cicxssto XT, JXAITOXS. J , .5 1 - Tuesday MowinirflJIrch28.J87ft NORTH CABOLINA CONGBESSBXEWi -Last week three of ane inoua ai olina delegation- took -a' prominent part in mo aiscussiyu,auu.uus,u the twoh6usesof Cons:ress-i-Messr8. r -v-Ai- Tho J . ; ,- , v t. - 4 . I former made an able argnment in the -l r . . -jj nn.ijJw; V.tl1 -'TA I senate on iuuisuay. uu wo . counting the" electoirkr votel Gen, Sca; Chairman of the committee .-.i .tt v 'iirtin on Indian Affairs, when. th;Hpns went into Committee "of j lhqj.Wholei- 8poke('a('BOJiV length'-of 'the, x- JLi:l:-t Ti.n" Wrpnn 'and penses pi cthe.;;Indian Bureau, and thej; abuses that" had rcrept there;- . iiu Mfipffimifal$- ble,becau8e perfectly temperate, jus( , viewing iu grouuu uiwicui.puwa. " his powerfttUmjgjnt ots polit- Jcal enemieWMaj." Yeates' positions I wre unassailable.hisjbeafingthrb ougu-;j It has 'the merit, too." of having 1een ,ri,.tM:aeiiverediA prin tea as aeiiereu. . .. i; ,w I from ruisbed delegation to the Senate and I Houseirom North -Carolina. FVw States are f altogether - as well repre-f sented as outs,. This fact should ope- J rate td strengthen the Conservatives of all parts of 'tBcomponealtU In the discussion, ana nxipg qn ine xvepuo-t. ; xie saia: -xnere are r I lican party the burden of strifeand1 America "ten mnijons of Sabbatbl cor ruptionSeVefal times questibned , 2 " V WricT' bp Uadical partisans r; wtoeoDghvto gtate- the' Baptists frav40,iQQ;5Sui : niinv him.neretiiseua to submit'to in av.: School scholars; the JPresbyW-, i r. it- rr -i r -.i - - i r ; r i : o n a 1 n la i mm rKini iiiiim any State abler thaa-the distm-4 1 j -m.w-uhx fr.;;- .- uifcuwvAi! wuuu.iuciii ' nere sue worKs wiinout a rival.- - -of the 'Radical'' stVaiegfsts 'to makcT " f 2d.AMeth,odi8nr in, its revivalism andkecHsdVsSMaon in fh i-iU. &ii4ra tif, Wli thN noWii.hasV.far.whicb she; indebted almost entirely ; ia.ihe?; Conservativb SPONTANKOOS' COMBUSTION Oft : : ; ':.intiJjriNous-, coAt,'';' A list of one hundred and ninety-1 six disasters seagoing vesseTsffbm . . r ... r , --f. , , ,5i "re in coai.uuuiiers.ot hi cargoes .04 bitumuious' coal, has been published ! aToccnrriiig: between Ociobera86T'orldo-JThfl'gfejfct objeeQo Hlfa- Tktfe xtfc bath Schools is the conversion of uu. acwui irei, uv, wio seis were aage9 .ana;many oi ineui .1 . 1 ' ' ,. A AA 1, I ucBbiujcu. ,, ;ain:uutiii.. w mtj no u-1 " was i a ' record: from " Lloyds" of I wtvjRvnttaU'yw)iMJ-: fnnti t rv au.- which ; were - reported 'mfo v between July 1, 1873, apd 'February 1, 1876. i Although the mannerUm u- vT'a 11 1 ir ' ' X which bituminous ooal stored lit sels becomes ignited is still subji(s of discussion, it seems'io have b. apmnnmnktMl tht. ntnitfif A' rfUtfrf r wu..uVJ, ' bilu.mA?9iWeici and that"theaKtfof ucb-combxis- an tf?tf , 4 , . i T. - A serted e ous combustiohwtOQk.placeojily in lis due from mines in the JSTero shwisthatalraost etrery. "vessel burnedor inissingras: loaded with EnglisbeoalnOt more than a ,oiP0f .vfi AmPmn.m&k-mimhlm 10 property, and, Jn Jives occasioned by. the spontaneous res makesthg'goes' lion of their origin one of great iijx- portance. ; 'i -.i.-.-' r'y--i''''' '"j? Mootgmneiair.ltftttoftirilr i . 1 1... i -. . aen, should j f ' ".-T?f."f t'.tz Yr vmr j.i rr.-ift 1 Mrs. Marsh is described as "quite h andsoraei,of "rather ! petite; form, fbut" f uirdevetopment' rSh4 jWbfe'abfaek " nilk drees, black .uat' jtrimmed with beads and ostrich ,:feathef. andv white kid gloves, She UXgpfi lo4kingoniiowitA gray hai r. &he has large,-JutroB8mUchieybaa eye,' has t an iot al f aoe s; aud.Tquite a' pleaxant tre88ioiu 2-''i.'tio.w. tnti- : ii-i ,L i 1 .r.:.r- ' tait'MtnjK Sii'l.) Ti ;fOt W. y' . 1 i'J- TrytntE Ur Up Ben i Hill, u jic. 'Every,;a cans try to stir up Ben. Hill, of Geor gia, to ni akejh i eech' jtt.w biciiuit ish u nde'rstood he. h W;. repared, hoping thereby to, crain" some rpolitical vaiiugMrHur tried to stir hiro up to-dat by making allusion tb the speech ce delivered before the; :b:olifay8baf jr.illV quietly? in '? his seat writing auididid not "appear .to pay the leait attenti6n;i . to what IIk Hurlbert . was saylng7J Coventor OaTlw Fitnd.rctalltyj r -A JackROTi, MSsy.rspetrtal-of Marchrj - 23faysp'rmaJ5raudgraefiJ inthl? cae bfifuteilaht-Governorl was pronounced" ioaViDinejM-'' val from bGeeraadd'itqaariapp.op hereafler .fronHholdiusr anv bVtulJ'rif honor, tftitr Tf i. (Mfquesl' f th.hieiUM$e4ate0dionhii'ied proceeding agaiiist.ex-uperintend-e jtof rEduCWioo.Cttrdui. um-t certain Jin si isn cos oErgfeat dplhDvTae Qiatl . TUB OTKTnODIST CBNTBNNIAl.v Foartb and Fifth a ! Condensed from V.,o Raleigh Kevs. , . ; ' - Feiday; March 24 The meeting commenced atJMetro bolitan Hall. : at 10 oclock"a.'"jmt" The choir sang a fine introductory. ThBrMethodistruhoir in - Raleignis -Bishop-arriirropned arthe'Txerr his gt le oratory' not purely Me- inoaistic, liKeaatioiisnQpjierci nor strpngly classic aa that of Bishop Dofftrett, - but -rlchw 'nature's' own hoontir onH rrnrr 1-nlt.nriH fprvflni Deauiy ana power, cuitureu, icrmun i . - non.RPf.rftr;an ,v. r 4 ; t-i. 11" .i" Ire L jSiTJL .t i 'JTiiJ. i raver was ouenju uv ivev; - xr- i Burton, ooepfibo oldest 'members of the Cpnferejwe,, and .the, choir sang another fine, hymn.! u i Re of r the; Kewbem- pisttiet,- then -der. liyered;ah address': Subject, . "Me-. thodism in its Relationsto the Origin Sabbath;School .Work.'l- Mr. :yaesfhW Been JliClhe ittneHoyg teen yearst anhasor several jears been lPr(eiadi)rfgMaSr;f)Mr.AYtes is sometimes effectively-eloquent ,000 j tho .Metbodists ,48 000; other lomm are jn tne State 2 00,000 white cliil aren; RwiBnere H'SS'U. 179I"Bishop T White, "of'the P. " E; Churchi si Wished? a fwim jar? ppfool ... t., 4. . rnti.-v. isfcu Methodism is the -mother of e 1 ; flKi7TT nT7. nwTo n VI In i mi bvTTanah T?fti!ArRorrt,Rftikeirdrdl6ir l6afid? the Sabbath School, bot; Sophia Cook, furnished; the School fohiin to sabbath School prodnces a, reviv4i; and v.eryxcivivaU'yfoUowed by.a conversion, Methodism is agreat founder of Sabbath School power. (f (i I The relation of Methodism td the Sabbath School win be seenbyjnquvr. "g what is the effecP of the Sabbath- Schooh i ;The object is not to furnish a place to shut up" children from the Souls "": . ,. t H U.Kf..i ; r Mr. Yates ended his discourse with v . r 1 1 o it .'t ' a oeauuiui euiogy upon : oaooain School work. . v,?i? f As ian r interlude ? the choir sang spirit and effect "Hold the the ,meemg;SbjectMe n ireiauon;, and Tract Societies?; fTo seev this iwjq muat consider tim spirit of Methodism which is and was: W 1 1. Doing good of all oxt?tsand,a$, far as possible, to all menJ ' ' , i0 ideal of the geniosfebf -Metbodistn The;, devotion of Metbodistovomen' is one of the greates-t agencies iu Methodisrworkjrt&yjgive theif. sfinr toTGbd" with T "devoted" lieaftsl their the clmfcfi1 Bv Oieioext CeViigShfal, LwllB iS?m,?Pt r"i.;i- t".i I aingaoms or tnis wona snail become pubhsbed4.t;h . .a heeMiflfknA hU I Chriak'fr xti st'ivaW, I Bishdaifhligi' ?e$!?gB '.- No beaer-"tesfs of Hbedrawmg strength. of bishop sMarvtdinhi leommdnity than the densely packed audience ihatigf eetett hiilrrat Metro- ' 9lJi?fb&PJ --ftywP'gbW qughi the rai pottred4ii i torrents - and the iit.;,',waterA;t ee.Ueeb tion was ta.kenpJTp he new church 4fter the"laddres!,Vnd"a;iaj sum was realized.-the lBaritiAii 'and'T'fpfei Sunday School of itself putting down Saturday, March 25. RainyimV-there wasiwarge au-5-H dience. OppitMMrr Rev. Ieory ,GiAyf. wh4mt1f the oldest j members oLahc Nlirthrolmai;tloiK4 I .JBishop, MeTyeirs leq yiptrodqeed pen. J6ha Ni -Staplej wh addressed tne auaience n the fjsubjecti- UhurebL anlfStatei ? xMrStaples1 fs a 'mpmber'' v . lurinuuiilt viiuiuii. a yuiiir.i awyer ot tne uar ot Ureensboroi aud U' V'yrh"rntiir-f a .Vho'. lout fSonaval Assembly of iulortli Car bhasi- He bas quite a prepossessing appearance,"! a soft, ciear.lefsant (vpice and isl yery popular as a speaker. after . .t-;t. . r r r' v . t ; -r- dress. ment to Worth Carohnai Said she was i , i . .. raiuer hiuw vuu, was always in lime I unmaha' elleithen ! thanked. the r citir jsena oi ttaieign tor tnejr kind hospi-'l jaiityano;tM.CjCTOis rneuts iothtktir zeal and success id r .&"& fj""gitniue ui tins uu- icasion; spoK9.teralfiiCAri---J.iiiid tiart AdvooaU a rtSy f the in- terest of aUthoJipthA.J dists, and expressed his gratihatfdni thaUheAtldrrs; during tha-week ' had been mm-e an expression of gratl tnde to God th eh a glorification ma t, and? clo-.! by alluding touch i fing y and dutifully to the servkss j of the approaching Sabbath. ( - -t f ' i,ev. SiA. jjoone men introuy.c:u. resolutions requesting me iihuji and speaker to furnish their manu- Vcripts to the Committee of Arrange ments, who $bU; be f requested f.o Ul wi puoiisn inem, in connecuun wiura terio-aSia rihT-ifareigji; Christian Advocattftotep&WllW ' the Rev.' Ji!3. Bobbitt': and that the pro- ceeas reanzea irom uie saie ot iuo volume buuii appueu wu mo uuim- ing-"of the "Metropolitan'1 Methodist jnurcn m -s.a.eign,u' wmuu "werp nt0rl iTMnmiton-X X m I Announcements-Were "ihen" made r -.J.:, . ....... by ihe'C6'mmittee of Arraug.eme.nta. ; $1,520 " was .thh' ubsoribed by other citizens r'of rhKaleigli j:to the church :f und, and $1,000, iri-cash of I 1 a a r m vv rt a It ati1a1 4a4Ia Si 4k- I t. retary by a" Mend wlidse'"naraewas not given. . i-iVV-uuii Bishop; Dpggett then; arose and: ad dressed the-iaddifenceliii ' one of ; the afesJ;ahdmost fethrilling'VinH prompt speechejt w.e oyer listened toj." He .waxed more xaua more eioqueoi and touch inglv beautiful until 'he thrilled !andrmelted tb: prof use ' weep; ; ing tne wnoie ot.nis auaience. ,v nen quested; tUchoifc'to-,8ing-"Gatherirg liome ani oia ana young aii;wp profusely a W'vii6ijrfhttib( beautiTuT oni!-nXChjLeniiial-Kaa.ue.vit beautiruf Kong.v4Cntennial-Jiauev a itaivl I sncyesSi iaud.rsthis-:lay: the siding rEldjerpf ffthe Charlotte iDis irict, and after singing a 'prayerrwa b fferexl by : Re i J esse Cti nnin ggi mv : ' audience Rev. .W i S. Black. 1 Rresi ding Elder of the Wilmington.uDis-, triot, who took for his theme Metho dist Itineracy, and ? occupied' about Kuriyininuxes in lengtn, out was very 'appropriate, . aud i was. well re ceived, and at times so humorous as to create -"applause. After the ad dress an appropriate hymn was sung. and Mr Bobbitt called on the Secre tary to know-ifany -additional sub Scriptionsfeadibeen received-for the boiuliuc.: of 'Metropolitan '-Church. The Secretary replied there had been. and.nthe"; books r were' stilt JbpenJ and that they 'wanted to, make i up. the twelve -thousand 'dollars' in " Raleigh before thef meeting 3:adjourned: r ' A committee was appointed lb walk up and down, the aisles 'and, cries were heard on all sides "Put tne down,"' 4fFut me down," and in . little or no time the Bubscriptioriwajaised,j and Secretary. Iteid had the honor to read I out on this, centennial occasion, that ivaieign naa given twelve thousand andcTtie-hundredanfddrrfiv lars to build'the1 hew2 Metropolitan Church and the ". church -would be built. The ; news was received - witlx applause all over the halb-Resolntions . of thanks to the choir,"officers," citizens fered, and- the , meeting , was, closed with a benediction .'from ReYi , W. S. '- - i - JDiaCK. s ; Raleiga SeaUneLl K : :l u-- .-. Still Ahead.- "The Old North State forever!" s i any. one more ror JNortn uarolina. She s;th.e fountain of f heroism and, statesmanship, .the nursery of great. men, lor all the other states, kiog.f; She supplied Ohio" -itHcher-nbbfesT ioyorar,:OJd JiillsAllen. She sent neEgyD.jJajKheiYSw boy, -iva;n.ojfbf4hreat. an J m i red and- ad u la ted.i:rankeei nation ants : to elebra.te 3dr0dth birthday with the gr aadest's windlihg showrassreatrornBverteheldbrthr Carolina donates thS President ofj the entenniaGeDerarJpe l.Hawley, Who, although! beihasc long ' leen a Connecticutter, is a-pative Tar-heel. TAnd after all this, pourjngj forth of mental and moralAnakirnj Bhe still has.Jef t at' leas t a hundred candidates f oiveTnoTnd-pcongressional -and the Too M a eh Cotton. Q;a,:ofEerhfonowing ad vice tou hit pnthen rpoup trymen : I ,Verily King Cotton, he other feffi &(L Ad Win Hii inln tr t tio -anlMtU r.iU the ueoule. ProRiwritv in ttiiaartlo PdOMerasJMendethr vertY.V-..Ai'jvVrvfiea'VV rrtfi'a een maaH.' Hiid vct. t Km nonnlo -. wn j the " ragged edge" of insolvency, J The ; moJiTjke'jtRamorjjr 1 we grow. Aud yet the desperate bet' iti ' Faid on anMhecroiyirt .tne face1 of it'll ifxrH uiiuruKHn ntinrmi v t kl. salts. The beatllen adaw. Wrrvim I i da irtnSfii'.nA V'illi'.1 t .1 . .. . make "mad, is being actualized. " No sotrior fertilizer ifto feasonsrv;will iavenetcountry'. onthWe.Sfltw present Agricultural olis aThe e- laTnTaVirieeW bffs f cottbnTiriri li .. . . " : v" nrna. I pects oX:tbeconirM Bad goyeriimeiitmay. destroy-us- ami our Tift .onipofpvwnt. iVlot2?W'ae- i apuuu wituuuk uume supplies. HI rread meat ftittrPma& homwghtf f The - great';bnTdca jotexTnsea'lies iight there The stomaeh cqsts more lhao the back. -Make bread," raise meatiUve t; h be' Velf support I At 7:30 baiurday iht thejneet tnT at Mtro;Iwaii cJille $obrder;bv'Hei:.H,biU, Pre- uuuis, unuuiuaiiuesana powers. or tne f -tou. jt,5XJtvjiiNH,Hi i - UHiP w worlirreturnishedTermessetlh i iv !mel f00 p; throA nraoMnnlo TV,. T11, I A I iUO ?q ? bfi'r??;:W W fcfcdfc the TaiaWc T''wravH.tKiHiAuuA.viaL:BUu:i . I . .-. a f? mm mm mmm m f m mm I i :..,jf ..rf; Jobnsotu She'rrSve I fl CLi Cl- l 111 & iSShfl I Assessments prMeial4aniotfe7os f Aiiperaons atonal Umber enough to outfit half eoitiheiA alundntlvUnael: Kra;thor inflation, nor contrac-I tion, nor. the financial rffanX in the corring platform will sayj us. ; Help rnt . cor-'e out of I the grp"nd in i readstuff 3. Yc a may go to X xa all cafcton ill wamayj; jc may stay in Georgia . and grow fat and- J -- -- - . . . T 1 . , J rich on peas,j potatoes,wneaii auu oorirr "Let : iis1 fill " bur "garners' - with 1 mariner sldre) ' Jhen ofir oxff ill stronff to labor, our sheep there-wiUbe nofenfflri'noVgb. ing out" in quest t of, .food plenty And peace' will" hush "cbmpfaining iu pier and better people. - ! A Specimen southerit' Blaine Man. - ! " tSliecUl lotie Baltimore 'Gazette.l i , Washington, March 24. f Tj. lL Chandler, the. present pension agent at Norfolk, appears to be the most Broner of all'meft ; to advocate the nbmination.'and election of James i. jjiaine to tne i resiaency. vuauu (eVwhile United States District 'At torney for the 'eastern !par't'6f "Vir ginia, recovered aindgmehtof $5,000- railroad, m but : $2,500, to the governratnt, ..f.Judge Hughes, hay ins had i.his ..attention - called ,to -. ' ' ' i this irregularity, (issued anj orderJUi effect tbaV asa appeared, that he withheld impropeTly'the'sumMsot twenty-five hittdred-l'oUaTSri,:dui "he Ullll!'tatifi;hr show -reason t Wliy I troni his aasetH.Ui.ii ed States Marshal Rarnsdell- retuiueri , th order "no effects." ? it It j was, then vsugge.sted .that, the . amonnt. -be, dedMeted., frqm,athe.- payoij,. ynanOiier .pensiou ageiii, , but all the officials here .being. ...more of lessin ; favor ! of peculations, so cmel a'niethbd of eettinVback'gov- ernmeni iuuuh nas. noi ueen resorieu,. to. Chandler continues; to advocate Blaine for the Presidency: . ; Mystery Solved! i The Great Seer et of the Wonderful SUCCESS , OF. TEGEHNE. It strikes at the root of disease dt Dartft Ins the blooa, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy ac tion, invigorating the nervous sjstenv i, I - EELIABLE EVTDENOE. . Mlt H. H.BTKTKNS :-r , '!,, i Dear 8u, 1 will most cheerfully add my testimo ny to the great number you have already received hi favor of your great and good medicine, Vze. Tina, for I do not think enough can be said in its S raise, f of I was troubled over thirty years with that readfnl disease, Catarrh, and had such had cough Ing spells that it would seem as though 1 could utiv ver breathe any mere, and- V Kerns s nas carea me; an I do feel to thank God all the time there is so good a medicine as VerTm, and I also think it one. of the beet medicines for coughs and weak sinking feelings at the stomach, ani advise every body to Use Ymithe, for I can assure them it jta one or tne nest meaicmea mat ever was. s H . ; KKS. jU - ii Corner Magazine and Wflautets. tamor.aje, jnass., mm i in?) K.-;OiSi.'f. ! Thousands Speak: 'If.' i VxaKTHtB Is acknowledged and: Tecommened by pnysiciana ana apotnecativs ana cleanser of the blood ve sands speak to Its praise who have been restored, to aeaitn. , - :?s.ii. v n;jl.t '"f -0Ut.5j.i:-.. ''.ft Eeport from a Practical Chemist and Apothecary. o ii Bear Sir This is to certify that I have rold at re tail 154 1-3 dozen (1853 bottles) of your Yzexnxrx since April IS, 1870, anfi can .truly tay it has given i - tviii viuir aua-m " - l ui irh (Muiwuuu ui muj remeuy tur ue com plaints for which it is recommended that I ever sold. .Scarcely a day passes without come of my custom ers testifying to its merits on themselves or their friends. I am perfectly cognisant of reveral cases of Scrofulous tumors being cured by Yegetine alone in this vicinity, ti 1 jvj ' .-ri".if.;tj -Si' TTl . jljIL ' j v ktj reHiMXAiuuy tout, , - i -1 iq, 4-.wji-tVAl GTLMAN.! sliiis. Will Cleanse Scrofula from the Svstem. ftHONST;OPINIOKfia MK.(il.. ' STfeyitNs' y ;: -3fr' j Daar Sir .Thin bi tn (nw that nn -ni ura taVn4 sick in January, I8i4, with Scrofula, which came out in iarga cores and nlceraon his legs and hip. .His leg waa s walled more than twice its natural-size. He had several doctors ot high standing n their prof es sitn two from Boston aud three from Charleatowu -t-wiinom getunga on netter. u was obliged to lie wwrw uB vw. - pwee, iw lie aaq o : limn wnatever.. wnen we had dven of bis living' we ware told to-try VEG at oiooa remeay : naa laiten u ie neiore we coma see a prex cniuimt.' Ttut nn ran so bad that we had to change the cloths four or five times a day. ' StOVne was getting better, for he could move his limbs and help, himself a Ultie.. He was soon able to sit. up in bed, and, by constant use of VEGET1NS-' it haa cured hini He has a lame W whto.h lift will .IWltkAhf-w 1a. k.t il honestly believe if we hadnsod VKGETINS before-1 the use of his lev. and restore w w wunnu wiui uwig aactonu it wouia.nave aavea . red to natural health. l hope au those troubled with bcrofula trill read this testimony of me and my bob, who is now. well and awe to speak for aUasel. -' 1 -j i CATBARINK MAHONET. , 1, I H ira DANIEL MAHONEY, f " i The above nia!nhnthone(rt amnuin'4iiBiir. ly shows the quick and thorough cleanainz effects of J the YEGETINE in BctoftW .TVA i l I VEGETINE is ackBOwleded.J.T -ill pwuw w dc me nest anft ni08t.reliJWe nioo pori l 1 nregetike it ioid1 i mh l-DAWlm'' :'- r'KS.-i-H 1872? j ;;-.ll.iiY.- llie ltUiiiiUllj ;Xai W biif l ri1 .v.; r. i PRIOEbuREBlIDED fj.-. FOR THE'CENTfiNIAtTTEAk B ! o-ui :m!, loTTjioiq '...ii vff.; Iatiepenrieiit-SeMeeBy - Hewsnaperr " ' ", ' devotsd to ',! -H -Mf" i. 3.r-y fl i ' " ' i--' ti.Jt. Vircuiauon jiareeantt uaur increasing 4 r . . . . . . w IV DUOOtJItlllJfi. 1 It circulate fnl)lrty-two'C6uutles hi Eastern and Middle NerthOaToJinaAnd aonth-fiide Virginia;?! rPBE ATTENTION OF THE - , T SIi"?isk) be above-titled "paper, which, being"' b t iT t wvoeeminussiaaiA;c , tr- !T us Dew meainma m- vv eiqraiCaro- i Unit hTAnmi teM.L ..i... a... . . . . , , ,.v,tll vt-MAMM(t BROS., Proprietors, CrSt'r'.tI -I ... . n - . . . . n i . ., . . j lLtlilli: i. . i 1 rviap mu ail lirw pTinBrnrtPra Sir tskaa tuMAml. . t f " uat peraoo-or the biste., Kates foradver-. using verviiDerar;--AddreBBj"vy -- febtStf i'iTUBLlrtltJRdBiL'3t -.jr".", ,v H . j ,'. , . ' . . ' . J S 1 ri. O- S r -v , o L-o oO Co 'fill T ,B r '5 M j O m 3 j JVJ& ,j g !3i iff - ' S'. --5- I h r . - I ' l a t m .mm ' l Tl ill -- i W WHISK I PS ' jlw2.Ji-4- v We liave handled thef ' Acme Wliiskies , for (Xearg,( and liavo ways found, tlicto .uniform imd atitfact'ory Give. thein a-trlal. . f , roh-24-2m, j 1;,- -.. I . .v. .. ...... v. t I rrHH ATTENTION OP THE PUBLIC IS BBSPECTFTJLLY ESV1TED.TO THB 'AOT THAT THB ioneatWiimii ;X Caralina Central KauWay Being Completed aiHl lauy equiyyeu lur uuninans, oii i vum.vj.. ston.i ttotii Tut Direct oieamer uneis uau via r ciuuh uu ,x- uiuiuumi, i uiuiiuv, f New York, boston and Providence oneqnaled f acility f or bandJinsBhipments fropi . j. ik . i. . 'u . i i jl m f i ,i , . . 1 l! ' ..t . llmingtoii and all Jbasterzi' yities f I 'f Kj - ArnmT1 'Wmi'ihnTmt ri1 Wtttatt4"tt: mi I I I i rl .a . . vac - - as ii , t , etiitiifrrnrdton. AslicvIIIe. ti . . - , and &U teonB B the Atlantic Tenn. i&Onlos, AUanta Kicnjnon tt -.une, JNortn. UMOuaa ana. Western North Carolina Railroads as well as all points in GEOR&I AND i LA '-AMA.' J - ' J ' - " i insurance from Eastern cities' guaranteed as low as via any other line. Ntt .em aal or transfer cnargesi 5 1 mm . , . A mmr a H la A IaU7 AM . ' - ..- r lis,ta nointa furnished uDon aDDlfcationto . MISCELLANEOUS. it 1 f ' r IN'. T 0LLEY S -s -- F INK ENGLISH Breecnrloamg" Guns. i We have for many years, with great success, made a special tv Of buikliBe Fine Breech-Loadine Guns to the svecial instructions of individual . sportsmen Making for a large and select trade - enables aa to give greater care and attention to the fitting, Khoot big and general finish of oar Guns than can be given to thoje jGuns bought by tne retail trade from manufacture rs who prodace for a general market W e Bolic.t the patronage of i thosa eportemen wbo are judges of 1 iae Gens and wbo know the impor tance oi having their Guns made to fit them.? - ! .We are prepared to accvpt . orders to build Guns oi any weignt, gauge, proportion or style. n i. 1 nucs. ' .....$ 65 Gold. .... SO' u PIONEER TOLLKY. STANDARD .r., NATIONAL......: V 115" " CHAULKNUS.. ...... PARAGON AA , 11 : FulMliusmted particulars with reference and instructions lor sell measurement forwarded on ap plication. - (- S. & W: TOLX.KY, f . Krancn umce, 89 Maiden Lane, New. York. ; :i . Mannfactory, Pioneer Works, Birmingham, fing. Tax WoticeV .:v'. i! WUmrngtoit Townships UK .V-U.i!. It 9atBV- AHS BOARD OP TRUSTEES AND TAX-LIST-BBS for the; Township and City of Wilmington, wCl proceed on the FIRST DAY OF APRIST and for TWENTY DAYS thereafter, at the CITY, HALL, in .the city of Wilmington, between tbe hours of 9 A. K, and 3, Pr M and every FRIDAY EVENING aurlhg the month of April,between the and 9 P. M.; on said day s, to List Lands and Property.' ana make the jtvuitvu uj law. . 1 and citv II tin and corporatioBS within this Township are, to give iu their taxa- endat the abova times and nlaces for the purpose specified; within Twenty Days, under uie ueuoiiy oi uoaoie i n. . t . -i , , . I .Extbact raqji Act to Rauh Ekvkkuk, - ..:.5 f All persons who, are liable: fox a- Poll. Tax, and sha l wilfully fail to eive themselves in. and fail to list within the time allowed,: shall be deemed GUIL- i t A misu kmjsajNOR,, and., on conviction (oereor. snau do v inea not more tnan Flity Dollars; Jtev, .-i.fw V.-iit.u'j - t.li4 .Wvk-i1' ha ESTABLISHmiN-1855, ; mt LarseaC Clrealatlon In be State. n:voiea to iteugwn, Literature, . Bclence, . Ar, T0rxaii f .the jtt,L c, Confereiica.od ; .the M. B. Chtirkotli j It has its support, and .the continued . aid of its Ministers, all of whom are agenU) towards increas-' tne its circulation. r v -. . I We Offer too preMnmA1 he Aovocatk ' stands' I nue is ALetaooiBUc in doctrine. It will contain news from all Churches, so as to make it a welcome yisitor to the inteUigentreadera of all denominations. fIaw!)r BuMnem Men vance; f 1 SO reo 14-tr .... 3 I - L . . - : . . . I I . The Camden Journal,, , f0? Camden, 8 6., ISn fmongthe MoKhaata,. Farmers and sail classes fJ lnmbUandAugustaailroad:' ' " i Uberal terms wUl be made vMtTTThoBe desirtug to T KnhrTnHn r.r J itfVa.,if-tw AddresX-r' hR T TiTvTl I ArTrP.rAt Ti u f A A JJ li "il II L il JLf i J Mi lESIRTNG TO PLACE A WWAW Ab'lTv ive:newitliane Inthehuoita in fTOry Quanfled voter in Robeson and adjoininircoiin. J endsUnip fir swrttmth cwM-5 ('t iotk V?,; - TonaortHsWR,jrmTt JlU9 ARTM his removed UYtk& narbferVbontol lTt Ddnni f State employed, and KimZTuZr tJr , Rh.4V-,ii2"S.HMi V?Hine,aB vest-'Wockmeattf thai t w.v...n. amir. - iVii' i i j - a UB. iiHiiriaiiimi siaan vnurw a nun -rnivrw lava s ... no all hmwa II. "1 ,wu v iwcwiu ui Arasiees. KTINE, the i W- -V 8.rlV POTT8,.3 1 but a short I t "Wpt. Township Cleik. . rtrecsytedy htm,aa .taieaiUf(taf?aMsa: Bouse, wWe he invites tisold frie f andthepuhTj ,Car6Iiim Central flail way, General Freight .Department, WILMINGTON, MARCH 31st,"' 1875t - h -r m u . , ' ' .. a M n. a . v w Greenville, gnartanbunr, r r ! i .'m-f"? !; . i .' x "h turn 0.1-..-6 i&wt the ltinaerrtcnedli! Offlc In nanK of New HanoVei MISCELLANEOUS. Bank: of ;New,Hanbvqr; Vf Asilliorf zed Capltiil Si',O0O,0di Cash Capital paid '1m 5 8300,000' Surplus ' Fund 50,000 if DIRECT ORS. ' JOHN DAWSON C. M. 8TEDJ4AN ' D, R, MURCHIS0N' J :.t L' B.T GRAINGER DONALD McRAE , ' " " 'C 3A. "A. LEAK . .,'.1 i,J.'ia.jr'i f -tiW T-?s ai.'i:..-irfil H. VOLLERS, r .-' v, B. F. LITTLE .-. .tut.! . i i if . . .ii . .....?). R. R. BRIDGKHS T tar i- a rv trtw f - w-'- E. B. BORDEN '.LB. GRAINGER, Xresident S.. D. Wallacs. Cashier. StaBALTIMOREJO; ! .?! v-4 i-ArVfUCU o.. -,. FROM THB ABOVE ADVERTISEMENT i MY; many friends, patrons, and the music-loving community of Wilmington, and throughout North Carolina, will notice that I cm now making; BAIr T1MORR MY HEADQUARTERS. ' ... , The shipping facilities- from the North., with the desire to extend mv Piano trade to a large fields to gether with my wide-spread reputation in -the-business, has induced me to adopt this plan; ; ,' . I now can offer special inducements to those who will honor me, with their orders. Tfi v- ( Havisg been educated a mnsician.-and. so to say, "born and raised" In the Piano, business, gives me the assurance to claim that Instruments sent out by me will favorably- compare in. Superiority with the most noted make known, at prices which will defy competition. Persons wishing to purchase will find it to their advantage to CORRESPOND DIRE-T-LY WITH MR AT BALTIMORE,. jDefore making a hasty purchase elsewhere. J ' - y -j JiespectfullyvL "Ji-'FV'-KUECKERT. W HBPECIAL 1T0TICE.-I will, however NdT CON TIN DE business la -WILMINGTON; butshall keep on hand, kt nj vesidOnce, CORNER 3D AND MARKET STREETS, ft sufficient supply t Pianos sad Organs to meet the demand, of my established trade in Wilmington; Where city-purchasers are in-' vited to tail and examine -the .Instruments offered jX CvT-T tiV i "w Mi XTALXJ0 CARTR13G1S, -fttrLlTARYv HUNT -EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN' -ACCCM ..Jl.j. Hp latre:Dischamlerc ! Kypar Kifl warranted .ateol ipoterrCaHnra 40, 44 aiid 4V10Cor,aninch,and of any;desired lengths Charge pf powder, from 60 J lfl5:grata.i) Weight ef allf horn,; m to 849,-grains Stock,, plain; , also P&tolgrip aad.'ihecked.njBii'htsi tdainiiGlobhand' feep Sights' 3f ernlet tUK?laW(aiaagela ftott sight, h atid. Wlhd-feause.i ISverl kuhi6H tor above guns, cOiiatantlyW hand. " j Tiffi'MEIIlEItl'BfilEECHOlTIIHffi 1 saw- :-:irasa i:ftiiut"i iT(trT'' i ,T ? Wifrictis, 950 OO to 250 OO. : . TV S v-z-idL-JcdL ! Clark &Snfiid Ar . m -.vjf jstos! I : j. Sendforyatalbiift. JiiLIf lSD3Kfir Havana Lottery; - -r. .-.,ir uu.:.. J.J ' iilleenlayL S635 nf a-:i"'-r-"" lay T-dwTv 30 Liberty St.," New Yorki ms UNDERSIGNEI. GENERAL AGENT OF iAf jtheilmiugtoa Mutnal.Fire lBi?nrancel!b.iLhas 1 ?r't'Pre9 ,0' write poUciohagaiwt Jotu iiftSd by fire on the most faverabltrm . wy . deci vod Tu Tft-Ha 8n? BAM'L W.ANis'd'N? bsbw a - aw jor saie., jrAu -Tjuais orders: should alsor be e t-at my jrealdenipe for prompt attention. . . . I feh-D&yvtf- "fr"- ' i. ; J. pR.' I i .Ltsvm lmhlm bait Lo.-Ui.i.fTTjj tn ma .il SHARPS RIFLE 'COMPANY, li J i78S fsametoviBg toj. 4 J..0, .a46X,00 1 Alveftiwrt wW defreto reach purthasers abouM 1 Sr'V'i-r"."-'" lOO.OOO (tdverttoeia the. GAZETTE., f -f v 't i 'T,-'':lrf-ii.MVi.(.jI7 AO,Oeo ' It Is publUhedm Camden,1 Kershaw Oft., 8. Jtit1 'S'Vf'Yi-Kv.wM,.. 25,000 the head of navigation on ; the jWatereeWveri at fa auA.)iH,u iu. Kcukt oi i no eeaooara jriro" SSES W- jVlstata;r halrarz a cash' tapitalof Two Hundred Thonsnn-I i, pr&,i ana ALife: jfisraCAieiicy 4 1 ; A. & CO. Beprcseutlujcove j t-OFFICE Commercial Exchange - Eni; North Water Street; f eb 25'tf PIEDKONT & ARLINGTON I . . ' : of Richmond," Virginia ! ; ..;s.Annizal Income Over $l,500,(Kio .V'.:7.4f t,)l4.'"i! f. It L Pre2TssiT& I iPTcsBeroiis r Promcti 1 i',r SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES' SGor-Pc' s , . : INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERvi. l; , j t.AND (OOOD; SURPLUS , , ' V :-- -- - - - . r is Premiums Cask, Policies Liberal j . Annual DlvfsJon ol'Surp US. I ' if if'.tv" tl!. v. - ,,,.,... . j S Offlcet f r the present with Dr.. Ti- Fv Wood. Jiedi CSl Examiner,' on Market street, two doors west oi Green & Flaaiier's drusf VtoreT ilmlngt6n, N. C. ' ! , i scptemoer s-u T i V JJlli ZIAA111I V HE WEATHER, SO THETvYINp DON'T I Blow," and even if it does blow, as it has for some weeks past, you needn't mind it so mucq, provided your property is insured vagainst Fire" in the LIV ERPOOL c-AND LONDON AND GL0RB, with its $30,C9 C0i assets; and iginat the Perils of thi r Deep, 14 the MOBILE UNDERWRITERS, with it, j $1,500,00., and;. .yoa, have, a Policy on I your L fel1 bnder the popular RES SERVE ' PLAN , Of the' old" METROPOLITAN LIFE' INSURANCE COM PAN Y, "of Nexv York,'f the most progreesive Com pany f the ise: Thus1 'protected,' what heed to turn pale at either the Firs Alarm, the Storm Signs br.th8ma31-poxtt. i a I U,-si Fifty Millions assets represented, Fire, Marine , .4 'I ,OHN W. GORDON, . tahSS-tf .' r 24 North Water Stretl INSURANCE ROOMSi AtKiiison &Hanning. $70,000,000 AaetUepreseuted . '. t aaaai.. t Ins.'Co. of North America: Philadelphia. Phenix lnsnrance Company.. . New York. Continental Insurance Co ....... .New Yora. N." British & Mercantile Ins. Co' . London. -BartfordFire Ins. Company Hartford, v jNauona; fire Ana. uompany.....,rlartiord. Springfiuld F. & M. las CoLlwiMassachnsetii i -;iU ;).1V!fTIAniNK.!Viii Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co., i ,,..-New York Ins. Co. ef North America. .. . .il. .Philadelphia. i U L1FG. Connecticut Mutual life Ins. Co;:.;:Hartford, fMarchStt ,f;i v IgUCQURAGE- HOME .OTSTITUTIONli.; v 'i'i, ' 'ciirity'agaiiTire. is rapidly gro in public favor, Kb3 appeals; with confidence; m ox propertt u ctorin. ijiarQunSvT -I i - fee -Agents in all patta ef the State. J R. Hi "BATTLE, Jr., President. : 7t i C.B.ROOT,.VksePre8identJ-l.ii 1 i BEATON GALES, Secretary. ,,'..,.! PULASKI COWPER,SnperviBbr. I i -fti. 'ATJUKSONiAAJirNINGAsaiim. j augl-tf - r m WIliDineton. N 4 1 f MISCELLANEOUS. Hi THE vli ANDMAEK. j tt 0 t Oi! J PUBLISHED AT" ; r , . j , : $TATESVIZLE,IIEDELL CO., t- I Sol" 1V; c-plS,THETif -j f .. I ' ' heading lTeWapef'iit" Westetn North ? ttU ,lA ?.v-C eifi ' ,,- "'t is .Uarouna-r.. f srfj ri J, f it is the only Democratic Paper published ia J re rell County one of the largest and wealthiest coun- Main tho,State-r-and has attained a-larger local circulation than any paper ever heretofore published In the county., i .ii, I " it dmilatlon in Alexander,' Wilkes,' Ashe, 5le rttanyi Yadkin, Davie and Iredell,, is larger ttan that of any two papers in the State combined; ana u rapidly acquiring a strong foothold iu Forsytie, purry. Rowan and .western Mecklenburg. . - , ui. -. i i?m 4 4j.-tijj.- iij. j.o. ' 1 - ,!" f'tt', - r r v' 1 i " It is the only paper in Western .Nerth Carolina that empl6y a Reoular Canvassiho Aobht, apo thos kept constantly before the people, t 'ndertlua -system a rapidly increasing circuiatiou is the retail, , jn&kihg the Lahdmakk '. J jTHl?lJllSiT ADVERTISING JHBDIUM j";,.; IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA, j J . -.iJj'.'i4i-H),t.. t ' . ,tj .J.4 ' I r"ADBRESd.?si r j -i i.ANnnjtKK." t 4e -tf , . , , v . RtAtPRvillo . o. 18Xd.;j?ostpaid::.1.60 -jLi.rtl -tlf 1--THR NURSERY; ! I , . 1 t . - f t, a ViivrttT-v- ir iYV . tth.ti? Wit ' ViitwrkST V .Readers 1 1 1 antra tod -ind lOccntS for a Mample Number Subscribe Now, .and get the iat two numbers of this year Fbss I - j. JAJ -U. Brtinnii g Pcm-rt-lat-na rBrowi field fttreet. Bot j jLook to our -Interest. MTBrtMiiff : is a -iProfltaHle InTestment 1 FFF O 'HE MERCHANTS OF WDV !V miaoB and elsewhere,, superior indawmeaw to advertietbeir business in its columns. Having a a large- and rapidly increasing circttlatloh throughont one of , the wealthiest sections on the Wateree river, It is considered a meet 1 -wmi! -j; j ;,ini';J ft 3 " 4itr,. '.. .. vei For terms of advert.iafnc JkcLl iJitrMr ( '!!WU5'I lAiiI. 11.0- rI"n, Vi nov 26-tf Camden, B. U Tha XincolhMl PWirress IS thfi nnl nsnop nnhlklxJ In 1 Itintln COnntT, T4 4l a .V ar....',i..n 1 . l.. Anfiff'hA Mer chtttitsv Farmery 4lllass3) off lwne8jB - 1 s This Company continues to write Policies at fa ' rates, on ail classes of iiiBarableproperty. j ! All losses are promptly adjusted and rail The wine ansurers I It wffer fol tie' Merchants. Wilmlngtoiii; j jitable mediom? for. .advertising .rth.busnw"8' thro tA' cetera K4jrth'CarblinA,'' ''V:"' ' ' Jt i t Ii- pirns will be aklwedl-ol yMriy, Subscription price, $3 00 per aantti , in advance. . - t- - i ' h - j Address 3-, flt.!F..H. DaLANE,. ; 1 f v.i sr. Editor and Proprietor, - ' ' J " '4 ' 1 n 1 "3