t as? TOD UOmHITG UTAH. 1 PUEUfUED DAILT. RT 7 UA'l'U 4f All v fcit'xlsifc 71 one week.......... .....8 5f Two week.iJi.i.:-i...!.i..iJ Vv:TarMweekB...... 6 6C " i One monthii.rU.i;..4.i.U S W TwomontiiB...... :. 15 w r ii " -t ii . -ft, . ' -. . wn t " . : .- I'll i k r . i i ... i i ;ti v i i i r- I i- , II'. '11 v I I " ' I - 1 I - ? f f 1 . . -foardaye.;,.,.......,. I M i ? . 1 WW k . . , .... '. rv'-'-y : 'ii ..i fl . ii , TO City 8UDBCT1DW8, ttSUTWtl in any WBT.OI IB I city. Fifteen Cents per week, Oar City Agents aro j TS r , net authorised to collect for more than 8 -month in,, 1 y VJM ' ,dTnce. OUTLINGM. A large fire In Glasgow yesterday. . 7 Connecticut delegation to Republican Na tional Conventloa prefer Jewell for Presi; dent. wenpon s ; .iesumony 4 xon- demns Grant. The District ConVen- permit i further negotiations with: ureal Powers. Qre prairie fire raging in Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. - J ThAhnildines onthesDacidus eronndstiaed 1 ------ w . i . I 1 ZZmgTZ. ZSS V . r Fri.liiv tiiht Npw Vm-ir ut j . ,i " i rt.rlri. Cotton. 13&1SM6: irolrf 112. . . ; ! o ' j . I ..dn 1 Wlrtfiai Har Bniril . tnrnpntinn H7.-I Tr.mpnrfnn. m.r .mlnn t ,b T " V 7TT.- r- i i -? ; South Wales; thirteen dead bodies repov- U ,1(m Prlend8DlJl'emperaMe will meet at Ar vaiia'- m.n nim TJWk 'r 4f:w y Statesville oa:.the; 25th., 4- There will Wheeler,wa jpreUy aerioosly itabfaed in a alty ! ie ao excursion' from Salisbury ta Henry's I pimcuity with William Fickett, a drunken f -Several fine hunches T of fresh - Pn.v. I coiorea man, at -Kocaineham vesterdav a l .. . . . , . . .1 ou , . - -. . - 1 reeK . t -."-. ' 4 ' 1 1 pwpnv..oi s rtauieuoro, uas a oureau I TKa QooMmnn t -veered. - ' - ' ' v i 'muuQArirAA Jt uio rr h oacrament, .of tbe..i.ords mnimi. iniinniTiAM . I ""- ' . -i-r-ui - . r . . 1 II II 1 f 1 . n Ih.l n n na.t A I I . nl I I 9t ' it -1 .i- i i ...... j ... r ttt ..i I intormea corresponueni, u. vv asu- i ingtoi of the! Richmond' nfrer, that ' the voucnera snow inai m me I , . ry tj.i.i iom last J. leotuciitiai vuutcot III J o ! I over one hundred and forty thousand dollars were expended in New.Tork ! . . , . , ,. , ZJ. LZ ' -I -.-. , ins sum w4 v.K,.wut iu hundred dollars, tp eacn election aw-1 u, W.ifflitW.T! v;-tlimiMhJ " dollar u. trict. hal.&c More than fifteen thon- t 3 it j -u" i r " sand 'dollars, were: dfeiputedf rpin .1 what is termed ;Ue contingent land . - a - - .... . - . i , for extraordinary -expenses. These extraordinary expenses twere ,: nine teen hundred 'dollars -hack hire,- five hundred dollars, for room- for the supervisTrfgTnspector of the elections , at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. 'In" this year over eighteen1' thousa'nd dollars were paid to . Johnny Davenport , for fees, &c, in addition to the twenty. two thousand dollars given him from the secret service fund by order of President Grant, and . for which no vouchers can be found in the Da i if partment. The same wealthy citizen of llo chett r, N. . Y., who recently pre sented the University of -Virginia with 1 a twenty-five thousand dollar museum and fifteen thousand dollars for building a suitable .edifice, has givenj Washington and Lee TJniver sitya valuable cabinet of minerals worth 16,000, in addition to a pre- vious gift of $9,000. - A PereoaialjniotlTe rr Che A '1 ' . tln of Lincoln. - rnmp.rmrx zjjemoernt teim aaiorv 1 - , . ' . 1 r.V ..." wuicu, u true, ; supplies a ueraouai motive of John Wilkes Booth in uu.uciiug uu.ua xuw., w uiu 0 . V . I the afratr hithorlo mvpn to the nntv I 4ic. John -Y.BeaL lone a bosom -w Tw . I friend of Booth's, lay in prison under sentence of death for piracy on the iNorinern laws. iootn, accompaniea bv Senator Hale of New HamDshire. Colonel Forney and Wsshingtotr r.i',.i i - : tri.:. ", I McLean, interceded with .President Lincoln for .Real a pardon, going to J the White House, after1 -midnight. I calling Mr. Lincoln from his sleep, and most piteously pleading with him., rr :v. Or: The interview listed -till 4. o'clock hi wc uiuxuiug, jLfuuiii luiunmg an his dramatic power into the, work, I and brineinpf tears Trem! the:-evea.rof all. J At last Mr. Lincoln yielded and .j.i.(it .. rTV'jli. vt 3 u - ,i Vrf' A.Vi'.,i'V'1 I'MMiiiseu inai, xeui biiuuiu u par donetl. Next davZ he told Jtfr. Sew anl ' w h at he bad ? ddnc$ and -v he'i was very angry, declaring. that the sentr meiit of the North required.. Beat's Uod, and if the man was5 noi'execn ted he would leave the Cabinet and charge Lincoln with being in sympa thv I with lhe Sooth. Accordingly I-mn eh,g .,i?lill6d,-l,Dd-BSe.l was f xecuted. . This was 4 too r much fr Booth. He went- L.to a frenzy f riuie,' and swore, vengeance, on. J-iiiicoin. Selecting the V resident for lii particular victim, be engaged the oiher conapirators to murder Seward, and thus he got his revenge.. ; laanal sn n I bjirits Turpentine t The Windsor 'Times is ; for; fp.... ....... ...., V'"..'.vV i. ...',.1' ...s. if I ... ... II i uurinan. - The frost damaged the Uoek- aham 'lntin?!L.i!?r!hiw &h.im section con8ideraby..;-;i,.t lu - . Major Gales will lecture to'the ivewoero Udd FelloWs Thursday. Col. J. W. Leak of Hocking- i ham, has been precariously ill-the past ' - ' -.-..v- .j ."nl5???J?l? ,6eT!Dly)'en. .... uuuivuut criminal aocaei ium term vi i couit, which commences Monday: The wheat cron In the eastern Krt of Rowan aqd the western corner of ontgomery bids fair to turn out well, says the Salisbury WatehmaiU' " f There will be a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Roanoke and Tar River Agricultural Society on the 31st f May, atVfeldon... tli , 4 1. . , . : Dr. Closs attributes hi illness V "preaching in an old barn of a church iu had weather." This is a sermon in it- . .self. , j --!.;' 3 t " . . ' The Randolph CReguldt or men tiong two tragic deaths: Aunt Millie Rains, K"red to death by a vicious bull, and Chas. V. Parks billed by a kick from ahorse. .. il . wm - . ' . XVIILrfNO 28. Ahe-Uamberland mass , meet ins- J LnTTT 8 if 1 VoV? tJiai? ?nve?i1Jn 1 At Pflvptt.viiu . n . 1 The Charlotte (?6eicbotice8 i . L.: at 80m& lencth ft lertnrn hv! Rat R H I Branson before the nilisn of the Carolina Military InstituteT I Chaxlton 'onf 'ihn intb Key. a Taylor Martin wiH deliver! the ad- aress, ex Governor Vance will read the n9l Ppnorana uea.; lnoa. F. urayton Bill .a f'hiif U.k.l . ; I - At the cimmel.oeti North parolrn College, Ml. Pleasant the Bacca-1 laureate sermaa-iw in be nrpHrhpn. nn ihn 3i.t nf fv l, wli TfC'i " Bi.!i.4 - tJi.! ' nm c . ... , !. " . I unuciuui.,.i ue senior aaaresses Will i de,l W the 84tb, - t I ; : rp. w . , Ar. ' ... r T 2 "T-TT , Jwo says ur. o. with no tools save a nocket kn!fc rlmuino I L.ir j . . ,r ..." r KUlIfJ HOCTHW.. WD1CU WOUltl De Tfrllflt) P I -VT ' . t ' t P I u 1.vtKAwM m -.V. ........... I I A .1 . 1 1 ?"ET.... tv .. I ; juawsuor rarues in fflSKS wHgui4ue yicmuy 01 uaiq jaountain, I ieiT y go. 'me snocas arei said to vnm Iha mmt i . r I monms g. vv aueBooro sieraia: We prt- suriie, a a matter of course, that the diatir. V WMIDV, Will iud uiaui'. acceDubir.nd - crVd diat homaf S, Aahe, should Ue desire or even express a willingness to accept Ul receive th porainatiou lagam. A corres- ty, writes us that Two men Thomas Davia I "d ijteel, were instantly killed by an explosion at the mica mine ofUil Press- 2 hSSSS - i . . i about thirty feet hiah. The exulosion was caused by carelessness in tampering a blast NBW'ADrtCRTISKIttBNTSi. J. P, llcKCKKRTPianos and Organs. Notice Bellevii Cemeiery Comp.iuy. Munbon & Co. Talamon suiting;. W. A. Wiught, Jr. Sale Real Estate. HAkRlsON & ALLEN Spring stile hatf. r L e - ar - w- t . . inOKHIB. UOUSea at aOCUOn. Kebchkeb & Caldek Bros, Sundries. Court Calendar First week A. SHRiKB-rClolbing and hnts. C. D. Myers & Co. Wine and tea. Williams & Murchison Sundries. L. Flanagan. Ladieal work baskets. John Dawson. Fairbanks' jscaies. Meetins: Colored CoBserv. ' Republicans. House Wanted Apply at Star Office, (iiLES & murchison Weeding hoes. Notice to retail liquor dealers. O. B. Baber 99c. Store. I ' Frescoing at Shepard's paint shop. C. W Yates Picture frames. A. David Hard times. i Loenl Dots. Superior Court commences to morrow: . . - . .: ... Kev. W. H. Banks, colored i ,. . ... ' . , ... .... L ...... I vim . namize a nn inner 01 nerHona at me 1 - - --r - . foot of Oneen street to dav. at 4 P M. r - " " 1 i l There were no cases o claim iDe attention pt the Mayor's court yester- daV mOrnlniT f; i u s .- . . . -.-.u. I .a--. 'ni'r., 1 .. mi TIT . 1 I t 1110 asnmgionianq win nave a meeting at Temperance Hall .to-morrow I night. Rev j T Gibbs will reach at . " ' ' " the Jitlh btreet M. JS. Church this morn- !D al 11 ,clock- Boys, i. get. vour velocipedes in rpnrtinpsn fnr the hiir rap : nn Ihn! Athlntip. I fclub Grounds on the 1st of Mav. I , ' ' 4 f - -1 ! - - ! Stationaryrtemperature, south- eastwinds, parUy . cloudy weather, and yMv.iT-..y. j. Something interesting, to deposi-1 tors in the lately defunct Freed men's Sa- Vings Bank will be found in ouf telegraphic . - . ' )..-- :LX.J columns inis morniOK. .n -I v . 1 1 ! ja . s. . . i a - A colored tram hailgrom Coiigress. The various townships v Q.5T i fi TJ'lAji of the county were, requested to hold meet- NormernUte.-diedat Rocky Poifitdea I , 4v Bn-Jiht h f P w5de8.aav a5aHbta decease. being If, to elect 'each Uhree delegates to at the result t want and exposure. -I 15A tend said county convention, and incase r "i t t t -r -1 ii t i. I '. fJol.' Jonn 1m u ant well nas been I selected Irjr the ladies of the MeniOrialAV Cbi M. for Wrf.T Day:' r rt jj I r-?.Aicrewere iwu.;.u.uu Oakdale uametery aurmg tne wees closing yesterday, both children, . aged. Respective- V ! " 7 t ! V iy, one uajr.auu icu muuvus. , , The Register of XW issued six marriage licenses during the past week, Of whictf four were for white and two for r . - l r- :j ii!f . 1" , , . ,(Vta. v. 4 coloed) Cemetery ring the past week numbered four, of which two were adults, ,. . . The jBumbern of persona, who ;,ilii. 'i,.:.; -'-.'-' listed nd yesterday 188. making a letal of 2,607 who have listed up to this date. days more': ' .7 ; "J;" ni ttw Ti.ut JLi.i.-A P Mr. Wm. Bethel, , overseer of ?apt. Grainger's place on the Sound, ex- hibitedV yesterday, twoegga .of j the .Bull Cochin, production, which, weighed seven and three fourth ounces. -. . ,X- : Many will be glad to learn that another entertainment is tor bd 'given at City Hall, on Tuesday evening,- the 2nd of May, by the "younr ladies and gentlemen of St. Thomas Catholic ChurcbJ , The Raleigh Constitution of Thursday says r Sanoson :. Vinson, the Ital ian who cut Mr. Lewis a week or two since, and who gaveour police uthoritiei ; WILMINGTON, so much, trouble, to-dav tIead puiltv. aiSA Put in" to wait sentence at the ea 4 01 me lerm. . - ? Ketail liquor dealers are notified bv Hia Ttpoiator that il. AV Will at tMalrO n f. vl ! - 7 1 f - suujeci are infrmed, were caught off some of the w"arves, yesterday ,"with the hook and line. Fish seem to be very numerous in the river Must no:. - v v - .1 " "THeek" ,Dd "Yog Americans two juvenile base ball! clubs, 'it... j.. . j. . V"""U Bauje 111 lUB grounus, .cor- ner of Sixth nn Ornncrft utroAia vociorHav ' r o--".-! j -r-"-' morning, the forming scoring 37 s and the SuDDer and the ordinance of rmntkm .will i ,ir ho nm . W.fil. Ci.i 1-1 i "B "V auwiuioiticu Hi WC X'UIU UUC iU. iJ, Church this evpninir. and a nnmnpr nf nor ; T sons will also be admitted into church mem ber8hiP;. the fruits of the 'revival now go! "g un, anu wuicnnas oeen , progressing lor .boat two weeks nasi. i . - . r SnaltlkvllU Iiems.i .. . .. v.. s . 1 The steamer Paf?i, Eldridge, 'master,' arrived at Smithville on Friday; en route from Florida to New Haven. Conn. The ptaih reports business as beingi fair, but not -op to the usual-standard. Our correspondent is informed thai.' -OA Criah(Uis perfecting arrangement to for ..W- from the! 'channel of the Cape Fear,"Ty. the dred ui th cntP,.mii ,.t PiAudPinhut. It wilf surel! demonstrate the; power, of o r . ,-: Messrs. Curtis & Forbes' dredges, and also illustrate the former difficulties of naviga tion in the Cape - Fear. - 4 2 i - 4 The Temperance organization i (Good Templars) is increasing in numbers and in terest, and its good effects are visible to all. They have adopted the tystem of weekly debates, ip which all : members participate. They propose to add a Glee Club, so that their meetings may be a source of enter tainmntto nil of ll momLpro tliPr.1v , . . a .. . rendering their meetings conducive to pleasure; as well as enticing to; those who are striving to taste not, handle not, the unclean thing,' The tine steam yacht llaritania, Capt. S. W. Pel lit, from Jacksonville, Fla., for Amboy, New Jersey, and the steam y acb t Skylark, Ca ptain ' . Morris, from Jacksonville, Fla., for New York, passed through at Smithville, April 20th. - No shipping in the bay and none in sight r : A liittal Invention. We examined a day or two since a new inveniibn in the shape of a metalic lock box, for the reception of letters and papers. It is very neat and convenient .and is the very thing for subscribers who are in the habit of having their papers stolen. It is deRiiraed to be attached to the inside of a r ,u i.t .miu.sh. it- hpr nnr nan he nlaced Jnto the box througU a wnyin the tori; The box Delnjj locked, the papers then! remain sv nra until lliu nvnsr iwlanr sonilfl fnr lVipm ". ,. e " . H- l- T...! I . l -I .W r. u. v ""1 cy for them here. i - ' ; LFor the Star. Metln of ike DcmaeraileExeeatlve commltteo of Pender Coamy. pot, on Saturday, 22nd April, according to previous notice. " It Wa8 decided to hold a county convention of the servative Parly of Kner County, at Bur- g.- 10Vdock,A-M.,, on' Saturday.. JQ j the' purpose of more fany organizing the party ana to select aeie- gatesrenreient the I county; in the State Convention at Raleigh, 14th 01 June, and also delegates to attend the Congressional 1-k!''t-.:.'' JJ.Wi."i.,' y nAM.tM.lA mnif'! Aisinet wiuieuuuu w uuiuuaw vauu nadelegate8 are chosen from any township i-.v... .it.i.na nf nninpntg.fmm sucW fownship is requested, i SUffiS unwise ndmiaite county officers until the crops are laid by. : it was resotvea tnavur. d. D.-oaicnweu w w . a . WV J- . be ouWeUc repreaeat the Democratk- conservative partyor irenaer county, at tnc meeting next Tuesday, the 25th; of April, in Wilmington, of the4emocratic Executive Committee of the Third Congressional Dis- KfatelfeSateOf Besdted, That the times irr which we live and the mentous issues .-rf political campaigns of this year, demand i tiifti me MemwraiiC'wrawrvsHYo umij i should not only nominate for office men of t: ntoar iv anrl nnrttv hnt fihnilln mil forlU;M nanoiteMthoCrlls.i)e who are strongest, best known and mostac- Lm-hin to the Deoolerand that "the office aixMiM oMtk the man and not- then man the office."1 1 . ', '1. " . r;f ..r .. That toe wbroceedfnis of this1 lUectlUg lav aJvaAa ar.w uvvawMitjvna -w mingtou Democratie papers, and the Duplin Record with a request for ptjMicatlon in thei.r weekly, issues. " i 1 1 ? .i Bv Qrder ol.lfixecutivupnjmuiee, ; "Robert T. Sanders, Sec'ry. r " -. a? -j naaa .llmtnrlataT.. - A sailor, who has been' employed about tne SaiOOU OI UX. l. IT. xxupaiuaw a ww days past, but whowai formerly ait inmate' of the marine hospital, was asked by Mr. H.; a day or two since, to go and get change for two 9 biUa. . He took the bUls and went off with theni, but never returned,4'! has been ascertained since; thai he tad pre viously made his arrangement to Iwkk for Philadelphia,' and no doubt feels very grate ful now for the help : be :reciveeVi4ft .the; shape of Jlrt Et.'s ten dollars.' ' : N. C VSUNDXy; ; ARIL 23 1876.' ' unr i;uBreiiulToDan.i't i ' v 1 Front Street M. E. Church (South)", 'cor. ner of Front and Walnut streets: Rev.; J.EJ I Manb, pastor. Services at 11 a. ofr and a p. ta:f Sunday school ;. at 3 p. m. ' Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clock.- Young Men's Society. Friday night at 8 ,, 6 ; - J- 3 6 Fifth Street MethodistM Church (South). situated bn Fifth between Nun and Church streets: . Rev. J.ALcRhodes, pastor.- t Sev vices at 11 a. m.i and 8 p. . m; Sabbath 1 School at Qi a. m.; Class, meeting Si pirn. 1 Prayer meeting; Thursday 1 night . at 1 8 O ClOCK. ' f ''i -'-t First Presbyterian Church,' corner Third and Orange stteets Ilev. Uos.vlfc: Wilson, j day at 8 p. m.. . T' , ' Second Presbyterian Churchy corner of Fourth and Campbell: streets. 'Rev. C. M.i Payne; Pastor." jUsual services at II a. m. and .3 p. in,, 'Bible -Class at; 3.p. m. Sabbath School at 4 p! m. Prayer meeting J Prioif at fl Y m H Viinnir 'mAn'a mnot intr r- e, ,ur prayer, at tue jraaxo ... atuay, every uonuay at o p. ro. . - Wxv and Fifth streets, Rev. James B.-Taylor, ! pastor., ounuayociiooi at. t a..:m. , oer- vices at 11 a. m;. and 8 . p. nu.:Young men's braver meetiner Tuesday nieht at .vDufl,m.-H-ii.u. Bmt; jUteta. Rev. George PftUeraon rst r?unfay aftt "Easter-Early Red Crqea atrfets. Rector. -First Celebratiou at TSOartht Morning Prayer at lWciock.Y'EveningPiaiyerat8o'x;loiff. ' i . James1 Third streets. or. First, Sunday after Easter Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Evening JPrayer at ?S o'clock. Sunday jSchool at 3.30 p. m. Services at St Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as fol lows: Services at 11 a, nr., and 8 p. m. Rev. T. M. Ambler, Rectoi.i Seats free.' ( St Paul's Evang' Lutheran - Church;1 1 corner of Oth and ! Market streets, Rev. G. 4 TV Bernheim. nnator. , German service at at 11a. m. English' service at 8 p. m. Sun- day School at 8 p. m. ' Weekly lecture on VVftnnesfiav at H n. m. - i 1 r F I RavoSodb at Rli Hrrfc'a(rlnrPrtt "Pniar-nnol I wwrwa- aww aw ay-a, a-ixwi ana, mr v aw vy wamawwaMa. Church, corner 6th and Mulberry streets, as follows :' On Sundays, Morning Prayer at 1 1 ; Even i ng Prayer at 5 o'clock. ; - Sab bath School at St. Barnabas' school-house at 3. 80 p. m. Confirmation Class at G p. m. ; On Holy days at 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. "j First (colorod) Presbyterian Church, Chestnut and Eighth streets. Services at 1 1 a. m. , by Revi J. W. Telfair. Sunday School at 9 J a. m: - ' - " First Baptist Churcli, colored, on Fifth and Campbell streets., Sunday School at 9 a. m. ; preacuin m iuj a. iu., o jnui. uu i 7i p. m. Rev. P. R. Howell, Pastor. . I Trinity Chapel, M. E. Church, 7th and I JJfUnswiCK streets, Kev. t. jrearsau, iras i w. . j . . -.rfc " i T- l tor. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m Z p. m. and 7 p. m Sabbath School at 9 a. m. Ebenezer Baptist Church (colored), 7th , between Orange and Ann streets, W. H. Banks, pastor. Services at lOi a. m., 8 p. m., and 8 p, m, i Body ot ' Drowned Jflan Found Floatlnc In the River The la qneat The body Of a colored man was found I floating in the rivef, near the "Dram Tree,' UtefJ?riatooon,; The'party, who discovered it made the body fast to a Stake i vi'liw.-i" 5.W tfc- 5t r, noitfiprl w utu uu wiio v w.j t Cordner Coroner had the body, brought 'Up and 1 T k:n " -'ii ;. : ' : 9 'i. ' "; "4 landed on the beach near the Cotton fac 1 .' - ; a rAi.A. I . J ""W f OI. T..!H pparently those of a young or 20 years of age,;, There is sfjarcejy apy doubt, however,' that'fth(f bodyis ihgt; of Wash. 'Watkias,; wha wasidrowned bff a flatattached.to tsfiwher. fii-n Saturday past y' opposite- Messrs. Cassidey& Jtoss' ahia yarcL The Jury returned a verdict thajijeceaaed came to his death by drowning. , , T i i - . . r ........... ( . . .. The Centennial Rlraw WaddelPa Ap peal. u, v.t jrasior. , . iteguiar services ;at n a., months' leave of absence 1 from Ibis; port; mil' and .8 p. ni; usiday School ' at4' p?m;' or a jvislt to Europe, by direct ion: of the Prayer Meeting andj.LectujrV every Thurs- Earii lof Derby, Her Britannic' Ma jestys 1 i . ii t. . i IT. i IJ J - ' I ivuuxuu. Wr7 V waraefcJiuiJ ori lhe cdmnlaint of Melvtni 'NSirnn l,rt TVTOTICB IS TReV.llr. A.1 A. iWatMHi. Ka1 . i' .:. 1 . .. .. . : 1 i-.tau i.iquor ed to bold an .inquest ",Thre was no, one The above sale is present to identify theremairis, which were j ma sd, at iro'Uock, mail auuui 10 i : r . : We are glad to see that the appointment Grounds attached, situated upon Wrightsville of Mrs! S. H. Waddell of this cityraa iCor Soiuia. and welt, and faxorab:kBown?aa the W-mpondVog-fiewtery of 4he-HistoricalDe- ?olky PLAca; partment of the .Pbilaaelptuavi'uteuniai, together with her. earnest and, eloquent ap- nealt the ueome"'bf- NoVtk;(janliua, as hiilw.l in ftolnmna. haV ntct With a cordial reception at the bands of a major- T 1 it v of our brethren of the press througuout the Stateif whb1 commend; tuV VpM Ho their readtrs In terms Of WarmcommeOda- t yicu luuiin iu iwu. I tinn and annrnval. . . j.f- -rt ! in.' -.,4 1ml j -l We take this occasion to reiterate .4he; iWKoraafttS !eereuelapok! apfea reaue8t0.fiMrS;(fWaddeW, that lhose.O tfoaafflcaotCRONLY MORRIS, Auctfr... nave. anicies suitayie w uc lymojuwv i !,,. ',,.v ...(; I.-.I1,-.. IVtMt i t -CVA - the. Opnfpnnlal will Mnd them to her. i Or Correspond with her at this place in reter ence thereto.1 j A safe retdrh, free ofUlex: iWnse, will be guarantedfor all articles or Souvenirs sent. - - .- . .. - f... Fire IliiTMrbOi'o'. i TeStei-day morning, about ;4 tAilodk the? Citizens of the usually quiet town or. l ar boro'were startled by ; the m of fire, the police on duty." The firemen promptly riirl inTtWnof-tlia'-Wnkafr wjwawa-v rr . ., - a a I rhfoh wm fnnnd ta ba at the residence of merchants of the place, whose kUchln; dairv. eow and wood house. were destroyed .7 '"if ! ' 1-wAi.--Kiw.ii- rri Ii before the flames could be subdued. The dwellimr was saved onthrough tbenntir- - j'-llAi'i.-r-iim..', hngefforts of ithe . firemen' and; Hckj and f i .aririer comnanv. . roe cause ui me nre is I : - . . unknown,,. 'Jlro T, . , - j'' RIVBK AMD In AMINE ITEMS. j I The steamer 'Pastime is in below.' ; The 'atMmer'bMbrMB has not yet ieft ! j-l.Lt: r - . : . . .-, . u.-- TLTS, f rom Baltimore, April 20th, for this port.. .. I r-the .Norwegian barque Jfranic, fetter- sen, lence for Glasgow, went to seayester- oay ram- ' rr: The schooner Sidney Cr Tyler, Barrett, '. sailed jfrom Philadelphia, : April 10th, for this port xr.nn. j Alexander: $prunt: Esq.f,the Bntish Vice Coa?al at this port, '. having received six Secretary of State for Fbr'eisn affairs. Mr. J atnes Sprun t has assumed; charge, of ;. the officeas acting British Vice' Consul, - dur- ing his absence. y His manjr' friends' wilt wish him a trip both pleasant and benefit cial. , : ' , j ' " j . Thennoineier Keeurtf. : The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4:ao i'.M., yesterday; as ascertained from ne daily bulletin issued from the Signal Officej in tbis.cbyf i . , Y . , . .v. T ; Augusta, 2;-Charleston, 72; Galveston, St Mark's, ?9; Savannahr81; Wilmington, m - - ', , ' g., Co r J 1 , " Mafy'tJ. Al'f ord; colored, 1 Wis1 arraigned vitjr uruiuaucvav ; j uecase was aismissea f 1 a . . i me - t-lhri Mat AF.ftKaV wriinti vhnv.WM.ni. f - . t , i ; .. .. uu mitted jtojail for non-payment of the same. . . . . i , .1 J Always keep on liand, as delay increases smffering. I if VAtl. fMtl aiAlrllA Mfmlntf iRnAn- van ta.A.HAcn I of Div iSuirs Vegetate Pilla. .They can do you no I harm and may save jon from the sickroom. .Price m ThA aiff rnnm PHra I -- m m m ' La'c Pa.To Harria: News Stand, aoutl. side Front Street, we are indebted for copies Of the 1 UdWk wf p for the current week. jnvn avis. jjciiATrrr - sMxrnni-tr WMnriLKr ami .jiTYUia. . TlieHandwill remaln'nnfin until 11 nVlivkthla I r. , S T 1 mpmlB: Boole BorDSBT. tbx MOBKise Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of BindlnK and Ruling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Her- j chants and others needing Receipt Books or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of heir orders." ' r "?" ' ""J " ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Id. Auctioneer. .' BY CRONLY & MORRIS.' ' Commissioners Sale Of Real . I ,- .a-.- -p l k ' f - L. . ' . -uState, In pursuance of an order and db- vi-swi iuc oupcuut wuib ur tun vuuutr ui DruuB- wiclui made on the day of Marcb, l876,to the special proceeding pending in said Court, ia the case or wiiiiam T. waiters. Kicnara jsraaiey. wunara B. Giles and others, ex parte, as the Commissioner faa- 4r Vi n v nninAaa annAmrail K aial nva T . (1 atm gATURDAYVtbesSDDAY OF APRIL, 1876, at the uourtuouse, in tae uounty er flew, nanover, ex- pese to sale, by publie auction, the following de scribed TRACT or PARCEL OF LAND, situated in the county of Brunswick, on the eastern side of sagie's island, opposite to the city of Wi and butted and boundedaa follows, viz: On the East by the Cape Fear River, ea the South by a tract 01 iana formerly eriybelongineto the late James r, or lately, belonging to the heirs I of the late Isaac Northrop: en the I 8. Green, and now, . lour n.ilAirl.Mfl . West by Alligator Creek, and on the North by land now or lately the property of 'William L Berry,and JSSS&L I h'pfnfft JtlfttiA f4niaHni troatAnlnir' Karrrorl I 1 Ii.: ei.tn 17 , coiorea. wun vioiaiinsr section , 7th ot the 1 aDoucatioii.and TiT at faur. elehtand twelve months respective! v after 1 iBe.?I UI B!ue B-Uc, ?"ea payments te near in- xereat irom oar or saie. ac me rate or asrat ner cmr. Xlor tllpaymentof aaidnotea, the purchaser having the right to pay the same.bef ore maturity ." : ,, , i- . ? "- r w.a. WRiGHT.r.; ' t ! wumingten,aiarn-ias commnsioner. pbstBoaed nntQ WEDNESDAY, M t j . .. ,.s i ,n;.' s i. ? v ....... - .... I w JH. JnOill.K. Auctioneer?. - y ; j - x i. vxt.vix a a oil auiuusi , r i r r . . ; - , r- .IH.l TMtw .' i 41 a. in JJjg gjjjjl; JgjJIg-jj. Qf RBSUBlCeS . .. - r .,...!. T...f Ii, , Vi ."M 'J ' ju.05 CP 1 ;?5"OM? .in- J I VKtWEDNEday NEXT, ismiNST., AT is I , , ... . I . . n ... o ciocK, m., we wi i rent, at itxcnange t;ornervnnui November, 1870, that DESIRABLE. T WOrSTORY DWEIJLING, HOU3BU , wh. a1 , .Oathouaea aadr , Thi LakqR dwelung and cenVlar well! and; as -favorabl 'GARDNER PLACE." -,.,' i The LARGE DWELLING and GROUNDS ar Ja - favorably known as tha 1 . They will be rented separately or together as par- i ties may oesire. An excellent Oppertunlty for any one desjripg ex- re accommodations as a Boarding Hpuse, or tensive or two famiUes-relations or friends. &2 and ocean, am eneueon janoing aoaod trees in aoundance. grass lawns on all sides, in fact must be mamined to be aoDreciarsd;' - : " ; ,i it l4!!j'i The advertiser. Wishes to 'rent a: comfortable IweiringfiuT8et1fl a good naiga- ! borhood. Apply at -J I - ! ; apS3 It 1 ..s ' sXRrFICE. Fairbanks'. ScaleK ; XtHBRS ciocK SAtES.1 kfnai b ofle that is wanted found at theOlaEa- Ubltolied Harawara.muae ox JOHN liAWBON. I 1 ap as-u NOS. 19. SO and SI MARKET ST; ,f?l I XIOUCO it L XIPSI- It is .expected that every subscri- fber to the Capital .Stock of TH Blfilvuia va - I ber to the Capital Stock of THS BKLJbv J S" J metbry oompamy wiu W preset UJtsr, SZJSfSA&, lXXVl i "r" - oth int. m. ? .i; s u' i .wui--u "ji':r. wTrknnnT7a apSS-lt ,. tignear J-wuy w i. WHOLE NO. 2:787- ' : 2?E W ADVERTISEMENTS. ) Court Calendarr-lst Week. ,iV,r,MONDAY,.Aprll84th'. .. '. i No. 6 State vs. Samuel Boney, 11 . Andrew LasDleie. . , . 12 . i " . David Rncligh. j. i u . Andrew Laepiere, w: ' i TUJl&DATV April S5th. . 7 , :v . No. 28 State v. Washingten Howard, ! ' ' t ' Salomon Mootoa, - t :t J C. H. Strode, pi' -40 " MatUda Fenndl, , . - 41-- - : John Piaber. i f .43 v , John McKoyv j . n : Ml'.ii .John "McKay. ' rr i t: . . , . 55 " , William Fhher, ; !t ;WHNE3DAY; April 6th; ' 1 5 i Ko. rState vb. Sandr Wffllama, . n. oi - . Aiezanaer ewann. o t ji " uue iuiua. n 6' " Dick Crawford. f t:6 ! r " I James Ctnrcn, -vf ! r v"i 69 " Henry Dudley and Duke THURSDAY, April 27th. f . V h , No. SUte vs. J. T. MurreD,' ; ' ; ' J ' ' ' ' ,. ',7.,.v . J. T. Howell,,.' - 79 " - W. H. Howe, j . 74 r. , . " . W. H.waln, ' , r ' 79 Thomas Pa ; ne, 8i . " James MerriTt, ' ' FRIDAY, April 89tn: . i -' 1 J 'Jj'V No. 83 State-vs. Fred. Register. , ' , 8t - W. H. Howe, 1 85 -- James Heatoni"" 86 - i' -si James Heaton. ... 87''' 1 "James Hentoa, ' 88 ' J-James Heaton, , 89 . " James Heaton. ' . SATURDAY,' April 29th. - " lj . No. 90 State v?. Daniel Bryant, s ' :i, 91 " Oscar Giles.! s-iw . -v . ' . '.; ap ! v " " - -T."" .w.uu Street, on MONDAY NIGHT; the i Mlt Byorderef ihe? Club Room, oh Second 24th Inst' VlUlOJUUIt Ildtice. HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL 'RE- ueaiers mast come rorwani. make renew their .UauorpcensesiaccpiwU Ins to law on or . All delinquent before the first of May, 1876r s All delinquents will be liable to heavy penalties i v XWOK W. BOURD. ap23,7t nac. Register. LADIES' ' FANCY I0RK - BASKETS; rpBAVELLINOt PIC-NIC,t infaut; flower. X Indian. Glove, and Lunch . Baskets, Willow WavIt MtonHa noil rVadlaa Lj;ti nn..r ..artwm.n in the State, at the very loweatiiviur prices. Ya- J notv Ktnro Ax Marrof- Hfraaf ' 1 ' ' I liety Store, 42 Market Street' 1 an 91t - . Jf .. -' . mm. A 'Ifl ni wUXhraOrQlIiary 1 JLiluUCClHeniS : OFFERED IN - ' MW'M vill ' 'HS ' i: unvw 111 J , J. V JL AXU J.JL- MJf JLJ JL CLOTHING. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF PERCALE SHIRTS VERY LOW. "f NEW STYLE HATS. i tSRE MEMBER, I sell the FINEST BLUE , , .... ...... i ... . . ., A. 8HRIER, ; pi, 30 Market at. apSS-tf Sapenor 414. LEXINGTON ST. Correspond Direct h 3 IT you want-true bottom figures and save a con- Vebl5?' Jfgf &f2$lKat FWlE fr1 ANOS AND ORGANS. TRY IT I, - n ':. - pi- .;: If you wish to Purchase Yoa will get anv reasonable guarantee to insure you mat man os purcnaseaor wis iiouse akjs xuual AKB KNOWN. "Unpurchased" competent Judges who have tried them, pronounce them Superior Pianos They have seven (aieb: iui OCTAVES.' fine IROM FRAME, THE AGRAFFE, CARVED LEGS, t ... . t - They are beautiful, durable and wear welL MO' r sola at very reaaoiiante prices, anor--- At Special Inducements if negotiated for direct to this Houce. ; . , J ,n2:t.n .i )M 'max i -- Fully w arr antedi AUUXCDO f- . Ji t. RUECKEUTs ! - - 414 Kiexlncton St., .'. it:, r vi'..,- :i i - i ap 33-tr. Baltimore, ma. Ilolasses. Jalolasses. 4 !t hhds and bbls N."0. MOLASSKS, 75 : 250 bbla.' ' Vf-r I. ... i ... ....!. V - i "For sale oy an SS-tf ' ' KBRCHN ! 1 , ' 4j i -t it ,1 BR ACALDER BROS. ' M) M! 1 llf Flour, n i How.; 'ii - I ; 1 ' )00 I ? - V bblS BOB WHITE FLOUR, .- - . - 4 .. 6- -.- 3oa BELL' MILL ' 1 -X .. . v - i !OVI' ZUU ' v,. . V, .T OAA " Euper and Extra Super FLOUR, ! . OUU, . , , :: . 200 .CAPITAIV .-.H i SStf ' KERCHNBR A CALDERROS. I -SiiiAiEiTboaiw S lit Tf!25a8e',1nd0if? .... sr. . ".! 5ltt I - 50 bOxsTOBACCO, i , iooi;'"- k ZBJftJlf lt'l,2w ap 23-tf , Talamdn Suiting -Fl-ENci-DRAP 1ETE ;' "JZZl kirra i BFUtNNELgnQ ifTPltfrTRD SUITS AT - THIS WJta-&. It? MUN8CflilXl.:;i' apW'tf,! . V.11a rftfillfint Gurillr? Ctvlt33 ,. . , t M . - . 0 4 . QIT1tANIJ ,bTJH'H' . HA'l'H I ---1 ' - 7" ri- j" - L- ' 7 -i ' ' - lU4ailIearw.ndnbseaynitts, ' t JHARRISaX & ALLEN'S, i: sp S3-tf 89 Front St DRGMS. 4aJJ. . . ; ! ' .ttjK--i Js i. L. v8ixmoatht.v..-.....A;.'n..85 00 -- 'OnaTur J . .'. !- . IT .- na 60 04 Co propoi uuBswij low rates. i -.iUn : i Five Sqnaree eetlrtated ae a. qnarter-colnmn; and ten aqnareBafl a half -column. " "NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE ! Tuesday Evening, ' April 25lli. ; - me f uiry urro no r - A MlDTTFtL OPEESTTAj 1ST FOUH ACTS, ' ''1 to begi7en oy i1! "A J ikutt Geimaui-Amerleain iHatltnie. i ' I Between f Aett IBK SBXTXTTB CONCERT CLUB" will perform some fiae pieces jpeciallv b re- pared for this occasion A "OTJAJtTSTTE ORCHRSTR. Piano Organ, Flute and Violin, will accompauy the Operetta. two , t st ci 1 TicketflJ 50 eentur Chlldren'n Tlilcta.: 2R be had at Messrs. Yates and Jewett's . Book fc tores 1 ana at taa auor. is Keservea peat at X ales'. Miflirieiry;;. TvS ?KJ?AT PLEASURE JN ANNOUNCING , X i to the Ladies that I have retnrnerf 1 hnmn or, A 4 duringmy absence I viritedail the Leading Bmpo riumsof Fashion In1 New Yerk, Philadelphia and "" ivi4inunsv ana- wiueseea several of tue Urand J OpeniDgs. and after a careful examinatirm' of thi popular tyles?.J purchased . f j . . f ; : . AN EXTENSIVE AND' BEAUTIFUt STOCK F f FRENCH MILLINERY J$NB FANCY QOODS, 'I ta all the LA.T53T PARIS' DJKSIQJMS In Laces. , Silks, Ornaments, Crepes, Ribbons, Pattern ,Bon- ' nets, French Flowers and Mourning Millinery: Em-fI broiderfngr, BufflSnga, Raching. Fans; Parasols , ' Kid OlovefV Zephyr JVorsted, and the Celebrated r Tip-Top PompadourBWith an elegant seltCOon of Neck-Ties In. , all the. Newest Shades and many: other Novelties too numerous to mention. An early inspection solicited. - - . , variety store, 4 inarnet t.. ap9-tf .c&C. . JIBS. L.-FLAN AGAN. ..?;t i Hard imesr v? npHB TIMES ARE HARD, AND THOSE CON- Want ths yertbestujoopSvTT4E-cn' .... GET -FOR THE MOT9RV' Ther. remember that a little rnonrv will en a longwajaat.anjrstorew lijvJ-it' .k .'d; a!Jw.';iIr ! 500 WHITEVEST8 ui an me latest styles, mAKjiL,L.H8 and lxbuux uut;A,'BOW4uspiaycaoa jmyianissrt I -; aSTT' Can earlyiana.get first selecuon. t; trr; j , r?i. apUt iw)l ; );.:-'. - , A. DAyiri, :l! Something' IIew i HAYS YOTJR HOUSES FRESCOED ' IN ! AN Y ; style to suit yourself, ' .., i AND ASTONISH EVERYBODY ELSE l'"...r ,'r-': M s ir - f h JUSTATwHNKOFIT! ! Rooms handsomely, and richly frescoed7 from $13 00 to OO. '.'.i'-i",, : All Vfna RnullVDS T 1 "WXTU'T Q rrktlUTT CE8-' CENTRE-PIECES, FLOWERS and FICM URES. " - ; . :. ' ... . . y House and Sign Painting ia all Us branches. Life Size-Portrait Painting in oil paint. A public boon. mutae Kalsominlne in durable eolors and and tints, and at lower nrices.than anv Other firm can possibly compete with. - At . ISlllSJfAJtJJ'BrAINT BliOf, ap 83-tf ' , Hi, r l princess Btreet The 99c. Store AFTER TUlS WEEKt s All 'wbor wish to BCcare rood, cheab bariralns. ! auoald call early.aa this will bos the last chance. SD 23-tf : 47 Market Street WAlla;lK6Tifar.W.T.A ' T7R0M SHELBYi-N.C, SUPERIOR ' ' - X? . - to imported kuine wine. i We reauectfolly ask attention to this- -- - ! k Tl fijik n v murn tt T. ! 1 H ! f . - CHAS; TJS. MYERS A CO.t .a, I v .'crr;.-6an7Nqith Front SL ,'x Do YouDrinfci Tea, ? ; A NOTHKR VOLTJN.TARY TESTIMONIAL f "BEST TEA I EVER DRANK IN MY LIFE." ' .1 - v;.j : il i it y I : ' - TeaDrinkcrishould'try trtur r 'ft.- t i. f -in , t 4 Ii -.istt-v DAJuriiA hi-juu aav uib vu nan iu f ' ' -..( t -tU vltr CMAS. t IX MYEIiS A CO. ; . , . iTJLT Only; B S3-rSELECT t3"WHISKE Y- $3 '-. . r ... r I . THE BEST t lv ii .;i.u,i mm-Y i --t'jitj .Jufw-5r. m .tn:i:3 ?:iiii Ji:. . AM.IM vM . - ".. . ' ' I ap-trpw iymifflPtfr i j ,o ,;ufittiniBJBB,t v...i. gQQbblsFLOUBallftraaefc 10 g-ft-fs. i J Art 4rl bfiFFkS. 1 i JAfj kegsNAlLS. - ... f. Bneeiinir una x urns : LAKE GEORGE. LEBANON A'.' ' ' V-cli AND MA-NCnkSTER'SliETlNQ, ' ' i. wU.VTXl'itob LITTLB RTVKi. iARNS,' ; Avfetgelotror " . , i , ; s - I BHttTlNG'Fci rtreBfeto r peirtfibe: fir saperlertbttelold wijleCbri r' ' 1 '.i)BagJWerev-6iIc!lTktan'a SATIS-r-i ! iC FacTRUAl-AEKD, tVx t'JOi 9 WlfJLUIS M1jRCHISON. ( f4 vim wuKfr- ni Picttire'FrdiTic5r sisint.v iVitlro.Ji.1 JRUSWiveriaTYli Vs. ... aridIZE.- j BOTTd' and other Franks maffeo;bWer"from the i lerv'rkteaietrlesefatcalnl- -LJ '-' ! t-h hk-it&l- atteation if "let ' i i'i . u'jiiiiiiaTAa wwvrva viui - i f. . ' t ;.ifi 'Ml - ,ir.v. DMi.t,'! i- ip,wT.y .lT IMij . - VMwfU.1 WWwww. nil .1 1' id if i liiil rriti 'BEST ANiy ' t ARREST" ASSORTM-5NT'' iJL of WEEDING HOES ever in. the city, j . S. Wo havoa Hoe with the beVelon the topside, Just as tt should.be. which we warran to ; stand the . w ilr . amtnn am 'Dl-VTwTVTXI' -PT?TfTKS. - r t Call and examine at the New Hardwarotore at ' ..