I -' t jr '''':,''ji .: 'i' j t Horning --Star; WOT. II, BEIINAIII, 1.. ' . Editor. ;CI3KROTr.HABBIS,lM ! -w'iivr WILMINGTON N, G,: ' ' "siMTBDAT . JCviraS. !sept.018t. ',:) ." - ' ' - KVJSNIN f NATIONAL FOR PRESIDENT SAMUEL J. -TILDEN, OF' NEW iFOR rviCE PRESIDENT! :- r . ill-, it . is-- THOMAS W. HENDRICKS, fcUf.r 0"F , INDIANA. 1 ;Prmentll JElector I I M -III P - ; JOB STATE At UJB0 : "i DANIEL & FOWLE, of "Wake JAMES M. LEACfl, of Davidson. DISTRICT ELECTOB3 i , 1ST DISTRICT LEWIS C. LATHAM, 1,,. LiAr .w Vrr-vrNmtixf".': 4i - PRANK C. ROB BINS. R. WARING 1- -WM. B. GLENN, A. C. AVERT. STATE TICKE T. GOVERNOR, ZEBUlrO NCE, OP MECKLENBURG. THOMA JA 'OP prrr.;. ft - 1 ! ATTORNEY GENERAL, 1 i ,'i : " ii i I- J niOMAS -Si. 'KENAN; ! 'I 1 I I : j 6p wnLsoNT SECRETARY OF" STATE, J O SEP 11 A. ENGE SARD, : OP NEW HANOVER. TREASURER, JOHN M, wo RTH, OP RANDOLPH; i... it. I Atoitpb, SAMlJEi: ii. LOVE, OP HAYWOOD. SUP'T PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, i:. f ii Ml ffi'ii. -1 I It -It" J OH N Gt S C ARB O ROU GIT,' OP JOHNSTONi F O !1PISST1)I3THICT r JES SE JHTEATES, OFHKBtTORD. 4A DISTKICTr ALFRED PT. I'M ' . li WAD DELL 1M V, ilLl 1 I I. ! , I)F BHANOTK SR. i! i fourth District, ' j i i Mi . ii JOS DAVIS; - I-':. ' FIFTH DISTRICT, A L F R E D M . S 0 AL E S Hi OF GUILFORP, SIXTH PIStEICT 'if "til VV" T e r E ELE, r. .v LiA OHMOXJIX 1 - v bfiVKNT. ii i i i '' ! 1 ' 1 I A Mv! M i R OBBINS, i Mil ; " ! It r , i ; - i . t I OF IREBSLL. EIGHTH: DISTRICT, NCE , in of .bvnqombeJ iv ' t i 11 A ti ST-l Ja.ti'j'-Afcd ! iiJ Ma i I T Uie fcWT? ffriWi??.' t,?w,1v ofisressman Scott Lord lor Govern or by e New lork Dempcfatio 0nve ntion next , VYednesdayt ; t I t'.l Wi jT4to3cwtic'!and Independent pressure1 pleased' ith-te?;n6minay tions in luassacnuset ts ana ( connect t-' cut. J Such' toaoers as the York hai ibelti-statld;1 by Several - pa-: - . . i i t t r is in i f that "Mr. Bristow's head is so pers cially for;1bim,',.1and he. Lyu.Lonis ,7?ne Would like, to Inow if this is i.-Ji .ul. in ' i - . I he precipitated. him put of New ,1r:OTbf;Hraid. REpkWnWiU u4be battle really be URhtjinjNew Yprk,;a8 most Democrats fought arvd Hepttblieans'BfiTee I .or.t hi Carolina i uv ypu ant-Wprtff, Caw M i i i mm ford to lose both New Hjfdrk Tand Tadiana prilriant stroke til pohticalr.itrategy thmkttviaBo.i-rt.hTAfn3r am C5t. vr ting voters, both, wtthurandf without . ' n Tj TTr , . ; : i awrjuang-rMitn. thrieadn MAINE TO-MOHKOAV. ; The terrible State !of Maiine will vote the Republican ticket tq-morro as usual. It will give: its usual ma- joricy: -v Mr, J uggiing urraDDBrxiaine has loo mnch at stake to let la falling off in the vote of his party tajke place. Doubtless, a large ptr cefitum . of "those bonds' will baswallbwed up in the victory. . ! " , .... , The brilliant and philosophic states- ,man who will address lour people qn Tnesday:rjight will have to jhear him a large and cultured audience who will fully appreciate his eminent Senator abilities as a public speaker. Ransom is dearly jloved as wlefl as en thusiastically! the people of the Cape Fear.-; Ho public man, outside of the lists of. bur on prized ana giiiea.sons, os as sq full-handed a popularity as he. Anil Ransom's; de. i i i I'otion-to 'our people ii no iubs iiieai,. and Jren ji.naoweafwiin a warr eroua heart, he finds here responsive quali ties, and in the extended freedom of our ancient Iborbnffh feels himself to be bereCtlyjat home; FEVKK-STHItJKKN S.l V A p nl All.' The iinDbi'laot tcitv of t Savannah ha$ been sufferln! . deeply , from! the ravages of thit .dreadful 'jitropicalf scourge; the yellow fever. We know that the gr;eat heart of Wilmington sympathizes with our afflicted .weigh bo s, and we feel quite sure that'atiy-j ming mai ouri o.wa..(euow-ciuztn 'can dp will be f done ' cheeiff ully 'id i. . 1 : ' I F ' It - .. . I alleviate these afflictions, so : m ucl. boyond what ordinarily jfalll to the be of men. many of them tft elt the heavy fpot4 step or the Xestrover. our veopie KU.U nab ivan w going through.! ii : are now going any; pecuniary; assistance! is needed we presume a erood sum Icould u e rais t5 at Bui ie ha oqce. e obseaved that' 4 one or two offers off such ,a Viatu have been jffpctfuly,decliiedi: Last Saturday night, at tie great demonstration in ' iAdianaplisJ 3Ir, Joseph Pulitzer, the GerRfaif Reform leader of. St. Louis, made a speech full of cogent logic and garnished with much earnest rhetoric J V make a few extracts; 1 I - f I i i i t . i On the subject of Hayes ami GrantH ism Mr. Pulitzer Raid : t i . ? If yen approve of Grantisra you must voe for Hayes,. If your condemn it;, fyou must vote against him. ; CobdemniDcGrant- lsm, yet supporting (irantism's candidate,' wauia ue use jumping ou? o; a iryingfpani into the fire. It The simble Question, lhere-4 iuic, upuu n uiuu luia cuiJiest suoum ue ue cided is: Does the partyj in power deserve1 a vote of confidence frojni the people? Is ii uui, uoDiempi. rainer vuan qonjiaence it deserves?" - ,.-! ; ! M i iKeferrina: to Morton's Mb crusade against the .South, he asked : V Is this fanning of sectional strife, this digging np of old feuds, Ithis arousing f old prejudices, this appeal to passion!, the true American spirit? Is thisstatesinaush p? I deny it "Itj is a spirit iforeign to;aigreai anil generousj republic; 4ltls a spirit; mos? xoreign to every sense ol true manhood. It is the spirit of eternal hate and n6t Of pa- iriOllSm." ; i f .r i,Li-.f.r.-.l. .;! .-!:;-. i r - . . tuts wwu iwuiu a)a uuiun soiuier na republican, ; wia ref ered to. ix years ago he had left that party. With crreat unctiori Mk " Pulitzer 0arge ;iipoa ttfe I epubHeans their Frauds and .the malicious prosecution bflwar.isSQesk:.He slid:?J 1 ji ask youj fellow citizens.? ifl there are any traitors ; and 'rebels to-day, mho are tlity ? Who is the.friend of th govern mfm ? .' He who robs itj? , Qr he wiho eni Ueavors to! reform it?. The real taiturs Xoy Uay are uojt ihe people of the oua, 1 -whol alter hgtitiDiTljke menjl behaved iiKe men; accepted the hew order; of thiDgSjj prayihg fojr peace, when you, jMr; Moitori. trvi tlitm pluuderidgg, Abut you, Mr lurlou and vuur irieudts. the 3 buu jiuur iricuus, tue loyai iseiKpapa ana liralues, ahd jBabcocksJ ithe patridtic Robef OAna in ti nnfi ' I lrtho sons, DeUuos, Orths; Sebenkiljihe Mc IHdMs, 'Joy;ce9,"(jaSey4." Pomeroy a MVc.k: toiday.i .lie wb robs Ljia gpvernhient-or 1C iio cijnstnia to H, or ue wbtNte wonl duty is toi-preveut, it, yet fails tojjdo so,: is tub eutmy ot the government to uy. ' Hi who casi sbaiue 'tftidi 4dishonorlupon hi country ii the t'relel" j fito-day. J llie whi eitven years (alter tue war maliciously taens sectional btriife.tlefeiW-flllfsa4bbt'tbat' i a teal, harmonious TJtti' 4Vhaer. you "! may say about the old ui ebela,? Mr. Mor o loin, they at least do riot steaL": ; I t. ? 1. i i --Li ;- - t j BOWtB FOR ADARlil We. thought so. (Bowles fcpuldu't h jlp. iCprKeijthing Wad'tP e jpowles wasj; pieueuxioj.ouii-4.uamp eyery other Adams man. and so- the bnnyr-. aper. iuus periorce; supporii "unanes autis fiojfi GoveThpr 'of sachu- )etts. The Remitliom savs tbW8 Momina I t . 1 . r .- Ill:-- tipn UMVulAmA isalbe;ismarte8t Lhing in, politics tbiHyearao.uuusual t wna uvui: uumuiuu bbub;,,, j hjoui felt fftMcQ lu w'-d s;i aJ r.r,'rttt'ii''w'vl --ii' pplicy.iaf a -.reform. ' . are extracts iram ita heiUfoll-awirig the State, 1 to tttef "support of Go mas8aonusetMvot'.friJiayes. r. ICMIVUl tCW V : I Jk 1119' pects pf ' the case, render ils Presi dential vote doubtful, but lit does, with Other local causes, make the ref suit of the State and Congressional elections' doubtful, i Thousands of Republicans, who have never hesita- ed and will not hesitate to vote for layes I and; ,W"heele.r Vop J haries F rancis Aaam3 ror Ajovernor i .... ,. l.-js wm of Massachusetts, and i it will not be surprising if there are enough of these to insure his election. Indeed, the consequences of this ' nomiation are lar reaclnng and as yei unae- velopeil. They are likely toj g not qnly beyond Massachusetts, buti be yond this campaign, j . It is the Jbest single I move on the n political tihess- i uoaru) nils vear, aun hb eueuo uuuu he game threatens to be serious. 1 With all pf his enthusiasm Bowles 11 helpjiuden is illogical. . Adams w an and out of the Uay State, This Bowles ought to know, OXFORD LETTER. Tlior'oueh Deinocrailo Orsanlzatlon. : ! Special Star Correspondence! i X - Oxford, Sept." 7, l'sve.: The j Democrats,1' uder thb ablo management of Col. James S.J AmL,- Chairman of the Executive Commit tee, are j organizing I vcly tliorPughl v. There is a Tildea and j Vance blub in every township in the county but brie. ipoLAmis, Col .IT. B. fUabie; S. J. Skinner, Esq., afld others are at work Grn,uvillpwi! n November. i a t give a good, report;! Capt Jos. J. DayisispokeJ ere last week. J lie made a 'very effective; speech, replete with fcts and j brist ling with arguments.! We are very proud of our representative j He is arr honest ' and blamepess " maa.! ,1 No man- surpasses him Jn the -best ele ments i;tbat enter ! into1 a true! man hood. Ilis nomination was a .tri umph pf virtue, and bis election will be a blessing to his constituency. He says he can' beat the Revenue Xjoser eiuht hundred or a jlhonsaiid votes, anu give nun a inousana majority in Granville. Ikewill pot cajrry jlCirai vill hv ovfir 400 vnttia at farthest ' !"4 It lSjtaowj thought tpat the topaccp .. :il t .. ! . i! u'.K ! fPL crop. win ue auuub uue uan.i j.uu corn crop is larger than it for several years.! If has beein flheinews coroestous from Orange that Jo Turner is runnincias all! In dependent for j the Senate. Major John Graham shoul read one of Turner's little editorials: on f In de pendents in reply l hint each day. Graham will be elected, say all the TJrangeites who I come to Granville. 1 urnerwill get the Radical vote; r, RODOHETR. Spirits iTurpeiitme. Vance and Settle speak at Mt. Gilead, Montgomery, on the"22d. ' .i - i- . .. i . - Leach !at Albemarle, Stanly countj', Monday Vance and Settle on Thursday, 21st. The Hickory Press! will issue a daily edition during the campaign. , , Enter prising Piedmontese: - , j "." 'i fix" Mr. R. E. Blakev: .formerly of the Murfreesboro Enquirer, has purchased the ln Me88mger. t i ' j if '. ; I A little five year fold boy $on of Dr. Sloan, of jOharlotte, had both hopes of his arm broken. v ! 1 11 ,! it! -j- The "Albemarle", Banner learns that Dri E. R. Burris; of Locust Leyel.had one of j his 'legs broken a-jfew' days ago, while attempting to get outiof his sulky.! I' Charlotte Observer: Mr. W. D. JJussell, of ltock Hill, S. 6. while' riding With his wife and children yesterday even ing, was thrown from liis bjiggy, causing a fracture of the leg,; between the knee and ankle. j.- f , .. it j r-A . ' I Albemarle Banner: On, .Wedx nesday livening last, while Hev. J. R. Lit- tleton, who lives nine miles from here, on pee Dee river; and all his family; were irom Home, some person enierea ui nouse and stole therefrom $50 in money.a double barreled shot-gun, and sofme clothing, in all; amounting tjo about' $75. The perpe irator pf this deed- Is supposed "to vbe the notorious outlaw trom Kasdolpu county, Tillman Crawford. lJid8ville Times and Mercury." We are ioht lhat ' after Vance and- Settle had I made their speeches : at Danbriry a ! few weeks ago, GEN ERAL Stephen A. Dbuelas rushed . ibrouh the tlrowd, and said tjo it he would bet $500 Settle would beat. After he repeated if several Limes, an old farmer: walked up - to him,1 opened his ipcket; book ,.whiuh he had tied w(th a hame string, and, tak irig but $500! told ''Kirk's brigadier that hVwWuld 'take j jt he bet: 'Mr' Douglas said "wellj come te '. leids yille and li will bet. with .TPU .there;" the tarmer&aia,"rdcmT; believe tcxx have got: $500; I will Sbet $51; "He as again told that he musticome to Reidine;iAtlast;-ih( inai ne w hbCSajyl. ppuld not;!, iTais,e haiampunt J again asked the farmer to wait he came ioiReidsvlltejthe thiAg vas ;dropped.-1:;t-:w"tFft:-';lr0l - : , Wonder, if ; any .-of -GENERAL Douglas' Radipa) r friends iny .lieids ville would haVe furnished him 'with . $50,0q whe'iiuf al4 site t-fphanees would. favor his" Iosing it: e trow hot. 1 m mm? VVII.OU Hltllt - If r- ft- .,vvu,uvi.J . , Kjr;l.l er- at m oaned. von? JWaWnl .hard up." f; I ' tf -:M , ;:''fJ J i', r-- sorrow Fbrgi ve J:me uipruasking - l- . - t l - forcrot' vour wife hadn't seen Bob; f mine has already been. at and the fellow I borrowed'Vfrbtri" tit kh er ! '. I; Radical Bluster. day, ;M cnri',t, your letf nei ha vei Ah monev I 1 Yellow Fever taSanan.l.. j i 1 I Savannah News, of Friday. The renorfc of the interments .for yesterdayhows' a deci43ecrease, there being eleyeninterm"erit8 report ed; oiilv 5 half the!, number reported Tuesday .T j Hereafter "these "reports will ue revised oy toe neann oiucer, and, certified to bj him sbefore they are publishd as will be seen,, by ja notice' in another Column. Tt will also be seen by thefsame notice that "after to-day the report of new cases will be discontinued. It will be ob served from the following that there are seven i less new- cases; reported than wereii in the report ; for the pre- vioua uay ... :.- j ..:.t.i .-- : ii Office Health Obficeh, ' Savannah, Sept. 7, 8 p. m Consolidated (report oft yellow fe- ver cases1, for the 1 last twenty hours new 3asffc, fifty-tbee. our ' J. T. McFaelanDj M. D.!, Health Office1 r. " A very good feeling prevails among all classes of ouri citizens. ' and, f we trust it will continue; i.j C'liarleaton. i ; i News and Courier, Friday. " The old adage about the ; relative value of prevention and cure receivedj a striking illustration last nightThq riotous, mob, which was so bold and unmanageable during the n whpjle ol Wednesday night, was - wondeffully tamed bv the oniet Preparations that were knpwn to have beeu ! made I yen terday t,o vindicate the public I ordei and good name of the city; and, con trary to tho. general anticipation: with the exception lof some isolated disturbances of no yey gravej charj actor, the city last night : reposed in profound, though; enforced, peace. An Kxiraordinary'f PoaHlon' jXaken bf Xtidat Moore-III sirlctnrea on tbe Solicitor, j j I fe . (: i t I. . j Tarboro Southerner. j J On Monday Judge Moore had the Grand! Jury brought in and charged them that the bodyj should take cog nizance of no case unless (I) the mat ter came to their; knowledge I from a Justice bf the Peace, or. (2) from t Coroner, or (3) they know tile facts of their own knowledge, or (4) utir less the solicitor marked, a proseou Hi- t tor on the bill I fI ih5a pYrftfirdiharv. '.harrrp' S licitof Martin took prompt except tion, and told tun court he wanted to take' it! up to the. Supreme Court.' "Take it up in any way you please, j'f curtly replied i the court.; lhe court, fuse to. swear witnesses unless the cases were comprehended under his charge: "ihen," said Mrj Martini the clerk refuse ta swear a wit- ness whose name! I've marked oh the bill, so :I can indict! him for; such ref- fusal, and thus eet the easel up.? i I Judge Moore, I with great anima- tion;, : saia : rm.r. Jiiartin, jyour lan guage retjuires an explanation, eis s you, will stand in contemptf' I Mr. Martin instantly arose and. said: "Your Honor knows nothiug was farther from myj intention than to cast a contempt on' the court'. Your Honor jnst told me I could get up a case to have the matter tested ny way I chose,' and ! your Honor in any must know I did I not intend it fo contempt." I ! The whole 'proceeding on the part pf (the Court was remarkable. ' jj r It I ousts the Superioi" Court of nearly al 1 original; crimitiil jurisdicj tion, and the community; imust suffer if I persisted, in. jWe -wjill d of the Judge the justice ' to say that on Thursday morning be called the inry back and told them- he only meant to ieu jvuem . H jwas aavisory. to tnem and ; he did not intend it for an ori der. A DlanolBte Ilonaeliold. The London papers anno.nncei th marriage of Visebuntess Dupplir who was divorced a , fewj weeks agd. td Mr. Herbert Flowers, her I para!- 1 mour. i-JLiady Xiuppun's 'eldest sister married Marquis 1 Townsheud, f anp! eloped jwith a handsopae. bld uncle of the Marquis of Dath. Her . secohjl sister, Lady Ida, ; parried ; a miliior aireJ .Mr. Adrian Hopei and. estab ashed a criminal intimacy with an attache ;of the;: Austrian- Emsbssy'; marriage :dis8ol'vd -There ' is one; Pth er- Bistei ''married - feirceu 1870s, atgainst whbia 'no'thirig,1,, iBa's been" leged. ; The heads pfrtpis interesting family Lord and Lady Fifevset: baxi examples, which JthjeiT'ciildreri havie duly too faithfulfyllbtfeitfr" Maggie Mitchell ownsa number of cottages and farms at Long , BranehL. ie. one in ;jw.hichb.she dwells rwas t . ! 1 . 1 II .lU - -!' ill ouiii oy n,awm pootDi. ana in . its iprg; parlor, he jyita, n3arne1-tl1w terot usely ornamented wittiiUfj with, painting8y stajuary,;rare and' cpetly ol nines, and '"especially1 with quaint' 4nd; beautilurrlicrefnoTT Japanese. no jof I the jLhtee'.copies af Boy4til lhe Medical nanirr..,. ' LPhiladelphiateboTd bf iThu'rVday Th'e'iln'ttidnaf "Meickf U on ress, now in Session in Philadelphia tLt has attracted here a" lat&e number' bi eminent; phyieiaBsJ!andJ their delibW rations are likely to prove interesting! aim useiuinotmyioithe raerabers of theii bentefieerit' prbf ession but , td the general pablici? One of the lead-i in g uieaturea ot yestrd ay's frsessi 6 i was the! reading of.:an address on ime qicai DwgrapnyjjyjcU-U)ner of! Vashington, which jgavtstriking il lustrations of"tleact thllHn medi- T.nia f.rn II I I 1 MM 1 WgarCWlm uwttct.. nti 4, "ft utherf Qr4,i Colleae .will -dd nejLt, ! session a ! fBusioeas .ppllege, depart uieui unuer an iasiman graduate. ; ;v -U- !-!: M ... t ' 1 ! B Y ii TELE G R APET . AFTUNUOAI UEi-ofirrs. ObLscta to Use of'HU. Name! in any ! -Party Connection Will Devojte; li " Kent of Ilia Xll'e to H11 Profesalon. Vl-- VAsniiTeTON, Sept. 9. rAt a meeting of the Seventh Ward Hayes Wednesday night, the f olio wiug letter Irom Gen. Sherman wasTread: ., , , ;ty . Headquartkus Auiiy op tub, U. S.r ) J Washington, D August 80; 187C. To & JR. Rennedy, Esq.: j j "j My Dear Sik:I thank you for the 1 com pliment conveyed in your note of the 29lb and regret that a proposed trip! to 1 Ctrl I forhia prevents myj being in Biooklyn ou Of course I am pleased the, day ypu name, to note the houot in which you hold the national emblems : which we - followed to the sea,- and that you numbed amodjr yodr members some of fhe men who "composed that army. I feel every possible interest in the honor and glory of our National Go vernment, but trust you will notjjuse my name in any party Connection. ; ; I must npt be a partisan, j because I, hkve, chosen jto dedicate my few remaining years to 11) y profession- which -j is eminently hatiouiiiii leayipg every citizen free to choose his otf n . ; 1 : r j . .11 ! I . a ; cuuiao m nie, ana 10 any .ms civu loriuiiua iu uuy vi me parties into wnicu a iree peo ple always divide for the tfaried interests inai jaiways ao arise. . f mi i i Willi great respect, your friend, . j W. T. Shaman; Gen il -I "--t-:J'; I: ' !'!f i'i No New Mivvfinenu llttnoritd from seat of War i'Surku Iefeaied, jby ITIittMieiiesrluK iear iWd I liouaa'nd Killed and Uouctlcd. ' : ' ,'j ' ' ; ' .; 1 ,7 Jr j - j , i London,; jSent.! a j ;" No new military movements are Reported from the scat of war to-dayL but a report is telegraphed from Delegrad to j the Daily New, and published this morning, of a movement of; the Turks to putflafak the$er yians at Delegrad." This corresponds with' information received from'pther source. ' Moukhta Pasha lias dotic nothing impor tant on tne northwest of Montenegro... . i i A special dispatch to the fliiries irpm CettiDje says Dervish Pasha's attack in the southeast on Wednesday! was! made bv several columns, which, crossed the Zeta auu moraizque. .t uen repuisea a portion of tjbe Turks were cut off from the fords. They Were j driven l into an angle between the two rivers and pushed into the Moratz che. which! runs! between; perpendicular rocky nanks. The;rurkish artuiery.wh.ch was posted to protect the crossiDg. was in- euectual to check the pursuit, and the slaughter was very! great. iEieht hundred Turks werej left dead on the field, and up wards or one thousand .drowned. lhe Montenegrins lost three hundred killed and wounueu. i .1 T-i rue City! Quiet ntreeta Patroled ly ! : I i WlUtea. Charleston; Sept. 8- -Midnight. . The city is quiet. The! streets will! be patrolled by detachments of whites." ! " The colored Democrats held a meeting to-hight under the protection of a strong guara. . j , : j . NLECTHIC jifARKS raphagen, Hunter & Co tailors of N eW Yok, have failed. Liabilities notgiven, J oses 1 lldetribrptherpf Gov. Tiki en, d iefl at jNew Lebanon, liew York, this ;mpining -,: - ! The steamer Arbitrator. from New Or- leads, , was struck by an ice berg and sunk. The crew were saved.! Loss 350.000. dalviri L. Gardner,postmaster at Suffolk, -11 ii a i - ; v a,, uas, ueen neia in pve inousana uonar?, on the charge of .embezzlement. . l j, j :i . Ii II. Lyon & Co. '8 fash land door facto ry, n Cincinnati, waa burned to-day. Loss crll INMI i Tbermameter ICecord. .The following will show: ithe state of ithe thermometer,! at the station! s mentioned, at 7.35 this morning, Washington mean time. as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city Augusta,. ;". .. Cairo, ,!.... .. Charleston, . , Cincinnati,. Corsicana, . . . Fort Gibson,. , Qaljvest;on.iv. . Indiahpla, . . . . Jacksonville,. , EeyWest,L., Kubxville,;.,;. Lyqchburg, . Mempliia,..i', Mobile, J.L.. ..77 ..75 ..80 ;.74 :.72 ..77 ..81 ,.81 ..82 ..84 ,,C7 .67. ..75 ,.76 Montgomery,; . . .,78 Nashville, . .i...;.74 New! 'Orleans,. . .L82 New York,. : 64 Norfolk,. . . 77 Pitlsburc, ...'.'..LOG PuntaKadsa,...!.81 Savannah... ... 1. 83 Shreyeport, : I ... .76 St. Llouis,X.J:.'u76 St. Marks........ 77 Vicksburg,. !.!..,. 74 Washington.: . 63 Wilmington, 4, '. 81 1. M STALUC CAETRIPGK, MILITARY. UlfNT IJM A.NU- " UiUtKlJMUOK" K1F L.KS JSAUKIj ALL OTHERS SIN ACOU V".-,--8Airfinfin:.j,"ri. .o Prematura Discharge ;Ever i Occurs. Bwry Rifle' TRarraBted a -good shooters Calibre' 1 40, 44 and ;50rl00 of,an Inch, and pfanydeeired length.' Charge of powder from 50 to 105 grains.. Wight of lallTKpia " 220 to 548' grains. ' Stbok, ' plain ; ' eIbo ?istW gkpandf 'i!hecked.Vl SigMijt: plain; Globe and Pee Sights Vernier wlfh interchangeable front Bights, and Wind-gwiga, i Every variety of' ' jun munition xo above gone, constantly on hand. Prices t from, ,$30 to $125, 1 8HARPS R1FL,B COMPANY, r -i L sept ai-D&'Wtf Hartford. Conn, j EjIjID, 12 Journal ftp the : Sp ortsmen or To-flay . 1 PTjBLlSiUBD KVKRY SATURDAY MORNING. Y SATURDAY MORNING, ill' 14" s: Canal St ! v , r U : 0. s SOJf1 SUBSCRIPTION . Yearly tiDOiHaJf-yirlyjf: $i00i Foreign and Canadian subscription, poet free-j-Yearly 18s.; Hall yearly 9a. . single copies, 10 cents. ., j j' ;Wgher branbhtfsnof'a' BrIShootirig. Fisolng.' Racinie tod l'rottfaii AafiatlclsJftu. Rail rw.t I L-li', L!. .t i. .. l . :t i this i xfisJjD wm be found In keepinsf with' tne' iLTtY w , jb;u jwnsauig k nqnpraoM -sport, jand milt, under nd circamsUnceB, . admit to. its coliimns aaything tending in any wie to demdralize f ?JBI;leing . the,, only Sporting .Jronraal jpabhshed West of NeW1 Ydrk," and the recognized rW?WT anions th4 TOPrtiDSea r;f .tbe .Wesqtod ..wu wuviig muvm iii enjoy a urge patronagte, poseBtieBiBt3riaiid creasma eras arfd- veniBing pieaiuHU which fwiu me those rieslrinfftl inatBtHAirhnmn 4 i CLr TJAnartmentof Wsahinirtnn JTniuor.u. ; I 4,;EGtA 1 iNsfuit' ' TfifttM: ' ift -riff L JiAW SOHOOL wilLfeuea ott, WRITltiKiniT. Ocfoberfllh, 187? ' Full eonrfle, iwo terms. ir J montttsSeach-i .Student, fadmitted' ta" tiwJ (UnWvr 4 ... i k t . J ;4j cham'1iBt!w I i 1 . I I ' If ! i. r, .J ,.--. :k; : I ; AJlass pn exaaoination, by apiWication on e before Ocrober lotbi- -Toitton f 50 per terai? lncruflihi use Jt brary.ForpartianlarsdresSjf ,yp t, ; G. M. STJ3WART, Dean of Uw Facdlty jy80-8m SOS N. Third 8ttsti:Loai Mo.' TiKKT. ; ' M STAR OFFICE. Sent 93 P. II. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market strong - 1 l i I ' I -.. l Mil - ,1 , -:t , li ! at 28i;eents per gallon for Southern pack ages., f Sales qfy 125 casks at quotations, , ROSIN. Market quiet and easy at $tM5 for Strained, and $1 20 for Good Straineld. iTo Wes reportedVrfi' .t'?;-Ji TAR Market irregular,,with an upward tendency.T Sales at $1 40i 50 Der bbL. . CRUDE TURPENTINE- Marke steady at. $l(00 for Hard, and - $1 75 for Wrgin and "i,6llow Dip. ales at quotations.-? COtlTON. Market steady on a basis' of 10 cents for; middliDg. Sales of 48 ?bales at 10 ibents per lb.1 , ' New i Vork. j iVaral storei Narkl ttf lSept$t:;iiv Receipts to-day, ',S90 bbls rosin, 3lU do spirits turpentine, 200 do crude turpentine; 579 do tar. The demand appears ,to;be somewhat cautious; but shows occasional: tendencies to animation, j Holders' arc steady in the meantime and generally seem to calculate upoh' q full average home afid foreign business, though probably extend; ing oyer a longer period than usual, owing to the indisposition of buyers to anticipate lheirvants. M Spirits: turpentine continued steady! and in fair demand to-dayj with further sales of 15D; bbls at 31c. i Rosins not qiiite so' active, li but generally held sfeady.and offered jwith 'moderation. R Sales of 200, bbls strained at $ 1 f0. Tar steady all around, j Pitch, jquietr j . j I The telegraphic aavices were aa follows: Liverpool spirits turpentine, 23s 6d, dull; rosiu-icommon.islgd dull; fme.lOi'Gd.dullJ Lou dorr Rosin -Asy: 9d for ' common; paleVl214s; spirits turpentine,- 22sl)d. t-l ' -I ; m tm r ' ' m" Cburleston Naval Lsitirem Market. : Cent 7-1 : .'U i 1. The arrivals were 149 casks spirits turDen- tine and 296 bbls osin.i There was a lim ited business in rpsins, sales 200: bbls at r.i fi pci uuuui Bijiuiueu auu guou siramcu; fl 40 f or extra No. 2; $1 65 for 16w: N6. 1 j $1 75 for No. 1;$1 90 for extra No! 1; $2 10 for low paleJand $2 50 forpale Spir its turpentine was quiet at 25c for whiskeys, 20c for. oils, and 27 cents regular packages. Crude i per gallon ! for turpeniioe iwas valued at$l 25 pecbbl for virgin and yellow .pip. I BY. tKLEGBAPU. I , ! 1 DOMESTIC niKKETr. m:ri r-'rii New Yors, September 9 Noon H- Financial. ' 1 Stocks active at belter nrir.Ra: f Monv;14- per cent.) J Gold opened at f09, -and closed short 4oti. (iovernments active and strong. state lower .bonds Tednessees, old 1 and uevi' Missouri, Stj Josephs and Sdulh Jarol ipas belter; rest steady. i.j L .;Vt. Q?mmerciat.i Flour quiet and isteady. Wheat quiet and nchanged". Corn steady.' pork firm. mess fl7 1U17 .15. Lard firm steam $10 85.' Sbiritsltiiroentine firmat 31c. Rosin steadv at $1 C0 I 70 fori strained. Freights' firm., , Cotton' quiet, with' sales j of 1 ,218 ' bales uplands 111 916c;! Orleans; lljc. Futures' openea ! nrmer, as follows: I September 11 19-3211 21-32c; -October 1 1-9-16 11 19 32c; November lllll 17-32c; De-i cember 11 17.-32!! 9-16ci January 11 g 111 1-03C. : .; . ! : FOREIGN UlAKKtC-r. . London, Sept. 9 bpiriijS turpentine 24s24s 3d,!! IS i LrvEHPOOii. Sept. 9 2bon. Cotton i middiitig.tiplandls 6 l-16d: mid anng Orleans u 3-16d: sales 8,00Q bales,! in- cludmgj 1,000 which were taken! for specu lation and export;) receipts 11,500 bales, 2, 700 of jwhich wre American J Futures firmer and holders! asking l-32d advance, as follow8:SMiddlingplands,fl. ml cli Octo- ber delivery. 6 1-I6d: sewcron middlinir uplands,' I. m. a, ! December aud January . ueiiveiyj O i-ioa; jsnippea uecember and .jauuary, per sail, 04a; middling 'Orleans, l.' m. c., shipped November'and December, per sail, 6 3-16d. 1 rr V"f ' ""' K !"' ; Cotton! futures firmer: new : crom mid- dliog uplands, h ra. c, shipped December aild January, per sail, a 5-32d; sale of Amencai to-day 5,800 bales.' ' fl 1 ' ,f I- f it'. Lippincott & Op; i -it -r !t;; PAYS JUST PUBLlSnED Mi of Gen. T. J. Jackson !!("STONEWALL JAcksON.4 . "By i?ARAit NiciioLiLa Kanim ph,' author of "The Domestic ife of Thomas JetTfraon.V: ele cuicijfi imiif lau u wi,iaix oriratb i4Om lilght tull pss d engTiviagj.l M Crowi cloth. fioO. -hi. --ii-,J.-i- ' cel. and. syciiiBe s !lThe pases befor us are a c'ont'ibntiari to oiir H. terature forwhich all Virginiaa ehrm'd be grateful, and which should be W the library of "every tktnth- ' "It is theVerord of a career-In 'the highest degree !ntere8tiafr. The ' imole -tiarrntivi. hf w i wfJha 6 allthe charni of romance Bailitnori jjazetfe ft j lnii AiUilljfilJiflT BI JiLAH UUKIJIC. Patricia KembaU," etc., Wto:Ulatetwna-. m ;uic imuKeis or xne oay, ana, wriie .wt tmilv . , D,T "u'' wilii reuuriutDie vigor. UlicaOi terOcean. 1, j . .... inn 41 .! J? very engroesihg naveV'-FMlddelphid Sk Tna. ueryigoroueiy written hUe, , I . . . . - - r T-.7., -liosirm fffz. -v. r.: MXe; Mail, ' a family seceBt! ill An Americsa ilovet. By Fanny -Andre we, '(fh Hay), 8yo. ine cloth $1 50. , PBper.wver.'ttOftj sey l .ivjiuub. 'ifuipive uiu pieitani jfory. J il I 1:1 ,'AM '! By 3vzja DuHSrNa. author xl V Philosopher and .'t The excellence and nalua jof these-essayeedpsisjt in their being the results of a strong mind oyera- wwab, j vaVTTUUTV A'lUC lUUi C.UU., j 1 I : . I r.. . ' . . ' l , I , , , i I i ! -ror summe- reading, and especial'y fori rekdin2 aiona among neonie or reflB&Bvnt .nitnr- u,w are few imore desirable books thai thi&yfhUadel-, ,11 VIIFI'S .PROMISE' TO: PAY ' 1 i r -; (, . - v -- i i i i, 1 A Novel. '!Bv ClaraJ H ConwIt. 1-ms uutu, i 00. ji ! - M -,i ir -. . 1 I A novel.of more than common tnerit.withi great deal of admirably distinctive portraiture, aua is a at iry of thrilling interesti-'Uu. . - jui i f ij 1 ? ;U ul Por sale by all Booksellers and Periodical Dea -. tt.r j w.m ...... . . 1 ! . 'I'i: f !ang4-tf " . iwauu uf jnaraei street, , . fit COMPLETB, J.a.i TltthP"hftj Ji VePv lftruA Vii-J ly fu'the State. There Is a good Job Office connect ed with the Newspaper; -that la -doing aa excellent ' UbUsinesH. For particulars apply to "S' STAR.";. ; I .i'fii . 41 -.1- 1 -: t1 xisiiui j ciae, kc, , TUSTBQBiyED, ANOTHER, SUPPLY OP. j -B4MBOOPOLBSSILK;l.INBNr and OOTTOK I LINKS, SINKERS. COKK. ITLOAl'S. I . I I -HOORS, CRAB-NKTS,-&.' '-!. WILMINGTON MA ung on Hfe. in the spirit of philosophy.long iriatttred4 and carefully sifted, and the air of pleasing tranquil ity Which pervades them thronghQul.-'. j : Z 1 1 TJ -- lers. i wm pe sent oy mau on receipt er the price by i. b;xiepincott 'i ' Coi?tMy; - 1 1 . - THE Teated.by popular U for over 1 j S Ir.istrn Compoond 1 !8, 11 '111m nre rotini.Hnn ""a salan... tare Constipation. BiiiinnroJ .'"nit. ?inV; Walarial Fevers, RhenmiK 88 quiring Bn active but iSd r.S(fons' Pectoral stnl' .. cure Kick Headache, pyBpepeia.'and allXjan-T4111. the Stomachi : C. K. kimi, n. rUKl n pnetoid. :tn ,i iii..r.M!-1 i r iVMi. Augnst, Maine, ; j. : , - !j . -T V1EJY r 1 t i :l ! --i i I .-I i ., r ,n O eervetheeye-rfght.1 Write for.Va4i,P Pr G. QKAI)X, HalirS. K C. j t 'rTj Un!ar- t. E 1'. . 1, All m . V . ' 1 Kl mr ; mkv'm a.. ! a w r, wi, van m.. 1 ?oiWmonui8euiBgonrIetteM.itvi Any one that has a letter to writ e win C: u?oic. iaea letter to write wilt Ml" press or water i UlfiLiSlOKUO. IX. 1!!.' v-'l' f'tl 'l- r '-if'" leitHl STAIWlTIKKIjSO.-cnred hbyBa clWv 1 ' , PordeM.ipdoi, Ac.: addresa Kfe?- BOX. OU(0, JeW; JtOTKj ; ! ONE HUNDRED Containing a United States Canada, having a poptalatioa greatee iharTrf.A 1 Jominioin r.i ,k.. "ib ureiuBii,wiM, wgemer with t, k ' or thenewBpapere having !thi lareeA loil"&lr'fs tion in eachVthe iijlacellamedatei!' of newBpapers which are tecommended tb 1 y e Berg as 1 charged: I Also, all he wepapersln .ihi lKtiiE'EK lYUig Krenieei, value in prOBortihw fn . i ' ing ereateet value in tTnRnwik.: .rrtn la printing over S00J emi r, ;.X Pl copies (S ? lt!t Mecbanicalr Medics, Mason al, Commercial, Insnrancel eal EstateTt v. m' in?. Mnsicatj Vaablon. atifl nth or miL,:'' rau; very complete lists.:!Tcgeiheri&eo?Sr list of over 300 German Dauerl nrint,i i&S'. States. . Also, an anr nnon rtort;.ii' f l l!, blespf rates, showing thej cost of adveiUsih, 4 ia rinna ncwna.Tip.rA nri pvon thir, ...1 J,!".a- in advortasiHtf wbnlil like Itn tnnS Pliwr ' Wewspaber Uti ted Z&iaVil A complete list: f American T.Vwn!m.. ' L ; beHng more! thah eight thousand, with I Gazette , of, all the towns afld eiilto in which thbWtai!: liehed; Historical : and Statistical fcketJhes iofft GreatNewspaper' Sstablisbments; illatjred ;'h numerous engravings ofjthe principal lSefi)n!r , Bnlldinpa. Book or. 3D0 pAeasi just iwuidThd ' (post paid, to any address for 35 ctsii Atiply ciiiclo' ' Bing price) to SuPEBUfTENDEifT or ths Newip4pP& ATttios, centennial Grmnds, j PhUadelDhiij i American Newe Ooi New York. I il 1 r ! KVKK1T! ADVJEUT ISliB NEEDS IT. J OCk iTTXVf i -l! yWersrtyJofiyirgiBia' 1 -a, ; j i i- 1 1 - i;i 1 i . Opens October 1 cehiinhes tbrhnpn Itis organized in: school on he electiv gynuil with jfnlil coprees 'in. Qldasicsj J.iieratnreJ Science unim iu v.ucmn.-Bii ana rnytical Laliarato v 1 '.-. 1 , Medicei JEngineerinfi;, Teaclilne aiit Aericaltnrej Aoptyl for Catalogues to M M kk f C hairman, jl!. 0, tniversify: hf 'Vr" HaKRISON,! ginia, Albemarle vaj I; aqg 1 i-4wl)(tw H-i H uxive itsrrv vikgima. i.1 : ii 1.4 W toTEPjAKTMEN'ri J. B. Minor. LL.D.L Prof.iCom. and Stat. Law oathalll LL.D Prbf Fanitirand1 Law-iMerphaii International Law etc: I Seseion begins Oct 1, 1876 audi continues, fiine months. Instruction iby teijl books and lectures combined. Illustrated by jttoor- ixiart exercises.; ,x or vaiatogne. apply (R U. lui versity of Va 1 to WM. WEltTfiNBAKEK,iSec!cii. ry 01 LEXINGTON ST. UALI .IIHUnUUU' uorrespona juireci V-'l i 11 1 -: ' l i. i 1 - ' ' ' Ml - " r- i If yon jwant true bsttom , figures and save a rem : siderable'per centage tai the purchase of I'JSE Y- ANOS AND ORGANS!' -TRY: IT Ij ; -R"- I ': If mou wish to Furchaise f .111 1 I. J t -,U 11 t.- I. - til VI ll 1 x You Mil get snyVeasdBabje gnarantce toinsnr you that Pianos nurchased of ithis House AKE BQtAlJ IB NOT! SUPERIOR T01 THH! .MOST . fcOTJW MAK.K KNOWN; ifTf7pAa!?ed"cotnpeteat)nuge ;wno nave tnea tnem, pronounce tnem ; : i ..Vl"' ii" - - i'i ' i-.'t i i Superior 1 Pianos I They have SEVFN (also OCTAVES, Fl, 'I OJNK anaTUUl U.OV JSKbTKUSU HAt, IROS FRAME, THE AUK;lKK1S, CABU lf 1.YRE, c : i- j u - ni j ; , U t They are beautifqt, dnrahjc and wear wi-R. 11 Sold at, very reasonable ptices, and 1 i ' -":!jl I..U;aLL4d lllh- If Ml At Special Inducement? L - !, i Hi 1 I l-.ii t -- :l '' - I 1: li i f negotiated for direct to this Bonne." -ihii! i; mix Warranted. JiLirf-4;ii4::hl:!f ! i , Hi ta F.1, RUECKEI1T, U 414 Lexinston St.', P.83-tf,! ;,-l't; -il i nalttniorel Md. "M ?"t. ' I' 1 THESNEIDHHREMILQAllJN . Prices, jOO to 5 ' 1 ..-li J i l ' -. AK i M .11., MUZZLE-LOAD! X( G 1 : AiiTEREU TO BKE'V'U i ! . .-.it-.-.-ti I1 J Slow ::-. 1 I' '.ipi.1 !' I :BrecXbiauing!Guns I we nave: ror many years, witn great bu, -a speetalty of - building Fin Breech-Loading n8 Makiazforalareeand eeleet trade enables WJ j iKlve greaier care ana attention i iuc "" v. Di3r and general llnleh of out Guns than W"": i . - . .L.Alt nff lHUV, i giveia to tboe Ounabought by the retail ku " . manufactnrtrs wjhe produce for a general nw We solic t the patronage of ' those sportsmen " are Judges of Fine Guns and who know the impw tanoe ot having their Gun made to fit inem j - K lUCir UUIU BIOUD vu it "i, fling tr. ..oont inters to bttlld bu 'of any weight, gauge, proportion or style. j 1 1 we areprept PIONEESjiii;..!..'.;..:...1:!..-....... jrDLLEYB.-....i.i...k.i...4J,.J 1 so . J- 5 :. ..lW .."180 i Al LKJPt ftjj.. ....... J ...... .v . CHALLENGE..! .J.i instructions for self measurement forw'0 . h ir bu liiuwatea oanicuiara wua ibvij-"- 'i Branch Office. 29 Maidea Lane, NewYorK. -, . J&liuuiwvurv. riuuw; t via?, vubi 1 .r.v ... iu nr..!,. liirmlnCThanJ. ' decl4-iWt' "" .WEDDING CABDS . AND VISITISG. !.1'3! if? prtnted in the most 'elegant t-t- h kx h v a n 1 r. v 1 : i u'n7rt5- AND FIB-TII EI) Tlnvl comDlete liet inf nil h ..!.. : 1 1 . iue l erntorieB. nH thk 1 r 1 lAJWEh lr. Jfacnity. 4 j , t , . j au? 29-p&W4w 1 '414 InNiark I .! f - ''. i. I i. ' 'li i I . ' i li Ja! wr-. .- I fenrt-.tor talo.: r "jji ij 1 j .1 f f Vtl"- j 3 ! I- 4 1