THE HORIIHIG STAB. 0 8UB80B1W1O1I ATAXO:- 1 . .ear. (by mau) ptM !,......... - gixmontM, f m4! v.;.....i... 5 XbwemontW M ( TJ I i........ 100 0n bwrlbers, deiivawa in any artot the Toffin Cuperwek. ' Our City Agent, axe ed cXt for more than . months in - ' MORNING EDITION. OUTLINE.. The President, in a proclamation; lor- tlIy announces uie-ueaiu pi peaiter Krr, and pays his character a just aud high tribute, rrrr. Tcjka pulacdon Sun j J- decisive battle was lo take place Mon day or Tuesday. A ! party of ; hostile AiJacbes were defeated in Aiizooa. y- -New York markets : Gold j 1101; cotton, 12 k 1612 cts; rosin $1 5G1 67; spirits: ,penting,29f cents.!; , ' . j ' -f Spirits Turpentine Tb Democratic f Convention of iiilmh Senatorial District, I composed of . a counties of Jones, Onslow and Carteret, S meet in SwausMo .n the 24lh - inst., rjnominaw a candidate represent the islricL By agreement, Jones la entitled tl,tlienomiuation, and several gentlemen; frUm that county liavi been recommended, says the " I -j; V -U: : I Raleigh News: j Information-' h,b reached the city that Ja G. "Hill has Government Buildinfts vice" W. A: Koiter. wlio tendered his resignation. Pot ter being one of Btistow'a appointee, is L.s.1 o (lave receiTCU u lumumiuu mat uo ' . . J ! . . . tfould be KlcK.rU out, anu ruaigueu w ve Jjig cre(W. Mill Uu own ihji vm5iiii uu tier Poiur, ainl is reprecuu wcuij a Tl-iy capable" nlati j,..-,,- i Z''M.i$ , " -The etc nays Iton. A. W. Mer riamu will take th smrtip as wniri a he re nM unties of llu 'iiMoiiitiiu-iits Mado-tof n by the Dnocra-ie Sutts Ceuiral Exw- .veCojinit!ee- He kHly has nri aji i ,witnrttto hddressthv ptopte ot Uh.ttham ai PitUsho, on the 7th of jSf ptciubt r It ' i-prohahleliiat '.e will cahVHMS principal y ihe range of counties lying ulong the Vir .nnm line, hegiuuiug in Granville about the 1st of October. .jj - '-' ; f': I ' jHroetIcu from the Aiumey (icii j :. erI. .-;;'. -: , v4 r ! " ';. 'V Wasuixgtox, Aug. 20. Attorney General Taft is preparing I ' i ... TT..:... 4 8 letter Ot llisirucuuim iu uhhbu Slates District Attorneyg,in reference to enforcing the election) laws and protecting all citizens iu their rights at the polls. The letter will be spe cially addressed to these officers in New York and the Southern States The Attorney General will urge; that, good men be selected for supervisors, who should be in constant attendance at places oLregistraiion and see that 00 citizen entitled U prevented from registering. United States Marshals will be instructed to appoint a suffi cient number ofj deputies to protect ail voters in their rights at the polls, and to aid the supervisors in the dis charge of their jeluties upon V election day, calling upon the posse comita 4us, if necessary, and upon the ' mili tary authorities' should the , civil - offi cers be unable to preserve the peace ami afford the fullest protection to all l-laHes. Officers wili be instructed jlo carefully avoid interfering in any mannef with the conduct of elections, except wben called npon ' to enforce tl laws and maintain the freedom ,4 the ballot. These instructions will i issued the latter part of this week. laeldeot Connected wltli Vance In ihtCimpiitn. .Charlotte Observer : 1 After Governor Vance had suoken at Mt. Airy, to Surry jcounty, he was jnet on his way lo VVinston, at Pilot Mountain, by aboct ihree hundred jpeople and was force to make-them a speech before they ohld allow him to proceed. When he r rived at NVin tbrong of peo ed the street. ston, be was met bv pie that tairly barrica After eazingr for a moment at the im mense crowd, he turned j to them and asked, 'iWho did you! leave at home to take care of the crdps? A colored man bore the banner, Ion "which was iiiucribeithe names of Tilden and piendricks, Vance and Jarvis. j j f The Northern Kn Kit the tri The testimony in trial of the ollie Masruires. now in nrofrri rh at PotttiviHe, Pal, establishes beyond a poubtthe propositions I rrt. mat the organization in acuuyiitiii county is "t the blackest ki'inl: criminal one iid that no one 'mi commit crime '"uiti i)fong io it. tiiuu. i nail iw iiievfcut a urear- Nli(e) UlUrdei WJ mi ritTxiiSH a.raintir. pa I'UiiUhabld tv iiIhioii. il - v "- CZ. UB I I Mt Zm . m J wm iiiuu 1 bird. That the rrieinlter yf o " nn were u uevoiu oi i an ?"'raland religious Seiise thAt thv I tu-iiiptei to aive anl appearaiice of f Jj'tu-e ad .oQinVuy Uheir horrid .m'HSfceilurga by i.uaui their meet- uiavt-r. hii h wiiii nuri Mru. , " ' " & -"aih u4 UurtalrlDr. tfffover. a "I 13..1..S-1." I.T.1..! .." ! ... e have learned some additional pticulars concern iiJg the death and Hooperj who 3 'taed his last at th " "on-iir-law. Prnf M-i ideuce of lis D'B. Hooper, rday evening Chapel Hill. oTSatu' 1.1' K . I t , 3!fa.r' His mind. Was clear, strong and i TMe up to his death, lie knew that nis nnl w.. . i j . i j ji'i, ugu, anu as lie uveu, av 4?e die: Wely, hopefully,! and e complete resignation to God's J it He-d within .the' sound of ino.Univer8ity ijJL whose daily Bum ."ona to mtelleotoal labor typifies his e-workin behalf of advanced edu tffr?'; Sis remains Jair io state io io University ehapelrteaded by a Ration from . Pbyantopip DialecnrBocietiei. j;,, ; v , n Sunday an immense congrega assembled io the chapel. Prof. la preached tho funeral sermon I ' f I ' 1 I 1 I I I t I , I I ,1 I. r 11.11 I XX I . II ' ! XX J II, ' M 1 .X t iill'li ' 11 II' 1"' ,1' ,.) ,1 ' .1 ' ' 1 1 , 1 1 1 ., . , ... ; -, 4 .......... . - ' 1. , 1 . 1 ; '- " ' ' 'h - , 'f vol. xviii. no; 130 oi " Te Powerof an Endless Life." Dr. Hooper had requested to be bu ried by theide of Jus stepfather, Drl Caldwell,and his mother.! He was placed as he desired, ' by the - old Caldwell monument, in rear bf the new west building. He was'; borne to the grave by Hon. Paul Cameron, Prof?. Grraves and Winston J ahd Dr. Robesqn, , D McCauley; End., and vapL iiutchins. . t , ..' A Mne I.lle Sairea bjr JUrcnm. ' fWoousocket (R. I.) Patriot, of Aug. 14 Jlarlj-f on Jb nday ; inorntnit Mr. Hall, a butcher of Franklin, iMass:. wnt into his ice chest to inspect the premises, when the door accidentally swung j back, operating v tl !Hpt ing lock, and the man was a prisoner in a very jBmall room of icy temperature and without means of escape., A speedW and frightful deatli Jstared him in the face. He shoutld and thumped upon what promised to be his coffin, but all ' in " vain, j Now oomes the marvellous part of ihe cir cumstatice. .Wheh' Mr. Hall's , goir aroseou that morninir hef was rleenl v impressed with a dream Whichlhe ha durink the - previous Niitrht IT dreanjfd that his father hadeei oaugrit andKUflocated in the ic4 chest Sioi hhdtiig his Isither on inuiriTjg for hm, ilm "sow at oiiue proceeded to the ictji chest and foundi it locked On 4ieiiiur it Hpuaientlv dea bodv of his" futlier wa.i discpveretl and rescued rv nar dtjuth ljpl t prisuiif r com tliait. w ujifortuoate i a, hour before be came to a :-i4taie tionsaiouMie.x, Hud is sti feebltd coinJitiun.". To selves among thu number) no fatllt in dieams and vi it may be difficult -to' account for t fee con uection between the son's dream and the father's accident. Tbc Vlciory at Balreutli Tlie "Music of the Future" has bd come the Music of the Present The triumuh of Wairner is cdiiibldle. and the elacicists, the dry - co n t rap u n t is ts, the jlisciples of the old-hchpol ro mance, those of Bach and ttribt lorm and Ither upholders of Freuh and Italian melody have all been sileuced bv the unDaralleled euecesslof the VFutbremusic." Hereafter f-joper; will never again be exactly f hat t was. hThe old well-worn favorites will bequietly laid aside., 'audi what ever kiew is produced by the rising composers will oe in some; degree tinctured with the ideas ot Nyagder. 4 f ' Bnal Israel In India. 1 here is a Jewish commuintv in I ...... . r . India, known ae B'nai Israel (tlie chill dred of Israel), which is supposed to have settled there one !! thousand years ago. They dress like ttjie Hin doos use the Hindoo language, and know but little about He bre. They observe the Sabbath day htilcftly and follow the Levitical code, but Ihey as sociate but little with the Jefvs, own ing tb the difference in costume an language. ; !.- 1, Am llfuetrlons Triplet Score,; a Coo Thine lorOld Bowanj A friend writing to the Observe from! Salisbury, under IdatJ of the 18th inst., saysj "The wife of James Monfoe, near this place, presented him with three fine boys last night. Names as follows: Samuel J Tilderi, Thomas A. Hendricks, Zebulon 131. Vance. "E ven the women hi m oue Kowao r I I - i are a roused." : " Personal Difficulty Lynchburg (Va.)lewsJ We learn from private sources that a personal difficulty occurred in Uan villp Vi "on Satnrdav. between W. T. Mapning, of the JVews'j anI Daniel Dechert. i of, the , J&cpress, in which Manning Attempted to cowhide Decj- nert ana was snot, tnougu ao. ci i ou8ly. j 1 j j."--.' j- 'Altogether the Democrats stream torned through the Augean stable has 4one much toward cleaning it.p JsoBtpn Merald. . , . j j i T il. k BcpTT 1 -For rent. t oWs F. pToiriB -For reiit. '-. i. L' if....j ! Local Dots. '! -Iiphtheria In again pfeviling tt anma saVlttnll in f lua fMlir . V .1. E WaU V JBU in wove Scuppernong grapes !fnd fig! are now oegioning io come in que irccij.i Lovers of oysters are' beginning! to "lick their chops" in anticipation of the lUitn'iui. bivalvular season. , is " X glikbffng paiff) Vei trie(i oue of the Magistratu'a ofSces yesterday af ternoon, created cbnaiderableinieicBt. 1 Yesterday was the most plea sant day we have experienced; in the past PMonday two months. , Two police arrests night, one white and one colore, both , for drunkenness , They were recognized to' ap pear when called for. .' jr ' The Superior Court fo-r Bruns wick county convenes at Smithville next Monday, His; Honor, Judge McKoy, pre siding. J --Ini order; to; atimulati' needful precaution, r we would state lht a vessel from Havana with yellow fever pa hoard, s pow at Quarantine nearqsUSa,;'; -! - JJisiog, followed by ale wly fall ing bsrometef, gtatlopary to Tlm$ terppefc - J I - - - . . . , . : ii s ' , j ! i i - 1 1 . 11 jl lit Un thusH f oni4- !l wlib have son. ; wilmington ature, easterly to southeily'wiuds and clear or partly cloudy weal her, are the i predic" tions for this section to-day 'i M I The champion spider of ibe; season was captured by an attache of the Star yesterday. His body;fwhicu is about as large as a good-sized hickory nut, with legs two or three inches in length, is pre served in a bottle of kerosene oil and can ' -' I i - - -i il -l - if b be seen in the office of our engineer. The Republican- Convention for this Congressional District meets at Mag nolia on Wednesday next, the 30th inst., and on the same night the1 party in this city propose having a torchlight procession and ratification. It seems to be generally ad mitted that Mayor Canaday will be the nominee of the Convention.; k " ' ', Snpposvd Attempt; to ctde. ('-' Jj-v":" "';f Commit nl- A New York drummer, ' who registered Ins name as W. H. Hudson, ' and who has been stopping at the Purcell House since the 1 (Jib inst, wus found yesterday morn ing to have taken ah overdose of laudanum, it is supposed with the intention of killing himself. The fact was discovered when a servant went to his room (No. 31) to call him to hreakfiwt, he being ti nable to arouse him. ' ' lie reported the circiimslance, when a physician was palled. lit found the gen tleman breathing heavily ; and was of the opinion at first that he w is beyond the rtiach of help. He sent for two other phy sicians to assist him, one of :who'ni was re quested io brinS' a utomuch pump. Iu the me lUtime atropine was r euteit into the body of the patient by ma;ii j of au lustru meui known, in medical parlaucu as a hypodermic fyringe. whicl jseemed to re lieve him somewhat and Ireudered his breathing easier. The s oniacu pump ' i ' t ' ' was then brought into requisition and used yeryj effectually after which the patient was allow cd to sleep quietly for, a short time, j He was -then taken ur and walked backward and . forth, supported on either side, ccpl water being thrown into his face occasionally, and other means adopted to keep him aroused as ef fectually as possible, including the admin istering of brandy, which had the effect of reviving him considerably. .This treatment was kept up from about half past 0 o'clock in the morning until about half-past 5 in the eve; ling, when the patient had so far re covered that he was able to go down stairs and was considered by bis physicians to be but of danger. 1 Mr. Hudson u said not to have been ad dicted to drinking to excess since bis ar rival here, and no cause is i tssigned for the alleged attempt lo take his life. A phial was found in his room containing OBe drop of a dark liquid, supposed jo be laudanum. Tried to Drown Herteir. . v a! colored woman, whose name we could not learn, jumpt'd into the river near the tool of Queen street, jesterday afternoon, wuu lilts purpose i umnoing herself, which purpose she would have accomplish ed had it not been for the ruthless and un warranted interference of some parties in the vicinity, who took her in out of the wet, and! thus frustrated her in her. efforts to rid world of her presence for the time be- the iag. pos; her She declared, however, in the most live terms, that she would Carry out determination at the: first convenient opportunity, and seemed jj to think it was tao bad that some folks would meddle with oiher folk's business. Thermometor Hecord. i The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, .at 4.35 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Augusta,.:...'. Charleston, . . . . Corsicana, Qalvestoo...... Indianola, . , , ... Jacksonville,. . . Key West...... Mobile, U...... .87 .82 .98 .92 .88 .85 .89 .87 Montgomery,. . . . .90 New Orleans, . . . .85 Norfolk.......... 82 Punta Ras8a,.....79 Savannah, ....... .83 Bt. Marks........ 88 Wilmington, .... .79 i i. The Theatrical Season. f From' present Indications the approach ing theatrical season hereabouts will , be an unusually tinii one., uenerany, uy imi time, Capt PenBypacker,; the lessee of the Opera ! House; has had engagements booked covering from thirty to forty nights; but thus far! this reason he has not had a single Jinqiiri-jj ' aiid the probabHHy is that very few! companies .will visit the city until after the election,; if Ihey do then.' Assaulted on ine Streets, Monday night,! about 11 o'clock, a colored man, whose name we did not ascertain.was found stretched on the pavement, on Front street, somewhere in 1he neighborhood of the Cotton Factory. ' It ' was - thought, for some time, that be was dead; but be finally revived 'sufficiently to state that he had been assaulted and left in that condition by some unknown person, j -j - Th9rKxcnrslon. : ..' .r j' , ;jv 1 .. The excursion of the Young Catholic FriendsVaetJyeslerdayi to' the planta tion of Col.-Tv vC4t Mcllhenny, about five miles below this city, was participated in by a large , number. iThe day was a fine one for the purpose, and the excursionists were delighted with their trip, as well as the enjoyable pic-nic and the, pleasant ex ercises in which they indulged.- ' . . wi . - ;. 's-m The Novor !. ! . i'i 1 ' ReferringtdrUie! new, political organiza tion inaugurated in thfa' State .by , the Be. publicans, allusion to which was made in this paper a ; few days siacer -the Raleigh : Sentinel says: We hear that the organiza tion has taken rppt in this city,, Wfi have seen one of the badges, bu ' lke Ihe Stab Wart father In the dark aponT it," TUf ibadgj38 are to be seen quite frcqgepuy n UI8 VllV UJVf. . Wjrl The first of the three bompetitiOas of the $t. George and St. ; Andrew's Eifle Teams, for the prizes alluded to in our last, took place at the range; on the Athletic Club grounds yesterday afternoon,' as per an nouncement. The following' is the result: TBAM No. 1. 2?0 yds. i Total. DaB. C'ntlar,. .... Wm.Pyfe,:.U... L. . P. Brown,.. W. K. Kenan,...;. Junius Davis,.... W. L. DeKoeset,. B-LillT.,.. ..i.... 42 89 89 33 88 sr 34 867 Average of toUla, 88.1-7. TBAM No. H. 800 yda. i Totals. B. Liliy,. JohnM. Caaaux,... K. O. Rosa,. B. J. Lilly. Jr It. d. Smallbones,. -W.-JB Beraard,.... W. K. Hargrave. . . . 4 415! 39 3 38 85 35 34 4 8 415 443 an 4; 4to4 43 125 Average of totals, 36 1-7. 253 j There are five prizes to be shot for and the aggregate scores in the three competi lions will decide who are to take them. Colored in an Drowned. I h i A colored man by the name of George Moore, aged about 45 years,' living on what is known as the Dsllison plautation, 1u Brunswick county, was found drowned in Indian Creek in thai .,-:. .1 county yesterday mornvng. It seeftaJhat he started f fdr Wilmityyon ia small canoe on Saturday evening last, and it seems that he by some means fell out of llie same and was drown ed, us the canoe was afterwards discovered adrift. A search was made -for the body tta Monday, but it was hot found 1 until yes terday morniag. The Coroner: had been notified, but up : to the time our informant left the leanest had not been held. I : i i Hirst. V U m A KINK ITKMS. . I ''I i . f The Signal; WUhamfl, sailed from Bel last, Ireland, August Bin, ior inispori. 'V;-. ' A i ! ! ! . . I , ' I. ". - The Von Ilayden, Cartlow, sailed from Dou Jus, August 6th, for this port. The schooner M.B. Van Clcaf, 1 horn i dike, arrived at Porland, August 20th, from this port. . The Oerman : Barque Buvgemeistkr Ifcrtfem, Ehrenreicb, sailed from Deal for this port, August 8th. - I LIST OF LETTEUS ' i - r . i - ! i . i . i I Remaining m the City Post-Office, August 22, 187G: A. Charles Allen, John W Avery. ! 1 mrs Sarah Ashe, 2; 11. Wm H . Bakeman. 2: mrs Sarah Baker, mrs Mary A Banks,' Simon Barnes, Morris Bellson, mrs M T Berry, W E S Berry, miss Mary A Bossom, Richard C Brown, - Dan Brealin, miss IBettie Brown, J Q Bulckew, W W Burriss, f'George Bushy head, Chief of the Cherokees." C. Mr Cly, miss Louisa Cutlar, mrs Christian Campbell- .; i j j D. Miss Susan Davis.Elder Aaron Davis,' mrs Matilda Danetry, mrs Susan H Dixon, Rev F Dunkler. j U ! i I' " H E. Miss Julia Everett, raiss Mag Everett.-' r - ':.'r I -'! I i! ' ' G. Mrs I Hatlic Goodman, Hamilton Gray, mrs Maggie C GuyerJ J ! il II. Wm P Harker;, Richard F Holmes, Ruth Howard, Mildrit Hugins. ., .1 M rs Silla Jones.; t j j i , , M. . K. Rev J Ketchen), miss Nancy King, , L. Miss Jane Lane; B F Latham, Eliza beth Lawson. Dr S P Lees, mrs Farrie Lee, mrs Fannie E Littleton, miss Eliza Lytch. M. Mrs Maria McFarlan, miss Manerva McMillan, miss Willie) Mallett, James Me Iodc, William Henry Meusom, i Harriet Merrick, Claus Michaelis, Hester M Moore, miss Lizzie Moore, William T Moore, Jenny W Murphy, CaptT P Murray. i P. Miss Laura ; Ferry, miss Henrietta Potter, Sarah J , Pried, miss Sallie TPrice. 6. Edward Quince. I J i it Mrs Sallie Raeverer, mrs Judie R6 erson. M- : ;-T j ! ! - 8. Wright Sbufficld, Sanker Smit Jeff Smith, Persiller Smith, Turmer Spells, Jerry Stokes, ttosia HWette. V. Mrs H S Van Eaton. W. Miss Jiunie Washington, J G Whight, Dick Whitley, mrs Nancy Wil hams, Evelin Woodford.; j j ' !t i' SHIP LETTERS. - q C W Anderson, Capt A Neilson, brie Lucy; Johnnie Jelig; care of the Dick Williams; David Johnson, pare of Capt R Hayden, schr Springbird. ; :- '.j- - h jj Persons calling tor letters: in the above list will please say advertised." If not called for within 30 days they will tn fVio TlAiiff Ttfpr Offioft. I be sent Ed. R. Bmkk, P. M. Wilmington, New Hanover Co., N. C. The IHallK. I The maili will close1 at the Citv Post-Of fice until further notice as follows: Northern (night) mails for all points North, East and West ot YVeloon, : f i daily at.. i...i... J.. . . 6:30 P. M. through and way (day) ! mai'W daily . except Sunday, 6 :30 A. M. Mails for the N. C Railroad, ! ! , and routes supplied there- j i ! from, at. '. ....i.... 6:30P.M. Southern mails for all points South, daily.. V.t....i...... 5:80 P. M. I Western mails(C. C: Ry) daily 5:45 P. M. i Fayette ville, and offices on Cape : i . ! j Fear River, Tuesdays ?and i i h Fridays. .i, P M. IFayetteville by U, C. R'y, daily i: i? 1 (except Sundays). . . li . . . . . 5KJ0 A. M. On&low C. H. and intermediate i i offices every Friday ........ 6:00 A. M. The Smithville mails, by steamboat, close at 8 A. M.; daily, except Sundays, i l1 Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Bell Swamp, 8upply and Shallotte, every Friday at 6 A. M. . I " I Mails delivered from 6.-00A. M. to 7:30 P. M., and on 8undays from 8:30 to 9:30 A. M.'; -' 'j l" 1 . 'J . I ;-:' f , j I Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12M.t and from 2td (J;00 P. M. Money order for Register Department open same as stamp office. j M E j Stamps for, sale at general delivery when Stamp office is closed. - ' ,i Key Boxes accessible at all hours, day and night - 1 , . " ' j Mails collected from street boxes every day at 4 80 P. M. . t . ; v cinr itehs. A II your liver la torpid, If your appetite is poor, if you want yoar utomach thoroughly cleansed. If yon cannot sleep, if y want a good dlgestloa, ase-Dr. Bnll'a Yegetabl&PUlaw - . j ; -., J :- kroxBnroBiiT.Tss Jtoaauio stas Book Bld fxydoes aft kijids of Bindiaff and Ruling la a work 'aiaallko ia,ii'tj reVe prices. , work, aay tfitt IPSBtaeas . ia t exseattoa of if .-. i rr Mhoottusr TIatchf i o,,!--' r n Blanop Atkinson's Appointment. for Summer and autumn 1876 Hendersoavilie, L . ; , L . . ,?. ; . . i . Aug. 22 Bevard, St. Bartholomew's day.. .. Aug. 24 St. Paul's in the Valley, . . . . . . . .v. Aug. 5 Flat Rock, llth'Sunday after Tri- i I nity, ....... ,4. ".i. . J:. 'Aug.' 27 Glencoe; . .i.4......U.. Aug. 29 Beaver Pain and jaLBneyuie unapei, 1 N , ter Trinity,. J.. j. ; Sept. 3 ; 12th Sunday a St. Andrews',.'; .J.J.J.....J.. . Sent. 54 Rutherford ton, 13th Sunday after 4 Trinity,:. Shelby, j. J 1 . . 9 . . Sept .-4 ..... ..!.' Sept. 12 .. . .. . .: . Sept 14 ...... i . . . .'Sept. 15 after Trih- .4 i .... ;!..!. SeDt. 17 Llncolnton. ....L. -0 o'U High Shoals,...;.; Charlotte ,14th Sunday f - J I I St James. Iredell county. . . . L . . . SeDt 19 Monroe, St Matthew's day,, j. .. . Sept 21 Wadesborough, t5th Sunday after j ! ! Trinity, ..... j. ... J.j.. .. v . . ... Sept. 24 .' 1 ' I . sa a 1 ;i . Appointjcknts fof I iRev. W. S. Black, Presiding Elder, : for his third round of Quarterly Meetings onHhe Wilmington f Dis trict for; the Methodist E. Church, South, the present Conference year: j i i Vh;;n. ij "1 K J '-! i 1 - Waccamaw Mis': il: f puiwu, August XV-a i Wilmington, Front street. Sep. I 2-3 NEW! ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED, an active iand reliable MAN, to ae11 NOTIONS ia i Wilmington and surrounding towni. Application! mast be accompanied with first jelass references. Address A. B., Baltimore, Md. aug 23-81 I i .-)) 1 j ... ; ;-)-.. ,-- J For Rent, STORK and DWELLING, on SecanS. between Market and Priccegs Streeie. 1 A Two Story pWfiLLlMi, ou Front street, between Ann and Nan, with ele win ven rooms, ana micntn wn two rooms. 1 For terms and par Jcalars arolv to ang SS-tf I i j i 4JOUN F. STOLTER. For Eenti DESIRABLE toWELLlNG HOI SB. on West side ufafourtb.i between Ches nat and berry Streets at present occa- pieu oy . a. rienDiate. liouee naa five I room 8. exclu8ive-if kitchen, and ia ia ex cellent order. Applj to or addreas I . aa SS-tf ii. j j H. E. SCOTT. Grass Blades. J j1 REAP HOOKS, SNATHS. GRASS HOOKS. SCYTHE ToES, DUTCH 8CYTHEH, PAN MILLS, PKED CUTTERS. ! Also, a large assort ment of AMES' SHOVELS! and SPADES, at. the Lowest Cah rricea In the city, at the Old Kstab- nanea uamware uouxe of 4 JOHN DAWSON. aug90-tr 19. 20 and 2J Market st reet .Flour, Badon, &c, 30Q Bblfl FRESH FLOUR, all grados, 0 Boxes BACON, Sides and Shoulders, 2000BnahPrimeWhiUlCORNi. ' J 300 Bales choice EASTERN II AY, 100 DISTILLERS' GLUE, j 500 New Baltimore SPIRIT CASKS, Bscs COFFEE, 0 Boxes TOBACCO.j j Snuff j Soapi Lye, Candles. Crackers, &c. &c ,rfor aale aug 30 tf WORTH & WORTH. Just Out. .!! M ! ') 1RIPP3, THE CARRIER. A Woodland Tine ! i :j ! i i' 1 i j By R. D. Blackinore. R OSE 1URQUAND, 4 : By Ellice Hopkins. I . ;! ( : i ! i. Just received and for sale at -I : ! ! tl - 1 ! 1 - ' i 'I lTVTwaiiinnmiia aoggQ-tf.i Live Book sad Mo ic Store. HoWson's Pure Soap, SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHER 80APS, FOR GE neral Family and Laundry use. 1 1 It will save labor and clothes ; last longer, wash more, and ia proportion cost less than any other BvayiuiotH. 1 j . r HTTRT IT. mc For sale only by CHAS. D. ! MYERS& CO., aagSQ-tfDAW B and 7 North Front St Imported Havanna Cigars. NEW INVOICE oF VERY CHOICE j I FRAQRAitT HAVANNA CIGARS. L.a Parepa Domestic Cigars. ! MM n-!- '1 I- l: '.: i : ' ALL HAVANNA. TOBACCOt-best Domestic Cigar sold. Better known, better reputation than any other in the city; 1 i 1 Sold only by i 1 cn as. D. diters & ro., aug 20-tfBAW r ; 5 ahd 7 North Front SL ! I Favorite j Flour. "HE ORIGINAL AND THE BEST I i BRAND OF FAMILY FLOUR sold in this market can be found only at oar Stores, 5 and 7 North Front Street. CIIA5. D. MYEItS Sc CQ. aug 00-ttDAW j . , i : - I- : I- r : M. - Bagging, Ties, Hoop Iron, &c 300 Wble ad Ualf ols BAGGING, . 1000 BnDlle8 Fiecedto'ArrovTISi IC Tons HOOP IRON, i ' Barrels GLUE, BUNGS asd PAINT, ! ! ' ! I- !' ! I ' 1" 1 ' !" M For sale by' "j 1 : 1 - 1 . ; 1.'"-! : iiu" M 4, w'ivi .- -;i .,- 1 l-.i - ang ?3-tf i t WILLIAMS MURCBISON. Ventilated Fur Hats ! STRAW AND LINEN HATS ! Ii' .-l-- j-!- --rf .-j.. ..-.!'. 1 1 -1 , , . SILK UMBRELLAS 1 v , -At ; HARRISON l& '' ALLEN'S, 1 " -Mi: i'-.i -i ' f M j' ' 'I It ,: aag0-tf l i ! City Hat Store, 29 Front st lllll. L'.'.l; I i i. I . . I I .--ill MARINE. : M ARINE INSURANCE ON SHIPMENTS I" Coastwise aud Foreign, AT LOWEST CURRENT BATSS. i . :' FIRS AND LIFE INSURANCE effected ia the leading ENGLISH AND AMERICAN COMPANIES at eqnttabl rates. U '! t .-'r"-n'' t; : f latronage lsjespectfalry solicited. . 1 jVtVl 1..... ..i. -1.. -T, L DxBOSSST't '. l' v aagiaw W ' mUp! No! i North WaUr Wv .TtTspPCja carw -ANJa YKrrnts CARDS i V iaii 1 s : 1 ;4IsL;i zr.i- . ' i . -A- 'MTrV.V . -' Y WHOLE NOV 2,89 MISCELLANEOUS. ; Liverpool Salt. 3000 8akB LiyrapooL saiiv , " ! ! ' ' For iale iv- ""?"''. '. augSO-tf , KERCHNKB AC ALDER BROS. Flour, Sugar, Coffee.&ci - ( g00 Bbls FLOUR, all grades, g0 Bbls SUGAR, f 200 Bags COFFEE, 0 Bbls RICE, rot sale bv aagS9-tf KKRCHNER CALDER BROS, Powder. Powder. f An Kpn T?ifln anil Rlnattner PHTK ouu - 400 X Kega No S Duck In and Falcon 'V - bporuag POWDER For sale by aug 20 tf KKRCHNER Jb CALDER BROS 1 Bagging, Ties & Twine 1 3 0 0 X Rolls BAGGING, Standard, A Rolls . do j '"'' do '' 50 Tons New and Piece ARROW TIES, 1000 Lbs TWINER! f. -1 ror eaie by ! ang 28-tf KEROHNEH & CALDER BROS. 1- The Price WAMSUTTA P. M. SHIRTS '-'--'..'' '!.' 1" Id CHANGED FROM $5 CO TO 6 PER HALF DOZEN, FACTORY PRICKS. t ' ang i-tt MUNS'ON CO. Ifotice. i OFFICE TREASURER & COLLECTOR, ) , CITY pf WILMINGTON, N. C.j j 1 J ! August 15th, 1876. I ) - ! ' i' ! i m HE INJUNCTION IN THE 'CITY CASK HA VING BEEN DISSOLVED, by the recent decision of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all parties concerned, to call st this office and pay forthwith the balance due on City Taxes for 1815 ; and if the same is not paid on or before AUGUST S5TH. (instants I shall ad vertise and sell such property, for City Taxe, with expenses thereon, as was enjoined by the late in junction. T. C. SKRVOi-8, . aug.iG-t25h Treasurer and Collector. Cotton Ties, Flour, &c. ii . i 3000 Bundles COTTON TIES, , ; ! j , 300 Rolls BAGGING, J ;.; ., ;rj, j 500 Bbl" FLOUR, Lorn new Wheat, j . 'j. 0 Boxes MEATS', ; : j j -J 50 Boxes iand Caddies TOBACCO, BUCKETS, BROOMS. MATCHES, &c . For sale low by i B l FORD. CROW & Co, ang 17-tf i.i.i I iil-!-M Mosquito Netting. T7XTRA QUALITY ENGLISH LACE. XL aw. 2Kand3 vnrdswide. CX1MMON NETTING, Piak, Blue and White, i Cheap at j UKD RICK'S. Grenadines. piwtjwm vnnn rs tttt- : .l i i-L i STStfo IRON GRENADINES will oe received w homkisoay morning. J ! . HEDRICK. Great Bargains. rpHB GREATEST BARGAINS OFFERED i IN JL. aYaKX ULA88-UF DKY GOODS. STOCK ALL NEW. . 3 i- - Je 19-tfD&W . j HEDRICK. Falling ! j Falling! Falling! TOT WITHSTANDING THE EXCEEDINGLY J.1 warm weather, the prices of my SUMMER CLOTHING continue to fall. ;f f !t ': . -I" I I, yU: --'I. : ALPACCAS -and LINENS at Heary Discount. HTONE HUNDRED White Marseilles VESTS closed out at FIFTY PER CENT, less than the re gular price. i j 1 i . .... A. UAV1D, il Merchant Tailor and Clothier. 1 angSO tf - , 1 27 Market St Meats ! Meats ! j( A FULL ASSORTMENT OF DRY SALT AND SMOKED SIDES and SHOULDER:. A small lot BRIGHT No. 3 HAMS. j , ,v . For sale by HALL A PEARSALL, 1 angl5-tf Sncceswrs to Edwards A Hall. Crop of 1876. J A A BARRELS FLOUR, FROM NEW WHEAT; TTV V Every Barrel Warranted. For sale at close figures by HALL A PEARSALL. i : aug 15-tf - Successor to Edwards A Hall. I -NE CAR LOAD RFOEIVED TO-DAY FRESH w irom v UiuusiA mil,lh. i j HALL A PEARSALL, ang 15-tf . .Sncccasors to Edwards X Hall. Jno. W. Gordon & Br oV, . GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS. : No. 34 NORTH WATER ST. : j , , . . . . .." ,':" REPRESENTING 6VER " " ! 1 : ! II , i y nit FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS ASSETS I Insure all classes of Town and Country Property; at rates as low as these of any good Company, t .1 Sole Agents for the popular JtBSERVE PLAN of the METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COM4 PANY of New York. . . - 1 Also issue ORDINARY LIFE and ENDOW MENT POLICIES. . t ; f j; , 1 , i For SECURITY and PROMPTNESS onr Agency cannot ne rarpassed by any in the United States. -1 - augl8 tf ' -f ,. ' U Sundries Sundries. 1 " -' ' r SWEET AND-B ALT SNUFFS. ' iv TOBACCO SMOKING AND CHEWING various Grades and Brands. .- Large and ample ; :. stock to select from, j . : . , , FLOUR various Brands "Galloway '' wBontoa;n , "Otr Own," "Baker's Choice," "Bounty," L ! ,."t:A.V. Fancy," Ac ' r ' - MEAL WATER MILL DAILY GROUND.,; t CORN, HAT. MEAT8, 'PORKY LARD, BUTTER. BEEF. LIQUORS, FISH. CIGARS, . NAILS. GLUE,' BUNGS,' PAINT. HOOF IRON. -. - TIESj CANDY, SOAP, CASTOR OIL, rJ PAIN-KILLER, LAUDANUM. PAREGORIC. XsW , . . SENCIES. NUTMEGS, 8PJCE8, -" ' .YTwWBN WARE.. . , ' , . , , t CHEESE SmaUiBoxas lor Summer Trado,! 't AND EVERY ARTICLB USUALLY' KEPT TJI -'- ' WHOLESALE GROCERY : lt : t'GWeua a can or order direct to - .t .,. f'i s--s,.i, , . 1J. j. : i Corner Dock and Front Street, r ; . 1; H t HATES OP AJDVEUT18ING. , y" " three dy.-i, ; t Ot iX-JtS j. wijwwi...,..,..., L o I . . .. H :. . m . : ... .... . I . to tt . - X?' weeMs...,....,,,,., 4,69 - f r 3Jw Bonthai ..... .. ,...15 Of ; " t - Three MMtUta.TL'.. .. ; ai . i.j.V?..i.85 00 I t Ml IM - Oaevesr.ii-Ai.jM-jy wxmtract AdTerttoementa taken at toonoi Bonately low rates.1 Five Squares estimated iiTtef-colninn-aHd ten sqnares as aidfliiwk. . V A M iMi T ... j MiscrorNEoiJg.; PhScIiooI, r No. 59 Franklin Street, Baltimore. Md. Vion? tS55P jraRNCH BOARDING I ANPj DAY r SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. Wr f1 .MIF11VRH, PrlBclpal. f iJi'nt Scholastic' tW bOKins THURSDAY. SEPT. 21st jFor Circulars apply to h T - "t V i " princtpalIm r vi r -v.-t'-i -j - tJP TO ; , U4. D Cigars Tobacco. and: 1 ' i ARTICLES Walk a little farther and 'get yot Wm6ney's worth, but be sure and oav oyer the counter, unless you hare deposits wia PIGOTT,l- , I TOBACCONIST. " f 'aug 13-tf Sale; of Heal ;fitate Mep Hortiraie. BYl VIRTUE OF AND IN ACCORDANCE with the provisions of a certain indenture of mortgage, made by William A. Cuwmlng sad his wife, hereinafter referred to. the undersigned, as the Attorney i of "The Real EsUte sad Loan Aaso. ilA9 CareUna. will, on SATURDAY, the S8TH DAY OF AUGUST NXT. 5lli lcl2!c' at Court House door, in the City of Wilmington., causa to-Joe solf,: by Public Auction; for cah. the PARCEL OF LAND.belBg the same which was conveyed by said morteagors to -The Wilmington North Carolina Life Insurance cmP"T." hy ibdentare of mortgage, dated July 9th. 1874. and: registered In thn nmncr aMou Rpok : F.F.F,, at page 878 and, following, situate in he crtr of Wilmington, in the county of New Ha- uutw, ua aescnoea as roiiows : ifeguuilng in the Wei-torn line f Third Street 133 feet South of Ana Street, thence Westwardly parallel with Ann Street 165 feet, thence Southwardly parallel with Third Street 66 feet thence Eastward ly parallel with. Anu Street 165 feet to the Western line of Thud tteet and thence Northwardly with, said bee of 1 hi-d Street 66 feet to the beginning? -T T . : 'y- -I j 11 I I WRIGHT & 6TEDMAN. ' JeSStds ,.,,-jjvj , jl vji; .Attorneys.-'- Mortgagee's Sals fof V-aluaWs! City yv . PropertyJ ' XY VIRTTjE OF THE POWER OF SALE CON- tainedin a certain indenture of mortgage, made by Thomas B. Carr and Caroline N. Carr his wi e, to Savannah Marks, deceased, bearing date the 2th day of March, 1873, and recorded, in Ihe Reijister's Office of New Hanover coaaty ia -Book "G.u .- " at pages 181, 182 and 183, the undersigned, as Attor ney of Thomas H. Howey, executor of the last will -and testament of the aid Susannah Marks, dee'd.. will expose to sale, by public auction, tor cash, on MONDAY, the 11TH DAY of SEPTEMBER, 1876. at 12 M at the Court House door. In the said City of Wilmington, in the County 1 of New Uanovr, Sod 8tate of 'North .Carolina,: the following LOT. PIECE cr PARCEL OF LAND lying and situate In the City of Wilmington, County of New Hano ver, and State of North Carolina, and sounded and described as follows : Beginning in the kastera Hue of Second Street between Market and Dock Streets, seventy-three (73) feet trom where the Fart em line of Second btreet is Intersected by ti e Southern: line of Market Street running tnence Southwardly along the Eastern line Of Second Street fifty-seven (57) feet thence Eastwardly. and parallel with Market Street seventy tfO) feet, thence North wardly, and parallel with Second Street flfty-seven (57) feet thence Westwardly, and parallel with Mar ket 8treet seventy (70) feet to the Eastern line of Second Street-the Beginning. ; j -i, j . j Te Building, on ;said premles fconUlus. three ' commdaiodr and' eligible Stores,, ana three conve nient Tenements ibove. - j - h -t -.1 --Ml ' I ! I q-M : MARSDEN BEIXAMT. ;' ang 10-tds .L-i. L i'- m ! Attorney. Cider HiUs. Cider Hills. TTUTCHINSON'S FAMILY 1 't i 1 ' ' " ' l; CIDER MILLS. . 1 1 1- PI s '1.1.. . Single and trouble. For sale at Very Low Futures. 11 1 1 ... . 1 - - - - ? - I ; : i- at the New Hardware flora of aag tf i i GILES & MURCHISON. Flour. fi Flour. i ! ! r STORE AND TO ABRIVE4 PLANT'S iXTRA, , EAGLE STEAM1 objginalJ i I - ENTERPRISE, COUSIN'S FANCYL t.H. and HAVANA We can recommend and. to HI marntja th w brands of Flour Las being fresh ground and made worn new wneai. - . , . : . . , , ., .: 1 11 . t For saloby i "I I1 'f- .aug 13-tf I WILLIAMS MURCHISON. United States of America C. P. ! : ; lUirict or Jtrorth! Carolina. ' j i( '-V-' 4 t ;: - . - P r. : , JESSE J. NEWBOLD, Mariner, "J Ih AsmaaLTr. I vs. j -i ' I; For Seaman's Schooner W. J.I Potter and her v wages; amount , tackle, .apparel and furni- I $373.86-100: 19th I. ture.-; . ; j &?4WVi J August, 1876. To Wbdm it may Coneerii. J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN OBB dience to a monition tome addressed, under the seal of the District Court of the United States for Cape Fear, North Carolina, dated the 12UT Augu.t, 1876, and the provisions of law In such cases, 1 have this day attached and seized the Am. Schooner, W. 4 . 1-ottkr, ner tacxie, apparel ana rurnnnre. ana detain and hold the same in my custody, until the The monition aforesaid is founded on an informa tion filed by Jesse J. Caaslday, EsqM Circuit Court Commissioner, ia the office of the clerk of the Dis trict Court aforeaaidr certify lag to said- Clerk that there Is sufficient cause of complaint whereon to found admiralty process ln4bo above cause, and for the amonnt above specified: Now, therefore, all persons claiming; the same, or knowing, or having the authority to say, why the properly and thing aforesaid, .should not be condemntA sod sold In , payment 1 of the said Mariner's wares, are hereby notified to be and appear before the said Court, U I J ne neia in ana ror the district aroresaia, on tne nrtt Monday after the fourth Mandarin October next. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, if the carnu -r snail oe a eay or jarisoicuon. etnerwueon tne next day of jonsdictipB thereafter, then and, there to in terpose a claim for the came, and make tner allega tions in that behalf, showing cause, if any, to the contrary!' - l iit - : .' ' J.-B. HILL, Xh ft. M.. astud vutwiui, nainus s jrroctor. aug 16 3f : Post copy. 1 ij It Bottled 1 -us Lacrer Beer, Imported, 5 AND FINEST EVEIt 'BROUGHT' " . . OUR IMMENSE SALE OF IT SPEAKS FOR - r i- - f ITSELF. "'.'' , fr RJ,SHi.; Georgie'a Banlt CodfiQh. l '. i,rri-i 1 ii--.i i- -si ,."'ti 1 - - A NSW, INVOICE OF Cooked Canned Ieat0v L, Jfiew, Canned . FrnltJ,; .v!''1 1 y. and Tesetables. FrcsL (Grpnnd New, - .1 : -'4 n; ; . f - 'J .if -w? hlM I?roees Floqr. FOB SALE ONLY BY Gca.? Ilycroi Hi a' r r 1 1 & 13 Sontb Trout St, II 1 1W7 m

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