THE IIOMTIITG STAB. - PUBLISHED DAILY, BY - - HATKS Or SUBSCRIPTIOH m ADVAXCB: 1 one year, (by -mail) portage paid,. t 00 Sixmonths. ") " ? V , '4 00 Three month(" ") " ......... S5 Oue month? C " ) .... 1 00 To City Subscribers, delivered In any part of the city, Fifteen Cents per week. Oar City Agents are Det authorized to collect for more than 8 months in advance " - - - ;' . OUTLINES, rf:'':.: Ex-Seuator McDonald, of Arkansas, testi fied yesterday that he ,paid John .Delano, chief clerk of the Interior Department and sod of the Secretary, 5,O0aTEDgland j declines to agree to the terms of the Berlin conference; Sultan of Turkey wiUj probably abdicate. Georgia6atSS5i per cent belter than lasiycarv- Sab- , elections committee. In Soath Carolina con-! tested election case, i agreed to report in! f.wor of Rainey, silting t member..;---- Twenty-nine negroes killed ia theyrecent troubles in Mississippi." iNe Jersey! Democratic convention declares for a bard! money platform and Joel Parker for Presi-; dent. - Under an indictment the Jatet Treasurer of Geoi gia, John Jones,' Was ar-j rested and held for bail. "Oxth, Min ister to Austria, has resigned. be ciMn on jurisdiction Jquestion-wai pro bably be rendered ou Thursday" New York markets? Gold, 112fv cotton j 11 3-1612c; rosin, $1 701 80:turpentinej eaaBB3BBHiflnBBBMsaMna DEATH OP THK GblTOK UPtUB ' PRESBYTER 1 AN," I Died, at his residence hi this city at 7 o'clock last evening of consuuip- tioii,Rev. Thomas L. DeVeaux, editor f the North Carolina Presbyterian) Mr. DeVeaux was a native of South Carolina, where he first officiated ' as a minister of the Presbyterian church, lie resided in' Florida for several years, J coming from that State" to North Carolina about four years ago, lie edited the AortA Carolina Vcs bytcrian nearly f on r t y vara, ; aHd had J e n a resident of Wilmiiigtoii rit'arly half of t,bat tittM. - Owiiig-lrt an af fection of his throat ahd lung, he had not preacht-d in several years, j Air. DeVeaux 'was a" writer of fine avUilU'K, and with .only A couinara t vely trort experience in ' i!k pro-f..-Mon was yet one of llie most ac complished journalists ot our. acquaintance.- lie had ripe judgment, gieat vigor, fomhsess for the varied tii'iajis of the., business of journalism as well as a penchant for writing. Jle could have edited a secular paper with "the sanie ease and ability with I which ho conducted iho Presbyte- riatu Previous to his death Mr. DeVeaux had been '- in steadi ly-declining health for more than two years, but up to witnin a few months had attended to his duties, going regularly to his office with : hardly; a"Jdaj V interinission. The Presbyterian Church in Korth Carolina and Southern Presbyterian journalism sustain a heavy loss in the decease of this excellent man talented writeK - and At the time of his death Mr. De Veanx was about.lorty years of age. lie leaves a wife and one child. They iliavc our truest sympathy, in their ad bereavement.- Deittrae(lve;Flr at Keidvtlle. Dispatch special. J j j Keiostille, N. C. May 22. ' This afternoon at .1 o'clock fire broke out in-ibe cellar; of Motley & Co's drac ? store, just opposite! the Ivichniond So Danville railroad depot, completely destroying the 'drug; and j 1 00 large grocery stores, and would I have burned .the, railroad property but jfor thr earnest efforts of Messrs. Overman antf Rock; the railroad offi- cers here. The fire was gotten un- A.r 4,nnrrnl at 3 ... m. The loss is estimated at 7,000 with only; $4,- 000 insurance 13.000 Von Motley &' 1 Co., in the Qld ; Dominion, of liich- I moiid, and $1,000 on Parnsh ro- theijs grocery could not learn what 'Companyv . - 1 j , f lhe Neics office was entirely de- 1 1, fir iSnatH in: ilmrilff- cellar, where a bov had been J.reparing t.yrujrf for. the soda fotiri- vain, vii tne ore . was supposeu to 1... .... , Kr,, Kafftia Wlin i, Lj .t i .i, ... .; v IIP Mirvyl HCI 7a lilt IV W CSO OV UUvSa heat; and smoke no one 1 could get into! the cellar. Much excitement prevailed. iMr Iniarvicwji St id the Gazette' mill" grinds out ini.-rviews. Hon. Montgomery .Blair, arwicn in rresiaeni-maBing, says that, with vTihlens the Democratic caudulate, , the. prtb would t ut,be .....i nidi ; III IV WIIOViniailUK IWCII . . . . the support Ibf -ihtf South'; or coald tl, lladicals lmake arv.falsa issues n the financial question against him, Jiis nomination will, therefore, gdara us against both the sectional issue . - . . and ihe financial issue.' In Mr. Blair's jiiigmeut,Tilden: arid Thurman ought ti he nominated at St. Lbnis. K Jloii. 15. Ar Willis, of Kew ;"Xork, aid if Tilden'is' nominated, .the ?dis contented Kepublican vote - of New Vork'and ' Massachusetts, amounting iifreeq perfeent.-f that vote! in xhevt StalM. wiirAireh itsetf tri thn Uemoeracy1 unless v the Uincirinatt convention sbonld so outi of its tines -"lie added: MBay ard isexceedingty popular in ,'Kew ' .York file's is a young man, ana he can wait, rer- . iayuniiy nu wouia pa s ray cnoice u VOL. XyiII.-NO. 5i. available. Thurman is mttchesteera ed, but it is not thought: that he has courage, or,, at: least, that ho might iiave shown more in his own State last fall. The Ohio fiasco is a great blessing to the Democratic party. Ohio and Indiana united would have been exceedingly .dangerous in the Convention; divided and surging be tween opposite purposes they will bew come a:nonentity,; .and .the saving power of the party will assert itself.". Spirits Terpentine " i .1 V4: u -J Ji..".': i ' ; ., : : i ffaston, coupty Convention de clares for Zeb Vance for Congress. J - - JPioneer: At the reeen t term o f Superior-Court for Madison, John Rine heart was convicted of the murder of Jo seph Turner, and sentenced to be hanged ou Friday, the 16lh prox. His counsel prayed au appeal to the Supreme Court. At the recent term of Federal Court at Ashville, Judge Dick sentenced to imprisonment in penitentiary or jail, for different crimes, a large number of per sons, .the names of twenty -fi vo of which are printed in the Pioneer. ' THEOITYr , , - . rrwKW AOVEUTlIiEinENT. Preston Cummiko & Co. Eastern iay. Mukson & Co. Blue flannel suits. B." P. Mitchell & Son. Eastern hay. Local not. ,- Cautionary signals are continued for this port to-day, The Harry Alacftrthy 'combina tion is making in this direction. r- German pic-uic at the Wilming ton Garden this cveniog. The Festival for the benefit of St. John's Church takes place at the Hall house, on Korth Front street, this evening. The 13oard of County Commis sioners meet again this morning Ht 10 o'clock, pursuant to recess. Northerly 1 to easterly wind, cooler and partly cloudy weather, with rain areas, "Will prevail in this section to day. There were . no police arrests Monday or Monday night, and consequent ly no session of the Maj'or's Cturt yester day morning. Mr. James Wilson in said to be a candidate for the Republican nomina- tion for Stale Senator, in opposition to TV. II. Moore. The excavations for lowering the track of the W. & W. Railroad is drain ing many of the wells dry in the vicinity of the line of the road. . Following the severe hail storms I. . 1 -XT .1. 1 -rrr -1 r j . i m lBe "riu ail J LV;i VAlkJ VT UvblUVU IJ season in this latitude. . The storm signal was displayed from the signal station yesterday, and ap pearances certainly indicated that a storm was brewing. - A. J. Nichols, the colored man wuo was so badly injured -by an attack from a number -of dogs, an account of which wo published yesterday, is some what improving, v; Those desirous of making dona tions of any kind to the Fifth Street M. E. Church Festival, which takes place at Tem perance Hall to-morrow night, are requested to communicate with the committee of Ar rangements. ;; ' ' . . ; -. - Quite a warm discussion arose in front of ; the Court House yesterday morning, between a number of colored poli- ticians, during which the d d lie and other equally mild and pleasant epithets were interchanged very freely. Wfi lcarn that lhe Republicans . .-. , . ,f , :t of lhe First Ward held quite a lively meet inS Monday night, during which a number r lhe lesser as well as the greater lights dis- played themselves in "a discussion of the political questions or tbe Hour. ; The flags of the Norwegian and Swedish vessels in port, as also that of w ruUi ta ;L.lJ. i .i .. W of Julius Ingellreston, first mate of the Norwegian barque Albatross; vho died yes terday morning ofdropsy of the heart. I" i Kellea of Antiquity. I Mr., F W. Foster, who is having a, well I . 1 - ,du 00 Hanover, betweeQ 4P informs us that at the depth of thm ty-four feet, through solid sand, be came to I a cypress log, and two feet lower down, or thirty-six feet below the surface, was found I a pine log. The body of the latter is con I giderably decayed,, but the,, knots, which ;.hrt -rv,ftrhce of havnr Leen chori i0 :probabiVIitb slndiana-; perfectly solid and sound. How1 . . ! nn .r... I manv centuries have passed since tuose P' cJPreM and Ple wmch flourished in that N1 : via ! .... a j i .j sMi-n I wa aoongmes uumeu nu jwrcu, uu I to tell.'"' 1 - " " ' .-' ! Calafe - P. "now Sappoaeit i to Drowned f . - ) It is reported that Snow; ottos: Jackson, who. escaped from the Onslow county; jail, at Jacksonville, a few days ago, was chased by several parties, mostly colored people. andtbat h.e.l ran Inj hedirfictjoii; pf the r. - Jle was tracked to the margin ;of ueBiream(,uD3 I of him the supposition ' is that he plunged j bensions of the moment and" was drowned. .TbU informatiooJs jbrpui; bf la'ntlei. man who arrived hers front Onslow. county 1 yejarflay Moiiiiisliliii, : - - : - SS v r,. . , . . f. 5 , . WILMINGTON' t -i 3-'- ' f Xtelesatee to tbf Bletrlet Cohyentlo. : - In accordaucwith a resolution, adopted at the late County Convention in this cHy, Maj. JpAT Engelhard, Chairman .has -appointed the following delegates to the Con gressional Convention for this District, which meets in Fayetteyille on "Wednes day, the 81st inst. : George Davis, A. Adrian, Sol. Bear,8 Jno. D. Love, P. T. Dicksey, James li. Taylor, Dr. J. II. Freeman, W. H. Strauss, F. M. James;" Garrett - Walker, -Walter Coney, John Hair, Jrl,iF.MlWoottn; David S. Sanders, G. W. Muller, L. U. Bowden, S. W. Vick, H. GrSmallbone's, D. MacRae, L. S. Beldenr C. C. Moss, John Beasley, W. M. Hays, E. D. Hall, R M.' Orrell, H. P. Shotted W. II. Bern ardr! U. W. Horne, T. W. Player, W. H. Green, C. D. Myers, W. A. French, Josh T. James, W. D. Mahn, J. C. Milhs, H. C. Cassidey, J.D. Bellamy, Jr., L B. Grainger, F. W. Kerchner, J.W. Perdew, H. McL. Gieen, W. Mdit, Morris Bear, II. A. Burr, John London, J. H. Allen, J. Maffitt, R. W. Andrews, Jesse lyes, Thos. H, Smith, George Shutte, O. P. Meares, Willis Turlington, E. H. Eilers, J.; D. Woody, N.-Jacobi, James Tteilly, .W. H. Griffith, W. H. Mayo, James Alderman H. M. Bowden, G. L. Dudley, E. G. Bar-' nitz, H. C. Brock, H. G. Flanner. I i t The delegates to the State Convention will ba announced hereafter., -t ; L ' ' - J ., til Personal. .''.' We learn that it . is , likely that Charles Southerland, formerly a prominent colored politician and inspector of naval stores in this city, will pay n visit to his friends here in a few days, taking lodgings at the "Howj ard Uouse,' on Princess street Charles is row sojourning in Baltimore, where, it will be remembered, he was arrested some weeks since, at the instance of Messrs. Ed wards & Hall, of this place, on the charge of forgery. Thermometer Kecord. Tbe following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4:301. M., yesterday, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office iu this city: Augusta, Charleston, 78; Galveston. 89; lndianola, 83; Jacksonville, 80; Key West, 84; Mobile, SO; Montgomery, 87; New Orleans, 82; Norfolk, G3; Punta Kassa,83; St. Marks, 79; Savannah, 87; Wilmington, Vlre at Moore's Creek." Tlie stort-hcusc of Mr. IS. H. Murphy, at Moore's Creek bridge, about seven miles north of Point Caswell, was burned oa Friday night last. It was unoccupied at the time, and hence it is thought that the fire must have been the work of an incen diary. The property was insured for $883 with Mr. J. W. Gordon, of this city. Tbe St. Paul's (Episcopal) Festival last evening -was truly a pleasant affair. All the promises of tbe ladies were, fulfilled. A goodly attendance and Wilmington libe rality seemed to complete the success. The ball will be open to-day and to-night Re member Meginney's Hall, lower floor. ? For the Star, j Democratic Meeting In Colambua 1 Countjr - f Pursuant to a call of the Executive Com mittee of the Democratic party of Colum bus county, a large number of the citizens assembled in the courthouse, at Whiteville, on Saturday, the 20th of May, 1870, for the purpose of appointing delegates to the State and Congressional Conventions. On motion, Col. F. George was called to the chair and J. W. Powell requested to act as Secretary. - . " . I The Convention then proceeded to ap point delegates to the State Convention, to be held In Raleigh on the 14th day of June, when tbe following .named persons',, being three from each township, were announced: For Bogue Township H. B. Short, Jr.; J; W. Hall, Gv W. Flinn. !? 'aif For Welch's' Creek Township. T. A. Smith, H. A. Troy; S. ,W. Smith. k i For Whiteville Township. V. V. Rich ardson, J. W; PoweU, S. E. Hughes. j For Western Prong Township Shade Wooten, M.IW. Pridgen, G.Wi Meadows. Fcr Tatum's Township Rev. H. Len non, Robert McClosky. D. Smith. ' - v V t For Fair BluftTownsbJp--J; M. PoweU, Aug. Smith, D. Colemaa. .v N a ,m.n I vFor W,illiams Township J. P. Stanley, J. B. Harralson, Iuhu Mearesoj . . J . For Bug Hill ; Township J. H. Gore, Jesse S. Cox, W." J. Lay. ,1 FotXee's:Towosbip Wl MlLong, J. Long, J. W. Gorer w 1 r v And the ' following -delegates were? ap pointed to. the .Congressional Convention, to be held iu Fayetieville on the 3lst day of May: ! . W.te:f t-u s-i.L w ! , , M. Campbell, W. H.--McDade,r H C. Creech, tJ. D. Bld win J. F. Harrell, G. W. Elkins,- A; H. Lennon, H. Coleman, W. J. Coleman, M. M. Hrrason; H. B.: Short, J. W. Riuse,' John Creech, T, S, Memory, Lott Memory; D. S. Lenpon, I. W. Mearesr A; Sessom Neil1 Currie,K AXravC;' 0. Gore, W; M; iWinam9i-W. S. Reeves, XS. SaSr, WttSi Aludder, J. J. C. Gore.i.t . Oh motion,- the chairman ? and secretary were aikled- aa .deleffates to, both conven- 4iot-fttMl- a!80i by 43em6cratifroraithe county who may-be present at either cop ventiun shall b4 Considered a delegate. J ( Ttie' cxkvenlrotr 'then appointed ' the f 0I Jowiog Eeatleiaenjas jthepoantyJJxectttive PCommkiee vv iid iUii sa x ,-. -. JleareS.,iJ-!4sti ilmm- hns-a-Wim f f siTue follow rag -were declared the iTowsi ship Executive Cdmrnittee:' -11 "-' i1 ! Bogue S Maty'OaipbfSrn.' B. SlMtr Jr.t:U i -jMiii.:Y 1 WelcU' Creek E.t Creech; L M. Hith smith, S. W. Smith.- ; ' 1 --; ; ,VhiteYille-D.; riXiglCJ.'.Wj. Towell, S. Bright. a '.us,'.! hi v', , t . Western Prong G. W.-. Elkins, M. W: Pridgen, Leonard Jordat.' " x , . Tatum's H B. Collier, J. 0. Lennon, A. D. Williamson.. ,;vf r-r Fair Bluff t E. D.MeaTes, Ai -Sessoms, Ji Mv PowelL- r r? cw.t r.ui v Tiyaiiarosy-J P.tanley Jackson Pow; elW M. M. Harralson, . -... j Bug Hill H. Long, E. Fowler, J. J. J'or Lee'aowushlp Jl '.?,Song, J. fX JSelM.J. Ward; '"a" r-'M Ar tern,wbJcUktb(IIowi0gIesoluloas were adopted. U'Mn'Vi t-a sv u.wfw.i-i.ii ; i . 'rEexfoeL'iKiihii accbabt'oftbe ardtious h labor bsrstofori pertormed i la tchilf cf ;.N.ueEiNE8DY,.rMAYl876.? c :,. . . . V.. . 'ti' :. "V . . ' i. ...... the Democratic party and of bis devotion to principle; we : da hereby instruct : our delegates to cast the: vote of this county for North Carolina's favorite son, the Hon. Z. B. Vahce, as our first choice for Governor: Resolved, Th&t .in consideration ' of the emmeot ability of the Hon. A. M. Waddell and of the untiring interest; manifested in behalf of his constituents,. we do cheerfully recommend his renominatiori for Congress from Ibis District. V""1,'1''' Resolved, That a copy of these proceed ings be sentto-theWilmiDgton Journal and Star for publication, with al request r that .the other Democratic. papers' copy them.p :; 'ri F. Geobqk, Chairman.' 3. W.'Powsxl, Secretary.' ' - v! ' 1 1 m w m ' "" -j ." .11 y v; ..I ;:For the Star.;; ' Maj.r J. 0.r'AXcRae tor Oonfcresa! r The friends of Maj. James C. McRae, of Cumberland, ; will urge . his claims, before the Democratic-Conservative Convention at Fayetteville! as a candidate- for Congress from the' Third District, and; without in tending to disparage the claims of others, they do not hesitate to express the opinion that he is emphatically " tbe man for tbe timer." A gentleman of sound judgment, a popular -speaker, and-: of high ; personal character, be would, as their Representa tive in Congress, reflect credit on the peo ple of the Third District , - . .. , , la the last Legislature he represented his , county .with distinguished ability, it being universally conceded tbat .be was one . of the most talented members, as well as one; of the most faithful workers of that body. Tbe city of Wilmington has now had the1 Representative for three successive terms.! Is it not time for her lo divide the honors, with some other portion of the District ?. . D&Wlt. j , , Bladeit. I ; LIST OP liKTTEBS ' 1 Remaining in the City Post-Office, May - B. .L-nner Bloom, A J Browning, Rob't' Burden. .. , . ,'.y :'' ' C. John Lalmpbell, Edney Carmonj Minnie E Carter, T N Culbreth. - 1). Susan Dixon, John Drew. ' ' . F. Silas Faison, Master Felix Forgey,' Fannie Floyd. - . j. G. Chas Geyer, Brunetta Green. If. Henry Hall. Henrietta Hill, care C II Ward, Hannah Hooper, care Geo Mc-- 1 T 1 TJ 1 - i I J; Benjamin James, Fannie Johnston,' czro Jas W Johnson, Charlotte! Jones. K. Mollio Kirksey. I L. John Lawhorn, F E Lewis, care Ida Robinson, Ej D Lindsay, , care W F Wil liams, J R Lindeberg. I M. Bryant McMillan, Annis McCrea,' Caina McNeil, Mary Francis Martin, care Robert H Martin, Maggie Merkins, Leila Morriss. ! I .' P. Isaac Pearsall, Dennis Perkins. S. Kate Sholar, Bessie Skerrye, care McDonald. ' I T. Betsie Thomas. , h W. Milly Wate, Ann Whichard, Thos J "White, Henry VVilkins, Minerva Wil liams, Susie Williams, C C Williams, Edie Williams, H!L Winton, John II Wright, Mitchell Wooten. . i SHIP LETTERS; John Baily, Steamtng James T Easton; E D Harrington, Schr Nellie. Persons calling tor letters in the above list will. please say "advertised." If not called for within 30 days they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office." : . ; v; j f Ed. R. Bbink, P. M. Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. - Tbe math. ; "" " " The mails, will close at the CUV Post-Of fice until further notice as follows: Northern (night) mails for all points North, East and West of Weldon, daily at... I....... 0J2O P. M. " through and way (day) mails daily. except Sunday, CuJO A. M. Mails for the; N. C. Railroad,- ; and routes supplied there- -' ' v' from, at..'.. E 6:30 P. M. Southern mails for all points . -. . ' South, daiir.v ;v . . V 5:30 P. M. Western mails (C. C. Ry) daily 5 :45 P, M. Fayette ville, and offices on Oape ; - Fear. :;River, - Mondays and Fridays..V..;..;. 10 P M. Fayettevffle by C. C. R'y, daily j (except Sundays), i ... ... . . 5.-00 A. M. Onslow C. H, and intermediate offices every Friday 1 6 :00 A. M. Tbe Smitbville mails, by steamboat, close at 8 A. M.; daily, except Sundays. Mails for Easy :Hill, Town Creek, Bell Swamp, Supply and Shallotte, every Friday at 6 AJ M.-ii'li tnia i-.?a c,i $.:;-..,Mf Mails delivered from 6KX) AJ M. to, 70 P. M., and oh Sundays from 8 :30 to 9 :30 A. M. -t. i1:1 . ! Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., and from 2tq PM. Money order for Register Department open same as stamp Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed.-' ' " ; Key Boxes: Sccessible at all hours, day and night. f Mails collected from' street boxes every day at 4 30 PK M. r ; ti. ApomrirKia'a' of i Revi 'Wf: SBlack, Presiding. Elder, for bis second round of Quarterly Meetings on the Wilmington Dis trict for the Methodist E. Church, South, the present Conference year: . V . , Smithville, ai .rr- ' 4 May. 27-28 Onslow;' at Queen's Creek ' ' "June 3-4 Topsail, at Herring Chaper, , June 10-11 ;Ellltli,t'--,;vi4 June; 17-18 - Always kep n fcand, as delay Increase safTerhig. It you fe-1 eickntsj comine upon yen, take a dote of Or. Ball's Vegeta le Pilla. They can do j on no harm ana may save you from the sick room. Price it iff tit fta ?-'!',? k'BisuUut 4raa Mttair&e&ik &dofc Bind' ry (toes m wndro Btatn a.ntmig- fn i work manlike' mneh&nd at rfcaiotlatsfe pttcesT Mer-i chan a etra.aevdlnsBeiselpt opk or other work, may rely on promptness in the : execution bt , Tbanbpkb PiUMTiMO-lnKa. Invaluable to ral: roa4coinpl,j pteanwiR eompaniep, mr. chant, manntactnrera and others. . They are en-s dur rbgtan40changeless, and: wyi, cppj sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having jus received a. fresh supply pf these inks,, we are pre pareeiefcfte'ordrsiniptlf Ski'fk moderate IN EVV 'ADVERTISEMENTS. ' ; . . ,,f m ' ; . ' . Eastern Hay. ' f; W V ' . ! - v ins Mow landing exScttrr;. W. Holdoa. i r. - . . ' ft t. . oreiBlFtoelrSuits OUK PRICES ABB i e .... ' i V"fT ' b CO, 010 561 613 50 ana 614; :NEW71APVERTISEMENTS, Ca HayI 't.r. Very Select Eastern ! f-v a.".)- y-iiJ 'Jiaa: 400 Bales now Landing Jrpm Schrlut Sea; F. MITCHELL & SON. i Pio-Nicj Ti HE FIRST GERMAN PIC-NIC OF THE SEA SON will be had at the WILMINGTON GARDEN. ai o'clock, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, May Mth. All German citizens and visiting. Germans are invited to attend. , s :: i!- , my23-2t, .- ; ' ' COMMITTEE.- j Figtifed 1 BROWN AND PtTFP DRESS LINENS, ;. BLACK GRENADINES, i. ,;3! - LACK STRIPED PIOUR - " S .; WHITE LINEN SAltflNG LAWNS, t i .. Cheap at ' - ' HBDRICK'S,' i; I my21-tf . . . , r r., 9 Market st, Wiu'b ; OAA HKCBS HANDSOME PRINTS.' ' AW ,.u T -: V ; e :.'. FOR CITY TRADE. Now offering the GREATEST BARGAINS in, all kinds or STAPLE and FANCY DRY GOODS, j "' NEW fKK)D3 RECEIVED DAILY. ; 4 n ;;aiy21-tf ,: , , j HEDRICK. ; O. H, WARD'S Barber' Shop, North Front st. Soath of Dawson's Bank, WILMINGTOBT, N, C, WILL HEREAFTEU OPEN ON SUNDAYS TJN- TIL 10 O'CLOCK. . j ; my 81-tf . MINERAL WATERS ! -Pyrmont, Carlsbad, Kls singen, Seltzers, Vichy, and Congress Mineral Wate', reproducing in the highest degree attaina ble, the waters of the most celebrated Medicinal Springs, with tbe additional preat advantage of dis pensing them in that degree of concentration taita ble to cases in which the ase of ordinary Mineral Waters are inadmissable, owing to the large quanti ty required to produce the desired results. For sale at 8. G. NORTHUOP'8 7 91-tf . Fruit and Confectionery Store. ': . To the Ladies. We HAVE JUST RECEIVED ! : A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT F Summer Dress Gobd : j IN THE NEWEST DESIGNS,' I : : xTi ri " AT THE LOWEST PRICES ' . ' .. , ALSO, 7 " - j A FULL LINE of BLACK IRON GRENADINES IN PLAIN, PLAID AND STRIPE?. ; J. & H. SAMSON'S, ap30-tf 43 Market street i WORTH & WORTH OFFER AT LOW PRICES, " ;- 1000 New!PnndelPna SPIRIT CASKS,! ; QAA Second-Hand , . do. ..' 100 BblB-QLUE 500 Lb BATTING, ! QQ .BdlB HOOP IRON, ' QQQlBnsh Choice White CORN, ; fTf ; QQ BblsFLOUR, ;. t Boxes BACON, : ' vj ;-.:-f,J : 9 A A Hhds and bbls MOLASSES and SYRUPS i Lawn liTftWAra. in . TlIE EXCELSIOR LAWN -MOWER, Hn f . - j : h: . THE BEST IN THE MARKET For salef at EftEDUCED J iP&CBS; at' the NEW HARDWARE STORE of ' .myaitf GTLB8 ft MTJRCHISON. INFORMATION WANTED. Want td know the whereabouts of the pareats ef Joseph Baber, de ceasedMr. Benjamin Baber and Mrs. Ealalia MeU who resided la W ilmington, N C. previous to the Confederate war, but now supposed to be living at some point in South Carolina. Any reliable infor mation concerning themi their relatives w immedi ate friends, will be suitably rewarded, and in return leara something f great- interest to them, by ad dressing : ., ..s.t B BEBARD, P. 0- Box 886,, -my 19t " H Brownsville, Texas.! n ft ii 97 di :.- ..!!. I' AND- i 79 ll n 5oobahbels ! ; Ttas PJPDLiR BRANDS.Of f LOUE, IP. Hi' ; FRESH FBOM( THBKLtjJS,jvj:jf: V 1 tayli-tf- EDWARDS. & fliit! 3'HJ f!i 1 . 7 iJpRQM.SnELBY COUNTY; N,,p.,:EQyAIrTO; I hOmT&E BEST IMPbSTED RHENJSH : i ,t'!0!WiNES S,;iT HALF nhi ' o'oinxt i .J WE ARE pjlSFID, THA'T.THIS 18 TRIJE It 1 fl tar WILL i FURNISH SAMPLES TO THOSE iVHO. DESIRE TT' TRY ITl " ,tf ' "i i myW-lf H...: lfcti'. and North Front ?trteti Pdwdeofedi TTVUPONTS jJQFLEvSPORTING,. MUSKET, U BLASTING-, 'MINING- and EAGLE DUCK. . HEMP, SrNGLE'ANb'DOtlBLE SAFE FlTSE, always xmn&adBd foBatcrarmanofactnrers'. uri- .VVi 2iHti tlj f .14 ft( Gj . PARSLEY ft OtXi y my 18-tf , , Cor. Orange and 8. Water Btj a'j- . i i . fv i 1 i rv. rpiiE nozirtxna staxj book cind- and la in eharseol ouw of the meatskiiif ul workntea In the State. fAH kiaaaaf EtodiaE Wcute4.ytfyt AtinaniaaaA araaflioaalT. . : -. - n Ik a. ! BDuntnitsiaBV Ul mu aua rvKviaumwaaa In the State, 'AH kiBdaaf Eiiidiajj peata4.Mrf. itcioaaj. s-v; 'v WHOLE: NO; 2,813; MISCELLANEOUS, 1 FlesaidrSpml:;: BY tbe author of the Odd TrnmB." Harwood.' "The Lacy Diamonds," Ac. , - . . , ."The writer has accomplished the feat of leaping at a single jump to the reputation of a great novel t M 4 It1 intricacy of the plot, as step by Btep the author disentangles It w 1th a fresh surprise at every turn, fairly startles one; and discloses tae presence of material sufficient for a 1 dozen of the ordinary Sensation stories Of the day."-varo York L A eood novel in the host imiu f Ua '. : lively, dramaac, told Tight along"Trom beginning to end without any flagging at the movement, and ' wiuiwi. ruigw imuciBuaryepiBoae." inaisnavo Us Journal. . - - . u Just received and for. sals at1 - - ' ' HETNSBERGEB'S , my 19-tf ; a , ' Live Book and Mafic Store, i- ; V';.:5 Ne Grass Jntter ; y THIS SEASON, -yAiui':.-mK JUST IN TO-DAY., t,x Hew Grass Butter.' ; 40 Cts. per lb. Best New ; do. Choice Goshen do . 35 . u 30 . f T i- ' f ' y' erEYERY DAT:ii;i FOR CASH WE . WILL : HAKE LARGER. DIS- " 1 ' : COUNTS THAN HERETOFORE.-' ' , lTRY THE NSW BUTTER AT ' GebEIyefs', ii I H my ao-tf - ..). ik 'Sundries. 10 000 Tiimt White CORN. ": , ,2500 MCk L!fi,?011 SLTt', ! I: ' ' ' '1 500 d0U Marshall SALT, , . j 1200 bbli FL0UB 411 fiT06' 1 r ! JQlJ bbls SUGARS, j 2QQ ahds and boxes BACON, ' i 2QQ bags COFFEE,".. A hhds, tierces and bbls , OUU CUBA MOLASSES, 3AA hhds and bbls SUGAR - OUU ? - MOUSE SYRUP. . 40() kegsNAILS, . CRACKERS, CANDY, ; ', - CANNED GOODS, f STARCH LARD, ' " : '" I , . LYE andSPOTASIL ALSO, "'. "--'A Lake George, Lebanon A and Manchester SHEET ING and Little River YARN, i Forsaleby - V; my 21-tf J : WILLIAMS Sc. MliRCHISON. Corn, Bacon, Molasses, &c. OAAA Bushels CORN, ' ,i c ' CA Boxes D.S. SIDES and SHOULDERS tV - - - - 25 om kd - do. : , d j ds & bSugar-HouEC MOLASSES 100 nndsa&dobls CTCBA ' I 4:00 NCW Standard CASKS, . ;' , . fc ' : OOfl Bcoond-Hand i - i selected, I ' -"0 BblB GLUa ' "' 400 ales prlme A No' 1 nAY " -? " 1000 Sack8 SALT' ' ? j ' ' ' 500 bblflFLOi:iK; - 'j' -! i " A tons HOOP IRON,1 l,l;if inch, 20 BblB BUNGS, 200 Paprt RIVBTS V. 50 BbbiSUGAB: j,4-',.--t'a 25 Boxes and Half Boxes COD! IS H, ' Lye, Potash, Soap. Candles,' Rice, Meal,' Candy. oiarcu, runuer, vaps, jruse, c, c m. . , . .. For sale by ; , .. . . my 81-tf , V- KERCHNER C ALDER BROS SUNDAY SCHOOL I'itL ukir. 'to . , , LIBRARY BOORS. ,3yui hL'f-J.i ni;! REWARD CARDS.; MOODY AND SANKBY'S BACKED SONGS, At n v i i i j - 'c. w.5 TAfES; ayl4tf liookstore. i Dpm Pedro ..' ' THE LATEST NOVELTjEs' IN MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS V At 1 flARttlSOIT ALLEN'S, 1 .inya;-tfj, .:.fij 7,CIty. Hat, Stored J .Ut ESTABIJt6HKDjl41.vfH.iivJ r ' - ' f ' f ' r - t' ' - - - 1033,;.;;: t;-i liiiJ - tr-i t t., ..M.-ji..! t i Burglar and FireProal7 Unlit if J;w Xu Jsiudt J f 14-1! 13- Bank Vaults arid Doors, 231 & 252 RroadWay Ker Yorlt. ii . t H.I Wuu.rJjJJ6i 21iii'u4 i''ta 2Mom.TqT nit y mw 1 flDQBxivaEslda THE ONLY BTRICTLY PtTCS WHHE'ahtri1 tri-iJffrf-T'tinol C :iKt r r- C3i a. r." nrnxxs & .co. (r i I Pp i u l - tf - d $ t f n 1; fole Amta, I I l' : ,j ""U. I mv t1-tftl.W V' 'k anil vVrAwwtSu.tif Bfriwt. ? 1 a - --- . -x - v :--t-. - - i. i S tM.'vi i-- 'P i t t nyw-HWff , o and 7 Nortn. Front Btreet, RATES OF ADVEBTISlSt:. . -Oneaaw-one ay,t;;r, . t..i " ii , C three days..., , S 'r1" V fouraaye..i.v;.., 1 . five deys.v i.-4 . j.-,,-. .. a .. tr ' " r-' on week i..; C8 SO : " ; J '. Twa weeks.,., ...,.... .....i. ' 6 OC ! Three weeks.... . . 8 50 " j " Onemorith..j.v.,ii.v..s'v--8 00 u;Twomonths.... .;.......:....!.. 15 r" Three mctia,i4,...,,-rrt..;S 00 " . six months........... .1 ...85 00 ' " One year;. . . . ..... ............... 50 01 id Contract AdvextleemenU takes at propoi .. nonatelylowrates. vi a. vj .v x v.. i n wFive Squares estimated as a quarter-column, and Jn squares ss a half -column. ; vn-ivv .'o IT ! J - a- -' t -..-' Bockbier 1"' fe's;,;,' Saloon, nront: Street; !l my Largest tock in tiri -Oity ! Qf DRUGS,- C!HEMKA,?;PATENT MEDI CtNEd, iFANCY ' ARTnjIBsj' CIGARS,-' 3tC 1 .klHWliiiitttf 1 1 ,pll . ; ; ii tbetink;" QjnNmE, p faHK :i!iH rnff.IjHAlii 4QTOOTH i:J . . BRUSlIES,'4a;:-is- .' StJALLAND EXAMINE MY STOCK!' ' OPEN EVERY UNDiY FOR THE PUB- LIC benefit,' ; i? ' ) i;'W;ilf t-.'ifc Stinsff-: i V , r V S - JOHN K. .MclLHENKY, -'- W- K. (Dor. Market and Frant Sts. . . myt-tf I f , i n i J i f -1 o ,t30 i . U A f-. "I r!!n tJTUIW Y.r.ut 'U HAVE YOUR HOUSES FRESCOED IN ANY style to suit your belf, . ; - ; . 'ANB ASTONISH EVERYBODY ELSE t? . 3; 5 ?fi 9 r f. nr i fttf 1 srAJR5P - WNK OF, IT;! i Kooms nanf4spmely and richly -frescoed from aia Am-tn ' sax tn- fr ,..-,,.,...,., . .... All kind's of BORDER?, PANNELS, CKRNI- H vjtsoxJfi-nj;t;js, i jtiaj websj and t WQ- uxvao. all shades and tints, and at lower prices than any other Arm can possibly compete with.! ri-M-i j v,t -At SUKPARD'S PAINT SHOP, : (;ap?3-tf aoh.iii.v:: i . csifl a Wnoess street.'.- 'fjf'j'ifii i Backs, Bellies,. a Rib,- S. Clear, L. Clear, S. Cured "-- Shoulders, and Hams; D. S. Shoulders, , f Smoked Shoulders and Smoked Sides. , - and Pickled PorMSmoked and .' ' ' . J : ' J Salted, of every ind. ' , . ( 15,000 lbs. If. C. Bacon, ; HAMS, SU)ES and, SHOULDERS. . ( . , ; i Potatoes, Onions, Apples, Oranges and Lemons. v ii,500;bbls. Flour, ! ALL GRADES, AND WARRANTED SWEET Soaps, Matches, Candles. StarchcB, Sodas, i-wl.; iYeatt Powder."in '- 200 bbls. Sugars, A, B. C, XC, CRUSHED, ' POWD'I, DEMARARA. : ioo bud;. b)lasses, (3uba,New Orleans, Sugar House, Golden Drips, c. i Every Thing a Grocer BTccds... Crackers, Cakes, Candles, Nnts, Spices, Fruits, Oils, Butter, Cheese, Lard,Canned Goods of every description.. Wood r and Willow . Ware, Brooms, Brushes, Smoking and tfltewtag Tobacco. Cigars. fte-IIafikyptHaJ Codflah. Ac , , ; jr flquors a Spbclaltr. J ; ' Only ReHablerBrands kept, and ALES, PORTERS 1 -j ! 4 and LAGERS always On band r 1 - . (rli-vwi- ADRIAN A ROLLERS. ap 16-tf J J Corner Dock and Front streets; Wooy; &t ,0Lirrie, t; GEJ BftALCOMMISSION MERUUANTS.Corner ton, N. C ,rp f j f,t . , ' We will conduct oar business witn the determina tion to establish a first -class Ptrietly Commission House, and to give entire satisfaction to all wl-.o mayfavor us with their patronage. v ct fi tt 3, ti iIotice.i ; ; iS TO ALL- CONCERNED. ydU CAN BUY SILVER WARE, " - J " ' ;;' ,r'';'' y ' 0 PLATED WARE AND JEWELRY, At LS THAN " ALLEN'S :te -Jewelry St6r,cornWiF c ' ; lrttie-'abods- mart sold ai some pHce j ! Call and examine before buying elsewhere.. , , , , 1 ' "Watches; Clocks 'and 'Jewelry carefully Re paired and warran foelj f eb lS-tf . . tr,- ,j r - ; . Acriit. r -r-.i. jQit hi J-fi--l5.-.bftft i ! r ! T . 5'til ir'Mj'tf-Tif 1o Wl'i''1.!.'! i Ji S Boat Builders' Ilaterial GOPPERv jQALVANIZED' AN-i TRIMMED NAILS, all Sizes- COPPER AND TRIMMED , TACK3, feLOCKg, MASTj HOOPS-, CLEATS, Ac. ; my74f'l V 'NcattTFonlftt. SPRING and 8UIZUER ' ! ' MiLtiNEB'sr:' " my e-iw ( t accessor to Jirs..K, . Btrocic j Forme 012.5.0 BlETlanneLSnils 5 Iu:-J t't? i!j m!;Isqra8ing:! , THOSE j IN WAfTJ J5AD 'PET'TJBjBUPPLY 4 H ,.THEMSELyE,Affi(OX , i A-pQMPARJSON .WILL ppNJTINCE; ANY OSE . a .. ... .. , i ; 7 :THA7CiOl. IiaJB FIANNE;!, EXCELS 1 ANYTJBINQ , SOLD . JN, , THE, CITY We guarantee, these Fast Colons or no sale. . myzi-u . . 33 Market st. i i j v f -'jf H g -r-fi t 'ti t It jf i .Intuit, t: '.V:Hf Fall ! l Fall'M Fall H ! ntnsuU'if V"f A handsome suit $10 00, wortfi i'tl'lW 'J .''S64ao ;suttsl5'(0?worai twl to. rtJUCEMENTi evr aieredAo 'CASH BUYERS, my at-tf ; - -i Jtaremnt TuatiKand clothier. Bifl& Caitiidffdsi; ; AENTRAL FIRES FOR THE SPRING FIELD andWmchesterBJne's.l Aif kind Of Rim-Fire Car- Sldgeoahaad.(,Al8o aUrce Maortmaijtof Bhoot g. Material of all kinds can M found at tbe 'Old Established Hardware Uouao of i i m w t .. : , H - . - .Tx-vwrw w a vrnM MARKET. T II nave a orana, "UUR ESST," gnvanteea oy uie aafacturers to' be JU81M AS -&OOD ;AS i CAN , jaanafacturers I BEX MACK It , Is made, kv tbe ."New ..Process." does not require as much yeas takes more 'water, ana every pound! u jKOAraateea. tagatnst .m Ciaap-, f potatment., gend lor anmle- . . : - . v mivMX 'JAMES'c; stevron f House and 8 fen Painting fa all its braachesv Life Siae-Portrait Painting in oil paint. A publie boon. . tSTt Genuine Kateominiiur Jn rtnnhfn eolnrat ttnA itr M " j5 MVt It-;.1 .J3 :2;