"T" nr i ' L ' THE nOEITEIG STAE. PUBLISHED DAILY. BY RAT Or BtTBSCMPTIOH JUtTAXOO One ye". 07 mail) postage paid,. ....... ft 00 Six months, , ") , .... 4 00 Three months(" " l " a 35 One month, C ') m": " ;v.m.vo 1 00 To City Subscriber, delivered la any part of the city, Fifteen Cent per week. Our City Agents are not authorised to collect for more than 3 months is advance.- ; . .;- .V ! ': OUTLINES. - Rupture between Extreme Radicals and the Left In the French Assemijly." -Val-maaeda resigns as Cap t. Gen. of Cuba and Jovellar is appointed. Quesada .w take command of the :- ariny .against! Carlista Vesuvius erupts. At Milwaukee Burback sentenced for revenue frauds. Yale withdraws from Jthe rowing asaocia tion of American - colleges. - Chicago Commercial Loan Company state they close up on account of; personal disagreement and not financial embarrassment. - Another crowd of Mexicans raided into Texas and killed several men besides rob bing. - -'A: horrible massacre reported in Indian Territory Bodies burned. Completion of election of members of French Senate bo far as the Assembly is concerned was effected yesterday. . New York markets: Gold , 13i13; cot- ton, 13 5-1613. In Gironde river two steamers collided, and 16 on board the Louisiana iost. " - Traders' National Bank of Charlotte commence business with $100,000 capital stock. The latest duel, which was nipped in the bud at Au gusta yesterday, grew out of the shooting of a dog. THE STATE UNIVERSITY. The Raleigh News says that "the first session of the new life of the University has been an encouraging one, and promises healthy and vigor ous life. In truth the uumber in at tendance was larger than could have been expected, because io September, when the exercises were opened, most young men had already entered institutions whose sessions com menced earlier in the season. .; There is no question that the rmmber of students will be largely increased next session, for the management so far has been wise and prudent.' The News is gratified that the ex periment tried during the past ses sion of boarding in mess for nine dollars per month each student dem onstrates that the University of Xorth Carolina is one of the cheapest institutions in the country, and an swers the objection thai?it would be too expensive for any but the sons of rich men. Chapel Hill, in truth, is no longer the place to which idle sona of wealthy fathers resort to vie with each other in extravagance. Concerning the Presidency the Neics acknowledges it has no infor mation, but infers "that the present financial condition of the University does not yet iastify the appointment of a President with the large salary required to secure the necessary high talent, qualifications and influence. The appointment is still deferred to a future day, and in the meantime, the Chairman of the Faculty will at present perform the functions of President." We regret that the Trustees' at their recent meeting did not see fit to allow the publication of more facta in regard to the progress made in re storing the University. Great and general interest is felt in the work. The Republican State Treasurer of Kansas has been Lappin so much the Governor compels him to resign; One by one the roses fall. Likewise the BabroostersI , THAT EXCURSION. Keiarn of (be Ceateaalal Excursion-isM-Wfeat It Said Aat the VlalC Tbe Hauqaet, ' iSpecial Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Washington, Dec. 19. The larger portion of the excur sionists who went to Philadelphia on Friday returned last night, reaching here shortly past midnight.. The Philadelphians undoubtedly did a smart thing in getting this excursion uj. The details were carried out ad mirably. Tbe guest were all housed at the first hotels of the city, with every possible attention paid to their cbmtort. The greatest surprise was exhibited .by all the visitors at the magnitude of the exposition build ings, which is perfectly astonishing. The banquet spread on Saturday afternoon at Horticultural Hall Was an extremely elaborate and handsome affair. . Plates were set for about 900 persons and yet there was a very large amount of unoccupied room in the hall, which is one of the smallest of the exhibition buildings. Bishop Simpson, one of the origi nal third-termers, stood up. over the; President who sat in . tbe middle of' the room, facing the whole company, and said grace. The President dis played his hearty appreciation of the' good things blessed by the Bishop.' A couple of boxes of cigars were placed in front of him, and when he had finished eating he put bis bat on and commenced ''upon the 1 cigarsi1 The first toast was to the Presi dent It bad been circulated around that the President intended to make a speech, and all V; were onMtbe qui nificant allusions bearing on the isms of lhe day.' Tbsy were disappointed, however, K for .the President simply bow and lcept on with his smoking. Ex-Speaker Blaine, who sat a few seats' from the President, responded to the toast to commerce. He was greeted wenfce 9 with terrifioeheers, and there was an evident attempt.to give a personal significance to the demon stration, in view of his being a candi date for the Presidency. The Presi dent soon got tired of the speeches, and attended . by his ever faithful Philadelphia companion,- he retired. ..The, speeches. were all concluded before six o'clock, at which time the special train started on its return to Washington. The entire expenses of the excursion, from first to last, were, It is understood, met by the citizens of Philadelphia, not one cent Of tne centennial f funds being used. The impression produced upon Senators and members wa very favorable, and the centennial "commission are per fectly confident that they will be able to get the appropriation asked for without serious objection. The Mallh. . The mails will close at the City Post-Of-flce until further notice as follows: Northern (night) mails foi all points North. East And West Of ' Weldon, -daily at 5:45 P. M. " through and way (day) mails daily. except Sunday, 6:30 A. M. pouinern maus ior ail points South, daily Charleston, daily, at. Western mails (C. C. Ry) daily (except Sundays,) Charlotte mail closes at 5:15 P. M. 5:80 A. H. em A. 4: 15 P. M. M Smith ville (via Easy Hill r and Town Creek) .Tuesdays and Saturdays . . 6KK) A. M. FayetteviQe, and offices on Cape ,ier Kiver, jnonaays and Fridays Fayetteville by C. C. R'y. daily 1KX) P M. (except Sundays) G.-00 A.M Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices every Friday 6:00 A. M. The Smith ville mails, by steamboat, close at 8 A. M., daily, except 'Sundays. Mails fdr Easy ; Hil Town Creek, BeU Swamp, Bupply and Shallotte, every Friday at 8 A. M. Mails delivered from 0:30 A- M. to 7:80 P. M. : aad on Sundays from8:S0 to 9 SO A. M. . Stamp Office open from 8 A M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6. -00 P. M. Money order or Register Department open same as stamp office. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. ' ' Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night. Malls collected from street boxes every day at 5 P. Mr . - - ' ' HBIT ADVBBTISRmBNTS. , J. B. Hill. Bankrupt Notice. Oliver Drrsox & Co. Musical Gifts. 5 Mtoson& Co. Wamsotta Shirts. : 5 J. C. Stevenson. Great Inducements. See ad. of Campbell and Foy. . ; Clark & Snkidkb. Shot Guns. . . O.' G. Pabslet & Co. 20,000 Shingles. See ad. St. George & St, Andrew's Sbc'y. 8. Jewett Pretty Things for Christmas. Te Woad far lh Por. Two more car-loads of the wood donated to the Ladies' Benevolent Association by Mr. J. B. Wilkinson and tbe Carolina Cen tral Railway Co. through CoL Fremont have arrived and been made ready for de livery on orders coming through the proper channel. : Mr. Jas. A. Springer continues to deliver the wood to the poor in all parts of the city without charge. The ladies are to be congratulated on the-enlistment in be half of their cause of such hearty sym pathizers as these, enabling them to supply the worthy poor with wood at absolutely no cost to themselves for either the value of 'the wood, freight or drayage. We under stand that Mr. Wilkinson is willing to fur nish, for tbe next two or three months, at his mill on the line of the railroad in Bladen county, as much green wood as the Asso ciation may require to supply the wants of tbe poor, making no charge therefor. On this wood the Association would have to pay cost of loading on cars and some freight charge, probably, as it would seem rather too much to ask the railway company to continue to carry it free. It remains to be seen whether it can' be delivered here cheaper in that way than it can be bought from dealers. AlaaoBie BleUoBw' i Wilmington Lodge No. 819, F. & A. M., last night elected the following officers for the ensuing Masonic year: S. Northrop, W. M. - ' ' ' C. H. Robinson, S. W. W. P. Oldham, J. W. A. J. Howell, Treasurer. -W. S. Warrock, Secretary. W. H. Cbadbourn, S. D. E. G. Barker, J. D. Jno. B. Robinson, S. H. Collins, Stewards. John L. Cant well, Marshal. - George Patterson,-Chaplain. - B. G. Bates, Tyler. flfaclatratea Cairt. Ci- Tamer Morris and Julia Ford, , two col ored damsels, were arraigned before Jov tice Cassidey, yesterday charged with fighting and creating a disturbance on tbe public streets. Judgment was suspended WftapayWentof ctsi f A Nevr Bnterprlae. We learn that Mr. B.JIatbes, Superin-5etiant?of'-th&an'iWori House, is about starting a new brick yard in.the eastern suburbs of the- city, to which the county prisoners will be removed si soon as the stockade is completed. The land has already, been purchased for the purpose. Cn billable KtUtm. y The following "ia a list of Un mailable letters nRininiaguin.th:eity post office: W. R. S. Brosbank, Washington, N. C; William A. Farrow, Warsaw, N. C. I These are the shortest days. Whassifdfolniisserl rflast night? .STCfyS ; The temperature was almost sVrDg-likethauoessa ''. Southerly winds, clouds and ralo, followed by cooler weather.predicted lor to-day;:i " - --'y -y-'-i - Magnolia Baptists are having a revival, -with much Interest manifested and several conversions. " f '" The Navassa Almanac for 1876, presented by the Navassa Guano Company of this city, is on our table. y ?lf '- . - Some thief entered the residence of Dr. J. D. Bellamy,. Monday night, and carried off a fine overcoat from the rack in the passage. t ... " Ladies' Fair and Festival at Whiteville yesterday, with a; lecture from Rev. Mr. Taylor, of the First Baptist Church, of this city, last night. It was Officer Edgar Miller who was first in attendance upon the robbers at the Manning House, Officer Bender being afterwards summoned to his assistance. - - A eonvict tried to set fire to the Work House on Sunday, but the only re sult was tha05hhnl was nearly smoked to death" before the fire was extinguished. A horse attached' to a dray ran away on Market street yesterday afternoon and created a momentary excitement, but was stopped before much damage had been done. .- The Mayor being absent from the cUyr there was ,io. session of the City Court yesterday morning He expects to return in time to bold court Thursday morn ing. ' ' ' '" - y We learn that a white infant child, residing with fts parents in an alley in the neighborhood of Eighth and Wooe ter streets, was, accidentally smothered to death on Sunday night. . In jastice'to tbe Secretary of the Ladies' Meeting on last Monday we wilt supply the bfflission, made by our composi tor, of the name of Mrs. Jno. E. Lippitt on 'the Music Committee. Merchants and business men generally should be very careful to see that all their doors and windows are properly secured at night. The police have discov ered several doors open or unlocked lately. " Kate Fisher is doing Mazeppa in Wilmington." She is doing no such thlng."And tte w Wm&?orthFthing is Understood when we say that one night was enough for both the lady and her audience. Some of tbe. Sir Knights who will take part 4 the grand tournament and ball at Whiteville to-morrow have, been in town purchasing their trappings, the last day or two. The band for the occasion will be from this city.- - There was a good attendance at the fair of the Melhodlat Social' Society yesterday evening early. ' We cannot speak of what happened later, because when we again found time to think of the children the fun was all over. Oar friends, -Gerken 4& Macum- ber, of the PyUHan Echo, the new organ of the order of K. of P., which is to be com menced here on the 8th of January, have secured an excellent office over Mr. J. C. Munds' drug store, on Third street. Judge Henry, in company with Sheriff Manning, .visited the county jail yesterday, and, we learn, expressed himself as being very much pleased with the con venience, comfort, cleanliness and security which characterize its internal .arrange ments. Dr. Wilson's lecture delivered at Cheraw, S. C, and not at Charlotte, N. C.and it .Was theCheraw and not the Charlotte Democrat from which the Synop sis presented yesterday was borrowed. This business of getting names aid things' correct is not as easy as lying on a bed of roses in the moonshine.. .... : ' ' i v The prisoners alluded to In oar hut were simply taken from, our county jail by Sheriff Horrell and carried to Pender for trial before the Superior Court now in ses-. sion in that county. The error (not charge able to the reporter) in regard to their being sent to he Peniteutitfry, was caused by a misunderstanding of tbe facts. The New Warehonaa. Work on the foundation for the new warehouse of the W. & W. and W., C. fc A. Railroads, adjoining the old depot on Nutt street, is progressing rapidly and it is rUmored that it is 1 expected to have the building in a condition for use within thir ty days. The new pier constructing for the companies is also coming along well towards completion, and as tbe Common Council, at its last meeting, gave permission f of thVdf ivirig of temporary1 piling beyond the end of the pier, for the purpose of. mooring a vessel there in such a way as o cut out the san'd from the bottom of the ri7er, it is believed that a sufficient depth of waterfwillscbVtained to enable the largest vessels to load there. This improve ment, with the new warehouse close at hand.will add greatly to the facilities of the two roads for the dispafch 6t business. . Pine Ferest CenaeCafF.Co Eleetloa. tAAWeeng4Hm3oti owners of Pine Forest Cemetery Company, held last even- log at tne uuy tiau, uie ioiiowing avoeu persons were elected trustees for the "en suing year: John G. Norwood, Alex. Price, JoaJJoBesJai Willis, Chas. E. Oeapor and Edward Green. . i?f.. ' t . ; I - Teatlinanlai of Kaieem if ; , A joyf ul growp .of Masonic; brethren as-'' : a i i -m . . ii . aaa' . . A? TA ; aemoiea iasi evening at ine. ow:i yr. 8amuelS.: Everitt, and5 so bleverry'did the gathering happen to drop in that the Doc- tor was eotirely'surproed, put most Happily so when Mr, Eugene S. Martin arose and, ip the name of tbe assembled brethren, present? ed him in appropriate terms with 'swing ing silver ice i pitcnerTwai'ter, cup and card receiver, having engraved thereupon : "Dr. 8, S. ; Everitt, P. M. St.; John's hdig& NO; 1, from .Masonic, frien' De'c. 27,' 1875, as a token of their brotherly love andesteem,' and testimonial of their'appr'ectatidn of him as a man ( and Mason, and. of his faithful duty to the craft" The happy faces of the donors glanced gleefully from one to the other in smiling recognition of the Doctor's blushes of surprise, ; and ..after he . bad thanked them in words heartfelt and earn est a general hand-shaking of happiness went the rounds, followed by a 'few jokes and pleasant yarns, which -concluded tbe surprise, and all went home with hearts beating big with brotherly love. ,; ; . flavaabraakiaav ...it,!; .:, : The' thieves are not all caught yet. The residence of Mr.' IL VonGlahn, on ; Fifth, between Market and Princess' streets, was entered Monday night j i but; f ortanately, Mr. V. has been unable to discover the loss of anything, showing that the thief was evi dently after money, being afraid to take clothing or anything else that might fead to detection. Entrance was effected through one of the parlor, windows ppenTng"on the' front piazza, a pane of glass" being broken out above ihe catch, wben thewindowwas' opened without difficulty, Tbsback door key has been missing since yesterday morn ing, but the thief ? could hardly have been green enough to take that with the expecta tion of entering the bouse at his pleasure. Tt Ahleleau .'I A special meeting of the Athletic Club will be held on Thursday night, when all who wish to connect themselves with the organization in time to - participate in the Christmas and New1- Year's, games should send in their applications. ' Entries for the Tarious events are coming in quite rapidly, but, as the time short, those who expect to enter should do so at once. AH who intend playing base battjduring the campaign should be on the grounds Christmas Day, when an organization will take place. Temperance neetlag; To-Nlabt. u It should be borne in mind that -a tern-, perancemass meeting will be held at tbe Fifth Street M. E. Church this evening; The object is to form an Association" on the old Washington plan, in which all can be come interested and active participants " without money and without price." ; It Will be an association calculatedAnd intend ed to reach tbe masses of the people, among whom there is a wide field for energetic ef fort on the part of all who. feel an interest in the work of reformation so much needed in our midst. - ' ; J ' 1 Superior Court. Court met yesterday morning at the usual hour. The only case disposed of was that of John Douglass vs. W. E. Beery. Dis missed at plaintiff's costs. The following among other cases have been set for trial to-day: Bank of New Hanover vs. D. S. Cowan, executor. ' y ;. .. We Larkins vs. T. M. Gardner. Robert Moore vs. James Moore. John E. Lippitt vs. Thomas Purnell. U. a. GjOmaalaalonor'a Coart. Eli B&son, one of the three young men said to have been implicated in passing tbe counterfeit ten dollar bill on a colored woman pear Union Depot in Janaary l&at, reference to which was made a week or two since, came forward and. voluhtarily. sur rendered himself on Monday last His case, came tip for investigation before' U..S. Commissioner Cassidey, yesterday; morn ing, Whea.'thv evidence not being' deemed sufficient to convict, the defendant was dis "... 7Bor1 Ckatr. "" At the'regula'rlme'efihg'bTConc vhap ier.No7.'i,at Sthn's ; Hall Mod iday night; the following .officers were selected for the ensuing year: . -,, ,4 ;Cv M. YayOrsdelVM'E. H. P. i -n. H. MuQson, E. Iv. . A Wronski, E.j S. ' i .-. W. A. Williams. C. H. ; J R. Gieenberg, Treasurer. . n J. C. Munds, Secretary. 044 Fllwablp. r v We learn that Past Grand J: M.lMc Gowan has received ftn application from the former members of Lumber River Lodge 0: 42, L Ot O, F.eJ LUmberton, askipg for in formation" necessaryto the resuscita tion of said Lodge. The aucument was turned over to D. D. G.' M., G. M.' AlUffer, who, we learn, will institute the new Lodge at an early day. . .j iUl Appotaiaaeats. '" A -li( , judge Brooks, of the United States; Court, issued the follpwingicommissionsto appointees last Saturday: N. J. Riddick' aa Clerk of the Superior ; Court for Eastern1 District of North Carolina, . with"iead- quarters at Raleigh: rGo. R Tinker (as Clerk of the' -District Uourt at Newbera; and Wm. Larkins as Clerk of the District Court at Wilmington. , , ,.i,!lvvi r-rvyr , The' Bad naa Ball..:'' ' iV0' ; The Red Men give a grand ball at City Hall tb-Btgfat J Tbetkissmittee of Arrange meats, of which Mr. 8. A. i Craj isCbair man, have made every' effost' ligharae a'oleat.M-'' 'we have no doubt the ball will prove asoccesa. Tickets' fdVauniissiotJ'toHhe ball can be eered at the door- .fc '.i,, ' ' SltWitlM flit iO 9jlrt 4 .1, . . T . . - v - ol hold va .si ' TTTTT. llaaeei 6r riiermoineieri 'v ' "' t 11 The1 ibllowing- was the 'tango of the' therr 'mbmee'r afc'tfie Igtial Bureau; iu this city, yesterday:"' f i ":' : 7X.M.4q; is m. ear 2 p; m.to;1 3 p: M,, 65;;40P.'M.,B4f 9 R M;, 59;' II P; , Highest temperature, 70; lowest tempera turer , daily range ; of temperature, 82. Total xainfali, ,02 of ap jncb. . ., ... ; . , ; Appolatnienfa , ; t r i L. of RflyW. , S.,, Black, Presiding. "Elder, tor first rpuad of; Quarterly Meetings on the Wilmington District for: the Methodist E. Church, South, the present Conference year: ' '.y- - ' y , Wilmington, at Fifth Street,- Dec. 13-19. 1876. Kenansville.. . .Jan. 1-2. Clinton... " 88 Magnolia.....: " 15-16. Bethlehem ...i "22-23. Prospect " 29-30. Front Street. . .Feb. 5-. Wesley Chapel. " 12-18. Kenansville, Clinton, Magnolia, Bladen, " Topsail, ; Wilmington, Cokesbury, Whiteville. at Whiteville, Waccamaw Mission, Smithville, at Union , Feb. 19-20. Feb. 26-27. Elizabeth. , ; " Elizabetbtown, Mar. 4-5. Onslow, " Swansboro. . , .. " llr-12. District Steward's Meeting at ) " Front SW M. E. Church, Feb1. 8. ; ' Wilmington, at 11 A. M. ) city IT ft? ma. Ms. J. D. PoTTKBnELD, General Traveliag Agent for REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE, TYPE WRITER and FIREARMS, la hrour clty etoppfeg at the Manning House. His object is to eatablisb Attencfea. Call and ace him soon, at he, will not remaia Ions. 3t Book Butdbkt. i h mobhims Stab Book Bind ery does aM kinds of Binding and Ruling in a work manlike manner and at reasonable price. : Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, mnj rely oa promptness in tbe execution of their orders, . , Tbasbrb i Faarruio-lNKS. inyaioable to rail road companies, ateamship companies, banks, mer chants, maaaJactnrera and others. They are en- 'daring and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having jost receiTed a fresh snpply of these inks, wear pre pared to- ex ecnte orders promptly and at moderate prices. : ': , This is a dangerous season, and often the fondest mother's care la no protection aninst Coughs and Colds and Hoarseness. Dr. Boll's Cough Syruo should therefore be kept in readiness. Price, 29 Spirits, 'rurpentine - One negro stabbed another in Charlotte, and it waa all about ten cents." North Carolina gets one of the three Assistant Door-keeperships .of the House of Representatives, with a pay of $2,100. Name not given. , , The U". S. Circuit Court adjourn ed last Saturday. The 2Veu says the motion for a new trial in the case of Murphy & Co. vs. the Old Dominion Insurance Company, of Richmond, Va., which was being argued on Friday, was granted. Tbe motioq for a new trial in tbe case of W. H. Bledsoe vs. the Atlantic Insurance Company, of New York:, was " argued and refused. .The motion for a new trial in the case of Brad ley & Pettit vs. Windley was argued and refused. The motion for a new trial in tbe case of Salter vs. Johnston, from Littleton, 'tried at ' the last' June term of the Court, when a verdict of some $3,600 was giyen the plaintiff, was argued; the Court order ed that the amount of the judgment be re duced to $1,000, but refused a new trial. LIST OF LETTEBS Remaining in the. city -post-office Dec 22,. 1875: , , : , A AAnhalt, J Armstrong 2, W F Alexander. . . ... - , ' B Jerry Brown)' Laura Brown, J B Bloom, Miss J A Bell, Katie Bryant, Eme line Bell, Matilda Branson, Elizabeth Brew ton, Eliza Bryan, Rebecca Byrnea, Annie Brewer, Margaret Brownan, C B Burrow, Dave Burns, B F Bryan, W H Biddle, Dr W A Blount, J E Bloom. O Mrs W H Carpenter, Sarah Ohad wick, Susan Carter; Pollie CambeU, Mary Carlock, Hester Canadan, Tillia Crooker, Margaret CorneKey, Mary Canaday, Mary Ann Cooper, Prof R S Coleman, Md, Sher man Carter,' R S Chaves, John C Cox, Megg Cobb. F L Chewreat. . . . , : , D James B Dudly.BelfordPayia Anna Dudley; Candace Dunston., , - 1 r E Thos H Elam, Sidney J Everet, Dr Landon B Edwards,' H B Emmanuel, Ehr beck & Co. ' ' ' j ... iuF-w-John S FerxeUVJ Flourary, Falconer & SOn. , . ; . i 'I-. L r'r : . GThos J Qill,Washinton Gill, Gott berg, " Milford Garrett, James T Groves, J A Gude, E P George, Mrs Isaac N IGreen, Martha Gordon. ,i .::'. i ..H Rebecca JHawkinsSerana Etotsa, Emma Hyat Eliza Hanes, Zacky Hnzzy, Watson Hall, Thos Howard, J S Higbee, J H jHInes.' J M Hine." J W Harriss. . ,1 Thos Johnson, Joshua Jones, John Jeilson, Fannie Jwhnson, Agness Johnson, Mary Isa,betla Jobp8on, Alice Jones. ' , Kr-DanKlJ Jvelty 2, Mrs, James King, Elizabeth KeaL. ; j...- L Eliza Luc os, Mary C Linton, Mikey Lbyd; J A Leak 2jFerdnand Lee, Abram Lack.Mr Lamb, Itobt Lessly. ; M' Wm.Murphy, Turner Morehead !& Co, Rev K A MUler, John B MerreU, D B McKee, Duncan McNeil, Fredrick J Mel vin 2, Prof Hunter McGuire, Isiah McNeil, Prof J B McL'aw, Kaleb McDugald, Mrs A : D McDonald. Amanda Morrison. Emeliae LMcNeal, Catherine McNeal, Mary Monroe. Mws Henry F NixouC ' ? O--John O'Bry an, .Kev Lawrence R Oconne.ll. . 1 P AJtEeUerF W Potter, Males Pridr 1 geon i , VVjH PayneLaora Ppwell. It-rUooeten cm rirus, air itooerson, -1 nos Ruffin, Capt Lyman . T Richardson, J H Roberts, Dr H H Robinson, Mrs C M Risly,. Mor,tthrwlotf''.truuhhin( Rrirli4ftfe. n'i ? f Marv'Rbodek Josepbene Roderick. I tM-iiui Biieny; wara savage, : joun. Shearead, John E Silvie, J H Sutton, John So!K Jessie R Swoop, Jacob Smith, Sbep parcl Smith,'. Sandy , Stewart, . Watson' Stocks,1 Nancy Stowbery, 1 Charlott Stand ford E H Skinker & Co; Kate Sholar, NatcySbeppard;7 na-ia vu'-' -TAT Rullook & Thomas, , Henry Turner, Mrs James L Tucker. Mrs J C .Thompson; TDietha Torettle 2, Willis Tellentine.- iVVHarrietVah'n: ''' ; , 0 ; W-And Woodard, Bea Waters, Dun can MtVViUiamsJ Richard Williams; Geo S Williams 8, Mary Eliza rWUliais, Katie Willis, Mrs Dolly White, : I ' CaOTGStfvT tybsse. James PhilltDi schr Day Brake -Capt Stewart,' Chas N Shoe. . ; f ? Persona calling tor letters ' in the above Ustiwui pieaae)-aay;facrTertiaeou' if not called tor, within & days they jWill be sent to the Dead Letter Office ; - 0't ji i Wilmington; NewHariotef Co., N. C. ii'iJkhrJ'ii j ! ; ; - v I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. r : uMuiical6iflftr(M Husical Gifts For Kew-Yean ! , GKMS OF ENGLISH SONG II ' 73 of the beat GBHa Or ENGLISH SOHGt aooss extant, col- GEMS OF ENGLISH SONG 1 lectedin ft hand- GEHS OF ENGLISH SONG ! some volume of GEMS OF ENGLISH SONG 1 J t3S music size pages. With elegant gilt binding, $4 00. In cloth, S3 CO. In boards, $J. , Uniform in style, price and binding with the above splendid book, we have other books of " Gema," German, Scottish and Sacred; also of best Irish Melodies, and the choicest Operatic Songa. , . , j ; ':' Christmas Carols,- by Howard, 88 cents; Anthem, There were Shepherds, by Millard, 75 cents ; Marry Christmas. Piano piece, by Wilson, 80 cents. Rejoice the hearts of thebld Folks with CenteanialBollectioii for Old Folks' Ckncets. 40 cts. By L Totujee. Gladden your Sabbath School by Introducing ' SHtNINa RIVER. One of the sweetest of song books. Order the above books of any of the principal music dealers, or by mail, enclosing retail price of O. DITSON CO., I CHAS. H. DITSON & CO Boaton. j 711 Broadway, N. Y. dec S3-d wSw Wed & 8at Munson & Co., PIONEERS IN LOW PRICES FOR Wamsutta Sliirts, Six for SO OO, Partly Made. '" : The only House inhe city that tells ' ' toniBe" Wamsntta SMrfs .. ', , Is . ai. MUNSON & CO., ' ' 21 North Front street dec82-tf . Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. Great Inducements ! I AM,E8IIJJWQt.G6orja AT FOLLOWING figures: -.. : -y Citron, 3 cents per pound, LOOSE UUSOATXL RAISINS, 20 cents per pound; MlXm.CANJTf l (STRICTLY FUSE) 25 cents per pound; French Candy; Best Quality Fanc, 40 cenU per nouna: iAMtaon leavers, unea secentaner pound; Freak : Cakes ; and 'Crackera from N. Y. iaon uvers, un Aerating Co, SOMETHING NEW AJtD NICE. ' Call and tee me, yoa will be- guaranteed goads at the bottom prices for First-Class Goods, dec 2-lw JjBUBS C. STEVENSON. Bankrupt Notice. . rpms IS TO GIVE NOTICE THAT ON THE 18th . X day of December, 1875, a warrant of bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the United States, fos the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, against the estate of i William J, Toler, f St. fauls. In 'the county of Robeson, in said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own Eetitien, and the payment of any debts and the de veryof any property' belonging to aaid Bankrupt, to him or to his use, and tbe transfer of any prop erty by him, are forbidden by law. A meeting of the creditors of aaid Bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the United States Court room in Fayetteville, N. C, before William A. Guthrie, Esq., Register m Bankruptcy ol aaid District, on the eta of Janu ary A D. i8i&, at 10 o'clock A. M. J. B. HILL, U. 8. Marshal .' deetl-oawSt We . for Said Diatrict. Wilmington, Dec. 21, 1875. This ia to certify that richard Waters Is no longer a member of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, he having been ex pelled for insubordination. .-;;, i Bishop J. P. CAMPBELL, ' Attest J. G. FRY, dec S3 It Secretary of the N. & Conference. S. Jewett Mas now a lot of pretty things for christmas, at the Book Store, No. 7 Frent Street. deeSS-tt J. D. LOVE'S OLD STAND. TEE SHEIDEE BREECH-LOADING Prices, $50 OO to $250 OO. MUZZLE-LOADING GUNS ALTERED TO BREECH-LOADING. ,. Prices, $40 00 (o $100 00. Claxk & Sneider,! " MANtTFACTURESS, . ', - " v . 214 Weat Pratt Street, ."". Baltimore. Bend for Catalogun. ' ; ' ' dec S3-DWtf 20,000 Sliingles , Prime ' Quality. ' I Contracts in ) . . r i Bundlea. ''r Ter sale low by , , . . " 1 O. G. PARSLEY CO.. New Location 8. Water St., foet of Orange. ..dec.SS-tf . ; . . , " St. Gctub & St. Andrew's - A.THLETIC CLUB; a' special meeting' of the Club will beheld at theGolleg i of Physicians. Hall, over J. C. Munds Drug Store , on Thursday, Dec. 33d; at 8 1. M. "" -; ' i '.. GEORGE W. BATLY, dec S3 It Secretory. MILLINERY. 'Ihe undersigned wishes to inform the ladies that she baa Just Teturned from New York, where she has been foreveral weeks making ner au Pine French Hillinery, and win be prepared m a few davs to show her friends and the public generally the latest styles in 1 FRENCH PATTERN BONNETS AND HATS, ' and everything perialning to the business. I have also a vary One select km of Fancy Goods, consist- or -- i,-y. N -y r: ! Xadles' Corsets Hoop Skirts, . POMPADOUR'S LACES. FRINOES, BUTTONS nWatiitiiXTTEW Mottoes" and Frames Line Collars and Cnffa.Fl sndherchlefs Net Ties, ttching Belts, Switches Braida, and the largest and cheapest stock of Zephyr Worsted aad Shetland Wool to bt had ithin aide f Baltimore. Orders from the country solicited and attended to with promptness and care.' t . ; , Variety Store, Market Street. " ' ootVaacW", ' UBS. FLANAGAN. miscellaneous: t ; , Ne wOrleaxM &aoIjusc. 7TT A BaireUX O.'moIimss, ; A l . h; Foftale-I i'cALDEBBROS. dee 13-U RATES Op ADVKBTIS1HG ... ,? k tteedaTa..........u-,t-- ? ? y J!2 ...........,.. m weak...,.,.... .......... it.. - Two weeks.. v. &........ .......'. pr " " ThM waakaj.i.... .. W ; '-H ""!! -Oneaionth . . Twatontksuj ...JLJLSU..1ft OP Three aoiitaa.............M..MSS 0 ; Blxmootha... ....85 00 1,.' Oayear...'...,' ....... .60 Q aici Aovenwamenn taaren as propoi kkmatolTtowratea. ,y - Five Bqaatea estimated as a qajKter-eoluntn, and tea aquares as a half -column. a r.i owe r : i.. v. j:r,...: T ' rjpHE. BEST AND MOST SENSIBLE PRKS- ents to those who are not blessed with ait abund- aoce of title World's Good u Family Supplies; Flour, IJacon, Lard, !;i -:t ' ' ! Cefiee, Tea. We will divide profits with Cash Buyers of these supplies when bought for presents. i T 5 and 7 1T0BTE FE03T 8TEEET. FOI'S EICEL8I0B CBACKEBS. THE BEST SMALL OR , - ' ' i Butter Crackers Uade in the United State for - Table, Lunch or Picnics. ' COMMINUTED CRACKERS,' made from Fox's Excelsior Crackers, T.o be used In FBY1XGCR BROILHTQ 0 TS1KRS, CUTLETS, CHOPS, FISH; etc , ' --J-:-.',.:. . - ' '. :' y. :d;. and in making drestlag for Fowls, . 8 OU PS Jl NJ) iJpDINGS. Imported Lift Domestic Seiars Paul Horphys, ." " , . . . i . , Tuba Rosas, Befc Saynas, La Farepas, Little Charlies and Our Valentines, in boxes of FifJ-y Each. Very choice, in handsome st la and suitable for HolidayTresents to Smokers. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., dee lfl tf 5 at 7 North Front SU Christmas Presents "pOR PARENTS AND CHILDREN,' Friends, Wives and! Sweethearts. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS GOODS, XSWV BXCXUOAST ASD USEFUL, nowopeafotlnapeetioa'' v i ' At C. W. TATlTBOOt iTOKfi, dec 18-tf . ' ' 81 Market St. 2QQQ Barrels Fresh Lime, Hhds and Boxes Bacon, 1 HA Bhdaind Bbla CabaMoiasaet, w iUU "t i - ii ;t U-,w.it:.-':-f OC Boxes Choice Cheese. , ' Atkj . . .? i ! ! j . Bags and Barrels Sugar aad Coffee, 500 pti"oelPhtf py Brrete 8na" FotaaIelowr.y . ' ' .? , :;,. : .. dee 1-tf . - WORTH A WORTH. Fire Crackers, lOOSSSWefi11 SOAP, CANfitES, 8TAXC9; MO Botes; CHET3S ABD CHACSES, S00 Boxes sad Barrels; .fiiJ;Uls:t PEACHES. OYSTERS AND, TOMATOES, 800 Boxes Canned Goods; - ' TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CTQAR9, S09 Boxes all grades: ", Jf j. ,' ; J FLOUB,. 800 Barrela Good Flour; f j fi-X" ' : ; SUGAR AND COFE,i, , lOOBsgs and Barrels; Nails, 200 Kegs. Pec aale by . t dec lO-tf EDWARDS St HALL. S. Gootiridgie, Grafton, WlndbsW 7o. .Vermont. o. :;; 3IANUFACTBBEal OF. :!. Fine FisMiiff; Eods ' ' ! ' 'oiaakmd.' '.$:'.';' Particular attention paid to making rada adapted to Southern trade. . :. j.,... ;i Rods of any desired pattern , M on short notice and at, leaaonahle prices. 'BendforCSrcalac. . . . ; July JSDAWtf Salt, ZIolasses, BaggiBg Tiei, &c. QQQSaetaXJverpoolSait, jqqq BnndleaTlea, 5 ri 2QQBBkggmg, . ; If 2Q0 Bbla 8. IL. tad Cabs Xolaarti: , Bada S. H. and Cuba Molassfa. 1RABoxD.8.aadSBtohedBaceai.' Little River, Lake George and Lebaaea, A. Shoeting, Little River aad Randolph Tama. r fToraalDyt V dtelO-tf WILliAMS&MIIRCmSON. . 3-:! 1' ft l. 1? IM Vi j !; ft !-!3 I t il'-'i ff. m M m : . ' i. t- i:if fl.ii i1: i ) j! n