t Homing Btat. WM. JZ. BERNARD, CICERO XT. KARRIS, Editors. WILMING TO Nt N. C: , Tuesday Evening, Jane 13, 1 87G. ' r . . . x. . p O It CO NO RBM: ' ' ' THIRD DISTRICT, ALFRED M. WjADDELL, . OF NEW HANOVER. " SIXTH DISTRICT, r W R L.y STEELE , -' ' - - OF RICHMOND. pfiXBBYBNTHpiSTKIrr. J r W I LLIAM M. ROB BINS, 'i . I pF ROWAN. . Electors : - - , .. , x -. i . -. . ... - - .--' .; 2d district john F. WOOTEN, 3b JOHN D, STANFORD, :: , 6th " B. P. WABINO. ' 7th WM. B. GLENN. T7 T Xf T"T CL' T?TTrTvm"lT V liil 11 -lAA A AWX1 . i TWO CONVENTIONS. To-morrow two political conven- lions ot opposing parties assemuie, . it. i the one State, the other national; tne first. Dpmncrfttm Conservative, the I second; Republican. The Conserva tive Convention of North Carolina will meet in Metropolitan Hall, Ra leigh. It will bo a large body with delegations from probably all the counties. .We believe it will be an earnest, determined, united and har monious gathering of representative Democrats. It is hoped that its ac tion will be wise and courageous. Only by haying discreet leaders and properly supporting them can the Conservative party win the victory next November. There is no use in blinding ourselves with over-confi-l""w Apathy would be our ruin. Bungling would be as bad as over conGdence and apathy r Wisdom and vicror can alone make the State safe to our party. As there are such tre mendous responsibilities : devolving upon them, we presume the delegates to the Convention will act only after great deliberation and with a purpose to. make the strongest nominations possible. At Cincinnati, where, in the coun- J try at large, all political interests , . -j , I ' I tionat Aonvention will convene in Exposition Hall. The body will be I composed of 754 members, represent- ing the various States, Territories and the District of Columbia, and 378 votes, abaro majority, will be neces sary for the choice of candidates for President and Vice President. The seating-capacity of the hall where the convention is to be held is 5,084, leaving seating accommodations for only a little over four thousand per- uons apart from the delegates. Some fivo thousand persons .in -attendance on the convention had arrived in Cin vinHati on Sunday. The seating ar rangements will be totally inadequate for a proper accommodation of onc fonrth tho vast throng. This is usu ally the case at National conventions ot both parties. No idea can be formed at this dis tance, or indeed anywhere, of what the Convention' at Cincinnati will do. Tbc leading jcandidates fare Blaine, Conkling, Morton, Bristow, Hayes, Washburn and -ITartrflnft. named ,im.W. iW- u , ,, , , - eacn.7iu P.r?DAD,y nave on tne nrst ballot. No man can tell who will re- ceive the-TSomination A snlendid Tmit W .Vw C . ed up, can smash the strongest slate they may arrange. Now the Charlotte Democrat: "No more communications announcing candidates for nominations will be published in these colnmns without full pay in advance. Let those who want frhyids brought forward show their taith by their works or money." Our brethren of ; the State press are beginning to realize that self-protection is the firnt law-of nature. , Fred Douglass says Senator Conk ling is the only man who can save the Kepnbheau party from defeat. y ' . STAR DUST. 'The Marlboro . Planter .now comes tojis in place of the Marlboro Times, deceased. It is a good paper. . ; '.. - A boy, when asked by his schoolmaster tu ieivtf a.i. instance of inverse rtM), replied, 'Io proportion as the gun KM!8 up tbi mornrug, so ' does your collar gdwn" . . . 'I: .,: Mrs. Ira Meatf Greenwich, who is 100 years old, proved herself to be in full possessioft of her faculties by the witiy observation "that "Few-people die after they get to be a hundred." - .' VVjth one exception ' the VWest Vlrjtiaia delcgatldii favorsThurmaQ tor b6 nomination at St. LouU, ! Allen and HeUr (ie.k being the second choice of a msjori ty, HHd ItttyaM was the lliinl choice of a RA3IA AND OPERA. ' Miss Kellogg sings in concert at Philadelphia -with Brignoli on June 19 and 21. ' ..: Mr. Sothern is still playing Lord Dundreary at the Walnut Btreet Theatre, Philadelphia. Nilsson is considered in Europe as the best Alice in "Robert le Diable" on the operatic stage. - s - - Mme. Arnould ; and Plesay, one of the greatest actresses of - the , Coraedie Tivninniet at the nresent day. ; has retired from the Parisian stage m the hey-ey of her reputation. ! y j 1 1 VV This week will be enlivened by the inauguration of a short seuson of opera hnu ffe at Booth's Theatre by Mile. Aime and M. Offenbach. The first opera -will be "LayieParisienne! .j , Spirits uroenTaiis - Mr. J. B. Barnett is "local" of the Shelby Banner. j Salisbury is Jto have a big time ;on the Fourth of July a regular smasher. I y A "soiled doves' " cote was' parlljL blown up in Charlotte the other uicrht. ; ' ' :" . . ' - Bauman, a colored barber, of Fayetteville, is now "attorney aDd counsel lor at law.'V ; -; , . , Charlotte Home'. Mi Hay wood W. Guion is so low as to leave no honH of recovery in the minds of his at- - . . .,i n9 . Mai. Ilaigh will take seventy five men of the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry to Philadelphia'as a part of n . i i : . im.:. ..... me LtBii'Duim icsnuu. i imo ucu o . nted wroDein Ve8terday's Star.1 Trinity College, last week, con- ferred the demree of u. u. on itev. J. w. North; of the North Carolina Conference, and Rev. S. S. Bryant, formerly of the North, Carolina Conference, but now of Missouri. - Concord flegister: And this brincrs us to the point which we wished to make iu writing this article. North Carolina, we know, is conceded lo the De mocrats, out it is essentially a doubtful State, and we cannot claim it with any cer tainty, and to claim it will damage our cause immeasurably, for if - our people feel suie the State is safe anyway, it will make them indolent and neglectful, whereas, if thev feel the State to be doubtful.they will go to work at once and do the cause much good. - CINCINNATI. Outgivings Great Expectations ' f tke Rivals How tbe Field LOoUs Before tbe Battle. fCondcnsed from Baltimore Sun Dis patches. Cincinnati, June 11. Five thousand is estimated as the number of strangers in Cincinnati torday. Probably not one-half of the delegates are yet here, but the train of camp followers has, it is said, seldom if ever been excelled. Du ring the day the streets have given little indication of the accession to the noDulation. as the rjierciner ravs of the sun shot down with a tropical force, but indoors the delegates and their retainers were busily engaged in the work of furthering the pros pects of their separate favorites Among those here are most of the leading members of the different del- egations. and the amount of plotting and counterplotting is wonderful. PROSPECTS OF BLAINE. The friends of Mr. Blaine, like their leader, keep a stiff upper lip,and repeat with great emphasis that there is no doubt of his. nomination, bnt notwithstanding their seeming confi dence close observers can detect a very considerable uneasiness as to tho result. The opponents of Mr. Blaine say that his only salvation is to get the nomination on the first ballot,and this few of his most ardent friends have ever dared to hope for.. After the first or second ballot it i.s" con tended that Blaine's strength . will scatter and go to the other candi dates. Representative Frye and Bale seem engineering the canvas for Mr. Blaine to-day, reinforced by Senator llamhn. WORKING FOR CONKLING. The most effective work of to-day has "been done in the interest of Sen- . I Tl IT ator JonKiing. 11 is managers are A. B. Cornell,' Tom Murphy and Little Johnny Davenport. Ten handsome parlors are set apart at the urrana ana me uioson noieis lor tne use of the New York delegation. It 1 is said that not less than one thou- gand conkling men, gobd and tra I are with the delegation, and from the I number of Conkling badges that are seen the figures do not seem to be over-stated. In the luxurious par lors of the Grand Hotel set apart for the delegation, Messrs. Cornell and Murphy have all day entertained a stream of callers. A picture of the divine Koscoe is set over the mantel for his admirers to gaze upon, and. in accordance with hia well-known A. . . temperance principle ice-water is the only refresh meut openly dis pensed.. The tine band of the Ninth New York Itegiment is with the Conkling party, who appear all to be abundantly supplied with funds, One of the friends of the New York Senator said to-night that he tli.l not know who was to pay for it all, but it would cost somebody 5l),0()(). THE ANTi-CONKLTN(t EN. Rill.- li. llohprts firuWiov Vontrm of New York, are. here workinjr against Mr. Conkling. A dozen U. S. Senators are on the ground, and nearly every one of them is active in Mr. Conkling s lnleicst, jjlthonuh half, at least, are popularly supposed to be for Senator Morton. It U now denied that the South Carolina dele gation will go for Conkling. Ben Wade's friends deny that he is for Blaine. "' ;" ' CAEPEJ8TES AND LOGAN ON HAND v Ex Senator Carpenter has forgot- wii.uis uiuiuw wiiiiTe iiunjinjj niir I . ...... m. . n . . I . . . . I . . I w uo wiin politics, as ne turnea up trday as busy av any one... Senator Logao afec apared. in ;ih,o .soeiiej and was an object ot.grqat attention, especially by :the Blauifr'tnien, t Tho forty yotr s of Illinois were consider ed as pledged to Blaine, bnt; now it is asserted that 'Logan carrien them , in hia hrwhea Docket, and intends to put them where they will do -the most good. i l SECRETARY CAMERON. 3 Don Cameron arrived I last night, but was so much indisposed that, he immediately proceeded to his room at the "Grand." To-day great anxie ty prevailed to know .his programme, but he is still sol unwell that-he de clined to put any of his wires in op-. eration , . . I - , , iJ TBE COtOBKDl)ELEGATES. Frecf Dodglas, whoisfi'or" Conk hC was "aroiind" the Hew York headquarters la good deal J and was an objector much attention.:: A here are perhaps as many as ntty otoer coi- pred delegates, put Bot rnucn nonor was. bestowed .upon them. One of the Southern" white delegates said, "these niggers are a great nuisance. They will. come to the conventions and tnen : we nave to pay tneir ex penses." j ; 5 1 , -THE BEISTOW STATEMENT. .Of .all the candidates Mr. Bristow seems, to. nave tne least Known strenerth among: the deiegrates. Tho local sentiment is largely in. his fa vor, and his photograph stares at the passer-by from every shop window, where it hangs side by side with clog dancers and ballet girls. I . ATTEMPT AT POOL-SELLING. An attempt was made last night to sell pools on the nominations, but opinion among the sporting frater nity - was se much at sea that there werO no offerings, r. It will: be tried again to-morrow. A BITTER CONTEST. A great deal of bitterness prevails among ttio lriends ot tne opposing a 4 a . - candidate?, and this will have a ten dency to prolong the contest, so that now it is anticipated that the Con vention may be three days in conclu ding its work. THE TERRITORIAL DELEGATES. Of. the eighteen territorial dele gates sixteen are for Blaine and two for Bristow. These gentlemen were put in a terrible state of I ferment to night by a report that a resolution was to be offered in the Convention denying them the right to vote be cause of the Territories having no electoral votes. TREACHERY. Later the Blaine men were dis turbed by what they termed another evidence of the treachery of the Conkling partv. It was discovered that for the last two days Conkling emissaries had wormed! themselves into the confidence of j the Blaine men and obtained possession of some of their secrets. It has been loudly proclaimed that there are assurances from the Derao- cracy that if he is nominated at Cin- cinnau iney win inuorso i.inra at ot. Louis-, It is believed there is not the least foundation for this statement, but it is having its effect. . &oiicitor Wilson, who; 14 iiere, is said to bo Mr. Bnstow's riirht-hand man. So far there has scarcely been any talk about the officers of the conven tion, the question of thei candidates swallowing up everything else. A PARADISE FOR POLITICIANS. No 01 t- 1 ,1, ounuav liquor laws noid in subjection tho bibulous propensities of the citizen or the stranger in Cin cinnati. The bars and the saloons where the famous Cincinnati lager is dispensed have been open all day, but, rare as it may seem ! on such an 110 evidence ot undue in dulgence has exhibited i itself. Al though faro banks are norninaliy un der tne ban, delegates and visitors are anxious to fight the tiger, and ex perience no diflfculty in being accom modate J. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Timothy Lubey, Simon Wolf and Col., .brooks, 01 the District of Co lumbia, havo arrived. Gov. Shep- nera will be here to-morrow. i i 'ANOTHER .REGIMENT. : The late trains to-night brought in. more than one thousand additional delegates and visitors Three hundred additional Blaine outsiders came in to-night. COUNTING UP. It is said that a careful count to night gives Bristow some 12 or 15 votes from New England which had been depended on lor Blaine. Mr. Blame's friends claim over 300 votes on the first ballot, Morton's nearly 200 and Bnstow's 80. Conklins's friends do not now claim that he will start with much else beside New York, but they expect the big licks to be put 111 on the succeeding bal lots. LIST OF LGVTEIIS Remaining ;n the City Post-Office, June 13, 1876: B Miss Zellena Brown. Fannie Bminir, ton. Edward Bealy,, Sanders Bradle.Araos Drown, luctiaru mown. C Minslda Chambers, miss Pernethia bhampion, miss Aunie Cornty, John W Uliase, Aialeoin thason, b; Adolph Cohn. William A Coie, li O Cowan.; D Charles Damon, F E Davis, Patrick Donelan, Ezt-cal Dornaldson. i II Mrs Alurv II ooper. Elijah Hawkins. iSTlios Holderi, Zach Ilussey. J Mrs JWaneita JohustonJ mrs Marv S T. 1 . X I 1 . J . UUIIUBIOM, 1L .HXIIJSCIl. K Frank Keh man. L Jane Lawrence, Leila Lavere, W F Lee, uioer Deand. , " - - M Miss Phillis Martin, mrs Mary Moore, Henry c Murray. P-Miss Julia Parker. Shenard xnr r..... ' J S Mrs Kate Ravage. i ! ; : T Lucy-Taj lor, Julia Ann Thomas. V Sarah Vausc. i W Miss. .Lizzie White, misa TVTroln teb-?"1 1"k4vbniWatsoir;i a rrix ttbiuku, (miner Wllrfnms,J IT Wll- 1 fejnsoo.V KIITP. T.1?.TT-PT?a I ' Peder Anderson, bark Staubo, care Capt KGundeiBon:L M Fletcher, ochrG W Ail derson ;. Lewis P, Little, schr. Thoa W Uol der ; capt A, W Moore. ; Persons calling lor,' letters ; In" thep above' list will please, say advertised." . : i H ."...-.v..,.,. Ed. U. Brink, P. M.?' ' Wilmington, New fLmover Co., N. C, BY TELEGRAPH. NOON it l: i 'ossis. WASHINGTON Mr. Blaine Improving He Want the New fied to Bin. v - ' ' ' ; - 1 ' rl V Washington, June 13., ATp Tiiaine' continues to imbrove. Tie slept naturally a part of the morning, and the doctors arc still greatly encouraged.. lie passed a comfortable , night, and cais well this morning. He wants the newspa pers and telegrams read to him. The phy sicians keep him quiet, -but say he is rap idly convalescing. . CINCINNATI. Tbe New Yorlt Delegation and tne Presidency Tbe Blaine and Conk- line mien at Work. - Cincinnati, June 13. The New York ' delegation took a vote this morning, when Gea. Wm. Curtis and A.' A. Low voted for Bristow, and the re mainder, for Conkling..1 .The, endeavor to force the delegation to vote as a unit railed. There was considerable heat in the consul tation. ' New York, June 13. The Tribune specials from Cincinnati say: "frobaoiy tne most striking lact 01 news from Cincinnati is that the menus 01 Mr. Conkling, who are working very hard, are trying to break down Blaine's support by arguments derived from his sudden ill ness. Only the Vermont and Michigan following of Mr. Dlaiue, however, is wa vering at present, and his nomination on the third ballot is predicted. . "Conkling is gaining Southern delegates, and taking away votes from Morton. It is now certain that only a few votes from Pennsylvania can be delivered to Conkling. That gentleman, however, is now claimed to be a sure second in strength to Uiaine, and it is said Mi. Morton will be dropped early in balloting." Other specials say: "The Blaine dele gates from various sections held a meeting and voted that Blaine s name should be presented in Convention by Frj'e, to l e followed by lngcrsoil, of Illinois, and if necessary, by J. II. Howe, of Wisconsin, a nephew of the Senator. FOKEIUN INTELLIGENCE. Arrival of nr. Davis at Liverpool EuKlaud and tbe Wlnslow Case- Riot at Gibraltar Crop in Spain Destroyed by Locusts, &c. Liverpool. June 13. Jefferson Davis . was a passenger on the Memphis which arrived here yesterday trom JNew Orleans. London, June 13. The Standard of this merniner. in a lead ing editorial article on the Winslow corres pondence, says: "The papers in the case presented to .Parliament do not seriously alter our previous opinion that Secretary Fish is technically right reeardine the terms of the treaty, and probably though on this point we feel much less confidence as to the meaning of the act of 1870, yet we are inclined to think that while the Secretary is technically right, he is substan tially wrong." The article concludes as follows: "Government certainly have no desire to shelter Winslow or any other American criminal, but cannot depart from the dc ';? t & 11 1 1 siuoo 11 mis reiucianuy lanen, ana we must hope, therefore, that the United States Go vernment will soon find itself in a position to assent to our interpretation of the pre sent treaty, or tne conclusion of a a new one which will ensure the objects the two governments have equally in view A limes dispatch trom Cadiz savs there has been a riot at Gibraltar, but no details have been received. Spanish telcerams sav tne trouble was begun by a German ... .. - ' sailor of the iron-clad fleet insulting ladies on me wnarr. Ail uermaa sailors were confined to their ships until the fleet sailed. A special to the Jrost from Berlin reoorts mat I'nnce Milan, 01 foervia, has sent an uuiograpu leiier 10 ionsianitnoDie. ac knowledging allegiance to Murad. 1 lie Sultan has notified the Khedive that he would soon sanction the privileges granieu mm oy me Jale bultau The Turkish corps of observation on the Servian frontier have been ordered to with draw. Cadiz, June 13. The crons in the provinces of Bacdad. tuiuad and ileal have been destroyed bv iocusis. ; oix inousanu tons ot locusts have been burned iu trenches bv netroleum i'luuen mousuau souuers nave been em Tl!f t ployed in destroying them. N K XV YOKK. Strange ana Fatal Disease Anions Children. Port Jervts, June 13. In the town of Bethel, Sullivan countv, a strange disease of a verv malignant tvee ii3 mauu us appearance among tne chil dren. Several have died recently after a iew nours' illness. The physicians are completely baffled in their efforts to deter mine the nature of the disease. MAINU. Election or Tiiaen .Delecrate to St Louis. : Bangor, June 13. The seeond and fourth district Demo cratic Conventions elected Tilden dele gates to the St. Louis Convention to-day. ONTARIO. Destructive Fire In Kingston. Kingston, Ont, June 13. Ferguson's block and the Bruce block. wim uiucu auioinin? nronertv - wpta hurned last: night. The loss will reach f 150,000. The Biblical Kecorder, PUBLISHED BY Edwards, Bronglilon &. Co. BALEIGII, N. C. . ; REV. C. T. BAILEY. ditor. EEV. J. D. HUFHAM. AssocLite Editor. KBV. W. T. WALTERS. D. D.. Acricalt'al E.litir Organ of Nortt Carolina- Baptists In its Fortieth Year. EVERY BAPTIST SHOULD TAKE IT. . I As an Advertising Medium Unsurpas: sed Only $2.10 per Year. . Address . - f : BIBLICAL RECORDER. . jan 30-if . Kalelgh, N. C. Horrjr; jWeekly New& PUBLISHED BVEBY . TUESDAY MORNENQ ; v, a- AT,CQKWABOaO, S. C, , , x. w. iJKATY, EDITOB; J. W. O. SMITHY : ptnrLisHEHr- 1 Ternw-ia per ABinin. A D v ERTIS EM ENTS ' INSERTED AT LOW ifr The HomtNewt Is the only paper , pao; I.e. vouuiy, una naving a largs eircotsaon hi thta county, and acoasideraUle clrcalation in Co- luuviu uiawiuiBwuE conntr, n. c, makes It aesvable medmm for slvnrHiuwa - . ... "a fOMa ow nthorikad AReat in W0 muigtoB.N, c. ace IS-tf COMMERCIAL.. W 1 1.MJNGT ON MA II K KT. ' STAR OFFICE, June 23-A3 P. SPIRITS ? TURPENTINE. Market steady at 27 cents. Sales of 300 casks at 27 cents per gallon for Southern packages. ROSIN. Markets steady at $1 20 for Strained and $1 25 for Good Strained. No transactions tdr rioted" " " " ' TAR. Market iii m at $1 GO. Receipts and sales of 80 bbls at $1 GO per bbl, -"' CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market steady. Receipts and sales of 447 bbls at $1 00 for Hard, $1 SO for 1 ellow Dip, and $3 00 for Virgin. . COTTON. Market entirely nominal, with no sales to report. CORN". Market quiet for good at Go 67i cents in bulk, and 7072 cents per bushel, in bags. New York Naval Stores market, . June ie, 1876. Receipts to-dayr 2,496 bbls rosin. 783 do spirits turpentine, S3 do tar. There was a slightly better business in spirits turpen tine, and holders at the close were disposed to entertain more steady views. The sales embraced 150 bbls at 30c ; 29Jc was the general price for lots to arrive. In rosins a continued dullness must be noted; no new features, however, can be mentioned as reeards tone or quotations; the sales were 350 bbls low pale at $3 25. Tar shows considerable firmness; the advices from Wilmiuclon arc strong, and offerings here quite limited ; sales to-day of 50 bbls Wil mington at $2 37. . Uity pitcn steady ana in jobbing request. ' The telegraphic advices were as follows: Liverpool Spirits turpentine, 23s, Cd. dull; rosin common, 4s. bd.4s. yd., steady; fine, 17s., steady. London Rosin steady, 4s 9d for common; spirits turpentine, 22 22$ 6d., dull. by telegraph. WOniEMllC SlAUIiET!). New York, June 13 Noon. inancuiL Stocks dull and steady. Money 2 per cent. Gold 112.V. . Sterling Exchange long 488; short 490. Governments dull and steady State bond3 quiet and nominal. - Commercial. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheatdull and unchanged. Corn quiet and firm. Pork dull at $19 40. Lard heavy steam $11 52 J. Spirits turpentine steady at 29 J 30c. ltosm quiet at 1 coaai 75 for strained Freights heavy. Cfltton quiet, with sales of 400 bales at 12 l-lo cents for uplands, and 12i cents for Orleans. Futures steady June 12 1-lGc; July 12 1-1C12 3 32c; August 12 31Cai2 7-32c; September 13 12 3-lGc. VORU1UN JU AlCK.tr !. London, June 13-Noon. Erie 12. Livekpool, June 13 Noon. Cotton firmer and not quotably higher middling uplands Gd; middling Orleans 6 5-16d; sales 12,000 bales, of .which. 2,000 were taken for speculation ana export; re ceipts 21,000 bales, of which 16,000 were American. Futures l-32d cheaper than at close last nieht: middline uplands, 1. m. c, July and August delivery, 66id; Au gust and September delivery, 6 '3-16d. LATER. Cotton middling uplands, 1. m. c, Sep tember and October delivery. 6d. LATER. Brcadstuffs quiet; new mixed western corn 2Gs Gd2Gs 9d. LATER. Cotton middling uplands, 1. m. c, new crop, shipped November and December, per sail, Gfd; sales of American to-day 8,400 bales. Bacon Cumberland cut steady at 44. Lard prime western steady at 51s Od. MISCELLANEOUS. -THE- Baltimore and Wilmington STEAMERS Will Hereafter Sail FROM EACH PORT Every Five (5) Days, DURING Tie Sillier or Dnn Business Season. Steamship D. J. Foley. . .. FROM . . Baltimore, Tuesday, May 30tli, Steamship Ealeigh, FROM Wilmington, Tuesday, May 30tn. On or before the opening of the FALL TRADE the Regular SBMI-WKKKLT Sailing Days will be, resumed, and Shippers may rely upon sailing as ad VGrtized -y - - A. . CAZAUX. Agent, - WILMINGTON, N. C. EDWIN FITZGERALD, General Agent, my 26-tf 5T Soath Street, Baltimore, Md. TOLLEY'S P 1 N E ENGLISH Breech -Loading: Guns. ; We have for many years, with great success, made -a apiBcialty of buildmg Fine Breech-Loading Gnns to the special Instructions of individual sportsmen M aking for a large and select trade enables us to pve greater care and attention to the fittiue, shoot ing and general finish of oar Guns than caii be given to those Guns bought by the retail trade from manufacturers who produce for a general market, w e solicit the patronage of those- sportsmen who are judges of Fine Guns and who know the impor tance 01 having thelrtfunrmadeto fit tbem. we are prepared to accvpt orders ,to build Guns orany weight, gauge, proportion or style. BBAiBV- ' ,!a!H..j.Mi -tiactl' 3Swrl.tSt""-"V-i f 66- Gli STiAWn w " N ATMONU '" ;, 115 . " ,. ftl lUJMALi... .. ............. ....... f f lWJS( 1 . ....... .... S2S 4 llltwtratea particulaM wit'refeVences and Instructions forelfjnfasorement forwarded oa an plicadon. J. & W. TOi.r.Rv j irBclrOfll.3 Ifatdea iJUie.New Yk. in 5 k INSURANCE. Fire 'ani Lift : Insurance Agency of ) J. A.. BYRNE & CO. : JSepreaentlns over $6,000,000 Asset tOFFICE Commercial Exchange Building, North Water Street. 25-tr Life Insurance Qompany Of hleUmond,; -Virginia. Over 22,S00 Policies Isssed Annual Income Over $l,500,000j Preiressire ! Prosjerons ! Prompt ! SMALL EXF1ENSSS, SMALL LOSSES, SECURK INVESTMENTS. AMPLE RESERVE. AND GOOD 8URPLUS Premiums Casit, Policies Ufocral, ; Annual. Division of Surplus. AUTHUE J. HILL, Jr., Agent. Office for the present with Dr. T. F. Wood. Medi cal Examiner, on Market street, two doors west of Green & Planner's drug store. Wilmington, N. C. September 2-tf " Lycoming Fire Insurance Co. OF MCNCIf, PENN. VRGANIZRD IN J840, AND IN SUCCESSFUL Assets.......! .... $5,414, G3G.S7 Total Losses paid Fince orsjanization, embracing . 8 304 C'LAlAltj, 6, 115, 36. J54. Issues Five Tear Policies on Good Dwelling and Mercantile Bisks, under the mutual plan, at about one-half tbe cost under tbe nsaal Etock rates. JNO. W. GORDON & BKO , Agents. je4-tf 24 North Water street INSURANCE ROOMS op- Atkinson & Manning. $70,000,600 Assets Represented. . FIRE. Ins. Co. of North" America. . .. Phenix Insurance Company Continental Insurance Co N. British & Mercantile, Ins. Co Hartford Fire Ins. Company..... National Fire Ins. Company Springfield F. & M. Ins. Co. IUAHINE. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co... ... Ins. Co. f North America. ... .Philadelphia. . .New York. .New&'ork. .Lonflon. .Haftford. .nartford. .Massachusetts. .New York .Philadelphia. LIFE. Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co,... Hartford. March 2-tf JNCOURAGE HOME INSTITUTIONS. Security against Fire. THE Is ORTH CAROLINA IIOIE IKSURAJSCE COJBPANI, RALEIGH, N. C This Company coatincca to wnte Policies, at fair rates, on all classes of inearab euroDert v. AD losses arc promptly adjusted and pa3L The "tnjaLts." is rapraiy growmg in puduc iavor, and Bupcoie, wimcoiiiiufcjuce, uj uiburerts 01 properly IB snn Carolina. ' Agents in all Daits at the State. K. H. BATTLE, Jr., President. v. a. kuwt, v ice irresidcnt. BEATON GALES, Secretary. PULASKI COWPER, Supervisor. ATKINSON & MANNING, Aerars, aag 1-tf - Wilmington. N. a Bank of New Hanover Authorized Capital 1,000,000. Cash Capital paid in 300,000. Surplus Fund - $50,000. DIRECl OBSt JOHN DAWSON D. R. MURCHISON DONALD McRAE H. VOLLERS R. R. BRD3GERS J. W. ATKINSON C. M. STEDMAN L B. GRAINGER JAS. A. LEAK B. F. LITTLE E. BBORDEN M. WEDDELL. L B. GRAINGER, President S. D. Wallace, Cashier. augSO-tr : THE SHEIDEf BREECH-LOADING SHOT (JttlSr: l: 1 Prices, $50 OO to $250 00. r 3WZZLE Z OA DING G UNS ALTERED TO BREECH-LOADING. Prices, $40 OO (a $100 OO. --. Clark & Sneider, MANUFACTURERS, 214 West Pratt Street, Baltimore. Send for Catalogue. dec 22 D&Wtf S. W. Qoodridge, ; Grafton, Windham Co. Vermont. MAN UFACTURE R OF Fine Fishing Rods ofaakinds. ' Particuir attention paid to making rods adap to Southern trade. , K Rods of any desired pattern MADE TO ORDER ' on short notice and at reasonable prices. . Send for Circular. - jBi, l-u&Wt ij ,' M ETALLIC CARTRIDOBMILTTARY. HUNT ING AND " CRESDMOQR' ; RIFLES . EXCEL ALL OTHERS IN ACCU- - .V ? RACY,' 1 STRENGTH ' AND . : ' safety;3 V";'-' Ko Prematura DiscigeTt : Every Rifle warranted a good shooter. Calibre 40, 44 and 50-100 or.an inch and of any desired length. Charge of powder from 50 to 105 grains. A Weight ef balls from TOO to M(Tgra1fisSl6okr plain; also Pistol grip and checked. Sights ilamfGtbbe'ani'' Peep Sights; Vernier ;wtth- iBteiangeable front sights . and r"Ind-gange. ;;EvBryt variety : of am i manition for abox gPfvonayjHlAvjVi ; Price TrauL $30 jto,$123u j u ;-..M SHARPS JIKL WMPANY'; JJ eptSl-D&Wtf Hartford. Conn. I ,NE5:ADyEIiTISE!ENT5s. T. IS IB U KT : " For the k Campaign. The events of tbe Prefdehtiar- camnsi'm win v so faithfully and fully illustrated In X II Is YOUR MJN as to commend it to cundid men ,Tr aU parties 1 We wiU send THE WEEKLY im TION (eight pases) post paid, from now tiu af4 election for SO Vin. the fcUNDAY EDlTlov same eixe, t the same price ; or the DAILY fcCr page.for $3,00. " ' "' '"' " ' ' Aaaress :a tiis aucv, iscw York city. $12 a day at home. Agtnts wanted. OnF. and terms 'freerTRUB &-xx, Angol 'ti Maute. . 5f VISITING CARDS, with yonr name nn,-u it printed, sent for 25c We have a3 m Ve Asrcnts Wanieo. 9 eamnJcs pent fnri A. IL FULLER & OU, Brockton, Mass. UUJJ This Claim-House Established in 1S65 PENSIONS annW and H5. and for their heirs. The law includes iu serters and those dishonorably discharged, lr " jarcd, woundc(L.or bavecontracted any disease n- entrUed to an Increased hats, and should apply im" mediately. All Soldiers and teamen ,f ihe V'Ai of 1812 who served for any period, however short whether disabled or not, and all widows of t-nch not now on tne jrension rous, are requested to sc--1 me their addres at once..; ' "u PnTTMTVs MaBT who enliBted in 1EC1 2 era iDU U 1)1 1 1 '63are entitled. Send jonr di charges and have them examined. En-inesa bcfi.fn the fATENT OFFICE, solicited. Officers retarns and accodnts settied. and all just claims prosecuted. As I make no chs ge unless successful. I rcqact all to eucloee two stamps for reply and letnrn of i4 pers. GEORGE E. LEMON, lxick Box 47 Wall, ngton.D.C. ' , I recommend. Capt. Lemon as an honorable un-i successful Practitioner.. A. Hnrlbnt,3W.O 4 h Congressional District Of Illinois, late Major (.'en , U.S. Vols. . In writing mention name of this paper. PER, WEEK GUARANTEED 'Jo Agents, Male and Female, in their own Address P. O. VICKERY & Co, Auguata, Maine. ' SC TO Gjon per day at home. Samples worth i U IJL&iUfree. Stihson A Co., Pordacd. fcfcT3SYCHOMANCY,OB SOUL CHARMING " JT Bow either sex may fascinate and gam the love and affections of any person they choose in stantly. This art all can possess, free, by mail' for 25 cents; together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, etc. I.Wjooom sold. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAMS & CO-Pub's, Philadelphia. A GREAT OFFER iwria- T NEW and SECOND-HAND PIANOS ana 0K GANS, of First Olaas Makers, including WATERS'" at LOWER PRICES than EVER BKFORE cfferoii' NEW 7 OCTAVE PIANOS for $26-1 BOXEU a-.ri SHIPPED. Terms $40X3ASHar.d $10 MONTH LY Hntil paid. NEW 5 OCTAVK 4 STOP OR GANS, with Book Closets and Stool Warranted i.ir $100 $20 CASH, and $5 MONTHLY n't 1 paid. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES rfi&ik-i! AGENTS WANTED. . . HORACE WATERS & SONS, 481 Broadway, N.Y. CONFEDERATE BILLS, BONDS AND POSTAGE STAMPS WAN TED. -$4 for rarest bills, $ 1 0 for raret-t gtamps It will pay to send them immediately. AUo othi r curiosities. AMERICAN STAMP CO., Box 4045 New York.; myi0-4v ' .' ' ' N T University of Virgin! a SUMMER LAW LECTURES (nine weekly) betrin 13th July, 1876, and end 13th September. Uave proved of signal use, 1st, to students who dsi. ltl puirub bllt,U DbUUICO Ok IIUO VI VUIC1 AjCL iV CVlJtH 1 1 , 2d, to those who propose to read privately ; and 3 1, to practitioners who have net hd the advantage of systematic instruction. For circular applv (t. O. University of Virginia) to JOHN B MINOR, Prof. Com. and Stat. Law. . je4-4wD&W 414 ULi i IMI1QI7 M LEXINGTON ST. UL! SiUUnClliL1. Correspond Direct If you want true bettom figures and save con eiderable per centage ia the purchase of FINE PI ANOS AND ORGANS. TRY IT I If you wish to Purchase You will get&ny reasonable guarantee to insure yon that Pianos pnrchased of this House ARE KQb Ai , IF NOT SUPERIOR TO TUB MOST NUTEIJ MAKE KNOWN. "UnpurchaaeO'' competent judges who have tried them, pronounce them Superior; Pianos '. They have SEVEN (also 7K) OCTAVKS, FINK TON1S and TOUCH, OVEUSTKUNG BASS, FULL IROM FRAME, THE AGRAFFE, CARVED LEbS. LYRE, JtC, , . ' ; i ; ; They are beautiful; durable cni wear well . Sold at very reasonable prices, and At Speciaiinducements if negotiated for direct to this House. i? uuy:vy arranted. . Address : .. ; f ' J.'F. RUECKERT, 414 Xexlnston St., . ; , Baltimore, irtd. ap 23-tf 1 THE STAR, PublisUcd at Marion, S. C $3 a Tear In Advance, Offers the following liberal premiums to snb scribcrs i - , r . l ' A, .HANDSOME ENGRAVING (19 x 14 in.) to single subscribers. AN EXTKA COPY OF THE STAR for one year to any one who will send a Club or Five subscribers, and an Engraving to each member of the Club. A LADY'S MOROCCO SATCHELL OR SET OP GOLD STUDS, each valued at, $7 50, to any one Bending a Club of Fifteen. ; TEN DOLLARS IN GOLD for a club of twenty five. TWENTY rFTVE DOLLARS IN GREENBACKS for a Club ot Fifty. . FIFTY DOLLARS IN GOLD for a Club of One Hundred. - , i. . - -, ; -- t . . AN ELEGANT FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, Wilcox & Gibba, worth $8 for a Club of One 11 uu dred and Fifty. .. - With a little energy and enterprise, rome lady or eentlcman in every Belgiborhood might get one or more of the handsome jiremiums offered. Premiums prompUy paid on receipt of names ac companied by tho cash.i ty :, -.4 , , . . Monbt may be remitted by draft, Post Office order, or in registered letter at our risk. . , Address.all letters to . , ' :. . W. f. MUKEJtALL, Editor, dec 15-tf iK .,-4 i ; j. . . Marion. 8. C TIIE PEE DEE HERALD, ' PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, at Wadef boro',N.C, Only one dollar per j ear. Bright, cheerful, progressive, always up to the ad vancing thoughts of the times, the Hbkald takes rank with the kadlBg journals of th day. It is on the side of Christianity. The Hkbald is dcroud to the family clrcle."lt cdntain Onginai and eeJect stories, wit, humor, &c ;every family in the land should subscribe for it. "Its low price (only one dollar; places It within the reach of every one in tb j laad. .. yfe pay all postagei A v v t r BEAD WHAT THE PRESS THINKS OF US. , The Herald U aflrat Class family Paper. Having some of the ablest writers In North Carolina at tached I to its ttttiS.: , There, is eneogh hamoronrf reading in it to make one laugh for a week enough to keep -you jol!y till the next comes. Rockmart (Oa. News. W refer to the publisher of this paper. Subscribe at once Address, HERALD, Wades ,bor6',N. C- .vioiii .- ; . july 15-tf iTheiM6ta&: Clarion, i ll 1 1 y VA WIDE-AWAKE ' DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER, OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA. One copy one year, $3 M ;,slx months, $1 25 ; Ihtee months, SO cts ne nionth, 5 cts. j . . !'',.... . . . ' ' , I Its'sloean Is Rcforthy Retrenchment,' Home Rule, EtandCapab:eMea;forOfllce,. I a, ' k r CLARION Is g6od advertising medium.' low. 'Samplo free.. Hosd fo one... - ap20-tt ' .