I 4 t! ''t 5 . 'ft ' nTrvtvrVlV .-Miff? fi M0XXim3 W WIS. II. BERNARD, Editors. CICERO W. HARRIS , WILMINGTON, N. C: .Wednesday Morntng, May 17, 1876. ON THIS TACK THB ENEMY IS TO I BE ENCOURAGED. Our little friend the Oxford Mom- 'u.? ' Lvi iS'iSiUi Mrtv f tng Clarion, says it is the duty of the Democratio party to encourage the Radicals in their hunt for facts implicating prominent Democrats in wrong doing. By this, it means that .. . .. t V I nnt. t.hA I past nhatrnntion SnOUlU ue I . placed In the way of the examination of anycharge, based upon responsible i J . to ' . . A .. authority, against ; any democratic official, but that every assistance should berendered in bringing the tlUlllT tV ... . . I O J - I . ml?n . . . . T-k a I is tne. pariy, proiesseuiy ; .1 . . l 1 I H n I truly, of reform. It has "let no guilty man escape" hitherto. What it has done to Tweed and others it t, ot will do again. " n," lua"u too i hot for" any: bribe-taker, rogue or defaulter, f No' man can re- main in a position of trust and re- sponsibility under its cover who is either ot these. -: - ' And Riicjh must be the case. In 1 the reason of the thing, in the very f,W nnrfv nrPRont mission! . v-r -v - r , . r ' i i t I iimu iw... .v. ..J I the language of the Clarion, "if a Democratic official is proven guilty, liim rrrt tha rav nf ahl mine fi I o with, the large crew of Radicals nov passing to an ignominious retirement and convict cells." BLACKBALLING BKISi'OW. Last week Benjamin II. Bristow, Secretary of the Treasury and a prominent" aspirant" for the Republi catvnbnunatioa. for the Presidency, applied fr admission to the Union J Lp-icmih Club of New York eitv. Ur- o--- - , dinarily a Radical club would-be only too glad to take into its fold so distinguished a. gentleman. There, are not in that part', even in New Yoik, so many members of jlr. Biistow's character and position , as to make it a matter of no "conse quence when he stands at the door and knocks. But on this occasion a u I change came over the big sachems I . 5 ., , . . -6. . . of the club mentioned, and the re sult was twelve black balls struck the Secretary before he got -inside the door of the lodge, and he retired to meditate upon the caprice and in gratitude of Republican clubs. The public deduce this moral: The Republican party has no place for i c , reformers and men of sincere and manly character. Prof. - Peter, of .Lexington) Ky., thinks now that the fall of flesh some time ago in that State was simply the result oLxiikind of postprdUdial Ax gorging by a flock of buzzards who MMnf.i.n ? Prf 1 '1.oorrn """" - .. Smith, , hr-referring to this opinion, gravely states that perhaps one of thnonmnU Krf nnrrronp a atrvnh. . .. . . . . Inne V.110" some ouliaSeu iirangerjnimical.to dogs. : ..., .;' ; r Gov. Hendricks' friends in Wash- ingtoh express ; surprise at the piibli- - a T-r-T--.. --:r 'w w r- w" cauon . ip the Baltimore Gazette that i. i. - J n K -c a ; ii.. no uau gneu uit uuuc ui sictwii' ine Democratic nomination for the'Presi- dent v: Thev sav that his nrosnefits j . - . r w .wt-re never brighter " than right now. Blaine anA onlclloe kven Wine Malta not their Hatred. We learn from' Washington! that . Mr. Hoar of Massachusetts brought a mixed company of candidates and their backers together at Wormley's a "few1 days'ago, in the hope of friendly:: intermingling. : Conkling,. Bristow, and Blaine were present, but Morton was laid up. ' The dinner was not particularly cheerful, . be cause it unfortunately happened that Mr. Conkling is not " on speaking terms vfith either Mr. Blaine or Mr. Bristow' "So they could not pledge each ; other, in generous , fellowship, and the patriotic object of Mr. Hoar f died lo satisfy the persons most id terested. ' Moody, the evangelist, will return to- Chicago to dedicate his new church onv J 6e 1; bat; wilt return to the East for the summer. It is a re markable fact j that 'Moody avoids Chicago where' he "gained his first .Iaurels.y,They have Jbuilt a, church fojehimbut a wUl'nbi isTtfy there, and the inference is that, having a periect , Know ledge of ' the Ohicago peOple,"he believes hid time would tie thrown away in any effort to reclaim 1 rr r had been feasting themselves more cnoiy, wnicn occasionally ended in a -eTaTth Ahnndnntlv (kn viwlv nn tho par- 8Pe11 ot intemperate drinking. lie I ver breathe any more, and VEaffrimi has enrea me; aDonaantiy tnan . wisely on trie car- . r . .. r , aneidofeeitothank God an the time there u so Gtfneral Ciister can solace himsjbj atter the recent exhibition of White iioyTae-a)icej wilfi thei-eflection that "his hamels to be perpcetnatd"thr6'ugh lhe thrivmsr town of Cutter !itr -0" atpff 'ifS)wSJ:"iiii .. located ,ilutlWSxM ITItfftSllidrV is il Iriff truth" Jre unmm z A, 1 , What Rlalion Klmmon Told the Ai- v mlsuty. ...... I . v fK Y Sun.1 . "The most eloquent prayer ever addressed to the Legislature of Mas-1 sachusetts, was tne aescripuon oi an invocation once raaae nominally to Heaven by the Rev. Edward Ev- entt. I he centennial prayer or pi- shop Simpson was a remarkable piece of eloquence. He covered a great J deal of ground with fine phrases beautifully arranged. He told (this I was prayer, mind you!) bow thef rn- ntaus were led through -the; deep to land of va8t extent, towering mountains, -broad plains, unnumbered products, and untold treasures ;that J had been veiled from theages and men of mind and rai,ht ;who : . C. i ; no- aHo in hu linnn. I uavc uvuc g1Coi ucmo " i try in laying the broad foundations "t me grana siruciure i r!nm TTo rpminrlorl the AlmifirhtV Ot I - m ;f -d-.hig . grand associates. J3e descanted, i as he addressed the Divinity, upcil pur , labor-saving machinery, . multiplied , . - ; . J ; . ... ..nUU Wioinimnoc QTirl periodicals that are scattered like III veil LIU UK. VillUaUlC ulowlvi'-'-"" leaves over the land.1 'He telrf ot the M. - - - . long labors, anxieties and fficulties of the Centennial commissioners, xie loo ZslZ 1,1 VW , .u,cv,ai,v uereterrea to tne reiauons ot capi- tai and labor. He told of the intel- ligence, purity and enterprise of the women or America, wno, lie men- tinn'pH Frr t.hf first limn in t.hfi liisl.orv of Qur race, take so conspicuous! a -place in a national celebration. And he closed his brilliant prayer by tell- I - 4 1.. A I .-V.A t(Itn n y-v 4- mitt I luS " V.""SU u l,jafc;uo "u ?.0aniry ,osinoMr8.r. M urst to a raw experimentally n was i . , -. -- i " i well lU uc uicuinu ' 1 1 liiio wviui i tuv. i , - .. ; r . - " , , eieotrio parK iroin neaven w ucn nas 8,e Ziraia l.neT ..De PnaKspearej . . . 1 . ;- be not an eloauent praver. wnat is eloquence? ,We have examples of prayer in the boriptures, but it is ev- ident that Bishop Simpson has too ornamental a mind to be able to mo- I del his invocatory style upon theirs, lhe illjrfliery of Ularftlial Ney'a Fate, iCUarleston News. I . i I A curious story is Eroiner the rounds nf ihe Wfsipm itrm tn the fftr'.t. that Marshal Ney was not shot, as history lells UH. but that he came to . . . . , , the U niteu states andlived for many years in the South,1 jwhere he was known as reter atewart JNey. lhe . J . storv is not. a new one. Some time about the vear 1830, a French gen- tlcman, known as Peter Ney; resided in Darlington or Marlboro' . District, in thu btate, and pursued lhe profes- sion'of teaching. Many oldcitizens are still living who were his pupils. Some curious facts are related con- cernmg this gentleman which tend , . . . ., iL to corroborate the suspicion that he may have been the Marshal Ney of the irst .Empire. At the time re ferred to he is said to have been ex ceedingly reticent as to his personal and private history. In conversation, however, he showed a Temarkable fa miliarity with all the events and bat- ties of the Napoleonic wars, and frequently commented upon themr admitting freely that he had taken an active part in them. His martial bearing, style of dress. and the sabre scars upon his head. showed that , he had kuown military service. Jrle is said 'to have been generally reserved and quiet in his riomponnr hut fAnil nf Riuiil rlnt I Dear Sir, I will most cheerfully add my testiwo aemeanor, DU Iona OI a social cnat Dy to the great number yoa have already received With men Of his . ase. At times he in favor of yonr great and good medicine. Veom- relapsed into fits of profound melan- A Al -A I : ' -rV"-" -."7 T I llfll I1IKIH t I '.I 1 1 I I L. I'l.l I HIMHII I. i out On One Occasion, wnen On a Visit I lo Columbia, he attended a military review on horseback, when his dis- tinguished and soldierly bearing at tracted much attention. The story goes that some French travellers, who were in the town at the time, declared very positively that it could be no other than Marshal Ney. This gentleman, moreover, always be- I. t i - i of liew8 connected wlth NapoJ. I . . .. . . . i ieon ln hia exile, and onn flav. Kittincr in his quiet school-room- reading a newspaper, which he had lust ob I . - I t 1 1 . :V? "? "w3 uMppfu worn being examined, was found to con- tain the news of Bonaparte's death. these are the facts as gathered from, some ot those who in their U I A V 1 p T1 XT yuum iiuu uccu pupiiH oi 1 eter rey.-l w nether they warrant the conclusion - w that the account Of the execution of historic fable, -each reader must de- Clde for himself, Chicago Legal News. Rl&ntsor Drawee ana Holder of a Bank Cherk. The opinion of " the Supreme Court of this State, byScptt, C. J. holding Luau nil cio a ucpueiiui UlilWH IHo check on his banker, who has funds tO an equal or greater sum than his nkoilr ; nn.n4 A'i r .i. - SUm named tO the payee, who may sue for and recover thi am mint. frAmM the bank, arid that atransfer 'of check draws with it the title to amount named in the check to eac 8UGCeSSlVe bolder, and Lhat after t.li fihefk has naafid to trio ,,ni1 n( CUetK Jias passed lO ine nanuS Ot- a l)Ona fide-haldeiVUtl 1& not j in the -. f l a , . ,!T power Ot tpe drawer tO countermand u '.(ii;. ' f. ; , au i a ve w a w ui au w -a. ion T co v W w w here ,the skall of . the, v ictinr-4a j lit tle girl wa8"cmicealed.' J The owner xf the bloodhound V3chibit the' aniihai proceed :.-Kilh.4he Ai the re luork 14 irrhaiit 'i -really fMrtSAI. 4 lt.immm :-A inna..iphieh scented tqnm phimney J . , ....... Daniel madoney, ;a '. I The wyois: tonipie Nor. is70, tooct, i875,lf L ,mfa-ii tbfii JJlurrU-i' '..;.; ii,kZZ::Z,lL -A n: ile-t6eDil.to..i.of.'JMie stove A Woman with a Calf Face. Frankfort (Kj'.) Yeoman. ... Wednesday last, a mulatto ' girl dnnh! fane created auite a sensation in the neighborhood 'of Market and Lafayette streets, id this city. From the best view that could be na(i cf her face, it seemed to be a human face with a horrible mask-like COVerinc on the upper portion,1 rep- resemiug very accurately, the front an(j nose 0f a oaif,-- From the, top of the forehead, down to the lower lip, the face was a calf's face, the nostrils" performing the office of the human and oming down on the lower i;n i;ke the UDDer Hd and hose of a ftif Thfi avph wprH three or four inche3 apart, large and very peculiar Sffib ' other parts of rr. i i: j toe person, x ne lower up, uuiu anu i uner jaws were natural human fea- tures, and of the natural size. 1 ine i . .u .. l A .n1f Kl-n - b j v - t - heavy upper lip, joined to the human features belowf gave to the face at ' once a revolting and hideous appear- ance, and the same time excited the most unbounded curiosity. . lhe ne- gro girl who carries this wonderful combination of features is named Frances McClellan. She was raised old, and dives on the farm ot Mrs. Mflri.llan nhnnt. ton mik from this city. ' Her presence on the street aroused Such a degree of , curiosity that she soon determined to ! hide from public gaze, and thus avoid the inquiries that her presence naturally suggested. ller presence in the county seems to have been entirely unknown outside of the neighborhood until she visited this city Wednesday f .,. ,: w .k., iui lire ti ci uiiir. Toiic-wii.inii A' 1 iillUUp iJltJV-'lCIIiHI Wilt BUUII llli , AT.. M . 1 1 ,, 1 1 . iwk i: tr,. handbUU as tho womle f ul"womail with a calf8 face. sa Traced v i a w.i .in." serenade. Friday uieht a party of vounz men gave Mrs. Sturman, 'recently. married, a serenade at -Dahle'reen. Hamilton county, . 111. Sturman ordered the party off, but. they not leaving at once, he hred into them with a gun, killing Willis Lowery and wounding 13ud Burton and Frank Taylor. All the parties are highly respectable, Vvung Sturman being a son of Judge Sturman, one of the: most prominent citizens. -or tne county Kent Ifork'n Hel'ortned tiovemor Kn- Uortetl lor I lie frrsSdeticy . i ,..., i.-, r Detroit, May ' J 13. 1 ntJ n,s" I'emoorauo county Con- veil lion in Michigan to express a pre- ferenee for Presidential candidates' was that at Kalamazoo to day. which by resolution endorsed Tildeti, and ciiose delegates to the State Conven tion, seven of whom I favor Tilden, one Hendricks. Klystery Solved ! The Great Secret of the Wonderful SUCCESS OF VEGETINE. It strikes at the root of disease hv Tnrlfv1nr tho blooa, restoring the liver and kidney to healthy ac tion, invigorating ine nervous iiyetem. RELIABLE EVIDENCE. Mk. h. r. stivers : SefforVwaStro 1 -m . t r gooa a meoicine as VeTK, and Ialeo think it one. or tne Dest medicines for coughs and weak vs. niu wvog lucuibiiico IUI WUUD BUU sinkiBg feelings at the stomach, and advise every V I A A.S IT . . .. bTy tf SS; ?ormS S2n one of the be8t medicines that ever was tnem it is MRS. L. OOKR. Comer Magazine and Walnut sts. Cambridge, Mass. Thousands Spekk. .uniu0 avauumcwecu auu (cvumijjeubeu uy n:aun. r r. r " fienort from a Practical Chemist and ApoJiecaxy. . Boston, Jan i, 1874. rtar Sir: Thi is to ceM l?v that I have Fo'd t. rn. tall 154 1-3 1oz-n (lb52 bottles) of yoarVaoBTiNE luce April 12, 1870 anfl can truly my it has given I I i s . ..... . .-v.v.. vi uij icuicu lUr U. 'Ill I P'"""' ior wnicnuisrecominenaed that I ever sold. I I iI"iri"l I V n fill v nUIhlUD Ulll -n onmn nM , v er, TtesLlf v ni'tSTxl m'&1ZiZ IV FX: fr,ieiule-, fan Perfectly cogniaant of everl cases y p AoTTxrAv I " 468 Broadway. 10 n. n, a i ft VftiNa, esq VECETIWE WU1 Cleanse Scrofula from the System. I HONEST OPINION, Mb. h. r. stevkns : . l learSir Thin is to show that mv n tai.n in large sores and ulcers on his legs and hip. His leg ?!$ gJJl&A1. Hi' I great blood remedy : and he had taken it hntn. nWt I time before we could see a great change. The sores I rap so had thdt we hull tn rhintm th r 1 "ve"1" nlLfcew getting better, for he could move his limbs and help himself a liltle. He wassoonaWetosit npiabed.and, by constant use ui y own i m a h, -m curpu nijp. $ nas a lame 1' lejr, which he will probably have for life; bnt'we all honestly believe.it e had used VKGitTINB before i .w.ir nun HiucniiuLtuii, iiwuuhi uavesavea I ' r "pu m' mcu wwi uia win react ulia I f h,-. i ICi.r j , . - , j iv i icninn : i inftp mtnwti Maaa ' I " i uiM.(,i,: jwt i , i jvwui; o 7ft f? "f Aff .Mjg'BlfS.ll.ji ; mh l-D&Tm the fijen-two from Boston aud thrse from Charlestown I Topics of the Time" for healthy opinion: "The I uauDCTciftmuuurs u unfiiann n(r in thmr nrnfoa. r uunuvu auu tuuoi iduicm. , imr rpaAra movMnb a . : I 7n"uv. gvMmg wtit mutu. xi v wao vuiigea to lie I v.mvi mi pure ccuumeni;' uomeand the I wherever he was placed, for he had no use of hi Society" ler graceful economy : "Gnltnre and Pm. i limbs whatever. Wheu we had given upall hopes pess" for criticism; "lhe World's Woik" for in- HOW pmpOSea JtO, if?5K!W'rorongto cleansing effects of i to parties who wish them to complete sets at n'rrfifriHe iliP K i J - ir??M! fcA,cibttir 0ff; half moroccd, $3 08.: Pt; pMiolli J Zl&Zzte: ase5 t,tfl$y&iiBv ii-r -t. ..... L a-r.S"th m mA -r,;,:Jl .Z.TS I 77 f rft j l"S-wyafwtiaier,.t sender's MISCELLANEOUS. -TilE- v Baltimore andWilmingtbn STEAMERS Will Hereafter:: Sail FROM EACH PORT Every Five (5) Days, Tlie Simmer or Dull Business Season. . T. T T T3a1at pteaHlSJlip JJ. d. Ji Oiey. Baltimore, Thursday, May 18th. gffaTYl cabin Palpicrh n P V"-AAlf t ay1B1f. P WIlmlngtonThursday, May 181b. On or before theeptaing of the FALL TRADE the Regular 8SMI-WEEKLY Sailing Days willle resumed, and Shippers may rely upon sailing as ad vertized. A. I. CAZAUX, Aseitt. WILMINGTON. N.C. EDWIN FITZGERALD, General Agent, my !6-tf - ': 5D South Street, Baltimore, Md. 6 Damage. It is Perfectly Safe .". '. AND Eminently Proper to UUY . FAMILY GROCERIES FRom us, i BECAUSE WB ALWAYS HAVE IN STOCK The Greatest Variety, The Best Goods, The Lowest Prices, AXD WE GUARANTEE AS HERETOFORE PO LITE ATTENTION TO ALL. J-0R1BRS PROMPTLY FILLED FOR ALL. CIIAS. 1. 91TEK & CO. my 1 l-ttD&W 5 and 7 North Freiit Street. Largest Stock in the City ! S F LRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI V. CINES, FANlY ARTICLES, CIGARS, TOBACCO, OriUM, MORPHINE, VEUETINK, QUININE, HAIR & lOOTU BRUSUES, Ac. CALL AND IX AMINE MY STOCK ! tSf OPEN EVERY SUNDAY FOR THE PUB- ' 1 LIC BENEFIT. JOHN K. McILHENNY, N. E. cor. market and Front Sts. my7-tf j Three EeiarMe Serial' Stories Br AMERICAN WKITERS. "GABRIEL CONROY" TSy BRET HAUTE, Of which the Boston Tost says: "It is a serial that will make every new number of Bcribnkb's eagerly sought lor, u it had nothing else to recom mend it" The Canadian Illustrated Kews nredicta that " we nave iouna at last me American novel, The Louisville Courier-Journal savs: "The secoDd Installment Is even stronger than the ifirat, W ti l.i..r1n i . . T i. it 1 1 n ... PHILIP NO L Alt 'S FRIENDS, By EDWARD JfiVERETTHALK. This is an historical romance. The wpne la tm in the southwest, at a time when that territory was A W . L T. ... . " uret opuuieu, fcun c rencn, ana men American, and when war was imminent, to obtain the control of the month of the Mississippi. It is likelv to be the , great romance of the Mississippi Valley, as Gabrih. That Lass o'lowrie's," - j - - By FANNY HODGSON BURNETT. The friends of " PcRnmuR" who hv mu "n.i Tim's Trouble," "One Day at Arle," "The Fire at uraniiey mius." ana etners of Mrs. Bnrnott'n ahnrt stories, will not need t be assured that thev h&v ioic urea, ueiuru kukux. i oe scene oi me new novel. . . . 1 m 1 . ... is mm in an ungnsn mining town, ana from the first page route jasiiiw interest is nnnaggtng. i Aiuuus wuer uutauie papers we mention tne fol lowing: A Second "Fahkkb's Vacation." by Col. Georee K. Warins. descrrotivn nf n.i.n.t ride of two hundred and fifty miles, in one of the most fertile and interesting-of the vine-growing J i r a . II 9. w... tccu UJ LU6 OIU1' aarf -jraveier, out iuuoi inrerest, in it social and in da trial aspects. A rare collection of Revolutionary Letters A SERIES OF ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES ON AMERICAN COLLEGES. Union, Bowdtoin, Trinity, and other typical intitu tions of the country, Jbaegantly Ulu6trated articles : OLD NEW YORK, , lustrated papers on American Cltina. .c rrk ,i . 1 . . . .. T . will remain in the hands of Dr. Holland, wno .i??. editorials upon current 9 control ana airecuon or the Maga- Decent pleasantry. ;vSobibsb's Montdlt is now recognized, both in thin cnnn.tr v an ri in Kmlxn.l a i,Q . ' . 1 tative American Magazine. . , ... Encouraged by the favor accorded to it W a pen- eu public, weshaU aim; iur,tog the Oentenaial J"5 At wpe lormer acnieveiuentg in both its Urajy and Art depargAts.'-' , rB ' " ; ; , Scrwnbb is siijd by aft FlrstClags Bdokiellers pnp-jvjvnytB, t i) i j rji! nnnnn in miirA'inj ath . w. . , oo. miuuu in unii moroenn. an imi nun. vrvnrtia tn iv The Series includes William and Mary, Harvard. Yalr, Michigan State University, vt'esleyan Lni versity. Amherst Agricultural :rn D k. o 9 m CD o frH 03 r4 P3 We liave Jiandled the Acme WhisMes for Years, and liavo ai - Avays found theni uniform and satisfactory Give tnem a trial. . mh24-2m j MISCELLANEOUS. TOLLER'S FINK I I ENGLISH i ! 1 Breech - Loading Guns. We have for many years, with great success, made a specialty of building Fine Breech-Loading Onus to the special instructions of individual ; sportsmen Making for a large and select trade enables us to give greater care and attention to the fitting, shoot ing and general finish of our Guns than can be given to thoje Guns bought by the retail trade from manntacturers wno produce for a general marnet. We solicit the patronage of those sportsmen who are judges or Fine Guns and who know the impor tance 01 naviug their uuns made to fit tnem. We are prepared to accept orders to build Guns of any weight, gauge, proportion or 6tyle. BRAND. rRICX. PIONEER $65 Gold. TOLLEY 90 " STANDARD 115 " NATIONAL. 140 " CHALLENGE. 180 " PAKAGON 325 " Full Illustrated particulars with references and instructions for self measurement forwarded oa ap plication. J. & VV. TOLLEY, branch Office, 29 Maiden Lane, New York. Mannfaciory, Pioneer Works, liirmiusham, Eng. dec 14-ifcVV tr SHARPS Mi ETALLIC CARTKIDGtt, MILITARY, HUNT INGAND "CKEEDMOOll" RIFLES EXCEL ALL OTHKHS IN ACCU RACY, STRENGTH AND SAKE) Y. j No Premature Discharge Ever Occurs. Every Rifle warranted a good shooter. Calibre 40, 44 and 5(1-100 of an inch, and of any desired length. Charge or powder from 50 to 105 grains. Weight of balls from 2$) to 540 grains. Stock, plain; also Pistol grip and checked, bights: plain; Globe and Peep Sights; Yernier with interchangeable front eights and Wind-gange. Every variety of am munition for above gnns, constantly on hand. Prices from $30 to $125. SHARPS RIFLE COMPANY, sept 21-D&Wtf Hartford, Conn. ROD $c GUfM, LATE THE AMERICAS SPORTSMAN, A SIXTEEN PA GE PAPER. DEDICATED To Shootmg, Fishins and MM History. SCIENCE, AMUSEMENT, ADVENTURE AND Field Sport articles by the Fibst Scientists & Sportsmen of America. PRICE, $1.00. 3 Months. $i.00. 6 Months. $4 Yearly. Send stamp for specimen copy to ROD & GUN. April6-tf 5 SI Park Row, New York 1872. 1876. The ROANOKE NEWS. PRICE REDUCED FOR THE CENTENNIAL YEAR MeMM Scii-f eetly Newspaper, ' ' DEVOTED TO politics, literature, Agricul ture and NEWS. Circulation Large and Daily Increasing NOW- ia THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. ; It circulates tn;ThJrty-two Counties in Eastern and Middle North Caiolina and Soutn-Side Virginia, ADVBfcTISKRS WILL- KKAiBMBKR TttlS.: Subscription Price, in Advance, (3 per year. ' Send for sample copy to ' . , : MANNING BROS-Proprietors, mhll-tf ' Weldon, N. C. Look to Your Interest. Adyertising is a ProfitaMe Inyestient , The Kershaw G-azette OFFERS TO THE MERCHANTS OF WIL mington and elsewhere, superior inducements to advertise their business in, its columns. Having a a large and rabidly increasing circulatien throughout one of the wealthiest sections on the Wateree river, it is considered a most Valuable Advertising Medium. Advertisers who desire to reach purchasers should advertise in the GAZETTE. It Is publishedln Camden, Kershaw Co., S. C, ! at the head of navigation on the Wateree river, at tt a year, always in advance. ; - For terms of advertising, &c. address FRANK P. BEARD. Ed. & ProD'r. novS6-tf Camden. S. C, The Morning Clarion, v A WIDE-AWAKK . . DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER, OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. u0ne copy one year, M ; six months, $1 25 : thi ee months, 80 cts ; ene month, 5 eta. . " .Its- slosan ia Reform. T?e Home Rule, Honest an st and Capable Men for Office.' Ji The CLARION Is a good advertising medium. Rates low. Sample free. Send for one. -s apS;-tr i , PUBLISHED EVERT TUESDAY MQRNIN A DVERTrssariNi-ri 'Inserted at low lished to-ttajounte, snd having, a lire Tlreulffi ttistipiiy.VmricOTsiderabM tiJLyiM? -vi ..i.v 2 is-- 5 & 1$ ii ADR1AS & TOLLERS. INSURANCE.1 JtM.4 Fire and Lift lnsuranc& 'MMM Heprcseu iluer oyer $62,000,000 Assets p-OFFICE Commercial Exchange ' Building, North Water Street ' " ' " reb25-tf 1 PIEDMONT & AEXINGTON Iiife Insurance Company Of Richmond, Virginia. Over 22,300 Policies Issued, Annual Income Over $1,500,000 Progrpssire ! Prosperous ! Prompt ! SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL LOSSES, SECURE INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESERVE, AND GOOD SURPLUS Premiums Cask, Policies Liberal, Annual Division of Surplus. t; AETHUR J. HILL; Jr., Agent Office for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood. Medl cal Examiner, on Market street, two doors west of Green & Planner's drug store, Wilmington, N. C. September 2-tf A Card. 1L -AVING TAKEN MV BROTHER. W. J. OOR. 3)ON, into partnership with me, we will from this date conduct a GENERAL INSURANCE BUSI NESS, under the style of JOHN W. GORDON & UKUlimii. - JOHN W. GORDON. Having this day formed a partner. SHIP with ray brother and late employer, JOHN W. GORDON, under the firm and style f JOHN W. GORDON A BRO., for the prosecution of the GENERAL INfcURANCK BUSINESS, I take this method of informing my friends and the public ge nerally, that I shall continue to take nleasnre in waiting upon them at our Office, No. 24 North Wa ter Direet. , W. J. GORDON, my 4-tf - INS URANCE ROOMS . . ' OF . . ' Atkinson & Maiiing. $70,000,600 Assets Represented. FIRE. Ins. Co. of North America. .Philadelphia. .Tflnr "Vftrlr Phenix Insurance Company. Continental Insurance Co New York. " a. onuBa oc mercantile ine. Co .London. Hartford Fire Ins. Company Hartford. National Fire Ins. Company. ..... Hartford. . Springfield F. & M, Ibs..Co. .Massachusetts, ItlARlNK. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co. . . . . . .New York Ins. Co. of North America. . . . .Philadelphia., ; . LIFE. Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co,.. .Hartford. March 9-tf ' JgNCOURAGE HOMB INSTrTUTIONS. ..Security against Fire. " t THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME KSSlttlAafCE COMPAN1, , RALEIGH, N. C This Company continues to write Policies, at fair rates, on all classes of insurable property 8M8.re Promptly adjusted and paid. The HOME Ib rapidly growing in public favor, and, P. confidence, to uisurersof property in f&ZPteiniM Patts ef the State. K. H. BATTLE, Jr., President. C. a ROOT, Vice President .' BEATON GALES, Secretary. uiuiDxu w jruut, supervisor. AXiijjxsujM MANN ING. Asshts. ' anzl-tf WUmlngton. N. C. " Bank of New Hanover AHthorlzed Capi tai r$i,XOq,OOd; Caj.li lf 'pail jit ,'$300,000. f A Surplus Fund; DIR. EC1 ORS JOHN DAWSON . D. R. MURCHISON DONALD MoRAB H.V0LLERS R. R. BRIDGERS J. W. ATKINSON C. M. STEDMAN , L B., GRAINGER JAS. A. LEAK. ; . B. F. LITTLE E. B. BORDEN : ' M. WEDDELL. . , '!.' . -. L B. GRAINGER trident" S.D. Waixack. Cashier; ' J ' angSO-tf Iflf SNHDMlECMOiDlB" sHOT'Gixir;:: Prices, $5Q OO to 250 00. MUZZLE L OADING 1 G UtfS v. -' . . - :- ,:.tH '. ' ALTERED TO BREEOH-LOADINo!. ':'''3i.",,5.MArlUB;1',)1: i- .214 West Pratt 8treet, R. r.. ., , .L. 1 . '.. Baltimore, ' Itimor awuKn 'dec 21 D&WU ai-CoWor'sOfficei -"-f r HlNOf Kit-COUNTY, April 'M imu- pAX-PAYERs; tf HO? HAVE NQT SETTLED ItbielrCUUNTYirAXES la fttO for fee mrl87ff are hereby notified to come forward at once and uv. the glance of Onunty Tax dne, the alleetionY .i which, was.restrained by injunctton,;. I . . " I It such balance la not, -paid ce l not, -paid iby Q& : FIRST :D AY Une property will be levied o a. Id according fo mMyt FT TaxCoUctor. . - ; ; 1 . t Boys and middle' AlT Pit KTsntJ:..,. sncfie6fuUtaxt4n..Busine8s Life at Es m,,V-r? lege, l he oldest, largest and only Lsthn, " n01' cives an Actual. Business .Practice. toS Merchandise need have a real value Ka,'h i transactions based on quotations of n2 vy',9 Market. New Buildinss. RtA w ".wk assisted "to sitaationa. Aunllmnto , week day. Refer to Patrens and n 7X. ay ly every city and town. Address for part ill Zr: :ata!ogne of 8,000 Graduates in Buue na?d isastmais, luu., PoughkeeDsie, N. y. u- Q1Q aay-at home. Agents wanted 9 1 A and terms free. TRUE & co i2m.fit Maine. ;,- , -"suew. 7 FREE TinifPT . m M m m m mm " -M whu il t, i i i u it 'Sanypomt in U.S. eastef VtLtTl so ad. . I M mA Am ;v "T, vnoandst rounds) rr. vaaum umf easily earned canvassing for our paper, pictures, Anybody canSJ.;? Particulars .. SenddrenftcaMlt-. Toreoeivaoopyofpaperalso,8eiid6cts. Ai Idtess Tm IiiusTKAXED Weekly PER WEEK GUARANTEES akciiu), jnniu miu jp rmaie, in their ni. locality. ; Terms and OU I FIT VP?,? Address P. O. V1CKERY & Co., Augusta, M CJC TO CJOA per day at home. Samples worth 1 ifrO $ZJ free. Stmsqk & Co., Portland. H MINP HEADING, PSTCHOMANrv . Fascination, Monl.oiiarmlnc.iiipV merlsm, and, marriage ftatde, nlT how either sex may fascinate and gain the loX a3 affection of auy person thev choose inftantlvf pages. - By mall 50 cents. HUNT & CO., 13j etreetPhiladelphia.; : .,WJj,,,h THE ;' BESt FAMILY MBDHIT T J'Bted by popnlarusefor over I "" A Quarter or a Century. 1 DR. ' STRONG'S "- eOMPOUND SANATliif PILLS enre Constipation, Biliousness, Liver ( In plaint. Malarial Fevers, Rhenmatism, Eiyircll!' and all diseases requiring an active butf mild purl.' live. DR. STRONG'S PECTORAL STOMAHI PH h cure Oonshs- Cords, 'Fevers, Female Complain! Sick Headache. .Dyspepsia, and all of the Stomach. C. E. HULL & CO., New Yorl 4 (uijiicumb.: ; .v ,. .. ; ...... .. in RELIGIOUS and AGRl(3t;LTUltA(l WKKSLI1CS II A LK-FllUIli' c.i , ... Catalogue on the LIST PLAN, For information 1 address ap 22-4w 4t Pakk R0W4 New Y CBS. E 0 IT H L Y L E duor -ru rJLj.oiiji.il. A -splendid new novel hv Mbb. Mabt J. Bocves, whpse other works Hrereaii R EGO RDtt YEAR JUST READY. The second number (Man this wonderfully popular monthly niaonvinpai, ,n ary of important events and current mi cell my. A capital number, full of the choicest readiiiu matter. auu. a tupero eieet ponrau or jnoouy, the g- eaj Ke vivalist. Price, 50 cent. G. W. CARLETON & CO.. Pu Wishere, ap lWwD&W - Madison !? quaro, New ort mor 4H DfliTiwnnryn LEXINGTON ST. UALI llflUilL.lflL, I: ! Correspondl)irect If yon want true bottom figured and save a con siderable per centage iu the purchase of FINIS PI ANOS AND ORGANS, TRY IT ! . If you wish to Purchase You will get any reasonable guarantee to insure you, that Pianos purchased of this Houec AKK BOIiai . s IF NOT SUPERIOR TO "THE MOST fcoTED f MAKE KNOWN; "Unpurchased" competent jadgca wuuuaveneaxn em, pronounce tnem , Superior Pianos Thev have SEVEN T falsa 7n DfrrAVKS. FINK TONE and TOUCH, OVRRSTRUNa-BASS, FULL IROS FRAME, THE AGRAlf FECARVED LK0S. LYRE, &c fc. . jsl-i ... They are beautiful, durahlef n 1 wear well. Sold at very reasonable prices, and At Special Inducements if negotiated for direct to this House. Fully Warranted. Address ' J. F. RUECKERT, 414 Lexington St., Raliiiuore, Nd. ! ap 23-tf MortgageSale JJ virtue of the power contained in a Mortgage executed to me by John A. Taylor and wife, dattd M June. 8, and registered in Book "W. WT"' pge 447vRecoids of Jtew Hanover County, I will fore close said mortgage by a ealeflhe premises there in con veyed. ai'tiblic. Auction, at fcxermnke Cor ner, in the Cly of Wilmingtpn, on the 81'H LAY JULY , N bXT at li o'clock. M. i S.ifd niorigaged premises are the well known RE SIDENCE of tne late daid John A Tavlor. situate on Market Street, in this city and running thn,oU to PrincebS Street. lerms c asn. DAVID G. WORTH. ap 7-9 d, 1 ! THE STAR, Published At JUarioH, S. C $3 a Year In Advance, - Offers the , followinsr liberal nrmainms tiT inb- criberB: , , , iAr HANDSOME ENGRAVING jOSTx 14 in.) single anbcribtro ' . ' ' r ,AN EXT M A COP"? OF THE STAR for one year to any one who will send a Club of Five subscribers, and an Engraving to each membt r.of the Club. A LADY'S MOROCCO SATCHEL!. OK SBTOr Gpm,BTUDSfeach valued air 7 60, to auy one sending aXJinb of Fifteen. TEN DOLLARS IN GOLD for a club of twentr five. -:- TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS IN GREENBACKS for a Club of Fifty. FIFTY UOI.I. a rs ' Tti OlIT.TJ fnr a Olnh of One .Hundred. . .. ... A KLBGANT' FAMILY SEWING MACUJJN. Wilcox & Gihha, worth $80 for a Club of One Hon re W4 FJft,, . : , . With a littie energy and enterprise, some lady 61 eentleman in every neighborhood might get one 01 more of the handsome premiums tiered. Premiums promptly paid on receipt of names ac comvtoied hjtae eaabj' . : - ' lifiT may be remitted by draft. Post Office order, or in registered letter at onr risk. , Address all letters t ' - ' i 1 ' - w .1" lurnirm? a t t.. Editor. dec!5-tf- .f:;i:i, ,u nir ;.ft,;-..-; ; Mitfiw. s- cl. ill Hominy. .'i'iC 1" BSif MORE , OF THAT" SUPERIOR SUSTIN: -FRESII 'FROM THE MILL. ; ,it BiroRi. CROW & c. y'' ap Kt-tf 0tirt'h:' f-f Agents for the Wfl XXT KDDDh, ,CAJUr AND. yiSlTINO CAts j V printed In the most elegant style, at :-a-rv;t -.ifliuiu'vrt vt wiC'Hi 1feitN wi'S PritrM:an4PiibliWn?Ho, ADVERTISiriJG rtf Superior 6