...... - - " ' - " . . . - - . ; ' - ' . 'i ..- . -.. " -y:i. ".-h-. Vv5,; .,-'v.,; V- A.V-:-ir..:R,:- .i;vs-'ifu ;:-v!S!.vi v,if;.H:;S:, 1 : AM TT. 1 1 WOT. H. BIIMABD. cicubo tr. nAttms, i : claims from time to time satisfied and discharged by thet respective de partments are supported by sufficient' ! riimcr and Delknao.' : . I C-t The Tejohrder of Gen.'Belknapto Saturdat Mobnino. tite cocimtr m tvox saxisfieu VITUiOTRiIiAII?KSc5XPl.ANA- TiON. - ---..-r ;ivfv::---'i It ;9a9e' loftiest prestimptio in James G. Blaine to expect the people I New' York Sun.l ' Why tbe Repabllcan Party Must be vuuuucrs, BBiauiiBuiu vtiuii ju5Wc3a, a-SOUnd Spot 10 both as to th6ir - character and tUn Trt Pvprv'S amount; whether snch claims have I f niiViiin 'sprTinn ' a ttpnnpss ia ;n ncQ the. lat.t.ri wnnlrl nnfpss the J and tiiat. nove, or tTanca monej ToTrmTivwini'appropnaUon laws." 1 rpflrlpR habits ,nf, offiRiala-who. Marrh . bnt. .a Washr Now in man v instances it lij impossi- from lon'inimubity aridk conscious-1 incrtoa dispatch,, stesjthat Mr.'Vrlvr ' WJLLM4M U- J UJYi .JXj y i. ; I been jlischarge-d oat.of tnnds appro- j Jound-whenever the searching pro oo I charges-madeagainst- turn. i . 'i " -' ri ble to proceed; with priginals 1 ness df power. eposedthenplyes W . : ii't;T .' -il. 131. M 1-. n .1 W UCII c t,.0 r'.o i,.Q. Wall ' aeieciiOT. '- i -iota.- -lie acsuowieugeH iuaK uo m rdi Montgomeif'feirthdayiier authenticated wilt not answer, i In t;p the "cbargesagainst: Belknap Were . to place implicit confidence in his un supported, unsworn e parte tate- j such ; cases rthe parDpses , of j ustipe isikely to experience the fcameinflic-; onght befiheHpsend Uold ...r-'Mft- -tt r flro 'made 10 stand1 aside !WAthe I tiori; the Interior Pepartmiit : JSi jio ; Blair that if Belkiiap was tan official menw - " interested fiit W White House ny-epmbed with jobbery in the In-; at noon of that day tie would present, dodge the real issue, where he could interested fiat. Pt tne .7?.,"?" : dian Bureau, the-Land Office, and the articles of lnipeabhm,ent againsm not gloss it over witfrmake-belieye VW;J Patent Office; thePoat Office Depart- in tfce,Bouj&1 onWflomoTifo TTo -ioomi tft have VW,U v , w vf I f s i raeni is Biuueu wiiu; straw uius auu .J. u-ui, considered himself equal to an . gency under which most, men have gone down with, hardly a left at the place of disaster. It would - befell for ' Democrats. who are indignant because s - e ; r3 lif fiwrA , 111' M B u. a si ri hi r . i i ill is-rsH rn -f7j . .... , , - . tKEWpADYiiaTISSSlEltfs-, n TO succeesfnl start In Easiness Life at Kssim. .,4 lorra TTlA n!f!fBt- lariTPRt ATd nut. T..4! "".Wj. , ' . V 1 11 r CO -. ggmm). :li.M'v: MtpU qq ,'i..?n - I.l ;.vil.i .-i tvars found Micni unirorni aiilaisactory. ,f tflro ,twm a a real aln vuJ, transactions ibaeed "on bolatl6ES of Ke x, u Market. , New BuiWingtUBatea low. Gradivj iwsirted to w'taations. Applicant received ,5 Sweetc aMTirf'jltfer to f1 at reus and Grail not. i !ny 'ly every city and town. Address fcr panicn'ara EASTMAN, Li-U., Ppm;hkecp8ie, N. Y, - t f. SfteT" TitJa &co., Angufcta( I 1 M.M.ana Ww1av9m WAinAMV AVUA.t -1 " : . l pers and records in the departments. i3C0uusivejconLracis;.t,ae ,Axeasuryup- i. rW....?r.. -t.-- ..-"jt-.. i - uc' rf: i. derBoutwell and liichardson waaS President TylerWas tnatnediJ0r J " ; w0d hW he.Secopd rrie in-I844Pist before w wkf I called down the censure4 once even of i . , iZ,:., ; I tiavtiipatmn vif: - h!a: -Presidential --' - i Borne-(;95,vMes (f j ujiy.eio si., jv,jii j ing; tne department tit J usuce-nas i .terw ..wa I .f I r . ?.r : i " 'Iv.',,' T -Annnn t i-Hrinf i-sm ;wJB. Hi friend - tried to Jdissuade "'hira s ' Of the ff- wishedthe records ;i or ne rf;rv- SSl ihbrmatch: and bnp of them i&ld , t. ,1 : . . -. 1 ................ , 1 !i w f J e i j , . . 1. . v i !-..- i - . f. . -. .1- 1 i- iweti 1 .-- wftvi forts of Republicans i to i bolster up special purposergwruying r4t.fl worstJia8S fuecoundrejs 4nat ever him atory ptl 'a.jrich old .James Mm-M the sinking fortunes of their leaders, ar fecord Ve Pejster, was permit-1 disgraced the American, name; -and Ittver planar, wJjo called, ibis, body- rMTMfJ, M t reflect what ahoId-thd"ideik ti.W .X VW'B? ' the State Department has beennsed j erntney into councUoat , ; ,,v..3Jt.,v .J-..v.i;V..t- , fhw Wnr' Offirer for ;shbrV while" ta betray a American , policy and,Ito pediencyprnis rmarrying-a raiw m iWSWm loyalty; has ntfonhe popular ramd PUne,VVar icypj- jnorpi, ...'t- .cA1.rH. rkr -he shook hW head. ! ' SM ni Nnrth' "rhBStlPlMilft : 1 lefP'Mia I " 'V .'"""."Ji'V '"Iffl'Vr'J' ori;'jnii.m. atr - TSt I KIVltlir l Tl S- !i a81l-i." HSQ VOQ ' UCLlBr i I JUT" mass no more endorse iDievinff man i v ?;-?rr,r,- .".! i ?j?!a-i aiT'ajjuHB naiurai wuu iiwr: o..cc-, ivi.v.... ...v , -jb MISCEliliANEOIJS. , . V: ':. :; ' ';'n..; ooYi-'Vbtnrr.firI :f,:"i-f--f'.-l?.k-. ;V J dent wholwdrsh ds (Ihecrdlderi ca f. Wanter. wnv:ivPt r -' &fte is so Beau ao tne people; Pi .pai 'Beouou;- uii vvv.......v-,j mwj-; j . - . .. r 0 .r. .t . . . f ; 'uv v Ttk tKii " dlibprfttA' intention Pof 1 aua WUH fl,vaDlQettmaae UP OJ suo their 13 not dishonestyrbot 5)th deliberate intenUon of servIenf3cld'rk'sViwhWiWer''itiad to loyalty.p i silent in ine xvepuonCansio 8top luuruier regdcthatiiigs should marry )." presence Of r,a -l!; v .j-s'rav ' 3u .. ::f , it-v j i -1 i ; . : v; ! SO ' 'ti; : f i.1 '.l-'ij.-il . .i t j i t' .fi.i5f.iilj himv'sh'fcM ;E N G LI S I? dis the v great put- J exploring "of Republicans aseahties.i have been") organized 'to control the I am make' one' rise rrom,a sitrbea 'to m'J''f 'in't i',:- onu-j-i'-- fo ber.!ra araE.Qld,;.to lanrJjut i;TanarBi?i r X Tfl PhiloHolnhio and ERTttdw I j " . 1 : - . , j ""u a iiii.ii i - ,Trir finr narwR nirLrtnMi'. m ! anvrMi. J. .7 Ad- . .tl:. -: 1. 1 ftcpireeutlus over $63,000,000 AP0t w ,' r PER ft WEEKGUAHANTEttr .v AEentB, JJale end Female, in their own tfOPFICE-Commercial : SchangeIBnli4ini,ij Address T. O. V1CKERY & Co.. Angnsta, Maine North, Water Street,'- - M W: 1i-febS5-tf il fin TO,IInPerdrathome. Samples worth i ID Lf IP Aw Tree. bTiBsos A Co., Portland M& f-Hr ! -mu-o .. .f . , r- . MIN KEADING, P8Y?HOJlNC FaaclnatlonvtioHUOliarmtue.inp.l Ilifelnsiir ancb 0 omp any feffimfJeli J;: i lo ..lirt.f.viff. ?J 1J6- ml -solSfi pasres. By mail BOeeet&tcBG e.... ..... v. BtreetPhiladelpbia.. . rager perpetrated SJ? ; thei()()eia I No. more investigations; becaiH& Jhat j political power of the Administra- ers, if U thby headers flpar as the eseciai r;chah1pi6n8 ( pf fthat Union they prp'fess to foveCjaSnd for which they fought or hirddf)pther met them standi am not too old ito make herhappyv'' ye8,Ji'H'tn,as8ai,t jdiplomatfeiljy re- i I maVoil TAnaw trii Ita rtni&r 'In' VftnT wav lies' the path" that leads to de- ' "ea "V'S.'-r. uc'u . "1 . - v"x " - i v- r . .-cJoStl ft.iix ruoJW p Jt. Kilbourns, McDonalOs. Joyces, and prime, datmie; but,,when she is m slrucubttfid'he8nf the, mmmmiib her prime;''WeW.4eS?filaa will Ne w.'T.ork iJTri&une, iron arvextremiB itet; feu rroutideiK Grant Obally' and -$Z$f8F$T?!g. 9 bitterness .towards ; the7 Administrai almost captured tiitt; GoWrritneiitu to liave taugned1; at I'oney piiiiosp"- 1. . .. . - I I Tk.o-' Iiii4''yA.i'HJii' tn .11 Kt. I tJyit rhn'- lia- Tiair'nHhcloca' 4ritPtfl i to fiszht. We will hbi(Hudffe tion to a weak derenceof the Vsvuu vcj . av i"" i-v v ' "Ii i to ngnu win noti juuo j- suppressed what they pleased and Mws Gardroeirfn4-the-marriage harshly. They think (they are port iniquuy,wnica n was xne nw to cra-hed out oppositiqq. In Congress proved & very 'happy; pnersrfx- ne bvjthe Union or at least a expose anq iconoemni inaicaies -inai theJvoiee M themiidajnty wasistifled rresideutIyler is now a guest at, ttfe OfHyO pemapS ' 80 " tniuK"-Wnen I tUQ ncpuuiibau icaucia uaic iciiuncu I f uo iypswvi;! no!- i -w..f v.v..;. "v, w ;uide a aauguier at scnooi.i . . c- t- - ey are merely standing bv the Re- to do all in their powerj'tb thwart the despot, lie ti ad two motives to g rjr it c.c j i, .,.!-,.:.. 'i--'; -!. r ' 2WIiS . him,:.hrst, his own. success, and, iblican party which !nas dishonored further . in vestigation ; of fti6ial rmdlyv thej success of the p maj th . pnbl thd " Umon1 by 'deedM nf "corruption J fmtid'f " t ci'MU anil acts f yiolehcWinconsisteiit with j Theqiiestipn ariseI thekcuntry the intention ot iis fom?ders and the I lirepaml'llw-follow rtje Retmblican nature uf UfiCShstifutmnitFsacred I partyXiri" all7 of W darlemngr o"f bond'' :V; 9 I ';:'t":;"5':;i""";n " -'''''i j counsel arid tergiyersatioiw ?. f . ..-4 These remarks may serve" to explain why so myleiublluan and In- sec- PollUca Lively Itti OMtftl America. Central Americans-politics are- ac- party. Though rq tWo werepptlMhed, he maue in io the erned bv action wajto giva.a cleapjiwll of P.auaaw report the formation ;.' pi-the health to every infected partisan like new Cabinet of the Colombian Presi- Poraeroy,r and. i o whitewash every dent, the election of a 1 resident!. in uosta liica, tne increase in tne mm e wuoim always uoservierit; ""'tt 1 .tire? The Senaie (wastijov- Pg,itK',baul I an4;'.rD.inS;,. . a few leaded Vhrtso nlH of i can mate them. I he dispatches 1 rpm r. The New York rtfioj in' ati article j subject of investigatioii like the sale Costs copie'd elsewhere says:'Hho itepublii 1 of arrtls H Ib&WM tWJtyd: taryj strength of Nicraijua, the inva- specialty of buildms Fine Breech-Loadiutr to the special instructions of individual abox(smen Iaking for a large and select trade enables us to fivo greater earn and attentionto the fitting-, slioot ine and ceneral finish of . our Guns .than can be i 'given io those Guns bought by- the ret ah trade from manufacturers who produce for a general market. We solicit tie patronage of those sportsmen1 Who are judges or Fine Guns and who know the impor tance ot having their Guns made to fit them. -' ' 'We are prepared to-accept orders to build Gnns of any weight, gauge, proportion or style. . , , ' rHvims. f . ' fEICI. ' PIONEER J.........,i........ 65 Gold. TOLLEY...I. ....................... .... 90 " 8TANPARD . ....... ...... ..i.....;.. 115 NATIONAL. ., 140 " CHA LJL.EN GE....; .... 180 PARAGON ......................... 225 " - Full Illustrated particulars with references and instrociionB for sell meaanrement forwarded on ap plication, j J. & W. TOLLRY, . branch Office. 29 Maiden Lane. New York ' ' .Manufactory, Pioneer Works. Birmingham, Eng. dec 14 PAW tr : THE iHEIGAN SPOHTSMArt. : A nrv7(i.T..-ir .j . Ml Jff J thtWt PSD1CATKD To ana saia theinv.n choose iMtan iiv or EticJimoiid, Virginia. j Btree"mTclV . ' I mmbw f - . n(ll . n a mm W W -mr ' Tw wi n. y.-fi . i : I ;a aa a :;i'a"J .;-,i.iif it 'iNKv OAJflAA nAli:-.' THA'4 Mu:i(i;.'i- i ' , lliDlTiacnm nnlBt.rKrtliiB I'KillmniMi f i . . ,r ... . - ' ! , !,'KjfkfArt ir.PllHcntoJMPi:""'Bne88, Jrre0In- J 'AilTitiftl Tncnme Over SI. 500.000 1 .nlainrL Malarial Fevers Rheumatism.. KrvBinouJ ? w'; 'ki -g!?f..'j.'W'&jrfl os; rr. biil ..... .is ii I ;and ail diseases tequinngan-acuve but mild pnrga. . V :,( -f ' i I tsure rafifhs,ACo3dBV Fevers, Female Complaints jfiu.d mm vJI .sicfeHeadache.1 Dyspepsia,, and all Deranpemf: " . r R X til. R-5T lMli. SU 4A.Ij.nSKTES ST!r!TTfiR: I t ' 1 ' . ,i'A4l it aa.u i nnBbiBiuaaa Auicici;LTT)it.u. .INVESTMENTS, AMPLS RESERVE, i " Catalogue on the LIST PLAN. For informatio., j.'irsMftt li rdreMJ t ills "OWfl!i hA CO. , ANP RnBpT.TTq.. ;j:..,-l j;---nf.rr,::t'-'.n-.f. -0:T:.-T- ' --. T " .... I'rciu turns Cash, Policies Xlb?ral. A re au uG o in g to in1-. THE"AVERHiL CHEl- IIHIIHMIIPIIb II 1 IKTH IlilVc t: A til CSSrJU f ;i. 1 t , - - . - ' -"rr.:L-r,zi-.:.-:z.... r i .....w ruL i otwAina iuououo,y. -- """tv . xnnnurT nninff iron waiflp Hirirw themselves a.-satisfieil with Mr. J J tTluft the GoVetmient has been run arnied ' withirningtou, infles and ,'fef 'iij. BlainetaCeenSWfmVyoaruals rkj-lhester as a close corporat.ou, iu. the exclu- )u ImrnUopicuatemala Ssife &E?SKSsiN2 : ,V" r ,r-,,:v-f -'ii "" 'i "r"-' hord with u niasters handi Verily, ive interest of office-holders. Jlins. has gone to war' wiln Salvador and spoutsmbn iuf America. puiCE, i.oo. 3 Month. iWHII'l : whoUy:rillestuteniselveS )t ,r, , ,;V---;--i-'- -.-i i -m;mAiC;jUi wrV i-LfL inflti-ffd i1imv ,lpfot nn tiii"'4 rnrint' . 6 MoothSL $4 V early i :v -iC, W . without destroying ihe ltepubhcan , 521 ItSet. .Sgxr3$a.s.lCriferr , innictea a, ntay 4ueteat. ontlic i roopA . Ben4 tin.for apedmea W w , MVr.dmlraWori?for,tlie .exrbpeak- - - - I the thief, the more . recognized his- of that btate.i Altogether the pros- i . uodagun. ,; wiial ni liik liiiniiLi v oliiil - . . - - . : - i m . ! 'i jirun-Li i i .11 rrK miw.. nfw- i orK ire uu r v , i -rr Tr- wr'j nnaljl liiu.. . anil nF-. lAati1W.v . fnr 1 , those.Vhb WOnld .rejoice at his down fall, they doubtless see J.hat he haippi beared bimsell ot the charges st ; altj ' but, only postponed the matter to some other time, when the investigation must take place or Mr Blaine mast V1e V danined - in NE WSfAt It OI'IX I ON. i a. mi mi-l Uf. i '- position. Grant set the example of ; pects ior tne coming summer a beMiff'aguest of .Boss Shepherd, and cidedly lively.' j J drove through the streets of the capi- I, - . ,. r?ThewTork ridicules the jfinan-1 tal..with ' .JliEcPbnald by Bis side, "wlp ;j : 5j y't "y SOlVeCi ! ciai iueones 01 iiie iMJUtiuza oeuaiof iruiu i is ijuw uuiiosoDiiizinc over nnman I . ... - ... -. Nevada,- : ''V . : l vanities in the cell of a penitentiary. The New York Herald says it. would not Grant knew him to be a thief, for his be surprising to see Davis, of Xlliooi8,come friend Ford had told him so: but that to the front as the Dark Horse of: Democ- f act paade iiffereiiee: As McDon- racy. ..; - : -- The Great Secret of the Wonderful U -j . l i .... . I r TTn r-ri r ftn i i in I 1 1 ititti : i . i am saiu, me r eooso anng aituudiem. niii:i:knx iik x u k K1 k manytodilksuspici6aJrJafthe :51TheAtlanta Qmstitution would feel that The chiefs who were highest' in vf w'"J'fc-fc, ' f ac oi Mrfe. M wSoSoufS I6 1 r..J: r . w .- S,V . V ' ' '4 . .. ' . .7. , : 4. . Washinorfnn J nlnnno tJia xnnoA n tion. invisoraunfi the narvousBTStem.. ' i t lenge and Mr. AiaTrisonisthegrana- I next' xresiaent euner muen or myara i , ill , ""'"j Wl" - j uT i i ; i. I from the East; Hendricks or Thurman 7 which the Freed man's , Bank was son of a President and popular hero, from tue-We8t-rH could trasf Either one plnndered of near! nil, it H,n.;t0 and is; regarded asi a gentleman poor negroes ; wero clieated HsTwrnche these papers cannot- safely maintain I . a 7 .ym f: t wu i iueir nara earnings. for thd ff eCSuehoiTpon. Either BlaineJt'guiHyoor Harrison i I cratie candidate of that State for is a liar and a traducer. Will the tion, invigorating the nervous ey stem. TIT.LT A "RLE EVIDENCE. Hr. H. R. Stxtkms : I IT ; I ny to tne creat num&er you nave already received "r"1;1 in favor of yonr great and good medicine, Vegk- THE SNEIDER BREECH-LO ADIHG SHOT qItJ . Prices, $50 00 to $250 00. . MUZEL 0ADING GUNS ALTERED TO BREECH-LOADING' ' lrlcea $40 00 to $100 00. ' . . . Uooke, tien. 0: 0. Howard, Hal- I do not think icnongh can be said in it the Demo- Tvilhnnrn Tr.hr. n !?,,. T praise, for I.waa troubled over thirty years with that the nomi. ? lUlDOUrn, J Ohn U. AivanS, LewiS: dreadful disease, Catarrh, and had inch bad conga- Clark & Sneider. MANUFACTURERS, ; ; Send for Catalojcne. 214 West Pratt Street, , Baltimore. dee23-D&Wtf . INSURANCE ROOMS gfif Atkinson 'MainE- f utaic iui tuc iiuiiii- ,1 ari . -tv - , . 1 M7 ' . .-v. . . i. '1 UBLIUII - Lli - LUC A A CD1UCULV. -A LI IS TT 111 nWL I . W . - I r Z XI ' " - - ' a Tye do. GenerahlnwcX4s faUant and: HSgtiai. GeorgJWlU5tiUfeyV J. journ M .m1i'lvlJ-L.lL.yri.L i JL i Innan tn Tciiprt 1 lhrf iiVmv nnd lhri"Rpnrl nut buwurereij uiccu vuia issue uy juiiuus ' : ' , j - I otnno .Uwri.'Si JJ!!;t." . , - ' f l . i - - - -at i-, . - r s of pohtics for-a day ok.iwo,( T ; ; ca stone scrip and other trash, in m B-geieratvmaHtt-" ior -an; t -T; " : which lnvestigatron'ftr aJonress cornffiit-i M.rBiJnVtWt ;ta"ipUatM hPith Mr 'wlthd lee i of theVhAla affair ? Assnmntinns IHajeshaa necessitated iMs sudden sea voy- shares, L:!The, cpnspiiapy;;.tP-rob the! of, innuce-Ti nnt.VlfS' " . vuv aX vr UiV AADOVl blVUO UCaV IflJv chai ing spells that it would seem as though I -could ne-5 ver oreatna any mere, ana vkbktutb aaaonreame; an? 1 do feel to thank God all the time there ia so rUfanriwaCa farsre stQCkhoMer MRS. L. GORE. Corner Magazine and Walant sis." '- , camDridge, Mass. S. Ifo Graftoni Wfndlmm 'Go' crmonti '.I'--'- -MANUFACTURER OP.,.,. ... u, ' Fine Fislnr Rods- j personal- Tnai linn And it nnmihlci irtVMtticrt imt ia linltlo Inl A - . . . . v .. .M ..ww.w eive rise to the inference thai W 5 f he eae of KBs i ititbesse :.i..f .f : Thousands Speak. Vegetinb Is acknowledged and recommenCei il Of all kinds. 7 ,FarUcm.ar attention paid to making rods- adapted to Southern trade. ' J ice and for the purpose pFdef ealintf thenlves beyond the. reach r OS I If the miaeintr tmiriat ia an don't .moant ti' US .nap of the fini d " ! ; Tjl s S '5! &tKltlk0- restored tot ! 1 ' Rods "of any deefred Dattern - X C7 .UM.JJ J&Jti ' , i on short notice and at reasonable prices.1 , ; Send for Circular. t jnly'18-P&Wtf j - f ger. Suppose the Wbvlrig animus of xl&mtZ4T c"rresPon1 the officer antTOtcW ihp bank fr: .-n-Tr r . I de.Dl. ,n. bl2 ?.nD. North Carohnaj W4iro? Y.JfAl.'o ".tit.. 1 xxarnson" i8a-siauftr- cfatirieoT, the i nuturxiiuiCueKznr ijomdditmitaicsDolaai l-s y-f.'Wiin'. .i1W4fx'.f1 t. chargesaynevtheleslieiitru i, . Muumaic iui i iwiucui, snu tuat viiarictf i uuuwv Buuci jiun .or apy uesire; to waFJs'a--candidate ToVthe Presi-I tOl $.lirf practice: jof ih'j''.Wi l.l. i, 1. - -a.-r . .iw ' K)th t vent car riuadB to certiry t&atx liavc tot V.H?H.vtOe. vuuku yiiave Peen I au 104 1-3 dozen (ltsa Dottles) of your V fJU4fii."J:XL' 't'ri"" J ' I since Anril 12. 187tLanfl eas traW it I the best satisfaction of an I ia IPIt. a thAHmnF. nF ! I inenas. lamDerrectlv cocrniEant or several canea iueuh uuu ius xiewa BLJiurjJujrin uaroiinar " . -Tr a .. u ,uu1 of5aotBtunibr.tiMirabVVeeetine alono friend seeox to naraqtiMbWe doh'ti bery. .xttmvm .nnjia ; j in this vicinity. " xvant ai niinf.ijtBa4iiit justjad 51W .GovernmjenttPrinllhOffice1 ' yrL--; ! rS ffBr S2Sm?"AK'.KS same efiO'rnioTis f rafid ' which the iSww T STAR-OUST. and is in Bostont i A- tsrvSsn TArrtOTia XCaJJroW i lBS on sides, arut a 'Parfi of VAeanse ecro xjepjas met SstepM Kr'estBraav-4ieind' the WrNrv-wvJ the systemt which has loiie made thai! ! 1 I rVAe tekVl8PHIentriesobals F " VJECETIlUE? 1 1 NrVei:elort.pfublio money pd steal' JtO TjMSffirKE". -I'll" ' - ... vir 11 al iced that ihe oyBrwl,o - were flyini; kitei ottit'e a Scindal ' andia. shaihe,"and Mr. H. R. STEVENS Ku,l .ul r-lf.tlioa ' -'V ' I I . .1.. ;n-: W'.. i v. ieciwtf caused lh& l ewdiondori it nas oeen luaift taiued bv corron4 I sick in January, ism. witiLScrofiiJalwhirhr-J.mffnt te!"!!le!rlffihl tionVio ougressv.amlo'WotildihVvd nSr Micuuo naa 6uia... nuuuc ci.argeu fdUO Orj CdllUnued PndisiUrbed' but !f Or the had several doctor, of blghitaudtagitheirprofVs; the evening. Even New England can't L,K-nt su. ha tfiiiMhWtl hUhllu an-two from Boston atd three trim Charllstow lear Sir Thw is to show that my son was taken stand bim.-' i w;-t.-iiHJ-tj fx-. ("(Alan ffe -ih iKft"1! I'hMitorif :JI W&2kt A. I-1 B,cl two ,rom Boston and three trum Charles town i pnange m ine lloase of Kepresehta without getting a hU, better. He was obliged to lie iimos wnatever. dency but oi&jUy-ornetguil'yl J MhmJmpAa disqus? Tat question and not shrink behind a sim dejrgerXbjte and ever boldiy it may te uttered'. ' We' are Hot' amazed 'at any ! cbtirse thifr l?r ga75y.aVTie,inioiaities . that laVe! jEfeeneVeaiedi, concerning theMi th reaafid.teir aa.l "h kne w, we suppolellii iizerfat ihtfeonrse bf hi '- .Tb VsiTifrsra: "3"rar icrrKfs511 camphor pa , uany. iui lusteau oi , maEins! r a w . ,uuu"f cleaet breast he has decided upon the K -gr - f 'v.c:-r:ir.T;za .r.Tfar.-i.r.-f zru-TTiirt-i tk. . authority to do so extends We: are would g told by the enterprisiDffieorrespond- Briom V:- ! PJwW MFfMffW nt-oftSii t i - Mr. Bayard Taylor has bomple W5u,frr-,n-f?rte- rjt any fvrt-T--"- - ..w--" "" I MUefffiittedrafkofrWstenBMa.ae personal aniagonismsfewmch' may ex "all the commiUee. ist, or the individual purity of somo in tha vtrinn. - . L ' I llOU OU llie J! Ourin OI J UJV. IIS lfinwth ill 1 iPfllipm otlrt mfln V fn nnraro r s.nea a !pfWt!S fer that n6. 0,7, "T.'" """1 ! headKd original papers slian H suffered to I grapl4i8ntcblfrrrlllinoii lican Pm-T aZr.ntmm JTKam.. decajjtcasiiifcha&tai&r Gov There is mr :tT. W r - V f thai State. , Hispwyter- Uowi to whichjey Irfilojig.i'ja ;:au joV !) iffcttrfwIlMd? - . - l. a :t i vii vf aIah wi . ... . ; mttmmMiMfiB of Repref; pifapS aAht.Advwt rpntvir(4hArrMin;ftna Xti I L "rofesspr. - -". vwmi.w superintendent eamwsiDiP:iiP9Jteo.it.-Bcconnt8 rS4nteqjy Na for the tnvestigatioti 6f c&arffiubad rXllOid .mitWAio ecarv. . : . tt .. .7 - Boston, Jan. 1, 1874. j KGETUK haseiven V Ttmedv for the com plaints for which it is. recommended that I ever sold. Scarcely (day passes without come of my custom er tesdfyiat.tta-aaefiB -en -themselves or their HONESHs OMNION. , 1876 The B0AN0EE HEWB. PBIQE J eKEDXJOED FOR IBJ ENTENMJAIr YEA.R ! " ii-T-K"- '-4 J-i-r-AiviS;""-i J ' J ! Circ-ul&tioli Lare and, Daily Increasing ; ! -''.--;!: fit' i ;, -i-:; a j. N0vf 113 Tsk Tti'siiRsnmhTii. V'lHircates in Thtrlwo'conuties5 In Kastera ana miaaie roonntaiouna and boatn-Slde V ronia. . .iri.i.rm.iM.... ii . . ... ..... . . . . auvaniipann yy iui. JVC in cam It tt mis. an i . bHb8cHptionTnce,TrrAdY5n5e, $3 per year. ouu ior Btuupie copy tQiit) tif mbll orBampiecopy vtaxwiX' toiI S. MANN(iBROi,Irop?leore, ! "tf a t '! j ' : '-".'4 ; " 11 ' ,wu, a t"!1 ewt TJHJ tV.'iw;tKH rVt, -r- r. f. "i"."" "u"TWr - w nen we naa given up all hopes J liUUK ,U 1 UUf jnT.RTfiSr, 1: SaAeSoS I 1 Teptto faetf eaop9t TpossiWjr iSiM ThrrSt ame announces positiveji reacuedani the whole truth knowri ee fut0P9. XTXa: 't,iUff,'Wnr" U,,U1 OTJOTOwOT95UI dnveni t vWhhnewiU probably iavet nFPEBJtlmrTPJSI(RCHANTS OF W1L-1 idenfiaf- nbttiflation;-1 Alsd' that rnnt AU rtranh nt r honestly believe if w W used YJseTANEefare I VJ mineton and ieisewli stDerior indncj-TBRnt several candidates to whom he VtuJ-lrALti luXIjf-1 i"Zi7r t Itri w f, wutr?5ftoi WA1V toveettefrUustaeastaiuc "ablV I testimonvof metnd mT tOl whall nnw.tv.ll i I itU eoniildTaJiiifS'KaT" mrvs Able tn aixialr for himtuAt ::! ...... tj '. CATHARINE If AP A r plain but honest sta'ement concItuiVn. . i . i. . . 1 ' - m : ' -. - J TDU SDOVepl; It Is nubliahed in Camden: Ki!niMw:fln A h at a ww vxuwrciuwuitiiui .-nuEereej anri at year, always in advance. .p,y For terms of advertising. AcV addresa , , I ticrn has So '8T)Tead-4h rou bh th whnU rl'LVA form UmpMfltcSbleTitut new im ' Iluu ? i..rT , . Vlr - -t-,;! y? ", f -4U rn ,t,.fety.u,i0): j .iiWSa jlf.Wi , i t ' I- . auu i-xjnk n. i in . . i I im il. -n-.'vm ilia Hnjuiaina wi ti fi i iCharles I'" "'?;", f" "; "itffnim '" LJ:- ;;t :'' AEtHTTR J. EILl 'Jr. Agent.' ? OiSce for the present with Pr, TFJ Wood. Modi ! 1 T H VOI MA1IM1I-1.(,: Oil ,Hl.aiIkb BUQbla 1, TV IS UWl O VTM3b.V Qreen & Flanuer's druiz store, Wilmington, K. C j - September 2-tf : mj '(i i-n.- ii! '(: 1 .? e Desiin xnewona 7fi.M?xeI; Ready; f&e; ITse, '- The Unrest White and 100 Beautifu X HE WEATHER. , SO THE ND. iPOH'T Blow," aud even if it does blow, as it has for some weeks past, you needn't mind it so much, provided your property is insured against .Fire in the Liy ERP0OL AND LONDOK AND GLOBE, with' Its' $30,tC0,C03 assets,' and against ! the , Perils of the Deep, in the MOBILE UNDERWRITERS, with. Its $1,500,C03, and t yea . nave - a . Policy on , your ; Life under the popular BJESERYE PLAN 'of the old METROPOLITAN ( LIFE ' INSURANCE CQMf PANY, of New York,"' the most' progressive Cosir pany of the ageT Thua protected, what, need, to or the'8mall-t)bxf.''',--,,-,v 'J ' I .V11'- e Fifty Millions assets rspreeented Fke,-Marin aadloio, &t-thc Ufiice or -. . ; j. , ,-.': ! , - JOHN W.GORDON,. xth 26-tf s . 24 North Water Street V -" 1 JL - H " Tints 'and Colors; j The Cteapest'- Htf HoslBnratile, lb THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS BEAR EV1-' .-- ' - - - : 4 .Send for SAMPLE .CABD (famiahed free) to the SEEEEY?STEVENS, :.... lil ... 1 . i i :i.3 :..., . - .' 32 BUELINa SLIP, ' , ; , . , imU4wD&W S t ill NEW, YORK CITY. IE O Ti"T;- ,1 I JTTST PTTBLTaHTSiy. X snlenflW'new iiovel hv Una. Maiiy JT. Holmes, whose other works jire read ana reread witn aengatiui- interest sncn as "rem eansmne," -Xiena xavers." -jiana isrowu- law3U'', etc. i'nee $1.50. ;,. ; - the III Si in IV $70,000,600 Aasetii Jlepraeiited., j Ins. Co. of North America.' 'c .Philaddpbia. ! , t x-aeniz xnsnrance company... mew XorK. . Continental Insurance Co i tj. . -. INew Trkl N.. British A Mprcantilft Trua n T Hartford Fire Ins. Comnsnv1' .. .rWajft?3tl-. 15 I Spiingfield F. & M. Ins.. Co . .Maesachusetta. :MereaatOB Mutual Inai Ca: J r Sill iHk York; e it , Ins. Co of North America,,.. .jriuladelphja. . - LIFE. ,-' ., . connecnent mutual Life ina. C0V... Hartford.' , . . March B-tf , ; -j. ,:ir,.; ,4 jriut UiiAUii HOME INSTITUTIONS. 'Si j aecurity agsonati'ir- t A JUST READY. The second nnmber fMavi of this wonderfully popular'monthJy magazintiaiid di ary o( important events, and current mUcelkny. A capital number, full of the choicest reading matter, and a superb steel -portrait of Moody, the eatRe .vivalisL '.iWec. Wiceirtr. . t .-.. trr.- k v tf!lIfP W.HBARLET0N, & C0 Publishers, , . ap jp-4wD AW . Madisoa Square New Vorn. "; " THE NORTH" CAROtlKJt 4HtEXlNGT0I.ST.I rates, onauctaflseaoriiiBaraWaproitertv'. -a f -HOME" ia rapidly growing in public favor; and appeai with Confidence; uuurers-of. property in BEATON GALES. Secretary. '-. j 3 PULASKI- COWPER, -Snpervittof1. '&P -sio fegv mt i-u -, - vittmngtrig. it: ft if :Iq :-?ioI 1 A,iH.ht'tUv-mi hnts .vthtr.6u - 't,:i i.' ivori and yotl want true Bottom, figures and save a con- cmertV' in , iderable per centage ia tha purchase of F1NB W--rJjJ 4tNCANDINSiJyl;ITItiJ an . n 1 ;If yoti-wisn to Purchase " 4 in . : . i . . . i .until - Kl "yr re8BOiH0 v euaraniyewiHeure ji that Ptanos purchased of this House AKE .iQDAi , T f VOT ' 8UPBJRI0R v,TOrTH E 'MOST NOTED MAKB KNOWN tWiipwekaitP competent jndgea jo havatedxmprononncepiem , . , , 1 jQ&bitlm tti fisffirn .v.t4,;.it ....... - . . . 1 . D2!.A33ff Rita I ll..Vl ! ... Cash Capital paid in .tijftSDOIMMi I Th.e7 " beautiful, dufaWe and wear well ft vW ,ri - t " i i ; 1 i I 1 P9M w ye7 P'lces, and Surplus i Fund. t i ir If I T T tlfnOftfT- . 1 l5imifMM9l!I 8i(i? r:5lK,BANER jPONALD MoRAEl .1. J's,l AS A.' LEAK 'H. LLERSJi :.''! Will Fi iry, i.A;tkMoyofia LL. S(airijidemeiits If negotiated for fliroct to this House. i Fullaianted. " .(ttesiX .'feiiji . .1. i ' . f ap 83rtf ! v . -.; Baltimore, Md. 01: . .M. v .. fangSO-tC l - . -1 i-ii 'inrlj; I Ikvin IKGANDj'.REEDMOOR"- RIFLES EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN ACUU- : i flUl 03 RAfcfY, J&tRENGTIL AND - ' fil.iuiw. X iL?rI VrrSAFEf Yj;ii : 1 Occur. T!artae1H''.. UJ j I tart- Larseat ClrenlaAlon In tnei Statei iew, jttiHA-i tQ-mqutrB-nd A BS5rPr the reenter V. . ' , , rrff 6TtcT stigatioU brcharfJHihadi rXllOM ' 41. 2i0lil Irus? 'tSSf fiARBTEss shop, r i V-.as,ul ti .A-. '.: tesii.aAldJif x jct i '' f.VI i TWrtt 2y?et; dJitwoen-; Market an$Ktoces.C REPAIRING PRQMPTLY, boS , j P9.t.-ja,:.' jiXVijbj aroERiiAPT ' ItS fotr'i4 is rrrm. nfrnltil-t'rirAi.-.Tw5LL,t J- mvt-vwijOr h'fiS!Si,?!WWP piintfauadw-of ft o ; RrtBPTmiiitirxMPANY, i ' ". !. Ministers, (all vf whom are agents) towards Ina lnKititttjationii3H' .'vi a 4-3 i rftfeaaa. itfaW4.offer preminm. The Adtccatk stands fitffioita infrinaidmpritsA OiuaiuTJ, -t . v auu h is KtBOQi8tic ia doctrine, it win contain "5?ws from all Churches, so as to make It ti welcome TiniKirreme mieiiigenireaoeraor an denominations. 'Its wide and increaaing circulation makes "it a' Charge of powder from &0 to 105 grains. Weight ef Pistol grip aid. 1 checked. ; Rights: plain; Globe and Pee 8igntsf . Y&fiiaj' wifSl aterchangeable front algnia aadi WliiduguETeryi.Tariety of am TnDBjkm.fr.aboVe guns, CpnstanUy oa band. I TririS.ttf OO Tmr annum' J'ZJ3"' Lf JohM'C:aIicter" .11 AS REMOVED TO UW NEW BUILWNtf. On North1 Water; bet.weea ;hesiiut : and Mulberry streets, where he will, b pleased to sea J his fneuds M r ww. -W a aa4-W9 a Mf. . ajij , ior six nontns . . fe.t4f! t' TTPWtf