THE LXOIUTHIG DTAE. PUBLISHED DADLY. BY 1 o BxrBScaamoM is jlotakck: :ix month". - f u J 25 rureemonthfll Mj . ... iqq O" subscribers, delivered In any wart of the T&tyJn ntVpcrweefe.- Our City Agents are dtyfea IS W for more than & month. 1ft MORNlNGr EDITION" . OUTLINES. : Two Fennsylvanians drowned at Cape May yesterday. Rice renominated for Governor by Massachusetts Republic " ' . Two men killed by boiler ex Son at Marietta, Ga. Serbians crtainly used up in ; Friday's battle, and. 'Aiexinatz only occupied by small force Virion maybe left behind by advancing Turki Spanish government ; orderi removal of all placards and signs over of fices of Protestant Bible Societies. -f-J; Three persons killed by' 'an explosion at iUl ' t..:J.ii bd bloody speech yesterday at Rostbn New York marketsr Gold, 109109Jt UU cotton. lifU 13 16 cents; spirits Jurperi lin4, 31 cents; rosin, rl 67j1.70-f , ; , WlLSeS, WASH AND FRANKLIN i jt 18 with peculiar pleasure tjkat We Write down the name ot lieyry ). miE eioj oi the Wilson Advance, as one of : the Dernbcratic '; ..m;npM in the! Senatorial District mmoosed or tne counties oi i u ison, iT.-K TTi-!nklin. The no a nan iau an" r" : - j , , .una tannfe red to him on Monaa y; ana - 1IM ,, , ... .. ; was made by acclamation. is col league will be Mr. N.! W. Boddie, ..f 111 IT natural abilities ami 4 Experience in political jlifeJ v mak- a magnificent canyai major tyy U elected by a iare ite one ot tne leau 1115 pe ... . , el Hat Leislatuie, The Gleaner says rti r " Mflfiu" were orcauized at 1 the free suhoel house near the village of Gra- ham,Saturday, and rig LL organization the; League under name, uet tne nauies ui peiuueis Uet the na and have them indicted under the -' ' l-A - ' JJ! -L "1 law against secret pitica societies.1 Spirits' The little boys IdlSarrford rk raided a Tilden and Vance pole fifty .feet I high: Mr. Jeiiks,! of the I Wake Board n ... bin alliance jtd, the Republican 'iarty apd will' hereafter act vith the Democrats. I , CaptJ Samuel J. I Skininer; lot Granville, seems most prominently spoken of as the candidate for the Senate if r'imi that county. : -- :. ' H(- At the Nash county Dembcra tic Convention, held on Monday, at Nash ville, Thomas P. Braswell. of Battleborb, was chosen as the candidate for the Bouse of Representatives. . -.j ;-,.:-":.-'LL:-.';::i:j. Gov. Vance and Judge Settle began their second- mountain campaign!; iMonday at Hayesyille, Ulay county. They have made further appointments, extend 4 "irtg to the. 27lh iusL . - -" 'jj The Devil tells the truth some limes. The Washington What Next s&yB: Dick Badger, i his speech, in referring to Col. Thomas Kenan, our candidate for Attorney General, said: "Tom Kenan is a good roan, there is no harm in him, not a bit," and then turning to Taz Hargrove said, "lie is a much better man than you, ji; many respects." ! -.. The old man in Raleisrh. . Hen derson Smith, who dreamed more than .iwenty six years ago that if he crossed a Cortaiu bridge in street he would and who has not town and went up ; the almost immediately die, been known to take the men, got into a fteht with his son on Mon day and was forced by an officer to accom pany him to the Mayor's office, f The Nem says people who knew of the old man's uream and the circumstances of the case are sating back impatient to see the result Raleiffh jSentineitbt vesterdav: Rev. Samuel W.I" Price, a vouncr Baptist preacher, died in Baltimore last Sunday at one o'clock, cn his Wav to the centennial. - - - t I ur. rnce was a student at the Theological j v-ut ,u ft,cniDona, ana ai uaume or iiw oeatn bad a charge io Isle or Wight I cottnty, Va. He died in Baltimore from congestion of the brain and. his corpse is expected here this evening by the Raleigh & Gaston train. Tbe funeral will take place from the ftalishurv St root Tiaiitiat fMinrrh P. 0. Bardie, of this- city, married a sister. Jl tlie derPABfH tnrt Ilia 'atr!Iran mr.lhar la ai at the house of Mr. Hardie. of Vance; Mud ei.It , ' " ' ' tueul. : '. i Shelby, Friday Sept. 15. ' Lineolnton, Saturday, Sept. 16. Dallas, Monday, Sept. 18.' ; hartotte, Tuesday, Sept. 19. , Monroe. VVdWiiAv " snt. QttA v l'g Lick, Stanly county, ,Thur8- M-mut Gilead, Montgomery coun lJ, Friday, Seik. 22. , . . - rileibe pring,llichmond county, uruay, Sept.J23. J-iimbertoti, frUesday, Sept; 26. -.iijeiniown, uiadeu county, i he people are requested to circu ine news ot these appointments, ""d the people everywhere arct invi i(J to attend and hear the discussion. Westero papers please copy. Colonel Wm. Lamb has been ap pointed State I, Canvasser ; at Large.' f oelter appo ntment could not have jeen made, aud we trust that hia elo 5ent vDice will be beard all over the .aie in behalf of the cause. Nor- jow Virginian. "MU OB thai V. 1, The Raleish I JVmm; of vesterdav savs: . 'Ei-Judge Daniel L. Russell, of Wilming- lon. was in the fcity yesterday. He is one , tho Republican Presidential Electors for uciaieat lareei arid ia on his wav west U. -W- .,.. enter the canvass ' It is said that be pro poses to eet Judge Fowle.V ' 1 it J E V tletnan I rWidell 2 ;i i j n If I In ttlII4 IE x I f H-l tM.-:t i' Itsuin .1U i t' . H nm in mia 11 ip n 1 - mi . 11 1 , 1. 1 ;Mi::!H 1' Never EH called tbe I ol new I w ':'':"t:';':' " - tl ' ! 1 v 1 (VOL. XVIII.-NO. 142. NEW ADVEKTISEHENIS. (jeting Athletic Club. " ' ii IE. Heide Notice Fi Mitchell & Son German millet nay. m7:l:Mt x:aa& a-a M was u.nai1I,UI AJSL) - ilART CTya T n L , 11 f -School nfotice. ! 1 r Soal tt. I -TjiThe Mayor returned yesterday J -4We hear that the Wilmington I igl tilnfantry will attend the Staje Fair. - "iTbe Centennial Excursion train ill leaae the Carolina Central depot this vei ling at 0.20 o'clock. ' 1 J -fit There were no arrests Monday tight and no session of the Mayor's Oomt freaierday morning. ; , jl We are glad to learn that busi- atthe Wilmington Cotton Mills is im- Sti Andrew's Athletic Club tbis even- !at W o'clock. J: Business of impor'ance requires a full attendance. : j ; T Pbe ,fami,y excursion to Smith ille afid Bald Head takes nlace to dav. on th steamer J. S. UnderhiU. Tbe boat will leave'KefPs wharf at 8 o'clock a. m. i; ponneast to southwest winds, warmer, partly cloudv weather anrt Uu-r.n. ial raiusi are iha predictions for tbia s n 1 very stable keepers and oth- fi .: -1 -. - .' were notified by the Cily Marshal, yes- ay, not jto agitate or rempve any noi e or offensivej matter until after f rc st, to, use plenty; of disinfectants thereon. B. I . V nnawaj. i ; esterd ay afternoon a horse attached to rt, the property of Mr. W. E. Davis. hich was bein or driven liV a small rnlnrpd I . ftl n . " rf boy became frightened by some disar rangemeai or tne venicie, wnue passing nearUhe 1 head of the market, and started I a lively pace down Market street in the direction of the river, the cart in the mean- ila ' dancing a jig over the stone pave ment! and finally shaking itself into a and dislocated condition, the youthful but spunky driver meanwhile clinging to tbe reins, with the tenacity of 1 gnm j death to a deceased African, only "giving Upthe ship" when arriving in front of Mr.l 8. llanstein's establishment, the horse' shaking I himself loose ! from the larger noriion oi.iue aemoiisuea venicie, boldly dashed towards the entrance of the 8toreas ii determined to make t a harbor of refute. This feat he would undoubted' ly hae Accomplished but for Ihe fact that our iriend irenny gallantly conironted tne desperate animalwith a yard slick, -when be came down on his knees and sued for meyv in; a style peculiar to the brute crea I : I i I 4 i 1 . 1. . ! ' i tion j I He finally stretched himself out on the pavement and remained in that posi tion trntii released from his incumbrances and assisted to his feet. The cart was badjyj wrecked and the animal considera bly injuijed by his fall upon tbe pavement. The Cabe fear Fibre Works. We arie Informed that the works of, the vape j ear x iuro ivmpauj, iu 1111a v'v rk LI niJ. n;i -rt L which have been idle for some time past, hayebeen leased by a eentleman from the North ffrr ten years, and that he will shortly commence the work of getting ready to resume operations; This will require, 'con idefable time and labor, as we understand e new lessee intends fo prepare the fibre ni ao entirely ainereni , 1 i . .. . 1 decessdrs, doing away with the canonading process. Hence, jto carry out his purpose, wUi' necessitate the use of new; machinery, &c.J and a general overhauling of the works. It is extiected that the works, when ready -i: for 'operations, will give employment to j,;ryA nnmw nf nrhn which will , T T " ?r.r--. 7,7 be good news, to the many in our j midst who are now necessarily idle, and, Macaw- berlike, "waiting for something to turn W ; 'I is. A- ' v !; I I - - ill : -". FIrat Ward Democratic Club' JIeet lot. .l.S .sr j fiid First ? Ward Club met in regular meetiag at their hall last night, it being one ' I : I ' 'I--..-- ! . . I : -I.- 1 i business character. Reports were' received from their several l . i i I . . i ., . f i - !i' .. I . commpttees, showing that the club is mov ing forward' in a healthy state, j I j , : - Jtesblutions Were sdopted as touows: Mtkved, l; That 4re lender1 to Hon. A. J Waddell arid Mr. John C. James Our hearti thanks fbr their very eloquent, stir ring and patriotic speeches, made upon the occasion of our flag raising. L' j! 1 ffakved, 2d, That (the thanks of this Club are -due-i:to t tbe committees on Pole and Flag, and especially to their Chairmen; Messrs. Jesse Ivs and John D. Love, for their j untiring energy, and that we write inemias zeaiuua wvikib iu ajiiMu, (a ttarmihinh fittrrinir Bneeches; were made LlT r.T 1 TT 'A 1tJ.L V.1..V. a. ;DirausS' auu xi. auvgg, uuiu the importance ,of continued and unf altering efforts in the greAt campaign before us.Their addresses were received withiapplauseifL, AAAii ' ; II" j.- AAi Proudly the banner waves in the First Wardi ,,AAAMAmi Tb State Far j The following,' among otbersj as w learn f f oni the Raleigh; papers, have heen ap pointed Assistant Marshals of the State Ag ricultural Fair: U . .- 1 1 ; i . I Walter Pittman," John R. Whitaker, An drei? i J. Burtoni Jas. H. Whitaker, F. J. Smp, Halifai county; Samuel T. Nichol son Wilson county; Bamuei i. Asue, An son! county; Alexander T. London, New Hatiover county; H.MJ. Short, , Columbus cotmty; M. Wi Ransom, Jr., Northampton fcotlntyt' D. G. Cooper, Granville county; Henry Ji. Kasu, jr., jsagecompe couniy,; f ff jneas i ii. provm urginz' WILMINGTON, ! N. Sboollne Rlatch. . . i i ' The . third and last of the competitions for the five prizes, mentioned r specifically in our paper of the 22d ult.. which were to be. contested fori by the two teams of the St. George and 1 St. Andrew's Shooting Club, took place at the range onthe Ath letic Club; grounds yesterday afternoon. The result was as follows: i ; ' TEAM No. l.aCO yds. Totals. Wm.Pyfe......... DaB. Cntlar....... R. Lilly...... L. . P. Brown.... 40 89 39 38 83 35 153 Jnnlna Davis...... W.L. DeKosset,.. Average f toUis, H8 1 6. i TEAM No. il 800 yds. Totals. WiH Bernard,. 89 ; 89 zs w m. liUiy.. ...... K.G. Koss..... II. G. Smallhonee,. Average of totals, 38X- i At the conclusion of the match the prizes were awarded as ;follow8:. 1st prize, a solid stone cameo riig, worth $15, L. S. F. Brown; 2nd prize, dinner and tea sets of heavily plated silver spoons, DuB. '5 Cutlar; 3rd prize, $7.50 in gold, Wm. Fyfe; 4th prize, $5 in gold, R. G. Ross; 5th priz?, 2.50 in gold, E. Lilly. .The attendance of members was not so largo as usual. ' ; . i A .Colored lUanSDeteeted la Stealing Kreleht from tne Car or the C. G. Itallread Company.' : . j A colored man by the name of Roger Evans, employed , as .a car-coupler at the Carolina Central Depot,, in this city.lwas detected by Capt. Wm. Smith, one of the officials of the road, yesterday j afternoon, in the attempt to steal a lot of small boxes orjeans of scuff, which be had in a bag at the time he was discovered. Evans was thereupon placed in charge, of the watch man on tbe premises of the Railroad Com pa.ny, Mr. A. H. Williams, who is also; em powered to act as a special policeman, who took the offender to tbe station house' and turned him over to the Chief of Police, who had him locked up in the guard house. On his way to his quarters, in charge of the janitor, he was discovered by Sergeant Mo Garrigle, who was following in their wake, tadrop a key, which the officer picked up and delivered into the custody of Mr. Wil liams, and which, upon examination, was found to belong to the company, having the words " C. C. Railroad" stamped on it Mr. Williams ssys the company have )een missing articles from tbe cars at inter nals for some time past, and as Evans, in lis capacity of coupler, could easily post himself as to , the contents of the various Cars and effect an entrance at will, when he could do so without fear of detection.there js no doubt that he has been in the habit of helping himself quite freely to such goods 83 may have struck his fancy or tempted !his cupidity, , He was discharged from the k-dad a short time ago, but subsequently re employed. j jThe prisoner will probably have a hear ing before the Mayor's Court this morn- Board of Comity Commliiloueri. iThe Board me t pursuant to ad journment; present, the Chairman,) John G. Wagner, and Commissioners D. j C. Davis, S. Van Amringe, D. Nixon and Duncan Holmes. Application of Cronly & Morris, agent?, for remission of double tax on property in part of lot 5, block 16C; granted. Application of Richard Watters, agent, I for remission of double tax on block 281, east 2; granted. I Application of L. P. Foster, for remission of taxes, teing aa error, was referred to the finance Committee. Annlication of Kate Savase. for remis- . ri . j i i sion of taxes; referred to the Finance Com mittce. ; '-j', :.:; ;f J Application of Carl Mugge, to retail spirituous liquors ; granted. ; I Application of Mariah Burk, for relief; referred to the Poor Committee. j J Application of Eliza Blunt, for relief; re ferred to the Poor Committee. ' , : ; I Application of JackD. Davis, for remis sion of taxes, being an error; referred to the Finance Committee. , ij , f ! Application of Jack Donalson, for re mission f double tax; granted. : -- J Application of Manerva Newkirk, for re lief ; referred to the Poor Committee. The following report was received and ordered spread on the minutes ! Your Committee on Roads and Bridges Would -respectfully submit the following V report : ; We have examined the bridge I t r T.t 1 n 1. .; J Him A Known as Uianu. vrecn uuugc auu uuu that the said bridge has been partly carried away by tbe late freshet,, and needs to be repaired, which can be done for about $ do, John G, Wagnkk, I ' D. Nixon. AA. The Auditor's report for August was re ceived, and ordered jspread on the minutes iThe report of Elijah Hewlett, County Treasurer, for August, was received and ordered on file. I The1 annual report of Elijah Hewlett, County Treasurer, Iwas received and or dered to oe : spread , on me miuuies, auu also published in one or more newspapers tn llio 5tv : I . 3 Broken Glaan, &e. There is an ordinance of the city which reads: "Every person who shall throw, or place any broken gjlaas, broken crockery or tin cuttings in any street or alley, shall for feitand pay five dollars for every offence.' "As a great deal off broken glass, &c, has been noticed in the streets lately, it has been: thought proper to call the attention of citizen to the liability they incur by de positing such articles fn our public tho- rougniares. . . . Aceident.x , ' I . . I On Saturday "morning last, about 0i o'clock, .while Mrs.' Jane Barlow, wife of Revl J. B. Barlow1, of this. clty, was at tempting to descend the stairs, she lost her footing and fell, injuring herself very badly. though, it is hoped, not seriously. r ; I ll "" C, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1876 J : HIVBR AND OTAKlNE ITEMS. AAlr I A. .. AlAM ; The steamship Rebecca Clyde . is now running between Baltimore and Charleston S.C. i;.;, -A , .. II -: UIVl v :;.LiL The British Brig Eleanor, Fartelow, from London for this port,was anchored at Deal on the 21st ult J l! . j -. ,i i -I , . . ; . L. - 1 i The steamship Jlegulator, J)o&6c, clear ed from New York September 2nd, for this port. A Open Air Concert; The i Wilmington Comet Concert Club1: will give an open air! Concert this (Wednes day) evening, on Fifth, between Market and Dock streets, j On reading' this an nouncement, how many of our lady friends will say, " Oh! I'm so glad,?" f f : I - Ourattention wis called, yes terday, to a quantity of seed taken from a large watermelon, which jwere a curiosity in their way. Every seed tad adhering to ita, yellow, pulpy substance, resembling the meat of a pumpkin, and the impres sion is that it grew in close proximity to a patch of pumpkins, and hence became in a slight measure tinctured with the nature of that vegetable. In other words, that it was much watermelon, but " some pumpkins!" What do out scientific farmers think about it? ' Yfo should have also; stated that the watermelon had somewhat the taste of a pumpkin. j ' i i . . ' ;' The Fifth ( Ward Democratic Club meets at the Hinton school house, on Fifth fctrfet, this evening. Will be iu attendance. Good 'speakers 1. 1ST OK LJEi'rrEUS Remaining m the: City Post-Offlce, Sept. 5, 1876: A. Mrs Jessie Averitti Isaac Anderson' Edward II Allen. I - i B Mrs Betsy Bell, C $ Beering, George Bonsall, mrs Hannah Bryant, mrs Henne ter Battey, mrs Lily Branch; miss Mary Baker, W M Burnett, Capt W R Bery. U. Miss D annie j Uhavers, Meoma Caro lina, Thomas Carolina.' J D.1 Abraham Davis, mrs Betsy Dawson. miss D Dosher, James Durham, Margarett Debross. Stephen B Dudley, mrs 8 J Don nelly,; wm j Uowling. Jii. Frank .Elmore. F.-Uj M Fhzeerald. G Miss Alice Gause. Wl L Grigg. H, Wm Harwood. John Hoolt. Daniel Uoolt, Howard. J.-Mrs Chenny Jones.! miss 'Mary E Jones, Samuel Jordan. William James, K, Charles : Kennedy, miss Inez Kelly, J W Ketchum. i it ! I L.r-;Ricbard" Llovd. mrs Emma Lane. miss Cornelia Leatmau ! : M. Miss , Cornelia McDuffie. Dublin Morris, mrs Emily Moore, miss Elizabeth Moerel, G D McMi lan, Ed Ward McKinsey, H J McMillan, John A McLean,! John W Moody, James Murphy, mrs Lucy Morse, mrs Mittie MooreJ Nichl- McKinsey, miss Minnie L! McMillan, R Mosely, B F Merell. Jr.j-VY a feterson, Martha farKer. uapt Benjamin Patrick, miss Margaret A Pres- tm. i , ii. - i i , t - f R. Jimmie Roberson. I : i ! S. Miss Martha A SesbrasJ William R Stearns, William Swan, Elizabeth Sampson. T. MiS3 Julia 1 homas. mis Margaret Thigpen,! miss Maltie Thompson, Phoebe Teocheyi . I i . "" ' J -I W. W W Wagner, mrs iCaroline Wim- bish, miss Hager Wheeland, Murfrey Ward, Rob't F White, Sam Wilson, W B Willis., f i .v J . - . viA' I Persons calling tor letters in the above list will please say "advertised." If not called for within SO days they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. - ! I f ! I En. R. Brink, P. M. Wilmington, New Hanover Cq., N. C. . Bon. A. Id Waddell'a Appointments. Col. Waddell will address his constitu ents of the Third jCongressional District at the following times and places: ; ! : Tuesday; September 12thjat Carter's Mill, Moore county. " i ' Wednesday, September 18th, at Carthage, Moore county. ; : ; i ' .r-,::;: r ; Thursday,' September 14th, at Jonesooro, Moore county, j ;': , j Friday, ! September 15th; at Lillington, Harnett county. :- ' L . , ; - ' Saturday, September 16th, at Ha ring ton Postoffice Harnett county. 1 Monday, September;: 18th, at Smith's Mills, Cumberland county, j i Tuesday, September 10th, Little I itiver Academy, (jumoeriand county. Wednesday, September 20th, at Fayette- ville, Cumberland county, f . Thursday, September 21st, at Rock fish, Cumberland county. Friday, September 22d, at Blockersville, Cumberland county. ,:. i -: Saturday, September 23d, at Parker's Store, Bladen County. Monday, bept ember aath, Jlizauethtown, Bladjn county; ; - --. : i -iti Tuesday, 'September 26th, White Bladen county. L U Hall, Wednesday,1 September 7th, at jClark- ton, Bladen county. Friday; September 29th, Columbus county. 1 . ,1 at Whileville! Saturday, September SUtn, at iron ilill, Columbus countyj 7 j - A'- j : Monday, October 2d, at Waccamaw, Brunswick county. Tuesday, October 3d, alLockwood Iv Bridze. Brunswick county. i's Fol Wednesday; October 4th, at Town Creek, Brunswick conntyi 4 i K Thursday, October 5th, at Lon Pender county. W Li -. Creek, . Friday, October 6th, at point Caswell, Pender county, t! v j J, Saturday. . October 7th. at T aylor'S Bridge, Sampson county. L u Monday, October 9th, at Clinton, son county, t -- :! . ' ::: i - Samp- : Tuesday, October 10th, at Newton Samoson county. ? -;L Grove, Wednesday, October lltb; at Faison, Du plin countyiT i ; 4 . v ,,, - y , i Thursday, uctooer ism, ai jxeuansviue, Duplin county. '! yiv L!l-ll - . ; Friday, October 13th, at Hallsville, Du plin county, i j- jv.-.jt I ' . ( '. Saturday, October 14th, rat .Catharine Lake, Onslow county. 3 I ? If- i Monday, October I6lb, at Jacksonville, Onslow county. I ' ' yA':'A I ; :j; , j' . Tuesday, October 17th, at Stump Sound, Onslow i county.' A- A- A ; I - -;. l s Wednesday, October 18tb,at Sandy Run, Pendercounty:'rSi-BiL:!rftL:3 -hi f'-;f.: Monday, October 23d, at Newport, Car teret county. A-t,'A)A(AA j . (." Tuesday, October 24th, at Beaufort, Car teret countyi'';i-ttL;iLLti M ji f .. Wednesday;' . October 25th,' at t Cedar ; l8land,'CaTteretbonntypuj.itr-'-il :;U Friday, October 27th, at Sanders btore? Carteret county, ii $'A.' ! tJ! Thermometer Record. ! j j I The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.35 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from tbe Signal Office in .his city :j Au usta, 'I . . 87 Montgomery,.. 1 . .91 Nashville, i..85 New Orleans,.!.. 90 New York,... i.. 63 Norfolk,. ...L. 71 Pittsburgh, .....65 Punta Rassa, . . . .81 Savannah, 1. .80 Shreveport,...J..94 St. Louis,.....!.. 82 St. Marks,.... .92 Vicksburg, 1. .90 Cairo, ......... ..83 Charleston,. . . . . .85 Cincinnati, ... . . ... .72 Corsicana, A. . .. .95 Galveston,... .91 Indianola, .. . ... .89 Jacksonville, . . 83 Key West,.. ...;.. 85 Knoxville... .....86 Lynchburg....... 77 Memphis........ .86 Mnhilo f . 90 W umitfgton, . . II tali op Atkinson's Appointments for Summer alnd Autumn, 18701 j Rutherfordton, 13th Sunday 1 after J ll Trinity,. I . ..... j . ... .....I...U Sept 10 Sliclby,,... Sept 12 Llncolnton, ..: . Sept 14 High Shoals,..:;..1... ...I. Sept. 15 Charlotte ,14th Sunday after Trin- j 1 ity ; L - Scot i7 St James, Iredell county,...'...;. Sept 19 Monroe, St Matthew's day,. L..1. Sept 21 waoesDorough, 15th Kunday after Trinity,.;....;..'.. i .... Sept $4 If you have been Arinkine too much, wb'ch how ever yon ehooid never do. a dose of Dr. Bull's Ve getable pills will place you in a good condition again, i j i . i Book BnmxnT. 'i-hx Moraine stabBoo& lJlBd- ery does all kinds of Binding and Baling In a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. If er chants and ethers needing Receipt Books, or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of )aeir orders, i . . i, i i i (,. m n . r , r 1 1- TRANsrsa i Feinting-Inks. invaluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others; They re en during and changeless, and will! copy sharp and clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fresh supply of these jinks.; we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate Prices. t r: J- I i 1 . L ' !' i! ; married; I . j MAUNDER CROOM. On the1 evening iof Ihe 6th Inst, bytheBev. G. D. Bernheim. Mr J JOHN MAUNDER and Mrs. M. F. CBOOM, both of this city. i i v ... j . '! ) f NEW; ADVERTISEMENTS. Hecllallics, BnilW & loan Association. Ti ' - r ! ! i-i ETC REGULAR MONTHLY! MEETING OF the Mechanics' Building Association will be held at tbe Ola Library Rooms, this (Wednesday) evening, at 1 o'clock. Dues received during the day at tha same place. ; O. 8. ELLIS, i sept pit ; secretary and Treasurer. St. wml St. Andrew's AthleticCIuD. -i i i TJ i ! 1 HE REGULAR ' MONTHLY MEETING OP the Club will be held at the Hall over J. C. Mund'a Drug Store.- on Third Street, on WEDNESDAY September 6th, at8.15 P. M. A full attendance; is requested, as business of importance is to be trans acted.! I . ! UlOmUJS W. BALLHY. sept 5-lb Secretary. Notice. LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY FOREWARNED against trading with or harboring- any of the crew .1! M i .': ! 1 ' i of theNorwtgiaa Brie iMTYPH0N." No blUwill I t be paid made by them. R. K. HEIDE, sept 6-3t Consignee. A German! Millet H A CHOICE LOT OF GERMAN MILLET hay; : Just received and for sale by I sept 6-2t ; B. F. MITCHELL & SON. FOR YOUNG ' - ill -M. ' L" "i -j: i iADIES. t, Principals. Hisses Kennedy and Hn: nPHE NEXT SESSION OF THIS INSTITUTION JL will begin THURSDAY, the fith of OCTOBER, FRENCH, GERMAN and DRAWING taught, ii aaaiuon to me regular jtnguen course. ! ! i,. . i i ' : SCHOOL OF MUSIC under tho charge of Profea- surju von uiiuk : I .1 ' ; sept 6-lw BlwiteodtOctS ' MARINE. M ARTNE INSURANCE ON SHIPjVIeNTS Coastwise and Foreign, AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES FIRS AND LIFE INSURANCE effected in the leading ENGLISH AND AMERICAN COMPANIES - . ii I - i at equitable rates. Patronage is respectfully solicited. ' I A T. C. DbROSSET, aug 16-oawtf W nac No. 28 North Water st. Hillsboro Military Academy, Hillsboro, - j n . - I rpHB FALL SESSION OF THT.8 SCHOOL WILL A OPUN JULY 31ST. htudents prepared for any University or College. For Circulars apply to the rersity or college, duals.: B rrincipais. i i- UAAULiXUiM & nuivsuBi. je 13-ttawSm Tu&Sat r . i -. i - i f Low-Priced Music Books. . ; - ii i . -i-.v h'. - i i i ! -) , Easy, simplified instruction books are : BELLAK'S METHOD for (EEED) 0B- i GAN. Paper 75c. Boards $1. MACK'S ANALYTICAL METHOD for " ' VIOLIN. : Boards $1. - , A capital collection 'of music for a 'home'" or am ateur orchestra, consisting of Violin or Flute or both. Cornet or Clarinet.-3d Violin or Violoncello or Doable Bass and perhaps Piano, Is : . i- WINNER'S BAND OF FOUR. $1.00. Valuable Books for Study. Ritter's History of Mnsic,2 rt. ea! $1.5p I This concise, complete and interesting history contains the substance of all that has ever been written on the subject, and is almost a necessity for musical students. . .. . ;L; s ;:,L . j Moore's Encyclopedia of Music. '$6.00 Appendix to Moore's Encyclopedia. 50c Dictionary Musical Information.! $1.25 OX these three useful books, the first is much the largest, and contains an immense amount of infor mation on musical subjects. The Appendix has i oii has crust pedia.V but condensed an mnnh noasible. I Either Book sent, post-paid, for retail price.- Oliver Ditson & Co., CHis. h. DrrsoN co J. b. ditson a ca 711 ' Broadway. N. Y. ' I successors to Jbee f T 7 Walker, Philadelphia, eept 3-dw2w Wed A Sat , i , ! CIXYj ITEMS. L- i ' I If ' -f " 'H 7 - : WHOLE NO. 2,841 MISCELLANEOUS. . Notice. r -' T' HERE WILL BB A MEETING OF THE DE mocratic Conservative Committee, forihe Third Congressional District, at the PUltCELL HOUfeU, in theX!ity of Wilmington, at 10 o'clock, A. M.i on TUESDAY, 12th of September. : It is desired that every member of the Committee be present. - i : j CUAS. M. STEDMAN, sept8-td t ! Chairman. ;.,(--!- . I -; .... . . i : - - i To Fishermen. A OU WILL FIND AT OUR STORE A LARGE and well assorted Stock ot GILL-NET TWINES. IsEINE TWINES. HANGING LINES. Wh Cotton and Hemp, aad every thing needed in vonr line, which we are selling very low to suit the times. NETS ordered on small ma ill margin. ' - GILSS Js MUBCHISON. i sept 3 -tf St. Paul's L. German-American Institute. rwmK SEVENTH ANNUAL SESSION OF TBIS JL ' tJchool will open about the-1st of October next. Due notice of particulars will be given before iven teroi KBBT, Principal. open in; ALUS. t. U. HU1SU1VKKT, : aept -tf Sn&Tu Grass Blades. REAP HOOKS, SNATHS, GRASS HOOKS, SCYTHE STONES, DUTCH SCYTHES. FAN MILLS, FEED CUTTERS. Also, a large assort ment of AMES' SHOVELS and SPADES, at the Lowest Cash rrices in the city, at the Old Estab lished Hardware House ot JOHN DAWSON, L I sept8-tf 19. SO and SI Market street Lilly's Favorite. rpHAT POPULAR FLOUR, L i ! L j'LILLX'S FAYORITE," 203 Barrels jost received, fresh and sweet i sept 3 3t LILLY & BKO. Just Received, rpfiE FALL AND WINTER SILK HATS, i M I SOFT AND STIFF HATS, HATS, UMBRELLAS CANES, i - ! i- At HARRISON & ALLEN'S, I ! I! ; sept 8-tf . City Hat Store, 29 Front tt Late "Reading. The Live Book Store j ; HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND M ! A CHOICE COLLECTION OF . -v MAGAZINES, THE LEADING Also, ALL THE LATEST NOVELS OF THE DAY "There is nothing more refreshing than a tolea- sanuy written novtl, Call and select from the immense stock at HEINSBBRGBR'S, sept 3-tf No. 39 Market Street THE I - .Ay. ' ''HumptyjDumpty :' ' AND . 'L"- ; if- Up-to-Standard IMPREGNABLE CIGARS 1 j -IV ARE i if:- LEADING INLTHIS MARKET. : -i V f i Try them and be convinced. I: : - - - vv ., ,, h GREATEST VARIETY V DESIRA R ABLE TOBACCO GOODS, by j V .-' i: ' septC-tf I D. PIGOTT. North Carolina Cassimeres. AN INVOICE OF THESE DESIRABLE GOODS, embracing all grades, received direct from the juanuiactory. i j An examination of these Popular Goods reepect- iuuy eoucueu. : For Youths' and Boys' SCHOOL CLOTHING, and for Gentlemen's BUSINESS SUITS, they de servedly stSBd In higher estimation than any other uuuun maae m uiecousiry. J - ! The prices at retail are very moderate. Cash orders filled for Merchants at Manufactu rers' Prices. I i --i ! i - aug25-MD&W j HEDRICK. . 1 ; ( . , ' Pure. N. O. Rhenish FROM THE MOUNTAINS. SUPERIOR TO IM- ! i i ! ;l ' i : , i PORTBD RHENISH j WINE. !: .,-:( . , .:, . BOTTLED AND BY THE GALLON. Sold only by ;1 Gand t - i eeytS-tfS&W North Front St EUREKA And George's Banks Codfish. i BONED AND UNBONED. I SUfliR-CURED PI3 i SHOULDERS. Extra Choice Large Extra Shore A. ':7:7--'. 9IAKEREI,i CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., t sept 3-tfDAW 5 and 7 North Front St i HALL & PEAESALL j OFFER TO CLOSE BUYERS j BAGGING and TIES, J. . ' . j H: , !, : HOOP IRON and GLUE, L L SHOT and GUN CAPS, ' ' : . : V : i --it - i L ! TOBACCO and SNUFF, BuuAAtnavvri JUi, . j i j 15.009 GOOD SIGARS, ' - j 633 BBLS. CEOICE j NEW CROP FLOUR. SEPTEMBER MULLETS, Ac, Ac ' sept 3-tf ; j i , .;.. - LL : . 20 PER CENT ! 1HAVB JUST RECEIVED A FINE ASSORT mentof v , -..s L-i-jjL-.L;iL' :!-'ij-' American Watches, which I wnl sell' - J j 20 Per Cent. Cheaper than any house in the city. - ,' Fine assortment of L (.DIES' WATCHES. SEAL and PLAIN GOLD RINGS, Ladles' and Gentle men's CHAINS. - f i By-Work left with me will be neatly executed ' AH I ask of the public is to give me a trial, h . -: - -f - - - s . . , i J. BL ALLEN. , Jy 18-tf ; . Corner Front aad Princess sts. ill t f itAt'SSi OF ADVKIlTiSIN f. - S4 H two aayB,.....i.:.-.i...i,.. 6ft lareeoays.... Co four days.. ; ISO ttve days.. .i... 8 0J one week.......... ;.;.LL.i..L1;.. 8 50 Two weeks 4.;.... 5 (0 it .Ami i'H :"!:' Three weeks... . ...... j......;.... 6 CO One month.. 8 W Two months..... . .!.......... 15 00 Throe months ....4i..j...J....,S8 CO Six months .i.....'. t ...P5 00 ' i' One year...... ..............BO CO tarCon tract Advertisements taken at propo;- tionately low rates.' , 1 .- ;"-! -. - . Five Squares estimated as a qaartcr-eolnmn, sed , tea sqvares as a half column.. , j - MISpELLANEOUS. ; Salt, Bagging, Ties, &c. 2000 Sllcksi LrvKKP00L salt. ; ! F 500 da! MarBbu,s Blow do. 500 i18 i&nd H Solls SUndrd BAGGING, TJQ Tons New ARROW TIES, 3000 Lbl! RgiBIC wnJrll 7()A bbls FLOUR, all grades, ! j BoxesD.S. SIDES and srioLLDERS OK M Kmk'd . Bbls fORK, 25Q BWs Sugar-House MOLASSES JQQ Bags COFFEE, . CA Bbla SUGAR, CRACKERS, BICE CANDLES, MATCHES! XYE, POTASH. SOAP, SNUFF. TOBACCO, ' "! SODA, SHOT. POWDER, CAPS1, Ac., Ac '; For sale bt sept 3-tf; KERCHNER & CALDER BEOSv Sundries. Sundries. 'j SWEET AND SALT SNUFFS. TOBACCO SMOKING AND CHEWING-varlous : uraaesanc ifranas. Large and ample 1 p" 1 p stock to select trom. L tj FLOUR-t-various Brands "Galloway," "Boston ." I i l"0it Own," "Baker's Choice," vBonaty," A A JL it tji it a. ' . a. ay. j. lUivy. ttc flee ij MEAL WATER MILL DAILY GROUND, i it - ii . --. '' :' ' - ' i i i ' I i! -T '. i 1 CORN, HAY. MEATS, POBK, LARD, BUTTER, ' ; BEEF. LIQUORS, FISH, CIGARS,, j i NAILS. GLUE, BUNGS, PAINT, TlOOP'ltRON.I TIES, CANDY, SOAP, CAbTOR OIL, I PAIN-KILLER, LAUDANUM. PAREGORIC KS- I HKNORtti'NTTT'MH'.ftH HPIPD'tl ,1 I CHEESE Small Boxes for Summer Trade. L ! - t-" j. -i i -L I : r '.-L : AND EVERY ARTICLE USUALLY pEPT1 IN A : . - -! 1 (.r- i WHOLESALE GROCERY, HI us a call t3?-Give or order direct to ADRIAN &. TOLLERS, aug 13 tf Corner Dock and Front 8tr etc. Potatoes', Hominy, &c. m.A ROSE I 25 Bush. EASTERN EABLY I PO I ATOES, ; OK Bu.h. PEARL HOMINY. 1) reeli from the Mill, BAGGING and TIES, ' j . -I I i- AT LOW FIGURES . - m r' i. OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA coffee; RIXFOItD, CR(MV & Co.l -1! tvr,-- -i 'Al- I sept 5-1 BacoDj Bagging, Ties, &c. OA AA Sacks SALT. Marshall's Fine and Unban 2Q Q0 Bushels Prime White CORN, 4 - Q Q Boxes' Dry Salt and SmokcdBACON, 300 W)holeandEalr Bolls BAGGING, ! -t ff( Bundled Arrow ntA Rnlifl TTUR iuuu. , i l ' r j 600 FLOUR, all grades, ! 150 BaSS CXJB,KS' &11 SPAee,' j 20 Barrels SUGAR, all grades, I 900 Barrels H. SYRUP, j rrr Hhds choice Porto Rico MOLASSES, i .lO i ! 1 . ' j i i i 1 K A Gross tt. Y. aad Swift & Courtney's L ! ; w I I i i MATCHES j 20 Boxes SOAP, Toilet and Laundry, i 20 Boxes CANDLES, , j, ; rjf Half Bbls and Boxes SNUFF, 17 X Boxes TOBACCO. -ALSO.- In store snd to arrive. TJftla Ttlvnt VABN Tjikn George, Lebanon A and Manchester SHEETING. A. ang 27-tf 1 I WILLIAMS ft MUBCHISON.' : Falling! I. '!: j Falling! Falling! N OTW1THSTANDING THE EXCEEDINGLY warm weather, - the prices of mv KDMMitlt CLOTHING continue to fall. : i, : ! '' ALPACCAS and LINENS at Heavy Discount ' 4 STONB HUNDRED White Maraeillea VEKTH closed out at FIFTY; p CENT, lest than the re gular price. . j. , . v - 1 .. 1 r til I 1 i I i ',... i I.J ; - 1- A. DAVID, i -I I : Merchant Tailor and clothier - ,: aug27tf i ; .1 ' ..4s i y S7 Market St, Dupbnt's Powder, RIFLE, MUSKET AND SPORTING. I I- i '!! - ' I I . -.-.'.--'1 . .- L : (MINING AND BLASTING, In Whole, Half and Quarter Kegs, for sale at man- j '"' niacturer's pnees oy - ; 1 . - 1 : tept l-tf i i L O. G. PARSLEY A CO, -Mi Notice. A WISH TO INFORM MY FRIENDS AND THE public generally, that I have commerced the RE TAIL MEAT BUSINESS, at STALL No. 6, MAR KET! HOUSE, where I shall keep constantly i on band a Select Stock of BEEF,' MUTl'ON, PORK, xifr, ntr j ..... , sept l-tl i j Respectfully. ; T. A. WATSON. Pataiisco Flbnr. T I.I, t , ij , i 1 i : J. HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS TO GET this celebrated brand of FLOUR regularly. It has 'the reputation ot being the BEST, in Baltimore and is sold almost exclusively to the best trade there. I can supply it in Barrels and Half Barrels. , sept 3-tf JAMES C. STEVENSON. Bank of Hew Hanover. A j 1. Authorized Capital $1,000,000. S30O.0OO. 950,000. Cash Capital 'paid In Surplus Fund I r t A:, DIjZJSCl OKSJ : JOHN DAWSON i C M. STEDMAN Hr .-L'-J!- . p ' v"". L B. GRAINGER JAS. A. LEAK "B. W. LITTLB X. B. BORDEN M. WKDDELL. D. R. ' MURCHISON DONALD McRAK H. TOLLERS K, R. BRJDGEBS : j. W.' ATKINSON ' ' L B. GRAINGER, President .D. Waixaox, Cashier. . - L 1 i lass: SO-tl ft L L i -it J "Aa ih A