I 'I . THE IIOEiniTG;DTAQ: - " KATES OF ADVERTISING. ' o- aUBSCBn-TKM IK ADTAKOs: l)B air l S3 1 00 OP "TT'vJ.riws. delivered in any pi art of the To S3. nTnta per week. Our City A: WJfflBS gent are not OUTLIiK. Pe'ndletoa and Boynlon testify on Mon l TTaow failure of E. O. Tufts & I Boston and New York woollen com- i . nn raercnauis. . Is3"" . r:i I clai 1 . - or azainsi voreu. jaiauuu i red . . .... a r F Job of Virgin, is quue u.. A tto ' nrful tornauo pasaeu uc luno uu ins lesrli . .. j... -4: ur j I con i onfi ine QCBirucuvu iu ilia auu'i n anu .. .. . . N. Y. jproperty was considerable.' r:L:.aca. lUmMh cotton, 12a mnrKt w I n 12 1JJ-16; spirits lurpenune, aatcuuj iwio MRS. B.S CASK. learn from a Baltimore journal ileal" 4 i iilncnoniovenieui uas uceu iubuiuicu iLiokiiK' to the bringing of any crim- I- .1 Lapp.ntion asainst Mrs Bel- in:ii uiv" j and strong doubts have been v ntBt1ai cK a 1 o ltoVtla expressed as ui.uv. .Uwiv to such prosecution. Section 5,451 iof the revised statutes describes the ''offense of which she has been guilty land fixes the penalty therefor. This Lotion provides for fine and impris 1 lUment for the act committed by i. ii. na.a ;. o twnhi. I MM. iieiKHF . i Wlitv for a tecnnicai esoapf, ju&u as i ; 1 - . ..1' there is uow saia io ue ior ytu. xjci knap nimseii. t - : W. taKMr y of tbe Uepublicn h J-m .W.T 6:80 P. . fnann nf Violllt. oritllli'l in. I llAntk.ni n.il. tn.m .11 : nailftra rum lUltaC vi ujh v -. ;:fiit iy prefer . tb.eve, , mien. ; to Democrats, but it remainea lor tne I W Trk ff to ,pek for the ImlepenJent Press on the subject. Near the end of a long article that ; great pulse-feeler says: f "!To remelv for the evils from which we suffer could well be worse than that of ii imlinjl this country over to a puny that Iwtmjy the fag end of the Confederacy; that h-'litive- Andersonville was a modern Gar- d n of ten and regard Jen uivis as a m irhr and a patriot. You fear the " fag end of the Con federacy," but so did the foolish boy the pillow swinging in the barn door on tf danringht. The tjhost has no ' wish' to hurt, if it had the power. A iHOWEttOF QOIVBRINC PLKSH. Louisville. March 9. A special dis patch to ihe Courier Journal from Mount sterling. KeniucKy. says: xesieraay a must wonderful phenomenon transpired in that section. The correspondent says that V during the sunshine and clear sky there fell : from the heavens quivering flesh, which came down in large quantities and covered 1 many acres of territory. Hogs and chickens eagerly devoured the flesh, specimens or . which have been sent to this city tor scien ! tilic examination. Ijas anybody seen- the President audi his remaining Secretaries siuce i theSth? " ATCPKHDOUS UNDERTAKING. I The plan for driving a tunnel un- I aer the Jritish cnannel is eo favorably considered that $8 00,000 1 is to be spent at once in . sinking shafts on each side 450 feet, and run- nicg experimental AJrifts oat under the sear-Tt is calculated that the j tunnel can be completed in six years at a cost of $30,000,000. . I Last Wednesday, in New York, in j broad openday, a Cuban gentleman ij of wealth was abdncted and carried I no i one knows where, by a person pre: tending to be an officer. He bad a large amount of Spanish Securities w person, iseiknap and Jiaboock jj are; bearing fruit. Prominent friends of'.- Governor Hendricks and General We, who have taken pains to inquire, say there 18 ho truth in the report that these gentlemen are implicated, by evidence r otherwise, m improper -a nsei of money in nrocuring Gatling gun con- iracts! i fhe Tribune does not suppose that G('jeral Schick's disgraceful man-H- f leaving England will injure f.l iuuic tuau ins uiBgmuo ohavior while he reaiained tluir e Baltimore Gazette's puns have llof all been as ood as this one: ' , , irvu testifies that he ta a nalnter an for'i '""'"'-Perhaps Paul Vere-oneasy I Uave Your Choice, but Be Respon- Rib for it. Tints Turpentine 1 . V I Oieci w i i B.ranCD 0 -knneld, L oT Vxr , ft ViV-V - J mk T; aaaett lias presented a Zrla&t! for a route from Dun- -uuiucr onuge. r" There haa noon 0AmA vrv J'lS .Provement in the Henderson t-o iaieiy: - "f S Se raner8 and tbe Raleigh board forff.. e.bput w" 8h11 e Cotton weighers t --viv io suiiie Rnrr. nr a. hirnn WB V U k.- if-We 'rllrflht ff0 1,,at Mr- barman edi Wl hitnh.?.A8l,evi,e CWse, is not so ill at - r -Btun, as was reported'"' ,s v'rw.' JT veldon Aewsr Twoi gtimabla Mrs. JainS ASST- el5 Vd Mra- Faonie Gregory, of Crow- r " a nrian. i . - . . i a noad, also two worthy and favor- I -lL JLdkiLLJ VOL. XVII.NO. li4.; bly known physicians; Dr.' James John son, of North am ntnn ni n , t it a veiy worthy colored man, died in Halifax nooV Raleigh iVcw Oo Wednesday, - - uuujr kkiccs m ue unanei or ou Marv'xSirhnnl in-lklo .1 "... ' vj, iuui ui iuo p ti Piis were btnt ud h th n.MAF. . to .ee th rite flrtoJ wa auiuiuioierea to iweive or the young ladies hv tha ABo?ota TtSokn .i... T:.r . v uwuwu ui uio uiu cese. the Rt. Rev -nr; T.vman " f Icar aispatcn to a I i mnnn DBDer of a 8in?uliir anfl fatal accident that took place on . the 9th ult, near King's Mountain. Samuel Harman, a carpenter, was standing on a fcaffold re pairing a dwelling. Tho scaffold fell, and f,f.w,W he, a d, in hUiln? duri.n iiie fnll 'flit hia ttinHni ra an1 4nmil.. fining mm lusiantiy.- Rockingham Spirit: Sundav last, in this vicinity, a little son of Rev. Jas. Cuvington was accidentally struck on the ueu whu a rocK mrown by another little boy son of Mr. W. W. Ellerbe. and seri ously hurt, the little fellow's skull probably being fractured. This is another warning to boys against the evil practice of throw ing rocks.- T-EaiJS CITY. Tb Rialia.. The mails will close at the Citv Post-Of- nee until runner notice as follows: Nortlmrntnimaila for all 5nt Tfrtl. jsasi ana west oi weiaon, il.i n a V SOD T :. uanj at. ................... ;oU IT. JIl. through and way (day) mafladailv.exceDtSundar. 6 JiO A. M. 3tbt stalls rorthe jm. u Kaiiroad, . m .. . . uvuiuuu uuuo Ui ait uutuw bfiss4tt;;:::::::::: ssjj: Western malls (U.U Ivy) daily r CK mTSV.-.V.V.V.V. Fayetteville, and offices on Cape y?.:!.d M P M. : PayettevUle by C. C. R'y, daUy , (except aunaays). ......... Onslow C. H. and intermediate 5:30 A.M. offices every Pridav 6 :00 A. M. The Smitbville mails, bv steamboat, close at 8 A. M., daily, except Sundays. Mails for Easy Hill. Town Creek. Bell Swamp, 8upply and Shallotte, every Friday at 6 A. M. Mails delivered from 0:30 A. M. to 7:15 P. M., and on Sundays from 8 SO to 9:80 A. M. Stamp Office open from 8 AM. to 12 M.. and from 2 to 5:30 P. M. Money order for Register Department open same as stamp office. ' : 1 Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. - Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night Mails collected from street, boxes every day at 5 P. M. NEW AOVBUTlSBnBMTS. C. W.YatS Bargains in Boots, &c. Harbison & Allkn Hats, &c i Munson & Co. English Suitings. ! A. Shbier Spring Stock Clothing. L Wu. M. Larkiks Bankrupt Notice. Williams & Murchison Sundries. Kebchner & Caldkb Bros Groceries. S. G. Northrop Soda Water. Giles & Mttrchisos Fishing Tackle. J. K Moore Laborers Wanted. ; D. A. Smith & Co Matting. N. H. D. Wilson Sale in Bankruptcy. John W. Gordon Insurance Card. C. D. Myers & Co. Family Groceries. Local Dolm. - d- A. brig, name unknown, was re ported below yesterday, bound up. Norwegian barque Freidig, An dersen, hence, reached Hamburg 8th inst, Arrived at Hamburg, 19th ult., Jeruben, Svendseo, hence. Cleared from Boston for this port 9th inst., J. M. Morales, Eldridge. ' Cleared from Philadelphia for this part, 9th inst., , schooner :A. & E. Uooper. Don't forget the Temperance Meeting at Temperance Hall, Tuesday eve There were no cases for investi gation before the Mayor's Court, yesterday morning. - Capt Gould,' of the brig Me dianic,. at quarantine, is getting well and able to be on deck. Mr. F. M. . Ag08tini, Sr., ; has opened a confectionery 6tore just north of Bodtey Bridge. . Clear or fair and warmer wea ther predicted for to-day and cooler for to-night. Mr. Albert MarUns wharf, foot of Ann street, is being put in thorough re puir. i .: ' n ' , There was no steamer from Favetteville yesterday. It was the Murchi- eon's day, and she is laid up for repairs. German barge Freidrieh Scalla, hence, arrived at Glasgow 18th ult with foremast sprung and loss of bowsprit The turnpike road will be open to the public to-day, provided the weather continues fair. . A rtnroa r a t4iQV foil down on the stone pavement near the foot of Market street, yesterday afternoon, breaking the shaft of the vehicle. 1 Superior Court for 'Columbus county will convene at Whiteville to-morrow. The Heaton case,' from the county will be heard oa Wednesday. " f f , The Register of Deeds issued only two marriage licenses during the past week, both of which ' were for colored couples. . . i ' : ' v . -1. Chaney MoNeill,' th'e colored woman who was so badly burned a few n!Sht8 8ince an accouat 6f wWcn PPeared In this paper, Is, we understand? not ex ... pected to recover. 'TV WILMINGTON, German barque Herm an Welm- reich; Oesterreich, Granton. 'Feb-.5' 17, for this port, is reported from 'Aberdeen 20th, as passed through the bay. - There will be a meeting of the Ladies' Benevolent Society Tuesday p. m., 14th, at 3 o'clock, at Hook and Ladder Hall, on Dock street. The guard has been removed from the Seamen's Home, where there have been two cases of small-pox, and Capt Pento'n was out on the t streets y est erdayt receiving the congratulations of his friends on his restoration to health. His case was a very light one. The Italian barque lost on Cur rituck beach, near Kitty Hawk, some days ago, proved to be- the Kueva Attavla. The four survivors of her crew were forwarded by Norfolk to Baltimore, 7th inst , whence they will be sent home to Italy by the Vice Th Cdntitr Injunction Cae. We learn from a private dispatch, re ceived ' in ibis city yesterday, that the County Injunction Case has been decided by the N Supreme Court in favor of the County Commissioners., The case, brought up on appeal from "Judge McEoy's deci sion dissolving the injunction granted by Judge Seymour to restrain the Commission ers from collecting the alleged excess over the established limit of taxation, resulted in the re affirmation of Judge McKoy's de cision, and consequent dissolution of the injunction. The case, on appeal from Judga Henry's decision increasing the bond of the appellants in the foregoing case, on the ground of its insufficiency to protect the county, resulted in that deci sion being set aside and the bond contin ued only in the amount at first fixed. This, at least, is the construction put upon the dispatch referred to, which is not quite definite in its wording. t Stealloa Flat Load of Wood Tbe Tb elves Arrested and Committed for Trial. Samuel Council and Ncill Hnske, both colored, the first named being a resident of Bladen county, and the latter J of Fay etteville. were arraigned before Justice H. E. Scott, of Cape Fear Township, yester day morning, on the charge of larceny. It appears that a colored man by the name of Emanuel Tuesdale, living at what is known as the Fillyaw place, a short dis tance from town, had a lot of wood at the Davis Jplace, about seven miles up North west Cape Fear, which he had cut and corded with the view of bringing it to this place and selling it But Council and Huske, it seems, were determined to anti cipate him in this, as they procured a flat and went up the river to the point in ques tion, where they took on about .twelve cords of the wood, brought it to this city and sold it. Complaint was made by Tues dale to Justice Scott on Thursday last, who issued the necessary warrants for Council and Huske, who were arrested the same night. The case was heard in the Grand Jury room at the Court House, the Justice fear ing that the prisoners might succeed in eSTectkiei their escape if ;; taken to his township for examination; besides which, the most of tbe witnesses belonged in this place. The evidence being sufficient, in the opinion of the Magistrate, the parties were required to enter into bond in tbe sum of $200 each, for their appearance at the next term of the Superior Court for this county, in default of which they were lodged in jail. Another Cttlld Bnrned to Death The luqaest over the Body, &e. ?-f Coroner Hewlett held an inquest, y ester day, over the body of a small colored child. about eight years of age, named Ida Lewge, in the neigborhood of the Messrs. Kidder's mill, who was burned to death on Thurs day night last, about midnight It appears from the evidence (of M. Lewge, the fa ther of the child, together with its mother, went to church on the night in question, leaving deceased and two or three other Children in the house. About midnight a woman, living in another part of the same house, heard the children screaming, ana upon rushing into the apartment occupied by theni, found, the little girl alluded to completely enveloped in. flames. The fire was extinguished as. quickly as possible, but the child was so severely burned that it lingered in great agony unti l Friday,1 at noon, when it died. The clothing of the child : became iguited, in some manner. from the fire on the hearth, the little , ones being too young to comprehend tbe danger of playing in close proximity to it - . The jury returned a verdict that deceased came to her death by accidental; burning. After the jury retired Coroner Hewlett took occasion to lecture the colored women present of whom there were some twelve or fifteen, on the danger of leaving little children at home by themselves, especially when it was necesBarv to' have a fire In the house, and cautioned them to .take warn Ine from the case i before them. ; . .,- Canibl to the Act. A colored man by the name of Duncan Holden, in the employment of Messrs. Vick & Mebane, detected; another colored in dividual, by the name of Henry Parker, yesterday morning, in the act of stealing and carrying away iron? tne yara o?itnose gentlemen, on Nutt street an emptysphit barrel He took the fellow, in charge and subsequently turned him over to an officer by whom he was taken to the Marshal's office, where the necessary warrant was made out, and Parker was lodged an .the Guard House to await a hearing, before lb Mayor to-morrow merning oa the charge of X 1 ! larceny. -. i w.i v i.a.f ecu. JArti --' - . N.-: C;, SUNDAMAH:i2gl86.,;; Our Chnrehes ToDar. r, : f k'-i . First Baptist Qhurch,? cornejr ; of Market and Fifth streets, Rev.; James B. Taylor,,' Pastor. Sunday School at 9i a. ;m. .Ser vices at 11 a. m. and 7i p. m. Youbg men's prayer meeting Tuesday, night Jat 7i o'clock. Regular prayer meeting Thursday night at 71 o'clock. ;---:'' : ')' St Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church,' corner of 6th and Market streets,' Rev. G. D. Bernheim, pastor. ; English service at 11 a. m. German service at t p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m.' Catechetical instruction on Friday at 3f p. m. 'Weekly lecture on F. rid ay at 7J p. m. '' '' J: : ,7 . 1 Front Street M. E. Church (South), cor ner of Front and Walnut streets: Rev. J;E Mann, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7i p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 71 o'clock,: Young Men's Society Tuesday night at 7r o'clbcz. " ' J : :::! ; j I . ' ? f i ' f - Fifth Street Methodist E. Church (SouthX situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets: ReV. J. M. Rhodes, pastor. Sev vices at ll a. m. and 7i p. 'm. ' ' Sabbath School at 9i a. ni.' Class meeting 8 p. in. ' Prayer meeting Thursday 1 nighi at 74 o'clock.' ' '.'' ,. i . . '" .V'!""-" First Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange streets: Rev. Jos. R. Wilson, D. D., Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 71 m. Sunday School at 3 p. in. :it,. Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. Mv Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 71 p. m. Sunday School at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Friday 71 a. m. Seats free. ' St J James' Church, corner Third and Market sis. Second Sunday in Lent Ser vices as follows : Celebration at 71 a. mJ Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock ; Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock; Sunday School at 4 p- m- -.1 -Vj . : .,.",. ".';; Services in St John's Church to-day, SccondSunday in Lent, as follows : , Cel ebration at 71 a. m. Morning Prayer, at 1 1 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 8 o'clock.: s Services at St Paul's (Episcopal) church,. corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as fol lows: Services at 11 a. m.,; and 71 p. m. Rev. T. M. Ambler, Rector. Seats free. St Thomas' Catholic Church, Dock St., near Third. SeCond Sunday in Lent Mor ning Services at 7 and 10.30. Vespers at 4 o'clock. Daily Mass at 7 a. m. The "Way of the Cross" on Friday evening at 7.30. r JX , -v !. Services at St Mark's (colored) Episcopal Church, corner 6th and Mulberry streets, on Sundays as follows : Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock.1 Sunday School at St Barna bas School House, at 31 p.-m. Confirma tion class at the Church at 5 p. m. Even ing prayer at 8 o'clock v . i t , . - . First Baptist Church, colored, on Fifth and Campbell streets. Sunday School at 91 a. m.; preaching at 101 a. m., 3 p.' m. and 71p.m. Rev. F. R. Howell, Pastor. 4 ' Trinity Chapel," M. K Church7 7th" and Brunswick streets, Rev. 2L T. Pearsall, Pas tor, Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., 3 p. m. and 71 p. in. JBabbath School at 9 a, ntf I Ebenezer Baptist Church (colored), 7th, between Orange and Ann streets, W. H. Banks, pastor. ; Services at 101 a. m., 3 p. m., and 8 p, m,' ," ' J. Tke Dlfflealty la the. Flrat (Colored) Baptlat Chnreh Disposal of the Case, 4ce. ; " We referred yesterday to the fact that certain parties, alleging that they are mem bers of the First (colored) Baptist Church, corner of Fifth and Campbell streets, had been arraigned before Justice Gardner, on complaint ! of Ell Currie, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of said church, charged with getting possession of the keys, and locking the doors of the building to pre? vent the "holding of service in the same ; also, that the communion service had been captured by the "Insurgents," &c. The case, which was finally postponed until 10 o'clock yesterday monning, was opened at the Conrt House at the hour- specified, Mr. Adam Empie appearing for the defendants, John : Sams, Wm. Buchanan, John Long, Benj. Fillyaw, Jack D3rer, and Ell Larkins. After some preliminary consultation, in terchange j of views, &c., - the : defense finally admitted that they locked the doors. nailed upecfiht.c. thus doing afway with tbe necessity of examining the wit nesses to prove the charges .and. bringing the matter to a speedy conclusion,' f J nst ic e Garduer tLen .i delivered the : vjudgment io the Comto; defendants should pay a fi& of 50 and the cosis. r rum. uus uecwioB ihcjt iuuk an appeul to the, Superior Court, and were re quired to enter into recognisance, with proper security, for their appearance at the next term of said Court The case created aiireatdealx)! interest among me.juemoeraao4t' axibou oi ue church, a large number being present , to Among others we noticed ReV.' B. Tay lor and Geo. R. French, )., of the First (white) Baptist Clchrcsent!, ,7 . . We should k have stated in the proper place that John Sauls, one of the defend ants, was required to pay an additional 50 and costs for taking the communion service from the possession of Paris Wood, on the nd of January last and retai ning the same iahis custody xtfi'to the present time: " He 'took; an appeal, in Ibis as in the other . case. ttanae f Thermometer. . . ri t L)tl v . f The; following waa the range of fthe ther mometer at the Signal Bureau'ja this cirj yesterdayj , ..i.-i i - v .- 7 Ay JL05i IS M.4 7ffi P. M.VT;5 4:30 P. M., 7?y P. VLt m U P. M., 62. An adjourned session of the Board of County Commissioners win the held to morrow, morning at4Ao'clockKh. main business to! traasjact' being : thereyision . of 1 i'i,'i4 f;! I.t.i 1 -"ft! :f- immmkt'it6ia-Si-$4i wisest - i 1 1 . Supreme :Co n rt Th n rsda fs Decls Opinions were-filed in -the following vBy.eadei:jff:a; j,, '1: John Hardy, administrator, rs. Carolina Central Railway Company, from New Han over. 'Affirmed. ; By Rodman, J. : ; ." State" w Gus. Graham, from" Anson. Affirmed. - ;! ' ;-'i?"v'V'r- ByBynum, J.; ' . Bizzell Johnson et al vs. Walter R. Bell. from Duplin. ' Reversed. . ' ' ' ' v Thermometer Becord. - 1 "j t ? . ? The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4:30 P. II. i yesterday, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this:ciryVfii:v -jjU It j Augusta; 80; Charleston, 71 ;' Galveston, 72;T Monfgomery78 Mobile 63; 'New Orleans, 75; Norf0lk,, 50 l Savannahj SV Wilmingtori,'73. :' . . .. ? lileenso Restored i Edward Gause having paid Mr. ! Saun ders for the Bah? lost by him a few days since, mention of which was made in this paper, had his dra license restored to him by the J Mayor yesterday morning.- 'And now Edward Gause, witli his dray and horse, are once more free as the air, while visions of fish, in box nor , in dish, will dis turb the happy pair. , ., T ' , U Another Tempest In a Teapot. We learn that a warrant has been issued by U. S. Commissioner Caasidey ' against Gen. VV. , K. COx and four of the Commis sioners of Robeson county, charged on the affidavit of It, M. Norment with a con spiracy to defraud in the Jate election in that county, and : citing the parties to ap pear before him in this city on Wednesday next -..;r; i ; l, --A Alortnary. There were only two intermejats in Oakdale Cemetery during the week closing yesterday, both of the parties being children, aged three months and fifteen months respectively. The diseases were pneumonia and fever. The interments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery for the same period numbered seven, of which three were adults and four children. The Good Time Coming. ; - Tbe Obterter tells us that Superintendent Fremont, of the Carolina Central Railway,' " is endeavoring, to effect a connection with the Western North Carolina Railroad, by which passengers can go through from Wilmington to Henry's, the Western termi nus of the last named road, in 24 hours." So let it be, and may the time come quickly 1 FellluaFIt; ; - ';C-'A'- rA- stranger 1 from Philadelphia " created some exeitcmenf oh Princess ' street about 7 o'clock last night,1 by falling into a fit on the sidewalk in front of the Courthouse. Physicians weie called to attend and the man soon revived, when ; be was taken to the Guard House, there to, receive further attention 1 '. ,.,;,:-;!-r. CITY ITEMS. Tour life to In danger when you allow a se-rere eoagfa or cold to go unchecked. Dr. Ball's Ceugn Byrup Im a cheap, hanalets aaA-sellable remedy. Latk Pxpzbs. To Harris' News Stand, south side Front Street, we are indebted for copies of the New1 Torkf Ledger, Chimney Corner' and Frank LeaWs Illustrated Newspaper for the current week. The Stand will remain -open'NmtQ 11 Vclock this morning"'''1 i.-ra:iii.! NE VV 'ADVERTISEMENTS. Laborers Wanted. r -1 - VJNE HUNDRBD KIN CAN FIND STEADY EMPLOYMENT and GOOD WAGES,at the STOKE QUARRY, on the Cape 'Fear lUrer, at the BIG '1 5 mh U-lw , . , , . t f J, E. MQORE, Sap't. Spring. rl AT I W G . Spriul WHITE, CHECK El) ANO FANCY iejL t hist a . Jnst received for Spring Trade, at low prices by ; 5 mh l-t ' - D. A. SMiTH CO. l HAVt OPENED MY1 SODA WATER FOUN TAIN for the Banister, and ibis healthy and refresh ing beverage, with the best of Syrups, all made by tne unaersinea, uw an anuigin m - , f . .. I . . A. U. UKTHROP'8 ' mh 19-tr -' ' ! -' FVnlt and Confectionery Store. ilj t Fiohing Tdckle. ;n ,f! OW ON THE WAY. - AN11 liXrKUTKD UAXJL.Y, 't !-. : itner ine feargesi mocks of j F1SH1NU TACKfJi ever t biftught to this markvt, eonBbtin?of Poles; Lihes,. Hooks,' Corks, Sinkers, Sninnera. and ta fact every t bine needed, either, bv Amatenra or Fishermen, which will be sold at prices totait tbe times at the New Hardware Store of m!! ;,. v ;WUW MUBCHJSON. , ts1 . - fxfe unfit. t sr-ni n Min.i pHQICR GREE jANP .BLAC TEAS IN VJkUVUf !rwVtrHi!PACK;A6IS,:i i -fill " - ., .v I kjve 'FOUNDS EACH: jf ,A l-Hi:" 'Hi il HiMli.iH, fi.Jj'l'J I Oftly-two dollars and.Corty; cents a pewdAte ji) Faintly troerr Stores or r CHAS. D. MYERS Si it yliTfc,! SNoyFitoitStfeet vmSSKSUQASt CU8XD tamerica. h llWMt --Win ' naTn.fcTftnr r f' .'Ui t!V.Ml f J If' J tcf ili'f'-Jk IN BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS. j - .U ONE HUNDRED. m. l , i ....... i k . .-... f Ji rw if 1 K ' : i sk WiYrS jnODFISHL1 i :mh W-tfDAW t i t Bi and North Front Street." lit J v'l-i i i i" fji ;V V8 Stefefrlf. .Jtr-tvtrjrf n?s!l TiTm .i5w-r'i.Bs jffctfi1 ;A, ft i fa r.i - vrT i ., f i T m - - -f . ;EHQLNO2;7$l? ,C NEW ADyERTISEMENTP Broadway Silk Hats, stiff, ui. Son HatLi Traveling Kags, IJmbrcIIas. ic. ir.i-.ui .. JHARRISbN & AtLENS,,,l ;r-' To r3. IMPORTED DIRECT BY TJS.mNOW! 1 OPEN. . At ; mhlS-tf v . ; , MUNSON A CO.,, vT Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. ". r5- 0 ur He w Spring Stock. ! ', Otnt FIRST INSTAUCENT TF SPRING CL0THIIIG HAS BRRW BlimSTVien i -v ;.ir.-r-l Vj' &t-J' oil? '.? Call and see it and our priees will astonish you. ) ' 4j:'Sj r- . : 1 1 i u. . Um,;:,-,;,;.) Rl:ul ' , . . . Jast received, one of tbe . V ' MOST BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENTS ;, . v . OF SC A RTsV-TIES, BOWS, Ac For the Spnng, ever before brought tothedtyV . mh 13 tf . ! If) MV.t mt u Sale li issiaBriBaiamtcir ;J k ' ;r: si'';, i' . ; : r-- !.;''. out XXS ASSIGNEE IN BANKRUPTCY OF .THB President, Directors and Company of. the Bank of Cape Fear,' the undersigned will t fler for sale, by Public Auction; at Exchange Corner, in the City of WilmiBRton at W o-dockM., on MONDAY, the 3D DAY OF APRIL, 1876,; large amount of Bonds ahd,PxQnaesorxNeteaJssued ty the late Confederate States or America, and also a ilarge amouat of Bonds aM Promissory Notes issued by the State of North Ctrolina. . . , N. H.. D WILSON, ,y tt- nl i. . ABslgnce. mhli-oaw ts ' Bankrupt lwotlct?. t OTICE Is herebygiven that a petition has been tilled in the Diatnct Court of the United States IT i bankrupt i 867, for tb i all his .di gress of March 3, 1867, for the discharge and certl- neate taersor from all his debts and other claims provable under said act, and that ,tbe 25th day of March. 1876. at 10 o'clock A- M.J hefAre William A. Guthrie, Register in Bankruptcy, at the U. S. Court Room in Wilmington, is the time and place assigned for the hearing of the same, when and where all creditors who have proved thir debts, and other persons in interest, may attend and show cause, if sny they have, why the prayer of the peti tioner should not be granted. Dated at Wilmington, N. Cv on the 11th day of March, 1876. WM. LARKINS. f i i mh 13-oaw2wSu ; Clerk. Serenty-Rye Hillioii Dollars Assets, FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE,! REPRESENTED BY J0H1I "W. G0BD0IT, if, QENJU2AL INSURANCE , AGENT, i Liverpool BndLondqn and Globe, of S England;' ; ; Hamburg Bremen, of Germany: Mebite Underwriters, ! ' J of Mobilc i 1 Amazon. i,,..;... f .of Cincinnati; . Old North States : ; of Wartenton ; Virgini, Fire and Marine,. i i ,r of Slehmond; 'i City, . , , j ... .. , of " .. ,., Southern Mutual!' 1 Metropolitan ijfe Insursnce Co.f of New York, f All clatses of City and Country preperty insored at current rates, and losses promptly adjusted and paid' from this office. Agents wanted for the Metropoli tan Life Ineuiance Co., and for First Class Fire "Com panies: i; :,i. i i .v--tttf.u c Hii , - ... . : ymce, rtonn w ater street. mnii-tr .If! Wihninettm. N. C. - - - v - . . . . . ; . ;siassas).ww -i- . 10 000 BUSH PR8 WHITE CORN, i -' lJooo''rV-M-i: 25Q hhds and boxes D. S. A Smoked Bdcon ; 200 d8nd -Bluseovado Molasses i f hhds andbbis8.IL Syrup, J ' 1 Kfi bag9 Lagauyra and Java Coffee, luv; ! j ! '.jiii . i iv'i Se f ' 250 Dbl8Sn.UZraaes .;.j. ffi wns Goanape Guano, ! .T xif OA ( " Eureka Guano, ' Planting Potatoes, Candles. Crackers, L i s . . Snaps', Cneese! Candy, Canned Goods!. 1 'n n a w m w xl VJ. . uuQiura s oreaa rTeparsuuu, pe r osw, t .f j Brandy PescheSySoda In Kegs & Boxes, -1 - Starch, Lard, Lye Potash, Ink and RIck. ; 11 ' tloii, v. ,.:l a;iiJUj biiK, ';ja.i5itl?ifj - . i!'. :' ti n, 4t-KSr.m iii-i ' I'itb ; Lake George, Lebanon A. and Manchester Sheet- . - Ings, Yarns. Ae for sale by th package iy 'i .i . mhiS-tf" WILLIAMS iMtRCHISON. ;iPqtatoesy:.P6t v :ff(Ytm EARLY BOSS y4tyit: y ink lS-tf KBKCriiSKR ft - CALnESf BROS. Holasses. Uolasses. 200 BBL8' SUQAB W?M?fem;tii 25 HBP. M ' Si I i ftsa M & ion " NEW CROP CUBA no." 1. ( mh l-tt J xj si KKRCHNER A CALDKB. BROS, j II AgriCTiltiiriilLimd: , 1V1JU iinJ4f 3t:.t-..-w;i.t . c 1 1 xva Auiuvui uuaii i.isss, :l&KMfe ),!" '-l'U'i'i ." w;f t'1 lij ill- t ill 'Mlii- lit U'- hi l.V jQQ KegaBii imd.Blaetiag PQDl, 1.- ei00?XKfe2tt Ducking f:.'t J iteriV "t; A Usfes No, S and 3 Falcon' SrioVtSn-kPowie; 1 l sJVi.ul- vn' V'ltsfi l.'tia i;K.rts (soil i'mhiS-tf . GBEATBAltlS .if ii -wxr nnorrt. iVWk'llrrATi 1 AND STATIONERY. Alan. Vnstcal Instruments. ornCHJssih J .Pocket Books; . I ,? !( -oi.i j f ! I 1 ChtomosAa, ft rALlBX5tAL DISCOUNT TO XSCTIANTS n 42SCrder from! the country; IwlUi meet with prompt attention,, , mh 13 tf Bookseller. j; ror tne cape Fear District of North Carolina by Charles H. Robinson, of Wilmington. New Hanover Co., duly declared a bankruot under tne Act of Con one week ; a ko " -Two weeks r ' y. . ................... . v UI . ThresweekA.fti.!LV6 9aonth.. ........ . 8 w " . Three month wJ...vM 00 six months ;..85O0 -niOiia nmn , .t;'&M ot CsVCoBtrsctAdTertisemeiits taken Tat propei tioaatelT low rates., T .. v . . j- ,-..,; -: Five Squares esttraated as' a' 'qnarter-colnmn. and wnsqbaresasahaU-colusuu ; j jpEAons, at Silk ! Silk l Umbrellas & Parasols wfc;.GlBMAN MANOTACTURsi l.t r.,:U ,iih For sale at 'v' .'' :x::.l .U. O-H. V. KDNGE'S. . mhK-tr . !N.& eotner Second and- Market st f Wotice1. TO AIL CdlTCERlTED' - . - ! .... I YOU jT BUY SILVER. .WARB,.f ,,.r f, V ?' ij.jjj LATED WARE AND JEWELRY,; At LESS THAN COST, by .calling; at ALLEN'S. Jewelry Store,corncr Front and Prlnceii its. . ; ?--" '-' - -'-A...;- --.I .,1 tTha Goods must be sold at some nrice. ;!air . Slid examine before bavins? elsewhere. i ' -r 1 Watches; Clocks and Jewelry carefully He, " paired and warranted for twelve mwnths. ' - B ' i'ft-ili'J. ir j' The Last But Not TheLeast1 .f,7N., .1 .,! : r '! l.t'.:tsi. OF MY WINTER STOCK OF ' Cf -Mf IS RAPIDLY DECREASING ON ACCOUNT OF 4iTOB VERY iX)W FIGURES AT WHICri ' ,v - J,AM.,DlSqSING pF.vTHEMi ..:,,'(,. Tj, THE BALANCE OF MY WINTER S'TOCK WILL 1 BE SACRIFICED TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY . : , . i , . . ; i Stock! mar5-tf -r-As-DAVID. POTATO 'in i'' , . , ..... .... .. Early Eose, Goodrich, Hay; Corn aind' Oats. er-Millf Meal Weekly. ;; For salt bjrf i 'i .!s,i " LMlii4' EDWARDS A HALL mh4-tf 201000 (.tT1 Asparagus, Boots. TjH)R SALE IN LOTS TO BUTT" '" 11 A.1 - - PRIVATE GARDENS. Also; GARDEN 8EEDS of every variety.' v ' DRUGS, CHEMICALS, &c.! t9"Mv Store will be kent oiien everv Snndsv in future. . - . rj h tI skj i v . ESQuIck Sale and Small Fronts is my motto. ' J J. K. McILHEMNY, u: Druggtet aad Pharnacict, northeast " l" mh &-tf , , comer Market and Front. . , .Borden's JBxtract ot Coffee, rr 'A-4, SO A-' X r Of 4 J is f vl V4i ONE 8PQONFUL OF, THE EXTRACT JS BU F flctebt to make a cup of deliclons Coffee. ' f ? 1 1- 6:Ji 'Sit .1 ; The Condensed Eggs Wilmat dp Into light fro-h.' and are equally atuable in maklg Cake.Custai ds. Comlrfed with' Refined "Btiaf 'and pVeparcKl Tor Slontlcelldt Pickles.:. f ji Best in the world;t .Fret iroA poison 'or any jdele-j terious articles. Put up in pure Malt Vinegar. i y 'M i i;;) -ii i;n ,ii-t i tu. Oar Fine Imperial and Oolong and Mixed TEAS At 90 Cls per Pound ..i.mJi m 1 ii mil' jfr ft : v. is a rare opportunity for good bargain. " ... f , FRESH FAMILY BUPP'LIES al 11 & 13 SontU Front St, febiat" Tiii;Ware; ft OS.. 1i CONSEQUENCE , OF . THE . DEPRESSION la trade, we are offering SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS is TIN WARE, both. at! wholesale anfl tetali; FOR CASH. ' Call and see us. N" . f..i atl! inoi PARKER ft TAtLOR,.:.;! mh,5-Sw. 19 Front st , i tt7 a ma 'nl TiRBAKFAST BiCON, 1 7 ( f II . Sninir-nnivit TI mn. ' . i f : Drv Salt BideS and BhOBldsra; ? ir SNUFF," Aal i HJ Lsrtlnr. itiul:i ! MOLASSES. CUI ew urie&BS, ,ff! i ? si PUgarrSwrnse pyrupv ! y , i.:v'i 71 . M f -4 rwi,ri,ti 1 I isV:ii. i - Birver linos, ic ttinrer uriDS. acc. .i . BUG AQ, TOBACCO, bad a feeaentf assettment of . Goods st low fl cures. . Omi 7-tf"' . BrNFOkD CROW Jk CCv - u-' ii-- J f i ! 'c: - j i;i ;'. I E, FsDoe's , Super .Phospliate XnW WELL?KNOWN ; STANDARD5 FERTIL IZKB we ore prepared to f ppply Ja Umstsd auaatity s a W price for CASH.;'. - -j-1 ' O. G. PARSLEY A CO.. Xmh4-t tJ iii CouVsmtn sad &iWatej i l4Jit -I sl Til I? A ,rpg Qeaft T ongClean Clear Rir MH A I OTTand Smoked Sides T Smoke . ugawmreaj anoiiTryisaiieo T-hooldcrs,' Strips,' pork 'arid t4 riYTi' tf' Arcjdaifies. 6xm own iCdLa VJ J;Xi1rwid.eaB,trieba4r. j,!, . ,,. k-..tf-"A If ft t ft"'' i'H'.ttff '!.!?$-.-. 'U BTJTE,JrESSCRAtSS,,fw t:, - ' XAND7is;)ifsA;torFFj saAP, TOBACCCv BUCKET TUT 3 KSOOilS,is fj, v i n m CA3mE2 G0O2S, Ktr bro, piL CANS, and every ptcr article usuallj 0, t-S firj ui -V''Tound1n'aiargaWholesal Grocery. fffft ',.& Tf; it ! it "isf Mli.'nift ! "ail f 4 Call and ex&m!ae our tock sod be cpnyiaotd, pr end Vont'orders dJfecttd'l .T u" '' Vjai'Ril 3rn APSIAN . VOJJ4pa,So mhVtr e;;;- Coroeif'lJock'ana Frii Wnjetf .'fi w J i 1 ""''.'' -a. EIQtJRS0TiirrKS. A':- V .1: ii i . --Irk i 1 A-l 'A If

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