1 t? a.-.w.v.jr -an., .:aw 3 WOT. H. BERNARD, ..)." .. V Editors. T- CICBRO V. UARRU, Vn o T Saturday Morning. Feb. 1 9, "1876. TR?S j From a dispatch - irt the ' Baltimore Gazette we see that, Messrs. . Whit thorn e and Danfortb, of the House Bed teen examining fnlotiS tmanagenlnt of the Navy Xard and j especially into the chargesjmade Jby, Congressman Goode, of Virginia. . - All the charges, says Mr. Whit thorne, the chairman of the Ksonfmit tee, are true, substantiated by a hun dred witnesses,; whose testimony will make interesting reading daring the coining campaign.; The-: workmen, given favoriti certain a campaign fund or be discharged. One Swift, a lumber dealer,' had 4.16 sole control of furnishing-' tjmberf$r the sloop of war built at Norfolk, w h i 1 o W hi tea nd MeOulloh,! ocal" fii i - - - - - - erators, were, the servants of ex-Con gressnran, Pfatt. Tim 'NiVal Cdnrtnte tee will now proceed witfrttie irWesM ligation in Washington.1 ' j BRISTOW. ...... j The Washiao.y dcrrsppiiie)it7Qfv l.lie Cincinnati Gazette. si them "ia : . t .1 . .. a- 1)?F a movemeni ot more tuan oruinary strength,; hayingor its . object the re tirejie the con incTnsi6n"br the iJabcocK 'trial ; witlitrtff regard to its resuU.' Gr'auU will be weakerinlelleclually ihan we tiiink he is if .Mie yields to any such i pressiire.i That action would almost ! i n e v i t abl ysujre'l 0Mi ti atd he j Republican nomination. Apropos of I liristpwa candidature we see that the Chicago Tribune, "which is a full fledged Republican " orgarihas ' ad-- ' ministered a quiet though severe fe. ;',ouKe io tne iNew xorK urioune ana ! CincinnaU.vowwwerci&f forr too geat I precipitancy in bringing out the Fis cal Secretafv'fePresidentl1""" Rumorseaehthe TprtlSTer ald that,fthey itvel freWill throw. apTe m light on Cabaif affairs. According ip .hese accounts Captai "General pvelfar ii'to occapy the Fort Cabanas preparatory to dis band.ingTthe Spanish . volunteers of Havana, and it is also asserted that he ia to make the government ot the island as liberal as English rule in Jamaica. : The ? insurgents, it is said, have . acceded to these concessions, and only wait their guarantee by some other i Power be fore ? laying down their , arms. These stories, the Herald . remarks, are improbable on their face, but; they'" may., have in . them a grain of truthj The ISpeaer "ilf health which makes necessary, his withdrawal from Congress for a few , weeks atl least, occasions much regret. Mr. Karris an able, and ; useful member of - Coa- firifss and as Speakers has exhibited so tar imparUtlMti dignity, and abil- ii y. Wer hope- his vacation may im prove him greatly.13 " i iiftii- it ii.iiiiii. The Democratic National Commit i Vr."If .-. 'ff .-' cnoosing a p,race-ana.ppointinga time for the assembling of the next National Con yeutipn. The lavprite pi aces so far auggeiied :are St. -Louis, Cincinnatfp3i6aigillz Pbioi'go and Philadfirphia1" "!) r! iiuioar ' f "WO 'Q- win . 'Bcriba- twbVeiianebe. Mu- trated Monthly and St. Nicholas, the beauti- iiiny inu8iratea cniid'fl "Denoincai-are ont. -lieariog datof )Ji njpath -of juarch. The former contmnealj.e .of ancles on i no cojteges orpine country, IDV8 time giving hii elaborate sketch of Trinity 'College, IfHK.jfd?.VV1h.fitoMaVWri are h1m C()utiu'uea'andtu;W Frieoda " and 'JibrUjI Conroy," the two swrial.stprW, aCjarv ! rinakpg' Scr&nsf sq lioptlar vefy' i'fiere ws-j ' "The Scottish Statesmen of the eRevoiif- tionn (and',fli8t te'aljmplesT'constittfie the leading pafper'in the staunch oW Edin burgh Ketiew for January. There are eight other artjcle8eeral on rcontemooary Besides UheM')erio'dk;a)riterhae'Tre ceived ther New York Irfwne Almanac for 1878, aadijfihi most vrfaibfev-pohticaI nd statlatifcfcl fcwblicaaoh from-the Amei- ieaa.' M&?&$$&m(M!$. fcts gre get- leo up with reat care and yet everything u condensed within amall compass. went to tar and feather a man and Gage; w-after"fthe'4 EagtiKiGen6thlJ OllCllfi libe. fv aval vkiftiaHttee-h&v relnr from employmenrou V of p6litical ffiOTS sneWcompelleditb.3pa W fWrxwn OfPtTATT-F AtlftTr. V",1 uriuiVVya' amount' breir warres 'for CalebWshmf becmelr the? ,ie"n ronr amount ot ineir wages iqtj , ,h nf Rev.rdw John so n. the oldest cabi, jBacHfor Indian, Iowa and Missouri' waaurj ;ioreflaottiri .idea nr th&wx'lx&vvutFjFjnaY oe seen way wi ...uianagiijE ine oioer sex. in .rpugWT..oit;rag Whipple, saya Cooper's npval I UID IUU IUI Ui IjHUUlUg. -J 1 ' ijrace betore meai "woman at market Ltnc$j CVfer. An unpublislieri' play Oforaot '"to5' dk -Prde Lytton's has been discovered. j , ? X wo . vane t birds the weatner-1 . . IT : DWm,viMWiHi'toiB .u"V. si iCPYeriDC iqsi me jtiassacouseiis- vepuiH-i''Tni4W1iv. 7? T,f P?c5ew ins tobacco : aid to have', been a lady of New York, tamed Mrs. Miller, who floor- ishedjabMit half a centurj ago.- P ? H( ;.. i-Tft itn7VthTict tttngfe Western ioiirnairsm'to' saVLaf ,;a Person who has been shot ia tho head has been OarruihedV . . : ... . ; r tJ .West Tirginia, South Carolina, Flpr-. i Chauffi the Chinese giant, has l.ida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas been received into the,. BaDliat Cluuch at, Shanghais Hi height ia seven feet eight 1 inches. -. -14 . ......uu..! J bet minister living ia point of yearaandP poiaimeni. Jf "Vi(.ia' :T hek was obliged to leave nttfanaweraclaimofMr: Janausch ber agent in pawn Joht 'Young Brown,who so ex- . The Radicals do'Viot khow-wliJ at to dovf hftit. tl&Wk diliired rdthe l lutin Arrlta nnKl.i'l nrV.tn&f dr-ar, orirl I xZ' lBV ' - " r Mprton groups., ; K CKissippi. nnvi MPne.pipMiy- iqj- contributing to.4he Le Memorial lund. fiiTo aa jheaunkiraised m the House of I BBLLtt BOYD. ( I i The Bold spy Now a ?aid Matron t In St. LoiiU-Tlie Pretended lBelle u Impo.ter.1r,BU Aah&YyQaygpjersoBr wbp-alla hrselPBelleBoyd paiiT a isit to Charleston not long ago, the follow- ing Statement y a t. " Louis p'aper - ... , ' ' i' 1 ' f V- '. . i''' Will have a mournful interest for i .. : h-.'s.-v.. . . i sqme.ot our charitable readers: Perr aps the memories and inci-1 denta. .of thjrteeq years go arer not r pleasant, ah'd JJthats iltni reasbnJthe I rt fo famriHti i (IrtnfoAciriita itMTit Vina I secluded herself from, the pry ins, in- vestlgations of the curious, and in-a I measure enectuaiiy conceal eq ) rrom j the public her identity Iwith the' tlar- uaoiiiiiK ti" wuv, in mc uatiMii i our national distress,'-cast- flonse- quences behind, and pursued her own I adventurous career. PerhapsVHbo, I written in the records of those days, I are some passages in her life which she would now wish to be forever I bbliterated. It matters not what the I Y 1 i r i . - . n-l I j -i- : coriated Butler, desires tot' run agam for deL.to say about tjie nomination of Congress, " which Causes general regret m Rftpresefitative Landers as1 the infla Keotockyrwyat'tnci .air?iiral:i -tkv. tiOn candidate fW ''Governor' of Tndi- 13eskiei the large amount already ackaowi-fc r" W;V V , - .TATV1 A r edged from; the Senate-of that State by.rdorsc Mr. LandeM." 'jTR.e hope" is 'that Colonel OUssett!Trenc''hij; lias ifeCeived rthe 'ReDiiblicans vmav !also be snlit motive may.be,, the woman who was I of the Kepubucan party, and is anx once known far and wide as: -Belle I ious for a conflicL. "The Honsp Boyd, and some of whose exploits equally well i prulected, does : not ac have found an enduring place in his- jcept the menace,' and will proceed to tory, has for some years led the quiet impeach Kellogg. It is the under- life of a respectable matron in; the city of ; St. Louis, j No consideration,. I apparently, can induce! her to lay side this quiet domestic life to ap-J pear again ueiore ine puoue. . one has another name now, and husband and children, and if the individual Mves,ine narnj aieastrBa treaejPi. to exist... . in or . uoes sneor ine very few persons who know her indeniitv with the daring 'fuv-eare; to recal that name again -from .the tomb of the years i which jti&Jittried. i '. So caref uUJas 3lW. J--alUHup-l frieBds been in guarding;ihw secret,; that even - when itnpoHLera Jthavea-; sume(f her discarded name, ; audi tra-1 versed I several Southern States ap-r pealing-: to . public i fiympathya; m the. character of. lecturers, she has said OoUiitig and charged her friend to: say nothincr. and her silence has provedte:hre fipportlfMfl?4f TtUl respectable matron! residiifg' in tthhr I city, would never have been revealed to the publio had not her father been a member of the Masonic, fraternity. !. r Jl .i, V,a l?Tt ! But d description of the d.ceiver was printed in an Atlanta paper, and .-rrsTc-rri -r'VWi .l iu.ll, lirnui "L; P3L the brethren of Equality Codge, No : 1 1 A f .... I A TTC. J Aaud. A. M.aii;Alarun8buri R PIl ? f fl Wf l n R. L ,yl .1 ather tof the real Belle Boyd, belonged lliese Masons had known the real-Belle nf ih -'days of her girlhood as a bright-faced, blue knew the raven' i:i wingiu.-wa . not: the real Belle, aiid 8 : a-ila5e aa the 22d-of January; thfrtodge prepTarda eiritl lar1 uu ,.T..";"J""7?7 the counlry to bewafe of ihe irapos-i tor. Arh1)ntfthe1-tfilrfgl thy!8tlte: "rho iriielle Brtyd iaaitrw married, and living-.inuSt. Louis, Mo..,wiih her I J J I 1 1 ' uubujuju nu uer moiuer, ana two bratbei s reside, in Baluraore."-. Thi . l rnu.m I ; -.-ri.. i ;ieuer.istwypAMxaRW farke,l i., ohm u. MwMtfn oeCTetar.y,ai j 'iPP igJifto-rFiogS fio .conjisung or an ea wor well looking, njfaouaid41e,lkl rith4K5 VT e,4aiddle-a&e. ?JgWhir and pretenders to make, moneys on her -T resiaeni 'iiinooiii.' j Althongh ' the, credit, j Perhapsthe fact that 'the Expressions attributed to this clerk1 once celebrated I3elIe'Bpvd Is nktit)k are said not to, be of recent utter-. :ed UKht-hiHred, Jaideu,,anil .thev- ihat the ohe who caited'rit-rsftTf serrnradoeti 4 i t-oiLusnaataa Al.rml,-ADf Talk, &c, &e. ieonden8ed"Speclal3 to "Richmond arid 4.Qt TbeHuspiCrommitiQe ,pav .Appkk. Priations have reduced the annronria-. lions lor inft mrprnji .rVfiP"" SeiVICO The 6ub-eomhiittee report of.'the colltidnidistfict and; the , . . , . "iwwi.cpa(wo.wvr Wfeo: milUon ,dollars.ii.l hey vprtovide Tr MleotPr of rioternal, revenue! fr each, of itheStates of i Maine, .Vr- moot, -.Ilhode; Island. Connecticut,' l:and Kansas; twn cnllAnt.nra oanri' fnr Moaanhnootta ' eF Hii ffi ! J WV?'gn,,va irprpia ana vy is- uve each for1 Virginia and Kentucky; i for IUinois; senot'Ohio; eight for PeVatriVria j terf fbYNfeV Torlcj'1 j ,k - '!vi .y.-i . J western politicians have a good ana.'' Thiefhard ' ninnftv 1)pmoirjit Arj -incensed ! ian ' I . . - ' another jJemocrat is! nominated,; the certain feffectould: be rto-givk -this s . n "w. Hpon the'curreticy questibii, which is au oajr iuey woutu not ue HUrpnseu to see net only the hard and soft money wings of both parties puttincr op candidates in one or more of : the Western States, but also; four candi dates fbr the Presidency ia the field. VO!.CANTCrf.tfPlSfXNA. , jjii: til-' Jt eea verymuchI quickened oyer af. fairs iirXoiswna the last day. ,or two, and Republicans, and Democrats are waiting the issue of events' there -.t. i .,"1- wiiu iiveiy conceni. . in oininjr wouia DlPkse ihi j T1p iiiWiha for" the Democrats in' the Louisiana Legislature to oiturnthet Kellogg government, as "they treason,, with mrt"oat inef ii-a (hut ! ui,mi1.1 ... make party capitai for them. The Democratic Senators rthis- afternoon uniteq in. a telegram to ew "Urleans, advising that . nothing whatever be uuuc iu uisiuiu nits present . siaius. 'Midnight. Private dispatches re ceived here to-night say that the Sen ate of Louisiana iabarricaded and defended by Metropolitan: police in citizens' , dress. The Senate jstaads by its determination to perretnate the returning board in the interests standing, however ' that' the motion shall be postponed until the close of the session now nearly ended, when. under-the constitution, the Legisla- iure inusi aujourn, and thus postpou- ing the trial till next January the successor of Kellogg" would bo a uo- mioai opponent. NOT ALL THK ."PISLOYALTY" At THE WWM ' t ' A. AMft.Hice afieetk.of ,th committee oti AVays , and Means , was forced to; resign because of the . hut. rah raid in the North' over the: olle- ;!a",,, 1 "the had rtamed a son, since d--.aed, after, jotn AUkeslBobth,, esWdaj and, .to-day jnuch i gossip nas prevaiiea rat 'theM reasury De partment in regard? a, jpferk hailing from one of tbe.NewiBngUnd States, who is said to have.openly exptessed his approval 'of the assassination of ance' it --i lalleged that, a demand wfll made; on the Secretary for his j PRESIDENTIAL POfiSIBlLlTfKS. Bristow'i rUtkUkMI; better, rvartwnlov atimtiteti iu these dispatches 'only r 1 htt i,.;.vr!w-'u .... upon. I f - ... 4 w .M W . . V. v...i.T,ua..jr 'uig ajeraocrais r 1 rrnrJ uitlt irruai foi.,..il.,. ':' f .HIS UUlHlUitllUH nr nilfiiama I nilvn II....... l.. .1 : o, yeniion. Imt up to this t me ther haveeu no . consul taiions her, party JeadeVs even which would ! Uiuary "sigflifieai,ee..!orn firnteh intintation'of the prr,Mpects of any have furnish air projects of anV icn?! who ha'H bebtfroirimerttly'ra n. mi-, if ithhh "qnaniait'. r, .-. -,.. I I ,. 5 1 "A I Women Lobbjrlata In Washington. jThe; moxi avrtcahlft nlaaa af.nonr.li pereafiPl.f are .nis.f eroa eiptibvists. of whom there must be "thirty or anore. Some want patents extehd'e'd;' others .have war IcIaimsJkhd not. ' few urge -the i enactmenLof nriJat'. I Ml .1. - . . r. puis. JJt& fit uierrir are h an dBr. we, .01 hp rtssess'-liieVrfr preh8fo i, I - - j K "utuuo, ns, Pi. n&dflfem fkH'igrfajifgari W !ilJtt COflVjeirtroiraHBisr Alv IhaveTtailoft which Sam WeUeY warned h s Tareer"TobewarOricvw an i'itimiwe&nf5tancwflrftfe I V Ot. t hair Hs r I mnm m II... A i j r TUB ISTATK CBABQR, nil Attendance Senslbl Spgeea-. j . lionf.jr .- rf-j'Vrt- . .fit 1 f fcT- rThe StataJfiraBge iain BAMioji-iP aJGraoge iaia k&sioi&Qr.i Mills, Master, presiding. Two hun- drjBd-anaAftymember are present,, treatah Iqctrfi5rtb good) ..tug-, , ,oraLjiie urges , patrons throughout the State to economize in purchases', z;salW, '&D.i'tlo!VaisWimore supplies ion 'the farnt; 'The c persontiel q j this "body is lineetabracihg many of i ' the fir8t agriculturists iin- the State -The next meeting to be held ip Goldsboro in Feb. '77. A Grange organ will be started wtru-early day in either Raleigh orfeens1jorb'.!,"i 5 . . - - -. -'(; i3 iWhereVer: the f'Anglo-Saxon r race plant theirfoottheyi stand, and civili l&iioti qL the )lean-8hir& ,and j aleany sheet order s prevails ; and progresses. Every .continent- and.: almost j.pyery island of the, world ia at present dot ted thivk fr with,, the colpuial'settls-, rnenjs ; jot, juis. ., ihcpnquering, ; au absbrbing race, jWhich is yet destined in! the , providence of God to t'orivey its civilization' "and 'language to the uttermost parts of the earth: ' :" ' ' n It is mahily'through mannfactfares ana "maritime '-commerce inatf tffene great 'etfdS a'rfe!tr bb carried forward and accomplished, and from , the .signs "of 'the times,iwithout i having one- ' dollar's) worth Am iiny j-kind ,pf manufactures whatever I do not Xeari tO hazard, what lttle,reputaAion(I may have for, foresight, in. asserting, that bv or before the , commenceniept of ahe twentiftn century, the, wnpiecoi ton machinery .. now 'in i ilie i XTnited States 'will not supply the demand" there will be triade-1 bpon us; by foi eign iSpu ii tries - alojre tor 'cot ton1 fab rics: ,hi : Tiiomas RJ HzaXD. - ' ; Vaucluse, li. X, Feb. 13, 18?J :'' ; ' A young American lady, 'who has enjoyed the rare privilege of taking a stroll with the poet iennyson,- inci den tall v mentions. in,, a letter, to a friend that fit eeriqusly. affected the roraapce t of ? the, situation , w hen he paused during' tho walk to scratch his tuk against a gate-post. .j n i , Chili alone among nations has 4 ab solutely no distinction of sex in vo ting, though she has an educational qualification requiring ability to read and write, i Women, therefore; have been registered for' this years elec tionS.;;('- i-;', U0'nN-Uvu:- i-.i" ..int;,il--t ' The Daljfas (Texas); Vommerclal runs up the' name or-Hendricks for fresi- dent. .--r v., .'' BUSINESS) CA11DS. . flL VOLLJUte. 'ri ADttlAX A v;ojl.x,eus, Cornr front andDoek S., olksalb grocers ' : ; IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Country merchants will do well by , calling on tie ana examming our stock.- - noT 19-tr B. F. MITCHELL, SO Comvissiok merchants ' ; And Dealers in i drain, Plonr, Hay, and also Preah uronna jrxewn, jreauri Hominy and Grtts. Nos. 8 and 10 N. Water t., Wilmlnjjton. If. C. Proprietor of the Merchant's Flooring Mille. pot 25-tf - V Ar STEDMANi Attorney at Law, 1 ELIZABETHTO TFJVr, -N. C. iniv 7-nWtr !"' 1 3, M. CUASTfiN J. K..CUAtTJJt ! III. CHASTEN & SON, Commission Merchants 4 . . WILraiKGTONt'fY.'c. I Refer to I. B. U RAIN UER, Pret sdent of Bank of New Hanover. " ' - ;- - jan STf Harness and Collars Of ALL DESCRIPTIONS; A? TBiS : enaww m Ann ess Bnvr( ! Third Street;' between Market and Princess, j ' OFAIXIiro PKOMPTLT DONK. t! fh6tf. . , .; . BATPSH A (3XBHABDT h FIELD DOCS ; cwtoti, New Jersey, tTOUNQ POINTERS AM) SETTERS OP THE ll''-- a. i....;-.i . vij. ., Finest Strains i'-: ' FOR SALS. ' Dogs brekenthoroaghly for $JPO. PerfuUpar- iicaiaxB aearess, , , , I i ;, A.Ji , u- J A. -Ci WADDELL, mar 20-DAW;tf : , ; . Newton. ewJeeey, MES' SHOVELS. MANURB' rORKaAMESf War.!.Trate"Chalhs. GrlnaStonebf A.T1 A - J" I Ailarxeae ortment -of the ahetve oods. ,in. 1 biui:k, auq ai uriceama wii jcive sans aciron, can Dnua U tae uM BtablUael Uaidward Howee of : VUa IB tA CiA AJkV4 T V U 4J ' i Eev; X!R Bohbitt, Editor & Publisher I aiiXjmA'b-rTbrJTPTiiT-iJT ilfc!Ji,f iau iviiJijiiJliil7 1111 lOOO. ;1 iC j Xar4iBM,.(raJitlon-: lit; bfl,8lf;( iDevoted to Religibopi .Lltraar . HcteacejAr, j Mews, and CsnoWtt HsjeBigeace. j .. i'.J iTjiU ilji lii JJUH'J 1 ji :) .11:4 T rit.haannpprtiBid, he ontinned of its: Ministers, Jail of whom are agents) towards increas- etrailallOB. -ti H a wu f . :u aTi i; i. 1 . ----- - , M. r ! rWhHeitia MltboHa4ftJn i?nrHna U will mn.l newsf rom all Churches, so as tb make it a welcomed vteitj toeAfaMIglwsXWrtiof JWenemk!StoniJ iw wise sun inrrflaum. iiirm annn mnbaa nd increasing circulation makes It a i r ,r 1. .. ir- . - : sow N0 T nFTTJF A TT JNTTO ". ?OP THE PUBLIC I 1 .ralinaOentril. Railway beioe conmlei HU1S at IT nmiuiwu, uv-ru. " delphia. New York, Boston ana iwnaence Wilnungton and Ttf CH&EIOOTEJ 1 STATESVILLE--.SHELB.Y mmm . and1 air .t&oys yn thtfAtl Westea Uerta Carolina RaHrovls as.weU as W points HUlUM.lHtuiWuv iwiw V Kates to all DQinta furnished upon application .K.5fTr apS-tf ' 1 ' Building. MISCELLANEOUS, in - T OIi LEY'S 'rlTB. t -'tis ENGLISH Si 1 ( ( Breech Loadings Guns. We have for many years, witlLgreat success, made a specialty -or uuiming Fine isreeen-loaawg unns to the aiMicial instrnctions of individaal sportsmen Making for a large and select trade ' enables ns to giv& greater care and attention to the fitting, shoot- msr ana general nnisnoi our unns tnan can oe eiven to thone Gnns bought br the retail trade f rom manufacturers who produce for a general, market. are judge ol Fine Guns :ajnd who know the.imppr Lance 01 naving tneir Guns made to fit tnem. We are nreDared.to av.ent order, to- build Gone ui auy ,im,, gauge, pruuuriiui UI Bljie. . Pbicb. PIONEER .$ 65 Gold. . 90 " "STANDARD i i , 115 " NATIONAL...., .. 140 " PARAGON ... . . 22ft " Kun Ulnstrsted particulars with 'References and instructions lor self measurement forwarded on ap plication. J. & W. TOLLEYV 1 i branch Office, 29 Maiden Lane, New York.' ,- MaDnfactory, Pioneer Works, Birmingham, Kng. : j 1876, Scriter'sHHontUy. 1876. - VTe invite the attention of the publ c . to Scrib kbb's Wokthlt, which now deservedly ranks among th best illustaited pebiobicai.8 or ths would. . . . The papers Illustrative of American Scenery, which have appeared in its pages,, among which were Included" The Wonders of the Yellowstone" aud the Grattd.Caaon of the Colorado," have won wide-spread admiration on both sides of the At lantic; andt The Great South": articles with their, beautiiul engravings, have been re issued in book form in both Great Britain and America:'' For the coming year we have broader plans tha t-ever before. The magazine will be enlarged, and there will be ' I.Iirec HeiartsMe , Serial . Stories :. , Br AMERICAN WBttEBS. ' i; " G A Ii R IEIj G O NR V Y? ' ' ! --i Jul v ; . -. . , 3 1 By BRET II ARTE, ' ? ? r-n t or which tho Boston .ftwf says: . It 1b a serial that will make every new number . of Scbibner's eagtrty sought for,' if it had nothing else to tecom mend U." . , ... ,. , The -Canadian Itlmtrated TTews predicts that " we have found at last the American novel." :,.-': The Louisville Courier Journal . says: "The second Installment is even stronger than the iflrsL iitstifying all that tews looked for." We begin In January j J : j " PHILIP NOLAWS FRIENDS, I By EDWARD iCVEKBTT HALE. : i . i ' . . . . . -. ,j . . . This ia an historical romance, . The scene is laid In the southwest, at a time when that territory was first Spanish, tbn French, and then American, and when war was imminent, to obtain the control of tho month of the Mississippi. It is likely to be the great romance of the Missi sippi Valley, as Gabeisl CowBOT wiilbeof the Pacific Slope, If That Lass o'Lowrie's : ' 1 x --4 - ' ' - -a .4 i : By FANNY IIODGSON BURNETT, stories, will not need to he assured that they have a' iicu ueiure raem. i ne scene 01 tne new novel is laid in an English raining town, and from the first page to the last the interest is unflagging. ; Among other notable papers we mention die fol lowing: A Sxcono "Fauxkb.'s Vacation." by Col. tieorge K4 Waring, deeeriptive of a row-boat ride of two hundred and fifty . miles, in one of the most fertile and Intei esihig of' the vfae-growinv valleys of Europe a region never seen by the' ordi nary traveler, but fulj of in'crtst, Jq it t0tjal and in dustrial aspects, s Aiare collection Of ; . U'.--t i" j Revolutionary Letters.-"; A SERIES OF 1LLU8TRAT ED - ARTICLES ON j AMERICAN - C 0LLEGE8. T Seriealnclndea Wilnam anMaryv Harvard, Tale Michigan State Unrversity, Wesleyan Ijni vereity,. Amherst Asricultaeai College,' Frinceton, Union, Bowdoin, Trmjty, and other typical inetitu Uons of the country." Elegantly Illustrated articles iUff tii-C! !'ti- 1301 ai J 'J ! OLD -NMWx XQIlKyii Illustrated DaDers on American rsi fa :iil '.. I'ni'i'i Tn dltonal control ; and direction of the 5f agk- wlllemin In the hands of Dr.- Holland, who will contribute each -month editorials upon current political and eocial topics. " onrxeaders may look to 'Topics of the Time" for healthy opinion: "The Old Cabinet" for pure sentiment ; - " Rome and Society V. ir grapefia economy ; Gnlture and Pro- frees" for ctlticismj- "The Worid.'s Woik" for in uatrlaj Intelligences " Br$c-a7trac" for wit and in nocent pleasantry. ! KCHlKKXti'K Mmnm v la this country and in Englnd,aa. the great reureten tatrvef American Magazine;-' - f K , . , u t 1 pcooratre f y the favor accorded ta it by a gen erftus pn&llc. we shall kfm dur ng the tentennial ear 10 cjipee.its former achwveiueais in both its Li.erary and Art departments. ycKiawtais .ldby' U ftrit-Clsss Booksellers ftnd,-iseWB-DtalerB.i -. irhi4o vo1s.oniph!te, N6v.lS70!,to Oct: 'IStn,' ' 4 vfli v , 0 bounolnUftirmoiooco. 30 00 I VpK begin in November and May. Auyfcf.ghe lier volumes (I to Vlli) wUl be supp led separately tottarQes wuowfeh them to coujjileK,' tietsi at.'th& ' "IF UOUL f -w; nair.moroccu, 09. , t 'Booksellers and PowtniasterH ,inli. WnnKtios v J8ubslhter iwdfr O;0rs,ji letters. I .wtJtaduaa 8ai4.iaiioid f OTiiBraand 'DECBiiBESK rmaKariiTrw tbl w wtbseribers forl876. ... " .( isfi , -:q an.MiwJ fli vf-1'..-ij 8CRIBNIR & CO.n..M, i'TIftro84way'iNeYejrk4 rr 4 J B i (Ts THE OLDEST-ESTABLT8HI3I FAl?KRJ?HJ tl, ,K;ewhaw county, andhaaan extenaivecirciUatkm i nmnnir Tnr HMwiiinn v.nh.mi..'u iiUj I I It offer toths M rr h ant 4 V.T CMIJi?V2 -2."j V Xiberatt'ermf will he ihMdmtMi&USa iTCttanle'tu luo ilarisnnif f.T,T s,t ,.1 fAddress;"3 auJiO Y FKAJITHAM -' Ha Vj ccJ .WJW'ff.iTlc 'ill qr,S4irs,imPrprtotpis; iBBorance from Eaetern cities guaranteed as low as via any. otnor.une.,, xo Ksrnunai pr wanBrtjauu 50,5 iitn.rui.lntaMMjaWar.IhilllWMt'tl i please iwanit In FLo. ManPv F In Bank ( hecks 01 L rafts.or.bv rearistered Monvy in letter not registered, t& sendwV I G "JB . Carolina Central sTullway,' FGenerahrisbt Department, ILM1JNGT0N, MARCH 31st, 1875 nneqnaiea 1 acuity ior imiuwui mujiuuju all :Eastern Cities .. v. -O? n 1 1 ' ' - in EORlA, AND ALABAMA.. 1 j a Vrj. 7; : , , . . - 1 to the; nnderaigned;. Office 1n Bank of IfeW Hanover iTT j. P. W. CLARK, General Freight: Agent, 1 MISOELLANEOIJB, Bank of Authorized Capital $1 ,000,000. Cash Capital paid In $300,000; $50,000 Surplus' Fnnd DIRECTORS. 1 JOHN DAWSON D. R. MCRCHISON' DONALt) ToR AE . ' H, ,VOLLERa ?.! Ji '. i R. R. BRtDGERS ' , .-. 1 -:. J. yV. ATKHSSON" ! S C. M. STED3LA.N 1. 8. GRAINGER JAS.,WlBAK ; . B. F. LITTLE '. ! .' B. BORDEN ' ; M. WKDDELLi L B. GRAINGER, President;. & DWAixic, Cashipri - '.' 3 .' e ''' ahg iO-4f ' .. . ; t. .;4 V...' . . . .'.if ,,T;.i v.?.3'. i .. r r ... i A Card., r FROM THB ABOVE ADVERTISEMENT MY many friends, patrons, and the music-loving cotomsnitv of ilmireton. and throne hont North Carolina,-wiH BOtice that I tm now making BAL TIMORE MY HEADQUARTERS.. '!--' ' )-1. The shipping facilitlea from the Norths Vith the desire to extend mv Piauo trade to a large field, to gether with my wide-spread reputation in the busi ness, has induced m to adept this plan. - I now can offer special inducements to those who will honor me with their orders. . -.,,, , . having been educated a musician, and. s6 to say, born and raised" in the PUno bniness, -gives me the asrnrance to claim that Instruments vent est by me will favorably compare in Superiority with the most noted make known, at prices which, will defy competition. Persons wishing to purchase will find tt to their advantage to CORKBSPONU DIRE LY WITH ME AT BALTIMORE, before making a hasty purchase elsewhere. r Kespectfullyj ; 3J. RUECKEBT SPKCiAt NOTICaTwUl, however,NOT DIS CONTINUE business in WILMINGTON; hut shall kefep on hand, at my residence, CORNER 3D AND MAR KET 8TRKET8. asnffieient mnuhr nf - PhnM aod Organs to meet the demand of my ettahlii-hed. uoucui n iiiuiiiKwu, wuere city purcnasers are in vited to cail and examine the instruments offered for sale, i PIANO TUNING orders should also be ieicat my residence for prompt attention. feb e-UAWtf J.F.R H avana Lottery 78S Prizes amounting ttfT: .TTTT. .$450,000 1 " ef.i.f. 100.000 60,00 2S.000 10,000 10,600 10.000 ' 1' of . 1 " of ...L. ........ 1 " of :.; 2 " of 5,000each. " w " of i,ood each ..t-r.rr:rr ! 69 of 680 each 6.15 ot 3oO each.... 44,0O 196,000 'l Circulars with f all inf ormaUon sent r. Tickets for sale by P-C.DEVX.TN. SUtioner and General Agent, i . 30 Liberty St., New Xork. may 7-dAwly X Removal; John C. Ileyer Ha.S REMOVED' TO1 HIS 'n'BW BUILDINO, t'a North Water, between Chesnrnt and Mdberry streets, where he will be pleased to see his friends aud customers, t . ocn-u.fcvvtr . ! THE S8EIDER JREECH-LOADISU .. Prices,' $50 OO t $250 K. - w--s i-ic: v.; ; Qi ,A ,-J :,;:(... MUZZLE-T OADISTG x : G UNS j v'jn 'ii'-.l oi ti.'t: it-. .vi vmu tiAiW) 'r ALTERED TO ' BREECH-LOADING, i j ( PNee 4fr60 WQ 6oia ! Hfti'St; iky.-: Ci'-w .stnlstsqrn-tl -yt Clark & Sneideiy ; li MANJFACTURERsf 'T ai4 west Send for Catalogue." " 't liBaltlmsrai:, dec 23-D&Wtf ViWHEELERf & wllBojJviw.JCKv -'.:iv ) ,V" !''(;; ' -f ;'8EWlNG!;MACbTNE hnt little nsed, with attachmentsli !it Is as igood hi new1.1 ' Applrat th'iB Cmiae'M fc H '-rt feb-tt ' ROD $c CUW, j jHE iHEIGAI SFORTSMAii, J 'DEDiCATED ' TO ! 1i t-rijt !'?" h PlChlTUr QTl'n UotriTtol 'DiatniiB''' , luiuui auu uailiiGi.ilMUJtft p Field Sport artfileb bv rhV lr,J- Sr.f fc j dsUMfpjtorapeeimendbpyw.' r:; ni-M; j ApriK-tf . 11 iTi iraiT'Ki ' '81 Park Row; New York Furniture ! Furniture ! OXW' ,Fi)R:,CASir. VyE(Wfi.i- RKbuCK PUR FORMER STOCK' i i xtAcMiaUCoa for, Cath, Only. iu if Call and (amhw . prksea., '.the . Ouly.hance ver !3f?Hro-lU gMiTi,.ro. ! for sale low hj ' V- IKTiJOi;:' Off) OIi?- VV-JJa , Tp,, J.,Ti-t, "--rlfl t; 1 t.: T7IRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPiF' :. 8 BjESPTOTFIlLLY iMriTED TO HE FA(!T THAT THE XVi - A. ted and fully eArtpped for businesssoilers-witn us connecw-j TrAroftmt.1 Hsaf "r.Va &7eAo'n. f ,r!iJrWtli1n nd Portsmouth, to UalUmore, rauan 1 . v " '0l 4a Sf . Vr in . ..n 1 "r i -n,'. juut.a.co. dec 81-tT Gordon & Turner r I GENERAL INSURANCE. AQENTs .:-' Represent the following .Fjrst Class Companies, with combined aecets of over Fin- uuuiAiiiuB. uverpuui uu IXJHQOU and Ci renn,"jaooue unaerwnters, v llambim. n Howe of Calumbua, Virginia ire anailtS Amazon, Old NorthStete, Southern Mututi iS. Richmond, Metropolitan Life Insurance (Jo & ' York. All classes of property in town or'v murea at tow rates; ; r we adjust and setti. "'u'Tf 1 a ..u nmmntl ufl nhontlv uf 6wn . Airents wanted-f or first class comnnnw ' oa VamIi tir0.,.- n,!,r . , f O: "'novS-tf 1 iii fo In s ur anc e XJ bmpai or mcomond, yirc;Inla. Over; 22,S0doUpies Issaed, JleOver tl,500,o) 'SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES. SEdif f 0 -i m iii . INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE. ; - .... ,, .-r ' " AND GOOD "SURPLUS . 5!-.t?' j--;;.T .!- . V ; J; . . ' iV". i'-fi '- ' , '. i-.i I "t '. t: Pj-eniumiiasli, 1'olicics Mler A nnnal Division ofSnrpiug f -1 . 'AETHTJH J. HILL, Jr., Agent. Office for the' present wili Dr. Wood it caliExamlneir', bit Market- street, 'two 'doers' m reeii s Xlums-riUr tor Wilmington, N. u September fe-tf : ' INS.D.MKCE U()0.i i j(lt9on&'Mannikng. J $70,ed&;e6Qi Aeet Repreent-d. j''' ' ---JFJlSK. . Ins. Co. of Nprth Anterjca. , Philadelphia. Phenlx Xnearacoe Oosupaay. t:. f. . Continental Insurance Co .: . . . New York. .New York. . London N. British &' Mercantile Ins. Co BattfordFire Ins. ComDanv.' . .HartfnrH National 1re; Ins. Company... ..Hartford. Springfield F. &M. Ine. Co...... .Massachnseti, u j " , ''" ITI AB1NR. L Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co. .New York Ins. Co. -of North America.". .' . . . ; . f&iladelphia. Conneetieut Mutual Life Ins. Co, . . .Hartford. . fi March 8-tf . E NCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. 1 r Ta . n- j rm-:NOKTH -jbAROLlNA HQSIJB 1ASURAXCK COMPAQ " - ?f h -i RALEIGH, ,N. C. . I This Company continues to wnte Policies, u Ir rates, on all classes of insurable property. ' All losses axe promptly adjusted and paid, fie "HOME" to rapidly growing in public favor, ted appeals, with confidence, to insurers of propent i ' y Agents in all parts or the State. JiJ HT BATTLE, Jr., president ; j vicerresident. BEATON GALES, Secretary. 3 PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. - ATK I NKON . UAVMTa l....! ng l-tf Wilmineton. V 1 THE EKKDM ABSL:: l ) vj PUBLISHED AT : I iredell co.:mc. ,-tISjTHE Leading Newspaper in "Western Norti tt H.f)(!id . Carolintu Itifi'the hntv Ilemocrarfri PnpjnVHfhed il llfr dell County one of the largest and wealthiesilooi ties In the State and has attained a larger local Cireolation than any paper ever heretofore published , kjthetsonnty. ' '-" . j . ii f a .ii.:'w- ." '-w .j -. . 1 atii teirenlation In Alexander, Wilkes, Ashef All-gkn7,Xdkin-Davie and, Iredell, ia larger than that of any two papers in the State combines; m ia(rapidjy acquimg a strong foothold inFonrttc, Shrry, Rowan and western Mecklenburg, f , IP . -wi ii!jA- !y.-:if...i. -: I. lit" & 'the oniv mnw in Wralsm TTrth (SroliM that employs a RssTjLAB CAHVassuia AerNT, w thus kept consUntly before the people, .lindertlui system a rapidry tncreasing circulatiou is the renin. h'lHIC BEST ADVERTISING MEDICB ,a IN WESTERN NOR'TH CAROUSa! ... . .. . Btatesvuie . i!, Postpaid.. 8160. i at ..i;- THB NURSERY. - A .MONTHLY MAGAZINE. FOR TOOTOg for Himple Number. Snbscrtbe Now, land g the last two numbers of this year Fbkk ! '4 . . Ty.un . QUARRY. , foct4-tf SB Bremfield Street. -.'2. -:jr rii! : a 11 '1.:.- u "vr--. XT U mnilT XT ;Mrm 'an,TT . V Of JAP- AKY, 187 the undersigned will comsaenw- Wtcattoh of the PYTHIAN iiCHO. iTheAfcto wUl no,thc loivan: of -the Pythias In this, iite, .tha-Uniied State w"1 Vortd ilhrgST -- f ' '--1 .'' - I , . Wblie the flMto JDtJuyyrti be published ta t interest 01. the tvtiiats of iythi s, it will tver JJ ji mindiaeihceeih-eat. ( ariliiial Principle ff" ojn.te n r . ndfbip. Chariti and rler-evelM1- . , j Bewtraheriii tkito. the oolumnsof the eer be open to benevolent Svcie les The 1. K. HO iM. M i he-F.A Ai M. wHl Aaehh j suace Oirouph which the will be hear 1 ae ji ct-of The'iffcfeo be to give the- laied infoJ , ton obtaiiteti at iheh irfof going to prei topics nt B'tri hi connected with the order' J H!a'rd It will aWnoecoms the cont' ompa- Jtin tt( Hirery, -Brother in itha- Lad;. rz ai. nim, throufrartfalctius frum w-iu-rs, to b. come an agreeable . vieilpr, w"J"' , rriend and connsellor in the families of I he W"1", Browhood. ever exrrtingiin .best ; inH(!,j0? maintRin'nir ih i.nnr. fnrrit in ll rilB dep-". , reehtstoMingtotM e-ent-ral we al of tb Order. ' hignest aml-ition will he 10 become worthy, ""yta 11 rid ings, of the good .will and patronage 01 5HJ;Ur -it j.II V. i ' ' S xne rytnum HXUa will.be phblished every ly at ONK. uOLlAR per annnm. ' ' s , tl4 Adverthjements solicited and inserted at low rax ftina.A 1,. , - .Kditorsand Propnet- 0ESIRING TQ PLACE A WIDE-AWjAKft . i and progressive newspaper in the haBd every qnalifled voter ia Robeeon and adjolningcw" ties we jwflj send the . v & ifiH m ft nrK.fi ft N T A JS TolljM,ubscr)bers at the following" rate. 11 Copy, 40c; . Copies, ,75c; 8 '. Copies, ( mpies, m si) i copy 5 Months, 70c; ""r i H oaths, onus, 91 1 Copy 13 Months, f WJ. 1 8ad.sUqp ror iBeolqien copy, vjjV 1

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