the horning stab: PUBLISHED DAILY, BY ' V CHI- B33iaiSrjft.ia3D. BATXS OF BUB8CMPTTOH IK ASTAXCX: One year, (by man) postage paid, $7 00 Six montns, " " j " - 4 w Three months" ") " " 35 One month, C " ) ' 100 To City Subscribers, delivered In any part Of the city. Fifteen uents per ween, our mt; not authorized to collect for more than advance. OUTLINES. Passenger train between New York and Albany thrown from the track by misplaced switch, but no one hurt. Fox. the pantoniimist, committed to lunatic asylum. On Reading Railroad, Penn., desper ado's bearded tram, beat' the conductor and s'aot brakesman in the leg. Bank at Westchester, Pa., closed without expla nation. Catholic Church at Passaic, N. J., burned. New Turk markets Gold, 113i113; spirits turpentine, 36$; cotton, 13 5-1613i. Emperor of Brazil will start for the Centennial in April, leaving bis daughter as Regent. In New York, Rubenstein convicted by coro ner's jury of murder of Polish woman Alexander and her unborn child. Spirits Turpentine Raleigh is to have a graded The State Agricultural Journal appears to have suspended. Col. Thomas M. Holt is the la test nomination in the newspapers for Gov ernor. Rev. Dr. Pritchard, of Raleigh, has recently lectured acceptably at Graham on the " Literary Attractions of the Bible." The Weldon Newe says a little daughter of Mrs. itaulcon, of -Uarysburg, pulled a mantel piece down, which falling va her inflicted tatal injuries. A negro girl about 12 years of age, living at V imam Kovsters, Granville, was burned to death on the 10th inst. She came too near the fire-place. ' . Monday morning the gin house and sash and bund factory of VV. 11. Un derhill, of Goldsboro, were destroyed by Die. lioss $ 4,000; partly insured. The Southern Home says Capt. S. D. Pool, Jr., withdraws from the New- bern Journal of Commerce to devote himself to the practice of law and the culture of a pair of centennial twins. Asheville Pioneer: A rape case has just been developed here which, for fiendish atrocity, has tew parallels. Un the 25th ulu Edward Lucas, aged 19, commit ted an outrage upon a negro child aged 9 years, upon the premises of Mrs. Lester Cuapmann, where the mother resided in the capacity of & servant. The Neics says that on Saturday night last two aesperate thieves were cap tured at Mr. Joseph Gilmore's, about a half mile from Egypt, Chatham county. Their nume3 are iSeale and Counor. As they weie heavily armed a ruse was resorted to to effect their capture. Beale is from In diina and Connor from Virginia. At Asheville Methodist Episco pal Church South, Wednesday night last, by the Rev. H. 11. Banks, late Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at . Murfreesboro, Tenn., Kev. George Summey, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church at (Joviugton, Ky., and Miss Lizzie Worth, daughter of the late Dr. Worth, of Wilmington, N. C, were mar lied. Three fires are meuliened iu this week's Monroe Enquirer as having occurred in Union county: A smoke house on the premises of Mr. VV. D. Byram, on the 12lh, incendiary probably; the dwelling of Mr. T. J. Huntley, on the 2nd. loss $700 no insurance; on Tuesday in Monroe, the uu linislied dwelling of Mr. B. D. Heath, care lessness. Loss, $500. Weldon News : Mr. John De berry, of Weldon, has one of the best train ed dogs in the State. Some time ago it Hushed a turkey which Mr. D. shot, dis abling the fowl in the wing. It flew over hall it mile off, the dog following.' In a few minutes, to Air. Deberry's agreeable sur prise, he saw the dog returning, bringing along the tui key, which was held by the neck in the do's mouth. Now if anybody has hi more sagacious dog than this one we don't want to hear of it. Two Jolly Couple Too Tlicntly Mar ried by a Jolly Alderiiiatn. IN. Y. World. Three Brooklyn girls went with others on a picnic to Spring Grove last summer, accompanied by three young men, and had a jolly time. An alderman was at the picnic, and he had a good time too. Somebody pro posed that they should hare a mock marriage, and the alderman consented to perform it. The three young ladies and three young men stood up, each with ther respective witnesses. The ceremony was performed, all had a laueh,cieparated and went home. Now, however, there is a serious as pect given to the matter. It is held, and plausibly enough, that the action of the aiderman was legal and bind ing, and that the parties are really married according to the law of the State. A Woman Kills a Woman In Vir ginia. In Pittsylvania county, Va., last wet k, a Alts. Adams had a quarrel with a man named Harker, who bad been visiting hea, the result of which the latter was ordered to leave her 1iiuh and never to return. A few evenings afterwards Mrs. Adams saw Harker approaching, and fearing be was coming to heat her, she ran into the house and fastened the door. Har ker approached and ordered her to open it, when she told him to go away, and threatened to shoot him if he did not, He refused, and placing hU head at a crack near the door, dared herto shoot, when she fired on him, the ball taking effect in his head, trpm which he died on Tuesday last Mrs. Adams afterwards made her escape and has not been apprehended. An Indiana Con ny Sensation. The Johnstown (Pa.) Iribune says: Diamond ville, Indiana county, en joys a legitimate sensation. Some years ago a lady was arrested for sup posed infanticide, but at the trial of her case she was acquitted, and the prosecutor was compelled to pay' the costs. A few days ago the tenants occupying the house in which the. MeClqres resided at that time had occasion to repair tho kitchen floor. I - V -F 3 .-. . - - . .... -.t....,.., .-, i 1t n,iin,iiiimi iw.i.i,-, , 1 I H E VOL. XVII.-NO. 77. and upon removing some of the boards a small pine box was discovered. Upon opening it the skeleton of an infant was revealed, and in the box was also found a case knife, a pair of soissors and an awl. Kentucky Girls Hunting llabblte. Mount Sterling Sentinel. ? On Thursday last Misses Ida Ham ilton, Mary Howard and Annie How ard, accompanied by Messrs. J. H. Summers, C. F. Spencer, John W. Gatewood and H. C. Lindsey, went rabbit hunting. They had twenty five fox hounds, and went about ten miles from the city, and had good luck rh starting several rabbits, which the dogs succeeded in capturing. -We learn that the ladies enjoyed the sport, and kept up with the dogs in the chase, and never complained of being tired at night when they re turned, while some of the gentlemen, we are sorr to learn, were complete- v worn oat X JE3TJE3 CITY. The Mailt. The mails will close at the Citv Post-Of fice until further notice as follows: Northern (night) mails for all points North, jasiana west or weldon, daily at 5:45 P. M. " through and way (day) mails daily, except Sunday. 6:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily 5:15 P. M. Charleston, daily, at 5:30 A. II. W estern mails ((J. U. It'y ) dai 1 y (except Sundays.! .......... 6 .-00 A. M. Charlotte mail closes at 4:15 P. M Smithville (via Easy Hid and l own Creek) Tuesdays and ' Saturdays . . (5:00 A. M. Fayetteyille, and offices on Cape r ear raver, Mondays and Fridays 1:00 P M. Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily (except Sundays) 6:00 A. M Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices every Friday 6:00 A. M. The Smithville mails, by steamboat, close at o -tv. in., uauy. except ounoavs. Mails for Easy Hil Town Creek. Bell Swamp, Supply and Shallotte, every Friday Mails delivered from 6:30 A. M. to 7:30 P. AL. and on Sundays from8:30to 9:30 A. M. V Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M.. and from 2 to 6.-00 P. M. Monev order or- Register Department open same as stamn omcR. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours, dav and night. Mails collected from street boxes everv day at 5 P. M. NBW AUTEBTISElnENTS. Harbison & Allen Silk Hats, &c. D. PiGOTT Christmas Presents in Cigars. N. Jacobi Great Bargains in Hard ware. Shkier Bros. Christmas Presents. Kerch xer & Calder Bros. Coffee, &c. A. David Christmas Presents. J. F. Rueckert Pianos and Organs. P. IIeixsberger Christmas Presents. Local Dots. The river is getting low again. Several vessels, reported in be low, bound up. The tooting of horns reminds us that Christmas is close at hand. Southwest winds, warmer, and cloudy or partly cloudy weather predicted. Prof." Bailev "has arrived here ev and will rc-opeu his dancing school in a few days. Messrs. Myrover, Pool and Stal- lings, of the State press, were in the city yesterday. Everybody, yesterday, appeared to appreciate the fact that it was warm for the season. The Mayor's Court, after a two days' intermission, is expected to be in ses sion this morning. Tournament and Ball at Whiteville to day. A number of Wilming ton folk go up. Quite a number of our business men contributed articles for the late fair of the ladies of Whiteville. Chinese lanterns flashed gaily and brilliantly in.front of the fancy stores on Market street last night. Owing to light orders in the hands of mill men at present, this marktt is just now glutted with timber rafts. . Rev. B. F. Marable, of Clinton, to meet whom is to be his friend, and who has met our people many times, has accept ed the call lately extended him by the Pres byterian Church in Goldsboro." The officers of St. John's Lodge F. & A. M., for the ensuing year, elective and appointive, will be duly installed on MondaySt. John's Day. Tnere.will be no public celebration of the day by. our Ma sonic friends. The Christmas tree of the Front Street M. E. Sunday School, we learn, was a source of much pleasure to the young sters and their grown-up friends. The re ceipts pf the Fair for both evenings were something like $250. ( ,The AV. &W. Railroad pier is to be so sheltered, we understand, that car goes can be loaded dry into vessels along side in all weathers, thus saving much damage to goods, detention of vessels and waiting time of laborers on wet days. Much of the new work receiving by the jewelers is said to be gotten in on orders for presents for some of the happy souls who can afford to get married these hard times. Honnet had the furnishing of some pretty plate, &c, for bridal presents at .the big wedding wbjcb, on account of its general interest and public character, we went put qf our usual course to chronicle the other day. WILMINGTON, JPender Superior Conn. The following State cases have thus far been disposed of at the present term of Pender Superior Court: Jesse Hill, (col.) assault and battery. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. Thos. Messick (col.) and A. Southerland, affray. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. Lawyer Dockery (col.), larceny, guilty, 5 years in penitentiary. Fred. Jones (coLX larceny, guilty, 3 years in penitentiary, or give bond of $50 for good behavior, and pay fine of $100 at next term of Court. Walter Cherry, larceny, not guilty. C. A. Galloway, refusing to qualify a Magistrate, not guilty. liuf us Garriss, assault and battery. Judg ment suspended on payment of costs. Andrew Mills (col.) and James M. Kelly, misdemeanor, submitted and judgment suspended on payment of costs. Wm. Murphy (col.), illegal voting, guilty. Judgment not rendered. David Boylan, not keeping public road in order, not guilty. Henry Wallace (coL), larceny, 10 years in penitentiary. Henry Langston (col.), larceny, 10 years in penitentiary. Arnold Corbett (col larceny, 3 years in penitentiary. Noah Hicks (col.), larceny, 3 years in penitentiary. Caesar Aikecs (col.), lareeny, 3 years in penitentiary. Henry Monroe (col.), larceny 3 years in penitentiary. Eliza Lee (col.), larceny. Judgment sus pended on payment of costs. All the above parties, who were convicted, except Eliza Lee, were brought here yes terday and committed to the jail of New Hanover county by Sheriff Horrell, of Pender, v A KiOdlcrona JUiatake. An old stager in the business of naval store brokerage recited to us yesterday quite "an amusing incident that came under his ob servation, in connection with the business, some time before the war. A gentleman of this city, who was well known in those days as one of our most successful brokers, called at the office of a prominent mer chant on a certain occasion to see him on some business. An old English sea cap- in matters pertaining to gentility, but a. very clever old tar withal, was seated in the office at the time, and after our friend, the broker, had gone out he remarked to the merchant that it was a little queer that a strapping fellow like that (referring to the broker) should be treated as a gentleman; if he had his way with him he would put him to work at something that would de velop his muscle. "Whysaid he, "I've seen that individual going about the streets for several days past engaged in peddling fiddle wax" The fact of the matter was that he had met our friend several times with his tin pan full of rosin samples, and at that time had not fully comprehended the usefulness of the article nor the importance it had even then attained in commercial circles. A Word to Too, Sir, or Madam. Would you "feel good" Christmas morn ing ? Well, then go straightway and mail a money order or fix up a box of nice sub stantial things and send to the Orphans at Oxford. To the average well-to-do man about town we say, leave a 1 or a V, or, bet ter, an X in cool currency with Dr. Everitt or H. H. Munson for the use and ia behalf of said fatherless ones, and our word for it you will stand a quarter of an inch higher next moming in your stocking feet, or what there is of you will feel that much higher for the deed. Don't forget this. Superior Gonrt. . Court met yesterday morning at the usual hour. The following cases were disposed of: Bank of New Hanover vaTD. S. -Gowan. All issues in favor of plaintiff, and assess damages at $x',05G 25, with interest from December 6th. Wm. Larkins vs. T. M. Gardner. Error in judgment docket Herring & Farrel vs. Hottendorf & Has- hagen. Argued. John E. Lippitt vs. Thos. Purnell. All issues in favor of plaintiff. Proposition. We learn that J. F. Porter, now in jail in this city awaiting the meeting of the Su preme Court, when the matter of his surrender to the authorities of Georgia will be decided, has forwarded a proposi tion to the latter, through Mr. J. S. Wise, offering to voluntarily surrender himself and serve his term out provided his liberty shall be secured to him at the expiration of his sentence and that he shall suffer no further annoyance on account of what has passed. Lait Cataee. Those who' wish to compete in the Christmas and New Year's sports of the St. George and St. Andrew's Athletic Club will do well to remember that the meeting of the Club to-night will afford the last op portunity for becoming members in time to participate. At this meeting the final ar rangements for the games are also to be made. -. - Range of Tbermomeicr. The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterdays 7 A. M., 61; 12 M, 69; 2P.M.,70;8p. M., 70; 4:30 P. M., 68; 9 P. M., 60; 11 P, M., 59. - ' - Th revenue cuuer Votfap is a handsome craft and her presence in the harbor attracts considerable attention. MOR NING N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1875. Bed Men'a Ball. The warriors of the Improved Order gy rated through the measures of the buffalo dance, corn dance, medicine dance, " and all that, last night at least we suppose such were such, as we don't know much about the means of distinguishing the various dances people indulge in now-a-days and they had a right lively time of it, too; lit erally made things smoke, and succeeded in keeping even the sleepy-beads awake. Many of the gentlemen on the floor were not members of the Order and we presume we may say the same of all the ladies, as we understand the brethren never allow ladies to assist at the grand scalping scenes reserved only for the initiated. Dancing was kept up to a late hour. Mr. C. H. Gilbert furnished the supper, and served it well. His department was decked out very tastefully. Temperance. The mass meeting in the interest of tem perance heretofore announced to take place at Fifth street M E. Church was fairly at tended, last night, and a society was or ganized on the broad basis indicated in our last, with the following officers: Geo. R. French,' President. Rev. J. M. Rhodes, 1st Vice President. J. C. Millis, 2d Vice President Moore, Secretary. Mr. Henry C. Evans, pf Messrs. Evans & Von Glahn, it seems, was visited Dy a Durglar Monday night. He was aroused by the noise and the thief took the alarm and concluded to pursue his investi gations else w here. We yesterday announced that the residence of Mr. H. Yon Glahn was visited by burglars on Monday night. and as the thieves got nothing in either in stance the partners seem to have shared equally in the profits and losses of this business. Tha Oni.Door Poor. Weuaderstand that the committee on Poor oi tne xKtaraoi uounty commissioners nave adopted the plan of only extending the usual assistance in the way of monthly or ders for provisions, etc., to the bedridden and blind, of which latter there are now some ten or twelve receiving regular aid from this source. All others in the habit of receiving assistance from the county are of fered the alternative of going to the Poor House; but, out of twenty or thirty who have applied for aid during e past week, and who have been proffered a ticket of admission to the institution over which Dr. Scott presides, not one has yet signified his or her willingness to accept the proposition. A Snaplclona circa matanee. A fine steer was brought to market Tues day, and, upon the man who had him in charge being questioned pretty closely by parties who had a suspicion that there was something wrong, he took the animal in front of a grocery store on Front street, hitched him and vamoosed. The steer was found yesterday morning as described, having remained there all night without I food or water, and was, taken to the city pound. The animal is black, with white stripe across back, and white belly and feet. Appolntmenta of Rev. W. S. Black, Presiding Elder, for first round of Quarterly Meetings on the Wilmington District for the Methodist E. Church, South, the present Conference year: Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Dec. 13-19. 1876. Kenansville....Jan. 1-2. Kenansvllle, Clinton, Clinton " 8-9 Magnolia, M c li tl Magnolia " UM6Y Bladen, Topsail, ' Bethlehem " 22-28. Prospect " 29-30. Front Street, . .Feb." 5-6. Wilmington, Cokesbnry, Wesley ChapeL 12-13. f at. Whiteville, Whiteville. Waccam aw .Mission; t jreD. iv-wj. Smithville,. , at Union. Feb. 28-27. Elizabeth, Elizabethtown, Mar. 4-5. Onslow. " bwansboro 11-12. District Steward's Meeting at ting at ) hurch, M. J Front St. M. JS. Church Feb. 8: Wilmington, at 11 A. GlTTltEIlB. Mn. . J. D. IVrrXKTTEUJ, General Traveling Agent for REMINGTON 8EWTNQ MACHINE, TYPE WRITER and FIRE ARMS, ia In oar citj tepptag at the Manning Bouse. His object ia to establish Agencies. Call aad ace him aoon as be. will not remain lone. St ' Book Bixdxbt. tbx xoBNUis btajb Book Bind ery does aH kinds of Binding and Ruling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Jf er chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness In the execution of their orders. There is bat one verdict, and that Is that In thirty-three years Br. Ball's Coogl Syrap has never failed to care a Cough. Coid, or general Hoarseness. At drug stores. Price, 85 cents; live Dotues, s l. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Christmas Presents ' OO TO ,, j THE LIVE BOOK STORE. . Thar yo will find H .1 I TbB Greatest Variety Id -tin City, YOU CAN GET THEM TO SUIT YOUR Father, your Mother, your Wife, your Brother, your Sister, or anybody else's Sister; and - "Oh! SO Call at Once and Secure the Best at HBINSBEBQKK'S ' dec 23 tf Lire Book and Masts Store; Attention, Attention ! Clrtstias Presents A. David's, Can and get one for jour friends, who will appreciate . It a great deal saore than some trifling bauble.' Notlv tna hatter than a nice Oveii coat And. you can buy splendid one at f 10.00 at deo tf A . DAVID'S. h mm. Star. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GREAT BARGAINS Guns and Pistols. Ihe balance of ouk stock op ENGLISH GUNS we will offer at importation Prices. Likewise ear stock of REVO L VERS. A fall assortment on hand of CARTRIDGES, SIIOl-BELTS, POWDER FLASKS, dc. EnglishPocketCutlery, TABLE CUTLERY, &c, At JTATH'L JACOBI'S HARDWARE DEPOT, dcc23-tf No. 9 Market Street. A GIFT FOR LIFE IS A FINE PIANO OF TUI HOST CILXMUTKD XXKI OB A FINE ORGAN OF THE MOST RELIABLE MAKE KNOWN. , FOB SALE CHEAP ONLY BY J. F. Rueckert. He offers for Sale during toe Holidays VJ AflfltJS 111(1 URGiLClP. New and Second-Hand, AT EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES. He guar as tees to tell Cheaper than offered Elf e- waere. TE"ST HIM! Always Remember that RUE CO R T Receirea Orders aad cn-be eeen only AT 8. JEWETT'S BOOK 8 TO RE, (Love's Old Stand). 37 North Front Street, dec 83-tf CHRISTMAS Presents IN Cigars. A FINE ASSORTMENT IN DE- eirable packages of 25 and 0. Call and examine them. D. PIGOTT. aec23-tf What is Better JOB A Christmas Present TO THE LITTLE BOTS THAN ONE OF THOSE . FANCY SUITS, THAT WIS ARB SSLLUlQ AT ACTUAL COST. KECK TIES. BOWS, SCARFS, HANDKER CHIEFS, NECK SCARFS GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, of all kin is. All at Actual Cost. dec 8S-tf SHRIER BROS. Bacon, Bacon, Bacon. iQ Boxes D. S. Sides. 2 Boxea Smeked Sloes. 2 Boxes D. S. Skonldera. QBaneiaFork. For sale by dee 83-tf KERCHNER St CALDER BROS. Silk Hats and Caps. 'Fine fur and wool hats, the correct Styles and Colon. Travellflr Bags and Silk Um- Brellas, at HARRISON A ALLaWSy Cily Hat Store. 9 Front St. deS3-tf Baling, Bagging. 200 80 Bags,ng- 300 QU-Balls BftgStoS- . For sale by tr deeSS-tf KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. Fire Crackers. BOXES FIRE CRACKERS. 100 For sale by dec 23 tr KERCHNER A CALOEKBKOH. jQpffeeud Sugar. 2QQ Sacks, Coffee. 4 . Bbls RawABd Refined Sugar. , For sale by dec 88 tf KERCHNER A CALDER UROS. ' The UNDERSIGNED "WISHES TO INFORM the ladles that she has Just returned from New York, where she has been for several weeks making her Fall purchases ia ;-l J:. . - ' . ' t Fine French Hillinery, andwiUbe friendaand in a few davs to show ; her public generally the latest sty lea in " FRENCH PATTERN BONNETS AND HATS, and everything pertaining to the business. I hare also a Very fine select len of Faney Goods, consist ing of ') "iJ.iv .J'.iJ H! yJXUlX , ; '.! - " dailies' Corsets, lTep Skirts, - POMPADOUR'S LACES, FRIN0E8, BUTTONS , ....fffjfBS PAZTfJWs,. mottoes'7 aad Frantea, Linen Collars and Cufls, Handkerchiefs Neck Ties, Rucblng Betta, 8witeliesBUa1 and tha largest and ebeapest stoelc of Zephyr Worstad and Bhethuid Wool to be had 1 thla skW ! ef BfalttBor. -Ordesa frees theeotmtry aoDd'ad and attended to u:uiNSeoI!llariB8traet i octSnactf MRS. L. FLANAGAN. PL WHOLE NO. 2,684. MISCELLANEOUS. Eugene L. Harris, - Artist In Crayon Portraits. SASSAFRAS FORK, N. (7., TDEGS LEAVE TO CALL TOUR ATTENTION his Portraits in Cravon. . Persona wihincr good pictures of themselves or deceased friends can have them nicely executed by aendintr him a pnoiograpn 10 wotk rrom. hGFSESKa necessary to insure a below include nostasre bv mail, on roller. A t irame or wainut ana gut wm be rum v ued to those who desire it. at tl.S6sttt.00. Size, 14 x 17 Inches, - -, - -Life Sue, (bust) - - .... $5.M $ia aoo TESTIMONIALS. Mr. Harris posseses the rare gift of being able to delineate, accurately, from a photograph or the picture the exact likeness ef anv one. we eneas ef any Oxford Lead i any one. we guaran lee satisracuon." Oxford Leader. We have seen his work, and consider it excel- lent. Try him." Central Protestant ' We nave seen a caDital ttortrait of Hon A w Venable. br Mr. St. L. Harris: that reflects aAM. Ho ttanal lustre on his genius in that department.'? (.iureu-ojiKui-j ' mar I7-tl THE SNEIDER BREECH-LOADING SHOT G-TJ2ST. Prices, 30 OO to $350 00. MUZZLE-L OADING G UNS ALTERED TO BREECH-LOADING, Prices, $40 OO.Co $100 00. Clark & Sneider, MANUFACTURERS. S14 West Pratt Street, ... Baltimoie. dec 22-D&Wtf Send for Catalogue. Munson & Co., PIONEERS IN LOW PRICES FOR Wamsutta Shirts, Six for 6 00,? Partly Made. The only House in the city that sella "GennLne" Is at amsntta SUlrts MUNSON A CO., SI North Front street. Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. decS2-tf Great Inducements ! T AM SELLING GOODS, AT FOLLOWING .a. nguree: Citron, 30 cents per pound, LOOSE MUSCATEL RAISINS, 20 cents per pound; MIXED CANDY, (STRICTLY PURE) 35 cents per pound; French Candy. .Beat Quality Fancy, 40 cento per pound; London Layers, Dried Figs, 80 cents per pound; Fresh Cakes and Crackers from N. Y. Aerating jo. . SOMETHING NEW AND NICE. Call and ECO me. von will bo enaranteed ponda at uie vwwiu prices ior jnrst-ua8B uooas. aec:-lw JAMES C. STEVENSON. ROD euro, . LATE THE AMEICAN SPORTSMAN, A SIXTEEN PA GE PAPER. 4 DEDICATED TO Siootin, Mm anil Natural History. SCESNCB, AMUSEMENT, ADVENTURE AND Field Sport articles bv the Ftbst SonomsTS A DrowrsxxN oi America, itnuis. ai.oo. s Montna. 9X.0U. Hontna. (4 Yearly Bcsa namp lor specimen copy to rod A otnr. April 6-tf 81 Park Row, New York HiMoro mtarj AcadeiT, Hillsboro, Ji. . X HIS INSnTUTION. RECENTLY KNOWN AS "vnnvn au rtti woo emrnAT will hereafter be conducted bv R H. Graves as sole Principal, aided, aa heretofore, by the accomplished uMtrncrora xiugu juoibob, dr., ana ma. XJ. ru Hamilton. . . : The Spring senion of 1S76 will osenon the lTlh oi January.. Negotiations ar now TantHiigffTthmTil-iuiit of additional instructors. .- For circulars apply to Maj. D. H. Hamilton mntfl the 5th of January, and afterwards to thePrinciDaL qecj-www Trim J IA VTf . ... FIELD DOGS. Ereefiifl Kennel of A. C. Waiiell, Newton, New JTersey. VOUNQ POINTERS AND SETTERS OF THE JL Finest Strains FOR SALE. Dogs broken thoroughly for SS0 f 0. Far full bar- ticulars address, . ' ; ; , , A. v WADDELL, aiar 89-DJfcWtf Newton. New Jersey.. ; S. Jewett JLaAS NOW A LOT OF , i PRETTY THINGS FOR CHRISTMAS, at the Book Store, No. Vt Front Street dec 83 tf J. D. LOVg8 OLD STAND. 20,000 Shingles, Prime Ctnalltjr. Contracts In Bundles. .; For sale low by O. . PARSLEY A jWX. ' New Loeation 8. Water St., foot of Orange. i- l; ToysCiiilstBias eoods, &c t - RECEIVED THIS- DAY BY STEAMERS, A large variety ef New Toys, Candies, Orangea, Apples, Malaga Grapes, California Pears, New Dates, Prunes, Figa, Ralfins andeverjtUng choiae in the Confectionery line, . 'AX i: 8. Q. NORTHROra ; I dec ltf . Fruit and Confectionery store. Latest-Styles. and bleach work entrusted to her. Old BouieU and Qeotlemeo'a Panama Hafs made to ,, , . ' ' j - ' ' JLook as WeU as KeW.' FOTparticmlarscancor seDtoMRS. ORB, as Nan.betveen Srd and 4ta streets. npms noRimfe stak book Bim- X EKY teooBpleto ia an ail ita appolntmenta, a4 is in charge of one of tha metaURnl wockmem tntaeState. All kinds of Bindg executed neatly, cheaply Bi expedltioasly. - -t - HAVING RECEIVED BY EXPRESS BLOCKS It AAA of the lateet styles of Hats far Idiea and Call- I 1UUU Ucua. aid, vjiiuiia)a va jainvuwai luaira. UBOI M sUTM Oy 4l.YKBTliIgSsBas One Sqnaraone day,.... .7 ......y..t-l1 ... ....... "T raaa. 44."? z ?; s.... ........, " " - mvedaTa S H u ontwaek 59 m Two mrti K Of M " ' :A Threawealu.., ...... 6 Qua maatki.. ................... 8 00 " " Two months .., 15 W " Three months U 00 " Six sntl...........i.i.ii. .-...85 00 " One year... ........ .........M ( tyOontract Advertisements taken at prepei tkmately tow rates. . Five Squares estimated as a quarter-column, and ten squares as a half -column. MISCELLANEOUS. ALIO PJ G T BE BEST AND MOST SENSIBLE FRKS ents to thote who art not Messed with an abund ance of this World's Goods ue . . . Family Supplies, Flour, Bacon, Iard, Coffee, Tea. We will divide profits with Cash-Buyers of these supplies when bought for presents.. Chas. D. Ilyers & Co.. 5 and 7 IfOETH FE0NT STREET. FOrS EXCELSIOR CRACKERS. THE BEST SMALL OR Butter Crackers Hade in the United State for Table, Lunch or Picnics.' COMMINUTED CRACKERS, made from Fox'a Excelsior Crackers, To be used In FRYINQCR BROILING OTS1ERS. CUTLETS, CHOPS, FISH, etc.. and in making dressing for Fowls, SOUPS AND PUDDINGS. Imported Tana Domestic SeEars, Paul Morphys, ; - Tuba Eosas, Eeg Eeynaa, La Farepat, Little Cnarlies aad Our VaJentlties, in boxes of Fifty Each. Very choice, in handsome style and suitable for Holiday Presents to Smokers. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., declfltf 6 7 North Front St. Christmas Presents Friends, Wives and Sweethearts. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF ; CHRISTMAS GOODS, NEW, RICB ELXQANT AND USEFUL, now open for may ecttoi V At C. W. TATE S BOOS STOBE, flee ta-tf 81 Market St. Lime, Coal, &c. 2000 Barrels Fresh Lime, 1000 Tons Coal, all grades. 50 Hhda and Boxes Bacon. ioa Hhds and Bbls Cuba Molasses, I lW' I OK Boxes etoice Cheese. I -- - , ooga ana Barrels DuipwaBiii'UAvc, KAA New Philadelphia Spirit Barrels and Son- dries. For sale low by dcl3-tf WORTH WORTH. Fire frackers. fAA BQXK8; RAISINS, M0 WHOLE, HALF lVV and Quarter Boxes; , SOAP, CANDLES, Sf ARCH, A Boiea; CHEESE i AHTJ CEACKEES, 200 Boxes and Barrels; 11 PEACHES, OYSTERS AND TOMATOES, 3 Bexes Canned Goods; TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, 303 Boxes &Q grades: ' . .FLOUR, 800 Barrels Good Flour; ' ' ' -v SUGAR AND COFFEE, " 100 Bag and Barrels; Naila, 300 Kegs. , , . . rot saw oy dec 19-tf EDWARDS A HALL. S. W. Goodridge, Grafton, Wlndnani Co. Termanl. MANUFACTURER-OFu ' Fine Fishing Sods ; otaU klitda. . , Particular attrution paid to making reds adapted to Southern trade. Roda of any desired pattern MADE TO OR&ER ' on short Bailee and at reasonable prices. ;8end for Circular. ' " July W-PAWtf Salt, Holawes, Eaffffing, Ties, &c. QQQ Sacks IJverpool Salt, ' Bundles Ties, 2QQ Rolls Bagging, ; . t 200 aad Cuba Molassei. t , QHhdsS. H. and Cuba Molasses. Q Boxes D. S. aad Smoked Baeeev Little SlTer.Lake George uAlabtmmkA, Sneetmi. Littlo Birer aa Bjsalpb Yarn lf: For safely.) ' n wA t dacl-t WILLIAMS MUBCBISOa.

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