jgnoEiniiG dtAe T V--' ;' . , - .i L.r-.-.-i 1 1 UM' Jl -.jwaJi J Hii I ml.. I wi'i . i r i i 1 ii t i tt. i-' v. " i I - .....rrr-is....1 . -w r-r I .'I V" uJat .... f -S' :'' Hi f 111 astaxox: SixmontM, f s !f tv Subscribers, delivered In any art of the SftJiCentr per week. - Our City Ijrentaare city, gweollect for more than 8 month in ,jv.nce. 1 iOUTLIKS. president Grant expected to testify in St. . ..:U,r !nn trial -i ... . il.Vl (Ml TjOlUS wuls,'tJ - ' . fire in Kcw York . Sunday nights v 4 . Vnvpl wrtlkiDtr malcli i& China- I TVi'n f 'arlnn frlendadeaerilnirhirh I nift.' 'w T :. T I ii Heavy failure in Liverpool. - -I - J --i? . v.w - I ..linal Manmoiraenies reception or any rtures from the English tHoallsts.: 1 Pinrhback-waiting for lus mends. I W Thrown. Ol xcuu., mouo luiv ireu- I JLnt vesterday. in favor or Texas Pacific JIJ-'M J " ' . . . . . I ( At Btr Iiouls Whiskey trial l ' l - j ' -t .....-.:. tin called tb-day, Movement of . ' v X. r . A l I interest from six to-five-pcr cent. -7 v;n.mt oflOalway is dead. -The currency questicJij eamd ip itf hekiwef J n.mse ofConeress yesterday. Com- I roittee oq Foreign Affairs directed to in-J quire into'Schenck's. connection with the Emma mine, - Centennial bill to come up in Senate to-day. New York mar kets: Gold, il2i12; cotton; weak at 13 13 3-16; rosin and spirits turpentine dull. JL Scbr. Clara Davidson from South Mills, N. C, for Philadelphia lost off. Hat- teras. I ' ' '' . ., 1. i.-i?rj ffe." Spirits Turpentine Greenourt March. 13., X The Messenger says that the ex- tri terra of court has saved considerable expense to tax-payers in Wayne coutty. The barn of Mrs. T. O. Cherry, of Beaufort County, was burned liast week; accidentallyi , - . .. - . - I It is tumoreJ that Wilson' will be made the; dinner station; for passengers nottb and south, on the W, & W. Jtauroad, iiistead of Gbldsboro as now. - I Goldsboro Messenger ; "We leara that two negroes, one of whom is lmnied Abraham House, had an alterca tion on the' premises 01 jonn House, a few miles from La Grange,, on the 3rd insL, resulted ml both being seriously stabbed. from the effects of which one had already . died nod the other was hardly expected to live when last heard from." - - Therildea Preaidentlal Campaign. ! j The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Lsilger writes: " K , I "The next Democratic caucus at Waingten appointed for Tuesday evening next will probably be-reinforced by prominent outside thongh ijitluenlial members of the party from itiis citj', who are anxious to begin the Presidential campaign on some settled policy as soon as possible; and who are equally anxious to steer clear nf (list rnctincr isnifl. Thilinfrti-.o. ( C3 " --iv.u.v.vv- 1 ments, it is understood, will consist I for the most part of he friends of Ji . .l is ' -1 - , a v I as there is no Drosnect of ,rSmnl between the: East and West, and that the national policy of, the party be made to turn on reduced taxation. 1 . revenae reform- and a lower-tariff. 1 rhe Western Democrats will Was- I sured that New lork can be carried, j on some Bnch platform, for almost 1 any Presidential candidate," but that j au v auempi 10 commit toe party to Boft money,, or anything like soft money, will throw the State into the hands of the Republicans by 50,000 majority, j The delegation will claim 10 speak informally of both Tamma ny Hall and v Manhattan Clnb in other words, the , upper and lower strata or ie party ill this dty." Tbe sort or nan SIcKee la. A St. Louis correspondent, speak ing of the whiskey trials, says: " Mr. McKee is a peculiar man in many fer ppects. His great ambition is money, 1Iis habits are Vimple and his , man- er of Jiving.frogiwdj primHiye.:: miugn worm iOU,UUV, n IS aOUDt fnl if he and his family possess T $200 worth of iewelry iUV hi relatives. aud a few select rlriend9 , be isqnite generous In many - respects. He en ys the soubriauet of Deacon McKee. Tite printers know him as TJocIe Bill v. though it lis,, quite improbable that ...anjr auuress mm wivn sncna iamu- wr title." f ,il-vjiih'H-; :rc-;.: THE O EW ADVKaTIHBnEim.: , seamen; jrnena eociety. r e City Marshal's' sale. 1. torn I n'ula. - 15 ill for the benefii of the Tern- kael ob-Weduesday evening, r-:.,. 'iv v, v , , j . . I . 1 o be cooler and cloudy or part. vr. wr':' lallJ 1 t" ' " ' """" 01 , . . . 7 g? " . ltlmotewas to my yesterday. 4 x& i;-,r ,.v . . r,...: j The Wilmington i.ightlnfaiitry H be out for a full dress parade this afr ernooD, at 3 o'clock.1, i- ; j Next Monday is known in the tajeDdur as SrValentuie's Day; VTbe ij yung folks ", will gpfern themselves ae- .The-property well-; known as Er1 Work lMmlfd near j 1 f ?ueea WM 801(1 r-u Je8ieraay, nnner a decree of court, iarVWnMTItafle pur- f? v,tn,v.:.T,)i ; 1 i or Tneruaouaeter1. 'J F "' " t a I h? '0!lowl.ng 's the tangeof the ther- mometer at the Bignal Bureau, ir 4his city x j, . M- 12.M:; 54 2 P.'M:,,,fJ2( 40 r ' 63; 11 P. M.; 62J - IUTH OF SOTSCanmn 1 . , , .i . , m i -r r -r r' - .. : . .. Aootbcr Attempted Bararlary. 1 he thieves seem to have been -aansoally 6rter-ou3 in their designs and inclinationa Saturday 4 night ; Wo mention H another place an instance In the case of James E. burglarize, and Jater we hear that a aimilar len Evans." leader of the Ros Hod TlnnrT: AMyl - 1 1 ' s . ' ...... r uu uaroer, oa, cum, between v"v - '""v u Jiuiucrry sireeis. n ap- pears tbataa:oh8Ucce8sfulJ attempt- was . eaier uy a irons winuow, . -o "" -u,u ,lu.ini"y.;8PS opening on me V. - l t . ... . i . . was mea, ana nnauy yieiaea tliA nffnrti nf Ilia tkisf nioa) 8aau wnicu arooaea Jiivans wife, who pa Ml UPP finaltann ' A Mn aatra lw ira In themidst of a very exciting dr?am at the Ume.behig on a very high pinnacle, from Which there was be way of descent except j I jumping. - - tie was just in the act Of making the desperate leap when his wife. punching him in the ribs, meekly whis pered, VBobber.id.the house; upon wnich be opened bis eyes just in time to see a datkey8head protruding through the open window," apparently taking in the surround ings. The' circumstances together (the dream and tbe reality) so upset the equi librium of. the usually astute and coura geous musician, that he danced around the room in a perfect panic, while his better half , was shouting to him from under'the bed clothe "Shoot him ! Shoot him! He soon regained bis presence of mind, how ever, but then the rascally thief bad put a block or two between himself and; his ex cited and justly indignant victim. New Hanover Cnvleta. . ,, . I I The following prisoners, ' convicted at tbe late term of the New Hanover Superior Court; will be tak;en to' Raleigh this mora- lag by Sheriff Manning, to be lodged in the State Penitentiary; lr; Thomas llobinson, larceny, five years. Fred. Sour, larceny, ten years. : Albert Miller, larceny, ten years. 3 Thomas Price, larceny, three years. ' Reuben Looney, receiving stolen goods, hree years.. " t David Bryant, larceny, three years. ' j Fortune Baker, larceny, three years. " j. The following will be delivered to Mr. Mathes, ' Superintendent - of the County Work House: ' v : 3 James Anderson, false pretences, .two years. . . ' " 4 jasper Davis, malicious injury to real estate, two years. - - ( " , v i : NiMtdham IT nor larnenv. two vpnrn The Sheriff wjUl take with bim the order of the Court requiring that the convicts be set to work on the Western North Carolina B&ilroad, In accordance with a recent act ( of the Legislature. Cnaty CaatMlMloaerii. The Board met in regular session yester day morning; present,. John G.r Wagner, V"irman. nd Commissioners A. II. aioi1 Ha, 8, VanAmiinge and Delaware Nixon. 1 he louowiog persons were grantea re- ,tU liquor license: Heyer, John -fl, Bremer, Phillip Harriss, H. Walbre, B. B. 3urnett. 1 The report of Elijah Hewlett, County Treasurer, for the month of January, 1878; wasread,recived and orderedlto be placed on file. . i Tbe resicnatioa of James A. Hewlett, Constable of liarnett Township, was read and accepted. The Auditing Committee's report for Jan uary, 1876, was read, received, and ordered on the minutes. Commissioner A. H. Morris tendered his resignation as a member of : the Board, which was accepted,'. The Chairman, John 0-. Wagner, and Commissioner 8. VanAmrlnge, were ap- pointed a committee to examiae the books o tbe Clerk of tbelSaperior Coart,: to asceiv tain wbat amoant of fines haye been; re- -,T hvtm dthWlaat term oft th Court, and report at the next regular.meet- ing of the Board. Mr. R. C. Myers having been elected to nil the vacancy caused by the resignation of James Wilson, came forward and was duly qualified. The Board adjourned to ' meet Friday night at t o'clock flayer Conrl. u The following cases were disposed of yesterday morning: Jerry I Forbes, charged with ; stealing enicaens irom ueerge uooper, was oraereq lo to the gum of 500 for bis an- ptarance at the next term of the Superior Court, in default of which he was lodged iail Tlie same, chaiged withes ealing a turkey ana a nen irom jnune A.rnoia, was oraerea . . . . , . - t A , . . pearanceaourw- f ' - ' I Colyer Taylor alias Sam Co (a 8tranger in the city) charged with cursing ana abusing Mrs. Shehan ontbe publie streets,' was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of 20 and costs or work for thirty days on the streets. v j A case of disorderly conduct was contin ued over for a future hearing. c.v , h Fire. ; . :r The op fortune discovery of a gradually increasing cloud of smoke in Mr. J. H. Al- W jewelry store,, by .a, gentleman whh happened' in ibe neighborhood 'about. 0 0ciock yesterday morning, was the n of preventlog serious conflagration. As soon as admission could e obtained, it was 'ound that a lot of 'woecU and box near the 'stove had caught,- prohably from a fall og coal, if. The fire was quickly controlled m , p pf ,m oe watches and jewelry were also wet thereby and much damaged. ' ' ' ' . " " VO : . 1 'j 1 A Darsrlar. FrlcbteneA lm tu'e Mldat of Hl : Depredattona aad teavea 1 Hta UNGotten Rooty Just, fas day was breaking 'on Sunday morning, James E. King, colored, the well known barber, living on Sixth, between Red Cross and' Campbell streets, was aroused by a noise near him resembling the explosion of a pistol... He ' arose, ! quickly. dressed himself, and proceeded to investi gate, when he found that -some thief had broken open the blinds of s window . ppeh- ing into the room in which bet had .been asleep, raised the sash, and stolen a quan tity of clothing betonging tohis wife and an overcoat of his own." Tbe thief could not enter the room by that window without be ing detected, as the bedstead upon which King slept was in such a position as to ob struct about one-half of the window. -, lie therefore adopted the novel expedient; of inserting a pole, with a hook on the end of it, through the window, with which he sue- ceeded in drawing out all the clothing with in reach. These be left in a bundle on the piazza and then proceeded to one of s the windows, to open which be uaed' an Iron bar. In endeavoring to force the window open, however, tbe spring by which it was held in position suddenly snapped with, a loud noise, awaking the drowsy sleepers, as before mentioned, and frightened the burglar to such an extent that he ran off, leaving in tbe piazza, a bundle of clothing and the pole with which be had drawn them from the room. When King reached the street he saw Officer Taylor passing, who said he had just met a man running rapidly in the direction of the depot, but had supposed be was going off on the train and was fearful of being left. .Fortunate ly, for King, the thief got nothing for bis pains. - W. I. I. Parade. If the weather should prove fair to-day, the Wilmintjton Light Infantry, Capt. Tay lor, will assemble for their regular monthly full dress parade at 3 o'clock; in the after noon. The line of match will lie through the piincipal streets and terminate at Fifth street near Market, where the boys will ex hibit their recent achievements in the'man-' ual of arms, and where the ladies may ren dezvous to bear witness to the same. It is hoped that the company will have, full ranks. In case of rain the parade will not take place. ' 1ft jin over by a Street Car. We regret to learn that a little sen of Mr. J. H. Chadbourn was painfully in jured by being run over by a street car.near the corner of Fourth and Dock streets yesterday about noon. It seems that he made an attempt to get on the front plat form of the car while in motion, when he slipped and fell, the front wheel : passing over one of bis feet, bruising it very badly, but fortunately., resulting in ' no broken bones. We learn that no blame . whatever is attached to the driver. -Little boys should not try to get ou street cars when in motion. Many accidents are caused by such experiments. :' vU Bal in atae. ; " ' . . We are indebted to the Committee of Ar rangements, Messrs. H. N. Latham (Chair manX W. F. Hargrave, J. L. Maffitt, J.;H. Chadbourn, Jr., and A. V. Wood, for com' plimentary tickets to the grand Masquerade Ball ,to be given at City Hall on Friday evening, February 25th, under the auspices of the Cornet Concert Club. ' Our friends of the Club are deserving of every encour agement in their efforts to provide suitable pleasure' and amusement for our citizens. Superior Court. . Wilmington and ; New Hanover county v.r have bad enough 'court, any one would sup pose, to last them for some time. With tbe adjournment of the regular term on Satur day evening closed the ninth consecutive week in which the Court had been in sear sion the special term. Judge Henry presi ding,; holding five weeks, and the regular term, Judge McKay presiding, holding four weeks; The special, term adjourned on Saturday, January 8th, and the regular term convened Monday; JjtnaaryjOtJk.',J. . 1 '- a-arfS1. ! 1.. s j- Another GoaaaaUaloaor Boalaas ' It wUl be seen by referencevto the pro ceedings of tbe Board of County Commis sioners, published else where, that Commis sioner l ?L ! Morris ! has tesigned and his resignation been accepted-. ' ; This leaves the Board with only four members. the same position it was ia bef ore the election of Mr. R. C. Myers, , Who is the X " Coming inan to take Mr. Morris' cast off shoes is now the -questionvft! f i'Asl yiiWv'vt.'m -, 'M ;aa'ai8ieBali if. We would f call ' attention to tbe fact, which we neglected to mention in Siihday'a issnei thai a grand temperahce fcall wUl be given at Temperance Hall this evening, of which Mr. J. M. Newton is manager. .The ball will no doubt be a. very pleasant affair. as such entertainments by our temperance friends usually are ; Tiekets of admisaibn) for gentleman and ladie875.cents,rjT T;'i:iv iisiitr.H ' Tbermemeter Beeord. The following will show-tbe state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned,' at 4:30 P. M.v yesterdayi as ascertained from the daily bulletin - issued from the; Signal Office far thiai cit, t l: , tZJr vv'Augnsta, 60; Charleston, 58; Galveston, 67; Montgomeiy, 56 Orteads; 60; Nbrfblk,v48;- SayaRha),;tl4 WamingtoxrrfPr '-r,rr '(r4 i i. A Flask ia tbe Pan. wt TJKT ftetterdar 'mortlngi J beweeii W nd 'i o'clock, an.UteraptWa8'tttfd3 theater the restdehc h hi JCfaf Zh'ifylijyfco fes in Brooklyn, hpf nV; trjiUag lo force, ppeq a window the family became aroused fey the 1 vllii Mii ?iA , OlitfiaUR " '' o J" rrrrt ,'iitu 1 !tt.i Vi l-!Ul.t' noise, and the thief was frightened off A key was found. in the door and. long pole in the yardjwhlch was to'have been usedi: no''-doubt'' in drawing:' articles i from the window in case the thief -Kid succeeded in getti'nglt'.open altKoht ' alartriing the fttm JToslk BllllaKM:i'2o.-r? ;.;' :f 1,., I Josh Billings last, night-entertained quie. i -4 V V a large andience .for abont an hour aad a half. ' The bad spelling in which he clothes bia wit and philosophy was, wanting; t but this a was' rather' an advantage than other wise.n r:A few persons, in' the audience did i their best to preserve a stoical dignity,' evi dently regarding the fun as an Infringement of their particnlar patent-right. But' the large ma joriy enjoyed, the lecture f rbnt bV. ginning to. end, and ' were'spfry to' see the great bumpris skipping manyf pages t of oome-maue, paiiuappuy anu nurryiag ou iu the end of his portfolio. ;.There was variety enough to satisfy every, taste, and hundreds of - thrusts i calculated ttq . make ; the, galled jadeS wince; iThe difference between oldr. fashioned courting and the fastnoaable mar riage! of the present day was particularly good,' while the three-mfle walk - before breakfast after a drink, only to find the ho tel a temperance house, touched a ' tender spot in many a throat' 'And the delicate handling, of the .insurance and the' auto graph business kept the audience in a roar. It ib very difficult for a reader to set out with the avowed J?urrx)seo;fmaking people laugh through an evening; but this difficult thing Josh Billings ilid, andjhe'jdid more for be i 'npped into, every mind seeds ; of truth and i.-d'm which cannot be bought with g;ecnbK:k uor rubies, but are the re sults of a rich experience of: life and man ner0, f-t'.i 'Av.tftJUtt fid V .i:'"::-'- ii. The essay on marriage was a happy con clusion, but we are ih some doubt as to which side Josh takes on tbe question; We can safely say he certainly 'strnck oil," and bupe he bad no reason to suppose'' that : titr was "boring in the wrong place." ; : J '" tii.u; ill: 1 "J A 1 Lost aad Found. City Marshal Price last night received a telegram from a lady who .'passed, through this city yesterday morning,by the Atlantic Coast Line Railroads, and reached Charles ton last evening, saying that, she ' bad lost on changing cars here a pocket-book con taining several diamond, rings, , and.olbe jewelry, together with cash L sufficient to; make an ; aggregate value; of $1,300, and asking the Marshal's good offices in the mat ter. - On receipt of the dispatch that officer proceeded to the Weld on depot, ' and there learned that the railroad officials had found the missing pocket-book in the sleeping-car in which the lady had arrived here, and had already forwarded It to her at Charles- ton S ; !..'' 1 i.ii .;;i:i' jfit,. 4;!; .;- Frlekell. " 1 . Different people find their amusement in' different ways. Some like' to dance and some to' see comedies or hear the great ...... ... . ,.,!;. . , . . . j j - 1 joker, but. to the children, who never net tired of the , wonderful, . and , to their grown-up friendawe will say that Frick- ell, the magician, and , ventriloquist, with his trained Canary : birds, proposes to dis play al his wonders at the Opera House to-night, and to give everybody a chroma and, perhaps, larger presents. CITY 1TE8XS. nr. Opikiox or a. BAX.TIXOBKAH. I have vara ut. Buira Coueh Syrup for aome time in myfamUy, and foond it the best temedv for Coida. Coaeaa. 4c. I have ever tried. Louis Bruning, Vi Caro- ' isook Boidbxt. l-aa Moairuto SfAa Bodk lHBd ery does aH kiads of Bindtafc and Rulini is a work ajaaHke inanner,1 and it reasonable 4ees. Met cfaaatt and other aoedlnc Setelat Sooks. orjother work.kaay roiy oa prdmptpeaa ia tle axeppttoa of taelr otaerv ff DIED, VJ,-'i-f4 PECK. In this city. February th, at 4 A. U , of diphtheria, Georgtra.) oarrHren or ueorge a. ana Lizzie P. Peck, aged .lhre yeara one nontk and IfKltW ADVERTISEMENTS; 74 Hi jilt APJOTJIWBD MIBTrmOPiTHB SEA i. MKNtJ FSIKXOfPGISTT will be bold at tbe Seamen' JteUtel thla' (Taeaday) eyening. at W o'clock, f 01 1 tna elecuoa or omcera..- A. rail: aneao- ance of taa mi i rtK Oi-1 .41.. 1 requested. ( , . JbTV. MITCHSLi; eee'y1. ; Extra 8tall-Fed Beef. tkyt.l M riiHl.tAS Tiil-fJO Vtii'f i.MlW:U 1 PU. WILL FIND A FINE BE1 JHIS atomiiui at itbe CUlxea'a Maiket; JJoa't fail to ooaioai aWtheetFBeef e4bBeam!J"'' -N m -;2i jnwn- , i'.ww. .. -?uji.;-fi f-t ''T v'M ARSHAIS pOFICE, j wiVL smk, PSOM CltoT6XW&,6a'Tp-: fa ajeeptdaaee wkbf oa jordiaaoof of ,tbe Boajd, of AUermea. t - 1 rrn uvapi vtr ir ' ' feh8-lt , 1 - Semi-Amu&i Dividend, ,s"j 1 j'n lo U n is : 1 V 0 J t w n Ol. t e. porj'jfttof i ea for the Biz nwutkt JaDiiU'aytolrf &nrtb ISfh lnt." -i-':S:- '"r" i'9t!tnim mil tta lia at fciiasa i at A tafetS4t 'etiM ) di to-rol. jQasklasa Goldebord Measengsr' and Wateaborof ' Argtw copy 1 ume. ivn iu.Mtu MFebraarr,4 ,1876.'" 'j' h '' .'"!'lil" J1.. '-U.u n-'.'iuw 'H .iimi'I I-L 'f ..J 1 1 ' r- -t r-i MISCELLANEOU&Kr 4 ;A;Qntitypf01oto OB. ' AGkD 4-9, T9,; 10 tod ii YBARS,: FOR SALE rfU '-J.'V'i.wJ J ...1- UM:,-s .1 '.a-f .C';' H H " B " : J'AA P ; PS f ?; 4 i HHlltl SB AAA,'! PPPPt ?i ( ,C -. H H .B - , A. . A.P ,.. 5 COO U -' IISKXB A' - A P ! - u t ..ywi.;r?iVr?f; ft rf.ttyo h't "mil? t HKN'H SUITS. OVERCOATS '1 AND TAULASt AT PVjY PJBCES.a H ; tit iowuera aaaejcnaat Tauorav fc hym;ibTO .5 i , JfUt, All A KXW:LOT OP BOTa AKrjj .CftOrf s ?boi Y trrnnjDre STJTT8 ' JTJsT "KEKKIVKri ! V: Vr i -S' AT QSKATtT BXDUQKD PBICES. ?s,m fwrm's 9m:, i ( : ; : hi . : .COATS AMD. TALMAS, AT COST.' rebfrtf ij jp . Jt'iiojjj Market aW4 P0 . i PU ; ., UtT . RUBER , OO'OO sfju t '. ItTJ ' RR RR OO v .OO- m UTJ I UU v RR RB if- oo i:oo - tm , ; un rkbrr OO :fn Odtr m l 'UU?ii RRi RRM ttO t - 'OOCU,, VU. j RR n RR ,, ,f ' OO OO , 1 . UtT; TJU RR RR . W . ' .tr ? UUUU " : RR : 1 BR "! Sale aro Xuriis; The Six Working Days 1 -i I it'. CT PATRONS OBSERVK THIS AMD BE- SPOrj TO OUR POIXBCTOR call,; ; , 4 . ''li.'fibiui -hi'y :D. PIGOTTi-vn foblUf"'-' -1 JivniiJ- Tobacconist. TN ORDER TO CLOStt-OUT-THE BALAHCB JL WIT I WlMTJUt BiVVA OJT . ' ii ,i f i ii ti !i I i! . . il.i- ..4I'iM "- jSI-Til"' during tbe next thirty days I will offer - ,. . :; ."I. ; ' It. . .' . . i . . . . . ' i I STJCH INDTJCEHEITTS .. ; . j , to cdBtomera that wUlbe , DEQIDEDLY,- TO , THEIR . ADVAXTAGR , TO ; ,BUYpPMB.. . ;,t,v.,,.; My Stock must be closed oat ty tho 1st March. v r . fl -- ; - - . ; ( '-!' CUBA MOLASSES. t ii'iii: : ;4l-t.;'f - UV 'J";s3 i-. y'r? 323 HBDS. EX-BRIG 'MECHANIC,' Jl ; F '''"' ',; """'' j j KOW LANDING, . Andforaale by 1 vre,., yjVJ' : feb 4-tf WILLIAMS A MURCRISON. Wilminqtoj N, C, Feb4 3, 1876. i TBB FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING OF : THE Stockholders of THE BANK OF NEW HA NOVBR. will be held at their Banking House, in tbe city of WILMINGTON, on THURSDAY, tbe 10TH INST., at 11 o'clock, A. M. , . D. WALLACE, ' febS-tm Cashier, .! journal and Review aad Goldaboro Meea'r copy. and Plated Ware f ..; .. FOB i ffOZIVA Y PRESENTS. U A . i, , .. - . .. ; -. , a .1, 1- Large atock of Sooona 'KulTe. Porta. Caatoral Toilet Beta, Cope, Napkia Ringa, CbUdren'a Seta in caaea, Tea Seta, Butter Dishes, Creanu. Card Cases, BrrupCupSi Pickle Stands, Jewel Caskets, Dcnoot oeu, Bagar uowia, rrun Btanaayice jatenera. Goblets, Ladles in caaes-Castora from $1 up. All of which. we offer at Factory pricer. Watches, Clocks. Jewelry and Fancy Gooda. Call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. All work war rented torireaatisf actios or no cbaze.. n-nuJ Vomer jnont ana rancess streets. . -fe.H.M. ifUiti jiHUi'-JJ i. J. it. aT.T.mr, dec5-tf ;; . . , r . : Agent ; ;;Ww3d. V i Wood. t DELIVERED LONG, OB SAWED TO ORDER. t . f . SMI t . t Orders solicited and deUvtaced promptlT. by Ur . - JOHN H. PUGHi- Janl8-tf - On MeasraDeRoseetACo'a wharf. ;:,fEra;Notoe;;;;: rriHB UNDERSIGNED. GENERAL AGENT OP 'JL itbe Wilmington Mutual Fire Insurance Co., baa KeeaUyaooeptedtnaagwcyof tho 8eaboard Inaurance Co..' of Norfolk. TOrsrinla. haVingr a capital of Two fiaadred Tbeoaand : DoUara,ia ta' prepared tp write policlesagainst lo8 or damage by Ore on ihe most fsTOrable tertna. ' dec29 od Ta Tb a Sa I SAM'L N. CANNONi o,s !Eixgene Li .Harris, n Tb CALL' YOUR ATTENTION 13 to Me Portrait in i Cravon.- Persona" wiahin gyoe. luciurea.or wemseivea or. oeceaaea, inenaa cab nave them nicely executed b sending him a photograph to work from. A ! mod photograph i ia necessary to tenure a gooa luenesa. Tbe pneee below include postss oy man, on rouer. a neat ilt Wll be f urntebed, to those frame Of .walnut whrf desire It. ai KLfii Size, 14 x IT inches, - ..... Life Sue, (bust) - - - - -' T; $3.00 Mr. Harris poeseaea tbe rare-gift of beiag able to delineate; aeearately; frin a photograph ore the piciura tae exact, useneaa likeness of any one. We guaran " fOxford Leader." - ' .ma work; and. ; eonsidar it excel tee satisfaction." WebaTeaeea lent .Tryhhm.M tCen J Central Protestant. 1 , , yenabK4r Mr.i& ,Barria; tJiat, reilecU addi tianal lustre on, bis. genius in that department tvo(ca-ugiH.i ji: i' s n. - j-j j . i mar iT-tr Ii:.ll iSi Drieff Frail? and Boll Butter, iOlUMi'Tll-, ':tj AU.V:-inTlt',Jft'rftrtlilt 'Htm wttiBjSurJM trRtoRatBB stock: iwr atb)sasw0l a ! 2-tiwriHa. Can Cut examine prices, the only chance erer an Jl tf D. A. SMITH ac CO. Clearing ," - i YiJMJBCEIAOTJ$.lv: OPERA-HOUSE. iraesday Evening, February 8th. ; .-Ji. j, t: i i a.. . r ' . -1 GHAND OPENISG MIGHT OF- " F R I C-K E LL. j MAK3Alf AND VERTBIf-oJlUISTji V . i f With his Wonderful Tronpe of . Each oerson attending- the Onninrl?1shti Win oo. aiUrelr receive. VRShV Of charoe. AN ELEGANT MOUNTED CHBOMO : also have aa ODsortnnitv of obtaining one of the ELEGANT AND COSTLY PRESBN l to be GIVEN AWAY t M eSAdmiasion 85 cents; Reeerred Beats M cents; Childrea under twelve years 25 cents. , s Efy-Keserved Seats for sale atHeinsberger'a. ' ty'Doors osea at T: Mysteries at 8 o'clocs. 1 feb S-afr; ,-).fl v '.litUi , i; j,J.s.'t;;;.-fa irnderxTriters' Sale; l: O H TUESDAY' KEXTSTH INSTATlf we will sell, at the Depot of the W, G A AB. B., (west aideof the river) per order, and under inspection of Agent of Underwriters, and for ac count of whom it may concern 189 MERBYMAN A CO.'S CELEBRATED AMMONI ATBS DISSOLVED BONES, slightly damaged on the voyage to this port CBONLY & M.ORRIS -:. ' Anctioneere. rjUST BECBTVED, 'r, 'y - f : - -;' -Y. fi.rii- ;..A F0LL ASSORTMENT, " . : : 8. JEWETT, ' Bookseller and Stationer. fob6-tf S7 N. Front at n i Sjeci Potatoes. ; Seed Potatoes. . r Seed Potatoes. EARLY ROSE, PINK . '.'-. EYES, JACKSON WHITES, is i v;-.' ;,! PEERLESS, &c, &c. IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. ,' -. r . , ' For Bale low by v; ' " ' "' Jn 30-U s , . , .'BINFOBD, CROW A CO. Plow Lines. Plow Lines. y-i urTriT a it viima vnvt VT NORTH CAROLINA COTTON " - ROPE. JUTJS ROPE, All above by the Coil, Dozen or Single Lines, For sale very low at ' - . - ; f t iUlLES AMUBCHIBON'S feb 6-tf New Hardware Store. Valentines ! VALENTINES I VALENTINES 1 Comic ,)S.i tif : AND Sentimental, -AT- C. W; Yates Bookstore. ESOrders from .the couutry ' will meet with prompt attention. , - 8 feb 6-tf "MolMM.'n QQ Hhds aud Bbls Cuba Molasses, t Q Hhds and Bbls Sugar House Molasses. , 25 Bbls No. 1 New Orleans Molaasee. 5000 ackUTerD01 S11- '-j:-.. l! 250 sck rhan's Blown Salt . i 60 0 lonr all grades, ' 1 ' " . g Q Bbhi Refined Sugars . ; ' ."; " ' j SO16"''".-' -il Boxes D, 8. Bides. ... . u 9; Bbls Pork ! l!':'5 r : ; - :m onn Bags Bio Co f II'- - 200 'egwil 150 Boxe,CMidlea' ! Cans,'! aridS lbs, ''dyalera.; Beams Wrapping Paper. FJO BWs.Gltto.i-, ?,,.;:;:. o ? OA' Bhhiaad Hah Bala Snuff. g Q Boxes Tobacco. Ofl A Grots Matches, 1 fTff Caaea Pic! aaU Caaea Pickles, &c , ; ". , rebe-tr . . - 1 1. C ALDER BBQS.' Havana1 Oranges" and r,tf'tnAaato9nwlg Apples, r I HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM THE MOUN TAINS another consignment of thoae delicious APPLES.- Cal) early and secure them. r rt , ? HAVANA GRANGES, warranted sweet, $ 00 perbuadred ;UMBBRTWIt APPLES. COcts per . feb S-tf 1 - t td betwee n Market and Princeee. -i M ft:; : J BARGAINS, ,1. ig'i..!,!-1, "vii'.t!is- ltrl Ji -ij'it.JH...- That will Aotonioh ao -e!llas KiiLiii iiuii u. u iq i-, -,. .ii;i!i. . jl i -Jl '' liV.1 ;t v-1! t'J:ii. M WHrrEBLASEBT8,i ! $S5qPa BOULEVARD BKIBTS,; M -1 : fWaOeirp tt-INCH SHIRTING, heavy as Wamcuttai ' ! isc CANTON FLANNELS, ? , , 10c, yard .Aty,! ..J. H. BAMSON'B- Jan trtf ;H j I;;; it;jd 't jto MnrkestreeC J Fashiohable ft l Hi ,1 irurana ill I HARRISOKAIiLEN are-Trace .Cfc i -n mMaA . , A large assortment of the above Goods, now in aiocxvaaa at onceataat wui five; amusiaoavcas be hAdat tta OldJEalIiihoa Hardware House of i feb 6-tf lNoa.l9, 80A81Market8t BttUVJKLB, UAHUR3 FORKS, AMES' fsaai' iowiaBd -taoveia and1- 8rades;-lIoilew - kano.il. ." : : on One month.. ... J. .... . 8 oo TwMaoBJWtet yVUU'4i 5"-:V Tteoaaact.v.,-.4;..i.tl 00 . aaaathas .sa oo One vear..ii.4.i - .ji &fl fit 'Contract ; IdnrtiHnMnfjl tlkm at nmnmi: - tlonately low-ratee, ? mr-.xt .. jnve squares estimated ae a quarter-column , and Ua equates aa a half -eoluinn i it ;j . .,- ' ' BUSINESS k OARyS. ADRIAJi & VOL LE B S . '.J. W. 'i i.i i .;i' .-i.. i".i:; ,1 vomer arront aa Doe Staw. , , W BOLaS ALE GROCERS -t.-f. t..--k.,"t 'vl-il IN ALL rTS . BRANCHES. . CoaatrrmeHJianta i n ia md mik. : aad examining our atock. , . I novlS-tf I U. JP IfUTt?HELL ;M SON, ; COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Dealers Grata, a?lbnr. liar, and k.t.n- Vr..a t . r"u juaat, jreatri uoanlay ; t. K". . ieiMi-tWt ' jin'J' i Nee. 9 aad 10 K, Water at, Wllmtnrton,N. C. , Proprietors tbe Merchant's Flouring MiLs. : BUT sst-u : , - ., IT.: A BTEDIIAIJ, Jr. "Attorney' afelaw;'" i'1 Mf( iBlyT-MkWtf Tt ... .,M CHASTEN.' j -! sin GENERAL I Coiiiiiiission WPJLlNGIOIIa7lf. C Refer to L B. GRAINGER. Precadent i?,r 1UnV nf . New Hanover. 1 - . Pan9T-tf Seed Potatoes. ARGB, LONG AND FULL-EYED EARLY ROSErPEERLESS. f . ;vf PINKEYE, JACKSON VHITE. ' . , PEACH KpW, Ac. all carefully selected for pianun.-' ' " i Pickled la barrets ao boe, and 3uBt ihcrthing for" ,. t uxuusniiijc ianus.i itMusaa. tfcuies, ujear,: Long Clear, Clear Rib, aad v;,..frV, gmokcd Sldes;J Kpnnuiaii Konnn wwiana BHOULDERS Smoked, 8ugr-Curcd Aid Ery c A.llj -v., a-:rf r8alted..i:; i?,Tj : ;;t ij .Hams, alt sizes.. ; . . Westera and Balthnan, Jo tierces aadlmsll v r;i ; iiL'Haii packagea, ik-fri, ' i , r!!:, Repaired.', nam, ; . in amall saekska for xetidUog packed to iit trade.. Mackerel, Herring, - Hake, Cod and lluilets. 1, 'Ifpesii IWatearonndeal, J lH specyfor wtrade:;; j ' First of the Season, la -Hogsheads an? t Barrels i j SYRUPS and MOLASSES of all kiads. ; 0 f : '' oi Flovr, all QoaU ties, . aad the largest stock la the eonstry iout of Baltlf more. "OUR OWN" brand is well and fa ' ' r' vorably Imowa everywhere, and t itdemandfpr ft is constaatly J "... increasing. fS It CANT BE BEATEN. 4j Lager Beer. Ales and Porter, Champaign der an 'ftW'Vaaa.iV speaks foriteeif, hoeveairiea wanla more; Tobacco, CbeWins attd imfolalnaii : r and a LARGE LOT and. GOOD VARIETY i v.'v..alwayoa'laad4' -ir-," - , J AV.i'V;V.,.i ;-i;.l ":f...f! ! Bagging. Ties, Hoop Iron, Bungs,. Gloe and i. s.1 ev erything and all kinds of Gooda in the Fnrnlah ing urocera' line. -' ! : ; Call and examine our stock and be convinced. Jan80-tf ADRIAN VOLLERS, Preserved Oranges. BLJ sasai TJsai 4ewMA -V Sail A Vtaaajg;' making a most de ai si J' v ;!;. feb 6-tf f '.i! 8. 6. KORTHROPnB ruit and Coufectionery store. i Wood Jj All Kinds ! TTTE ARE SELLING. LONG OR CUT UP TO TV anv defiired lentth. AT REDUCED PRICES win niau . - -T .rri' . af vae voMkroAi Deliyored promptly in i any part ol tbe city, . feb tf f ! j - .Con. Orange and S. WatBrStiti .!l M MeTaMc CaiaTB Vf? ING AND" ''CBESDMOOR' 1 BALES' 1 ! !' EXCEL ALL OTHERS7 lif " ibCU-fT ''; i MAV1 ; OAJUUIwIAU AMI o Prematnre liiacharsre ver Occurs. EveriMa'warraatea s44aad50ofaaTsxrfaaaofa Charge of powder from 60 la 105 gjialaa. v Weight of balls froaa 330 to W, grains., Stock, plain i.Jso Pistol' grip aad checked..' SigbVplahi Globe and peep bights; Vernier with iaterchaageable. ioat sights and wind-gauge. . Eyery . yartety of am munition for above guns, constantly on band. ' 1 'sepiSiiaWtf1' i.f'5?. Hartford,' Conn. Guano. Cuano. T , i . U .- i ... i I! .i a, Qnapefitaanq, Enr t3lr a Gnano U; Ai I.' , r. I" ?!flJOHi: til. V' ti 1 , . QQ EMs. Prime MUSCOVADO MOLASSES, 200 eprimei:tera T' " a n a. a Hi sai aaipa sail hi aii ' i ' "f I II II 1 VUM niUW VWa .,: - "Xrt aagls'coiBai .?-f4l !r F,-. J" is-... 50! ; fff A A; tUs P4bc totoea,. febG-tf , iWORTH A WORTH. : . , . - JM-.' i.N.i !. .ir .;:.''.( orowuj ougmrs, voueee, -re, spice, Btnrcn. poji, Halt, Candies, Candles, Canned nd Pickled Gootfr, Brooms, Brnshes. Buckets, TnW Washboards, arid 7 .' U 1. i ii rX'A "I ' " ' fx if'-.M i 1) & -. . -ir 1

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