li the iiobitiitg otar. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY . p 'I ' - ' 77 .A. V J! 3 ', BATU OT gUMCBIPTIOX IK ADTAXOB) J 9lx months, . t ' - ; ,85 Three months - .......... . One month, C I . :t- ipn rttv Subscribers, delivered in any part of the .V Kf teen Cents per week. Our City Agent ere got authorised to collect for more than ft month in tdvanee. - j - - ' - - , OUTLINES. Ex-Attorney .General AVilliams tes- i tified yesterday that Grant ordered the I payment out of the secret Bcrylceund of onnnft for election purposes. Ma- Lily of Committee report in favor of. leitiBg Spencer, the contestant for a seat from Louisiana in ; Congres4."a - Some thousand Montenegrins have joined .the I insurgents. - . Queen (;Yictoriii. hasre J turned to Eogland. ;:riJ:naiwtiVemy' I crat8 endorse HendrlCKi for.Presldent, and I favor substitution of National bank issues and repeal of resumption act with Green- baCk9- Nettleship indifted yesterday for safe burgulary. Cate, of Wiscon sin, introduced a resolution in the Hoose, vi'Sterday, to investigate conduct" of Secre tary Bristow in a certain transaction ; tdopted. - Bill allowing Mrs. i itch 8 j diamonds to pass free of, customs duty passed unanimously this Congress. - ,-argcant, of California, submitted a reso- muou u . -.rr ,TT. T7 " Ires.deni 10 irea reSpecug .u.trirtmn8 on immigration to this cuuntrv I f Chinese, Trouble with strikers I 1 : . - 11: s, HI continues at Rondout. Nebraska Democratic Convention, yesterday, largest and most influential ever held in the Stale. Delegates to National Convention unani- niosly favor Tilden New York mar- , Rets : w'wu, A0i0 IU,J'VU, UC 37c ; rosin, $1 801 85 strained ; gold, 1 13. w . ' 1 . . : . 1 y II . Last wees a jury iu varroit ouiiiy,- Ga , brought in this verdict.- " WV, the iurvracree to "disagree." ' The judge uuanimously agreed thereupon j to hne them Dve aouars eacn. The health of llepfesentative La mar was hot benefitted. so mncli by HIS trip ll llliasiooi J'pi 7- aa oiij- ! poseu. utn Si..ivv.i...u; . ed. lie is still constantly threat- I WT viied with paralytas. , ,VT , n Speaker Kerr haa decided. not tri be a cauuiuaie ioi ic wicuhmu w vmh gress on account of his s poor" hea th. Spirits 'i'urpenxiiie O ver 30 was realized by th e UerUinmjnt in behalf of tbe Meltu lis church of Magnolia. A j negro woman, the cook of 'Judge ilcKoy, fell dead in Clinton, oue cay last week. Goldsboro hopped successfully 1 Tuesday night at the Hnmpnrey. House in Mo or or leap year. Raleigh News: On the 19th of April last; one year ago, we had a terrible 'T&SgvSZ a slight frost yesterday morning and the I day was quite cold. Loisnot TranscTxpt: The efforts oi tue people or uson in esiaonsuing tue . a a, m ww . m- I tbe treneral dissatisfaction of tbe shiorxra alon the W. & W. R. R. at the high f reuht tariff of the railroad. company, has brought I about a compromise, as we are informed, and rates are to tie rednneft. i Mncrnolia. "RprnrH Triroa !no groes were arrested In 8ampson. a few uaya agu, tur ureaaung into tne store or. Jar. . I Ketchmon, of Clinton. Tbe 6tore was en-- icicu vuicc ocrcini iiiuca, we jciuti, twice I from the hearth and once through the door. The parties were betrayed by tbe wife of 1 one of them, who got mad with her hus- I band on account of some ill treatment. ""'"a" . iixajur ajeury i Blacknall, at Kittreli's, has an old pocket uuoK given mm Dy Jordan Solomon, whose i , granaiatuer irauea ior it witn Uornwallis I men when they tramped through this coun- I try during the revolutionary war. The old TriMn trtivi iwiinnta f it W 1 1 T.nAa - c I WT ft T - - I ttiia city, has received a letter from a Mrs. Mooring, at Smithfield, saying she has two cuarrs that once belonged to Patrick Henry. Tn Tqe Goldsboro Messenger re- I Ue story of an elopement and at- I Jatt'S lempted marriage by a young man from Peitrsburg and a young Edgecombe girll which was fiustrated bVtheVounr ladv'a being under age. She finally consented to return to her parents after -tha vounc man I j.a.l tried and failed to get a license in 0..,l8l.on, Raleigh, and Durham, and who tlliullv refused to lake her In Mtuln ml iiiully refused to lake her to were less stringent". The Republican Executive Com- mil lee of the 4lh District hare 4nat annoinU I !;jJ,DlU., nd 9: 6d!' deleT s. ( wuuudsu j. a. jucuonaia ana i Washington Duke alternates. The Con- gress Nominating Convention will be held umeign .Hiiy inn. meJienttnel under- s'Hiids that Blaine, Bristow and Hayes will li ivt- a lollowing in the delegation lrom JS CITY. NEW ADVKUIIMKiriBNTS. j Chonly & Morris Sale Af Land. PoMpouement Operetta "Fairy Grotta" No THROP & tTJMMISG. Notice. ' W. It Bubgebs Wanted, "a live man. Edwards & Hall N. C. Hams, Ac. K Jkwett Fifteen Cent Books. : Jas B. McPber80N To the Public, i Xra Dots. Fresh boquets from Wilruing ('H are one of the attractions of Charlotte." Stationary temperature, partly clotKiy and clear weather will prevail in 4 liis section to-day; t . o . w tt , . - Persons from Harnett township report , quite a considerable frost in that section of tbe ounty Wednesday nhrbt 1 - : Rain is badly needed .in this ettHn just now, the streets being dry and duMy, od gardens suffering. ' a waite man irom mo couniry, awngsuniewbat breezy" and disorderly aieur the foot of the market yesterday, was -arrested and lodged in the guard-bouse. New Hanover Superior Court, His Honor, JudgeMcKoy, presiding, will . a . . vuuvene m tuis City lor aiwoweets lerm on Monday next. Solicitor Norment was d ne cy yesieraay. l , JL jilLdL JELd VOL. XVIII.-NQ. 26.; - Thosfi whn ha v rrt timo t n'lUt 1 Iheir taxes durine the dav khou d he on V hftnd t-n- M a m .'1... .1 . uiLii a aci iiiii iiiv a. iin i m v .miiiiiiiii m ih i n . i .,.. .:'" " " T T"X In list ftrhne nou hnlira S; 'iVv I ; , xesterday 222 "- 1 w. I : H-.-J Ihejrtaxables, making a total of 2,347, not one-half of the number liable. Tuesday next is thelast day. ' ' ," The British Brig Coorutn, Adair, from this port for London was in port at Bermuda April 8th, -waiting for a change of wind to proceed to her destination. has been sent to Fayetteville, where he will be jailed until Court meets there, 'unless he shall give bond before that time. . There were no cases for trial before the Mayor's Court yesterday morn- ing, and consequently there was no session of that tribunal. Some one is coruDlainin that a bamf, ,,5 slops (s frcqaetly left standing somewhere near the foot of the marka all day Sunda - rri , 1 . , . - . 1 1 ne coiorea jueinoaists ot ttiis V-,wui nave a camp meeting at the Piney "rove Camp Ground, some ten or twelve m51e above lnis ci,7. commencing on the 10,u oMay. This evening is the tim for the regular meeting of the Board of Aldermen, but as three members of the Board will be .. Int.lrlh.t.Ti:.). i:i, ""6e.- .-"s .oi.o, mi m 11, nivc- 1 Iv the niectinc will h nnstnnnpd !... " ... r , ; ' The all sized street all receiving a new coat of paint faai4 in I aud var- nish, preparatory to the summer campaign." J One appeared on the streets vesterdav in I its new dress. They run now from the I corner of Seventh and Castle streets to the" cemetery. . Court. Mr. Bethel Buffkin, of Columbus county. ' . - - I wa srraliTnBrl tvr(IPJ II t-i fArr.niioci..nIir I raaeIllo vt-rv mAUff ..V-i -;n. violating the Internal Revenue ltiws. iMr. B. is a cultivator of the " weed," and it seems ho disposed of some of it without se- j curing tue necessary license, oemg un- ? - M. . ' Lf .1 aware, as there is everv reason to1 believe. - i . " l that there was any law io existence which riKtnired him to nav a tax to lhA Oenornl r-rf t i Government for the privilege of selling tbe same. lie was required to give bond in the sum of $300 for his appearance at the ap- proachirig term of the U. S. District Oouit in tnis city. Mr. Emanuel Strickland, of the same county, was arraiened on the chaise of vio- lating the Internal Revenue law by selling pimo,1iq0t,ra.i,houtflra.ob.UlngU,e necessary license, and was required to give bond in tbe sum of $200 for bis appearance at the District Court. I .1, gentlemen found tbe necessary se- cur,ty and were thereupon released. ,ir.f i.hii.. cURnrlri we examined veaterdav one we exammea yesieraay one of Stock- weli's Self-Lighting Gas-Burners, which, j being supplied with an ignit; ng tape, is turned I iiguts lire gna av uie eauic uuio on, thus doing away with the necessity of ,,,, ..-ai.. U8in8 matche8 Lhted . candles such contrivances or other the gas, which is a matter of some importance when I eo into consideration that this) duty has frequently to be entrusted to careless ser- van. nn(1 oh:Mren One of these lanes. . . r.. wuiou ia tugcuiuuaij whur iuu ui burner, will light the gas one hundred and Hme when it hecomea necessary J " " w -t 1 I i to supply its place with a new onf . It costs but little and is a decided improvement on tDe old style of burners. Mr. J. L. Holmes, jr.t ig the agent for them in this ion '; city. iBT,,UsaaeIlnod i .J . We fftto learn that Gen. "Matt. W Ransom has found it necessary the invitation extended to bun to , decline to- deliver lhe Memorial address in this city -m on the Memorial Association, and the public generaUy, will. of course, feel much disappointed at being H.nrivoil nf the nleaanre of liatenine to that eloduenfiSn of the Old North State on the - . . A vt ' .k0 occasion referred to, but it seems that the I public business will require his presence in thn a-ntte at that time, and hence he could not well be present confederate Prices. As a matter of: curiosity to many of our readers, especially at a distance, we give tha follow 1 nir hill of o-oods bonirht at auc - . ..... p tion in Jfayetteyiiie, January iun,.iooo, oj . ... 7 m,.t -r,n-r , a gentleman now residing id una cuy, oia spoons, $240; 12 forks, $300; one butter knfTe, $90; one dish, $350;, one platter $1. 300; three napkins,' $84; one carpet, $800; one box herrings, $135; five; pieces of crockery, $40; one pistol, "$220. , Total, $3,559. Ths CbllA Tblef. ---------- -.- , .--. fv , charged with stealing a sum of money from i lie TKinRrui LiiB cmurcu uui. Auaiiur. 1 Mry K Alford(; mentioned v in Wednes day's issue,, has been discovered in the per- sou of one John Sickles. The Mayor re- cognized the two, in the sum of $50, to ap- Norment fnfext wee Both falbec and daughter are. said to be -ai.-i- I UVUWtvui iUAUV uaLJVft OtVIJ Tbermomstor Beeor4. j. : . The following will show the state of the thormomefer. at tha stations mentioned, at p yesterday, as ascertained from the daUy bulletin, issued from1 the Signal offlceln this city: ' "1 s Augusta, 74; Charleston, 60; Galveston, 76; Indianola, 76; Jacksonville, ' 71; Key West, 76; Mobile,75tMontgomery, 77jNew I V . m ,T...Lll . MA T.4 WO - I urieans, ; jjtonoiK, ; iruma ' 1 St Mark's, 78; Savannah, 7 ; Wilmington, oo. - . WILMINGTON, Tbe Shoottns triater. r ne mra competition for the gold badge, a n si Mclt is to be presented to the mernber of 1 the St Georee and St Andrew's 'pbihnliitir I lue OUWUrgB UQ Dl. AnQreW 8 DUOOUDg I lmK mam.. X Aa . aJ I ' -f " r ternoon. The following is the result i" tkah No. i. -q . . a. r. Campbell,......"..... 4!4 w.u'&RoVCtt.::: 4 4 i Total. 4 4 3 9 3 0 4 0 3 4 j 48440485 3 3 . ,. 4444384 44 4 534840 4)4 88 35 414 54545 3849849454 4404042334 358434344 na r 8 ffcfclV::":.::: - v?l' ""; 41 l. 8. y. Brown.. .-....W 37 Average of totals, 83 63-73. 871 TEAM No. 3. 300 yds. W. V, Hargtave,. .18 4038339 34 , 2-i H. G. Smallbones, 9 9 3 3S8030O 17 J. T. Rankin, 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 9 4 . 89 Norwood GOes, 4 0 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 89 J.D. Woody,....;........ 3 53 5 48538 5 " 88 L. 8. Belden,.;.. 8 9 388 04344 39 R.M11V , ... 3334343443 83 E. J. Lilly. Jr 8443544543 89 W. n.Jernard. 3 0 8 4 3 5 5 4 8 4' 84 Average of totals, 31 8-73 , j 280 . . . -v, , .... , I. .,-...- , It will be, seen that Mr. DnButz Cutlar- made the best shot. The list of those; who lve only two besthots to make; Jtc, win the Prize i9 nOW COmp08ed f MeS3rS- E' Lillv. W. "R. Kenan and DuB. Cutlar. who I , . i , . .. . , I uave eacu earnec one in ine contest. ue I nance of the charge in writing. I thereupon ad shooting, yesterday, was not quite up to Md Mr. Jones a note as follows: . tbe average, in consequence of the strong - n , . breeze tha prevailed Bnterlslnmeni Peatpened. r. It has been found necessary .to postpone I 1 t th nrpspntatinn of the Oneretta of Th Fairy Grotto," which was advertised to be performed at the Opera House this even- inir - until Tueadav nfobt next, the 24th inst..- ' .i in coasequuncu 01 tuc iiiness ui tiiu pnuci-1 .U.t. purcnasea imo ! btwwm V- pal manager. Those who have oACis nut miu iiiijii uuui iic tiiuu fled. vby Nt ? Quoth Gray, of the Raleigh Advocate "The news man of the Wilmington Star, in cpying an item from the Charlotte 06- scrcer, accreaus it to me unrvman uoxrver. Upon which the Observer retorts i ".Why raoB," why will you thus knock tlie props f'ra under us? We supposed that our r, . L . L lllDlDHlOU COniemDOrarV WIS UUVIDE a comDliment to our bious nroclivitiesi and you wouldjliave us believe that it ivas only a typographical error. L - . " We are reonesled bv Col. J. TL Davis. o..s...i.,. .u ri,-:u- 1 ouueriuieiiuvui, iu mdib luai uic luium&u i Roart w5n , onen throuohont thia dav for " " "7-" " me nenem m i iorr who miiv wisn 10 nass over it and witness for themselves; tbe pres ent condition of this important-Improve ment. The road is not yet completed, but will be at a very early day. r Got Ihelr Track. A new truck, ordered for the colored Ic- dependent Bucket Company of his city, .rri o.W e.Mer JtfS "Vtfh- Tt ia t urntcliorl witK fiAmn f on rtf twelve buckets, four axes and foul ladderr, A via i a. bo ui.uiaut.u awaa ovtiiv vm v with the other paraphernalia usually con- nected with trucks. Reveaue Txe. We are advised that Internal Revenue taxes are; now due, and must- be paid by or Defore the 1st of May. This is intended as a gentle reminder to save those interested tne trouble and inconvenience which will fallow 5f klie matter m neglected, i Blabop Atkinson's) Aprpolnttneutafor bla Sprlns: Visitation, j Statesville, Apl 23, Sunday. nir,i,rt, Apl i54, Monday. Favetteille, May 6, Saturday. j awwiou " 7, Sunday. Blstai Lraaa's Appointments. Washington Thursday, April 20. Jamesvule Saturday, April as. Williamston 1st Sunday after Easter. Anril23. Hamilton Tuesday, Aprils.! Scotland Neck Thursday; April 27. Weldon Saturday, April 29. 1 I Halifax Suadav. April 80. ! i Collection in each congregation for Dio cesan Missions. Qnarterlr Meetings. Appointments of Rev. W. S. Black, P-7idrnff Elder, for his second round of rinortprlv Meetings on the Wilmington Dis- r?int for the Methodist E. Church. South, ' 1 Anril 29-30 ' a - witminVton. at Front Street. May iuioo " 1 . Ul TTpnanaville. at Richlands. May 13-14 Cokesbury, at Cokesbury, May 20-21 Maf 27-is i emunviue. at , . 0afA(ynl at Queen's Creek, June 3-4 Topsail, at Herring Chapel, June 10-11 Elizabeth, at l''0' Tf rjune 17-18 The lTialla. . 7;.,T,:;--;,: : The maUs will close at tbe City Post-Of, n.e n ntil further notice as follows: I Northern (night) mails for all points North, j - jgt and West of , Weldon, 1 dailv at. . 6:30 P. M. . - J IA- ; " . I lniUZU U1U HBT lUSlI , .z . .f ceDtsundaVi 6:30 A. M. Mau9 for the N., v J-Wiroaa. 1 . and routes supplied, there- rom. -V.v 6 :30 P. M, daihV: . .7.. 5 50 P. M. 5:30 A. M. J Charleston, daily, at......... Western mails (U.C. R'y) daily :80P. L eACCp ouuuajo, . .. . P!l.urlnit mail closes at. ..... . . 4: 80 P. M Fayette vine, auuumwowu v Fear N River, Mondays and i .j sl;00P Mi 5:30 A. M. jjnaaya . Fayetteville by U.GR;ytdall lexceut ouuuovoi. ........ . Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices every Friday,,.., j 6:00 A. M. The Smith viile mails, by ateaiaaboat, close at 8 A. M.. daily, except Sundays. . ;; Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Bell Swamp, Supply and Sbailotte, eirery Friday at OA. II. ' . . L, - Mails delivered from 050 A; M.J to 7:15 P. M., and on Sundays from' 8 50 to 9:30 A. J - - : -f -sf ?H "' fV Stamp CuHdebpen from Ai M ) 12 M., and from 2 to 550 P. M."" Money trder fo Register Department open. same., as stamp-, office. - i- "I , i, Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. " ' ? V , ( . Key Boxes accessible at all i hours, day and niorht ' ' ) " ' l Mails coUected from, .street , boxes everyH day at 5 r. M. - r -avsawaawawawawsssHBsaMsawtwaawavswsfawawswavawaaM t TITaa)DD0 CARDS A25TD ylSTTCSS CARDS v? printed in the mostigant RD' agii Priating and Pablishiac Ho-ua N. C, FRIDAY. APRIL' 21,1 1876. CITY ITEM. iTiLi-a. z . !Nothiae ie.more generally required, all over the wori Purtive medicloft ; TAllpargativea eomethaea pro- J.M Anrna thoi. mL..U xt n. Pill'. V. I CTatfiUlA Pills TO far &aa HoKIa 4-v nna tln Inv 1 I other medicine tthtoh la aa effertiaL Ask: vonr l mggist for them, j Piice, 35 cents & box. Tbamstbr KKiTiHe-lNKB. mvaioabie to x rail I Amndnlaa' itatmoMn aiMHnaiAa- KonVa inov 1 a V WUlfHUlW0 BMMUUOUip VUlUaUllCD VWWOf V I chants, manafactnrers and others. They are n- dorlngd luigeloaa'ai .wilL copy I Ived a trash supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. '. I '. NliJW ADVERTISEMENTS. J - .'. ) A i:. -.1! S yV-i fM V To the PnbUc. . i TN AN EDITORIAL ARTICLE IN THE WIL- JL MINGTON POST, of the 7th teat, tmoit unjust and false charge was made sgainft me a? Tex Col lector oi renaer county, viz: inat l naa ueeu ruilty of misappropriating the county funds col lected br me in my official capacity, and applied intm to my own use, in me pnrcnase or muies ana ZfSfZ&ZT&R upon applying to the SWCSM information was derived from the County Treast- rer, Mr. Jahn A. Jones, and they crave me the sub- Jno. A. Jcntt, Etq Treasurer render Co., Iiab Sin: Have you ever circulated a report to the tn.ect mat 1 naa, as 'l ax uouector or rentier 5?B?St!?l "nyA"W?y ra mifri t.v . 1 n inH niirrnaiw in muiHiiiir mr mi iirrr 111 vatepurposes. Yours, Ac. Jas. b Mcjhkb8on, Teste, Gxo. T. Ltjcas. . To which he replied as foUowf , J Q " : Lhxxotoh, Pkndbb cotott, AprU 19 McPhenan, Tax CMector -Fender Co .siB:h-Jn answer ro your noto- duulipk whether i have ever ctrcuiatea any teport to tiieei- tec that you had used in buying mules, or for any private purpose, moneys collet ted by yon as Tax Collector 01 Pender county, I have to state without hciiation that. 1 have never circulated, directly or t jnairecuj , ai y ucu reyori.. j . : ; ; ?.. iOufU. tfC tfNO. A. LUCAS. , v :. -ITrcaturer Pender Co. . Witn 83, 8. S. Satchwsll. ap 2!-dJtw It OPERA HOUSE ! POSTPONED ! The Fairy Grotto! A BEAUTIFUL OPERETTA, IN FOUR ACTS, j to be given by Tbe tierman-Atnerlcan luatltuie. t-un account or tne continuea serions uiness i i -r'lA a am ' . . . fll Principal Manager, this entertainment is rasTrunauio - - L . ' "AUesaay UTeiling. April ssto. tTTIckets which have been sold are good for mat evening. - Tickets. 50 cents: Children's Tickets, 25 cents, to be hsd at Messrs. Yates aad Jewett's Book Stores and at the door. Curtain will rise at 8 o'clock. - ap 21-4t IV. CROXL.Y, Auctioneer. . BY CRONLY A MORRIS. ' . .j . 4a : ... A : aw- 1 ' a A rortune in rrospecuve. T 2046 Feet River Froul. Ta ' X LOT OF LAND, AS ADVERTISED TO BE sold at COURT HOUSE, on TO MORROW, (SAT URDAY) 22D INST., at 13 o'clock, M., by order of I w- A. Wright, Jr., Commissioner : Alligator Creek. ED s 3 3 West side of Cape Fear River. 00 oa a a a s a . a. a. O vantages oi city Keai jsstate, wunout oemg nuujeci to city taxation. i Keal Ksute, the safest investment ior tne eecuri &?S& Lwwa ,nU1,, eeeore' t,mK104C u I Ezamiae carafullv the above Plot, and attend the sale, as U wiU bo sold to ths highest tidder witboul reserve.-v-i ...i.cjr: "-'..t- i ..-ap sz-w . r NOTICE. . hp; d. O'Connor ani Ir. . l; Jew ett Are the only persons - j autbortzed to collect for ns and receipt bills. ' ap l-lt NORTHROP & CUM MING. Journal add Review, copy It - v : llffanted. LIVE I MAN IN EVERY i CITY , TH THE UNION, to sell the EUREKA COPY.N- ISK and BOOK. No. Press, Brush or Water reqnht. Agents make $5 to $25 per d-y Addiess. W. R.' liUHOES?. ap 81-71 ; Box 11, Bigh Point, N. 0. - i A A A LBS. CHOICE HAMS and SIDES, tuuu pored by David E. Saudi n, Esq. For sa!e by apM-tf EDWARDS A HAI L. iii7i : v .7 r.ii ( Roe Herring Mullets. 10 BBLS. ft. Ci ItUHi nann'""! . i , . J , 25 No. 1 MULLETS, "just In' ani fersale by apil-tf EDWARDS A HALL. TifteeneirtS;, tt L wttv a5 VoT.riitB && -i. ' Gill. W L9RD. BYRON, SHAKSPERE, Of MOORE'S WORKS 'f j IIVvaBViiM ava iLivuvivuvi april Wf,7r f 87 N. Front st Goal and Wood. VaF BEST QUALTrY, V ' DEA4VRSD ANYlrVSER CITY," i i ? 9-tf , Cor. Orange and 8. Water St. f : ' 161 ACRES. ...... 5 S i ' I . ; NB;W AD VERTJSEiyiENTS. i . , ,. , , i .HmiiU A T?nr flnA J OUU.IOUVV' UUUUOi , " ; -, i-. aiu va A am a- a a- AJiaauuMH AA. o-a. a. w A.'w.a.'w. romejuaaiea nai t nave reiarnea Home, ana daring my absence I viited all the Leading Empo riums or Fashion in New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and witnessed several of the Grand openings, and alter a careful examination or tne TtAnnlflv AtvlnS T ' YinwitiaaMi awaMawa Jvu j'hawamww. AN EXTENSIVE AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK GF .' ; FRENCH MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, onus, vruBiucuiB, vrepea, iviuuouB, roueru oun- nets, French Flowers and MottmiffMillineryj Em broidering, Ruffltngs, Kuching, t Fans. Parasols, Kid tilove, Zophjr Worsted, and the Celebrated Tip-Top Pompadours, with an elegant seltctioa of Neck-Ties Jn all the Newest Shades and many ether Novelties too numerous to mention. An early Inspection solicited. -. i . variety store v inarKei ap9-tf 5 . - nac Mia. U. FLANAGAN. Smoked Salmon and Codfish. Nj 0- Hams, Sides and shoulders. ' j FERRIS' "TRADE MARK" MEATS, universal ly conceded throughout the 'United States to be the toest'-WGAH-ClTRED'' MEATS. . ,., , ; They can be always had at I ' ; ap3Mf if JAMES C. STEVENSON'S. Improved German Potatoes, NEW ASSORTMENT OF Brfggs & Brothers' Vegetable . Seed. At G. H. W. RUNGE'S. ' N. E. corner Second and Market at. ap 10-tf Blue Flannel Suits. I WILL GUARANTEE MY . BLUB FLANNEL SUITS, -A.T Sii2iBO, TO BE TENTER CENT. BETTER THAN OTH ERS OFFERED AT THE SAME PRICE.,. PARTIES CONTEMPLATING PURCHASING THE SAME WILL DO WELL TO EXAMINE MY STOCK BEFORE BUYING IeIEWITERE.: A. DAVID. MINNESOTA ! J Spring Wheat Empire; Mills Flour 50 Barrels OF OUR UNRIVALLED PATENT PROCESS i jrjBT TO-DAY DIRECT FROM MINNESO TA, AND MADE FROM THE CHOICEST SPRING WHEAT. THE BEST FLOUR EVER OFFERED IN THIS STATE. For sale only by Geo. Myers, 11 &. 13 Sooth Front St. ap20-tf .. , . j :,- 50 CENTS -pBR POUND FOR CHOICE NEW TEAS. IMPERIAL, OOLON& and MIXED, warranted superior to aay i tning in tne msruet, at ! CtO. MYERS', a? 20-tr , 11 and 13 South Front st. Corn, Hay &c. 4000 1X8 P18 White Corn, OA A bales choice Eastern Hay, - Q boxes D. 8. Sides. gQ bags Rio Coffee, bblsRice, , QQ bdls Hoop Iron, 1AQ kegsNalls, j 1000 bblS Ume' Ceme,lt "" Plaster, : Tobacco, Snuff, Lye, candles, c . : . ... . ' '- : apS-tf WORTH & WORTH. Pearl Homihy-i BBLS MORE, OF THAiT SUPERIOR Pearl Hominy, THE MILL. i o u o i Ai. ;x ivcioti. r uu TRY IT. BIXFORD, CHROW' Ac Co. ; "! f .' : . . u- K .: - .i.' ' ; ap 16-tf . .i . . ; Agents for the MilL READ THIS IREAD THISJJ GERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE ! B Selecfw HAVE Hrtialy zed the Whiskey known under tha brand of 'B Select," and d it free from Fusil Oil and other impurities, and recommend its use for medicinal and family purposes.' - , ; ; . a . h J , .J. Jl. aotW, JLTV., ,;.! l.ate Prefesor'of Chemirtry.: ' s i -; Medical College of Virginia. . Best Three Dollar WiMxtf in Hie Uountry. Distilled in the Valley of Old Virginia. Try it. , , Sold only by CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., ; -r 7. 6 and ? North Front St v 4' - He-Ho. i-7,;,i t-; aVLIXED' TEA, "original packages as imported. ,. , BEST TEA IN TILE CITY. s i ' ? Soionlybynsat ! -r:i 1 'h ) " jj CrlAS. D. MYERS & CO.. SM'SiEarMJ'1 Pl' Hams, THIN SUGAR CURED BREAKFAST STRIPS. ! "LORD BALTIMORE! HAMS. april lS-tfD& W -; . 5 and fiTortt,-Frent Street . NoteBooks; '1 . 1 Iti-i 1 PRESBYTERIAN PS ALMODlST, , Afiff. iiuia wr vaiu, i SOUTHERN HARMONY, 0NY,'J"'f ' '. I -JNtf BOQKvvT-nkiVv .: ! THS NEW CASKET, THE AMERICAN TUNE BOOK, AMARANTH, i-t;i..f 'Ml BIBUtsVii I ' .-.! .7HYM?lBOpK8,f:; . W YUrWALS. AO. ? dilwqtfrsMs'AND stnliY' school cards aplltf C W. YATES' BOOKSTORE. WHOLE NO.' 2,T85 MISCELLANEOUS, j New. VJii?-1 -FINE FEl iT . HATS I H H Ladles' and misges' IIaU. 1 f j-jjlATiPproi.PBJtCEV HARRISON & ALLEN, p 20-tr: 29 Front St i To Make to Orden Z ; i N ELEGANT IMPORTED STOCK 7 ' . . . i ; .- U j-- jj7 j , i i . r c : ' . OF ENGLISH PIECE GOODS, Fin Fabrics!, weU' shrrink,' perfect colors," made to measure in unsurpassea sty to. rfj - ap 19 tf . ; ' h Clothiers and Merchaat Tailor. Examine 'THti AND YOU WILL BE CONVINCED THAT OUR , BLUE. FLANNEL SUITS, i AT,, q f-77 , . ; :r -r.-7 ....- ,.- ', -j , ARE REALLY WORTH f 18 00. THERE ; ARE v NONE BaTTER MADE, AND WK ' DEFY COMPETITION, j , . , A LARGE STOCK OF MEN AND BOYS' CLOTH ING. FOR SPRING WEAR, VERY LOW. A. SHRIER, 30 Market st. ip 20-tr White Barbers Wanted. XwO! FIRST CLASS WHITE BARBERS,- IN an old shop that has just been refurnished, and has the best run of custom In the, city. For further In formation call On or address ! " 4 j i ! r E. G. BARNTTZ, ap 16-tf v uming(niM, y. FixU Miff eats. Backs, Bellies C. Rib, S, Clear, ) L. .Clear, S. Cured J . : smoulders and. liams, .if. a.. SUouidera, , -' Smoked Shoulders and Smoked Sides," ' s , i ; i j and Pickled Pork, Smoked and uwu ,. ' ."(. Dry Salted, 'of eyery.kind. , T , . ' ' 15,000 lbs Til C. Bacon. HAMS, SIDES and SHOULDERS. ' . " Potatoes, Onions, Apples, Oranges and Lemons.' , 1,500 bblsour, J : ALL GRADES AND . WARRANTED; ; SWEET , . Soaps, Matches. Candles, Starches, Sodas, . . Yeast Powders. . ' : 200 A, B. C. XC, CRUSHED, PO WD'D, DEMARARA. ?8S ffii;. Molasses, - i Cuba, New Orleans, Sugar House, Golden Drips, &c Every Thin? a Grocer Bleeds. Crackers, Cakes, Candies, Nuts. Spices, Fruits, Oils, Butter, Cheese, LanLCanned Goods of every description. Wood . and Willow Ware, Brooms, Brushes. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Cigars, Ac , Mackerel, Mullets, Hake, Codfish. &c Liquors a Specially. Only Reliable Brands kept,' and ALES, PORTERS . - ana AiAUiuts always on Bana., ... : - " -"rT- ADRIAN A VOLLERS: r ap 16-tf . . '- Corner Dock and Front streets.; Cuba ivioiasses. The Briglitest, Sweetest, and the Best : ;.t'-':;l--":ir"Ji':V;.;:;.! . Beceived at this Port this Season. - -7 r - 77C ' ; ; NOW LANDING EX SCHOONER L'-YREKA.' For sale by " ap 16-tf WILLIAMS & MLRCHISON. y 1 Coffee, Sugar i X50 bags C0FFBE' , KA boxes CANDY. , :: ' ,:si ' i! or sale by KERQHN ap 16-tf ER 4 C ALDER BROS. Flbur Ileal andice. gQQ barrels FLOUR, all grades, ; . onp. bags Water-ground MEAL. , ... AtfUV- OK bblsRICE, For sale by . I ; f KERCHNEK & CALDER BROS. ap 16-tf Spirit Casks.1 Spirit Casks. . .. 4r,0 dard SPIRIT CASKS. Ui ' A iii second-'hand: i, -do. !.?. 1UV ' 1 i aplBtf Koralebv 5 J ' "-: ; : . K.KRCHNER CALDER BROS. T" Soap, Lye, Potash. &c II in QK " POTASH, , i 1.-7ti.-uv.-f TOBACCOi1 '! . .. ,,,(00,. t For sale.b ap J6-tf t . KBRC CALDER BROS. TO ALTj CONCERNED. 1 :. -I ) Y OU CAN BUY SILVER WARE, NaT t4 PLATED WARE AND. JEWELRY, At LESS THAN COST, by celUng at' ALLE2TS ' 1 Jewelry Store.corneryront aad Princess sta. . earThe Goods must be sold at some price.; Call and examine before buying elsewhere, v ; U' $ f-Watches,. Cjocka aad-Jewelry carefully R& paired and warranted for twelve months. t -,: ; ' . v.;,.'iijLi.v-i -JOBS ALLEN... i , feblS-tf . ,ti , ; Ageat J Saddles 'and ilarnCoS , AT THE I i Ni;vr iiazaness shop. ' Third Streei"between"AdrketTa' Princes j ' -REPAHUNQ PROMPTLY DONE. ; ; ap9tf - HAYDEN GERHARDT, BATKS OVv AIVKKT1SING. 0s4aarionedayj.f4'iii.ft Ot . a. - tire davaA'tif .T-4Wi;4 1 w fouidayeM.. t b aveoays..-i,.wv;-i;riV.-,;;.r.r.-'..' ( " " on9weaka..irtiJ?si.-ii..3:;?i a 60 irfcwo weeks......T......... 6" OC " One month... 8 00 " " TwomontJbs...:.; .15 W " . " , Three. montlu.v .T.s. . . . . i .8S 00 v - 'SixmonttiB.i.Vs.S;i.;i7..i;. ...85 00 One year 50 0 ' IVContract Advertisements takes , at proper Uonately low rates. .,- - ..cj v . ; Five Squares estimated as a quarter-column, and tensqaareaasahalf-oolnjant t M.t MaBOBXLANEOITS. S S 5 S w S: . VD i Ml. .f t.. y.f t f 'i H.fijf 5 . ormi ?;f-iif r 7-33 ie rHfrtO"t fc3xiT? yiiiM-iz!! a : O ii'::.!;".'. -.a so .'.Mj 7-:t TiJi v-i 507 Lf "'a .WIC m :.;;:; ji it li I ;r .- i ' -. n 4m; 7('i ..'.7. : o m j'frt v;f -'; "f f isTf ' A 'HA qjt: ;Qjt- I!i '-;.'t er CQ lU!l !siini"' l!i t j f i i i ! 7'-i i io iA: Fine Eufferv USti FROM. ONE OF THE BEST CARRIAGE MAKERS in the State j wjlfcbfl soldlow,' Call; and examine at tleOloTEBlaDliehed Hardware House of OHDAWSON. ap 16-tf NOS.)SQsn491 MARKET ST. Cool Sumnxpreyerages PEBSIAlf MEAD, LEMONADE,. '' GINGER ALB. OTAEl ROOT BEER. and 80DA WATER, with a ; large variety of SY RUPS, among which are Hock, Red '-Orange of Mai- ; ap lfr-tf , ., , JTni and CoBfeetlonery Store. Scales,' 'Scales.:' .yiSHTJKG TO, , CLOSE., OUT THE. SCALES have on hand, I will sell the same AT COST FOR CASH, ;ahd will guarantee them to be as good as any in the market . . .tv v ir mh2S-tf Nfl. 25 South Front St JEAD MEN'S SHOES, , l- .... i ; A Novel. ' By Miss M E. Braddoa. ' ; i .WHY" WE LAUGH, f , -7. . ; A Complete Book, of Humor By; S, S. Cox; u 5 MARRIED, BENATHjBIM jf o iAovfeLByJanieln,, l iiiii'is r a ttrtTtn w 1 aw fnai n' ii .itilv-. tti ::A.jf?.!,!. nf ii . HEINSBERGER'S z ap if----.tte Poek and Mat ic Store. Arriving" Daily; NEWEST IESIGNS IN SPRING ,y ri Dress .GooftSjj; , AND SPLENDID FABRICS IN ' :: Mourning ; SUITABLE FOR THE SEASON. , At fed1 ' iX-.n-f-' i'-itiWlS vr. i-stJTa..; H. SAHSQN'S, ap 16-tf H , , 4 4-43 .Market street. h tf. n go- TOj.-afe- i N. iTor.artttranarrrsnt Sts.. where yon will nnd large and Well-selected stock of : Drags. Medicines. Toilette Articles, Bath Brick for ; hoasekeers,yegetine. Bull's Syrop, bc. tiW -Si'Alsni a fresh supply of ;...' Open Every Sunday ! P 16-tf ' .7 : Forest ant Str,eain, A Weekly Journal .ojf liacteeuf Pages. PRACTICAL NATURAL TQSTORYl FISH CTJL t TURB, PROTECTION QP AME, PRESER. J NATION' OF FORESTS,1 tTACHTLNG, BOAT- ? Out-Boor fiecteati 1 It lathe only Journal in. this Country that fully applies the wants ind meets the necessities of the - Oenfleman Sportsman. , "' .'tJl iftttEM.; -.j-',.,a .ti.5jlau m- 05:1: ' ' .iiTlBMtt .1.- . fibsral attseafuii to'caabsT f tw IT .!; .i7:-.7iv,' ,-v Send . for a Spectmen Copy ' -' ralrcst Stream lollIali'lrjit i:o., . --u!JtiT-;ii iu ..( i ri;!ii2lew York. Post Offlce Box S3 K-i .t , 1 mas 38-if. Eobcsonian. T)UBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING Mcuiar- paper coun ties of Robeson, Richmond. Bladen, Columens, am i at is one of the; few country pawrsiwboso;. Jtaitor and Publisher gives his whole time and attention io its columns- ' s i1-" ' alavjj ju jul. In Politics the ROBESONIAN wfll strive to pro mote the Principle or the DemocratiM'onservative party, and ,scprnppmteinglr ia,avrffWnito Supremacy.. .Its Local columns wyl always teem with theiatestnnd befetnewawrltten la a brief, in telliKBt afldbustaess-lUte-Biaiinet.! Its editorials, will oe short and Jucid and, upon subjects which -directly fflont nr; people, i As art JadvErtibing medium it if maeh sought after and has a patronage second to ao other emntrY' papers 'Established in V )87(k It nas.Vcr since been increasing j in , influence ana popaianiy, nnui h naa rvwinixi uu im imbu uw ' Very front rank of North: Carolina j on mail sts. j KATES-CASH -IATVAKO--&iep yesx fJ 60; 8tx Months, ft SS; Three Months,' 75 cents. Send iAtiueeenttamp,for specimen eojm Advertising rates furnished oa application.' . Address the Pub- lSSrfl'T"" '(I'm iim i,.i'rr. ioctis-tf C-k Vtli'EbElbvQl -,(, John, CiUefer h-jO Has 'BtscrrEro(- tZa itew btjilding, Oa North Water, between Chesautr and. Mulberry etreeta, where as wiU be pleased to see ids friends, and customers. !-'. ,i b .-'-;--; 0Ct7-OWtf CsmbarlanoV Jtrunawieav ana m inaaajomig'couB- jties of Marion. Marlboro.', andJParUngton, In South ttar&lfaa.' As a Local Newspaper n has no superior. i: Ti v

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