j 't' ' .1 )1 j i y v - THE HOEITinG STAB. utii or tTBsonqmoa nr ADViuscrr year, (by man) postage paid, . . . 7 00 Three monthit " six muuuu, 4 00 nne month. C " ) 4 PO To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the not authorized to collect for more than 3 months in advance. . . . . . i'; outlines. David Jones' large New York brewery burned. A movement is on foot to have a grand reunion and jollification of the Blue and Gray at the Centennial. X Lucca ,the prima donna, injured by fall from carriage in Switzerland.. Win. B. As tor, aged 84,, dead,, leaving unknown mil Hops of property. A sailor who was on the Orpheu gave testimony which incul pated the Captain of that vessel in the P cific'a loss. - New York markets: Gold, 114i114i; cotton, ISi cents; spirits tur pentine, 38i39 cents; rosin, $1 75$1 85. aaBBBiBapaBBBaaiBBaBaiiBBiBBBB Tbe Malik . i -- '' The mails wiH close, at the. City Post-Office until further notice as foUaws,;"i;4S: . Northern (night) mails for all points North, East and VVest of Weldon, ,', - V daily at.. 5:45 P. M. 44 through and way (day) mails daily .except Sunday, 6:30 A. M. . . SI- ill-' . - - Soutuern matis iw nu points touth, daily.. Charleston, daily, at. . . . . . k . . Western mails (CO. H'y) daily (except Sundays,) . . ... . y. Charlotte mail closes at. 5 :15 P. M. 5:30 A. 11. 6:00 A. M. 4:15 P. M Smithville (via Easy Hill- nd: Town Creek) Tuesdays, and Saturdays : 6 KM) A. M. Fayette ville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Mondays and Fridays, .v.: . . .... ... .. .... . Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily (except Sundays)... ... Onslow C. H. and intermediate 1:00 P M. 6 .00 A. M offices every Friday.. 6:00 A. M. The Smithville mails, by steamboat, close at 8 A. M., daily, except Sundays. Mails for Easy Hil Town Creek, Bell Swamp, Supply and Shallotte, every Friday at 8 A. M. . - - . i Mails delivered from 6:30 A M. to 7:80 P. AL, and on Sundays from 8:30 to 930 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6. -00 P. M. Money order or Register Department open same as" stamp office. ' . Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. . , . .. : Key Boxes accessible at all hours," day and night. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 5 P. M. T JE3T JE CITY. NEW AOTEBT1SE.HENTS. Kerch?; kr & C alder Bros. Powder. Donald MacRae. Notice. Hakrison & Allen. Hats, Hats S pirits Turpentine Bishop Atkinson officiates to night iu Christ Church, Raleigh. The ladies of the Newbern Epis copal church have' just had Some pleasant festivals. The uninsured gin-house and "contents belonging to ex-Sheriff William Fields, of Lenoir county, were consumed seveial nights ago. v The Weldon Neics says a very interesting revival has been going on ia Halifax for several days. There were twenty or more additions to the church on Sunday. The Rev. M. II. Vaughari,' of Louisburg, has accepted the call from SL Stephens' Episcopal Church at Oxford, and will probably enter upon his duties in this' latter connection about the first of Decem ber. ; The Oxford Torchlight says that Farm ville. Va.y& moving for ar.Rilroad to Keysville and thence by Clarksville through GranviUa county to Raleigh, or. some eligible point on-the N. C. Railroad. Hillsboro Recorder : One day last week, the wife of Mr. C. E. Parish, while riding hi u buggy with Mrs. Hassel, was thrown or fell out of ' the vehicle, dis locating one of her shoulders. We are glad to hear she is uvp,royinjrapidlyr -i - s Recorder: There are at preseni in Hillsboro two gentlemen from ' the city f New York who have been attracted here by the fa ma Hillsboro has bad from lime immemorial for abundance of small .name and hist rate shots. These gentlemen aro Judge Pratt and ;Mrv' Missy, Chief of tha Fire Department of New York. - The e?Jearn. that there are now 145 convicts employed at work on the mountain section of the W, N. CI R. R. They aie divided into three squads, one working immediately at Old Fort, another at Roand ljnobhalf way up the-ascent of the Blue Ridge, and a third at the tunnel at the top of the mountain at Swananoa Gap. THK WIFE OF EDWIN FOB REST. he Baa Secnred a Fortune t Last . After Tears mt a,ltlratlai. The New York correspondent of the San Francisco Chronicle des cribes an interview with Mrs. Cathe rine X. ' Sinclair, who was the wife of EJwin Forest? Mrs. Sinqlair, who now living on Staten Island, gave the correspondent the following ac count of the resuUa.of her long litiga tion in regard to the payment of ali mony oat of her claim for a dower io the estate of Air. Ffcrregf. Our litigation began in 1850,bqtrU was not until 1852 that I, secured a verdictiagalfistOiImv granting me a full divorce, wjth $3,000, a jer.ali m ny, subsequently raised to 4,000. During this period be reffised me any sopP t; when.iheflrdicrwfts obtiiu ei be appealed a'gatnl Ji," without tbe alimony and contesting its payment ai !tvejy point and on every legal quibble, through all the Courts up to the Court of Appeals! It was not until 1862,1 ten ' years after iveVdict, that I secured tbe final and unani mous opinion of the Court.', of, Ap oeaU in rtiir t a rir Tt. ia a crreat sat- isfacti ; ... y n . an t, IjrotfacfecP TitiSation there t-ourt, a single oecisiou' adrerae 'to ..v. ! was Buccegsiui as weu ou iub minor issues raised as on the general and final result. ! " Then at the end of the twelve years of legal contest the alimony . xvii. no: 54; that had been withheld was paid to yoa in bulk ?" rYes, it was all finally paid; but not until I had obtained judgment against Mr. Forrest's fought them through all the courts, as i naa previously fought Mr. For rest." " Did you ever meet Mr. Forrest, or have any communication with him auer mis litigation t" ". ' I never saw him afterward, and never communicated with him. In his will he utterly ignored me not even mentioning my name." " You put in a claim for a dower in his estate, I believe." f Yes, and that was decided in my favor. It is but just to say 'that his executors treated me with the great est respect and consideration. Of course they could not admit any claim without the action of the courts of Philadelphia. But when the Or phans' Court of Philadelphia, which had jurisdiction in the matter, de cided in my favor they made no further resistance." . " What was Mr. Forrest's estate worth?" "It was worth from $1,200,000 to $1,500,000. Some of his property was in lands, which could only be dis posed of to advantage by taking time and watching the opportunities'. In stead of dowry, I compromised with the executors, resigning my right of dower upon the payment of an abso lute sum. They paid me $95,000 in money and securities. The balance of his estate goes to the benevolent purposes to which he devised it." Loeal Oats. No paper to-morrow.. Colder and partly cloudy weath predicted. Tbere was much activity notice able on the Club grounds yesterday. There was an immense quantity of dressed fowls in market yesterday morn ing. Thousands who are expecting to visit the Athletic Club grounds to-day are praying for good weather. The children of St. John's Par ish are to have a Fair or Festival at City Hall on the 16th and l?th of December. The city offices are to be closed' to-day, as also the Custom House and Post- office, the latter from 9 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. The rifle match is the first thing on the programme at the Club grounds to day, commencing at 10:30 and continuing until 12:30 o'clock. It is said that Laura Knight has at last taken her flight, having gone to Richmond county, to enjoy her sister's bounty. Good by, Laura ! We learn that there will be several match games of ten pins played at tbe Wilmington Garden to-day, for which prizes have been prepared. Among the attractions at the Club grounds to-day will be two races for boys, not mentioned in the regular pro gramme. None but sons of the members will take part. Those - who wish to attend Thanksgiving services in the churches can do so and still have lime, after an early dinner, to reach the Athletic Club grounds in time to witness all the sports except the rifle matches. We are not informed whether collections for tbe Orphan.Asylum will be taken up in any of the churches as recom mended by the Governor. It has been sug gested that collections be had for the Be nevolent Association in case no other object is presented. Tbe Club Grounds are reached by taking the street cars to the Cemetery. I jFrom the end of the track the Club have I troiratructed a foot-road across the inter vening field to the main gate. Carriages should turn north at Eighth street. We learn that 45 delegates to the Methodist Conference to convene at Front Street Church on Wednesday next are still to be provided for by hospitable citizens. Those who can accommodate one or two may send their address to either of the pastors. The ladies will be out in force at the Olympic games, if the day is fair. An ample paviliou has been erected for their accommodation, fr m which all the games can be well seen and which will af ford shelter frPUi the sun or sudden show? era. rue cars run aimosi w me grouuus. n'aKltralea' Crt. Primus Moore, colored, was arraigned before Justice Gassidey, yesterday morning. charged with disorderly conduct and creat ing a disturbance on the streets on Satur day night last.. Defendant was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $5 and costs, defaijli of which he was commuted tejail, James Toon, colored, was arraigned on the same charge as above, but was found not guilty and the case; was dismissed. Before Justice Van Amringe was arraign ed Samuel Lee, charged wi.h trespassing7 on the property of, Jacob Burg win, both parties beiag colored. Tbe defendant was fOimCl gUUiy tttll UiUVll-v w yrtj b uiio ui $50 and coals. . From hi? jtecisioo be toot an appeal to the Superior pourt, , wbeji Je WAS requlrcU w cmci iuiu a juaiiucu uuuu the sum of $200 for . his appearance, in default of which he was registered at Daniel Howard's boarding house on Princess street until he can have an opportunity of interviewing Judge iNcKoy. WILMINGTON, Xle Wertbr Poor. In response to Our article of yesterday, we are glad to learn that the Ladies' Beney olent Association will especially appeal to day to the good people in whose sight they have wrought their past works of helpful ness and charity for the means with which to continue their work in this time of need and place the Association again on a finan cial basis such as will honor the generous citizens of Wilmington. Mite-boxes have'been placed for the recep tion of contributions big or little in the fol lowing drug and other stores, to the pro prietors of each of which the ladies owe particular thanks for privileges extended W. W. Harriss, Green & Flanner, J. K, McIIhenny, Cobb & Norcom, on Market street; J. C. Munds, Third street opposite City Hall; E. Willis, Seventh and Mulberry streets;, Kasprowicz' cigar store and C. M. Harris' news stand, Front street; and also at the Athletic Club-Grounds. A num ber of contributions were paid in last even ing immediately on the deposit of the boxes, but a large sum will be needed to prosecute the work of the Association, and no one should go .to rest to-night feeling that he or she has done all. of duty until a contribution has been made, according to ability, for this best of objects. We did not propose by suggesting the mile-boxes to lestrict the charity of those who may not go where they would be found, or who propose to celebrate the oc casion by giving their checks, or undertak ing to pay considerable amounts by install ments, or to make douations of goods or provisious. Let each make contribution in his own way, but iu some way, as he would hope to be prospered in business and other relations. The times arc dull money is tight and hard to spare the greater are the numbers and necessities of the poor. We are assured that there are ladies of high culture and f ormerlyin affluent circum stances, every few days brought to the no tice of the Society as in absolute need, and they have often to be sent empty-handed and sorrowful away, and the tales that the officers of the Society can tell of cases com ing under their notice are sufficient to melt any heart. But, knowing tbe kindness of their wo man's hearts, some citizens have feared to make these ladies the distributors of their charity, lest they might be deceived by de signing and 'worthless persons and thereby, made the instruments of encouraging idle ness and vice in tbe community. This fear may not have been without good grounds in timus past, but the present managers of the Association are ladies who hirve had long experience with tbe class to whom they minister, and we believe it is time such fears should cease and the usefulness of the Association should be extended and in creased by yet larger gifts at the hands of a generous people. In conclusion, a few days ago Mr. J. B. Wilkinson, of Clarkton, Bladen county, told us in the course of conversation that in case the railroad company would furnish cars he would furnish and pay the cost of loading free on board at his saw-mill at that place, say three or four car loads of slab wood for the' Ladies' Benevolent Associa tion. On yesterday we mentioned the mat ter to Col. S. L. Fremont, the Superinten dent, when he remarked that he would take the responsibility of saying that the Caro lina Central Railway Company would, fur nish the car,s and thus deliver the wood to tbe Association in this city without any charge. These donations represent a value of some $50 to $70. . Let the ball roll on ! Aliened Tbefl. We are informed that yesterday evening, after four workmen who had been engaged in making repairs upon tbe Catholic Church had finished for the day, a valuable gold watch, chain and cross belonging to Father Gross was missed from a drawer in the study and information was lodged at police headquarters. A sorgeant and two officers went in quest of the workmen, and on reaching a certain saloon found, as we understood the statement, that one of the men had surrendered the valuables to the bar tender and departed. The property hav ing been restored to the reverend Father, proceedings came to an end without any arrest being made, so far as we were in formed. Collapsed. The Gaylord troupe failed to fill its en gagement at the Opera House last evening. For two or three days it has been whispered about that there was financial trouble, and last night we were not altogether surprised to bear of their collapsing in Newberp. Notwithstanding they seem to have had un renumerative houses, their performances have been very well spoken of by the Northern press. The Opera. Ere we again salute our readers, the ac complished Holman Sisters with their Eng lish Opera Troupe will be in our midst and appear to-rnorrow oigh in operatic gong, rendered in our native tongue. The piece selected i Leeoq'a "irofle-GirofiV in reference to which we have heretofore given some hints. We hope to see an audience worthy of the occasion and of the company. Pertwsal. ; ': 'k ' Sheriff Rufus , Galloway, . of Brunswick' county, arrived in. h'is city; last evening, en route tor Raleigh; where fie goes to settle with the State Treasurer, The taxes of Brunswick amount to about $7,000. . ; Sheriff William Sutton, of Bladen, was also in the city yesterday, on his way to Raleigh for the same purpose. These are the first Eastern, eaunes, we believe, that have settled their ta.xes with tbe State this year. N. C, THURSDAY. NOATEMBEir Mayor Court. The following cases were "disposed of yesterday morning: ' Wash.' Howard, charged with violating section 7 of the general ordinance of the city, was found guihy and ordered to pay a fine of $10 and costs. Eliza Finch, charged with selling liquor on Sunday at her place in "Paddy's Hol low," was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $10 and costs. Nathan Hill and Wm. Robinson, charg ed with swindling. Case continued until Friday. Eliza Finch, charged with selling liquor without license, was fonnd guilty and or dered to pay a fine of $10 and costs. ,' In the case of a party keeping a danger-. ou8 dog, judgment , was suspended on the payment of costs, with the order that the dog be killed. C bar eli Services. . Thanksgiving services will be held by the Methodists, Presbyteftans, Baptists and Lutherans, as heretofore announced, at the First Baptist Church, Rev. G. D. Bernheim preaching tbe sermon. There will also be services at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, and we presume in the other Episcopal Churches and the Catholic Church also, though no notice of the fact has been sent us. Accidentally Snot. We hear that Thomas 'Vann Sneeden, son of W. II. Sneeden, while out hunting on Wiightsville Sound, accidentally shot himself in the left arm between" the wrist and the elbow, and amputation may have to be reported to. Surgeons have gone down from this city to look after the case. Since writing the above the physician has returned to this city, through whom, indi rectly, we learn that the wound, though very severe and very painful, is not likely to result in the loss of the sufferer's arm Sociable " The ladies of tbe Second Presbyterian Church will by happy to see their friends at a social party to-morrow evening at Me ginney's Hall, corner Second and Market streets at 8 o'clock. The object is to pay off a church debt with proceeds.' The Chief Marshal will wear a white ro sette and the Assistant Marshals a - blue rosette. Hanare of Thermomeier. The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterday : 7 A. M., 56; 12 M., 60; 2 P. M , C4; 4:30 P. M., 62; 9 P. M., 56; 11 P. M., 54. Diocese ot Nortb Carolina Hlsliop Lyman's Appointments. Flat River, Oranxe co. ; Nov. 27 Hillsboro, Orange co " 28 Salisbury, Rowan co. . . . .. . Concord, Cabarrus co. Monroe, Union co Wudesboro, Anson co. ....... Rockingham, Richmond co. . . 30 Dec. 1 3 5 jrry it ejus. No other remedy has Droved bo effectual in re lieving ixragas sua uoiaa as ut. uuus uongn Byrup. Book Unm.-thx mobmiks Stab Book Bind ery does aB kinds of Binding and Baling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Her chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may reb7 on promptness In the execution of thsir orders. TaAMsru FBnmira-lirn. InTaiosble to rail' road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having Just received a fresh supply of these inks, wear pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. "" ' , . .. DIED. CHAD BOURN. Nov. 94th. of Diphtheria. Walter Harmon, third son of. James H. and Mary Ann cnaaooarn, agea a years, o monins ana m asys. The friends and acquaintances of the family are respectfully invited to Attend the fraera) at 6k James' Church, Thursday (Nov. 85th) at S o'clock; P. M., theace to Oakdale cemetery. ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. r ; HB REGULAR ANNUAL' MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the Navassa Guano Company.' of Wilmington, will he held St their office in this City, on Thursday, Dec. 9th prox.; at 11 o'clock A. M.; novSS-eodtd Secretary and Treasurer. Hats ! Hats ! Hats ! OuB STYLES VhB LATEST. LADIBb FTJRS and Felt Ha's. Trunks and Traveling Bags, At HARRISON A ALLEN'S, City Hat Store. 39 Front St. nov S5 if Paeon, Pork and Molasses. Boxes D. S. Sides ai.d Shoulders, . . . Boxes Smoked Side axg Shoulders, fy uarreis rot, . QQQ BblsFloar, .. ( ; For sale bv novSVtf KKRCELNER -ALDEB BBOSf Bagging,. Ties and 200 KoU,Bgg,D bo Half Bells Bagging," Tons Ties, Hi AAA Sack" Salt, Avvvrv Koxsala by nov tf KXRCHKXB it C ALDER BROS' Molasses, Mela8ev orA Hhds and Bbls a H. Jf olasses, dOU 160 Hhds and Bbls Cuba Molasses; Puncheons Deaerara Molasses, For sale by , . . " ? A'-X HOV 05-tf KRCHNXB CALDKB BkOC4 ' 1,:,' ' Oriental Powder. ' OKA Kejfi Rifle and Bportiag PowdeT u -I ODU oO Qoarter Kega No. Backing Powder, 300 masting rowoer. r. , , , For sale ff! .! -1 -li ,1 pov S3 U -, ERA CALDKB PROS. .I. i m 1 - i 1 1 ' Feathers ! Featboro 1 i LT OM LIVE GEESE EEATQERS 9a 'W ? w WW be WEltl STEAMED. novlfl-tf D. A. SMITH A CO. ing Star NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MILLINERY; lira UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM the ladies that she has just returned from New x one, wnere she mis Deen ror several weeks making aer nu percusses in Fine French Hillinery, and win be prepared in a few days to show her mends andlhe public generally the latest styles in FRENCH PATTERN BONNETS AND . HATS, andeverythingpertainingtothe business. I have also a very fine selection of Fancy Goods, consist- V ca,a POMPADOUR'S LACES. FRINGES, BUTTONS SLIPPER PA TTJSBN9 MOTTOES and Frames, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Ruching Belts, B witches. Braids, and the largest and cheapest stock of Zephyr Worsted and snetiana wool to oe naa. tni side of Baltimore. Orders from the country solicited, and attended to wiu promptness ana care. Variety Store, Market Street. oct3nactr MRS. L. FLANAGAN. MISCELLANEOUS. - The latest Style JN OVERCOATS IS . Fur Beaver, and X bave them in all colors, sizes and prices, from $10.00 to $35.00. If you cannot be fitted with a ready-made one I can make to order in as fashionable and attractive style as any notice norm. A.DAVID. nov Si tf i Land Plaster. fJ0 Tons Land Plaster; Bbls Fresh Lime; 200 BWb Cement and Calcined Plaster; For sale by WORTH A WORTH. Coal, Coal. 00 Tons Grate and Stove Coal, . For sale low for cash. nov7-tf WORTH WORTH. At CostI : VUB ENTIRE STOCK: OF j'anuCMMreE'sClotte GENT8' FURNISHING GOODS, Ac, AT ACTUAL COST. As there will be a change In the present business on first of J an nary, we must close out -our entire aiocs. oy mat tune. All ttooda will be CASH ON DELIVER Y! novSf tf 8HRIER BROS. CI .... j - . .. rTi.T flnfl I ;TarOnT 77 rj0 OUR FLOUR HAS BEEN AWARDED THE PREMIUM for producing the beefand greatest vsriety of artt- cie uBu.aiuuion at tne recent t JuJt. EVERT BARREL IS WARRANTED. EDWARDS ft HALL. Butter, 20 KITS YELLOW MOUNTAIN BUTTER, . For f&le bv nov 23-tf EDWARDS HALL. Grand Opening! TJiVERY DAY AND SOMETIMES TWICE A jLaayor Dres and Business Suit, 0VEBC0ATS, TALUAS, HALF HOSE, HANDKERCHIEFS. - BAGS, SATCHELS, Merchant Tailoring Goods &c. ii; n MUNSONACO., City Clothiers. novSl-tf Marrying-. BENEATH YOUR STATION. By Mrs. Heary Wood. ' ' life in Paris, or the adventures of Alfred De Boaann ia the Freaeb r ii . l rt nr . r . . . i ' 1 aeuuivua, vj oeo. nr. ja. aejtuuam. CIPRINA. OT The Secrets of a Picture Gallery. oy ueo. w. m. neynoiaa. The B3SdaIEte1R 1V By Mrs. E. D. E. N. Sonthwerthv AM for sale at : UB1NS nbv4tf Live Book and Music tore." Fresh Geleiy Just RcbiVQds M ARTIN'S ' GILT-EDGE BUFTiH ' JUST RE- eclved, a very choice fat. Notth. CaroJlaa Hwn. Sausages, Ac, at .. ! ii - - .! tiil JJtMES. , C. SriVENSONa, nov i-tf , . GKOCKRIKSet O X TUBS G. B. BUTTER ; 1 1 P. t 00 Boxes Factory and State Cheese; 100 Bbls and Boxes Crackers, all kinds; 100 Bbls B. R. Potatoes; 4. . :u ; ; 1 1 . j I : - ' t 2 Bbls BaokwhMl; . Bagging,- , i Bacon,' Candy, . . , v v i - ' Bread ' Preparation ; ":-- .ill ' ' " '- , tr,;i,,-.x..?andsl . J i ! Coffee,''' u -lv j tCetton !He COR, FLOUR, JiKQg.. IBQN, jLYJh MATCBjESy m Molaiss; S;ioti' NOystarOat; ' ''M ' f r 1 . i .. f.ti: t.i ...c.i.iii. Th9boTfsaoswfll iioJiervwylowib ' lBOaPTFATIICG CVSTOMERM By nor Sl-tf WILLIAMS St MURCHISON. . ri. ! WHOLEi NO. 2,661. MISCELLANEOUS. ; Friday and Saturdav, W ov, 3T. :8atubpat Matinee at tr. it. ! " ONGAGEMBNT AT'A .GREAT OUTLAx" OF turn ueieoraie - -- -- English Opera Gompanyr Enlarged for the present season. New Repertoire Jostnmes. iKc.. ac. - JTridav. not. 37.. First time here of Lecoq'slast and .most brilliant irpera QJROFLE GIR OFLA . SATURDAY MATINEE. THE GRAND SPEC TACULAR OPERA CINDERELLA. ' SATURDAY EVENING. Nov. i7 Icon'a iSnark. Xa Jille De Midame Angot ADMISSION, tl 00. Gallerv. 50 and 25 cents. Secured seats $1 35. Sale to commence at Heina- oerger's Music Store, Jionday, Nov. M, at 9 A. Jf. novzioi : ;:j Grtms, Pistbls, &c. T EMINGTUN AND ENGLISH BREECH-LOAD- ers, cartridge nstois. uiff ersut kinds: : SHOT AND GAME BAGS, 1 uKHuiuig tvHuacKT luse jrowuer, vapa, waas, SQ. t 1 1 & v i 1 nf n . - - . ' . f or saie low DV'- - nov S3 tf GEO. A, PECK. Tates' " New Book Store." : JfBBSH ARRIVAL OF ALL SORTS OF Fancy Notions and Tricks, , In addition to a large assortment of ' . . Standard and 2Iicellaneoiis Books, Sheet Music and. Musical Instruments,! ; , BLANK BOOKS AND STATltNAttT. nov 3! tf FIELD DOGS. Breeiing Kennel : of A. C. faMell, Newton, New Jersey. TOUNG POINTERS AND SETTERS OF THE -a- . . .i.'.i - 1 Finest Strains FOR SALE. i A&t7' Fer mr' A. U. WA11UILL. I r " mar SO-D&Wtf Newton. New Jersey. By tbe Governor of North Care. Una A Proclamation. Y - EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, 1 BALxieR,N. C.,Nov. 10, 1875.) WHtREAS.THB PEOPLE OF NORTH CAR- oUpa have been abundantly blessed with the favor and protection of Divine Providence, which has crowned the past year with plenty and general I proBpeniy, preserved io us the enjoyment or civil I tmdrellirlouBllbertT.exemDtednsiromtheravaefi which have scourged other peoples and States, per mitting no evils to befall ns but such as are inci dent to tne common lot or man. w v mi wvuaoa uc. cs VUllOliOU aTTv pie, to tender thanks to Almighty. God for these and NOW. tlSarfAMi OSl ffr KiiMwiaa na at Phto4t -wx. numoeriers ouier oiewings snowerea upon us in His great merer. I. CURTIS H. BROGDEN. Gavernnr of North Carolina, in obedience to law and in con formity with a honored precedent, do appoint and set apart - THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23th. 18T5, . PS a day of public thankseivinz throaehout the . And I do earnestly invite the elerarr of ever de. nomination to open their respective houses of wor- saip, ana tne people to abstain on that day from all pursuits inconsistent with the sacred duties of tha occasion, aad with devout hearts to assemble in their respective sanctuaries, and offer the prayer of imrnaiwiymg, ana iuh in tne songs or praise to safed all the privilege an4 blessings w enjoy. Let sum wno utnni b Dcace ana oientv. ana vouch niHwc uispire oar aeairsn enlarge ow pcoero Ana lememoenng toe rise th poor - ane- unfor. tuaate among us, let ns add to our devottona deeds ocenaruyana works of Jovst And I especially mond oa that dar of thank? eivinz ana Mteletas-j worship in thlsBtate for the benefit of the needy children of the Orphan Asylums at Oxford and Mara V mwt V.h I With gratitude for the mercies of the cant, let na that onr feet may be kept ia the paths of rectitude, incl tktf AMP llavsl tnaw ha at klaaafsin 4a AmmaAtwAA sees; wisuom item aoove to nua na ls-ina raiure. SdwittTwiwel8 - year of American Independence. ;' " C. H. BROQDEN. By the Governor: ' " , . . JB. NlATHCBT, j . ): ' i : ' ' : IWvate:SeCTetar. ' ' 4t-BQVH, 18,81 - - 'i EW GOODS, FRESH CANNED GOODS, v. Hfw Baiain Citron, . Jit; ' Choice it cd Table Apple. . : ; Save time ant money by using onr NEW PROCESS., EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. BEST BUTTER Iff THE WORLD. Try it and be convinced there's none other Uke it NEW CHOICE EXTRA MESS MACKEREL. , , SAZJtOX, CODFISH, ' " . . :.i ' - '-'.- ' BREAKFAST BACON; PIG HAMS. Justin this week, alarjte and vacied assortment of Market Baskets. Wo Save the largest stock of Fancy Grooenes and Family Supplies la the tate. ' GEO. MYERS, J i . 1 ; -tl - i r ;i 13 South Front U. octatf ZI0ITS LAUD UABE: Ezpoaodiag this Dectrln aad defending the Bibla course of the Primitive Is publiahed semi-monthiy as.WBaaa, jraHT P. D. GOLD .....Sdito SUPP1 raxtlamr ui tax dnir. For idTsnisiac usefal ki4 oi And ta varyissaeof SapptssnBt are several eolumas of yahwbss asasaac asaskar a Important subjects of. mosata sad: todMto kwalaaA (easts. aw, Ac This SaoolsniBt has a ood rliralsUsa -in Noth&iaa,caactotaoeoBii4rf Edgo caabVwik Green, HaHfax. PlttTMartin, Naik, aad Wayne, among a uutfty, nonest, det class of people. It therefore offers special menu xor aavemsing. The ordinary rates of adver- tlaiag are charged. P. D. GOLD, Editor, Wilson, N.C, nov8-tf Done at thecitv of Raleigh, on this the 10th day I TTAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION of November, Anno Domini one thousand eight I XT than any paper in Anson county. Established hundred and seventv-flve. and in the one hnndrerith I i.iftaa it u hl.h.ni.i 7 an vrn. SKATVH OF ADVSKT1S1M.. "?Je one day, . . . . . . . . . . -. . . 1 0i 1 Ei J tl 8 trt www uajraH. - ttueed7S " M fwudayi........ vM 44 Z OMweik........ 3 51 ? Two week ! 5 00 - -; Three weeks. - I 6 50 " . f':-Cf Booth.. rtS i 8 W Twoonth..i..... I5 0f ; M . Three Boatkt oo " Bixmentha ...85 00 Oneyeari.-....;.........r...i.....60 M kV Contract Advertisement taken .t. nrntim UooatelT low rate. ri r Five Sqaarea estimated as a fluartcr-colnn.n. at " tte squares as a half-cdunui. ; i MISCELLANEOUS. a?3E3ZE FIELD: A Journal for tie Sportsmen of To-iay. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING. 14 S. Canal St. Chicago. TJiRMS OF UBSCRIPTION ' x. ... PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Yearir. t4.00: Half -vearlv. ts.no Canadian subscription, post free Yearly 18a.; Half yearly 9s.i Single copies, 10 cents. , . . h THE FIELD is a comnlete weebli mln f th. higher branches of -a sport Shooting. Fishitii'. uacingand Trotting, Aquatics, Base -Ball, Cricket. BUUaros. and General Soortint? News. Mnir.nri th Drama. , TUB FIELD will be found ia keeping with' tl.o times, on all subjects pertaining to Honorable sport and will, under ao circamstaaces, admit to lto columns anything tendinir in anv wiee to AnmrT&'A? or deirradejKibUcsentinieAt. ' ' i thjk ruuAt Aeing the only Sporting Jonrnnl published. West of New York, and the recognized authority, among the sportsmen of the West and South, among whom It enjoys a large and increasing patronage, possesses sunerior advantage as an id. vartlaing medium, which will be appreciated by tnose uesinng to mass tneir business known in the United States. . - - aorSS-tf ;? The Centennial BTcwspaper of the ; City of Charlotte. ; TUE OB EUVEB, NOW' OFFERS TO THE MERCHANTS OK WilmingtOii the best medium to communicate wiin Jtercnants and dealers in Western horth Caro ls a. ; It has more than trebled iu circnlatlon Within the past twelve months, and is now one of the most attractive sheets in the State. During the coming Centennial celebration a very monies, will be printed, giving advertisers a moet extraordinary opportunity to communicate with tbe public - . . . . Terms of snbecriotion M oer mm. - Twini nf ,l. vertising very low. Addtess, ..r . , - OBSERVER, may!4-tf " Charlotte, NO to Your Interest. Aflrertisiiis is a ProfltaMe Inyestnieiit The Kershaw G-azette I IAUU1IO IIW k' 'llll.lm. ... J mlneton and elaewhere. aBne.riar Indrnvmonta to advernse their business in iu colnmna. iioviTur a laroe and raBidlvincreaalnirr.irrnliiHnn ffmnnob.n ona of the wealthkwt sections on the Wateree river, Valuable Advertising- medium. Advertisers who desire to reach nnmhr ahnnlH advertise in the GAZETTE. - 'I It Is Dublished in Camden.. Earsba - no.. S n t the head of navigation on the Wateree river; at f For terms of advertisinir. &C.1 address 3XARD, Ed. Prop'r, sovn-fr uamaen. b. f. I w . I Tllfi lPTtTTfll Prnt Oafo Tf 4" I WCJXVACU AlO LCB tdrltt; A WEEKLY RELIGIOUS AND FAMDLYNEWS naper and the Ore-tm of the Methruttut Prnt. . Unt Church in-Nonk Carolina. Is nublishcri t Greensboro, N. C. Terms, 3 00 per annum, la advance. ; ' The elieibilitv of ita location th nmaW .) ... tivity of its agents, and the constantly increasing de mand forlt among the more solid classes of readers in vsrioms sections, rlva the oentrat. Claims UDOa the DatronAm Af thA vrtiainsy Tin Kl Terms very favorable. Consult your business ii ests, and address the editor, !' J JU MICHAu '. mrlltf . 7' - tsreensboro, N. C. THE ANSONIAN, A Weekly NewsDcmcr. Published at " -- 1 --- Pplkton, K. C. L. L. FOLK. .................... .Editor. IT WILL BE PATRONIZED LARGELY BY the Farmers and Business Men of Anson, Union, Stanley, aad other counties along the Carolina Cen tral Railroad, aad the Merchants and ether Business Mea Of Wttmimrtaik. if thev vonU uenn th. tmH. of ths prosperous secOee, will find no better me- hiuui xu.i auTcruacnsb j , - apr Vtr Tie M Carolina Arm A WEE&TLY. FAMILY AND POL.' TI- CAL NEWSPAPER I AWUnion, I . i w v a r - Proprietors. : WADESBORO. K.; C. comery and Stanley couanea. It isthsonlv reliable adverusing medium in Anson county. Terms reas onable. Everv merchant aad basiaess man should have the ARGUS. ; Christian Advocate. , y RALEIGH, IT. C ; Eeyf B,Mti,Mtor nblisher. ESTABLISHED IN 1855. -' Has'the'3 ' i.ara;eat Clrealatlon la tne State. Devoted to Religion, , Literature, Science , Art News, and General Intelligence. . - Tbe Organ Of the H. C'Comferesiee of tfae ML, B CliareB, Sutli. It has its sunbort. and the continued aiA of its Ministers, (all rf whom are ageatt) towards iacreaa ing its circulation. We offer no oremisms. The Advocat stands upon its intrinsic merits. While it is Methodistic m doctrine. It will contain news from; all Churches, so as to make it a welcome visitor to the tatelugentreaders of all denominations. Its wide and inereasinit circulation makes It a Most Excellent Mediutn for Bimnets Men ' Generally. , . f l I XW Terms,$3 00' per annum, In advance; $1 56 ' for six months : , ; 5. feb 14-tf The Piedmont Press, i HICKORY, N. C, T THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED IN CA- X 4awba coaaty, aad has am extensive circa isnoa among merchants, farmers, and all classes of bssi-. BOM ta the State. The PRESS a WD5E AWAKE DEMOCHATIC PAPER, aad is a desirable medium ter aavertlsiBg m Westera North Carolma. ' liberal term allowed oa yearly advwtlsemenla. -, , n,; v) r : SaBscriptiow is advance. Address ' ; k v atU&RILL. A TOXL1NSON, ; mar 8-tt . - , . .. Edtters and Proanetors. . ' PUBLISHED EVERY .TUESDAY i MORNING ;' , AT CMVATBOBO, S. .,'("' T. W.' BKATT, EDITOR; J. W. O. SaTITBY , : . ' 'Wf rcBLTfirnnt "s - '' '- iTcnae-tS PW aMUai ADVERTISEMENTS INSEBTOk XT' LCVC rates. The Many ifwiaeeaJw neper pub- , Bshed la the county, and ATte a. large sirculatioa ia this county, aad aeoaaiSBaSe circulation ia Co lumbus aad Brk county, N. C, makes It -desirable raaatam for advertisers. 1 W. B. Bernard u our authoriaoa Agent m wiu mington.N. C. oec io-h.