V.t i, . v s, . '4 3-. " n. 0 (W. I .XL J. ,Jtu f J ..r.i.'.TT.rr'rZf-i V Editors. . 4 I ....... I 4. arTT. xrTTVtyTfiiTL. ZZZi4m 5 ? :ffdi feEBlBENT : lis , 'TRiWyP' PRESIDENT : " TfifiMAS A. HENDEIOKS, .lUUTil91105Iei.UlIxl- I .5 i'.u.il presidential Electors : 4.:; TOR STATB.AT XABOf,. . v.f ?,r jVAlEfc Pi FOWLS, of Wake,. : f 1! ( iv JAMES It. LEACH, of Da,Tld8on. -j.'A all YjflBi.XISTRieT LEWIS C. LATHAM,) in . JOHN. F..; WOOTEN i if! tr. -;! tjw .rij i;iyH.;BErSBBI."' ' . ..v-.,a, iTi.l.otiL'i ..-( w,c - - ! era - - - b, p. WABnretr "'" l.i-ji ZEItb'LON B. VAKCK, 'Ai-.8 -:! lit.''- i 1 - 1 It O MAS J.VVAfRV I S: Of pitk V ! i . ? " ATTOUNEtENEJUL, : 4 -;-v ' IMk- -.1 THOMAS i S. KENAN; ij-ai-V .... ' i" WILSON. J's j , .oj.;1 .., , j SICCHKTAUY OF STATE, - j O SE I IlAv'ENdE 1 11 A It D J Off, NEW HANOVEK. :'"' -. - : : TKEASURKRy J OHMlw 0 11 T H , ; -iii r.OJ' RANDOLPH. : ' - 1's K AUDITOR. .,,SA MUEL L. L OVE , .0 ! "I II f .T.J Ah iUifl j i : i DUX X X UilUAV iii3in;viAVi . J O II N 6 S 9 B O Q U G II, r nrrn'm TrmT Trt TUT oiru TTfinT W ifi f .Hi- O O KGBE88: EJ,PfJEATES, i i t OP HBKTFOED. , jALFREXXI L - ' omraAKovEK. ail- -A ftiffi . FOUBTH DISTRICT, . t 5- ,cjruCf?ri ;r:T';vs-f -!.?, j ,K 1 ,141 p:J3TJtJ.KOHlX'j: :: li''i.;! Wjs,t '.Vifcirrs f;.t n-jij Sai '- .. .; . .' i ii(JltmCJiMOiiiD.t . iiT ::Kiia'X iRaftf a j? Kay i II ' iititi t i! . f t r r t - j -v t .- is . S " t i JJTilden obi jf . can sava - the2c6nntry j f ram ' f aqjjigears6f G ran tisnl. ! ictmt do not neglectHhe regular county I t Fortatiootbi, campaign Brjck j nominees lor President ana vce j President. He is publishing in Chi- cigih ani-ilden paper called the SEVENTH DISTRICT, '7TA 5T.0 .z;ro j tuiuT.r?i3H T I eadfapO-1 JdbgBlpJry's sketch j of ; L John PennLone of the signers of the tftrIflE .fS4peeicIknd r."i -. nSWtfCVohSaVgreirtWn! : j licitous injblogVaphical criticism, ,;. does hiraself high credit in the fine I-1 address YroinHwiucli this paper ; is J: i 1 The proelamaUon of Ethan Allenx I j f theiLi.bealitiQnaal committee, j rging,VrlrRJfSTl for r .with fftvptLin New Hampshire.' Col. i lleiH-y O. Kent, who wds elected in I 1872 the member of the Liberal com . j m:ttee for ffiaerfiaYlha JVrbl'ied "APihahfi'Jctton of Col. Allen, $nd ; dt"ulare thiatichtf' Liberak of New, ! OTUh U,e :Dem k - j lial wipportera of Tiflleii ml,, lieu - A CHANGE IN TRADE. It appears 6 beprobablAthat coloa ortftAna wftolleni and othes goods of donjfesti(y tnannfactnre, suc as recently tdokplace inNewYork, will hereafter be of annual recur- rence. If such "should be the case it ikl y lotion in i.imm lit iiiiVliPi nf-Ammcan-WriiitTT- JL0Tda-8O far as these partamlari fa-, arfterBeaDd jwUibringi the.manufactarers :into;r direct rtcom-; J mumcation. with all cM.8t;;5wyera,; from the retait dealers in cities to. the ooontrv merchantS'irOrn'Temote oatot-the-way-piacesim tne anterior. " t i' i "I ! " I I offiethtri'&HT .thjee .juonths re- i mains in which to do he work of, the. 1 . . ' . ... - i..i 1 i . I And township sconraiuees1 are eiui wheftwformeaO'tinietoTOtiuence t vVtergji iostp diatefbrmation of township commit-: ' , t eaihi ildeh ahilWance CluW I ' Vqin thialAVeDVeQiaf j - at ; ; the ' r LmliAha wllT ftssistfvMvmateriallv I ia winning our victory, bat it may as twelif be saidat once that the most -effective agent in procuring that! vic- woric in , ine. lownsinps. xi, wo or- gahize our enthusiasm We make it Th vinjible. "That is .what" the Demo- Ail -itJ' fatic: Conservative : arty must do rthi - i - WH IT BARRON ' ... . COHT. All of the President iVce nt actions have been favoiablw lo ..j ... . -i -. . i i solution of th Ii.riiubrcari pariy 61, uiiieil s lie-" uh; ihj. e eu " : iii'at e. member until he .was. made President. lie tHmKseVtnea Jjabj- uetr -officer?, itid; jiarUu I i ns tase .cnmi- nals who have u rough ' a if t di.-gr.tae ? on the'Arfraii)tTatinu and,thRlt'pqi)li-. can party., 4 JSjCai ly aLl . th e i accoun ts from Vashington concur- in stating that if Avprv nnt. nardnnotl for his i- i-" -. .i Jj x i i i I """i'";." - v o - .y ' j I rlnor it i vprr wfilL understood tliat I " I n , I c :"4 . uu6,Ci:,a: 0v7 i irtnrns' I Snmfl mv ihnt. Mrs AverV I jas4eftjAVashwgoh Tr JU- i'" j ov 4 yM3f Pfl i.ii:iirnWAR I cause jine ias ,,receiy t'r. . s from President Grant to that effect, Secretary Taft, however,; avers that ., , r ' ! ' - . . , J if such iin act oi clemency is intend- ed he liows nothing il is credited f urther with -saying that if Avfirv is nardoned it Will cost1 the L. ' j . p..- -: - i Republican party ' a (hundred thou sand votes. ., -The grasshopper-problem seems to Tie BDliinlT itself la fMinnesotaT U In J Cottonwool ooanty they are be,ng I killed at wholesale byr small red flies, whinh t ' n;; hft kUWAra' .&.'. . Mr." Grant' buff said in . a recent apeeclt in Parliament that the xhief Hfdilt J6f;i-.H be present system ot education it .Uxiord is ... i . . ; that it is too much concerned; ith words and too little with thing?)., lie. advocates; strongly the claims of xirigisal learning and .VesearcatoQ tuiicknowJeVrgmentjn any University wortbydOf.the ;same,i ' 1 : E . it . The last lines George Safad Wrote for pub- licition were ia short notice oM. Renah'a. new book, and the latter, , b a'ietter to 'the k i. j .u jV-,4iu. : . lemps, after her death, said '1 Bm touched to the bottom of my heart to have been. the last to produce a vibration of that sonorous soui, wuicn was, as it were, tine onan harp of our time." 'Henryi Jamea thinks the word "sonorous." as anr4ied to George ' . . . ' w aA ww1,.rr,,u rA'w5t " ' '"-"'-I . : Mr i t t jwa.tt.KL, fufuEMlW 6- T wt before v y"!- Viv'S3ctioBir;lJL seems: fftme that the vivi - i s.ctionwhichrwe are! now speakfnglS J . . -C jOT B??.h like vivi8ectiVD in another de- partment that of literature that is to say, ,t5.;flrr;'ft!ot,iti' i?4i?AA ''wo v-i'i --'i- i c i. i a- . a 13 a1 great deal of real torture inflicted upon, authors by eritics, which lasts for a con- tderb-ime .io.-n8ttrfe'minds.?f..-; I i I - 'j . - J i ment, tpeirj cmciefKjyr'i is necessarily rimcu " . .iiU'lM: committee4 'to'prepare a pi M.it v;a4nV-i5' -l'- 4 Li1' : 1 ' 1 tation of the internal peace, The London ' Speetatof kludges that jhjB:.rreufJ!.Vrr,?w -araeti5faniuei peQ. rhymed bymas are all . bad - j ...... not made tbe.MC8uvf, of a Pindaric flight. Lowell cdvtlCril&4i.J Written an immortal: j a fTiiaA ,u;:ir; i-.Aii t ii i . 1 " " a m m. " ifi ! STAB-DUST. w r r Cf" -tEdntonralt( JV mi'-- i' ! ,oxin "tHrf utn nii-aoc hai niMDfewavf hKj6dwhicU "exblaina her vocation .'i l'-i j ; r - i riV;'W'-'-- i - fc'v; TP6 Iiyron mqnurnent nn Lon- don is to toe iAcEfttfiil the Green Park, op.1;pb3e ew? taws 3or thfe: Sratei is ifelected iby: posite the mausiotf formerly numbered a 8,lxteeaainy.. n-iins uouse ijora isyroja i2lr cP"??'! !' ' i' ! UV? VtyWYn tfifjfejtbit iU3 VUM Of "?v Jt.J"' 'yyVVZi J1 F11 play IU some of the chief e'UK 3 of the U'-lr, . .,- Her Wffechter Ayi Erie, a lead. PY? ,w m aPI'Dted to ht ?s fficMBi'o513 f 'd published at Cleveland, which la.t vear Can J'0836 ,?k"l5 -sl r.W -com.J.r-i. n,iA,I!ik;,1 .l liI;Ulll9ffllf'lli, me great narv. comnifbHbltfemtwtaL without talent a .Parttemuf attention Daid to makins rb"adao i J V Wn lrw4aiu wlj.obajieeu vstan ?n' jU ir- riomatttR.t . M Jlr.;;Penu dn i,ofl"to"t,l,1i-tW b3 -'1 ii t n.h UU11M r tillLi. m iJiUiUVilUCi v; ' i : r On- of tlie Immortal Visiters. :V ; VF i rErtractiroHi the Uistorical Addresa r n vt . v . ... 'jsmA B. Kingsbury, July 4th, 187(5, at Oxford, JN. C. 1 urnished to the btar.J John Penn isjinotber marked name of iry" perio&d He will be for the Revolutionary perio ' '' "'"'"- . mir jas .Uauglitej: of . tae ;iamoos, Tajlpr. of; Caroline,"; aorote "i - Hft''MWhP. - pinh ;,edjJcati9n Lliad inot lieea completed I wbca his father diedi. ;J3e was then tat.'.eighteeu-. jana-ijears. xi;agej ana;.oet;iiaaiipi lorego; aar, wkH(W,(V,;.iTiuiH' r & 1., . AfHnn F at nmrielillll .KMntnnil Peodktoa vaS a student; boifoniid' io bis jetotiv ft; sympathetic friend;iand a kind aad ahlfl inatructoriVMr. Eentt removed to. .i. i- . ,i,.i....i... f.. ti,: ,,1,i,t, Ulli year ucicguia:.JiUu ma luuuuijr.- to th; Egress . Wch met at: TTi,(ihnm AVrHist42'i M77.T. tte siwn' he-; calne Dromiaent. althbush a stranger in the of August he was ap- an for the resjUr order and safe ty bf the Province." On 'the 8ih SeDtember. hari 'naiwelJ likvih?5 resiffneA hU seat iu the Continental' CuDpress. John' Penn 'Was' appointed ' as bis 'successor' he being liut .84 years of age.' 6a the 12th October be took, his' seat as a member of that ever memorable body, which Was then sitting at Piidadelphia.'" ' J ""' r -vv 'On July 4, 1776, be signed the National Declaration of Independence. Mr. Jeffer son had evidently much respect for him, and, refers to him as 'a .-staunch Whig." Jones4 iu his ,,Pefence," speaks of him as rta -man of sterling integrity as' a private citizen, and well deserved the honor" of being appointed a delegate - from North Carolina toO.be UoaUoental Congress. ': Whilstv a niembtr.of tike. Provisional Con gress of 1770, for he seems to have sat in "l..tK rr..i.'.ni.Ji.o f.- tl.o .....- ' I... ...... . A ed Hie bigh'consideraliOii of his associates. When a committee of itino was Utnbbiutud, ou April iJOjh, 1 recotnueBd jaj t.mpaia ry forih of goyTiuiitnt until ibq end of 1 next Ci'i-gi'i S3," John Peii'iTWa'a clioaeii. i lie to eel iter rwnli such men 'as' TIiokwt fiu'rke, li clutrtl Caswell,' Abnur Na8:i WnU JSaiiiue! As-he, fatter Wards Govr 'rutii i) ijl; U ilimiii Hooper:' .loha Kiiicheh', of Graiivilie, was also ;of the coniiniute r . 3 j ' At i lie u xt Provincial '(Nrngieas, ; whi;h met at lialiiiix, ou N.jveujbtr" laili, "177 v ati ordinance vs passed appointing eje veil p isuiis io rtView uti'd - oonstd?r 'ail1- 8iu h biaiuUs aud Acts of Assembly as had been or were ia force in the Stale, and "to pre pare such bills to bo passed into laws, us might be coubistent with "the geniua- of a irte people," ana to lay j them: before ' the next Assembly, ;Ths, was certainly. a verv iiiipuriauk uoiuuuuee. Jur;irt!OQ ;was- a member of it. JSucdiicadinff men as Sam uel Johnston, Samuel ,AabeBnd- Abner jNasn atterwarns Uovernors,) James Ire dell, afterwards of the Supreme Court ol nie vunuea etates, Archibatct Mafilaine, eamuei opencer.atterwards a UircnH Judge, and..WaiebsUll Avery; .afterwards -Atlor- ney General of . the State, were of the same committee. ' ' M ; , - , . x.un September doth, 1780, -an Act was passed by the General Assembly, directing that five persons shall constitute a Board of tOn September 30th, 1780,- an Act Was sembly," and that said Board of War "shall "i"?.,5ec""" ine,-WS P i j! e ii i . - .i amiuuniuon, stores, appoini omcers, and remove such as they might deem DroDer. establish postsv and carry on rqflitary ope- ranona. Tr ni3 was, inaeeq, a very impor tant and extraordinary tribunal, land clothed rPKSKEX not answer weir the purpose intended, and ffSSSSl iucic were (laiuiui euiiibiuus utiwetQ 11 anu j tinued after a short trial, it is very certain l1 Housea of . the Assembly;, would iscon Would be distinguished for ability as civll ians. " - John Penn 'Was ia', member ' of this' R.fttt of War. -i.n .,;-,( j 'Thereto a tradition "that MrVPenn was'a ftiart-mmedtecre 'taletrts "altogether ; a; ra- l t&e cbrtnniikn'phice citisien. : Gien: Wiiliarn ii-irtVH1, ivn was UfiqaesiioiiADiy a -very br:,v nrrrt-TOrffttmfltt? i.tiloir, ami, in after life vas,--gieaily!''"disi:iDguiEhed B.i i n- '. lawyer J -. aud '., statesman, seems to, have -had ; much -: centempt for the Board of Waf composed, as , it was, of civilians. 'In his great dlsghst at the col lision between Governor Nash and the 1 R.mrrl- .ha rfato-npit liia nlort in 1 hn gmv j ahd retired to his home. '" He was verv con- ttmpttibusand bitter" in his opinions of the ?e,V5Tf.M ?oafd; ridiculing Alean-. der Martm, Who Was afterwards Governor, and " declaring That: -Penh was only'fitto amuse children.") But such utterances, evi- dentlyvmade iu.ajpassion; do not amount i i- uiueu iu iuc lace oi me action oi ooin Uousqs oTnhe Wbml.iVssemblyK aud do not- discredit tr8. 'Pen hs character for either ability i :'Tiseiu1nes3'or fidelhyl ISarri folly persuatted that there Was a got good deal iPnieriit.in. John Peiyj; ,' lis tcoDtempyra: i" uvi nuoutitttcaourciv iiiuBL nave Known - There was avast'amouht-of ability iiiifuttu uuuiiuu' uuni'iiiti in- i I-, j ir - : jpu will exjtmifle be list f eminent wor; - .qf4h yp w at theuuniber and brilha.ncyofi'thsJairay; l'r d Among lhejfepp wne. men of great -ca-. j picity. 1 caujonly. mention ia few of ithe I leaders: 'ThCrVwerS -Samuel Johnston. AbnertNshl!vRicbard Caswell, Thomas Barke -Alexander Martin, Richard Dobba Spaight, Samuel Ashe, -William K.' Davie, t William Hooper 'Thomas Jones, James vaefaaisBvHdafteMs chosen member Df,he Continental Copgess at Philadelphia, then. only S4 years of aie; is "reelectfid o'1777 itf'177t:and"ttf'-.1779: s! lsb;te fecifedtd; 'hPrpVhfcialCon 17?o; is. appointed- on the committee tO'prp- bFKitir.' .Lv!4-.f7A""L! .1 wr tne oiaie: is uue ii lue ueienaies I mm CaiOina w no signed the JNatiojnaJh Declaration of liidependence;ii8 appointed on a oom'ntHntc hyittreProvincial Congress to co iify ieAclfltWd Statutes audxprd-i j, both liohsea of the General Asstmbfly-oae.J j an inenveinremneraiof 4he iJoartt.'ioriV ar. that was invested wUbiliUiCjHextraorajuiary' to pass thaJUiuasMaeochiwen over the heMfl 1W JdMAJfiWUl inen--muny. ol litem V Joaes" Dcfeuce,"p. S81 yhsel, v. 2, p 9Q.. ; - , ,, . l : . ,,. It "nnt.ivn unrl to the manner born ?" What gave him : -position, infl)Iencet fame ? Wat else Could it Jae but genuine: abjlity united with hiffh! Bersonal worth-.and etauncb pa- triotism Jit jsiverybsum to suppose ooroer nf Riif.p.Rsa. could have been so pre ferred above so many men of unmistakable talents aDdr zeal at such-an hietorio lime.- Witlinnt. wrv rlfivf.r nnrts hfi could not. hafeioireidjfy come mari of dded I marK, duiivuuucu as uc naa uj o"" bejnga; veryiClpar.j.headedfjpao.il a good awyerK , ana accommg o j vv neeii: hb9sessed cehiusnd eldduehce bf a high, orders Wheerler says tbat if'his; efforts at the bar- were distinguished , ior, their, force ana namos. vv jaiigi. a memoer oi iup wr. tinehtalOongress he becametinvolved in a; personal - afflculty ' -with - the President or th, tvodv: ienrv uaurena. A8::as; mu fashion of the times, " '.'pistols , and., coffee. for ttf o were t6 be' resdrted td. l "They were fellow' boarders, ahd' breaferastea o-. cether tbefinornine thevi-werejtd tflgbt;" ,The. place of, mecfiugWasVoft ayacap lot"- opposite ine ivxasonic tiau i on. jytauus street.- ''Ia crdssicg at Fifth fefre'etwhere was then a deeb aloo2hJ:MrJtPenn kindly .offered bisiand to aid -Mr. jtaurensjj thqps much tpe oiaest, wno accepj.ea p'ai ges'ted to Mr. Edurebs; Hvho had ch'allengqd hitri. that ithi-m a foolish affaifl ad it; wa,sj UTBQe up o.Q'tne epos,! -fi)n;ti i .tj 1 Jl . I . 1. i - has deacendants still livinar in our.town'and county,., ,Tbe late John. PeqoHunt,: Wl; uvea auu oieu oniy buiuc tuieo ujuco iiy! Oxford 'ttethe Goshen " Tpad.fatber of Robert lu Alexander, and Jancea ; T. Hunt, of this place, was hi? grandsoa ; Mr. Penn lived at his Diantatibn on Aaron's creek, .a tributary tf Bi Island Creek, 'and died m September, 17b8 in the prime sof; life', san.d. i n the 48th year, of his age. lie is buried on the plantation nowwned.by Col. ii: Ham L. TaylbV, bear Island yreelk,' in .Sas safras Fork tdwnshipi ' -The remains f his old grist mill may, be seen, to this day j : ' V7ats6n "Annala of Philadelphia,'" 1 v, p 3J5., The State ; Canvass. inl. Ktnlp) ATtnainltnani t. - II ickory on tlie 3 1 st J ul y $ -Uata w ba, ou - 2nd:, of I August jvjLtncoInton, on 3d Auirust: Newton, on JCtk; Au I. -3A:-J ;iI3urki-. We learn by,.; the . Blade that the Tildeu and Vance ('lub met last Sat ' r .'Ji ," i. ''-'.., '"' A 'I y T r . T" unlay aiHi 5 was aaurespea iiy xiotn r. SjGaither;" Xlr." "L.T Pattou, and other. ;, iexi regular .meeting; v gu.it 5 ihl "15 (irke is all right. A ilag will, he ra'.seq on the i.'utn. ''" ' "" mbarruii. ' iT. and V. Club met iii J. 11. en rjilurdy, 8.ays the oiuon wi CotnmitieeH vytie appointed. Sprecl cs were wade ly N. P. Foard,, Major Jwpnto.!norY, l, fc1, llanis and otherFi Twt-lve new names were added to the ClUO. , , I. . ;, ! ; M V'J OtSIlk. : H' ' - Hillslrbro'ltecorder.l 1 The Republicans1 ai-ejlyingvery low in Orange, They don't know what course to take;- In' fact there is that want of good, understanding and feelinsr among them Ithat makes it anything bull a happy family. ?The: head of the party, Uiuhrif,t Chairman Ol Ji.AWi;Ul.) VK, VOUJUllWtt-'L, tllOi 11.- doubtaiile II. 1. suspects some of his ownparty.of cutting off his post-olli- cial head.,Somes, of the new converts to reform want to cut loose from Pool and the attaches of the revenue board. 1 These last in turn look 'with contempt upon this assumDtion of new virtue, i The negroes, always loyal to party, don't know which j is the simon-pure wing. j; l -.Spirits ' Turpentine The venerable and distinguished Rev.i Dri Wm.VUooper nqw resides t Jlillsboro. 4 i . Th & i nson fan- says a !- little child of Mrs.. R A. Moore,,near Lilesville, was badly gored by a'cow a few days since. , f Mrs. - Harriett Parks' , tobacco barn, m. Cabarrus county, has been de stroyed by fire.' -1 : Dr. Craveri delivered an address on "Practical Methodism' church ia Concord,;: last j"g- : . . ,v h at the Methodist Thursday mpro : Profi.W., II., Neaye, of j Salis bury, ah eminent musician,; says .i that a State brass band is needed, j composed of the best talent inthe' various bands in North Carolina; ,1 :";; J n. su rL CoLvThomas U. Brem,; one of the leading . business men of Charlotte died Tuesday morning, after an illness of bnly iwuuays. uss was.a.uoub ui years ox ag , says the Obsetrer. -k m:Yl tt.'x'i I vL. 'The s usaysiftthat Ahj irhes Smith, ' sen of Johrf' Smith, of GaldWeU county aged about, twenty-one years was J 3 2 .1. - f 1 1 . . Krt Ins tlrer ybttng men. u?.:-fj;.H ' " 'tbheord Sun: ' Henr 1 Iiiirf a ni j a drunken negro,: was-knocked off jlie truck ,byj the; JNortuern, bouau , train, ; Sunday niotniqg, near Pinkne' Mori isoufsj.-ifesi-deiice. Theonly i'liiuHos hejsustairied'Weie Having -rurire-oiigtiFsot oiie iinna antii one o : jthe.;.oytir 1ukii r.sMj, npd:-a' pretty .seviere . i j lUlbboro ' f ? ilecofder,; peas' uaynes,1ariasTuomps6pt''some nous in tuo'CrrmmHl 'annals of Urapge cou nl y , was arrested in Ox.f ord : f awl'ay s. ;agq inrougu ine active vexprtion&oti A. ;W; Uraham. li.sq. Dennis stands charged .with! burglary committed bn the store ot N. Brown Some moPthS' afeOi Oiher liparjiss ponnoctea.npt.tjhe.crimejwer6 arrested at Graham, but then .dischargei for waut of aulfflciehrevidehce.r,'' ': f l' t '' ivJ "! -tl; hWQiiypoutie (for the (Dqn ful'Ariho.'nroofcT Vina ohrmtiMrl onHJ'oni-i'ri,., . berg1iasflTreet6T8s": bue di ug ! stdW threes WbysieikBsyrthre 4awVers.add I no 1 loafers. sPofcdhfipastlsiX'iyaradLotlisbOr I V. 1 !t . . . . . ' L . " . iaa ouu up..a .,repuiauonfasj,ppe pi. the.: Lonisburg ia not depetidehi wpoii transijent uoucj nasi a iiuu'.uctt;a..- voiuixry tl rpm -which -it kdraws ttS principal uppdrtj 1 here is also three .schools, incrading the FfePiale College, ob L Rekl;!fiveehurcbe8iticltidiQg two;Qcpui! :-Pjear;uy cflipreja peopge. rl era rr f . if .v.wM i.M-My j Croftoii,1 ITIiiahiitm Ce,'Veriiion . on short 1 Sepd farUifCulr. : Mr. Peon.married.usan:Liym9 1 on juy, 28fh,' 1763. three Children were born? un-j io him'. 6nrv one of 'whoni i4a'rHed.-ii 1 lie; iwdcu in, me ; vaiawua river, ou lye Byp. t Ile was id swimming with aVai'tv of im tow &jEm ozU j. r?.xrr ymi U notlcJ aLd at ieasoaaWnrfrc.: : -7r..irf9VrfJ.' I- ) B YTEI!,EGIIAPH J ! F V... . . , '... ,.! P". .; '. '! , , -.. ft',. Al 1 ! WASHINGTON. torCaierioii? Dealh Paaaasej rBu x&rh&tJ Miction Waslilneloii Washington." July 27j A'TrViTiipnnitiV after the lrtadinff of the, inn r n a 1 1 rr mntioB! nf Senalor Bavard. the SenateJs, a-markj f respect-to. the'laie' senator, Ajarwn, Mrt' Cox is sickfiPd;tbe; Bankicg iapd ;! Corfency committee ma nothing this morn- i 'llie House, alter passing tno uiu or iuc completion Of the YV asmngtoiVi monument, with, an ';amendaie4 adopted a .resoldti filial; K i ;. i.i-,-j ,.vl .it FOREIGN INTEi,IISKN?JE. n t W?fn KrAv.-d. till iiihh'iiht Ti.ii.ivar f ,. T?nat Rattle between ' Xurfew ,and IWoiitenearlaiiTUe; Fir TOar;:BeiiaJearrteen?rajj.waT!'9in'j tla-rDepref qu . Ip tCottufafac -.; Vdnim;yy2:i vi RAGXrsA.'Ply 27. TntellltreuceiedeivedliCre' fforii'SclavbpiA sources nunounces, man io,vvo maa, ui. d6f'Mhmet!Hauidi ' Pacba;; atfackd; the Monifthpsrrini. Tuesdav; Irjcar' Podiforitza. They were repulsed, and pursued to Podgo-. ritza. '; Both .sides' 16st heavily in killed and wouuueu.- . . : - ! U ; T, . 1 Q .j "r -1;;r ', Loxdox; July S7.' UAdUspaichlfrjom.Gan plettf ter's llegram uompany, says, vji-ia siateo that covernxnent has decidedio issue paper currency to tne amount oi turee uiuuous " .t a. . H a. Mil .., psandsri ?s i f n ;?,-:. .-'.: . The retirement or iiieavtoaienenna iwnn- in their own territory seems to be con firmed. ' : m : i ' l j. I.1 1 m:- The Times' ltasusa ana Vienna rcorres. pondents concede tbat' the. (Montenegrins are withdrawing from- Mostar in - order' to CO operate within the berviana ia r-f ; i .The ItlenmpKs Berlin, special says pre parations are making to mobilize the whole armvl . " i-'l-'1 The Tekgraptfs "Vienna special says: it, is" paid the l ut aisn Amoassaaor tnere;nas con fidentially stated that . the Porte ideclares so.ue ot the most important or jttoumamas Slemiinas'are inadnissible. 'fie refuses to discuss the cession1' of the moutu ot ine ,tyanii'itJ, as that ufestAoa tquaUy cotjeerps tne otnsr power?. ' . n - ! i:; l The representatives of Iwehty-seivep, cot ton firms-met fit Lancaster j.yeslei day!,; and resolved, ow ing to otnuesseu ' iiuue. no wM$ ouly four days in the week.' I j i The govern merit J iM)Wier .numuz n, at T mi'ouse. exploded to day, Causiiig i.jrri at To s ,f 'liie.': J ' ' . ' 'if II" ' ' -j. ' Tile raca for the Goodwid copjai Good wom1 to-day. ' Wasivon bV - Hdlland, with Temple Bar Isecood, and Preikiiets tuird. Six hoi sua lianl." ! (' "i t f. if Ulr: -Jio '.yji,; Paius,. 4127, )-Le Vienna diapatchisavi the rmi nic!pa.lities ihrtnighbut Austria have orders to prepare for the mobilization of the army at atoomentii notice. j p. i; f ; 1 1 : Cardinal Antonelli. whose life Was en dantered for some iime from a complica tion of gout and rheumatism ,i is how pro nounced out of immediate danger. ; ; :, , ; The Servians, w ith six capnonsi crossed the Timok, near Brego-va, and an engage ment is expected to day. , . 11 n L ii , r - A; disguised .Murk has been arrested at GladcVna, who liad ' severaj packages on nis l ensori. winr winca it is sumjosea lie in tciided to.poisiiu tlie Servian welds, and in .cpnktjuence of which there is comsiderabie cxcitenient. Roumauia, where the; Turks commenced three days' armistice. His offer (to surren der with the honors! of war was refused. ILLINOIS. 1' tt i Democratic Nomination for Cousresr :...,.! , .... ;;. .. ...J,; QuiKcv, July 27. The Democrats of the Eleventh jbistrict nominated' R. M. Knapp for Congress-,' wuicn is regnrueu asa greenoacK inumpn. - Scott Wilke,' the "present incumbent, rise member of the Banking ! and Currency committee, and voted with Gibson 'against leporting for a repeal of the I Resuniption act, without some provision for re sum Vit.S J-.M:,-''.Ji'.t loOsiana: liemocrauc nomtnatiout for Goyeruor Y'J; .4, -:. j..n,il lit jGoveruor. Y T '"''"''BAlroir'lioTrGKJ.Tu' V The Democratic Monvcntiba kbmihafe'd Gen.: Francis H; Nichols for Governor, and Mr. Wiltz forLieut Governor. j y, t dd Gen. Nichols commanded the,. Louisiana brigade in the Army of Nvlhern Vtii cinial and lost a leg and an' arm during the- war;" t nermsmeier isecora. j !V7l j TThe:fpUowing wi show; the st&lj;of the niciuiuuicuji, uv ,iuej eiuiiuus umuiiyuu, ai 7.$5 this morniDg. Wasliifigton mean )ipe, as ascertained from the daily.buuctin issiied irpm the.bignal .UfBce m this , city .tjj ,Jt . L Ap - usta, . . , ... . , !.7i Montgomery !. , j .7S Barnegat,. ...... .71 Nashville,: . ,.. . . .'.73 vJairo, . Charieston, . . . .Cape ilenry,.,. Cjucinnati,.. . Corsicaria, .'... i. .... .74 JNew Orleans,. . ..80 . i i -1 ew , l ors:, ...75 I Norfolk,,.. .68 i . .:.7tt . .70 l'lttsburah, , tr , . ..!.63 ...70 r'untaKassa. :;-.!.78 Hi i.69 Gatveston,-. . . . v. .8 Iadianola, . . .85 Jacksonville, . . . ..81 Key West M Knoxville,.Tft.:o1 Lynchburg1, V;:J.:.ii Memphis;. .0 Mobile,, ivs.i. -i .8 Sandy Hook bavannah,... Shreveport, . St. Louis. .L .,,..11 I rr .'.78 ..75 .'.77 St. Marks,, j 'it v lcasourg,.; Washingion Wilmington 74 j . . . . . J.70 ; .'.74 cu . T ' ' ...iT' LATE ' h ?1 .. t I. .. ' i:MEaMB8iCWi;.E0ESMW PAPER. 4 iH ii flii! , UlllUil A UiJ-F 111 . ! J' -f SOI Sliootip Pisto totlratural History; O Field Sport articles by th Fratrr ! 8cxkntit9 & ,i , dfohtskek or America. riUCJS,. X1.D0. a . Months. $XXkS Months. -(4 iYeaily1'-' -j l-i -iiM-.d i .ena stanxp ipr Bpeamen copy to J - i . ' 1 vAteBMfi Uui&-9d jlirk.RowiewXprk pa; .IJNG AND ;CtBEDMOOB'J HlFL-SH! J liii. So FreiriattLte Discharge Eyer Occizrs. 1 EveWRifle w&sllTeroodhteri .Calibre , 40,44 and 50-100 of an Ihcn, and 67 any aesiredleDrtft. Charge pf powder, from JS0 to 105 gralas: height bf i biirts:frot:'Wl5 grafns-' i'Stbol.,'; pH(n; ! Pis t-U grip aiid:ixeckdvitjhts:'rJlaia. Globe and J P(:ep;fehtty lywfif Vita. -laicUjiugeliblo'irront theiiwar, will upi.be mobilized. They pect hostilities witU Russia. . f . ; Tlie Turkish "commander fit K2ek' has a l.i l"lr 18-0Wj ; ' ,ect21-D&Wtf X Hartford. Conn. COMMERCIAL. r W II. Mil NGT ON ' IJL A 1 J K CT. : - STAlt OFFICE, July 273 P. t&; j SPIRITS TURPiiJNTINJi-mriiCijquo- ted strong at 28- cents per gallon tor South-. verq pjkages. ajcsoj?28 i csfcj reported , Ub tuat i w ; i ' ft StraloM' rapdn il .jesyor. Gdodi Strained Nfe4'refJtteijB J3TAR.f Market bteady atrf205.- "S&Besoi, and $1 90 "for .'1rgw.riWpOfb' mrti- iiVr;fiJTiiil i;:a.af F GTTG rka.ftiuelii andystealy rw4th sale ojf bales sa,t frqm to.IOi cep, miriatedi ueiacks oarb as la .tale? tfnderl fair'; control, and owners -offeEitigv cafefumv ThpdemAnd .h;iWeyipT, lck8 geod stimii lattng Vitality,4 'arid' i'thfej irn6gpod basis for buos'ancy. :K spirits 'tnfptfhtine, 6tit)sidetl liPEu a qnieti'conklittdn; and-wecbuld hear of no movement j worthy ot: note, itoio-1 ere, ho.weYcrj ottered rpoderateiy, apd some-l grades, vexpgrteilSiihoWing i offj,in vjew of "the" difpeutiy oif pb taming buajjer jrpbrn. Sales pf 150 llbls cbmraoP" strained at $1-621: : -'Tar in maH sldck knduiie firm. X)ity pitch steady-.: :. ';; ;: I The telegraphic, adyices; were as follows:' Liverpool- Spirits turpeptpe, tj24s.(! steady; rosirv commop'.r. 5s., r ieady Tfioe 14s:, steady, v LdndohRosin '4s !6d,4s &d for common j' pale,- 1214s; spirits turpeptine, Cuarlestou Naval., Stores JUarKet, 41 Ttii receipt jvere' lu'casksspirilsj tur4 pentine, and 603 tibls rOsin: ? tt08ins were in fair 'request for medium land low grades, at $1 35,, for R)od strained $Jl 4Q fori No, $ 1 45 tor extra jno. jsj. fi 7Mor low 1- $1 80 for NoV 1 1 f 2 25 .for extra 'No': It The fiue'iqualitie8-: were qPietat $2; 50; for; low j pale; :$3 -:for pale; 4fariextra! pale, and $5 p(5. PyJer, window glass, i; There .was h moderate ' hnsinesa in snirits tnrnen- tine and sdhie 200 casks iP whiske pack ages were soia at aoc per gaiionivy equate vthiskevs .25icu. oils 2Go: regulars 27c Der gallon. --Crude! turneutihehvas valued at $1 575 'per bbV for vhgln, and $1 25 for yel'-lowdip.-j ' '.:,( . f j-;-i:i-Y 44 ; rl . fjli .. LBV WiORAPri ... ;. KKP.,rj . Ntw- . okit, July 27-Nooni .'. i -. .! . . r. l : r... i ' - Stocks dull, lower ap;d Prisettledi'Money offered at 2 per cent. , Gold opened at 1111 and. closed atf lllf. Sterling Exchange long 4b8; shdrtt -4y0i. ' O6vernment8 dull but steady. 4State-'A)onds -dull and quiet,' .except South JCarblipas, did, j which fare " Flour iquie tj&nd steady." Wheat quiet and unchanged.' Corn a' shade, .firmer, ' . Pork heavy tiat $19 60. j ; Lard heavy-steam; 11 17i. Spiits turpentine .firm at pOc. Rosin sJteadxiaSiiJBQl .75 for strained Freightsr steady,. -i , L J,.s, I -rij,-, Cotton hardening,, with ii sales pf 1,596 bales; uplahds "11 ll-16c; I Orleans life, Futures opeaed steady: as follbwsi August 11 23 32llf.5j Cts; -, September. 1 J 19-g2 aiai-ac; uctooer in i3ToSJiirio-3a cts; November ' 111 ll-32.llci December XH H 13-32c- !H : I j 'It 4 . i" . : .'it. I. .p "iii M jjtLoiiDOHi: Juiy 7-NoBi-7 rEries iSf; ! Tire - jbull ion' '-"lias increased 744;00pj ..J.-tou-s-: ;:-i lj fciotM ft 1. f:.; .i: joLlVpdoiH-Juy27-N69n.t3 . i Cotton market quiet and; steady f mid dling uplaad.lii45; middling Orleans , G,l-I6d y salos!l0,W)0 bales;- iacludingt 2,000 wmcu werfiftaKeatej?speculation and! ex i;P9rtr receiDtsj,400i bales! of which it 300 fl were American.. Fpttires firmer andJl32d fj dearer;; Huddling uplands. 1. ml c. Ser- temberl ttn'd -OWnhpr ipHvpfv fi lSlftii. new Jcrop middh'ng ', plapd 3, 14 ni. c. sh i pv pea ;XnOYeniDerna.Decerpbcr,.pcr.sfti Bd, ii: i.--.itJEii .' IAtrSiBi-j; p do.. ? i Gotiqn-mtddliDgl'-uplandsi l." gust up;, September! depiveryi j 5 27-S2d ; Sep.tel&ber.aPd October delivery, 5 2!-82d; jbitues' o, ,4menaah , .cottbp! jto-day, 7,500 bijei I Spv&.t.uritinclKrrQer.at.Sdi I t..l n n nrpa sifu v mirifiiihir nn.io I m c., September aod.Octobeidelyey,fi 15-16$ uctooer ana iixovemDer delivery o lo-16d , ' ' ''-' " ' POlt Tfife lNTENMt AL YEAR A V '-t 1 K ... , .( 'if : LtTERATCjR'mCrjLi; Politics:, TURE and NEWS. i Circalatioii large and Daily Increasing .NOJ JS raE,TIM, QSTJSCRIBE. J It circulates i.; Thirty-two Couutiok-in Eastern -and Middle North Oaiolina aad tsootn-frirte Virginia. 1 nrijin,rT.t, -tuft i uu0ufttMi' mutu ' . . Subscription Prica. in-Advance. 3 per yeat L: i l - iH Af MANNINO; BKU S-tProbrtetora.' t ft '. i Wiuxw.. N. C . j ? ; i .1' Pablislicd at Marlon, si1 C $3 a . CtfrerB thefollowiiig liberal) rieiainins .to ub scribers: :..!' . . j r i t : A ' HANDSOMB EINGRAVTNQ Q9 x 14 'iSa.)! to single subscribers ''M" ' r V f i f r,, ajm jiA. tAuurc.ujyiijTAK.Toroneyeaxto any one Who will send a Club' Fiviti aaihurihora 1 and an KniTrftv-iHP- tn each nuTBitr tr.t.h- nini- i "A Li GOLD STUDS, each- ivalued aC $?:50v toahy br CUU1UE VrUU UI X" lltCVIl. r V - 'r ' ! - TEN DCAARiJlN ISOLD for dab c?f twenty- N f?TAMftY.6EWtoMACIN T "aS8' worth S8001 Jclab Of 0u ,Hiin: area aad Fifty.. - i -- . .4j'il-.iii. .l i -Wa,6ttio energ and entEprise0me- lady p'; Monkt may be renititedVpy!iUT.Pt1. iPfflce !Addii all letters -to- . i toiia o 8 a ' I J -, f . a : t w ,W JTA Mh-K ITT? 1TT.1 U.HWi ' : - ' . - . r . -iiuv'i. v.. ;-mcr loin. -J miion JEau-ewtpmp. fnitn4Mi L'jiw8utM, j i r 'RlifDKTtiBPENTI steady. ItOfV forfITa!r(i:!gl'8d; xVeliowiDia' ..uo c-ioi .rij-cj. ;r.ur v'ai Kcw xorit ..nairai stores .tirrM uT- Jfer SV?1 f'T T 1 VZfitfa f today, I;22o 1)bdsTn2t61!lW -Mifta tllehtineL!178adtiit6Ir., -The aceu- were juciiuuu - io asit. a jiuuliuu uiftuci, .m, siyifbdrit ;sW fRosiiiS fHSr.Ire,,, dull ' all laroHncL r and ralheri i i lower j ori'i common J)YS MOROCCO SATCHELt. OK ainV' 04. -T "T -...iBITv-W, E&VTY.; EDITOR: tf.: W.. O ' TyiArt4NABPiPgHiii $f Tfiw-41 v:'lf!ftnwair?k : " WfWS imoAthi each sswdestejiulmtttadittoei.oa:- jy20-3in riri.oV cnity. . - j KEWAPYERTISEMEKTfci. !y 6-OTOei A?(irt8 wanted tirt i Did and terms free. lnvJCi S CO., Ilg Maine- Tobacco ;;;.yY;Hab;ii:::Cured.. I will tend'a prescription lean be obtain . ' drag -store) that will epeedily cure ana warrants , 1 1 entirely eradicate the desire for Tobacco v ifr. '' eamnlei 5U cts. Addret? n i r i tt,,a; $77 AgentsaHand Fcmalo, in thfir'o-4! i - locamy rerms. and oil t Wi ;- i 'S5 f?S20S? j " " ' t-"-- ' ''! "'- ' ' ' i 11': fcTSYCHOMANCY.)OR SOUI. riTTimTrT: .fcpSYCHQMANCY.iOR SOUL CnARMiv0 Xi Hdw either sex may fascinate ami JoTaandaffectiqiw.of ..any.personthey chooto stantlyJ , This art all can poeeesa, free, by nii' , " 26 eemJ togetherVifh a Marriage Qoidu i-nrtj ' bold. 1 A queers book. vAedress" T. Wiixiav ' ltIcelaT wenty-Five ten i .T03TB JIUKQEED ANDiIIffTll EDITinv Ttniainfng' a complete itrt fof alitbc toM nf, i- iv TJhtt-ed States, the Territories,' and the' 1 ou.ii iU i jCanadaihaTinK :populion :gr:ftter than f('t V" coroingtd the last census, together with' tTew of tb Newspapers baVfaig-tbe- largest local c-r. in' tioaiQ each of. the places named Also, a cau'iwii. of trewspaperrwhicu are recommenrtpri t.n .. ..tv tsersias giving greatept value in proportion to p in' 'charged. "Also, all newspapers in; ihe United blid , i ana uanaaa priming over bwm. copies each in. " Also, all theRelipioas,! AgricnltursJ. fcif.su f c , a ' Mechanical, Medical, Masonic, Juvenile. Eon-'ai'on al, CoBMSwwrlauranco ltool ;Bt tatc. Law Vnort -: ing,: MdBical,' Fashion, and other epecial rJa-'g h,u saU; very completJi3ts.;rcgether with a co-ni-feiU list of over 300 German papers printed in the itfi,Ji States. Also, an essay noon advert.! si n m. : llitspt !ates..sliowingh(a cost of; edvertisins iu v J nms jiewppapers, ano eyerjtnmg which a bninm,' 111 Vidvettisiail would Mkd to know.1- Address i-U.SU. if i KOWELL A CO : ; 41 Park Bow, jCny v0BK. . it wittiib': .! A complete list Of 'American Newsnatwira n f horinrr nrtrvta than 0irrhfrthnnann1 nrWk i 1 of all the towns and cities in which they arc buM lifted; Historical and Statisdcal Sketches of Great Newspaper 'Establishments; illuttraud wi-u numerous ngiayinps of thp principal New spawr Buildiups.' Book or 30 Pases, Just i.ned. A-.ailVd, post paid, tOr aay address for 35 cts. Apply (inclo sing price) to StrPEBIKTEN oknt pr THE EWSPAPEs Pavilion, . Uentennial JnHrflds, Philac'e phia, or American News Gr., New York. - i, I EVKMV ADVfeiinSKR NfeEDS it -i trSYlSSto r-, :V U.(-J'.,iV. ... I j '. h t QUMreRrLA W. LECTURES (nine.tfeekiy) bfi;i j'O 13th Jnly; 1876,' and 'end )3?h fepteiUbtr. l sv . pruvtsuui eioat lUBOj-t-isi, to eiuaents wno dfSitii to pursue their studies at this or other Law-tcboo, 2d, to those who propose to read privately ; and 3 i, to practitisners who have net hd the advantage of systematic insrructibn. -Por circular apply ip. u. .Cola; aiidpiL .Lav.j- ';(. f ., joVt4wL4W f 6.0.0,000 IN" GIFTS! r i ': 1 . "t i-U ' j V - M " - .j ' Grandeit Scheme ever Presented to :f ? s,rtfi5 Public ! f . i A lortune for only S12. 'B lie Kentucky Cash Distribution authorized by a special act' of the Kentucky Legis lature;, for the benefit of the PUBLIC mjHuolS Oif J'ttANKORT, .will have the First bf t&eir fo rieB of Grand Drawings, at MAJOR HALL, iii H on.whtcll occasion they wilt distribute to the t'ci:-.-! ; j, , ,. jr holders the im alecs' e euin bf j . 41sexpo.ogp - ; i- Thos, Porter, Ex-Gov. Ky.', Gen'l lan. j. Positively no Postpouemeut asvewijlhave a series of Grand Drawings andean i- '-not establish the precedent of postponing. LIST OF GIFTS . :? : One Crabd Gaeh3ift. One Gratid Cash Gift . . . POieCirairdCash Gift..;.... i 5'UStl . it, tfl 8l.Cfi) 10 091 .5-MCa 60,0(0 '40.C-8) SO.Ofifl 4i,0,v M1.0C3-' 120,001 i00,O!.0' oie urana i asn uiu.. ... One Grand Cash-Gift .7... One Grand Cash Gif a . -1 . . s r - - o casn uiits or si.i t;u eacn ICO Cash Gifts-offj to ) each,. 10) Cash Gifts of 40J each.. s'liaCashGifWof; 30aeach.. !( as Cash Giftsofi sceacnij. iO.OW Cash Girttfof : " l4 each!""!! Total, 11,156 GiPtSf All Cash . i ; .: . . : .4;iPRICEOFitriCKETS : ' Whole Tickets $12 i Halres $6; Quarters $3; 9 Tick ets gl00; 27X Tickets $3n; 46 Tickets $50Q; Tickets JMHia -100,ceO Tickets at $13 each. i 'I.Hon. B. H. Taylor, IMayor of Frankfort, the rn tire soard of C ity Councilmen,- Bon. Alvin Dnvnii, late Chief .Justice ipt Keutucky, and other oiitin- ' guished citizens, -together with feuch d s nterte I persons as the ticket holders present may debiciaic wilt superiBtend the drawing. I T?emittanCj ca be made by Fxprss; Draft, Pop" Offlce Money order or Registered Let;er-rQsdepivH. . 7lo to KENTUCKY CASH DISTRIBUTION Ot-Si-1'ANY. j.i 'i. i'.Ui ..:. . ' . ! t All communications connected with tbe di?t;i')ii tion, and' orders-tor Tickets, and applications of i. . !' ' HON. THOMAS P. PORTKl', i f jy ISWUftWs f.oQen1 Manager, Frankfort, Ey 414 , LtXINulUN ST, trorrespona Jlirect : It yon Wart trria t4ttem .Upars- and :avea T.ii siderable pet centage I., the purchase of l-'.Mi ' AN03 AND ORGANS ' I ki IT I ' 1 . Aii -::. fl Miii . : :, ; i" . i u wish to Pnr nhas LSV v SurFet ny resdHab:e g-iarahtVe W insure yon. w-i i jjuK-Bi8a on tnia House akk ivjua" .Jf.NOTi SUPERIOR Tfj.T'HR JJOST NOTB MAKB KNOWN! Unpurchased''' competent judges, who.have tried themi pioiDouwte them . i. . i i 'iiTheyaaySsKVllN (also Tf OCTAVES, KfV TtlNlfi andTOLH H.OVJJKbTKUNG BASh, FiH.f TOOlf'RAME.'THfi AGirFK, CARVEU hS . Thev'are beautiful, duraNeTini wear wt-P, bomI ati tery reasonable p Ices; and i :''U'i-tf'31&i: --! ' - J. 'If 'resonated fordlrlci! to IbiU'Hotfse. ' ' , ' imiiv ;-lw arrantea. i.-l'v Wfn Hews J .PUBLISHED rVrESYTUESlUY I0RNIS I- a miliar i viMtnn. . CJ..'. v I s sjl.v i. j' fi.iiit. v x. n, ttCsirapWimeaiuiniTor Ravertisers. . I W. Ii. Pernard ia 'MEWSPAPgR.. - WEALTH.! nt. A-W5St ill f5rtfJi'' - v'-.-r. our auUtorisod Ageat i" 7t, i " . dec ls-u to .... . u..u ftj.1., Bl. X.UU1B, JO.O. mlngton,N. C, ' r i

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