t2 nommiG DTAB I . .truciiirno ral adtascti: alx month. M l i - , ..j....... t M three monwxi , n.a month, I I i SS-fl1 MORNING EDITION OUTLIiMKS There wUl be no general nkTa review at j nval -i- liere has been heavy once agree to them ; but h Port BT: i j A Jn m ,M t davaKhUetheV wUl-inoat: likely il ,Bj.a..trp-j i a - i A number pi .iT- tftbii,bmenis rm"ri -7; ,otton business is not rospenaeajia that city on T '7-1 : The Chairman! of W"8- fitful Lu detected and ar-.'l committees was? detected and ar- pabitcan cuii- r r r . I aexectea ana ar-, i rested for iteaUM inon-y i terec 4 GOV. Hen- I letters ai voiuw--, f- J r :T r, dricks '8 attackinjsMohoaln his speeches in IJUna. Jj? H yWayrehad been forty yellow pwr ueaiu. , ; o ..nah. New York markets: Gold, 109f 109J; cotob, 1U12. WO cents iro- sin 1 5-l C5 apWits tnrpentine, cents. Th pUtlcal rth Dl- sare for Day-W. N. II. Saalth irlel i Special Star Cornsspondence.1 i OxFOKD, N. O.,Sept. li Qar court, a ter a session of three d a half weeks, adjourned on yes- t ifday. ; Judgi Seymour gave aatis- i Lt inn to al . The lawyers i tnink k.L iK Wt J ad ire who has tried lima causes io Hacpices oaf court- .unuer xvauioui -j : r -jj i..t He was fairand conrteons, - - ! l -i I Jd cave evidence of being a good lawyer. I ni a t mention one ; thing t0 his credit, lie would only receive pay for the actual time court held. Other jadgesM-notabiy Judge Moore -lit court adiQurned on i Tuesday or Wednesdayi pa not iau to cjoarge not fail to charfffl ; wrt t was only pai4 (to last night. ITiisjia a decided improvement; i f ' H The County, Commissioners, who were charged j with fralnd, escaped through the corruption of one' Nor wnnA. whol siood by them to the hmt -ikhouah! the other eleven were for finding inilty. Norwood is soon to marry a dauter of DioV Jones, one of he culprits. Although the .n.u of iuHtU f failedJ thev are mo- ,t;u J .n rotrrAA rpL. Ji. u ; J:-? , I k:- Knt .a hal man do t hair I V . . . . . . . ' I 1 , v. l . i ; x are may ue cnosenj 1 I Til1n and Vaiice Cloba are nirinor ing up in various parts of the county -"1 . ' i Tn . i f and the fires are j beginning j The Democratic Convention to burn. to nom- bate county candidates meets on the 16th inst. A good ticket will be put in thr field.! Capt. Jo Davis will certainty be elected, it there is any tiling in favorable signs. l oung can not carry Granville by more than 500, although, he claims 900 or morel Davis will carry Johnston by at least 600 j majority. I Davis saya he can beat Young apd give him 1, 000 nu'; iority in Grauville. " i - f : ' y 1 hope J udges Mernmon and if owle will speak in this county before the election. I think they ean do good. Lasi week Hon1. W. N. I H. Smith made an impressive fcpeecb before the lilden and Vance Club. Cant. Davis I ti expeciea io speaK nera m a oay or I twri. UnhnnmrTn I A MI KV ILL IX. I Cnrlralled Keeaerr- WIImlatnla Uatieatiag;-em. Lcacb Gen. ' CllnCBMB, BSC. :..: '. ' ( , '; . Special Star Correspondence. Asuevillk, Aug. 31,(1876. W 1. , i i . - . I VV e have been going and seeing this bright mountain country since I w lift TT.i.-Jt-- 1- we left Henry's on Monday, until we are weaned with the beauty of our Western Carolina if one I can Jte weaned with magnificent scenery. it is certain that the viewM f rom McDowelPrlara, known as 1 "Mc- Doweira Views," is the most splendid sight in all this portion of the State, nd if itg equal is to jbe found in America we know not wherel, .!'- lhe picture, looking to the : west om this high land point where you behold the "FrenchnBroad" wind- ng amongst 44ie high hills fringed by' . tneaoows of unsurpassed fertility, uue io inejieft, coming in from the east the 'SwannanoaMrj is gracefully winding araougst the meadows cov ered with magnificent crops of grass 'id corn, (the other crops ate r gath ered) and,) bending to' thi North, 's us waters with the far-famed - hi,ii jorpaa, is most gorgeous- v vcaumui; rom this yxjint you Tv, A gau - t0itlie west, -the i Cum cnana Mountains of Tennessee to tne north, and the Black Mnntain 10 the east; jthe Swannanoa Gap and s l"e Hickorir Nut TJart 1 ! m .K 1 t--mnnnJ!r-5-.i.-f f ' ii therewr.'1. lst,are in full view from "MoDow- ell s View. ...! i I ,A8heville is quite lively. Many 'umg.omans are here and passinc were daii. Ljjj A--r s e and passing I is. the excite- I ment - , -uueu iu una, tne xcue inent of the oolitical the political canvass makes I things look lively and enjoyable. -yuy raore of our people do not r,ue nere is remarkable, f If they i what was in store for them iney jtoald come as soon as the conveyance bv. fi is established between Hen. ;yand Asheville. n T. ' cu ueacu nere ana spealts at OXFORD. . ; h; ' " ! 1-4- 1 r . ... . . i Blf Fe . "' 1 .. '. Ji.nii.il liuwhjw ','" ., . ..jja - " L ..'. ' ., " 1 ' I i ! l ' . .1 - - . , - 4 : j . r - i i ' v ii t a - ..i. i . . y i i - f- - -. M . i, . . . i .. j ? ;t r" - r' - " - m ? u - - . i . c. .. . . . ' - VOL. XVIII.-NO. UOl in o oiock xo-qay. wenj uiiDsrman will also address the people ; on the Constitulional Amendments. Geni Leach says that wherever the Amend-, ment8 have been fully explained to the white people or black, they at, ne saya be earn ried. vet it ia all important tk?hv! them exolaihed bv the cokntV dates: that the facts of - the eonoal.1 l r length-of tlrt sessions of the Legisla- tore, and the change in the courts, tj1" - i - w - ,. AA- - i rn nnri . ; i ' oeiog over ciou.uuu a year. ; exerts a wonderful power in their , favor be-l fore th nennla. whn nra tr t W1" yond endurance. ' ; The; "uprsing of T I- ,r , w taxed be- the eole this! fall in favor of "Reform j aud De-i mocracy," will keep every thin 'Grantiemw f rom the country. The StAb is a ' welcome visitor up RlDGK." - here. t "Blub FOWLB AT CUAHLOrTE. ; Har Hon Hlaa U Makes tba CrealeaS aelfc of Ilia Caaapalsrn. 1- J ; i ISnArial tn thA Kvi T ! i 1::-...' v. - Chaeloitk Sept. 1. lion. D. Oi Fowle made here. te day, the greatest speech of his whole vauj'atiu j1" whs luei .at ine ue-; po, last: night, by a committee of memuers jot. ine zeo v ance Ulub. and was welcomed in a few exceed ingly graceful remarks by Gen. John! A. Younff, after i which he -was escorted to the Central Hotel, where be! was greeted by Gov. vauce and others. .v l:-'-,-,: tr,!4;?;--i I,' Tilden and Vance pole of ureat height was; raised to-dav, and the flag waa hoisted amid the greatest reioic- ing. . A Tilden and Hendricks flag; a real beautymeasuring 36x20, Was stretched across Tryon street, and; P.VW1 "VT rr large, across Trade street. V. ! Judge Fowle was escorted from the hotel to the beautiful yard of CaptJ J. Y. Brycel There was a loBg pro-; cession, headed by the 1 excellent Charlotte Cornet Band. The orator of the dayf was introduced by Calvin . Oner, J&h., President of the Zeb. VJC V "Wfr ? 1Wl,l8lte.ne, twj.and a ty h7 .audience anjid the , most , ! Vance Clubhand was listened to for immense profound 8Me,?c iveryooay ptooouncea tne a i - . TTt - i i a speech one ofi the grandest oratorical productions ever listened to in this Aitir i i A nnmnan nr i nrAminnt r cron 'J w. i w.w , tlemen occuoied places on the stand. j i it j graiuiaiea oy many, ana was maue the recipient of a nne stand of flow ers by the ladies, who j composed 1 a large part of the audience. K ' ! The fires of 1775 are rekindled in tne nearts of the people; of glorious old Mecklenburg. in. a: Spirits T"arpentine. -i-The Hillsboro Recorder was mistaken about young Mr. Wood, of Per quimans, having died at the University. He is in fine neaitn. ; i -U Raleigh Sentinel: The revenue collections in this district last month were 173.327.84. 1 One million one hundred and seventy-three thousand Ifoar hundred and seventy -eight two ounce tobacco stamps were sold during this time. j -L RnWh &nn'n: There are nve coiion lactones in iuu run in nanaoipo couotv. At union iDey lurn out irom imr- ly-lliree io mmy nve uunarea yaras oi olaids a day. and at Cedar Falls tbey turn 90 looms, while at Franklinsville they make from seven! to eight hundred seamless bags per day. All these factories stopped wcrk ana went io nere vance ue aay ue Bpone at Asbboro.. 4 The faculty at Chapel Hill have adopted resolutions of regret and sympathy on tne occasion oi me ueaui ui ne. iu. Hoooer. n. d.. .LL D. One of ; them reads: That in the death of Dr. Hooper we have lost ajfather and friend not to be re- Dlaced while this eeneralion is oa tue stage. He save the University his best years, was during his whole me lis aiauucu ineou, and shed on her the lustre of his ripe and elegant scholarship, his broad and catholic charitv. his unblemished career as a most useful and honored citizen ana noDie curi- . J . ... a i - lian gentleman. Lilly SBbo Popular flour.: :. . John DAWsos--Grass blades. HKiNSBERQEn-Late reading.' Hakbuok & Alijbn Fall hats. " D. PiQOTT-Cigars and tobacco. ; . Mas. F. lifi Aooffhsx For" rent. , ' Two dry goods salesmen, wan ted. J.I W. Gordon & Baa-Insurance. .Haiju& PEABaAix Groceries,- &c., Giles & Mcbchison To fishermen. ; Frank Leslie at Harria' Jfews Depot. Grand family excursion September 6. Mas. E lJ,v RoKCioKRT-School Notice. Kebchneb & Calder Bros Salt, bag ging, ties, &c. -;" Meeting of District Democratic. Conser vative Committee. Chas. D. Mtebs & Co N.- C. wine codfish, mackerel, &c. 1 1 -: ' WllBlMlBa W alien Railroad ' The nigh train on the Wilmington & fdoa hM discontued for the present, consequently there will he but Pn ,naU r"1 each dayl and but! one rrit'' The mall will leave the post-offlce at 6 80 MJ aa arrive at 6.80 P. M. There. will be no change in the time of arrival and aepariure wi, iuo w-jr uiu irum iae uepow It will leave at 7.55 Al H.and arrive at 6.05 P. M., as heretofore, j 4 ;J. - - peaklRK at ladeaborO ... I .-. - We are requested to announce Uiat" Col. Tbos. 8. Kenan, our candidate fof Attorney, ry . :n . tttj.v h . I U:U6iMt 1U BpCBI. Ht;11 OUOUVIV, AliiUli I county, on Saturday next, the 9tb inst. .:r-vt;r-J-'"" t.j!i t-y -: :- - i f ? . -: ........ ' 11 ' ...... . WILMINGTON, Local Data. 1 -p Green field peas were abundant n market yesterday. l Watermelons continue: to come into market in small numbers.. ; -r lhe interments in! Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery during the past week nnrnhproitthnm iiuf n.t.:.k ....i.mj i ! i i i T" APer9 18 talk of a race between two; of the Masonboro yachts, to come off Tuesday. I UVUUWJ. I. , - j f-j-Rev. Mr. Black, Presiding Elder, will preach at the Front Street M. ti,v a. U1...1. t .i. I & Churth to dav , 1 1 , . I ' ' 1 . . . n ... , I yho will not rejoice when Mr. J Amos Quito presents his last bill for the ( Beason ana goes into bankruptcy? i-t-The County Commissioners will have their regular monthly meeting to- i-mor- raw, Ve are requested jto state that there will be no services in the First Baptist Church to-day. . . I I Three of the city churches be ng closed to-day, except for Sabbath school, those where services are held will be crowded. Keep a supply Of disinfectants on hand . and " use them. Much ; sickness may thereby be ; prevented Hai aud get them free Call at of charge. the City lerian and Fifth Street Methodist Churches to-day. There will be Sabbath school in the first ! named church. -4 The weather last i. evening was decided y pleasant, and suggested the fact that we are now in the midst of tee first fall month.' t We are requested to announce ioai in consequence ox me i: n disposition of the rector, Rev. Geo. Patterson, by which he is detained! in Charlotte, there will be no services in StJohn's Church to-dayi Stationary barometer, northeast, backing to westerly wine stationary or slightly lower temperatur and partly cloudy weather are the pre ictions for this section to-dayi A I mee Btmg rt' ! of Democratic Conservative Committee for this Congres sional District will be held at the Purcell House on Tuesday, the 12th if September, at 10 I 1 f e . clock a. m. i v The hu Democrat! c Campaign -LL " . ' a banner, alluded to a few days since, has been completed, and will, we understand, be suspended across Market street on Wed nesdaV next - 1 1 l.'i.ii , jj ! -.j John D. Davis, fisq.i of Car teret. has been appointed a member of the Congressional 'Executive - Committee for this District, in place of James Rumley, Esq., resigned. Esq., resigned. ,.'J- We see it s Mj Payne, of the 2nd stated th at He v. C. nd Presbyteiian Church of this city,' will preach in the Presbyterian Churcbl in Lexingtl on, on theJ2ad Sabbath in September and on Friday night and Satur- day, preceding, A colored woman by the name I Of Maria j Hall Was arrested yesterday, charged with striking one Dick Martin, colored, on the head with a rock. The belligerent female was recognized to appear j before the) City Court Monday morning. L. TKo T?;'.fV f Tl. Koa t n 6 , . i. ii t i i : : vs- m I one bearing the likenesses of Tilden and Hendricks and the; other of Hayes and Wheeler J He sava hia is a DUblic office. "t 1 - 4 1 r and those who want to look at. the pictures can take their choice. , ' 4 j - r The Register of Deeds issued. only two marriage licenses during the pas week, one of which was ' for a white and one for a colored couple. For the month of August there 'were ' issued nineteen licenses,1 eight for white and eleven for colored couples; Tlso German yolnntoora nnal the Lata rjj Cenr.Wasjanor.. v;; ,; -' ,An incident in the life of the late John A!i Wagener. bf Charleston, who ; died a few davs since." Was overlooked ' ia the .k'-f-li nf hialife and niiblic services which ! ' 1 -r.-,. i w appearea in our eu.wrai c.uuiu n . . ? tT ' i . . at L -P a. a 1 a. -!. day last., vve auuae wiue iacivuas wueu it was determined to organize the German v;,lnntr. nf I thU Htv in I t1i vear 185--. , W.W. . . J , . J . some of the most prominent members wrote to1 Gen.' Wagener "id come here and; give them a sUrL . He acceded to their request, came to wumingion, ana remsiaeu icrw id remained here an entire month, giving bis attention to the .--w Un!r1-W.Vn nt )ril1inr thA company and, perfecting the members in the manual of arms.' ;D.ufing his stay here rooms were provided for him at one of the hotels, and his expenses were paid by the members bf the company. As a result of the efforts of the General, who took a deep inerest in the matter, the German Volun teers soon became one of the best drilled military organizations' in the South;; and the members of the company. Who stiU sur vive have sincle entertained a lively recol- leetion of his visit . and an exalted- opinion of him personally Saallarr Matlera. The ; Superintendent of Health, yester day, after consultation with the acting Mayor, ordered disinfectants to be taken to premises generally wrouguout ine ciiy, the different healln'dfircers haying instruc tions to personally superrlse the matter and see thai the: disinfectants are properly ap plied . i We are assured ! tha tho sanitary condition bjfrdlrtio'iro f e Courthouse to-morrow (Monday) eve . . . ! . : ... .u ..it.: it.. '! nVinrV. flneechei ire exoected tooKea, alteram oraer tnai mo evipMo good health now happily 4 prevailing may continue to exist throuehout the season -- VN. C, SUNDAXj SEPTEMBER 3, 1876. Oar Ckurebea To-Day. '' f '. ' . ' First Presbyterian Church', corner Third and Orange streets: Rev. Jos.;R. Wilson,1 D. D.i Pastor, i Prayer meeting at li a. in.' No services' I '5.:, Pl-Kiti W Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Fourth, and Campbell, streets. Rev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 1 a. m. and 5 p. .. - uiuuaiu otuuui auui jjiuic Class at 4 p. m. I Prayer meeting! Wednes day at; 8 p. m. f Seats free. St. James' Church, corner of Market and I k... UUIUVO VUUIliU, UU1UI Third streets. Rev.DrA: or' Twelfth Sunday afte Third streets. Rev.D Al A WatRoii. Rec after Trinity. Morn ilttJfCi "uu eieorauou at ii o cioc TJ1! ' T . . . rt . .. school at 5 d xjvcuiug jrrayer ai o ociock. nunuay m. Services at St! Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as fol- lows: Services at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. Rev. T. M. Ambler,' Rectoi. Seats free. St. Paul's Evang. Lutheran Church" -ii v corner of 6th and Market streets, Rev. G. D. Bernbeim, ; pastor. English service at 11 a. m, Sunday school at 5 p. m No Ber vice at night. J , . I- Front Street M. E. Church (Soul th); cor- j ner of Front and Walnut streets: Rev. J.E. i Mann, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 4 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night, at 8 o'clock Young Men's Society, Friday night at 8 ociocx. Second Baptist Church, On 6lb, between Church and Castle streets. Services at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 8 o'clock, p. m.. Rev. J. P. King officiating. Sabbath School a 3 o'clock,' p. m. j Prayer meeting uesday1 evening at 8 o'clock. Young men s prayer meeting Wednesday evening. j' j . 1 ' ; , ,l !r est. rnoniua' vuurcn. on jjock, peiween Second and Third Streets. Rev. Father j, . I. ) - . , " i j orncialmg clergyman. First Mass rhite.l 1 7 o'clock a. mi High Mass at 10.30 a. m. Saptism at 433 p. m. Vespers and Bene- m. Services at St. Mark's (colored) Episcopal Lurch, corner 6th and Mulberry :. streets, follows : Morning Prayer and Celebra- ion at 9 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 8.30 clock: Sabbath School at St. Barnabas' chool-house at i p. m i ! : I First Presbyterian Church (colored), 8th nd Chesnut Streets. Rev. D. J. Sanders, . : J.! . ; . .: I li ' . asior. rreacning ai ii o ciock, a.;m. ana p. m. Sabbath! school at 9 o'clock, a. m. First Bantist Church, colored' on Fifth I ' i ii r i- . . T n. - Jnd Campbell streets. Sunday School at 9 . m. ; preaching1 at 10 a. ni.' 3 p. knJand 7f p. m. Rev. F. R. Howell, Pastof. j l lTrinityChapell M. E. Church, m and Brunswick streets; Rev. Z. T- Pearsajl, pas tor. Services at 11 o'clock; a. m., 3 pi m. aind 71 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 af ni. i Ebenezer Baptist Church (colored), 7th, between Orange land Ann streets, V.11. Banks, pastor, i Services at lUi a. in., 3 p. m., and a p. m. w,,m,l1OB Rlal1 Market; The following pnees ruled yesterday; Apples, (dried) 12 cents per pound peaches 25c per pound ; walnuts, 25 lard. 18 cents per pound ; butter. 80a40 cents per pound ; cheese, 20 cents per pound ; grpwn iowis oquc a pair;, tspriug cuiis ens bom 20 to 30 cts a pairj geese $1.50 per p4r; beef 10ilici per pound; beef, (con edi 121al5c. per pound; veal, l2i16ic " L ' . .J a'aA. i i L.2 -11. ! per pound!; mutton, 12i15 cts. per pound; ham, 1516 cts. perpound; Shoulders,12i 14 cents per pound j tripe, 20 cts. per bunch; clams, 25 cents a peck; open clams, 2025 centsa quart; soup bunch, 5 cts; eggs, 20 25 centsa doZ; sturgeon, 25 cts. a chunk (51bs); potatoes, new insn, ouc a peca; nsn, tmntSite'. mrWinnh; miilleta 10(a25 cents ----- - i , per bunch; turnips, 10 cents a bunch; on 1 ions; 10 cents 1 a quart; cabbages 520 cents a head; bologna 20 cents a pound; par-ley, ;5 cents a bunch; carrots, 5 cents a pound; ricel020ca quart; crabs 15 cts dozen ; apples ,2040cts per peck ; Sound oysters 20 cents a quart; cauliflower, 10 25 cents; celery, 25 cepts per bunch; beets .50 cents a pecs; tomatoes o cts per quart; watermelons from to 10 cts apiece; stone crabs 30o a bunch; cider 2040 cts a gallon; peaches 3540c a peck;, scupper- nong grapes iu cts a quaru TneriDOBiir:iicrii 1 Taev following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4 S5 yesterday evening, Washington mean time as ascertained from the dairy bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: I Au osta.. . . ... . J .91 Montgomery, 89 Cairo.. :.:1.:..."J.7T Nashville., i 75 Charleston. I 92 73 80 88 New Orlea'ns, . . . .89 New York....... 74 Norfolk....... .....76 (jincionati, Corsicana, . Galveston,.... Pittsburgh, 70 Punta Rassa, . . . -. .88 Savannah,... 92 Shreveport, . . . . . .85 St. Louis.. .......71 . t : 1 , ...79 indianola, Jacksonville, . . . . 81 96 84 77 Key West, K nnrvi lift St Marks, '....:92 Vicksburg,.......84 Wilmington 85 LVnchburg I Memphis, .1.78 I Mobile..... .88 Demoeratle Senatorial Oouventton, At a Convention , of the Senatorial Dis trict composed of j the counties of Wayne and Duplin, held At KenansviHe yesterday, Messrs. J. D. Stanford, ot Dnplm, and 1, F,Dortcb, df Wayne, were nominated for the Senate. . Mr. Stanford is'the present Senator from Duplin and his renommation Dy nis pany friends is a flattering indication of their continued confidence. "" 'mi mm : Dapllt Couay jNomluaCiott. At tbe Duplin County Democratic con vention beM at Magnolia yesterday, J. D. Stanfordf sq., jwas nominated for the Senate. ' Mr; Stanford is the present Sena tor, from that county, and his renomination . .,....-" 1 by his party mends is a nauenng ino,ica tioa of their continued confidence. , ? ; ; Hcan Ward Demoeratle Cl. r .- There will be a meeting ot tnis ciuoas i "'.,' v- .. ' i from prominent gentlemen. : Erery Demo-1 ' crat to taritea to oe preseni. dT cents r. RIVER AND MARINE ITERS. HThe, German Brig J)r. Laiker. Boer, from this port, arrived at Hamburg on the 30th' nit ; , - . I . i-' f 1: H-T . I- !iv:7-f :, - r .- 7-The German Barque Lydia PeacJiau, Fechter, from this port, arrived at London 17th! nil. N .' : ' ' f r-iThe schooner O. T. Day, Chule cleared from Boston August 31st, for Suri nam via this port.- j 11 A Detective In Hot Water. Wj G. Evans, a colored detective from Columbia, S. C, who came here to look after, a colored boy charged with having committed larceny in that place, get him self into hot water. He came up with the boy and took the preliminary steps for his arrest, when the latter had a warrant issued for, the detective, who was brought before a magistrate on the charge of assault and battery. The Consequence was -that the Columbia officer was ordered to give a -jus tified bond of : $100 for his appearance in the future, to stand a preliminary examina tion. J He gave the bond and 'departed yes terday for Columbia to procure the attend ance boy. of necessary witnesses' against the 'mortuary Report. I . i - -. ; There was only one permit granted: for interment in lOakdale Cemetery during the week ending yesterday, and thai was fdr a .i.i' ' .. ' - : I ' I... If, i . 1 cnuajinai aiea at ureen vine sound. For the month of August there were only ten interments in! this Cemetery, and five of this number died j elsewhere land their bodies were brought; here for burial. This leaves only five for Wilmington during the month. During the same month in 1875 there were fifteen, interments, two ofhe (number hav ing died elsewhere, which shows a decrease of eight for August,'186, as compared with August, ,1875 This speaks well for ihe L-.il t 1.1. Cil- 1 ii 1 una. A Bale of Cotton doing the llo j Several weeks ago a bale of f cotton was presented to the orphan asylum by a gen tleman of -Wayne county. Being put upon thei market at .Goldsboro it was bought y the! Masons of that place for $100 and the I I ' i; I t I I 4 i - I f 1 ' i money sent to the asylum.' The lodge sent it to Raleighj where it was sold again for $75i i It was then shipped to Charlotte to be sold again, j and. we j learn from the 06 terver that the fraternity there will! purchase it and probably forward it to Wilmington, to be again put on the market, j "Keep tie bale in. motion." It n is a ' small one add classessta;inedj - lit I H- Brunswick Superior GonrtL j In the case f John Statcher, convicted or larceny; in jhe early part of the weel an appeal nas oeen taaeu to tue supreme Court, a bond of $1,000 being required fot his appearance and $50 on the appeal. Ui to the time the steamer J. S. Uhder7iill lei Smithville Statcher had hot given the ne cessaTy pond, j jThe Coult wasitiil in sesl sioni being engaged on civil Cases. A Nnlaanee Remedied The old tan-yard nuisance, about whic there was so much complaint a few weeks' ago, has all been done away with through the skillful management of Sergeant Mc Garrigle, of the police force. The stagnant water has disappeared, the sewer has been put in good order, and there will now be no further apprehension from that quarter. CITY lXEITIS. Every moment of oar lives every part of itmrbadT is wearing oat and is being built up anew. This work is accomplished by the blood, bat if the blood oes not perform us worn properly tne system is poisoned.- Cleanse the Mood by the nse of Dr. Ball's Vegetable Pills Harmless but efficient. La-4 PArxas. To Harris' News Standi south side Front Street, we are indebted for copies of the New York Ledger, Chimney Corner and Frank Leslie's IUuttrated Newspaper for the current week. The Stand will remain open nntU 11 o'clock this morning . . i 9IARKI9CO, : NEWBURY-WOOLVIN. On the Slat of An Rist, at the Front Street Methodist Epis.! Church, Haath. by Rev. W. S. Black, Mr. F. A. KEWBURY. o Msgnolia, N. C, to Miss ANNIE, daughter of M f. Joel W. Woolvin, of this city. ; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Late Reading. The Live Book Store ; HAS CONSTANTLY CN HAND A CHOICE COLLECTION OF THI LEADING MAGAZINES, Also, ALL THE LATEST NOVELS OF THE DAY "There is nothing more refreehiaj than a plea santly written nOYel." i- i-i - -... ,- " Call and select from the immense stock at i j UEINSBERGBR'S, sept 8-tf ' No. 39 Market Street HALL & PEARS ALL OFFER TO CLOSE BUYER BAGGING ond TIES, ' ! HOOP IRON and GLUE, ! i ' EHOT and GUN CAPS, 1 I TOBACCO and SNUFF, SUGAR and COFFEE, ; !l5.009 GOOD 8EGARS, 6)9 BBLS. CLOICE NEW CROP FLOUR, SEPTEMBER MULLETS, Ac. Ac ept 3-tf i . . . . .i - Life i Insurance Comp'y i OF VIRGINIA. 1 Home Office......' .Petersburg. i . '; ORGANIZED 1871. CASH ASSETS OVER HALF MILLION DOLLS. c Sorplttt Slst December, 1875, 360.636 41. $443 Assets to erery $100 Liability.; Stock Bates $13 13 per $1000 for age SO, and increasing to age 65. Ia paying a cash dividend of 15 per ceuW this year on mntnsl oolicies three Tears of age. Its UsT of Di rectors embraces' some of the best men In Virginia. -. . .' JnTTW W' GORDON A BRO.. Agents. f sept 8-tf WHOLE NO. 2,839 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Rent, y HOUSK, NORTH-EAST CORNER 7TH nils L Dock Streets, at present occupied by IR. M. Mdatire. Keq. ' Apply to Hn. V. M. AQOSTINL sept 8-St N. B. corner of Dock. Notice. THERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE DE mocratic Conservative Committee, for lhe Third: Congressional District, at the PUKCELL HOUBE, in thejpity of Wilmington, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on TUESDAY, 12th of September. It is desired that every memoer oi tne uommittee be present. wuajs. ja. bt. M. STEDMAN, . Chairman. sept 8-td . To Fishermen. T ; -.i'- t , . OtT WILL FIND AT OTJlt STORE A LARGE and well assorted Stock of GILL-NET TWINES. fcEINK TWINES. HANGING LINES, both Cotton ana uemp, aaa every iping nesaea in your nne, which we are seiung very low io iau ineumea. fl-io oraerea on smau margin. i sept 8 tf j G1LE & MURCHTSON. St. Paul's German-American Institute. THE SEVENTH ANNUAL SESSION OF THIS, School will open about the 1st of October next School will open about the 1st of October next, Dne notice of particulars will be given before iven befo 3KERT, Principal. bpenlni -tf ! Sn&Tu MKS. Jfi. L. RUECKERT. sept j Grass Blades. "DEAP HOOKS. SNATHS. GRASS HOOKS. XV 8CYTHB BToNES, DUTCH SCYTHES, FAN MILLS. FEED CUTTERS. Also, a large assort-! meat of AMES' SHOVELS and SPADES at the Lowest Cash frices in the cltv. at the Old Kst&b-i nsoea Hardware uooae or juhh uawson, sep. S-tf i I . ' 19.80 and SI Market street Lilly's FaypriteJ H T POPULAR FLOUR, "4 LLY'S FAVORITE," 203 Barrels just received, fresh a&d sweet. sept 8 3t ' H T'. -h j .ILLy!& BRO. - . Wanted. GOODS SALESMEN, .WO DRY HAVING I work, bjr cAnatiy acquaintance and pot afraid to' stating salary expected, and giving references, may address ' eept3-lt p. o! B j If. I 1 .- Just Received, HE FALL AND WINTER SILK HATS, SOFT AND STIFF HATS, I hAtsJ UMBRELLAS i CANES At ! HARRISON &' ALLEY'S, sept 8-tf City Uat Store, 89 Front et. t Grand Family XX iirsion I' ! rN STEAJ-tER J. 8. UNDERBILL. I KJ t i i i1 WEDNESDAY, BEPT. 6, 1676. The' Steamer will leave her wharf at 8 o'clock, A. M.i to go down the river to SMITHVILLE and BALD-HEAD. There will be a fine Striae Band on : board for Dancing. Refreshments ran be had on noara at c)ty prices. . 'i icaeu at tne uaoKstoree. ; sept.3-lt j. . : 1 ILiB. NEWK1RK. Frank Leslie's t riSTORICAL CGISTER OF TI CENTENNIAI .EXPOSITION. FULLY ILLUSTRATED, II I At HARRIS' NEWS DEFOT. ! NEW YORK DAILIES 5 CENTSL sept 3-lt : Salt. Basr&rins:, Ties, &c. 2000 StCtCS LIVXRPOOL ALT, 500 !MarBn-11 Blowi do. i E A A Rolls and X Rolls Standard! UUU BAGGING, rn tods ew Amtuw tuss, 50 " Keced do 3000 Lb" BnKgln TWINS, 7QQ "bis FLOUR, all grades. tf A Boies D.S. SIDES and SHOULDERS 2j LSmk'd. M 2 K Bbls PORK, OKA BHa Sugar-House M0L ASSES, JQQ Bags COFFEE, Bbls SUGAR, CRACKERS, EICB, 1 ' CANDLES, MATCHES, LYE, POTASH, SOAP, SNUFF. TOBACCO, i i - SODA, SHOT. POWDER, i i CAPS, &c, Ac. For sale by Sept 3-tf I KEROHNER A CALDER BROS. . , ! t t Pure N. O. Rhenish FROM THE MOUNTAINS. SUP PORTBD RHENISH ' I i - BOTTLED AND BY THE G. i i - : i Sold only by ; 1 - I i CHAS. D. R1TEBS c CO., sept 8-tfBAW 8 and 7 North Front St EUREKA And George's Banks jOodfisli. - BONED AND UNBONEjp. SUGAR-CURED PIG SHOULDERS. Extra Choice .Large Extra Shore MACKEREL.. CHAS. D. MYERS & CO, sept 8-tfDAW , S and 7 North Front 8t, THE Humpty-pumpty,, Up-to-Standard ' IHPREGHABLE CIGARS ! .'.-.-4 , : -" . - i LEADING IN HIS MARKET. .IS r fliam- mvtA V. -.Xs.i' i 4'''' uajkAX jusi' VAJUJ-TY IDiSIKA- BABLE TOBACCO GOODS, by - 1.". ' i : septtKlT ; DUPIGOTT.f .1.; ERIORTO IM- ALLON. . IK HI I One gonare oaa dav. ' ... j ...... l 0s r . V M TW........ . .........a... . . vw . - s days... i Of ronraays.... . .; I Bf fire days.. .......... ....... 8 9t on week....;. 8 BP ,Two weeki::.. ......... 6 oc Three weeks... 6 M One month. ............ 8 Of Two months... ..15 of Three months .....IS 00 Six months....;. ...85 CO ' " ' One year... 60 . l-sruon tract AdTeruaements taken . at propei uonately tow rates. ' fits son squares estimated as a qoarter-coln m a , and ten squares as i i a nait-eoinmB. - " MISCELLANEOUS. . ! Centennial Excursion ! Chance ! TRAIN WILL- T1IAVI Ttm.TW-vvir from the CAROLINA CENTRAL K. R. DEPOT. Wednesdiay Eyening,iSept. 6, At 6.30 O'CI.ek, 1. i - 4- - . ...... - I . for PHILADELPHIA, golnpr 'via 'CHARLOTTE. J , DANVILLE and RICaMONDr , Tickets oniy Twenty Dollars for the ROTTND TBIP- rood for Thlrtv rtava liberty to return at any time by same route, aad will be for sale onboard t vne i i train. se'ptl-4t ; . r. M. WOOTEN, Manager. Moonlight Excursion ! Steamer J. S.Underhill, : l Capt. B. P. LATHAn. : : . X. i . i ! . . -. ITXonday Evening, September 4. . - V- . v-.J i t i ; ' ' -a--- K- I . THE STEAMER WILL LEAVE NEFF'S WHARF, foot of Dock Street, at Tic P If ! and will go down the riTer to "KENDALL)" whera commodions buildings hare been provided for Dancing. The Italian String Band has been secured for the occasion. , No liquors of any kind allowed ob me o.e&mer. - xteiretsnments on ooara at city prices. No objectionable-persons allowed. i lcaeta 75 cents to be had at the Book Stores. : aagSO 8t WedASn i ion and Picnic! At! RAND 1XCUR8IONI AND PICNIC TO BE g ven by the: CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION rt ST. i PAUL'S EVANGELICAL. LtJTHKRiW . ' vuujocu, on i 0 . i Tuesday Next. Sept. tli, 1876, TO BE HELD ON COL. T. C. McILHENNYIi PLANTATION. ) - ' The Steamer NORTHEAST will convev nn..ea'. gersto and fro, and will leave Messrs. Lemmer- xaann B coneys wnarr at 8. 11 and I o'eleck. KKFREhHMENTS will i be furnished at CiJ prices. - ' i i -I - ei . ' . T&o Italian STRING BAND la engaged f Of the occasion. , i f . : ' . .. The Committee will ne their utmost endeavors to make the occasion a gal a day forall participators, Tickets at 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for chfl dren under 13 years of age, can be obtained at Mr. P. Hetnsberger's Book a tore., H. Ksiprowlc2' Utf Storey and from the members of the- Committee. : TbeTommittee-i-M. J. ikoilhoif. Chnirmitn t JohkhHaab. Jr.,,! R. von Pirch, Jacob Ltjls, L. VoLtKRS, WlLXIAM HlBZOD, J. H. PlBIS. , pep 1-4 c . ! ,1.. . ' ! i Balance of OASSniERS COATS, f ! DUCK PANTS, " ! ! i COL'D BOWS, Ac. . CLOSING OUT CHEAP. i I ii MUNSON 8c CO' I aug3t-tf Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. J ft-: Bacon, Bagging, Ties, &c. BO 00 ackS SALT -rshall's Fine and Lisbea 2000 Basbcl8 Fllme White CORN, , . 100 XeS f7 Smoked BACON, 2QQ Whole and Half Rolls BAGGING, 1000 BimtUe8 Arrow Spliced TIES, gjQQ BarrelrFLOUR.au grades, j li50 COFFEE, all grades. Barrels SUGAR, all grades. 3QQ Barrels 8, ILYRUP, 175 Hhda choice porto Rico MOLASSES, i - I: - --. -. 1 i 'K A Gross N. Yud Swift St Courtney's 1UV i .HATCHES 150 zes 80 AP, Toilet ana Laundry, - K Q Boxes CANDLES, ' , , jjrg Half Bbls and Boxes SNUFF, v ! i T Boxes TOBACCO. . i -ALSO,- i In itore and to arrive,' Little Rivet YARJIS Lake George, Lebanon A and Manchester SHEETING. I: For sale by ant 27-tf WILLIAMS A MURCHISON. 5 Falling I "VTOTWITHSTANDING TUB XZCESDINGLY warm weather, the prices of my SUMMER ; CLOTHING continue to fall. . i - ; -i i J -T- ' . ALPACCAS and LINENS at Heavy Discount. tf7-ONB HUNDRED White Marseilles VESTS closed out at FIFTY PER CENT, less than the re- emlar Drice. aug S7 Market St. Dupont's Powder, r ; .JIFLE, MUSKET AND 8POBTING, : ; f -'j' . '" I - V i MINING AND BLASTING,' In Whole, Half and Quarter Kegs, for sale at man - . Mtaiepiteeebyfw. : -;..j j : septil-tf l-VI-(' ol?q. PARSLEY Coi-'i SHERIFF'S OFFICE, I ' 1 ' ) NEW HANOVER COUNTY, Sept. 1st, 1876. ; TATE AND COUNTY TA jCES FOR 18T ARE PAST DUE. and must be paid during the month to save Tax- Payers additional cost. I S. H. MANNING. sept l-8t r ' ; Sheriff. 1 ' Notice. 1 WISH TO INFORM MY FRIENDS AND THE public generally, that I have commenced the RK TAIL MEAT li 'AIL USINESS. at STALL No. 6, MAR KET HOUSE, where I shall keep constantly on nana a select stock or bjejkf, muttun, ruJu., POULTRY and GAME. STALL-FKD BEEF for SATURDAY, tfd.! sept 1-tf t- Kcspectfnlly, . T. A SON. Fatapsco Flour. X HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS TO GET this celebrated brand of FLOUR regularly. It has the reputation of being the BEST in Baltimore and Is sold almost exelasirely to' the best trade there. I can supply it in Barrels and Half Bairels.5 sept S-tf -' , JAMES C STEVENSON. : Fishing Taickle, &c. JU8T RECEIVED, ANOTHER SUPPLY OF , BAMBOO POLES, SILkILINEN and COTTON LINES, SINKERS. CORK FLOATS, I HOOKS. CRAB-NETS, Ac By . ' 6EO A. PECK. " ' ang!9-tf J 'J No. X5 South Front St. r SADDLES &HAEIIESS j ; f Hat w ; t, Hayden & Gerhardt's, .Third St.. between Market and Princess. 1 Another lot of SECOND-HAND MoCLELLAH 8ABDLES. augl-tt It jilt ' J" llr: i i . . u . r -j' 1 ' 1:1 ' r i 1 ' H i R i. i ,