THE nOEimiG STAE. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY r WIMT- EC- BBBUAE.D. BiRI Or BOB8CBIPTIOH IK ADVAXGB: one year, (by mall) postage paid, $7 00 gix months, " " ) " " 4 00 Three montiuK " .-$ .... a 25 One month, C " ) " " .........100 To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the city Fifteen Cent per week. Our City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than 8 months in advance. OUTLINES. The 6uit of Henry C. Bowen vs. Brook lyn Eagle decided in favor of plaintiff, who gets $10,000 damages. - A $50,000 fire occurred near Geneva, New York, jester dir. Ir Karl Buhl, a well known journalist, is dead at Philadelphia. The ninety-ninth anniversary of the battle of Trenton will be celebrated Monday. New York markets: Gold, 118i113; Iton 13i13 1 1-6 cents. The New York Herald deserves well of the country for its timely and complete exposure of the infamous O. A. U. conspiracy. Mr. Monlion'i Determination. The New York Tribune learns from an authoritative source that Mrs. Emma C. Moulton has finally decid ed tocall auex parte council in her case unless Jflymouth Church con sents to the holding of a mutual council based upon the questions proposed by Mrs. Moulton in her last letter, as well as those set forth by the church. She will this week com municate with the church to ascertain whether it will accept her final offer to bold a mutual council npon these questions, and in case that is rejected she will have a council of her own called, comprising such, persons as she is informed are the best mem bers of the Congregational Church in the United States. Mrs. Moulton will, however, probably await the re sult of the advisory council called by Plymouth Church to meet January 11, before calling her ex parte coun cil, as she is said to be in no haste about the matter. Mr. Kerr and the Presidency. Baltimore Sun. It was said to-day among the poli ticians that Speaker Kerr had entered the list in the coutest for the Demo cratic nomination for the Presidency, His formation of the committees was, it is said, influenced very much by this consideration, as out of less than fifty committees he had given the con trol of thirty-five to the West and the South. These are the two sec tions to which all candidates must look not only for the nomination, but for the electoral votes to ratify that nomination. Spirits Turpentine The Toisnot tournament was a pleasant affair. Capt. R. Y. Joyner de livered the address. The counter of Bobbitt & Nash's store, near the centre of the town of Henderson, and some 1,200 yards of cloth were burned Monday night. Only huge exertions saved the place from again being burned down. Advance: The gin house of Mr. Jis. Jones, on the Stantonsburg and Snow Hill road in Greene county was destroyed by fire on Monday last, entailing a loss to the owner of the building, machinery and a lot of cotton, valued at $4,000. The building and machinery were . insured - for only $900. Cause of the fire, sparks from the engine. The earthquake was felt at Greens boro and Raleigh. - The Sentinel of Thurs day says: Some of our citizens, who hap pened to be awake at 18 minutes after 12 o'clock, last night, were startled by two sharp earthquake shocks. The shaky wave seemed to move from east to west. Win dows and crockery were rattled, and some buildings are said fo have swayed perccpt mm ie TJEKJEl GITY. NEW ADVEHTISEIQENTS. Williams & Mtjbchison Corn. L. W. Hodges Attention Knights. R. E. Heide Warning. Oper v House The Sleeping Beauty. Harris' News Depot Closes 10 A. M. Range of Thermometer. The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterday: A. 51., 57; 12 M., .74. 2 P. M , 69; 3 I M., 65; 4 P. M., 64. 9 A. M., 62; 11 A. M., 62. Maximum velocity of the wind 22 miles' anhour. Christmas. Christmas with all its -joys and gay fes tivities is once more upon us. To many it may not bring,so much joy in realization, but ail such should reflect that it is observed i:t honor of an event in the world's history whkh brought with it ariTl scattered to the nutious "glad Hidings of great joy, which shall be lo all men." We should all pre fer on this day to look only at the bright tide of things, doing away for the nonce with ail useless repinings, whether they be on account of bodily ill health, engendered by di.-appointed hopes and Expectations, or whether they be traceable to other and more seiious cause or effects. Let us re s live, at least, to be as happy as we know how, or as the peculiar circumstances of our various cases will admit. To the children, who as usual have locked forward to the day with hearts full up to the brim-fwith joyful anticipations, we say: "Be merry a" the day is long,' but refraiu as much as possible from the use of powder, swivels and pop-guns, and, in fact, from all instruments and missiles of a dan gerous character." We tender to our many patrons and friends the compliments of the season. No more Koonera. - W e are requested by the Mayor to say that no "John Kooners" will be allowed on the streets to-day nor at any other time during the holidays. All such will be ar rested by the police. This does not refer to D. Q. I.'s and other such companies of nien who usually parade on horseback. The VOL. XVII.--NO. 79. Local Dots. i wwuiue win De. closed irom 9 to 4 o'clock. - Our local dictsi little rain. Signal Office pre The streets were vocal with the tooting of horns last night Colder, clear or partly cloudy weather predicted. And so let it be, pray, we. There are those in this city who now think they felt the Richmond earth quake. The Star, after this morning, will not again twinkle for the benefit of our readers until Tuesday morning next Don't forget the Masonic in stallation ceremonies on Monday evening at St. John's Hall. Public invited. We learn that a party has been authorized to abate the pigeon nuisance at the City Hall to-day by shooting as many of them as possible. The argument in the city and county injunction cases was, we under stand, concluded yesterday, but no decision has yet been rendered. Tuesday will be the day of the children in the Episcopal and Catholic Churches festival of the Holy Innocents. Preparations are making in all the churches. Market and Front streets from Second to Water and from Princess to Dock streets wore a very lively appearance yes terday, but elsewhere, we believe, almost the quietude prevailed. We regret to learn that little Oscar Pugh, son of Mr. John H. Pugh, of this city, who was so seriously burned on Thursday morning, is still considered in a dangerous condition. . Hermann the wizard commences an engagement at the Opera House to night. The entertainment will consist of slight of hand feats, mesmerism, ven triloquism, secern d sight, etc. A merry Christmas? Yes! with all our heart we wish it to every reader, great or small, to whom through all the life-scenes of the years that are gone we have daily drawn near through our paper. We have rejoiced with you in your hours of gladness, we have mourned with you over the ashes of hopes and dearer buried things even than hopes: can you not believe, then, that your face, with the others, comes before us as we wish "A merry Christmas to the folk of gentle will f " We felt disturbed in our mind when we found last night that our front gate was gone, and when the darkness was made to bowl with the notes of the shrill fish-horn and the excruciating tin-pan we felt moved to gel mad. But then we re-1 membered how we once had been a boy and sawed the horse-fiddle at midnight with a rosined fence-rail on front gates and twasged the squedunk with the bravest under the windows of sleeping dignity, and our anger was in a measure appeased. New Year's Dinner for tbe Cotton Factory Operatives. The ladies of tbe Benevolent Society propose to assist the industrious poor by giving the operatives in the factory a New Teai's dinner. - They want lo assist and encourage those who .are trying to help themselves. Care shall be taken that no unworthy objects shall be the recipients of these benefactions. Tbey therefore solicit donations of food, clothing and money to be received before the first of January. All giving may rest assured that none living in habitual idleness shall be assisted, and in all cases there must be positive evidence that the object shall be deserving. The donations will be received at Mrs. George Chadbourn's,corncr Front and Nun streets. After New Tear's the ladies propose to continue their good work by supplying the factory operatives with hot coffee each morning before entering the factory, and with a hot and wholesome meal at noon, consisting of soup, bread and vegetables. It is to be hoped that encouragment will be given to a cause so worthy in itself. If any of tbe New Year's donations (after tbe fac tory operatives are supplied) be left, tbey shall be given to the sick poor. Ladies' Benevolent Society. mayor's Court. The following cases were disposed of yesterday morning: Alfred Saw ver and Tbos. Price, charged with the larceny of cotton, the property of the Wilmington Cotton Mills. Sawyer was ordered to give a justified bond in the sum f $250 and Price in the sum of $100 for their appearance at the next term of the Superior Court. David Bryant, charged with the larceny of a fore-quarter of pork, the property of C. Redd, was ordered to give bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance at the next term of the Superior Court. Robert Williams, charged with disorder- conduct, was. ordered to pay a fine of $20 and costs or wo:k for thirty days on the streets. Robert Shaw, charged with the larceny of a cooked turkey, the property of C. H. Gilbert Case dismissed. John Clarke, charged with the larceny of chicken, the property of Mrs. Julia Pois- son, was ordered to give bond in the sum of $100. William Patterson, charged with being drunk and disorderly, was ordered to pay fine of $10 and costs or work for twenty days on tbe streets. Salem Beasley, charged with disorderly conduct. Case continued until Moi ;ifiii WILMINGTON, Services for Christmas, Sunday, &e At St. John's Church Christmas Day ser vices as follows: Morning Prayer and Cele bration of tbe Holy Eucharist At 11 o'clock St. .Stephen's Day, Dec. 26. Early Cele bration at 7i A. M. ; Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 74 o'clock. St. John the Evangelist, Dec. 27th. Morning Prayer at 7 o'clock; Evening Prayer at 4 o'clock. Innocents' Day, Dec. 28th. Morn ing Prayer at 11 o'clock. St Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, corner of Sixth and Market streets, Rev. Q. D. Bernheim, pastor. Christmas Day- Services in the English language at 11 a. m . Sunday. German service at 11a.m. Eng lish service at 1 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Christian Association at 4 p. m. Weekly lecture on Wednesday at 7$ p. m Chatechetical instruction on Friday at 3 p. m. St. Thomas' Catholic Church: Mass at 6 a. m. ; solemn high mass and sermon at 10:30 a. m. Sunday Feast of St Stephen; mass at 7 a. m. ; solemn high mass at 10:30 a. m. ; vespers and benediction at 4 p. m Monday Feast of St John the Evangelist"; services at 7 a. m. Tuesday Festival of the Holy Innocents; services at 7 a. m. Sunday's services. 4 Services at St Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as fol lows: Services at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. Rev. T. M. Ambler, Rectoi. Seats free, First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets: Rev. Jos. R. Wilson, D. D., Pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and 7i p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets, Rev. James B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at 9 a. m. Ser vices at 11 a. m. and 7i p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7 p. m. Young men's prayer meeting Tuesday night at 74 o'clock. Front Street M. E. Church (South), cor ner of Front and Walnut streets: Rev. J.E. Mann, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 74 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 74 o'clock. Young Men's Society Tuesday night at 74 o'clock. Fifth Street Methodist E. Church (South), situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets: Rev. J. M. Rhodes, pastor. Sev vices at 11 a. m. and 74 p. m. Sabbath School at 94 a. ra. Prayer meeting Thurs day night at 74 o'clock. Trinity Chapel, 7 lb and Brunswick streets, Rev. Geo. W. Price, Pastor. Ser vices at 11 o'clock a. m., 34 p. m. and 74 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. First Baptist Church, colored, on Fifth and Campbell streets. Sunday School at 94 m. ; preaching at 104 a- ni., 3 p. m. and 74 p. m. Rev. F. R. Howell, Pastor. We presume the services in most of the churches not named will be held as usual, but have received no notice to that effect tTilmlneton Retail market. The following prices ruled yesterday: Apples, (dried) 124 cents per pound; dried peaches 25c per pound; walnuts, 25 cents per peck; pickles, 20 cents per dozen; lard, 18 cents per pound; butter, 4055 cents per pound ; cheese, 25 cents per pound ; grown fowls 50G0 a pair; geese $1 50 per pair; beef 1016c. per pound; beef, (corn ed) 12415c. per pound; veal, 12416fc. per pound; mutton, 12416 cts. per pound; ham, 1820 cts. per pound; shoulders, 124 14 cents per pound ; tripe, 20 cts. per bunch; clams, 25 cents a peck; open clams, 2025 cts a quart; soup bunch, 5 cts; eggs, 2530 cents, a doz; sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk (5 lbs); potatoes, new Irish, 40c a peck; new swee1 20 cents a peck; fish trout 25c. per bunch; mullets 1025 cents per bunch; turnips, 10 cents a bunch; onions, 50 eents a peck; cabbages 1625 cents a head; bologna 20 cents a pound; wild ducks 50 75 cents a pair; parcley, 5 cents a bunch; onions, 50 cents a pecu; car rots, 5 cents a pound; rice 1020 cents a quart; crabs 15 cts dozen; green field peas 10c per quart; apples 50 to 60c per peck; liver pudding, 20 cents p tt;- blood pud ding, 25 cents $ lb. ; oysters (New River) $1 25 per gallon or $1 a bushel; do. Sound, 20 cents a quart; cauliflower, 1025 cents; celery, 25 cents per bunch. Clirlstmas Treat for tbe Prisoners. Sheriff Manning will treat the prisoners in the county jail to-day to a sumptuous Christmas dinner, not leaving out the all important turkey, with its accompani ments. It is well that they should have a taste at least of the joys and happiness that prevail around us.from realization of which they must of necessity be to a great extent debarred. It is to be hoped that all who are not utterly depraved and hardened in iniquity and crime may be induced to form new resolutions for tbe coming year and determine to be better men and better women for the future. Clirlstmas at tbe Poor House. The inmates of the County Poor House are much elated, we understand, at the pros pectof a big dinner, including refreshments, &c, which Superintendent Scott proposes to give them to-day. We are glad to hear that so many stricken hearts are to be made happy this Christmas day, and hope ex amples of sympathy and consideration on the part of our officials may be productive of good results. Prisoners frem Pender. Two prisoners from Pender county, named Henry Woodcock and Owen Castin, both colored, tbe former sentenced to 3 years in tbe penitentiary for larceny, were brought down Thursday night Woodcock was lodged in jail and Castin was released upon giving bond for his appearance at the : next term of the Superior Court, as re quired. . i N. C, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1875. Tbe ftfallt. The mails will close at the Citv Post-Of flee until further notice as follows: Northern (night) mails for all points North East and West of Weldon, daily at.. 5:45 P. M " through and way tdav) mails daily. except Sunday, 6:30 A. M. Southern mails for all points South, daily 5:15 P. M, Charleston, daily, at. . 5:30 A. H, Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily (except Sundays,) , 6:00 A. M. Charlotte mail Closes at 4:15 P. M Smithville (via ' Easy Hill and Town Creek) Tuesdays and Saturdays 6:00 A. M, Fayetteville, and offices on Cape Fear River, Mondays and Fridays 1:00 P M, Fayetteville by C. C. R'y. daily (except Sundays) 6:00 A. M Onslow j. H. and intermediate offices every Friday ........ 6 :00 A. M. The Smithville mails, by steamboat, close 8to A. M., daily, except Sundays. Mails for Easy Hil Town Creek, Bell Swamp, Supply and Shallotte, every Friday ato A. M. Mails delivered from 6:30 A.M. to 7:30 P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M, Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 6:00 P. M. Money order or Register Department open same as stamp omen. Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day ano mgnt Mails collected from street boxes every aay at o r. m. Appointments of Rev. W. S. Black, Presiding Elder, for first rouud of Quarterly Meetings on the Wilmington District for the Methodist E. Church, South, the present Conference year: Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Dec. 18-19. 1870. Kenansville, Kenansville .Jan. 1-2. . " 8-9 . " 15-16. . 22-23. . " 29-30. Clinton, Clinton. . . . Magnolia. . Bethlehem Magnolia, Bladen, Topsail, Wilmington, Prospect Front Street. . . Feb. 5-6. Cokesbury, Wesley Chapel. " 12-13. Whiteville, - J Waccamaw Mission, t at YVbiteville, Feb. 19-20. Smithville, at Union Feb. 26-27. Elizabeth, " Elizabethtown, Mar. 4-5. Onslow, " Swansboro. . . . "11-12 District Steward's Meeting at ) - ront St M. JS. Church, IJj'eb. 8. Wilmington, at 11 A. M. ) CITY 1TE9I9. Endori ed by tbe Faculty. The reputation of Sr. Bull'8 Cough Syrup has been solely achieved on ac- count of merit. rnjBl dans pregen De 1L Latk -PAPBas To Harris' News Depot West- side Front Street we are indebted for copies of tho New York Ledger, Chimney Corner and Frank Leslie' UluUrated Newspaper for the current west. The Stand will remain open until 10 o'clock into morning; will reopen at 5 Pi M. Book Kutdxbt. uhb moblniks stab Book Bind ery does aH kinds of Binding and Ruling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution cf their orders. TBAHsrEB Pbistuis-Imk8. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having Just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. Commencing Saturday, Dec. 35. U ASMM M MM IHIVAL. THOUSAXDS mt SOL Tfc ifVlUJr f 7 Assisted by Ovmiac licht. SVMTBODT: ikiadwntV!!'1 i ijirrtr r ii ii rwn in r.ll Inllim arc noQm- 'VBiut or u d. but you flshsd MISS udntuKTSil .EMMA OBAXOB at tba Capt tall .1 M rUMKID! Ul l..,ndl,UllM 0IDBS, UAWVLM VI S. m . lTlff a av.bV II I lnllaa BV w KMIIRBDOTHk Ioasajit birds, whits kaciXQrsd CM EoKKTTKS ud PCHCHiraXO.arl hlbitiOS St hlbltios st yesr v Own Hdines1 th Brantifal mad AmanHit MiM CORA ill, tM enil BBv 0!TD STOHT r mtthlt tumtary- dec 35 It Salt, Molasses, Bagging, Ties, &c. QQQ Sacks Liverpool Sail, Q Q Q Bundles Ties, 00 Rolls Bagging, JQ Hhds S. II. end Cuba Molasses. J FjQ Boxes D. S. and Smoked Bacon, Little River, Lake George and Lebanon A Sheeting, 1 Little fiirer and Randolph Yarns. For sale by dec35 tf WILLIAMS & MURCB1SON. CORN, CORN! 3,000 BUSHELS Prime White Corn IN STORE ANO For Sale Low dec 25 tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISQN. Attention Knights ! Stonewall Lodge ITo. 1., ef F. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR ENSUING term MONDAY night. A full attendance de sired. L.W. HODGES, dec 25 It Keeper of Records & Seal. Parents and Children, YOTTNG MEN ANB JCALQENBl TJY. AMINE MY STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY elsewhere. S.JEWETT,' ! 87 N. Front St! dc2Mf mm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. All Persons ARB HEREBT FOREWARNED AGAINST HAR borine or tradinsr with the crew of the Nor wegian Bri MIRA. Master or Consignees will not be responsible for aaj account made by said crew. R.B. HETDE, Consul. dec 85 3t MILLINERY. J.HB UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM the ladies that she has jnst returned from. New York, where she has been for several weeks making ner rail parcnases in . Fine French Millinery, and will be prepared in a few days to show her menus anatne public generally the latest styles in FRENCH, PATTERN. BONNETS AND .HATS, and everything pertaining to the business. I have also a very fine selection of Fancy Goods, consist ing oi Ladies' Corsets, Hoop Skirts, POMPADOUR'S LACES. FRINGES, BUTTONS SLIPPER PATTERNS, MOTTOES and Frames, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Handkerchiefs Neck Ties, Ruching Belts, Switches, Braids, and the largest and cheapest stock of Zephyr Worstad and Shetland Wool to be had this side ef Baltimore, Orders from the country solicited and attended to with promptness and care. Variety Store, 43 Market Street, oct 3 nactf MRS. L. FLANAGAN. LITXUEIES! qpRY ATMORE'S NEW PLUM PUDDING AND JL save trouble and expense. Also At mere's Mince Heat, SWEET CIDER ON DRAUGHT, NEW LAYER RAISINS, Whole, Half and Quarter Boxes, NEW CITRON, DRUM FIGS, Dried Prunes, cents per pound, Harmony, Table Sherry, Choicest ever brought to this State Hennessey and Otard Dnprey & Co. BRANDY, VINTAGE 1818. Blue Grass and Gem, RAMSAY SCOTCH WHISKEY. Freeh and New Family Groceries arriving eveiy wees ai wnoiesaie .races. GEO. MYERS, 11 A 13 South Front St dec 11-tf The MorningStar PUBLISHED DAILY AND- WEEKLY Subscription RatesIii AuYanec : DAILY STAR, One Year, postage paid, $7 CO Months " .4 00 Three Months" " S 85 One Moith " ...... 1 00 WEEKLY STAR, One, Year postage paid, $1 05 six Jaontns, " " 1 oe Three Month" " 50 Notices ofthe Press: A firstrdass paper. Battieboro Advance. Emphatically a live paper. Coldsboro News. The Stab is a live paper. Sumter (S. C.) Newt One of our best exchanges.-(S. CI Oovrlet One of the best daily papers In the State. Weldon ewt. One of the very beet of our daily exchanges.- South Carolinian. Ranks among the leading Dallies of the State. Christian Advocate. One of tbe beet Dailies in the State. StatetviOe InteUlQencer. A valuable paper. We cheerfully recommend it. Pee Dee Cov rier Ranks among the leading journals of the South. Marion (A C.Star. One of the best and most desirable papers In North arolina, Norfolk Virginian. Full of general news, and a credit to Wilmington Eiixabeth City North Carolinian, One of the best daily papers published in the Southern States. Barry (5. C.) News. One of our best Southern Journals. As a newspa per not surpassed by any. Friend Temperance. One of the beet conducted in the State: bold, inde pendent and well informed. HUltboro Recorder. Ablv edited, and has a circulation which speaks rohui'js of comment on its influence. Magnolia Monitor. Onward and award it eoes until now tt has the largest circulation of any Daily in the State. Pied mont IYess. The Wilmington Stab, now very much improved. has the largest circulation of any paper in the State. Enjleld I Timet. The Stab stands among the first of North Carolina papers in point or enterprise and literary merit. Vaeexr vs. u.) Jteponer. Unauestionably the best daily journal inJTorth Carolina, and has no superior in any other Southern State. Marlboro 3. C.) Timet. reports and fine literary selections the Stab has no superior. Mocky Mount Mail. Is well conducted and has as much and great a va nety of good reading matter as any Dally in the state. warrenutn This baier. though not many years old. is one of the best dailies in the State, and well merits the support It receives. Louuoura Vourter. One of the best dally journals on oar exchange list Belongs to no rin; save tnat wnicn encircles ue gooa oi ute people. Mirror. The Wilmington Xoriono Stab is among the best newspapers in the South. Rich, rare, racy, always fresh and "on time." Atheville Expositor. A staunch and independent advocate of the peo ple's rights. Deservedly ranks among the first jour nals JI the Southern ceuntiy.-Mockinsham Obterver A live newspaper, and the best Daily n the State. The circulation is larger than that of any other Daily in the State, which proves It Milton Chron icle. Those of our readers desiring to take a daily or weekly paper from North Caro. riina cannot do better than take the Wilmington Stab. Cherato (A. C.) Democrat. The Stab is one of our most highly valued ex changes, and it affords us pleasure to recommend it as one of the most racy and reliable dailies is North Carolina, -Kins ton Gazette. The Stab Is -undoubtedly an enterprlslnr sheet beautifully printed and conducted with marked ability. Mr. Bernard deserves t credit for his esorts in journalism. tasetgn - No paper ever started in North Carolina has grown o rami .atj as nas in btab. nougn oniy nve yea old, it is now a fixed institution, enjoying i ence and a prosperity second to none In the win a- State,- Saiisoury watenman. The Wilmington Stab ia in the front rank of our Southern dailies, well edited, full of new and select '-The HlIIstMHo Recorder, . THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATE. & dilates extensively in Orange and adjeinina counties. Subscription price $3 60 per annim. Published weekly. . ' JOHN D. CAMERON, - octf-tf . Editor and Proprietor WHOLE NO. 2,686. MISCELLANEOUS. Eugene L. Harris, Artist In C ray on Port raits . SASSAFBAS FOBK, JV. C, TEGS LEAVE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION 3J to nis portraits in Crayon. Persons wishing good pictures of themselves or deceased friends can have them nicely executed by sending him a pnotograpn to work from. A good photograph is necessary to Insure a good likeness. .The prices oeiow include postage by mall, on roller. A neat frame of walnut and gilt will be furnished to those wno desire it, at fl.00f2.B0. PRICES: Size, 14 x 17 inches. - ... $5.90 10.00 Life Size, (bust) ...... - $10.00 TERTI910N1AXS. "Mr. Harris posseses the rare gift of being able to aeuneaie, accurately, rrem a pnotograpn oretne picture tne exact uxeness er any one. we guaran tee satisfaction." Oxford Leader. "We have seen his work, and eonsidei lent Try him." Central Protestantl " We have" seen a capital portrait of Hon. A. W Venable. by Mr. R. L. Harris: that reflects addi tional lustre on hia genius in that department" Lxorcn-iignbj mar 17-tr Great Inducements ! T AM SELLING GOODS AT FOLLOWING jl nguree: Citron, 30 cents per pound, LOOSE MUSCATEL RAISINS, 20 cents per pound; MIXED CAND Y, (STRICTLY PURE) 2j cents per pound; French Candy. Best Quality Fancy, 40 cents per pound; London Layers, Dried Figs, SO cents per pound; Fresh Cakes and Crackers from N. Y. Aerating Co. SOMETHING NEW AND NICE! Call and see me, you will be f guaranteed goods at the bottom prices for First-Class Goods. deciB-lw ' JAMES C. STEVENSON. Office Dining Saloon, Dawson's Bank Lane. Between Front and Water Streets, Wm. M. Collins, Proprietor. THIS FAVORITE! EATING SALOON IS NOW In fall operation, and all the delicacies of the season served at the shortest notice. Also remlsr iuwub eervtju ana aay ooaraers accommooatea on REASONABLE TERMS. WM. M. COLLINS. oct 13-Tues&Sat tf Hillstoo Military Academy, Hillsboro, C. X HIS INSTITUTION. RECENTLY KNOWN AS H0BNE& & GRAVES' SCHOOL," will hereafter be conducted bvR. II. Graves as sole Principal, aided, as heretofore, by the accomplished mniruciuni xioga jaorson, iir., ana Jiaj. v. a. Hamilton. The Spring seselon of 1876 will open on the 17th of January. Negotiations are now rjendis? for the emnloTment oi aaoiuonu instructors. For circulars apply to Maj. D. H. Hamilton Hntil tne 5tn of January, and afterwards to the PnncipaL oeczi-eoaxw Him ROD euro, LATE THE AMEICAH SPORTSHAS, A SIXTEEN PAGE PAPER. DEDICATED TO ShootiBi, Fisliim anA natural History. SCIENCE, AMUSEMENT, ADVENTURE AND Field Sport artieles by the Fibst Scientists & Sfovtsxxn of America. PRICE, $1.00. 3 Months. 9S.UU. o jiohuib. $4 I early. uena stamp ior specimen copy to ItOD ft GUN. April 6-tf 81 Park Row, New York FIELD DOCS. BreeiiBf Kennel of A. C. f alien, Newton, New Jersey. VOUNG POINTERS AND SETTERS OF THE JL Finest Strains FOR SALE. Dogs broken thorough! v for 50 CO. Fer full nar- ncuiars aa areas, A. V. WAIWKLLs marS8-DAWtf Newton, New Jersey. Christmas Presents. GO TO THE LITE BOOK. STORE. There you will find ' Tne Greatest Variety in the City. YOU CAN GET THEM TO SUIT YOUR Father, your Mother, your Wife, your Brother. your suscer, or anyooay eise s sister; ana "Oh! So Cheap." Call at Once and Secure the Best at HEINSBERGER'S dec S3-tf Live Book and Kasie Store. Attention, Attention ! SPLENDID Christmas Presents AT A. David's. Call and got one for your friends, who will appreciate it a great aeal more tnan some triflins bauble. Noth ing better tban a- nice Ovei coat. And you can buy splendid ones at 10.CO at dec 23-tf A. DAVID'S. Tonsorial Removal . Hi m ASTIS has removed to the Barber Sbon form T7I erly occupied by him, in the basement of thePureeii House, waere ne invues nis oia menas uauepus- Uc generally ite empfo to call on him. Beet workmen in tbe State oyed, and Shaving, Hair Cutting and 8hampooinc done at the shortest notion. Oranges! Oranges! 10,000 Choice Florida Oranges JECEIVED TO-DAY, AND FOR SALE BY dec3t-3t J. WELLER. Christmas Tnrkeys !S Cbristmas Cbickens. HRISTMAS BEEF. All fresh from the Blue Kidge at the customary low prices. JAMES C. STEVENSON, dec 24 -tf 2nd St, between Market and Princess Shooting Hatch. There will be a shooting match foe Turkeys, at Hilton, Saturday, commencing , at 8 'cloekA.M.- dec49t One Square one ............ .i..".. --t 0 ire dm on week Two weeks... Three weeks One month...... ......... .4 ... .... 6 0C .... 60 " Two months... ,,,..15 OA - - i-nree months.... ......r. w ? Six Bwnths........ i. ,...85 00 One year .. ....60 01 UT Contract AdverUsaavsnts taken at nrocoi ionately low rates. Five Squares estimated as a quarter-column, and ten squares Ma half -column. MISCELLANEOUS. GEMS OF ENGLISH SONG 11 75 of the beet songs extant col lected in a hand some . volume of 883 music size uKHa OF ENGLISH 80NQ I GEMS OF ENGLISH SONG I GEMS OF ENGLISH SONG 1 GEMS OF ENGLISH SONG ! aages. With elegant gilt binding, $4 00. la cloth, pi iv. in ooaras, i ou. Uniform In style, price and binding with Ihe above splendid book, we have other books of " Gems," German, Scottish and Sacred; also of beet Irish Melodies, and the choicest Operatic Songs. . " Christmas Parol h-r TTnisanl itittom I There were Shepherds, bv Millard, 75 cents,. Merry I Christmas. Piano piece, by Wilson, 60 cents. Rejoice the hearts of the Old Folks with Centennial Collection for Old Folks' Concerts. 40 cts. By E. Tourjee. Gladden your Sabbath School by introducing' . SHINING RIVER. One Of the sweetest of snno books. - - ..r. Order the above books of any of the principal music dealers, or by mail, enclosing retail price of O. DITSON ft CO., CHAS. H.D1TSON & CO. Boston. Ttl Broadway, NY. dec S2-dw2w Wed A Sat - , , For Fair We6k ND EVERY OTHER WEEK IN THE YEAR, at lowest prices to buyers on the spot, and all or ders filled at the ruling price of the day they are re- ceivea, cnus giving customers sending orders direct to us the same advantage that they would have if present, MM Bacon in HU. M Boxes. Dry Salted Meat Sides, Shoulders, Bellies and Backs, HAMS IN TIERCES OR SMALL PACKAGES, Breakfast Strips, Mess Pork, Water Ground Meal. Fish, Mackerel, Mullet Herrings. &c, SUGAR, GOEFEEi SALT, MOLASSES OF ALL KINDS, .. . Syrup, all Kinds;! Flour, all Qualities; and over 500 different articles of Fancy Groceries. ' Call or order from us, corner of Dock and Front streets, Wilmington, N. C. nov lU-tr - A11K1AW a, VOIiLKKb. CHRISTMAS Presents Cigars. A FINE ASSORTMENT IN De sirable packages of 5 and CO. (Call and examine them. D. PIGOTT. dec23-tf Christmas Presents JpOR PARENTS AND CHILDREN, . Friends, Wives and Sweetli carts. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS GOODS, NEW, RICH, ELEGANT AND USEFUL, now open for Inspection, At C. W. YATE S BOOK STORE, dec 13-tf 51 Market St. T- : ! r THE SNEIDER BREECH-LOADING SHOT Prices, $50 OO to $250 OO. MUZZLE-LOADING .GUNS ALTERED TO BREECH-LOADING, Prtcea, $40 00 to $ 100 OO. Clark & Sneider. MANUFACTURERS, 214 West Pratt Street. Baltimore. dec22-D&Wtf Send for Catalogue. What .is Better -jf -MBA- . . Christmas Present TO THE LITTLE BOYS THAN ONE OF THOSE FANCY SUITS, THAT WJS AKB SELLDUG AT ACTUAL COST. NECK TIES,., BOWS, SCARFS', HANDKEB- AMD ' GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, of all kinds. All at Actual Cost. dec 23-tf SHRIER BROS. Silver and Plated Ware : ' FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS. J Large stock ef Spoons, Knives. Forks, Castors, Toilet bets. Cups, Napkin Rings, Children's Sets in cases, Tea Seta, Butter Diahes, Creams. Card Cases, Syrup Cups, Pickle Stands,' Jewel Caskets, Bcnooi sets, sugar jsowm. jrroit Bianaa,jee ntcners. Ueblets, Ladles in cases. Castors from $1 up. All of which we offer' at Factory pricer. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Fancy- Goods. Call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. All work war ranted to give satisfaction or no charge. - Corner Front and Princess streets. A JL ALLEN. dee5-tf ' i ir Agent Christmas AT THE CENTENNIAL SALOON. CO KEGS CINCINNATI LAGER BEER ON DRAUGHT and by the Keg, the beat la the World, delivered in any part of the city. - .- A. d. fSAJtrUTZ, rToprietor, No. S South Front street. - dec34-3t Wilmington. N. C. XeenT Warm , By USING A GOOD WEATHERSTRIP TO keep out the cold wiml. ; Spiral and straight door springs, Axes at 90 cents, Axes at $1 CO, at UEU. A. rHH'S decl9-tf ' -' No. 25 South Front St MOBICINO STAB BOOK BINX- KRY is eomnlet in All all its Bimointaaentc. and lata cbargeofoseof the meet skillful workmen in tbe-State. . All kind of Bladiag execated neatly, cheaply ad earpedttkwuilT. , JtDDINw OAJtDB AND V1MT1NU CAJU printed . in the aaoat elerant style, at -J - WM. H. BERNARD'S aagll PrtBandPablishtaKHoai Q M4 8 00