, - . , , , ..... . .., , AMJ . . . .,,,.. .,.g,t, u., ,, . , . . .. . ... .... . , .....u, . ,f,f 7 i j . .... , ' ' " ",..t,,;t..:r-.::,:' v . ' C:;. "..v Ujif;';. "Hf -Wv v.'.-V0 : " . " - '7 7 "- 77': 7-7 - ''"' -77-' -1 : 17' ?! 7 ;-;7-:-:7 . r7 ; " 7'7-;.,g-'7;'-7': v 77 ':7 V ' 7 7 i ' ' '7-r 7 7 777.7.:';:. 7 Vv7 ;;''r V ' .-. : ' , - ; .77 7" . ; 7'..7 7':i -f. "-' .7' ;t.';:'----J- ' , .: '. 7 7 -. ..7.'-: 7l77 :.:----W -vf :: 7 - -1 f vv"v rVr: f r r :rV:--"r;"r' '"7"'"-V ' ; 't,''y'"':-::'- 7'; v " ' . t -' - II V- :. J r - 7 v S ', ?; '3 S i:- x r. I) I ' f ' v. U-VSM nr. Saturday MosKixyJaDoary. 8, 1874 - J - J T - T .T ' - r 7 T 7 ' ? t' i- soon nuitmTs. ENGLAND. 7C President niaeiaaiion and . Narstaal . Canrbert Tb Vice Presidency of France Austrian Propositions to Turner Tne MontencKran Loan French Polities A HeaTT Failure He-eleetian or' Lord Henry Tbynne ' -to Parliament Ac. i I s ' .. London, Jan. 7. ' The Daily Xewt saya the rumor current in Paria that President MacMahon intended to propose Marshal Canrobert aa Vice Presi dent, ia semiofficially contradicted. ! The Vienna Lages Presae 8tates that Count Andrasayias informed the representatives - of England, France and Italy that the pub lication of the '-Austrian note regarding Turkey -would be inopportune until it "had received the adhesion of the powers. ; The Bulletin Irancaim fiays private tele grams received in Berlin assert that France and other powers have adhered to the pro . posals of Austria. The Oalos insists that the Montenegian loaq is an accomplished fact, and asserts that 40,000 infantry and 60 cannon are to oe delivered from America by March.- It adda that in consequence of the threatening attitude of Turkey;3,000 Montebegrian guards havo been armed with breechload ers and sent to the frontier. 1 1 (The Urne' Paris correspondent telegraphs that active negotiations are going on, be tween various Republican groups with the object of bringing forward a compromise list, consisting of Victor Hugo, Tolain, Freyceive, Blanc, Peyrat or Floquet, as candidates for the Senate from Paris. The success of this ticket may be considered already cettain. It is probable that the united Left will have one hundred and sixty votes in the Senate. y , j Tlie loss- by the burning of Eglestou'a lwok bindery is estimated at 50,000. Charles Sutbera, cotton spinner ; at Old- ham, Lancashire, bas failed for a million dollars. ' ( Lord, Henry Thynne, Conscrvalive, was re-elected to Parliament to day from South Wiltshire. Lord Thynne was recently ap pointed lo the office of Treasurer of Her Majesty's Household, and by accepting it vacated bis seat as a member. LLL1NOIS. Oestraetlon of tbe Gardner House Selxnre of Two Hundred; and Flf i teen Cases Letters Whiskey Frauds --A $700,000 exposure. . . , ;. - vhicago, Jan. 7. . ; The Gardner House, in this city was de stroyed by fire this morning, j 1 Two hundred and fifteen cases of un stamped letters, belonging to tbe German Consel at Chicago, were seized by govern ment officers yesterday. 1 I Anton Junker, of tbe firm of Roellcr, " Junker & Co., has been before the grand jury and made a statement manner in which whiskey, frauds were perpetrated by one transaction involving $700,000 worth of whiskey and the government defrauded -ot $600,000. It is Hated that information . is in the hands of Supervisor Matthews of j implicating one of the heaviest commission houses on Broad strret, New York, in ' frauds on 4he government. AUSTRIA. , : . Negotiations on tbo Bank Question- Defeat of Insurgents Nleste and Das Provisioned. ' Vienna, Jan. 7. Negotiations between Austria and the Hungarian Ministers on the bank question have not resulted in any definite arrange ment and will be resumed here. I Before Niesic and ;Duga were victualed by tbe Turks, the insurgent suffered a de feat, the severest since the beginning of the war. Six hundred were killed and many Wounded.1 The insurgent, Parre Avich," accused of treason, fled to Cittinge. N teste is provisioned for four months. TCBKET. Count Andrassv's Scheme for Pro -vlnelal Befornss Reported Bevlyof tbe Grand Vlsler. ; t . , Constantinople, Jan. 7. The Austrian Ambassador to this Court has semi-offlcially. communicated to the Grand Vizier Count Andra8sy8 scheme for reform, in the Turkish provinces. The Grand Vizier in reply is represented to have rejected the idea of foreign mediation, and to have said that the -Sublime . Porte would give the people of .lbe ..provinces all necessary guarantees fpurefornt. .. ELECTRIC 8PABK8. Hon. Augustus Schell has been : elected Chairman of the. Tammany1 General Com ' mittee. - -i . . .. ; -' I By a land slide in Isle Reunion, France, sixty-two persons were , killed' and many others wounded. . '-.v , j The Governor of New jersey has "ordered iCol. Angell, of the Seventh Regiment, I to go at once to Hopewell, and four companies .to muster at once and repair to the scene of railroad trouble , .. i Bishop's College, at Lennoxvil e, Canada, was destroyed by fire Thursday night, but . the grammar school, chapel and principal dwelling were saved. The library was auoui consumea. i . Tbe Texas Democratic State Convention yesterday elected D. K." Taylor permanent Chairman and appointed two, electors for the Slate at large. Gov. Coke will proba bly be renominated. ; "' f-:; In the Kentucky Legislature a hot figlit U in progress for United States Senator; Si epiienson, present . incumbent; ex Gov. Jjeslie, Hoo. J. B. Beck, Jno. 8. William, and Isaac Caldwell, are aspirants. . . i' ln.1lhe TJ 8. f Senate, yeeierdav. 'Gordon: of Ga presented the petition of General Riepnen u.hee, or Columbus, MiS.; for the removal of his political disabilities, and it was referred to tbe Judicary Committee. :'h; cut- Arrival of tbe New German and . nsnlsh Ans bassado Statne of CIsmbai.i. -- 'k "ri'r; .-r.; t. s t. . r :,-., M-,.- Havaka, Jan. 7. Advices from the City of Mexico to Jan. . 1st say the new German and Spanish Am bassadors bas arrived. : . i The, President was la-visit the Rk Grande recioa wJUiidamoBthU IUa tssertaxt that he will go no further than Tampico. The newspaper JBetwMsays Catholics con tinuer to threaten Protestant worshippers at St. Peter's Church. X T.V - The great statue of Christopher Colum bus, designed.for tbe.City, of Mexico, had ar,ri? Xera ru-z Owing to the great ejie .orthe7pe4ejLvJii beChaufcd over .tbe mountains by ox-carts. It arm. I to pass thrpugb the tunnels of , the raflitoad vetweeo vera wu sod tbe City of Mexico. The revolntjon in Micboacap codUdOc. t Congressional Jolu;-.raemeriai In Ileltall BernndJnflrjIlojqtton Tax uonflrnaatlone -Posiallatters aBatnilttee risri. to tne president. 7 dtv9 cKv BEKATE.---(m'mittee6dClims repdrt ed adversely on the nil ItoCth relief of ;L. -MaiisoB Day, ofHewrleana'si i The memorialotibeArkansaa- Legisla- j i ; ' i i j; vuic Yvaa prcocuieu, ao&iug meieianuingoi the cotton tax and the construction of Ra tional levees for the redemption of the al luvial lands of the Mississippi river. , Gordon presented the memorial of the Grocers' Association of Atlanta, Ga., against the restoration of the duty on tea and cof fer. - yt - Executive session and adjourned toMon- 'day'- : , - MISCELLANEOUS. ; : .' Confirmations Seward, to be' Minister to China; Merrill, Minister to Belgium. The Postal Committee of the House will vote Tuesday on the bill reducing, postage on newspapers and third class matter. ' The members of the House Committee on Foreign Relations called at the .Executive Mansion to-day and paid their respects to President Grant. j. Tie?, Waysjand. Means Committee will pay their respects to the President to-morrow.5 ' v . Dr. J. P. Hambleton, of Georgia, has been elected clerk to the Committee on Ways and Means.1 i comparative: cotton state- fflBN.T. ; . i .tlj .y Hew YbRE,Jan. 7. :; The following is the comparative cotton statement for the week ending Jan. 7: ; Net receipts at all United States ports during the week were 13D,6b bales, against 80,420 hales tbe eame week last year; total to date 2,482,238 bales, against 2,205,982 bales for the same time last year.- - J The exports for the week were 123,422 bales, agaiost 71,230 for the same week last year; total to date 1,364,681 bales, against 1,12(3,843 bales for the same time last year.' The stock at' all United States pons, j is 795,820 bales against 842,474 the same time last year. ' " ' ... . The" stock at all interior ' tdwnsTs 130,204 bales; same time last year 152,108 bales. , The. stock at Liverpool is 050,000 bales, against 61)7,000 same time last year. ' - American cotton afloat for Great Britain 299,000 bales, against 251,000 same time last year. ' ' ' ' I PENNSYLVANIA. Crooked wlilsker In tbe Quaker City Large Establlobnaents :Bn esced In lis Sale. . ' . ' PraLADEXPrriA, Jan. 7. " The Treasury Department has knowledge that several large liquor establishments in the city have been dealing : in crooked whiskey. Most of them have been called upon to explain by Supervisor Fulton, who states tnat while tnere is no doubt these houses have been dealing in crooked whis key, yet there is no positive evidence they did it with any intention to defraud the government. K4 i llliK Kh'HOH'l ' - WAH OKPAKTM KMT, Offlceof Clnel Signal Offlcer, . Washington, Jan. 76:85 P. M . '. Probability. . For the South Atlantic States to-day, clear of lair weatuer, stationary or rising temper- atare, easterly to southerly winds and falp lng barometer. . KLKCTRIC SPAKKN. Col. -John La Salle, well ksown in liter ary circles, is dead. , .v - -. . At Fall River, Mass., Easton & Milne, oansers, nave suspended. The loss by the burning of the Gardner House, at Chicago, is estimated at $38,000. Alex. Williamson, a prominent business man of Wilmore, Putnam county. Ohio. nasaosconaea witn $ luo.uoo. , ine ranroau war at iiopewell, JN. J., is unchanged. The militia had arrived and taken possession of the frog. j . The Texas Democratic Convention yes teiday renominated Richard Coke for Guv ernor, and It. B. Hubbard for Lieutenant Governor. ' : . ' ; 1 Dr. Gerlich has been appointed German vice consul at New York in place of Heir Feige', who has. been appointed to the con suiate at Havana. ' The ship Cape ComoriD, from Livc-noo for Bombay, was wrecked on the Irish Coast. Tue crew numbered 28, some of whom were drowned. .. : : - - Aaoag the bills introduced in rthe. Ohio iegutlatui e, rida)',! was .oe Requesting uen. urant to dismiss ms relations and ap . TT! Jt 9 r . I - 1 point uuiou BUiiuers in ineir places. The Supreme Court of IUinois has grant ea a mandamus against the uommon Cone cu of Chicago to show cause why they snouiu not older a new eiesuen tor Alayor, The schooner Jefferson Barden has been tawed into Aberdren, 8cotJand, disabled. rue was o.aays out, ana tne crew were famishing and otherwise unfit for duty, xoe water allowance was a tea cupful day. - i . fOMlSITlC;HlABK.BTK. ' ' W 'NSw "loft.' Jan:'7 Nooiil v :;: ';: '" ' Financial. ' ' ;" ' , : j Stocks dull and strong. Money 5 j cent. Gold opened . at lli and closed .112. Sterliug exchange long $4 84i;shtr oo. uoverumeni securities dull and steady. State bonds quiet ' and strong for lennessee. Commercial. ' . Flour dull and declining. Wheat quiet ana neavy. v;orn nrm. XOTK Steady $20 75$21 00. Lard quiet steam 12 15 10 cents.: . bpints turpentine- firm at 39 cente, jKosin uuchauged at $1 70a$l 75 ; for strained. Freights heavy. touoa quiet, witn sales of (550 bales at ldqlOfor middling uplands and 134 for middling Orleans. Futures opened steady as follows : January 13 7 32 134 cts; Feb ruary 13 13 3213 7-ltf cts; March 13 21-32 13 11-10 cents; April 13i13 29 32 cents May -14 1B314 3 82 . cents; June 144 x o-io cents. Skw Tokk, Jan. 7 Kvening. X IMoney- Offered at QUjceaU Sterlinffex. cuaoge quiet ai : f 4 00. Uuld 1 12fl 13, i . . - uoverumeni securities dull but sirone new 5a 116J. State bonds quiet but steady, Cotton dull. With Sales Of 82S halfl at 13 5-1613i cts. 'Flour still strongly in buy c9 tavut, ua uiuit? uoing, cuieny ior ex port -supernBe western and State $4 25a $4 65; southern flour doll and declinimr common to fair extra $4 90$5 80, good to choice extra $5 85$8 75. -; Wheat irregular ana unsettled; iqw grades heavy, eood and prime parcels scarce but firm at $1 01 for unKradvd winterrred western. Corn firmer. acave&tfaaad a4&67tiJfbr graded miicu, cioaing nrnx t latter price; 67 cents .vi,tuun,w cenis ior ungraded vellow 64. cents lotwiitelgcaitherB 7070i tut uiiAcu western in Btore, 724(373 dents for .old western mixed afloat, and 71 cents for bid western yellow ia stoee. Oats more acuve at 45348 cents for mixed West, ern 8tte.v lffee-Ro quiet at 164 k-tuw Mr yjw iota eurarWofei? bat steady, at 8a8 cents for fair to eood ijraflniog, oU ar-pna'dTeenls Tor low Muscovado, gjpSioents for clayed, 9 for centrifugal; refined unchanged. Molasses Hew Orleans Blead v. with mod erate demand at BOiaeOJcents. , Rice auief .i ana uncnangea cnoice uarouna cts. allow quiet at 99f cents. Rosin and iritsipetiiierce flpeetea--new-ipsu-'ofztf' liartr wavy prime steam 12 13-1613 cents. Whiskey wimout decided cnange at' $1 .lli$l 12. reignts arm. Cotton Net receipts 1,701 bales, cross .5,250. Futures closed weak, with sales of 14,000 bales as follows: January 13 cents, rcuiuaijr ii t-iutyio ii-oa cenu, marcu 13 9-lG13 19 32 cts. April 13 25-32ai3 13-16 cents, May 1414 1 82 cents, June 14 3-16 (&14 7-32 cents, July 14 11 8214 cents, August 14 7-1614 15-32 cents. , I St. Louis, Jan. 7. - Fiour demand slightly improved, with prices unchanged. Wheat strong, higher and inactive No. 2 red fall $1 46 bid, No. 3 do. $1 30 bid. . Corn active, firm and higher No. 2 mixed 89i37 cents. Oats easier No. 2 , 354; ' cents. Jiye -dull and lower to eell at 644- cents hid. ' Bailey in good demand at full prices for higher grades strictly' prime to fancy northern $1 15$1 30. Pork firmer $19 60$19 25. ard firmer advance asked but none es tablished held at 124; cents. Bacon strong and higuer shoulders U cents; clear rib 124 cents; clear sides 12 cents. Bulk meats firmer with advancing tendency shoulders 7 cents, clear rib 10 101 cents, clear sides 10i10f cents. Whiskey .quiet; and un changed. . j a . Cincinnati, Jan. 7. . Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat dull and nominal. Corn easier at 45 cents. Oats dull at 35 42 cents. Barley no transac tions.. Rye dull at 7880 ceuts. Pork steady and firm at $20 (spot) and $20 50 (buyer's option till April). Lard steady with fair demand steam 12 cents,' kettle 1313f cents. Bulk meats inactive :lear rib sides Hi cenis (buyer's option till 15th;) Cumber aud and short rib middles 10i cents. Bacon (lH)xeu) easier sluulders8i(9 cts, cleaf rib siuesllj cents; clear sides 12124 cents. Greeu : meats dull. Whiskey fit m and in fair demand at $1 08. ' I : I Louisville, Jan. 7.- i Flour steady and unchanged. ' : Wheat Remand fair aud prices" firi:-i at $1 05 ft 15. Corn steady aud unchanged. Oais firm and unchanged at 384l cenis. Ke qUiet and UnebaugeiL Provisions in gxnl uemand, wnh a teudeucy upward, l'ork $2121. Bulk meats shoulders 74 ceuts: clear rib sides 104- cents, clear sides 10J ceuts. Bacon clear rib sides 11 124 cents; sugar cured hams 144ai5 cts. Lard firm and unchanged. Whiskev Quiet aua uncnangea. sagging quiet and un changed. j -, ' Baltimoke, Jan. 7. Oats steady. Rve auiet at 78rJ9i88 rnnts Provisions in round lots nothing, orders iairiy active. Jforli jobbing $21 50. Bulk meats-rshoulders 84M84 cents, clear rib lli114; eents. Bacon shoulders 1010i ceuis; ciear rm cents; Hams steady Liara sieany. uottee dull aod unchanged vvmsKey $i la asKed, $1 11 bid. Sugar ui mer aim noi qaoiauiy lower. ) , COTTON ill ARKKTS. i Weekly Receipts. New Orleans, quiet atl lUi, ll12i receipts 10.457 bales; Charleston, unchanged at 13 receipts 8.- 925 bales; Savannah, quiet at 124 receipts n.ooy oaies; oiempnis, nominal at 12 re- ceipis i4,uo oaies; Morjiie, nrm at 12 re ceipis ia,rzy oaies; rniladelpUia, quiet at 13f receipts 2,047 hales; BaHimore, dull at 1213 receipts 288 bales; Boston, quiet at 134-receipts 3,536 bales; Norfolk, quiet aiiizj receipts i,4ija bales; Augusta, good grades strong at 12 receipts 3,658 uaies. t ?KKION II A RKKI . I London, Jan. 7 Noon- Erie shares 14. ( . LrvKKPOOL, Jan. 7 Noon. Cotton quiet and unchanged middling uplands 6 15-16d; middling Orleans 7 3-16d. Sales of 10,000 bales; for speculation and export 2,000 bales. Receipts 13,000 bales, including 5,700 bales American. ) Sales for the week 38,000 bales of which 3,000 were for speculation and 3 000 for export. Stock in port 650,000 bales, includ ing I 317,000 bales American. Receipts 91,000 bales, of which 66,000 bales were American. Actual export 5,000 bales. Afloat 380,000, of which 299,000 are American. I The sales of cotton to-day include 21,000 bales of American. - j Sales on a basis of middling uplands, nothing below low middling, shipped Jan uary and February, per sail, 6 15-16d. j LrvTsitrooL, Jan. 7 Evening, j Yarns and fabrics at Manchester are quiet and firm. r, Sales on a basis of middling uplands nothings below low middling, deliverable April and May 6Jl. j London. Jan. 7 Evening. Spirits turpenticfe 25s 3d25s 6d. ! COMMEKG1AL. WILMINGTON MARKET. 1 STAR OFFICE, Jan. 7. ( SPIRITS TURPENTINE Receipts 258 casks. Market quotated firm at 35 cents bid. Sales of 90 casks at 85 cents per gal lon for Southern packages. . ; j ROSIN Receipts 1,895 bbls. Market quoted strong at $t 474. for B and C, and $1 50 for C, D and E. Sales of 938 bbls 'Good Strained at $1 50, 94 do E at $1 55, 16 do II at $2 00, and 65 do at $2 37 $3 50. V ' ; CRUDE TURPENTINE Receipts and sales of 144 bbls. at $2 55 for Yellow Dip andl$l 55 for Hard. Market steady., j TAR. Receipts and sales of 73 bbls at $1 50 per bbl. Market steady. COTTON., Receipts 342 bales. Market quoted quiet.,: Sales, of 18 bales at the fol lowing official quotations: ' ' t Ordinary...... . . 9 Oood Ordinary.. .I0i Low Middling ..... 12 Middling.... .... ..12f Good Mindliug. . . : .13 . cents 1? lb. New York Naval Stores ITIarlcec, Jan 'narysl86.''" - f Receipts to-day, 2,411 bbls rosin, 32.1 do spirits turpentine The position of affairs is still quite firm generally, and the market presents a comparatively cheerful tone throughout on all grades. Supplies, are falling away at a fair consumptive and ship ping trade, holders are disposed TtO insist upon extreme rates in .aH'casesf Spirits turpentine met with a good demand and at full rates, and the offerings were moderate both on the spot and to arrive,, and w un derstand that about all the odd lota South have been sold out. We note some 300 bbls at 38Jc. Rosins moved with rather more freedom and brought, full-rates all arbtfhdBhe: tgafket: cjpsingl icmjy. It is reported that the bulk of the stopk at Charleston has been taken up for export. Sales hereof 700 bbls No. 2 and 1 at $2 20 2 82i; 5(mbl)ls dOJ, , $?'52 62i; 500 bbls strained at $1 70; and 50 bbls extra Dale at $5- 50V Tar is dull. 'Pitch qoiet. After 'Change there were sales of 400 bbla fipirit.tjarpenBfittBSal ohiM r fthe following are the telegraphic advices : Lirerpnpkspjrjts ; terpentine steady a 25s Odicemmon rosin ' firm at fig i fine, dull t J?5s 9J; Commoji yosipt steady jt. 5s. j. MAKIRE. Stmr -At P .HurtT WofthFayetteYille, ortfct an Bwarjuniper. inner, y : Fayeuev teville, Vick & Mebane. Stmr Northeast, Paddison, Point CaswelL. A H,FanBbkkelen. "Ajy? "vj i. Stmr Wave, Robeson, Fayettevllle, Wil liams. & Murchison. - i T Steamer Dixie, Jacobs. Smithville, O G Tarsfey XX- lhu 1 V.if i Hcnr Leviathan, Galloway, Locfewood's Folly, Alfred Martin. 1 j I;' Hcbr Zenith. Moore, bhallotte. Anderson &Loeb.' .;. ". ' ; . " ' Schr Lizzie Lane, West, Baltimore, with guana to W.; C. & A. It R. - h - , Uer Barque - Ann - JCliese. Ottman, 1 t. Thomas, E Peschau & W estermann. ' I SWed ling Uelpbin, Aliman, Cadiz, 43 daysR E Heider 4 t?tt; ?l; : I . Jor Barque. Tornens,-4 tons, Uatogsen, St Nazaire, France, 40 days, R E Heide. Nor Baraue Titania: Hansen. Liverpool,. 52 days, RE lleide.. ., CLEARED. Stmr A P Hurt. Worth, Fayetteville, Worth.&WorthKW.vV tsui - K Stmr Juniper, Skinner, Fayetteville, Vick & Mebane. , l ! Stmr Northeast, Paddison, Point Caswell, A II VanBokkelen. - - ! Stmr ; Wave.; .Robeson. Fayetteville, Williams & Murchison.. Stmr Dixie, Jacobs, Smithyille, O G Parsley; Co. ; ?"-r-4;, f",:; ' Schr Leviathan, Galloway, Lockwood s Folly, Alfred Martin. ( Schr Julia belden, Hill, Elizabeth City, JELiopkt. v; .;?.;:;: . 1 Schr Anna Midyett, Lewis, Elizabeth City.JELippitt. ' ; JNor JJng Azha, 30 ( tons, lionger, Liver pool,! Williams & Murchison. P . SchrZeuith. Moore; Sballotte, Anderson & Loob. : - - :.;;;.. ! Schr Mary Wheeler, Foreman, Elizabeth City,' Williams & Murchison. Ger Barque Ann Eliese, Oilman, Galves ton,' E Peacnau & Westerman. j Sclir J H Conver9, Piummer, Port au Prince, Northrop fc Cumming. Br Brig Magdala, Outhouse, Norfo De Rowel & Co. rxpoi.tk FOREIGN. Li VKiiPooi Nor Brig Azha 1,140 bales cotton. Pokt au Prince. Schr J II Converse 276,751 feet lumber. 50.000 shiusiles. 10 bbls tar, 5 do spirits turpentine. SHIPPING LIST. Iftat of Veel lu tne Port of Wil mington N. C. Jan. 8, 1876. BARQUES. Nor Tornen, 304 tons, Hatvgsen. R E He de Nor Arnvig, tons. Arnsten, R E Heide Nor Titania, tons, Hansen, R E Heide, Ger Juno, 417 tons. Liudt, . - 1 E Peschau & Westermann Ger Weca, 344 tons, Gerlhs, i ' James Anderson & Co Nor Suhtiielma, 325 tons, Ullmass, 1 . . Alex Sprunt & Son Ur Apollo, 32 j tons, Millikin, f I i ' Alex Sprunt & Son Ger Ceres, 30b tons, Doellner, . ! I : E Peschau & Westermann Nor victor. 419 tons. Jacobsen. j G G Barker & Co Ger Medusa, 3C0 tons, Seideberg, j Tiffany Wendt Bierwirth, New York Ger oonnabend, 349 tons. rust. t DeRosset & Co Ger Aguste Teitge, 359 tons, Drews, L Peschau & Westermann Ger Lydia Peschau, Feebler, E Peschau & Westermann Ger Ileinrich Rodburtus, Kroger, E Peschau & Westermann Nor Otilia, 295 tons, Thorsen, R E HeSde BRIGS. Swed Delphin, tons, Ahman, RE Heide Nor Soskummeren, Wahl, . R E Heide Ger Freude, 271 tons, Baum, I E Peschau & Westermann Nor Hilding. 229 tons.Ellingsen.R E Heide JMor Zavia, 224 tons, Ommundsen, v i RE Heide Br Economy, Graham, i E Peschau to Westermann Nor Fredericksteen, 306 tons, Larsen, Alex Sprunt & Son John Pierce, Townsend, Worth & Worth Nor Mira, 275 tons, Stoer, f-l 1 f - '.j Williams & Murchison GefGC Michels,' SS0 tons. Dilrwiltz. f E Peschau & Westermann Dan Johanne, 240 tons. Andersen, ! RE Heide Swd Framat, 351 tons, Eckman, RE Heide. Br Alice Ada, 307 tons, Campbell. ! I R E Heide NorLeif, Macusses, LKE Heide Nor Anna, 257 tons, Jorgensen, It E Heide ! SCHOONERS. ; i Lizzie Lane, West, W., C & A R R George & Emily, 105 tons, Harnss& Howell Charley Bucki, Bagley, 242 tons, ! "" r VI- JE.Lippitt Lena Storer. Seavey, C C it R Vesta, 96 tons, , G G Barker & Co. Sidney C.Tyler, 296 tons, Barret, j j - . Harriss & Howell Carrie Melvin, 192 tons, Andrews, I ! , DeRosset & Co L F Warren, 400 tons, Thomson, . ! i ' Navassa Guano Co Ida May, 175 tons, Lawson," I " Harriss & Howell, to load for Porto Rico Speedwell, 418 tons. Drisko, ; 7 i wiiWs v Navassa Guano Cq Llet of Vessel Tor the Port of Wil mington, North Carolina. SHIPS. Br John Miltonj 619 tons. Murphy. Lon don, Oct. 20. 4 " ! BARKS. Fulture, Eilertsen, from Pauillac, Dec 16 Typhen, Thomasen, from Paullac, Dec 17 - Nor Chatham, Scheverod, Marseilles, aid Oct. It "!'.- ;: .: ; j. Br Florence Margaret, Comer, Havre, sld Nov 20,-.; - ..... Ntr Fredig. 'Andeisen, Bordeaux,, sld Dec 6. -:...v ; 4 : : , G r Julius, Frenck, Marseilles, sld No- vemtjer 17. . ". iS r Nornei), vensenji St. Nazaire, Dec 1,-:'--,; :.:;) .-.-.- . . ' - bid Ger Hosa. HoflVChihl. Bristol. Sld Dec 7. Nor ;-Speed, ..0lent-. London, sld Nov. 30. NorTiiania, llauseu, Liverpool, sld No yemler 10 "!; ; ! . ' Nr Ti iton,' Jacobsen. Lhdonderry. Bid Nov.:22. !;f- ,.4. w;:t;A I : Br Vick & Mebane. Whiteside. Rotter- Muua, Dill Av.. J. ; ")', ';Vi;;'.-;r'BRlGS.' For Auust Frithjof, Rotterdam, sld .Depi.,, , lu rv. v.;. , .. .;; ; . ;. Ger Clara. DiUwitz, Stettin, sld Nov; dwu uoipuin, vember 20. u Ahmann, Cadiz, sld No- Nr Fido, Tlnr8en, Gloucester, sld No- -4i Oij U i I; I . "For Hope, "Fijes. Liyerpofd, sld Decl 4. Br Njincy Uoll,; SwanLiverrwol, Bid ,;MISCELLAN EOUS. POW4)j2U, PpWDEiVPOWDEUt 450 KeS Rifle' StMrti"-,?c'B18U,,spowd5r- Jan S-t KEliCHNKB A CALDEB B.tOS. U mm IOTxr Wei a v 1 6 OUR VANT KINT FRIENDS WHO HAVE MSreneTOUMT DtttKiniznd na rinrinir ih. i,.,n ur. hall endeavor tn every way Jo merit their euppoit. aaa miiroiuttieuraeMBnaance of heir favors. iWitf .i i ; i n, New Hrwre Store. . it !i.it v-i i r TVflQLltSAIiH PM1CJES. tr Our oooi&uona. u saoold be understood, rep esent the wholesale prices gonerally. . la making bb email orders higher prices nave to he charged. " BAGGING Gunry. . . . ........ Doable Ancnor........ . ., Double Anchor " A". '. 15 BACON North Carolina, llama, ft s (new;.. .. . Shoaidere, if it...., .. Sides,' $ lb Western Smoked " ilamn Sides, ) 1 . . . ; Shoulders,.,.. ........ . . , Dry Salted sidtss ... ...... Shoulders..... 14 00 0'J 15 00 00, 17 14& 1 5 16 & 11 & 0 BEEF f On the Hoor..-.. ..... .... BAR tC StiS Bp Lrtts Turpentine, secona nana, cacu New New Sfort, each New City. each.. 00 & St Sc3 15 8 00 2 73 2:0 23 BEESWAX U... BRICKS WilmtiRton, gt M ... 10 00 14 00 wortnern 03 t 28 S5 14 14. 14 BUTTER North Carolina. lb 85 Northern. 38 lb & & 40 .4a 15 14 14X 18 SO 84 00 . 107Jtf 6 CANDLES Sperm, V ........ Tauow, v Adamantine. 91b.. CHEESE Northern Factory 9 & if airy, creamy id State. lb "Mia 12 35 & S2 S5 95 & 8 COFFEE Java, 9t iuo, v td.. ........ ...... Laeoavra. W lb CORN MEAL bushel..... COTTON TIES W lb uumjs&tius Sheeting, -4. 9 yd xarn; fli buncn FISH Mackerel. No. 1. bbl., ?I 0 16 00 8 5C 13 00 7 60 11 00 4 00 b CO 20 00 9 00 18 60 II 60 8 00 8 60 No. 1,9 bbi .... Mackerel, No. 2, 9 bbi. .... Nc. S, $ a bbl Mackerel, No. 8, $ bbl Mailers. bbl , N. O.: Herring, bbl Dry Cod. 7 FLO 0 It Fine, bbl 4 50 5 GO 6 00 7 00 800 0 00 000 Super. Northern, bbl Extra do. " $ bb! Family " W bbl..... 500 625 7 25 0 00 City MillP Supr., bbl j i jsxtra, Sf. noi . Family, fl bbl., ! Bx.Faniy. W bbl.. 0 00 00 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 50 00 00 CO 00 CO 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 so 00 11 80 00 00 00 00 FERTILIZERS !, ieraylaii Uoanu, W 20U0 VB Baaeh'n Phospbate, OarolinaFertilizer, " 00 00 60O0 65 00 40 00 45 00 57 00 65 00 67 00 70 CO & 70 00 00 00 15 000 round none. Boae Meal, " Flour, Navassa Uuano, Jomplete Manure. Vhann's Phosphate " i Wando Phosphate, " Berger & BatzV Phosph. " GLUE ft... GRAIN Corn, ir. store, 5J IbB Corn, Vnrso, $t 58 158..... . - Oorr., YeJ., bushel... ... uals, ti fcusne!. Peas, Cow, beshel . . UIDES Green. 9 & -- Dry, Jl? .. HAY Eastern, Sjt'ico lbs...!.!" North Riyer, a 100 St s HOOP IRON ton LARD Northern, 9 lb North Carolina, LIME i bbi GO f 5 80 6 ' ! 1 SO 1 00 1 00 & 90 7 1 25 1 10 U5 00 00 15 00 1 50 LUMBER City StbaxSawsd Ship Stua, resawed, $ M ft.. Rouirh Edtre Plank. 9 M ft... 34 00 83 00 80 00 80 00 IS 00 43 47 25 58 40 8 tO 18 1 10 1 00 30 1 3) 75 2 25 23 0 ) 00 00 20 00 87 00 85 00 S3 85 00 83 00 West India Cargoes, according to quality, yia.il Dressed Floorinz. seasoned ScantunR and Boaraa, com-, mon. ft M ft MOLASSES Cuba, hhds. gal. Cuba, bbls 8 gal Sugar Hoose, ends, gal. i bbls.S gal . . iyrup. bbls, gai NAILS Cut. 4d to SOd, W kejr.. OILS Kerosene, 9 gal Lard. S ea Linseed, ea! tt'imn, iral.. PEANUTS 98 bushel POTATO Ksv-weet, JS bushel.. Irish. Northern, $ bbl PORK Northern. City Mess.... Thin, $ bbl ... Prime, $ bbl Rump, bbl RICK Carollnfi, $ lb East India, lb Rough. . bur.h... KAG8 Country, City, lb... ROPE SALT Alnm, 19 huahel.. Liverpool, fj sack American, 'sack SUGAR Cuba, lb Porto Rico, ft...... A Coffee, f tD... R ' fj lb....; C )(? ex. c ib . ; . . Crushed. $ Tb , SOAP Northern, $ 5b . . SHINGLES- -Contract, j M . . . . Common. $ M Cypress Saps $ M , .Cypres Hearts K M STAVE W. O. BbL, M... . R.O Hhd., fH. Cypress, M & U 27 . BO 60 425 00 00 1 45 1 10 40 1 40 000 24 00 00O0 00 00 22 00 00 00 uu co 1 co 2 2 "8 6 S3 75 00 95 95 8 00 9 H )0 10 lOVf 1 5 1 4 0C 6 00 8 50, 6 50 9 50 30 00 00 00 18 00 OS 70 8 50 7 50 4 00 1 00 1 75 25 SO 300 25 00 00 00 00 00 1200 1000 lb.. TIMBER Sb nipping, 9 M. Mill Prime: f M MillFair. M. 8 03 600 500 8 GO 28 5 Inferior to Ordinary, f) M... WHISKEY Northern, gal... North Carolina, gal WOOL Unwashed, 9 lb Washed, V lb... HATES OP FREIGHT. Per Steamer. Per Sailing . Vessel To Nzw York. Crude Turpentine $i bbl Tar hbl. Spts Turpentine 9 bbl 0 45 0 30 85 40 2 00 0 10 0 0? 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 no 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 00 0 35 0 23 0 0 SO 0 ,.0 00 0 20 0 00 1 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 00 3 0 00 0 0 00 0 7 00 8 0 00 1, 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 00 3 0 00 0 6 50 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 03 0 0 65 0 . 3 50 0 0 13 0 11 50 12 a 0 eo ttosin v bbi Cotton $ bale. .- Peanuts bushel To Philadelphia. Crude Turpen tine W bbi Tar bbl... 8pts Turpentine 8 bbl Rosin $ bbl.. Cotton JN bale Cotton Goods 9 bale.. Peanuts 9 bushel....... Lumber ft M Tn Rirjnvnov 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 60 11 0 10 b. 1 vo O 60 8 00 0 76 0 id 10 00 0 45 0 45 0 90 0 45 8 00 Crude Turpentine bbl Tar V bbl. 8pts Turpentine 9 bbl noiin v ddi Cottony bale Peanuts bushel. . . , Lumber BH. a 0 11 8 00 0 00 Crude Turpentine & bbl Tar bbl...... Spts Turpentine f bbl 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 000 000 oosin y ddi Cotton 9 bale. ..... . Peanuts 1 bushel... . Lumber V M. W1L9IINGTON IttONKY MARKET. CeBBZORS BAIXiT BTIBH BAR Or JTBW HAHOVXB I. B. GRAINGER, PRESIDENT. BUY1HS. ..110 ..106 Gold .1. Silver.'. 113 110 Ji'disc't. W " 3 -I V . 1.T uaiumore,... Boston Philadelnhia. Western Cities, . X Exchange 30 days 8 p cent interest adaed to aoove. RaTilr rdt N.ut UanAvu, UtAo. i. Bank of New Hannvr St.oo.it. 1(5 First National Bank,: DawennBank .......j Wilmington Building Stocn, Mechanice' " " Navassa Guano Co. " N. C. Bonds Old Ex-Couuon 2" 95 100 100 140 Do. Funding 18b6 8 Do. ' 1868 ....IS Do. New... ...38 Do. Special Tax 7 Vf Do. to N. C. Railroad . 48 W. &. W. R. R. Bonds 7 flc (Gold Int) .56 Carolina Central R. R. Bonds, 6 c. .70 Wilmington City Bonds, S Wc .70 ' " I " 7c .90 "!'" old 6 9C.. . 65 ' r " new Wc..5(Goldlnt) " 1 " 8ftc ....75( " " ) New Hanover County Bonds (10 years), " - . 6 c (Go.d Int) .75 W. A W. RAilmsul RtnW !: North Carolina R.R. "-."..".'. .".".""II."40 v o. ttaiiread Wil. Gas Light Co. " Wit. 4Seab'd R.R. " ...01 ...70 JO MISCELLANEOUS f Toys, Christmas Goods, &c. j RECEIVED THIS DAY BY STEAMERS. A largeyarlety ef New Toy. Candies, Oranges, Apples, Malaga Grapes. California Pears, New pates.Trnnes. Figs, Raisins and everything choice in the Confectionery line, ' - r-. . ' , At ; , S. G. NORTHROP' 8 ! , dec 19-tf , . Fruit, and ('jnrwtioniTv S'ofa latest Sty!eis HAVING i RECEIYED BY EXPRESS BLOCKS , of the latest styles of UH fr Ladies and t hU dren. Mrs. Virginfa A Orr tsprepaeed to alter, press' and bleach work entrusted ta her. Old Bonnets ouu ucuutanBi b ranama uats made to LooU.as Well a .Neu. For particulars Call on Or sen to MBS. OBR. on Nun,between 8rd and 4t street. , 1 . . .r iti.'jJu. All Accounts DUE AND I Hope My Patrons wUl Pay; Promptly And Prevent My COLLECT 2 HAN THE PROFIT MADE ON THEIR PURCHASES, HVE. 3b. KATZ, . jan 1-t.f MISCELLANEOUS. 1876. Sorter's Montlly. 1876. We invite the attention of tte pubi c to Scbib hkb's MoiJthxt, which now deservedly ranks among the best illustrated periodicals ot the world. . :- .":!-. The papers illustrative of American Scenery, which have appeared in its pages, among which were included The Wonders ot the Yellowstone" and the Grand Canon ef the Colorado," have won wide-spread admiration on both Bides or the At lantic; and "The Great South", articles, with their beau til ul engravings, hare been re issued in book fcrm iu both Great Britain and America. For tbe coming year we have broader plans tha i ever before. The magazine will be enlarged, andtheic will be Three EeiarMe Serial Stories By AMERICAN WRITERS. " GABRIEL C ONR O Y? By BRET II ARTE, Of which the Boston Poet says: ' It is a serial tbat will make every new number of Scbibneb's eagtrlv sought for, : if it had notLing else to recom mend it." ; ; The Canadian lttmtrated News predicts that ' we have found ac last the American novel." ' The Louisville Courier Journal says: "The Record installment is even stronger than the first, justifying all tkat teas looked for. i V e begin in January " PHILIP- NOLAN'S FRIENDS, By EDWARD EVERETT HALE. This is an historical romance. The scene is in ine soutnwest, at a time w Ren tnat territory was first Spanish, tbtn French, and then American, and when war was imminent, to obtain the control of the month of the Mississippi. It Is likely to be the great romance of the Missi-sippi Valley, as Gabriel Conbot will be of the Pacific Slope. -, That Lass o'Lowrie's," By FAKNY HODGSON ;BURNETT. The friends of " Scribneb" who have read "SuVly Tim's Trouble," "One Day at Arle," "The Fiie at Grantley Mills," and others of Mrs ' Burnett's ehort stories, will not need to be assured that they have a rare treat before them. The scene of the new novel is laid in an English mining town, and from the first page to the last tbe interest is unflagging. Among other notable papers we mention the fol lowing: A Second "Farxsb's Vacation ," by Col. George K. Waring, descriptive of a row-boat ride of two hundred and fifty miles, in one of the most fertile and interesting of the vine-growing valleys of Europe a region never Been by the ordi nary traveler, but full of interest, in it social and in dustrial aspects. A rare collection of Revolutionary Letters. 3- 25 6-J 2 V CO 10 50 50 80 50 00 75 10 00 45 45 75 45 00 00 JB0 40 40 7-j 14 00 10 A SERIES OF ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES AMERICAJST COLLEGES. 1 he Series includes William and Mary, Harvard. ur, joicnigan state university, etleyan versltv. Amnerst Agricultural Colleirn. frinivtnn Union, Bowdoin, Trinity, and other typical inttitu - uuuoui me country, jueganuy illustrated articles OLD NEW YORK, ilfnsJratod nan... rvn nT.I 0 : The editorial control and direction of the sun. wui iciuuii ui uiciuuiaioi xir. riouana, wno will contribute each month editorials upon current political and social topics. Our readers may look to 'Topics of the Time" for healthy opinion;, "'lhe Old Cabinet" for pure sentiment; "Home and Society" I er graceful economy ; " Gnlture and Pro gress" forcriucisrn; "The World's Woik" for in dustrial intelligence; Brie-a-Brac" for wit and in nocent pleasantry. ;- Scbibmxb's Monthly is now recognized, both in this country and in England, as the great leateseu tatlve American Magazine. . Encouraged by the favor accorded to it by a gen erous public, we shall aim, during the I entennal year to eclipse its former achievements in both its Li.erary and Art departments. t- Scribneb is sold by all First-Class Booksellers and News-Dealers. Price, $4.00 a Year, 35 cents a Number. Ths 10 vols, complete, Nov. l7.s to Oct. 18.5, bound in matouu cloth. . .... ... . ; . .u 00 do...: do boun in half morocco. 3J Ui Vols, begin in November and Slays Anyfc f the ear her volumes (I to Vlll) will De su pp. led separate . to pariies wno wii-h them to complete et at this rate, i. e., cloth $2 (Hi; half morocco, f3 0). Booksellers ad Toamasiers v 111 Le supplied at rates that will eiialwe them to till un of uju above offers. : - . i;. , Subscribers will ulnsn r. mit 4,. n t Oiders, or in Batik ' becks or iiraff. or by egUiere.a liek6'8 A4o,J1 ' lell5is not regiHeren, at Beiicer's' Novejubkb and Dfcbmbeb neio gttbscriberg for 1810. KfMasRS jree to 8t'KIIJMK & C O.. y7 43 Broadway ,J4rw oik. jan 6-tf THE STAR, Published at itlarlou, S. C $3 ; Ycur in Advance, . Offers the fnllnwinir liSrol . scribers: -- ? buu- A UANDSOME ENGRAVING (19x14 in.) to single subtenbera 7 AN KXTrtA COPY OF THE STAR for one year to any one who will send a Club of Fivn subscribers, and an Engraving to each member of the Club. SMVS MOROCCO SATCHELI. gR SET OF GOLD STUDS, each valued at 7 60 to any one sending a Club of Fifteen. i - - flTEN 0OIXARS IN GOLD, for a club of twenty- JfN,TY, CiyB-D0LLARS IN GREENBACKS tor a Club of Fifty. " : ? i FIFTY DOLLARS IN GOLD for a Club of One Hundred. . . . , AN ELEGANT FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Wilcox Gibbftj worth $80 for a Club of One Hun dred and Fifty, i . ....'.With a little energy and enterprise, orae lady or gentleman in every neighborhood might get one or more of the handsome premiums Scred. Premiums promptly paid on receipt of names ac companied by the cash. - i Mont may be remitted by draft, Post Office order, or in registered letter at our risk. ' i Address all letters to : ;w. SS1. 1 J. McKERAT.L, Editor, declMf ' x Marion. R. C. are Kliade Out, PAST DUE. Paying More Salary to 36 MARKET: STEEET. MISCELLANEOUS. A KepffisentaUTfi ana - Cliaiiipiou American Art Taste ! Prospectus for '1875 EIGHT H Y E A B. THE ALD1NE, THE AET JCUENAL OF AMEEIC Issued Monthly. A .Magnificent Couceptioii, wviu fully carried out." Tti nniafitftr it a twinnla mA1?nM r . . t . . UI great uruti: has always been recognized, and many attemii: hflv. hAfin Tllut0 f mo.1 th. uran. n-V, . failures which so invariably followed each atte UI U1U WU11UJ VIM CBWUilBU (Ul Bit JOUrilSl, did J prove the indifference of the people of Amtrira tYtr rluinm tf hitrh art uutn aa a preclation of the want and an ability to meet it shown, tte public at once rallied with emhusi to its support, and the result was a great artk unrf wimmprdfll tifnmr.h 1TTK iITiivv . ' THRAI.DINR UltiilA .anod ni.h ..11 Iv... . nm (Ul wie larlty, has none of the temporary or timely m : Ksr. uuuKKruw. ui uru-uuuy-uenoaicaiB. 11 is an gant miscellany of pure, light, and graceful ii mens of artistic skill, in black and while j. though each succeeding number affords a fm pleasure to its friends, the real value and bea- ii TUB ALDINB will be most appreciated afttr ii h bouLd up at the close of the year. While publications may claim superior cheapness; is cm pared with rivals of similar class, '1HH ALUIJ. Is a a unique and erieinal conception alouc i anapproached abeoJ-Me y without competition price or character. The possessor of a compS volume can not duplicate the quantity of fine and engravings in any other shape or nuinWr, volumes for ten times its cost; and, there it a enromo. oestaes The national feature of THE ALB INE mini! taken in no narrow sense. True art is cosiuppo; tan. -While THE A iniNR sMrfi a laid. institution, it do s not confine itself entirely loiii A . . .1 . , . ...... J ircuiuuuuui7n,ui name an. lis mission is to cuii vate a oreaa ana appreciative art taste, one it will discriminate only on grounds .of iuiiia menu i nus.wniie placing oetore the patronsi THi ALD1NR, as a leading characteristic, the in ductions of the mpst noted American artistii. attu t ...l 1 1 1 i t . . . L wju. ww. at wBjrn uc given to specimens irom lores m Htrr diviner nnhamHl,.M all V, ' , . Btruction obtainable from home or foreign sotm - ThA urtiolif. illnatvoH.n . .. , original with THE ALDINB, is an important f wus mu ike luaguiutcub piaiCV MC 1 & tlZV lull: appropriate to tiieBatisf&ctoyry Ueatment &f detuii tnaa can be .afforded by any inferior page, 'ib inKiUwxm 1 S - ... and animal eubjects. eastain an unabated intfmi impoBsible where the scope of the worn confine The literature of TUB ALDINB is aUghtandgui .... uiuwuiiiau, wuruij ui me arusuc leaiarp with only such technical disquisitions as do m it terf ere with the popular interest of the work. rUEMIUffl FOIt 1875. TT.VArv atiTaorTKsv tnm iarrK .111 nt... . i..,.,! - j ivi lum nut iclcitc a UWUHli' portiait, In oil colors, of the samenoble dog whw viuivi (DOUG BbUttUlnCU DV 1UUCU tioa. ' - .-t-. ... " JUAN'S UNSELFISH FEIENB" Will hfl VAlmm. In OVWv h.tn a V,rAmhfu4v Tj.Vi such a dog, and the portrait is executed eo true u th.lifa ...... . . 1 . . i t.i. ON nnlnmAl FT. , m . . ... ... i . uuuuu hkii iiiojisev. i. va w ui l aimai; iw that his own Newfoundland dog (the finest ui Urod lyn) barks at it t Althonifh rn Minnl. no one nk sees this premium chronio will , have the dlightu-: tear oi oemg Diuen. Besides the Chromn. pwrv mlnnni snharrilK-; THB ALDINB for JS75 is constituted a memlw aiiu en uueu to air tne privileges or THE ALDINE AET UNION. Xlm- The Union owns the oruinals of all THE ALD1JJ pictures, which, with other paintings and engw ings, are to be distributed among, the meuben To every series of 6,O0U subscriters, 100 difwet pieces, valued at over $2,600 are distribated soon as the series is fall, and the awards of e: uiiue are to oe puoiisnea in tne neii ceedine issue of THB ALDINB. Thin feat me eil; Mara - applies ta subscribers who D8T for one year in Ji vance. Full particulars in circular sent on applic . TJBR1HS. 1 Ok Subscbtption. entxtuzto to TUB ALDIX' . . una isin, TUH VHSOKO ANDTHK ART tSIOS $6.00 per annnm, in advance. ITlfcll? A I HTh ,1" :,. t . . , 1. 1 .. k. . .iuj ajAjuMn, win, nereaiter, DeoocaiBauieui",' by subscription .There will be no reduced or ci: rates; cash for subscnDtioiiS must be senttott pnblisne s direct, or handed to the local canvasser muuwi responsunaty 4o tne publishers, except cases wnere tne cerudcate is eiven, bearins fac-simile signature of Jakes SirroN, Prepdeu ,s CAN VASEliS. WANTED. Any person wiehtna to act bennanentlv a a li canvasser will receive fall and promt t informal y applying to --: ) I'.H l A LDIN K OTI V. N , "jan 15 tf ' i " Maiden Lam-. N .,v V-tS FIELD DOCS. BreeSiiiE Eennel of cwton, 'Vcw YL'NG POINTERS AND A.'C. WaMiI, Jersey. SBTTKIU OK TH Finest Strains - . FOR SALE. all Dogs broken thoroughly for 50 ft). For full f& I uvuiotp itttureits, ' I - . ' a! n wTnKT.L. mar 98-D&Wtf f ; Newton; New JewtJ- a Keep Warm XY U-1NG A OOOD WEATHER STRIP I . keep out the cold wind, spiral and straight door spnnss, Axes at 90 cents, Axes at $1 CO, at 4R. A. PKCK'S declO tf No. 25 Sonth Front ,St. Coal, ;f Mte an! Fed Ash E OR GRATES, STOVES, FURNACES ATD Heaters, delivered promptly, well screened, lowest cash prices -s -.si ' r s " O. G. PARSLEY & 0 . i y ;; f : m: ' Cor. Orange and tf. Water jan 4 tf - r .; . ,. ; -: " . . r . Administrator's Notice. HM 'a vino QiiALtFiEt) According rouf Plein. deceased. I hereby give notice toall parf Indebted to said Kstate to make immediat0 V' ment, and all parties havlne.claims galnt the J vnmu iu urewnL iiif'm wtrnin iim tima nreicti. by law, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. , x ., G FORGE GROTOf Jan-lw . .. A-"ninJ1tt- T;