THE HOBNTHG STAB. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY &XTXS OF BCB8CBIFTIOH - U( AOTAKCK: Jae year, (by mail) postage paid,.... $7 00 Six months, ")- " 4 00 Three montha(" ") " ......... 25 One month, (" ") " " ......... 100 To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the city, Fifteen CenU per week. Our City Agent are not authorized to collect for more than 3 months In advance. OUTLINES. Spain is preparius farther reinforce ments to send to Cuba. Spanish journals are not alarmed by President Grant's mes sage. Turkish army to be reorganized. . -Babcock and twelve others indicted at St. Louis for -whiskey frauds. The speech of Gen. Henderson, employed by the Government in the St. Louis whiskey in vestigation, reflecting upon the President, his discharge as counsel has been ordered from Washington. Cabinet consid ered whiskey. - Peters & Co., a big Boston firm, failed. New York mar kets: Gold,113113i; cotton, 13i13 7-16 cents; spirits turpentine, 37 cents; rosin, $1 7Q$l 77. Two failures reported in Xew York. Injunction against Pana ma Railroad continued. Eastern question not to be raised by Germany and INFLIKNCE OF THE SOUTH. Experience and Hlzh Character of Southern Democratic Member-A Positive Policy Advocated by Them. From a regular correspondent of the Tri bune.1 Washington, Dec. G. The policy of inaction advocated by many Northern Democrats does nut meet with much favor among the outlier!! members. They dorri be lieve the Presidency is to be won by silting on the gate-post and waiting lor something to turn up. Standing stiil and railing at the Administra lion does not pass with them for statesmanship. There is a good deal more political sagacity, talent for jmbiio affairf, and parliamentary skill (somewhat rusty from . long iisuse) among the southern Kep- je-eJitalives than among their breth ren from the Northern States. The Southern Democracy, eager to as-M-it itself in national affairs, put its best man forward for Con gress, while a large number of the .Northern Democratic members were nominated without any expectation that they could be elected. The tidal wave of 1874 swept them into office to the amazement, and often the dis gust of their own party, which took ihem up to till tickets doomed, it was thought, to defeat. There is no timber for the manufacture of states mem in these accidental members, :icd not much more in a score or so of muscular, loud talking men who have worked their wav into Cougress from the back country districts by dash and impudence rather than by brain power. With an advantage in the intelli gence and political experience of its representatives the South will play a part iu shaping legislation such as it has not played since 1860. The lead ing members from that section have great faith in the Democratic party as the party destined to reform the evils of Government and put the country on the road to prosperity. They insist that it-shall be a party of action. It should employ its power ia the House, they say, to prove to the country that it is worthy of full coutideuce, that it is bold and aggres sive, as well as prudent and conser vative, and that it has a distinctive policy which it is not afraid to sub mit 10 the verdict of the people in the Presidential election. Tbis view was enlarged upon in conversation to-day by a distinguished man from one of iiie Gulf Stales. He said that iu the Democratic platforms of the past and in the utterances of the great Demo cratic leaders of former days would be found the principles which fully meet the present demands of the peo ple. Thus the theory of civil service reform was enunciated by Calhoun and Benton in their speeches point ing out the evils of concentrat ing power and ; patronage in the hands of the Executive, and the true principles of currency were ex pounded by a long line of Democratic statesmen. Iu fact, there was scar cely a public question of the day, he sai.J, for which the correct solution cuui,j not be found in the principles the oid-iime Democracy. The i'lmiiiaries of the past had onlv to be i kt-d to for light to guide the party on its future career. Iu answer to a ju. siinn as 10 the altitude of the .'Uiheni delegation toward the national debt, he was very positive in Ins assurance, that all the Drmo erasic members from the South wire determined that nothing shou d be done lending iu the remotest way tb impair the finan cial honor and credit of the nation. Thfy desired to go upon record early ii the session, on a plain declaration to that effect which would quiet any apprehension, that might be felt by tiie people of the North or by the public creditors abroad. He hoped to see an unequivocal resolution adopted by the unanimons vole of lite Democratic members of Congress hat would put it out of the power of the Republicans to charge the Demo cratic party with favoring any meas ure hoking directly or indirectly to Jtpudiation. . Gov. Brogden has comtnated t ie sentence of Austin Bill, colored, seu-'nc-d to be hung Friday in Northampton county for complicity in the murder last winter oi Mr. Preston, keeper of the rail rad bridge at Weldoo, to imprisonment to uard labor for life.' It will be remembered liat one of the murderers on being hune acknowledged his own guil., but claimed luat Austin Hill was innocent of the crime charged. Jl HE VOL. XVII.-NO. 67. MASONIC GBISD LODGE. Fourth aud La Oaf, Abridged from the Raleigh News of Thursday. Various reports from committees were read and adopted. The report of the committee on the Orphan Asylum was completed and adopted. Mr. J. H. Mills accepted the posi tion of Superintendent of the Asylum for another twelve months. . Resolution of thanks to railroads and steamboats and to the hotels of this city, for courtesies extended, were adopted. The Committee on Accounts and Claims made its report, which was adopted. An invitation from P. Hobgood to visit the Baptist Female Seminary was adopted. Adjourned for dinner. The Lodge met at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and after the considera tion of certain committee reports, ad journed sine die. Spirits Turpentine Fourteen knights entered for the Toisnot tournament on the 38d. Kaleigh will have Kate Fisher and her horse "Wondei" Monday night. Mr. T. J. IJoliiiisou, with snfii cicnt force, will st:ri "IT in a few days to survey Hie hue of the F vein viileHiul Golds boro Kauroad. A foolish attempt to burn the JNasD county jail was made by the inmates. three negroes, on Thursday night of last weeK, says tue bentiMl. Advance : Why is Wilson the greatest agricultural coumy in the State ? iiecausc it has so many excellent Barnes. and contains more Farmers than any other couniy. Col. Pool has presented three bound volumes of Gur Living and Our Dead to lhe Southern Historical Society to 1 : . 1 . ' . . . uv aepi in me arcuives 01 mat association. Gin bouse and machinery, sev eral bales of cotton and a quantity of cot ton seed, all belongiug to Sir. J. J. Bvnum. of Wilson county, were burned last "Satur day night. . A movement is on fool in Wil son to further and aid the proposed move ment to establish a daily niuin line between this point and Wat-hiugton, N. C.,' passing by the offices of Saratoga, Marlboro. Farm ville, Greenville and Paclolus. . Wilson Advance : The re-election of our honored townsman G. W. Blount. Esq., to the position of Grand Mas ter of the Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina, against his expressed wishes not to retain the office, was a compliment well deserved. U. S. Circuit Court record of Thursday as condensed from the Keto . The jury in the case of Murphy & Co., of Greene county, vs. the Old Dominion In surance Comparn', of Richmond, Va., ren dered a verdict in favor of the plaintiff in the sum of $1,500, and interest from the lime the insurance was due. The case of Seymour & Co., of New York, vs. the West ern Railroad, was taken up on Wednesday and continued 1 bursday. It appears that the plaintiffs threw up the contract after a short time in connection with the building of the road, and entered suit against the company for alleged failure to comply with the terms entered into. The suit was con tinued on the docket until the war. It has been recently revived, and probably stands as the oldest case before the Court. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Geo. Myers. Luxuries. Walker Mearks. A Card. Albert Peacock. Horses Stolen. Heixsberger. Christmas Presents. C. R. Rocndell. Notice to Trespassers. Local Dot. The Bergers and "Sol" played at Newbern last night. Judge Ilenrv .dispatches busi ness with a great deal of alacrity. The fire alarm bell in the steeple of the First Presbyterian Church, which has been out of order for some time past, was repaired yesterday. Mr. J. T. Bullard, of Lumberton, has received the appointment of U. S. Com missioner at that place, as we learn from a private letter received heie yesterday. We now have two U. S. Com- - . a. . . m . . misstoners suie ny- ie in "Magistrates Row,' opposite the Court House. "You pays your money and takes your choice. Hereafter iu cae of fire the bell of the A. M. E. Church coruer of Fifth and Red Ciuss streets wi 1 be rung by recom mendation of Chief Aloore, of the Fire De partment. The Henderson Davis before the Mayor's Court Thuisday morning, we are requested to say, is a stranger here and not the individual by thil name so wel. known in this city. - Rev. James E. Mann, the pas- tor,.being necessarily absent, tiie pulpit of Front Street Methodist Church will be filled to-morrow (Sabbath), morning and evening, by Rev. Jesse A. Cunninggim, of Greens boro, one of the Coufereuce College agents. Rev. F. R. Howell requests us to say that services will hereafter be held as usual in the First Baptist Church (color ed), the announcement of suspension made some days since not having been duly au thorized. Miss Kate Fisher, who has created a great sensation here and elsewhere in years past by her appearance in the play of Mazeppa, will be at the Opera House with a full company on Wednesday evening next and give one exhibition, with her horse " Wonder," in her favorite part WILMINGTON, Tbe Fire Yesterday niornlair. lesterday moraine, about half-past 3 o'clock, the alarm b,ell at the market house sounded for fireTIt was at an hour of the morning when people generally sleep tbe soundest and it was some minutes before many of them were aroused. The fire was found to have originated in the building on the west side of Third, between Nun and Church streets, owned by Bishop Atkinson and occupied by Capt. Walker Meares. The fire department soon arrived on the spot and by their united exertions the flames were speedily extinguished; not, however, before the house had been so bad ly damaged as to be unfit for service, The building was insured in the "Conti nental," represented by Messrs. Atkinson & Manning, for $1,000, which, we under stand, will fully cover the loss. Capt Meares' loss in the burning, removal and breakage of furniture, &c., was, we regret to leacn, quite severe. Immediately upon discovering the fire, we hear, Capt. Meares made all haste to the nearest engine house (Cape Fear No. 3) and gave the alarm, which enabled that engine to bo at the fire in a very short space of time, which act of prudent foresight on his part no doubt resulted in the safety of the adjoining buildings We regret to learn that Col. Roger Moore, Chief of the Fire Department,' met with quite a severe accident, his left arm being bad'.y wrenched by falling over a lot of rubbish. By prompt attention, however. my p-obiibility of serious inconvenience was if-moved, though the wouudtd limb i!l necessarily be very painful for a few days. Mr. P. T. Dicksey, of the Bucket Compauy, was also quite painfully injured about the face by a burning brand falling against it, while Mr. R. W. Andrews, our local confrere of the Journal, who runs with the Hook and Ladder " mercbine," had his right thumb dislocated by being thrown violently against an iron fence as the truck was on its return from the fire. Tbe wound, of course, is a very painful one. The insufficiency of the alarm yesterday morning was very evident, and we are glad to see, in this counection, that Chief Engi neer Moore is alieady making an effort to prevent a recurrence of the evil. The exact cause of the fire is unknown but it is believed to have originated from the hrnitiou of matches carried into the ceiling by rats, Ccnuiy Couimlidoueri. The Board met yesterday murniug: pres ent, the Chairman, John G. Wagner, Esq., and Commissioners S. VanAmringe and L. Nixon. The following township claims were or dered to be paid, they having been ap proved by the Commissioners of Pender county: Henry Edens, Grant Township, $14. Sam Nixon, E'.i and Thomas Nixn, $49. Andrew Nixou, Grant township, $38. E:i Nixon, Grant township, $4 60. Alf Lloyd, Grant township, $24. Application of John Thompson for re mission on poll tax, recommended by Nor wood Giles, granted. Application of Moses Granger for remis sion of taxes, not granted. Application of C. L. Love for remission of taxes, referred to the Finance Com mittee. Application of Valentine Fillyaw to be excused from working on the public roads in consequence of his having lost the use of his arm, granted. It. M. Watson, Zeny Freeman, Charles T. Jackson, II. Marcus, J. L. D. Klander, John Davis fc Co., and II. Ohlandt, were granted license to retail spirituous liquors. Application of W. II. Turlington, for re mission of taxes was referred to Finance Committee. Application of J. C. Hill for remission of taxes was granted, they having been listed bv E. Kidder. Application of Francis Northrop, laid on the table. Application of Martha Stredric for remis sion of taxes, referred to Finance Com mittee. Report of II. E. Scott, on hospital and poor house, received and ordered on file, It was ordered tbut any and all papers in I this city that have had the advertisement in said papers of the civil cases pending in the Superior Court of this county, be notified by the Clerk that the county will not pay for the same, not having ordered it to be inserted. It Laving been reported to the Board that the ori Jge over Smith's Creek, as also tbe footway near said bridge, is out of repair, it was ordered that the matter be referred to the Chairman with power to act. The report of the County Treasurer was received and ordered on file. Application of A. J. Deliosset, for remis sion of taxes, was granted. Application of A. L. Dt Russet, for rt mis sion of taxes, granted. Application of Peggy Buir, for relief, was referred to the Poor Committee with power to act. The Board then took a recess until this morning at 11 o'clock. Tbe Sober Second Thoesbl. The door of one of the cabins which was surrounded by the pom who " went forM the railroad robbers, Thursday morning, was suddenly opened and the muzzle of a rusty musket, with a dusky head at the op posite end of it, was thrust through the opening. The two eyes which belonged to the head in question must have discovered something uninviting in the spectacle out side, however, for Immediately afterwards something was heard to "drap" with a heavy thud upon tbe floor, which, upon in vestigation, proved to be the musket afore said. . . MoBNiMe- N. C, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1875. Superior Con rt Special Term. Court met yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, pursuant to adjournment, His Honor Judge Henry presiding. The following cases were disposed of. D. A. Smith & Co. w. Isaac B. Grainger. Plaintiffs called and failed; judgment of non-suit entered. D. M. Buie and wifeta. Mechanics' Build ing Association. Argued. Messrs. London and Empie for plaintiffs. J. W. Owens & Co. cs. H. Marcus. Judg ment for plaintiff for $313 81, including in terest. Isaac n. Brown . John J. Moore and Samuel P. Hand. Removed to Pender. John E. Lippittw. D. A. Smith and W. W. B. Smith. Judgment for defendants. The remainder of the cases set for trial yesterday were either continued or set for a hearing on some other day. Court adjourned until 10 o'clock Monday morning, mayor's court Several cases of minor importance were disposed of yesterday morning, among which were one or two "drunks" and a few "disorderlys," one case of forestalling in the market, which was dismissed at the cost of the prosecutor, who failed to appear, &c. A number of cases of a graver character were continued for a future healing, among which may be mentioned t".at of Fortune Baker, charged with the larceny of a piece of meat, Jack Primus, charged with steal ing a shawl, and Henry McRae, charged with hU a!ing the sum.of fifteen cents from Harvey Lruwn, a prisoner in the Guard Houfce. It M.i ais that McRae had been cm ployed to carry food to sqme of the prison ers and while there for that purpose it is alL'ged that be succeeded in stealing the amount referred to, About a dozen cases still remain on the docket, among which there are three or f ur for violations of the wharf ordinance. These will probably be disposed of this morning. Hope Thieves at Work. On Thursday night Dr. Harrell, who re sides at Whiteville, went to Peacock's Store, on the W., C. & A. R. R, in Colum bus county, for the purpose of visiting some patients.and took lodgings for the night with Mr. Albert Peacock. The next morning, upon visiting the stables to look after his horse, it was foiind.that his own animal nad that of Mr. Peacock had been stolen during the night and carried off. Both gentlemen started in pursuit, going about a mile on foot, for which distance the animals were tracked, when they returned. Dr. IXarrel1 and a neighbor then procured horses and again started in pursuit, but at last accounts no tidings had been received from the pur suers. The missing horses are both very fine ones. Since writing the above a reward has been offered for the recovery of the stolen horses, the particulars of which will be found elsewhere. Fire on idyrile Grove Sound. The dwelling house on Myrtle Grove Sound, in this county, belonging to Mr. Joseph N. Burriss and occupied by Mr. David R. King, was destroyed by fire on Thursday night, the 9th in&t., about 11 o'clock. The family, who were asleep id one of the upper rooms, were first awakened by the falling in of tbe roof and had barely time to escape with their lives, but after wards succeeded in saving the most of their furniture. The fire ia supposed to have originated from a spark from the chimney, which is believed to have ignited the roof near it. The loss, is between $700 and $1,000, but our informant was not advised A3 to whether there was any insurance on the building. Sale ot "Orton." Mr. C. R Roundell.of England, who has been spending some days in our city with a view to locating in tbis section, has pur chased tbe well-known " Orton "plantation, located 15 miles below Wilmington. . Tbe " Orton",tract embraces 9,000 acres of land. including over: 800 acres of the finest rice land on the Cape' Fear. Mr. Roundell in tends residing on the place; and, being a gentleman of means, will no doubt soon make " Orton" what it once was, the most productive plantation in this section. Pith tine. Elijah Kctter and C. H. Grant were ar rested yesterday morning, charged with engaging in an affray somewhere in the southern part of tbe city during the early part of the dav. The former, we learn, presented a very bloody appearance when he at rived at tbe City Hall. Both parties were held for a hearing before the Mayor this mojning. ' Our Heu-Ilonee Phlloeopby. Blessed are we fcince our last chicken and turkey were taken by the wings in tbe morn ing and stolen away, for our rest has been sweet. J) or a pillow 01 icnicKenj aown shall not be soft to the bead on whose hen roost sits a featbei and aDunaance 01 Christmas turkeys brings grievance of spirit. Rejoice, therefore, in such like afflic tions, and attend this newer gospel of peace. C n mailable Letter. The following is a list of unmailable letters remaining in the city postoliice: Louis A. Davis, No. 7 Exchange Place, Box 24; H. C. Bunce, Cool Spring, Long Island, New York; G. W. Gates, Gawlisburg, N. C; Miss Glen Reaves, No 7, Dowghty St., Charleston, S. C. BauK of Tuermometer. The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterday; 7 A. M., 38; 13 M., 47; 2 P. M., 48; 4:30 P. M., 48; 9 P. M., 40; 11 P. M.,88. Siiii Boner Hrldjce. The approaches to this structure have been settling for some little time, and it is now believed that tire whole bridge is in a precarious condition and becoming every day more and more likely to tfve way un der some heavy load. We are aware that this is a year of enforced economy in the municipal administration, but will it not be better economy to make now the small bat- lay necessary for repairs than to wait until some car or carriage falls through into the gulf, destroyingthe lives, perhaps, of many- valuable citizens and involving the city in suits for hundreds of thousands of dollars ? We would not desire to spread needless alarm, but we have long regarded the bridge with anxiety. In this connection wc notice that the foot-bridge buiit at this point by our public spirited citizens, Messrs; John Colville and F. W. Foster, h taking on a neat coat of paint. We hope that the authorities may be induced to investigate the condition of its big neighbor C. K. Light Artillery Ball. Cloudless skies and brilliant moon over head; the air cool and bracing on the prom enade outside; light and warmth and merry music within; Collins in the supper-room below, beauty and chivalry and gallant ar tillerists all around, and Captain Flannerin charge upon the floor what wonder that feet were nimble and hearts beat high and appetites were good and that no ghostly Indigestion stalked among the happy throng upon which we looked in as it went and came, swayed and fluttered, crossed and swung and revolved in mazy orbits like the stars for intricacy yet lack of jostle, over the great hall where the C. F. L. A. held forth last night. The sightawakene varied emotions of pleasure even in the tough old bosom of the slave of the quill as he looked; and in that moment he wish ed, as he had often wished before, all man nerof good luck and abundant glory to this our youngest military company, and that all tbe gentle people there might see many recurrences of the pleasant occasion and their hearts never grow too old to en joy them. CITY ITEMS. The beat and chevest In the world. T)r Ttiill" Cough Syrup only coals yon 25 cents, and if it dots uui cure your cougn you can get your money back. Book Bikdxbt. i bjs moknuis stab Book Bind ry does all kinds of Binding and Ruling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. Transfer PEiKTUfo-lints. invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders, promptly and at moderate prices. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LUXURIES! HPRY ATMORK'S NEW PLUM PUDDING AND jl save trouoie ana expense. Also At mere's 3Unco Moat, SWEET CIDER OH DRAUGHT, NEW LATER RAISINS, Whole, Half and Quarter Boxes, NEW CITRON, DRUM FIGS, Dried Prunes, litf cents per pound. Harmony, Table Sherry, Choicest ever brought to this Stat e Hennessey and Otard Duprey & Co. BRANDY, VINTAGE 1818L Blue Grass aud Gem, RAMSAY BCOTCH WHISKEY. Freeh and New Family Groceries arriving evety wveK ut TTBOiesue races. GEO. MYERS, dec 11-tX 11 13 South Front St Notice to Trespassers. .HE UNDERSIGNED , HAVING PURCHASED the plantation known as Orton, with the view of residing on it, notice is hereby given that any person trespassing on the premises will be prosecuted; and all permissions hitherto gives for shooting and hunting on said premises axe hereby cancelled. C. R. ROUNDELL. dec 11-ttm J. A. BYRNE, Agent. Horses Stolen. LIBERAL HE WARD. STOLEN FROM MY STABLE LAST NIGHT AT Peacock's More, one brown Buck Horse 14 years old, in nne oraer, maae rather oa the .Pony styie. Also one Bay iiorse with waits snip on the nose and one wnlie foot; in good otUer; rather amall size. A liberal rewarawiu be givtn lor the recovery of said llorves, or either of tnem, or for the arrest of the thieves. ALBERT PEACOCK, dec li lt Peacok s biore W., V. A. K. it Ten Thousand and One CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE IMMENCB stock and great variety of Holiday uoods now m tue Lire Book Store. If you are ia want of something for a Christmas Present, CaB at once and maie your selection from the Beautiful variety, at HEINSBBRGER'S dec 11-tf Live Book and Music Store. A Card. T , . a , .. ... O THE FIRS DEPARTMENT AND TO MY many friends, who tendered ne such prompt, gal lant and efficient aid in saving say effects frusa the Are of yesterday, I feel deep gratitude, and beg that they will individually accept my sincere thanks, decll-lt WALKER MEARES. WHOLE NO. 2,674. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MILLINERY. " Tiie undersigned wishes to info om the ladies tht Bha has just returned frem New York, where she has been for aover&l weeks making her Fall purchases in Fine French Millinery, and will be prepared ia a few days to show her friends and the public generally the latest sty lee in FRENCH PATTERN BONNETS AND DATS, and everything pertaining to the business. I have also a very fine select ton of Fancy Goods, consiet h!g of , . V. . Ludiet' Corsets, Hoop Skirls, POMPADOUR'S LACES. FRINGES, BUTTONS SLIPPER PATTEBNS, MOTTOES and Frames, Lin on Collars and Cnffs,Ilaiidkn.hlefa, Neck Tic. Knching Belts, Switches, BraUis, and the largest and cheapest stock of Zephyr Worsted and aneuana wool to oe naa ini tide r Baltimore. Orders from the country soltci'ed and attended to witn I'romjptness and care. Variety Store, 4i Market Street. , oct 3 nactf MRS. L. FLANAGAN. A TnmMe m (Mini. Another Great Redaction in prices at A, David's, inhisTftllerieg Department. Suits made to order in the most Fashionable styles. - A fit and satisfaction guaran teed to every customer. RXAVT-H ADB CLOTHNS Sold at a Sacrifice to make1 room for a holiday supply. dec 10-tf - A. DAVID. For Fair Week ND EVERY OTHER WEEK IN THE YEAR, at lowest prices to buyers on the $ pot, and all or. ders filled at the ruling price of the day they are re ceived, thus giving customers sending orders direct 10 us me same ao vantage mat they would have if preecne, . .... - ; SmoM Bacon in Ms. anfl Boies. Dry Salted Meat Sides, Shoulders, Bellies and Backs, HAMS IN TIERCES OR SMALL PACKAGES, Breakfast Strips, Mess Pork, Water Gronnd Meal. Fish, Mackerel, Mullets Herrings, &c. SUGAR, COFFEE, SALT, MOLASSES OF ALL KINDS, ( Syrup, all Kinds; Flour, all Qualities; and over COO different articles of Fancv Groceries. Call or order from us, corner of Dock and Front streets. Wilmington, H. C. nov 10-tf ADRIAN & VOLLERS. Bacon, Bagging, Sugar, Coffee, &c. JQQ Boxes D. S. and Smoked Bacon. 2QQ Rolls Bagging, 2QQ Barrels Sugar, all grades, JQQ Bags Coffee, 1000 Bbli n0'. Q Q Q Sacks Am. nd Liverpool Salt, Candles, Candy, Cotton Ties, Sheeting, Yams, Freeh Peaches, Toraa.6ea, Oysters, Soap, Starch, Lyc, Potash, Matches, Nails, Rice, Glue and Snuff. For sale by dec5-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Greensboro Female College, GREENSBORO N. C. The SrTONG SESSION OF 1879 WILL BEGIN on Wednesday, tbe 13th of January, and continue twenty weeks. Board (exclusive of washing asd lights) T3. Tuition in regular course, $35. Charges for extra studies moderate. For Catalogues containing particulars,, apply to Rev. T. M. Jones, President N. H. D. WIL80N, President of Board of Trustees dec 7-2m Butter, Crackers, Cheese, Ac. 2 TUBS G. E. BUTTER ; ' ij Bbls and Boxes Crackers, ail kinds; 100 Bozes factory and State Cheese ; 12 Bbls Peerless Potatoes APPLES. TURNIPS and OWfO'WS. -For sale by : Udec, S-tf WILLIAMS & MURCBISON. Our Box Box Half-Dime Cigars. GUARANTEED TO BE AS GOOD AS YOUR CIGAR DEALER SELLS YOUFOR ONE-DIME, OR NO' SALE. By D. PIGOTT. decl-tf 22 Market street Bargains ! Bargains ! E STILL CONTINUE TO SELL AT COST. LOOK AT OUR PRICES! FINEST LINEN COLLARS, 00 per dozen; WOOLEN UNDERSHIRTS, $1 50; MERINO USDERSHIRT8. 65 ceate; BEST BRITISH SOCKS, $8 00 dozen. We are selling othin for 35 per cent less than was ever known to be sold at before in this city. dec 9 tf SHRIEK BROS. Pocket Stoves. ANEW THING. EVERT SPORTSMAN AND Housekeeper should have smo. - KNOX FLUTING MACHINES. FE DOGS, Smoothing Irons, tc. For sale low b . . , ' dectf . : f Qgo-A. PECK. Coffee, Coffee, Coffee. 200 BAGS COFFEE. For sale by ' deeft-tr KERCUNER C ALDER BROS. Fire Crackers, Fire Crackers. QQ BOXES FIRE CRACKERS. For sale try dec 9-tf KERCHNER A CA LDER BROS. 1111 III1 fii BATES OF AlTVKHTlin, On Square one day....... .......,...:......." " " two days......... ............ . 1 M ". M three days 5 H . " " four days .....i.. 8 " " Its days S t " . one week..., S t " Two weeks.... 5 Oi " Three weeks 6 M r " . One month... ;.i 8 00 " " Two months ..;...1&00 Three months S3 00 " . Six: months.... ...88 00 " OneTear. .....60 0 Contract Advertisements taken at propei Uonatelv low rate. . . . Five Squares estimated as a quarter-cblnmn, and ten squares as a half -column. MISCELLANEOUS. ACORN COOK. iih or without Portable Hot Water Reservoir and Closed. Eca't buy u til-fuUo&ei Stort, tat gt na - With all latest improvements. Largest Oven and Floes. Longest Firs Box for long weod. Ventilated Oven, Fire Back and Fire Box Bottom In sures a Quick, Sweet and Even Bake and Roast. Swing Hearih and Ash Catch. Won't sou floor or carpet Durabie Double and Braced Centers and Ring Covers. Burns but little wood. Has Mica of Solid Iron Front Carefully Fitted Smooth Castings. No Old Scrap Iron. Nickel Plated Trimmings. -Tin Lined Oven Doors. Ground and Silver-like Polished Edges and Houldicgs. Heavy. Best Hm Iron. , Won't crack. WASSAXTES SATISTACT037. Manufactured by RATHB0NE, SARD & CO., Albany, N. Y. Sold by an ZfilerptiAng Dealer in try 7bia - PARKER & TAYLOR, rov 13-D2taw Sa Tu A WSnv Wilminwon. for the Holidays. ArO GIFTS BETTER APPRECIATED ! Just out-New, Freehand Handsome. Gems of English Song. A perfect collection efsonea. with 'niann Baniment, comprising over 75 of the choicest Sonei, allads. Duets and Quartets known: selected m.n. great care, and with especial regard to quality and popularity. .... .. . 231 pages, fall music e:ze. The New York Erenina 'Mail tavs? "A mn.t .-- truirdinary collection of really fine songs. One could hardly imasine so many wrlfnhl mn could be oh tali, ed in a tingle volume. ' i-nce, jz.Du piain; f a uo in muslin; f4.00 fulrgilt. Of the same form and price, full music tize, are "GEMS OF STRAUSS." A new eAltW mm. prising over 100 beet Strauss Waltzes, etc., etc. "Organ at Home.' 'Musical Treasure." . "Gems of German Son"." "Pianoforte Gems." "Gems of Scottish Song." "Moore's Irish Melodies. " ' Any of the above books s-jnt. Dcst-Dftid. forreta-1 price. f O. DITSON St CO., I CHAS. H.DITSON CO, Boston. J . 711 Broadway, N. Y. , dec 8-dAwSw Wed & Sat Office Dining Saloon, Dawson's Bunk Lane. . - Between Front and Water Streets, Win. ST. Collins, Proprietor. TniS FAVORITE EATING SAt-OON IS NOW 'in fall operation, and all the delicacies of the season served at the shortest notice. Also regular meals served and day boarders accommodated on REASONABLE TERMS. ; 1 WM. M. COTJLTK8. oct 13-TnesASat tf For the Holidays. GEORGE IIOMET IS NOW NORTH PURCHASING A NEW STOCK - : ' ; OF . JEW SILVERWARE, rfcL, ' Which will arrive In a few day and will be sold at -. A3 TONISSnfQL Y LOW PSICES ... ! DecStf New Orleans Molasses, JIRECT SHIPMENTS AT N T. PRICES.' . Demerara, Cuba and Sugar House, ' AUaiUw sgarea.' " ; COTTON SACKS AT $1 00 per Bunch, PLOUR, 8UGAH, OOFPIB, CANDY, SPICKS CANDLES, COTTON TTES, Bagging, Nails, Ac ; Send for camples wkes wanted. - We guarantee lowest market prices. . , . novg8-tf BINFOBD, CROW A OO. Monroe Higi Sohdolf ' Monroe,-N.'C NEXT SESSION BEGINS JANUARY 10th, Baild. lne new. lanre and well adabted. health 1 ro ruruuu. x-upua preparea ior term. TulMo&s $15 to $30. PapUs prepared for College. Board $43 per Eena ior mrcoiar. aec iu 4tv J. D. HODGES'. Horses M Mnles at Auction. Corner Princess and Second Streets. fXX TO-MORROW, SATURDAY, 11th Uitt , iox o'clock a: M. CRONLY & MORRIS. Auctioneers. dec J0 2t Superior Beef, &c. 17INS BEEP, CORN-FED PORK, TURRETS, ? Chickens. Sausages. New River Oysters. Ac. now oa hand at theo.d stand, the Citizens' Market, on Market, between Second and Third streets. Parties bavins buckets marked "Citizens' Mar ket" will please return them. , dec 10-tf T. A. WATSON, Proprietor. Fresh Mountain Beef. For ale by tbe Quarter. Very Cheap. dec 10-tf JAMES C. STEVENSON. DEXTISTBY. I HAVE RBMOYED MY OFFICX to the former Picture Gallery of M r. C. W. Yates: and haviac secured the I assistance of Dr. W. M. Huston, a eradnate of the Pennsylvania Dental couege ana row years- experience in practice, we are prepared to execute all work in Dentistry la the best possible manner. J AS. E. KEA, sec iv-iw marxet Bt, Wilmington, n.v. Se JEWETT, BOOKS J. D. LOYES.OLD STAND, dec7-if 37 North Front street r

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