THE HOENIifG 8TAR; PUBLISHED DAILY, BY RATKft iV AVKTI8IKi, r"" w'" IW"'1"''"!'' " ' """"'' " ' " V .wm.T- ---- - -f mi i iuM-' i Tfmr in fin trlfipt irn m i iinri m i ni i i n i i n i T Tim I in' i i i r-ii- i i ' n ."nii'n i'i ' i mini i n i' .i.i.'.j'. t $ ' i " 4 ;tA ill 11 I '' . .-; uxtft .? t ' .i-.-jrts :,'., f saW t.Wr " ' .... t . . i . p . ; I, .:.h T - . ; - - ' ' " ' -! ' -j y BATZ8 0 BUB8CBIVTIOH DC ADTAJfCX: one year. (T m,il) postage paid,. ........ $7 00 g months. " " ) " 4 00 Three monUis( " ") ......... a S5 One month, C ") " ......... 100 To City Subscribers, delivered in any part of the city. Fifteen Cents per week. Our City 'Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 3 months in advance v OUTLINES. Citizens of California organize to preserve order on the Mexican frontier. Hon. Charles O'Conor is out of danger. Boil er explosion on Georgia railroad killed fire man and wounded engineer. Presi dent and other excursionists gone to Phila delphia to see Centennial arrangements. . - Senate will probably re-elect Ferry presideut A resolution protesting pg.inst Congress expressing its opinion on thud term question was laughed out of the House of Representatives yesterday. ew York markets: Gold, 114f; cotton 13 5 I613i; turpentine, 37; rosin, $1 70 $1 75. WASHINGTON IKS. By JLasl Nlsfil'a Mail. Hon. R. II. Marr has been appoint ed by Governor McEuery United States Senator in place of General -W. L. McMillan, resigned. Yesterday a youngjCon federate who was placed on the io!!s declined to take anything but the modified oath, though he was only seven years old when the war broke out. Wash ington Telegram to Providence Jour- lull. " L. Q. W." in the Richmond En quirer says it now looks as if Pinch-Icu-k would be admitted iu order to prevent the Democrats from the seat. Washington, Dec. 15. The rouh draft of the special mes sage on affairs in the Southern Slates ha already been drawn up, and par tially considered by the President and some members of the Cabinet, although it ha3 not been definitely settled whether this paper shall be sent to Congress before or after the holiday reces. Attorney General Pierrepont is giving much attention to this matter, and is making use of a vast amount of information sent him by the law-officers of the Gov ernment living in all sections of the South. From Mr. Al friend's Washington letter in the Raleigh News. THE NORTH CAROLINIANS IN CONGRESS. They are a good set these North Carolina Democrats and they are not only liked, but held in high es teem. So far they have been quiet, but I have noticed that when the roll has been called the North Carolina members are always ready to answer with an emphatic endorsement of Democratic policy. Waddell says that he linds it difficult to gel accus tomed to voting with the majority after his long service in a forlorn mi nority. Senator Ransom Irequently visits the House and enjoys the spec tacle of Democratic ascendancy with a relish perhaps 'made keener by his daily contact with Radical supremacy in the Senate. Looking to the great struggle of .next year, it will perhaps not be long before North Carolina Democrats will be Irequently inter rogated as to the outlook in the Old North State for the- Centennial year. II. A. THE ISSUK WITH SPAIN. What the Tnited State Dcmaods and Wnat Spain I Willing in Con cede. i Washington, Dc. 14. The present distinctive point at issue between the United States and Spain is stated in non-official but usually well-informed circles, as fol lowsi The United States ask, first, that in the future all American citizens in Cuba accused of violation of law shall be tried by the civil courts, and not by military tribunals, with all the rights in such cases as are secured by the seventh article of the treaty of 1795; and second, that all sentences where American citizens have hereto fore been tried by military tribunals shall be annulled. Spain in some degree concedes the claim of the United States to the. first proposition, agreeing that in the fnuire-American citizens accused of violations of law shall be tried by the ordinary tiibtinals, with the right to be heard by counsel, to summon wit-nei-sis and employ other necessary salVnuards to the accused; but with llu- reservation that all such trials shad be according to the law of 1821, which provides for more expeditious proceedings- than those of the civil c mrts for common crimes in times of peacf. fehe also-offers to revise all sentences passed by court martial on American citizens, where it shall be satisfactorily shown that such sen tences were in violation of establish ed laws. This reply is unsatisfactory to the United States, which takes the i: round that American citizens act-used of c.iime cannot be tried by court martial, but are entitled to trial before civil tribunals only as secured by treaty stipulations, with out such reservation as is proposed by Spain. On Monday. Babcock gave a bond to appear for trial at St. Louis, but, though in the city, he did not himself put in an appearance at court. He keep modestly secluded. Perhaps before long he -will feel even more like withdrawing from the public view than he does now; and if he does not seclude himself the' marshal will put hitn iu a sufficiently;, secluded place. VOL. XVII. NO. 73. THE OIT IT." The Siallk. The mails will close at the City Post-Office until further notice as follows: Northern (night) mails for all points North, East and West of Weltlon, daily at 5:45 P. M. " through and way (day) malls daily. except Sunday, 6:30 A. 11. Southern mails for all points South, daily 5:15 P. M. Charleston, daily, at 5:30 A. 11. Western mails (U. C. R'y) daily (except Sundays,) 6:00 A. M. Charlotte mail closes at. 4: 15 P. M Smith ville (via Easy 11 ill and Town Creek) ' Tuesdays and 8aturday8 C.-00 A. M. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Mondays and j Fridays 1:00 P M. Fayetteville by C. C. K'y, daily (except Sundays) .". 6:00 A. M Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices every Fridav 6:00 A. M. The Smithville mails, by steamboat, close at 8 A. M., daify, except Sundays. Mails for Easy Hil Town Creek. Bell Swamp. Supply and Shallotte, every Friday at 8 A. M. Mails delivered from 6:30 A. M. to 7:30 P. M., and on Sundavs from8:30 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 AM. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:00 P. M. Money order or Register Department open same "as stamp office. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. Mails collected from street boxes every day at 5 P. M. NEW AUVKKTISEMENTS. S. Jewktt Church Almanacs. Harrison & Allen Holiday Hats. See ad. "Keys Found." J. Q. Wagner. Board Commisioners. Christmas one week from to-day. Highest wiud yesterday traveled 24 miles an hour. There was quite a storm in this locality Thursday night.' The steamship Pioneer , from New York, is due here this morning. The city injunction case was not argued in the Superior Court yesterday. The Cape Fear No. 3 engine house is undergoing certaiu needed repiirs. A good fire felt particularly grateful last night when the cold wind wts making things howl outside. Wm. McLaurin, col., formerly of this city, has received the appointment of postmaster at , Warsaw, Duplin county There was only one case ft r Court j'esterday morniug, and that being trivial oue was compromised by the pay ment of costs. Harvev Brown, one of- the col ored members of the chain-gang, who had only about ssven days of his time to serve, made his escape Thursday afternoon at,d is still at large. Quite an improvement is notice able in the City Hall lot. The old, un sightly stables have been removed, the brick fence whitewashed and the accumu lations of trash, &c, have disappeared. Next in the order of festal oc casions will be the fair and festival of the little Sunday School woikers of Front Street-M. E. Church, at the City nail on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Kemartfable change of tempera ture between the 4:30 aud the 9 o'clock ob servation last night 52 to 34 degrees. SU1 we are better off than St. Louis, where the thermometer stood at 3, or 33 degi ees belww the freezing point. The steamer XVaccamawy which was slightly damaged by getting on the shoals below this city a few days ago, in endeavoring to extricate -the German brig Emma from a . similar predicament, came off the ways yesterday, having undergone the necessary repairs. Magistrate' Court. A colored man by the name of Bernard Lamb, charged 'with' stealing two oxen, the properly of Mr. Richard Lewis, whose arrest was chronicled in Thursday morn iog's Star, had a hearing before Justice YanAmringe, yesterday, and was found not guilty. It seems that be proved con clusively his ownership to the oxen, he having purchased, them of a third party under the impression that they rightfully belouged to him. The difendaut was dis charged and the plaintiff left to seek other means of redress. . O; O. V. Klectloii. - At a meeting of Campbell Encampment No. 1, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, held last evening, the following officers were duly elected for the ensuing term: A. Duemelandt, Chief Patriarch. G. U. Keliy, High Priest. Jas. Fleet, Senior Warden. J. L. Keen, Juuior WaVdeu. J. A. Nicholson, Scribe. J. M. McQowan, Treasurer. CtuieunUI Tea trty. We understand 'that the Ladies' of the First Presbyterian Church will have a Cen leunial Tea Fany, instead of their monthly Festival, about the 2lJlh or 30th, inst. The costumes will beiu the style of 70 to 100 vears aco. and a special feature of the occasion will be the singing of music usid in the "Old Folds' Concerts," church music and ye songs of ye Olden times. The en tertainment will be in the City Hall. New Arrival. TheU. S. Revenue Cutter Colfax, Capt. Warner, arrived here yesterday. The Colfax, which has heretofore been on the Baltimore station, is to take the place of the W. H. CratBford,G&pi. Bailey, on this station. WILMINGTON, fflore Treasure (seeking. Speaking of treasure seeking, a theme which we touched upon lightly a few days ago, we learn that a hole about fifteen feet in width and of considerable depth has been dug in the vicinity of the mineral spring, out Market street, near where the turnpike road commences, and that w hat must have been intended as a magic circle or ring has beeu formed from the earth around it, exhibiting indications that a series of "goophering" operations have beeu going on ibtre, performed by the .supeistitious pertona who dug the hole with doubt, of rendering more secure and cer tain the chances of their coming into pos session of the treasure they were seeking. An old house formerly stood where the hole h is been dug, and the idea no doubt enter ed the superstitious craniums of the p trty (said to be colored) who wasted so much lime and labor in their foolish undertaking, that a pot or chest of gold would ultimately reward their search. We kuew a the town of Newbern once, who, although esteemed a sensible person geoerally was a perfect monomaniac in the matter of digging for money. This man hired twenty-five hands on one occa sion, spent two days in digging at a certain spot and was rewarded at last by finding a silver quaTter of a dollar! In this connection we may mention the fact, which has just come to our knowledge, that about twenty-five years ago a parlv of men who had been imposed upon by some wag of their acquaintance were induced to. try their luck at money digging at about the same spot mentioned a few days ago, near the "Dram Tree." After digging for some lime they finally came to a box about three feet in length and two in width, which they cart fully lifted from its resting place, put it in their boat and brought it home. Reaching Wilmington, the party look it to a convenient spot and proceeded to open it, all in the meantime gathering about the precious box with breathless in terest, eager to learn the extent and value of their prize. In due time the fastenings were loosened, the lid removed and they beheld in the box the remains of a negro baby! Pliancy the pheelings of the involuntary resurrectionists and body snalchers! .superior Court. Court met yesterday morning pursuant to recess, wjieu the following cases were dis posed of: James Wilson vs. Edward Kidder. Plain tiff called and failed and judgment of non suit entered. The Navassa Guano Company vs. D. Coleman & Co. Judgment for plaintiff for $1,367 78, with interest until paid. The Bank of New Hanover vs. David 8. Cowan, Ex'r of Robert H. Cowan. Case set for Wednesday, 22ud inst. Edward R. Brink vs. A. R. Black.? All issues in favor of defendant. Edward Kidder vs. Mildred Stokley. Argument to be concluded to-day. The cases continued for a hearing to-day arc P. Shemwell et al. vs. J. B. Southerland ;' Wm. J. Sutton vs. John T. Speight; W. A dimming vs. D. M. Buie, et al; J. W. Bordeaux vs. Samuel C. Cannon; Bank of New Hanover vs. W. P. Pope and R. H. Grant; the same vs. the same; the same vs. W. P. Pope and L. II. Bowden; same vs. W. P. Pope and R. H. Grant. Ladle. Fair. The ladies of Whiteville will hold a Fair at the Court House in that place on Tues day, Dec. 21st, for the purpose of raising funds lo complete the Baptist Church there. We learn that there will be an at tractive exhibition of fancy articea, the handiwork of the ladies comprising the As sociation, together with many ailiclesof general utility, refreshments, &c. Several premiums have been offered, and services of good musicians have been procured. At night Rev. J. B. Taylor, of the First Baptist Church of this City, will deliver a lecture, which will be an attractive feature. . Arrangements will be made with the W., C. & A. R. R. to pass visitors at 3 cents per mile for the round trip. : Mrs. T. M. Memory is President and Miss F 'M. Bald win Secretary of the Associa. lion. Veanel uiik. Ofl llatteraa. . Capt. Clay, of the schooner V. G. Stover, which arrived at Savannah on Thursday, as we learn from the New, reports that when in latitude 84.48, longitude 75.20, off llfiiteras, be discovered the schooner Norma, of Plymouth, Mass., bound Irom that place to Jacksonville', Fla., in a sinking condi tion. The crew were completely exhaust ed and desired to be taken off. Capt. Clay relieved them from their perilous position aud brought ihem to Savannah on his ves sel. The Norma is a small fishing 6Chooner of about 13 tons. The nets and fishing tackle and part of the sails of the vessel were saved. A ppolntroeuta . of Rev. W. 8. Black, Presiding Elder, for first rouud of Quarterly Meetingsonthe Wilmingtou District for the Methodist E. Church, South, the present Conference year: Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Dec.1319. Kenansville, " Kenansville. . . .Jan. 1-2. Clinton, " Clinton " 8-9 Magnolia, " Magnolia "15-16. Bladen, " Bethlehem .....' 22-23. Topsail, " Prospect 29-30. Wilmington, " Front Street. . .Feb. 5-6. Cokesbury, V - Wesley Chapel. 12-13. Wluteville, at Whiteville, Waccamaw Mission, f Feb. 19-20. Smithville, at Union Feb. 26-27. Elizabeth, " Elizabetbtown, Mar. 4-5. Ouslow, r. Swaasburo. ... " 11-12. District Steward's Meeting at 1 Front St. M. E. Church, V ;Feb. 8. Wilmington, at 11 A. M. ) - N r SATURDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1875. Christina Goods. , f f , : (-; The dry goods ' and fancy' Vtores, with' the stationers, have mostly .had in ; their holiday supplies for some little time past,, and we notice they are beginning to gather the first fruits of the Christmas irado, which will reach its height by the middle ' Of the incoming week. And now we" see the. jewelers are completing their stocks, and their show-windows begin to be scanned with an earnestness suggestive of business intentions on the part of the passers-by. We took occasion to look over the new stonk of a Market street store last .night, and. were almost surprised at the variety in the stock and the number of new and pretty designs displayed. The cheap jewelry, suitable for little remembrancers to friends, scem3 as a general thing, we think, to begotten up in better taste and of superior workmanship to that of former years in the same class of goods.' There; are some Jthiogs in cuff buttons ' and sets that are entirely unique to us and unexcep t onable in style and price. It seems that one i no longer to bo compelled to omit making his , minor presents or take the alternative of, sending mon 8 roiities in ragged enamel and imita tio is of fine metals against which his own good taste rebels. We noticed,: loo; some exquisite toilette sets in stained glass and engine work, with silver mountings, which," when coming as a present, would serve to start almost any one off into the -new year in a good humor.' Then there are delicate little French clocks set in alabaster and gilt, surmounted by new and life-like statuettes and gr.--m in verd antique; and dazzling displays of c-i' srltss and silverware.tchaeed and frosted and engraved, and graceful, perhaps, as your ideal of beaityvand rings and jewels and watches on which one may spend a small fortune if he chance to have it and pleases so to do; and a variety of pretty little trinkets that, altogether made us feel well repaid for our time devoted to their inspection. Board or Aldermeu. . ! A regular meeting of the Board of Alder-; men was held last night at the City' Court room. The matter of receiving bids for contract to keep the city lamps in repair was left open, and the Committee on Lights was duly authorized to make contract for same. By recommendatioif of the Committee on Streets and Wharves, the report of the Commissioners of Navigation to the effect that the W. & W. Railroad Co. be allowed to drive piling temporarily beyond the end of the uew wharf at their depot, for the purpose of mooring a vessel in such a way as to cut out sand and secure deep water, was concurred in. By recommendation of the Committee on Streets and Wharves, the Teport of the Commissioners of Navigation in reference to. the driving of piling for a steam ferry at the foot of Market street by the Brunswick Ferry Company was non-concurred in. The following was adopted: Ordered, That no lumber, brick, wood, iron or uavul stores be permitted to be piled or landed on Dock, Market or Princess treet wharves; and further, that not more than one cord of wood be landed at any one time by any person on the wharves at the foot of either Orange r Mulberry streets. Any person violating this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of $10. . , Alderman Hankins moved the discharge of Jacob Wise as - superintendent of the street carts. Adopted. Alderman Hankins then moved to go into an election to fill the vacancy. Adopted. Isham Sweat and Jacob Wise ere nomi nated, and, the former receiving a majority of rotes, was declared duly elected- ' ' Petition of Lilly B.'Love in reference to his taxes was referred to Finance Commit teettD 'lOCOOO" ;'., Adjourned. ,-m m ' Tbe Festival.. . ........ . . ir- . " The ladies and children ci St. John's parish bad not quite so large a crowd at their festival last night, at the moment of our visit, as on-the -evening before, the cold and wind having doubtless kept many at home; still the large ball , did not look lonesome, and as many kept constantly coming and going the- financial result was doubtless a satisfactory one. The lack of a great jam we must think added greatly to the enjoy menttlie children, and the few extra dollars thai. might. Jiaye been taken in were probably profitably off-et by the consideration of extra pleasure to those wlio did attend, and which will make tbe occasion standout in 'heir memory as a mileMoue on life's dull way. .. IUns ol' Tucruioinoivr. The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterday: . ". ,'.'. I . 7 A. M., 55; 12 M 53; 2 P. 56; 3 P. M., 55; 4:30 P. M.; 52; 9 P. M:, 84; 10 P. M., 30; 1 1 P. M 29. - ' Spirits Turpexitme A fair Castalian couns er thir ty beaux. The Univrsity'TrtiRiees were in private session 1 birsuay. . , Mr. Tobias Leiitz, of Salisbdry, has broken one of his legs. Miss Fannie ThtrnVo;o,f Faisod' killed a aawk with a stick Magnolia Methodists will have a Sunday School Christmas tree. J ; Worsley's school house'beljqjv, Rocky Mount, was burned Wednesday.- We regret, the illness of Co. Singletary, editor Of the Wilson Plain Dealer. ; -..: jij,n : '''' ir.otTlviH Walinn nt Ifrinrnn county, frightfully mangled oue 'of Jiis legs ill n vvkwu j - a -. i!i Cant. Tom Evansdate of the Yicksburg Herald, has ag'ain accepted apbi ailioD oo the Kicnmona an$utrr. y - "- ' The wife of .Mr ltatjes, : late proprietor of the National Hotel, Raleigh, died a few days ago in Greenwich, Conn. " - St. John's Lutheran Chnrcb, at Salisbury, have invited Rev. Dr. Dosch to preach, with the view of obtaining bis ser vices. 1 Southerner says Mr. Henry Shurley's residence, four miles from Tar boro, was burned Tuesday night. Fully insured for $2,300. -r- Six tram p3 were entertained at the Wilsou station house, Sunday night. Next morning they emphatically decliued work at good prices. i The Wilson ladies will give a centennial tea party on the 21st, the pro ceeds of which will be devoted to the funds of one of the local churches. A new paper to be started at Ashboro. Randolph county, will be edited by Marmaduke S. Robbins, which is guarantee of its ability aud soundness. Gov. Brogden, on tho , recom mendation of the jury which convicted lue prisoner, lias commuted to imprisonment lor life Robert McDonald, the Cumberland burglar, who was sentenced to be hanged on the 17th. A negro named Gilbert Walker, alias Alfred Johnson, was shot in the right jhtgn last Sunday in Fayetteville wblie at tempting to escape from two officers. He was charged with committing a murder in Fraukliu county four years ago. r Wilson Advance : VVe regret to learn that Mr. B. D. Stith, of this place, met with a serious and paiuful misfortune a few days ago in Kiuston. He was driving quite rapidly on the street and turning a corner suudeuly was thrown from the buggy to the grouud, receiving s-vere bruises on the sioe aud back. lialeigh Neics: We learn that a few days since Levi Clark, colored, killed a negro mau named .Dick Ruftin, near Lewision, Bertie county. The murderer was arrested and lodged in jailal Windsor. Whiskey and women are said to have been at the bottom of ihc difficulty. A negro boy named Wm. Clinton, some eight years of age, was severely beat and stamped a few days since near Edwards Feny, Hali fax county, by two negro men named John Barnes and Manuel Devereux. The boy was conveyed to the residence of Major John B. Neal, but died from his injuriesin three or lour days. The murderers are now quiet.y resting in Halifax jail. We learn by the News that the United States Court disposed of these cases on Thursday: E. C. Lawrence vs. N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Company, continued ; A. H. Swazey, report of the receiver and order for distribution filed and case con tinued; Charles Dewey, assignee of the bank of N. C, vs. the Trustees of the Uni versity of N. C., continued; E. D. Andrews vs. George Lander, continued on account of the death ot defendant; Western Rail road Company vs. H. J. Rogers etals., con tinued; W. T. Camp vs. R. H. Smith, ex ceptor, dismissed ou motion of defendant; Harvey Terry vs. J. D. Williams, et als., continued; the Goodyear Vulcanite Com pany and Josiab Bacon vs. Chas. S. Camp bell, continued; same vs. W. N. Berkley, continued; same vs. G. K. Bagley, con tinued; same vs. A. R. Miller, continued; same vs J. H. Crawford, continued; same vs. Ervin Floyd, continued. BOOK BlXDKKY. THE MORKIKG 8TXB BOOtt BlCd- ry does all kinds of Binding and Ruling In it work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Her chanu and others needing Receipt Booki, or other work, may rely oa promptness in the execution of their orders. " Transfer Printing-Inks. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, -menniactorers and others. They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fresh, supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. Corruption in oar National affairs has the t sine effect on the Government that a severe cooeh or cold hm upon the human system.. - Political reform in, the former and Or. Boll's Cough syrup In the 1 itter case will remedy the evil. At the druggist, ascents. MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Holiday Hats. Jp4FTH AVKNUa BILK HATS i Fine Nutria Fur Hats! Trunk, Canes and Silk Umbrellas, at U AHKiSUfl A ALLEN'S, deeis-tf City liat Store. 9 .Front St. Keys Found. Fc OUND, AT UNION DEPOT, THURSDAY night, a bunch or keys, which the owner may fcavt by calling atftae Sfr" offlce a& paying for this ad yertisemj)t.' 1 - - Church Almanacs 1876. 1 N ISLAND PiSAUL," By B. L. PARJEOX. I author of Bread-and-cheese and Kisses," " Bladr-aOraB." "At tiga or the Silver Ifla gon.V &c. c, Ac, Ac. For sale at S. JEWETT'S, , . Book Seller and Stationer, No. 87 North Front St. declS tr LOVli'S OLD STAND. Office Board Commissioners, N&.W HNOVER COUNT V. "I ACCOROANCK WITH ANORDER PASSED by the Beard December 16th, 18:5, the undersigned wiii rtceive proposals lor the next five days, for the posiiiou b Physician of the Conaty Jail, for one veiir from Jaunary Ut, 1815, to January 1st, 1877. JOHN O. WAGNER, TThnirman d.-clit MILLINERY. XuE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM the 1 idles that1 she has Jast returned from ew Yorkshire, she has been lor several weeks making her Fall purchases in :.; . .; Pine French Millinery, !and will be prepared in a few days to show her friends and the public generally the latest styles in FKBNCU PATTERN BONNETS AND BATS, ' and eVerythfnir pertaining to ihe bosiness. I nave alsa a very fine select ion of Fancy Goods, consitst- ,lg. of ... r-. , LadlesV Corsets, Hoop Skirts, POMPADOUR'S LACES, FRINGES, BUTTONS 'nd Frames Lfaien Collars and Cnffs,Baudkebief8t Neck Ties, RncbJng Belts, Swttchea, Braids, and the largest ana cheapest stock of Zephyr Worsted and Shetland Wool to b had tbia tid ef Baltimore. Orders from thexoaatry soUcited - and . attended to with iuvptness end care. - ; r ' Variety store, Market Street ! oct 8 naxtf . MUd. L. FLANAGAN. WHOLE NO. 2,680, NEW A1WERTISEA1ENTS. Office Board Coiaissioners, . ; new hanotee county. The unbersignedwill receive pro- posftls forthe next Ave days, for repairing the Smith's Creek Bridge; also the footway near raid Bridge. The Connty will furnish Lumber, Nails, fcc. Contractor will be required to keep up said. Bridge and footway for the term of one year. JOHN Gl WAGNER, dec!8-5t Chairman. MISCELLANEOUS. Just Received A SPLENDID LINE OF TflE Justly Celebrated GUIKOT'S BLACK SILKS. At: dec 14-tf ''3. fc H. SAMSON'S, 43 Market street. Butter, Crackers, Cheese. Ac. 2 TUBS G. B. BUTTER ; t - '" Bbls and Boxes Crackers, all kinds; QQ Boxes Factory and State Cheese; Bbls Peo'le8g Potatoes; APPLES, TURNIPS and ONIONS! For sale by decli tf WILLIAMS A MURCniSON. Lime, Coal, &c. 2 Q Q Q Barrels Freeh Lime, -J q y Q Tons Coal, all grades. 5Q Hhda and Boxes Bacon, Q Q Hhds and Bbls Cuba Mol&sw, 2 Boxes Choice Caeesei Bags and Barrels Sugar and Ccffee,- 500 PhU"delIh,a SpWt Barrels ant Stm ' For sale low .y ; - . declS-tf ; ; I WORTH A WORTH. Our Dox Box Half-Dime Cigars. GUARANTEED TO BE AS GOOD AS TOUR CIGAR DEALER SELLS YOU FOR ONE-DIME, OR NO SALE. By D. PIG-OTT. mmwm fill decl-tf 32 Market street' Eugene L. Harris, Artist In Crayon Portraits. SASSAFJZA S FORK, N. 7., BEGS LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION to his Portraits in Crayon. Persons wirhing good pictures of themselves or deceased friends can have them nicely executed by sending him a photograph to work from. A good photograph is necessary to insure a good likeness. The prices below include postage by mail, on roller. A neat frame of walnut ana gilt will be furnished to those who desire it, at $Lo5$2.00. PRICES: Size, 14 x 17 inches, - ....... S5.90 Life Size, (bust) - - .... , - $10.00 TESTIMONIALS. j Mr. San3spowses the care gift ot being able to dwrlneatw, accurately, faam a phetogrmh or ethe picture the exact liken ran of any one. We jpiataa tee satisfaction. fOxf oc-d Leader.) w We have seen his work, and consider it excel lent. Try him." Central Protestant. "We have seen a capital por. rait of Hon. A. W Venable, by Mr. JC L Harris; that reflects addi tional lustre on his genius in that department" Torch Light,) mar 17-tf Bacon, Bagging, Sugar, Coffee, &c. QQ Boxes D. S. and Smoked Bacon, 2QQ Rolls Bagging, 2QQ Barrels Sngar, all grades Bags Coffee, 1000BWsFl9ttr' r QQQ Sacks Am. end Liverpool Salt, . - ; Candles,' CSnd, Cotton Ties, Sheeting,' Yarns, Fresh peaches, Tonuses, Oysters, Soap, Stafch, , Lye, Potash, Matches, Nails, ... Rice, Glue and Snxff. '' Forjwle by ' dec li-tf i WILLIAMS k MUfiCRlsbN; Hear, Hear; A CHANCE FOR A GOOD INVESTMENT J We will sell FOR CASH SO Shares of tbe Wil mington Cotton Mills Moafe. The Mills are in lull op ration and the investment will pay well, i or further information apply to : ' ' , D. A. 8MIT A CO, dec 17-1 w No. 43 N. Front St. Oak Wo5d, fek Wood, Dry and Well. Seasoned, JONG OR CUT UP, AT LOWEST PRICES. O. G. PARSLEY A CO, dec 16 tf Corner Sonth Water and Orange Sti. Tonsorfal Removal E, 1j . AT?TTH has removed to the Barber SbOD form erly occupied by him, in the basement of the Purcell House, where he invites his old friends and the pub lic generally to call on him. Best workmen in the SUre employed, and Shaving, Hair Cutting and Shampooing done at the whorteat notlcfl. Fifty Bunches Bananas, Three thousand oranges, California Pears. Malaga and Catawba Grapes, Pineapples and other fruits in store low for cash. - Fruit safely packed and rent by express to customers along the different Railroad lines, -s At . S. O. 37ORTHR0?8 sot Sl-tf ' ' " Fruit and Confectionery Store. Christmas Groceries. FULL STOCK OF FRESH GOODS: CONFEC tioneries, Apples, Citron, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Minced Meat,, Fruit-Butter all guaranteed At Very Lowest Prices for Cash ! dee 16-tf ; , JAMES C. STEVENSON. uUlifttr' UAJUJb AXiU VUllLNd CAK1W ag11 iMntfiig and Publishls? aoas,: I S? vfoordaysv..7., ! Z -:-. iiedays..rt..i...r..ff. Y - ons week... i.fii... Two weeks... ...... ,..... " tf " onemonth.....r..:..;;...... a oo --- " . TwoBumtsi...,,..,....., 15 W Three months;.."... .... 00 - Six sionths -...85 00 - " One Tear..........,;,.;. SO CI tJP Contract Advertisements taken at propoi tionately low rates. v - Five Squares estimated as a quarter-column, ard ten squares as a half -column. MISCELLANEOUS., .-Ortei for tte Coiins HoMajsT A COMPLETE ASSORT ment of GEyrs ; uiwbswsas. Neck Tics, Scarfs and Bows, c Also a large . stock of. Silk Umbrellas, just received. No better present for a friend than a Suit of Clothes or a new OVEKUOAT. . . The largest stock of Over coats in the city, from which to make a selection. dec 12-tf A . DAVID. Christmas Presents JjH)R PARENTS AND CHILDREN, Friends, Wives and Sweethearts. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS GOODS, NEW, RICH, ELEGANT AJID .USEFUL, now open for Inspection, ' '' '-' At C. W. YATE S' BOOK STORK. declfl-tf ' ' . 51 Market St. HOLIDAYS. The LIVE BOOK STORE HAS NOW ON Ex hibition the stock telerted frr ihe holiday trade comprising careful selections of ' ' s Novelties from Abroad; and many articles which-have not before been shown and are not to be found elsewhere. Tbe as sortment is larger acd richer than hHS ever before been offered. An early selection wilf - Secure the Best 'Choice! . HElNSB? RGER'S At dec 15-tf . Live Book and- Music Store. Christmas Presents ! OVERCOATS, Gold and Silver-Head Catiew, SILK UMBRELLAS, Haifa Dozen Wamsutta SMrts. Hemmed Handkerchiefs and a variety of other goods selling very low, at '' ' ; MUNSON&CO'S., '" City Clothiers and dec 15-tf Merchant Tailors. FIELD DOCS. Breeiii Kerael of A. C. MM!, Newton, New Jersey. Y0UNQ POINTERS AND SETTERS OF TUB ' Finest Strains FOR SALE. Dogs broken thoroughly for $30 CO. For fall par ticulars address, A. C WADDELL, mar 90-D&Wtf Newton. New Jersey. Look to Your Interest ! QNLT A FEW MORE DATS LEFT TO BUY Clothing at Cost. Fine Far Beaver Overcoats, CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS. , Overcoats of a) kinds, both for Men and Boy's. Only a tevr dozen of those sne Britith Uar-hoec left at $3 00 per dozen. All goods must be paid for before leaving the store. dec 16 tf SHRIER BROS. Flour, Flour, Flour. 2QQ Barrels Bob White Flour, 2QQ Barrels Bell Mill Flour, nnn Barrels Princess Royal Flour, For sale by KJUtG&MEB A CAXDBR PROS. deeatf Baisins, Candy and Candles- Boxes and Half Boxes Raisins, j y Q Boxes Candy. 2 Q Q Boxes and Half Boxes Candles. ForsaJebV." '' dec H-tf KEBCHNER 3t CALDSR BRQ3.' Caiiliflower and Celery, A VERY FINE LOT. Tor sale at decS-tf 6. H. W. RUWES. Harness and Saddles Of ALL DESCRIPTIONS, AT TBS NEW HARNESS SHOP; Ofl Thitd," between" PrlBes and Market "'streets. REPAIRING PROMPTtT DONS. 7 dec 14 tf BAYDSI? & QEgHARDt Antfersoii's Siorels ait TflnS. GOAL. HODS A SIFl ERS. A LL FOR SALE AT BOTTOM FIGDBES, BY declxtf GILES A MURCHIMON. The Robesonian. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING inLamberton, N. C, by W. Wallace- McDiar niid, has he largest circulation of any country paper in the State. ' It circulates extensively in the conn tie of Kobeson. Richmond. Bladen. Cotamfcus, Cumberland, brunswick and in the adjoining coun ties of Marvin, Marlboro' and Darlington, in SouiU Carolina. As a L- cal Newspaper hnas no superior. It is one of tfce few- com try papers whose Editor and Puo.isher gives his whole time ant attention to its columns. - -..,..,.-. In Polities the ROBESONIAN will strive to pro mote the principles of the Democratic- onscrvaciv party, and is uncompromisingly in favor of Wnite Supremacy. Iu Local columns will always teem with the latest aud best news, written in a brier, in telitgrnt and business-like manner. Its editorial will oe short and hicid and upon subjects which directly concern our people As an advertising medium it is mneh seoght after and has a pats on axe second to no other country paper. Kttablu'hed in 1870, it has ever since been Increasing in inSuenre and popularity until It has reached and occupied the very f.ont rank of North Carolina Journalism. HAi R3 Cash in Advancb One year, $2 50: Six Months, $1 J5; Three Months. 73 cents. Send a three-cent r-taaip for specimen copy. Advertising rates furnished on application. Address the Pub lisher. - t 16-tf THE ANSONIAN, A .Weekly, Netospaper, , Published at Polktcfci, 1 C. 4 L. I FOLK. v i JE'Mtosi IT WILL BE PATRONIZED ; LARGELY Wi the Farmers ssd Business Men ol Anson, Union, Stanley, and other counties along1 the Carolina Cen tral Railroad, and the Merchants, and other Business. Men of Wilmington, if they would secure the trade, of that prosperous section,' wHJ -nod do better iam for advertising, i . .; . anrl-tf

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