THE nPEIiniG;STAK; I rjg 0 HUBBCWTtMH. IH ADTAFC: J vetf, w man) i. "' 1 On y"' 1 V ") .. 4 00 Thrwmonthsr M j t. (-m 1 00 000 nnibers, delivered to toy partof the WfiOttPek.- Our City Agent, are e"t 10 c0"60 ,or moro thRI1 onth in BATSS OF ADVBBT18IMG. :sf t ui li 't Mima i " .iroUrwo week......... l f Of - ? " - One month. . . w ........&) : i Six nontltA.. 7, m no If3 f.'.V no 1 - i .fKTt-:rrs..i jis; woe tflrci7,"fi4l;.&9?5-aft ,iie?Ifncq vio-r sill: -b$vmtba& Biiifl'l,' -J Contrlct A dvartiemen U tilm mt nratxti n. W4 JiUi .' VHOfcB NO; 2,732. IH5 f kl jo jtt squares estimated as a qnartor-eolnmn, ahd ten qnareaajuiialXolaiaBil i .. A ,t mm M -1 '-II II 3 ZLlSX J Lil .... . vt 1M r . . . ... - , ! ! - . I of the State, other benevolent inelitu, Koku , , nn.r TTnf s,0.""4,?"-- V , Coroner Hewlett summoned a jary yes, , i I IT . 1.1 . . 1 -vp mwi: NII.UI miuw ; vvviw -uViM hiI JtAMllwl 1h 4m WnPTMnnnn. If.jl. -'J.'. X J J- iL'.M.t' lUnr.; . ' n President's testimony ::ta favor, i bherman ficer3 testified in hia i t'arl Vogbt, sentenced ty death at was reaa in tsao- iioiib ana ineJnnstian churches also I -w- . . .t.t . iiouw:mmuc w.- ":- . leiuoj-uiumiug huu pruueeueu w mo esi i wwatajjktosistoats. behalf. Cox we haveuaiL,lhe LAsylunia are not 1 ' " 1 - ;i u J call Heny- or tWs city, and Jactr pi Bn inquest over: the body bl Wilhelm Wahl,: i ittmanf, 4. ' I confined to iVio 'nmtiona nf llT ? kpr Kerr Audrapsy'a proposi- nor to any particuUr class of orphans, beenrejectedbytheHergoVinian t,yn has ieen J ittfiJieiotAbelis takeii n:n'd .f J....O i LBlHOta jvywiuvy -wuvowuiai Brussels, Has John8 L3dei N(l Ke Orleans Me tne iiouse w.a noi in: assistin the good ! 1 Y9 Ann inCh the CCUSU DUM.D WIUUCIO. heraocrats carried Texas by 60,000; r.. ITnraM KUSUneil IS ucau. 1W m nfftOll anfl VlC.init.V In Anmafnr. -. - T. . .t n. ' i I " . i . Board of Trade will memorialize af3with their offeris of moneyed "TV le mP community. - ! ttehe matterlnhU official capapity, Resummion Act. urovWona to thn SD1mort nf ,hfiLft, ae "ports having spoken the Schr. ; it seems that a corresppnient , hvthis city report the result to , the .GoTernmenthe t-ongicoo T i . ;i .. . . . rr . ... r i I asiula' Kivers.lnanpn with irn nrt hniind -rf" T a ;im'. im..inA. rtnuaorf . m v. ' V Tersev House of Representatives pas, lameness ana motherless little ones f, ; - - Z7 ' , " ZT tT- rr -s m? e.jj ..iii--- .v. f- 1 IttmnrokdlsubsidjrtaWrN. York that are gathered 2 in the asylums to r lb,s po,t n MoDd ft leter tolhe New Tork&i4, Lr.The remains pi ;4be, deceased sailor will n-.i.i nsf roLton i2Jai2 i-ifi? I receive a lair start in the race of life mai -i" I oniriN turpentine 86ic; rosin $1 Wfl.65; - R cbmond Grand Juries are indicting! the gamblers. wVjJi,1 ! I '"ia iiog uorJNii." -. one i nr. , ;,,iohfpl t th Kpw Ynrlc I ; neoi" i 7m for statistics or tne move- . . 1 bhipments at I'inciunaii amounting rf-W to 5,001,500 pounds, and an increase in receipts of 1,212,758 pounds. This Uves an increase of 6,224,258 pounds ' ! , '. . i j s I V.:"' . V1 , held at this period last yar,-8p far as jn . 1 J 1 -1 J ; 1 I U'so RTeiptsanu Biiipiueiiiis aie cwiccriitu. TI)e ti'ruTes for Chicago show a do- i..f aSRrnirt,oiinJinpin: Iniiraoco nf 14. RWi A.RH nniinda 1 ' "r llin .. n, snipmenis, .ue reuifc .uuuung a decreased guppiy comparea wuu last which is some 113,000 less in number, flM. . n..Mt.f' rma la i.lftAnfl I . ine aveiagc ncigmwi uuS w jiavcu at 268.90 pounds against 251.67: nt j ...... . .. ! ll) IS crease "If this approximately represents tbe comparative packing weights the number . of hugs packed weigh but 5,4b4,C00 pcuuds the' gross lea than the whole number to ame Uate last year, so that in fact the pounds .if lirouuct maaetDis year are neany iquai to coi responding date last year. W'e have-authoritv for sa ini? that . t .. .. r. . . I 1 w m C I ' t iitt 1 orQfYpqnn in . i i t itu .! iia. i. 1 o--r " ; " I iImv t.i t he effeet that a rw hn.Ml .f 1 u,Vji m ,. the .... p.. v:....,. appear 110m tne- presses .01 J. i. 1 - " . ; 1 1 . "J?ord fc Co., is incorrect. The book- w will he isan.r1 hv the nM nhWIahri- - j - - J . 1 Messrs E J Hale & Son ' who have 1 iutHbrs. iw. j. xiaie s oon, wnQ. nave t "- a,rr.l heen eminently snccessfurwilhlhG I whole series The mistalce orimna- wnoie series, lue mistake origina- I ted With A nPlffit rfillWf Or nf 1 fl Voor I , . ... ... ..Vu,t.. 1 Like the late lamented Horace iOreeley, the New York lawyer, ivavia Luaiey J?ield, writes a hard favored ..and TtmX !.. o.Vr,. ture to a legal document appeared to in print, "Tried and duly fiied.,, That compositor was filed, but . not lor future reference, i ' : '4 . i 'Tlio r,.nh; 1 . 1 he Graphic is talking about a J tanif on pons." Let it not be a prp tcciive tariff. . f ' . ;J X TPPINCOTTS MA OAZINB. ti I The March number contains: 1. The n. . . . . . . I iotury-itsirruits audits .FestrvaL;t;IU. r fastExpositions. Illustrated. 2. Sketches ! "unaia. ul lUustral Stations. ; By Rebecca ) The Eutaw Fla, 1 vi son. 5. Convent I n.l.. Til m ' - .. - a . 1 . ... auy uiancne Mnrnhv. fi: rhe Atone- I r . 1 inentofLeamDundas. PartVIL ByMrs. I : By Kate Hillard. '8. Letters from TSouth Afrii-a 11 b.t i " i . a . s I ; Afnca. IL By Lady Barker. 9. ASylvan oe&rcii. By Mary R: : Dodge, a 10. The ; cHng!ro Mirza-Schaffy, ;By Auber For- ticr. 11. To : Charlotte Cnshnun: Bv ! BklueV Lanir is ohi inmtamv "C a I It is fi mnHui Hnmk... ' iku ..f .T.H..di. I wlii,.. 7. ",:"',7V" i" 1 - u on our.iaoie pernaps a week op mn...- --.i:j;.if' '! I week or more. Jim uujvtu r priuci 1 jmlly of ecclesiastical interest, bat are iitten ably in a Cathoh spirit ' f; : '-' For the Star r to- iheponiie,;,: ';.:vr.;; : We shnilM nrifr fiVtrot tKa firtilmn mw va iiuv " s Luuti ...Home in Oxford and Ashe ville. Here orphans; all pblitical ''ahie'v!' 'ill ., religions - denominations 1 are treated alike TheyJreceive children Uom six to twelve' years, feed and clothe them, jgive them a fair busi ness education, anT thenTplacp; themi good homes'orput them- w6ut to 'earn trades?' -"?-"-'.'--': l ihe Orphan1 'Friend. ; pulriished every Wednesday for $1 aVear, gives particular 4nformatiio Oar. to the inanagernent and.. , progress,, of , ihe work, and contains a fult Vtateiiient weekly contributions. V 7 ; -While the nsylnms- nre under . the e 1. .1 fik; I nieilt 01 nog inuuuywi , vuKu rOOmtnittee will be triad to have thnir I Drovldini? for the nlaclner of henroh liirhtn 1 i..i .i.t ' s- .-! rm-i "f purycumra. , :;jiuB iiawaiirmaen wuu .1 . . .. . . , .1 . - ... . - ...- r tiuuui ran uiupwuiuu. u uac xyx , aiul Cincinnati since tnenrst. or last names leuwittt them. , along the lines of inland navigation con- Bcuntijic, in its issue of Jam' 15th; last, de ''.c'r November. Compared with the re- - - J. McD French, .; necting Chesapeake bay with the North cides that 41 'A' is right, if you assume that v Mr'iF' f N- oenton, woathe rns for the corresponding period of ' J Carolina system of Sounds. . ; the hales ere equalin arfea. - "v- turnsiori y bF . . A.. David, w , ... . , . a. .k:. ..i. --.L..i indalei Queeftof Love and Beauty. last year, iney .'.?HBV C - 7 1 .Committee. r-a.--. t -;r: ""-t--tt. W'J ,Ii::Jr..:orBodale:.crownea Jliss viiueist. jrai, auvwiuu u - i xn tne raiune anu was aoouiio oe run over I .... ...... .... ..... , - I :. . . ... . I . .. , - ; I wowtiav tevmmnn. . Inn -wmMM orfl.iaaa.rwn i I. ! 1 1 1 I O B f I B- v va.-w.A wvauctv A W .vuat I aOM. WV. I I U11U - WW D UlUiSb 1CK1CL LI IH 111!. I ' - t . - . ... i i . .: ,. uaus twice, uui anout mas lime ibil tne i iiia nrpcanrp npp ennnrn inrii tuiii ha iiki i M.a 'ir.' iimi,i,' - i Ot :i.Zo- pounas. oays me - i " K.-r -.fT ra.At.Mn. -it .ims- I.- - . u.. , h .. u . . .. -777-77-.-" Maggie jhuumuis . A . . i u'liun a fTfJ n I Qmiin Einni nirnn 1 i fs rrrnunn I . ; 1 .: I --- www. v .im. . " v.. . ... w ww i uai lulu j i. ix i . mcuuciaauuii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i . . . . . . I 1 1 .-Huim uei, Miiug iici (wiuaiis uuiu unuu. vv-wvu .UUi. i6 snuiU&, iivo.u 11 wu hiiiucu ,ij i,wv liiuiH, i;i,uu w iw 1 miastj poDgraiaie niimiogwii on his I j1 a Iff c II N iiciiiimtt j. 1 (vw jiiri wile .... . oneciuiig wuer uanuci auu was put. on 1 spiasii, ana ; aucxea Deneain tne cnuiy pounds. If the surface of two bales be I .IMIUUIV .H... . - " - I .. f V ,1 . : 1 I I. ILL aa.Shm 1MMHM.I ..b .a I 1. . - 1. 1 1 . . .. mwaaaw . n . n ... " I ' ' . . . - - - . j r -3 . t .' . j .. .... . I . . . i ii -' w v . : - - i i - " i . vesieruav: . . -i , . . . ;. i i t 11 1 g. A.. Story... Uy ItODert I .ffixeentSundavs.1 ......... . 0:S0 1. M. I .tatA that nil thn milmoila leadinir into thia 1. fnr TvriTiT Rrmftllaltn-lhatphiftMorne f ' . . A W Vr W 'oa Is ' ' AUV t f Life and Work. Bv Charlotte mail closes at, 4;Q0F.M '-ii...J .tK .tA4V-i;i' '-77"'.. - . . "-"-"--J 1 IIK A. Al. . - . r. f Kiii;,,lbcence, By Ellis Yarnall.- 13. Our Mails delivered from 6:80 A.lL-to 7:15 cents oo piodace heoflered for stale. ndj fTllvJ 4 LtlliimUtJ . , reek, Beanfort fpunty, K J V iLS.nh. .U JU f ii; l'".M,!y Go8ip.7TAJ Wbmin'siOpinion of, P. M., and on Sundays from8fl 1 to 9:30A. 0 Ith assault and baUery .on the person cOMocMy. ! I, , un ir-oil Ji-.U ,if , i ! W-MMKTTV.It J.S.,, '. and ihe ParUlansThe ,Collegio' t, office open fromS i'M to 12 JL,. ofthf said,c :to$ffiZ bU,.U: ihi 18 rdeteA to clqaf oMbe balance .f;By honiHuo-Tradea TJoSonism in its InWocy. and from 2 to 5:8 P. M. Money order for both cases, which were dismissed on ;the; jnt, lu se , that . thueilLe k ; ;Marlboroegh, WuQorjAJWdayi Hj , SKtii1! SffiJffiSL 14 .Itui.. r.u rv . : Afl alarm. n.vmont ,tt onata at the mnneftt nf the nrna. . . ' " 7 . ... j .wnittittotna., .-Raster Rundav.. '.'. . ..." ( 18 Wtitatlngtyaacrffl to -atftniipllW tnaa ; . !ir ?i?- EhnldlVfjotrday, FeornaTriWp th.r ' fcelS-or K X . h!m.l iA.ATril'BtIi LilW nU'ili&itSea. cared" for. Having beei ... , . c, xuis evening is me urae tor me . , . oraerBi , . . v ? ,f-v .;,; . -.. .r ,t, ,. 'jj fl 1 "aiDOinteCl DV t5t. I . -f-U I n.ot .. WAnia4li main nnintg WnrA n i'lho nilri1ihs& uTho rr mitlniiniihl In I : ' SfnJiiIi! r - - ' J.-.jr,! .i t W''' flAloai fr;;-IV? 1, a committee to .f - r c . - . i . l as a matter of general interest, particulwly adjournment, and finally returned a verdict ; . TW? ,.piTOfriH-inTlai' -to . .ttn iw'flHi: .vi.i'a.u.i r'r-fr; we makea " Mayor,, wbo is absen . wiU prob- xorrtness of .the cnrincipleVin thi dr4 JATac 3?, ;, L r pressing appeal t viA u an v.nnt nmvit n t mn tu ibHvthA mmN r... - J -; i cnants.- Banaiacrarers ana tnera. Tner are en. I " v p - fcV UCUUID IUD I - J - t ...l.iJ A . nu.l!..l ,-.Iili;ia I J 1 . , SJ - . I i r r - -rwr OD11 1 linn Christiarii charitable people of Wfl-J j j I '"" naiueu ior gooajana re-: fPWW. wjizena instead , of becom-; Pri v iucire pets is oi sucieiv. - -I ' A - . " 1 . " 1 i. - . . Anv contributions left with either e of ihe-comnmiee- will be for- warded to. Oxford, and anv citizens . . . '. .. . I KUIIWUIOT' All 14 n 7 nriinaiia HOT U700I1 Trio I -fa-' . - . ,!.", SpiritsJi'urpentine Mr. B. H. Blount, of Wilson, died last Sunday, , - Can .tha Governor pardon costs? the case of Moony from Rutherford it AnntAoA in tlio mumliiifi I I ...-w. ..,. ,. . Au Episcopal Church and h ye tohe built near the depot ' " ai .t.1 - r" ".TwLKdV o revokeT" " I Tm A W "7"n Vlr !a I . uftjr. i BflVB ha WOQ taken much worse on Monday. ' W7 1, r 1 ' T T.U-. ' T-.1 ..J . I u hub ium. iiuuu xeiviu was i guB - ua uiuving tiu oun uiwor . : ' i te train, .Washington Echo: In one of front windows of Miss Palsey Blount's j hous;e there are six oanes of elass consid- Ufc. i. Jk-... ' erablv over one hundred years old, being I manufactured in the first glass establish- merit erected in the United States, and the blur in the glass was cavfsed by the imper-1 feet workmanship of a cew establishment I Jjfilul ntnui tntentutn est jxrjcctum inis 1 a mi ' . .. . . i liOune was luo iinru uuut in f asuiuiuu, 1 the "Mulberry Tavern," destroyed during late war, being the first, and the Leroy upase 1 ne secona. (joid9bvro Messenger: it seems I - : . .'lit in !"... .- I oeaooui seiueu nyw.i... 1 ,uv . or seu !--". .T- M.rr.i7.i .Tt iivi uuici ii" 1 o . 1 . 1 . . . . . ...."..j v . 1 --y . - . hcl.g tt the caucus ring, and tliereroro l ,ui. trt ...,,,, ,tnwn ftrMi n. 1 .t lM.L-fiH In atfiii down and out" 1 unt T?erblie"n Convention . .. I meets..:. Judge settle Is their rooming slroI1!, effort will bo made bv n,. Tlmrrflon'o frSonrto In nnminntn him I Iv. a.'v.m w - - for CongresA.t6 succeed John Hyman, but ... :l J IJ Tlnm.ii una ,8 M.Mp -T would IiKe, to go oacs: 10 vrasninaton, bdu i jo. Dixon thinks that he has been "out in I ad George Stanton are and'some say tnat front with Ifvman a lively scramble. Tfi niailb. . ,' --- -. i Th. mn;ia siii flrin nt the Citv Post-Of-1 the maiia wm ciose at tue vuy flce uotU f artner notice a, follows :i 1. nAilwi ob .Ykllf-twa.' I Mails for the NVC Railroad, unit rontes. srmnlied there- : fyim...iM P. Southern mails for all "points ITatt v "r' "" ::r ci- 1? .1 iHiinimva anil 1 Toirio . .'V;--. "'::r 'ijfJOP IL. (except Sundays).........., 5:30 A. M Onslow U. tt. ana intermeaiate office--very Friday . . . .. . ; . 6:00 A. The Smitbville mails, by steamboat, at 8 A. M., daily, except bundays Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek Swamp, oupplyaJWDnaiiotie, every r naayt and iiiazbt Maili collected from street boxes every davatSP M.: l j . . 'itiNSON&'CuMMWo Kew tori. uara 01 correction. 1 . . . - TT 7 .i f -i tot-al Dota. ;- , Yesterday was gener ally ao- , kniedged to lie V'ovely ; day,", : -1 TrrCwtoTj Barghoom, hepoereach ed Liverpool 2d insV " f 7 " 7 j i -dcWilliamPsaM frorjj Liverpool 2d inst for Wilmington, N. C.(f Norwegian barque Inna, Aspr ling, hence, reached Lbndon, J5th inst.: ; l .-m Schooner Albert ,Maspnt Rose, cleared frpm.New,york 15lb inst, for this" port, rrmsu ong v. o. ran xiorf - - . Hooker, saued' fronv St. Thomas, W. I., - tor tuts port last. . '. -,B!. fB 1 . . 'fl . - ' H ' . VX. ' ' j',.1! ... . all hungry aspirants, - .cma.uiuwu.wicu,. ui -w. -... , '-v. . Anrn.f. SQ. nharlpatnn 9 naWeatm,.- I 1 A AAA BUSH, u tiara win come 10 me i arrangements snouia oe consummated ana-t raiea-on,- ow. -ftk--ts.eBureiy.ngnt, una i - ':... r. I v v v ww mi - : - i o i a a ? 1 i a. si a . .7 All Indications Point '-. ,i..-Jiiim. J.. I .M MH.i.l...,n. rr .T -untgomery, -: Juooi.e, o; ew , - r-OKA Wtdanew Eastand TWest Vcldon, 1 I s city, be closed on tiat i ltw dividea oy iw. we'iiayei pe i r -.';OUy.v dailv at ." V. '. . : sw) 1. M. I nay, ana -mac ousiness generally oe" sus-1 sure per squarecai ana iue law la inevii expta .iAi i , iaa " throuzh and way taayi I nended. in order to allow alt who wish to I teble thar'IJeaslt - tnaflR daitv.excent Sunday." 6:30 A. M. I .. a A ji'.-! V..ri I .a -iUiWM KoijKjsfbV-v ji ' .l,,. oa vraia7BfiorriUn t : : ' .OAA t :bv-i '. v rwaatammai qii I : r v i iihii v , 1 11 Liiia luuuclliuu wd mo icuuraicu iwi uv t.ii. A..W.H1 iiki. iu-i.iui m -a. i . j . I s r - i ... . . ai . i vui " . ikw wiiwi. i 1:11 1 1 i j u 1 1 a. .1, jo uicauium. cuou. mat .xjw 1 u - c7. 11 u. ni .17. 1 1 v pli - . 1 1 kp arnrn. ' " ' . ; ; ' 4 rHfriiinraJ1ftVaft Ui nnori certaltt' articrerr:r:. ' 111? V1-"V: " " Ui.. iltiRoekv-MiVatWnesdaFimry , .! . . , . ! ; . ti r r . n rr r rr -7 v -"Two-thirds of tbe old WeJdon storehouse, ouse, - at 'Front and .Red Cross streets. i, has been torn down to make way I for hew tracks. in8 will be deferred for a few days. The down, and there is less danger to pede trians than in some other favorite places: j r j:u . '.!-! ... o. ' VI inUaLwUCB -UVLll3t3 LtlllL LJTI1" I w -.....m.mj vuu.u j putung out about Northeast .Ferry, but otber fruits are, more ...backward,, and -It is t. L. -in . .: i uiuuut wiu couapv iDiury irom late irosia. I ; The peanut crop is the staple in that vicini k I ty and is not liable to damage. ' ' 1 1 ;: t - The ties for the. third rail from Union Depot to the- new warehouse have ... . . . . . . I oeen orougui nearly up to iioney linage, and the ground will cut down to the new grade for the entire distance. A Second street, have beende- Wished to make way for the track. Ab thora tra nn urat Inns aVwit I . . w .ft. .v.. mvm M vHuvuiHu w. vu. I quaintance stood on a raft, Wednesday, nnil 1niiirli0i at Ivn rnnnfrv r a rtoro 'lir I - " i uauuucu w uu uu we aa iuiu me iiici. i uc Kcuiicuiau ittuiiucu uuue. uer- i surges of the Cape Fear. He crawled out and laughed no more, m m ,,.. mmm -.-.71- . : i. 1. a fiicat uiaujr cuuuica ua. uciug maue I as to what the Committee on .Transports- tion. &c. of the Moore's Creek Centennial . " ' I --m,,: m a . . m as v uisautL.. v lvuiii lvt i uu a. lau hdb i - r meeting at the Purcell Tuesday night, but there was not a cient number of the members present to mplislfvanything. The time is short, lement The day of the grand jubilee accoi genliemetl t The day of the grand j is rabidly approaching, and what is to do '-.. ,j .... i - - - - . should be done quickly. , .Tbe Indications 1 ... ... .V. i : peaa a .urge anu patnouo gaineriDg on thA AtAfloiAi. flann ift lAOfit Acoanlinl I -v.v i DarUcular in the nretjafationa for the eiand . : t-su u 1 I ie ij I c vcuit. in wiiiuu uie neruiu oenoacriucu asu i ...... , u a uumvumiui vi vui uivniuig, mra iiuicu I v:....:- r r,,. yu .uo iii,u.iv u.,uwui uwici ucca . one hundred years ago, are to be k..i.... I .MnA I ouubcu h; 1 ing on account of lack of necessary infpr; mation or proper facilities. . ' -n ' f.r - Z .L . ! . A . I i ariit'a in cuargo oi tuc acranKcmenui I fnr the nelehmtihn are verv desirous tBat i .. n . - .-.-r.. .i r : r . . " . : . . . I - 1 WO commercial Jlixcnange, Ul puouc pis I I that the various public offices in Pender I will be closed, and that there will be a gene-1 u.i tt tt:i.: I uoi. .aic. uuuu tcavuiuK. 11 uiuiuuiuu riMn.;Wni;lM.; taWinm ta'toka tlm' I , , . r . ; ., .. naV the market clerk the oitv tax"Of ien terday in r?gard to the small-pox. as M P. M. we , were informed by the Sd perintendent of Health that only two-cases mornings vt Th vosol in .wrhudL.the. disease. oritrU Miui aitrt fmm whteh the' natient bka not "awvs aav w 7 . - .7 . .77. . j I ' haa . hr. i aent- down 1 the UI.V.U .wuaw.ww, 1 . ! I !.;'.J"4 itkf.V liaii aafale BHtirn AT11 Eivpf,, au w.e. H,Tu'--""-w'ws i .It. that of MriaiefibuaifAXeaweiKe OI tnis genueman is securely guxvfcnuufl ... . .. . .....1 I rosin barrese.bhrned Uftpignicj W I f ., . . W . ij, '..!.. ronttgate tne aimospnere. i . " I ' M. I - little ,a:.A If IT .- i V : .i. 'I - l . . .n. .cm. . mm.... mt,,. ..Krau.-.,. . , ...... . r rnLi. ; . 1 . g . 1. mt'nuiLi vh vuuuv uicu tur kuuiu imio ttiuc 1 m vnM me ni-irv xoetra ntrontoft tr mpr nr. 1 t - - -...- j. . -. j . -. .. . 1 . m r Fourth Jtreet, f rom Chesnofc to j Dated as "A," ,had .elaimed thai'Vi'10 va at 0. o'clock,' attended by -a number of j ricess i r rirprvfnr -wlr!r.Pd.ta 1 tons pressure will cornpresswo, bales of n.s;snrpmate8 and feiiow-seameo.1 . j T last u:n i. a . i Rotton to a certain nenaitv" wnen tne n&ies i r - ; i 11111 ML ' 11IHL If 1 1 1 1 L. 1M f. I1I1H llllt" If I rillfl I ; " . ' . -- ' . T t I mmu-saHImm 0W p u..uv..1Bju,u,,ri j,--.w,-. .r-r, Orleans. 55: Norfolk. 46: Savannah. 63: i an tnat none anan ne fieievren trnm atrnnfi. i me case oi areai aeing gu iimea au inuaea. i . I aiicuu iuc vcicuiihwu hi uu bu. no icuu i uuuaio w picmuico. J if ,lr piwHiiip.'iMjiiMW jwn"j, pjwi . .wVvr" . v ' ral-; suspension - of'. bnatneM-lOi- 'verr he ceoted by "HfenTy" iurflnaL . Accordingly, i i?-.. iJ.. 4L--1 ,: r- .OM fnffl.trmtt. Coart. !- f I Jnaue entirely wear au.bu (ru mm iuicitif t HoIJ IriWttcentSjJJjenoiroov, Ji .f-sirf.-.j 24 . kt. j. 44.1 I cl08l .- " ..,,,r,v,1..f.' i,.v.,i ... .lan(iftttAAtdJaha.Vnntim , if tAAUTw hTrf" i uy. wasarraignea.oeioraijomice aj - 7.1 :i st PiuilV7Swnt Rreek Bridffe; "w !8i 1 I AaaujAauiiw " , ,,- eu vegterday afternn, cbatged 'iOiMng "TO)1.; Beaufort county-''"April j 2 ;"ExTRAORDiNARY 'iNBtfCEMEre; A1 . I w " ' - ' - t- -. , . I JI K ..Iw a H "VV "Tin --- - - . . . O 7 I . I i , 1. ; t . , i,fi.;;... .h 7 ; . i . , , ' . , t t - ,- I r . i: : . . :d .1 "77 rr .,T-r.r, ,rz:r snppiytnraU OTSWnwianiiweBi cuurcuea, 1 r WilaenFrida. February 25 f 1 i OllllUJ. 1BH.' O U 11UA 1CP. 1 1 , , ,-, r -. .i J . , , t ,1 . . , 4 ' fuMnn riffriRinir or fai inirln nnv IDS ClerK"l mi ? !il!i, A'rilLll .t... L. rtl i-"i. 7 "jS.'1 to.Jlii'4i - . I - . . . . . . I I .... ..i . i j. , . ".s -i v -r . . o - : o .--- - 7 rnunaav acnDOismiu otuvr ueucTo.cui. Buvic- ;nnion ouuuav. c curuarv i. . k...i aii .n.isrKM .s..,. :t:' -1..' ri.:.7i--'"J-5Ii..'vi.i... "7. . r . : ...I... J -;t' K7s7iiH-illMkal;Ufa,iSii. i!i.:U ''7K 1''V''DU,"'7'' -'J , imposed. Arilrf.. wM"" Sl.tll.etrla IbiridirtrtSWb J williba " All sorts Tbf wild rumors were afloat yes- T 7 . " "1 - i ' for fitslonua or vaniiymewungBou iue - km 7 - AiiBoriaui wi.u.ruuAwa wws,um,jc- K.Ir' tfr.tUAtntftitadare reaueSted 1 ,w.i;nrtf TMiwt ;fr thi. '1kffliliiwlirt.l5. b .,i'y .J,;J'L, U t .,r..f.v f.,.. St. Louis, respect tvely together papers beariog on a subject that , has oc-? casioned.Cppsiderable stir and differencepf 1 are ''placed, side, by .side,', then about one,- half the same pressure will equally compress .. .. . .i'-.u i .. i. I the same cotton (tBat is, to the same density j .' x wrV.u"r, WH W 1- . .1. 1 1 li 1 f iiie omer, ? i rxi. Ck .uesireu .io..'&dow - " - -- K .,1 .IT- "r? nision to ".laftK " savibd that h rptmriia triA i ,;, , . . ,. - ,7.. ,7 , -Ti . -TT, - 0 ..7:T I: nmrw - isilirin as nn hritinrrtitir. that aovcral I - -..j , . .. lipta'nn tltp auhpfi nrA rlpi-innflont unnn 'lita (JackVi Vcision, (Jack being an; expert of :r J- I Li.U t . uu on h'u own account '.'Hpnrv". pro poses, i case the, proposition, of "A". s sustaioeil, to present that gentleroan with a bottle of the best --- Whatls.thU: It must be "ink,V bat turdy our spectacles are growing old and feeble.)' "Jack" says in reply J'that "A! 16 rlgTit; 1 .. t:e .'u ..r-. r .t. . .!' I 1W, u iub bur.acea w. im wo oaies w Hvouiw vv fe v w OiUlV 1 density to one bale that 4he wbble will to 1 .Iwa Ci BHiima Ilia enrf .nn 'nf 'ijnrx KnT.. I . v, wuu ,frJ. .y nv wico couon to oe4,uw square in cr-ea, men, tne nrpjwnnt on . uniii inirAiiipr npintr iihi nna i 4,000, then the surface of one bale is S.00O square inches, and 50 tons divided by 2,000 J ; j a. ..... wwvl ,ve8 Pounas , equal to pressure per square inch." The density is assumed to J be Dronorlioned to the Dressure.w i "Henry' complains is figures In square in a secona tetter, that "Jack" makes h ....'1 ' 1 - .j '.. I I Inches instead of cubic inches, thinks ihtil r - .1,77. 1 ; : 1 " superficial area operated upon, without regard to the.drWnxl accordingly re, states the-casd,thos iiipi.. i ..f...i. tA I --;u proportion u. a waa :iu vu. tons pressure rwould compress two bales 1 tons pressure endl ori en(i n.devsy. per cublcr.Ttl K.i r t n A 1 1 . 1fV1 1 . e4u.Ywcuj.1c4ua.1w .uu. uu. .uc same bulk in a different shape." A Antcn' nrnd ocborl imnn t1,?o eta'tarn'anf I uv..qivu vm ,oavu uvu ,.u&i9 Dwibuivui nni..M ;; '- - ; ' r ; . - - , ... .1 !! . ...Tintr r.-nTvtn ."Mnrt Wff.rtil .... r-i,. -rv 'i8''- J " vhnt I IiavA flnid-llnaitv nf a fiihii fftrm in .nPrplv nrnTWirtinnat anlelv to annerw 1 -- r--r-- 7 7 r" I a ii . equal to 200 square inches, then pressure divided by-area equals 100 divided by 200, 4 1 1 .1 i.fil. A ofiln' cimat vii-r ivuuui u. P4v. u.u. agoiu(, with .nre&fture' esual to 100 rjounds divided i . . w-nlr' . -s .1. 1 . L ' ,uyrArea ssuat to iw aquare iucucs, vuai a, Of course the decision on this appeal could not she gone Jrackunf -and iwas ao-l -. . .-.. ,hr s..i vaimna neu aenenutmb uuDB.iuB.uecisiuu l ubwum.. iiNMiw tiHHMtwifvi, i ueuia crowus i ' I darum and cbansrelesa. and will codv Bbjum sad I o'" l 1 J;:, 1 1 38iY7jf.r treat nublio Value 'to: a cottom nroducuig i ....... . ....... i vkn a. M mv m u mi. . ... uiuvnuuwD I oka Knlonoil ollo tup aiAa r than aKml nno. I' .-v"." . , f . j 1 House prppositiopraustlyebeennaisapprehendedil ready affords for .easy , ridlpg and D(;the I ,y qo oo . , '. uu .,;,; J.;tiu,f BR aj RB , suffi 1 that it " noeant.tnat tne density 1 V,B 01 uowuHauiu-au a -wemnu,,, 5. , , , A5 j.tju ; Vtf brbkb . . .; ' ' ". '' J; '. ;. II ..:a..1- Ui.l- I 'rw ' "nn niT '" fTTT Rtt ntl ! I Ul U UUUlt AS- UIUIAMOIUUBIC OU UT Iv I XT i U f . , -w , - . - T7TT TTTT . . a s x uitju au - auio wa v . . - . . . ; ...... - .t,.'MnMtM' Kaan oo,,U.4lTBlahWAtW uutua .iiuIrffe , ' " J'i 'March i22 r W jorther. eiuctaaiion, u neces- I held I the I Si I 7. ... .. . j I eontUUttHA ...a. , Asate -7.- x rr -LJ Vi'iurrr.rriT" t tin:iw ii' -rv-"" . and select tbem at New York cost .1 &S3b&i bslfeai H'ifiiff4ninrT!li r : -AUv.-.i.. . j " . . . - - x. r 'III A:'u' n ii-1 i-Vf- rrthvillLabiDiai cultural Association and oritaei; 'gen .Qnslowu , . , flrwansbqto ,11, 3. dies. Lte, Soap' &c. for iy - iliili vV--? UiJllilJ Hi JJ. .. . - - . 1 ...". -"' 1 TTTWc -irii tiiiti einr. an tne Btn rnsr..'janiea 1 jarceRttaiMe. ub ineTiweresc wnicn, 1 wTw7jiia? MmmA un tWKJkUi oi. tt.ifi2rrBa.ftt.nir xoa orfl L Tears. 5 months and 5 uan 17 UMLn r " hwmm. .. w. i. i; . Vtihldtaicnd-tt fmtsienwives 'fMCordingly.'' it ?: iv Jiactt: ' 'nwti-t !AiisiBiMwe..1 m.vfeb M cts i I Ooa. uaaiaae, eWaH'6?f3f 'jyi iWiS-Ftp$-M' Upff tbe brig Fanehon on Wednesday morn- n? investiga Imperial Consul Peschau Will also inves I an(j r rep I t .The kntshts and danzhtersof old Bladen I . . , - ., . . : disported1 themselves after s tbe ; fashion . , -j n . i.w above indicatar Roslndale, on Friday last: A'coVresrxjhdentfurhiahess with fii - f-:v 'j1-' . ; -iw. ;v. UfO 1 liO- TWr1. J. N. of LilUairtoni Firs. Maid of Honor. Mp. n j. P. ftrflWw, wii.-.itif ,n -kWa m; . - ' . ., - ri M U ..j Uivi?'A.i-.J I x - , ...... q . si m.!iM.u. 1 unicticsi n:uk v trxri'.i if 11 1 hiiii nini hihiii-h 1 riiL 1 n ' i; 1 '-i-l -! MiUdtli.erTy!actt Perry acted as Chief Marshal. 1 About ,150 people assembled at night at I the residence of Mr. John P. Clark and j . - .1 i j 1. i . uuuceu iu& jfjUiujiiH-way. , tL 1 I A Call JTJiMte; and Aiacepteal., The Norfolk .Tiaian says: "From the wammgton papers we learn that call has I .ha,, marl on thi. . .MrTi. . t . . . .... r the Bynagoirvie BeUiiELi of; to take 1 Tfji inHL ClLV. aDll VVIllRn Will HR nPnliMin I on the 1st 'fADri! The reverend i?enUe-l . ..' . . . . ... I man uas accepiea ine can, to aateirom tne 1st or March. ' The salary will amount to iv. thhi vv liiia tro innct - mimsK h j accession. Toune. talented and learned. he has made Ihimself since his advent amomr - .. -j -- ni, many, riendsin our community,'' The Turnpike Bead. . . , I' 1 . ' . . Gentlemen . Who passed over some three miles of the; Turnpike road, .coming from the ' Sound, yesterday .morning, . were 1 t 1 .t .a aiai . . aencaiea wun.iuejafiiiiYi.wnica n an : dnve; coupled' with i the savJngr. of lime, horsfleslv and :t expense gencrallyyi they pronouuee' in- advance ' that ' it 'will be. a rrrMi. meTiiiii inn it. i amooiM lnaiina.i nT.T' " " foad will bein oDeration and ready for tbe takingbf toils by ahout the first of ApriL XfierniOmeter ReCOrd. The following will show the state of ' the il.i,: J. ..-...... ..... .5.--j fnermomeier, atuie siauons menuoneu, f4P IvT vpsferflav Maspprtained from I - Tk' J . 7T; . .. .. "-" rm VSU1VC IU HUB VIJ i m iv i iminivrAn rx'r. j ," I to be Raised. I ' T17I Iknt-n ft.f. Ttfi. TXT T. 1j AfS tl a O Ann. ; ii s reuu uiu ju. i w. i-w uos VM"; 1 tracted to raise the steam-tug James Murrain I ..." ' 7.1 t. . r ' - rA -i ' VL" V cu i wiiivu 4auuii. au. jiuesars, j.,, c.?"7 iof,, Irvve hre informed. ,7 j -;-';! " ; TZ-- ": - ."jniijjori 1 -- . ; Btoant e;Ureek. - ' iBaerKfcttaged daraV, ... .. r " r' Tne ruaerai win- tan pjaoa acuta VBd-faaenl wffl' takw Uae mnM( if! in r 11,11 i1Tr.rn.-..i,7J-j-.i 1, -i.i , .Snuff and " Boo. EiHusai i-Ha Monuw stab Book Blsd- ery doea aH ktoda of Blading and Baling In a wotk manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. -Mer dnrtniT and , chaneeleaa. and will corjv anarn and dear for an mdeflnite period of time.' BATing fuet received a fresa supply or tneae tnka, weare pre-: paie4o iqeUoidor at moderate "w . f t I , EVENING'S POST THERE ASS rENTNG'S POST THEM ARE liiiiirin Ul.l UWIH Ulf MB .vwvi V M IWI S SKbUcar-a enry Brewinton appears m W. b. ;h ft a mistake. It ahonld alsa the flif: nfma n.t 1M Brewinton. which nave Deen stoueu tnac w . a aaoore was- neaiaenc of tha meetirjir. arid made aDoroDriate remarks on gaiS dWVoTPo febisit JOHN W. HINSON, late, SproBt A. Hlnaoni Wfl- Ja fi rnMVTWfl Into f..ilf Tlan Ir VaB TTann. ver, Tarboro, . C I"' : TiT'tfTfiAtT nrnnitiTfl '-''U I 1 1 I If V 1 I If V UU1BII" HAmttifoaiATi TTornli onto vvav wav-M,-vW ,. i r : wwu-"'" iv. . ; ,,, , . , . , , 1 HO. lea FKABL STSXXT. " t3f?rt will be otrr desire and effort to conduct a . to those who may favor as with their patronage; 1 feb 18-lm , j. , ;t TT i "' ' : '"-TaTl ;, llnmin Uniinn.lAlilw4iiinrnn -. TWO NIGHTS ONLYT ir.3w'nj mn,.anw ;ni,w ni nn mUMd! .(Uia lUWUdT. ICUI.Zi 4M M. L1' ! '1. ILL ' '"' r''"-"' Jl. .T. PAUDOUK..,.... .Manager. ' '. " . , . ! MAGO'TT5 TlTTTfiH'EL'L. . I ' I isnpportea oy tne sterling Actor, : "ua4Xffiffitsr CLass company. i . . i ... - . . . : . - FEBRUARY S1ST, 1876, Great Specialty, THE CHICttET. I . ' ' v lV!. V6, ' ' ' I aememireaeuBiJeauiuiujriay, P HA R Ii Of SAtOl. t3rSale of Seats will commence atHeinsberser's I AIHin;OIAUV,UUSUIIBUBJ fCUIUWT II, 4UIU " I e-Orcheatra and Dress Circle Sl.OO : Paronette . ... . tt. 1. 1 rr .onta os?w?WN,5je I 5 febis-6t' .y-l ;- , ; : ' ii . ii:u KR - 0O"0o : j ' S5 Vmy.rnuv ..,?, nn RR 8a lea ar. Diirlii , i;. mi . rrT i -ui . 1 XJie eSTx' W OTRTing' Af RVB. r.r .tT.'TT " .T" J Wi V, i " PATRONS ' OBSERVE THIS AND EE7 SP0ND TO OUK TOIJCTOR'S CALL. D. PIQOTT. ; 1 ;. 1 ; . : Tobacconist. febl-tf ' Molasses, Corn, Bacon, &c. prime White corn,. ; crop Cnba Motaaeea," - KA " English Island. " hbls new crop Cuba .. "- 150 1)0X68 emo?d u 8 BacD' fXAA tons Gnanape Guknov : Eureka Guano, " ' j lrfMT. W.fl. bbls. Planing Potatoca, v ii;tKA tmgs itto-aangaayra vnee,i l(!B frtAWaifeta1BiKrars.;0iO -an to TO bbls.' whole a&dfnalf Bice, floodK. Candlea. Crackers Cheese. Candy. jsreao rreparanon, Buraer,, Tol ALSO; Lake i, Lebanon k. and Stancaester r n.l, -. ;-lv i.-m, T--, . -fi , .u i.j. oil rWUVlir UWUCIY r ... ----- : t. .r . L TriBiTS ROW A .TCPKY OF TTt ''"T'l..- 1 . 'I... ...f ..J. ..i i... 1 r ..; .mi ...inin. im.inii .luiliin .,..i,-t s MISCKIXANEQUS.. . 1 Silk Hats i 1 . . V .7" '.!.,. JUST OUT, if-,'' HARRISON & ALLEN'SS ,wj at store. . BaETACTOB, feb n-t, Trait and CoafecUosenr Store. Orientftl PtlwfleipJ ! rtfJ '- ! f'i'" ! v . .i -:,. . f I Villi t . . 7ft, Ducking RPfft DU- .j; 1(, f I " v : Vri.i'.'. ; : ' " I ' ' b h fii,-i5-"-'i -li .ui,', 1 feb I7-tf . KKRCHNKR ft CALDER BROS. Coni. Corn: Corn; MSI 4000 f BUSHELS OOBNV- i'H? p ' ; For febn-tf KERCHNKR CALDKR BR8. n.f ;;.i ' r. ...y . It? New Crop (Ma Molasses. 1 A A BHDS. 'NEW OtOP fcuBA MOLASSES, xvy M , .. : . v.j . , . u, i . . . i j v retl4f"' KERCHNEBl CALDER BROS.' Hew. Sheet , Husic. . -T- "Vf T FEBRUARY INSTALMENT, . .last recelvea ana ror. sale by . 8. JEWETTl -Bookseller and Stationer. . - 87 N. Front at fcbl8-tf .; We are, Offering TO' WEARING APPAREL - I , , J VER T, CHEAP ! I iM El Vf-. I....... h now. .,.,.:.ritr.. t I ;;Tne price. now-a-dyMJ pojundrancoir CLO- I liUJA W IB, WttttUM ...walMleadOTeWle'lattei of aaiRTa. i ., . J? 'BST-'V ' I ONLY 0 FOR 6 I IN -THE WORLD. t - PartlyMade. i - - -. j ti -h iumsii nr $7.50. ; feb 16-tf V ( . Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. BARGAINS ,.! That will1 Astonish wellas' Delight 'jqvlL 1 i ItW WHPTE JJLANKETS;; j i: i -i 9 SO pa. BOULEVARD SKHtTaJj w mii 'm tUfiQc np ... -.... . . Ji ' . 37-tNCH BH1RTINO, )at y ,aa .WiuatntMi'J ' 12c CANTON FLANNELS, rj i t o M-' lU At, i . . - . jBar-tti;;; ti-;5 ,;kettfeet '; if 4ii- ,- .;T ,.v,. .,..'! Seed-Eotatoes,; Larq lons'aND 6iL-EYEDj ' 'sdj . EARLY 08E. PEERLESS, . . PINKEYE, JACKSON WHITE. in --.- , w PBJLCH BLOW, Ac. ;;. -. all carefully selected lor; planting. ,,, Clear Hess Porkiii Pickled in barrels--n boae,nd jost .the thing for nunlsnlng hands. Backi?I.BellJei Cleert ' -Whortg Cleat, Clear Kib'akW- . , . i;BineftSMde,, tujIVo. i SHOULpiKioked,. Bugar-Oired apdr tsaitea. , j yjl.T.'. ! jfft 3i?:if h-i-iV!.s :y j" Btun, aH sj.zei..f:. f((j Weeterh and' Baltlmort, hi tlercee aaa tmall ' I in atnall Backa,alcvfor Tetailiag,Dacked to ntt.tradc. s MacbereL -HTin$ Ej Co ahjt lfBlleta. FrcsU Wftter-Ciiraaod. J3pal, 7-;. tpedally for our trade. ; mam riMn Iff AlatBfk. ' i First of, the Season, in Hpgineada and Barrels nYBurs ana amuurasB oiwnnu. !hi Fionf, mnfjIttieeV I and thstartfsstttockla ttMicosuftrrfamttier Ba more. "OTTR OWN" hraml ta wn and f. vorably known everywhere, and the '- ; "aenutodroitw WnstaaCr icreafh)g.J n0fi, IT, CANT;frp BEEN;. Ales and Portrr.Cnapt native ana hnportea w cider, an ... li-fcifani na IGffDOTafip GOOD; TiKtETY r ri HHl- Jii7. TSTTt.' I Jii.S5 I f Bagging, Ties, Hoop, .ben. Bungs, Glue and 8p, r n iroWn, bugars. Coffees, "Teas, Spleen, 8taTco;oap, DOS, and sHtoikerssbllte Ijanxjs-u un aieeers ieiueei a uo nuir s&t - -.w4w 'Jitfil fi f-'..: I.t"- T?-..7i: -.rr ir it ''F?

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