THE LIOBITIITG STAB. PUBLISHED DAILT, BY um or bubscmpthw nr adtaxcx: one year, (by man) postage paid, $7 00 g& month, t" " " " ... 400 ISeemontW " " S " " 2 S5 Onemonth, C " ) " " 100 m. rutv Subscribers, delivered in anv nart of the eitr Fifteen Centa per week. Onr City Agents are not authorized to collect for more than S month in advance. OUTLINES. National Rifle Association of Great Britain will shoot with the N. Y. Association a match with small bores, centennial year. Jno. E. Grant convicted at New York of publishing and muling obscene sheet. New York markets: Cotton, 1313 7-16; gold, 12i13; spirits turpentine, 87$; rosin $1 65fl 75. - The committee appointed to investigate Third Auditor Rutherford and his clerks .report culpable negligence and he and contractor Broad agreed to tender their resignations. Cassius M. Clay, of Kentucky, says his name will be presented by his State in the National Democratic Convention for Vice President -y&Hy Treasurer of Buffalo decamped with a quarter of a million. . AlabamaLegislative Committee re port cjndemning Senator Spencer for briberies and other grave corruptions. More About the Charlotte Riot. The Charlotte Observer concludes a long and judicial-spirited account of the late trouble in that city thus: Though the result of the investiga tion was not such as to fix the fatal shooting upon any one in particular enough was adduced to warrant the arrest of Green McAulay, Robert J. Smith and Thos. Wilson, white, and llichard Johnson and Jim McMat thews, colored, Smith and Johnson were committed to jail; the others gave bond for their appearance. Smith is a fellow who made bis first appear ance in the city on Friday, and the impression prevails very generally that he is responsible in a large degree for the riot. He it was who, in the commencement of the trouble be tween Wilson and the negroes, sided with the latter and urged them on, telling them that he was a Northern man, that he had fought for them once and would do so again, that he believed in fair play and would stand by them. It is strange that among so many' shots so few took effect. This shows that the whites were either very much excited or else they did not shoot to kill ; the latter explanation is the more probable. Some of the balls lodged in the third story of the Central Ho tel and some passed through the win dows of the third story or" Brem, Brown & Co.'s hardware store. The riot has been very much exag gerated in places distant from Char lotte, and hence it is all important that an accurate account be given of its origin and extent. This, we think. is done above. The Observer had stated that it originated in a drnnken brawl be tween some white and black men and had no connection with politics. Spirits Turpentine I - - i The gin house of Mr. John Murphey, of Snow Hill, was burned last week. A dead negro baby with its neck broken was found wrapped in a Tag in front of a disreputable house in Golds boro Tuesday morning. . The new Masonic hall at Raleigh was dedicated on Monday evening. F. H. Busbee, Esq., delivered the address, which is spoken of by the Raleigh papers in terms of high praise. The Manning Brothers, of the Weldon New, have bought a two-thirds in terest in the Danville Daily News, and they will assume charge of that paper to-morrow. Mr. W. T. Manning will be business man ager. Danville presents a broad field for these enteprisicg brothers. A negro man named Jim Rice lias been lodged in Wake jail for killing, on Monday, another negro not known, on the premises of Mr. G. W. Atkinson, near Apex. The deceased had stdten $5 from a blind negro, and being pursued by Rice re fused to halt, when the latter shot him down, killing him. Rice surrendered to the authoroties. , Raleigh Sentinel of Wednesday: Information was received at the executive office to-day of the arrest, at Warrensburg, Missouri, of Lewis Ingram, who is charged with having committed murder in Bun combe countv in 1870, and for whom a re ward of $200 is offered by this State. He is now in jail at that place awaiting a re quisition from the Governor. TSCE GIT NRW ADVEBTHEKIBNT". Harrison & allen. Fine Felt Hats. See advertisement " Lost" J. A. Byrne & Co. Insurance Agency. S. D. Wallace. Notice. B. Glea ves. New Yearns Sports. G. H. W. Runge. Hog JoIes. See advertisement "Notice." W. L. Coleson. Personal. H. G. Smallbones. Calanthe Lodge. - Jas. M. Brown. Masauerade BalL Arrett of Deierten. , A brace of genuine " Jack tars" (all bear ing the name of John), namely, John Wil liams, John Robinson, John Currie and John Pattison, alleged deserters from the British Brig Gladstone, were arrested Wed. nesday night by Officer Daniel Howard as sisted by.Capt. W. J. Penton, agent for said vessel, on a warrant issued by Justice Cas3idey. On the way to the jail John Pattison succeeded in effecting his escape, but the other three were locked up, where they will remain until called for. byCapt. Penton. Who Is Het A mysterious stranger has been going the rounds of the city for severaLdays past, and it seems to be the general impression of those who have seen and conversed with him that he is an escaped lunatic, and a man, too, who has at one time been pos sessed of fine intellectual attainments. -I HE yOL.XVTI.-NO. 83. E.oe Dois. A regular British fog prevailed in this latitude last night. Superior Court adjourned yes terday to meet again on Saturday. The revenue cutter Colfax ar rived here yesterday from a short cruise. Momentous query -who shall have those brass earrings, to be given as a prize by the Athletics? We look for a crop of colds and sore throats as a result of imprudent ex posure to this damp night air. New Year's Day having been declared a bank holiday, the merchants generally will probably tollow suit The masqued.ball under the di rection of Mr. Jas. M. Brown will come off at the City Hall to-night at 8, o'clock. Mr. Geo. W. Dutcher, a cele brated temperance orator, is to lecture on his favorite theme in this city on Sunday, the 16th inst. The officers of the various banks have given notice that they will observe to morrow, the 1st day of January, as a holi day. The present mild weather has brought up heavy fogs from the ocean wich cause some annoyance to shipoing in port as well as outside. The city authorities will be petitioned 'for a street lamp on the dark corner of Second and Princess. Pray also that it be kept lighted and glazed f ' The public generally are invited and solicited to' show their sympathy with the cause of temperance by attending the mass meeting at Fifth Street M. E. Church on Monday night. A burglarious attempt was made upon the residence of Mr. P. Heinsberger Wednesday night, but the thief was fright ened off with only twenty-five cents in sil ver, taken from the pocket-book of a ser vant, as his booty. Mrs. M. E. Ellison, principal of the white public schools, reports to Mr. A. H. Morris, Chairman of the township School Committee, that the average daily attendance during the past quarter has been, at the Hemenway 120 and at the Union school 188 pupils. Under the new management the scholastic year has thus far been marked by advancement of the pupils that is very satisfactory to both teachers and parents Presentation We learn that Mr. F. W. Foster was pre sented by the Apollo Band with a hand some silver salver Wednesday night. The ceremony took place in the private parlor over the National Saloon, Mr. H. M. Bow- den, President of the. Apollo Band, pre senting the articles in a very neat and ap propriate speech, to which Mr. Foster re sponded in his peculiar vein. Jailed for Contempt. Mary Harriss, white, was sent to jail Wednesday evening for twenty days for being guilty of contempt of Justice Cassi- dey's Court. She remained in the Sheriffs office for some considerable time, in charge of Deputy Morris, and proved a fit subject for that official's most earnest efforts in the cause of reform, particularly as relating to temperance and morality -generally. She said she wanted to go to jail, for she hadn't eaten anything for three days and had not a "square meal" for a week. Inquest. 8. YanAmringe, Esq., acting as Special Coroner for the occasion, held an inquest yesterday afternoon over the body of Sarah Ann Graham, the colored child alluded to in our last as having been burned to death at Quince's Mill, near this city. The jury, composed of C. H. Strode, foreman; Wil liam White, Lantern Perkins, Henry Wil kins, Lewis Miller, James West, Thomas Hooper, J. A. Ashe, Washington Howard, Henry Graham, Sampson Haywood and J. W. Williams, returned a verdict that the child came to its death from leaving it with an irresponsible party. TJ. S. Commissioner Court. Holloway Willis, colored, charged with passing counterfeit money, on the complaint of a colored woman by the name of Jane Outlaw had a hearing before U. S. Com missioner J. J. Cassidey, yesterday, who, not deeming the evidence sufficient to con vict, dismissed the case at the cost of the prosecutor. - Col. W. S. Devane appeared for the de fence. Vessels Spoken. -The German barque August Teitge, Capt. Drews, which arrived here on Wednesday, reports having spoken Nov. 15th, lat. 27 22 north, long. 27 12 west, the British brig Yiton, from Sierra Leone, bound for Liver pool, whose captain had been dead nine days. Also, Dec. Cth, lat. 20 53, long. 58 0 north, Austrian brig Mala Mariea,' C&pt. F. Magthini, from Havre, bound to Cape Haytien, having been 50 days at sea. Burglarious Doings. The residence of Officer .G. W. W. Davis, of the police force, corner of Sixth and Castle streets, was entered yesterday morn ing, during the absence of Mr. Davis on duty. ' The lock of a door opening on the back piazza was picked, or a skeleton key used, when the (bief found himself in an unoccupied room.v Turning over a chair in his rambles afiound aroused a dog, which was about to grapple with the intruder, when he beat a precipitate retreat Noth ing was missed, but upon subsequent ex amination, the pockets of all the clothing which came within the range of the thief s perambulations were found turned wrong side out, which evidenced the fact that money was the object sought. WILMINGTON, INDUSTRIAL FAIR EXPOSITION. Vourth Dar. The first Fair of the Industrial Exposi tion Association closed yesterday, winding up with a ball at Giblem Lodge at night. The Fair has in all respects been a success ful one, and the officers and members of the Association should feel a commendable pride in the fact, thus demonstrated, that the colored people of this State, and of this section particularly, are so well versed in all the useful and important pursuits of life, and that they have thus come forward and assisted and encouraged the Association in this their first grand exposition. The attendance upon the Fair has been very large from the first, while a proper re spect for good order and demeanor has marked each day's proceedings. The praiseworthy efforts of the Associa tion, as evidenced in the holding of this Fair, and the success which has attended it, should meet the approbation and receive the heartfelt encouragement Of all good cit izens, white and colored. We give below a few articles not before mentioned: On the second floor was a collection of native woods, exhibited by Fred. C. Sadg war; hod bricks, by Hooper & Lee; spirit cask, by Henry 8weat; spirit cask in fifty two pieces, by David Deal; spirit cask, by J. H. Davis; spirit cask, by Jo. W. White, Columbus county; bee hives, by Geo. W. Price; native grass baskets, by Henry Gause, 65 years old, Halifax county; col lection of turned wood work, by Wm. Kel logg; small work box, by John H. Howe, 14 years old. On the third floor (Floral Hall) was no ticed a paper cage containing two birds, by Lavinia Mallett; fruit basket, by Julia Con ner, pineapple pin cushion, by Anna Shep person; variety of imitations of different colors, by W. A White, Columbus county; fancy slippers, by Nathan Chappel; pillow slip, by Dina Hall, Mecklenburg county; lace pin-cushion, by F. Price; lady's gar ment, by Carrie Price; pin-cushion (double), by Louisa Franklin; fancy sack, by Jennie Willis; pin-cushion, by Henry Toomer. An auction sale of articles on exhibition will, we learn, take place on the grounds to-day. The Athletic Club New Fear's Sports. A very attractive programme is piesented in our advertising columns of games to be played on Ue Athletic Glub grounds to morrow. The attendance no doubt will be much larger on this occasion than it was on Thanksgiving Day, as very few fully ap preciated the fact that such a delightful en tertainment was in store for those who were present on that day. Many expressed their regret, afterwards, that they had not wit nessed the exciting sports and entertaining games which had given so much genuine pleasure, and all such will no doubt swell the crowd to-morrow. Another inducement is to be found in the fact that the price of admission to the grounds has been reduced to 25 cents, mem bers alone to be admitted free. Mr. Berry Gleaves has been appointed Chief Marshal for the day. The Assistant Marshals are Messrs. R G. Ross, John Col ville, G.'W. Bailey, W. Roddick, Norwood Giles and Fred. Kidder. Mr. Donald MacRae has been appointed Chairman of the Committee on Rifle-Shooting. The remaining members will be an nounced to-morrow. Examine the advertisement and see for yourselves the delightful entertainment prepared for you! The Deaf and Dumb and the Blind Children at the Fair. As we have before stateda-one of the im portant features connected with the color ed Fair in this city during the present week has been the performances or entertain ments of the deaf and dumb and the blind children, from the Asylum at Raleigh, un der the direction of Prof. W. F. Dedman, teacher and Supervisor. These chddren are thirteen in number, seven blind and six deaf and dumb. The performances cer tainly evinced evidences of thorough in struction and a remarkable proficiency, under all the circumstances. The colored Asyulm .for the benefit of this class of-unfortunates is entirely dis tinct from the white, being located in the southern part of the city of Raleigh, on a one-acre lot of ground, appropriately laid out, with streets running on each side of it. It was built of brick made by the convicts in the Penitentiary, the average thickness of the walls being about two feet. It is three stories high, and has nineteen rooms, in cluding two dormatories 20 by 40 feet in dimensions. As we have before remarked, North Carolina is the only State that has made suitable provision for the deaf and dumb and the bliod within its borders. The pupils in attendance upon the Fair left for Raleigh last evening. While here all their expenses were paid by the Fair As sociation and the railroads passed them free. At Last. "That night is long that never finds the day," and dark, too, when the lamps are blown out for lack of glass or left unHghted. But now we feel the fires of hope for better things8pring up afresh within us, and in our view the east catches the glow. We mis take. We are short-sighted. It is the long neglected and battered street lamps which in our mental vision catch the glow and the spark which is to make them again lights to our feet instead of stumbling blocks .to our path is kindled by the an nouncement that the Mayor has made a bran, new contract with reliable persons for lighting and keeping them in repair during next year. OENJNG oTAB. N. e., FRIDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1875. Int las Katie Putnam RIonday. The approaching appearance of this charming little lady the first-love of play going Wilmington creates a ripple of in terest even amid the excitements of holiday week and the closing year. . Indeed, the times must be strangely exciting or strange ly bad' when the announcement of Miss Katie's coming would not set the town to talking and planning to see her; and now that it is known that she is to take her favorite: parts, The Marchioness and Little Nell, in the dramatization of Dickens' "Old "Curiosity Shop," on Monday night, the de sire to be present is especially strong. We are sure that she will have a great bouse and that time and travel will not have taken from her any of her old-time power to in terest and please. Election or Officers. At the meeting of Pocahontas Tribe No. 7, Improved Order of Bed Men, held last night, the following officers were elected: R. M. Foster, Sachem. ,J. D. Wood, Sr. S. Christian Husel, Jr. S. W.; F. Wenzel, C. of R Julius Hahn, Prophet. -, K. of W. The installation ceremonies will take place at the meeting on Thursday night next, and will be conducted by Deputy Vice Great Incohonee Chas. R Clowe. Range of Thermometer. The following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this city, yesterday .- 7A.M., 04; 12 M., 67; 2 P. M., 71; 4:30 P. M., 77; 9 P. M., 62; 11 P. M., 60. CITY 1TESIS. Amusements. Theatre goers md all inch as keep late boars are very liable to contract a severe conch or cold. A safe and reliable core la Dr. Bail's Cough Syrup. The price la only 25 cents. Book Bindest. Thi mooring Stab Book Bind ery does aH kinds of Binding and Ruling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness In the execution of their orders. Tbahbtxb FBnmHO-lKKS. Invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en duing and changeless, and will copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fresh supply of these Inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. . niED. HOLMES. At Wartrace, Tennessee, on the S9th lust., Mrs. B. J. HOLM 3, wife of Rev. Lucien Holmes, formerly of this place. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE O UR RESPECTIVE STORES WILL BE Saturday, January 1st, 176, at 10 A.m., AND REMAIN CLOSED ALL DAT. OUR CUSTOMERS Will please send in their orders to-day, FRIDAY, CHAS. D. M7ERS & CO., J. C. STEVENSON, WEST & CO., - GEO. MYERS. decSl-lt Review copy Masquerade Ball. THE-BAL MASQUE WILu TAKE PLACE TO night at the CITY HALL AT 8:30. LADIES' LIST AT REIN SB EB. GER' rJS. Gentlemen's List at j. wruppiTrs, Where Masque and Spectator, Tickets can be pro cured only. Spectators tickete at the door. dec3l-lt JAS. M. BROWN. Attention ! Fi IFTH WARD I. B. C. You are hereby notified to meet at the Truck House on the evening of the 8Ut lnt , as business of importance will be Drought before you. . By order of Foreman, dec 81 It J. J. DICKSEY. A Special Meeting of CALANTHE LODGE No. 7. R NIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, will tike place at the Castle Hall at 8 o'clock Friday night. dec 31-1 1 H. G. SMALLBONE3.C. C. Lost. A MEMORANDUM BOOK WITH INSURANCE papers, Marked: metropolitan Life Insurance Co. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office. doc81-lt Hog Joles ! pOR NEW YEAR'S DINNER. For sale at G. H. W. RUNGE'S, N. E. Corner of Second and Market Sts. dec31-tf Insurance Agency df J. A. BYRNE & CO. piRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1830. Assets $3,5 $.691 43. dec31-tf Fine Felt Hats. SILK AND SCOTCH CAPS, rpRAVKLINQ BAGS AND UMBRELLAS. HARRISON ALLEN, , dee 31 tf City Hatters, 89 Front St NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. New Year's Sports. The following Programme for the Games of the Athletic Club, to take place at the Club Grounds on Saturday, New Year's Day. is announcod for the information of the public: 9 o'clock Rifle Match Prize: Silver Goblet 10.30-Potato Race Prize: Silver Cup. 10.45 Quarter-Mile Running Race f rize: Silver Salver. 11 15 Sack Race Prize: Pair of Brass Ear-Rings 11.30 Standing High Jump Prize : Pair of Sleeve Buttons. Noon One Mile Running Race Prize: Silver Ice Pitcher. 12.30 Throwing Heavy Hammer Prize: Watch Chain. 13.45 Egg and Ladle Race Prize: Pair of "Silver is ait ueuers. 1.00 Hundred Yards Running RacePrize: Set Gold Studs. 1.15 Running High Jump Priae: Pair of Vases. 1.45 Hurdle Race Prize: Silver Salver. 2.15 One Mile Walking Race Prize: Silver Pickle Jar. . 2.45 Standing Long Jump Prize:" Silver and Glass Perfumery Stand. 3.03 Three-Logged Race Prize: Pair of Egg Cups. 3.15 Fencing Match-Prize: Silver Goblet, 3.30 Swinging Indian Clubs Prize: Pair of Owls. 3.45 Running Long Jump Prize: Silver Cup. 4.00 Wheelbarrow if ace Prize: Alarm Clock. All competitors are requested to be promptly on. hand when called, as the Programme must be put through on time. Entries most all be made by 12 o'clock on Friday. Refreshments will be furnished on the Grounds. Gates open at 8.30 o'clock. Admission 25 cents Members only edmitted free. B. GLEAVES, Chief Marshal. dec 31 tf Personal. AN AMERICAN WIDOWER, 32. (no children) of b londe temperament, gentlemanly address, neat, quiet habits, home-loving disposition, being very lonely, desires correspondence with a wealthy Brunette Lady of tall, fall and healthy figure, true and very warm heart, strict personal neatness and reserved manners. One under 40, (no incumbrance) of America or English Blood preferred. Object, friendship, and pernaps matrimony.' Address until January 10th, W. L. COLESON, dec31-lt Elkton, Cecil Co., Md. c Notice. OATURDAY, 1st January, 1876. will be observed as a holiday by the several Banks we represent S. 13. WALLACE, Cashier, Bank of New Hanover. A. K. WALKER, Cashier, First National Bank. WM. LARK1NS, Cashier, dec 31 It , Dawson Bank. MILLINERY. The UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM the ladles that she has just returned from New York, where she has been for several weeks making her Fall purchases in . Fine French Millinery. and will be prepared In a few days to show her friends and the public generally the latest styles in FRENCH PATTERN.BONNETS AND .HATS, and everything pertaining to the business. I have also a very fine selection of Fancy Goods, consist ing of Ladies' Corsets, Hoop Skirts, POMPADOUR'S LACES. FRINGES, BUTTONS SLIPPER PATTEBtfS, MOTTOES and Frames, Linen Collars and CuH s.Haudksrchlef s Neck Ties, Ruching Belts, Switches, Braids, and the largest and cheapest stock of Zephyr Worstad and Shetland Wool to be had this side of Baltimore Orders from the country solicited and attended to with promptness end care. Variety Store, 42 Market Street oct 3 nactf MRS. Ltt FLANAGAN. MISCELLANEOUS. OPERA HOUSE. TWO EVENINGS, Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 3 & 4 America's Favorite Artiste ! The Peer less Com dienne and Vocalist, Miss Katie Fntnam AND HER UNRIVALED COMEDY COMPANY. A LEY. CALHOUN. Manager. ! ' J. J. SULLIVAN, Director. Monday Evening, January 3rd, New version of Chas. Dickens' Great Creation, the Old Curiosity Shop ! Littli Nnx, with Sengs, i Songs, 1 s, with V tei JiABcmomss, KATIE PUTNAM. Songs and Dances. In which characters she'ia acknowledged without a rival ou the Continent Tuesday Evening, January 4th, The Beautiful Domestic Play, . Fancbon, th Cricket ! Fanchon, the Merry Cricket, .MISS KATIE PUT NAM. Introducing New Songs and Dances. Full particulars in Programmes. . Scam or Pbioxs. Parquet, $1 CO; Parquet Circle, 75 cents. Gallery 25 cents. Seats can be secured at Heinsberger's Book Store without extra charge. dec29 5t FURNITURE AT COST -yyjE WILL COMMENCE ON THE First Day of January, 1S76, to fell our entire stock of Furniture, Carpets, &c. AT ACTUAL COST FOR CASH ONLY, to change business. dec29Sb ' D. A. SMITH & CO. Fresh Arrivals. 20 BBLS BALDWIN APPLES, 2 Q BOXES MESSINA ORANGES; 000 HAVANA ORANGES. We are closlnz out those Elezant French Candies at 80 cents per pound. Mallards Hiied Caidys 6 lis. for $1.00; French Prunes. 10 cents per pound; MUSCATELL RAISINS, 20 rents per pound; . Citron, SO cents per pound ; Oranges, 4050 cento per Dozen; MALAGA GRAPES, 8 pounds for $1 00; HBW FIG9, 20 eewts per ponad; , Sherry and Madeira Cooking Wines; Table Sherry $3 00 per Gallon. ; ; ..-, . GEO. MYERS, . dec29tf lift IS South Front St WHOLE NO. 2,690. RAILROAD LINES, &v General Sup'ts Office, WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA & AV GH8TAR.RC01SPANY, WILMINGTON. N. C.. Dec 19. 1875. 1 iwrfaiuey3 MMMM.i Change of Schedule. ON AND AFTER SUNDAT, DEC. 19TH, TUB following Schedule will be run on this Road: NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN (Dally). Leave Wilmington 8:25 P. M. Leave Florence 1:55 A.M. Arrive at Columbia 4:15 A. M Arrive at Augusta, 9:00 A. M. Xeave Augusta, 4:15 P. M. Leave Columbia 8:15 P.M. Leave Florence 1:35 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington '.. 7:10 A M. Passengers going west beyond Columbia take this train, leaving Wilmington at 6:25 P. M. Day Train Sally (exeept Sunday.) Leave Wilmington...... 8:00 AM Arrive at Florence. 1:40 P M Leave Florence , 1:60 PM Arrives at Wilmington ... . 7:05 P M Connects at Florence with N. E. trains for Charles ton. Parlor Car on this train between Wilmington and Charleston. Throoch Freight Train Dally (except Sunday. IieaveWilmmgton 1:30 P. M. Arrive at Florence 1 :00 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.. -. 10:00 A. M. Leave Columbia 4:30 P. M. Leave Florence 4:00 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington ' 2 45 P. M. Local Freight Trains leave Wilmington Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6:20 A. M and arrive at Wilmington Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 5:W P. M. Passengers for Charleston, Columbia and Augusta and beyond should take Night Express Tram from Wilmington. Through Sleeping Cars on night trains for Charles, ton and Augusta. ' JAMES ANDERSON, dec 21-tf Genl Sup't. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. OmCB.OP GkM'L StTHEBOrTINSKHT, ) Wilmington, N. C, Dec 17, 1875. f ' Change of Schedule No. 25. ON AND AFTER DEC. 19TH, (PASSENGER Trains en the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad will run as follows : DAY TBAim Leave Union Depot daily, (Sun day's exceDted) At 7:35 A. M. Arrive at Gofdsbero .-.. 11:30 A. M. KOCKj jhouhi i:co r. m, Weldon 8.48 P.M. Leave Weldon daily ... At 10:06 A. M Arrive at Rocky Mount ii:&u a. m. Goldsboro... i:cu r. xl. Union Depot. 6:05 P. M. NIGIITJ TRAIN. Leave Union Depot dally At 7:30 P. M. Arrive at Goldsboro.. 1:30 A. M. Rocky Mount.. .. 4:84 A. M. Weldon 7:15 A. M. Leave Weldon, daily,.... 7:00 P. M. Arrive at Rocky Mount.... 9:57 P.M. Goldsboro 1:25 A. JH. Union Depot 7:30 A. M. The mail train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line and all lai routes. Parlor Cars run on this train between Wilming ton and Portsmouth. Ri rress Tram connects onlv . with all rail route. Pullman's) Palace Sleeping Cars en tnia M rain. FREIGHT TRAINS will leave WHmiaeton tri weekly at 5:00 A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P. M. Hum jr. mviAJE, dec 21-tf General Superintendent. CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CBtJ - v Onrcx GkhkkaIi Sufruintjendjsnt, ; l Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 20, 1875. f Change of Schedule. On and after the 29th Inst., trains will run over this Railway as follows: Passenger and Mail Trains-Daily (Sundays excepted.) Leave Wilmington at 7:00 A. M. Arrive In Charlotte at. 7:00 P. M. Leave Charlotte at 8:30 A. M Arrive at Buffalo for Shelby at 10 30 A. M. Leave Buffalo at 11:30 A. M. Arrive at Charlotte at 8:45 P.M. Leave Charlotte at 6:30 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington at 7:00 P. M. Fast Freight and Paaaeneer Trains Daily. Leave Wilmington f" .5:00 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte at.. ..8:15 A. M. Leave Charlotte at '. 6:00 P, M. Arrive at Wilmington at 8:00 A. H. S. L. FREMONT, dec 3-tf Chief Engineer and Superintendent. MISCELLANEOUS. CO RIM, CORN! 3,000 BUSHELS Prime White Corn IX STORE AND For Sale Low By dec 25 tf WILLIAMS SS MORCBISON. CHRISTMAS Presents IN ; - Cigars. A FINE ASSORTMENT IN DE slrable packages of 25 and E0. Call and nxamine them. D. PIG-OTT. ee23-tf Bagging; Bagging. 2QQ Bolls Bagging. QQ Half Rolls Bagging. For sale by dee 23-tf KKSCHNEH A CALDEB BROS. Toys, Christmas Goois, &c. RECEIVED THIS DAT BY 8TEAMKRS, A large variety ef New Toys, Candies, Oranges, Apples, Malaga Grapes, California Pears, Sew Dates, Prunes, Figs, Raisins and everything choice in the Confectionery line, : ; ; At S. O. NORTHBOP'S dec 19-tf Fruit and Confectionery Store. liit RATES 6 ADVERTISING One Square one day, i.. i V:M two days,....;.. .'.V. f. 6' three days..... ..f... 2 04 four days.. W 2 tt S IK aveav. one week.. Two weeks Three weeks.. One month Two months . 8 M . 5 0C . 56 . 8 00 .15 Of Three months Six months... ..22 00 85 0U 50 Ot One year, u Contract Advertisementa taken at rjroroi tionately low rates. Five Squares estimated as a quarter-column, and ten squares as a half-column. MISCELLANEOUS. Timely Notice. rjy J PREVENT DISAPPOINTMENT TO THOSE parties having Accounts with u ' We Now Announce That after the 31st of December ALL I'AMILY ACCOUNTS TWO MONTHS IN ARREARS will be eammaiUy closed. - Parties Can Understand who we mean by examining their Pass Books, and we trust they will appreciate the necessity that compels us to adopt this measure. Our Creditors Wat-t mosey and mdet have it . 4.- We want money to pay them and must have it. We Mean no Offence by this co urse and trust none will be taken, but we do mean We Intend Making Cash an Attractive Feature In our sales, and respectfully ask those having money . to Invest In " ' GBOOEBIBS to call on us at our Stores 5 and 7 NORTH FEONT STREET. Don't mistake the place, the numbers or the name o Chas. B. Myers & Co. dec 8&tf Review copy. ; - " ' . Christmas Presents JjV)R PARENTS AND CHILDREN, Friends, Wives and Sweethearts. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS GOODS, NEW, RICH, ELEGANT AND USEFUL, now open for Inspection, At C. W. TATE S' BOOK STORE, dec 12:tf 61 Market St MOLASSES, MOLASSES ! BBLS SUGAR-HOUSE MOLASSES, Hhds Sugar-House Molasses, Hhds and bbls Cuba Molasses, pjQ .Puncheons Demerara Molasses. -2 Bbls New Orleana Molasses, For sale by dec30-tf KERCHNSR Ss CALDER BROS. Old Hams. SMALL LOT OLD NORTH CAROLINA HAMS for sale by dec29-tf j EDWARDS & HALL. New Copper Shop. F IFTEEN YEARS IN THE BUSINESS. Hi AVING QUIT THE EMPLOYMENT OF M. A. Barker, I have opened a Copper-smith. Shop In the rear of thewell known stand of Wm. Overbv. on Person street, two - doors above A. A. McKethan's Carriage Manufactory, where I am, and will ever be ready with a new and complete set of Copper-Smith Tools, to do all kinds of Copper-Smithing in the best, and most workmanlike manner. Stills in the coun try repaired with dicpatch, and all work warranted. Parties having work in this line will And it to their advantage to call on or address dan'L g. McMillan, dec23-oawtf Fr Fayetteville, N. C . Bankrupt Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that a petition has been tied is the-Distrtct Court of the United Stat es for the Cape Fear District of North Carolina, by William Price, of Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., duly declared a bankrupt under the Act of Con gress of March 2, 1867, for tne discharge and certi ficate thereof from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that the 6th day of January, 1876, at 10 o'clock A. M., before William A. Guthrie, Register in Bankruptcy, at his office in Fayetteville, Cumberland countv, is assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all cred itors who have proved their debts, and other per sons in interest, may attend and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of petition should not be granted. Dated at Wilmington, N. C, on the 17th day of December, 1875. . , . w JL LARKIN8, dec 17-oaw2wFr - Clerk. Insurance Notice. rrvHB UNDERSIGNED, GENERAL AGENT OF JL Uie Wilmington Matual Fire Insurance Co.xhs recently accepted the agencyef the Seaboard Fire Insurance Co., of Norfolk, Virginia, having a cash, capital of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, Is now prepared to write policies against loss or damage by Are on the most favorable terms. - . dec29eodWFS3m SAM'L N. CANNON.

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