THE PUBLISHED DAILY, BY l j. . - BATH OT SUBSCBTPTKM JX ASVAKCX: . ."''..' . one y. 07 "n poataga paid,. ;j...v. $7 00 cj montui. t j ...... vf wj Thrwmontk8(;; ;;) ' ss One month, (".) , 100 To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the ,itv Fifteen Cents per week. Oar City Agent are not authorized Q collect for more than saontha in advance. - OlIT.lNliS.t . -. . . , t ; I'nprecedentedly.cold io New England. Hod. F. E. Shober of K. 0 exhibits great strength in the canvass for the ' Clerk ship of Congress. -O'Copor suffers from paralysis of the stomach. " Beta-l w a re River frozen over.; - Fierce gale I ou New England coast. t In the crooked whiskey trial at Indianapolis two men for feited their joint bond of 25,06o an'd many others plead guilty. ; Spanish General 3Iarin twice defeated by the Cuban patriots, and the General himself mortally wounded. Ex-United Stales' tJenator Harris ef Xew York State very - Increased activity in the navy yard at Portsmouth, X. II. The death sentence of Dr. X) vis and wife, the Canadian, abortionists, lias been commuted to imprisonment for life. Washington Hall at Wheeling, V. V., was burned yesterday ; loss 50,000; the Duilding was occupied by the State Legislature and the Masonic fraternity, 1 $45,000 fire in Oberlin, Ohio. Von Arnim has been indicted for treason. - New York markets: : Cotton I3J 13 7-16, gold H5iH5i, spirits turpentine heavy at 87 cents, rosin .quiet at $1 70 1 80. Mexican raiders are again gt.-aling Texas cattle on a large scale. -General Babcock declares his innocence re garding the whiskey frauds at St. Louis, and demands a hearing before the court The Avery prosecution at St. Louis 'osed yesterday. Krmance fa New Orleaua Girl. "Fay," the Washington correspond ent of the Louisville Courier-Journal, siys: A beautiful romance transpired here two days since, of which I must teil you. Miss Lizzie Sehnmaker was once among the belles of New Or leans. Her parents were wealthy, but died and left their daughter poor. For two years she has held a clerk ship in the Attorney-General's office. Three years ago, a Swedish gentle man, Mr. Nils Mitander, residiHg in New York, met her, and must "have In en interested, for be came to this city quite recently, and pres3ed his sail so successfully that he would not return to New York without his bride. He allowefl no time' fortrons seau or elaborate preparation. For tunately Miss Sehnmaker had, never parted with the family diamonds. Sbe was also the possessor of one hand some toilet. Wednesday evening, ac companied by the Hon. Charles M. Conrad, of Lousiana,' ex -Secretary-of War, and Miss Adams and Miss Weeks, of New Orleans, the bridal quietly repaired , to the Epiphany church and were married. The bride looked the elegant lady, iu a richilk and superb diamonds. - The ladys condition has changed so suddenly that only her own sex cati fully appre ciate her happiness in selecting the trousseau in New York with the well rilled and open purse of a fond hus band. Now, who will say that this is altogether ar prosaic age? v TkOHgbc of Ills Spars. The Montgomery Advertiser recalls this story of the last orator of the1 Army of Northern Virginia Associa tion: Major Daniel was greatly beloved and admired by Haya' Louisianians; not more f oJ873auritlesoarage than for his gentleness and unselfish ness. That brigade presented him with a very handsome pair of solid gold spurs, appropriately inscribed, which Major D. was in the .habit of wearing on " gala, days," or when "things looked ugly." ' On the even ing of MavmB, 0.802, wTiUe&rriiiri portant flank mdvement ort theleft of Lee's army was in progress, a portion 'it our flanking, column which ' was driving the enemy ' just at dusk, was fired into by some of our own troops, and Major" Daniel iwaa ; ordered ; by General Early to ascertain the carise of the heaty firing? While, executing this order Major Daniel was struck in tfie hip by a roinnie ball, and as those around him thought, mortally wound-, ed. An Md friend who was near him asked Major D. what hc-pould do for him, and suggested, as the firiffg was. very severe, and it was -possible- buf 1 troops might be ordered back: tnat night, that Major D. had better be moved to a securer place, and offered to amist him off. Major D, declined be proffered assistance,' but growing faint, had to be placed upon a litter, when he called his friend and said to him: " I am tadly wonnded, and may for get over this. If I should be left behind when theartriy moves the enemy may get me.. I don't want them to get those spurt; take, them off and take care of them." ;nrr Boroton'a Hcmalra mi I lie IL C. Boynton, the well; known Washington correspondent, has written a boot which resolves it self into a cross-suit with , General Sherman for fame, asa historian, to c hronicle the details of the war. Gen eral Boynton was in ' the Western' army, and was an officer who rose by merit to distinction and the respect of his subordinate, fellows- and su periors. His position for several years an a correspondent and . resident of Washington, gave him opportunity to investigate the war records. He disputed General vfiherinan'ftlrdetao rm.Ia as written put, and refreshed ' memory by tfie War Department record. He fia written a book, iak- vkutu. n yudtu hifdle racevMhenne i .oj, issue with tbfwto cIDjated:pUtoL-won in 'Herman memoirs, aim - Jiving effortlaa ah opposition history f Sherman! rnarch to tba aea, or i companion book to General .her- raanV, - - if i ' - - ' ' . m m m a ,. I a. L i - a a ... ivx I m m - m mm i y i i-x . i ; ; 1 i l 1 - ,, i ... . . - 1 1 1 - r. i 1 VPki.'$ylWtQJ The Neero Dialect. TFrom the Petersburg Iitfe and Appeal.! v.Mt George Gary Eggleston !ia j V lrginiari, and ought to be better in formed than to write "nigga" for :"ntotX ox "mars," "yet" for Vyit,w. &o. . , It is quite apparent that Mr. Egglestoii is entirely out of hjs.line attempting to imitate the darkey faleeD 'i Even Dr. Dunn Brown can beat hina. The joint mastera.ia.itis, special line of literature are Dr. George Bagby and Miss JenpiWoodville, of Lynch liurg. Awong the lesser fights, Jin Oowardr; W. S. Gilman and Judge Farrar static creditalHy well. It is an ample $eldrqf nliterary exercise .jind popular' !CTitertainmentj and -we do not at all underrate its merits. One has only to attend the performance of ti 'company ? of ' Northern negro minstrels to see what an inadequate and incorrect idea those people have of the man and brother. A Horrible strr. Middleport (Ohio) News.J We have heard of a very distress ing accident occurring in Jackson county,' West Virginia. It5 was a "house raising." As is customary on such occasions, chickens had been killed by chopping off their heads. Two little sons of -the owner of the honse to be raised saw ' the chickens thus gillotined, and during the day concluded to repeat the operation. It was just at a time when the men were lifting a heavy tog-into its place. The father, who was holding one end of the.log, casting his pyes towards the little fellows, one of whom had the axe raised to sever the neck of his brother, let go the log to save the boy, and it fell, killing six mentwo instantly, the others living only a few hours. The axe fell before the father could reach the scene, severing the neck of his son. Thus were seven persons hurled into eternity in a twinkling. -. Spirits Turpeiitiju e Gen. Lilley is pushing his can vass for the Lee Mausoleum with gratifying results and prospects, wiys the Raleigh Sen tinel. -- - In snatching a favorite dog out of a trough of hot water used for -scalding; hogs Bob Bray, of Mt. Airy, scalded him self considerably. ; Newberu Nutshell, 30th: Yes terday afternoon while feeding a lathe to the saw in the steam saw mill of Mr. S. Rad cliff, foot of Pollock street, Mr. Jas. Smith residing on Pollock, two doors below Craven street, met with a pairfful and serious acci dent which will probably cause the loss of two fingers from the left hand. ' Newbern Nutshell : On Sunday last Rueben Smith, a lad hardly knee high to a grasshopper, got into a difficulty with a companion and was thrown with great force to the ground, after which young Smith's irate companion mounted the breast of his victim and stamped thereon with sucb force as to cause severe pain and prob ably some injury. In the fall little Reuben's leg was also severely in jured ; ; ji r r. ? . r Asheville Expository A corres pondent writing from Webster on the 23d instant,- informs us that on the day previous, about noon, James Frizzle shot and instant ly killed . hi . brother-in-law,; Clingman Buchanan, in the house of the former "Ac cording to the testimony of Mr. Dan WU bar. before the iury ol inquest, the men bad been engaged ia -an Unpleasant conver- I sation ior an nour, wnen r nzzie remarxeu that be would not stand ;i, and drawing his weapon, fired before ay -one could in terfere, with the.futal result, mentioned. Frizzle's statement is that Ihey had a prior difficulty, and that he had forbidden Buch anan to qter ish.ouse; that, Buchanan, came nevertBeeas, and that the: latter h,J repeatedly threatened tis llfe 'THEGITY,- NEW AOVKHTlSKIHEJiTS. P. PiGOTT. Half-Dime CTgar?i ' , J. F. Rueckkbt. Pianos and Organs. George W. Baily. Athlrtic Club. Munson & Co. Black Cloth Dress Suits. See ad. " WUmjngton Lode No, 319. Uamaffafcl Lader. The following ht lift- erf. unniailahle liters remaining' in the" city postofflce: J. B. Kelly ,fKenaosvilie;-Dr. J. Biowhurst, gurgaw, N. O."; Amos Wheeler, South Wash ington. Vastlval. Thehidies of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, wiH give au elegant supper Thurs day eveningar-smne place to be; named in to-morrow's papers. The proceeds will be applied to the church fund, and it is hoped the entettainmiut will ;be liberally encour aged. Seut How. ' ' ' A German by the nm( f Charles Good wine, having. applied to the County Com missioners to be sent fp the county hospital, yesterday, anil having a physician's certifi cate to the effect that he was destitute and in need of medical, attendance, was given tran8poruiUoiitijiijiuia, where he 'be longs, which Ci urse they believed would resuluia the. saving of cowsidei ablejcps-t to .... Aj.L t ii - i i. - IUC CUUUljr. The Frlaef. : r,, ,7 : -:n.T We tretict-d- in" the hAw window - Of Messrs. T W. Brown & Sons, yesterday, a number of the -prizes awarded to the victo rious Athletes otfThanksgiving Day. These include the Splendid Evans JN-sbobter rifler which will shoot a distance 6f one ;;thoer sand yards" being the prize ii the riflej "match ; ite gold-headed palmetto' walking cane.'-the prize for, the one. mile : walk- Ling' Wifcftff.f ayffr9P-. M the fine ivory-hanqea? the , one mile. - - - - ,. - - KVi;arri " raanin fce, Thf wbeelbarrow I't, "Z 'withheld froWrB,"??" I presCBf. ' ; ' ' ' "fi o WILMINGTON, 2fc Local Bun, Severat "vess'els- are reported in below, bound up...' -Uegular monthly meeting of Athietic Club to-night. "This is the first day of winter. Yesterday felt as if it might have been. j. The JJayor being still indispos ed there was "no" session of the City Court yesterday morning." ' ? -. The police force of the city now numbers only J5f of which 8 are on duty at night and 7 during the day, including three f health officers. John Chavers, colored, was ar rested yesterday morning for alleged viola tion of a city ordinance, and recognized to appear before the Mayor's Court this morn ing. Col. Steele and Mr. 'Dios. A. Leak, both noted Nimrods of Richmond county, were here yesterday. Both these gentlemen are now running the ''choke bore" gun schedule, having forever aban doned the old "Scatta" style. . The Board of Trustees of Fur man University, South Carolina, have re cently conferred the degree of doctor of diviuity ou Rev. J. C. Hiden, of Green ville, S. C., lately " of the First Baptist Church of this city. Mr. Johu. Melton, on Seventh, between Bladen and Harnett streets, had one of his horses badly crippled Monday night, lie had two of them attached to a sausage machine, which was in operation, When one of the animals lost his footing and fell, breaking one of his legs. The Gay lord' Minstrel Troupe, Which were to have performed here on Wednesday evening of last week, but failed to meet their engagement, and whic h were again advertised to show here last night, have for the second time " gone and fooled us." They are Gay lords indeed! Mr. Jas. Southgate, delegate to Conference from Hillsboro, was so unfortu nate as to lose his valise, a black leather article with two handles, at Goldsboro yes terday. Mr. Southgate is under the im pression that some brother delegate may have picked up the valise under the impres sion that it was his own, aud if so it will reach ibe owner if left at the store or resi dence of Mr. II. H. Munson. Indaatrlal Vmlr Aaaoelatlon. Rremiums sent in on Monday to be com peted for at the Industrial Fair in Decem ber: By Messrs. S. Hautein & Co., One dollar in gold to the cooper of naval stores who produces the best-cut aample of rosin, his own skill. Two dollars and a half i-i gold for the b.'St specimen of cabinet workmanship. One dollar and a half in silver to the woman that produces the best specimen of needle work, her own make. By Alex. Sampson: .Five dollars and a half in gold and silver to the woman - who makes the best bread or rolls from flour purchased at Wm. II. Moore's store, Market, between 2d and 8rd -streets.-.-. 0 -. By Pulilip Newman: Two dollars jn eil ver to the woman who makes and presents at the Fair the best loaf of wheat bread. By Geo. F. Tilley: Two dollars and a half io gold for the best pair of bull dogs raised W North Corplin and presented at the Fain : By Caleb Hardy: Best quilt made in North Oa roli at and presented at jhe Fair, $3 50 'in-gold" By Lewis Nixon : Two- dollars and a half in gold to the female who makes the best pair of knit glovesr The remainder of the premiums to be offere'd . by tha Board of Direct ors for the Association has not been decide ed upon. ; List still open. Mr. John Kirkpatrick, one of the lessees of the excursion train that will leave Shelby during the Fair, was on a visit to this city on Saturday, to consult with Jos. C. Hill, Chairman of the Fair Association, and make arrangements for the accommodation and board of six bundred visitors, who, he says, will be down the Carolina Central on a visit during the Fair. - The Pair Grounds on the corper of 8th and,Irirje9i are sireetg, beginning to look nke'busine8s. Sheds, coops, stall and the grand stnnd are nearly completed. . s.-rfoa. C. Hill, toupi. I. F. A. Burled ( 8ea. We noticed yesterday the flag over ihe Norwegian aud Swedish Consulate dis played at half-mast, and as a mark of .' re spect and sympathy, the flags of the Scan dinavian bUippiun in port and of tba British and German Consulates were in the same posiriowhich so Fufl of meaning to a sailor or one familiar with marine Customs. On enquiring the cause, we. weejtold that Consul Heldeliad. jusLreceited informal Ian of; the death of Captain David Natvig, Master and (with his brother, Consul Anton r Natvig) owner of the Norwegian barque Speed. ' ,- , ' The Speed has for several years been iu the Wilmington trade, and the many noble qualities of Captain Natvig have made him many friends in Wilmington. ' The barque sailed for London about the 1st of October with a full cargo of naval Stores, and on the night of. the 19th Oc'.o- iL'Naivigl Ji4peaceftiHy A f)f th regar4ellnfi of 4sBMi.i-l1ie iast.; after an illness of enly La,ied meeling wm not interfere with the uer. .uapuuB breathed his eishtdays.' 'f As he wi&getft was his intention on completing this voyage to retire from the sea and. ape oa the rest of lis clays in his nativa lan4. wSiere he Cfiutd, enjoy the competency he bad gained ..dorla the many 3'ears of his stormy and' perilous sailor life. -.: . - N. C.TWEDBSI5AYrOECEMByV9r'' " A ttERlvUS Rl VKU AOCIDBNT. Slnlclner or m Lighter Loaded wltta Salt Narrow Escape of the Meat on-Ber dee. : ; . An accident quite destructive in its results occurred at the wharf of Messrs. Kerchner &CaIder Bros., yesterday, about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. It appears that a lighter, or flat, belonging to Mr. John M. Robinson, had been loaded with about, five hundred sacks of salt, and, as the hands were in the act of pushing her from the wharf, the side of the lighter next to the wharf seemed to drop from some projecting log Upon which: Jt had probably" rested, when she careened over and went down. So sudden and un expected was the accident, and so rapidly did lighter and Cargo sink beneath the waters, that if was with considerable diffi culty that the men on her at the time, six in number, were enabled to escape from being carried down with her, some of them being seized and pulied upon the wharf after the water had reached to their waists. Immediately upon sinking the lighter went to pieces, and will therefore prove a total wreck; while, of course, not a sack of the salt could be saved. Several colored men were engaged in dragging for it soon after the accident occurred, but succeeded only in recovering a number of empty sacks. The salt belonged to Messrs. Kerchner & Calder Bros., and was valued at about $1 per sack or $500 for the entire load. The lighter, which, as before stated, be longed ; Mr. J. M. Robinson, was a new one, just completed, and was valued at about $350. The affair created considerable excite ment n North Water street and a large number of the curiously disposed flocked to the scene of the disaster, some of whom could not refrain from perpetrating . the joke, although on such a serious subject, that "fish that may be caught in the river for some days to come will be already corned." Caught Iu the Act Two Ifouus Dep redator Cocue to Urlef. Two colored boys, nearly grown, named Duke Kelley and Henry Dudley, were ar rested yesterday on the charge of stealing two iron castings from the premises of the Cape Fear Fibre Companj., It appears that articles of this description have been mys teriously disappearing for some time past Yesterday morning Mr. Mayo, who is in the employ of the company, discovered the iron castings alluded to in the yard, slightly covered with sand, and having his suspicions aroused he concealed himself and "watch ed and waited" for something to turn up. Shortly afterwards Henry Dudley came up with a boat, secured her at the landing and went up into the yard, where he proceeded very cautiously to gather up the castings and place them in the boat, having iu the meantime pulled off his coat, which he placed over the castings ou his shoulder to conceal them. Having watched the pro ceeding thus far, Mr., Mayo went up and procured the assistance of Mr. Leach, the private watchman of - the premises, and the two returned together, where they found Henry Dudley and Duke Kelley in the boat and in the act of pushing off. When accosted and accused of the theft, Kelley disclaimed any connection with the matter, trying to throw , the responsibility entirely upon Dudley, but the evidence was sufficient to satisfy Justice Cassidey, before whom the parties were taken ' by Mr. Mayo, and upon whose affidavits they were tried, that both,werejequally guilty of the charge upon which they were arraigned, and they were thereupon ordered to give a justified bond in the sum of $500 each for their appearance at the January term of the SuperiorXourt, in default of which they were committed to jail, where they wil probably spend the Christmas holidays. ; . JBssieru jqegleal Association. - In the midst of other exciting, events which are transpiring around us, it should not be forgotten that the Eastern Medical Association will meet in this city 1 on Tues day next, the 7th inst. This Association is an auxiliary of the State Medical -Society, has upwards of forty members, and Us mem bership numbers many who are. esteemed' eminent in the profession. - v. . .. The different raih;jaderejnformed, will Dass member and delegates-l for one The approaching meeting is expected, we understand, to be one of the most import- ant iu many respects ever held iu the State, Accident to ' SteamVf'. Ha iii. Welearri that the sleaner Dixie, whiWJ about leaving her wharf at Smithville, yes- terday, at 2:15 P. If., for her upward trip to this port, had ' her" crank broken,'! by which she was rendered unable to proceed., A telegram to that effect wa sent to the owners )q tblf e"if, when Ibk tea.m.5f Wm Nyceytia dispatched p bring -Dum up. The in jury to the boat will no doubt be speedily repaired 1 -v. : -: :. Co nut 7 CoramUiUaart. . A called meeting of the Board of County Commissioners will be field on Friday at 10 o'clock. This meeting is called by the Chairman, we understand, so as to give Collector. Black an opportunity of settling 4 with the county before-leaving for Raleigh, where be expects tobe on Monday, the dayr 1 tua mcmtiir mppitnir '. ' '"' ' holding of the regular meeting. KaoKe or Taer'aiiolne(ir- J5 5 f The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in city, yesterday i; , . .r 4-.,r yi ...,-r..- i'.rU) -,. 7 A. M.t 41; 1 M., 46j 2 P. M., 48? 46 f. M., 46; 9 P. M., 38; 11 P. M., 6, ,! North Carolina Conier'ence. ;;; jAlt 'the tralos'' arriving r:iti Uhe'citjr lait night .were!CTOwded w?ttfde!egats' and' Vis itors W Conference.1 'twka'estlniated that .ahout'&Ob 'were .'landed at . TtTnlon' Tiepot' a)bne, r'and the number.' is pot yet complete. The ejegales have. ,all -.beeii -assigned . to homes in :th houses of citizens as fast, as they arrived,. and the entire list were thus provided for in advance. It is ; expected. that the .opening of the session atlOo'cfock this morning- at Front -Street Church 'will be attended by agreatfconcourseof strang ers j and citizens. -Bishop 'McTyeire !will proDaoiy pe on nami antt conduct the ex-' excises. "Drs. Deems' Moran and Closs are also looked for, though we do not hear that either has yet '' arrived, ' We thought, in deed,' we caught a glimpse of Dr. Moran in the crowed last , piglit, r but rwere ,not quite certain. Rev. W. S. Black, Presiding EI: der for this district, .is. already, in attend-, ance and hard at .worlr.making the neces sary arrangements for the session, Much business is already prepared for 4be con sideration of the body, including the as sign men t of pastors to the various churches. Among others, it will devolve upon Confer ence to supply the pulpit of the Fifth -Street Church of this eity, made vacant by the ill health and consequent change of location of the Rev. J. T. Gibbs, and much interest centres upon the succession. ' From the business whichwill call for att'ention.and the great number and ability of those who ap pear as delegates, it is believed the proceed ings will be characterized by much of in terest for the general public as well as those immediately interested. We. presume the sessions will be held both morning aiad even ing. At night there will be services at Fifth Street Church as well as at the Front Street bouse. During their stay in the city the Bishop will be entertained at the house of Mr. Jno. W. Thompson, Dr. Deems at Mr. Geo. R French's, and Drs. Closs and Moran by Capt. j. E. Leggett. More Fan Ahead, Those who delight in the brilliant assem blage where, under tiro flashing gas-lights and Jn an atmosphere of dreamy, music, one may best learn the mysterious lessons of sympathy that thrill through the touch of fingers those who in all this find pleas- i ure, we say, may congratulate themselves on the present prospect. At a meeting of the Cape - Fear Light Artillery Company, held at their 'Armory last evening, it was determined to hold a grand ball at the City 1 Hall on Friday night of next week, and Cept. II. G. Planner, Serg't R. L. Harris and Mr. W. IT. Gerken were appointed. a committee to make the necessary arrange-, raents. The proceeds will be applied to the payment of the cost of the new uni forms of the Company. What ne.ed; we. say more . - From ibe Sea to the mountains.. ; Under this head the Asheville Pioneer has some very sound and practical reasons why North Carolinians, and especially the peo ple of the West, should endeavor; to make Wilmington the great commercial metropo lis and entrepot of the State. This is to be done by extending the connections of the Carolina Central Railway. We quote: In the first place, it is necessary for the1 fntureweal of our mountain country that we should reach the seaboard at the sear est practical point on the coast of our own State which offers any reasonable -inducements as a commercial point. To us Wil mington is undoubtedly that point. If we desire to become prosperous io a commer cial point of view, it is absolutely necessary that we have a commercial centre within the borders of our State which can have direct communication with the markets of both the old and new world, and that we be brought in direct communication with that point,, Certainly Wilmington offers in ducements ib tnat respect that no other place in North Carolina holds out to the people of the West.' 1 ' ! ' J . If our farmers and stock-raisers desire to become prosperous, it is necessary that they should have the best possible meanB afford-, ed them for bringing the results of their in dustries to a ready market. Tq' ihem we say. iWilmineton presents rre'aleTt advant ages than' any other place in our State, It is almost the only place in the State that rises to the proportions of a respectable city, and certainly the only one on the coast ' Situated as it is; in a section of the country, where, the necessary productions for the sustenance, of, life do not flourish in luxuriant profusion as they do in the unner .portioBiiof the" Stalest neeessarily opens a njarRei ior our pracrucu, anq piacea our producing qlasses-in a condition' to have :a&,theo advantaged of the European anlrljjotber foreign markets. (;; , - It is claimed by some that it will ruin our ' State roads ad 0 "other parts 6f-the St'ate great damage if we turn' onreyes iri the di-i rect ion of VV iliuinaton. -- We tbihk this does ' not necessarily follow.: , If sueh . , was,; the case, we know that every community looks l more or less tb its ' own local advantages. No place east' or Wnmjngtou offers any extra inducements to !he people ' of the' .West. The result -of Uarowgtt line from 'Ducktown to.Beaufyrtj .or any .other point East .would take us to Norfolk or points further north rather than to a convenient and safe port bn ottr coast. ' ' " ,1- Reoent demonstrations show us that the people Of WHmington are alive to this great project, and we believe ; their interest will, continue to increase as they see more of the great advantages that they are to gain by its consummation. Then let bur people with out a dissenting voice urge this project. Between us and the people of Wilmington will soon exist stiqnger ties, and each will feel that We have a mutual interest at stake. K Let the Cry be, M From the Seaboard tb the Mountains," and " Haste to the 'Wedding" between Wilmington acd. Asheville. .We hope the day will spnepmewben cordaof iron will unite them together, never to. be broken rand that bet ween the people of the mountains and the Cape Fear feectkra the i strongest social and business relation will xist ' " !;':S" l " J 'T ' A r - J . might have been stated iuTther that we mieht have been stated further that ihave a' port which,' is iABequaile4 .hy . .any. other" in-tistM0nra from the sei foe vessel f .deep! burtaen and from the land by railroads extending into all portions of the interior. We hare k number of porta loBg thelcoast - which 'trill always offer grea a.dva.n.tages to the lighter class of vessels-Mhose whieh follow ecoastingtradendwhjwUwiUcbnAinnfr to give employment to the railroads leading to. them in f the, interests :ef that.-trade,' but their harbors are tooiatriCatelylind-loeked pr of too limited capacity to permit thera ever to successfnlly contest" with-" us' our ciaim io uie nm importance in me state asH the. port of direct foreign shipment and im port aUon:5I brfi.h:;::-i LIST OF IiETTERS , Remaining in - the city ' i post-office ''Nov. 80, 1875i "'-;U: -: '' ' ; ;- ; '. 'A Miss Jessie Allend, Mrs Jessie Averitt, Edward'Ancrumi George sAlIefi. -B David Buddin. J BBerrv. Joe Briant. Mrs M E Bangbam, Samuel Barney,- "Thos xsrowneii,- W li Barry. d , ; . -f . . . i itC-rSallie C Collen Mrs James. ,Cor tell, Alexander Cole, Alice Coiler. " . ";'," ..' ,',..' D Ann Dudley, Benne Durairi.'. " ,V ' :E Lon Easlin, AH Evans:: ' " F Hues For,: Franklin Fielor. f . '' G Martha Jane Gery, :! Mary1 Ann Gur ley. . ; , .1 H W C Howe, Mat Hill, Mollie lliHol ton, M D Hicks, Kate Highsmith, Lon Hendee, J W Harris, Julia Hill, C W" HoJ lingswqrth, Nimrod.lhe Hunter, Miss Acorry:HolIey. h' ' '! : ' ' ' ' J Neal Jerineam, James Johnson. J Johnson, Jas A Johnson, Mrs J Johnson, ilenryjonnson. ' . : K Sallie Kersy, Mrs James King, James Keegan.. . ... . . L-p-Susan J Lord, , James "p-. Laughtbn, Charley Lytfths, Annie Lee. V " M Amalye Mark, Frank More, iEd Mc Cabe, Estell Minor, George D McMillan, Mrs J S Morrison, Jeannette Morrow, Mai vin Merritt, Martha A Melton, WA Mathies, William H Merrick, ;i :.; N- Mary C Neilan. ' s . .: ' ; O Susan E Orrell, Starkey Oten. :: P WmPadrick Sarah E Powell, Melvin Founds. R W B Rooke, Robert E Reed. , : S Mollie Smith, John Stanley, Joseph Stanley, Jacob Smith, Joseph Sharp, James. Steward. J E Southerland, J H Souther-, land, Gotberg & Son, Fanney Smith, Chas Simons, Miss C C Shepard, Amanda Smith, Amanda Steel, A J Smith. . TD Towers, Nancy Tanng, Smith Thomas. : W Geo B Wilson, D M Wright, Cathrin Williams, Charles eeks, Dudley. Whiter head, York Wiggins, Joseph Waltonr Ida Wescott. ' :. . ;( r ';'.,.. Persons calling tor letters in tiie-above-list will please say "advertised." ; If' hot called for within 80 days they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. . . . . ' : ED. li BamKi P. M. . . Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. ' CITY ITEMS; . Weare al way pleased to recommend a good articla. . Dr.. Ball' Coagh Syrup never fails-to core aCoogft or Cold in abort time. The. price ia 8 cent.' . . "" -''" NEW "ADVERTISEMENTS. 27 Nortli Front St; "'ft JUST RECEIVED, A! ! NBV STJPPLTOi,.VEHY DESlltAfcLE ' ORG A N S A written guarantee for 5 ye&ra accompany the Bale of each Oran . Call and hear them at 27 North Front Street. PIANOS! On hand from the renowned linn of Chickering & Bona. II ERR VON BULOW,' now : the greatest known Pianist ia America, ia using them at. , his Concerts, fiesaje they are ,1 The Best In "The World," and further aaya,Mwo can- help playinf well on each inatrumenu 1" Call and bear then at ! 27 North Front Street where also 8eeond-hand Pianos and Organs are on band at price to auit. , Sold ia good j order; The services of ' . . . ' :, i TBE BSSIT PIAIfO AND! OBGAn'tUNKR U , 1 ' , can be had for the trivial um of' u j -'' ' t' ' -"' r-' ' j 1 to $3 Guaranteed t AT 27 NORTH 7B0NT 8TBXB3V 1 J.:F.Rueck0rt. We Make to J ' " ' PROMPTLY AND ILKGiANTLY ' ' i1' Black ClolU Dress Sulta, ' BLUE CLOTH DRESS SUITS J ,? :;i : . BRQTCH.T8LDBKSS I SUITS, . BlatNial- tXUxed Cassimeveet I j ' Itib sad other kinda, ' i BUSINESS 'SUITS, ? - 'VER' 1 OVER COATS: and aier a ntce iMne''6f ' Ready Made ' Garnietita. 4 dtf;. ;iJ Cy Clpthierf aed ' I htnfl GUARANTEED TO BE AS GOOD as! yo'ur CIGAR dkalersklls li ONE-DIME, OR iNOjSALE: By ', i). PIGOTT. dec 1-tf i Market street The UNDER8IGNED WISHES TO INFORM the ladies that she has just returned from New York, where she has been for several weeks making her Fall parchaeea in , , , - ?, Pine Trefoil HiUinery .; and will be 'prepared in a few days: to- show- her friends and the puhjic generally the latest styles ia ' FRENCH PATTERN BONNETS: AND ATS v andeerythinkpertaiBlhgofhe baste. 'Tj have also a very ftne select ioa of Faaev tioods.. consist- Hngof - . - ' . - - .,- Iadies r Jbraeta, lloop Skirts,, V. POMPADOUR'S LAOaaV-MflWSaWr BUTTONS and Frames, Linen Collars and CulT sIandkerchtef s, Ml Orders frm the country solicited, and attended to with promptness and ear, VariStcttifteketBtwet,1 ,,; cjctSnaeAf! . . ; , MRS. L, FLANAGAN. 1 JAk u BATK8 OF AEVKRTlMNb. PtttfBaaiBiiBBBr3l, two-dayB. . ....... m - ... 1 M ( daya. Juiid.'. .... flTaava. . s $ ' onsweeK .-t... a " Two weekf..... ........ 6 Of " -C)aBuh....... 8 W " Twomonth"ii.i...I..-.77;.i?..15 OP Three aaonthfl. ... .. ....... : j 00 tXBMOthe..,,.,..,... OP 'tarCoatraet AdvcrtiaemenU taken.. at propci Uonately low rates. J - - - - - r r - ten squares at a half -Miasm,- ... ., .. ... i" I NEW- ADVERTISEMENTS.1 WMiistflii Lrtrapy Association. 1 HB RKOULAR ANNUAL MEKTING OP THE Wilminrtoa library Aaaociatioa, will be held at the library Rooms on Wednesday evening Doc 1st, at 1 o'clock. It ia hoped that there willhe a full at- wjnuauce 01 memoer as officers and Directors for the eof iring year are to be elected. nov 30-St ; J. L. WOOSTER, Lftrarfam. 3;f j ; K Athletic Clnte. ; uils THB REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF TBR A Clu will be held at the College of Physicians, Han, on Third street, on Wednesday. Dec. lat J875i at 8 o'clock P. M. GEOltttB W. BAILY, j decHc . ' ; Secretary.. f Mutton L0ulBNo.319JA.Fi&i,M. ' - " : . . -. j. JCiMBRGENT MEETING TBIS .WEDNESDAY eten ins, at 7 o'clock, for work in the Fellow-r Craft Degree. 'Visiting brethren are coi diafly in- i . Byerderof the-Wi L r- . ' PRESTON CUM MING, decMt . ; , ;t,: -J: , Secretary MISCELLANEOUS. New Hnllefl Bnctwicat. jEW GOODS, FRESH CANNED GOODS. : "Sew Raisins, Citron, Choice Red Table Apples. Save time and money by using our NEW PROCESS EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. BEST BUTTER IN THE WORLD. Try it and be convinced there's none other like It. NEW CHOICE EXTRA MESS MACKEREL, : SALMON, CODFISH, . BREAKFAST BACON, PIG HAMS. Jast in this week, a large and vat led assortment of Market Bbskets. We have the lament ttock of Fancy Groceries and Family Supp.iee in the Matej GEO. MYERS. octS4-tf " .- 11 & 13 South FroHt St. New Orleans Molasses J JIRECT SHIPMENTS AT N. Y. PRICES.' Pemerara, Cuba and Sugar House, All at lew figures. COTTON SACKSJAT $1 00 per Bunch, FLOUR," "SUGAR, COFFEE, CANDY., SPICES ' ; CANDLES, COTTON TEES, Busging, Nails, Ac. Send for camples when wanted, VT&guarantee lowest market prices. i rov 38-tf BINFORD. GROW A CO. AT ACTUAL COST, rp6 CHANGE BUSINESS, OUR ENTIRE STOCK QLOTHIITQ. , lAHwe ask Is an eSamlnatlon to eatmfy any out J j " '" ; that wc mean what we say. :' I We guarantee every article to be sold at the u "ACTUAL COST, P. and for CASH ON DELIVERY ONLY. ' . SlfRIER BROS.. 'novSStf " ' 80 Market street. $15 00 HocltMer Oyercoats $15 00 $S0 C0 HOCKHACKER OVERCOATS $20 GO fSO 0D HOCKHACKER OVERCOATS 140 00 ' HOCKHACKER OVERCOATS 4S CO " HOCKHACKER OVERCOATS f30 Cp J40 CO $45 00 i tm oo f5 00 HOCKHACKER OVERCOATS These goods are soft and thick, but Quite light in weight. The colors an d patterns are of great variet y ana anora ampie caoice. - " A. DAVID, &7 Marketstreet. A. DA A. DAVID. i nov 28-t: At Yates' Boot Store, :'J,: YOU CAN FIND Books and Statianery, BlanH Books & Hemorandnma, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, ! POCKET-BOOKS AND ALBUMS, Utialcal Ifistramentt, .noy.SS tf ,.(. .. . GAMES, TOYS, Ac., ic INFELICE, 1 . NOVEL, BY AUGUSTA J. EVANS, AUTHOR ofBenian," -st isimo' "vasnu," c, c. ilishtthi Dderful, A ngustaKTansr 11 er strange, won and fasci nating etyle; the profound depths to which she sinks the probe into human nature, touching its most aacred chorda and-rminnr-the' Intense interest th own aroand her characters, and the very marked peculiarities el Her principal ngurea, conspire to jtive an interest to the works of this eminent Southern Authoress.'' : Just recerred and for sale at ' - . - HEINSBERGER live-' Book and Music Store. notf' - r Silk and riir Hats, LADIES FURS, i SILK AND SEAL-SKIN CAPS, ' . , , i , i.-.oj'i j ! ' : i ..-'!:'' t ''. .. , At(, . HARRISON & ALLEN'S. ' novt8 tf - "'" ' 'City Bat Store. S9 Front 8f.' Reai; Premium. 1 HAVE ON EXHIBITION AT CITIZENS' MA U k'et the Real Premium Beef. Premium awarded Mr. John If. Garrell at - ear- late Fair. - Also t inc Kew River Oysters at lowest cash prices. Pteae return the Backets " ' -;novl8tf T. A. WATSON. Quns Pistols, &c. fa EMINGTON AND ENGLISH BREECH-LOAD Xl crs, Cartridge Pistols, different kinds; : ( ; SHOT -ANB-GAMB BAOS, - t Lightning Kentucky RilVe Powder, Caps, Wada, . For sale low by parts r. GEO. Al PECK. ; ' Apple, Peach, Q. ' '- fit : -. i ' I" UINCE. PEAR AND PLUM BUTTERS, Piu: nips, Bcels, Carrots. Hor?e RatUi-b and GarRa 'eat .noy'Mtf, , t ( G. IL W. BUN5E-S. Fine Butter. npnS PRESENT INVOICE OF GILT-EDGK J. BnUerisasgood aa , ever offered to the trade. Try it t Sweat Bice Batter 40 cents retail; every iurftnti pflsranteed sweet, i ' ; ' It-. .-m IS -.. T. ...1.1 . QA . . . cr pound, vau on me ior Dutter i nov Ifl-tf JAM EH C STEVENSON. Bran dy Peackes, Pickles. Oysters, &e- Q Cases Brandy Peaches, " " -j QQ Cases Picklea, Cases Oysters, JQQ Cases Lye and Potash. ' ' For salt hv botSS-W . , KERCBN INER A CALDER BROS.f