THE HOBimrct STAB. PUBLISHED DAILY. BY ; RATS Or StTBBCBJTTIOH IH ADYAJrCa: un year, 0y mafl) postage paid.......... $7 00 Six months, . " " ) " . 4 00 rhree months( " "S " ".- 85 One month, 0 u 1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the city, Fifteen Cent per week, iter City Agent are not authorised to collect for more than 3 months in j.lvance. OUTLINES. Excellent relations now between Spain aud the United States. Cropped out that Bristow belongs to a firm someway conuected with the whiskey frauds. The Pacific investigation criminates the Captain of the Orpheus and finds that the Pacific was not well provided with boats. Astor's funeral largely attended. New York markets: Gold, 114f114; cot ton, 1313 3-16; spirits turpentine, 38; rosin, $i 70fl 85. Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad case was partially beard yes terday at Richmond, but will come up again at Alexandria December 20th. The statement that there is to be a South ern Democratic preliminary caucus of Con gressmen is not credited at Washington by Southern members. All the old clerks in the Indian bureau have bow been dis missed. Ex-Got. English appointed Senator from Connecticut- Gen". Han cock, Admiral Rowan, Gov. Tilden and their staffs received Vice President Wilson's remains at Jersey City yesterday. A Neal Hekok. When objection Was made in the Southern Pacific Railroad Convene tion, at St. Louis, to Mr. Jefferson Davis taking a seat on the platform, that gentleman arose in the hall and stated that his place was on the floor, as chairman of the Mississippi dele gation. For the benefit of those who voted "no," he would say' that he would have declined the honor even if freely offered. Mr. Davis remarks were loudlv cheered. ' ; Spirits Turpentine Bishop Atkinson confirmed six persons at Louisburg. During the week just past Dr. Munsey has been lecturing to the Salemites. About two hundred delegates pressnt at Concord at the session of the A. M. E. Zion Conference. Hilliard Branch, a negro, acci dentally shot himself in the right arm at En held on Wednesday last. r At Margaretsville a negro boy was killed by a cotton-gin, and a negro wo man b urned up in a cotton field. The Baptist Fair, in the interest of the Baptist Church building, at Winston, realized some $800 week before last. On Thursday, a small boy of Newbern, named James Parsons, was wounded accidentally in both legs by a pistol shot. It is truly sad to learn from the Weldon News that Pomp Long, the great Halifax fiddler, is in jail at Richmond, Va., for larceny. The Statesville Landmark gives circulation to the rumor that Gen. Hill and Messrs. Shotwell and Avery are to start an other daily in Charlotte. Dr. Munsey preached a wonder fully eloquent thanksgiving day sermon in the Greensboro Methodist Church, and will lecture on the Ideal Monday night, atiten bowHall. Mr. A. H. Winston, of Raleigh, while on his bridal tour recently extinguish ed an incipient fire, which would have other wise consumed the railroad bridge at Dan ville, with water carried in his beaver hat. Salem Press: On Wednesday, the 17lh instant, was the one hundred and twenty-second anniversary of the arrival of the Pioneer Moravians in the Wachovia tract, settling at Old Town, 6 miles above this place. The Sentinel says, condensedly: Thanksgiving Day in Raleigh closed in a blaze of coruscating glory; went out amid the glow of maBy-tinted lights, the clink of glasses, sun-bursts of festive orators, and peals of innocent laughter and applause. The church services of the day were im pressive, the audience large, the cdstnmery of the fair worshipers beautiful; the ser mons elaborately prepared, earnest and elo quent; and the contributions liberal. In the evening, the Holman opera troupe gave Girofle-Girofla at Tucker Hall; the Good Templars had a largely attended and de lightful social at their headquarters; the Presbyterians and Baptists had prayer meetings; and Bishop Atkinson conducted confirmation service, and - preached to a splendid audience at Christ's Church. But the great event of the evening and of the season was the magnificent banquet given by our neighbors of the News to the Raleigh Board of Trade. Five hundred guests invited, and 300 present, State officers, Senators, Congressmen, Judges, ministers, editors, &c, &c. Among the Jspeakers were Ma j. Cameron, editor of the News, Mayor Manly, John Nichols, President Board of Trade, Rev. Dr. Pritch rd. Judge Battle, Col. Donan, of the Sentinel (at length) and Rev. Dr. Atkinson. 'xjehijb CITY. NEW A DVBHTISKMESTS. See the new double-column ad. of Brown & Roddick on fourth page. Hakrison & All en Fur and Silk Hats. Munsox & Co. Look at the Prices! Shbier Bros. At Actual Cost. Worth & Worth. Bacon, Coffee, &c. See new ads. of Kerchner & CalderBros. John Dawson Steel Traps. Bin ford, Crow & Co. N. O. Molasses. C. W. Yates. School Books, Toys, &c, Heinsqeroeb. Pianos, Organs, &c. B. Weill. A Card. A. David. Clothing. Gordon & Turner. A Card. Hayden & Gerhardt. Harness, &c. Giles & Murchison. Hames, &c. Grant & Hinton. Premium Flour. E. Shepperson. A Card. Gordon & Turner. Insurance. Election of Officers. At a meeting of the Grand United Coun cil of True Friends, a colored organization, hi-ld at " Central Headquarters" on the 24th inst., the following officers were elected Geo. W. Price, G. C. Joa. XV HiW- - C; S. W. Nash.E. O. O ; W. H. Moore, G. D. of T. 8. We are not exactly advised as to the object or aim of the organization, but simply earn thSt it is of a social character. i-.mj.ji" .. l.'JIJ,,m.L- ' ..U1U.,JJ .1 III i i.i.i.. in . .... r, -n- - irm . . -. . . The Morning Star, VOL, XVII. NO. 56. Lot-ai Dots. Gay lord V Minstrels at the Opera' House Tuesday evening. The cotton receipts at this port yesterday amounted to 1,680. Cold, cloudy and rainy followed by warmer weather predicted. Raw beef and crackers, 'tis said, are the diet on which to win the Olympic. The Hebrew Temple begins to take on a finished look. The work of plas tering progresses. Mr. Elisha Shepperson has be come a partner in the insurance bouse of Messrs. Gordon & Turner, of this city. . Rev. J. W. Shaekford, of War renton, will preach at Front Street Church to-day at 11 and to-night at 7J o'clock. One Wilmington house sold ten thousand sacks of salt in Statesville last week. That's the way to "go West, young man." The Register of Deeds issned 7 marriage licenses during the past week, of which 2 were for white and 5 for colored couples. Thelnterments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery during the pust week numbered 4, of which 1 was an adult and 3 were children. . Saturday night belongs to the business-like washerwoman, and her visits to the fellow whoso cash is a little short are to be dreaded. Three were only 2 interments in Oakdale Cemetery during the week just closed, both of whom were children. The disease was diphtheria. The City Marshal has given in structions to the street brigade to repair all the bridges in suburbs of the city the pres ent week, many of them being in a very bad condition. The street prisoners were en gaged last week in fixing the curbing of the pavements on the upper part of Market street, which were gradually giving way under the pressure of the water in the drains. One of the features of Thanks giving Day, and one which we inadvertently omitted to mention, was the dress parade of the colored military, comprising the 1st N. C. Regiment of militia, which took place at the base ball grounds, corner of Sixth and Orange streets. We notice that the middle of Sixth street, from Brunswick to Mulberry, has been covered with a layer of trash of an inoffensive character, over which another covering of sawdust has been placed, mak ing a very good drive where formerly was nothing but deep sand. A party residing on or near Brunswick and Third streets, north of the W. & W. R. R, complains that she is an noyed very much, especially on Sundays, by a noisy and boisterous crowd who gather near her place. Every person is entitled to protection from such grievances and the police should look out for the offenders. Hauge or Tfcermwmeier. The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterdaj: . 7 A. M., 55; 12 M., 64; 2 P. M , 66; 4:30 P. M., 60; 9 P. M., 55; 11 P. M.,52. market Kcaort. The following is the report of the Clerk of the Market for the week ending Nov. 27th, 1875: TCn of Carta in Market 183 Beeves Slaughtered.. . 58 Sheep -Calves . Hogs Deer . 18 . 3 .177 . 2 U. . Couimli'ivuer'a Court. The cases of Capt. L. F. Willey and F. C. Elliot, Captain and first mate of the Brig R Iwinac, of Philadelphia, who were ar rested Friday, on the affidavit of John Cokeley, one of the seamen, chargea with assaulting and bcatiug him, mention of which was made in our last, were heard by U. S. Commissioner Cassidey, yesterday. The testimony was not sufficientto establish a case under the statutes made and pro vided fur the protection of seamen, and the parties were therefore discharged. Lee KlcmorUI ru4. Mavor Cannday has received a letter from the proper authority of the Lte Me morial Fund, in Virginia, requesting that he designate certain parties in each ward of the city to solicit contributions to the same. Thd communication was banded by the Mavor to one of our city clergymen, Iwho uo doubt feels a deep interest in the matter, with the request that he carry out the wishes of the Association in charge of the fund for the erection of a monument to the memory of our honored cHieitmn. namrti Court. The following cases were disposed of yesterday -morning : Harvev Brown, charged with drunken ness on the public streets, was found guilty and ordered to pay a noe of f 10 and tne costs or work for thirty days on the streets. Georce Wilson, charged with disorderly conduct in the theatre, was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine "of $5 and the nnsta or work for ten days on the streets. Harvey Brown, charged with the iride ppnt exDosure of his person on the streets, was found' guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $20 or work for thirty days on tne streets. Benl- Shepherd and Amos King, charg ed with fast driving on the public streets, vrere found guilty, but the cases were dis missed on the payment ofcost9. WILMINGTON, Ordered to Arrive. L. Baldacci, the plaster-of-paris dealer having continued his insulting demeanor towards those who saw proper to refuse his wares, was summoned before the Mayor and ordered to leave the city instanter. A policeman was instructed to see him be. yond the limits of the city, or to accam- pany him to the train, should he prefer the latter mode of exit. The Cotton mills. The only drawback to the cotton mills now is the lack of sufficient labor. Women, girls and boys are wanted to run the looms, attend to the spindles and other matters connected with the establishment. If the iabor cannot be had here at home the com. pany will have to send North for it Sure: ly, with so many complaining of hard times, scarcity of money and lack of em ployment, such a contingency will not arise. Tbe 'Pttiam Crop. Opossums have been abundant in market for the past two or three days. One indi.' vldual assured us that he had caught eight within a week, and it was not a good week for 'possums either He usually catches from three to four of a night. Those who are fond of " 'possum sop and taters" can now have an opportunity of satisfying their appetites. A. m. K. Conference. The Annual Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church .will convene at St. Stephen's Church, fh this city, on Wednesday, December 1st. Bishop Jabcz P. Campbell, whose juris diction exteuds over several States, includ ing the North Carolina Conference, will preside. OPEHl HOUSE. Tlie Holmtm, The Holman Sisters were greeted by a very fair audience; last evening. In the opera of "La Fille de Madame Angot" there are several gems which were delight ful, but upon the whole the opera was not as pleasing as that of " Girofle-Girofla." One of Miss Sallie's chief attractions is her clear and distinct enunciation. Some of her notes are very sweet, and upon the whole we were pleased with her. Messrs. Brandish, Ryse and Sydney have fine voices which have been well cultivated. The per formance last evening closed their engage ment in this city. Wilmington Retail market. The following prices ruled yesterday: Apples, (dried) 12$ cents per pound ; dried peaches 25c per pound; walnuts, 25 cents per peck; pickles, 20 cents per dozen; lard, 18 cents per pound ; butter, 4055 cents per pound ; cheese, 25 cents per pound ; grown fowls7580a pair; geese $1 50 ptr pair; beef 1016jc. per pound; beef, (corn ed) 12J15c. per pound; veal, 12i16ic. per pound; mutton, 12i16j cts. per pound; ham, 1820 cts. per pound; shoulders, 12i 14 cents per pound; tripe, 20 cts. per bunch; clams, 25 cents a ypeck; open clams, 2025 cts a quart; soup bunch, 5 cts; eggs, 2225 cents, adoz; sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk (5 lbs); potatoes, new Irish, 40c a peck; new sweet 20 cents a peck; fish trout 25c. per bunch; mullets 1025 cents per bunch; turnips, 10 cents a bunch;; onions, 50 cents peck; cabbages 182o cents a head; bologna 20 cents a pound; wild ducks 5075 cents a pair; parcley, 5 cents a bunch; onions, 50 cents a peca; car rots, G cents a pound; rice, 12$ cents a quart; crabs 15 cts dozen; green field peas 10c per quart; apples 50 to 60c per peck; liver pudding, 20;cents $f lb ; blood pud ding, 25 cents $ lb. ; oysters (New River) $1 25 per gallon or $1 a bushel; do. Sound, 20 cents a quart. The Colored Fair. From Jos. C. Hill, the Superintendent of the approachingjndustrial Fair.of the col ored people, we have the following list of additional special premiums which have been offered for competition: By Wm. Goodman & Brother: Three dollars in silver to the carpenter who drafts the best plan and specification for two story frame building. Two dollars and fifty cents in silver to the farmer 'who produces the best bushel of band beat rice (his own make) ia North Carolina. By Edgar Miller -K One dollar in gold to the person who presents the best specimen of long leaf collard. By Wm. J. Kellogg: One dollar in gold to the boy or girl who presents the best drawing or sketch in pencil or with pen and ink. By John Holloway : Two dollars and fifty cents in gold to the blacksmith or mechanic who produces the best specimen of cutlery or mechanical tools of his own make. Two dollars and fifty cents in gold to the female who composes the best essay on emperance. By Michael Hooper: Two dollars and fifty cents in gold for best horse stock raised by a colored. man and presented at the Fair. The Premium List is still open. . The Fair Grounds are being rapidly placed in proper order for the Exposition. The Fayetteville Star Brass Band has ac cepted the invitation of the Board and will be present at the Fair. There will be a shooting match and bear fight at the Fair during the third day. Seventeen entries, have been made thus far in the Department of Minerals, consist ing of cuiious stones and ores procured by colored men of this State. r Jno. A. Shapless, late a servant of Ad miral Jenkins on the C S. Flagship Coiora- do, brought home and has deposited for ex hibition a fragment taken from the Great Wall of China, which has stood the action of time and the elements for some 2,000 years. ; N. C, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28. 1875. Oar Cbnrthe To-var. ' First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets: Rev. Jos. R. Wilson, D. D., Pastor. Services at II a. m., and 7J p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. In the ab? sence of Rev. C. M. Payne the congregation expect to worship with the 1st Presbyterian church in the morning. Services at night at 7i o'clock, when the Rev. G. D, Bern-; heim will officiate. Sunday School at 3 p. m. . Seats free. . f First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets, Rev. James B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at 9$ a. m. Ser vices at 11 a, m. and 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7$ p. m. Young men's prayer meeting Tuesday night at 7 p. m. Second Baptist church, on Sixth, between Church and Castle streets. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and H o'clock p. m., by Rev. Jas. M. King. Sunday School at 3 o'clock p. m. Prayer meeting Tuesday night at 7$ o'clock. Front Street M. E. Church (South), cor ner of Front and Walnut streets: Rev. J.E. Mann, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7$ p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 7$ o'clock. Young Men's Society Tuesday night at 7J o'clock. Fifth Street Methodist E. Church (South), situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 7$ p. m. Sabbath School at 9i a. m. Prayer meet ing Thursday night at 7 o'clock. Rev. J. T. Gibbs, pastor. St. Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church: corner of 6th and Market streets, Rev. G. D. Bernheim, pastor. German service at 11 a. in. No service at night Sunday school at 3 p. m. Meeting of Christian As sociation at 4 p. m. Weekly lecture on Wednesday at 7J p. m. Catechetical in struction on Friday at 3 p. m. Services in St John's Church to-day, Advent Sunday, as follows: Cele bration of the Holy Eucharist at 7f o'clock. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 7i o'clock. Services at St. James' Church, corner Market and Third streets, to-day, . Advetit Sunday, as follows: Early Celebration at 7$a. m. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at; 3$ p. m. Evening Prayer at 4$ o'clock. Services at St Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as fol lows: Services at 11 a. m., and 7$ p. m. Rev. T. M. Ambler, Rector. Seats free, j St. Thomas' Catholic Church, Dock St. i between 2nd aad 3rd. Services to-day as follows: Holy Mass at 7 a. m. and 10J a m. Vespers at 5 p. m. Sunday school at 9 a.m. Sunday school for the colored children in the basement at 3 p. m. Rev. M. S. Gross, pastor and Rev. Jas. B. White assistant. Seamen's Bethel: Services at 3$ p. m Rev. Jos. L. Keen, Chaplain. Services at St Mark's (colored)' Episcopal Church: Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 8 o'clock. Sun day school at 3 p. m., at St Barnabas' School house. Seats free. First Baptist Church, colored, on Fifth and Campbell streets. Sunday School at 9 a. m.; preaching at 10 a. tu., 3 p. m. and H p. m. Rev. F. R. Howell.Tastor. Trinity Chapel, 7th and Brunswick streets, Rev. Geo. W. Price, Pastor. Ser vices at 11 o'clock a. m., 3 p. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Another Strancer Mpeaks. The Statesville American says: "The senior went on a trip to Wilmington last week, and spent a couple of days in that citv. It was the first time that he had passed over the Carolina Central Railroad, leading from Charlotte, and the time between the two towns is about fifteen hours, and eigh teen hours from Statesville. The road is in excellent condition, well managed, and we are pleased to learn is doing an excellent freighting and passenger bnsiness. The arrangement :at Wilmington for tranship ping freight seaward iiithe very best, which includes receiving freight for the interior steamers and other crafts. A large depot and wharf is used common for that purpose. Near by has been .erected a cotton com. press for reducing the size of cotton bales to a small compass which is' done with great rapidity The barber of .Wilmington has been much improved by deepening the Channel below the city, making it equal to any Southern seaport, and securing corres Dondine advantages consequent upon an increased capacity to accommodate the de-s mands of commerce. The completion of the Carolina Central Railroad to Its present terminus, is doing much to open up trade wi b the interior which will increase with the extension of that enterprise, and more so with the completion of the W. N. C. Road, now about a certainty." OlecIiairKed. . . .One of the members of the chain-gang, by the name of Gilbert Hadley, who has done about four months' service, was dis charged yesterday, on recommendation of Sam. Norton, the overseer, for reason of good behavior. His term would have ex pired in about twenty daya. Nathan Graham, the half-witted colored boy, was also discharged and is again on bis rounds. . Dloeeae of North Carolina mabop Lrstan's AppolBiateate. " r Flat River, .Orange co. ........ . l Not; 27 Hillsboro, Orange co 28 Salisbury, Rowan co. . . . " 30 Concord. Cabarrus co. ....... . ... , Dec 1 Monroe, Union co " Wadesboro, Anson cq. i . '. .-. t.. . . .-' tl 5. ockinghm,, Rjcb.iand eo .... .-. , CITY ITEM. " Latb Papbes To Hards', New Depot. West side Front Street, wo are Indebted for copies of the New York Ledger, Chimney Corner and Frank LedWi Illustrated Newspaper tot the current week. The Stand will remain open until 11 o'clock thia morning Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup has been before the pub lic for years, and ia pronounced .by. thoneaada su perior to all other articles for the cure of Coughs, colds, infloeont and all mimonary cotapiaints. - Book Biitdxbt. Th mobhihs Stab Book BIbcV ery does aB kinds of Binding and Soling in a work manlike 'manner, and at reasonable prices. Her chants and others needing Becelpt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. Tbakbrb FanniHe-lKX. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an Indefinite period of time. Having Just received a fresh supply of these Inks; we are pre pared to ejeecute orders promptly and at moderate prices. , . . ; . . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A CARD. XOTHE CITIZENS OP WILMINGTON ARD Public generally; .. . , ; After an absence of three years , from the eld North State, I have Just returned to Wilmington, and am now connected with the Geaerat insurance agency of Messrs. Gordon A Turner, of thlk city,' a firm already well established and favorably known, throughout this and adjoining States, for their strict ahd prompt attention to . bat Iness, . and fair and liberal dealing with their patrons. The Liverpool and London, and G!obe, the strongest and des rvedly the most popular com pany doing business in America; the Hamburg, Bremen, Mobile Underwriters, and a number of other first-class companies are represented in this agency, and all losses are promptly adjusted from this office, thereby insuring . justice and liberality to the assured in the event of misfortune. Feeling confident that in my present position I am fully prepared to offer insurance Fire, - Life and Marine In the best of companies, at the lowest rates consistent with safety, and upon the most liberal terms, I earnestly appeal te my late patrons, to my friends and the public generally for a liberal share of patronage. Very Beepectfully, ; nov 88 It S. KHEPPEESON. A Card E TAKB PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING that Mr.' E. Shepperson, formerly a resident of this city, a gentleman thoroughly conversant with the Insurance business, and of large experience in ad justing fire losses, having returned to Wilmington with a view of making it a place of permanent resi dence. Is now connected with us in bueinesB, and we cordially recommend him to our friends and the public as being worthy of their confidence and patronage. nov 23-lt Gen'l Insurance Agents. Gordon & Turner, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, IAFR, XIRR, MA RIME. Represent the following First Class Companies, with combined assets of over Fifty Mil lion Dollars. Liverpool and London and ttlobe, IVun, Mobile Underwriters, Hamburg-Bremen, Howe of Columbus, Virginia Fire and Marine, Amazon, Old North State, Southern Mutual, City of 1l.k J Iff . . t: T a fi -.T. iuuuiuuuu, incuupuiiLiu k xiiBuruice VU., vi iww York. . All classes of property in town or country inkured at low rates. We adjust and settle our own lesses, promptly and liberally. Agents wanted for first class companies. 1 Office, 34 North Water street, Wilmington, N. C. nov 28-tr Worth & Worth. HAVE FOR SALE LOW TO GOOD CUSTOMERS pQ Hhds and Boxes Bacon, 100 9e fQ Bags Coffee, Barrels Sugar, Q Boxes Tobacco, 250 Boze CftndleB LJe SnBff Soda, 2)Q Barrels Flour, all grades, Cheese, Crackers, Hoop Iron, Nails, Ac. , Sc npv 28 tf Floor, Flour, "Flour. QQ Barrels Bob White Flour, ' 3QQ Barrels Bell Mills Flour, , L ' 2Q Q Barrels Friaceis Boyail Flour. ... ' : ' Forsakby -; nov33tf KERCHNER 4 CALDER CHOSi Baffffliiff, Coffee and Sugar. 250 BOU" BBSllb0 Half BoUrBaggiHg, 2QQ Sacks Coffee, . ; ,. rr Bbls refined Sugars. I J For sale by : nov 88 U KERCHNER A CALDXR . BROS. Bacon alt and' Molasses.' 150 Boxes D. a, and 8moke(I fiioae and Skeol ders, :V .:,.!, ... . 80008ck8.rV : . jAA Hhds and Bbls S. H. Molasses. 1$; Hhds t)UU and- Bbla Oaba Morasses, 5 Puncheons and' Bblslfemarara Molaseea, : t. -, .' i' .i For Sale b ' - . i : boy 88 U ; KKRCHNER A CALDHR BROS. ' STEEL TRAPS, STEEL TRAPS, POWDER, KHOT,! CAPS, WADS, GAMS BAGS Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, CartrldKeaof all kinds for rim ana central-fire Rifle. A large lot of the above Goods jael received aaH tor sale at the lowest cash prices, at the Old Established Hardware Uosae Of JOHN DAWSON, nov 38 tf No. 1, 80 awl 81 Market street. Silk and Fur Hats, LADIES' FURS, gtLK AND SBAL SKIN CAPS, ,. .' At i HARRISON ALLEN'S, nov S8 tf VUy Hat Store, ti Front St. Harness and Collars Of ALL DESCRIPTIONS, AT THE ' NEW HARNESS SJ20I, On Third, between Princess and Market Streets, novtttf HAYDEN A GERHARDT. Hames, Collars, ACK BANDS, TRACES, at. . f ,r , w u. LOWEST PRICES, AT GLSS MURCHISON'S, ' New Hardware Stort.' nov28tf Two Fair Preiaiums -' W ERE AWARDED ouf ELM GROVE FAMILT FLCjUB, n4 w aeU lifor $8 W. yjamnted,,. ., This settles the question ier Goad Cheap. Flour, not 88-dwit ' i ' QRANr IltNTO,- WHOLE NO, 2,663. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. $15 00 HociMuT Orercoats $15 00 $20 00 HOCKHACKER OVERCOATS 190 00 $30 00 HOCKHACKER OVERCOATS $30 00 $40 00 HOCKHACKER OVERCOATS $40 0 $45 00 HOCKHACKER OVERCOATS $45 AO $5 00 HOCKHACKER OVERCOATS ' $63 00 These goods are soft and thick, but quite light in weight. The colors and pattens axe of great variety and afford ample choice. A. DAVID, '. M-Market-etreefc A. DAVID, nov 28-tf . A. DAVID. AT ACT0AL CJOST. rro CHANGE BUSINESS. OUR ENTIRE STOCK A of . -- . - .- . 7 i pXiOTHciiisra-. ; . All we ask is an examination to satisfy any ese. " " that we mean what we say. -We guarantee every article to be sold at the ACTUAL COST, '' end for CASH' OX DELIVERY ONLY. .SHRIEK BROS.. 80 Market street. novSStf Look at the Prices! Then Call and 3$uy the Crooda. CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS : $8(0 CASTOR BEAVER OVERCOATS....... " '. 10 U FUR BEAVER OVERCOATS ........... . ;. 1800 TALMAS... 4 9 00 BUSINESS SUITS.. ....... ...... 8 to 10 00 D. B. SACK COAT8. ....... 4 50 We have' the slock just received and offer a ex tremely Low Rates. . MUNSON A CO., nor 28-tf City Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. A Card. Contemplating a change in my Busi ness, I will sell at Aactiptt, at H Market street, my eatire Retail Stock of Dry Goods, comprising a fu'l line of Ladies' Dress Goods, Housekeeping Goods, eta, etc., etc . : ' . - Full particulars will be given hi a few days. novas-it; '-: ;-y v: ' ' b, weili Maber Martin, l . : A HARVEST IDYL, ' By John Greeleaf Whittier, with Illustrations. HOSTA GES TO FORTUNE, A Story, by Miss M. E. Braddon, Author of "Aurora Floyd," "A Strange World," &c. Pianos, Organs ani Ctaios. For sale at HEINSBBRGER'S nov 28 tf Live Book and Music Store. At Yates' Bool Store YOU CAN FIND School Books and Stationery Blank Books dc Memorandums, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, POCKET BOOKS AND ALBUMS, Musical Instruments, nov S8-tf GAMES, TOYS, Ac, Ac New Orleans Molasses, JIRECT 8HL?MENTS ATN. Y. PRICES. Demerara, Cuba and Sugar House, All at lew figures. COTTON SACKS AT $1 00 per Butch, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, CANDY, SPICES, CANDLES, COTTON TIES, Bagging, Nails, Ac Send for samples when wanted. We guarantee lowest market prices. hot 28-tf BINFOKO, 8R0W A CD. ' " Brandy Peaches, Pickles, Oysters, &c Cases Brandy Peachea, i. JQQ Cases Pickles, ; I . i ;" Cases Oysters, - ; : ; JQQ Cases Lye and Potash. For sale by TJ8 tr - KERCHNER CALDER BROS. . ; i MILLINERY. . rwy s . i i . . ! ' ' t I era TTurnvnamwn trTSTTRa Tfl 1 WORM the ladies that she has just returned from New Vnrk whom tkt kn bea for eevecal weeks tsakinK her Fall purchases hi r : v!.. Pine French Hiilineiy. an4 wiU be prepared to a few 3v to show bfer friends and the public generally the latest style in FRENCH PATTERN BONNETS AUD BATS, , and ererytbinK pertaining td the bnsiness. I hive also a very fine selection of Fancy Good, consist ing of .: ' 1 ' ' :. ' .-; . ........ . - , : . : . i ; r -: POMPADOUR'S LACES. FRINGES, BUTTONS .. SLIPPER PATTERNS MOTTOES . !, and Frames, Linen Collars and'Cuffs,HandkcreUef s Neck Ties, Baching Belts, Switches, Braids, and the largest and cheapest steek of Zephyr Worsted and Shetland Wool to be had this side ef Baltimore. Orders from the country solicited and attended to with promptness and care, . a - U ' "''f Variety Store, 4 Market Street : ocfSnaetf ' MRS. L. FLANAGAN. fc Stir and Crescent.' rpo OUR FLOUR HAS BEEN' AWARDED . TJIE .PREMIUM' lor produdnetne besf and greaiest variety 6t art4 cles on exhibition at the recent FAIR. ' EVER T BARREL IS WARRANTED. ; 1 '' ' . iajwAa i fiALi. ' .!;!-. t-rv5: -,iVff ,!i-J:,i.M S lit Ot OOiC'r! A KIT TELLOW MOUNTAIN RVTTKB;; .,;Foreateyi ' j j-J t V !'i" nor atf EDWARDS A HALL. Fifty liclies 'BtoailJfs, X HRKE THOUSAND ORANGES. CALIFORNIA iW! . iiaiaffa. and Oatawam Ocaaea. Pmeanvles and otbs fmitain ator kw fo? eaaSu' . Fnrit sefely packed ano aentoy express ootwaaers awag me fflimit iMurosa sines. J At t i .an vnviiu iinvs icor tl-" ' ' Fraft MfcJ Coafectioaery Store. STES OF ADVEBTlSlNCi ; M C fknT.. S . s ot .- foardava... M - afcye $ajm 4 -- J ? H Je.i one week....;..... S M " " Three weeks 5S " " One month... . 8 00 . 1 TwoidnfliaA.........,i...i.....l5 W ' Three months SS 00 " i Six menths.. ...35 00 - One year. 60 M trsT"Con tract Advertisements taken at proj ei tioiiatelv low rates. ' - f Five Squares eetimated as a quarter-column, ard ten squares as a half -column. MISCELLANEOUS. GROCERIES. . 2g TUBS G. E. BUTTER ; . jQQ Boxes Factory and State Cheese; . 100 Boxes Crackers, all kinds; JQ0 BblarE. R. Potatoes; 2 Bbls Buckwheat;; r , -; ':, Bacon, Candy, . ., Bread Preparation, : . - Candles,' - r ' . r . ' . ' .. . . -.. - Coffee. ' !j .v. ' .V:.- . . ; ... Cotton Ties, CORN, FLOUR, HOOP IRON, LYE, MATCHES, Molasses. Mullets, Nails, Oysters, Oats, Potash, Salt, Sheeting, . The above good will be offered very low to kB07rISrr-ailiriN3 CsjSTOHIBn! 'By :" '-v nov 31 tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Mew Hnllet BncMcat. JTEW GOODS, FRESH -CANNED GOODS, Hew Sauins, Citron, Choice Red Table Apples. ' ' Save time and mcney by using our NEW PROCESS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. BEST BUTTER IS THE WORLD. Try it and be convinced there's none other like it. NEW CHOICE EXTRA MESS MACKEREL. . ' ' SALMON, CODFISH, . BREAKFAST BACON, PIG HAMS. Just in this week, a large and varied assortment of Maraet uasKets. we nave tne larcest stock or Fancy Grocorieeand Family -Supplies" in the btate.' rfK k. GEO. 1 MYERS, ; oct 24-tf ' II A 13 Senth Front St. TOBACCOS, .CIGARS . i.iV; i AND : " i SMOKERS' ARTICLES : ON THE ' Mutual Benefit Plan,; FOR CASH ON IDELIVERY, BT . D. PIG-OTT. BOVS-tf "' Opera House. ONE NIGHT ONLY, TUESDAY, NOV. 80th. The Id Favorites, GAYLORD'S MINSTRELS AND BRASS BAND. 20 STAR PEROIiMEUS 20 ENGAGED EXPRESSLY FOB THEIR OWN specialties. Now on their return from California with an entire new company. General admission, ou cents; uaiery, cenis; Reserved seats, IS centa. Secure your seats at Heine burger's Book Store. JOHN A. SPEARt, nov ar at - Real Premium. ketthe Real Premium Beef. Premium awarded to v TVtri V riamll . raw W Mr Alan Vina Npir River Ovstera at lowest cash Drices. Please return the Backets. ; ; nOV 18 tf T. A. WATBOTL Qiins, Pistols, &c. REMINGTON AND ENGLISH BREECH-LOAD -era, Cartridga Pistola, different kinds; - SHOT AND GAME BAGS, : LightningKentucky Rifle Powder, Caps, Wads, &c. ror sue tow y ; v.-.- . nor S3 tf - GEO. A. PECK. Apple. Peach, QuiNCE; PEAR AND TLUM BUTTERS, Pars nips, Beets, CarrotsHarse Radish and Garlic. ; For sale at '' '' novlMf. - , O. H. W. RUNflE'S. . Notice. nB VW3TTT.AH ATraTTAt MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the Navass Guano Company, of nrihninirtn. fc hmlA .s sswitr nfllfe in this citv. on Thursday, Dee, th prox., at 1 1 o'clockA . M. hoy 35-eod td . SecwUry and Treasurer. TaliaMa City Property for Sale op Bent HrV raTITWa TO LEAVE THE CITY. I OFFER For Sale er Rent tae "i ' -' Hotie: and Xot : .. where I am now living.' The House contains : Six Unoma with Kitchen Attached, . . aliin tbbfougb' repair. 'There is an euthouse with our Rooms. Wood House, Stables. Ac., on preHi- Vses. xne Liot ib large, cuu wsuig a . Flower and Tegetable Garden, With cow-lot attached. Parties wishtag to Bay o Kent WOBKl 0O Wll IW call u uik bihlhv i pleasure in showing them over the premises. Yot seasiost given when desired. : The- furniture, which . is nearly all new, can be bought with the premises. : 1 '' - '' ' C. Jl ilAMNER. oct 7-lmeod W W. S j ? ' VvvlOf D a a 11 aiiu jjiixiud IVIanufac Wiioles9ie stna Retail. ' . ... .. SEND FOR PRICE LIST Te P. P. TO ALE, j !. -: 1 Charleston, s C. eet l-eodOctANov'W. MarMayJn.y Sep'7. A1 LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the estate of Dr. W. A. Berry deceased, are cutora,or to JOHN D. BELLAMY. Ja.. ,. . :. . Attorney. bovShmmtSw ; Very Fine Butter. nrfflK PRESENT INVOICBOF, GILT-KDGE X Batter Is as good as ever offered te the trade. Try r Sweet iW Butter 40 centa retail; every BaAsnaranteed sweet. , - r I . i Freak Movataia Butter, for cookiiig, 33H cents Mr pound, Call on me for butter y ; iTKTTi : " t 4 uTu r R"tirrKNaoN. 4 II WMW w. " It bereuretmea xo present utnwrar or before the secoad day of Nevember, tm, either to Mrs. F. E. McKay and WiQlam B. McKoy, exe 5

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