. .... . , , 4 . - - - v.-.-- - - -u -.- -iv . - ; --t - ; . . i : - : . -. . ---------- ' - . . i " . . T. . j ( A NEW ADVEfmKVVvv CICERO W. IIAIUIIS, j : WILMINGTON JVZ a sr,: AprJl : 22,1 J j'Jje, , : Saturday" Moenjng, .CRAHT-Att The f,newsfrpmj, Washington is much highly interesting. - Grant, ; m excitement, denouncesdftx'&t 9! General W lljiams? statement about .h.dUtribaUii, .f 05 uTlSfl elections? Williams. lie it reroem- -i'- i! uereu, was cr f cuctHt j i friend of the President, i He Was air lowed a letter of Regret" when he left the Cabinet. The lightning is evidently striking too close to Grant. lie is alarmed, and shows it now for the first time. The sphinx opens his lips to curse his i former henchman. None so poor now asito do him the reverence of a fib to save the remnant of his good name.l nvcTiTFirinw mm l.Alvi?it fiiifinPIT I - I Carolina. . ! i Wo quote the oiumoia negisicr., 1 V "We bad a conversation, a few days 40. r with a gentleman from one of tbe lower counties, who told us that the prospect for 1 the immediate future in th'at section Js lyemsSSittnct ' ' 1 the peopleis threatened, and actual starva- ... tioq js the foe to bo contended against., , H- says that in six jveeks at the farthest cially among the negroes, do not! know, when they are partaking of one mea here j Ul3 tlCAb 19 W vAAAW num. ' FbiM d.eplofjW.i. Ij saddens the .. heart itocgo'back:a;,few years and -fl i conurast .tho then (.condition-- ipfit sea : , - board Sputh Carolioa with what, it is now o We. have no desire to excite recoilecona : that would stir : up. the .oppress- lone, . rJ .,; .1 - I doefa can affect the results which are 'accomplished. But it is hardbear these tragk memories .and pot speak. Tn the aid of these, people every voice nnrrht tn onpilr nnfc- fnll and . RtrrtrKT. 1 Their suffering might; under other ; . . , , - :; , ' i ' i - circumstances,, have been,the: lot. of VM&r. r : "--O "I all in the South. Indeed, in a jsmall- er measure, we have all had aj taste of the! miseries endured by our South Carolina brethren. The rule of the , .'. -t - .1 carpet-bagger has wrought ruin in man v places," and the trail of that .,; :i v. i0iMA in thp land ', he I i! .I ; t I nought' to devour. Turning from the past and its mem- ories all too sad and harrowing- let us contemplate present duty in the light of the surroundings of to- tiav.! - v nat is irr r Biore ior intho wretched white people and their, if possible, more wretched colored la borers ?Jf starvation come it will break the t? pell of their misery.. But it is not .right in the face-of the sre hial Eun of thisxjenttrryv in this one muiorciui )arui nwnjr, in the ligbt of a restoration that has TeH wobstt o 1 ly procl aim ed and re- 1 -i. .1... a-K..1,1 . jt.-- - r- ... pemh for watv of common bread with which to sustain their injsserabfe V-Vi'isteAceiS 'mWbU'hamanity cforbid Ba,awfokamendiag of the re- i . - , . , ! ... , ;ribatio.n, Uje iatwhaa'Uea , Jipon theafrr people 9f or0 itheir; :, 'deyptioa to principle. Let itnot be. paid that these ..rnen-LaDd their wives and fc " I . hger. For long years of indignitr-iind-angtiisrir-thev have ; 2s- a , & SSSSrtL ,grancva"ied ; with vice, to bo- despoiled, trodden 1 uuuu auu tcvttcu. y ueu tuts iiiic v ca and oppreasqra-haA ' sustenance of ther people from their ... . . . 1.. ... , , from want to fall, destroying ; the, bodies of poor victim of wrath, raaP . .1 - . I : ice ; ao4 insatiabJe yengeance ? Nor doom the blow fall only on thos; wh fought and thobe who'counselled re- BisiaijeeVlof the goternmet int. It cks ih comes to crush alike the blacks .ave aU,aP.g been T treated as wards of the ttatwn,-and-thr white people their :em ploy ery. r If spares none. ' ' A very f aWe a Candid article in , " ix. V , n . the; Southern esbyurtan Jlevmo. of the current; quarter appears to slrike the chord that will vibrate in thouiaridJSfJftarQ, but the writer. .ijaunqfJully .see hi rwsy out of the i difficulties. No remedy that is merely political8achr as the -abstention of the colored men from voting or the divisionpf .the colored vote -bowev-er Either of these may be desired as ' I ,. . attorning aaxrpportunity to improve . the .chartfcur'.of tbe lawgivers, and " through them tbe- material status iVoiSLilfJSFja audrr vexes I be , hatlpoMlanU04 -ed neichhors.t,AyliaVBa8tbe.eou I'HnowcHaa ius&estruck that Grant was particular in giving :-' ining norfficowling fat 0 the Wrpng a "perfecVai bonanza 1 'f rau4 - - to-day. Davenport all the money! and au- beainJelleeAijs fcrnpng- vu v Thro 'a f? B Wiv WtFlf Jctp, "v9xeTprhlra, But oart lheB star vlng men, women and children awMl Time's dispensation? Something mast be doue speedily, Orearly dq. struction must overtake the suffering I.-. ..a an,u nl'i;o'""win , , . . J , I nolsm? :the fiied y-8-P a -- ; orth who jiaye ministered ?and still aministerout tf klieit abundance to the"8ufferTugTana devise way and mean8 to- relieve these pec- pie, who are. certainly not , sinners twiin Wrf Whifthev I , . ' ; .j, L '.CL L,. ' .. ' wner? r. neip vnoris wnat ;1f I quired: Help to save from starva- t i;.;;;.n0il..a -,,r(inf wnoie auernoon. neaamiueu umi tion. Let the politicians take care or ... . v .,. , .v v- " ; i . . '-"he ordered 'the money to T) paid to the futurebut let the pJnlanthropists Davenport at ther suggestion of the go to the fescue at once and save. Preslden't, but: claimed thajt fcit; was much suffering and probably "many used for the purpose of preventing lives. Charges of a serious nature are made against- Secretary Bristow, which that centleman den ounces as uuiruu 4uu iui, wv, Sni. v.ft..v" WDICU IIU tta ".VU which ho w grtdi promptitude. 2Jf the charges as re- elsewhere are true then another Republican, candidate i. 'crippled for : .'. . . .1 . . the race. He goe to 30111 .iiainr, wbo; dreads- 'an in vestigation, and Grant who has been permanently laid , ... Wp K.iLved bet- ,on the shelf. W e have belieea pet ter things of Mr. Bristow, but Kadi- latn." T T ' r - K ii;! !i iTTflBPRKSIIDENl'SDOOB, roVyof ivuitoiey-Kx-Attoraey Gene. ral William Tesilttes Tniny-lx TUoandlUollamI7ed o CarrT New MTar EIlIonS4 PajiMent: Ordered br fjrant Moat Damasiutr Tetlmo- i Baltimore Gazette Special. Washisgtoit, April 19. -.. r -,-rr!-r--T J- I They were prospecting .on j the 13th jnatandin. asking Col.H.C Whte- mJftt of ,-Jlhe money annually appro- priated to be used under the direc- tlOU 01 tneAtiOTneV; vxeoerai in the fib? .aprosecution. of .crimes against the United States, it seemed t0, thor Committee - that thb witness i-. . ..v . , I I w Yey technical in his answer, and they suspected that he was, evading a direct answer. He was according- Pil v viiao wo uctBi ri.ai.u . any money i knowing that it was to be iused for corrupt purposes. : He was then ask- I lf be "ad not paid money which I miSht h9VH ! hPOtl llon frw nnwnmt I might have been used lor corrupt that of course where he paid large uuiuuowo. aim w tuis . uu aUoWcrcU I sums of money under .orders to one person he could not know for what I purpose it was paid finally. He was I asked if; he had not naid large sums of motie v at various time-? to a well-known politician of New York. This staggered him for a few mo ments, and then be began to suspect that somebody had been, giving away the secrets 01 hw oslice. lie, how ever, did .not ans :wer p.qukrely, but .ousult his counsel I asked for time to cousu and examine hk papers Ile had no 1 desire to conceal anvlhing from the f oommiUerrbiitho did -not wish to speak-wit hont rraving' had an oppor- lunuy w take aivice and look over I nrrr rwfirlii I Til It lilt l'Hill1 lia.ru n rfeW Jay- to go to hi?., WeaCa.o -Vidjie, .Mass., 'aniiook''"o'',i'som'e pptr, he would come M and tell ill -II 1.. 1, v .-.. . . ... l L:iiii.i iim rt" V.T'I committequocidetl to allow1! W kilo!,.,. I tbe lime he asketi ami he left that: evening . for liostoiiand : he turned up this morning and went before the l 'r r ' , K,,BV I nVnht. lfi VliaTnraomont. kt stance or ms testimony, was as fol - - 10?8: ' v v w I In 18l John J.Davenport, of New York city, who ia a United States commissioner and chief, supervisor of 1 vvvivuo, tt itu vvm . jiaiuu .. cum ui rection of the Attorney) General; ln wiucicu w uc pam uver bo in ill. order was averbal pne roin torney" General. " A liitle laierl) - .-a.' XI - ' r . a - a e-At- aven-t oaie 10 see -v nuejey at ihe ot xrm ,..1..;. 0...1 ..... .. win vii, uiia 111114111 Milll left k uole. lii which he hVs I 1 it. t... had seen GeiieralTlorace Porter,"who - 3ld;.him1fiCJttfidetiC chad- or- ri.,.w.-Ai ... ,i:' ... , j Whiteley, to paytOVer five thou- ailu dollars to him; Uafehport. Not long af ler this a letter pame to White-" !e7 f ro.m Attorney General jAckerman, ln which he saya that . the President ha(i,a coherence' wilh , Dave' port, and directs five thousand dol- lars addititmal U be handed over to j?bfj ort iri aliseven tho drtd dolfars.-:Th"es folldwih rs a'sara- ple'oMbe receiptsJwhlch Davenport, ga Vfe for : tb ii , raouy :-Septe 01 her 14, chief of 'secret; service the a&ed 1 by flh.Btate-:oiNYork' PfJJiglS.ttriajjjersojn guilty i of crioiesflffains Sfotwi tT t l-'A'VjSITr'OBTJ VS'tJowmisgjonpr andv v "I At a Ume,- Col, WMuir got f right ! at thl. "Hi5 JJ VroteAttoniey General YVilliatns; andfi'ext day Whiteley received pr- dera lo pay. Williamstold.vhirnhe masrconsult Davenportatfd use the money ill hucii manner a ywu iij may agree; upon WJiiteley says he paid o ve- tbej money, Imvhatiht wa.s not infoa-by-Daveoftsa the tswosi ad on Octoberll, $5,000 m September, 26tht $10,t00t more, arra making $20lt)b'in alir In"lirVhiteley paid. to Davenport $35,000 do finer 1871, 72,'V3 flnd-74.: AUorne7l General iuiamf wauoppBaei uuuguo lortnwiin peiore ine comniuietv a,,u rigidly examined; during nearly the His attention was called tol sections 202a and 203 1 of the reA'ised statutes. ,k;,.ivT .Ai.iA V.if iiUwvianra of election shall; require their sub- ordiuates to make out Jiats pi I votes of J.ufl f- oil l,fa jaKor roorular fees and salaries, so that underthe law everythiug, that' Uavenporticonid (loHegiumately.was paMJor; by the. yiiitedute gov.' ernmenu mt accouuis an came to the Treasury Department and; innst be audited, and if found cor(ect, paid out of the regular appropriations. Thls Ieavea uo room whatever for U)e use of the 600 from he secret 8ervice' fund for any regular and and Attorney General, upon: the latr tpr's showing, have been guilty of misdemeanor in oliice an l must be impeached therefor. - Ex-Attorney General Williaifus tefetitied that Commissioneit Daven port, of New rork, recejved, by order of the President, not (less than twenty tnousana dollars lrorrr tne fegist ration ih New York city, lie was not prepared to say what services ho knew . . .. - - " J 1.1: urvw u a repuuii- majority inhat city. ; j wr nn.tow bud. tbe xteac - itonaora., , j u r j - AU r"5ie"B w Bwwuieuwiu ... . , .I." ii tne ettecttnat Judge : uartley, or Washington, testified before Hhe mmniee onjjeni or J ustice that Stale Senator Suit;' of Md., told him that Bristow had acted fcorrdptly in Kentucky, while district jatiorney, . a.' . v ! . 1 . by having indictments against certain parties quashed, Secretary Bristow has written the followinsr letter to HonJ R. G. Caulfield, chairman of the TT ' - -t rt ' m m 1 comtmuee: "i.w-(u. io.D, A3ir. niv aiieniion been called to the Washington - dispatches to the lialtimoro Gazette ot this dale (copy enclosed,) from which it appears that some time last week Mr. T. WBartlev, of this citv. appeared uetoro your tiomiHitlee and detailed rumors, under oaiht aFectinir my oinciai integrity, iins . witneH is represented .as having, s'woru, upon information and lnlief. ill ubstancc, that while I, was United States attoi- ney I for the district of Kentucky number ot (listilleneH wer0 neizwl at my jpsiauue, and that Roowafter. up on an oiler of a -large-sum of money, 1 resigned and procured l lie appoint tn'ent of mv assistant (Col. iWhartoiA as mvrsuQcessor becarno eonnsef for vji.e. uiijnes, .ai;u, in , uecoraaiicc - Vitt the release -ot their pruDerty. I It i diBiei'ilL tVj cveart thtt i aint . .mnt ttetf ati; nent who ouid ..reached. by your committee in a- few minutes should I .w " p 1 7 ' . " . -t "v I the X3Ct character Of gnch tMtimhnv r: a.;weBKl ,anainai;no pppor-. meet eharizeaof so 'serious 1 - :fte.u.,tiJf woroea ,nn.? in .mmm1-. tion in .regard to what the witness really tated under oath, arid without reference; to the alleged denials of 1 j bimiwo, (the methods of;y6ur committee. iThe I trust your committee will recog nize the propriety of giving rrie the opportunity to meet ,11m. baseless slamtrir pKoriipil y, and for ihw pur: pose 1 n-(iK-t that l he oftioeis of the I .t ' L . be and pu Whs " exarrimaiion touoliirg;iill the mutters alleged bv the witness .in question, either by;dr rect statwnent or iuit'eiVdo' arid, it neea be, that' llic records of the court be examined 'for the purpose of show-5 Qg'thalijojuch 'icaaes existed; j at leasts that I ha( uo ; poneetion , with any such, .,.lurthermore,,I kslaim the right t6 be" heard personally before your omWif te" under oth, touch iug alir the matters referred to by any. of the witnesses who have been iex-" amiued o f ttis?ibept. i r , I haye'the Tionor 'to. be, ,yefy re spectfully VSuho1edient erVaht,i i" Iitated thatSttiV wboi largely, interested " iu - the whiskey business, appeared Mori d ay "and testified "that be nM?J39fe28Qch stkement, aiid there. the matter. rests. ' Miv Suifi has presentedh)tMlow fngrcard Vrtf:M'y tiame has been meft tioned iu connection with an alleged Lpymentiitoj Hon. B. Hj-fJristow .vmif V.-irM7j.- '," Tf atufittyuaray ainnuimei to trea.jrrjA'his uoaition na TTni court, ifi'siartwgjrjadjre thereo! brought before yotfr coinmitteer HUinouieu - to:; Biaifcg DUtt'lut Attorney fop Ren- l"V. ! T J " :- : 1 ' rtrvwrir to.savthat: have not lived; in KefttukjkyCaincd 18QI ; that 1 have not,4wned orfacl an5thing q do with' distilleries 'in that State or anywhere elsefof the Tast Wenly years, xnaux uuvui paiu iur.uiiBwni Uhev-direcUy:rindrrectlyv-oirBXMiJt jj in aJlj royimiiproany purposewuai- tthl8tfa-fl1rat4nHTas neiei auled as iiTygttor ueys on any? matter wnaxorer.?' i " I am entirely at a loss to account for i ,the base j and baseless 1 lander which, connects: my name with) hrfj although my attention; .waa .called I to it by, the Washington , correspondent of; the.' nier-'ceqiiL&oitAe time last 9U miner, or fall: 1 1, thlen1' denounced thlwhole7 -storyVJiwitbbut Vegard; to lis origin, as lUiieriT iaise; vaip -oim woof, and without the slightest fouq dation IB'. fact. t !':-:' bvinb ?.'r.;I "iThis denial I motseroRhatially repeat to-dayj-anehallenge all proof to i?he Contrary I i " S.T.sStJrf.' WashirigtpJni'P. C. April 19, 186., : i i , ; lurailn( iTrwyeilarf , n I1"1 In the ;jase! pf,PhU!ip A Alad" vs. tho N ewj, x prtsit 1 ransler vprnpa- tried !in the Superior .Court of'' New..Yprka jew aays since, ,ior ips of ; , baggage . j.jAken:'i by; yfleiendants' asretitfrom'-ttf NewJtlaven traini-- th defense thit plaintiff was, banded (at lught)': a1; veceipt' for fd&Heiik :o- pany waald Only. peUeshonsible- twgT$PCh - LpaOing,, IxTUlS.; avail, and a VerdlCtfor : plaintiff for 414 was rendered. Ci I jw.U. j .,: '. awi i ; i . -1 I , i r ,"Tre-",,, -rf V.!"."?? 1 . On the eveninji of the 16th inst., 1 4 '. , a q -1 v - '-' r. : 1. i-o. . . . . I tne residence or jur. .lames Oiewari,' niiar ' Onancootc " Accomac county.- I 5? V . ' f-V i , " famiW Was at -church Th dwelling warf ut.nt All v h dftRfrrtriP hiid'"Mrs. Stewart's fattier and five of her chil I dren; the1 eldest keing 18 yeafsold, were burnedl to deatn.i :-,:' y. rtlystery ; Solved ! l''Ji:..:v. i.-'rilMJ- V. ....,! ,ji-' ' . The Great Secret of the Wonderful SITGOESS OF YEGETINE. -: It strikes at the root of disease y pnriftinir the blooa, restoring the Uver and kidneys to healthy ac tion, invigorating me nervous system. ' i EEUABLE EVIDENCE. Mk. H. R. Stkvkhs ; . -... : Dear Kir, 1 wlU most cheerfully add my testimo ny to the greet number yon. have already received lniavor or your great ana good medicine, Vbgk- Tina, for I oo not tt , think enoaph can ba e&id Ha its raise, for I was troubled over thirty years with that readfnl dieease, Catarrh, and had such bad cough, ing shells that it would seem aa though I could ne ver breathe any more, and VKsirnncnas cured me; ant1 1 do feel to thank God all tha Ume there is bo good a medicine as Vkgktink. and I also think it one or tne seat imoaicraea for coughs and weak linking feelings at the stomach, and advise every body to take Vegetinb, for 1 can assure them it ia one or the best medicines that ever was. ' Corner Magazine and Walaat v , . Cambridge, Alass. Thousands Speak. ViaaTunt lis acknowlteed and recoraaiended bv physicians and apothecanr s to be tbe best purifier .1 anu cieanser oi tncDiooa yet discovered, and tnoa sand apeak in its praise woo have been restored to neaun. Report from a Practical Chemist and Apothecary. j Boston. Jan- 1. 1874. Dear Sir Thiols to certify that 1 have rod at re tail 154 1-3 oozen (loos Douits) er yoor Vbsetine iuce April 14, 1870. "nil. lain truly my it has given the bet-t eatiraction of any remedy for .the com-; plsii-.ts (or which it larccotnioeiided that I ever cold. Scarcely a day pas without tome of my casrom- er. tesafy nr to its meriU 0a tbeihselve or their fiiendf. -1 am perfectly xognizaat of tareral caes or ciofntous tumors beta" cured by Vegetine akn i.. ,;. i ... ... . . . .. .1. I,.C .IV ll". ... .. , very rcspecuully yonre, i At UlLittA. ' - - 488 Brosdwav. Will Cleanse Scrofula . fibm the System.. .atii -vt--?.! J lONEST OPINION. '. Mb. H R STE IffiNS' : S . WweiiMTW lata aaew- that my ton waa taken Sick in J anuarv. 1864. with Scrofula, which In large sores and ulcere on his lemi and hir. His ' was swelled more than twimi it a neural Wa iio had several doctors Of high standing ia their profes- Bitt-Hro tana dobvuu oaa uirec irom Vinarieetown wunoui getting a bit better. He was obliged to lie wherever he waa Diaced. for tie had no n t Ma limbs whatever. !.. When we had given op all hopes of his living we were told to try VEQKTINjS., the great blood remedy 5 and ke had takea it but a short time before we could see a great change. The sores rue ao bad that we had to ehange tbe lotb four or ftve times a day. j Still, he was getting better, for he could mote his limbs and help himself a liltle. ; He was soon able to sit up la bed, and. by constant use or TKOET1NB it has eured Aim? faeljisa laa leg, which ba will probably have for life: bat we u honesUy believe if we had used VKGETINB before wa bothered with tho dotoTs, k woald have saved 1 the nse of his lei?, and restored it to t,atnr&i hit h I hope all those troubled with Scrofula wliftead this : testimony of mftmswu, who is now weU and . aDie 10 speaa ior aiuaseii. , , ., ! ... ; .Tl Ji WTR-f "M A HI1VV . ! ' j'ir . J 1 Trenton St, Chariestown, Mats: MaylO.1873. mt-vtll it. ,1.. ;i ... t ' --- . ...m w.. m . , Th above Dla!nbuih0nest sta'-pmpnt' mnMii. ly shows the quick and thorough cleansing effects of ' the VEGEIIN fi in Scrofula. , .-so s 0V ' VSaETINR is 'atiknowledoefl hvrk Ma.J. v Tiic people to be the best and most reliable bkod purl-" Vegetine is:Sqld by alKDriggsts. " mh l-iiWlm - . r. , .... : ' -o;: j Woody & Currie.i -- : l ; .ittito:-. i3' ;..( GKNEKM, COMMISSION MSKCH ANTS,Corner PnncesB and North' Water streets, Wilming ton, St fttjo; tj xiiir. ii'ziAttu -i : , , , We willcondHt on? bnabaa tvith.the.dtermlna Hon to cstabllKh a first clais trictiy "Commission ilcmsevaad toaive eatiie .satisf aciion 10 i all who may .favor us with their patronage . ortStf '; NQ31ICE." HAVE OPEN D ajsarnily selected stock o I'-ftiNui k Dii At JLHi uu:ioops At tha Stara N; nhrkef Street; ytja H'j ; u t.i jii !). .-.'iijii its v.i ?u;s 1; , IForaierly oceapicdbyto&KO W1TZ & lIEBjtI,; andta pectfiflly and taapnblic. ' - ' ( '- Mlteit the patr onagtf of idy friends s.-ra st.it 1 ' "The entire stock haa been; purchased 'within tha HTfH0' Rt lQwest , current nr,ices. and will be ldataamaUMvaaceomiCftslw;.,;, Jlrila-tf JOHN J. HSDRICKgent. .k rF-.'-Tr'-.-.S.'i."(gA V :"v ; j m.co, Biwa on nana aea ioteaie at bottom prices at the N-w Uardware tore of ! - ii!.J M M .i J ' jkUDiDKA 1 aiU jrAnivKit JH.ILL1 NAIL. w au vises, aiwaj on hand and for sale at bot Jff i hHv rl Y 'MIT J -i i 1 ih b Acinic. We liaTC handled, IIs ' Jram ; f wWj i. . r - 'flat . I MJ . X - t VI. .1 I 1 A 1 . f- WL - a m- m w , I, . WW AWT m n n aV' fl I A waS I - - r ' lit 1 M. ' " f I I iii i iii i I I - mx 1 s t- 'waTound!'lfem unfforni aod satisfactory. . GJ tria! j nu- MISCELLANEOUS. ? ... , .p; T 01 LEY ' S F'i'N'E ENGLISH la specialty of bniiAmg Jflov Ertsech- Loading, Qana jakiqg tot a irge ana seiect trade taiabie.jus to Rive greater care and attention to the fitting, thoot- civea to tiuwa Gnna boneht tha retail trade from m4nafaetarers-who! produce 'for a general, market. ; We solicit the pattonaee of. -thoeo MDortsmen who are Judges of Tine Gana and who know tie impor- t"1610 having teir Gpna made to fit theaiw (. ;We are prepared to accept orders to buUd Guna PSR , , $ 65 Gold. TOLLBY, natonau.! . 115 " , ..140 " . 180 " ' S25 "t. .gAbLBNGE. Fall JUJa'itrsted.-Durticnlars wilk references and. instructions for self measurement forwarded on ap- " nliAailnn ' T ' O. ITT . ITl 1 T TT T ' liranch Office, 29 Maiden Lan,o, New York. !; Manufactory, Pioneer Works Birmingham, Eng. Pianos $t Organs Tuned aud Ilepaired . ... : BY- ' I F. RUECKERT, At Present In" the" City. First Glass Work Half Price. One Half of the Regular Bates charged Only, to Citizens of "Wilmington. PpFor prompt attention orders should be left at his Residence, corner of Thlrd,and Market Streets, or at Mr. S. Jewctt's Store. i ap7-tf Havana- tfpttery. Ordinary Drawisgs mil Fifteen Days. ; .183 Prizes amounting to .9450,000 . 100.000 J50.0W0 1 !4i of.. 1 of.... 1 " . of 1 j : of... 2 " of -, 5,000 each. 10 " of l,00Jeach... S9 j" of ' 5t0eack... 635 or :$.-0each... . 25,000 . . 1U.VUU ,110,600 . 10,000 44,500 1U6.000 Circulars with fall Information sent fn. 'fickete for sale by P. C. DEVLIN, , ; I Slationsr and General A,-ent, :. n7 7-diwly ; ao Libejrty at., New: ork. -TBI SSEIDER BREECH-LOADINQ SHOT GUliT. Pricesj r$50 00 to $250 00. 1 ' MUZZLE Z OA DING G ZTNS 1ALTEBEO TO BREECH-LOADING, ' f.i ." i.; : r Prices, $40 . 00. to 100 00. f a&n u c ayi u rs a.xu, ; i- J u ;. .-. f. i ;. -u wi .; i ... . 14 Wst jratt Street; , Senijjor Catalogaa. (,., 4feSft-JAtf ,. i 1 j . i . . ii i f Morte-ae Salfi. Jjrj virtue of the power contained in aMortBage. executed, to me by John A. Taylor arid wife, daud "-'V, -''" 1 1 . . .Uo. ....... j447, Eeco-daof Ner Hapove? iCountyi Iwili fore. lore atil faiottgage by t( sale Of iba premisei; there in con veyed , at i tcblic Auction, at fcxebauge -Corner, ift the Hlf '-of W JhningW !on the I'll i AY JUUY NaXT-atUolocCAjM. - A I , S-i d mortgaged premises are the well known RE lUKMOtt of tie Ute aid Jvhn A i far lor. aitnate on Market Street, in this city and ruuntng thr uh S.:mbMae,,ji';' .1. 'JBAKTiPACTlfltER OF HJi i- M 1 ak A PiakiviM .. Do JJ 1 X. UIC X JLi9AU.Xlt5 :wX4UllS ' -H" of alt kindi--101 ? .v.! 5 Partlca.r attention paid' making'red'aiapte . - 1 lf,( Rjftllla ftf anw iuiSm ' i-V MiA A iE W OcO -4 OnjshO't notice and at reasonable illitforXJIrtuttW.'l.twjiJiJ .tii aly , rt-Hij 1 TSenitoi-- l-MfcWtf . Iui 'i-Mi oils oJ iujij'iq oil j i,ri "t ATSAUJSftiPISIEKafS JJErr.i,K?f tPj T !IE - ) ';.!' ;i;'f tMliT;-..-;:iiU 1, 4 i: ."St biskl eg ftrc? Years an a4iaB aj Ti ; MISCELLAK EOUS. -' vf ' ? : ' ' fjj'5" - ... . .". .- ; . . . I l8...l 7.. -( 'i i- f ' 7j;; Authorized Capital $1,000,000. Caslij Capitai;Wid:'i " ! '- ).! Surplus Fund r ' 50,000 JOHN DAWSON' O.' M. HTEDMAN t;B. .GRAINGER DONALTJ McRAK ; ; , , . .. -J . ; ,y H. VOLLERS . IV R. KRIDGERS , ' :t j i .' 'a i' , ; t r a it "J ' i. r ,, jui 4-i A.! t "T -tit t TffWT TK E.t1V BORDEN y m:!weddell,4-i Hi,!')! i . .. , i. iL B. GRAINGER president.-' B. D. WxixA,cp,Paahier.a ti n 'v Uiog 9041 G6mmissiener Sale of Real O.N PURSUANCE OF : AN , OHDEJi ;AUD DE- ere 3 of the Superior Court of the county of Bruna-i wick, made- on the r day of 31 arch,, 18TB; in tho Special prbce53ingTending In said Cod rt,iif the case. 'of William T. Walters,' Richard ' Bradley, 1 William ; K Giles and Others, ex parte, aa the CoEaraieeioner r for tiat purpose appointed by said order, I vrf 1, on SATURDAY, the hp DAY" OF APUIf., 1876, at the . Conn House, ia the County ef New Hanover, ex. pase to ealeyiyTirblieaBCtten, thanllownjg de scribed TRACT or PAKCKL OF LAN IK situated in tbe county. Of BrjinSwiclt.!oiiJtrieJea8tern side of Kasle's tsland. opposite to the city of Wilmington. and butted and bounded aa follows, viz: On tho Eaff byr the Cape ."Fear River, ea the. South by a tract of land formerly beloncriner to the late James 8. Green, and no w, or lately, belonging to the heirs at law or devisees of the late Isaac Northrop; on the .West by Alligator Creek, and on the North by land now or lately tha property Of. William Li Berry .and formerly belonging to ihe late ThomlsH. Wright, containing ufik liL'lNlJKED AUiCKa, more or less.. One-fifth of the purchase money to ba paid la cash, . and the residue ia three equal instalments, payable ;ati feur, eight and twelve months respectively after tne cay or sale, trncn deferred payments to bear In ' terest from day of sale, at the rate of eicht per cent. per annum, and to be secured by the promissory notes of tbe purchaser the title to be it served un til payment of said notes, the-purchaser having the rignt to pay tne came oerore maturity. , . . - : W.A. WRIGHT, Jt., Wilmington, March 83-tds I CommlBsionpr, (TUE Granville Democrat. rpHB UNDERSIGNED WILL SOON COM- JL mence the publication in s OXFORD, N. C, of a large and,, handsome thirty-two column paper ecvuua vo me lDieresia oi xne V DEMOCRATIC PARTY ! The Proprietors will boldly advocate the interests of that party, believing, as they do, that upon Us succets rests the .continuance of our social and po- It co'umris will be filled each wrek wiih a choice selection of KKWS AND FAMILY RSADING. ; ' : -TERMS : ' ''j Single Copy one ycaF..... . J . ...tl.60 Single Copy six months................ ;L00 Address t. J. JONES & X., P 5-tf Oiford,N. C. 1872. - - 1876. Tiiefiojro PRICE r. :; REDUCED r i FOR THE CENTJENNIAL YEAR Iateponfisiit - ScM-feeMy . Newspaper. POLITICS,! LITERATURE, AQRICDL "': n TURE and;NEWS.-ua J Circulation Large and Daily Increasing 1 J NO W" japj.TQ, SUBSCRIBE. If 'SinlP EastoW and "Middle North ?rGUna and Sooth-Side Virginia- ABVEKT18EBS, WtLU.KBMEiLB'tR.TJilS 1 ij aa TH a Tk u m . -a- rt . " ; . .v f:PUBJSHEDAJC j ' jiu-t j 8TAlESVlLLl$t t lREDELt, CO., 2t C. ----a-wjrajj4 5 1-'' ''" ! ': Leading jwsiaper lpsiorSi -.n-;Caiolind- . S'iX-S-Jl 5i.Oli li.-,irtl E- '...ij s Itls the paly DjJmoCratSc Paper published da! lre, dell County one of jlhe lartess and wealthiest coon- ( circihlatiou thai, aijij paper ever heretofore published In the county', -'.Vv'-- .''a-1:,-- ". -j--' 'j-i.-..-- !,...., 1 ' Its Circn&t'ia''AiexM j ftJi. Shany, Yadkin Davie and .iredeilU.is -largw- than ' thktof py twopapOrfiin the- State "combined ; and- Surry, Kowan aud western Mecklenburg. n i. "is '-'nifl i Ttis fheioniy Kpefln Western erlh'Tarolm - . " . a - ' ' " ' -r vifniV i.at employ s a TOSOOLA VaSYAisiS AtlST ,S and rhna r. , . . 4 An l.Art. 1 , uuo wusibi ujr ueiure me pf-opie. I lutcrtbis system a rapidly increasing cire&lstHU-'ia'the tutuK- , tMPLw: v. twl ax: .7" T - . Til R aI$(T U V G 01 R J it j j t 0 IN WESTERN 'NORTH AtliOLl3KA.T f:.- ";Ji'bBRESS, . de" rtf .. v -a ca mw mm v -r- AiratiaEsitaiiisiiiTSsiiiiSBt. T4fFEK3 tTO ,THEf MEJICIIANT OFf WStr yJjnington and elsewhere, superior inducements' ateree river. . ivrewBaiaereaiamoat,, r-i.i" i Valuahlc Advertising JRedhVin, . J'AdVrtltswhoeBiretorBhjMirt.tti thahead of navigation on , the Wat a year.aways in- adVatce. ' " J rtvor, at s- orMrmaxTrttaia lidiaAdmaai t--rt I nuDscripiion race, in Advance, $3 per year.5 a-t Send for sample copy to 7 i "y;t 1 -jv ! j MANNING BROS., Proprietors, f mh 11-tf . v. f . . ; . ( 1 Wtipos. N. C. , lafgand rapidly increasing circulatUm throuhont -mewwwaith!e8t sectiens-ott the W successful start in Business Life at FiS ifl)MJiwtadlrgeatand.0nlv Lt?" c,Ji- gives an-Actual uusmess Practice. tw ut!t Merchandiser-need hay a:real value i,!.?y,nn'l Market. New Buildings. Rates low ff wk aesited to; situations. .Applicant rece1vf7iBaies'" weekday, Hefer to Patrens ndradu?i.!5 tey rtAtrm- :, a j - a iti no.... day at " home, borne. "Agents wanti i end terms Maine. TO rA From tnM.vl " good for a!lg''. Snpilia " " v wiof lit. h i ojim mm vuau m uor easily earnm n..-"' Pa7acarT Adv" mvnw . aOJEi UiUUBl MUGU WEESTV. ,if WNiMIV HWC Mff .Wat : t PJV UTkMrfcLt WMT 1- . . . . -fiaAecnfMale and Female, in their oil locality. Terms and onivi-n W Address i P0.1V1CKERY&0., Aupu8t V. 86 TO, ffl) fl J"!aa DOm Samples worth pUfree. nssoft a, Co., Portlaau! , 1Y1 Faaclnalion, Soal-ciiarmiu's m. 1 wn aria ww-a on I JtV a rf-t a a a awaaaa - uu a how eitttetaex may X affection of any-pera how eiUtexaexmay faaclnatn-and gain the Invf affection of aey person they choose inptantw pages'" y mail SOW streetPhilxdelpbia. y mail 50 tents. ' HUN T & co i o pbia., . ; r"' Tested by rjonnlflT TT HO few 4 A..Atuaricr- or a;;Jcntui-y. - PR STRONG'S COMPOUND ' SWATIVp TllVLS chre Constipatioa Bilioufcness, Liver i Pm plaint. Malarial Fevera,, Rheumatism. Erysineif,' and all diseases requiring an tciive but mild t!nr'.-. live!i vji!Tf - iij.s j a : .;.v t atHir5 .DR. STRONG'S PECTORAL STOMAfll PII k cdre CoU2h. Colds'. ' Fevers. itemn't rli. bick Headache, dyspepsia, and all Deranseineiit. or the Stomacn. r C, E HULL & CO., New Vt Proprfetors.- W tMi j . , ( , .7. 'i - ew,101-. rAJVai.RYlSJNC7' ii ti iitAi'Gi itfW a u aA'cn i ii t i i.Vr , VKKItl;lVS H HHStlCSC. Jiend V address ! i w, owl'.1 4; HOWKi L & Co ;p,!-4w ;,;tn. Atms.liov,. feff.vjB , A r 0 o U J G p i n g to Is theVeifeiif the world ; 77 u Mlfed, Eeady ifor iUge, The5 j?ure'st! "White "and 100 Beautifa Tints and Colors. 'fflVin flVinnnnnf iT!1ia'' if n TI,t,V Ilia UliGfipCiU . 1 liC 'JaUSI . i JJ Hi dUlCs' 1 Han4sQiiiest. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS BEAR I VI- DENCE OF ITS GREAT STJPEEI0E1T Y. Send for SAMPLE CASD. (furnished free) to tiw i S ! j r Ss GENERAL AGENTS,- SEELEY & STEVEN ' . ' 82 BURLING SLIP, mhi)-4wD&W 1 NEW YORK CITV. E'U 8-T'H"'L-.Y;L eT ' 'JUST, PUB LISHED. A splendid new nevcl by Mbs. Makt J. Bolmes, whose other works are rem! and reread with delightf ul inlere.st-such as "Tom peat and itanshme," "Jeca Eivers." "EdnaErowii ing," "West Lawn," etc . Price $1.50. RD&YEAR the .. JUST BEADY. The second number (ifey) ef this wonderfully popular monthly magazine and di ary of important events and current mi.celUny. A capital number, full of ihe choicest reading matter, and a fcuperb Bteel portrait of Moody, the great Re vivalist. Price, 50 cent. O. W. CAIiLETON & CO., Publishers, ap 1WDAW i. Madlsca Sqcare, Hew ioric. Mak'iirFortiine ! mn .GOLDEN DBAWI88 .1- .t. 1 ;i-vhy Ul OF THE s''0;i;u;:iiS:ii:A -n a at LOTTERY ; rWte418C8 f 'r (liiesoriuilrWte 1868, ' Takes Place -April - 29, 1876, "At ORLEANS. 1 POSITITOFHO; BOSff ONEHESf ! i ffffyiyj .MO.SCAI.1NC ! - '1100,000 ! ' 3,'5SfrPH'zcs,'!iii6MitiDVto $502,500. Isj.p.ALPJlO.JW GOLD! ONE ' PB1ZBT4A BER Y - SIX TICKETS! iae at: $50 M TXHTH Ay f v TWENTIETH COUPON 8 IN FB0P0BT10H. One Canrtal Prize... -.i ........ . $100,000 50 000 i:j.o n lO.iW ' io.'.o ' 5.ftl H0,il 1 Hri74 ' - 1 ' ' ,1, Prize, -ii i i. p,ies rize..j................i... f " Piet 5.nokn..,i?iv.i'. 4 Prises at vaKK) f SO Prizes atHl,oa6..r..I:... 50 Prizes at r.vC0lUiit'.tit.v;.' 1201 , Prizes at 100. . iOOfr PriasaUttWMa-..v.'iU.. 1 r Pit ox in At ion bizk : ICO ADnroxlmatinn Pr!i! at 2 10 ....... r LV. laiAowoslruiit ion f"r-en at lliO- lO.ea-0 7iW ; JJA,Approj;imaUQu Prizes at bo SC33 Ptize Itf a amou'aimgto (gold), t50.4j0 ' 'P-ckttR for ale"by all gulirly appointed agan iii tf ! t LouUlaMa StateXoiiery Co. mh-9-7wl?&W ? K s ;; P.O. Box 692, . 11 iii 1 . ' 1 i - , : ' - " Ft I .... v 7 - j iij IS'.ifli M ETALLIC CARTbQB J MILITAET, ttU ;(tf ilNiiAND) CJIBEDMOOli": BOXES BXCEft it tl OTHERS IN ACCO RACY. STRENGTH AND J EveiJiine waruuwt:a goouVahooter. 40, M and SlOCof an inch, andtrf anrdesired lengt .Charge of powder froni"60.to 105 grains. , Weie"1 'hAlla'fmm Oirt frtin min' 'Rtock. plain; ! PiBtolgriaiid checked. 'Slshts: plain; Glob"1 . Peep Sights; Vernier with iutercbangeable 1 sififea and' Wmd-tomge:! Every Variety of SHARPS BIFLE COMPANY. twtrti;?HfwJercy. FRANK KP.ifiEARlJsEd.,Prop'r leptSl-DWtf' liArtford.t"!11',

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