPADOUR'S LACES. FRINGES, BUTTONS BUFFER PATTERNS; MOTTOES v and Frames, Linen Collars and Cuffs,HndkrchMrs, Neck Ties. Buching Belts. Switches, Braids, and the largest and cheapest stock of Zephyr WonUd - and sneuana wool ;o oe naa tms side or vsinmore. Coders from (he country solicited and attended to with promptness end care. - Variety Store, Market Street octSnaetf ; . , UBS h. FLANAGAN. MISCELLANEOUS. ; GROCERIES. 25 TUBS G. B, BUTTER ; J QO Boxes Factory and State'Cheese; - 1 AA Bbls and Boxes Crackers, all kinds; aw - ! 200 VblB.K. R, Potatoes; 25 Bb;BuckwhM . Hacon, Candy, , . , ; ; ' fJread Prepara.ion, , , Candles,- - ! '' .; "Jl " ! Corfee," : ; .;.!.;; . Cotton ies,. CORN, FLOUR, BOOP IRON, LYE, MATCHES. ' ' Vola ees. Mullets, Nsils.'Oysterk. dats, : - f V - Potash, Salt, BheetingV V " ' ' -Yarns, Ac ': ! -(; iiii V ' I f- ' i 'fi-x - !;..- t;t i The aboMjsods wbe.ofcrej vyjow to PB01BPT'PAINQCl'8TOMEB!l j By nov 31 -tf WILLIAMS A MURCH1SON. Grand Qpeiuiigl ;..a ; ' - Bress and BaslneM Sniti, ' ! ! JHAHOSE, HAOTEIEFI. UiQ u,-x.i inrJ tlfLyilLiijl sail i ii'J- iti nov 31-tf -.L. .'. City Clothiers, j 1 Ij.1 ! '1 . 'Uillff.'f i i i -i ill rrrme sosnnfa stab bmk si tms A ERY is complete in all ail its appointments, aaj If la charge otoaoef the imwtslffitraj sw sism lathe State. AU kinds f Binding executed neatly, cneapiyssa expsoidoaaiy,' - UATK8 OF APVKUTIMM.. QM Sonars, one day,. , .i itSS ! . -. . - J 1 1 1 , tvdaT..........,..A,.......i 2? wckj. . i W- S? week 8 00 M Tbpi.woa.i .................... 6 60 " " Onemoolh...... ..6 00 " . Twomontii.... ...........15 OP 7 ........M 00 " !! aonta ,..86 oo I"toT--.--i..--.. ....... ;..:60 C MonatriT low ratei. - ? r i tveKqaaNBeetiiaated u a qntrter-coluftn. t d ten sqaarea mn a h!T -colaran. , MISCELLANEOUS. Opera House. NE NIGHT ONLT. WEDNESDAY, Nov. ih. Tlio Old Favorlte8J GAYLOR&& MINSTRELS AND BRASS BAND. 20 STAR PERFORMERS 20 ENGAGED EXPRESSLY FOB THEIR OWN SOecialUea. Nmoii theirnhinifiniii r.lifnnl. ' wit has entire new company. - General sdmuaion, 90 cen'a; Galery, 25 cents: BeBerredeeata.'lS cents. SecoreTonr neato at Heina bwger'B Book Store. v JOfiN A. SPEAK. ""'" -' - Agent. OPERA HOUSE. Friday and Saturday, Not. 26, 27. SATURDAY MATINEE AT S P. M. ENGAGEMENT AT A GREAT OUTLAY OP the Celebrated i- "rr IIOUffAW - EDglish Opera Company, Enlarged for the present season. New Repertoire Costnmea. Ac; Ac Fridar. Nov. 47 . First time here of Lecoqs tact aud most brilliant Opera WIROFLE GIROFLA. SATURDAY MATINEE. THE GRAND SPEC- TACULAR OPERA CINDERELLA. SATURDAY EVENING.-Nov. 27 Leccn'n Sn&ik- ang Opera.- .; - ' - La Fills De Madame Angot ADMISSION, ft 00. Gallery. 50 and 25 ppnio. Secured eeata $1 35. Sate to commence at Heine berger'a M nsic Store, Monday, Nov. M, at 9 A. M . : BaggiBE,1 Flonr, Salt, &c. I Kfifi ROLLS AND HALF-ROLLS BAGGING, OUU fl s 1 nnn BwsFiour, X-tVVU 5Q Tons Pieced and New 1 ii s, ' 400 Lb8Bagglns Twine Hhds Sugar House Molaeeee, 350 BbU " w 25 Pancheons Demerara Molasses, 25 Bbls " " 5Q Hhds Cuba Y Y t,Vi,.i. xrl.i I 1 AHA Bushels Meal, I V V V 1. AAA Bushels Oats, UUU . 10 Tierces Rice. OR Tubs Butter. tO 150 Boxes Cheese, 5Q Bbls Apples, Powder, Shot, Caps, Lye, Potash, Soap, Candles Candy, Ac., Ac, For sale by- . KBRCHNER A CALDBR !BOS. novSttf TOBA COOS, CIGARS SMOKERS' ARTICLES . " ' ON THE MttM JfiMt Flai FOB CASH ON DELIVERY, : D. PIQOTT. nov 3-tf The Latest Style iJK OVERCOATS IS Fur Beaver, and t have them in all colors. sizes and prices, from . $10.00 to $35.00. If you cannot be fitted with , ready-mads one I can make to order in as fashionable and attractive style as any noose fionn. : A.DAVID. nov 21 1 . Land Plaster. 50 TOns Land Plaster ;' 2ooola7ebme' ' 2 00 Cement Md Calcined Plaster; "'For sale by llJ j ' ... , . WORTH A WORTH. Goal; Coal. 500 Tens Grate and Stove Coal, For sale low for cash. " . BOv'Mf -i - .: WORTH A WORTH. ? At Cost! Our ENTIRE STOCK OP Men's, Boys' 3si iMtaVClottag, i : GENTS' FURNISHING GO0D8. Ac., AT AGTOAL COST. ' As there wQI be a chance in' the present business .eb first ef January, we must close out ear entire duick oy tna ume. aii uooas win oe. UASB OX DELI VEXYJ ! ': novitf ' ' ; ' ' SBRTER BROS. , Stttr, and Crescent." 'r(X OUR FLOUR HAS BEEN AWARDED THE PREMIUM i for producing the bestrand greatest variety of arti cles on exhibition at the recent FAIR.. , EVERY BARBEL IS WARRANTED. EDWARDS HALL. -.' Butter. .... ' 20 KITS YELLOW MOUNTAIN BUTTER, ;. For rolf! dt. For sate bT. nov 5-tf '- EDWARDS A HALL. Guns; Pistols, &e. REMINGTON ANTJ ENGLISH BREECH-LOAD-. : ers, Cartridge Pistols, different kinds; . , , 1 SHOT AND GAMS BAGS, Lightning Kentucky Rifle Powder, Caps, Wads,' Ao. For sale low by , GEO. A. PECK. FeiEttherfi ! Feathers U A LARGS LOT Of LITE GEE8B FEATHERS Jast received and for sale km. We warrant these to be -'i ' ?' - ;' ; . . t mwi at wm nmay . novl6-tf D. A. SMITH A CO. Latest Styles HAYING RBCETVXD BY EXPRESS .BLOCKS or the latest styles of Hats for Ladies and Chil drea, Mrs. Yirglnia A.Orr is prepeed to alter, press and bleach work entrusted te her. Old Bouaets and Gentlemen's Phiiim Hats made to , r-Mi Ixolx. as WI1 as Mew. ..'- Ferpsjtlcmlarscall on or send to MRS. OSS, on Nun, between 3rd and 4th streets. ao U-tr ' . ! : ' onnrmation,