; i : - WOT. II. BEBNADO, 1 i, cickro w. n AKitra. ( . - . . WDisbiT. Uokioirc Feb. 1876 a creat European warr 'with; on" one side, i bids fair to be of some interest, as France, Austria and Russia, - and on the Coiy5f5nmans and Speaker Elliott J -other Germany, England and Tnrkey- Lapp'ear on'opposite sides oftheuftuesvL so, it will proba bi a long tjme before Won. f - h ;4- V begins. VSrJ , - C i.J7. ".-...i AJtVarnlna o IrldV' jf yl LN.Y.Tin.-a.,. Itls impossible not tofeel a lively One of iy Peterson'J2i5 .cjnovgla. -Inert iotmoH la Afni PTfinrv. Wood "Mv TT.,. i?:,t t t t. w sympathy for the bereaved bride - . 1 - - whose hasbana-is-Tiatchea-from'' her ueinsoerger. i . tntaz'-:A?-tfittx.rfrWki e We take jdeM WfcitSpjUTOliWiMION. 4the"rrVtte4ofeTOating tltlSlice or ine peace, as the case may E3TI0N OF TH ttmti itrto) delphia, New York, Boston and AhatjyAbayajeiMptby' W. Hardwickh. ?. as , gewal as-L ; rTtui Springfield : iL.l : ness . management 3 of U-pB J moB2i , M&fc Blaine, bttpthe ar )1 the cangEt after protracted and skitifttl J , KTG. Stab, t fMr, t Hardwko Ai j'NpM abii!VMn' effortf S'dh is the fmisfotani which, journalist ofv many 'Tjew'J'tip&i SS! kl ? harust f aliens -a ?'MassachusBtta iL'Uitt$!U oUWint- nf ' OutcandidateGiat&S -Our bwdr, &heg atpryasone which con- the busiiia3.3 'Fxr'soVcnteaf was one jf iSBdilOMj ;pjrtplliilfg J niotto "As goes AUrae,"Bo gsesJjevnipn. ' vejs, a9awhoes9me lesson to expert uui over couuqni,,wiuows, .,,. t The bride in oTaestion, while yet-i &! to eo to nrwvoA fnm llnmn vnnm tors of the Lynchburg Jiepublican, foUowhini.jBta4 bloomiag and ftergetl-wiqow, mfe iawhkh pos tion hbecama ljwmttilJeiaoeratitvComm lUfcaderlytletean of eighty . ' .m. v -"'A HiA '.i- wnnewhewijcausfl , requisition, .to ,be madf earf ;age,And an indefinite qqan and favorablyknown ? to the, pio- fd04en bf tnirfekicahf cam to tity of bonds and stook certificates. Great Poets tlie Form and Produet ! Baltimore Gazette.! : " - M V-- "Tfe'Klzare rtieY thatneier I ) Q!r Gofthe faoShakspcaxBsTas, iore Ue .11 - DaLieV Cile ''Beemfvin Ljilniature.jthe. Italian world of his day; his material was ready' made to his hand: because his-:was"ihe master mincT hesaui 1 hepietufea tliem well. Shakspeare. was the heir of the ? liberated intel- lee the'herdifdreJ'sblWBdidekr ooninna:lrWoaff rtot KiiYrM?h Via I Jneurance fiwtUvBiister lir so creat because ne cast these into 1 itatesto riA mAnM AA. lJfti mat tnr A(nl wv nom I 4 "It A I -, i " - dark shuif.medisak.a OT fession. His long and .varied xpe-4 SduUi Carina when their first jtarrjrin in 8pite of the"opposition of his i r5Anft HrmkwWrAlii ffibif lnaTlfirJS WWL?JLA mmmmkcedMm thatdwas his , i - " ----- - - - . uMm mi auwuawto u& iuo iAKlOUHUtb " . . ' assistantitQnsaadjte rtily fion cfegfefflO W tion witli.Triir-pdiRirtSGBtA -HM'WM dttty-to marrvHheHTUstTngndrige- niousaajaoiPOfiiaiiifiavisnea upon mm ner priceless ana xnerienceaiat tAfttinna. - If. i nftt a tnaltfir oflvprv THR CDRBBICT... L 1 liPllfinn lit ft llUlfl IIM HT IU i S- - .l i.L-1- , 4! MMVl 8ft!ffeMW U elderly genttol me currency is.not periuuieu l. 18r I Neariv 5 AftO.000 caffS'oflobsiers ?A?y Is In MW-y" P5? turb the harmonyMthr xDemocratic I wAre put Ubion the ffiores pf'Nova Sdotia 1 Pro ."f "TO i ..i?M-T il bdplaye'd'with kfea't care, or he will r t;Helerf Eliza; BeHspn, wife o ftl he is finally gaffed jby concue aiuerences oeiween jaoi, i 1v;ik... tia n,.: :JttA i an emcient marriao'.ccremonv. fiJin piuhiuu jjiuju uati(ouUVMlcu av:iiMUU I a J 4 Xlisniands on tue dto lostaav ' KJ - i i I Ul. inen. ,ne , is, aiwavs prone 10 seeK West wiyf 4oottlea8 vjbe, dey ised, j or I BighlaE pie irt i5;tbe!!3cerewv--i: districa. beet) receutly. optoinulgated that of I tune to Anton -Rubinstein, the pianist, in I some secretiaifdecnre hiding plajce , consideration, both, t ,on,ac; ter iaf&iiflSd 1 to J )m:'vijjy 1 f J .VyMv..STw,.M-ut.r., , iv uerman munary nero atd. teacher of ifitafy : figures ' The . Baltimore grteat the firmlv svnd tMjp1v t.fintn hu & ft a UH iuvuuwilLwuiu,,u iiuoyuigu - - - " - f tl OA 1 i ft S4I Q 1 V""' Mfl d ea.' U nlor 13 I lunAtehr.' she then -related her visri- tith yanaa -o revivie-as to-leapltracfc Irrtbpris reputatiou fornciaability of the fe Baltimore . azme , r T... ) ' -7'- ; 1 nhlirrl in throat on inafeva tiflrahmAn t aqthorA i Jle; flaya 3 wa :have i hot . too j dajnito .inrder to et id ffiTthem. mnc vttFBj Wja..w vi- xuputa, suoe operauves in original ! celibacy and , aocotnplish bis lowing somupn or ?ne nnancai .ques-w 3-3 ilea'TDau o? tion: The legal-tender notes he Crispin." ..ifUMj wnn . fc-X fc-t . I - - IIIIIII i I M - . lEwptfldOiWkeJ intecblerBteXwith a Fifteen newspapers devpted fcxi ?-1Ji0eIv8 ;fom awappoint- vjoveniraeBi Biocis- oearing a rate 01 . , n anH . .,r - -TTrT" -r. 8.0 N6 sooner was the jnasrriacfre,ra-j rected her ; husband: to run back to his house and briric,lii bpuds and IFhe I aayi otbernffer- husband wenr,tnrt as, jpon as he, had j I entered his house neM was" seized py ' -ii " gradually can in ana-cancel, Bo8to Tranaeriot i8 Uinnh orin . : -F .! straight? You would soon c&likfe ft enjoy )arinUpy.luuy moon. rency, $750,000,000 should i Utiu& fouTnai. to be backs. half the aoie euner in legai-ienaers or'green- l a seer""""'", " .-."--.' i i I welcome wite, 14.1s pro backs: the creenbacks to beovfirt-i ThA-rnlh; Kfl:-m;Li 8eneedistoTbed'th:ebrde, who sent, a wi intA.TT'B;ol R..to .aV. flr.'J Wenartmenta.of''N,virieifnf JT.nnr4 f oarFe Q hasten bis return bufetihe .. . ' , , ! v, being prepared at. the reduced salaries: I carriage came back empty, and the posited,Jo redqera, at : their, jnarket ani therH - jyubh- dissatisfaction amdnidrrveriarin value. To the extent that"HheW! Me subordinates, who-will receive-from f by strong language broken crockrV ' - - .:."J 1 ' '" v A ' 1 five to tW!alV ne nenL leM t1in lino lidro. I J. .fivl' S-xfTtTW ttr.n . . . li greenbacks were called in and cancel-1 tof ore been paid them. - ana pans pi water to explain, tne rea-; h tronld allow iHa (nimimt . - - " I ! sott whyhia prestation of a written ; , . 1. I Lite i.emstbened. , I order Ao., uelivec .Xo bearer on (1 t.ft Ida 110 lorrol.tAnriara . inlnAnvfi. I v;-HA ii,i,.. i ; Ji... 'U - I -.,? -.-r r " ' i " ! ble, as describeyilii a United States afloat.,, To. call iu .lha, oreefi-1 JMeany mree nunarea years ago n reiauves-anu saieiy locsea-up. , he would provide that oe- contenV-1 ad thv had-rrointPntion of aUtiw! custom dues should be W KMwJS?? toMiSadlbvila iww Ui longed at- bf'JBealthl giyes the following senei I to so much vigorous discussion., The, ei I' bride at once comptebended tUQ true " ; XK.roli a Ccintral Railway, lW?tMINGtON, MAUCH31ST, 1875, ' i f t f r r HB VTTJCJITIUM UF, Ic aiiint tjiaMtrat Hallway JfEli I is e? IspBd Jfully A Jited to the fact that -a lone at WUmingto tth vta Direct 8t lu jrTOiaence---uiiH'' "-""""' r ; ( iki.s THK. slaeBsa, offer with tta connecti sore, x-j i from rti4 all .ptbtlonfr irr n us dreenTfll Jafwr(anUaxst f -.V -el 1. i1: 'XJordoii :.T.urneT 9 Atlutf&,T0DB. OM,AUWit' Kionmond AU.-iUi,'onn otitoub muu flroWas well SaU points in GEORGIA AHaBAMAs A t.. 9 low1 aavla anr otHer llnU NO terminal or iranbier cuargo TerfiiinalOr traVyer chargea -ato sill til Jtfi. American Art1 Taster r - Henry Watterson, thrpwma tbefWafeWK3!411 -frv x r,ufc f ithA'1 V?VMWAris JK-)'i 4' nAf' twuv Kvuv vauuiau ycsuy tti i-flrrrarRTiin TrYTTTJiTAT nu kicvd ilia: i . M a irtuffw rvff FMi i inmi ! ; JOTJENALOFAirEEICAi is Candian beautv I -U vim ""Lil rftyjg '-."-t- utMd S;!J dt ddYn worm 19 hu wiser ana no ueueninan i . 1 : . .-.-j . ? - . - ; . .. . : j :-.s - - v i ; i ; a . . s t. ji .-.rir ti r i r imtMKi t--- - f ;-i nt Htrtii ir.ii mi if! rvi ti i Bm - - - I - -r ,T,--.r.. : iV ill: yj; 1 ." 1 . T3 lKrMn:am1 snmn: :n im ,dn1. ortrA i:tu-oTOhdfereuee the DeoBl et1 America t0J I 74T,r.!n,-,frtrjffV-iF-"- claims olhiirn axL . Bo Bn:Anrapri k' mWWM:1IU)llB!$. efthwarit ahd'anamtttjr' tonteet it werfel sueh as it is, goes on forever. 'Wrvetf 1 mcttibyfMMm, f Alid dughtbrsl,nevief fait fornothiagy, iainmercW uinai'rHK,AiiDmEc"' i---Lf 1 iner ianu 13 always Wjlfl U au not. Ma, nfaf of 'tne temporary bttiiruSy titnsit wneWQJnan. Tifiiwn! 1 T vfl 'A i caaractenwic-oi orousiy ipenoucwf,t jiwfiwi te- ,.rr.a. ..-r? r. ,.to.j(u.i l ti .j. 1 crant.mipllanv of nnre. lieht. and BTaceful litera-' ture: and aCOTitJba 6TlSlclureB. the rarest Bpect- .KFtjBdluK! llielm, Plata! liontf L,MKt mens of artisUotvKMMU IWaek-a Mfe t Al. ? ... ... c . ... i I . . w w . .j : i A AuaK . i QQNAI4 AicRAB ii') iit.rtl &fnAS'Al MA? Lbe nn , - - - - ., . . TT ' ! -nDi ieasttre-toltafrtends, tue teal value ana neantywr vltM .stated that0 the famous aedci JAii lwepccttd4f '11 '.xLui;jLUTS4-ao t: .ti-Ji. 'TiouIdttthecroee ot the year. WhUaothet . nnapproa snc an v other ehaDe siamea ,Jvr.wz, 4apous ninety .mues i . -aaMTtom ,enga....Ti art,i1cosriiKrij Southeast Ot TuSCOtl. near the Sdnbra 'tan. "While THE ALPINE Is a strictly American ii'turuiari. .''. vl v aiiii' ; s-tfc'- i loo inrtttuttpiilfcdot mot4Mnanafair4atUelf4o( te, .V ? ino,.'-! v - .;! " ,! i V reprodttcUeaif native art.. Its miuaionta to .cftlti- s-- " '. ' . '' ' ' OlU iJ6iaiidiappreciatrVe art'tsetei 6n that? Tndo-A jntAff-JtA'rrn i')Mrn1rt ' . 4hcrinunate ealy, on; grpundftroft iatriasi $ hkl9!'h dXT JlOUlton A . mertt -Thnstfhil placing before the patrons oj l t. HiTj-'iTj .1 5 I djictipns of t,he most noted American artists, attenf uci win o ins nir.wueeeueiiiBi, tien wlU alay oe gttiVtoepeeiHieftfrfrom rereigfi M?k I.r. .T 'ri' . ' ' " s, . j I " t ..i n jtu .ilDInn unhiuviluiMoU th. nTuoaiipa anil tn-. ' 4AAHbixT.liaAiAl Vd i'lf lYJ&ilLv.-tJS-. i masters. ifivuissi lCLter oi auvice vo.jiire. juouuon, anu, .uae aruic mi irrtivej a .al4hjoly : hull y. ) "'I.. . Imli i ( rfces.. .Tlie artislic? illustration f.A'ericaU.nfcry.'J 'tkni ..m,;: I'original UU&THH AU1M. Is an important W - "ifj i wti ana mb magnmcenKiuMBS ercsi- CH.i 'titbit- G V appropriate to tbe saxisfactorjr treatment of detail. than can e afforded -vy- any inferior page.' Tue A ! 'i't j-ad animal subjects; sustain an nnahatefl ''interest. more: feriopkgev The itSc fa threecent.ttawp for specimen copy Adverfiaing rates iomisnecif on;-ppitfvoa:rjAcwepfl!tttj'JTiiv TEE SKEIOER BREE0B-L0AOIN& 11 impossible i vbere the 8fqpe the Ivors: jponauea the artisf too closely to a single style of .subject Theliteralareiof THE ALDlNKia alight anrrace- -j-i tenere.wjtuiuiepopuaruueriwo tw-wp i ;J Jverr sabscrlber for 1875 wm receive a beantlfn fcAr&fllt. In. oil cod!r. tot ihe ome nohle dA whoHai wm be welcome every; hrtme. Everybody ioves- Jl l4:l.i-a A . i A. i i , i ".- A ' -.I ;; ;': : ;r:il "u '. ! ! '.;':." . I PrMn,- S50 OO to $3$0. 00. ,i :u fi r JH-'T'ii'w I . V : I . Prleee, $4 OO u $loe Ol Vil ' i .!:1l'lT ..jij''ll ,Y.:l (liT Silt- .?rfel 0'tSji. b o y f b '-VO fi i1 i I I I!.. . "VT r . . rrti j T "1 f t 00 a Vear. The EuQrhnkB tsircolates extensivel! turognomj tneounties ornsoa, Union, ChestB, field and Lancaster and reaches, a very large .nqnr wriilatBUUt rtsldeiteiw? i '"f :Tii The merchants ot WiJUaingtoni will sd te-te be eoe Of thebe$t adverttoing mediums on 'the CaroV una uentxaj liauwarv jib w enara&tee ba larr ' bona fide circulation as any paper between Charitt ClaflL Sheiider, stock, bearing sufficient interest to I ble and suggestive rules under th 'raV-A: rivbl k above hading .1 ; ; 8ate f,aff airs. , She armed he,raelf . . t vi- --- j 1. Cnluvatari:i -equal tempertTw heretofore on puWio -Slues and for v e. j i . - f 1 o.V v. i's " vji Lii 1 I ulauJ ua llcu UCBU IU a nt OI PaS-l1' niurou ucx uuouauu o biiouu. r . IT " . rrw I . . . , . " 1 rt,. ... . . . i .? A i uuo-uan tue customs unties. ibm sion. ;m ts.it la -rtiyi "i j i lne pattie waa snjort y joujt jneTCO. : this entire amounti is not too great ' '2. Eat regularly, not over thrice- a J InihisQ remfliLeif tldungeori 1 4,hfe tJi i' U ttu: c-.. vL day, and nothing between meals, i -1 1 imprisoned - hwt)and(.t';?cQT4ld:; be , : ; v . , 3. Go to bed at regular hours. Get heard cheering on -the assailants; been proved, be Ibinks. by actuarex- rm soon "as you wake of vourself. bmmteWbFlMtozftlMebltke :reftdier anlting not by the job. - ;t - -1 H : '" x i column,' The brideras beatex back, SPeaktSIS!H fetter very' jnuoh ctrredbeforo y lblig po1eJaaibs the parlbr Fhiladelphian courteously forbidding -'.'fagged out'-' zt?o ino" ; lwinjdwa,Mid bas tin tap4)pato the iise'of bis tiame in the President- 6 CoUivaW'-a euerpns and aa-f eafw foiUssisrshe.'A smtTfdF" MLr-iie-vervrwariRlv presenta cPmmodattng. jeropr...; . ... .... v tHe.foitattleatwJtV 6t & vara able bujB- li5isT3r .K .Jt j ' x. " -eietierbss a bridge before you ...band whoaft nhognipbt.Ji81 Annexed. htd-or Crovgrnor i Ilendncks come ttk itlt& in'M eXSnn hotr UA Vo the swmnlatnt'wXm for the FrMidniW2aiid intimkta thai 8. NeVCT eat;henrI:vou are nit mainst tar b sees whfcthcf aMassk he ra ridrtkk 5uiJhA .wJt hungfyondriidi! when eu are niicaeM Af Jf s ial ootast mo na; titer sale-long or est np to any lenetsi desired. 1 11 nnminiitiiin t.hAi , .llAnin(r'ta nnnld I -f ... . 1 -4 il LCJ-'-.-J': ' iiJ 111" i ' jHL " '-L -4 -...i" . -" vi i .ci vnnp QnnAiitA. a i isto -rc- , I A -ft iiuiich , unnn':'iniim.M ,rmiit.fuuuffyD' very large number of Democrats and I !0- Cool ,-ofl! ,in r a place greatly the. lrobjeeVyfaO; action ; ;for.,trovar LiberalatljViiapdV-esteoncur,. "VTV " :fc"T.vTf"'2u 'pmir il: - V ZC yL 1 , - .i- ; haye4i.beei; exercising Tbis simple tf 4 The lessoii, conveyed by ltbisaj6ct- Airi DanieTl)er iir well "ffM .WrwUiif .jai-i-ri ,..Tv.v.ic'i . :iieM,-Md:aave tmlliont othves,:eyeryf' phasizeIgis a warning to widows known Virginia newspapferjnalB, baa year. ; . .. .. .y- Dver to et a f reshiyaught busbahd just launched ihe jpaihfJSder JEx- -M lv-Never resist a -call2 bf nature? PH .onf 1 "tte pressor. Danville. The Ew&a is a :aKigteAmoment. ; w . jttn; taut iai ttrim blril horje JW,V allow yourself to bie ceremony is t complete ano u seep , r'nP. hope cUme4rMgh and,tbgbtilTsthia will jDakeher, voesess uly. whMyt aoVfvlS Ayea Cge M WnUtoMhlt j.'...i.- "rtnflammandiF of the lunss. .utii.'s-u:'i .;ii,-'W.ii i I vuivuiumvh.' w- nicuKv-uni uiuo Tirt.-''i; jr"f -3 L'slu.'jM aJknI.l fciOirrOT m w.;l w:-s:- :; ' intimates ina the IUpubicaa persons to eat more jM 'S Congressional mentis tiomtiku " a,?y:on5 ! onffcrteies is now in ableonea iatSlession SS, df Lg fflt ;WW ""wfj FV!", X''otMMBiMiii.liiiBi 4n.liiiritrakuaal J . I , I. r " I - ' "'- topmmi ftuti .iluJIMJbviaayisje: 15. Bettin earlvto; be uufet-vDe Laatt s JV!ilMli?lAs1ttJ 4 -eyi rr-fa J:?r15f.S .i7TiifWMr.vs.t WfttsiiMq KiK ,h!U VMAWtJPACTURIRS; ! i . -j.-... , . -.if -.Butfmort. i- sens er vataiogaek' - : ; dee 22DAWif FIELD DOCS. :! -.'( "t .1 -J-.IS.J .!-..' i f. trOtTNGPOINTKR8 AND SETTERS OP TllE each a dog. aadthe portrait, i exectued, ao rtrne to the fife, tuat it ffee"m8 the - vritttble- "presence of (the animal itself ; .The fievTt De Witt Tajmage- tells that his own Newfoundland Aoe (the finest in Brook lyn) bathe at itl ; Altbongk natural, no one who pee this premium chromo wUl have the- Bluhfiest fearofbftng-bi'aetL. ' ' ' i-f--... 3 ; lifiniaets uie;iiromo. evaryaaTauca subscriber to THK ALtUNK for 167! is constituted a member andDitlcdtoJlthe.qirivUe2es or , yun : .1 I rriTT? A T TiTT0"P A TfP TTHTTrkW , 1 The Union WfitTtBf ofgJSaTs of all THE ALDISTE uetuesvwuetH' witb ether ptsntmgs and enferav Ines. are to be distributed amonir the membera. To every series of B,000 subscribers, 100 different ieces,,varuea w; pver f&uu are, mstrumtea ae soon as the series Is full, and the , awards of each Finest Strains.: 4 I applies tm subscribers wno par' for one vear wmce.7 KaM particulars in circular sent da pttlcs Uoa eacraalng a stamp. j S.8OBSeBIFTI0K.' n(TUMTO THE ALDIJl E i ' 6VbO per'aynnam, la aTance. . f ;f."s i iiJ Nochareefor rjoeta?e.y - -" t : Specimen CopUs of TUB AJUDINE. 60 Out. --THE ALBU1E will, hereafter, be obtainable onl iL .U ,4- .:.. .1 HOR SALE. ill ,ar ad-PAWtf iAUj-sIms promptly ewtonewje.rsejf. 'j; ppUhout retrponsiinlity to 4he, mses weere'tne cen ',, except in 5ar&i)Ptie cemflcate-teclvdn. beai Ti - u., , vroravu i wnwH PlluvWTgililliaj Ijwmfrt Safermation r -1 . - tm mm n aV W a i r ha a m .F . f j VYAJ U JJ "To AK;7sK ANli I I f k Maiden..Lane,Kw.york. . F AIJ;DSCiPTlONS, ATTHE .'olVSr. f 18m Jflriiif totitf Dlnfc I a magazine oi:4if ThirQtKfifcLlfetfffgn ifarket" Md Rincessi HEfATJSTWQ PEOJlPTiT DONE. Mtf .r .. haYiJexagebhaedt. Jan Christian Advocate, DEVOTED "l" MOHIU CAROLINA, HBH past, her present andi kef -fatavta iOrmt. ka per year, postage pre laicuAoaress-, .,.t '' i? TtH)L, Kaleiga,' a. C, 1 . Be- M Thdse twhb1gbinsnavVDee5seniwni . Having a few complete files of oar Living sndOtr Dead oa h.'or 9.Sre Iwill furnish that -year ana tne enure year w7i for -S5 OO.,., Wbrary : Aeso tlatibns md' mstcniwr SocieUes would do well to notethia, .jlst MandSAirolsii hwidsijsviibound Library Style, furnished at $i 60 per volume, ef-1 t3 TSCienti by2JfiaU.E Cash m9 aotbmpaiy all I lilil J v&Kaj , J Ut . .. " I ANSATUKDAYTHB 8TH DAT.DR JANTJ- tr'i "jalyiill aiii' la buavci taJiufi-.tfjiii ial -uwb f 4r(PM;la,laiJiu Devoted wGerallnte I rlMjBSW the the interesi, oi uw n MMn'eapr tryiniw8t4t will ever bear in mind the three feW,tr4 riaBll .MihicE Unite US KrlehdShirf. ChariLv andlAnevnlinp i (JjiJlenMmbdha-thiS4 theeolhtMl8'th4'il!i;Art will -It has Us supporL and, the continued ajd.pijts, I jer be o to Benevolent Soeietiea- ,TheLpfti. Ulnisters: rail of wfartm are iMnui tawRrTiria-rF'Fti. l.JH.r.:ad the r. A A. TtfTwma' hi lagiiscattAlaiu-jJn.!i o ht k ,wJ ,Lf. ipacejOgfewhijchjaey wdil:b9jhfcwd. 'jThebb We offer no premiums.' The ADToCATB-staads Tjeftt'of theEcfiq wuloe to give the .laiest informa- w 1111 t it, wen opsainea at &a ttsor I inniAs Af Intarcaf fVnfail llisaa fcbnted: newstfiwalChiircbesis ast makert a wdcomeH88'' Il'wHlmi'td1TJecym 'the' cobstaut : Ite wideband increasinjr iitaaiiation makea it a f Also iim'thirgh careful Selections frum the be ,MMn!aeM, Medium $m xBwdntm., Men ij I 'rbl '4- worthy .i-.inffB-.-iT h 11 d-A do. not t believe though; that adulteration' benigtflr.fluehbei&llhe risiilhfir , is o, eJUpsiTeijrf acucea as w was m JSng land ln"50, when Ilaasea and tha Lancet in e v nr nw.1 aii i ret i r .,f k m fli,u.ua.i)u: X i!fj .i : .i : ": ' e tnat now is ana or tnat wn cn w 6dterWfaiimliB!iSfla , made tha raid on tae lulalteritorsl noo me." - :- UU f 5falib7 I believe that .dulteratron isso commbnas' , , ;. , , mmm'l, whiskers. xna.ffifrUffiV&d&effal ejected rrom m? lAio!fta4arelridev - - wovBap. - si .a.a. KTsrasj air irin m - iiiu.- wn x n . IttorkUoughoheof singular freaks which natutakes, iscludeSiiatiuajb '"r ZV? ' 'nri-w'Di''ii? s '.'r Colamoai tjforss havings been forcAly , ; asw iim b(9wi.)OT(j, - - ww vmm y - ew wuwiVtWVIBf UV1: V ' t beva thaijaduloa,l. m. cjaamon.s' ' .,.,,,.,: "Old Elenvf2ais running two serial stoi Handed Elsi, be this, and lias ficotch' - i Polioemai-CopcrvvwliDf fQcttfd'iiipi! A. Rueslan 'Corresbotident writes to tbe l wHUia iaVdil.eforA . Iuls.GZJbat Jihew , .r3Wff-. 1 -i. . - :j rv.ifijrjst a riui; ! itb I ;...! ,i?4ita ico wZ. -.: , how.veriiim:venera Visitor i IiehianA sTidd treaded. Tt, .4.14 -ct'ClS .vt:.a .vi . ' "i.V t -I LlT,4. S sja, .c-'tis .rixTv-M ftn'4 ! alwaya'-tajald::iaadi sober as the fnrmoVTn nf fi.mii.ni - tiJ P;ILVa;i:.-v;: W cbkractei..all ed''Wlth''Brht8htrn'v. ..tL rJEivrfi. -IVsTfrIlM .. " A 9rJb4WSi . Lt wfi4!-i ' i nuviun iuiiiUniihl umkiiiirN;aoainiir.'i iiiniip. - l iih iiiuiif. . iuh uitu r ism. ooi(Lfatfl- . i-.r- : rr dii. i;'Aji4kena2lfTlDci i vum. xiauKim mntrs. unuaren'a sets to cases, TmXmm, CTeams. Card Oases. 8vruD Cuds. Plckla Standa. J1 -.avat. ll SiPwhvfro-t tdsjefrriscbers! S?X'VW"in Wworfilre Si, up. All ukrc rurujju)inj cimwuwe. jui worn war! I Corner Front and Princess streets. " Tfrms.Sa 00 ner annnm. In uIvuim 1 li f maintatnitt KAa in.?..n j T Uiy "&f fifr iff, i " er"age or ai -- The Vio-&wWUuaiaefffaIud uaru vy., LivL.L.n. n. imt uiuj m I . ..... . . . L.i :.r. :r. r . . . c t -r r--T'i iji ?ii a. r . Auverusemenis solicited ancTinserted at low ratee idec B-tf tditore and Proprietorsr HSl.IZAa! Tit2ijJli iwM J li! ro oAi oi ji WHaloae. - - , Ed. A Jrcpiij rW AS TUK LASQESTT ClRCUITIONWK cniiVftfiBn ltfath.Pgfemaiailwich to ad .1I In ii!ixTii-:UJU3 I9dl4u C:1A i X "a. ,lliiC.!fl3 jl- 'elIf ol-Wi' and a considerable clrcalation inrfJol bne-BranewleleieoSN I a. t . T . fifc iSf iLimtial Iitcoiile Over $1,8 i r i 921 I15 J1 Ji 01 tf Til A P ohAROTliaTl!1 OBtJBMDSTEWWEDNESDAt'JidHNlNG JnmJiettjniiW.ilw bjlWauacenKelMar- mid, has. the largest circuapoiror asy conntry paper in tne State. Ircircuftu.es extensively lathe cduiv ties of iUebesetf,J Klcbtiionti;'' Bladen; .Coltrtibus COmberJand; rnruswlckVaid:ia thejoto coun ties oz inafiiixu. joariopref 4Ma warua gtoa tsuauia varolii!. , a a -It Is one sad 3Pbliher gives & nnenmprotiiteiBglv to -favoi of Wait e Supremacy. - Its Local columns 1vill i alwaf s ttfeiru party and i news, written la a brief Jin.-, Ike5 inaniier, 1 1 -editorfalii' -' and'4iBon Objects- whi with the latest tefti gent-and- bnsiiiesS-ll will be stoc and( Idoid- direcUy ,CcncerArBrvjeoDleaAH aoi advi medium it is mach seuht after and has a natroi seeond to ttirDther ccMtftry paper.. Established! la MTO. It kas eWr siaee beealnfereaBlne J itt feflnehce- jinpv popularity ntft it hae rtocben and odebbledkhsu rNVESTMENTS. .Ui B rJL i .1 . AND 1300l SURPLUS Ha w - WolsnleM P "S .I'im 1 fj, .HI. , 1 f'.f 'i i Prcmioms Cab,PoIlcle Liberal" SMl?-t3 . ,Jie4rt'l ;i.M.f... . ZJti t.'iW; ii Jii-oj't 'fiitiiiufi 4ii I--, IllteBfOTitliepiJetirita br.riF. WoDd,liaj eal EiamiW jfefesuUl, to doer, Li rt ,Green Flannere druar store. Wilmlnirton K(" M'fwy 'Vi j!0t frtil 'Ji-Km L24U, J! I 'Jiifl-j.' f-Hii;l J.''. K'9TOieoeO4AMt'tCepresent(fd. :fecIip.'4ii.w-.-lj:--i'. ;i---: . i:. Xmerica. . .1 Philadelphia. iPhenixIbsurmnce Oompdny,i! i :Jew York. jCpnJtoentaJlapurapceito .r...4.New Yoik. T 'British A Mercantae. Ins Co ..London Paiffford Fire Ina Company .ijl. Hartford. National Fire Ins. Company I.. Hartford." PPfagUURi M; 3s. Co. A, ::Ma8Sacbnwi. Mercantile MJatual Iaft CoL- t;lj:jNew T6rk tts. Co. of North America. . . k4 J., .Fhiladelphii ;ja av via I und Wilmington with- sept sc-tr ladescebtiosv' i; - o OF- -THE U. ; ,rv ,1 - . - J ' . . - j. . J -'i I v a. ' j -j The political ferment among the European nations.' thnafmralulnrAim "lV... V. j L ... .1 1 1 . - . . fwww Kcnccu uuiliu Oliu OUtLC, Lllc aiSCUBSlvIlt of science in itn rsistiae tO"Theolog-r. and the n. stant publication of new we'a4atha wSrm- f dred topics, wiU give unusual interest to the. leading, foreign Eaviews during 1675.rf Nowhere elsd can the inquiring reaaer una in a condensed form the f acts aad arguments necessary to guide him' to a correct THBl IiEONARD SCOTT'3 PUB- tti. :ixlZt-l2jM2'Ji -VfitO T:Ut 1 oontonetheraiMntofthefeinfleadlnglleYi DON QUARTERLY RHTWWVOok- v iBRITJJSHt Vii jK -1 IQWBTM&X REVIEW?' ' isjd lo uliiiw fit tidBl tr mr W r-BMfuui's IMuftr'MasjAW'' ' '"---5"" - -. n . w . . s . For all foa Reviews-. i...-MM " . . FwBlack'sllaiptsliie41 . & 0"f J For rot PorBlackwnnd snajt aawiawa... 13 00 " . " FojrBlackoodandtte4Hevlewad1tor. J. 110 ruBTABi will nn nmnaiH .v. I condition thai subscripttpns are paid isvaauafc vADDtKCH at the tammenbemeht ofearh vX? b'rni . "JiO ai. jTiaiw atiitlrf ';;ntUvtjv.wa A oiflcdiunt of twenty per pentwfll be allowed cWwefcflWM more orsoiTiM.fl rhstV Blackwot tb 3d or of one Review viiKo A il. ilrtortt.SOi ibtf (ibW'SWevie'we ill -ih - SktHiatl '-Mri&atlTAB -iwtil: 1 pf anchptodiqajs yaiaaiBKb W oJ7? BkVckw)d?s.MaaiDa Xtt?EX "S?.4 1 T'-Jr-it --' J - m . M.a uV VUOt Jl 4 lulft liaiil i-i lUtiaarcliiy tttii IWHLf I The LiiilolnProgress ,Libe: 1 1- it &di"y) uJiuiitiH ti ifxi ki waii?sH x i IX lif3 ruisettiB will lot trSwtw waT'Tlnpft' baa .,0;f --To TuvJjuliif44i ASeu8tampfjrsaedmeilsfcTvil Ittmibawitii 5 unl mo jrUltiJLNDWO! trXT97;j",;il PQTr V7iWS i,d,m v.u,i...iaiit ifijoj -iu iv .u crn;jTi!r.y.f iu:-sny-soiritit!i:4 f ...s. . 4 ... ..,..s .I fLn&T ..-i.rTss-, -...t.-t "iONJl'X'j'Erj gJlaKRlfflSf ir.(3asb-.lilv.A . . .sj 1- .. t.in a ;t,J Vi . .f 5 , 1 i?r.tl i- 'li!TT hnur 1 jjflfTW&i jcWM tfitniaoi sil ol P,Ai MTriLCp. Inufa'titfg't'Me'ncv Of TTOJaa, ASSOCIATION - OP , Putt ,.ts Incorporated 1820.iAsefets 83,598,69i dec 81-tf 1 ' 1 Hcpresent the following First Cli ori Elare WverMon J'enn Mobile JJpderwrtteas HamborB11'. lowe of . Columbus, Virginia Klre , ue. UtaiaeeasiCMNeith SUte, Bombern MtTtnii A Klcbmo&d, Metropolitan tafe Insurantpor' H YerlLAll elassea tofBTODertv lit 8-''lie. f .Agents' wanted foe first elkiuirrsnmn..i. J ttsxtSQ.t. JJ- i;.'iiji-. S .i .a. flct1 . c. iinsi'.nilv&iT, 1 l-.M Ml, nla, i-Aaat-i'i. :.,tfiAiii-iu, j i. Over 2200 Policies 'Issued. 1 irsfalklbSSKS. IKOl'lU jjeptenrbei Connecticut Matoal Life Ins. Co,... Hartford. T7NCJtlSAGE 66MjK NS'TTTUTIONS. . iTHEiORTHpAROLlNA . . ; , iifc.) Jii.i( . This Company write Policies, atfui contasnes to rates, on au masses op uisuraDie property. . ! - All ieseeaiarje prenpttyJ adjusted and paid. 'The HOME" iaraoidlv ETOwin? -in DuhUc favor. a. ipealsith eeiindsmcc, to Insurers of property , . K. H. BA at la all paits f the State. Jfi tt., rree '.-ViceProBldentJ BEATON GALES, Secretary j ruiiABiu lAJYTriSK, ant ATMSUJt i MANNING. Aenm. MISCEMiANEOUS. -THE LANDMARK, - J -t;VlPJlBISHEpAT; " - STATESVILLEfJiREDELL C0. JE ft - 18 .TI1E- 1 .Ilk, 14 '-4 1 LeadingeTpaper la rWestern Korth 1 J It IB the onlr.DeaiirrtiHri Patter fcriWhed ia Ik- deU County one of the largest and wealthiest codd-tfes-lnr the; State and baa, attained a .larger to or lti6 an v naner pvp.r heretofore i&thacoQty- :'.hU i'Sifj.t: - Its circulation in Alexander. Wilkes. Ashe, Al cbany. Yadkin,. t1B and i Iredell Is larger tlui that of any two papers in the State combined;! ,is rapdly acqukg Btroaff footftold in Forejli'. oniij, xvuwan ana western JieciuenDurg. ithnsteonsdyeforetheueople. imderrtif BjTBusai a rapidly increasing mrcuiatiou is uu iwi making the Lajidmabk. : I 1 ADBRESS. 1 nmARIt." mi..jffa, illMr WBEKP J JL The Pduth. Eight pages. $ Forty columnf. G"- taming more-reading matter tbaa - any weeKiy lwhed in the ifoatbern States.; ' . i'iiie trptaalnhnt-uf th:m iTrTttlCRTT TLLCSTBA- TED (AGE.will be issued an LittftTrtfV f5hlJV irrfJune. 18.' The Publisher Intends making It an UlattrsW record of the time it wit ti-t nf t-verr fo tWl,juinrieal Ltterary atad scien.lflc, wh' Is of current Interest, and give thebest illattrsiH' ;aha-ta.leib.-iDd. original fcr teign. I ta tjV' pvM'jVatt.x ?ImLUi JtAaKm as printed ort Wv Typa- and hey book paper. . tt.Wk'T eoatrtbntf8.itlf.be found tBf"3 oftaanyor the best wrifc-rB in the south erial11 shoitictetliesc poesae aitd laheiebes,' snd 'aastiinyaf reading niteeriasS3rpd by ',,,JJ fpera. m-excellence and vrieiy It is iniennefl iaaka fbtjtKi.rHS.Htt 'lLLPSTKATKU Af Journal for .the flnaM' uvml1 mlnrani ww.v lialyaeV6ledToalI, iibjeciir per ?Soyil i - Tlnhflllllill Iin iit. Si n 1 hmiiilll FOWC free. ' ' ii'y wM'"-1"'""" Sill Ji;afel5i'i Bi-rlBll'.BaltW,' june iiwr,- jrv -,??.,,-., a vlUleiga. Jl. 1876.iEoTj''8i:jBa for a Sample Number. Sabsccibe .Now, n " iaettwe iranibersef tbisyear FmbI ' i ; t; Li. jjij. j ii ,?.! JtinM. i..saORST, remfieldStreet.BosV8' iiUglNESS JJBNe--.OP.!;WILMlNGT0N la. called to, the above-titled paper,, which, fsbushed at Shelby, N. 0 , the termlnns of the C; R. K,, is one of the best mediums in, Western Hna through which to introduce: themselves ti tJ Trade of that ptwtioa f theSuta;!; Kates for so'0; Using very liberal. Address: febSStf - MPU UUSIIBrf AUK0R.