'.an T " r r X I IV - . II. i - - ' ------ ; PUBLIBKD ,1)AILY.'BY ( f ." - thrNdays...... .it...,4.. t W 9t (by maH) postage paid,. -4 W ... 5 Six Three montw One monin. delivered la any part of rttv Sabscrioers, " . ft ., Arant ontn. art of the are "11 Vam nrvs w nmn J iniiuuw mm OUTLINES. S tf,aVT wealher in English Channel. i 7persbD8 sentenced for treason at Flfte " J Danube hooding. ; ItoDgCWsto allow women io practice l" st. Louis worfcs nara .iorxxa convention of the Democracy TSffli. colored, ot he rKlnia Lse'of Delegates; was expelled -f or'ab Sn monerfrom;pay.brkff 81 .. Arms hich belonged, to Another member. Argument InBab- rht Eight of Knickerbocker ice hies burned atAthena.yNi.'losa - m Carlists claim a great vic lal along lbe-lin ot attack at patella l n-rhara.' New York mar- ttll il Dill it GolJ lliJf; cotton .la.ia-iwgno eeuw; kets cniriis turpentine cenw. rosin $1 Cof. Speaker iveri ' J" , Tdase catarrh of the 'bos.-- tt f koin!ana nftiaAltlllw Tha "raSjTS: SThlTrt . :il Mini mm Iiih IJaninel . umq nu win ivntv - - - within a fnrtniffht. Kelly maae a tender speech in the House yesterday. Spirits Turpentine Thirty seven dollars were re rently realized for the Orphan Asylum by ,aeaWHentt Warrenton. , ; , ? ; ,,, . , - The Clyde line of steamers : ... . MnMhprl and conned with will ruu w i"wuivM - the Atlantic and North Carolina Railway. i! The smokehouse of Mr. E. D. JIcNair, of Tarboro, was robbed Tuesday night. ' " ' " ' " k : " " - Sunday night last the gin house of John W. Heckstall, of Wilson, rwas l.umed, and an attempt made to fire his store. !' . . - " "'' At its mast-head the Windsor Time carries the name of Octavius . Coke, of Chowan, for Lieutenant Governor on the Democratic ticket. Col. T. C. Woodbnrn, of Ran dolph, has removed from that county to Durham, where he is to publish a paper to be called the Orange Herald. . . Four negroes confined in Louis burg jail attempted ineffectually to over powertbe jailor on Wednesday last, in or der to effect their escape. The Weldon Xexos ... says ", a Smash-up of freight cars on the Seaboard road, near Seaboard station, caused con siderable damaee. One person was slight ly bruised, l . t. I The Windsor Times says it is conceded McLindsay will be the Radical candidate for Congress in the First Dis trict, and intimates that it will require hard work to beat him. :1 i Louisburg" Courier : - During the storm on Sunday morning, John Dun sion, a colored boy, was thrown from a horse, his faee- striking upon a rock, caus ing a bilateral dislocation and bilateral compound Iracture or tlie lower jaw. Ij- Warrenton Gazette: .sTho fu rious windstorm of last Monday night blew down ! the . slablea of Mr. Steven Turner, of LNuibusb, and the timbers caught thiee of his horses, injuring all, one so severely as to render him useless. The Weldon News says a negro man, aged 110 years, lives near Whitaker'a Jlill, Kteh couuty, who baa had seven ;wive? UEil now has a daughter only five years old. He is active and , hearty and 'takes his dram. ' " !j The Governor has consented to a paitial exchange of circuits between Judges J. L. Henry and S: W. Watts for the coming spring term. By this arrange ment Judge Henry holds the courts of Wake, Granville and Northampton; and Judge Watts those of Henderson, Bun combe and Yancey. I Raleigh New : Last Wednes day, about bve o'clock in the evening, at Neuse Depot, ten miles North of here, John Carrington, ;a negro living on Peterson .Dunn's plantation, rushed into the kitchen f It N. Wynne,and without a word made an asault on Betsy Phillip?, a colored wo man. He pushed her against the wall and drew his knife and slashed a dreadful wound in the left side of her throat,causing internal as Well as external hemorrhage, i ohe is now in a critical condition from her j wouuda. Carrington escaped. " r In answer to our question how the deleeutes would vet tn wnMn i,;,k I " o aivuvU wv uivu I p ace it suggested for the holding of the I Depot on the Norfolk Railroad, thence di- ltc.1 on the elegant steamers Chowan and "naio Benton. How they would man ge toeuway is anothequestion and one i T cbi ,18er t0 answer." Rather go to Cherokee county, at once.s Can ; fet i mere without going into another Bute !2SR?m Shelby or in a dog cart r"tn Old Fort. """'P Hawa's Appelaimenls. "Ck--. no v;V v",ouay 'eoruary Zi. p. m. Wilson-Friday, February 25. i u, ton Sunday, February 27. : - ' i tifMm 8 Moudav. Fehrnnnr 9 n m - r. wngweod-Sunday, February 20. hDhdd-Monday, February 21, p. m. J LUttorp 1st Sunday io Lent,March 5. Cassidey, in the U.' S. Court room, to-mor-13iniuMMr2d' 8uodJr0.;In. March ruw' morniDg at 10 o'clock. V l ! J-coSlwpdnearlsr M.'fc To those who know Dr. Curtis, peraonj dvill Bertie co Friday. March "17,' in T jni life. n 1U . . .CC8u,,ro l uesday, March 21. 1 ,u,D,7WtdDe8duy, March 22. . H::v.lle-Thorsdav. March 23. i, .... i . " " l e'et'8. Gates CO Prirlv Xfrnh OA CX111; Cily-4lb "da; in , Lent. MHrcSnif' PerqDions co-Tuesday, H rfford-Wednesday March 29 FridaV. Mnrrh hi 1 'UOUth 5lh SnnHw in Tjii) Inrlt 4 Luke's. Wasli?n(rlin.i.nMnnl.V A. i.' I u Si I ... . 1 dlv "a.,'Yaington ccWridnes- B Sir;TbApril 6 P L?.Undfy in .Len!.-April 9J SlHdelu.e"-: , Hyde co Wedntsday, April 12. Fairfield TT. -wt . ' J . 7" -A. ! tt t , -v T .,-., f .VI April 19 f cn eanfort ;ce--Wednesday, waslnn Kton-Thursd ay, A pr ilJOV (I teV,1SatHrlarVAprU 2k -Aprutem80n-l8t Sunday after Easter, mi " t . A . i soir vcati?y. -aprit zo. . """""1 uesds - a- ' w- a WeldonlrQ "-Thursday,. April 27 t Hal ff atu.rdav APrfl 29- ' ' '". fifax-Sunday, April 80. rri ' i The maili wiH'clpso iVtbe Citv Post-Of-fice onUi further noUca aA follows Northern (night) maila for all points North, : East and West oft Weldoa. ; daily at.. v.......v....... 6:30 PM. " through and way (day) , X mailajdairy .except SunUay, 0 :30l He Mails for the N. C Railroad, and routes supplied, there-;- from, at. ........ . .. . . . . . 0:80 P. M. Southern mails fot , all .points . i South, daily. . . .... : . . . . 5:30 P. M. Charleston, daily, at. ......... 5:30 A. M. Western mails (0. C. R? daily-sl ft- iUn. ' (except Sundays,) , . . . . 6:30 P. M. Charlotte mail closes at. 4:30 P. M ; Fayettcville, and ofQceson Caie ' - -i ' -: Fear River,- Mondays and Fridays. ..v .. 1:00 P M. Fayetleville by U. C. R'y, daily " ; (exeept Sundays). ....... 50 A, M, Onslow 0. II. and intermediate offices every Friday . 6:00 A. M.' The Smithville mails, by stearaboat,:lo8e at 8 A. M., daily, except Sundays. ; Mails Tor JSasy Hill, Town Creek. Bell SwamrvSupply and Shallotte, every Friday at 6 A. M, Mails delivered from 6:30 A. M.; to 7:15 P. M., and on Sundays from 80 to 9:30 A. M. .. . .: - , Stamp Office open from 8 A.M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5 :30 P. M. Money order for Register Department open same aa stamp office, . ' - m Stamps for sale at general'delivery when stamp office is closed. :' -. - Key Boxes acceaaihle a$ all hours, day and night , ? S - Maila collected from street boxes every day at 5 P. M. - - ; Cnbw lovKUTis am bn ts. Annual meeting Athletic Club. Sleeting Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1. , MuasoN & Co Partly made shirts. Habkison & Alleh Silk hats. S. Q. NoKTHBOpi Fresh leas. C. H, Hwdk Roses, &c. Krrchskb & Caukb Bros. Groceries. Williams & Murchison Molasses, &c. John Dawsojt Watt plows. Giles & MtTRCHisoN Howe's scales. A. Shbikb Clothing. ; H einsberoer Organa. C. W. Yates Photographs. A. David Clothing. Local Dou. ; The Cape Fear is falling rapidly. . Our temperance folks will hold forth at Brooklyn HaH to-morrow evening. " Early risers report a heavy frost visible yesterday morning. Very few cases have accumu lated on the City Court docket since its last session in the early part of the week. . - Plenty of water reported in the river now, but the wells and cisterns in town are still at a low ebb. Arrived at Baltimore, 17th inst., German barque Claudia, Diose, from this port. " I-r-i Passed Fort Itfonroe, 17th, Swe dish .barque Westmorlandet, Nylan, from Wilmington, N. C. (?) ' E. C. Woodson, Esq., of that enterprising paper, ; the Wilson Advance, was in the city Friday evening and yester day. , . i T 0 ill ."'.v The Brooklyn Backet (Fire) Company propose to have a target-shooting at Hilton on Thursday next, as we are in formed, when a silver watch, silver butter dish and a gold ring will be awarded as prizes." " lit. Rev. Bishop Gibbons ar rived in this city. Friday night," and' will preach at St. Thomas' Catholic Church at the late morning service to-day, commenc ing at 10:30 o'clock, and in the evening, at 71 o'clock. " ' - -x The first annaal meeting of St. George and St. Andrews' Athletic Club will be held at the ; College of Physicians'; and Surgeons' Hall, on Tuesday evening a w next, the 22d inst.; at, which time the elec- take place. Allexed Violation of the Enforce- anent Act. . . ; , ... j We learn that a warrant has been serv ed on Dr. I Walter ; O Curtis, a prom inent citizen of Brunswick county, on the affidavit of Lewis A. Galloway of that county, alleging that on or about the 1st of August, 1874, he (Dr. C.) "did, at a registration of voters for an election of Representative in the Congress of the Uni ted Stales, fraudulently attempt to register, not having a lawful right so to do." The case will be beard before : Commissioner ally. 51 is useless to say that his action in the premises, whatever it might have been, could riot have arisen from any motives of intentional fraud, or design to violate the liw governing in such cases. He-might have conscientiously erred id the belief that he was entitled to register, but that he knowingly and deliberately attempted. to register or vote when not entitled to do so is not all characteristic of the man. In fact, the revival of the matter at this late day , and the effort to bring it into the courts savors of political persecution. t i I Tbs aatldest Ifcsaula mt no Honnd v.- j , We find that we were led into the com-j I mission of a grsve error in our statement I relative to the party who died suddenly at lastv.Tha ttnfortunate deceased was Mrs. Nancy Stokley, an aged lady, who was! living on Capt. J. -I. Mett's premises. . She is believed to have died of heart disease A Rana or Tnernaomeier. i 'The following was 'the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, In this city, vesterdav: -; , 7 A. M., 81; 12 M53; 2 P. M., 60; 4:30 P. M., 55; 6 P. M!, 46; 11 P. M., 43. ! masste MUetaell. . ( w ' To-morrow evening the 'inimitable Mag .gicMUcbellf whosereputalipn as an actress, especially in her perfect characterizations f ber favorUe plays, , Tanchou" , and 1 the "Pearl of Savoy," have placed her beyond the pale of ordinary criticism, will once more greet her old Wilmington-friends at the Opera House. A- Richmond contem porary remarks that "Maggie appears as youngas ever," and.t'a for' her a.cting, it has grown better - and better, and in her peculiar part she has no equal. The fol lowing from the Providence ' Journalsv a fair specimen of the average Northern sen timent in regard to Maggie's performances: ' Maggie Mitchell's representation of Fan cbon, last evening,r was witnessed by,; an immense audience, occupying all the usual seats, all the extra chairs that could he ob tained, and all the. standing room which permitted a view of the stage. Such audi ences are rarely seen' on any occasion,' and especially at - a theatrical entertainment. Not 'only was it large, but a good portion pf it was composed of that class who at tend only when such brilliant stars as Mag gie Mitchell are announced. To say that all were well pleased with the entertainment, would convey but a faint idea of the delight which was manifested. Hardly one ieft the hall until the green curtain dropped on the closing act," and throughout ; the entire piece all seemed intently interested, seldom moving in their seats except when some act or speech made applause irresistible. We have seen Miss Mitchell in Fanchon, we dare not say how many times, but we never witnessed so good a representation of it as on last evening.. Not only was ber character perfect in everything, as might well be supposed, but her -support was really excellent, and the drama went, off like clockwork. Plantation Holler, with Separator A New Inveutlou. We examined yesterday, at Messrs. Hart & Bailey's, where it is on exhibition, anew invention known as Kahnweiler's Cotton Seed Hulling Machine, which must prove very useful to Southern ! planters. This machine not only hulls the seed, but sepa rates the seed from the hulls, the latter of which can be used for manuring purposes, and the former, mixed with corn, for feed. The machine will also grind and crack corn, cob and all, and cut the shucks into small particles, making altogether an excel lent feed. As an economizer it possesses the feature of converting everything ap pertaining to corn and cotton to some use ful purpose. We examined specimens of the cot ten seed after having gone through the hulling operation, the hulls to be used for manuring purposes, the cracked corn and cob mixed, the finer particles of eacb, ground nearly to the consistency of meal, the chopped shucks, &c. ' The machine we saw is of hand power, but they are usually of from one to two horse power. To many planters in the South who are in the habit of throwing away large quantities of cot ton seed, as .being of no use, except for manuring .purposes, and also cobs and shucks, it seems to us that a machine such as this, which was invented by Mr. David Kahnweiler, formerly of this city, hut now of New York, would be of great practical benefit. 1 The Drowned 8allor At the request of Capt T. Toss, of the German brig Fanchon, from which vessel the young sailor, Wilbelm Wahl, j was drowned a few days since, we give the fol io wiag statement: "At the coroner's inquest over the body of the sailor, who was drowned a few days ago, and who belonged to the crew of my vessel, the Fanchon, a black mark was found on the forehead of the drowned man, and the jury, one of whose members was a physician, was of .the opinion that the man was : knocked overboard,- and that this caused the mark on" his forehead; this could only have been done by one of bis late fellow sailors, who were at the time with him painting the vessel. My sailors, who were highly offended by this suspi cion, cleared themselves, by washing the face of the drowned man, and thereby re moving the mark, which proved to he a of the black color with which he had I stain been painting the vessel,' Another Political Organization. We are requested to state that "a large assemblage of young , Republicans met at Brooklyn Engine House in the First Ward night befere last and organized a Club called "Young Men's Clainu" The follow- ing officers were dirty elected for the ensu - ing term, to wit: - President, Alex. Samp son ; Vice President, Geo. Robinson; Sec relary, Louis Dawsey; Treasurer, Samuel Southerland. ; ' "After oreanization, . resolutions were unanimously passed endorsing: the aetion of tbe County Executive Committee in their selections of James Heaton as Chairman and W. H. Moore as Secretary." j Hertnary, . i There were six . interments in Oakdale Cemetery during the 'week closing yester day, of which onewas anadult and 'five were children. : Of these, one was still-born, one was drowned, one , died of,. ; diphtheria, one of whooping, cough, one of pneumonia and one of heart disease. f . ; .The inter menu in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery numbered four, of which two were adults ami two children. Bealcnatlon and Appointment. J. H. Whiteman has resigned his posi" tifl in the Potfacerwhete? he faaTacted as Clerk for the past six years, .and now fills the position4 of Chief Route Agent on therW.; C; & A::R: S.; made l vacant hy-the resignation -of'-'Mr.-t Hv W.1 Peniy, who takes the place vacated by Whiteinan .n - , 'JJ. Several of , our: countiji friends have gotten Into trouble Jaieiy ny zaumg or refusing to pay ,the Clerk; pf the JIarketthe tax of IOceotl required of persoMBeUing produce ' " " . t " .viiq it jiij 'io Oar Cliurenes toDar. : i-'. ; a -, a-:! St. James' Churchy corner Thi rd and l Market streets. ti Sige8im Sunday. Eer ic ai fol tows ; Celebration at 7i a. m ; Morning Prayer: at 11 .o'clock ; iBvening Prayer at 4 o'clock ; Sunday School at 2i pml -tr-i'i u 'j .vt i ; t X'---U:: Services in St John's Church to-day, Sexagesima 1 Sunday, as follows : Early Celebration - aV a! m. pM6rifogtrjet at II o'clock! hi Evening Prayer-Children's service -at 4 o'clock!' v 1 ' j 1 'J J ' ' ;",Vf ' Services at St Paul's (Episcopal) church,. corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as fol lows: Services at 11 a. m... and 7i Pi-mV Rev.vT. M. Ambler, Recto 1 Seats free, x Tri.n hhn.h Third Aov. j , Vv" -r and Oransre streets: Rev. Jos. R. , Wilson, D. D.i PastorU Services at 11-a: m.and 7. w ...c.tehnni . a n m..f.U..T I I H- u?j-.v-w. f - f 1 Second 1 Presbyterian Church, comer i on Fourth and Campbeir streets. i Rev C. M. Payne, Pastor.' Services at 11 a. in. andH p, m. Sunday School at 3 p., rd. 1?raye ' ' -. " - ' "'111 - i - n 1 i." V meeuogjrnaayvta. m. oeaisiree. uif nnt frl on Fifth, between Nlin and ChUrCU I streets: Rev.. J. M. Rhodes, pasTor. Sev-, vices at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath' School at 9i a. m. Prayer meeting Thurs day j night at 7i o'clock. . : . , ." . Front Street M. E. Church (South), cor ner of Front and .Walnnt streets: Rev. J.ELj Mann, pastor!. Services at 11 a. m. and Hi p. m. Sunday school; at 3. p. m.. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 1 o'clock. Young Men's Society Tuesday night at 7,1 O'clock.'". '' . ;( 8t - Paul's ! Evang. Lutheran Church corner of 0th and Market streets, Rev G D.Bernheim, pastor. German service at 11 a.' m. English service at 71 p. m. j Con gregational meeting af 2 p. m, Sunday school at 3 p. in. Catechetical instruction on Friday at 3 p. m. Weekly lecture on Friday at7J p. m. I r First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets, Rev. James B. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday School at Si a. m. Ser vices at 11 a. m. and7 p. m., by Rev. J. B. Hartwell, Missionary to China. Monthly meeting of the Missionary Society at 81 p. m. Young men's prayer meeting Tuesday night at 7i o'cl'k Prayer meet ing Thursday night at 7 pyn. J St. Thomas' Catholic Church, Dock St., near Third. ! Sexagesima Sunday. Morn ing service at 7 and 10.30. Vespers at 7.30 p. m. Rt Rev. Bishop Gibbon will preach at the late morning and evening services. Pews open to visitors. Rev. Mark S. Gross, Rector; Rev. Jas. B. White, Assistant , Services at St. Mark's (colored) Episcopal Church, corner 6th and Mulberry streets, on Sundays as follows : Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at St Barna bas School House, at 3 p. m. Confirma tion class at the Church at 4i p. : m. Even ing prayer at .7:30 o'clock ;bn Wednes days at 8 o'clock. ; 'f ' ! j! First Baptist Church, colored, on 'Fifth and Campbell streets. Sunday School at f a. m. ; preaching at 10 J a. ni., 3 p. m. and 7i p. m. Rev. F. R. Howell, Pastor; Trinity. Chapel, M. E. Church, 7tji and Brunswick streets, Rev. Z. T. Pearsail, Pas tor. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., Si p. m. and 7i p. m. j Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Ebenezer Baptist Church (colored), 7th, between Orange and Ann streets, W. H. Banks, pastor. I Services at 10i a. m., 3 p. m., and 8 p. m, ' i The Fire Last If lent. enoruy Deuwuu sounded an alarm for. Jhe southeastern 4is. trictpfthe city. In a few momeitsthe 1 (kMjn v..vi Ui-U throng of generally deserted thaUayorUeaBt for Saturday nights and bolted off, into the darkness toward the new centre of attrac- tion. j --:r V.""."". ! The house in which the' fire broke out was a comparatively new one-story frame, located at Seventh and. Queen streets and owned I6icpietlhj31 losOrtuW house-carpenter-ej$kinan was at e-carpenter. from home at the time. -Mrs. Ward sent ?4JPSl out 1 her fire and lamp, and, with her family, retired early to De me oeuer read for ten)ymnS of We)Klileges of the Sabbath. After'Vlime she awoke from a sound sleep to find the room she occupied filled with smoke and j&ame and the heat'lbtebse. ' Reafizlnjf in'a moment 1 ,lhe 4aBJCe.jvf, her. situation and with Jbqt the one instinctpf personal saieiy ttn mating iiet.shy spTaBg'to (hV door, and in some wiy, shcfhneW; not how, gained the outer air just aa the wall of flame swept completely round the roim and filled it with a whirling mass of fire. A gentleman who saw heriba;jq es cape was a most narrow, one. i This gentle man had been at wort ih a ahoplacross tiw way, ' wheh,' ' turning toward the; win- dow; he suddenly sawr Mr; Ward's house in . a : right i blaze the '.'' flames .hunting from the roof, and seeming to have posses- 8ionHeniTParfPfihBi9tl&a8ti .nrchinir hVhonM"he saw Mrs.' Ward rush out in her nighVclotlies and go run - nini JEranUcally: roupdihc hguse calling to be'inheiurhlng'Wadm T man caught' the lady as soon as he could, antftook her to a1 placwiOf safety in the house of a..'aeighbor.1wlien ahe. watv aoon joined bythe oiber members of her family wbo seem Mto bav awakened iarlieiv' and, escaped a moment JUfore hr.ltj, Tn Ki mMntima the fire bad extended the one-Btory frame house adjoining on "the north, owned by Mr. Geo. Harriss, and oci cupied by Mr., Frank:.Bwafhe!;F4fth WarducketCempany; and the members iswswaunjwiui imu succeM f or water ktte.varlous welli ii. the aeighbothoodV which were almost drj. At ention was next turned to saving the fur ' -i ct . . nttufeor'Mr - . . i ....... t ' r ' t ... r .1 t -. nrPvftTiAw.Tn? fcffWiU,hviMriftin I Jlsiili-is kt'rsJj-'jL.-tcii : "T"" V1 All '.the rteamers arrived, early,and streams were speedily got upon the burning huildinM-water bein takenfrom Sl 0 ...I tern at Sixth and Castle streets. At one timei the -dwellinff adlbinine Mr. Ward's on I n two DUUuiocs Jirsi mention- i i . ; ' . , v . ' i..ti.s i edV These were thoroughly wreckeilthc-ugh1 :nbVenrelyonuiea: ! jWard's'hisS'Js prhblCtfiOOVbr more, On building, furniture aodrclothingi. I all otwhieb, except wat the family had il.' -"r a'ma M 9..y"i iH.;v.;- have time -to knatch her dress, which was I 'close at: bahdand.inalpoffket f jot whtcK .tii . xxr- u j. a M w"f "u,au . was aw insurance on the house of fSOOtni-fi? i-jfr. Swafin'liaVea'm)st:bf Bis' ftifntturej I; but is a loser Co too great an extent torsuit him ifllhese hard times. 1 j 1 v . ' . . .m n m r . tt it is tnountmat inerAOSS or mr. xiarpss ' Wli 1 rmramif irfmill nir' down One Of I tlin'Vmtninrr-Kii if1 5 n nra ' hnotr slinnpd' its I rf irucfic f ?i n""; if 7 " the Bucket Company, over the left eye, inj flicting quite a gash and knocking him in Bpnoihln ; TTia tin was also cnt thromrhv in some way. tie was carnea nome oji mi comrades acd properly cared for. ; It isjiot thought his injuries will projre serious, ns ' The fire can only be conjectured to have caught from the chimney having become overheated and charred the woodwork. . A Barelar, on jlta TraeltHIii SAt lemptea capture anq asacape , . ; ' Tho ctnro nf nfpaar (1 Ronev '& Sons, at I me soutn was inreaxenea: oui mrouei exertionl' ' iof 'the' tofrien lienimeirwer confined to the' Duplin Reads'; was bfokeopen a fewhights f py jsharp an r- , , , ,- . , . clear for an Indefinite period of . time. Havijig iual since, and, robbed of tools, &C, to the ,ea-'a!fresa siipplyof' fheee mks,:weare pre vahie of about $15; 6r $20: ; The thief, a pared to ezecute ordera promptly and at moderate colored man, said to be the sam'e fiend who pnees. ,1 . , assaulted and robbediMr. J. li. J udge, on the highway near Kenansville, on Saturday of last week, subsequently offered the tools for sale to several persons on the line of the road. ! At Burgs w, he stopped at the store Of Mr.., S. P, Hand, to whom he offered a plane, three hatchets and a square tot $2. Mr. Hand ; had his suspicions .that : the articles were stolen, and privately despatch" ed bis brother for an officer, while he de tained the fellow by pretending to he desi rous of making a bargain with him. In the meantime, the'lhief, who seems to have been apprehensive of danger, caught sight of the Officer as he was approaching, when he darted from the store and quickly disap peared in the woods, thus effecting his es cape for the time being. . If there is reason to believe, aa we. learn there iSjthat the thief is-: tbe same who (robbed and nearly murdered Mr. judge, there is a doubje in-1 line of the road where he has been, -opera ting to effect his capture at all hazards.:- Off tbe BeacU. , ... ? Capt. B. W. Beery) wljo has-been en gaged for some days past in the effort to re move the: schooner. Charlotte AnnPigot from the beach about eight miles north cf New Inlet, where she went ashore on the night of the 26th of January, succeeded in getting her off and towed her into Smith ville on Friday, where she will probably re ceive the- necessary repairs. Her hull is re ported in good condition. The Small-Fox. ' Only one additional case of small-pox has been reported by the Superintendent pJ Health, that of Capt. Penton, of the' Sea men's Home; This only makes four cases andtwo of lheae have been removed "u l.L.,. H",ruV ..-v- rr has been taken to prevent the spread of the disease, the two cies in the city being kept and j-Warded. , 7 j ?rrcouv X aW ' " snaaen Deatii. ' J " ' ', Mrs. Eliza Gillespie, a widowed sister of CaptFCl'Singietary, Superintendent "bf I the street railway, dropped dead1 in ner J chair, at tie 'residence of. thai gentleman', Haie Friday evening, while conversing with some friendsie deceased lady ha beej )t H -,fr J suffering more or; less for a long lime wth an affection that 'had been pronounced . 1 . 1.... WmIm.a tH-.rtna neart uisease, uui was aw tuc umo m ojpa rently as good healtb-as -usual. Tbernaometer Beeord The following will show the state of the M I thermometer,, at tb6 stations. menUonedat 4:30 1'. M.. yesteraay, as asceruuneu iu thedarblleUn Office in this city: j v Augusta', 59; Charteston'57; Galvestbd, 63; Montgomery, 58; Mobile, -53. New OflehVis; 60i Norfolk,' 44jJ Savannah, 61 ; ;Wilmington,B5;l '-1- -r Wllalaaio etaUtftarkei,;, .,;,n l;iiThe. (Allowing, pnoesj ( Tuled.,e8terJaY: ApplesicXdried) cents per pound; dried I peaches 35c per pound;, walnuts, .85 cepts per. eck pickles,: :20 cents . per dozen; lard, : 19 cehta per poundj iiutter; ,4055 cents per pound ; cheese, 25 oenta per pound ; grown fowls 5060 a pair;1 geese $1? 50 per' paj ef lOlSJb.1 per pound i beef, cora- ied.,'mtml5c:JieV :1ioitndlr; e$L'4toi&li$k;i l rpbund;toi6, 121 ';harn, llctspe 30 rita. ter hilnch I. pente ajgujjSpupunch, 5cehts;ggs, 15" J pnUj adosursaaon, cMcnjinKipsn Lpoatpes.iiesr Iriab-9c Deqk; newswee I 2p cjents a Tjecfish-rtrout 25e. pehunphf 1 mullets ilQQSk .eots per.banch , turnips J j40iqeots unchvntonrt!60c!enjs. to k f.- tkt' Cabbaees'j-l(a23 veentst .jiAVtAmrrit ,1 OA .-irvanta: ai:!knttnillJ'Wlld U:,VA, UUlUfjii. rm r j 4uck5fl7Scb a jiairt patdey, 5 cents bunch; carrots, oc a pound; nce,iut0svca quart; crabs 4 e dozen i apples 50 to 60c rt-r1 iSrV.'iivBr ftiiddlnir. 20c T6r blood $taidlag,ts f .-ttl f oysteW (NwRierJ frOv Dei gaaoB or it a DusnBt;-o dwwu, , jeeiery $ cents' Per.buch; turkeyst20c je; pound. ' IV 111 vWHOLE-NO:.2iT34. U ;;u;lIa Spring Vlaltatlon. Kinston. . ! March 22 Holy Innoe Tnnrwpnta Tjnntr irt i a 4 'fl Hi jXembeTae.k.U? Beaufort, ' " j T ii28 Switt Creek Bridge, j 3t H rinitir KsanfArt innnlv t ., ;' t,ry ?f Jl April?: .2 8 4 6 St. John's, Durham's Creek. I ureenvuie v St. . John's. Pitt ftonntv. I Jin- 11 w ' j BnowhilL '. 13 Marlborough, Fitt co. Good Friday, Wuminglcm, Eastw Sunday, '' il Appolntmenta 5 ! of iRev.;W. tS. BlaoW, Presiding Eider U2 - r,fir?oau4f atwlMIl.g8J0n Wilmington DferK for the Methodist E. Uhurch, South, the -present -Conference; war' ...... Whitevflle, 7i ) at5 fieyHle- Waccamaw Mission gmitiiviiie. at tTnion. . ' . . . .Feb. 26-27. Elizabetb.C ''!Elizabelht6whi, Mar. ' Onslow,. :1,f .Swansboro.:, i 'ClTlf ITEMS:-10" ' li'(: n ' J'1 f 'tiSti -nit. J'i ' one f the eatfett fhinn toeateh.andat taeaaae lnvn nlDVMfnnul tn th mirrmi' i . - fi.'.ii!vJ7 r"- News Stand, aouth aide Front Street, we are Indebted for copiea of the Kew jork Jdyer, Chiwey Otrntr, f and, Frank Leslie's jQwtrated Newspaper for the current week. The Btana w51i remain 'open -dnttl 11 Vdlockttds morning.. a-; : f Book UnroxKr. th aounia Btab Book uad ry does afi kinds of Binding and Ruling In tt work manlike manner,'- and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needfcgHecelpt Books, 'or other work, may rely oa promptaeas In the execat&wof their orders. . .,.. . ' " . Tbaxsfeb . rBiNTis-lNKa.-i-lnvaluable to -ta.11- road companies, steamship companies, banks, inert chants, manufacturers and others. They ar eif- ... , t.j-.f - ,ibik ; ; f ,.I ' .,!t..j:lf- GILLESPrjE. In this city, on the evening of tbe 18th inst, at tbe residence of Mr. F. C. bingletary, Mrs. Uza C. Gillespie, aged 62 years. - The Toneral services will be held at First Presby terian Church, this (Sunday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, The friends of the family are requested to be pre sent. .-".('." NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. : St. George & St. ,, Andrew's Athletic Club. ' THB A1TOTJA1.-MEKTING OF THE CLUB will be held at the College of Physicians UaU, oa TUESDAY, February $1 18T6. Business; Elec tion of Officers. GBORQB W. BAILKY, feb20-lt J i Secretary.,, Wilmington Hooi Mier' Co., Ho. 1. Attention t called meeting at com- pany's Ball, on MONDAY EVENING, 81st inst, at W o'clock sharp. Business of importance. feb SO-lt W. J. GORDON, Sec'y-1 Broadway Spring Style FINE SOFT FELT HATS. ' t HARRISON & ALLEN, t City Batters. feb30-tf WATT PLOWS, Ames shovels, manure forks, ames' Spades. Rowland Shovels and Spades, Hollow ware. Trace Chains, Grind Stones, Ac - A large assortment of the abore Goods, now in stock, and at orices that will give satisfaction, can be had at the Old Established Hardware House of , i JOHN DAWSON, feb 20-tf , ; j No. 19, SO A SI Market St Howe's Scales. fJALL and examink samples at J Uw GILES & MURCHISON'S , feb 20-tf. Kew Hardware Store, We axalnot: only ' Pioneers i IN; REDUCING PRICES, BUT also LEAD THE TRADE in the Safe of Sfiirts. JCn this department! we are, with one exception, without a rival j In the State, Nownereelsecanyoabuy WAMSUTTA SSnSTfil, I , - M.Madeff u All Made. i Six tor $6.00." iSix Tor $7.50. 5 ':t CASH ON DELIVERY. it . J . MUNSONACO., . Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. febSJ-tr v Sllff aT-HollSe MolaSSeS. i vji -i BHDS. AND BLS. S: fi. MOLASSES; 1 - I . -KUi-J'iU . ,! For sale by' . ,f , feb SO-H jji EBCHNEB .&-CALDEB BROS. . Corn. 4000 BUSHELS fcOKS, i t! , For sale hy IfIVS l.l .! ifeb SO-tf KEHCHNBK A CALDKB BBOS, Bacon, Salt; and Flo BOXE8 D.' 8. BIDES and SH0ULDES9, lit- 4000 1IVEBFOOUHAL', y,i j i. tiiiirdrsalekyo't -jh' 'liiM. iH:l- i ,-J Erf BOXES BOAP..ti! ;,-. ,i r lllll BJkUD HAllA . , n k a Bios SHuTk v t n 3 :i i iij-it ', 't-rvW tale- fcr" "L'iHl'Ai' 111-. l..jl.1'.JIW' ftiC -v -- -...t PionuOTn Pll.nKH MHIW J::i ..'.iJ 'iL )jl in Ll jJ- :i . Hi TtrrVh'TlftfrTfV jfk. VEKY ; SUPEBIOR. YABD DOA.' 8 AH iMtheDestdogla; ' J inquire at restdence, corner 9th sad Princess feb 19-St I ..- r tW&fctn.&MX-f ; s " una montn.. .... w ! " . .. Biz saontita .".T ...S6 00 1 ' - One yr.... ...... .1...... 60 i IVCo&tract AdvertlBemenU taken at prop! Uonatelv low rates. - ----- t - '. JrlvttttqaateaMtiBUted.aa a tnarVor-colBiaa, and ten aqaareB a a ltaU-colnma. v, . . , T 1?EW ADVERTISEMENTS. GO TO A. DAVID'S . GO TO A. DAVID'S' "' " 00?Tfl XV'TIAVITVR If , 1" GO -TO, A.HAVH)'S I , r .. r - FOR BARGAINS IN ; ii s v v j ; ; poR BARGAINS IN : , FOR BARGAINS IN: FOR BARGAINS IN CLOTII1XO, ; ' 'CLOTHIBffCS; 1 nciU ao.;MM ', fii CLOTfllKG,''. ALL, GOODS ATc A SACRIFICE ' ; ALL GOODS AT A SACRIFICE. . ' ALL' GOODS AT A SACRIFICE. feb:S0-tf,;-t gfynp,!. -?.-,yr.-T :i Fresh -T6as.j X HAVE JCBT BEUJtl V KD FROW THE UNI TED STATES TEA COMPANY my ebctk invoice of tbelr popular TEAS, tho ateady Increase tn the aale ahowing thtir thorough appreciation -by thofe who are using them. Tut up in air-tight Metallic Packages to pretre the rich aroma of the Tea.and sold for CO eenta per pound and upward, at 11 " ' ' '.' v .-,..... t. 8. U. NOKTHKOP'8 t feti M-tf j ' Fruit and Conf ecttosery 8tore. i - On MONDAY XDBBIKQ, X: SHALL BRING A i? Load'of Fin : Roscs .-;' : together with fotiiei TLOWKRS' UT BLOOJl.'to be old at the store of . Mr. G. H. W. RTJNGB. feb SO-lt ' ' ' . C. H." 11BIDB; Florist. ' - . t Si I Molasses i MolaisesJ OA A hhds new crop Cuba Molasses, ;. : QQ.bbls new crop Cuba ' . " ; j puncheons Eng. Island M. JQQ WlaB,B, gyruptjf; h,s For sale by -r-.,t- - . I ' WILLIAMS & MbRCHISON, feb 13 tf G-ii -11(11100 ... -I .; i A- iYAA PUH, J'RIMK ;WHIT corn. iu. - - . . 7 gQQ tens Peruvian Guano,, ' 300 " Burek:GW 300 FIans Potatoei1' '' 300 17618 8ugar grsaes. ' OA A hags Bio and Laguayra Coflee,p g Q Q bbls. Flour, all grades, 400keg8Naflv ' Laundry and Toilet Soaps, Candles Crackers, Cheese, 4 c feb 2o-tf For sale by ' WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. DECIDED BAEGrAlHS And Ohildren'sOLOTHINa, ' : behts' Iornishiii: Soods, &o! 1 , X 1 1 f; ?or t&f y&MaaXBAfXm down. 8HRIER, j i i feb.90-tf S Market st u? s. rpjJtt FINEST AND LARGEST ; ) STOCK OF pgGANS ever brought to this city. From the ielebrated manufactories of GEO. WOOD & CO.. MASON & HAMLIN , PELOTJBETj PELT ON & CO, THE BURDET, and the NEW HAVEN ORGAN COMPANY. All for sale at . HEINSBSEQER'S feb 20-tf , Lire Book and Music Store. REIVlEBERi I I STILL CONTINUE Mt f 1 . Fhotographic Business. All orders rdr Copyinff, EhlangiBg, ft atmy BookStorejwilt receive PHOWtAOTIN- UTjA, Fall Line of FRA3UNG8 andMOULD- - 4 ...... ;i , s I- .. IN.53,onaaBdjIa vmi firm rs 'j.'f C: W.YateS'Bddkstote. '!'-,febaa4f,i,,iatv'. '''Ttlf W,,, j RhlTSP Wilminffton. UpOra ! llOIIS V lSU' MoMay antWa7 W 2l!aipZ. H:!T.sPADC0CKV,i.VUbger. The Snprane Favorlto and rWr'of Ue3imiean 'JUiUUUAU tt AA V IIHMH vfft tn w a FtftSTtCfiAS jCOMPANYr iMONDAYi HVPXTNa ,FEBEnAByjlMST1! gUJ76, . ' . VaHe Mitchell's Great Specialty, i - TUESDAl KVJtWLHU, JCSSBUAai 10(0, ' J Mag.emcaell'BBfiaiifBj Piay, Sr.t-- (il.Mone Store, oa Thwdv. Frpry JfrtftA C I' tsrOrchesira aad Dress Circle $l.W;rPsrpjietto OVBtaf sm. UVWt V h i qp ' : a-,. .. t.-f ! .xn'"tiv -i-A !'. :-i-jL 2" " oo -mr"''' uu kkebr: ? r . OO -, OO. -.i UUt ,,,UUM1IMRKRB' i I Six WcnMiig Days. i v8 - rvn I i srusu IV UUU WUlMlVn vouu. &t!l ai.n'il''--3h"1l''!'i . . . J, - J .VT'.. - :'-- w. i JleShcetnusic f. TO to rr tnraiAHt instalment. 1 yin f V i t sts. ." ft Bookseller and Stationer. fcbHWf f - ( 4 7 . J Front St. I17TT i f Tobacconist

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