THE IIORITIITG STAR. BATE8 OF ADVBBT1S1HCS. hxtwm emacBimoir 9 advaxcx: Om year, iDi miui poragepaia,..; f7 00 months, " ) ; . . ; 4 00 Three moniluK " ) - - S3 One month, C ) - 1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered bt any part of the eitr Sateen Cents per week. Oar City Agent are not authorised 10 couect ior more advance. OUTLINES. v - - . . Richmond has Lad two earthquakes re cently. Some pretty ceremonies took place at Boston on the sailing of the new barque "Stoneuxxir' for Norfolk. -Bease one of the old editors and proprietors of the Baltimore - American, ,. ia dead.; ; Quick schedule been adopted on mail train of tbe Lynchburg, Knoxville and Atlanta route. - Rumored Egypt "will sell more shares of Suez Canal stock, and that Great Britain and M. De Lesseps arV the; rival bidders. The Great Powers demand an overseership of reforms in Turkish provinces. Revolution progressing in Sonora. New York markets: Gold, 113113i; spirits turpentine, 8&J; rosin, $1 65fl 75; cotton, 13i13 .7-16. - : Farther particulars of the Richmond earth quake are given this morning. U : Spirits Turpentine The Milton Chronicle is hot for Montfort McGehee for Governor. Mr. Joseph B. Batchelor president jmv few, of the R.& G. R. R. 13 - We are sorry the senior editor of the Milton Chronicle continues to be in disposed. 1 : ; " -" A negro woman in' Yancey ville locked up her child and left it to burn to a crisp befoie she returned. The Milton Chronicle tella how Dosbey Link, colored, was burned so badly her life is almost despaired or. Rumored 1 Cebe L.' Harris has displaced Hearne ia the saperintendencyof .. r - 4t .1 :1 J! . T 1 t!ie U. o.- uoreromeok uuuuiug tit ruueigu. Hon. Burton Craige, of Salis bury, who has been ill at the residence of his son-in-law in Concord, is much im proved. The latest occupation of the in famous J. G. Hester was delivering a series of readings from Milton's "Paradise Lost" This surpasses the brazen front of the Mil tonic devil himself. Raleigh News of Wednesday; We learn from Durham yesterday evening that 00 Monday Mr. James Ray shot and kille dMr. Wm. S. Terry, both ef, Orange county. We learned nothing of the par ticulars further than the difficulty is said to have been occasioned by a dispute over the teari Dg do wn of some fences. Ray is said to have been captured yesterday morning and lodged in jaiL . 9..w. , , The Hobesonian gives the par ticular of tbe murder of Amos Taylor in Robeson county, a few days ago: About dark while he was eating supper, three armed men with masked faces, entered his bumble cabin and after felling him to tbe floor, dragged him to tbe road, a distance of about three hundred yards, and beat him unmercifully with sticks and large switches, bis wife being present, imploring them to spare his life; Bis wife, who is said to be an idiot, secured the arrest of three sons of Rev. Farney Prevatt: Joseph Prevalt, Rev. F. A. Prevatt and A. N. Pre vatt. Tbey were released as there was no evidence and no belief that they had com mitted the horrible crime From the report of the Secre tary of State, Howertonit, is seen, says the' Sews, that 23 life and 60 fire insurance com panies doing business in tbe btate nave sub mitted their sworn statements and have complied with the law requiring an inves tigation of financial condition; 7 insurance companies have failed during the year, and 1 is doing business without having com plied with tbe law. Six banking institutions have submitted their statements and come within the provisions of tbe law, while four others, considered perfectly reliable, failed to show the $!00,0Xr assets required; four banking institutions have not sworn to their statements, while the four national banks of tbe State refuse to comply with the law, claiming the protection of the national banking laws. '" . Aiter-Tboaghta About Oaker Hall's Debut.' New York Correspondence of the Phila- ' delphia Times. The debut of Mr. A. Oakey Hall upon the stage is still somewhat the talk of the town. Despite the flatter- j inir notices which tbe ex-Mavor re-, I ceived in Sunday's papers, the fact of his having made a dismal failure was pretty ' generally understood, 1 and when the' Tribune appeared with a column and a half of sorrowful rheto ric in Wm. Winter's best style, there was a general expression of concord in the critical judgment. Not that the public would not like to see May or Hall succeed in bis new venture. They would. He is, and always has been," a great favorite, and whether be is making a post-prandial speech at the Manhattan Club, wine in hand, or drinking beer with the Bohemians, in a Broadway cellar, he is always tbe suave, polite bril liant, warm-hearted gentleman. But he U not an actor, and never will make one. He is associated with Mr. iSuiurt in the management of the Park Theatre, and we would suggest to him as a brilliant initial bit of mana gerial diplomacy to take tbe 'Crucible' off the boards. If he does not it will melt away : whatever money he has managed to accumulate. Appointments of Rev. W. S. Black, Presiding Elder, for first round of Quarterly Meetings on tbe Wilmington District for the Methodist E. Church, South, the present Conference year: . ... - - - Wilmington, -aC Fifth Street, Pec. 1919. . .1876. Kenansville, Clinton, r Magnolia,' ' Bladen, M , Topsail, . Wilmington, Cokesburv. 44 ' Kenansville. . . .Jan. 1-2. " .Clinton....... . " S-9 "Magnolia. . .... " 15-18. " Bethlehem 23-23. Prospect. w.. .'. 29-30. Front Street. . .Feb. JM, Wesley Chapet ,M r13. I Wbitevule. J -. T ,, , et Wfaiteville, ' I Waccamaw Mission, f " Feb. 19-20. Smithville, at; Union ...... .Febt 26-27. Elizabeth, " Eiizabethtown, Mar. - 4-5. unsiow;: ".SwansboTOi.r.' " ll-ia. District Steward'' Meeting at j?roni at. M. TZ. Church iiurcb, V F M. J . . Feb, & Wil tqington, at 1 1 A. J" City Agent ar I -vri"v v- -than, months! VOL. XVII. NO. 78. The mails Will clnna at Mm Pitv PnofJf. flee until further Northern (night) mails for all points North. East and West of Weldon, ........ 5:45 P.M. through and way (day) malls daiTv.excentSiinrijiir tt-sn A "M" ai V r,. ".J j y-w wuubuu uisais ior aii points South, daily. . . 5:15 P. MV vnariesion, aaiiy, at. ......... 50 A. H. Western mailo rn n "D'N lezceDt oundava. A-nrtA xr v-nariotte man closes at. 4:15 P. M Smithville (via Easy Hill and xown wreeKj Tuesdays and . . . r ayette vine, and offices on Cape rear raver, jaondays and KTidays iflnp r ayeweviue Dy U. C. R'y, dail v (except Sundavs " (i -oct a m unsiow u. 11. and intermediate offices every Fridav ... ft no A M The Smithville mails, bv steamboat. nlnaA -m., uauy, except Sundays. Mails for Easy Hil Town Oreek. Ta11 Swamp, Supply and Shallotte7 every Friday at 8 A. M. Mails delivered from 6:30 A. M. to 7:80 1. XL, and on Sundays from8:30to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 12 M . and from 2 to 6:00 P. M. Money order or- register department ODen same as stamn office. Stamps for sale at ceneral delivery when stamp orace is closed, A DO - " Key Boxes accessible at all hours,- day and night. Mails collected from street boxes every uay at 9 r. M. . NEW ADVBHT1SBH1ENTS. W. P. Canaday. Mayor's Office. Geo. W- Price. Marshal's Office. E. G. Barnitz. Lager Beer. See advertisement " Eye Glasses Lost" J. Welles. Oranges, Oranges. See advertisement " Shooting Match." D. G. McMillan. New Copper Shop. See ad. " Gold Pen Holder Lost." J. C. Stevenson. Christmas Turkeys. Local Dote. ' To-day is Christmas eve. Another day of spring weather in December. Our . harbor is rapidly filling up with foreign vessels. The charming Katie Putnam is to be here on the 6th, 7th and 8th days of January. , Among the abipineuts of cotton from this port yesterday were 2,020 balea for Liverpool. The Mayor not arriving in time there was no session of the City Court yes terday morning.. A horse belonging to Mr. James Fleet, which was prized very highly, died suddenly yesterday. The children of St. John's Church are preparing for the celebration of the fes tival of the Holy Innocents. Ahandaome new palace -car about to be placed on the route between Wilmington and Portsmouth. By a late change of schedule on theN. C. Railroad, we now get the Raleigh papers a day behind that of publication. We learn that a little child of Mr. J. H. Oldenbuttel was badly injured yesterday morning .by being accidentally scalded. lhank hevings you've only one night more to keep that Christmas turkey hidden under the bed from the rapacity of midnight gobblers. Certain young gentlemen about town gave a social hop at Lippitl's Hall on Wednesday night in honor of a number of young lady visitors to our city. The public are invited to attend the installation of officers of St. John's Lodze. Wilmington Lodge. Concord Chap- ter and Wilmington Council, at St. John's Officer Lewis Gordon last night found the grocery store of Mr. Henry Wat son, corner Chesnut and Water streets, in securely fastened. Business men should take care how they set temptation in the way of the. rogues. We are requested to publish the following: "The sisters and friends of the First Baptist Church (colored) gave their Pastor, Rev. F. R. Howell, a surprise party on the night of the 22d inst, consisting of groceries, Christmas refreshments, &c. We tender our thanks for a complimentary ticket to a Grand New fear's Ball to be given at Faison's Hall, Clinton; Sampson county, Friday evening. Dec.; 31st. The managers are W. E. Stevens, Dr. W. C. Murphy, H. E. Koyall and R. F. Herring. Honorary managers: Hon. A. A. McKoy, Hon. E. W. Kerr, Dr. C. T. Murpby and Dr. A. M. Lee. Dletreeelnft-accident. Little Oscar, son of Mr. John II. Pugh, aged about two years, met with a serious accident yesterday morning. While en gaged in playing in the yard a servant built a fire under a pot with the view of heating water. Not noticing the child, it approach ed in its- merry gambols so near the blaze that; it came in contact with the little fel low's dress, setting It on fire and soon en veloping the poor child in a mass of flame. Parties rushed te the rescue, but before tbe fire could be. extinguished all the child's clothing was burned from, its body, except a flannej skirt, which served in some meas- ore to protect it. The child was badly in lured, the skin literally pealing from the body, while even to the eyebrows and eye- I T -"1 lashes were singed ottJ At last accouqts the little sufferer was considered in a ciiti- cal condition, and we caq onr hope that prompt and skillful medical treatment j rnay, under, avert aiaut resmt. WILMINGTON, N. IdOBB BOBBERT, A Blaa's Own House No Longer to be Connldered Ilia Castle More Worlt by tbe Night Prowlers ud Depre dators. - ' ' - vZi-is The thieves, we observe, continue their nightly depredations, . and precautionary. measures on the part of the public seem to be set at defiance by them. ' The residence of . Mr. James H. , phad- bourn, on the east side of Third, between J)ock and Orange streets, was entered by one of them, yesterday morning, shortly after 3 o'clock. It appears that the opera tor in this instance, who seems to have been provided with the necessary tools., as well as being an expert in the business, first effected an entrance through a window opening on the verandah on the south side of the house. To get in he had first to undo the fastenings of the blinds, which could only have been done with some instrument prepared especially for the purpose', after which the spring-catch to tbe sash was re moved by similar means and the fellow was in the room. Here, however, an un expected difficulty presented itself. The door leading into the passage in which the stairway is located was locked, and on the second floor where the sleeping apartments are situated was where the thief expected principally to operate. He thereupon with drew from the room, which seems to have contained nothing that he could use to ad vantage without running the risk of being detected, and repaired to the lower piazza, in the rear of the house, where he went to work as in the first instance and soon found himself in the main parlor, where he lit the gas and made the discovery that he was again foiled in his attempt to reach the passage, the door leading to which was locked as in the case of the room first visited. Letting himself but again, but leaving the gas burning,-in which condition it was fouad by the family upon rising yes- terdav morninc be next nrrvppriprl to i climb into the upper piazza, from which he let himself into an unoccupied room, when he had free access to all parts of tbe house. The window through which he this time entered was a large one, reaching to the floor, and in addition to the spring-catch, with which all tbe windows are provided, it was secured by a stick in such a manner as to prevent tbe lower sash from being shoved upward or the upper one being shoved downward. The thief managed, however, after opening tbe blivds, to not only remove the catch impediment, but also to push aside the stick so as to allow the upper sash to be pushed downward, whan he proceeded to climb .through. He then went into the room occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Chadbourn, 'from whence he re moved the clothing of the two to the unoccupied - room, where the pockets discovery of the presence of the thief was made afterwards by Mrs. C. Over a bureau in the room, a gas jet which is usu ally kept burning all night cast a pale light upon the slab, over -which; being aroused from sleep, she suddenly saw a black hand pass. She instantly awoke Mr. C, who sprang over the foot-board and gave chase to the thief! who. as he ran ' from the bed room across the passage and into the room by which he had entered, knocked 'several chairs down, over which he tumbled, and which proved a serious impediment to the) progress of the pursuer. The thief finally reached tbe window about five feet in ad vance of Mr. C, springing through the aperture, but breaking with his knees some of the glass in the lower sash in his pro gress, thence making his escape by rapidly sliding down from the piazza. The only articles missed were a fine shirt, containing gold studs, a knife taken from Mr. C.'s pocket, and a handsome perfume ' case taken from the bureau, especially valuable from having been a present to Mrs. C. by an esteemed friend. The thief is described by. Mr.' C as being, somewhat low and squatty in stature, as black as nigbt and with hair cut close tp . the head. He had on no shoes or hat when discovered in the room. Stole a Booster. A "colored youth by the name of Josiah Clark stole a fine rooster from the premises of a lady in the vicinity of Mulberry and Fifth streets, yesterday morning. A col ored man, acquainted on the premises, saw Clark with the. rooster, suspected; it had been stolen and nabbed the felloV, Who said he had been sent by a colored woman to watch the rooster. It was then agreed that the woman should be consulted about the matter, but after walking nearly all over towD, duriDg which time Clark made two or three attempts to escape, they finally ar rived near the residence of Officer Lewis Gordon, who was off duty and at home, and into whose custody the youngster was delivered, when he was taken to tbe Guard House and locked up to await a hearing before the City Court. , For tricks that are dark, this same Josiah Clark. seems to be very peculiar, and when he can't steal a turkey be even contenteth himself with a rooster ! " - - Bancs of Thermemeier. The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterday: 7 A. M.t 58; X2 M., 71; 2 P. M., 77; 8 P. M., 74; 4:30 P. M., 68; 9 P. M., 80; 11 P. M., 62. atenllnr .- "- i-- rea pawyer ana a nomas rrice, Doin ai . . - mi . TT j i m colored, ere arrested yesterday on the charge of stealing cotton from a warehouse on the wharf. They were lodged ia the Guard House to await ia hearing hef dire the juayura vourr. una morning. , .I 1 , 1 . I, I.. . . . 1 FRIDAY DEfiMBEfi.24i875 i A Suggestion. While witnessing the rifle match at the Athletic Grounds, Thanksgiving Day, we. noticed that as the shooting progressed the interest slackened: among the spectators who were overlooking the targets from the I race coarse above, and finally the ladies all 1 withdrew to the pavillion to await mora ex citing sports, while a number of gentlemen left the grounds and went home' feeling that the shooting1 was a bore to every one ' except those who could participate. : , Tbe reason for this dissatisfaction was not far to seek, for the spectators could not see who was making the crack shots whose marks they saw on the target, nor learn what they counted -toward the prize; hence no-tally -could be kept and., the. movements on tbe range seemed meaningless and drearily monotonous to the observer on the hill "We have noticed that all the pleasure in every race, -match andr game it has ever been our fortune to witness seemed to be derived fronVthe interest attaching to the permma of those contestants we knew Take that away and we have 00 patience to watch the affair,;. And so we judge it to be with others. Now we suggest that the name of each contestant, as he takes his place to shoot, could be displayed before the crowd. on the bill y ;, simply inscriblnir the names of all the contestants in large characters upon a strip of cloth attachedjoa roller revolved in a box. At one end pf the roller a ratchet wheel with spring clip engaging the teeth successively, would be placed, and a cord wound on the circumference of the rollef and attached to a weight, would : give mo mentary motion thereto, and thus change the name presented, whenever a wire run ning from tbe clip to tbe marksmen's stand should be pulled. The result ot. each shot could be announced by the marker, side "by side with the name of the marksman, by the same means. Numerous other methods of accomplishing the same object by means equally as simple will readily occur to any one. The thing could be much .more lead'Uy, certainly and easily accomplished, 'and the announcement could be made instanta neously at several points on the grounds, or for that matter ia any part of the city pr tbe order Of firing could be altered in case of the absence of any contestant when Cff ed to shoot, and : his name afterwards in troduced at any time without inconven ience, by tbe employment of the automatic signal telegraph instrument (about to be in troduced in our midst by Mr. L. A.' Angel in case he meets with sufficient encourage ment). With this instrument the Marshal would also be enabled to call gamesand make announcments and requests in various parts of the grounds, or persons who go to the grounds for an afternoon's enjoyment, any day, could communicate with their business offices in the city or have mes sengers dispatched to carry them any arti cles needed. Much the same remarks will apply to the Fair Grounds' exhibitions and the' instru ment would also prove useful at the ceme tery, &c. These suggestions we throw out merely as such. In judging of the de gree of annoyance which other spectators experience from inability to iollow tbe shooting), etc., we have to judge from our own feelings at tbe time and are liable to overestimate, but if those who manage on such occasions consider the matter- of im portance, we shall be glad if they are able to make use of anything we have said to promote the interest and general enjoy ment of their games on Ne w . Year's Day or thereafter. 1 Need WateblBff. Our attention has been called -to the fact that parties, especially put .op the subarbs pf tire J5ity,rh look, as though; they 'werfe able-to acquire. a hveliaexKl by itonest toi, - re in the habit of Tlaiting.the. premises' of 1 . . ;. . . 00 I nrhila itnuinn la ntprtinpri their r,), r ; - i j Visits are ior tner purpose or Decoming ac-i oualnted with the premises with aV view of f robbery thereafter, flitd whp, wehope, will I iv. otl, mrl rrPtpAhv onr nnlioe nnd 1 r. , I Will iCC I IB. jl YJ lMrw ktatuug nviw vu vuv of our streets a day or two since, and while one' ''of them Twent to the residence of a gentleman under the pretence' of begging, the other went round the corner, and on the next day the same ipdividual visited the same residence, but, instead or knocking at the front door, went around unauthor ized to tbe kitchen lathe rear Df the resi dence, frightening to some extent the lady of the. bouse, who by, chance was left alone upon the premises. Such trespassers on the private rights and property of our ' citizens sh'ould be taught better 'roannefs'eVrl if their board at the Rileigh State institution should have to be paid by.tue common wealth. iiu. : Tbe Temperance meeting; VTedneeey The meeting at the' Fifth Streei Mf,E. : Church, on Wednesday evening, for ,the purpose or organizing an oia-iasmonea tem- perance society, brief mention of "which was made in our last, was well attended. After the organization of the society,: Mr. Geo.' R. .French, Sr., an old and worthy, pioneer in the good cause, who had been . elected periAaiHMtiPre to address the assemblage, which he did, in a very earnest d acceptable manner. Atter the conclusion of Mr. F.s remarks,; Mr. Aug. H. MorrUy who has always manifested. deep interest in the matter of temperance, was called upon and responded In a very befitting and llpossiv maaAet, calculated to leave a very decided and favorablem :pressW npbn1 the audience.4 The raeeting was ahxj entertidaed by remarks wn Rev. Frank A. Biehon." ' Strong hopes are enter- tained by our temperance friends that this j la the beginning of a work which will even- J tuate In great good to the cause in this cam- I ninnity. ; Superior Court.., -; -- Court met yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, pursuant to adjournment The , following cases were, disposed :Of: i F.. Wi Kerchner-vsR. D. Howell. Dis missed at plaintiff's cost. C. W. Joyner-vs. -L. Chapman. De fendant to file answer by Saturday. Geo. Harriss vs. F.' W. Kerchner, Con I tinued by consent j Geo. Harriss vs. Waccamaw Wrecking. I 1 Company. Continued by consent. Wilmington Savings Bank vs. J. L. Holmes, et, aL All issues in favor of plain tiff, and assess damages at $175 05. . , Geo. ' Harriss vs. F. M. Wooten, Con tinued.' ; ;': i -. !, .-. Dinner for tbe Poor. While the most of our citizens who have been blessed with prosperity 1 during the past year are "enjoying the festivities of the season,' should hot A' thought of the 'poor apd tlieir scanty supplies find a ' place lit; our breast? And could not a Christmas or New Year's dinner- be furnished tbem by each one sparing a small amount or, a few 'dishes from his own table? magistrate' Court. Rose Richardson - and Charlotte Bryant, both colored, were arraigned before Justice Cassidey yesterday morning on the charge of disorderly conduct. Judgment suspend ed on the payment of . costs, for noncomj pliancc with which arrangement Charlotte Bryant was lodged in jail.. f Book Bihdxby. th j&obxum Stab Book Wrd- ery does al klede of Bindtag and fiuling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Her chants and others needing Becetpt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their' orders. TBAKsnu PRnremo-lNKfl. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer- chants manufacturers and ethers. They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fress. enpply of these inks, we are pre- 1 pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate J pnees. I . nappiness and prosperity depend to a very great j SToSffMri RIABBIEO. B AT.T) WrW WTTOH KTVT, . In this citv. on the iZlh inst.. at the First Baptist Chaich, by the Bev. J. B. Taylor. Dr. Albert M. Baldwin to Miss Bettie 8., daughter of B. F; Mitchell, Bee.. No cards. D1EU. 8 MAW. In this city Thursday morning. 33rd inst., of Pnnemonia, F. D. Smaw, Sr., aged 68 years ana z montns. The funeral will take place this (Friday) morning at 10)4 o'clock, from his late residence, on- comer of Market and 14th streets, thence to Wrightsville Sound. Friends andacqnaintances respectfully in vited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, New Copper Shop. piFTEBN TEARS IN THK BUSINESS. H AVTN6 QUIT THE EMPLOYMENT OF M. A. Barker, I have opened a CoBpei-Smith Shop ia the rear of the well known stand of Wm. Overby, oa Person street, two ' doors above A. A. McKethan's Carriage Man a factory, where I am. and will ever be ready with a new and complete set of Copper-8mitk Tools, to do all kinds of Copper8mithiBg in the best and most workmanl! e manner. Stills la the ooun- trr reoaircd with disnatch. and all work warranteff. Parties having work in this line will and it to their aovajitagetocaiionoraaaress ., dee 3-oawtf Fr -.--' Fayetteville, N C. tMbrpfflcjs. i CITY OP WILMINGTON, ... Dec. 24th, 1875. rnoiiVinnTr vnmmi irrnnipn tv TITO . - . 7- . charge Fire Arms during the holidays. The Police. wm arrest aUres fouiivMaang the Ordmanee conwraing the shooting of Pistols ot Gnus. No Fire Works wiH be allbwed la the City, xeeft rrejn uo erocKraaaynignito bo cwcx oaturoay falcht. Bora wiH have to content themselves . with one day) Chvittmas day. W. P. CANADAY, ;-..- Mayor. ;,aecjit-'" . Marshals Office.. j ij ; l( i Dec. 23, 1875. 'A v.: tut , :. LARGE SIZED STEER, BLACK, - WiTH f white stripe's across the back, white feet and white belly, now in the City Pound, supposed to have been stolen. The owner is requested to come forward. prove property, psy costs and take the steer away. - SO. W. PKICE, Jb., ftee4- .5 i r .oty Msrshal. M, M ,;Clii:istnias y .'AT THK CENTENNIAL 8 4LOON. SO KEOS A. CINCINNATI LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT and by the Keg, the best in the World, delivered in any part of tne.eity.x- .-. - , E. G. BARNITZ. Proprietor, '!'-.'' 1 No. 6 South Front street, ,dc.848t., J,;i;. . f v!o .Wumimrton., C. JV PAIR OF STEEL EYE GLASSES IN CASE. The Qoard Rut; is Mokea. A soluble reward will 'j-; ;. .-"': I- l ' I,. J - ., ., i :' ! -.!' OFFICE. . be paid if rel s . , to Otis' decM-li . f HERE WILL BE A SHOOTING MATCH FOR Turkeys,' af Hilton,' Satdrday, ' oosrimenclaf at o;clocka. M. l,, r, , .. dec tett . IHE BIOBNITf G STAXK BOOK' BTH1V ERY is complete in allaA tta aadu: aklwextosMn tn the-State.; All kinds of Blndfe execetedneatry, cheaply sad Waedltioealy. t 7 WHOLE NO, 2,685. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Oranges ! ; Oranges ! ' 10,000 Choice Florida Oranses JBfinVKD TO-DAT, AND FOB SALE BY dec21-2t J. WELLEB. Christmas Turkeys !5 Cluistinas Cblckens, fURlSTMAS BEEF. All rresb from tbe Slue Hlige at the cnatomanr low prices. . ' JAMES C. STEVENSON, ; dec 24-tf 2nd St, betweta Market and Frincess ; ; -;: , Lost, Somewhere on front, between mar- ket and Chesnut, or on Cbesnnt between Front and Third streets, one Gold Pen and Holder. . The pen ia a No, 9. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at'tMs office. ' dec 84-lt f: m ; ; A HE . UNBERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM Sllisl Am aisSd V aai -inert , mmtmmA fnm Iffw York, where she hm been for sever! weeks making p FaU pnrchases in- t- Fine French MiHinery, and will be Dreoared in a few davs to' shew her friends and the public generally tbe latest styles in FRKNCH PATTKRNTBONNZTS AND HATS, and everything pertaining to the business. I have also a very fine selection of Fancy Goods, consist ingof , ..-ir ,. ...... ; . . . . Ia dies' Corsets, Hoop Skirts, POMPADOUR'S LACKS. FRINGES, BUTTONS' Slipper patterns, mottoes and Frames, Linen Collars and CmTa.B.andken'Jiief a Neck Ties, BncbJns Belts, Switches, Braids, and the largest and cheapest stock of Zephyr Worstad and Shetland Wool to be had this side ef Baltimore. Orders from the country solicited and attended to with promptness and care. . , : . . Tartflty Store, 4S Market Street. . .", , . " act 8 aactr V ; '. UBS. I FLANAGAN. , : MISCELLANEOUS. : ' Eugene K Harris, ;; Artist In- ' C ray oh Portraits. SASSAFRAS FORK, JV. C, BEGS LEAVE TO CALL YOUB ATTENTION to his Portraits in Crayon. Persons wishins: good pictures of themselves or deceased friends can nave them nicely executed by sendrne him a photograph to work from. A good photograph is necessary to insure a good likeness. The prices below include postage by mail, on. roller. A neat ' frame of walnut and gilt will be furnished to those who desire It, at fl.5043.eo. - -, PBiCES: ; Size, 14 x 17 inches, - - . .. - - - $8.90 Life Size, (bust) - - - - - ' . 110.00 TEBTIOTON1A1.S. Mr. Harris nosseses the rare sift of belnr able to delineate, accurately, from a photograph or ethe picture me exact uaeness 01 any one. w e tee satisfaction. Oxford Leader.! guaran M We have seen his work; and consider it excel- lent Try him." - Central Protestant.') We hare Bee a capital portrait of Hon. A. W Venable, by Mr. E. L. Harris; that reflects addi- Denai lustre on hi genius in that department' fTorcb-Light ., - mar 17-tf Great Inducements! 1 I AM SELLING GOODS AT FOLLOWING figures: Citron, 30 cents per pound, j LOOSE MUSCATEL RAISINS, 80 cents per pound; MIXED CANDY, (STRICTLY PURE) 23 cents per pound; : French ! Candy. Best Quality Fancy, 40 cents pef pouna; Lonaon Layers, tmed rigs, zQ cents pet pound; Fresh vaaes ana. vracxers zrom n. xi Aeraong uo, ., . - ; j SOMETHINQ MEW AND NICE. , . j Call and see me. Ton wIU be cnaranteed sneds at the bottom prices for First-Class Goods. i ecg-lW JAMES a STEVENSON, i ROD tt cum, ; ' ": " "i-LATE ; ' ' . : THE AiEICAK SFOBTSMAH, . 4 - ,-' i A SIXTEEN PAGE PAPER. ' micAnsb, To .p . ','. u Slibptiiis, jtaiiir mi N atnral History. SCIENCE, AMUSEMENT, ADVENTURE AND Field Sport articles br the Fibst ScxBHTnTS tt : Srovrsrai of America. , PRICE, ILOQ. I Months. tl(ML 6 Months. $4 Yearly, i . , Bene stamp ror specimen copy te -v. , l . ;:-: ;OD GUN. April 64f . SI Park Sow, New York' FIELD DOCS. Breeiim Kranel ef L C. WaideD, , Newton, ;New Jersey. : ': YOUNa POINTEBS AND SETTEES OF THE Finest Strains ' .1 FOR SALS. 'j. 1 Doss broken thorocshly for tSfi C0i' Per full Var- tlenlars address, -Ux -s. Ss:n- , 't (.: A. U. WaJJUoLL, Newton. New Jersey. j mar SO-DAWtf Clmstmas?prd$entsj eo to THE LtVE tJOOK STOHE. ' There yoawill find'' fiJ "' 1 i ; TUB Greatest Tartetr in tlis City; ; YOU CAN GET THEM, TO SUIT YOUR Father, your Mother, your Wife, your Brother. year Bister, or anybody else's Sister; and -,j . "Oh! So ' Call at Once and Secure the Best at ' f .' HRlN8BKHaRRR u decJftf , . Live Book and Muefe Store. Attention, Attention ! . - SPLENDID CMstias Presents T-AT- A, David's. fl11 and ecf one for you friends, who will appreciate I n It a. great deal more someuttung Tsaahle. Noth- I II 1-. I Ins better than a BiceOver coat Aad yoa can buyFfi niMuiu mm at anaoa at . dec nf '.' -U' V V rjAvnrs. r n 1 Tonsorial ZXmoTal . ARTI8 has removed te the Barber Shop form erly eceapled by him, ia the basement ef thePareeU House, where he invites his old friends aadthepeb UeraeraBytocaUem kins. Best wotksaesi ha 0e State employed, and Sharing, Hair iCanmg.aM rUiafliP nrmm mi ma wnnnmmt mim. IK - I sal II A. I tvedsya. ! : om week. M c r Two weeks...;..... 5 0C -. -: Tares wenks. ...j. rw Ome Bih S O0 f Threeoatae...,...,r.... 00 r v 5 atatti,j,kjj, ....85 00 S !LjViJ.-i....i.i...i.i.4.M 01 . tOoatnet AdverttMaenU Ukea at propoi. r tfonstely low rates. ,v--i-v., - , 'v.x,a 1 1 VHetMiaarea estimate ssa oasctor-eolamit, ssd;owgi " MISCELjiANEOUS. ' s 4 A d Q RI G fMIB BEST AND MOST SENSIBLE PRES- I ent th0,e who 1101 Messed with an abnnd- ance of this World's Goods ue Family : Supplies, -i Floor; Bacon, Lard, : Cefltee, Tea. We wilt divide profits with Cash Buyers 'of these ' : - - supplies when bought for presen tAf t ; . f: ' ?... fiJ.? Chas. D. Hyers & Co.; "- ' ". ' - . 'i - f III ' ,;JT . 5 and 7 NORTH UtOHT STT. 1 FOX'S EXCELSIOR CBACKEES. . . THE BEST SMALL OR : ' ) ,1 U ' Butter: Crackers Ilade ia the United State for t Table, Lunch or Flcnf cs. - COMMINUTED CRACKERS, made fromFox'sExcelskjrCYackersi To'be ased in" . PUTTING CB BROILING 0Y81MBS, J CUTLETS, CBOPS, FISH, etc,,: and in making dresring for lf-owlij ; SOUPS AND A.I. ; : Iisortei 'and DomesHc Segm, Taha Bosas, Se Beynas, La Parepas, Little Charlies: and ." r -. ' r fiv- .-1 -t - . u Our Valentines,: ' in boxes of Fifty Each. Very choice, in handsome style and suitable for Holiday Presents to Smokers. ., ,t j .. ' CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 5 4 7 North Front St. deciatf Christmas Presents JPOE PARENTS AND CHILDREN, '' Friends, WiTes and Sweethearts. . . . A. FINE ASSORTMENT,. OF ;: CHRISTMAS GOODS, ' NEW, RICH, ELEGANT AND USEFUL, sow open for inspection, '" ' '"'' ;;. At C. W.' YATES' BOOKSTORE, dec 18-tf 'BKttkt St. "" THE 8HEI0EB BREECE-LOAOIIQ sHOTsxnsr. . . . . . Prtces, fao oo to 00. jaZZZE-ZOADIN&-G UNS i ALTERED TO BRSECH-LOADING. VCiark -0neMeff' v MAOTFACTUlERSr :"''.', Baltimore. Send for Catalogue. dec 23-DAWtf What iBetter Christmas Present - TO THE LITTLE BOYS THAN ONE OFTHOSE FANCY- SUITS, THAT WX ARB ' , SELLING AT ; A CTUAL COST. NECK TIES. BOWS, ' SCARFS, HANDKER- CBXEF, ACa JSCAJIFB GENTS FURNISHLKQ GOODS, of all kinds. decS3-U All at Aetna Cost. .r ; i -irtli'- ' i : , . r BHRTJER BROS. . Salt, Molasses, Bagging; Ties, Ac. 'k i-f- .;'! ,': i . . a . - - . J AAA Sacks Liverpool Salt, ,5 ; . OA A EoUaBaggmg; OAABS- B-and Cuba Molasses. 1 1 Hhds S. IL and Cuba Molasses. uu. n- rj.-i n: Boxes D, 8. and Smoked Bacon, v Little River, Lake George and Lebaaon A. 8heetinj , . ' XJttle River and Randolph YanW' , A t - For sale by . dee litf WILLIAMS MTJRCHISON. Latest 0tylc3. HAVING RECEIVED BY EXPRESS BLOCKS of the latest styles of Hats fee Ladies sad ChU- . Mra. Virginia A. Owt m ssnesett to atter. Hires work eatmeted te her. . Old Beeaets and GenUemen's Panama Hats made to , f Ixok. as 'lTell a'Ke'w.'; ' For pertlceJars call oa or send to MRS. ORB, on. lfajbetweenSrdsadethstreetaw t -1 : ,nt w

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