THIS iUV.WiWU-w-.. ' -FUBUSUBD DAILY. BY - r . I . Y.Va I '-M... ' 11 ' V. " V 7 K VOI II r . , L'V: .J.I : . V .. I": " " " ! M I .JU I ' 1 SiS jUTM OP StnaCBOTItM IK ADYAVCi: Six months, j ..m- g "SKSfV " ! " - 100 jofkathoriaed w collect for more thmn 8 months in lvnca. -'. ' ' MORNING EDITION. OUTLIKIX t Accident happened yesterday on Taun ton & Bristol (Eng.J Railroad, by which i is feared a number of persons were Wiled. J Servians again defeated, and arfi in full retreat. - After August 7 reduction i 0f ten per cent, in wages at Jfall Itiver. i Vanderdilt's death is expected, i genate adjourned out of respect for j late oonftthr Caoerton. -Louisiana Demo- ' crata nominated yesterday for Goveroor ! ji jl Nichols; for Lt. QoYernor, ex-Mayor and Speaker Wiltz. Three criminal outrages reported from Edgefield, 9- C. : Bluford Wilson, ex-Solicitor of Trea- surv, testified that Grant co-operated in v ,;ie whiskey fraud prosecutions until Bab- i cock was implicated; then withdrew. ; New York markets: Cotton, llfll ll-15c; - lumentine, 30c; rosin, $1 601 75; gold, LET IKK FROM WILSON. Haliilng Tllden and Vance Banner- Henry G. lYlUMima, Eq. Improve ment In Crop, eic. Star Special Correspondence.1 Wiuson, N. C, July 27. A Tilden, Vance and Reform flag was hoisted at this place, in front ! tt - . j I of the Court House square, yesterday morning, and is now waving about one hundred and fifty feet in the air. W'ave on, proud banner, wave on ; 'liothing less than victory shall be the result in November next. j The cit rons of this town and vicin ity are becoming thoroughly aroused in bebaU of the coming election, Wil son is wide awake, and in November next it will cast a larger vote for the Democratic party than it ever, has before. The cry is, "Still the good work troes bravely on. Henry G. William?, Esq., the ta lented editor of the Wilson Advance, u highly spoken of by his many friends in this section as the j proper representative for us in this Senato rial District. He is a gentleman well qaaliSed to fill the position, and his great popularity would add strength to ourxictei. ne is niieu tor t iuucu hicrhter snhere of usefulness. Capt Dorsey Battle, the polite edi tor of that humorous and spicy sheet, the J arnoro ssoutnerner, win aaaress the Tilden and Vance Club of this place at an early date, instead of Capt. Williams, as your correspon dent "Moody," in his letter of 26th, .informed you. I The crops are looking much im proved since the recent rains, and the prospect of a good yield is decided ly flattering. - I The weather is very cool for the .'season. Tilden, Hendricks and Reform are all the ge. Sanky. The State Canvass. VAJICE A If O SBTTLfC Firm Bneonnter Great Jfleetlns at ttutherfqrdton F our Thooiaad Person Preneut-nistaty Wave of Eutholam for Vance. I Speciitl dispatch to the Raleigh Sentinel. ; RUTHERFOKDTON, July 25. Vance and Settle opened the cam paign Tuesday to four thousand peo ple. Vance opened in a speech of an hour and a halt. Settle followed at the seme length, dnd each replied in half-hour speeches. Vance i made a telling speech and gained votes. Settle made a strong partisan appeal, and dodged the issues as best be could. The speakers were courteous J iy iu vwu uiutr, auu luuuigcu iu undue personalities. The negroes were boisterous for Settle. Settle read a letter of Vance. with the Uni l.ted Slates seal, procured in Wash- i iiif;iuii cuy, in regara to making ue- ertion a misdemeanor. Vance neia it up to the people and show mat much bad been sup pressed and only garbled ex i r icts made. He said the Go v. rnment , den-.ed him access to hw i., vii official letter, and Setile i: uIm. 1 them to suit himself. He w;i airaid to tight him fairly. Seuiation a;u niurmurs of "shame on settle, 'a villainous act,' Vance ar rajtid Settle for sympathizing with llie Kirk war. raisin? a company and rcsvnn mo tn f. .M n,i tha I It publicans for fraud and pecula- lion, civil ritrhti i,ftrd timi'H and heavy taxes. Vance's denunciation f the civil rights bill, as one of the fi measures of the Kadical par ty was o te of the best ! "efforts 0,: hs life, and must have a telling effect among the white Republicans -Jf the mountain country if repeated ".liis future speeches. Settle made an appeal to the negroes, went over 1 the ku-klux, raw-head and bloody- J ones stories, quoted Joe Turner,aud j Watned Vance for faithlessness to Je Confederacy. Tbe Spartanburg I accompanied Vance. There was little demonstration for Settle: J,oth made powerful speeches. The npontains are afire for Vance. - Tllden and Tance In Wake. . Raleigh Sentinel. J. M. Carver, a deputy from the tilden and Vance Club, of this city, organized a Tilden and Vance Club at orestville, last Saturday. Over 8ix.ty members were enrolled. Hon. eo. W. Thommnn wan chosen urea- .Went; Dr.R. H. Lewis aod.D.H. noneycatt, vice-presidents; seoreta 7 and treasurer, E. P. Dann. John - - J ' f . - . .-. rt.. ri.t t ,- ,; -J i.t -- VOL. XVIII.--NO. 108.. F. Fort. S. II. Dunn and Oaammi-W-'- Thompson were appointed the execu live Committee. - Alnnh intoreof woe i rnamrested by the crowd, especially the old men! There ia everv tros- fect that the membership will rapid-1 y and larerelv Tuesday, Mr. Carver organized a ciuD at jjunusvule, with 40 members. vv. a. Hunter was made President: Vice President, Thomas Yeargin; oecreiary ana l reasurer, J . J . Dunn. lnus the ball rolls on. r Every where bur nominations are greeted with applause. Mr. .Carver reports mat ine party m the above' named sections will roll up a full yote and make heavy gains. ! Mr. Carver will shortly visit Roles- viile and other .places in the county, and continue the good work. -Here- ports the crops in that part of the county as looking splendidly. . - . - Vance 'and Tllden at Math, The meeting at Terrell's, . Nash county, on Wednesday, was a great success, a crowa of l at ' least five hundred were assembled on i the grounds, who listened with rapt; in? terest to the able speeches made by Judcre Fowlej C. M Cooke. Messrs. Scarborough jand Kenan, Devereux and Bourne, and at the close of the speaking several prominent citizens or old JNaah who had heretofore act ed with the Republicans gave in their adhesion to the party of Uon am reofJ ' rtconcilia- Jobnston, - . Gen. McLean, of Harnet, addressed a ireraenaous uaruecue meetiner at Ml. Zion Church, Johnston county. last Friday. Reports from that sec tion say that the prospect for an over- wueiuuug eruuoraiio triumptl is very, encouraging. The Rads had a meeting at Prince ton on Tuesday. Speeches were made by Ike loung, Dick Badeer. and Judge Clarkei The Messenger says the tormer two spoke with great bit- leroess, wnue viarKe s erxort was an abortion. The talented t Col. Rich. Waddell, Johnston favorite, and t. Mewart; replied in fine style. 1. Waddell spoke for two hours and the Conservative cause suffered nothing in Boon Hill township. Wayne. y' The Messenger says, twenty-two new members were enrolled at the meeting of the Goldsboro Tilden and Vance Club, held Monday evening. The club has now . a membership of 153, and more to come. Jobu Pool Certainly Elected. Sentinel.l ! The information published, in yes terday's issue of the Sentinel, in re- gara to tne appointment or jonn Fool, ex-U. S. Senator, to the vacant office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, is certainly true. Pool will arrive in this city in a day or two and take charge of the office. Gov. Brogden tried hard to keep the appointment a secret until the ad journment of the Goldsboro conven tion, bat it leaked out in spite of him. 17. s. narenall Wallace Ceatradlcte Cbamoerlaln. Interview in Charleston Journal of Com merce.! : ; statement is that Mr. "Then your Chamberlain made application for the assistance i of Federal troops in quellinz those disturbances, and pre- venting others, being unable to do so himself; that in consequence of this application and its representa tions,! and yourself were summoned to Wahincrton to confer with the Secretary of War and the Attorney General ; that ( the removal ot ane troops from Columbia to other points was the result of this conference?" ye 8ir BIKTBODIOT MBWS. Charlotte Quarterly Conference meets at Concord Wednesday, Au gust 2d, Rev. W. H. Bobbin, Presi ding Elder. Centennial addresses will be delivered by Kev, B. Craven, U. D.. and Kev. 11. X. Hudson, K. A. Yates, V. A j Sharpe, P. J. Carra- way and rrof. W. C. Doub. An oc casion of great interest is expected, and the public is respectfully invited to attend. . i . Wadesboro Ilerald: The Third Quarterly Conference or meeting ; of the Methodist .Episcopal Uhurcb, South, for this circuit, will be held at the Methodist Church in this place, m . e on Satnrdav and ounday next. .tne Presiding Elder; Rev. W, H. Bobbitt, will occupy the pulpit on Sunday morning. . j Raleigh District Conference pro gramme from the Daily Courier of Wednesday: met at iomsDurg last Wednesday. i 9i o'clock A.; M., Address bub- jeet: i'lhe Jiducauonai xnveresis ot Methodism in North Carolina; by Rev. J. A. Cnnninggim and Rev. r. V. A. Sharpe, College Agents, 1 1 o'clock, A. M.t Subject -Meth- J odisra: Tbe grounds Of its success, by Rev. L. S. Burkhead, D. D., ' of Raleich.N.C. 3 o clock, x. ; M., Address oud- ject; Tne past ana present ot metn- odism, by rtev. A. a xosnamer, oi Ridgeway, N. C. ' 8 o'clock, P. M., Address Subject ; The future of Methodism, by Rev. B. Craven, D. D. LLD., of Trin ity College, N. C. SUNDAY. JUfcY HVIU. . 3 o'clock, P. M., Address-Sub-iect: The relation of Methodism to the orisrin and oroorress of Sabbath' school work, by Uev, & A; Yates, of Beaafort, a, U,- v i I v ii i x , n irrrr. m- ! za n c. -n- : ' - ' 1 - 1 ' ', ...... i i . 1 i. J ; i LI WILMINGTON, Spirits : Turpentine The Central 13aptist Associa tion is in session at Forest ville. ! . .'" . According to the present ar rangement, Judge Kerr will hold the Pall courts of Yadkin, Davie and Forsythe, add Judge Cloud will preside in the Courts of Chatham, Caswell and Ilockingham. ' ! In Supreme Court ' case of A. R. Holmes vs. ' Elias Cuhen, from Union, argued Wednesday. Hinsdale I and Battle & Mordecai . for plaintiff; Wilson and son ior defendants. - .' - f , - Intending to devote much of his time to the organization of the agricul tural and mechanical : departments, at the University, President Battle has gone to Blacksburg to personally inspect the Vir ginia Agricultural and Mechanical College. i tie isenar.el also Icarus that trustees of the University are now endeavoring to find an active and progressive .man, well versed in practical agriculture, botany and zoology, to take charge of this department. ! They have already purchased several thousand dollars " worth of apparatus for chemistry Hnd physics of the latest and most' im proved make, and Prof. Redd wilt Boon nave laboratories in these departments un excelled in North Carolina, r r 7 JE3I JEj CITY. . NKVV ADVfiUll lSEITIKNTS. Mukson & Co. Clothing at low prices. Ckonly & Morris Furniture at auc tion. ' .-' . " " . : J. S. Tomlinson Double excursion. Mayor Canada y has returned from his Western trip. ; ; There ; were no police arrests WednesJ:ty niiiht. . ', -The Mayor's court will probably be in session this morning. Partly cloudy weather and light local rains, with easterly to southerly winds and stationary or slight rise in temperature, are the predictions for litis section to-day. - The week of prayer appointed by the Bishops of the Methodist ' Episcopal Church,. South, commences on Friday, the 4th of August, and will be observed by the churches throughout the jurisdiction. W. M. Cody, otherwise known - : i as "Buffalo Bill," the famous scout, who acted the part here last season, is now per forming real service in that capacity at the seat of war among the Indians, i - ! . . " ' ! I , . . i . -: - Among the Western excursion ists who reached here yesterday was Mr. Bird, of the, Ashe ville Citizen, who favored us with a call.! He gives most epcouring accounts of the progress of the Reform campaign in the West. L All Red Men who happen in the city are requested to attend a erand Pow wow this Sleep, at 8 o'clock, atj the Wig wam of Wyoming Tribe. No. 4, L O. R. M., on Princess, between Front and 8e- j cond streets.. ; . We are glad to learn I that the couditioa of Kcv. J. B. Taylor; pastor of the First Baptist Cnurch, who has been very ill, is improving, and hopes are enter tained that in a short time he will be able to visit the State of Virginia for a few weeks for recuperation, when his pulpit will be supplied by Rev. Mr, Dargan, who served this church for several weeks or months on 1 ' ... ' a former occasion. . Tbe UemoTil of Weed. e. , Many of our citizens complain that the city authorities do not render ;that hearty co-operation, in placing the city in good sanitary condition, that they were led to expect from the Marshal's advertisement in regard to the removal of obnoxious weeds, etc. In a number of instances,' we are in formed, parties notified have placed the weeds in tbe streets with a positive promise that they would be promptly removed, and they have had much trouble afterward in inducing the city to remove them. . In one instance, we learn, weeds were thus allow ed to remain in tbe street one week after their promised removal, notwithstanding, in the meantime, the attention of the Mar shal and Health Officer and a policeman was called to them. Jf, as is alleged, there is! any deficiency in tbe force necessary to attend to all the work required in this di rection with the requisite promptitude, there should be some means adopted to in crease the force at once id the proper stnitdurd. j A Wise stroke' ot Policy.- j Some two or three weeks ago, a colored shoemaker's shop, iu this city, Was robbed of thrte pairs of boots. Havipg bis sus picions aroused that Lewis Selby, colored, who -was committed on Tuelday last by Justice Gardner, to await bisi trial at the next term of the Superior Court for larceny, might know something about the missing boots, tbe shoemaker made it is nis dusi- ness, yesterday, Jo visit the jail and get per mission of Jailor Howard to interview the prisoner, i The result proved that it was a wise step on his part. . He iouna oeiby standing in one pair of the boots,, which be had no difficulty in , recognizing, and by promising him that he would not prosecute him for the theft if he would tell where the other two found, which he could very safely and properly do, seeing that Bclby already had as much "law" as he could conveniently stand under, he ob tained the desired information, and finally succeeded in getting them into his posses sion. - " - Ple-ttlcand apeecheiat South Waen- Ington. We are requested to state that there will be a grand pic nic at South "Washington, Pender county, on Thursday, the 8rd of Atizust, on which occasion there will also be addresses delivered by several Demo- A Urge cratic speakers of prominence, attendance is expected, N. C.J FRIDAY. JULY, 284: 1876. v J ... .. , j ...... . . .. ... . ,t . . , s, . i. . .. . . : i ........... i . . , , ... !.'.' . i , - 1 I The Late C. K. Honndell. The cable dispatch alluded to as having been sent to England in relation to the sad circumstance of the untimely death of Mr. C. Ri Roundell, in the article in our last is sue, was, we learn, forwarded by Colone1 W. t. DeRosset to a friend from whom Mr. Roundell had a letter of introduction to Col. DeRosset Pending an answer to this dispatch the body land effects of ; deceased, as is the usual custom in such cases, were in charge of Mr.! James Sprunt, Acting British Vice Consul at this port, yesterday Col. DeRosset received an answer from his friend in England, who stated, that he had conferred with the family of the deceased as to the matter referred to, and that they had expressed the wish that tbe : effects of deceased,' including the Orton plantation, should be placed in charge of Cel.! DeRos set until further notice, The body and ef fects were, therefore, turned over by Vice Consul Sprunt to Col. DeRosset. . - The .- following j are the effects of Mr. Roundell, Which were found by the Coro ner and his jury, and by them turned over to their proper custodian: A sum of money; amounting to $25 88, one engraved sealj two post office keys.two gold and pearl shirt studs,, and one bunch of keys, found in hispockets;one box cart-' ridges, foond on his bed; a pistol by the side of his body, with twochambers empty; one pair of linked sleeve buttons; a note for $1,000, dated December 10th, 1875, due sevenfl months after date; $315 02 in cur rency; l.0s.2id in English coin, one gold locket, 12 cents in Canada stamps, 05 cents, in U. S. stamps, one muzzle-loader shot gun, one g M watch and chain, a diamond ring, and one trunk and valise containing wearing apparel, fishing tackle, &c. The weapon which, was the instrument of sending the unfortunate .young man to his last account was what is known as the Adams pistol, of English manufacture.wilh a 6 inch barret and i inch bore, the stock and barrel altogether being about a foot in length.' ;.' , . ' :w ; . " The remains of the lamented young En glishman, who met such a violent and un timely death, whether by his own volition or accidental perhaps will j ever 'remain a mystery to alfbut the Great Omnipotent, were interred In Oakdale Cemetery, yester day afternoon, from St. James' Church, in a lot tendered for the purpose by the Young Men's Christian Association ; and, though among comparative strangers, with no kin dred or intimate friends to follow! his body l.l- : ) j , ' ! I to its probable temporary resting place, there were not lacking those who felt a warm interest in the young man, 'sincere sorrow for his sad and terrible fate; and heartfelt sympathy! for his bereaved kin-1 dred and friends across the water, Sale of a ttieamalilp .lue. The Baltimore Sun : records tbe sale in i , , - i j i that city, jon Tuesday, for: the, benefit of creditors, of the property of the Baltimore and Southern Steam Transportation Com pany, operating between Baltimore and Wilmington, N. C.1, including four steam ships, hoisting engine and boiler, iron safe, platform scales, wheelbarrows, trucks, &x, together with the charter, rights and fran chises of the line, ail for $20,000. The steamships are the Raleigh, tons,' built in 1873; D.J. Foley, 541 tons, built in 1872; Jfcbecea Clyde, 443 tons, overhauled in 1871, and the Lucille, 437 tons, overhauled in 1872. There was a good attendance of business men at the sale, but the bidding was very flat. The j first bid was $10,000 and for a long while it seemed there would not be another, but one of the trustees said there were liens against the ships for twice (hat sum, and the trustees could not sell clear of incumbrance at that price. Then $15,000 was offered, and after hammering away for some time and getting no.higher bid tbe auctioneer stopped, and. many per sons left. There was a consultation be t ween several parties, and at its conclusion Mr. Bennett announced that the sale would go on peremptorily, j A bid of $20,000 was made by Mr. Henry James, and the prop erty was knocked down at that figure. It was stated that Messrs. Henry James, Wm, H. Baldwin, Jr., and John' W. D. Pentz were the purchasers as a syndicate of the creditors. Several weeks since the same property waS offered at public sale, when $40,000 was the first bid, but the: trustees withdrew it. Subsequently a meeting of creditors was held,' and in view of the fact that holders of liens were pressing them for payment, and that the ships would in a few days fall into the hands of the United States marshal to be sold', it was decided to sell the property peremptorily. The Raleigh and D. J. Foley are fine steamships, built by John S. Beacham & Bro.; Baltimore, and the entire property cost perhaps seven or eight times more than it sold for. When the kale is ratified it is understood the cor ; poration will make a fresh start. ' The line has not ceased operations at any time. ; . rAki i, A Bad Place In one of ne Streets. , We have heretofore called the attention of our city authorities to the condition of the locality on Second, between Mulberry and Walnut streets, where there is a deep and wide gully washed in the street, rendering it not only difficult but dangerous for the passage of vehicles or. pedestrians, espe cially at night It has been in that condh tion ever" since the great storm of the 30th of June, Some slight .attempt was made to fill it up, but we learn from some of the residents in that vicinity that the loads dumped into the cavity were of such a character that it should have been carried for some distance beyond the city, limits, where the', disagreeable odor arising from it could not reach . the , olfactories oi our citizens, lt is hoped the City Marshal will 1 see that the matter is , attended to at as I early a moment as practicable, . r . f 1 A Republican Club. The Republicans of this city had a meet ing on Fifth, between Mulberry and Wal nut streets, last night, and formed a club to be known as the Settle and Smith Cam paign Club, of the city of ! Wilmington. The following were elected as officers of the clujbV j Presideat, W. H: Mobref Vice Presidents, James Heaton, Solomon II. Nixon j John Burnett, Elias Council, David Cooper'; (Treasurer, W. H. Howe, Sr. ; Sec retary, Alexander Jones; Assistant Secre tary, Alexander Sampson. i; 1 1 . : Of course there was a large crowd of the supporters of "Settle and Smith present.' Both parties in Wilmington have now or ganized clubs, and we may consider that the campaign has really opened, j Cominlitioutr! Conrt. i J Capt.jj. H. Bird, of the Bchr.l Addie JiL Chadwick, was arraigned before jU, S. Coin misionj S. Vaa Amnnge, yesterday aftci noon, onjthe affidavit of Daniel Richard sonj a colored man, charged withcommit ting assault and battery upon him on the high seas, on the 28lh of May .last, when about tree days out from Boston, bound for the Navassu Islands. Without coming to a decision in the case.thc Court adjourn: ed until jthis morning at 10 o'clock. . ; f Capt. j 3ird conducted bis own defence, and displayed no little ability, especially in his argument before the Commissioner, which nybuld have done credit to a great many of the legal profession. j. ' J. H. Smyth, colored; appeared! for the prosecution, and was very pointed! &nd em phatic i his remarks in regard to the rights of seamen. . - !; .-) i-; -j ' : Competitive Examination, j ! We learn that Messrs. DuBrutz Cutlar, A. R. Black and R K. Bryan have been appointed a committee to conduct the com petitive (examination for Col. A.'JH;Wad- den s ap pointee to the naval cadetship at Annapolis, which will take plaice1 at Wil mington August 4th, at 11 A..!M., in the U. S. Court-room, applicants for which must be oyer fourteen and under eighteen years oldi i - j There! will also he an examination at Fayettevil lie, August 15th, at 11 A. M.,:in the Court-house, for a cadetship at the Mil itary Academy, applicants for which most be over j seventeen and under twenty-one years. I j i I j ; , j n i i The natal cadetship must be Allied oh the 12th September, and the military cadetship in June next, 1877. j ill Tbe Red in en'e xc n r s to n j Though the crowd was not ' very large, that the ' . excursion j 'down - the we learn river yesterday, on tbe steamer; Waecatnqw, under the auspices of Wyoming Tribe Noj. 4, Improved Order j of Bed MenL was! a very pleasant and enjoyable one.- J A por tron of the crowd went to the Blackfish grounds and the rest remained at Smith ville and: pas'ssd tbe interval in dancing j at the academy. The fishing party were not very successful in' consequence; of the wind being rather heavy and unfavorable, accompanied by tbe usual amount! of sea sickness. - ' .iv" ; n ! ; :'ine excursionists returned late last eve ning, well pleased with their trip. The Double Itxenrston. Ij The double excursion train, under the management of Mr. J. S.. Tomlinson, which left here for j Henry's Station Tues day morning, arrived, here on; the return trip, yesterday morning, with quite . a num ber of excursionists on board. I This morn ing, about 8 o'clock, the party will take a trip down the river on the steamer J 8. unaeriMi, $ very twe boat tor the purpose. It is the opinion. of Mr. -TomUnson that he will have a much larger crowd going; up to-morrow tnan ne naa on .'l uesaay. Thermometer Record. V !: I Tbe following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned,' at 4.S5 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from! ; J the Signal Office in this city: 1 Augusta 86 Charleston, ......83 Galveston. .... .85 Indianola, . . . . 92 Jacksonville,. ... .86 Montgomery,. . '. & 89 New Orleans, . . .1.79 Norfolk,; fU..f.L 83 Punta Raasa,. . . .1.75 Savannah, . .'......81 St. Marks,.. :....91 Wilmington,;..... 79 K.ey west,... ....77 Mobile ;....85 Sampson AKrlcnltaral society. We acknowledge the courtesy of an in vitation,; through Messrs W. A. Faison, President, B. P. Grady, Secretary, and W. A. Pigford, Chief Marshal, for an invita tion to attend the annual Festival and Ball of the Sampson County Agricultural -So ciety, to Come off in Clinton on Friday, the llttioi August. - ;i . Vr The '-woman's friend" ia wbst Dr. BaH'8 Veeeta ble Pilla may well be termed, for every aamaajihat baa once used tnem wui not oe witaoa utem.- t DIED, EDWARDS. 4-At Tar iMidMvj Onslow' count on Taeiday. the 35th mat, of typhoid fever, JACOB NEVV: ADVERTISEMENTS 1 v Double Excursion; THK LAST ' TRAItT t)F 1 THB ' fWC'BLB fex CURSION wUl leave Wilmington for Henry's, to-morrow, July 39th, at 6.45 Au M. Will spena Sunday in the Mountains, re tarn to Uickorr, Mon day 81st, and that night will be a Grand Ball under the management of several young gentlemen ol-thia city and other places. The Italian u uaroers. of tut cjy, will give manic. J. S. TOMLLN aON,' jyts-ir Manager ill! -U Auction. US; TO-MOBBOW, SATURDAY MORNING, at 10 o'clock, we will sell, at oar Sales Room,South Front Street, an! assortment of HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE. ' - f I , 4 C80NLY A MORRIS, JySe--lt j , AttctTs: ' IfWiU Startle THE PEOPLE EV1N IN THESE HARD TIMES r,.jTO.BM WHAT ..i. ,jiJ..t Pine Caasinere Coata we are Selling for $9.00 JBaeb If c;V . 1 n -1 ' I ; f 'f 1 1- I ;i i. WTTOTEV. NTH r 9 ftfiT .Mi . i V. ' ' V , m. m m M M M. i m W K I . . m MISCELLANEOUS ganizCIubs. xuS ' DEMOCRATS ANTl rnwsrjTFATTVTfS Of the City ef Wilmington are req nested to . oraan- lze WARD CLUBS for thecamnu iT j. ire i- im t nru uss Deen organized. ' ' S 1 The other Wards ara nmiHtKi tA..ti.ii udt ?Y. NI.HT'i 28111 Ill8t" the following places, at VST W WS,- - ; Second Ward At the Court Rnnw ? t , I ri "'""f jaooiui btw MeaBrB.iMnna a Fifth. Ward-i-At the Backet Com piny Room! l ia oMowur requeBtea mat . every citizen who desires Keform Jn the MattonaLaad State GoVern menta will attend these meetings. I i , J . Chm-p QltT Dem.Ex. Com. jy zs-st ) - iteriew copy. Sale of Beal Estate Mei Kortiaie. BY VHtTUE OF ; AND: IN ' AOCORDANCE with the provisions of a. certain indenture of mortgage, made by William A.; Camming and his wiie, nerein alter referred to, the undersigned, as the Attorneys of "The Real Estate and Lean Assos ciation," or Wilmington. North Carolina, will, on SATURDAY, the 86TH DAY OF AUQU8T NEXT, at 13 o'clock, M., at the Court House door, m the City of WUmington. . cause to be. Sola,' by Public Auction, for cath. the PARCEL OF LAND, being the same which was conveyed by said, mortgagors to -The Wumington North Carolina Life Insurance pomPMJT." by indenture of imortgage, dated Jaly th. Iffra, and registered In the proper office in SPk,.F'FiS P878. ndfouowtog. sitmate in the city of WUmington, in the county of New HaH nover, and described as follows : Begtnntng in the. Western line ef Third Street 139 f eetenth of Adh Street, thence Westwardly parallel with Ann Street 165 feet, ;thence Southwardly parallel with Third; Duo. uo icoi, luaaco juunwaraiy parallel witn Ann, Street 165 feet to the Western line ef Third Street, SI ana inence. jHortnwaraiy, wttn Street 66 feet to the beginning, WRIGHT A STEDMAN. je'25-tds ! ' . Attorneys. H 1 i Salt. Salt. Salt. 3000 acks IIVBap0OL salt, OHA 1 MARSHALL'S BLO BLOWN do For sale 1t jy aS-tf I . KKROHNKK A CALDER BROS. Coffee, Sugarj Bice, &c. JQQ B COFFEE, 2 Bbls SUGAR, i A Bbls RICE, . -U -I . I 4:00 H a-e - I For sale by 5 sli!tr' jymf KERCHNER ft CALDER BROS. IT B HAVE JUST RHmcTVim a virnv T.inn Lot of SILK UMBRELLAS and SUN SHADES. In! I Special ENGLISH PARAGON Bargains, FRAME TWILLED SILK 1 UMBRELLAS, We offer for ONE-THIRD less than they were ever i- 4e as mi i , 'i b uucreu in w liminfruui. inn rkoiainr nr WWUB AU pnaJWUUtt. -. J. Ac II. SAMSOBT, i t' 'f'-is Market street. jo3-tf Salt, Flour, Coffee. &c. if ! - I i .1 - i ' L "! ' yQQ Sacks Marshall's Fine SALT,' ' j 500 BblaFL0JR' "Sde9, ' ' !"- gQ" Boxes Dry Salted SIDES, ' ' K A Bags COFFEE, 2 K Bbls New Orleans MOLASSES, -! -I . !- ! .. . I - : ! i ! . 25 25 50 SYRUP. ' SUGAR,' . ' l- i . ; PEARL HOMINY,' For sale low by - BIXFOUD, CROW & Co. iyl9-tf t - I . i ) . j. i ;; ' i WORTH & WORTH 1 l OFFER AT LOW PRICES, 1000 New Phndelpbia SPIETr,t!ASKS, I 300 Second- Handt do. 100i BblslGLUE, 5 JAA BdlsHOOP IRON, 3000 Bush Choice White CORN. 3QQBWSFLOUR, CA Boxes BACON. I. Q A A Hnda and bbls MOLASSES and SYRUPS JUV K .;. . i , myT-tf . 1 I . Oysters,Ly;eFbtasIi. &c ; JQQ Cases OYSTERS, " yiff-IiiU- - vl. : C A Cases LYE, jU-i- V li V Cases POTASH, 200kNA:; 50 Boxes SOAP, Boxes C. AND LBS, Boxes TOBACCO, KA Boxes SODA, . For ula W . - t : Jy 23 tf . KERCHNER CALDER BROS r.1usical. .. ..... .. .. H j ... - . .. " TKWS-HABPS, HARMONICAS, ' ; FIFES, banjos; :i c 1 ACCOBDEONS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, MELODEONS, " ! "' ij i. : . 1a ORGANS, PIANOS, AND A FULL SET OF GERMAN SILVER BAND INSTRUMENTS, All ior saie at W ma A DEINSBERGER'S' Jy85-tf Live Book and Mm ic Store. or ted Cordials UVI1S. JlCARASCHINO, annisette, r.f Old 48 prandy. BEST' PALE BRANDY EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. ' ... .... ! f :Very.01d in ' TOM MOORE ,WHISKEY. STAMPED lg6t. ,; CIIAS. p. MYEBS & CO. j; .j , Jy as-tfD&Wt , 5 an4 7 JiTorth tm Street: j Domestic Cisars; IN GEEATyARUTY, ,.4 CHAS. D ICITEUS CO., -J Jy lMf&WV.4 j4 S aad ? NoxUt Front 8t - r - three dT, fAvds. one week . S M Two weeks.......;....,.......,.-. 5 OT. " I " Three weeka.-6 Be 1 - i iwgiwuii..uu... is ur Six montha..s. i..5 00 v m www mm m m ee) w w '-.. .- . Hn. .. , ui na -Tw"Oontract Advertisements aken at propi timatdy low rate. - ; : - V L: - h Squares esttensted M a;QTiartar-colum. and ten squares as a hall-column. atJeaterQreatest ! . . BARGAINS ! DRESS 6UITP.! r, L BARGAINS l.C" rJji- rDRK8 HJlf 8 ! I BARGAINS V II Iu DKBHR' -BmTS BARGAINS t V DRESS SUITS ! i business surra i . v t 4r, .wi, BUSINESS, SUITS' I i Vi ' ;; ' ; BUSIMBSS ftUFTO I ' business MTiTa t r : V ittWAND ALPACCASlIM A U : ' - iiwjsns AND -AEPACCASt '' '- :lx?W-i.i.'-LINKN8i AND ALPACCA8 AND GENTS' TURN18HTNG . GOODS GENERALLY K,;;': . Jyieif : Ii, . W 17 Market Ft Apples . are plentiful. BUY j YOUR PARERS, H ; : - i 1!S ia Ji;2iu$ll-J-d CIDER MILLS from the undersigned, who are telling them at VE-f BY LOW FIGURES to sult' the times. ! 3y-tf !; u ' GILES A MURCHISON. ! For SMttrinK;; JniMer Scleinle. 0N ANm?TJtR : SATURDAY, . JULY 1ST, . V ' STEAMER DIXIE Will ; ' Leave Wilmington at," Leave Smithvflle at.. .. ... JJ. ........ .'. " t A M. r Pare $t0; children under fourteen half price! i t.t : : a tt v Jommouuon Uckete can be procured at Office of . K Coe, Orange and & Water St . BarberShop, KoiifcFroiit st ( South of Dawson's Bank, . VIIaBItNGTONt; N, C. j CUTTING. 8HA G1 AND DYEING DONE IN THE LATEST 8' -t- Sundries. 2000'.Lleb!3?8ALT- l000?8f5i QQQ Sacks Marshall's SALT, 2 Q Q Hhds P. R. MOLASSES, 1 400 Bbl" s ,STRUF f ' OntLoar. i SUGAR, V Ex. O. and C. )uoiaenu, and Porto Rico. YJava,' - 't COFFEE, lasnavra. V!.-' f Porto Riot JEio, CO, gQQ Kegs NAILS, Tons HOOP IRON,' : FAINT, BUNGS and GLEE. also;-'-' !' TO B A SCO, 8NUFF, HATCHES, CANDLES. CANDY, SOAP, CANNED GOODS, JkcT ' - For sale by ' " 'j jy 9-tf ' . ! . WILLIAMS MURCHISON. imcdLiiTon hotel, limcoustos, jr. c. J0H1, F; gEQProprie'tor, WILL BE OPEN, JOB. THE RECEPTION Ofr VISITORS on the 10TH OF J ONE. Visitors to thla HoBU.WiUUiSTyiss oxaawtothe celebrated ' The Hotel Basieen pat fat XMPLITE ORDER, and the public are esnre-l that every attentkm will be given to make crisis pleasant. i je6-tf i - - ;: j ; 1 . Lager Beer and TVf net for San- .. "' " -mer-BeTeraes. v V ; i ii'rii'f'-f -...- r:r!.'-' -;v. EXCELLENT ST. LOUIS LAGER BEER, Pat in nrrenlent package to suit; all the de- ' mends of trade and guarantied to keep. .- ! Casks of 10doaPU.. , VCaeesof Sdos. Pte. ! ;.Ooj; ttssi1.;. .yTi-ji a-.t-.--.,5ltan, -v v . ' CLARET, SnSKBTT PORT, HOCK, MADEIRA j CALIFORNIA. CHAMPAGNE, -1- ' SCUPPEBNONG, Ac ; n Bbls. Casks, Halyes and .Qnartera, and m Cases. ALES.- PORTERS, BRANDIES. WHISKEYS UUCKTAIjS. BtTT. i. BTTTERS, GIN, RUM, AND KINDS OF LIQUORS. j . . ! ALL We keep all qualities and grades, but of reliable brand, and we knew whereof we speak when we recommend them to oar trade. . j :.f 1 - 'jf , i.; It , : - : 200BaM' BedTop CLOTEft -EAYt'' Jastarrived.a&dAorsalelow. V . WATER GROUND MEAL, FRESH FROM THE MTLL EVERY DAY. - PEARL GKJTS, CORN, OATS AND PEAS, the GROCERY LINE, sad at Wkoleeie oeiv. . le5-tf - -f ADRIAN ,VCLLER3. . i :i 1 1 Houitrv'arid1 urj ?fc!i.u,-.'.tir;v-;iy Ta --Joitol in t ,iA picott: jyi4-tf - T; UcJlApcamar. i 1 )A'. fi V !'"! 'iiS- Wl !f 't I ii if Q I, fiiVt 1 iiliyl, Lacrer ! iTTITIrt-rrrfl ' )- f . ITSELF. ..: ' -e f F R E 8 H Georgia'wiyjodil&lie MS Ji;i ii. l iU. IHaiii A'NEr7XN Cooked Canned Seat, "New Canned Trulidj 11 t i and Process ; Floor. tt FOR SALE ONLY BY orof- V.wr't-'ur ( ifl lttScissoiiui ft. JrtMf lit FLOUR, BACON. BUQASf, COTFEsSAaS. MO I LASSES, SYRUPS. BUTTErTlARD; 1 And a FULL and GOOD STOCK of all articles in ..... j.,, ..,: ,. s;.;