5 THE - IIOEITEIG STAR. ' . , , fUtUSSZD DAILY, BY - UATCS Oir ADVEUTISING, One nar one iaT,.....V.;.i...... 1 01 01 ! " jum or subsobcptioh is adtaeox: . W yr, by mall) postage puld,... ...... $7 00 81x months, . . W UUV ' notauthorixed advance. - OUTLINES. f i Air. Pendleton will testify to-day. jfew Ydrk markets: "Gold 114ft; cotton 12f 12 13-16; rosin $1 60$l 64; spirits tur pentine 89c. 1 There is aprinters' strike in New York against a reduction of .wages. Coufiaed chiefly to Evening, Post and Iwo other offices. Egyptians . whipped byssinians in a pitched battle. , " Von Arnim's property is to be Bequestrated. i Turks re enforced in Herzegovina. 1 Sunday's storm damaged certain En glish ports. Distress on .account of Danube flood increases. : Locomotive engine exploded at Indianapolis, killing en-, ineer Further particulars of the western tornado are ; published. ; Blaine gets his home endorsement in the" municipal elections yesterday. , i THEjiAHBOW PASSAGE D1SAM.' . - - teu.: ; ; ' The terrible Jisaster near Wood stock, Virginia, was caused by rotten timber. Tbe .evidence shows that the material used in the construction of the bridge was Rreen pine which was put up as fast as cut. The bridge was not painted. - ' Tbe facts elicited show a criminal cirelessness perfectly!7 astounding. But as yet we have -seen in cur ex. changes no criticism of anybody."' nie Haleigh A'etes put its best cu cumber in pickle when it commenced publishing digests of the Supreme Court decisions. We take a slice to day, and will send up our plate for more. ' . - ,: - ! sTKADFASr, UNMOVABLB. - Our friend Mfchaux, oi the Cen tral Protestant of Greensboro, who relates the following, is a branch from the s.ime old llrtgueno family ' oak from which sprang the illustri ous Abrani Venable: - - , ' While on a visit to the bouse of a for mer citizjD from Granville, at tbe National Capital in 1853, and while speaking of Mr. Venable. who had but then recently finish ed his second term in tbe House of llepre- . . ... . . it setuauves, our irienu maue, suusinoiiany, this remark: "These Subsidy men and others who come to buy. up Congressmen m favor of their schemes, could never do anything with Venable. They tried him thoroughly, but could never move him an inch " Never have .we forgotten tbe re mark. ' Such virtues shine like diamonds in the light of these days of br bery and corruption. Being dead he yet speaks.!' . .The rich Daniel Drew, has gone in: jo bankruptcy. , - Spirits Turpentine I- The Greenville JBeacon, the home paper of Hon. Thomas J. Jarvia, nominates him for Governor. j- Goldsboro Messenger : A negro, woman, Laura Caldwell living on the! plantation of Mr. K, Rote, in Fork town ship, last week, gave birth to triplets. Two of the children have since died. . CajLJoseph. F. Johnston, of S.lma, formerly of Charlotte, N. C, was lust week elected Chairman of the Demo-; t-ratic Executive Committee of- Alabama. He is not thirty-three years old, says the Goldsboro Mernnger.- j 7-Raleigh News: On Friday morn ing last, when the Raleigh & Gaston train was backing over to .the North Carolina uepot, as tbe train turned the curve in the road at the Oak City Mills, a little boy.wbo is deaf and dumb, was standing with his TCurt0 U,e aPProachng train, wheu Capt. I h. W. Renn. the centlemnnlv ."niiiintor ! who was standing on the platform, at the I 1-11,1 - ' - '. ui uis own me, sprang from the mo ving train, and, catching the unsuspecting child, had just time to move him from sud "'! death. Such acts speak louder than ! ". - a ' mt mm "' Abirci orsnprems vUrt UeeUlon. . j - j.,LRaleigh:- 2Srews.l htatvs.iWilmitfgtoh &J Weld on Jiailroad Compauy, from New Ilan ver, Kerr J., presiding: 'Hie provi- oTtheat of ri83Sf?Hatf Ilev.. thaj). ro4. sec. 36. do not aniilv to j 'oadi., &c, constructed before the 11"P ot it8t)assad-e-' Th hMviw nf the; ;th section of the charter of the jWner of the Wilmington & Weldon company to ; make and; repair ur'gf, made necessary by roads laid tt';equent to tbe construction of ; V recovers a iidgtherit asainst B ljud ' niiu niiiiHfiinuni itt .nToinAn Jmeui against A- for $t$0 npon a , A, . cuon listing at' tbe time 'As judgment, but which was not as a cwnhter claim.!, On a ' the Superior Conrt,-io V' f ihe judgment of B.? to ii '"iSJWMi that against - himself. ;., mat a s personal property -i ex '"Vnn protected: ibe j iudgmeut 'j i ... mwu any sucn proceeatng: r.8eV8VSec5 i" ""OlllULlOn L tiiml nrfU'uaa ----- j .hh awvMi -; l,v ,,gena,ne sensation has been made tb, i'leech Senator Gordon on ill,. .. -m-v. 'ceuue reiorm. ? inat troin iliu r.A..l f . u nr '11 - Mr 1(;;"ePartraente: startling . fact me government haa hUi.n wKi..i. I u.f t fe'f ouient, nas oeen roubed nih rT than l,0oo,000,00d in; the, 'asW "ymaUwhat, vv,r!f ' fb! Pltal Btripe- of the rn CStr Subscribers, aeuvereain any part or ue L. wifteen Cents per week. Our City Agents are to collect for more than 3 month in NtirrLn "K'iy to Q thoroughly the y lhe raatler is evidenced by r A,e .f . .Otters which ias tAl- donITr-a ln UP. Senator - Gor Vh!? whjit be'has pro-- l; . . 1 Senator craim's to have H l vol. xyii.-N6. lis'. ring that. time. In : this connection tue calculation is made that, had the money thus misapnroDriated hfien pn where it belonged, the questions of the currency and of the national aeo v wou Id not no w distract the ooan-- try, ; ry-.f" . . THS CITY The MLaU.. -. ' - - v The mails will close at th nitv Prm't.nf. flee until further notice as follows: wortbern (night) mails for all points North. uuu ii cab ui wejaon, daily at.1 6:30 P. M. through and way (day) - " malls dailv.ezccnt SnnHav- R.n A- XT Mails for the N. C Railroad. and routes supplied- there- i" - ' -from, at V I' n an P f Southern mails tor all. uoiuts - couu, cany , . . , . . r;30 p. M. Char.eston, daily, at....i.Vi. 5:30 A. 31." w estern mails (U.C. Ky) daily , ' (except Sundavs.1 . : . . ft an Pv Tir Charlotte mail closes at., . i. . .1 4:30 P. M ' Fayette ville, and offices on Cape i , r 4 Pear River -Mondays "and ' Fridays 1:00 P M. Fayetteville by C. C. R'y, daily ''(except; Sundavsl.. ...:.' SiSO A.. If: Onslow C..U. and intermediate v offices every Friday 6 :00 A. M. The Smithville mails, bv steamboat. Horn at M., daily, except Sundays. ' Mails Tor Easy Hill, Town Creek, Bell Swamp, Supply and Shallotte, every Friday at 6 A. M. ' ' - . :' V Mails delivered from 6:30 A. M. to P. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to 0:30 A. M. 1 ' Stamp Office open from 8 A; M. to 12M.. and from 2 to 5 :30 P. M Money order for Register Department open same aa stamp office.. , Stamps for sale at eeneral delivery when stamp office is closed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours, dav and night. - ... ; Mails collected from street boxes every day at 5 P. M. NEW AUVBRTISEKIBNTS. J Jakes Welsox. Secure a Home.. ; llEtNBBERGEu. -A Rosary for Lent, &c. - Mdnson & Co. Spring Clothing. ' Jas. C. Steveuson Holly Shelter bamr. Local Dot, ."i- Clear and settled weather for to-day. 1 Cleared from London for this port, 24th ult , AUxtirm, Heljesen. ! fV.'v Arrived out, London, 10th inst,, Norwegian brig Anna, hence. -" 77 The stojm signal was hoisted to the peak early in tbe day yesterday. ' Fires vvere raging in the woods west of the city yesterday. " . 1 A schooner, name not known, was reported outside, yesterday, bound in. Norwegian barque Xtej Mar cusen, hence, reached Glasgow 8th inst, . , Presbytery convenes at Golds boro Thursday. It is proposed - to organize a Sunday School to-night at 1 the Second Baptist Church. . ' i 7 Schooner A. JBartUt Smith, reached Philadelphia 10lhinst., from this ' Nor vegian barque J$9M. "Width, Breppe, sailed 'for .this port from Lisbon 5th inst." ; ; ; . ';: "x,: : German brig Ji VonSenninff" sen, Roster, reached .Rotterdam 9th inst., from this port.v SHiSiZ HJSil ti&J J i The Wasbingtonians will have a temperance meeting at Temperance Hall this evening. .'. : f; A number of citizens go up to Whiteville to-day to attend the sittings cf Columbus Court. J " : A .1 The case' of Gen. W. R, Cox and others, which was to have come off be fore U. 8. Commissioner 'Cassidey to-mor-. row, has been postponed until Friday next ;? ' The scbr. Carrie Melvin, An drews, from Wiscassett, Me. , with ice for J. E. Lippitt, is reported in the river bound Up.- .- r .tfy f.-x, ' i -7 It is now in order for boys with kites t j ' hang them on the first tree," like they do horse thieves in the Western terri tories..' : l:;v'i.V:;;. : '.J:'" '"'';, ' --H': ' 7 - We wrote F. M.( Agostini, Jr., in refeniogto the new confectionery store started over the railroad, near Boney Bridge, but the compositor would have it that it was the ' "old man.H " ' ''': ; " " "': 'V' : A sodden 'aiid marked change iu temperature took place Sunday night be tween, midnrgbt. and day, ; and yesterday thick clothing and fires were again called into requisition. '' ' - v " A ' '- J!:.r "5 ", -r'f i .,''?. '.;.',-. iV.l -i ' ' . ' - -The hew wbite cottages at the Cotton Factory give quite an attractive look to that locality. More will shortly be erected, and others., in tbe neighborhood will also receive a brushing up. . . 'Preparations are being made to fill up the "old; Hall dock,; just south of Messrs. Alex. Spiunt & Son's office, which ril not only be conducive to tbe health of that locality, but will also result in quite an improvement in other respects. : i ; ;5 . fl Qnef the latest things we baVe noticed is an invention' for making cigar ettes, which the smoker carries in his pock ety - and,: with paper and" tobacco,' mami-' fac tores the article whenever he gets in the notion, and without the 'slightest trouble br inconvenience! BaaeB or Tharmoncicr. 7 ' . j ' -BBM- - . .'.1-.. "; t-''- JThe following was the range of the ther mometer at the Signal Bureau, in this cityj yesterday V '""-: T t M.; 63; tt M., 59;2 F.M.j 60; 4:80 P M., 61; OP, M., 51 ; 11 P, M., 48. Wilmington, County CommlHloBeri. -& !,.-; I , -A called meeting of tbe Board of Coun ty Commissioners was? ; held yesterday morning , f . . V Application of James Parby was referred to tbe Finance Committee. ' v 1 V ' " ' In tbe ? matter, of insurance on Work House4 the committee reported that they had insured tbe Work House with J. W. Gordon, Agent, for the sum of $1,500. l It was ordered that tbe Chairman of the Board be empowered to have the necessary blanks printed for. listing property in the different townships. - . - .r- - - The following was adopted':, . ' . ' WnEREAS, In accordance with chapter 184. section 3, it becomes the duty of the Board to notify, by their clerk, the Boards of Trustees of tbe several towusbips in lhe county of New Hanover, to list their taxa ble land and assessments of. personal prop erty according to the first sectiou of tliis act, it is . " a v : . i Ordered, that the Clerk of this Board notify, previous to the 15ih day of March; 1876, tbe Boards of Trustees of tbe differ ent townships in tbe county of New Hano ver to Hst their taxable lands and assess ments of personal property, according to law.'1 , , . It was ordered that the following named members of the different Boards of Trus tees in the county'of New Hanover be ap pointed by the. Board -to meet the Board of County Commissioners at their office at tbe Courthouse of this county, aaa Board of County Assessors, on tbe 27th day of March, 1870, at 12 o'clock, M., and that the Clerk of the Board be ordered to notify the said members of this order: - - Wilmington Township Jesse J. Cassi dey. ' - ; Mason boro Township Elijah Hewlett.; Harnett Township W. W. Humphrey. t:pe Fear Township Henry E. Scott Federal Point Township J. H. Home. , The Board then adjourned to meet again on the 27th inst - iayor ;oiirt. ; The following cases were disposed of yesterday morning: Isaac Stocks, charged - with disorderly conduct Judgment suspended ion pay ment of costs. William Merry, for being disorderly was orderea to pay a fine of $10 and costs, or work for twenty days on the streets. Emanuel Stallings, charged with drunk enness, and cursing one Chas. Watson on the street, was . required to pay a fine of $20, or work for thirty days on the street?. II. Shepherd, disorderly conduct -Judgment suspended on payment of costs. . John Patton,. for being drunk and disor derly, was ordered to pay a fine of $5 and costs, or work for thirty days 011 the streets. .. Henry Parker, charged with the larceny of a spirit bottle, the property of Messrs. Vick & Mebane, was ordered to enter into bond in the sum of $50 for his appear ance at the next term of the Superior Court, in default of which he was committed to jail. .: -' m''iX "' r; . j . The Lost Lamb dalliercd iato tbe : , Fold. -' j Between 4 and 5 'o'clock, Sunday after noon, Officer Lewis Gordon's attention was attracted by the cries of a small white child, about two years old, on ..Market . between Front and Water streets, making its way all alone in the direction -of the riven He picked the little waif up and endeavored to find out who were its parents and where It belonged, and after a half hour of unavail ing effort he was finally rewarded by tbe sight of a young girl rapidly approaching him, her countenance - beaming with evi dent joy and recognition, and who proved to be the sister of the ' lost babe." Both were overjoyed at the meeting, the ! sister exclaiming, " Oh, Josie I Josie 1 where have you beenso long, t'! It seems that the child had been missing for some time from the residence of its parents,-1 on Sixth, , bei tween Princess and Chesnut streets, -and the family were in great distress about it Its recovery and restoration no dpubt sent such a thrill of joy and gladness to that mo ther's heart as only a mother can feeL - a ? m m' m' A Gallant Exploit Capinrlnc a Plas- About 2 o'clock Sunday morning five young men, some of whom were recog nized as belonging in the Southern portion fit the city, but whose names have not yet been, ascertained;, made an assault upon a house norths of the W. & W. R. R, in which a case of small-pox has existed for, some weeks past, captured the yellow flag posted in . front.of the building, bore it in; triumph for a short distance from the scene of their gallant exploit, and dashed it oyer a fence.;? Officer. B. T. ' Price, the" guard, wanted to know', why they had' interfered With the flag, when , one of the party, as suming ati air and attitude of defiance, pro ceded to ' curse, the. officer, for-daring to' question their right to do as they pleased; upon; which he collared the individual, (the remainder df the 1 crowd in tbeh meantime gathering around him in' a threatipning atti tude,) aud blew a vigorous blast upon his whistle for assistance. At such ait unsea sonable hour there happened to be no one passing; and : none - of. the : neighbors; re sponding .to- the appeal, tbe" i officer being hnder strict Orders not. lo leave his ostr he was finally compelled to release his prison er, when the 'conquering heroes," flushed departed forther fleld;wherolorj'nd honor" I awaited them, to 4 the Hunei of "Tramp, tramp, tramp.? tbe boys are marching r V : MUtix InataliaUoU or Officers. 1 The following persons have been "duly elected and installed as officers of True Love Lodge, No. 1.469;G.V...O, of QrJ., for the' ensuing termJnof W?Mo6ref P. N.J?. ; Andrew J.rWalker, N. P.V:Sandy Brow P. N". G. r. Jacob Johnson, N;tG. Geo. W. Price, Jr., V. G.K; Philip Horley,- E. S. ; Henry ElUs, R S. toNfO. ; Joshua Hamilton, u . toii. G. ; John cnenaan, R a to V. G. Samuel Whitted, L. .S. to V. Gj,Thos. E. Scott,: LVGf-V Damon Quince, Warden. , r , ' - !; Ni;- c-ViTUESDA'si !.'M!AlRjH '14- Serenade c;" 1 l i' 1 1 ''iJ' 1 " ; .Though the fact seems to be disputed in some quarters, we think we may venture to say that we were honored with a serenade early Saturday morning! We feel ; a " deli cacy in making the 1 statement " for several J reasons, viz: Because our powerrui, tnougn usually jolly neighbor on the left holds tliat the serenaders took' position, before his front gate,' and by significant flings of their, fiddle-bows at the . end ,of ; each - measure pointed the direction in which it was; espe cially desired the sweet notes should IraveLr Because the pleasant lady of a neighbor to the right had reason to believe she was thus remembered by family ; friends. Because dur young friend from far Bladen, 'who' stopped with us, was sure the Wilming- tonians had appreciatively noted lhe .pres - u- 1 ,; i ' encs iu, tueir mmsi. ( 01 . risiug siaicsiuau. and political luminary of the great South ern Tier of counties.' Because a marriage able' young lady some' doors away; has private assurances that a tribute was intended to 'her personal, charms. - Be cause' the absurd and acidulous old . maid who lives, across, the street, half a block, distant, 'and is the terror of the, neighbor hood by reason of her sharpness of tongue, has been informed that the serenade ; was intended as a just recognition of the maid enly modesty exhibited in her own retiring demeanor,: as contrasted' with the unbe coming actions : of the young lady before mentioned and other upstarts whom ' she could cite if less charitably disposed. j - -For these and other reasons, we say, we feci a delicacy about asserting durself, and yet, as we owe it to our readers to state the facts in all ca'cs, at any ' sacrifice of , mere personal feelings we are compelled to an nounce that the demonstration iu question was undoubtedly a spontaneous outburst in favor of the assiduous and painstaking rep resentative of the public press. 1 With j Hits overture, we proceed to say that we awoke to the delicious strains of the . ! . . " . . : (I.) "Waltz a 1' Outre." - Delicate compliment to our acknowledged abil ity as a terpsichor6an critic Strains floated ''serenely ' through ' the window and stirred us to the depths. Made us stretch and yawn.' ' . . - . -! -, II. Then tbe grandly moving music of "Diewacht amRhein " Testimony to our scholarly attainments and Catholic politi cal sentiment Made a strong impression. Made us move to one side and roll oven j IIL Song "Kitty Wells.' : Pleasant theme. Suggestive of the- young lady friend 5 hereinbefore: - mentioned "Miss Puss," so-called. Suggestive, too, ; of deep well on rear of our- lot,"' wherein ' fa vorite cat and rooster were drowned. Sug gestive, also of a place to get ': something good to drink; - Wonder if serenaders are not getting thirsty.:-?. ?v: ;;"X!f';f ?! IV- Voluntary on One string la cMnoU; also on rosini Effective:? nark is tnat the musical; voice of .lhe reporter at the . Window,., sweetly saying : s'WonV you come in, boys, and take something?" No, it isn't It's the wind swinging the; gate on ' its old rusty hinges. Fact is, we're opposed to drinking, especially at late hours, and there's no more juiceiness in our intentions than in then rosin. . We don't like , to be v - , . - , ' , ....... . . .. ; .. i , -?;. . i .. I disturbed, and propose to sleep. , , 1 Mournfully then the song (V.):.) ; j ; I Tis now he sleeps. In the valley i ; The valley, the , valley - j . . . t m : Tis now he sleeps. ' In the' valley -" J : i '.. Now . the mocking ' bird is singing on - ;l - the bough,.,' - : ' WOW, WOW, WOW W-O-W, W Or-W. i And we have sunk into our delicate, -not to say gilt-edged repose. Sapreme Coart Decisions. j Opinions in the following'cases have been filed:, U;v hv-'v:;.'!"'v'?-, ;i':?-..; f j j . State .vs. rs. Warren IIare,v from.Wake; Reversed. I W. P. Wetherell and wife vs 8. -WJ Wbitaker W. oi., (two cases." Plaintiff's appeal modified and judgment here for plaintiff; defendants' appeal reversed. . 1 By Bynum.'Ji: V..rv,,-; ;-? h: a l Martha; Evans va Robert Roper, from Wilson. .Affirmed. I James Watlington vs. A.- D, Montgom- e(:JecntorvxramjV firmed. :;-; :." " .. : . ' 41 -A J ! I K.: i -r ' ' ' - Theruiomeur Record. ih,j5I-i-,-.;;- li iTbe.fq!lowing;wilJ shovlhe state ;of. the thermometer, fit he stations mentioned,' at 4:30 P. M., yesterday, as ascertained 'from the daily bulletin: issued, . from the Signal Office hi tbis city: j V Jfi Augusta, 62;iCairoj 47;-Chkrlestou,' 63; Cincinnati, 88 ; Gal veston, 58; Jacksonville, 04; Key West; 76; Knoiiviile.mphis, 47; Mobile, 59; Montgom?jashxn W CSTevTO rlians, 58 ; New York, 44j-If or folkSli Pittsburi: 28; SaVsnfiah gS. Louis, 40;Vick8burg, 55; Washington, 40; Wilmington, 61.tTT"tn 0 n t - ' mh t-,T-ikuia Mil i W faaKlslrateJi.Cbdi-tr":" Wm.. Campbell - was"arraigned j be fore Justice; tVanAmringe, -yesterday, charged rfth Wilful abandonment . ..Tbe parties themselves came to terms and the case was. dtemlssed online; payaftBt '6t 'o'i.h $f$! Bcojtolotedwasarraned ion a peace warranVsworri' out by ChasJ .Stev enson white; both a-tiesbeing seamen Defendant was required 'io enter iatorbond in the sum of 100 - for- his appearance: at Court and tokeepthepeacVvn q-Vj Ullton to ths Front Again, f I ; Mr. T. I4. Sykcs has, we understand,1 leased thebouse'and grounds at Hilton with. the'Mew. of 'fitting.them'up suitably for pic-nics and as. a 1 ' summer resort5 generally .'Among Ahe arrangements will be a platform"! or dancing, which will be erecieu uu ma iuuuu.-,.. . toe-?;: enrBlver Steameri.' ' ! j'"' "' The steamer Juniper, jCapt' Skinner, If or merly run by Messrs. Vick & Mebane," has been purchased by the Cape Tear and Peo ple's Line, and will hereafter be run in con nection with the other steamers of that line. The Ubited States mail between , this city and Fayetteville, heretofore carried by I the Juniper, will from this date be transported by the steamer A, PJSurU -. ReportedOeatU by BarnlnB: 1 i 'It was rumored on the streets,' yesterday, that' another colored child- was burned to death, Sunday morning, some where in the neighborhood of Ann and Fifth and Sixth streets," but Coniner, Hewlett; who,, heard the report, had not been able to trace it out up. o a late hour in the afternoon. ;-; .;,l7fThere will be a meeting of n the Ladies' BecevolecUSociety Tuesday p. m., 14th at 3 ,0'clock, at Hook !and Ladder Hall, on Dock street;,.; -j.-.trr o .' -i Blsnop Lyman's Appointments. I i 'Jackson Wednesday, March, 15. ? Woodville, Bertie co Friday, March 17. 'Windsor 3d Sunday in Lent, March 19. Murfreesboror-Tuesday, March 21.1 ' .... Winton--. Wednesday, March 22, i H "Gatesville Thursday, March 23. . t 1 St: Peter's, Gates cb Friday, March 24. - Elizabeth City--4th Sunday in Lent, March 26. ' ... Woodville,-. Perquimons - co Tuesday, March 28. -- - , ... Hertford Wednesday, 'March 29. , f Edenton Friday, March 81. ' - ; Plymouth 5th Sunday in Lent; April 2. i . St. Luke's, Washington co Monday,. April 3. . - ' " - . , St. David's, Washington co Wednes day, April 5. " : . Columbia Thursday; April 6.' " Jv T v Bitb th Sunday in Lent, April 9.L ..Pantego Tuesday, April 11. 5" j .': Sladesville,.Hyde co Wednesday .April ' Fairfield, Hyde col-Friday, April 14. ' i Lake Landing, Hyde co Easter Day, April 16.. w1 - - ' - , Zion Church,' Beaufort co Wednesday, April 19. . ' -j . Washington Thursday, April 20. ' Jamcsville Saturday, April 22. ; .Willramston 1st Sunday after Easter, April 23. . . , Hamilton -Tuesday, April 25. ' Scotland Neck Thursday, April 27. : ; ' Weldon Saturday, April 29. . ...Halifax Sunday, April 30. : ' ; Collection in each congregation for Dio esa n Missions. , ...; , Blibop Atkinson's Appointments' for - bis Spring: Visitation. Kinston, - March 22, Wednesday? Holy Innocents, Lenoir, " 24, Friday. Newberne, . - . ; "56. Sunday. ; -Beaufort ' " 28, Tuesday. ' St Paul's,Switt a B'dge, 4 31, .Friday, f 1 Union Meeting House, April 1, Saturday. 1 Trinity ch., Beaufort co. - ; 2,,Sunday,3 1 Blount's Creeks' " 8, Monday, i St; John's, Durham's Ck, " 4,'Tuesday: : South Creek,Beauf ort co; 1 0, Thursday Greenville, -jit:ii? " 9, 8unday. - S St John's, Pitt county,. " 11, Tuesday. SnowhilL v". -;..'. 13. ThursdayJ Marlborough; Pitt co., : 14,Good Friday WUmington, St. Mark's ,iJ . vl i"f y; - ana.Dt Jonn's cn'es,. 16, ifiaster.v Statesville a, s , s ; , ' l :. --. 23, Sundays Hickory, ' .'' , V 24; Monday? Fayetteville;' ' ' : ' May 6, Saturday. Rockfisb, a- i W"--" -7, Sunday.'.. 'c- iVttt ., . ; ss-bmw . t'.i u ji: AppoisrrMKiits" of Rev. W. .Q., Blaek, Presiding Elder,, for. his second round of Quarterly Meetings on the Wilmington Dis trict for . the Methodist E.!' Church: South. L the present Conference year::- ' .: i -i.-- Wilmington, at ittn atreet,ijVlarcH 18rl9 Clinton; at McGee's, ' . , , ' Aprit. .1-3 Magnolia,' at Providence, ' f April" ! 8-9 Bladen, at Xerribeth; -,;'-' April 15-46 Whiteville andWaccamawv 1 'H.Snuvtt i :"Miss. at Fair Bluff,, iff UiAprU 59-50 Wilmington, at Front Street , May , 6-7 Kenansville, at Richlands, - May . 13-14 Cokesburyat Cokesbury, v - ' May 20-21 Smithville. at -V t-.Un May f 27-28 Onslow at Queen's Creek, June 1-8-4 Topsail, at Herring Chapel, June 10-11 Elizabeth, at ; ; June 17-18 DIBD, , BLIZARD. Inthiscltr.on lfonav.the lSthlni stant, Mrs. ItoBan&h Blizard, aged 84 years 8 months sad SS days, leaving a father, mother; a haeband, threw little children,, and many ,wana fxlenda M moarn their loss. - ' , . ., J'. ,i 1 ThefanerBl wni take place. tMs (Tnesday)'mra lug, at It O'clock, at' the 'reBlidence of 8. U. Hoody en 6th street betweea HnlberrV and Walnat I - - Proeu it fa time if yod wish'to save doctor bflbv Dr. Ball's Cough tSyrnp. Price S3 cents; large m'.za. , 11WK ByrosBT, '1-btb JioaiiiHa Stab Book Bind ery does aH kinda of Binding and Bating. La s work manBke manner,' and 'at reasonable prices. Uer chants and ethers needing Receipt Books, or othe work, mar rely on promptness hi the ezecudbn of j aeu,orderS. &ttlw fsoi?f ;. V4t-:.j W i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS in pin rable' and healthy lecali tie xn Castle, Charch. Nnn. Ann. Orange. Bock. Che- ijui, Mutberrv jjd: C si O wjmi Itankin, Fronts Wxtb, Seventh, Wtlon, Eighth, Ninth. Wood, Bay, X Charlotte. Teoiih.BleveiMh.'llfth, and Thirteenth Street, battefactonr time eiven lor baTmnL Ako.! HOUSES FOR VALK 00 accommodating terms. I Money leaned to loose wuning to oaud Apply to .;" mh 14-1 .4 !f- & .j :-&t JAMBS .WWOlt i '1 1 ; r.f .i in, u 11 " 1 - 1 .1" hilt j. .'.- . , ' . . . ' ' - - ' FOB 8 A LB RKASONABLT. BOGAR-CtTRBDHAMSrSTBlPS.SHOUlJJKRS, and B KK K TONGUES.. ' V f tv. ti 'fv'i- i v irnsuAU, Trom tne purest Bcnppernoag urape. uurifiK, at Sutter at r ichl4-tf 8?BIIW3r;CLpTHmGAf tfoil crfvk.WQpLii' C5s end selwAui t jniL( i tr, 3 yietniers ana Msrc&ant TUors i RjEjPJTONAl J0UDINGa,U:S ; wvni..i-it'.io-iu '-6 1 fvlni " Vf f-'v . .j, ... Hv In. author ef "Sutledge.'? HiSrtf IPmim. ai'jjAY IN XlENT Writings of Bidhop Jeremy Taylor, by Miss SeweiL f ... i.?,iv.VA .'..' :7' j . " vjl M For sale at :m wi v UJuasiMU(u&a of t -l mhll-itf'-'n 1 Live Book and Music Store. m i WHOLE !NO; 1752. MISCELLANEOUS Broadway .Silk Hats. V:-' Stiff M MFnrats;';:;' Traveling Bass, Umbrellas, &c. . . HARRISON' ALLEN'S, i -tohmf . 89 Front St Our ffew Spring Stock. : BPEnrci:. clothing , ' HiS BEEN ESCEIVfiD. .. , i ! Call and see it and oar prices wDl astonish yon. - a viBi receivca, one or ue i ill MOST BKAUTUUI.. ASSOBTMENTS ..'p rt ,OF SCABFS, TIES, BOWS, Ac J . f For the Spring, ever before brought to, the city. , mh 12-tf' v1 -K 80 Market at. Suienty-Fiye Million Dollars Assets. V FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE,' " - REPRESENTED' By ' ' "l JOflIT 3ff."G0BD01T : GENEBAL INSUSANCS AGENT : Liverpool and London and Glohe. Of "Eneland: S 'n Hambare Bremen, j-s--ct German;: Mobile Underwriters, Amazon. Old North State, Virginia, Fire end Maiine, dtj, - - - v X of ; Mobile: of Cincinnati; :r ' of Warrtnton; 1 . of .Richmond; of " . J tteatnern mutual. ii if-: til ii Metropolitan Life Insurance Can. of Kew York, 'i All clascs of City and Country property insured at current rates, and lot? sea promptly adjusted and paid from this office., Agent wanted for the -Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., and for First Class Fire Com' panies. - - . ' .s . .. .. j. Office,' i North Water Street " . mh 11-tf , WUmington, N. a 1; i-- Sundries. :0 i.V 10 000 BUSH" FSDtj white 'corn,: I . . Q QtDla' lonr Srade's, 1 f;,r',n I , 250 Ul 1)0X69 D-s- Smoked Bacon Q Q hds aud bla N.C. Muscovado Molasses hhOs and bblB S. H. Syrup, l.t)Q Kio,'LaganyMajid Java Coffee, OCA bbls Sugar, all grades, . : . ,,500keg8-,.,M. 400 tmB U(UmaPe 0aa&0 - ' ' j 300 Bwk Guano'. J v -7 . ' ' - .'.;ir' t; jtri.Lt ., Flanting Potatoes, Candles. Crackers, , .' . ' Snaps, Cheese, Candy, Canned Goods, . ? . ; - Hosford'e Bread Preparation, Sea Foam, ; Brandy Peaches, Soda In Kegs & Boxes, " ' " : ; Starch, lard, Ly Potash, Ink and Bice. , ! - . AI0, ..ii;i. 'J.V Lake George, Lebanon A. and Manchester Sheet tags, Yarns. fcc; for sale by the package iy . mhia-tf WILLIAMS & MURCHISON. Potatoes, Potatoes. , - A A BBLS. FINK7K IK, POTATOES. ? ... . 100 100 EARLY ROSE Kt ; PEERLESS, Forsaleby .' ;-' "'?-. vV mh 12-tf KERCH NER St. CALPER BROS. Hoi asses. Molasses 9 ft ft BBLS.; SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES, O f HHDSY ;?i'doV . co. . - ... 1AA ; ; NEW CROP CUBA do. I .JJ ?' 't For sale b: ' mh lj-tf ,(KERC: ER 4fc C ALDER BROS. : KA TONS AGRICUL1 LtMB,, ; asijt i 1 i t f mhl2-tf KERCHNEBACALDERBR08. tiiiitaltf owier. it -;.r Kegs Rifle and Blasting POWDER, 500 Kes Ko 2 Ducldng M Aft A8eB lOtS and 8 Falcon Sporting Powder, 9JM ' For sale by i--- - ' ) ' f mVlS-tf ' ! ETBRCUNEK & CALDER 3R08." 1 Keep .Warm XY USING A GOOD WEATHER STRIP TO fvjjr t i ' v- .( " - - --- i keep out the cold wUdV, Spiral and straight door springs. Axes at 90 cents. Axes at 1 10, it - ! n- -A..,.,i .'..viv h:OEO,At-yKCK.'ra- ? dec 19-tf r "T- ; No. . S5 Sontk Front. St, Important Notice ! fit . ; i stock SacL Jading a large surplus of - : . ; . - T - C ''. - " ' H . V Winter Goods on Band, lY WILL OFFER ALL SUCH, FOR THE PUR-I -.or-, , ? i'.:--fel t k ? -. tajstK 1 and not wishing to . carry over to. next season, at price that must insure their prompt sale. .Call aud ih-j .-v- .JVldc II. SAMSON, ':;fb-tf 4 r; ;jV-r Market street, Harness Mild Go flit o if )i - s j'., . Si n :. Hi , men itimamwatiAD iiiu i ... ThfrdrStreet betweenjl Markei soil Princess. 1 ; ;;rREPAIRINGPRpMpTLY;P , HAYDEN GERnARDT, , laclismitlis Bellows, AnTTLS. SCREW PLATES, .VISES., TONUS, hammers; smiths' lrillsAaht STEEL of all kinds. IKON, Ac . (i , . . oTi;tf?ai ;A- full assortment of the 'above Goods now in store' sod for sa'e airery low prloe'B at the Old Es tablished Hard ware Hoose of , t a: k-rf: no.aiJj. s:. '; vJOBNAWSON,-V mhortf V-:: N0S.1?. Wind 1 MARKED ST i ' t' ' ' ... 1 .. . - Soaanater. SAV OPENED MY SODA WATER JOTJNi TAIN for the summer, and tbis healthy and refrevh log beverage) .witsrths best ; of; Syrups, all made by the undersigned, la new on draught st ... , I tah lltfii Frul$,snd Cafectitonery Stored -fcTow bN thsv wayj -"r. -r AX i':f .-.itn "Xv. AND EXPECTED bJOLtl One of the Largest Btocksof FISHING TACKLE ever brought to this market eonsiatingof Poles, Lines, Hooks, Corks, Sinkers, Spinners, andin fact every thing needed, either by y Amateurs or jnanermen, wucnwiuoesoia st prices I t m!t Ih. HmH a fh. Jm IT.ninn Smm n - mhlS-tf ; , GILES MURCHISON.- - . teeters..,.., s , onweek,ci.t:.' .is.:.-;'i;... x s Two weeks.....;...,.....;..i..'-. 6 CC One month..,.. two monfns. ; " -Three months. w. .a,v.v V Cx fiitoonths.-.L....-..3. e vne year.- i CTCo&tract. AdTertiaements Hiken: ttonatelv low rate. - . 5 I 15 w ......Si 00 . ...85 00 ...V.. 60 OS at prop o 1 , Five Squares estimated as S quarter-column, and ten squares as a half -column, v :i :, ...,MISCELLAME0P&1;,. ' Silk! oakliv Umbrellas & Parasols - GERMAN'MANUFACTURE," . . ..'.. Fersaleat 'J 1 't1..;. G. H. WRUNGE'8. , . tub ld-tf ,; N.. E. corner Second and Market st ; ' 1 !''.'r'v " . - " ' ! ' V'-. '''.lUotice.' T0;AIJi ; COITCEEllED. Vou CAN BUY SILVER WARE, 1 1 Jl- 1. . . - :):!. 1 PLATED WARE AND JEWELRY, At LESS THAN COST,:by ealUng at ' ALLEN'S Jewelry Store.corner Frost and Pdncees sts. ESTTbe Goodemust be sold at some pries..'; Call and examine before buying elsewhere. -1 - -Watches.. Clock and Jewelry carefully Re paired and warranted for twtlve monthsi i ViS. r. i' - e 1 f John it alle. - feb IS-tf .., ,.,,.,: :wt - 1 .Agent . The Last But Not THe'teast QF MY WINTER STOCK OF . - - IS RAPIDLY DECREASING ON ACCOUNT OF 1 THE VERY' LOW FIGURES ATWIlicH I AM DISPOSING OF THEM1. THE BALANCE OF MY WINTER STOCK WILL BE SACRIFICED TO MAKE ROOM FOR M Y Spring;; Stock! mar5-tf A. DAVID. 201,000 1 Asparagus' Boots' tch)r sale in lots to suit ,! , private gardens. Also, GARDEN SEEDS of every variety. . "- ' :!rs4 . !' tifi'v - .(... ' - , DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Ac. 0lf Store will be keDt onen everr SnndaT in future. - .2 l, n'n - j - U'rt -"-J "i rTQuick Sales and Small Fronts is my motto. - J. K. McILHJBMN Y, -! DrntrpiHt anil Phmnnr.iit nmrthoaat mno-u corner Market and Froitf. ;,SUIUDRIESf; ; POTATOES- '"bW LIQUORS-801 10 as.. SUGRSy?kmds. TVTT3VA TP Clear. long CleM- Clear Rib, lflJLV1L A ,0T7and Smoked Sides r Smoked. VfV'f. vv.v? .fit fhoulders Strips, Pork; and ,-7-1 '.-. . Hams. ! .-. T7T 4 isYtt? "All qualities. ' OU OWN" ft -Mjl;U I&I iPTrOTJ.y1 Mackerel. Herrfpg. Bakei Mf t J? ll3Jtl7!lTtA.. M Cod,freutandSfun4ts. . BUTTffrf, CBEMEjRACKERS i Lr.' '-.O . --,'. .i.;--Vf.;-4KK, -.-t-tK?i' ff- .-v.-..; CANDIES,' CORN STARCH. SNUFF, bOAP, TBACCOVyCCtfrS TUBS; BBOOMsif : OIL CANS, teoTeveisttiSsllScleo I? g fjlsif C'ifouhd in A large Wholesale idrotery. - o Call and exaaiine bur stock' an&be cohvlacedi or send jonr orders5 afrectBSiy.j 'A;, i Mi S-ttyith. ;0 Corner Dock aid Fronstrt'ets! nakeoOT6rtxii ' SBABD ! GOLDEH 'DBAWIBG" 1 liiQu:iS':iwWnA: EOTTEHTi 1 1 .., syvv f7''- Takes Hacelpril? 29,676, POOTimT;.HI!;POSiPpHEHpi;! POSITITEI.T MO SCAI.1NG 1 . : Prize, $100,0001- 3,580 Prizes, anonntii to C5Q2,500, -1 !Vi ' I ' j 1 S! ! -v i ' -lair, t ' t ... ALl. PAID IN ;oOEDth;.i;- ONE PRIZE TO EVERY SEE , TICKETS I OiiilpolMetjf at m iacii, ds.r United States Cdrrencyi M'ITt TIN TH .Atf n4 fWXHTIXTa COVFOMS fS. TiopeBTtojr. tte phizes rT u e OspHaE Prizea4 lJnvf 100-000 Dn -.! tinfui 20,000 10.0 0 10.1)00 10.000 , 1 Prises . ... A .......... I .... f m iPtlses at 5 ono. i A..jf,?liVlHK4 .m -Prizes f- ijOMiii.-.P.lUA-J.jI 1 80,001 "51 Prizeiiat ,600 . . , i ii. 000 coo Tim Prices mtiM$A-k.yUS&H1i,' SOCO Prizes st , ' 60 .. ...... 110.000 , APPiioxijnAt ion pni2E i If Approximation Prized I 103 ADDroximation razes at iuo..l...2 .. . iu.ouo 3 10 Approximation Prises st 60.X.V... " 7,600 I 8'PrlEes 'slliDBUngi ,.,$50100 f Tickete for sale by all regalariy Sppoloted sgsntc', andby the- , .:-.; ,; - - -f -V ' - fitmoiilsuWa'scsite' i.otiery Totf' mh9-7wDAW7 "Jiu, .OBoxfioa.N. ai Bfixhovnt4'fe w f I f 3 :tlifSohn 'ICS. ; Ileycr On North Mtvoals ssrli sad cuetom-p- . - r. 1 l, bm wvof x v uv v tu sv piHWGU ttl sTW lAjsl JIKMIU 4) ; octT-u&wu , . - v--i ::,-; . kbsoOBOOKS- JL r i3p BLANK .BOOKS,' tr-Vi ' - 1 1 ' vMW.Ji. J-. . . .AND STATIONERY. f Also. MasicaV Instruments, u a i - w ii -"v7;v Photograph Albums, . ". v Cvivfl;-. Pocket Looks,- - ; v. - Gold Pens, I ? AUPSALDISCX)UNT.TOMEEpnANTSl 1 AMDrrEAcu;r;;r-rC';:-v ' -. 'f.: 'ly'",.M ;;'V--'n' v'' 1 1 t3vTOrders from' the1 country will meet with prompt attention. ,s .vt. w Vatm'' 6 C. W. YATES. I mh 13 tf IS REMOVED TO HIS; NEW BUlUrfNGL I Watccbetween ChesBut-asd Mulberry S -s -t v Doksellerfw t i. ' 4 : 4 1

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