f VA ' ..V--: l;-.pHV- f aVsV i AA'. . -f : !kAA rA:; AA AY- :.AAv A. V i- a AM U 1 L I ' " V" .-V t-' - . fA V-Aa V AW;-- i i f r f. WIS. H. BERNARD, CICERO TV. KARRIS, f E4Rors. wilmik&ton; k. a.- Monday u ! Evening, Sept, 1 4, 1876. EVENING:. EDITION. NATIONAL I Democratic .Eeform ;i Ticket. -f A' " ' -f-V: -FOR . PRESIDENT sXmj.:TILbE OP. NEW YORK FOR VICE PRESIDENT : ; THOMAS AV HENDRIOK OF INDIANA. " ' Presidential Elector t 'f'")L BTATB AT . XJLBQI I j 1;ANIEL O. FOWfcE, of Wake, LEACH, of Davidson. jDIBTBlCT ELECTORS , 1st DISTRICT-iLEWIS C. LATHAM, 30WX F. WOOTEN, John d. stanforp. fh. busbke. ; ; frank c. bobbins. R, P. WARING. W-M.B; GLENN. A. C. AVERY. TJCEE'T. SDP'T rUBLIC vHTSTRTJCTIOSf j - I :-.., OHN-G. SCARBOROUGH, i OF JOHNSTON. FOR 'CON OR K 8 S . . , i . ... 4 j FIRST DISTRICT : JESSE J. YEATES, :- OF .HERTFORD. : , THIRD DISTRICT, ALFRED M. WADDE OF NEW HANOVER. t . FOURTH DISTRICT, ' JOSEPH J. DAVIS' A' A' F FRANKLIN, j , " .' I ! F?FTH DISTRICT ALFRED M. SCALES, OF GUILFORD. fclXT DISTRICT. vV ALTER L. STEELE, OF RICHMOND. SEVENTH DISTRICT, WILLIAM 'M. ROBBIN s, ft. : rr"i OF IREDELL. " EIGHTH DI8TRICT, HO BERT B. VANCE J OF BUNCQMBE. Crawford, Henderson and McCub- bins ia the : powerful ticket of the Conservative parly in Rowan county. "V $-TT" r" . J T- I 1 .1 Col. W. Ferney Green and Charles M. Cooke, Esq., are making a lively canvass in. Franklin, county. The Louisburg Courier is likewise doing ' good and effective work. Congress- man Davis' canvass commences on the 6th at' Rocky Ford, Franklin county; v ' . The, Old North State , ia going to be, sweet -as well aa honest. Hear - what the Salisbury Examiner says: fij'Mrs Mary Thqmason and son 4 ofj.Frankliuj.Township'-havjej gotten -their new :tDolaeaes evaporator in ope ".ration, and are .t now t'u r'riinW. out a j ' hMndred gallons' per day of mblassca, :-r-: fully equal in quality, if not superior, . fojthe Aest article ot ?New Orleans.?' . ' A Philadelphia paper says: ''Apa- Uy tilLfes't4,upoVlheVoHtieal field in this .-region ! and in ' most '"othern. r TheY-e is a g'6od deal ofj'i velioesa ip awt Aexas, where There wn6 earthly 'lt& there is so - S A. ! lA AA- ' 1 I -'I ' ' j ' ,? JAMKp LEACH, of Davidson. ';: .' Iv i Y 1 Y.-'W. tftViif eraV-'-'r -r. k waring. : I A -: amy .. ; : v ? 1 V V I ' A ' GOVERNOR, V ' : V 'X V.Jv.-x . Ala r - ' a v, ;i !' j cklknbukq's!' . : 'A'iVv ""-I"' " k eotgovebkok, ' n.' v:tr:"-" ; ' T II O MASV J, JARVIS, ' - ; 3:, ATTORNET OENKllAI ; ' ' p Lx . ' ' :i i'11 omas: s Arena n , ;,; . i" ' ' A: -A A OF A A i", . SECRET ABY OP STATE, ;' v:-'K,l- iosEPii a. engelVaiid, Vi 4 ; N V V" a! I jA A-4LIIN -M. WORT II -. ; ! OP HATtvooiv nurmr in r. v -r HWflW84jbdUna:wbiray XrilVAi '", j.'i ovniTDafilo Tnf-" tn king the whole field from end to end, we recall no canvass for thirty years sd d all at the opening .of September as the present. LAf ter all, it is a thing f which we need not complain.1: The Kaleigh JVeiosr says: "The J V i i" "1 ' At . v - i- Never Meets is the name of a secret political societv formed bv the Re- publicans, as we learn from the Wil mingtori Stak. They are 'organized in violation of the statute law: and it is the duty of the grand juries to ferret them out, and have their lead ers'punished.'' - " Grand jury to the front ! An intelligent gentleman of - this city who takes no public part in polk tics has recently traversed several of the mountain counties. F He stopped almost every one he thought he fcould gain information from and conversed iti1 en nri Inn 1 4r Sf of Q Ck Urt f lit : n Ibli OUU1I K' 11 lliV KJVUkU V1J Many ex-deserters were going to vote :;Yance. ihe general leehng among Republicans he met. was a do sire for change in the State adminis tration. He ihas no doubt that thou sands of Republicans will vote for yance, Jarvis ana tue btate ticket. niUDlGAI. CON OK ESS. w Ah International Medical Congress met : in Philadelphia this morning, iq the University of Pennsylvania building.X It will continue in session several days. Addresses will be de livered andn ipers read Qpon various medical subjects by a number of dis tinguished phvsicians, among whom are Prof. H. Lpnprt. nf "Rrnlnrt TlV ; J. M. Toner, of Vashington, D. C; Dr. L. P. Yatidell,xof Louisville, Ky. ; Dr. !j. J.-Wood ward, of ! tho Unit - - i . States army; Dr. Christopher John ston, of Baltimore, and! others. A long list bf distinguished S foreigners are expected to be present.' A public dinner will be given to the Congress on Thursday evening Spirits Senator Ransom's f amilv't sire sfbpping at tbe Catawba White Sulphur Springs. - :,;A-1 A. A I--colored infanticide is A case of reported from Brinkley ville, ilali fax county. The meeting of the State Den t&l Association of! Notth Cardlina will be at Greensboro' tbe 12th September, 1876. Members and delegates will pass over the Wilmington & Weldon- and V r. Mr. An. gustaand Carolina Central railroads, for oae lare. -The State Canvass. Fori the Star. Pu of the Execu Brown Marsh tiye Om township ship ass of said town- convention at vamtuu uu me last, ine meet ing was called to ordr by John, II. st. ect, whicbT was'to i dele-! gates tathe Sjenatoria istrict Con- veuuoD. -ft . . Thos. II. G v'esJ Esh. elected mes P. Dermanent Ch ilrman McNeill Secre The nomina called for. whe n the fol nventiori, lowing: lF6r Messrs. .tohW W. BuieiforCoW Jonn N. Ke Elkins, D.T connection wit was passed anf.1 should be fail lion fa nnnmr r.' . ri r rCill 1JIIU . 1IJ Hi following rsol recommend M Couhlv Conventiort sui UablebeU son for nomination forA 10us6 o Com mons : and that orii41lpWlt DA the County Nominating Conventfpn are hereby instructed to support hftn in Haiu Mouveniion. Iri the meantime. 1 ..V enthusiasm, we lunfurlpllii 'Ui ' V - i 1 1 mm u u . a M H uimo' breeze a banner ofiReform. In whii was inscribed "Tilden. VaVico. l?i form." This transaction waWla WJ . - - i fi-.i r ' iude to the organization of , ilden and.; Yance Jlub :of fifty-fit inemi bers, seven' of whom are fcibloredi with the following officers! Priisil dent, John D. Cnrrie, Esq. jS yjp x resiueijis, jodd a. uiark. James A. Eftlns and M. W. Buie; Correspond ing Secretarv. Tbos. H. Gravpst T. corci ler becretarv.JasA P. HfMni- Treasuier, Jan. A. Kelly. Afwork; ing committee consisting of nme ws appointed by the chair. - rj" - It Oh motion, the time of mppJihVAf the Club be held . on the Jst and 3d Saturdays of each month, at 2 deloV P. M. I A AAllii I. On motion, the CorresrirtfrdinA Secretary be instructed to invijtje! Co. A. M; Waddell and!Jno. IL i'rtm-ra Esq., of Wilmington, -and other speakers to address the Club1 in tnil 3d Saturday in September. jr! : djC 'n.-J : ;.a 1. jMacks, of ; W ilmi Agtorit according to a previous in vitatiin, adjk. dressed the club at a ' considprable lengthrton ihe political jssae8df;s th'f day ITis speech" waif eloquefrfbuuijl and deliberate, . Mr.iMaeks is, iluleed, a young man of undoubted lletit, aiididisraj.ed; :on thk occasioflfi ge uinfrTspiiit ot'.Dtriotjsmthrefrie' p, ResoUkdi 'That ' jiljjs Con Jen tio'jir tender Y ou r sincere! thanks AanMT- Macks for fwMsWfznd fti&tfiWg add ress.? ? - .v 4 Hi i i ' r 'Tho8. II; jQsarps, Chm'nj fsant iobca lUinV 1 I ft H Mves airman I Enfli.Ti rv-: r t fions Vete thin eH resulted i ffllCIarklal amohvtefatiy, Messrs Iv.AS. B. Clark: Jfl XBarneVAWilliam "nA mmkiib& in i TMmS each)deegate il.V4 WmiV'A i pi A VOBVetltlOlU ton U 1. .4 JttoiUerford rollile. ., " ; LCharlotte Observer. " ; A V ' We "had the pleasure of meeting in this city, Thursday, Col. Frank Cox, of Rutherfordton, who conversed to utf frankly and freely on the politics iof Rutherford county. He is a gen tleman" in whose judgment of the political affairs in that section we havey much confidence, for - he is a close observer, and is well acquainted with the people,' r'The Vindicator" he said,' "publishes'a statement tb"the effect thatrxwenty-five white "Repub licans of the county have declared their intention to vote for Vance." kThat is the truth," he. added, "fori not only know of twenty-five who will votofor Vance, but nearly as many morebesides. The county was nearly equally divided at the last election, and a change of thirty or forty votes will give the county to us.j AVo will turn that many, if not more, ana I am. satisfied that the county will gov Conservative for the first time 6iuce the war." He added in conclusion that Vance was bv. far the strongest man with the mountain people that we. could' Dossiblv have nominated, for he will not only poll1 every Democrat and some Kepubh cans, but will bring out a number bf men who have never voted with! any regularity since the war. j . icaaicais Tlilnnlns Ont In tue West . i.r ' ' Hickory Press. ( T A responsible gentleman, now at ims piace, intorms us that he i left Asheyille about two weeks ago! and traveled through Rutherford county, Cleaveland, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Iredell, and now in Catawba, and in this whole trip he bad not heard a ' 1 omyie iuau eajr a woru tin any way from which he could judge that he hotels, traveled on railroads and (was iu jiuuuii uiuwuH every uay ui up 10 this time had heard no word or saw auv demonstration 'whatevpr tnl iIp- siguatetbe follower of HayesXor Settle, but at every place great! en- .thusiasm A among Democrats was u.u v.i uaotciu menus can begin rejoicing at once, for the Rads of the West are hiding outi A Demoertti Have Hope of Carryln - GranTllIe. . : ! i 1 Raleigh News. I We learn with surnriKe and t.m gratification that our friends in Gran ville are at work with full Durbbse and confident expectation of carry iDg tne county in the next election. In announcing this as their purpose they evidently mean what they, say, and manifest their purpose by the work which thev are doinri The county has never been so thoroughly organized by the .Democrats before, andhey will soon put Aula county ticket v which they., expect to elect. The negroes and the better class jbf white Republicans are disgusted with the thieving and mismanagement of their party in their own 'county, and are generally indifferent,1 while some will vote with the Democrats in put ting honest and capable men in of fice. On the other hand, the Tirnnii- neht Radicals are quarreling among uiemseiyes, ana, an in ail, the situa tion is such that our friends assert confidentially that they will carry the counxv. I General Note. Shelbv I3aniier: A .nreaehnr nsWrl Vance why lie did not speak at Lenoir. The reply wasrMy dear sir, I came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. i l l Shelby Manner: A nrominent citi zen! from Mitchell, and a former dnnr ., r - - f keeper in the Legislature, says the people are s enthusiastic lor V ance. Vance's maioritv in Mitchell conntv will approximate 400 votes. 1 j Hon. A. S. Merrimon' nnrl Clon WlR. Cox will address the neoiile of Chatham at Pittsbbro next Thurs day, the 7th ihst. J ' ! A Raleigh Kevcs: The brosnect's of! -4 " . .- ; r t - -; a JJemocratic increase over the Mer rimon vote in the northpnst. are! bright, and brightening every day. A grand barbecue and meeting will be held at Havwood. Chatham county, on the third Saturday of the present month, when Gen.' Cox is ex pected to be present and address the assemblage. .yi : ' j. ; . A- Judge Fowle continues bis canvass in the West. A;':""" AAjA;. 'V A" Jtiyman aenies tne charge that : be a pverarew his pav while m (Jonpress. Hef says he can Drove his innocence by Hou. J, J. DaVis,' .w ho wen t with fiirn to theujergeant at Arms and nearu tnat otneers contradiction of the; rumor. MAYANNAH, "Ilie Yellow Fever Nnmber oT lter iueut Yeaterday Sanitary coudi- lion of tbe Clty--A Statement irom I raincr rreuatrsatt. - i: 1. Savannah News, Saturday. ! Compared with the four previous ays, the citv vesterdav was nmt idll II 'A i - I fl Ml" I l' m tfk V J.I t A m v. K 5 ETH ;T ..iviUi . tAvnciucut, , uur FuHen-? wno remain having bravely and; energetically st in wnrlr t n bin a. j .. v . . efct the tronblf. Th I a y 'i , r J appeared to be more, honefnl. and fevjeral, with whom I conversed Staled that in their nractico. thim for 1 ,hd Ijskse readily yieldedW prompt IreltentVrheywere of the opinion, also. that the fever was SUMING A MILDEE TYPE. Inquiries still continue to pour in 4' Iroiniiour sister cities, and from Sa. arfiijahians A awav fi"om liome, ex ressing great anxiety and keen sym aUiy; i .'i he ai ns5 Vesterda "carried ff i quite a number;of citiiens. but M pearly" somany as on Wednes- laj (ana 1 nursaay. in short, the ex- iilihenfr- seems f almost' wholly ltd lit onUdAA Lj .t.. n- --: J- ' . af c cuosu, auu ifjcfms a general ispositipn among all classes who re iain to face the calamitvilionpfiilYv ; 'at aaaIi ''if ho -m-W4 r"' W"--A-'rJ1lLlt" J auu aiu cavu vbiisi auu . lub 21 11 i nnri- tifirt1 iri lakincr such preyent the pprp ipf f he 1 iflpase. t - I "A - THE SAVANNAH BENEVOLENT ASSOCI A- TION. under the able ! and energetio direc tion of Capt. John F. Wbeatdn, were industriously atfwork during the dayv relieving sickness and distress where ever found. I The committees visit ed all parts of the city, and wherever assistance was needed in the way or food, medical aid or nurses, the mem- bers were authorized to give them.) REPORT OF INTERMENTS IN CATHEDRAL 1 " CEMETERY FOR FRIDAY, SEPT. lST.1 i Patrick Dal v.! 3 vears convulsions. . . ( j , j .-J Savannah; East I Broad, second door irom jsrotighton. ; : i j James McGnirp. fi vears. vellow fever Savannah; Indian street, eight aoors irora west Jiroad. i j Ellen Hanley,14 years, yellow ife ver, Kingston. N. Y.t Mill street.! ! I Bridget Fitzgerald, 5 years, yellow feverj Savannah 14 State street: j John Magner, 6 years, yellow! fe ver, oavannan; 60 Indian street. x ellow fever. . . . .. . . A.' wi'.4 .Other diseases1. . AILV. .1 . 1 "Total. . . 5 i. REPORT OF INTERMENTS IN LAUREL I GROVE CEMETERY, FRIDAY, SEPTEM- ber 1, 1876. ; Greschen Helmken. 1 7 vears. vel- iow i ever; .cast . Jiroad, corner J3ay lane. A A : iL . - i j , Henry Gendennan, 17 years, yellow feverji Jones a"d Habersham streets. Isabella C. S. Spivey, 36 ;years, gas- Henry E. Dor wart,' 15 years, yellow fever.! I -A A 'A A 'A A A I- jlnfant Scott, colored, 1 year and 7 monns, remittent teyer. 1 ellow fever; J. , . ..r.. ..3 . . . !. . . ,2 5 Other diseases j. : J :":A m Total......:. RECAPITULATION. The foregoing reDorts show a fall- ing off in the number of deathn na compared with Thursday, there being only - ten interments yesterday, . of which seven were pases of yellow fever.' On Thursday there were nine luiciuieuis irum yeuow iever. . l ne general sanitary condition of the city and Rnbnrbn ia trnnr Vn,t.tit. I ' w vwva. xtotciuay Miayyr nuerson, general Anderson Chief of Police! andlDr. MoFailina th Health Officer, devoted the gicatcij pu, iue uay 10 ioOKing iLcrtuj maiier m person, tnorough ly examining the western part! of the cuy. STATEMENT FKOM FATHER PUENDEB i UA9I 1 Rev. C. CPrendergast, the well- Kuown catholic priest, says: j " I am happy to state that we have nau oniy tnree cans since 12 i o clock m. (September 1st) among 5,000 lt. J, , n -".wwf, w,uwv Catholics in Cathedral and St. Pat- ricka iparishes. and there h avo 1PAn Qnly twenty-three deaths (6ve adults iu Vj iu cicreii weeKs in Dotn i these parishes araonsr 8.006 Catholi CSi Mm. posing, confessedly,! the great bulk.of onr nnnnlfltinn thoroin ' M This shows a decidedlv beitpr stnto rrvM mvi vu of affairs than has been currently re- porteu, ana tnat it is accurate those wnoKnow i? ather 1'endergast will not aouot. 1 1 THE CONSOLIDATED eepokt We.publish below, by authority of nis iipnor, tne mayor, the consoli dated report of cases and deaths hv yellow fever since it originated. The luusi, vi luese uuijes, it win oe remera bered, becurred ifi the e.iRtrrn n burbs,a large majority1 being children j anu ii, wiu oe seen , oy to-day's mor tuary! record that . there waa nnt nn aauit yeuow; lever interment yester "or in ciuier cemetery, ine iellow- lng is Dr. JVIcFarnd's report: M j SAf asnah, Sept. 1, 8 p. m. Hon. IE. C. Andersok, Mayer City vj oavannan: j Deab Sir I submit the following consolidated ; report ot cases and deaths occurrinsr from the enm raencement of the disease f21st An. . . . . .-.i ,:!.. . .... TT-TTT gust; 10 date: FROM AUGUST 2 1ST TO AUGUST 3 OTH. Cases. ..... . . .1. . ... 188 Deaths . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .29 FROM AUGUST 30TH TO DATE. ." :i .-.-'i t.. ii.. . i. JNew- cases. .. . . . . . Jl . . . . , A .68 Deaths .... . .1 . . .... . ,n I suffffest that the above be nnh. lished over mv sisrnature . nnd that after this the new eases and deaths be published daily. I will furnish tne reoort. : Ii --,;!: :l -: 1 : - 1 - ! 1 ' 1 Very respectfully.' etc.. 7 . .1 V ... . tf. 1. M CV A BLAND. A ; ea.Hh Qfflcer. OUR COMMERCE. . rri ! 1 - 1 - - 1 ' m - -1- i . mere win propahlpibe no quaran line put upou our steamers, as both railroads, tbe Central have their wharves far and the Gqlf removpfi t mm the city and sodds can ho shinn i'A the interior and cotton returned with yu ?ver . passing ,iorougd-;the;city, jthus avoiding any possible datigef of infection, 'r Wei trust Iwith th-Jn'Ai vhangej last 'night, that! our trouble win suuu ie , over, ana our business and social relatious with other .places i i : : t rl ' ! ' ; : : '. ' . " 'A' j STREET CARS. The street cars stormed rnnninn- fil v r'lrn.lr loot oiuninr. n. U . . l ...... v. . j iiiuuii 10 ine annoyance of citizens liviug' irf. the ouuuiciu pan ui 'tue cuy; Four1 Eastern vouu&r i lad IPS hnva rjeen camping out iu South Carolina, with a larsiaiuule wa?on Irivpn htr gray-haired , man. . They . have etm, aud fishiiiir rods and when nnt mff.; for - floral Koeoimens. havo f.ain .t . .. , , "yv" Buooiiug ana DShinff fOr dinners.- ff A-pecKea ;'drose.teing tB I fashioa aj rockioebamr-'lPalaa):-' ftAtinta.. ... ; -: . -r .1 wvuiibCDQ I ri.ti I li u i. rill u ifi rnn i growp so torn apring bjer. longJUoeis 1 beep,? wi.MlAiatoVidla SSt?ca-a .."'':iSffJ-4.iKji-'to.!.'s 1 i j.'. : '. -.l fc. I JM.CUI IJUia. ........ D3 1 WflaMlrlfTtr.n'- ' ' fl 1 .' . . f T j - . i-.'.r. a Z.-Z.A iTTT ... .,JriI ,! - ! . I . BY TEXjEORAPBE. SUNDAY'S TEliEGRAHI. GOV.SEYMOUIi; Ho poaltlvely Declines the Gnberna torlal nomination. - -- New York, - Sept. 3. Tbe followins dispatch was received yes terdays i . I ; ' . i r To Vus Editor of ffie World Sir: I shall notfaccept the nomination. My letter of .de clination is pow in the bnnds of Mr. Ma gone, chairman of the Democratic Com mittee (Siened IJOKATIO SeYMOUU. Utica, K Yi, Sept Funeral: of !i he Dead Prlze-FIghter Arrcat of Weeden aud ha Trainer. ! . Philadelphia, September 3. Thf fnnprnl nf TTnostpr nlina Wnllrpr klio dead prize-fighter, took place this afternoon flVtm Ilia loin vafiiilfinio anrl ll-iA A!(vtKK hood was thronged with people of every grade, j The body was viewed by several . thousand person, .j ' I . 1 ' vx, . ; T: Before removing the remains from Ithe house. reliffioRsServices were Conducted! bv Rev. W. Ii. Er?nl of the ! P. 1 E. Church. who took occasion' to say, in a short ad dress after the rrn1nr nervine fhnt ihhA prize ring does not: owe its permanency and us uruianzmg lenaencies to sucn men;, as the deceased, but rather to those who, from secure I mi&itidns. bsc these victims ns In struments whereby to further their own ends, j The entire route of the funeral pro cession irom i tue ; house to the cemetery, and the streets in the vicinitV of the latter. were crowded with meb, women and chil- aren. Weederi and his if rain er. Good win, w re brought here from jNew York jto-day, 1 - I ! . I : ! i j ' j i The two atorv brick Rlrnctnro in TTofcn- ken, known as Burch's Hotel, jwas bu,med this morning. It was unoccupied. 'Loss $30,000.. i .i ;h - j, . ; l . W - a . ' Frank Taylor, while resisting arrest at Port Jervis, N. Y., on Saturday, was shot by tbe officer and ntobablv fatallv wound ed. I j -! i- 1 - - I Mi h r ; j ; -; The steam flaw mill of TTcftvpr TTurrifl Xr. flo.. tipar "Rio-lpr Pa nrith a nnontitn nf sawed 1 lumber, and two dwelling houses, vcic ucsiiuvcu uv lire laai iii"ui. juoss $25,000. . x I i -;.A':. '-I' I '- I 1 The numher of CflRh ndmissinna tn'rhe Centennial Exhibition on Saturday reached 58,373 i Among the: visitors was Ex-Secretary , Bristowi and family. . The formal opening of the International Live Stock uispiay laKes piace to-aay. p i !; . 1 -t-4 m m '. i J " " MOIil VY'si TCLEGRAMi. NEW YORK. I . t - i i Tbe Democratic State Committee in Consultation A New State Conven tion to be Called!. -. . :l '! .U; s . ; 1,; New Yorkv Sent 4. "f ! if -; i- r- - - :, r ; The florid sava Mr. Maconn left TTtipa for Albanv Saturdavlafternoon and snpnt. vesterday id consultation with Governor Tilden and the members of the State Com mittee there,, including all of its officers nn1 ' finT.aA I j I I a auu i vi nil ui ua iiifiji uei . j iiihii mo" of the : Executive I Committee of the I oiaio iVAjuiuuucB win meef at ua new headquarters ia the Metropolitan j hotel I in this city next Thursday, litis not lm probable that a conference of the ! whole committee may be summoned at an earlier uaie, or upon; me any jmentioneOi i ' j State leave little or noj doubt that the com mittee will call the State Convention, to meet at once, 1 probab y at Lllica Or I Syra cuse. ! " I ! .1 I . 1 POBEliSN 1NTKLLIGBNCE. . I . I h . : 1 , . !' 1 . 1 - ' f j .!t 1 ' .; i ' 1 Beports from tbe Seat of War Torlt- . - t i . ; , ... lalt Attack on Alexinaiz-Deaperale Battle on Frlday- -Servians Driven to ttielr Fortified Positions, Ac. London, Sept. 4.1 A Belirradc disnatch to the Rfrntlsirrl ava 8imultaneouslv with fibhtinr n thn Ut bank of the Morava, the TurkisVforces auacKea Aiexinatz irora the right bank of the river. The bombardment was sn efTer. five that extensive Area broke nn t iri tho town. I It is announcer! khat AleTlnatz hoa been evacuated, but the fortress is still held by ten battalions, and is! defended hv nnw. f.. 1 1 I . r i 1 he liovernment publishes no news, 1 but confirms the statement that the Turks are marching on Kurzevatz. ; i I . ? j Another disnatoh to the Stnn,lnr,i rem Alexinalz, states that the Circassians en tered three Servian redoubts northwest of Alexinalz. j Mines filled with ' dvnamite were discovered. ! The Turks have fnrmpi a base for, operations against two villages which protect Alexinatz on the: west, r 1 . i - A iieigraue telegram says tbei Kussians are determined to form! The valor of the Russian officers in the battle of Fridavi is rommpntp.l nn Tr Jc reported that some were wounded! by men under their command. I . ! . 1 A Reuter'8 telegram from Seralin reports that the battle on Fridav. nn tii loft hanv of the Morava, resulted disastrously to the oervians. 1 ne lurps, atler beating the rleht Win? of the Servians rrmriV fWnlr movement In the direction of ruzvatis! their object being to reach Diligrad. They have thus turned -the Servian position at Alexinatz. and the entire militArv i9 changed. j (':'.-: ,? :. - -. j ( i r 1 he j 1 urks have already reached the heights bf JnstrevAlz hnlf Teschitza and Kruzvatz. They areadvancl ing along the road which skirts the left uaua uf mc juorava, crosses me river at Praskovatz. and ioina tha Alexinatz and Belgrade at Jabakovatz. a ouuiiuiamuue irom weiegraa. t j; j A Gen. Tchernayeff is noV marching with the bulk Of his armv tnniorr. I Vrninoti- He has telegrapUeU to Belgrade I for rein1 forcetnents, and the Servian Monister of War has ordered ften A iruzvat who. twelve hundred men. 1 jf Aiii.a;itAi, ounuay eveninar. Bent. 3. It is OfSciallv announrfiil tlmt tha rn'mn , mw ..wuaA that the Turks have - taken ' AlATinoi id false.' They hold no positions on the right 1 J 5.1 .i . J.j ' IWBAt OClli. ! II Official disnatr.hPA bv ihAnti-,. Tn.n army attacked the ServiarhTht wWFrU Hair TN.. ..1 1 . o L .rt -V oaiuc 4agtcv4 until a o"ciock at M'gu. ine oerviang maintained their pi sitions but the Turks beimr thrAA times more numerous the Servians finally re treated within thbir fortified "positions at Thermemeter Hecora. Z. - ' :. : . j h , '4 I The following will show tbi tf' Xr t h I lhermometert, at the stations mentioned, at i i 7.o5thi3'mornifig, mshingfon mian timej as ascertained from theldally bulletin issued f a8ceJWe dailbulfe f rom Signal Office i0 ihiR city m . - -1 i i A.6S t J t - Iv " I JMashvillefc .'.64 1 ibarlpston, . .77 Coreicana, .!. ?orVGibaoi.fc!7r Sorfofk Ain.i.67 Gal vCston. . . L -. . 80 Punta;lttw8a,.A84 SHVflnnuK i . - - - -n - Key West,VVt.;g 2- ' -Al. FUILADELPUIA.! Aa;a1AA!A . Bbrevenort.i.ti: id - - i..;.VU-iiJV'.V. - I UUUUlMf.' ItokWt Hid Mm 01 I GOAiMEKClALrr WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE. Sept. -4-3 P. M,i ; SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Market dull ; and nominal at 28 cents per gallon for : uuuuiau pauiiaKus. sales io repori. ii i ROSIN.-Market strong at $1 ltnlmr oiraineuj ana f l 2U ior liooa strained. JNo transactions to notev-" A ! A A- ; TAR-i-Market firm at' il 40. f Sales of AA. lilla tit AliniofiAna - J. - i v CRUDE TURPENTINE Market steady at. $1 00: for Hard, and $1 65 for i Virgin jand Yellow Dip. " Sales of 94 bbls at quo tations COTTON. Market quiet on a basis 11 cents for middling. No ; sales to repo '' ';..,.! i .' A, m. m m ' -i-. )t'-:- bf New Vorfc Naval stores' Market, j Sept. I, 1876. ' - Receinta to.dav. 40 hhta rnRin . TIikto Iwas nothins1 hevond a - lohhincr trnrtA. In spirits turpentine,: but holders retained firm G ., OiT v--.: i .A -r : - ithe fine Qualities forexDbrt account: nr ices iicuiiuucif eieauy. ti oaies vi &J3 UOIS gOO.a istrained at $1 671450 do No. 2 at $1 87i 1 90;" 250 do do at $1 75; 700 do No. 1 iat 2 10;! 200 in at. &ft nn.1SO An tr,.t $2 50; also 9Q0 bbls No. 2 and No. 1, to iarrive, ai.fi bu tonne lormer ana $3 10 2 22J for; the latter,1 f. o.'b. I Tar was some what easier under more liberal arrival?. City pitch quoted at $2 12 delivered. 'j The telegraphic advices were .as follows: Liverpool Spirits turpentine 24s. dull; rosin common,4s 9d dull; fine, 10a 6d,dull. iLiondon Kosm if4s 9d for common j ipaie, us; spirits turpentine, as9da3s. I Charleston Naval Stores market. .-I.-' ;: i- -.'Sept. t. AA-A-iMKi?-; The receints were 206 casks snirils tnrnen. tine and 850 bbls rosin. Thn mnrfept wan fwithout reported1 transactions in j either spirits or 1 rosins. The former was at 26c for Oil and 27c for reorilnr ' Rrvoina woro n't $1-25 for strained to good strained;! $1 40 for extra No. 2; $1 65 for low No. 1 $1 75 for No. Is no Quotations' for ! finn orndpa1 Crude turpentine was at $1 23 per bbl for iviigio ana, yeuow aip. . : ' s , I by . telegraph. I is DOMESTIC MAHKET. New York, September 4 Noon. ' Stocks active, feverish nnH iinQPtiliI Monev 11 Der cent. Gold 1094. Ktrlinw Exchange long 4b7;! short 48s. Govern ments active and lower. State bonds lennessees and Virginias, new and consols, lower; resi sieaay.. I M$ Hi I.- - i- :! . ' .-J.., !!; :' .ml: -.V. I Flour quiet and steady. Wheat a shade firmer. Corn steady. ' Pork heavy at $16 50. Lard heavy steam $10. , Spirjts turpentine 'firm, at 31c Rosin quiet at $1 551 65 for strained. Freights steady. I Cotton quiet and firm, with,! sales of 396 bales; uplands llic; Orleans 12 l-16c.Fu-thres opened firmer, as follows: September 11213211 23 32c; October 11 19-16 11 19 32c; November 11 15 32llc; De cember 111 15 32c: , Januarv fTll H21-32C. . Jf. ."r.. -Ail -U., n 1.1 . FORGltiN JIIaHalifls, if A- 4 uhm Liverpool, September 4 Noon. ' ICottOn active and firmpr- miflrllirior nn. lands 6d; middling Orleans Gid; sales 12,000 bales, including 2,000 which were taken for speculation and export; receipts (4,800 tutes firmer and l-32d . dearer, as' follows: Middling- uDlands." 1.' ml el RintPmKpr A. livery, 6 l-32d; September and October de- nvery, o i-oxa; ucioDer ana JNovember de liverv. 6 l-32tf5R 1 .P.9.r - nmhor onH r cember delivervJ R 1-1Rrl. dljng uplands, 1. m. c., shipped October and ovemuer, per sail, 0 1-1 6d; .November and December. nr snil ft S I Tar.anr. 1 . w w WW. 1 VWWUUJd auuuaouary, per sail, ua. , - ( '. i Later. . ! Cotton midrllinc rmlnnria 1 m frin Der ana JMovember delivery, 6 l-16d ; new crop middling: uplands, ;1. m. c.i shipped LATEST.. A.: A Cotton Sales of American to-day 8.4C0 bales. i A':'--".:;i-A : I The E0N0KE HEWS. PRICE REDUGED FOR THE CENTENNIAL YEAR. IndeDondent Semi-Weetly : Newspaper. . j rMVOTH) TO ; POLITICS, LITERATURE, AQRICUL- Ciroulation Large and Daily Increasing NOW" IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE.' . i I f - i " .1 ' I ' ' " 1 lr . ; , . It -.frr.ntAtAa in ThWv.fiim AnM. . J.-1 ; " and Middle North Catolinaand oath-Side Vireinia. ADVERTISERS WILU KEMJBMBSR TUlS.fT Send for sample copy to AA I i " ' ; t .: , MANNING BBOS., Proprjetors1: " A 1 s. M ETA.LLIC CARTRIDQR,. MIHTARt. HUNT IN AND " CRRRnnoit VTir i5 u v. EXCEL AL1 OTHERS IN ACOU i Bi'ttKNtfm AND Ho Premature Discharge :Ever-. Occuii livery Kine warranted a mod hnnW rkui... 40, 44 and 60-180 of.ap uaci, and of any desired length. vuarge or powaer rrom 60 to IDS grains. , Weight of balls from 230 to &W fcraina Stock, nhrin: Pistol grip and t checked, bights: plains Globe and Peep Sights: Vernier -with interchane'eahlft tmnt aights! and Wind-gange. Every" ;varleU of am? mwudonforatevVgeonstanttVcIl Prices from po to 125. . . i . ; . 8HARP8- R1FLH (mTTA W septai-D&Wtf ! i , ; BartfcdTconn The Robesonlan. ! 7T"..T" TUBLJSHKD K VBKT WKDNKSDAT HORwrva &ftSSttll - .1.- t, . . 1 . . . . .j lb the State. It circulates extensive TCpontry paper S ? ;Koheson. Richmond, BladehJ. OolnnThn. . cijr w tae conn- CnmrreriRnH Rrnnswib- oi4 in the adjoin iz conn- and Tihii7hVv . . It lfl Ann m rha row Anntiiv i TrZr Its eolnmnZ - " f ientioa to In Politics fha ROBESONTAW Wrff fU "i- I l , . t , . i LOte tbTrir,.ir,W tl.- r. w K- I ' ..ui,, wj sinvc to iBeynncipies-oT tae Uemocntic-floitservaxl'ca Wi in favor of vKSS ouurciflncr - alh LnrAt m nmaa toiii . -i T Slfel. wnik&Vi'ii, .mSiJ. adyertistag i asnmsi a al . r-'vws - --t-muh uu aiiu uu unutAiiaiTA f.err vrcnr Tonjr at tu.v.. ., 11 i.. . . - . - uw rewuea ana occd Died tna friT: Vr; V"" ucu aaa occd pit rati ?, ""a wonnajoaraallshi. i Mrff'fnl,hed on, WKaUO!dree 1 . j ; .. u V. j vnnnn-a rifihtnw And untrtTtni u is i. : - . i UEWADVJTggM $ 77 merlim, md fflarrlas J,,5,,,B,nZ how either ecx may fascinat?and P,d.eu' 'ho, affection of anviirnn ti..S?.a81"n ihc,,,..1 pages... By mad 60 cents. Uhmt ."BtMi'r Maine; . Tl :"uSllfct NEWSPAPER -ADVERTISING ONK HUNDRED AND PJPTII ED m Containing a complete Het or fi: i '0!f' United States, the Tmr;?.01 ,?Jt?.e town, i, .. t. v.u.u .u.u,. n popniation kreatpi. ii, "" cord in or tholaaf f.Jo.. . fe'eaier Ihont or the newspapers having thf Sen?Lft; Uon in each of ihA nion?.. ii K?t loca of newspapers which are ri1?0. a caui aers as givuig greatest valneii pS10 chareed. Also, nil Tioior..'pP.ortlon to and Canadrantfn m .? Alan: nil tha ' Reliciob's. Art 'f.8 . al, Commercial, Insnrance. Real 10Enca!ioa Ing, Mqslcal, Fashion, and oSerfe',1'' iiaJe; very complete lists. Tccethp? ul1 S list Of over 300 German .ei5?r. w"l Com States. A180, an W&.BfiS wes of rates, showing the con of nXefAmanr u in aawidibSra'W. Wewspapers Si , . M M.A I. UhitedStatAc lv 4, complete list : of American Newim.; $e.gmore than eight thousand; MtE ?' c: y'ltt towns and cities in -wKich th ast6t,e lished; Historical . and Statistical Wrrt ate Great Newspaper Estahlubmen to SJ' nnmerouB engravings of the prKal W Bnildinps. Book of 330 Paoks inrt iLi, post paid, to !any address foT2 uXSfc H sing price) to Ktjpkbintbndekt ojmthb?w PAvnJos, centennial: Gwuadif rhuSj? American Newe Or.., New York ' r fuelPK BVEHV AOVBItTlSKB NEKt) ang ia-4wr i . i.-t , k : ; 4 j KD8 IT, I5.sity of Virginia lies). In Law. MediciB w;r-!'' &hnu. IJXIVEItSlTY OF IRQi J. B. If trior: t.f. T Tvf rA .Ij fa.1 . " bonthail. Ix7Dror FjauJ 3 Uw ffi International Law, etc , Seseio and continues; nie month Tn.t..i.. v 1.1!1'. hooks and lecttres combined. lledbV& WW 1 COTT&STimi rl T.1 renf , M 5 'i 'jl,..',. j l A If Tnn want tras lunn j i . -7 -w w m. ar mm m mmmW m-f tJ ii j Pj i'i f j ' ' j? ' ' YOQ Will &Pt. CuVrPRBnilQhta'mia..nfA . A . iu7v : -v-hvubwv ftuaiauitc W lUUR?VfJQ tOftt rlRnnii nnrrhnaoH 4hia ur, a 1. rj,7r., itSHPgRIORTO THE MOST iT , Ji w 1 unpurciasea" com petent icd uw iuic uicu uieui, pronounce tnem ! Superior Pianos Thftir "nova SWUTH"TCT .l. LYRE, Ac. t . i r !i . .. j-.... I ; , .. ... j I : 1 c ir vsaauiui, auraDie ana wear well. : rf 1 . . . . . . . . i 1 OViU Kb ' : very reasonable prices, and I fli.H.L ! IT ' j !U ' . lilt bpeCial InaUCeilieiltS 1 . ! - :.-,X.1t 7 Fully Warranted. " ;;V;" Address" ' ' jj " '.' ' lAp'-r.KlJECKERT, ! 414 Lexlnston St.. ap 23-tf : .' . Haliiuaere.irzd. THE SNEIDER RREEflHJ.OADIIPi SHOT C3-TT1T.. Prices. ."Sft OA t &kao no: il UZZlJ&ZOAblNG GUNS &.r?-riM vi I--- -l. : !:.: ALTERED TO BREECH-LOADING. rrleea, $40 OO to $100 00. i-fMtk M&! Sneider, ft II MANTTWArrPTTPWRSi 1 i t I St4 Wot Frfttt Strp. 1. 1- lifilf.iiBorf. 8end for CataWo. IdecaDAWtl "W 0L LEY'S F 1 "ENGLISH TJraori"!'t a JiwJ "166011 - LtOELUlllg Guns. kMHSHaky of buiidijig riiae Breech-Loading Go"3 Making futa large and ielcct trade j enablei us w -'t iiiN niiTf uinNfii inn ivki uai buiii lnir Bnrl damohI . tob .... K ti W gr?en to thone Guns bought bv the retail trade frwn We Mile t lh IMtmnas. Ihnia annrtsmcO "" . ii . . . - r .L:mir- w jaages ot tine uans and wnoirow w u"- fance of aaving thelr nn made to at mem. nye 01 aavinthelr iion made to at mem. ."We ft.ro nrpnarat v ount AfrinM! fn bnild ofj an? weLrhL eaaee. proportion or etyle. a pioneer: TOT.T.RY' DR1 NTI. ; - i . wmrK. i. ) J ,' :.,...a.. A- STANDARD V5b' national....,! .180 I ra it a aiw CTlKil5f,"li;ir. ";.M 'LV tea utiruguiiirB warn - .n- inBirocuons ror sell measnrement rorvraraea u -r - . . mtt I vr i t ennca uince, S3 Maiden Lane, flew iwi Mannfactory, Pioneer Works, BirmiDgham, ROD GUWi THS AMERICAN SPORKIAKj ! : ' I ng:n-4wD&wr 11 ...... 1 .fA-tjAu4-A:i AA--:' ll a , t j'A;4:i, ',, j r t . . . . .i - .. .. : i.fT .7 ,. . . r :i; 1 ' i ' . I if e tempers of . 'f : ::: l-V-J----.-" l:- ; " : . .-. - . l:':--:..r,,l l, ::'e: --: ' Saa-ta;;-