t M . ' . - -.. . . j . I . . .. ? - '.. . r . - v. M . . , .... . ....,! . . j . t . k .. . h' ..1. 1 . J . . M M . . ... .. .. ... 1 , . Shobitiiig stab, : pUBLWllSO DAIL' BY fM' ATi 'OF S0MCHIPT1OH IS AOVAKOK; - (by mall) portage paid.......... $7 00 Jix months, A ,, , a ,25 Three monVMt ,,, , , ., lw To City BUH5l r wiw.k. Oar CUt Aeemtssre .kaiMIIUini. UIU11WVU M J van v to collect for more than 3 months in MOllNINO EDITION. OUTLIMJS. - i - ' iM : VM V --vPiUKIO- Mi -T'T . tmmA. Another man- professes lell the si6ry4f Cuslcrt massacre ; says 10 . Qili RnlD. i ...nnoona I'nrKHrii km itiiirsiuii in l.o WHS B Ll s ri m tin oniipr in L 71 1 1 1 lj ijuii o Lauiu. 8Dd saw six prisoners from the battle tor ,ttred to death. Madrid dispatch says Tweed lias been arrested ,at Yigo. " ,i sinters nave agreea 10 disperse. r Charleston continues excited, but i no collision since the first Jhas curred. ' - Armed robbers attacked a bank at North field, Minn., and two were killed ; rest dis persed by citizens. -!r-iKew: York mar kets: Gold, 109SH0; cotton, 11 9-1 6 11 cents'; spirits turpentine, 31 cents; in.tl 601 70. 1 ! - Military Maquertde In the . t- i.souiii.! TMl ' '..'' ?M,M The Special dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. i , Washington. Sept. 5. Southern men now ihere say that they have no fear of j. thd extraordina ry programme marked out by the ad ministration iruthe circular of Attor ney General Taft jinl-f reference to elections, only as the Radical, office-, holders may abuse the illegal powers with which the order of the Attorney General has eljMhedjthjeni,; and inau gurate tlie very sykernj of intimida tion which they arejinstjructed to sup-' press. The marshals!,1 whose authority i In I Attorney!: Oeiierat savs ru- Geiieral jmine, are partisans ot the adminis tration, whose very officiaf existence- wiil depend upon ine success oi me party in jwhose interstsj ihey are ap- instructed to jaet jupou the call of 'these marshals; andj! niilitary officers; be required to obej Hieir orders ,witHput question and without regard to the nature lor legality of the orders,-"i : j." ; j' : - 'f-TAz.:s: In effect the circular, of the Attor ney General places the proclamation dt maniai jaw at iuo uisuretiuu ui the partisans of the administration, and will enable them to caase the ar rest of any "number of men by the military upon the ipse dixit of mar shals, and without any process what- cular is not to secure the freedom of the ballot to the megroes, but to pre vent them from voting the Demo- t!U( TlinJioii'liir v feafbT the rnilitaryif they bereft to preserve the peace undt r the orders of their own officers, or if the entire conduct of the elections is placed ex- cluui vfclir in -I.Kiuii" ofiarrro iT?nt. fVior fear that the placing of the troops under the orders of partisan civilians will result in. the services of the army heins used to further the success of the parly in power, land jto cause irri tation and bad feeling by the arrest of those who advocate the election of the opposite ticket, i Carpet bakers like Patterson',' of South Carolina, and Spencer, of Ala bama, who have no. sympathy what-, ever with the Southern. people, and no regard for the material interests of the localities they pretend torep Tesentp are delighted with the Attor neyGeneral's order,tbeciose they see HI it a hone of mAintaininc ihipin- selves, in the political -.. r. - -T. T-T-rO I masquerade long and so! mey Jiaicontiuued successfully. ;;. .- ' Spirits Turpentine. BishOD At tinsnn will ! rtron-lt in Wadesboro on the 24th. j I j ; . Copper has been found near Cry. .),.. -r: '- The Southerner j makes com pliut of some of the rulings and of the temper of Jude Moore. I Mi -." j . George Allen & Co., of New berD dooate fifteen of (their plows to the oiate F nir in the way of special premiums.! 7- The premium list ot tne' State r win the hands of the printer, and wiU be out by the last of next week. i the Tar River Baptist Associa linn n;il a. t ! ! . f ' I ( i; . . .u lueci ia nenaerson ou the lth in nde 1 ! "BUI. T-li'hbrnasviHe has ' ! "J - shoe, fronv mu,..f ... ! . ... rd 1 S ,orv wnich is run Uiir!(rfeJ ill Li bv a 1 firm 1. ' u . Ml- . 1 i . .. A hunting party in Nash county -M four ,Wr ,T.'!...,-l.:.ti.t..-i.:.r..yj W o-fclck. 'U ;UU1U UIUIUIUK UC1UIC lh .vniifi',.. .UU.I f-i T'; A V 1, .w""'"p' oaya limb iuaj. . a. i.hgtttprd . spoke effectively to Urgei u (intelligent audiences: all Chapel llill -a jDuriy.. ,v.. f. - j , j j ; -,Jr,H-r4 , ) wiT iamnM There are not enough e ItadicaU iu Wil)u county to fill the , 7 rt;l"4renienls of two eacti to the town "I'8 s Judges of election. . . i ; , ; j .' 1 iieJiadicals have nominated iiididates for the Senate in Nsh, Wil 2 anklin,iJ.nj.:Sharp,of Nash,! "'d( Joshua Perry,'ofFranklinJx L .j r John Williams; colored, one of l l . en mu4,deer8,l! is! sentenced to be ngeu on the 30th of September. Appli-, Qweruof part!o w,,, be P"6nted to thei ! t i i M 4"M-' ii;''r-MMv.:. li,, , 1 ComPlianee I with the iuvita u iL rlh'53den and Vance Club of that K' "T3- Merrimoni will address: at iVi,0p , m lue county round about Cary -tua i ? a(ie on ue 7ln of Pctober upon p( 1 t'cal issues of the day.r 1 : i i .i(r-&ie: : Dr. Mj T.; Yates, mis-: fary to China, was born in Wake coun-! vok n,i . n rhe hM recently regained his vidpl, a ,ba9 severed his connection as 8ba?ID-ul of tbei EogHsh Government at 1 Y'f T - -M k :t:-4.1 :f;:-,: cm 1;.mim:, i- ! ofr J arhoro Southerner.' The case) eivpn. Lane. the beginner of the riot.was bein k hejayon Wednesday, and not on Th !e 10 agree they were discharged for iUr?d"y- 'Tue Jury stood 7 (colored) coBUlUal and 5 wbite) goiHy. A strict i j nire- j -:). i !j J.;;-.;.M .-.Ml ;':.: kniZ 6 ravidsoni!i?ecor'? wants to coui twTvhat has -become of the $11,000 j I Ul7 taxes collected i I from the taxpayers - I '"."' rnM3l .': nr."-' M - : ruv:. :SJtV ..... r v. v;s-.r. 1; I - ;! H :i M vW M m ' ' - ' 1 " ' ' I' ' ' ' 111 I I . . ' - ; I : - . ... . .. - .. . .1, - - VOL. XVIII.---NQ. U5j of Davidson -bv the' Radioala' trims ironra ago, and never accounted for. j When ques tions hke this are put to Republicamrthey do as Judge Settle, make no answer, f ; Sensible remark of Judge Moore at Tarboro Court: "I hope every matt be fore me is a lawyer, a juror,, a witness or a defendant. I repeat, those people in this courthouse who have no business would be -a great deal better employed in the fodder field.' .-;., !--:,M :.; i. j ; - i-j ; Raleigh Kevcs C. B. Cole, Deputy Sherifif of Granviire county, ar rived in this city Thursday) morning with three prisoners, who were convjeted at the Tecent term of Granville Court and sen tenced to the penitentiary as follows Al exander Maytield, colored, sent up six years for burglary; James Smith, colored, burglary, thre years ; Moses Walker, col ored, larceny, three yearsMM. ; j i Charlotte Observer i From a gentleman just from Beattie's PordjLin coln county, we are informed that a name less outrage was committed in1 that county by a negro named Ab Abernalhy, upon the person of his step-daughter, a young col ored girl, about sixteen or eighteen years of age. The deed was committed in the neigh borhood of Hunter's Mill, and the peipe Irater of the crime waa arrested on llast Sunday, carried to Lincolnton. and placed in the county jail,to await the action of the Superior Court, ; iM f r , r-Raleigh Sentinel: tThe Demo crats had a regular, field day at Warreuton last Tuesday. In the day General W. R. Cox, Hon. Joe Davis, Fab. H. Busbee and W. A- Montgomery spoke to reusing crowds in front of the Tilden and' Vancei club rooms; and at night, C. M. Cook, William Eaton, Genera Cox and Htm. W. N. H. Smith spoke at the same place Wednes day night the people were so much inter ested in the movements ot the dav that C. M, Cook, T. M. Argo and fathers Imade them stirriug addresses and several colored1 parties came forward and joined the club. Tarboro Southerner V On Tucs day, at Hamilton, where Maji Ye t si rid u. AlcLiudsey had an appointment toj speaK,: mere came near i being a general row. . McLindsey was addressing thej peo ple. I Air. das. jfc. jwoore, ot Uliamston, asked McLindsey a question,! when McL. called him a liar; Moore at once slapped him on the mouth. A burly negro, jfrom behind, then struck Moore; with a stick, knocking him 1 senselessj v At', this j time nearly ail the white men had left, not caring to bear McLindseys twaddle. I The negroes crowded op and endeavored "to make the row general. Mr. Duggan j came to the; rescue of Moore, who was literally 'covered : with negroes, when he ,was seized,! and j being carried ofT by the mo;b, evidently with the intention of murdering him. Sheriff Hardeson happened: to! be on the ground, and but for his! exertions blood woula have been Spilled. The negroes had concocted this thing ami hour, before the speaking. , : : . . ,. j J .; theoity; ft. NEW ADVEKTlSEnENIS.; DeRosset & Co. For rent. j ' ! Jas. C. Stevenson Removal. Ckonly & Mokkis Stocks at auction. HEtNSEEEGER Ishmael and Self-Raised. Excursion to White ville to hear Senator Ransom.. I 1 i Local Df i. The excursion seasoii is about at an' end. i 4 I The ' heat yesterday was erj; oppressive; Quietness reigned supreme in and around "Magistrates Row" yesterday. . No news - from Savannah or Charleston last night. Latest Reports nrere to thfc effect that everything was quiet. li" " - " - - i !. Ml '' The District Council iFrieuus of ' tl L' T - .4.1 I Temperance meets iu this city on Tuesday next. . '- ; A Tilden, Vance and Waddell Harnett Town- Club will be organized id ship to-day. ' ; .; ; ' -: . l ' An eighty pound turtle tempted the epicures in our market yesterday after noon. -. , Col. E. D. Hall will address the people at Freeman's Cross Roads, BrUns wickxounty, to-day. !j '-Mr.- Alex. Sprnnt, British Vjice Consul at this port, who .has been absent on a four months trip to Europe,1 has Ire- turned, apparently in excellent health. Slight change in pressure and temperature southerly winds and increas ing cloudiness are tte predictions for this section to-day. ? Mr. J. C. Stevenson will re- r move his grocery establishment, on' Wed y establishment, his old stand on J nesday next, to his old stand on the north side of Mai House. The set street, J under tic Manning ! - good health i prevailing j in the city just now should not lull citizens into lancied security,! but snoum stimulate them to renewed exertions to rwrd off dis ease by U3ing pleaty of disinfetants. f The' Democratic . bs j have raised a pole and flag on the ckcuslot jon Fifth, j between Chesnut and Mulberry stand has streets, where the' Democratic been erected.t : I'M ' ! : - " .: " i' i "'" -.""'It ':' " Monky" a setter belpnging.to Mr. Norwood Giles, of this! city, killed 243 grows rats Wednesday on the farm of Mr. W. 1 B. Giles, on j Wriglitsville f Soutid. -Wednesday was a pretty good ay for rats at Wrightsville. I j. An excursion train will.be run to White ville on Monday next, leaving Vnion Depbt at 8 A. H., to afford those who'Vish to; do so an opportunity of hearing -Senator M. W. Ransom, wha will .address! the people at Whitetille on that day Tickets for ihe round trip only f 2 00. - - , .1 s 1 Flac IttUlnK audSpeaklas. ; : There y?ill be a pole and flag raising dnd speaking j at f Summerfille, j Northwest Township, Brunswick county on Satur day.the 16th inst. CoL E. D. Hall and other speakers will be present and iaddress ihe crowd. j VVltMINGTON,; The Ilouae Thieves at Work Acaln. Yesterday morning, about a quarter fast 4 o'clock, an attempt; was made to rob the reiidencef of Mr R Newrnan, corner of Fifth and; Princess streets, which was in a measure successrul. J The thfef entered the front gate and went to the wash-house, where he procured a horse bucket, a rake, and a piece of iron about eight inches'in length,- when he Went to one of the' side windows and prepared to commence ope rations. It seems, however, that the buck et j which! he got totand u?bn was not of sufficient Jieight, and he discarded it for a shoe box. Standing Upon the box he reach edthe window, when he inserted the piece of iron through j a crack ahd managed to displace tbe book from the staple by which tbf blinds werej secured. The sash ieing .already up.his next move was! to thrust thj rae-inio the room, which wias occupied by Mr. Martin Newman who Was on the bed asleep, and draw put a pair of pants. He then attempted to get possession of the. coat of the sleeper in the, same way, but, fortu nately, at this juncture Mr. Newman awoke. The moon- was shining bright at the time, and his attention was . : ' i -.1 immediately attracted to the bright the window, light streaming ("through which when he retired had been shut out by the blinds, and turning his head in tliat He direction he discovered ;, the instantly hailed, jheV. fellow, the- rake, jumped from the intruder. who dropped box and fled. Mri Newman rushed out on the front piazza, from one end of which he wis just in time I to discharge his pistol at' ti6 thief as he jumped the fence, though without the de- sired result. He carried off the pants,1 in the pockets of j which were a cumber of keys, a knife and other, articles. The iri- ,side lining pf the waistband of the pants is marked with the came of Mr. Newman, which may lead thief. . - M -'!' tcf the detection of the i - iM A II yter!oa Sirauger. I :j Yesterday morning we published an item from the Norfolk Landmark in rela tion to a young man, said to bail from that place; who gave jis name is Clyde, jand who was represented to be' in the hospital at this place, WeJ have sincejinquired pnto thej matter and find that the young man re ferred to arrived here a week ago, having, as he said, walked all the way from Charles ton! The name of Clyde is a fictitious one, 'as appears from 4 letter from his mother found on his person, i Tbe young man is now ill almost unto death, there .being but slight hopes of bis 'recovery, and has thus far If ailed! to disclose his true name The letter1 from his mother is couched in l.ii ; i i t . i. . the most: affectionate j terms, filled with moth erly advice and council, and displays an anxiety to ; know why he should . have changed his name, but at the same time ap. pears to be cautious not to reveal it, as if fearing the. letter! might fah into other hands. A siter Emma is refbrred to sevc- ral imcs. The 'address at the top of the lett r has been cut! out; though enough re- i mains to lead to the belief that it wo9 writ. ten at Petersburg The initials signed jto C. H.," and on a por the letter are 4,C. B tion Of a blank page is written, apparently in the hand of theiyonng man himself, the words, 'Q God, how long ?" with the jini- tials TW B. H."i appended. The letter is dated July 31st, 187,6. is a mvsterv surrounding the - . . .1 4 " There I.- i i stranger, who appears to be only about 23 yearsof a?e. and at Dresent there seems to be-no clue to its! solution, ass'thers is no thing about his person to lead to his idcri Mysierlons Dlaappearance ; On the 23th of August last & well dress ed man, ' giving his name as R. Mills, and who was understood to hold apposition on some one of the, vessels in port! at the time, appeared at. the boarding house of Mrs. Warren, on Second, between j Market and Dock streets, and! engaged board. He re mained there until the 2d day ot September, the'most of the time being under the influ ence .of ardent spirits, and appearing to have plenty of money, which was mainly in cold, i He took pinner at , his boarding house Ibat day, after which he departed, in company with a! stranger, and has not since been seen of heard of. From the act that be left his; trunk and: other arti cles at his boarding house, there is some Bppjrceension that he may have-been foul dealt with. Thermometer Keeord. v Tue following will show the state of the hermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.35 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained rom the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in; this city : l Au csta, ...... - .92 Cairo, i . . . . , .76 Charleston, . . . i,90 Cincinnati, . .. . . . .87 Corsicana, ., . ... .97 Fort Gibson 92 Galveston, . ......93 Indianola, . . . .'. ..90 Jacksonville, . .;87 Key i West,..,. L.. 9 Knoxville,,. 89 Lynchburg,. . ....90 Memphis, . .. . .91 Mobile. 8 Montgomery,... . .'.92 Nashville,,....... 90 New Orleans,... .84 New York....... 72 Norfolk, M-..".. 90 Pittsburgh, ......76 PuntaRssa,. 83 Savannah,.. . . . . . .89 Shrevepprt,. .. . ..87 SLouist,,...:..90" St Marks,,...;.. 87 Vicksburg,.. t..91 Wilmington, . ... .89 KlayorU Court The only case before the Mayor s Court yesterday, morning jwas .that of .' Andrew Fennel,; colored, charged with the larceny )t ft Well DUCltCk. .. ..vXISVI lusuva naww but the Court reserved its decision.- It will if . . r. . ') '-' i. . s-!' "J!i irooabiy be consiaerea a wnigauug u umstance that defendant did not take the welt A decision will probably be rendered; his morning. Personal.;:. -iiiy-Af'n- ? Peter Hale, Esq., of New York, formerly of the Fayetteville Observer" isn the' city. It is like bid times tp have one of the Hales ix North Carolina. tityl 'i - ; .-t SI i . i i! . i N. C.V SATURDAY; SEPTEMBER 9, l876i Flfih Street Cbnreb. j '--' ; -'-The repairs' on the Fifth Street Metho dist Church South, of this city, being suffi ciently advanced to permit its use, the usu al; services for Sunday will be held there to-morrow, the Sabbath School assembling by, the request of its Superintendent, at 9 o'clock a. mi, prepared for recitations on the lessons for the two last Sabbaths of August.' j!,,,."-. ! I !-M ' H. Transfer of Paeaenser. , We understand that! the transfer of through passengers from trains from the South will hereafter take place four hun dred yards from Union Depot, utStil fur ther notice. ! ; "' M" ' ' - lion. A OT. Waddell's Appolnliueuti. ' Col. Waddell will address his constitu ents of the Third Congressional District at the following. times and places: 1- ' ' Tuesday, September 12th, at Carter's Mill, Moore county. . ' - - . . - Wednesday, September 13th, at Carthage, Meore counjty. .-...'. i-i .-H::j 1 Thursday, September 14th, at Jonesboro, Moore county. ! 1 . i , U Friday, September 15th, at Lillington', Harnett county. I j Saturday, September 16th, at Harring ton Postofflce, Harnett county. ? Monday, September 18th, at Smith's Mills, Cumberland county. Tuesday, September 19th, Little. River Academy, Cumberland county. j Wednesday. September 20th. at Favette- vine, iumuermnu county. Thursday, September 21st, at Rockfisb Cumberland county. i i M i Friday, September 22d, at Blockersville, Cumberland county. I l I 1 I :- - j Saturday, September 23d, at Parker's Store, Bladen county. - ! . . i I ) Monday, September 25th, Elizabethtown, Bladen cout.ti'. " i ; I Tuesday, September 2Blh. White Hall. rjilrtden county. VVednesday, September 27th, at Clark ton, liladen county. Friday September 29th, at Columbus county. "I Whiteville, tlron Hill, Saturday, September 30th, at Iron HillJ uoiumnus county. Monday, October 2d, Brunswick county. at Waccamaw,' Tuesday, October 3d, atLockwood's Fol ly Bridge. Brunswick county. I ! Wednesday. October 4th.at TownCreekJ liruoswick county. ! Thursday. October 5th. at Long Creek. fender county., M Friday, October Cth, at Point Pender county. ; ; Saturday,.) October j 7tb, at Bridge, Sampson county. ! 4! Caswell, Taylor's Monday, October 9th, at Clinton, Samp son county. ! Tuesday, October 10th, at Newton Grove j bampson eounty. Wednesday, October 11th, at Faison, Du-I plm county. . Thursday, October 12th; at Kenansville, Duplin county. Friday, October 13th, at Hallsville, Dun pun county. I ! Saturday, October 14th, at Catharine liake, Onslow county. Monday, October 16th, at Jacksonvillei Onslow county. 1 Tuesday, October 17th, at Stump Sound, Onslow county. f u i j Wednesday, October 18th,at Sandy Run,! fender county. - ! ' wl ; Monday, October 23d, at Newport, Car teret county. J ,' Tue8daj', October 24th, at Beaufort, Car-j teret county. Wednesday, October 25th, ct Cedar Island, Caiteret county. Friday, October 27lh, at Sander's Store. Carteret county. Blahop Atklnaon'a Appointments for Summer and Autumn. 1876. ! Rutherford ton, 13th Sunday after i Trinity, ..I. '. I i . . Sept. 10 Shelby, Sept. 12 Lincolnton, i ............ i Sept. 14 High Shoals, J Sept. 15 Charlotte ,14th Sunday after Trin-i . ity,......i....... i...... -JSept 17 St. James, Iredell county,!....... Sept. 19 Monroe, St. Matthew's day,. ..... Sept. 211 Wadesborougb, 15th Sunday after I Trinity,..L....;.....,....... Sept. 24. Appoint jients of Rev. W. S. Black,' Presiding Elder, for his fourth round of Quarterly Meetings on the Wilmington Dis trict for the Methodist E. Church, South, the present Conference year: ( r ,. -j Magnolia, at Salem, . i Sept. ! 8-10 Wilmingtoni at Fifth Street, Sept. 16-17 Cokesbury, (Dist. Conference) ) (iGnt onlo . at Bethany, p V v Kenansville; at Wesley Chapel, Sep 30-Oct 1 Smithville, at Smithville, Oct. 1 7- 8 Onslow, at Tabernacle, Oct. 14-15 Wilmington, at Front Street, Oct. 18-19 Elizabeth, at Bladen Springs, Oct. 28-29 Bladen, at Antioch, ; . I JMov. I 4-r o Whiteville & Waccamaw Mis'n, INov. 11-12 Clinton, at Goshen, . JNov. 18-19 Nov. 25-26 Topsail, at Rocky Point, The IS all,. The mails will close at the City I'ost-Of-f flee until further notice as follows Northern through , and Way. . malls daily... ....... 6:30 A. MJ Mails for the N. C Railroad, : and routes 'supplied there- 1 from, at.....:..' 6:30 A. M Southern mails for all points ! I South, daily. . . ... . . . .M-.15:80 P. MJ Western mails (C. C. R'y) daily 5 :45 P. M. Fayetteville; and offices on Cape Kar Kiver. 'lnesdavs and . Fridays. i..... 1:00 P M. Fayetteville by C; C. R'y, daily (except Sundays)....:.!..!.. 5:45 P. M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offices every Friday . . .. j 6:00 A. M. The Smithville mails, by steamboat, close at 8 A. M, daily, except Sundays. Mails for Easy Hill. Town ; Creek, Bell Swamp, Supply and Shallotte, every Friday at 6 A. M. i . , , i-i l i-- Mails delivered from 6.-00 Al M. to i 70 P. M., and on Sundays-from8:30 to 9.-30A. :"A' Stamp Office open from S A. M. and from 2 to 6:00 P. M. Money! to 12 M. J order for Register Department open same as stamp oifictt. , "-Mi1'1 ' Stamps for sale at general delivery when stamp office is closed. . j j- ! ,! . a j . . Key Boxes accessible . at ' all hours, ; day and night. '.';') .i-i fv r '! :-'i Mails collected from street . boxes every day at 4 30 P.M. 4 f - , i aa : ..-I C1T1T 1XE5IS. If tou are troubled with, dyspepala. pais in the r auv other oq or tne iteart, layer or jvianeys, or any otaer palafnl symptoms, do not wait to confirm tbe ate esae, but break it ap at once by using Dr. Ball's Ve getable Pills.. Yon will thank us lor adyice. - 4. :;.yw,i;.IIIED, r--frlf'i '',:y4 TTATJITRAD. -On ; tbe - 8th & InstantJ'' ALFRED WADDELL, eea of JTehn A. and Martha B. Fai tead, aged S years and IS days. . ;r V,; J i' "The funeral will take place from the residence of the parent on Sixth,' between Dech: and: Oiqnge' streets, at 4 o'clock , this t af ternoopoJ ' Frteadi i 'a acqaalntancea of the family are invited to lerxit NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Stocks at Auction. THIS DAT (SATURDAY) AT 12 O'CLOCK. M. we will sell at Exchange Onmpp i i K.AJew,ta ?JP? Capital Steck of j the Fiwt National Bank of , Wilmington, j i . i j New Hanover, a jcyt Duaico vt mo yapiuu OlOCK OI tee BflnE Or ' i : ! . Bept9-lt; CRONLY & MOERIS, 1- ; .It . .1 . ; Anct'rs. Removal. i MY STORK WILL- BE REMOVES ON WED NESDAY, 13th tost, to my OLD STAND, on jn.Auu.ax; Dioiuir, norm eiae, eecona aoor rrom oecona tsireet, anaer tne mawminu i HOU8K, where I will be triad to see mv friends. Mil win ntl fer to them a PULL STOCK of FRESH OROCE- vnKA&S at luSDUUlvU PKIUES. i i I - M h sept9-tf. JAMES C. STEVENSON. For Sent, FOB TWELVE MONTHS FROM 1ST f. OCTOBER, : The STORE, corner of Market and Sc. mi I . . ' I li I Ti ' !- I i cond streets, lately occupied by G. H. W. Range, - - -I ? i! - . . -1 : 1 - with Dwelling above and Lot adjoining. :ii 1. .. . 1 1 -r Those Tyro STORES, on' North Water 1st, neU - . I ! ' ' , I ' I -1 . . I north of Dnmclandt's Saloon, wtth Warehouse I t rear. Apply to sept 9-2t! DxROSSET ca Excursion to Whiteville A Chance to Hear Hon. M. W. 1 Hi i Ransom ! J AN EXCURSION TRAIN WILL LEAVE UNION lieDOt MONDAY- ttentemher 11th oti u for WHITEVILLE, arriving there at 10 A. M. Re turninp, leave Whiteville at 4 P. M., arrive at Wi -mington at 6 P. M.. affording all an opportunity to attend the iRAND RALLY at that placed on that day. -; i H - i . -ji. J - i j - Fare for the Round Trip only $2 OO. I I Tickets for Bale at Union Itetmt XI nnrlitT m rim ing. sep9-2t Ishmael and Self-Raised. "! I l . I- - i I ' THEY ARE THE TWO BEST NOVELS ISSUED ,;;j' - " FOR YEARS. ; I ,, Ishmael. BY MRS. E. D. E.N. SOUTHWORtH. iighth Edition Now Ready. Sell-Raisid. BY MRS. S D.M. SOUTHWORTS. -. ' .j I Sixth Edition Now Ready. For sale at " I TIEINSBERGKR'S - . sept S-tf j : l ,LiTe Book and Music Store. A Small Stock rV ENGLISH CASS. SUITINGS ' I. i j . i! i AND PANT STUFFS, we otrer by the ya d. or made- ' i i i 1 M to measure AT COST. I - MUNSON A CO., ! Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. sept 8-tf eijct i i Mrsi G. H. W. Eunge OFFERS HER SERVICES TO HER FRIENDS and the public generally, as Instructor in Plain Sewing, Kmbroidery, Canvas Work, Netting, Knit ting, Crocheting, &e? She will be happy to eee all who will so kindly favor her with their natron n. at her residence on Fifth, between Ann and lun streets, on MOJNLAY, the 2i of QCTOBEK I Class honra from 8 to 5 P. M , onMondays,Thurs days and Fridays I . i j. Terms fi.co per month. ept8-4t SCHOOL ' '"III- I - - ii i . FOE YOUNG LADIES. Hisses K enneiy ani Bart pals. THE NEXT SESSION OF THIS INSTITUTION will begin THURSDAY, the 6th of OCTOBER. ' I- . r i j . t FRENCH. GERMAN and DRAWING tanobt. Is auuiuuu iu ine regular jsngusn coarse. "Ml- ' : : f i i SCHOOL OF MUSIC under the charge of Profet- n Til it .t r . -nM I. i. Vt Jk. V Ail jUAlUX. ;-. i septft-lw i slw&teodtOctS Hoop Iron, Hay; &c. QQ Bdls'HOOP rBONlj 30 Q Bales EASTERN HAY, For sale very low by ant 25 tf i M WORTH A WORTH. i i Lime. Lime. '.Mi i .M i ; -, 1500 Bbla. PRBSI1 LIMB, .: Just arrived and landing. aug 25-tf WORTH A WORTH. Notice. X WISH TO INFORM MY FRIENDS AND THE public generally, that I have commenced the RE TAIL MEAT BUSINESS, at STALL No. 6, MAR KET HOUSE, where I shall keep constantly on hand a Select Stock of BEEF, MUTTON, PORK, POULTRY and GAMS. I sept t-tf Respectfully, T. A WATSON. Fall and Winter Silk Hats, .1 I i . - it: 1 I.I t, I y NDj A GREAT . VARIETY OF STYLES IN SOFT AND STIFF HATS, TRUNKS AND UMBRE At HARRISON & A septT-tf City Hat StoreJ 29 Front st. North Carolina Cassimere&. AN INVOICE OF THESE DESIRABLE GOODS,' embracing all grades, received direct from the manufactory. ! . i. . , ' An examination of these Poonlar Goods; respect- jmiy soiuuiea . r i- i h;6--( -.(.. ... -m -- v;- 1 Fori Youths? and Bovs' SCHOOL 'clothing, and for Gentlemen's : BUSINESS SUITS, they de servedly stand In higher estimation than any other uooas maae in tne country . M i The prices at retail are very moderate. ; " Cash orders filled for Merchants at Manufactu rers' JMces. M j j i -. . i - .- jr h u. : angaa-tfDAW i : 1 IHEDRICK. Hillsboro Military Academy,1 nillsboro, N. C. THE FALL ' 8KS8ION OF THIS SCHOOL WILL OPEN JULY 81ST. btudente prepared for any University or College. For Circulars apply to the Principals.! . , - i HAMILTON & MORSON. , jo 13-$uwtm Tn ASat ,,r. . :Miii.'4 Fishm,T 3. V. JUST RECEIVED, ANOTHER SUPPLY OF i I i i BAMBOO POLES, SILK, LTNEN a4 COTTOW irCBAJhNST8.e. i, By , GEO. A. PECK, Snltt-tf no. ao sonta jrroni du i www 1 itiil 1 FELT LLAS,!' !f J li i f ' LLEN'S. j 29 Fro : n u : .- - i-. : 1 - : ! . " "'J WHOLE NO. 2,844: MISGELLANEOUS. Notice. rpHERE WILL BE A MEETING OF THE DE-i i J. mocratic Conservative CommlttM. tnr tiu ThM KSona?S,i.,?rft the PUttCELL HOUSE, TUESDAY, 12th of September, It is desired that tj uirauun vi vne vommitiee De present. t J . . . UilAJS. M. ST. CHAS. M. STEDMAN, ' 1 i "i. j . -- .; Chairman. I r nepttf-ia - Ill XT To Fishermen. if, OU WILL FIND AT OUR STORE A LARGE iiu wcu BBBuneu dhjck or UUjIi-NJET TWIN KS SEINB TWINES. HANGING LINES, both cS and -Hemp, and everything needed in your line. Thich we are selling very low to suit the times. NETS ordered on small margin. j n T I sept 8 tf ,i GILES A XURCHISON. i ! Grass Slades. 1 i i , UW HOOKS. SNATHS.1 ARAM nnnvfl SSIU3' DUTCH SCYTHES, FAN MIUJS, FEED CUTTERS. Also, a laVge assort ment of AME8' SHOVE L8 and SPAJDEs, at the Lowest Cash trices in the city, at the Old Estab lished Hardware House of JOHN DAWSON, if sept S-tf 19. 20 and 21 Market street i Dupont's Powder, . JIFLE, MUSKET AND 8P0RTING, I 11 ' MINING4 AND BLASTING, t - i- . t i . . ' In Whole, Half and Quarter Kegs, for sale at man I afacturer's prices by n ij- ! I ' - , ' j. f : ! - " !l : ' jseptl-tf - O. G. PARSLEY A CO. CLOSING DAY. NO GOODS WILL l i BE RETAILED AFTER SATURDAY. STILL Op HAND ,000 WORTH OF ';'W.::' DRY GOpDSjlj SHOES RIBBONS, i II-'-: HATS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, &cJ, 'I 1 ; ll - 1 That 111 VST bo Sold this Week at 17 Market St. F. W. KEItCIINEK, sept 7-3t ASSIGNEE Reduced to Cost In i i . .-ii. ORDER TO CLEAR OUT BALANCE OF SUMMER DRESS GOODS we will sell the follow tag Goods AT COST; BLACK GRENADINES, . v -.. i i V.i C FANCY PLAID, MOHAIR, . BATIST CLOTH, . DsBEGES, Ac. Sc II. SAMSON, 43 Market btreet, aug 17-4f 20 PER CEIMT ! II HAVE JUST RECEIVED A ! FINE ASSORT I meat of..' . - .. i :ri; a 1 j . . , a -1. -I --' -M ,';""---'" - V H-.---1I..-.I'M I ;- American Watches, whichlwRl sell' M -1 20 Per Cent, Cheaper than any house hi the city., i M Fine assortment of LADIES WATCHES. SEAT, and PLAIN GOLD RINGS, Ladies' and Gentle men's CHAINS, i i - i i ..- -i, aaSr" Work left with me willbe neatlvexecnted Alilaskof the pnblic is to give me a trial, i jy 18-tf Corner Front and Princess sts. Bottled 'm - --.j. V". - : r Laeer Beer, Imported. AND FINEST EVER BROUGHT I OUR IMMENSE SALE f OF IT SPEAKS FOR -,- '..' ITSELF; I I . F R E S '-" -i: j 'mm i Georgie's Bank Godiish. A NEW INVOICE OF ' " ' A CM'' Cooked Canned Meats, -. -,' ' i i I f ' - '" -j . " i New Canned Fruits, A'i ' f and Vegetables. Fresh Ground New . ; Process Flour. if I FOR SALE ONLY BY Gepi Myers, 11 & 13 South Front St. Jy; 27-tf THE fi Humpty-! and : ; I. Up-to-Standard IMPREGNABLE CIGAES! LEADING INLTHIS MARKET. ' I i i I M I i .-- .'.H It l! I -a. Try them and be convinced. . . i i - i :? !) i.h i In . i l.l': GREATEST VARIETY DESIRA- RABLE TOBACCO GOODS, by eepto-tf -.:. ; , -i .'-. D. PIGOTT. ' : Fer Smitlitille. r Summer ScMnle. j ON AND AFTER FRIDAY. JULY 21, STEAM ER J. B. UNDERBILL, Capt. W. J. Potter, fi , Will leave Wilmington at . j h.bva.m. Do. Smithv vuie at 8.00 P.M. Fare Wiladagton to SmithvQle, $LO0; Smithville to Wilmington, $1 00. Children under fourteen half price. Commutation tickets can be procured at office of M- - (- ' JOS. H. NEFF, . i; : i Cor. Dock and Sooth Water sts. : lrFreighia taken at low rates. j i jySl-tf I y, .-.3-. j- - ' E -vi .- - - i:M-., -I --TU z The Salisbury hExfimiTier. , ',)'. KataWlalia la 1869. . MmM; THOROUGHLY AND ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC. Printed Weekly and.Tri-Weekly si $2 and $5. 1; ' 1 - Address ' ' '' ' " J. J. STEWART, 1 ' Je 3-tf Editor aad Proprietor, Salisbury, N. O. : - ' It m , RATES OV IDVEKTHWO I Pi48q'wd9j,t&:,j.;M 00 1 days,.....;: W) sdayt--....,.... 1 10 fonr days...,. ...... . j...-... $ M r 1 avf aays. . . . . . ; . , . ,i. . .:. 8 00 ; lipn week...,,. .... 8 M Two wekmj..l-l.Jj.il. J R CO f I;' f Three wsjakfl.vv ......... 6 M - . vnemontn................ , 8 wi i4 . ... 1 .... vi T.k on " v Thfeemonths...... ...... 22 to Six aiantlM.. . .... ss. DU EsTJOBtraetf LAriUumawttm .Vm ' 60 CO Wqnately low rate. 1 s - i I I oqnarea estimated as a qnarter-coluaiB, had I- ss squares ss a half -column. ,;: j-1 1 ; v. f : -. t : . ICELLANEOUS. Salt, Baggiujj, Ties, &c. 2000 .TT-W- gQQf iMarshall'sBiowado. j - KpHs and V Holla Standard tKA nUl .w - JBAGGING, : ill 1 ""W JUUWW JUBt, :.- :;q - 'eced;' ':;-. "do j ; '1 ; 3000L"B",ttlBTW1fE? ' ; 700 1 n M KA Bbxes D.S. SIDES and SHOULDERS 25;fHWf$J. 25BfrOBK-rM 1 250 ?S Sn8ar-Uouse MOLA88XS, 'if: JKQBbU SUGAR. VitAC'JiKKS, RICE, LES, MATCHES, ? tYK, POTASH, SOAP, SNI7FF. TOBACCO, SODA, SHOT, POWDER, i Ci lAtoeWsW'- For sale b r ! KBRCj :i .f-:- sept 8-tf 3HN: ER A CALDER BROS. Sundries. Sundries EElj j SW AND SALT SNUFFS.: TOBACCO-SMoklNG AND CHEWING-varloaa urouesancpnuias. 1 xarge ana ample 1 1 .U j 1 j ..stock to select from. I j FLOUR various -Brands "Galloway " Bonton." 1 1 v i 1 tw o vuuice, Tuonaty. v I ; ; f -: AVFancy," A Aq.. kl MEAL W ATER MILiMdatlt ' OMrne ii 111 ! ' Ml M .. J 1 1 - -I .-ii" X CORN, HAY. meats, pork lard, butter' h 1 ! '! 1 I" lill I I - 1! , III i ll I 'J NAILS, GLUE. BUNGS. PAINT. ROOP lKiv TIES, CANDY, SOAP, CASTOR OIL, I PAIN-KILLER, AUD ANUmI paREGORIC, isl ji i . I . WOODEN WARE. . r CHEESE Small Boxes for Summer Trade. . I ' i i" f ti.-, 1 ' I 11 i-. i .,-(' nil,' ii'-i. . . AND EVERY ARTICLE USUALLY KEPT IN t .1 J u - i 1 !' - ' ; 1 I , ,, r . . WHOLESALE GROCERY. I 1 . 11 . 1 I ... 1 . -: VUi ... il , -1, m: Ps7"Giye ns a call qr order direct to M !U--M 1 I K II I -I I 1 l - r u , .- ADIIIAX & VOLLEUS, t n augisltf N Corner Dock and Front Klroela. Potatoes, iii 1 1 1. 1 . 1 I. .a Hominy.Aci. TiJ-"ll M ""MM 25 C Bush. EASTERN EARLY iROSK j 1' r-. : '-Mil i r 1 . Mi.i : POTATOES O K Baeh. PEARL HOMINYJ r ii 1 - If rethfrom the Mil BAGGING and TIES, " j f 1 1 AT LOWTIGCRES. OLD GOVERNMENT 1 I 'iii' JAVA COFFKKJ BIXFORD. CROW & Co. sunt Kt I .- ! II. II - I 1 II I- , I ' ' - II 11 ' ' 11 i ; II - ' . ' ViXies.sc. 1 '. . I I- 'I 3000 iB ?AL'r' Karsh&lHi Finis and Liaben llllll .-eusneisrnme waite I ilUU- ; .... i i-.-H '-?-' r -Q Boxes Dry Salt and Smoked BACON, QAfi "Whole and Half Rolls BAGGING uuu !-" n ' f- f i i 'j l i.i i- t00r"uMfdc'r i- tA Bags COFFEE, all grades; ! gQ Barrels $UGAR, all grades : l '. I i 300 Barrels 8. H. SYRUP, i.i ijK Hhds choice Porto Rico MOLASSES, 1KA Orbss N", T. aad Swift A Courtney's iw" -it L ' MATCHES 150 i Ai,Tonet and Laandry, 150CT?WfM;U!j. I ijK Half Bbls and Boxes SNUFF, rr Boxes TOBACCO. UJL !' "il Isii -) ALSO.- ,- ... i,, : In store and to arrive. Little Rivet YARNS Lake George, Lebanon A and Manchester SHEETING, ! I For sale by .t. ang 27-tf j WILLIAMS MUECHISON. Pure N. O. Bhenish DCjtT!El'(P . , . .... ... .... . if fl.-ii - . FROM THE MOUNTAINS. SUPERIOR TO IM4 M? ! I : -i ' ' - "l- - ' H - vi h PORTED RHENISH WINK I j BOTTLED AND BY THE GALLON. i l t, . f - - I i - k J i ill Sold only by -1 I f f - i! .i ! : septS-tfBAWf I i I J 5 and 7 North Front 8L EUREKA 'I -.11 - il - .1 -.I". 1,1--L-M illllff And Georgo's Banks Codfisfi .. ; I I i 't i - - ' V I il ., i. ,, ; I I. ,1 , i , BONED AND UNBONED. .-, SUGAR- CUBED PIG ULDERS A' l-t a Extra Choice iMrge i Extra Shore MACKEREL. mm -li ix MYERS CHAS. i, ,, . sept 3-tfDA W 5 and North Front St 1 1 '11: i . s t 1 m Mi i ' J? ailing j it OT WITHSTANDING THE EXCEEDINGLY "vr Xt warm' weather.! the of , my SUMMER CLOTHING continue to fall. I - !1m l;- i M '- ! ALPACCAS and LINENS at fleavy lswmnt. i I " -'l-H I . .-' j .i ..- '. ,,. i:'!s-".t a j-4 - ... .j,..4 - W-ONB HUNDRED White Maraefllea VESTS closed out at FIFTY PER CENT; less than the re- golar price, i- ivi-: i-,. ,y"f il': i. t t ' f i Merchant Tailor aad Ckrthier. Market St. HALL & tFEABSALL J--.--J.V-.- I II - "Il ,1 , fil J I!.,:!..: .ii i i ; i:iOFFB TO CLOSE BUYERS I' .-il It- :l. . j- . ,.:. ,.,t,,;;iHL li .liM BAGGING and TIES, i IT"' snd GLUE,' I? HOOP and GLUE. H SHOT and GUN CAPS, J --. i.-.-.-i-;-! '- i. ii -.r--.. : I I - - I .-.' ' n-l'i TOBACCO aad fiNni. SUGAR and i ':t , 13.009 GOOD SZQASS, ! .; mt$-h -M f -f;, ; -; Hi f M ooa bbls. cboick s tSyi t m NEW C310P FLOURv .4- I-.. 8EPTEMBSB MULLETS, Ad, Ac, sept 8-tf -f.; a 1