- ' v' ' ; ' j " - j . .. , , , - t . j mm . i i - -M .... , f 1 f I - 1 " j2E HOBIiniG 0TA2L j i pUBUSUKD DAILY BY ; . :r hates :ir.,a evkktisim One Square one day, ' " ! twodava. -ii ; t iourd&ya :.. ...... i ..." L.f - ..... 1 60 .;r..;:,.;.;;s;;;: L K mm Dostagepaid... U??? months, .. ".-. Three mootM One "'ve-. dellwod la iy Mrtotthe WS2KottJI month.Ui M ' - -11 - LL-i MOItyiNG ISDITIQK OUTLIKEJ Pacific Mail Steamship Wo burst a boiler. Two men killed. I NegoUa-. tions for peace pending at Con8tontnople.' Basis proposed by representatives of forT f pa powers makes Servia, consent tfhTe Jr frontier; towns garrisoned by "forks. She is illie w 100 J " v " kewYork markets: Gold, 111; ipotton, 13 l.i612i cts; rosin $1 C5l C7; spir- its tarpenune, -cot . 11 . Tne CampaignJ i j . - .- n ; :...i... i.nMhiirAjsitu MiMiua""""" 7 -w-.r r . . i ma Temper Great Eulhn- ....m and Almost Uuanlml Vace The Great sacce, peuiocratic Cantirt. . j : . . ' I TRaleiir News f Saturday or the The excursion; from j Raleigh to Jone80r0f-Wt l,- ypsteruay iuui uiuk, with 1 pssengera i ch'j board. The crowd 'was augmented all alorig the road until the train reached lis desti niiiCn, wUi it had abdut 30)pas- Wers. p avetteyuie urneu ohi iwo Tihlen nl Vance (MtibK a etinnon, tlis f ayetleVHie ; Auriiei joaiui. (),, of the Kuuiers Irom i? ayettevu e FI.L ....K I Ilk ftriH ttlsli hucitl o ..liirrt ot Guv." V anee, speakmbr to a ,re an leiic. wmi-1 nif iiiouo; I ii - i-it 1 nver: liHU a tn rtiti t wax l) i-fftfir-vl ami Iihi ative i I Mil 4ier em! large l.Jft?Adr thumb, Uirt-e iilajt l:iied netruf artrun.l liyn, wit i this i.uiLlo: " Touini y la 8ettfed, On the tiiherVonier, Billy bmilh, aV la 1 V i ... uiLh a Urn horn Hi bis lUUUtll, and r a pack of houuds around him, ia a full run', j :;: - : ' ; i. " ; V The crowd present yaa variously eMiraated at iroin 3,0p to B.00U; a!o'ut 3,500 people Were present. Tin! euihusiasm for Vance was up to tlirt liiahest oitch. The icontrast. be- iweeii the receptions extended the t caiidiuates was sOtneltuni; re- niarkablel Gov. Vance was niiet and escriel io the grove bt an.immerise crowd of ihe-best men ojf the country, the air resounding with f shouts, with tlie music of the band and the firing of camion. Jude Settle. wnsr re ceived and escorted by eighteen, I f. i 'i . ' 4 Xi . - . mounieu wtiue men ana a nurauer oi luouiiied negroes, while! a multitude of (larkiesj'pf both! sexe. and of ail sizes and degrees of blackness, 1, rotted 'along' behind. V J-.V-:".';-.' jj-l :.;f:: Tbera-were in the speeches no new points of interest. Ia jthe orier of the day, Judge Settle spoke fi -st and was followed by Gov. Vance, j Settle 'then bal a rejoinder and Gov. Vance the last "say." About fifteen min utes before Gov. Vance concluded his first speech, be was interrupted by a furious rain, which caused the crowd to disperse, but hot until the Hpeakerhad announced that he would conclude when the rain ceasejd. Af ter an interval of about an hour, the speakers again appeared before the enthusiastic multitude1. Judge Set tie arose and attempted to address the assemblageTTntt just as he had commenced on his Ka Klux hobbyi long huzzas for Vance momentarily interrupted him. lie' again made an effort to make himself heard , but the enthusiasm for Vance was too great, j He paused, and this aspirant for the highest position within jthe gift ,of the people of his State, so far for got himself and the dignity of the position to which he aspirfes, as t o tarn aponthose who had thoughtless ly interrupted him and. 'with a look of burning anger, pointed is finger ai ibis one and that one, calling them infernal fiends of . I helLI "kn-klnx- liouuds of hell," and using finch other epiinets as caused everv ode to stand and look -with astonishment upon the man who wishes to fill the! guberna torial chair of our good and great old ummonweaitn. Vance replied. i he attendance I was verv crreat. and the immense number of white iki cause in ti Wv more than ever t-ncuurMirtl u o 1 our prospects. . A, General view of ibe Tanva-ntmo li t lllliuiiJl m-a.Ai Mill . .. .......-... -.. . .; Lcpecial to the Sentiuel : i n. Carter's Mill, N. C, Aug., 23 - rom Mitchell county into Moore, a travel through lone dozen couuties, "as the campaign reached V to-day.. -e nrst question asked is, dots ' the jame enthusiastn prevail all aloug the lllie lor VantP Tha nair' in lhat. ne haa met with shouts and greetings urn jarge crowds of men and women ai eVtry town and in almost every "i uisirict be has been. At Carter's mill. - in! - Moore, the rowd was two-thirds radical,' That action was a laying-out place during, Je war, and was known as ,(the HnUed States," ; Vance wore wiri ' "ing feathers when the sun set that' tveujng He bad the drop on Settle n haying the last speeoh, and the judge got to questioning him. Asked "jn if he wanted North j Carolina to Pay her war debt? Vance . said , he "fought a portion of the school fund "jfghUiave been I paid, hot? nothing vl -Now let me ask a question," 1 said Varice, "do you think desertion right "rwrngr The crowd stood thick. rouiid Vance, nearly touching him - ..II , . ' 1 1 ft1V Mill; 1 fJ TV : 1 ' , ' u, iiir 1, ; A-r . SI . .X- ! VOL: : XyiII.---y(X jU: Judge Settle, j rising-Wl say this if ' ' ' 9 1 Vance "Ah, now; no d6dcnjri it answered ypuiright Out. Yes or no?" i Jugge oetiie tnensaidit a man was conscripted and left the armv beeause of - strong Union - proclivities' he thought he did right. I i V ance "Mow, -another question. since questioning is the order of ' the day r j Was Holden right or wrong in suspending the writ of habeas corpus?" " 1 I a ucvue, again .nsine "ine princi ple L--. ! ! " Varice "Ah, now. now.' nov: sav right or, wrong." ; T J udjxe Settle was erestioulati n ovpr Vance's shoulders, and . the crowd thick around them, stood peeping; up i or anj answer. : .. i : The Judge was understood to admit. that at such a peculiar time, . while murders wore; going on, Holden, un der the new j constitution, - had the discretion to do as he did. . I I Vance ."Then afLer thn I uruMiu. sixth! time,' I have at last got an an swer; that Holden was light in tin's- penainjj the writ." , Judge Settle, springiiitr to his feet the second lime, declared it had liev er been dtcided whether Holden had the right or not it was still an open question. j -" r. . ..- Vance 1 1 -ked up a pampnleti! I Stt! le "I know wht voii'r trnitlrr to reid;. t hat "decision on us." I Vanct,N' I'm ; this is the new cui si u hi ion 1 1. 4ri's . .that', ith writ of Ital ea coijmsliall tu ver e KUKpeiiil'!." i . i he 'crowd could not helplaughin Maj. eates.! M. C. of the First District, has been ill for several dars but the Weldon New has hopes that he will be off to enter the cauvass in a few days. 'j -I KaleigU Kews of yesterday: Gen. V. Hansom is still detained in the city, by the sickness Of two members of his family, which j are stopping at the Yar borough House. .! . . " '.l Beaufort Kaqle: Major Joseph A. - Engelhard Ispoke to lurse 'crowd's lat Sau Oder's Store and j Swanslxiro on Wed nesday and Thursday. . lie: mde effective and tellimz speeches at these places, aud a good impression was created. . i The Democratic Senatorial Cdn- veniion. : of Onslow! and Jones counties. Jnet at Swansboro on the 24th and nomi nated Uol. AsEew for Senate. Sher iff A. 8. Murrilt presided. ! Dr. Ward j B. M. Hardesty and H. C. Foscue addressed the convention. . ; -j';' I Reidsville Mercury : Another terrible shooting affray took place iu Stokes couDty, last Saturday, between . the smith and Martin families, that seem to have been at enmity for some time. It is the third 'af fray of the kind between them; .during the year, we nave not been able to get the par ticulars or the last scrape except that one of the parties received three severe wounds in the head. " - t.: ' .. S v: - - . ; THEiGITll. ' NEW ADVEBTISEnENTS, A. David. Clothing falling. Johk Dawson. Grass blades. ? Mux son & Co. Cheap clothingi Mrs. K. Murray. School opening Harbison & Allen. Fall style hats. ; Binford, Cbow & Co. Removal, !&c. -O. G. Parsley & Co. Brunswick cburt. Giles & Mtjbchison. Apple parers. oic. John W. Gordon & Bro. Insurance. Wright & Stedman. PostpoEement sale.;. - , - - i Hall & Pearsall. Meats, .flour, i bag ging, &c. , t Alex. Oldham. New process i batter- cake flour, j i ' - . " Williams & Mtrchison. BacoD, bag ging, ties, &c I j Chas. DJ Myers & Co. English mus tard, spicesL &c. i II iiERCHNEB OB VJALDEK I3IIOS. iJiOiaSbtH, " . ' rt' w 1 flour, bagging, &c ! i Thej Superior Court for ( Bruns wick county meets at Smithville to-morrow Th interments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery for the past week num. bcred nine, all of which were child ren. MrL S. Hanstein, of this city, received inltlligence yesterday of the death of his mother in Germany. r I ! Tlie First Ward 'Democratic Club will have their flag and pole raising some time this week.': ;;' I ,.'.-. J.'; ;',;, ; -Pi Messrs. Binford, Crow - & , Co have removed to their new stand, formerly occupied by Mr. J. C. Heyer, -Northeast corner of Water and Princess streets. ' -i Higher barometer, northeasterly toeaslerly winds and partly cloudy weather, .with probably occasional coast rains, are the predictions for this latitude; to-day. Hy. Mr: 'Dargan will conclude his services at the First Baptist fJburcn this eveniBgL much to the regret of the church and congregation. ' li'i The Presbyterian congregations worship together at 11 A. M. to day in the Second .Church aad at 8 P. M. in the First Church Preaching by Rev. C. M. Payne. f The Register of ;Deeds issued fi va marriage licenses daring the past week, of which three were for white and two for colored couples. " l The third story of the old jail building, cornerof JSecond and Princess streets, is being overhauled and put in or der, and is to be used by the colored Good Samaritans of this city as a lodge room. ; 'Ter6 wre six f interments in Oakdald Cemetery during the week closing yesterday, of which two were adnUVind four, children. The diseases we're diph - V '7 IWILMINGTQN, theria .2, child-bed 1,. congestion of the' brain 1 fever 1, paralysis .. i . .i . - A "colored individual was badly imposed upon yesterday evening; being put in the Guard House for catching a bunch of fish. The difficulty was that he caught iuem i rom someoociy 8 cart, ami was lunv self caught by City Marshal Price who turnedjhim over to a policeman. Race petvreeu , the Vaebt Rosa; of Mafonbero Sound, and Carolina, or WrlxbtsTllIe. ; j By reason of a challenge extended to the yacht JKosar of Mason borp, by :the ; yacht (aroHrkii of Wrightsville, a race , was run by those boats, starting at 12:30 o'clock, P.M., When on Thursday last the 24th he boats first started the wind blowin ?" from the southeast, but changed its course to east southeast blew somewhat stronger tljan at the Captaia W. A. Cumming was select on behalf of the Carolina, and Mr. Herbert Latttmer pa behalf of the 23oa.and these gentlemen associated with themselves Mr. WL A. Wright, Jr., as umpire. The Carolina moved oif thirty seconds ia ad vance of the Iiosa, as i3 provided by the sailing regulations of the Carolina Yacht Club. " Before reaching the Mott's channel buoy, the JRosa oycrhaule'd the Carolina; aud, passing her to leeward, rounded the Moti'j channel buoy ahead, and continued to increase her advantage hp to the clove of the rate, coming in twelve minutes ahead of the Carolina, tnakiug the entire dUtauce, eigut utiiti, in two hours? tifteeu minuter and-twelve t-tconda. Addintr to ih'is the Carolina's start of, thirty si-couds, aujd the one iniuuie fifteen seconds allowance by reason of length, it will be seen thit the Rosa got the advantage oyer the Carolina to the extent of thirteen minutes forly five seconds. - I The wind was much lighter during the race than was desired by either yacht, and it was nought by m any that the race would be postponed ; but as no desire for a post ponement was expressed by those interest ed in feither yacht, it was run with the above stated result. The day was pleasant tand a large num ber of Sadies graced the occasion with their presence, all of whom joiued with the gen tlemen in giving three hearty theers for the Rosa, the champion boat of Masonbutro. maathtrate Court. Befdre Justice Gardnerjyesterday, James K ailing was arraigned on ; the charge nf a- sault and battery on the person of Ambrose Allen, both seamen. The case was dis missed on the p mcnt of! costs. i George Archer was next arraigned on the affidavit of Ambrose Allen, charged with the same offence. Case dismissed at the cost of the prosecution. Phillis Moore, charged with violating section 7 of the general ordinance of-the city; judgment suspended ou the payment of costs, in default of which she Was com mitted lOaiL George Sheridan, on the affidavit of Phil- lis Moore, arraj gned for assault and battery. Case dismissed at the prosecutor's costs. . George Sheridan, on a peace warrant sworn out by Phillis Mopre; case dismissed at the prosecutor's costs. Francis Holmes, arraigned for an assault and battery with a deadly weapon upon the person of Benj. Merrick, was ordered of $300 to give a justified bond in the sum for his peril i r appearance at the next term of the Su nor court, in ueiauu oi wuicu ue was inuenjuit c committed to Destruetlve Fire at Shoe Heel. Friday raorhing, about 3 o'clock, as we learn from a correspondent, the good peo ple of ghoe! Heel Robeson county, were aroused from1 their peaceful slumbers by the cry of fire. Upon investigation flames e discovered issuing from an, old frame binding owned by Mr. John Patterson and recently occupied by! one Louis Lilly as a barber shop ' but at the time vacant. The T u.uu r :- was very 6 being a nouse oi conamerauio nly saved througn the greatest exertions, very man and every available bucket being rouzht into requisition ror mat purpose. he next victim to jthe devouring element as a house, also the property of Mr. Pat- tersop, but used as k carriage depository by the Messrs. McKelhan.of Fayetteville, and Messrs.. Dr. j D. . rr : vl i L ri...ik... McBrvde also had his office in a part of the same building. The buggies and " some ! of the Doctor's medicines were" saved : from ' the Barnes. . Next came the drug store of R. M. Devane & Co , which was entirely cdnsomed in a ghorUime,jnakiokio All three, buildings destroyed.. Iessrjs. R. M. Devane & Co. s loss is about - $3,000 and : their insurance $1,500. -Mr. Patterson's lossis about $800 or $1,000, upon which there was no insur ance, i Dr. McBryde is a amount of $100 or $200. : loser to - the r. S. E. Bus- sell also loses a small amount1 i; - '- The general impression it seems, is that the fire was. the Work of , an incendiary, ii.ta Winor ihA.fourth occurrence of the kind in a little over twelve months. Asaaalt wltb a Deadly Weapon Thomas Fisher, colored, charged with as saultine Duke Kelley, also colored, on Mon dav nieht last, with a deadly weapon; and leaving him for dead, mention of which the time.haviDe I . . ... vi; nffl. .t.b neen guDsequuujj j ,M-"rr TT nflTifl and lodeed in jail, had a hearing befonf Alex, jsampson, J. P., yesterday who ordered defendant tc gm norm m . sum of $100 for his appearance at the next term of the Superior Court In the case of JamfeS Henderson,fcfiarged wfth acting dis- orderly on the same i occasion, defendant ie payment of costsJ ; 1 was discharged on the N- lC., SUNDAY. AUGUST 27,1876. A REVEttTIOI. . NewL Political Orsanlzatlon-Tbe Grand Army of Repabllcana, or Never Jtleetb Some Idea of Its "I ' ' i i -" 1 i ' - : Plans, Purpose, dec. -'-il- " ! i J I ; ; We have alluded; two or three times re cently, to the existence of a new political organization in our midst, having its origin in and intended to subserve the interests of the Republican party! in the a proaching political jcontest. We had but a, faint idea then, however, of the magnitude'of its mis- sin or the. extent of its ramifications. he. extent of its ramifications. ; We are now iad vised that it is not ionly local but national in ; character, so far as that party is concerned, and is designed to; em brace ev ;ry State, codnty and tWnship jin the TJaion in its jurisdiction and workings, the real name of the organization being " The Grand a.rmy of Republicans j' j The main object to be attained through; its n strumentality, it appears, is a thorough and complete organization of the party through out the country. The (manner iuj which ibis is to be brought ! about is as follows Cer ward tain members of the party in each or towriship in a pounty are author ized to get up I lists of leu each. i - i . i i1 over wpicii ten, when properly certi fied to. they receivi j i t re the appointment cf of captain. aiid are furnished with badges membership for himself and men under his t command, and it becomes his duty to see that these ten men register and vote the Republican ticket : on the day ii election. ThesB Vsquads" . of ten are (afterwards inusterc l into comoanies of one hundred. I . .- i . . i .. i i.' the coui.M-es into regiments the regi ments itiltu bi igiides, uud the brigades into divi-ioiiij;. with grades of officers to corres pond We have seen a mustef roll Of the i organ!. ii ion, tbc form of which is as fol- lows "TUR GRAND ARMY OF REPUBLICANS. !.Ius er Roll of ;Company -, - Regi- nieut. Urigade; .Division, Ward, Township, County : 1. . 2. . '8. . 4. . 5. . 6. . 7. . 8. . a. . 10. ... Certified to be correct by Captain." By means ot this organiz ation every member of the party, or every person who has heretofore acted with the party, be- comes committed to act with itj in the com ing election; or in case any such shall deem it their duty to dissolve their connection with the party, either permanently or for the time being, theii names an; known and reported and they are forthwiti "spotted," and the influence! f the organization' is brought to bear to induce the "stiaggler" to-relurn to the fold!; and then, in case such delinquent shall still assert liis manhood aud claim the right to vote asj he sees pro per, regardless of the behests of the "Grand Army bf Republicans," or "lrever Meets," it is natural to suppose that 'other means are to be adopted to reclaim the backslider, especially if he be fa colored,' man, either through some system of coercion, , threats or intimidation. - I I It is probably owing to the great disaf fection existing in j the ranks, of the party in some! of the Southern States J where many of the colored people are beginning to find out who are their .true friends, and which party is most likely to lead them "out of I t i i the wilderness," that this organization was started. , i : As before stated, the members are desig nated by metal badges, on the outer side of which appears the representation of an eagle. It was at first thought to be con fined to the colored people, but it has now transpired that its operations are "without regaru to race,coior or previous conuuion, thaugh the manner of carrying them out mayyary to suit different localities. , t0 8pite of xm can De said and done the colored people, asamass, will beslaves . . though, as we have . r - - -r-- r -7. ' - said, there are some signs of an awakening among them tn states seutn ol us, which may, if they are true to themselves, and do not suffer the chains to be again riveted upon them, as is designed by this new-fangled organization, eventuafty tend to work out their political salvation ana tuntoi tne country generally. 3 tioTayor Court. Jacob Peden, .colored, arraigned on the charge of diunkenness, was ordered to pay a fine of $5 and costs. i. Susan Pickett.' colored", charged with be iDS disorderly: was committed to await ad i e,ftminatittn !lQnat!ic. f : ! J j Molly Dov6) an old acquaintance in poH lice circles, arraigned oh the charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct, wa ordered to pay a fine o $10 and costs or the streets. Molly work for thirty days on says she expects to be sick for the next four weeks. ;)v -vj 1. One case, f i i. . or fast driving on the plank road, was continued over, j Thermometer Heeord. The following will show the state of the thermometer at the stations mentioned, at 4.85 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city? Augusta,. . I Cairo, . . . . . .90 ....80 ., i87 . t w Montgomery,. ... .90 Nashville......... 80 New Orleans,:. .89 New Tories. '.v.. 80 Norfolk t....... 90 Pittsburgh, ......78 PuntaRassa,.....86 Savannah,... .... .89 Shrevepor t, . . ... 87 St Louis,...:.:.. 15 St Marks,.. 93 I Charleston, , i Cincinnati,. Corsicana. . ,i-.87 Galveston,...... 90 indianola, .. ii..'.4 Jacksonville,1. - V8& Key West, i . i .89 M- Vicksburg, o j jjemphis,, L . ; f ,80 J Washington,! . ; : .86 ' r-M.','.-90.! Wilmington,;,;: Onr Choreliei ToDar. i . ,v Firstj Presbyterian Church, corner Third and Orange: streets: Rev. Josi R. . Wilson, D. 1).,. Pastor. No services at 11 a. m. Preaching at 8 p. m. by Rev. CL M. Payne. The, usual morning collectionlto be taken up at night. ; ' I .'. j' ' "'' Second : : Presbyterian Church, : corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. No services at night Sabbath! School and Bible Class at 5 p.; m. Praver meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. Services at St. Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as fol-, ows: Services at 11 ; a. m., and 8 p. m. Rev. T. M. Ambler, Rector.. Seats free. St Paul's Evang. ; Lutheran Church, corner of 6th and Market streets, Rev. G. D. Bernheim, pastor. German service at 11 a. m, Christian Association at 3J p. in. Sunday school at 5 p. m. j '. J -. j j Fifth: Street Methodist E. Church (South), situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets:; Rev. J. M. Rhodes, pastor. Ser vices at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. Sabbath School at 9i a. m. Class meeting 3i p. m. rayer . meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock! Young Men's Society meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Front Street M. E. Church (South), cor- ner of Front and Walnut streets: Rev. J.E. Mann,1 pastor. Services at Ilia. Wand 8 m. Eiinday- school at 4 p m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. Young! Men V Society, Friday night at 8 o'clocxi !' ; -:! . ; I J ', ! - . j ".- First! Baptist Church, corner of Market ajd Fifth streets, Rev. James. B. Taylor, Pastor.! iServices at 11 aJ m. and 8 p. m., conducted by Rev. E. C. Darg in, of Green ville," j S. C. Sunday .School at 9 a. m. Young; men's prayer meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting Thurs day night at 8 o'clock. I Second Baptist Church, on 6th, between Church and Castle streets. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 8 o'clock; p. m., Rev. P. King officiating. Sabbath School at 3 o'clock, p. m. Prayer meeting Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Young men's prayer meeting Wednesday evening. j ; Services at St Mark' (colored) Episcopal Church, corner 6th and Mulberry streets, as follows : Mornis Prayer ;and Celebra tion at 9 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 8.30 o'clock.' Sabbath School at St Barnabas' school-house at 4 p. m. I Fi(st Presbyterian Church, (colored), 8tk and Chesnut Streets. Rev. D. J. Sanders, pastor.1 Preaching at 11 o'clock, a. m. and 8 p. mi Sabbath school at 9 o'clock, a. m. Yacbts Ripple and. Roan. On Thursday last, after the yacht Rosa had achieved a victory over the yacht icar- olina to the extent of 13 minutes and 45 seconds, she extended a challange to the yachi Ripple tor a trial of speed, which challenge was excepted and Tuesday next selected for the race. The Ripple has loDg been considered the champion of the Caro lina Yacht Club, and her many friends look; toward with much interest to the time when she will formally compete with the lasiestyacnt on mason boro sound, in a challenged race, for the championship of the two boats. Recovered. A student's lamp, being one of a number of Valuable articles stolen from Rev. T. M. Ambler's residence a week or two ago, was recovered at a house in "Paddy's Hollow," a general depository for articles obtained in that way, on Friday, by an1 officer who had been put on the track of the missing valu ables, j Democratic jriee tin x. j A large and j enthusiastic ; Democratic meeting was held at Humphrey's, in Har- nett Township, In this county, yesterday. which; was addressed by . Messrs. J. I MacK3, j. js. ninton and others. Another meeting will be .held at the same place in bout two weeks, when . a Tilden, Vance nd Waddell Club will be formed. olored Excursionists. I : " , I , I .! . A colored excursion nartv from More- head ;City,::Newbern and Tarboro, is ex pected to arrive here ,' Monday evening. The party, we learn, is to include , two or more i military! companies. The Brogden Guards will meet them at the depot and escort them to the City Hall, where a big reception is expected to be given them at night. :'. .! -: . -( Not tbo IHens . Two colored men were arrested at Castle Hayne, Friday: afternoon, on suspicion of being the two individuals who stole Mr. D. S. Sanders' bx, referred to in our last Upon; being brought to the city ! yesterday morning, however, Mr." Sykes, failed to identify them-as the two who bargained to sell him the animal, and they were there fore released. : Rocky Point, N; C., Aug. 20th, 1876. Editor Morning Star:' In your article cf the 19th insti on Fla? ' raisins' at Kockv Point of the Tilden and Vance Club; we notice a very grave,- but unintentional error, IJsuppose,-viz:' "We have on our list every white voter in the Township except a few disappointed, reckless office seekers, &c.'' We -don't know your correspondent, . but suppose he intended to convey; the idea that all would vote with us on the day of election seve those Radicals, who are after,: and ' have been disappointed in getting office. We know that j there are those in this Tow nship, not mera bers of the cl ub, who are as pure, highminded, and as far from wanting office as any member of the club. They always have acted, voted; and worked for the Democratic Conservative party and will continue to do so. Some of these are the most influential and best of our citizens, and have not as yet connected themselves with the club for reasons best known to themselves,' bnt are working' for the cause1 with all the - vigor of manhood thev nossess. We trust you will make , the 1 correction in ; r well ias your correction in justice to the 1 aggrieved as correspondent Reform. WHOLE NO. 2,833 : RIVER AND nARIREITRnS. i -i. , i - ! : , , i t - ' - The steamship Benefactor, Jones,! ar-. rived at New York August 24th, from this port i . The British brig Republic, Thompson, arrived at Queenstow'n August 24th, from this port - ;. : ; r.V xhHa ; i I Tlie schooner Addiei-M. Chadwick, Bird, arrived at Boston August ,23rd, from this port : ...',; ' ;. . . . . . , ;.. .. The steamer Raleigh, which cleared from Baltimore for this port on the 24th, is reported among the arrivals at Philadelphia on the same day. 1 1 ( The steamer Dixie, which started for Smithville yesterday afternoon, had to re turn op account of some disarrangement in her works. . ... : : . . r ., liie steamtr Hamilton, Uapt. pims. from Wilmington, DeL, for Brunswick, Ga., put in here yesterday for coal. She is a new steamer and is intended to towl tim- ber, &c. crrir lriims. The ''woman's friend" ia what Dr. Bnll'it Veratii ble Pilla may well be termed, for every woman that has once used them will not be without them. Late PApam To Harris News .Stand; south side Front Street, we are indebted for coBiei of the New York Ledger, Chimney Corner and '.Frank Leslie's Illustrated Kezcspaper for the current week. The Stand will remain open until Jl o'clock this morning . ; DIED, , I l GARDNER. In this city, on the moraine of the 26th of August, 18.6, Mrs. MAUY GAKDNKK, re lict oi ine late j quius u . uaraner, in inc. iitn year i uci age. , A . . . The funeral services will take place at 3 O'clock, this (Sunday) afternoon, from her late residence on Mulberry, betweeu Fourth and Fifth Streets, to the Front Street Methodist Church, and thence to Oak dale Cemetery."' , j" , WOODY. Of diBhtheria. on the moraine ef the 33d infcU, MAKY KAMA, oldest daughter of J. V. and M. E, Woody, aged six years two months and nxteen oays. . .. - ; t . . ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. j - . -. . i Sale: of Real Estate Mer Mortpp. BY ylRTUE OF AND IN ACCORDANCE with the provisions of a certain indenture of' mortgage, made by William A. Cumming and his wife, hereinafter referred to. the nndereiKned. as the Attorneys of "The Real Estate and Loan Asso ciation" or Wilmington, rnortn uarenna, win, on SATURDAY, the 26TH DAY OF AUGUST NEXT. at 12 o'clock, M., at the Coirt House door, m the' City of- Wilmington, cause to be sold, by Public Auction, lor catn. tne rAnuitii uir iajnu, Deing the same which was conveyed by said mortgagors to ''The Wilmington North Carolina Life Insurance Company," by indenture of mortgage, dated Jaly 8th. 187a, and registered in the proper office in Book F.F.F., at page 378 and following, situate in I - 1 . T2t - . : . 1 . T l Be city ot Wilmington, in tnc coumy oi new at. nover. and described as follows : Beginning in the Western line of Third Street 132 feet South of Ann Street, thence Westwardly parallel with Ann Street 165 feet, .thence Southwardly parallel with Third Street 66 feet, thence Eastwaraly pa'allel with Ann Street 165 feet to the Western line of Third Street, and thence Northwardly with said line Of Third Street ,66 feet to the beginnin ng. WRIGHT & STEDMAN,' - Attorneys. je25tds , POSTPONEMENT. ; The above sale is postponed until WEDNESDAY NEXT, ;, 30th INST., at 11 o'clock AL, at the Court J jjouse door. aug $7-td- REMOVAL. Wi RESPECTFULLY INFORM OUR OLD Customers and anticipated new ones that We have REMOVED i! OUR PLACE OF BUSINESS TO MR. JOHN C. ; HEYER'3 OLD7 STAND. 1 ' Corner of Water and Princess Streets, y j where! we will be glai to see them In onr. new role, - I . -i . -.-.' ' .' ----- -( ' that is to say, we WILL SELL GOODS IN THE GROCERY LINE 1 Lower than 1 Ever ! IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE - , . 1 ' . - .. '500 BWs FLR -QQQ Bdls COTTON TIES, QQ Rolls BAGGING, Boxes MEAu, I BUCKETS, BROOMS, ' , SNUFF," CANDLES, ' ! SODA, HAY, CORN, ' EVERY THING IN THE GROCERY LINE, l! . ,; i;' Respectfully, . ' " ' '' ! ijixford, ciiow dc Co. aug 27-lw i,: ..,.. '! Sugar-House Molasses. JoKA Bbls Sngar-Honse MOLASSES, For sale by aug 27 tf KERCHNER C ALDER BROS. Bagging, Ties & Twine. K fifi Holls SLdX Rolls Standard BAUULNO, ; i Kfl Tons New ARROW TIES, 3 OV " Pieced "I Ann Lbs TWINE, do For sale bv" , ; aug 27 tf ;;.. KERCHNER CALDER BROS l' Flour. Flour. Flour. hAA Bbls "BOB WHITE FLOUR, ... ' i -j j ' do 1 bbo BELL MILL; t- 150 100 100 BELLE CREOLE do B LAN CO ' . .... l- i . do- CAPS HATTERAS do For sale by s ! i an? 27-tf KERCHNER &. CALDER BROS. i 1 LATEST -OCT!" XTJIW PROCESS BATTER-CAKE FLOUR, 8 lbs 1 f for 25 cents: 83 lbs for $1. Guaranteed to give satisfaction,: i Grinding new White Wheat of Extra quality and at very reduced prices. Every barrel and sag guaranteed perfect or money refunded. Send in your orders to Cape Fear Flour and. Pearl nonuny muis ana get sometning nice. . augSS-ot naos i ; . Proprietor. ove dart .'.v:.. 1 ..i 8 tit one wek.. ,,.. ...t . a Bi " ,! Two.fetlu, . 6 0C .," : Three weeks.... U ........ 50 One months... 8 00 H p-Three nMmUe....,.U..i.-..v......M 00 wuontract A Advertisements taken at propoi uonatelv low rates. Ii Five Squares estimated as a anarter-colnmn. and ten squares as a half -column. - A , NEW J AD VERTTSEM EHTS. Mrsl(HrL Murray w ILL RESUME HEK SCHOOL! DUTIES, ON Fourth, between Market and Princess Streets, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER: 4th, and wUl be glad to receive a i haro of the public patronage. mnaritSt i- .7 .. , - ... .-r -r-: : - Tr . xirLLLLSwip.K ? umirr.. Steamer dixie will leave bus wharf. corner of Orange and South Water Streets, MOK- DAY, at 9, A. M. and 4 P. v ..viuuiW.Vi UIO WICK &Bg 87-tf , . ... O. G. PARSLEY ft CO. i It:lvymr;Pay3 rpO BUY CLOTHING AT ; ';' -t- j . ' , J.l PRESENT PRICES, AND LAY AWAY FOB ANOTHER YEAH. - i t ! , UO0D8 MUST ADVANCE. ! : MTTNSON As CO .! aug S7-tf Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. Fall and Winter Styles , Broadway Silk Ilats! At I HARRISON & ALLEN'S, i aug i7-tf City Hat Store, 9 Front It Grass Blades, T EAP I HOOKS. SNATHS. A GTtASS ROOKS. MILLS, FEED CTJTTERS. t Also, a large assort ment of AMES SHOVELS and SPADES, at i the Lowest Cash trices in the city, at the Old Kstab-' lisbed Hardware House ot i JOHN DAWSON, auf?V7-tr - ..it 19. 30 and U Market street Apple Parers. , r' Cider MiDs. 4 a .aj-i: A LARGE STOCK OF APPLE f i ,TI , 1 1 PARERS,' CIDER MILLS, Ac, , i - - i I -: j, . i ! . - For sale Low at the New Hardware Store of i augST'tf GILES & MTJRCniSON, Insurance Agency, of JnoJ W. Gordon & Bro.. ''I R J REPRESENTING ' . --it' . If' i V OVER FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS ASSETS! Liverpool Si London & Globe; of I ivernool. Amaaoa..... ..... ............ ot fincinna'i, ; Lycoming,.... .... .......of Pennsylvania. Mobile Underwriter,'..,...., of Mobile, Hamburg-Bremen, of Haajborg, Old North State, .......of Warrenum. j Cityj .... ... vV.. .... .... '.ofi Richmond, i r -' i -V-' "j ,.- - LIFE : I - "v Metropolitan, j ..... . . .of Now York, 1 Li e Ins. ompany of Virginia. of Peterehmrv. OFFICE, No- 24 NORTH WATER ST. I aug 27-tf j" ';' " ;" ' ; Golman's English j Gold Medal Mustard. iPRIZS OVERALL OTHERS. POUND HALF arid QUARTER LB. PACKAGES. j ?, Piro;rouiil Spicks. FIRST! PREMIUM GOODS. t . , STRICTLY PURE White Wine and Apple Vinegar. J Gordon's Fare Blackbefrr BEAHDY. Highest Medical endorsement for Summer use. DESICCATED COCOA-NUT, PRESERVED GIN j.GER, PINEAPPLE, PEACHES, AND OTHER FRUITS i. For sale, by 4, CIJ AS. D. MYEliS & CO, aug S7-tfDAW I ! i i . -'I I t " j, BabdS, Bagging,; Ties, &c. j 3000 SALT, Marshall's Fine and Lisbon 2QQQ Bushels Prime White CORN, ; 10 0 Smoked bacon ' 300 Wbolejand HaU j011 BAGGINa, j : ! 1000 Arrow and Spliced TIES, R(f Barrels FLOUR, all grades. V. -t V r TUm notT'BTnB. afl orailaa. ! 1 I 'at -LtJV I. I 1 .:: Barrel SUGABall grades, Off Barrels S. H. SYRUP,' i m - 1 u i o 1 - - . rrr Hhds choice Porto Rico MOLASSES, 1 Kfi Gross N. Y. and Swift, Courtney's JOU I -i' i MA'iCHES, icn uoxes hoap, xouet and laundry, i ! 1 &( B-xeB C4DLE8., rj k Half Bbls and Boxes SNUFF; j rjrL Boxes TOBACCO. ' ' !i;riV;it--n-ALSQj- 4.' :,3 In store and to arrive, Little River YARNS j Lake George, Lebanon A and Manchester SHEETING. ) ' , For sale by. ,.4 r . ang 27-tf r WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. - 'y ' j ' - a-t. - i - - - - h ' Falling ! , . ?" i .a :. a - "1 I - Fllincrrr: . .9 ft J 3 .. - . a CJ - j. ,- , .I ,1 KAIIlTlfr ! 'in' .Ai- -.A'ti.i,rmi w,nvfm-mrnr. r f o- - NOTWITHSTANDING , THE EXCEEDINGLY wSrm weather, the Prices "of mV SUMMKU CLOTHING cootiaaeto aU. . i ,r -. e ALPACCAS art id LINENS at Heavy Discount -ONB HUNDRED White Marseilles VESTS closed out at FlIfl'Y PER CENT, less than the re gular nrtcfc--.---v-i..- - ,r .:. A. DAVID. .i I Merchant Tailor and t;lotbler aug 27-tf i. v f- ,v 27 Market St. Bagging, Ties & Twine pOTTOlf TIES, '' BAGGING .V.J r .:. - ' AND TWINE. ri Send tout orders to 'tiJ''f r ' ' ang 27-tf , . j , r , HALL A PEARSALL.Q i j i i i ' i . i. ' ' ' . ' . - jlleatsj TRY SALT! SIDES and SHOULDERS. SMOKED U SIDES and SHOULDERS, CITK, MESS PORK and No. 3 MEATS. . , ,i For sale by ! - ' ! amg 7-ir p - : ulLXi a raausAiiU ;Flourf' BtXijar, &c.: . TLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, JL. I SALT, MOLASSES, FISH For sale by r r s HA aug 27 : ALL A PEARSALL.