...... - 1 .- - - - - ' I THE IIOEimiG STAB. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY aiTM or soBsomiFTioa nt aotatcc: on, yau, (by mall) postage paid,. ........ f7 OU SixmoiiUu. ") . " ......... 4 00 Three montM( ' ) " 85 One month, C ") " " 1 00 To City Subscriber, delivered in any put of the City, JniSBen beuw I'w wctiK.: war vaty Aenti are not authorized to collect for more than 3 month in advance. ' - - s. OUTLlMiV Yesterday Pari of Perby delivered bis inaugural address as rector of the Univtr sity of Edinburgh. Steamer W. 8. Pike burned at New Orleans ; Richmond Enquirer inaugurates the non Union print in system. A force of Mexican raid ers stole 800 bead of cattle in Texas. . Kew York markets: Gold, 1818f; cot ton, 135-16fil3i;turpentlne,8t;rosiu,$l 70 $l 75. Meeting of the holders of Alabama bonds make some propositions which are elsewhere presented. a e c i t KKW A UV KHTINK.H BTS. G. Mters Holiday .Supplies. J. C. Stevejtson. Turkeys "and Chickens C. E. Cleapob. To Lot Owuere. Mcnson &Co. Shirts, &c. ; S. H. Manning. Notice. 0. D. Myers & Co. Family Supplies. See ad. of Harriss' Drug Store. Giles & McRCHisoN.-r-Meat Cutters, &c, Shbieb Bkos. Clotbing. See ads. of Williams & Murcbison. 1. O. R M. Important Meeting. G. A. Peck Keep VVrm. See ads. of Kercbner & Calder Bros. Edwards & Hall. Fire Crackers, A. David Prepare for the Holidays. See ad. of J. & H. Samson. Jno Dawson. Sportsmen's Goods. IlEissBERQEa. Cumlm is Presents. See ad. of Concord Chapter No. 1. S. G. Northrop. Toys. &c. Loral D 't. Very dull in magisterial circles lately. Hon. A. A. McKoy was in the city yesterday. Regular meeting of Concord Chapter to-morrow evening. Thought that receipts at St. John's fair netted about $250. No cases for trial before the Mayor's Court yesterday morning. Warmer, falling barometer and southerly winds predicted, and who's sorry ? We learn that all the vesseU in below, and bound out, went to sea yester day. There were only 2 interments in Oakdale CVmelery during the past week one itduli aud one chiid. The Uegister of Deeds issued 5 marriage licenses during the past week, 2 of which were lor while aud 2 for colored Couples. Dou't forget the fair and festival of the ladies aud cuildreu ot Fro ut Street 31. E. Ciiuich, at tne City Hall to-iuoirow veuiug. The wharf at the Compress U lined with vessel two abreast, wailing for cottou. Tu baques added yesierjay to the number. '1 he interments in Pine Foresst (colored) cemetery duriug the pat week uuuiOcted o, of wliicu 2 ertt aduiia and iJ were children. An important meeting of the Patrous of Mercy, a colored benevolent organization, will, we are i. quested tody, be: lie Id lo-inoiroA eveumg. A - poi iaulev eugiue of Messrs. Hart, liuiley & Co.' cut througu the ondge over Aiiigaior creek, iu limiiSWitk, jester day, but wasaafely ianUeU. Bridge much damaged. " Yesterday was oue of the coldest days experienced here iu many eara. Tne theruwmeler at tus time uui lug Ut day iu. di'cated the ItfmperatUic to be as 4uwi as 17 degiees. . ....... A: grand tournament and ball are in roapect at Wh'ileville ou Thursday, aud are cxcuin; a good deal ot inUreal not onlj theie but here aud aloug the lines ot both ittlriads. i- -. Sheriff Horrell arrived here yes terday evening with two dl red prisouers fiom. Fender. Tueif ;naniv:, are David" Euglish aud Luke Brown, boAi ane&ted ou capuue tioui the superior Court of this ci'Uuiy. . . , Our aged limbs involuntarily bent to the pa accdere as we weul home at '6 o'clock S iiuidav mvrnuig with the wiud biubtcnng round tut; corners auu lite mer cury shimmering a ay down through the twenties. fteized vlili tariyl. ve regret to learn that Mr. John C. Biiley, of the tirm of Hart, Bailey & Co., Whs seized with a sudden attack of paralysis, yesterday afternoon, while walking in his yard, aud fell to the ground, from whence he w us assisted to the house by a servant. Ail of e aide f his body, we hear, is com pletely pimilyMl. A ppolulineuta of Bev. V. S. Black, Pressing Elder, for first round of Quarttrl Meetings on the Wilmiiigtou District for' the Methodist E. Church, Souih, the present Conference year; Wilmington., . i .':' Kenansville, Clinton,1 .' . Magnolia, , . Bladen, Topsail, Wiitningtoh, Cokestwiry, al Fifth Street, Dec. 13-19. ETenansvifle Jan. 1-2. " Clintoo ... - t, Magnolia...... " 15-18. Bethlehem .... "22-23. Prtpect'..ii.. "2y-30. Front Street. . .Feb. 5-0. Wesley Cbaiei. " 12-13. at- Wuitevi le, wiinewjlfcjj VVVairittw-MlsstfirT.r Feb. l-30. SniiUiville. -at Unions . . Feb. 26-27. lizabeih ' liliihethtown. Mar 4-5. K District Ktnur a rd'ri Metiuc.aM Front St. M. E. Church, Feb. f Wilmingtoo, at 11 A. M. ) - . " '' ' ' !.! I'-'J i i I i i i ' . ' i . . .1 M I Kill i i i i I . i i .. . 1 ; - , i ' i a i . ' - ' o s ..... . " ' . ' ' : . ' ' ' ! r T '!.'' T i ' 11 oierlor Court. Court met yesterday morning pursuaht'to recess, when th following cases were dis posed of: - Isaac BrGrainger vsTfiiavid S. CoVan,' executor of Hubert Cowan. Judgment for plaintiff. Poindexter Shrmwell :et dLxs. & B. Southerland. Verdict for plaintiff, aid damages assessed at $2,253 50, of which $15,000 is the principal, with interett on same until paid. - W. A. CummiDg. vs. D. M. Buie etal. Decree by consent. . . . ; ' The Bank of New Hanover vs. W. R. Kenan. It was agreed that the deposition of Clarence Lowe, a witness in this case, be taken before T. M. Gardner, a justice of the peace, and that the same be admitted as evidence in this cause. The Bank of New Hanover vs. W. P. Pope and R. II. Grant. The jury find all issues in favor of plaintiff and assess the damages at $500. The Bank of New Hanover vs. W. P. Pope aud R. H. Grant. AH issues in favor of plaintiff, aud damages assessed at $358 70. The Bank of New Hanover v. W., P." Pope and R U. Grant. All issues in favor of plaintiff, and damages assessed at $4U0. , The Bank of New Haaover vs. W. P. Pope and Lemuel H. Bowden. All issui s in favor f plaiutiff, and damages assessed at $307 93. W. J. Sutton vs John T. Speiht. Case set for Tut sday, 28th inst. W. J. Bordeaux vs. Samuel Canncn Plainiiff called and failed and judgment of uonsuil entered. A DImal Nlsht Through all the long hours of Friday nigi t the cold blasts, wafted from thefrozen regions of the Nonh, howled and moaned and whistled round the houses, rattling loose windows, slamminjrshutiersai.d caus; i?ig those who were most comfortably pro vided to crouch lower under the covering and draw its protecting folds closer about them; many of whom, restless and uneasy, listened and shuddered, fearful that each moment the dreadful sound of the fire alarm would break upon their ears, while thoughts of stranded ships aud drowning seamen clinging helplessly to frozen rigging flitted ever and anon before their drowsy vision. It is such a night as that v Licli should arouse the minds of those who are comfort ably housed, comfortably clad and provided wiih nil the necrssary conveniences, if not the luxuries of life, to a realizing sense of the suffering, destitution and want that surrounds them on every side. How many within tut: limits of our city bent and shiv ered over a few dying embers aud went- to a cheerless bed, destitute of nearly all the appliances of comfort, on that cold and dismal night, none but the Great One above us can tell. more KearcUius- After the Flltby .acre. We learn that the money digging mania has been raging to a great extent iu I he neighborhood of 111. ion. As mauv as a dozen lar,e holes have been dug, evidently by parlies in search of treasure. Qne ot these, in the field back of the McRae house, is said to be about twenty feet wide and at least ten feet deep, around which the "magic circle" has beeu drawn, as iu the case of the one alluded to yesterday, while there are also to be 6een various indications of "goophering" arrangements, &c. This ap pears to have been dug within the past few days. . ftre Yekierday Murulus- The alarm of riie yesterday morning, be tween 9 and 10 o'clock, was fouud to have its or gin iu a dwelling on the sou.h side o. Ann,- between Sixth ud Seventh btrects. occupied by Messrs. Wynn and Foreman. The fire was discovered between the ceil in" and roof and was making considerable headway' when the Fifth Ward Bucket Company arrived at the scenes -and soon had the flimesunder control. The engines aud Hook aud Ladder truck were also very promptly on thegrouud.butfortunaU ly "there was but little need of their service;. Tb roof wa-enkleraidy Uuaaged. remperttitce 4teeHit. . We learn that tkrre ill be a temperance - -v-s . . : i . " a c -r mass meeting at the i?ntu ot reel at. iu. Cnurch on VVeduesday evening next, itie 22ud iust., for the purpose or toruitng a temperance aisuciatiou . somewhat on the Oid Washingloniaii plan. The public gen. erally, and particularly the ladies, through whose instrumentality much good lsexpeot- cd to be accuiplisljeU, ale not only invited, but earoeKtly rtijuested to attend. .Tlarlue liitelliticiiee. Capi. Pluuuuer, of the schooner Johfy U Converge, which arrived at this poit lrom ineNavatisa Islands yesterday, reports hav ing expei ienced heavy weather, split sails, &c. She left at iSiavassa the cboouer Luvinui F. Warren ani the schooner Ida May, which will be ready in teu days to tail tor this port. False Alarm. Considerable excitement was created on Seventh, between Chesnut and .Mulberry streets, 'ytslerday morning, by the ciy of fire, which was louud to be caused by the burning out of tiie chimuey of a residence occupied by a colored man named James Diy JCbealann did f"t become generaL Alleeed Forcery. We learn that a colored man well known in ths ciiy is charged with having recently forged orders on a certain firm here lor the amount of $1,500. .Further developments will probably transpire soon, when the "presaurtf" VlU be removed and we will giye them to tke public WILMINGTON, N. C, SUNDAY DECEMBER 19. 1875. A VOICK FUUM lU&rBISON. J. F. Porter, the Alleeed Convtet, r . , sPeak fer Iliinaelf HI Ktatemeut to the Public. We give below the statement of J. F. Porter, alleged to be an escaped convict from Georgia, whose arresi and imprison ment, togetber.with the fact of his arraign ment before Judge Henry on an applica. tioo for release under writ of habeas corpus, the decision of His Honor remanding" him to the custody of the officer from Georgia, his appeal to the Supreme Court, &c, was mentioned in the Star a few days since. Of course we know nothing personally. 8 to"! the facts in the case, but deem it no more than justice under the ciicumstanci 8 to give the accused the benefit of his own statement in the premises: New Hanover County Prison, ) Dec. 17lh, 1875.fi j" Editor Morning Star : Lear Sir: In your issue of the 16th insi.fl see an article headed " I he Es caped Convict," which I suppose is a state ment of Mr. J. S Wiae, who came to take me back to Georgia, which article does me great injustice. Therefore I hope you will give Jiie space iu your columns thai the facts in regard to my imprisonment may be made known, as 1 am a stranger here. The facts in the Case aie as tollows: In tlie latter part of 18(57 I was ap pointed a constable for the 1,234th district of Georgia, which embraced a portion of Atlanta, Ga., to fill an unex pircd term of a gentleman who had been tilling said office. When the term expired aud an ord r lor an election was issued to till said office, I was elected by a public vote and hi leu said office during: the lime for which I was eiected, giving full satis faction in all my official acts. When the second election came on I was re-elected. Dunng my second term there was consider aule dissatisfaction expressed, all owiug to my political pnuciplts, but with all they could bnun against me 1 was elected to fill a thiid term. Soon alter there was quite a number of charges brought agaiust me, but I succeeded in defeating all but two. The one besides this was for eaniulinjr. which was malicious; I was lined $125, which I paid; but they seemed determined to break me from office, so the Solicitor General went to the j til aud told a man who was coufiued tlieie awaiting trial that if he would be a witness axinst J. F. Porter that when his trial came up he wou.d use his influence with the court in his behalf. All this was adm tied by the Solicitor. On mv trial all the evidence I could briug seemed to avail nothing; the jury seemed determined to con iet me, wnich they did. Tbe Judge passed the following sentence on me, "Let the defendant. pay a tine of $600 and cost. aud in default thereof to work twelve months ou the public works of Fulton couuiy,"aud not $1,000 or twelvemonths iu the penitentiary, as the geutlemau swore in my healing betore Judge Henry. During the peuding of ray trial my office was declared vucuut aud another man ap pointed. I decliued to pay said fine and I was sent off, anil instead of being seul to the couutu vorks I was sent to ihe feta e prison. A few das after my arrival 1 learned that some parties were trying to Set up other charges against me, and fH confident l hat my liberty would be tawen from me. 1 had been allowed the liberty of the camp. Wheti such fact Came to my knowledge I considered it a duty I owed to my wife and children to prevent an im prisonment which might continue for yeais; therefore 1 made my escape. The statement that I went back on my constituents is wholly untrue, and so far as ray ever having received a bi lo allow a prisoner to escape, or receiving illegal lees. uo greater falsehood ever fell from the lips of man. If 1 ever go buck no punishment that could be imposed upon me woULd be too great. - The parties that had me in charge paid ele.ven dollars for my services for twelve months. The geuUcmah whof came after me told me that a considerable mm had been expended in trying to capture me. Now, in conclusion, 1 respectlully ask the public if ii docs not look more like a malicious persecution than vindicating the law. Hoping the readers of this article will be lieve iue when 1 say every word of it is true, I rcraaiu very resp; cttully, -.: J. Flournoy Porter. A Tiyaierlona Mruser on tbe Ramp Near Cowan, the county seat of Ptender, od FiiJay morning, a white man, apparently a tramp, entered the nonsebf Mfc J. D. SeUara, during hisabsence, and commenced cutting up all sorts pf ugly Aater8, sucli aa luniDlingtue turnituro into tne lire, dec. The family," of conrle ''er!S' badly f right- ened and bad to fly from the house, i For-, J 4 tunately, a number of section '4ianda, who were at work near by. Jiearipg tbe'Doise, went lo .the house 'and; took 3tfce' man out, delivering him into the bands -of Sheriff Horrell, who cam - up in the: meantime.' Tbe Sheriff questioned the individual, but could et no iu formation from him, even as to bis name, or where ne came from, ..and Hte rittt4iy-kklf d to ccB4-4ba-4oan down here, lie arnveU uere.J'iiday evening, in charge of an officer, anjl was lodged iu jail.1 fhe Sherifi himself arrived berej yesu-r day evening, when be was informed ih bis prisoner still remained reticent as to his identity and that he had torn all his cloth ing from his person. This action would indicate that tbe man is insane, and if so he should be properly cared fur and some means adopted lo asceitain w ho he is and where he hails from. Tbe sheriff will take the man back to Cowan on Mondav. " ' Hemcmber, xljoiiday mil A. HI. Tb& ladies wfio .desire, to assist in the preparation for au entertainment to be given s nne time in January in behalf of the Lee Mausoleum fund . will meet acccording to u quest at the VV ilmiogmn library room, ou Market street, at; 11. o'cltick to morrow n . . morniug. .. Ine meeting is one 01 organiza tion, we understand, md it is hoped that as m inv of our ladies as can be present1 coif - . . .. . - ' veuiently will be thereto start matters. ... tlanse of Tliernoiaoer. ' ' - The following was the range of the ther mometer ' at the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterday-: - ,. .. , - . . "' 7 A. M.. 20: 12 M 28: 2 P. M . 33; 40 O Xt Oft. ft O If OO. ff T TtT OQ Highest temperature daring past 24 botirs: 84, lowest IS. - ' I Colored tudriatrtartir. The Lincoln Guards, of Charleston, S. C, are expected here oh a-Visit to the Fair, The Association raised their .flag Over the building on Tfiursia'v. The flag is a very handsome one, blue, bordered with! & white fir Id and red letters, with two eais'of corn also. : .; . . ; , . Owing to the large amount of stack en tered, the Board has enlarged the grounds by extending the enclosure; so as; to -make room for more stock expected. ' - - Parties having articles for exposition will do well to enter the same this week. . t Col. Roger Moore has been invited to ad dress, the firemen on the first day after the contest by them for the prize. i There' are many curious 'articles to be seen al the grounds, already eu tered. The following additional ' special pre miums are offered: By Mr. A. H. VanBokkelen: - . , Five dollars in gold for the best barrel of rosin made by acoloied man at any distil lery in the city of Wilmington or its sub urbs during the month of December, from turpentine of tbe crop of 1875. c- V Five dollars in gold for the best barrel of rosin made by a colored man in North or S.inlh Carolina, from pure yellow dip tur pentine of the crop of 1875. Certificates will be required setting forth the facts that the rosin was made at points and times designated, from quality turpen- tioe stated. j; By Mr. W. P. Baraesr One dollar in gold for best fish gig, made by a colored man. By Mr. P, H. Smith: One dollar in silver for best pair nf kniiled drawers, made from pure wool. . . By Mr. Newman, Market street: Two dollars and fifty cents in gold for best speci men of copper or tinsmith work! . Jos C. Hill, Sup't., The RallKU.ilice. , r ' ' Wo take the following extract from an article in the last issue of the Raleigh ikn Unci. We have only to say that we received our information from what we considered a strictly reliable source. The remarks of the Sentinel about our police do not apply, M Porter wai not arrested by policemen: "TneSTA'R then goes on fotwlttheRaleigh police for the escape of Porter, and very unjustly. Our police never had a full de scription of Porter; they received a veiy brief and ieaceuraic one, which answered far belter tor the man arrested by mistake than for Porter, as Mr. Wise acknowledged upon his arrival here.. They did not have information concerning the matter a. week before the attempted arrest as the Star al leges, but received it late in tbe afternoon of that day. It is now known that Porter bad been on his guard for several Sveeks previous to tuis auair, as he bad been recogr nized and spoken to b , art acquaintance. trom ueorgia, and by means of hrs own vigilance and that of friends got wind of Ihe fact, that the police were looking for him in lime to make his eaeapef oefor tbe mis take in Identity was discovered, . t he Wil mington iKlice in effecting the arrest had the benefit of all tbe necessary intelligence by wire lrpm this city, so they needn't strive to stick a whole ostrich plume in their caps. The members of . Black Hawk and Pocahontas Tribes, I. O. R. M., are invited to attend an important meeting of Wyoming Tribe No. 4. The time of meet ing is indicated in the advertisement. , DIBU CANTWkLL. In tht city, at 3 o'clock eter-' d4 mi-raing. tbe letn lost . Reuie Augusta daaun er of Edward and the late Eleanor C tint well, seed M moa am. - , Th funeral will take place from Jndse Cantwell's residence, cu roar b s reet, between Orange and Ann. ? bi laoiraay) afternoon, i a cioca. NEW ADVEHTISEMENTS. . Prepare for.llie Holidays.7 Y1AJ.L EARLY AND GUT a Obrtetmaa Present' ii the shape or a suit o curm; or' ' An UVfiKLUAI, '. - or Shl't?, Neck Tiea, Pcarfs, Ac.,r-r yoorrriena. rnotntnz w- a'd he. mrtre ai preciated by 1 hem The last and rest st jnartc down in prices fees i.lac- Mondar. Otk into. Thiue thflioomtfersf. Bex ad: VaAtaeuf the tlrBC choice. jlec 19 "tt A. DAVTt?' tis a ' J6y:1PbSrfever." u pQE FINEST ASSORTMENT OP x ' L ' ' ' ''' : BEAVER AD CtOTH CLOAKS ; Ever teen in this Ctty'are now open, at, .; jS&il samson's;!; 48.1Ar!KET STREfP. ! Aii IuiBortaiit Meetim: Members of bla(;k hawk and poca- bouta Tribes. I. O. E. M . and all viitin; brothcrtt a reqites to tenrl (an -inportant meetttig of' WTonuna inoeiNO on,' we 'ieep 01 me iviq, San, Hunting Moon (i. S . 1. 384, at tbe 7th ran, 8-;lh hroMh ... : ; .dec 1 -It," Keep Warm JJY USING A GOOD WEATHER STRIP TO piral and, straight door k ep out the reld wind. BDrinza. Axes at 90 cents. Axes at 1 CO. at: dee 19 t.f . No. 85 nta Frontt, ' Toys, CMste Gooitsj'&c. Received this day by stbamkrs. a large variety ef New Toys. C ndes. Oranges, 'Appier, Malafea Grapei uliforn la Fears, ew Daf- Pianes. Figs, Ratsiaa and everything choice iatheCcufeltalierlin,. . ' Ai i. Q. NRTHROP'S t da; '.j-Fftitt tmd pufectjopCTy "ttore. iqiSEorJsmgft'fttoods; ... sTOWliER FLASKS. SHOT POUCHES, GAME' 1 li?i.,Pir Skwmni'BaesE)y'a.eink and Black Rd e Wads. Powder and hoc r Bret ch JOHN DAWSON: f declO tf Nos 19, 0 and81 Market street Egg Beatera, Ac, for sale at vefrtew nKareyky, dec 19-tT : ils if 6XLES MUfSpa;. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' AMOiUC . . .. ; . -. . i . . 7 - . , - . - - . ' rpHE BEST AND MOST SENSIBLE PRIS- enti to those who are not bletsed with, an abund ance ot thiS-World's Gofidi ai i . ... Family Supplies, Floor, Bacon, Lard, Coffee, Tea. U will divide profits with Cash Bayers or these applies when bought for presents. 5 1 - .' Chas. D. Myers & Co., 5 and 7 NORTH FRONT STREET. FOI'8 EICELSIOR CRACKERS. THE BEST SMALL OK Butter Crackers Made Ju ibe United State for Table, Lunch or Picnic. COMMINUTED CRACKERS, made from Fox'b Excelsior Cracker. To be used in FItTlSG CR BROILING 0TS1LR8, CUTLETS, CHOPS, FISH, etc , and in making dreesing for Fowls, ; SO UPS AND P UDDINGS. Imported mi Domestic Searsr Paul Rorpbys, Tnba Bosas, Beg Eeynas, la Parepas, Little Charlies a&d f . Our Valentines, in boxes of Fifty Each. Very choice, in handsome mle and satiable for Holiday Presents ' to Smokers. CHAS. D. MTERS & CO., dee 19 tf ,87 Ncrth Front St. Salt, Molasses, Bagging, Ties, &c. QQ0 Sacka Liverpool Salt, JOQO Bondle Tiea, . 200 Rolla B"gglB '200 andCalMlfolMSa Hhdi S. B. and Caba Molassei' " Q Boxes D. 8. and Smoked Bacon, Little RiTcr, Lake George and I ebanon A. Sheeting, . Little Blrer and Randolph Tarn. ' - For sale by dcl9-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Rice, Cheese, Apples, Butter, Ac. Zfi Bbls HUtom MlUs Rke. 100 Boxes Factory Cbeeac, -,ii Barrels Apples, " ' ' i20Tab8-" Batter- Boxes noriford'aB;ead Preparation, r A Boxes. Rant a,. Fea Foam, 3M Boxes Freah tJJ Peauhea, Tomatoes and Oysters, Lemon; soda, Saga anil.' Cyster-Crackers, Ginger Snaps and Buckwheat. " ,, For sale by . "... : decUtf : V.j WILLIAMS & MURCBISON. 'Apples,' Fire Crackers, Cheese. jrBarrbls Apple. ':;; tii BOXES FCiK Orackeks. XJT - . Boxes Cheese. . (.: For sale by dif. IS tf . KKKOH-NKK (;AI.DER BHOS. A -fj , Bacon 4ttid Fork. yQ. Boxes fj S. Sides, lioxes Smoked Sfce!Y ' : .: jfj boxo Snifeked Shealdtrs, ' fry Barrels Poik. i. Por.ealoby . . . . ... ' . dee iskr KKRCHNER ft CALDER BROS. p ; Urieiiitil Powder, 300 6S an Sportug Pwler, ' ti ii Kega Blasting", Powder, 50 Kegs Duck UVli Powder. Fuse aud Caps. ' . ': -. ". Koi sale by dec 19 tf . . KEKCUNER & CALDER PROS. -JEiJDrackers, ItX RAI'IN. 10 s WHOLE, HALF 'nd Uirarter Boxe:, . , . .. . . isuai-. vAmma, bi akvu, ouu Boxes; CHEESE' AbD CBAKBS, - JOO-Boxes-and Barrels; : ' ; , , i- FEACHKa. OYSTERS AND TOMATOES, 800. Bex ea Canned Goodat ; . y! ; t ; '' j 'A :uTPBACCUUFJ AND CIGARS, -r- Boxeaallradej,: ; ( SOdBarrelBGooi'FIoar; U: .i-hih., , if t:J 1 SUGAR 'AND COFFEE. tM Bog and Ba rels; Naila. S0O Kegs. i deel-tf Jill 1CDWARD HALL.Ui VlitDUUiu CA1UHB AND VlSITUIb CARDS I r. BrJaUig a febjk&e Move WHOLE NO. 2,681, WOT OWLY FO R TH E H OLl DA YS, " " ; ' for Every Day in the .Year; Yf HATB 1H STOKK THE FINEST SELECTED STOCK OF CHOICE " " ; Family Supplies BTER BROUGHT TO THIS STATE, AND ALL AT TH E L0WE8T PB1CBS. ' - ... The Finest DoMstic ani Iijortei Gooils at Less Bail New M Prices. Oar Brands of Double Extra -Family Flour, SOLD AND USED ALL OVER THIS and OTH KB STATES WITH UNPARALLELED SUCCESS; Monogram Patent Process, ; MONOGRAM.. Empire, AND OTHER GRADES. O OR FINE SELECTED STOCK OF LIQUOHS Embraces all the Choicest and Oldest Brands IN THE UNITED STATES. OTAIiD, DUPRY & CO., AND HENNESSEY BRAND Yx Guaranteed Vintage 1848, and no Fraud, Ramsay Scotch Whislcey, The finest brand Imported; Old Jamaica R im, imported; Holland Gin, Imported. ' ' KA CASES WINES, CORDIALS, LIQUORS. COCKTAIL AND RUM PUNCH, We Iny'te esrec'a uU attention to these Liquors; have beon in atjk 9 years, and will take pleasure in showing them. PRK & TILFORD, Romano and Harmony Table Sherry. Fine Imported Sherry at $3 per gallon French Mixed Candies, Fancy CandiesMariards Broken Candy: Figs in Drams and Cartoons; New P one. 10 pounds er fit 00; Atmore'g Mmce Meat and Plum Pudding ttaiaine, wiiolea, halves and quarter Bitxes Shelled A Jmonds, Citron, Currants, i bus, ccrnacopias for ; CtarlflUQas Trees, Preserver, Pitkles and Jellies at Reduced Prfcen. - .BestilButter in the World, From 20 to 45 Cents per Ponnd. . We are offering Beet Goods in the Market at surprisingly low prices". CALL AND SEE THE . ELEGANT DISPLA Y OF Fancy Goods- ; Make your purchases to-Che b'eH advantage 4ow. Try us ana you will be convinced tt is at Decembermf n & 13 South Front St. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: Harriss' Drug Store Vf PEN TO-DAY. PRINCESS STREET, EAST of National Bank, opposite Journal calces Pre scription careful! compounded. ' ' dec l-lt ; 1 W. W. BARF-ISS, M. T. ;antly Made Cassimere Suits -,T(L OKOEBJEP It MUN80N A X)., declUt .:, Merchant Tailors. Iressel TDriejs and CMctons : el UST RECEIVED, - VERT NICE: FOR SALS low. Prices of Raisins, Currants, Citron and other Christinas poods put down to the very lowest notct. quality Kuaratfeed.' ' " ' '' .4 deeltt-U ,,,, JAMES. C. STEVEN BON. , The Lot Owners. fF PINS FOREST CEMETERY CO are hewT V not! fled, t' at the annual meeting for ne ' IfO tlon of Trustees for the ensuing year, 1879 will' t held in the City Hall on Monday eening, Dec. i0 fc, at ? o'clock. Yon are requested to attend: pdnetav ally i.,,.-,. . CHAS. K CLKAPOR, dec 17 It ' Secretary and TwNsn tf. : $25 00 CAWEB-PROM-Ni Vork llouee, Decei ESCAWEB-PROM-rW-ANOVER COUNTY Work ilouee, December 12th, 1S75, e ; ' I Robert Tate Moore. . Said Moore ie of gihaet bread color, & feat 8 inches bUh, and weighs about 165 p and His toea turn oat and he bancfeea his shoulders whea tie wa-ks. He had on brow a Jea&s pants, prison rhl t i:a No iS painted on ha-kand blue soldier coat. Formerly belonged to Dr. SatchwelL The above reward will be paid for hie apprehen sion and delivery to the uadereignedV ' dcl41w. Li:.- MATHES CO. Clirisiinaik Presents FOR ALL I CALL AND GET THEM AT THE Live Book' More; . ; . - The Adveatures of Captain HaHeraa, by Jules Verne: - ' .- w Twenty Thousand Leagues, by Jules Verne. Price $135 - Sketches, by Mark Twain. " ' ' i. ' : . -. rjVw Shepherd TiSdy, by .Jean Ingelow. ionga of the Land and Sea, by Eansenlda Boyle. : Personal Remtnteceaces,by Coaatablea&dGilTIefl. Bric-a-Krac series. . ., Alitor sale at,; . - '' ' j HElNSBPRGtR'S ..... deelS-tf - I " i. Lire, Booh and Mdsic Store, 1 !r Regular feting Of' CONCORlT rHAPTEtf NO? 'i,Mt)NlA' -evenine, the SOtk iit . atwkichtime there will be an election Of officers for the enaoing ear ByadetoftWMiKiH. - "Bf.-JT aTHiUr W Viaiagiag; N. C. Dec 16 1875. si. tiiew Orleaau BolaaMes. .. . UV ' . ceiHr. , r, I b .... ....... , ; . . A CALDER BROS. lwo mentis ...15 w Three mondiB.,,.. . DO Btx wontaft..ii.... ...S5 00 Oaavear. A0 Ot ty Contract Advertlaemects taken at propel donately tow ratet. ' - .- .-. - Five Squares eetuaated as a qnerter-colnmit. ar.d tea squares a half-column. and Fancy Goods Caution! ' : '' . ; . ' " : - i. - ' BEWARE OF ALL IMITATIONS. I The Genuine IS SOLD ONLY BY US! ' The Su ceicst and "' .-; , . " . hltest Bread and BISCUITS AT THE LAST FAIR WERE MADE FROM OUR MONOGRAM. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Stnie Wliile ttelronisHot!- rjmo E WHO WISH BARGAINS IN 31 en's Clotlilngr, Boy a' Clolblng, Children's Olothing, GctuW Paz&'eUag Gkiodf, at Actual Coft, bad, b st eettt e t tern at once. The great ra-h for tbe post two weeks kas greatly reduce oar suck ' We mast cloze oat entire stock by first of Jana-.ry. , ., ., . . . , . - decl9-tf 8HRIER BROS. SH RRI PF OPP1CP NEW UANOTKR COUN Dec.- 13th, Notice is hereby given that all per- Bona doing basinef is tbe eouty of New Hasover UabJe to pay Sckedule Taxes mast pay tbe same promptly on the first Monday la January next, ca the whole amount .of their pnrehasea for the past tlx mnnthii. - tJ ? ... -: . 8. H. MANNINO, . desltmjan . : . Sheriff. Who Would Go Shirtless ! WHS V WE ARB AL3SOST GtVTNO ' iSIBTS WJ ? - - . , : ' . ... . . . ' Xeep'i Patent Panly Hade Wamsutta Shirts" will be told till farther notice lx for $6 OO Catv NEW YORK MILLS 8mRT8 All sut and Lauudried at S3 eica. Cash. ' MCNStUACO dee 19-tf - : Clothiers asd Merchant Tailors. MILLINERY The UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM tt.r i ai .v . ., Km inmt Termed from New uccu tut Bva wot: kg making bet Fall pareaaace Id Fine Frendi Hillinery aad will be prepared fa a few day to show ber friends aud the public generally the latest sty lee in. FRENCH PATTERN BONNETS AND EATr', audeverytbinpertainiBgtotae bosineee. I bard alao s ury aa selecciMn r Fancy tioodn, coniet ingof ' ; " Ladles' Corsets, Hoop' Skirts, POMPADOUR'S LACES. FRINGES, BUTTONS ' ' . ' aUPPEJt PATTXSXS, MOTTOES and Frames, Lmea Collars and Caffs,Raiittejdefa, Nech Ttce, abacMag Bette, iwitoaeaBnada, and the largest and cseapeat stock of Zepkyt Woretad and 8aeUaad Wool to be bad thia tdf , ef, Baltimore. Orters-froja tbe country ec-e4. and attended to. wftn jonptnee and care. i ' i;to ( ; Variety Store,- Market itret. octSnactf ' MRiTl. FLANAGAN ( : : 4 ;

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