THE HORHIHG STAS: UATES OV AUVKHTlSlNfar One Square one 4aj,.... ................ .. .. ., 1 ft X". twe fl&vft.. . .-. 1 &t ,Uhn&yt:,..i 0t V four 1ats ..... ..- . - " five dart S W PTJBLBJHKD DAILY, BY RAT28 OI BUBSCBIPTIOH nj ADVAKCX: i,n yr, (by mali) postage paid, .$7 00 six months, " ") " " 4 00 Three inontW" ") S Onemonth, (" ") " 1 00 To City suDscnoers, aeiiverea in any part of the not authorized to collect for more than 8 month in " OUTLINES. Twelve hundred Egyptians killed bv Abj ssinians who surprised them. Sev eral small fires reported. The Turks Were badly defeated at Piva. Im mouse crowd Tie wed remains of Vice Presi dent Wilson at Boston yesterday. - R. V. Baylor, of Norfolk, was wounded in a duel in Delaware with Col. J. F. Kegan Charles O'Conor, reported dead, is somewhat better. New York markets Gold, 114&&114J; spirits turpentine, 37; rosin, $170$180. 'Death of the "Coal King." Pittsburg recently attended the funeral of one of her best known citi zens, Mr. William II. Brown, the so- called "Coal King." Beginning life in'm humble way, he accumulated wealth and extended his business no- til at his death he was worth more than $5,000,000, and was oue of the largest miners and shippers of coal in the world. Besides those boats which he hired, his own fleet amounted to more than 1,200 boats and barges, an J were scattered from Pittsburg to New Orleans. lie is said to have car ried the larger part of his immense business "in bis head, and was in many respects a remarkable man. But," attempting to do too much, Nature took her revenge. His brain rave way, andthe man who had con trolled the lives of so many had to be shut up in an insane asylum, and there died. Reclaiming Zuyder Zee. The Dutch are ambitions of fature conquests from the sea. They have determined to sound and survey the Zuyder Zee with reference to diking and draining it. 1 he estimated cost is near ninety million dollars. The area reclaimed would be over 480,000 acres, or 750 square miles, making it about two-thirds as large as Rhode Island. Ihe value of this land would, at a moderate estimate, make a clear profit to the State of two hundred millions of dollars. The Zuyder Zee has an average depth of fifteen feet. Steam machinery of 10,000 horse power could expel the water in two years. The whole time necessary for the completion of the work is set down at about fifteen years. Spirits Turpentine Sampson Court is in session, Judge McKoy. --- Masonic Grand Lodge meets in Raleigh Dec. 6. Judere Brooks' TJ. S. Circuit Court convened in Raleigh yesterday. Town of Henderson refused to 1 -vy special tax by vole of forty-eight to six. Stanley Stephens, Robert Bla- !ock and A. Douglas, all colored cotton thieves, were arrested in Raleigh, made to disgorge the money they had sold their cot tun for and put in jail. On the 22d inst., Columbus Jones, white, a youth some 18 years of age, killed Henry Jones, col., at Hickory, Ca tawba county, and then escaped, it is thought, to East Tennessee. The Governor lias offered a reward of $50 for the appre hension of Jones. Asheville Citizen: Elder Strad ley, whom everybody loves to call Uncle Tommy, received Mrs. Dr. Millard of this f lare ioto fall communion in the Baptist Church last Sunday. He stated' that he had received into his church the great jrreat great great-great-grand-mother of Mrs. M. the latter making the fifth generation of one family he himself had received into the service of God. Charlotte Observer of Sunday: The North Carolina train due here at 8 A. M. did not arrive yesterday until 7 P. M. The cause was that freight train No. 10 left the switch open at Lexington as it passed that point Friday night, and the passenger tram (No. 3) ran into it. The engine was thrown clear down the embankment, a dis tance of 15 feet, and, is badly wrecked. The forward trucks of the express car were thrown down the embankment also, but none of the other cars were thrown from the track. The engineer Mr. Pollard, is slightly hurt. jTJHTJE CITY. NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. Helnsbergeb. New Novels. J. L. WoosTER.-Wil. Ij. Association. C. S. Ellis. M. B. & L. Association. St. John Filltaw. 10 cent Express. A. R. Black. Notice to Creditors. Matiies & Co. $25 Reward. Ilanze of Thermometer. The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, eierdav: 7 A W , 49; 12 M., 68; 2 P. M , 68; 4:36 P M., 06; 9 P. M.f 60; 11 P. M.t 57. T-m perauce Blatter. Ttuo. N. Ramsey, Esq., State Lecturer in the interests of the Independent Order of Good Templars, passes through this city next Tuesday morning en route for White ville, where he will lecture the same night. Returning, he will lecture in the City Hall "i this place the following Thursday night. A little stirriug-up would, perhaps, do our itmperance folks here some good, and B-ro. Ramsey is just the man for the business. Aihietle. . VVe have heard various rumors about town of an advance of the initiation fee of St. George & St. Andrew's Athletic Club from the present rate ($5) to anywhere from $ 10 to $2.j. Inquiry elicits the fact that the fee has not yet been increased, although a resolution to that effect was introduced and laid over under the rules, for action at the meeting to be held to-morrow night. ' In any event, the proposition is to increase it to $10 only, and this in justice to the old members, who have paid dues through the infancy of the Club without receiving any corresponding benefit. VOL. XVH.--NO. 57. Local Dots. The Holmana go South. Cold, cloudy or rainy weather lor to-day. Mr. Tax Collector Black expects to settle with the State Treasurer the latter part of this week. We notice that the bill-board fence round the Court House square has oeen. demolished. Mayor Canaday was taken uite ill yesterday at noon and had to leave his office and go home. Special terra of the Superior oourt will convene a week from yesterday, ior trie trial of civil causes. Sheriff Galloway, of Brunswick, settled with the State Treasurer on Satur day. The amount was $5,130 66. We learn that two grand con certs for the benefit of Mt. Olivet A. M. E. Church will take place at City Hall to-night ana to-morrow night. several parties were arrested yesterday for allowing their cows and goats to run at large; but the cases were dismiss ed on the payment of costs. .The Grand Lodge of North Carolina, F. & A. M., will commence its sessions in itaiefgn on Monday next Re duced rates of charges granted by railroads and hotels. From the 20th of September to lue 30th of .November, a l.ciiod of two months, the fines and penalties paid into the city treasury by the Mayor's Court amounted to $548 17. -A native colored company known as "The Old Ab-o-lisb, Slavery Nightingale Minstrel Troupe," of which Z. B. Freeman is Business Manager, gave an entertainment at City Hall last night. Rev. Dr. Wilson, of the First Presbyterian Church, concluded his in teresting series of sermons ou the " Life, Labors and Character of the Apostle Paul," which have been continued for several Sun days, on last Sabbath evening. Two of the colored prisoners in the County WorkjHouse escaped on the 20th inst. and have not yet been .recaptured. Their names are Shade Nash and William Bernard. Messrs. Mathes & Co. offer $25 reward for their apprehension and delivery to them. A sad case was that of officer Edward Davis, colored, of the police force, who had two of his children lying dead in the house at one time. One died Sunday afternoon and the other Monday morning, which makes three within less than a week that he has lost by diphtheria. In addition to other web-footed trophies, our own Nimrod yesterday bagged a fine wild goose in the river about 2 miles below the city. Three drams of powder and one ounce No. 5 shot brought the W. G. down from his lofty flight We hear that another hunter was also so fortunate as to secure one of these fine birds. They are very rare in our waters. Tbe Methodist Conference. A considerable number of delegates to the North Carolina Conference M. E. Church, to assemble at Front Street Church to-morrow, arrived in the city by la&t night's train and some seventy-five more are expeeted this morning. Those who are so fortunate as to be able to arrive early will have an opportunity to see the city and make good progress toward an acquaint ance with our citizens or in the revival of old friendships before the hard work of the session begins. Fire at Marlon. It was reported on the streets Sunday evening that a large fire was raging in Marion, S. C, but we were unable to trace the report to its source. Yesterday, how ever, a dispatch was received at the Pur cell House confirming the report ami say ing that the fire had been confined to a general dry goods and grocery store and dwelling belonging to a. citizen of that place, and that a son of the' owner came near being burned with one of tbe build ings. We could not learn either names or further paiticulars. MioBtrele To-Nlgfe. Gavlord's Minstrels and Brass Bind are to be the attraction at the Opera House to night, and as Mr. Gaylord is now recovered from his late sudden indisposition, the com. pany are not likely to disappoint their au dience, The Gaylords are said to stir up lively emotions in the hi easts of those be fore whom they perform, but we do hope the good people who attend to-night will endeavor to bear themselves in a seemly manner, even should they be sorely tempt ed to do like the Newbern folks, of whom the Tirw man, who iofced around while holding his sides preparatory o a new langh wrote that " tbe audienee looked to him as though they were all either drunk or crazy.' Life In tbe old Land Yet.' As an indication that notwithstanding the tightness of the times the spirit of progress and improvement is still alive in our midst, we noticed at the office of Mr. J. F. Post, yesterday, a plan , for , an elegant private residence to ba located on the south side of Orange, below Third street,' and also for a beautiful, comfortable and convenient sum' mer residence oo tbe Sound. Preparatory to the erection of tbe former ground has al ready been broken, and the other is to be built soon. 1 HE MfTO WILMINGTON, Magistrate' Court. . Before Justice YanAmringe, yesterday, A. T. Harrison was arraigned on the charge of-trespassing upon the property of Dr. J; E. Winants. Defendant was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $10 and costs, upon which he appealed to the Superior Court and was required to give bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance. J. T. Willey, master of the Brig B. In ginac, was arraigned on a peace warrant sworn out by John Fulschner, one of his seamen. The prosecutor withdrew tbe warrant and was ordered to pay the costs, in default of which he was committed to jail. Another peace warrant against Capt. Willey, and one peace warrant and a war rant for assault and battery against S. E. Elliott, mate of the vessel, issued at the in stance of the same party, met with the same result as above. The witnesses summoned by the prosecutor, it seems, afterwards de serted tbe vessel and did not appear to testify in his behalf. Willey Williams was up before Justice Cassidey on the charge of trespassing upon the property of Benj. Phillips Defendant was found guilty aud ordered to pay a fine of $5 and costs, from which decision be appealed to the Superior Court and was re quired to enter into a justified bond in the sum of $300 for his appearance. Before Justice Gardner was arraigsed Wm. Gordon, charged with beating his wife. Defendant was found guilty and or' dercd to pay a fine of $25 and costs. The t-lirlatlan Year. The Christian Year commenced with A A tori finnrlo xr " lti r1 nra a Inst On Vtlin 1 1- uuf ut uuuuaj , evuitviA tv ao taoi auuatu There are four Sundays in Advent. These are intended as a preparation for the com memoration of the advent of Christ. On the first Sunday, prayers are offered that tbe works of darkness may be cast away; on the second, thanks are returned for the first means of grace, the Holy Scriptures; on the third, for the ministry, and on the fourth. prayers for the more direct interposition of God's great might. There are always four Sundays in Advent, the first being that nearest St. Andrew's day, either before or after, as the case may be. - To-day (Tuesday) is set down in the cal endar as St Andrew's Day, and joint ser vices of the congregation of St. James', St. John's and St Paul's Episcopal Churches, of this city, will be held at St. James' Church this morning at 11 o'clock. Ft. Andrew the apostle is the "patron saint of Scotland. He was first a disciple of St. John the Baptist, and appears to have been the first to follow Christ. For this reason it is supposed that the place of honor has been given to him in the Angli can Prayer book, where he comes first of all those commemorated. But little is known of him, although he is believed to hdve suffered martyrdom nt Patra, in Greece, A. D., 70, by being crucified on a cross in the form of an X. St. Andrew's Day is usually celebrated by Scotchmen in all parts of the world. TT1U Seek Another station. Many will regret to learn that Rev. J. T. Gibbs, the highly esteemed Pastor of Fifth Street M. E. Church, will deem it necessary on account of declining health to seek a station for next year in the middle or western Fart of the State. He preached bis farewell sermon to a large congregation Jon Sunday night. The reverend gentle" 4 , r J j ; lf man uas maue uobis oi irienus uunug uis short stay among us. A New Enterprise. A great convenience to the public will be the 'Ten Cent Express" which Mr. St. John Fillyaw has just established in our city. For the trifling sum indicated he will take small packages of any description from stores and other places of business and deliver them promptly at their destina tion. Such lines are in vogue in other large cities, and have beeu found to pay, and why not here? Ifledlta'tlons Disturbed. A momentary excitement was caused at the First Baptist Church Sunday nignt Dy a Mr. King being.takcn with a fit during the sermon. The afflicted gentleman was re moved for medical attention and a couple of verses of a familiar hymn were then sung to calm the agitation of tbe congregation and draw back their attention to the theme: What think ye of Christy" Visitor. The steamer General Sedgwick, Captain Getty, from New York to Jacksonville, Fla., put into this port on Sunday for a supply of coal. The Q. &) ia a fine large side-wheel steamer of 500 tons. She for merly run between New York and Rock- away, on Long Island Sound, but during the present winter will run on the St. John's River, Florida. She steamed out of the harbor yesterday morning en route for l er destined port -n-s mayor's court. The following cases were disposed of yesterday morning: Elsie Marck, continued over from Satur day, charged with throwing sl p water on a public alley of the city. Case dismiss ed on the payment of costs. Julia Chambers alias Julia Palmer, charged with the same offence as above. Case dismissed on the payment of costs. ' - Jesse Williams, charged with disorderly conduct, was ordered to pay a fine of $35 and oosts Or work for thirty days on the streets. The defendant was arrested in V Paddy's Hollow," Saturday night where she had been drinking and acting very dis orderly on the street. She fought, kicked and scratched Officer McMillan, who had her in charge, and it was with much diffi culty that he finally succeeded in getting ber into tbe lock-up. N. C, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 30, - 1875. Attempted Burglary. An attempt was made on Sunday night to burglarize the residence of Dr. W. W. Harriss, on Fifth, between Dock and Orange streets. The family were aroused by the loud and excited hayings of a bull-dog on the nremises. and it was afterwards dis- covered mat me iaituiui animal naa oeen . - . ... . . mm severely CUt about the neck and back, the wounds being no doubt inflicted by a knife in the hands of the would-be-burglar out of revenge for his interference or with the view of silencing him. At all events the thief was frightened from his purpose, and it is supposed the noise of the dog and the consequent awakening of the family, com bined, had the effect of precipitating bis re treat. . . The Street Lamps. The lamps in many places throughout the city are in very bad condition; and have been so for so long a time that the memory of man scarcely runneth to the contrary. Since the last meeting of the Aldermen we have been . groping our way about at night with some degree of hope that a day ot improvement in this direction was at hand, for a resolution was adopted at that meeting authorizing the Mayor to advertise for proposals for keeping all the lamps in the city in order for one j'ear. Up to the date cf this writing, however, we have hoped in vain, for we hear of nothing whatever having been done in the matter. We do not recollect what the arrangement for this purpose has been in the past, but if it is capable of improvement by the -method proposed, we trust the authority extended by th : resolution will be exercised. Tiie Biallfc. The mails will close at the City Post-Of fice until further notice as follows: Northern (night) mails for all points North, East and West or Weldon, daily at.... 5:45 P. M, " through and way (day) mails daily . except Sunday, 6:80 A. M. Southern mails for all points South, uaihr 5:15 P. M. Charleston, daily, at..... 5:30 A. H. Western mails (C. C. Jvy) daily (except Sundays,) 0.-00 A. M. Charlotte mail closes at 4:15 P. M Smithville (via Easy Hill and Town Creek) Tuesdays and Saturdays , COO A. M. Fayette ville, and offices on Cape .bear liiver, Mondays and Fridays 1HX)P M. FayetteviUe by C. C. R'y, daily (except Sundays) on) A. JV1. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices every Fridav.. 6:00 A. M. The Smithville mails, by steamboat, close at 8 A. M., daily, except Sundays. Mails for Easy Hil Town Creek, Bell Swamp, 8upply and Shallotte, every Friday at 8 A. M. Mails delivered from C:30 A. M. to 7:30 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:00 P. M. Money order or- Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. h ey Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 5 P. M. Dloeese.'of North Carolina if lsliop Lyman's Appointments. Flat River, Orange co Nov. 27 Hillsboro. Orange co " 28 Salisbury, Rowan co. . . . " 80 Concord, Cabarrus eo Dec. 1 Monroe, Union co. " 8 Wadesboro, Anson co v 5 Rockingham, Richmond co " 7 C1T1T ITEMS. We are dad to hear It. Oar drnsviat informs na taat Dr. iinira uaen Bvmn sella setter man anv other medicine, and always gives satis fact ion. Book Bixskbt. Thx Jtosinse Btab Book Bind ery does aH kinds of Binding and Ruling to a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness In the execution of their orders. i TsANsi-Ka FniNTiHo-lKKS. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, me chants, manufacturers and others. Thuy are n during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate ' prices. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. $25 Reward. T7 SCAPED FROM NEW HANOVER COUNTY Work House. Nov. 0th, 1875, Shade Nash alias William Bernard. jjasnwaoutqreeinign.ginger-oaaeooior, legged in left leg, parrot-toed, large month and sharp face. HE HAD ON A BLACK FROCK COAT, oiae striped pants and. was bare foot- - Was seen en Railroad, near Goldsborp, on Nov. I9d. . . - , The above reward will be paid for the apprehen sion aud delivery of the prisoner to the undersigned, nov 30 lw MATHES A Co. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA; .1, New Hanov.b County. All persons having claims agaixst the late Thomas Smith of Middle ' Sound.. Harnett Township, are herehj notified K present the same to me for payment " at or before'', the 1st day of December, 18T8, or this notice will he plead in bar of their recovery. Persons indebted to the said Intestate are, also-, notified to settle. This Nov. 39th, 1875. A. R. BLACK, nov30oaw6w ' Adm'r. Meetaics' Bnildins & Loan Association. THE (ADJOURNED) ANNUAL MEETING OF the bhareholders of th Mechanics' Building and Lean Association will be held at ihe Hibernian HaU, Wednesday evening, Ded, 1st, at IX o'clock.. A full attendance of the. Stockholders is earnestly. requested. . ., . C. S. ELLIS. . nov 80-St nac See'y and Trea'r. Fillyaw's 10 Cent Paciage Express. SCHEDULE TRICES r" Packages under 85 lbs., 10 cents; packages under 50 Ids., 15 cents; pack a;es under 75 lbs.,2 0 cents; packages over 100 lbs., 25 cents; or more, . Slates can be found at : Dr. W W. Harriss'. Mr. 3. B. Hoggins and Messrs, Parker A Taylor's. Prompt attention given to all orders. . - ' nov33-lw " '" . ST. JOHN FILLYAW, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : ; INFELICE, 1Y NOVEL, BY AUGUSTA J. EVANS, AUTHOB of "Beulab" St Elmo." "Vaehti' Ac. Ac " Who has not read with rare delight the novels of A Bgnsta Evans T Her strange, wonder ul, and fascl- i uBiiiix civ jc. uic uruiuuuu. ucuuiH ui wuicn hm rihsh the Drobe into hhman natn. tonchinr it. mo. f acred chorda and springs; the Intense lnterert peculiarities ef her principal figures, conspire to Southern Authoress. Just received andtor sale at . HE1NSBERGEKS Live Book and Huaic Store. bovSO-U fiMi'Birton Library Association. Te . HE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING QV THE Wilmington Library Association, will be held at the Library Rooms on Wednesday evenine, Dec 1st at 7)4 o'clock.. It is hoped that there will be a full at tendance or members as Officers and Directors for the ensuing year, are to be elected. ' novsj-zt J. 1m wuusrjut, Librarian. MILLINERY. Ti HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM the ladies that she has just returned from New York, where she has been for several weeks makins 1 TH.11 1 : T " uer r au iwrcnaBeB in Fine French Millinery. and will be preDared in a few davs to show her mends and tne puirnc generally the latest sty lea in FRENCH PATTERN BONNETS AND HATS, and everything pertaining to the business. I have also a very fine selection of Fancy Goods, consist ing or . f . . . ; . Ladies' Corsets, Hoop , Skirts, POMPADOUR'S LACES. FRINOE8, BUTTONS SLIPPER PATTERNS, MOTTOES and Frames, Linen Collars and Cuifs.Handkercnief s, a ivo Aiukuiuwiw, oniaocR) ui aiun, Mitt uro largest and cheapest stock of Zephyr Worstad and oueiiuia w 001 to De naa mm tiae ei Baltimore. Orders from the country solicited and attended to witn iiromptnesa-ana care. Variety Store, 4i Market Street oct anactf MRS. L. FLANAGAN. MISCELLANEOUS. Notice. THE OWNERS OF THE REAL ESTATE THAT was sold for City Taxes at pnblio auction. No vember 17ih, and purchased by the undersigned, are hereby notified that THE PERCENTAGE will nox oe claimed u each Taxes are paid prior to JJe- cemoeriT. iso. w. r. uathauax. WiLrMGTOK, N. C, Nov. 22, 1875. novt31w Wood of All Kinds, TT EPT DRY UNDER SHEDS, SOLD LONG OR IV cut up, from wharf or delivered, ' At Lowest Cah Price! O. G. PARSLEY A CO., nov 87-tf Corner South Water and Orange' Sts . APPLE T ON'S, American Cyclopsedia. New Revised Edition. 1 - Entirely rewritten by the a.ilest writers on every sub ject, ranted from new type, and uiustratea with Several thousand itnravings ana Jupa. The wor erielnally published under the title of Tax Nsw Ajcbbioah Ctclofadia was completed In 1863, since which time the wide circulation which it has attained m an pane or tne umtca states, ana the signal developments wnicn nave wiken place it every brancn er science, literature, and art, nave la duced the editors and publishers to submit to an ex act and thorough revision, and te Irene a new edi tion entitled Thx ajlebican utclotxdia. Within the last ten vears the Drosrees of discover in every department or knowledge nas maue a new work of reference an imperative want. The movement of political affairs has kept pace with the discoveries of science, and their fruitful ap plication to the industrial ana useiai arts ana tfae convenience and refinement of social life. Great wars and consequent revolutions have volvicg national changes of peculiar moment The civil war of our own country, which was at its height when the last volume of the old work appeared, has happily been ended, and a new course of commercial and. industrial activity has been commenced. Ijarge accessions to our geograpmcai Knowledge ave been made Dy tne inaeiaugaDie explorers of Africa. The srreat uontical revolutions of the last decade. with the natorai remit of the lapse of time, have bromrht Into Dufelic view a mnltirnde of new men. whose names are In every one's month, and of whose lives every one is curious to know th. particulars. Great battles have been fought and Important sieges maintained, of which the details are as yet preserved only In the newspapers or in the transient publica tions of the day, out which oncht now to take their permanent and authentic history. in preparing tne present eoinon ior tne press, it has accordingly been the aim of the editors to bring down the information to the latest possible dates. . . . . . . II.- m a . and to furnish an accurate account of the most re cent discoveries In science, of every fresh produc tion in literature, ana ei tne newest inventions in the practical arts, as well as to rive a succinct and original record of the progress of political events. ' The work aas oeen oegun alter Jong ana careru preliminary lasor, ana wiw tne most am pie resources for carrrmg it on to a lucceesim termination. None of the ortzlnai stereotype plates have been need, but every paira aaa been printed on new type. forminir in fact a new Cyelrwesdia. with the same plan and compass as its predecessor, not wan a far ereaxer pecuniary - einuainin. uu who sacn im provements in U oamnosition as have beensneeest ed by longer experience and enlarged knowledge. - Tne illustrations wmou are mireaucea ior tne nrst time in toe present edition have been added not for time In the present eciuon nave oeen aaaea not far the sake of pictorial eect, hat to give greater lucid- ity and force to the explanations in tL Ttext They -embrace all branches of. science and of natural bista ry, and depict the most lemons and remarkable fea tures of scenery, architecture, and art, as well as ihe 8 recesses or mechanics ana manufacturers. Ai loueh Intended for instruction rather than embel lishment, no pains have been spared to Insure their artistic excellence; ine cost or tneir execution la enormous, ana it is oeueved tney will find a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopaedia, and worthy of its high character, , . r This work is sold to Subscriber only, payable oh delivery el eacA-rokwae. , It will be. completed la eaen containing aoout . ith .several thousand numerous colored Utn- I ograph Mibs. ' ! trie and Style of Binding. In extra ClotJuDer vol. f S 00 600 In Library Leather, per -vol. In Half Turksy Morocco, pervol.. 7 00 In Half Snasia. extra ailL Ber vol 8 00 In Full Morocco, antique, gilt edges, per vol.. 10 Ob DJ Fall Russia, per vol... ...... 10 00 Three volumes now ready. Succeeding volumes until completion will be issued once in twelve months. .'Specimen pages of the American Cyclopssia, ring type, illustrations, etc., ww oe sent gratis, ipplication. . Fibst-Class Cakvassiko Asknts Waxtzd. Address the Publishers, D. D..APPLETON A CO., ' : 549 & 551 Broadway, , N. Y. 3an 9-tf A Journal Ior tie Sportsmeii of To-iay. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, . ' ' - ' -AT- 14 S. Canarst. Chicago. T&RMS OF SUBSCRIPTION , , PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Yearly. X4.0U. Half-vearlv. C3.00. Foreisn and Canadian eubecHption, post free Yearly 18s.; Half- yearrjss. Bingie copies, iw cents. . .... THE FIELD Is a complete weekfy review of tbe higher branches of a sport Shooting. Fishing, Racing and Trotting, Aqnatics, Base Ball, Cricket, Billiards, and General Sporting News, Music and the Drama. " THE FIELD wQl be found In keeping with' the tunes, on all subject, pertaining to honorable sport, and will,, under no circumstances, admit to Its columns anything tending to any wise to demoralise or degradepublic sentiment. . THE FIELD being the only ftporting Journal published West of New York, and the recognised authority among the sportsmen of the Weat and South, among whom It enloy s a large and increaaine patronage, possesses supejior advantage as aa ad vertising medium, which will be appreciated by those desiring to make their btwinesa knossn the ynttedState. ' :'yyMv WHOLE NO . 1 2,664. -. ; '. ... , MISCELLANEOUS. $15 00 Hocilacter Orereoats - $15 00 $20 00 HOCKHACKES OVERCOATS $t0 $30 00 HOCKfiACKER OVERCOATS 13000 $40 CO $45 00 $85 00 $40 00 " HOCKH ACKER OVERCOATS (45 CO HOCKHACKES OVERCOATS' ' ' $65 00 - HOCKHACKES OVERCOATS ' These roods are sort end thick, hat nnf t Hott w weight The colors and patterns are of great variety and afford ample choice. - A. DAVID, 1 17 Market street A. DA VII), A. DAVID. novas-tr AT ACTUAL COST. rjrXCHANGE BUSINESS, OUR ENTIRE STOCK cXiOTSEiisra-. All we ask is an examination to satisfy any one that we mean what we say. We guarantee every article to be sold at the A CTUAZ COST, and for CASH ON DELIVERY ONLTi J3HRIER BROS.. 30 Market street nov 28 tf Look at the Prices ! Then Call and Buy the Goods. CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS.. . $8 (0 CASTOR BEAVER OVERCOATS ...... 10 00 FUR BEAVER OVERCOATS . . . . ; . . . ... 12 0Q TALMAS. .... i 900 BUSINESS SUITS 8 to 10 00 D. B. SACK COATS. v 4 50 We have the stock Just received and offer a ex- i I tremely Low Rates. MUNSON & CO., nov S8-tf City Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. At Yates' Boot Store, YOU CAN FIND School Books and Stationery, Blauk Book's t& Memorandums, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, POCKET BOOKS AND ALBUMS, musical Instruments, :; nov 58 tf GAMES, .TOYS, Ac,, &c Brandy Peaches, : Pickles, Oysters, &c. Cases Brandy Peaches, ' JQQ Cases Pickles, JFJQ Cases Oysters, 2QQ Cases Lye and Potash. For sale by nov28 tf KERCHNER & CALDER BROS. Fiftv Bunches Bananas. T. - HREE THOUSAND ORANGES. CALIFORNIA Pears. Malaga and Catawba Grapes, Pineapples and other fruits in store low for cash. Fruit Barely paciLea na sent oy express to customers aiong tne aiserent itauroaa lines, At S. Q. NORTHROF'S . nov 21-tf Fruit and Confectionery Store. New Orleans Molasses, JIRECT SHIPMENTS AT N. Y. PRICE3. Demerara, Cuba and Sugar House, All at lew figure. COTTON SACKS AT $1 00 per Bunch, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, CANDY, SPICES, CANDLES, COTTON TEES, Bagging, Nails, 4c Send for samples when wanted. We guarantee lowest market prices. novS8-tf BINFORD, CROW A CO. 4 OlJ -3 .l J. 1? rpO OUR FLOUR HAS BEEN AWARDED THE PREMIUM for producing the best'and neatest variety of arti cles on exhibition at the recent FAIR . EVERY BARBEL IS WARRANTED. EDWARDS HALL. Butter. - OA KITS YELLOW MOUNTAIN BUTTER, For sale by nov SS-tf EDWARDS HALL. Eugene L. Harris, - Artist In '!: . I ss. - - i Gl"?IVOri CWTlYZK Ixft. 1 V Vl IVO SASSAFRAS FORK, IT. C, . T3EG3 LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION JL toi i his Portraits in Cravon. Persons wishing good pictures 'Of themselves or deceased friends can have them nicely executed-by sending him a photograph to work from. A good photograph is necessary to insure a gooa iureness. -roe prices below include postage by mail, on roller. A neat frame of walnut and gilt will be furnif ied to those Who desire it, at f L50a$.V ' ' PRICES: SiaeT14 x 17 Inches, ill- - - $5.90 , $10.00 L,ire , size, (Dust) TfCWriillONlALS. MV.- Harris rjosseeee the rare srif t Of belli r able to delineate, accurately, from a photograph or othe picture the exact likeness er any one. V, e guaran tee satisfaction." (Oxford Leader. " We have seen his work, and consider it excel lent Try hmt" Central Protestant! - " We have seen a capital portrait of Hon. A. W Venable, by Mr. B. L Harris; that reflects addi- tienai lustre en ms . genius in . taax aepartment." LTorch-lJghUj mar n-ll CLOSING- OUT OT O0B Entire Betail Stock . ' OTX AKD ifTIB inOKDAY, THE .33d. 1 e , . OWING TO THE FACT THAT IT IS OUR 1N tention In future to carry on an exclusive wholesale trade, we now offer all cat goods, espe cially Dress Goods, AT COST AND BELOW COST. " , AARON & RHBIN STEIN, nov si-lw so jrront otreet. Harness and Collars Of ALL DESCRIPTIONS," AT THE ;:NEiZARNESS SJJPP, : ''. On . Third, between Princess and Market Streets. .... . nov28tf : ' H AYDJEN 4 CERHARDT. ' .Very Fine Butter. , FpHE PRESENT INVOKE OF GILT-EDGE X Bntter. is as good as ever offered to the trade. Tryitt Sweet Rico Batter 4Q cents retail; every pvnnd guaranteed sweet i iFresh Monntain Butter, for cooking, 33)j cents per pound. Call on me for butter 1 soy STtf JAMES C, STEVENSON. on week... 3 6P Two weeka.....!.. 5 00 Three weeka 6 60 One montli.. ....... ...t... 8 CO Two months 16 Of Three montfea.,.,,. 98 00 -M : Oneyear.. .................... ..60 M , UP 'Oftntract AdvcrUaementa takn at ntonoi PlSfSnrted I. tan aniiarea aaahalf -cnlm tionatelr low rates. - i Jive tMrnareraetuaated asa CDarter-colunm atd ten aqnare aa a half-colnian. , . , MISCELLANEOUS. GROCERIES. 00 I 2 J) TUBS G. E. BUTTER ; ..- . 100 BXeS F"?torT and State Cheese; QQ bla and Boxes Crackers, all kinds; f : ! : - 2QQ Bbls E. R. Potatoes: , , Jg Bbls Buckwheat; . ' .. Bagging, Bacon, Candy, Bread Preparation, Candles, .;:;,:..,;'.;: Coffee , : Cotton Tiff;, CORN, FLOUR, HOOP IRON, LYE, MATCHES. , Mola-'Ses', Mallets, Nails, Oyetere, Oats, j Potash, Salt,' Sheeting, j ' . Tarns, &ci The above goods will be offered very low to : JPKOraPT-PATriNG custodiers By nov 21-tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. New Hulled BncMcat. JEW GOODS, FRESH CANNED GOODS, , New Raisins, Citron, Choice Rcd.Table Apples. Save time and mcney by using our ' NEW PROCESS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. BEST BUTTER IN THE WORLD. Try itand be convinced there's none other like it. ' NEW CHOICE EXTRA MESS MACKEREL, j SALMON, CODFISH, "; BREAKFAST BACON; PIG HAMS. Just in this week, a large and vatied assortment of Market Baskets. We have the largest stock of Fancy Groceries and Family Supplies in the State. GEO. MYERS, 11 & 13 South Front St. 0ct24-tf TOBACCOS, CIGARS AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES . ON THE- HnM Benefit Flan,; FOR CASH.ON'IDELIVERY. . . BY D. PIGrOTT. nov S-tf ' Opera House. ONE NIGHT ONLY, TUESDAY, NOV. 80th. :. - The Old Favorites, GAYLORD 8 MINSTRELS AND BRASS BAND. j 20 STAR PERFORMERS 20 ENGAGED EXPRESSLY FOR THEIR OWN specialties. Now on their return from California with an entire new company. General admission, CO cents; Galery, 25 cents; Reserved seats, 15 cents. Secure voureeats at Heins berger's Book Store. " JOHN A. SPEARt, nov 27 8t Aiten t. Office Dining Saloon, Dawson's Bank Lane. - Between Front and Water Streets, . Wm E Collins, Proprietor. THIS FAVORITE EATING SALOON IS NOW ln fail operation, and all the delicacies of the season served at the shortest notice. Also regular meals served and day boarders accommodated on , REASONABLE TERMS. WM. M. COLLINS. oct 13-TnesASat tf Doors, Sash arid Blinds. anufactory, Wholesale and Retail. ; SEND FOR PRICE LIST To P. P. TOALE,' , ' Charleston, S C. ' oct 1-eod OctjfcNov '73. Mar May Jn.y Sep '7C. : Notice. ; k LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST 2: the estate of Dr.' W. A. Berry deceased, are hereby notified to present the same for jpayment on or before tbe second day of November, 1876, ell hr r to' Mrs. F. E. McKoy and William B. McKoy. exe cutors, or to JOHN D. BELLAMY. a.. nov 5-oaw8w ., ., 'Attorney. I . '.Notice. . j T- Ki - : ' ' - : HE REGULAR ANNUAL "MEETING OF THK .. Stockholders of the Navasea Guaoo Company, of Wilmington, will be held at their office in this city, on Thursday, Dec. 9th prox., at 11 o'clock A. M. : . r. f DONALD MacRAB, ! nov25-eodti Secretary and Treasurer, r Silk and Fur Hats; LADIES' FURS, gaK AND SEAL SKIN CAPS," At HARRISON A ALLEN'S, , nov98tf City Hat Store. 29 Front St Real Premium. 1 HAVE ON EXHIBITION ATCmZENS' MAR ket the Real Premium Beef. Premium' awarded to Mr. John F. Garrell at oar late fair. Also Hue New River Oysters at lowest cash, prices. Pleafe return the Buckets. " nov 18 tf T. A. WATSON. Guns, Pistols, &c. REMINGTON AND BNGL18H BREECH-LOAD era. Cartridge Pistols, different kinds; SHOT AND GAME BAGS-, - lightning Kentncky Rine Powder, Caps, Wads, Ac . For sale low by nOTSStf i GEO. A. PECK. Apple, Peach, Quince, peak and plum butters, Pars- nips, Beets, Carrota.'Horee Radish and Garlic. For sale at novlttf G. H. W. RUNOE'S. WEDDING CARDS AND VISITING CARDS printed wgi j i , , Printing andJuWiahlng Honssv.

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