: a III! . rj f - ffif :: if 3 4 1 s 11 IP P Morning Stat. Witt. H. BERNARD, l.l ; CICERO W. -MAKHlijlly . ? WILMlRG TONN. C: Tujbsda yMoRKiNO. : Dee.i-1 4 ""4 875. r'r - --.U-- lOUllM i . ,M.vwwy ... 7- ---r . . .... . . dieted fonisraiplwity with the noton- ons .ring in &U Jjoms wmcn cneatea . -y-rr Y T rs- .- .... . theUa elri-ael flut oi millions ot ravenne. Bristow. Secretarv of the Treasury, started the pending inves- tiiration. doubtless after finding out the relations the President's.-Secre- ' -r tar. had with th rinr in forwarding tary had with the nngnjorwaraing lnrormaiion irom v asuj,itg(.oa .wjnou enabled tbo thieVeS to gd on With their . ... itefanqus work in saf etjT. v eil, ins tow may have desired to be President next time,' and may have seen in Bab cock's fall ereat iniurv to the Pre6i- 0 i i dent, or he may have done only his ini'':.;.i;-' Ar -.!! UUIV lrreSpeCllTB W tUU tOU&Iuer- tions. Any liow the aff3irs of the slavery as its cornerstone. The Kepuuli , ;i . i - .j cans are prepared for die emergency and ring hayebeen partially investigated, ready-fort lie strangle which is rapidly p- The President was bound by his cirr cum'sta'nees to give car.. WacAtothe prosecutors. And his permission has been so far pretty well availed; of. But Inere was a "hitch when ex-Senator IleudersoB, employed by the Gov ernment as prosecutor, saw fit in the exercise of idutie its autrael to strike higherHh:aniabcock hit his master aridrftied tJiei.l'residcbt. The" followiug (passage certainly hit Grant in a very rolt. place: "Wby does this man Douglass bend the sujTple binges of the knee and yield to the President's interference, or that of "his pri vate secretary ?? it was tne anry or Vuug lass to have carried out that order or i e- sia ned his position. Would to God that we had more of that veteraa sjuff that former ly animated Federal vfhceis! Why not leave an office when you can no longer .wield it with dignity aad manhood ? Viiat have we gamed by t&&!a'bolitioa of - the black man's slavery if the white man is to be sub stituted for him in the shackles ami chains of men, a wotse system of slavery ? If men would bin for. a moment they would rath er live in honored private life than to pos- right that be President" that should iramor- power o 'BabkTuTofOTenVS &tBaHTw he was poor, and he felt that his position uepencieu npou bts obeying the behests nf Ihose who had no right to interfere with his duties. Now this provoked an angry cor respondence between the Law De partmeut at Washington and the U. S. District Attorney at' St. Louis, which was terminated by the dismis sal of Henderson. Yesterday's dis patches state the views of Mr. Glover, to whom was offered the position filled by Henderson. It will be seen that the "President's interference'' continues.- . Fettered by his superiors, Mr. Glover seems unwilling to step into Mr. Henderson's shoes. Another crook in this cnooked busi ness is the report that Blaford Wilson, Solicitor of the Treasury, "expects to go" with Henderson, bis head roilin off to save the reputation f some oi.e higher Bp. be teoof of the late news is certainly unfavorable to" a farther figjd Titv&tigation of the frauds, it was all wellPenoagb. until the Presi dential wool was about to be siuged, then presto the thing must stop. 'The whiskey riog are glad; they may well rejoipe,"al6ng with lb!r accomplices and paassociatesfor the dismissal j of the'pefibns'who fleem io"bef mainly respoiwblej'o5(thetren-en'ousrevela tions that have been as yet only hinted t srrow-tbat the Aajninrstration is . 9. a B si I gilotry'tosave4Usel. at all haz- ards. The question is, "will it?" Do not the people see whose hand is en gaged : Wllre disreputable. business of shi.lifgcMminalsW6ii justice ? rue- ritcVr ELEC- TION. It will take place -in New Hamp shire, and from signs is likely to be unrwiaUy se aud- dnbtful: - Last Mareh;ihe Kepfiblieans bnlv "rasui ? more votes than thelKinocrais ai.d failed to stcure a in:j.rity over' both Democrats and Prohibitionists by oer, fOO-- votes,- The election was thrown 'ill to "the Legislature, which was Kepubiidah, and Mr. Cheney was ebosruv i87lT there, was a similar stale of affairs, when, the Democrats bavifrgttVefiegislatore, 'iSovJ Weston was chosen.;' llie 'Prohibltiomsfs in the last two ' elections held the "bal- anee of power, and are'likely id do -3 .L'-t ' ""ii Vl ? - in the next. heir rote fell off very , ., ,- yi ' ' neavuy, however, last March, and possibly they will have the good . f r rvt -.n t'if k.. i!. M .1. I - uul, meutiu aiiogemer. J he Uep5fi.hs afe a5out certain to j Knomiiiate"'lCrb.v:rtCbefie'TV and the , jr,.. .i; , .i j j ,c IocrafHe importance of the 'Qs;lsjftHl!tc;''pjutf -p their best Marakalast him5 ' v " i ,Vll , , , Webavebefore-inran able addresr eliverpallfiGleiPiifJiind before ti e l . yM'lruff County (AikanKa) AgrV 4 nliiii al A'hsoiiatir.n. GarlatMw one oi liitt t iaHig men - of our Soothe rn THE IttADNESii OF SCOCNDBEIalsM buch laDguago a3 ttie loiiowine from an editorial in ie Wasbingtoh National JtenMhiM&& not4o -much . J. . r r ahieh stroke of lunacv a7it k the fell cmashiiiL' of a dsoainner orsranfnn a onna&y School UOnYertion at " " w inenepuuncaDsare quae lnuuicicu as to tlx course which aeCoafetferale t(wke.iu lhe lOrKanizaUdnr 06. tfce House, m. J ,1 I ut utrt ull Republicaq pariy.ao-iheCoBfcderate De-T i itenuuiican nanv aaaiue vOBivunaw I ---J - . . .... I t'nnfprii'mtB nnwcT cannot maintain arec - 0ffnized puiufcaj foothold Mrtrftbtfr within iuw umon. c'uxu i ..- "" - I Dower dunut the Jate war: we reiuser 10 rt.conize it now.- Inside of the -U-iou us outtide of h Union w huye uo cauipro- micK.lo mnlro -illnl ; W rt denliinfl "dii- COuditiouul surrender," and the isioith will yet make this demand as good on the aiona of uiUional politics as she did on the fierd of battle. Uohfetlerate repre- 1 A-VIVA VI VOIUV. ----a.u-- -"f I ... . . a ... ...siti - I seniauon in mc American congress wiu u, Coufederate powef in theelec- toral Congress will be broken, confederate d.-minatiou in the late Jave States of the Uuiun will not be submitted to. We trust tliat this exDlicit exDlanatioa will lead to a ctear uujleistafldiugj between, those who fiiugui to desiryy the uhioriiail those who fought to preserve it. A Confederate bouin within the Union, restinsr on nejrro serfdom as its corner stone, is infinitely more dan- as us corner stuue, is muuncij -uic ..- gerous to ihe cause ;of Republican insu'tu- tions in the new world. than a Confederate ,,--,,. Knlnn rmtinor'nn rtfirro proachiug The paper that gets off such high pressure foolishness as the above de- serves no consideration, as such stuff will mislead but few.- The then who run the Republican, Bishop Haven, President 'Grant and the Whiskey . . , , Ring of Missouri ouglit to bo straight- way. organized into a mission to as- certain why eeitatn people linger superfluous on the -stage. Presently some one will be asking, who killed cock-robin Grant? and where is the third term arrow thai did the fatal work? -. - ' - -:r : THE CUFEDEKITK WaB DEB V TUo .Vol.:---.. r uo m aauniiuii uinicfuuuucni i the Philadelohia Times teleffraohs th9r'reMn.5A K nMA " V by a projpinent Soqtheq Cwigress- man, a gentleman who wfts aii Officer of "the Confederate army, and has the Confederate war debt shall never be recognizenl or assumed by ihe tJm , . .. V ' - j Ba " irueu tiunng unu oy ine war snail ever be esleemea lawlul. and 1 II I t I that the national credit rausC be. ever k - ,.lw..i rr, . ... . . ftcui uiuuiuvawicu, X Ii left Will UCPUU' I iuiLi.u iu me -uut- at uu euny uay, and the utmost confidence is express ed that it will be adopted with but feeble dissent. In his editorial letters to the Spring field Republican Mr. Bowles says that at present Tiideu and Lamar is the strongest Democratic ticket for the nomination, and on the Republican side Bristow and Blaine. Mr. Lamar has forbidden the use of bis. name in connection with the Vice Presidency, and as he is a sincere man we see no J use in keeping -it before -the public. u. . ' . .t i by common conseut there is to be no outheiu inaii oil fhe ticket. Cir zn tmics ehal4-iot iriake capital in that 1 r-.&i - ' ? i- . 'ii. .. v .... -v- . - ti ' .7 i i .. iiie-i-iew iuih crtft nasseuiOUb I a i expedition . to capture Twttd. That paper appears to think there is nc donbtf he was in Connecticut a few;days;agn, and that he is cow. con cealed in the city of New York. The escape of the noted criminal was is disgrace to the Officials who controlled or ount to liavo controlled his per- j - i ...... ; son ana 11 09 IA not retanen ttie puD- lie will be forced to regard .hjsjcape as connived at by these officers. : 'i The gip-f English nor ejrst William B?ac1c wiil a v at e slo f y, t'Mad cap. Violet," in the January number of the Galaxy. Si A ll Ul ST. "VbiV.keys .wrestle.'. .' "Tweed is the new Figaro." Wall street was never duller. . Iiivtr piiacy tii rives iu New . . Mrs. Speaker Jvtir is said to be handsome. .xueuies mtet. ... "I I The height of 'a girl divinely ,i i.. . i . lata 19 oniu iu r u cn cii icri. . ' The c.ii!piilury education bill only received one 'vole-iu tlieWet Vir ginia House ol iJeiegisiesT . Getje Eiiot't. new work is a uf ' K"sti ,iiu ,u d ' dealing with a holier tpueiu ui hot-ieiy tlma la i.er wout. - , . . ihaddeus feinretts' phyMCian bus brought uit ag.ait estate i or 9 lor -iieged uiipaid professiouul ser.- Tt,-i..;..' c Whyte, of ilaryland,. is frequently In re ce.,pl ot M6el 01 'futven irom "Lu ladyr- admirers. ! . ' . wOni '.of them. sayst What a country Editor really needs i tjije blljly to llTe uiourjriill3. petsyeek and sniokm J-halorye,firNevaiiaf ijas Uo faiecbvenea tia Uw hi hi WfiP'kfiiiilih fcom- yw i reuorriy OOp fttt.yr ;i ,. it IJmceid St)iur'Jo-e their utfrbv; tlM:SpD,5 m jpifceiy, if U. tbiir-s f coriBjHion aud lnley bte;r pusl ed irgai-fct.UieiB.: iWill midftf ljujfe i j; tbe KepobUcan mvjxUy, . - ' " grt iu HAVEN HAULED OVER. t VmU. iboatllh.D ... p iiaecndemned Aireadjr. f H' Tfiel&bmination by Bishop Haven l i lv i- - . ' ! f JfrtsidentAJrant for rfihird flernCI I . .. aWU) um ujouw iuiuga i - tt .... . . - liveiy. naven nas Denea nisoame and mmi6tenal .p)6iticutWbelii widish m a " r iwyvnw . . .. . ,. , I . - ,!- i.. :.. . w pains to collect mu ot. what has j oeeu saiu uy organs ana preacuers as far as we have seeh. The annexed ' 4GeWMte:8AbPepmea -muA: : .u J u . u to raise himself upon his feet, as if embodies in the tnalo what we have1;' v" 'i?1' " 1 tj jx'j Si to look all around, auout, and above found on the subject: tne vast audience before hHn; arid ex- respoxsibility DiscLAistED. ,. claimed, in .: .loud. ,- ste.utpv.iau atones : Rev. Dr. J. H. Vincent. Corres- I -. - f rrn Hinfr SirtaiTr rF t Ii S2 t. .-I tt v..v. , ...-jr School Union and of the Tract So- ciety of the M. E. Church, and who was present at the l5oston preachers though towards the close bf the meet ing a resolution to welcome andisom- " ... pnraent the bishop was adopted unanimously, no one supposed that .K 1 J .r . . .1 the vote had any reference to the third term question. Dr. Vincent says, in any case, the representatives of the Sunday School Union and of- the Tract Society present at the preacher!' meeting by invitation, had nothing whatever to do with the in vitation to the Bishop, the sentiments he advanced, or the vole of welcome which was tendered to him. The doctor adds that the societies he has tne honor to represent arc entirely devoted to the Christian work for which they were organized, and have not, as such lh$ slightest interest either m the platfoims or candidates ot political parties. bishop simpsox, lkaiin(J bishop j. k. church north, deprecates cuuRt ii action, but favors .a third term HIMSELF. , J 1,, ,., 1, .... . .1 r n order to ascertain the opinion, of w.--.. ,w .'.. vuiii biiv. v p-l.l lll . the leading clergymen in the Methd-. dist Episcopal denomination in this I ciiu m.nn iKa --.:-.:- c i -j-'-" iuo uuuiiuauvju ui vjriuui tor a t,lird icrm by Bishop Haven of boston, a representative .of -the lUm I called UDOIl liishnn Sim nann at. ilm residence on Mount Vernon street. Reporter -Is not any interference in politics at satd, .araeeting as this deprecate any ecclesiastical body a"g. utterances either for or !gal0S,1 candidates; that w to J course, as a cnureh. 1'erson- any, unaonoieoiy, every man has his vi"u'- v -y great moral ques-i 1.-... I .-. f 1 lIUV' . ?"a?wl-y7 "mperance a?d other kindred subiects, I should Yrit t hnm v.. 1. J 3 I meiu, out on questions ol this kiud 1 am decidedly opposed to it. The Church has no desire to be engaged in any party campaign. The meeting rpfrri m . nnt T nnMi..r referred to was not, as I understand. a church meeting. The annivemarv of the Sabbath schools was taking place on the ounday and Monday. On Monday morning the ministers always hold. a meeting, to which the visitors to the anniversary were in vited. It was at this meeting that this thing toOK place. Bishop Haven certainly had ho intention of pledging the Church to any party or person. Reporter Is the President a mem- ber of theMethodist Episcopal Church as as been represented ? , bishop He is not; he is simply an ton()0f. v ' i.v : , "c attendaur at. tfne of our places of woshipr .- The Methodist denomina- lin neither ask nor expect anything of him. .... ueporter lu tlic event of bis beiritr nominated, do you think he would get It),., ..f !i . i I ujpiL ui mt? iuciiiuuit ciergv I as a biidy - . iiis'aop Not as a body, certainlv. Even airrbng ministera. there is a dtf ference in politics some being Re publicans and others being staunch Democrats, the latter being rather,; I should say in the, majority. The Church, however, would be mueh.ip- j posed to any of its- jiembers Teadiiicr it into a political contest. I can quite understand Bishop HavenV enthusi asm. He has been an editor for; a number of years, and,, as .sucjbi, haa been used to speaking Jbis mind. freir lyand at iimes" will Jei his old feel:f ings as editor-conrlkiV with those of a minister. " . - what otjier prkacHkrs xy. fTbe Itenp reporter )o suited 'the t)r. William McCoombs, tbe;Uev. I)r. S. V. Thomas aud other, clergymen i of the Methodist Church, all of whom declared that they were1 personally ;in 'favor of a third term for Grant. THE OlUiANS DKXOtTHir.E It'ic uniTV Here it ; is in a nutshell. Noboay c uid have aid it better and nobody di : ordinary sense will be foolish enough to gainsay it. Said the Pbll- adelphia 7V, Itepuhbcan, in. a re-. unniist Rkal v -will .ii-pwni or.. I . ,..;!. I.-.,.. ).. . - prompt!), and 111 every, section, IS ec- olesiastieal iulerfeienoe -with bur hid-" l TheTrov Timpji If PiinMio.n l an uncommonly agitated state of mmd about it, saying: M Who asked Gen. Grant or anybody else or Prfesr ident of; the:Upjl4d States ? it seems to us thanhieS;terit$at gentlemen are travelling ontjf tbe strict i We ot the,r daUes, and that' they are doinff that which thev would bn t.hfitt. t conderapjanF other dehortjiua'tii.Bar . j ... i'." i :-';, -. - . . ! -a uu mate .inis. ae)omiuatioii for f.sUh t Ttsinijfier have f - .flhftnldja rgntjoii. sftf r.iic)- af jjon . bp fjisJi ; meeting when -Bishop Haven made .with, in-thq na.me , o .American his third term" speech, in a letter to people arid trtie Christianity, ' iiomi tho. New York 'IVibune states that uate'Ulvsses S. Grant, otir orekent liev. Dr. K-L Kynett, Correspondirig Seoreiarv of the Metbodist'Episcopal Church Extension SocletVi the Rev. v.v-, iiciKuuu iwoiiiau vainoiic, "" ww. uiaea as oon rtr tne afrit i BuddhisiethodisV Pagan, Presby. WlSft? terian, or Mormon. , . , ,, , .. ' ?datBncUig . . . .. ; i enough to nominate him. Gen. Grant will, no doubt. aDDreciate the kind ite the kind- 1 pes oflfiis Meth.dg ist frJendS whrle at ,Kthe sae tmrtb ie milajraep the iscreezeajtn Ms bc- ) flppwo poTTipicpn r 1 1 n . t f WI.7US lu"u,w I Till? eppiffn 1 vn onwo iDrriioi?ri iv ivnmicwnKT mitpvn I " . " - : .... I TNew York Tribune. L The.noriinalidAfIof f the .President i i :. j i 1 '' Ita-m nnrrnannnHont ' wnwvUI,ui,. After giving a long and detailed i-account; 01 uiocuurtaii.ui i)isoiutn, " I believutbot- iPiesideni , Grant is ll 1 . -I t.hv nnl v man uiin t.t n 1 1 1 .-nnn-)V I r , " - .. enemies, of American freedom.. .. If wo threw bira overboard avq should regret u. ',, lie conlinuea: "ljiere- wortby President and defender1. to! a third term in the office ' of President , , TT . , , . . ,, XT. . of the United States earlyevery voice in that vast audience of pro- e 1 .i 1 .r found scholars 1 and venerable tftinis- ters replied, as if with one breath: "I second;..; the nomination. V .....Then the Uev,I),r. .Bate.-put. the ( motion iti Tegular form, and x he -proposition of Bishop I lav en was iiuanimonsly adopted, not a dissenting vote being given... To this was added , i he lu-ud huzzas of the ladies and gentlemen in the galleries." ' '.' - This is a graphic ' descnntioti cer- J tainly, and there are not lacking' In- dications thai the whole affair wIs.W this correspondent suspe'ets, what il e worldly vail "a put nu iob." We hope it is rmt heoessary to go into ar gunieiit to show bow utterly silly and absurd it is. W wish it were" only that. It is worse. It is as miscbiev- ous a piece of "iemagogism as . was ever set on loot, and if the tnecudfinr. I I i ! i -ii tt I which bishop Gilbert Haven has in- ...-ti.vf viiiuvi b liaiCII III-- duoed the representative bodies of Jiis church to adopt were to be followed pi were to DO IOUOWeCt V. a. I ,yuci ucu uiuiuanuiis, we.SHOUlU very shortly be embroiled in the most dangerous arid the 'most useless and I nnrannnh!n in'n( rnvorioa ihoi r-i afflicted a people. ' We gladly print a card from the Corresponding Secretary of tho Sun- sentiments he advanced, or tboote ot welcome wh.chwas tendered him. bometbing more thai, thi?, l,owever, is due Irom so great and influential a ooly as the iMethodist Episcopal -11 t 1"l WW vnurcu. iisiip iiaven antl his asso- ciates and supporters need to be taught with some distinctness how I . l i - t - cnureh in the effort to place it behind a Presidential candidate. It hardly necessary to say tin t,uA- "1 ' , r theMethodist Church referred t at lue iUeinoa,sl v-nurcn rete"ed to aAOe is the Northern Methodist Episcopal. Eds. Star. MISCELLANEOUS. The Great Retail SW of Us State ! FOS SALE AT AUCTION ! AT 34 MARKET ST. U TT JLl AVING PERFKOTET) ARHAXRWMKXTa RV which the character of my business will be changed,' hc unmDiuni uiNJi ai Ac.ion wvcry uoitar a wrtuor goos oomalued in my RetaU.Siock. This comprises- 11 OiGflJuSlHfMlBltOIl, AND AMOUNTtSG TO OVER $ 2 5,0 0 0 J wta of seasonable a elegant goods. consisting of Silks, Velvets. Drew Goods In Every Variety, Eng lish, French aad American Cassinieres, Black ".i I .roof and SMInets,; toother. with -; i: Ladies, Gent: & CkUen'stJnderwear , .H6srtryv Gloves, SbifM " CoflAr-', ' Cuft, RrbNs, . -s.vivuKiucB, ruunrciiHs cawH-iu esa- less variety, t very onaliijr aod price; . B'an- eis, mrwiHe.ya!ltii-i.reai1.-Keet- -; lne. Ticking, Contorts, Table Cloth, Towels, Napkins. Diapers. ad' - (" OTHER LINEN AND VjoMrON' GOODS jQ, ' great Variety . ; . . . , I Trohks, flatcbel. Umbrellas rJats. Phoes; Fancy . Notion, Iadiea' uri', with thousand of,. o ber -. artl les, Tornilng altogether tha 'lnost Vie7- " . .. gnt, atiracfiveaud desirahle ti ckever, i ' sold at Auction In North Carolina. ' The Ladies, the Merchant, the Farmer and Mechaii c : are Invited to attend thin MAMA?TP SALE W AUCTION. rn-.Tv,-, ... - A "rillS-"!-!,' "' exchanged, or condition of nt altoed after they m'aL . Ample and comfortable accommodation w II he furnished . adies attenaib the saVe. " very irt-cte iL? ",d-'.' 'w will aiscomsaoiiated "8,f n'utt'i' B, as far as possible. : .;Pj$.06iiipjet ytJ(' Until tub. jcktirk stock ... ooAs ; v . J , ; r " t rengJ in tVe Jfry ' 1 ' ' will' be delivered fre ' of ch vrge. , cs, t 1 , p w',nft- MwtBVtumiCiTWtocf5- wttill. WpiLL, Agent. .-a HEOTLar BrJMUKESS wiij tb continued JitrW.foV tji fC 1 . ,.',' ? t . . v ' 1 . 1 tt . . i . . NOT J fc, & I Carolina Cei iTIflN OF THE PUBXJC IS.RKS t Vintp-I Pallwnv H1nr rn mnlffprT Ann ions at Wilcnintrton. both via Direct Steamer Lines delphia. New xor, iwstun ana 4roviaece n fl.nd Rutlierrordtcui, AJcyWc, k i i , WiTrnitlo-tn Mid stl ttonp on th'Atlaiiti,TfflrtiOhio, AUtnia fe .Richmond Air Line. Noith CarohBa and Western North Carolina Knilrods 08 well aa all points in OEORtil ANIJ ALABaMA.' -'-' Insurance f ront fiastern cities suttrarrtttd ad low aa via any other line. To terminal' or transfer charges, and Kate iwa. tax lo at, (lie lowest Rates to all points furnished tipoff pplictloii Building. : :;lpMfHh "V- ' BUSINESS OAIIDS: A.'-DBIJU.' ;: " - 'ii'. VOliL-Kfl. 'ADRIAN & VOIiIi-3BS7y Corner Front and .Dock Str., tVIIiirilNCiTOrV, c. VXTHOLESALS GROCERS ? : ; ' IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Conntrv-merchants will do4 wen by- ealK.tr on oe and ezamlnins our stork bot 19-tf IS. F, JfBITCIIJRLJL & SO, ; -O-MMISSIOIJ MERCHANTS v' " t . V- ! And Dealers in " ' ' drain,. Vlonr, Hay, and also. Preitta (iroQud .Tffeal, Pearl Hominy and GTlt.; ': ' '; i a'onJ $ and 10 N. Water t., WUmlneion, N. C. ProprieKrs of the Merchant's flooring Kills: -DOvtSMf--. - ;..::.:. . - , : ' ;.;:gal , p ARD5';.'.; N, A. STEDMAIJ, A-ttofiiey, .at Ltw, ELIZABETH "TO WN C. INSURANCE. G-ordon & Turner, GENERAL INSTTRANCE AGENTS, L IFF, FIRE, - ,MMUN1 r t Represent the following P iiVt Cw9 Companies, with combined asfots of over f ifty "Mil lion Hollars. Liverpool hiid London ud Globe, P nil. Mobile , Underwrtters, llmubiir-Bremen, I ' J Jiiiin"U!, v iriuiit rire anil jria'iue, Amazon-. on Niwtii state. othrn MutuaL citv of nowe or CDlnmnns, vin;icia fire ana Aia-tne, itictimonn, .Metropolitan t'e iniu ancoco.,or jncw Viwfc. Alt r.lai of nrojipp-.v in tourn ir- ffinntrv I Jn-nrea at low rates, w e adjast ana be tleour own I lsses, promptly and liberally. a pents wanted for first claVs companies. Office, 24 North Water street, Wilmington, X. C. nov SS-tf J ; PIEDMONT & ARLINGTON Life InSUrSBCe Compel-V " - - ' Of EtieSimotid, Virstiifa. Over 22,300 Policies Issued. . Annual Income 0vr Sl,500,000 Progressi?, ! Prosuero'Ds ! Proapt ! SMALL KXPKNSES. SMALL LOSSES, SECURE l N V ESI il liNTS . AMPLE RKS ERVK, AND GOOD SURPLUS Premiums Cask, Policies Liberal, Annual Division of Surplus. ASTSTJIt J. HILL, Jr., Agent. Office for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood."fedi cal Examiner, on Market street, two doors west of Green A Flasner's drus store, Wilmington, N. C. ' snptembcr S-tf INSURANCE ROOMS OF Atkinson & Manning. $70,O00,eO0 A-eta Kepreaentcd. PIKE. Tns. Co-, or North Amorica. . . . . Philadeli hia. P he n is Insurance Company ..New York.. Continental Insurance Co ....... New Ycrk.' ' N. British Mercantile Ina. Co .London. Hartford Fire Ins. Company Hartford. ' Nation; Klre Int. Company.... ..Hartford. - Springtield F. & M. Ins. uo .Massachusetts. ITI A KINK. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co.. . .New York ; Ins. Co. of North America ....Philadelphia, - r,-. . I. IF Si. Connecticut Mntual Life Ins. Co,."i.Hartford. J7 NCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security against Fire. THE NORTiuOAROLINA IIOITI13 IXSUUAXCE COitlPAXY, RALEIGH, N. C. This Comnanv continues to write Polirfen. -t fair rates, on all classes of to surable nroDert v. All losses are promptly adjusted and paid. The 'HOME'ieraWdlvirrowinff iff nnhlfe avoe ' and appeals, with coufidence. to uisurereof property in North Carolina' '" ' t Agents in all baits of the State, as R. H. BATTLEi Jr.Preeident- : .. . - ffi r . C.B. ROOT, Vice President. - BiAiua aes, secretary. i : PULASKI COWPER, Superviaur, ATKINSON & MANNING, Asknts, 'aSgt-tf' 'i ' iu-.u: Wllrningtrtu.. N. C. MISCEI,LAN-OlTS. LUXTJEIES! J pRV ATMOkEM NEW PLtTrf PULDINQ AND X save trouoie and expense.. Aiso .. A luuorc's Jl:uco !Vi vat, t SWEET CIDER ON DRAUCKT, .--'-' ' , tiiW LAYLR RAISINS, -:- Whulit, !.'lf n planus. Boxe. ft-W HTRON,i:DRUk'rlG.j, '" Dried Pronesr 1?X cents 4per"poUna,! Harmony. Tible Sherry, Choicest evwr btaajjht to-tbti' ta. Hemaessey and Otard Uurey ' Co, ' (. t.' .BRANpV,INTGa 8 " - , Blue Cirass aa :CjViu,.,;.. RAMSAY s SQQTCftjVV'HIKaY. j.j. j " "reh and New , Family Groeer iea arriving evei'y dvC lt-ff - ' ' ' 'lg iSrrtith 'Prorit'St. " , JDENTISTRY. r'HAVil REMOVED kY OFrlCEf to the. former Pictjire.n.nr- C W. Yates: andhavinr neruroH h ,asl8tanct of tiri W. M HuBton..a' KiauuniB ui tut) l-ennsvi vanm llont.! .Allege and four ve'ars' experience m TJMCtlee W6 are prePred-to 10 ate M in LTfot7yintht bestpoBsible maniiA ,--.. ,au j i &i B r dectp-lw M.lij-ltg-lfwi -i . , i . 1 1 i J . 1 . T f . - - f t - - J ' 1 1 . . T Fir Cracker.1 jtior nop nmX': j is ,i- , rornu s-v s v i: j- i(, y ; j L dec 1? tf I?ERCfINEH t'A f.DEI B0. I C p -Cwrcalna tGonlial Railway, rai i't Isht Department. NGT0OMARCI131ST, 1875. rtJELY INVITED TO THE FACT THAT THE filly qtpped fOrT5afle8i.B. ofEers with its cpnnect- ani via Weidcri and Portsmouth, to Baltimore, Pfella- unequuieu lacuitjr w uu iii smtuueuu hum all' Eastern Crtaes Greenville, Spartanburg l itt.l : to ihe utdersigned. - Office in. Bank of New Han '' ' " 4 4VVVeLAK;-General Freight Agei Hanover KALLKUAD LINES, &cl- ciir ck 1 ' fill! Tl Tfi W I LMIN GTON, qOI. VWLBl A ' -4f.- A. .fjf GCSTA St. U. OMJPANY, ... . WILMINGTON. N. C. Jul'y.l. 1875. ? 5li-iSjJJ55 n-j Clraage of Schedule. ON AND AKTER SUNDAY, JULY 4TH, THE following Schedale will be run oo this Road: N I Gli W ,EXPK ES A pi P ASSES CKR iieavc WUriagton.-.... ... 6:25 P. M Leave Florence 13:20 A. M Arrive at CtohuhWa.1.-;. . ................ 4;15 A.: V Arrive at Augusta, 8:45 A. M. Leave Augusta, 4:15 P.'M. Leave Celumbia...., 8:15 P. M. Leave Florence. 1:10 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington.... , ?7:10 A M. Passenger ots west beyond Coldmbia take th train, ipaying Wllmingtsii ai 6:25 P, M. uayi Paeiier. Train . Dally . (except Suuday.) Leave Wilmington G:30AM Arrive at Ploreuce..J.;..... ...... ... . 12:05 PM Leave Horence 12:45 PM Ariives t Wilmington... ..... 6:?2 PM Connects at Florence with N. E. trains fori harles ton. and with Freight Train with Passenger Coach at'ached for Coluiubia Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fridays. " , , Th roti ii Freight TraliiUally (except so udays. Zeavo Wilmington... c;.. ....... 1:55 P.M. Arrive at Florence 1:4!) A.: M. Arrive at Columbia... ... 9 00 A.'M. Leave CoiuEtbia 5:31 P. M. Leave Florence t 4 00 A. M Arrive at Wilmington . ; . 8K)0 P;-M. Local Freight Train leave Wilmington Tuesday, Thursdays aid Saturdays at 6:10 A.M aad arrive at WilmiDgton Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 5:3 P. AI. - : f , . . i-asseneers for harlcston. Coin mm a and Anonata and beyond should take Night Express Train from Wilmington. Through Sleeping Cam on night trains for Charles ton and AugUAia. . . t JAMES ANDERSON , 1nly2-tf 4en'i Snp't. iimington & Weldoii RAILROAD CO. Ofpiob or Gbn'i, Sutkrintshd-kt, . , Wilmington, N C- June 8, 1S75-, ; Change of Schedule. ON AND ABTlta jrU OTJT pi) SPivrriirw TraSn ThT WMn aldefdot R2d will run as follows MAll TRAIN. v Leave Union Depot dally, (San- ;, day's excepted) At 7:33 A. M Arrive at Golds bero -11:45 Ai M ltocy Mount. 1:53 P.M. Weldon i S.48 P. M. Leave Weldon daDy At 10:05 A. M Arrive at Rocky Mount 11 :4I A. M ' GoldBboro 1-35 p. m Union Depot.--.. 6:05 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN AND THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Union Depot daily .At S:S0 P. M. Arrive at Goldsboro 13:25 A. M. Rocky Mount.... 3:80 A. M. Weldon.... 6:00 A.M. Leave Weldon, "dally . -f 7:00 P. M. ArriveatRocky Mount.. i th30 P. M. Goldaboro W:25 A. If. Union Depot...;...'......... 6:30 A.M. , The mail train makes rthme cn-rttnn nt. WnlHan points North sia Bay Liae and Acquia Creek Express Train connects onlv with Acaula f!nk route. - Pullman's Palace Sleeping: Car on this Train. -. . FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilmmetoa Bi weekly at 5:00 A. M.,nd arrive at 1:40 P. M. , . JOHN F. DIVINE, JuneS-tf General Superintend et CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. UPFICK GBKfiBAIi SPErfTNNT'. " inimtnirtnit W I , . , n. n . r I nanrra r UnhArlilA I v"tt"5 UI OUUCUUIC, .v?n.?n? Efter tbe -9t"'1Bt, trains will run OTtr iuw nauway. aa JOliDWfl ' , .-Ji. Passenger an d -fail Trains-Daily . -, (Sundays excepted J . , , jueave umineron at t-oa r ' v.iioi" m I.VM t hrl,.tl. t X . t Arrive at Buffalo for Sheibv X . . "-rf t- f& -JUL Leave Buffalo at.. ll-SOA M Arrive at Charlotte at 3.45 h m Leave Ol arlotte t. 1 6 80 A." L" Arrive at Wilmington at . 7:O0P. M.; Fast Freight and Passenger Tralus Daily. Leave Wilmington at"'... . : k.p xr Arrive at Chailot teat.... isiifi A. M Leave Charlotte at t n o Arrive at V ilmingtba at . . ; ."." " 8 i 0 a! L dccS-tf ' Chief. Engineer and Superintendent MISCELLAK EOUS. NEW GOODS. D. A.JMITH & cb. RE EXHIBITING IN THEIR LARGE WARE Bonus, North Front Street, an immense assortment of New antf Handsome Walnut Chamber, - Parlor and Din&g Koom Suits at' extremely low prices. Call and examine prices. ' ' 'V '' AT RETAIL; , .HUM j x ,t st0 l-ii-it ('I Offer- unusual inducements to r& tail bu'i era this sVas6.! Northern prYces -uplicated HI' i! Ii It l; 1 j : . .. ... at all times and in any quantity. ' i- .u ,tj .ii , , , : . ... . j . ; OUR STOCK OF CARPETS; I D. AjjaiH & CO. Offer the!1 only large stock of car- S?;... and Hemp Carpet'i A fat .Rsgs, .n:.";;:;;;;,; ,:-6Ct3-tri"l"i tOi'if i-a i 'ill,' ..i I--., j ii ii ii : i ., i " i5w wyie,-ax WM. H. RlftviPma Prjtttss -d Psbliwhing House " i I 5? f "?? w . W , ' L.IKST OT ET HObl s r-tipisoo P A L COX v i n". Scribner's MontMy for 1876. i .The publishers inTlte atteLtion to the lollowii,. list of some of the attractive articles secured f r .Scribner's Monthly, for the coming j ear n th fJS2& --tes ana "-:Two stones iirrA! teiiic ASf A rtnoux. The rgt of these, bow complete in onrhakd- .uGARIVELCOXROY" ! By BsiET iiAnm :l.r tl -. ) - . ,. ' .. . BEGINa IN THJ NOVEMBER ' NUMBER and wui run for twel-e months. This isMr HariM--flnst-jctouded WOrlThe tcenea and characirr' which the author has chosen fromjiis favorite bTi.i Catomitt, ar ptflBted with cbaractorirtic vividne graphic rcird of early California life that has m app.ard.. - - , . We shall also begin in the January number. . si ! . : ; Or, Show Your rasfporte," Bj -D WABD KVEkETT HALE. The eoBiSlWXBX&Stf-awsin Hakh .. .- .territory, novc lormin6,tbe b ta eg of Louisiana i .i Texae, at the time ef a- on Burr's trcai on i V. . characters li.ed an a aeution-whicb wee now Air.e-: ca; now French, and cow t-paniuh, ;ltl ihisiec. i.'i or their advebttrroDa Uvea make a rtory of ioteiiK Bd uflaggii,g jnibreEt ihiooKhout, A; Second Farmer's Vacailnu,- . .-, By CcL'GEO. & WARING, Jr. .Col Warine ia now in EnroDe. vtsitino. . . beat ride ef two hundred and fifty miiet.'one of t: - -uoiiaiiic ouu Ulkcicauug I I ie Tl e TOWiin kuiuu cerirs or Paiterr promises to be eyen more interesting thaa thut which our readers are already familiar. CFNTFWmAL LEI TER,s EDITED BY JOHN VANCE CHENEY. A rare collection of Revolutionary Letters raaii from none in the hands of the descendants or i ii Joseph v ard. They are full of interest, and wIm oereudwitha rare reiish in eonxH-tnn i.k.i,. I- CnTimi rfrlAhrMlinn ..f t h.'iA. BRILLIANTLY ILLUSTBATEH ARTICLES O.s" ' AMERICAij' COELEGEa. Written respectively by ihe"r friends, will fiI Pes. i ion mieien. in ct-ilefc lin- Wklau h.A ..... . .. I 1 1 . , ...D iucc icuoiij iimeiy, ami n secure for them unusual attention. ; OLD NEW YORK. Elegantly illustrated article's on Old New Yoi-i- John F. Mines, will appear at . nceaiid wi 1 aiirat Hu..Hyu " -, iu ciij or couniry. vu niu'k" with Interest the development or tbe great nietroi lis, aud aflectiwnately remember the quaint ue.u Jiaritie8 of its oldeh time. Ever, number s profusely illustrated, thus en abling us to g.ve to our. descriptive aud l.arrai'w articles an interest and permanent value javer a' tained in a utm illusttattd periodical. Vnder irs ccuj turned management the magazine wiil in tbe future be devoted, as it has been in the pm o bvuu iuciut! u v ruiian progress. : THE EDITORIAL, DEPARTMENTS, occupy over twenty pages of each number and ion tain r. Holland's vigorous ana tiuuly editorial aa weU aa Reviews of the latest works in Ai t, Lite: tare and t'cience. -;- . TEBiTIS: $-.00 a Year, in advance; 35c. a Number Thi 10 vols, complete, Nov.' 1870, to Oct. 1875, bound in maroon cloth ; $2,? do. a9u .Jounp in half morocco. 3) mi v ols. begin in November and May. And uf Hie earlier volcmesI to VLLU will be supp.ied separate v to parties win wish them to complete set t thi rate, i. e., cloth, $9 00 ; half morocco, S3 00. I """"cut auu rom8iers m De supplied at itt,at wiil raabJe them '" Subscribers will please remit in P. O. Money Orders, or in Bank necks or Draft., or by registered teiiers. .Money in letters not registered, at uencerV risk. - SCRIBNER & CO.. 713 Broadway New York. oct 16-tf Bank of New Hanover Authorized Capital $1,000,000. " I Cash Capital paid in. $300,000 Surplus Fund $50,000 DIRECTORS. j JOHN DAWSON . C. M. STEDMAN 1. B. GRAINGER J AS. A. LEAK . B. F. LITTLE ' E. B. BORDEN D. -R. MURCHISON DONALD McRAE H. VOIXERS . R. R. BRIDGERS J. W. ATKINSON . L B. GRAINGER, M. WEDDELL S. D.-WALLACE. Cashier ' President aug SO-tf r' I llfl . INGAND "CREEDMOOE" RIFLES EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN ACCU RACY. ' STRENGTH AND 8AFETY. I To PreTnt.nr TiiiiarfT TVo- Ownit. 1 w.-,6w -IV. vwv.- .Every Rifle warranted a good shooter. 1 aiibre 40, 44 and 60-100 of .an inch, and of any desirvd ier.gt h. Charge of powder from 50 to 105 graius. Weight of balls from 820 to 640 grains. Stock, plain; also Pistol grip and checked, bights: plain; Globe and Peep sights; Vernier with interchangeable front sights and Wind-gauge. Every variety of am munition for above guns, constantly on hand. , Prices from $30 to $125. . SHARPS RIFLE COMPANY, sept91-DkWtf Hartford. L,uu. H ayan :ap ; : Lot t e ry . Ordinary Drawinp Eyery Fiile.s Days. 78 Prizes amounting to ...... .... .- .45t,00'' i " of...-....-.. v........ ........ Iu-.OOo 1 " Of 90.0.0 ' J " lof ,000 1 " of.... IU.000 S " of, i5,0ll0ach.; IO,t0(' 10 'r- of, .1,000 each..., . I i,0 fi '- or - fwoeach. n,50i 635 ot aXleach... 15.000 Circnlsr with full lnformatloa SIli t'rrr. i !CtCt ; rorBaleby . ,:-P. C. HKVL1N. '-, , , Stationer and Ger.enil A: ent. , may 7-dwly ' 30 Liberty . New . rfe. S2 -,Wy Goodridge, Grahoii, Windham Co. Vt rtsnmi. MANUFACTURER ok Fine Fishing Bed i or ail kinds. :'. : - i ! . ; Partical r attention paid to makiui; iii adapted to Southern trade;- RodacJ any desired pattern tfg&E'TO ORDER T.-,ou. short notice and at reasonable priceB. : SeodJorCJrculsx. ....Y.,,,. ; Jnly lS-P&Wff t 'Si Gdinfottables. LARGE STOCK . JUST RECEIVED AND For Fale ow, dec4-tf ,.s J), A. SMITH & CO. ;WMte:and;Red Ash Coal Of best ouality' TlELIVERED PROMPJ1 1. , well nereened, ' ..'!-At Lowest Prices t -. - . -: O. a PARSLEY & CO.. qec8tf Corner South Water and Orange Wf-

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