' ' : . ,. .- i - 1 1 a -g.jamj , . : . . NEW "At)VJ2flTISEMENTSJ iDft OOfttlltXiT GtolT. ft SU'mUi rf. WIS. II. BEBNARD, CICERO W. UABBIS, Editors., ; I Tuesday Moening, May 23,"i876. TUB POSITION OF THE SOUTH ON TIIK FUESIDENCY QUESTION. Foreseeing that irreparable dam- a?e would ensuo to ) the Democratic party from by the South nomination in June, we have in several articles urgeu tne poucy 01 non-iniervenuu... For the most part this is the expres wm malte;a formidable rival of Tii sion of Southern newspapers of the; ,-v; iWi'ii:?TAv'riffnr - - ; . '."I tvonservauve pany. is ue rcai i i ? . . . It is the real leeuDg ouuB peopw iuou, l'; " few puriAIs some of them eaitea with conspicuous ability-we regret to see pursuing a course which tends inevitably to distraction in the party counsels, perhaps to an nltimate weak nomination. Our friend of the Char" lotte Observer i not one ; of . these. The Observer says, under the head of "The . South. .Cannot be the :.- , -IU ..-. v Choosen' "The Wilmington Stab comes out in some rewDto kee1 sensible remarks and advises the boutuern fiiiPrp0ipnHiiciin.iMRtawiinafi claims I wm ged bto I lo the reahty,; revolting though : it. may he. tliat instead of .7 being choosers we , are" .at best only beggars, and mast make the best iut of what is proffered us. The' South will be pretty much a uint for any candi- u:iie me jxortu preiers, ana - v both ill-timed and unwise in the and Petersburg papers to exhibit zeal on the subject at this particular iunc . . T f . r XT u Hire m nuairs. u a niajuruv 01 uic ixnuu- cru States declare in. their primary con ven- lions, an it seems probably , they, will do, that Tlluon is.an acceptable man, th6v it is th fbitv f ihft youth to wheel into Hie line" and give him her hearty . and zealous sup port. We of the reconstructed'States must he t-xveediri. ly cautious how and where we step, for we may stumble upon a torpedo Ht any moment which will blow us into atoms. We are going in to Win and not to irritate or arouse the-already too hitler hatred and euvy existing at the North, even among that, class, who. earnestly detire to we a change of the Administration. : With a view to that end, we sincerely' hope ' that uo Southern fttte will'send instructed dele gates to the National Democratic Conven tion at SL Louis." : No instruction! - Let every South ern State have a free, unpledged del egation that, can cast its ballot for the strongest man. And no manu facture of sentiment in favor of any body! . As ihe -Observer says, and as SaS.a jastified in ..reat.ng t.,o ! riC a,ry tl.re f.A.ft f' 5S8f eral election, we must reconcile ourselves policy; If she can say, VUnk iUapr yotftvof .the United, ,btatesi for the i . . v f .Thnrraaifand Tilden. " a i kiii. - aii il. ia HumiLrcu uu an uauuo mc i iul. isu.isjv.it a vviivi w..v ti om l n 5i t fr l in jtiat dtu iiiriii . im wouiu i - . . . . i . , ; . .i i ; 1 we have said before, if a majority at The New York TFosays that cratiS party in the pending presiden the North are for Tilden, Tilden is I the .wandering street pedler is deluding I jaj contest my estimate of the popu the man. Our duty is to accept, not ffi rlsh'orSoTist lar sentiment in North Cardinals choose, either Tilden, Hancock Bay- I to have .the . finest opportuni- ties for carrying j the election. Heister Clymer is reported upon general opinion in the State. Ninety Out of the number of able and ,,er- nine men out of a hundred there, if 11 n w-..:t.i i. j t - i l have . been pressed for the nomina tion, cannot the tSeonle's favorWbe -r. , T named? If noti"thenthe ranks of the Democratic party ought sure ly to contain such a person.' The difficulty in the way of a choice is in the feud between the Ohio and tb New York Democracy to . which the South must not become a party- We find prominent journals like the Bat XjiigsemzHig sub;intejnpe . rate remarks as these on the action of the. Ohio Convention: V ' "The-tauatics went back on all that the Democracy has gained in the past three years.5 1 The -party las won some prestige as thief figbtersr- so -the Ohio-Democrats ..- elect MrGeorge 11. Pendleton t0k preside. . It has earned some. cfediffradhesioq; to nieassures .looking .to specie .payment, so they, dtMare!;fJ..theiragibljy. , It has : guiueusome influence by its oemand for 4 a higher order , of gtatesmacsbip, so they nominate. Did BUI Allen, who is a 'war lKr8e andOId.Koman of the worst type. ' Nothihgtcan bd "done with these people., It is idle to appeal to the knobs on which iiiiu ivhi r nf ir iihiu ana nn iv ntinv t r rrv ia In nmnilmlP and riisnvnm Hwm no Momn. crats, and put them in quarantine. L-.- Pass -r , w .u.u around : the bat for Coatribulions to pur chase disinfectants,"; f , ; - If Mr. Allen's friends committed a blunder, what will yon call this ? No; this sectional business t is all wrong." The ' nomination should be irrespective of gectiott," except so far as securing votes is concerned. If , i. He a ty to elect a President, let the West yield the nomination to thatsection. ItiseVhapnatural for New York ...i - - . ....... ,, ... to rm htins as 8he H028- We may not wish to indaige her in thern but If Bhecanive wsnrancepf all she claims. The question is, can she assure ;yictdry? n" J The'lEasleln candida2el who ara mean who have been talkqd.of much, are Tilden ftn4 Hancock. Tildencattl probably ' cairfy (Ne w York better, think Vr,nnr. riianr, nvL mani'onH ;hi Knfl'nrr k ',t "J ;he nalgthan witb; WW Ff W.'WM V . MIOVHilQM, 4. a 114 them. ; ,11 aucock, luiglit . carry: I'erin - tarry itahanj Tilden, TiWencwould fSt bestrorin-N 4;nA if fmf armtv: i nrr. TTnV more certain to carry the State than UanCOCK. . LnvUVo Who NVidia therein . "Newi iiui iuo cob ....... vis, who is endorsed aa a thorough t. u . nn.'v.A wr nrnminant. I ft 0 ----- - w . large-intellectual and pbysicaKpro I portiops,. it would ' seem Jhat Judge Dvis 'would make a good1 enough ; ..-...-..-- p.aniimaiB. as uh wuu u osguiwn i ' ' ...r .i,;ff .,11 make a creditable 1 resident.vilo Jimosities Which have been encrendered understood, to ; bo a ! tnodefato hard j payig 'then if i he Vis pushed nregent Btate of the popular mind 4CU 1UJ HIB UUiUluaMUU, w uutv - i ,p ,t.a .g.p I Going back to our starting Thpro R,inn1(1 hn manifested at St.! rn?a w tiifl Snnthprn delegates no ... ... .i . favoritism ior mis. or xnai canuiuaic, i or l,n. of polioy o issues that am utumwi ri.vj, , f dividingtbe party.?, A dose,;Observ. ant, strictly impartial t attitude will be found to have beeiV th6 sensible1 fMntr whfli. c pfit on. dav arrives. I .-I u'.' .Jlli" J"1' wA uau uCU . . ua. . . ! -fr anrt iast must make the nomination,-1 If the South can help these sections I ' to laV aalde their . rivalries;. and -tnu: t. Vt : .: :. :3 : u v.-? 1 aisles ana 8 policy cock and Hendricks, or Tilden and Palrher.' and have her advice; fol lowed, 'lluii will he be en we.tbfnk it to the praises of 'all as the timely publicans to put our parly on the de St'SuS peace-maker. If , the South can- fensive from the start, as it has done )it so mucn r- , , 1 r lor the past twelve years, ;.and tliey not effectively play the role pf : pa- ... -v. . , rr m -l ciflcator, let "lier-liojd ontil the honr of extremity arrives, and . be , - . , t- , , prepared: with the lights before her to do what ' i wisest and Safest both for the. Democratic party and the country. . !rAK-llJT. The income ' of James Gordon Bennett, of the New York Herald, ia csti- mated at fS.SOOjper day ; ' The Fredericksburg St.tr says Gen. FitZ Lee, Jin . cousequeqce .of other pressing engagements, has been compelled to decline the command of the Southern battalion "Centennial Legion." - ti, xrm vi 7!;a a Washington dispatch "A Triumph for Blaine, CoL Scott Clears him Completely' I It is now iu order for somebody to step I ' " oK-iLMxtm, salt of mercury which, when rubbed upon I worn piaie, imparls 10 it a unei argent i gloSS, but it comes Off in the SOUP Or the 1 pudding, ana salivates the lamuy. ; fo'-' "to"'"'" MAW MM M.W gated outrage. : Mr. Panforth, a Republi-1 con mnmher iIia finmn rommiiti r.nh- I licly says that nothing has been proved. . f -I This, iri connection with a long correspond dence from Washingt on in the . World; backed up by an editorial vindicating Pen dleton, is significant,"- The"W5K? has here tofore been hostile tarendleton. ; THEPBEHDENCr. News and Vlewn-The Creat. Strpesle : an Seen from a Variety of Standpoints Col. Waddell Expresses Illmaelf. THE SITUATION AS , VIEWEP BY HON. FERNANDO WOOD, OF NEW YOUR. 1 Baltimore Gazette f Hon. Fernando Wood, of 7 New I York, at first, with some hesitancy, but great views:. a nave.very. nine .aouDt.ot people of this conntry will continue the Kepublican party in" power, as 'it m8 ouuwii ouviu nicaptiij anu pro- fligacy. Therefore, 1 assume it is i.ni.nV.nl.U (U.l it. " III 1' .' " rT" MI .r WV e a . ... -i ... w I u ...v. v.,.vui wis I j . ; rrt " next administration. There is a eren eral demand, for change of party and administrative policy. I think the general derangement, of all the in dustrial' arrangements of the country and the depressidn of every branch ot trade are directly traceable to the conduct of the Partv. in bower. Not withstanding tbe many follies Ameri- TT"7, commit , there is a strong ein of common sense ly ing at the ouiidltion!of nr social organization,- and disgusted, doubtless; as, -manyiire, by the macbinaUons and selS-hness of poli- tioians, this common sense will assert itself at the polls in demanding 1 an procuring a radical change of governi FWtWPtendi pauses to those which now exist have prolac44: tfif.'iiTWulU' w.icb'i'aotici' Patri in hi8 ase- Whilst I do not tion, withvreferene tour candidate, : Witt)tbdiife0ia3r'iV'iJi dftbfakip: organization pf the democratic party,; whicji ilV.Xfmm iUtinder -.all ' I m - . Ml .VirciwwUnWflel tePoroinate witr, reierte lo tb inj 1 'fluence8ntf-.Sr94ccg-.wiriclrKr- in a moment, ireeiy and with f nominated -a defeated candidate on 1 ing the issue at this time in this light, franknssOhiis expressed his the same old platform, is one of the I we are compelled to give it as our the success .of . the Democratic .party I this without intending to express any far manifested raore in the approaching national contest. 1 opinion of Governor Allen's ability different sections, I do not deem it possible that the or fitness for the "P nvinrr m-ira nnrnpra wnnui uh t York is 'debatable ground: roim- I callv it swings like the peridulum iof I rJnflVvfmmne eitrami to the I twenly to tiftv tnousana majority, i in And affa-n at tne e large a majority the other way. However strong we may tie attached 4 to our-leading "Btatesmenrcandor- compels ! me 10 'aamitinair'iuoani-si . . . . ... .1 . . 1 - ,i!T by their participation with the inter- candidate one whpse'ipublioi and pn- oofa Hfo io Kairvt1 imrnanh nrt who I will recognize the organization' and united South again.iuThe people will the.platforni if;the Democratic party despair about; jfederal politics and de as laid dowain that CoriventiouVSve vote themselves l exclusively -to their; can , do . better with him if : he.lives I nntfiifin of TJsnr "Vork than, if s he TB-l f sides within 1 the State. " If the West Ao.inJti. ..n ,,uv o Iraniiamnn T will I ' xt xr: tn,..'.nifn I ensure, miu,xytjw iuiK uY WYci incuij thousand majority, nator Bayard of.hvla foBH nff o we 1' " lie 19 hiofh. loue( witb , a personal.: and public jfg wjthQt Vblepjishi; and would b as: strong at any olhect Eastern .- raan wno -cwuiu oe namei. u ' H say or him tnat he comes; imm a small State: as such a man as he be- ion?s tQ the whole-country. "In conclusion, 1? would say that if Vre degree , oi unanimity tne name oi Judge pavjd DaWs, and be should be reason that while he is a: thorough Democrat in line with the Democral- ' , l ie' partv, he is thoroughly unassaila litled I ble. V It will be the policy" of the Ile- have whipped us on that line of fight. They cannot do that against. Davis. I claim to be a Bourbon, a Bourbon straight. Tli ere is not an i' that I have not dotted nor a.V that I have not crossed in the Democratic alpha bet. ' I entered this House in 1840, thirty six years ago, and I have never wavered nor' never "hesitated. ' As such a . Democrat Davis is entirely acceptable to me and: those ;I repre sent. In saung this I mean no dis paragement of ; Mr. Thunnan, Mr. Hendricks, or any other leading man of the West, arid certainly not of the East." 11 OX. A. M. AVADDEIX'S VIEWS. : y I Baltimore Gazette, Saturday. . ; ? Hon. A. M. Waddell, of North Sima JTePre.s.ental from the xuiru, or it muiiigi.uu. utai.riui., i as follows upon the situation: "While I I have decided opinions of my own based, to a large extent, on tbe ex- pressions or tne newspapers. J. Know th opntimpnt. nf mv nwn dist rict. VOT nn,j KoiioJn T lnnr h aK.eu, woum say, give us au avail 1 J . 1 J t : ' ! able man who is a sound .Democrat. j and we will be content.' The people of North Carolina have an admira tion for Bayard, amounting almost to personal affection. They, regard him as a man of great abilities and lofty character, worthy of - the name he bears: Their only fear about him is that, it nominated, his very excellen cies (as they regard them) would be used as weapons against him. They consider Thurman as one of the ablest statesmen . and constitutional lawyers jn America,' and would gladly I so pport him but I apprehend .that J the action of the convention at Cin- . cinnati has' destroyed-his ' chances. I Why " thatr"tjonventton should have I I eccentricities or our politics. 1 sav I at I residency. ' Mr. I Hendricks is also popular ; in North Carolina, and would ?-get: a hearty i support n nominatea.- ;,8" to Vrov. I Tjldeti; : ! think, the general sentiment f ' l. J ' 1 ' L '' P j'l V - ' ' .' 1 TTT.' ' ' 18 oiiows:,iiis reiorm move-. -a 1 uicill iu Aicn iuia, aiiu'llia SUCCESS I . , .... " , was regarde.1 as a very hopeful sign, and made him very popular, but tho result of the next election, there, -which j'' was- said to have beenicon- i 11 j I l j- t- T : . - trolled by him, in which tbe majority 'y.riuceu. nas , created me tear uuit no coujq not carry ( n is own otate, wnicn is absolutely, neces- sary. Another element of anxiety about him if nominated is to be found in the aversion of "our people to; the idea of having the elections audlthe administration of the government controlled in the interest of eastern capital.'. sThese things, " and' the fact th three de th Berapcracycpuldele'ctJ but tbey will give bimnheir sfulL8t:rengb it nominated i Jddro l)ftvifi 18 J?Sa runs 2111 iiuneMi. huh hii h mm" vhai wouia raaKe; au acqeptaoie Jf residenu it, fM! hm -ili SfvaL'JTOffi? 7avP-T r70ipilai MW I . I. .... . 1 - iuv wuu liiu ivuivwiavn koihi tvr that tbe people would understand it fully.-1 believe he would-get the unanimous suypur t tne vpereui t North Cafolida. These eera to be the most bromiuent candidates now. ine wemuuravio r rauw jjijuuo - ever. ftbg democrats cannot.beat r him tby cannot beat anybddy,and. -theref wre,-jHHpbewllreceii. the.. ivepauiioiutT: wuiwu.., -.i''Soa : f 11! lone thing which; the northern Demo- crats ought tb.bear. in niind.Yj The fighting one another over the money i auoiucr over tue uiuucjr . questionor the like, arid thereby lose ; thft fl AfttlOiT. 1th eV Will Tl(Ver 8eO ' I : own State and 'Iocal affairs." f riiESS COMMENTS. , Baltimore Gazette It : is not , Jialtimore Uazette:.; It, is not a. ouestion. of .the .nomination at bt. j . . , , . . . ; ' . Lop's,ut, jtaw.., , , , , , , -.1 in New York Tribune now con- eludes that jthe electioh of VWiiliam; M. Evarts as the , Uepublican candi date for the;Presidency.is not an lth-J uuvc.w uKC . The .New. Jersey Jlerald would have the Democracy uhderstanI;that to carry that ;State thymus t. rn'ake ex;G6vernor Joel Parker their' PresiV dential nominee.' ' ' ' 1 ' i J Petersburg J , Index-Appeal : Did Bill Allen is like Samson in one re- , Thq New, York Tribune has dis covered signs ithat General Hancock is to be pressed to the front with re newed 'vigor as tlic Democratic ' can didate, and that the movement Will probably stari from Washington. Asheville Hendricks we Citizen' -Tilden and believe will sweep the country. With them as candidates the honest people pf the country teel that if they should not succeed, they will have dope more, -deserved ftie cess. :;, C 1 1 ri sti a n sb a rg ( Va. ) Messen gzr: Already the choice is narrowed to a triangle, with Blaine at the apex of the Republican and Tilden at the apex of the Democratic. Conkling and, Bristow jcomplete the former;5 ilendncks and Hancock tbe latter. - New York Xun: W e think it would tronblei the most sanguine sup porters of Mr. Blaine to uame ten delegates out jof the two hundred and two from New York, Pennsylvania, Qhio, and Indiana whom they know of their own personal knowledge to ka fnr ha nomination nf Rlainp not tb,8 end his case ? Indix'AppefLl: Gen. Hancock still remains as the embodiment of modera-j tion, integrity patriotism, and fidelity to the constitution, and as the central figure and - rallying-point around which all parties, sects and ''sections of the United States can enthusiasti cally gather. J Chicago Tribune: The real strug gle is between! Bristow and Blaine; lbev are the candidates of the West . . e. .u ite I em States after the "favorite-sonny'! 1 nonsense is disposed of. The Bristow men in the West, if forced tO an . ac- I tn,lolomot tKo -i...nA . a nominated.wiirundoubtedly go over to ilaine ; and: the Blaine men in the I West, when convinced that their can I didate cannot be nominatec, will eo 13-:.L - - 1 w iJUStuw. .. I Petersburg Post: The naked choice: then t is . narrowed down be . TT- r j ri-1 , , . I tweeu liauuuus auu a uuen, ana . tne 1 selection should be made simply on consideratibns of availability ; for as to!'the. HlatlvlmeriU'. and aualifica- tions 'of these two ' men there can be no debate, and will be none. View- opinion A - strength in the and can probably command more Electoral votes than Generar ilancock dr any otjher hanied man. i ' ' , 1 ropt organization of Tammanv. and: iuiiuifi'i I ihniiii nnm AF n nnrla.. the canal ring of plunderers, will add two vol for Mr. Tiblpn in n?i kn I iiiiii uiuiiucici n m auu I Stat;e for every one he might thereby lose; : ;Tbat' 'he Vuld ?arry-''"Kew' y6rk by an "overwhelming -majority 1 w hv not rU loaet MKf w!, ,1't i we nave not im Would fear the I issue snoutu 'another be the choice of the St. Louis Con- vention. l?;or.mn'r..l ' - 77T.,.,,.. . ,T1 hi' mains in xne neid One W HO, trom'Xhe i - - i i . - . '1 firs ho oolWI w IJ- -..w uvuiaicu iu ro uui . . . . " &.. . Sjraolllty Of Conciliating the West : and the time : has, arr vbd, Dhon .- n' uuamuiujr 01 iiie Aemocrauo" masses Jlri -imi? ; dllW JPan wbose' selection WouldA offend W.factftio'kectlo U i. .. ; : .. : . ,. , ; . t.Ff .it jiuv; :f.;uuit; I annis j.: . . i ? s Wilson, Advance: .Ho wr if ,Go vern iarmj that; h, no'iHinaiiOTwnr; Ui- spireV confidcnce?Svery where more likelynbtn tirjrotber secure tt fflaog hini Oflr$ta,o4ardtbearari,b, I , 1 . , . . : - - . .. i m itics. I say I opinion that Gdvernor Tilden has so : ivicnmona nnig: ,ye believe the-1 ccsnck amusement; ap venture ianp Ta l 1 ww9 'w-r-T' . ti slono-hino- nff of lhA ,r.ninrinl.Dlv b. b??" .Sport article a by JJjB8X fxriBTa . o:-j . . . ; "w"t':'vtw,j . v i dfotskih( or America.' r kiiikl ii hih : Mrtntha -K. li r. J. g CQ; jn o 53j CD rS. 7 T , tii-r4.i Pi t wr wfaisKife)': n handled; the Jlcmo . IVhlskies i -.M fri anrt U;. ..-Mt ,,M Kr-.u ,t- um r,a-.L mil AAUl MISCELIiAKEOltS. -TOE- Baltimoria and Wilmington STEAMERS" ' '.)):: Sail FROM EACII PaitT Every Five (5) ' ' CURINQ . . ' The Simmer : or DhU? Easiness Season Steamship B. J. I ; ; fieom ; ": Baltimore, Thursday May IStli. ' S teamship Ealeigh, Wilminst OH.TIiiirsday, May ltb. . On or before the opening of the FALL TRAPE the Eenlar SEMI-WEKKLY Sai ing Pays will I e resumed, and Shippers may rely upon sailing as ad vertized. A. I. CAZAUX, Agent. WILMINGTON, H.C. EDWIN FITZ U alt ' LD, General Agent, ray 10-tf 50 Somh Streef,Ealtimore, Md. Saddles and Harness, AT THE ;X?V NKW . HABNBSS SHOP, .r Third Street, betw-en Market and Princess RSFAIRING PKOM1TLY, PONK., my7tf HAYPEN & GKRUAUDT. TOL LEY'S FINE ENGLISH Breeeh - Loading Guns; 'We have for manv vearn. srfrli mir mi nail a a specialty of building Fine Breech-Loading Guns Yi l3? "ieciai mBirncuons or lnaiTldnal sportsmen, Making for a large and select trade enables ns to tiZM3SEFJ Pea to those Gons bought by the retah trade from ",w? 'proanceror a general market the patron aire of those sDortsmen Who fSStPSS We are prepared to accept orders to build Guns tmmanumarttjim.. SHfri5-'""'" 65 Gold. "fif5;--"-r 90 STAJNUAKU us W A TluM A J. ........... 140 PARAGON . . . TTt. , - woi 1uui.uimb 'wuh reierences ana Wn 1 1 lllnafvot n.L.I... - ; . msirncuons ior seirmeasorement forwarded on ap Branch Office. 29 Mftidsn Tjn n Vnrt . Manufactory, Pioneer Works, Birmingham. Enr. dec 14-PAW U ' ' .- -.: a L ;;: ;;RPP.:;CUW . .THE AMERICAN SPORTSM AH , A SIXTEEN PA OE PAPER. PBPICATKD 1H . i,u iliiiiuijJItW lioo, Months., $4 Yan, h L: April6-tf . 31 Pi r r . - , a lK6xtK$Z$ "R " V P" ' - DTTlrttte0' the power-eoatai&ed W :a Kortsaee I ayioi ana wire, aaua Sd Jane, 1869, and r.-gistered In Book "W. W." pKe 447, Records of New Hanover Conntv. I will fnre- I"."' - 1' '' ' '''' - ' 1 ., I "eonveyea, at hdhc Auction, at Exchange Cor- r . TTs- ..r in lucre ff? I? 5" 2T9- Iminon, oa the 8fU PAY muiji naAi1 ai 11 o'ciock. Said mortgaged premises are the well known RR. SIOKNCE of the f tbe late aid John A Taylor, aitaate 1 on Market Street, In this city and running through w oee f;ierma o. -JJ U I .. ThKlh G-fLTIPttU ' .O.i merchants. of wn !2IJ5LS i hku their business In its columns. . Harine a u Z 7 1 J ...... . . . . . g5reacaptutehasBrsi should UdinTKershaw fjoi, sJ rf, a't yiation on. the Wateree riyen at S unnnt. ink. advertiflingf 4cV addreesi i iflt lEARD,Ed,4Prop'r, - " Camden. S. a it . .. ' r WeeMwi iHe7(3 maBfeATOiroxw Jrt -r - " '- v . ci .T-. -7. i f .. Hereafter ""B5 ua rapiuij lucrcaeuigcircaiauen irirougaeux: one of the woarthieBt-tectionB on the- Wateree riVex. It is considered a most . , ; Q pS CI t7 C", I P I era ! e? J . 1 zr " I -s -. a I CO XT' 55 ! '.J 1 M5 J I Li j mrn- !Ji'f.Vrtri! srteraad those dishonoraoly discharged. f j. SkleS IOrJ Years; and have ai'ljored, wounded, or have contracted any disease, ap-'iJi-it ?? , - Jfi1 '21 I ply atonce. Thonsands entitled. - Great numbei 8 ktiKfactorr - ADRIAN & VOliWBIKSi W . . ; . , I ' ,1. . ..III .iTil -.- .1 1 INSUKANUISrttia'it'lfeirun-fi iFire - ani Life': Insurance Apicy; of V. 1 j v J, ; , A JB YRNEi & Cpf;'(,;t. Bepreseutlns over $62000,000 Asset 1 "OFFlCKCommerclal Exchange Building, Nortli Water Street " fel25-tf . piiDMONT & 5 AELiiciTcar ' Life Insurance Company pr Richmond, Virginia. r - :r.. : .:.". ; ;r 2-.- .-. i Over 22,300 Policies Issued, Annual Income Over $1,500,000 ProgressiTe i -Prabw I Promjt ! ' 8 MA LI. EX PKNSES. SMALL LOSSES, SECURE . INVESTMENTS, AMPLE RESEUYE. ANP GOOD SURPLUS Premiums Cash, Policies Ubcral, . Annual JDiviiilon of Surplus. AETH17B J. HILL, Jr., Agent Office for the present with Pr. T. F. Wood. Medi " cal Examiner, on Market street," two doors west of Green & Flanker's drug store, Wilmington, N. C. September S-tf " 4 v .. is-" t-HT Jl'Jf? " ft - A, Card. IL AVING TAKEN MY BROTHER. W. J. GOR- uuiN. into parinersnip with me, we will irom this date conduct a GENERAL INSURANCE BUSI NKSS. under.the style of JOHN W. GORDON & unu in liii. dour w. gokuon. Hi AVING THIS DAY FORMED A PARTNER SHIP with ray brother and late' employer, JOHN W. GORDON, under the firm and style of JOHN W. GORDON & BRO., for the prosecution of the UKNKKAL INSURANCE BUSINESS. I tike this method of Informing my friends and the public ge nerally, that I shall continue to tako Dleasure in waiting upon them at oar Office, No. 24 North Wa ter Bireet. W.J.GORDON. ;. my 4-tf . : ? , , INSURANCE ROOMS - of i v -v, Atkinson & Manning. $70,006,000 Asaeta Represented. FIRE. Ins. Co. of North America. . '.. .Philadelphia. Phenix Insurance Company. ..... .New York. Continental insurance Co u. ; i .New York." N. British & Mercantile Ins. Co .London. Hartford Fire Ins. Company...... Hartford. National Fire Ins. Company Hartford. Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co Massachusetts. " ITXARINE. -"v'-;' r-: Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co... ..... New York Ins. Co. of North America Philadelphia.' ' 5 -i tJJ ' LIFE. : : i. '.,-' Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Cto,...HartforcL March a-tf . - JN(30URAGE HOMB mSTITUTIONS. ; Security against Fire. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, V" RALEIGH, a This Company contbmes to write Policies, at fair Jf.,on aU classes tf inearaWe property. . -.cSS8.0 P.mPtt7 adjusted and paid: The ou", wrapuuy growing m pnbHc f avew, sad PPconfidence, to insurers qXjMwperty in- Agents in all paita of the State. , JLH. BATTLE. Jr.. PreadanL ' C. B. ROOT, Vice President. ' BEATON GALES. Secretary. : v , PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor!' ', m i ?. i v ATKINSON. A MANNING. Aim.! jr?sag-tr ,Wumington,JI. jociiiis. ui ijpn ew; nan over 1 AUlllOrfKil rnnlllll AAA AAA 1 .--r.---.-r oyvw,vw. wise uapt ai paid in S30O.000. i Surnlns Fuiid t johndaWson s D. R. MURCHISON DONALD MoRAB " H. VOLLBRS ;i-..u; R. R. BRIDGER ' C M.5 STEDMAN L B. GRAINGER JA8,,A,iLRAK j i 3 ? 8- LITtLB fr ' i U borden! J. W. ATKfNSQy ' - m. wkddeltj a ... v.-... ,,T1 traiion, wmaiiam co. Vcrmonti MANtJFACTUBJSri OF ' -id I-iaaEisMiEflds ; yuf -co-of aS kinds. ' ! f f:fea?i" i Partlrn.r atteBtfoU nkiA'&kshia'i-iil i,d 3aabie prices SendOTSfrCBlar tttel Jfl;lp4V i - 18-DAWtf I . w Pi LuAaFrDAWAKr,;, . ....... ,-v s - c: - '" 'fc f . 'F . .A ka . .. . . 1. tbiee montbl, 8ftcts i o mouli,5 S!7 " 13 . o.u ,o . v' v. mfeHDumenw iiome uaie Honest anl CapaWe Men or Office Sf f J I f For the Campaign. c The even ta of ihe Prefidcntial campaign wOl h eo faithfuUy and folly Ulusbrated la TH K N few YOR ML hDN aa to commend it to eandid men of kll Dailies ! We will send TUB WKKKLY Rni TION(eigbt pages) poet paid, from now till after Selection for 60 C. the SUNDAY EDITION. I feame size, t the same price ; or tbe JJAILTfonr ". I nacra for . " - I ' l tAddrees r THB SDf, New York rlty. ! -I ft T at home. Agents, wanted. :(JXiU and terms free. ' TUUK free. TEUK & CO.. Angnfcta. Ajrent s Wan'ca." " 9 eamoles sent for snmn A. H,PUiJJiK AXXU.Beockton. Mass. , Thij'Clalm-HonSe Established in l65. obtained for Officers. Soldiers and Heamen of WAR of- l-f,i ! and '65, and for their heirs. The law Includes de- j-: , -, 1 entitled to an. Increased kat, and ehcnld app;y im it4 p mediately; '.All Boldieri and teamen f iheWAR I ot ims who served for any; period, howeverihort. wneuier ai?auieu vr uui., hju an wiaawn (f f enr.h not now on the Pension rolls, are reqneaied. to e.n& me their address at once. , : .-, v - E U nTT NTT1 V K MI wno enwstea in ICGl 2 and . rjU Uxi l Xi '6Sare enUtled. bend yonr diu charges ana nave tnem examines . .Business, before the PATBNT . OFFICE solicited. ' Officers returns y and accounts settled, and all just claims proeecnted. As I make no cha ee nnless enccessfnirXieanei.t all to enclose two stamps for reply and rctnrn of pa pers. U.ukui$ a. iatmur. .lock box 47, wast . I recommend capt. ix:mon as an nonorahle and miccessfnl Practitioner. t. A. Hnrlbut. M. t: . 4 h Congressional pistnetof Illinois, late Msjoc Geu'j U. 0. VOIS. : , ... , In writing mention name of Uua paper. $77 PER 1 iWEKKr ' OUABANTEE iSji 'i ( 1 Agents, JMale and Female, in their own locality. Terms and uu i FIT FliKK. Address P. O. V1CKBBY A-Co Angnsta, Maine. tftf- TO J)ApeTdayathome. SampleswoHhl ioD Z(U free. Stihbon Co., Portland. Mc. : t)SYCH01TAlSCY, OK SOUE CHARMING." A7. Jlow either sex may fascinate and gain the lore and affections of any person they choose in stantly. -Thia art aU can possess, free, by mail for 25 cents; together with a Marriage Gnide, kgyetian Oracle, Preams,1 Hints' to Ladies, etc. 1,(j00,(KW sold. queer dook. Aoarees rx wixjlxams a 1 ' rtTjTl l m nUPrO I Dnrm? this month A tmhAl Ufrlm I will diroose of we 100 Olt- NEW and SECOND-HAND PIANOS and" OAN8of First-ClaasMakerii. including WATRk'. M lajyi Bill rwuu nuuiBianDKcuiiis onerefl. NEW 1 OCTAVE PIANOS for f 26 BOXED luA SHIPPED. Terms f40 CASH aid $10 MONTH LY , until, naid. NEW 6 OCTAVE 4 STOP OI - HANS, with Book Closets and Stool Warranted jv 8IOOUZO cash, ana 5 MONTHLY Uf,tl paid. ILLUSTKATJUJ ., CATALOGUES mailed. HORACE WATERS & SONS,81 Broadway, N.5 U t CONFEDEIt ATE BILLS.. BONDS AND POSTAGE STAMPS Wit. TED. S4 for rarest bills, l O ror rarert ttami i it will pay io- sena mem immeniatciv. AlK) othor curiosities. AMERICAN ST All P CO., Bex 401$, new. ior a. ,. 7-i--;.' . .royvu-4w EDITH PY L E JUST PUBLISHED. A' splendid new novel bjt bs. maxt J. iiox.vE8,wnoseotner worKs brerciHli id rereait wita oeiighuui interest such as "Tern stand Sunshine," "Leua Rivers," "Edna Browu-I S," "West Lawn." etc Price $L50. RECORD YEAR JUSS READY. The second number fMavi n this wonderfully popular monthly maeazineand di ary of important events and current mi.cellany. A capital Dumoer, inner inecnoicest reaamg matter and a tuperb steel portrait of Moody, the gieat lie yivaliBt. Price, 50 cento. 1 G. W. CARLETON & CO.. Publisher? , ap !&-4wDtW , j - Madisea Square, New York. 414 uAITIMnDL lin LEXINGTON ST. UAU IIYlUnCHlU. Correspond Direct : If yon want true bettom fiinires and save a con siderable per centage ia the purchase ot FINE PI ANOS AND ORGANS. TRY IT t If you wish to Purchase Yon will get any reasonable guarantee to insure yon, that Pianos purchased of this House A KB 1QUA' , IF NOT SUPERJOR TO THE MOST hOTED MAKE KNOWN. " Unpurchased? competent Judges ,who have tried them, pronounce them . :A;SupendrFitinosr . ..... . mtm -m4cv--'" i They haye SEVEN fata 7X1 OCTAVES. FINR TONE and TOUt H, OVEKSTHUNG BASS, FULL IRON FRAME, THE AGRAFFE, CARVED LE(S. LYRE, C '- .i . They are beautiful, durable t n 1 wear well. Sold at very reasonable pi ices, and ecial Inducements if negotiated for direct to Hub Hone e. f imnv Pullv M arrantfid J. JF.. IS.UECfi.ERT, 414 Lexlastou St., iff'. ap 23-tf Baltimore, ind. 4- v ; TlIE STAR, ' Published at Marlon, S. C $3 a ifit'Ali!nYcarln Advance, Offers 'tiie following liberal premiums to sutr- ,aDrihersst'?t-.-; i'.-.-.j. :jsi- A HANDSOME ENGRAVING: (19x14 in.) to single snh-cribtrs , , AN JSXT A COPY OF THE STAR for one year U any one who Will send a Club or Frvx subamUsrs, and an EngravMe to-each membpr of the Club. A LADYS MOROCCO SATCHEL. I- OR SET OIP GOLD STUDS; each valued at t 50t,. io &aj- sending a Club of Fifteen. , s , . - TEN DOLLARS IN GOLD' tor ema of twenty ftra,f! ' I u v.vi'j ,,.,. j.. .-.. .-. . ? TWENTY-FIVE IlnT.T.ATfS 1TJ OREKTJRAIIKS toraCblTirW.vrr t j ? FIFTY DOLLARS JN GOLD for a Club of One. Hundred. AN ELEOANT FAMILY SEWING MACHTNK. WBox A Gibba, worth $30 for a Club of Oue Hun dred tad VttST V ' ' With Uttie energy and enterprise, ob lady of . kcuucuuui u every neigusornooa migni get one or more of the handsome premiums 3 ered. 1 1 .Premiums promptly paki on receipt of names ac comsamed by the cash. ' ' -Monet mav be -mliifi h-r AmTt. Pnat Office i prder, or to registered letter at our riak. V , Aearcss au letters to 'I'M.- '.! Wi J. MoKERALL, Editor, . : .; . Marion. H. C. 3 !QEjOT DEE y- HERALD, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, at Wadee- ke times, the Hkbald take Journals of thoday. D1son tiaaiUrij The Hibiid ia.oeyoteu h to the family circle. It contains original and select m, uumw , u , c T CI Jf IluliUJ 111 IU thonld sbbscribei for it. Iu low-price (only ose dollarj pace8.it within the reach uf every one ia tb land.' 'We pay -all postage.5 : ' i ;i ' - READ WHAT THE PRES8 THINKS OF US. The iToWi a jftrl CZoa KVhrUv mr. Havin? .tached to its staff,' There is enough hamoroB reading in it to make one laugh for a week enoagh to; keep you Jolly tDl the next comes. Jtockmart (Go.) New. We refer to the publisher of this paper. I Sabecribeat tonceL Address. HERALD. Wades- wi Buieet' writers in. Xtiortn (Carolina ni- rr ThpTLincdln uProffress the only paper published In Lincoln county, andh&A am extensive circulation among. the- Men ehanu, Farmers and aU classes oi business men iin theState. - -.' ',:'.v,r v. . - ' It offers to the-Merchants ef Wilmington a de sirable medium for ".advertising their- busines throuzhont Western Tsorth Carolina. v? ' j LihQM) tarma wllk be allawail ;on vu-lv advert- I tow.a.pta frSenSVSr- 0 V-F; R P,Ti:- , -- . ; .. .... . ..- w--' EdltoEBfidFienrietoft, .- ' . V'