I -Mr': ffflBiHOBinilG u-AE. I . PUBLISHED DAILT. Br.4 f t.Ax: j tAiv4Tic5a? One square one day,. ..... . i . ;,i . 4 1 00 ......... 7 - """" 1 . . --" ' ' ' ivrmrmrm .. . ,. - . ; ' - n?Tnr.ifri n ,j , . , f- . , v.,' , , i - j t.. .V- I1'.'-' ": . '1 ' or stjaacwmDa nr astaxos v , " s? " I .. f.J"m noataeeDaid... S7 00 una J"' .t - i " .......... 4 00 1 ? . 44 . ('!' 4 stx "a. .$" , so rtt Bubacrtbew, dcUwcd la any fart of the &Jneu. pTr week. Oar City Agent ft co4et for mor8 a ont,ia nee. - ' ' To city, at i jdvanc. MORNING JCDITION, OUTLIIMES. . I Renorted mutiny on board U. 8."; frigate I ?n aa Arrest Wil. I i W ft!.' r will visit centennial exniumon on gist, i (jen win . . I aa ' tmnroTinff. and decisive ' battle I K.be fought.- iyFresident, has Wlamation ktvingl effect to'm-1 suw . r , y - - feiers. r . , j - I lurg, Vs.,. burnea. wfM iroy Iinc4 yesterday England's ypoaitioni rela !;ve to Turkish atrocities.and peace. -L.' Vs., burned. t- iorq .uerDy w tO 1 UIK.1SU bmwvw iwi . I Lrtiftl returns from the State election in I MaiDe'yester4ayr:New;Tork markets : ipirits turpentine, S3 cents; tosin, ft. 60 I j 7Q , ; '. i -' p' v; i- I i '., i . : J The Ricbmond yur tnn- iy morning announces ibe resigna- tion of th editors in congeqnence of j j: unities in conneuiiinr wmi iuo ou- j ;i;88manarntMi1it.d that the pa- Fr will bo snpigy for'the present in order to afford lime (arj revrganj- z.tion and adjustnnWbicli; cnnoi : be effected in anyf olb'er" Way ? '.'The I ! Enquirer iti one of the oldest , papers in Virginia, and has ever done yeo- man service io the lemocrxttio cause, and we much regret tb at itt anspen- r :on is foand necessary; .even ? f of a brief period, at tins -critical moment We shall i in - our parvy cjiiociiyts. heartily greet the early Msuinption of the time-bonored Derrfocratic jodr? nal. Spirits rtiine. Mr. Josiab 8u?S?'has ! been 1 re- I nominated for the Senate by the Democrats of Greene aDd Lenoir, jl . f . J f uanoury .ntpvrtcr ,-ux greaii i , . i - ,i . m number of bogs are dying in this section of I ihe conntv. from a disease called hoe ch I lera. It: f..' .Thr Kaleigh Xflit toatra f)tr I ljlULIty UK UW( imHrnwiwl tviwra nv. i sale will include subscription list, DacK numbers, plates and good wilL ; Raleigh Sentinel i The crop va ries in this county. ! Strike a line west of: the Ka'eigh & Gaston Iioad and crops are, bad, but west ot it incj wnola sweep is good. Goldsborp Messenger . The cot ton picking season may be said to fairly commence this week, and from present in dications the prospects are anything but t od. ! lbe crop promises Io be, short, and this in connection with the ruinous low price is far from being encourage g. Beaufort Eagle: We are. glad j to learn tkat the. various fisheries is .the county bave been exceedingly fortunate the present week. Large hauls of mullets have been made aud as many as sixty bar- leis nave been taken in one day at one fish- me. - t bhelby JIanner : Aneero. Ward I 0"fl: f c,Je.ttllJr ""himself. near, Ben's 1 Kiiob, in tns county, with a musket, on I ii . . r i. . . I lutsuay. xie was seaieu on a login ine I woods when the gun was discharged by his fo-t or a bush; as supposed, and contents , punetra'ed his forehead and passed out at me top or nig cranium, causing immediate Bakersville ; Eepiitlicdn: k Ve ire creditably informed br a eentleman just from Caney, that .Jaa. -Allen and An urew l'hipps, while ''out prospecting .for mica, the other dav. near the Rav- mines. I in the vicinity oBurnstilW,i8covered a. I UCIl or milluanab-aa .n hi u ;' i few .Stei short distance further and killed thirty I ".I ' J . NEW ADVEKTISEItlKNTS. w- &. W; R R New schedule. ; 'V. C. oA R. R.-Special train. E- G. Barsitz New River Oysters. " l-'.. IiEBKHEiM-j-et. ; Paul's Female Now time toiuse disinfect- mw,, and to use them liberally. -, . -( , . -This section wm vImiipiI 1v a fin a al'ower Sunday evening and another last uilit . .. : . 1 - i ' -, . . . K y I . . i i ': . I k ... . - i i viiit I i.. . .1 .....' -vi i :t -iWelearu from the SignalOfflce that ba1quetca,rived in below yea- the ... ' .... i : We are requested to atattr that In .i : . t . ) ' . ! c ! -raeace with an order from the city KuverumAi.t n,. r ... . j I .. 6v.. . ,uv y.vu , vision to Columbia have abandoned the 1 . ,).- ; , i s :i i , i ,-j Southwest in !tinriK'wat 'wiiula 1 siHtionarv or ri.i J- iL -teA ii 'r,.i. Jowed by higher temperature, fand parUy MUayi weather, are the probabilities for ""a section to.day. in. t h t .r" VVe are requested I by 4 Acting . T"J v IMK .1111 UCIWUr .TIW4 ltlff nil 3 : .. . - ' - r kI- .- yy umiogton, r snspected J "eiog infected with yellow fever, wilt be Pected to undergo a quarahtine of thirty jmeiore rnHiml. til ' - gr i-jCiJ - ui.' the hlffhMt mint .rorh) hyr I tlio .4. S ' , r I 'etkermomematthe'Signa etatIonves. J , ay 84 degrees., Saturday at "4 - d a' U M degrees, with almost a . "u vaim pre vaihnit. which caused the I to bo as apparently. Intense as st any -"uuringtbe entire Summer. I TeDnfee ! w Js-r; J ,5 f , J Pcc where the speaking is to take . Saturday., ; r-- : place., V.'a r.,;.., i,.,-d:v.--t iittoaw c vi In the -words of ihe Cbairmin of t7" r vitttt . VOL.- XVIII. NO 147 ' ' The . Speiklue To.Niihi-f:... This eveniag Hoq. M. W. Ransom, U. Senator from -this lale, is expected to ad dregs the peoDle from the Demnrrnt f. fit h nil UUl between Ubesnnt and Mulberry course luerewiU Dean immense crowd i to : liear this disanenisbed North - - -r r f."vu an oralnr nf elnrmanne nt n:i; , . - .v.mw UUU UU111LT . 5 The various Ward Clubs are expected to meel r ineir. respective headquarters in market. Jnre procession .wiu.be formed, by 8 our ioned Wilmimnon welcome " 1 uiU t ed on tb Itatlroad ' mi-v, iuiu uj uic uaiuu yt f rails JJIU- Ivor, a resident of Cheraw. S.C.Umet with lauraecident On jthe: Wilmingion, Co- evening last.1 He had been to Florence, wiiere oe uaa oeen aritiKing tieaviry during the aay,--About 7 (o'clock, aa we learn passed the railroad1 sLops in a very hilarious mood, cursing, hallooing, &6. He! went on about a mile and a half east of Florence, " .vwmu i h uiuuiiuu, wuen o w8 meioyune local ireigtii tram from ' loo dmk to Jook for his own saiety, cutting off his ieft kg. He Wft8 uken up arid cariied , to Florence, when a pliysichui was summoned, but to UU ILII pviot, a IUV puui ICliUW UICU, 1U UUUUk two hours after reaching there. He leaves .a wife and two children to mourn hi3 sad and untimely fate." The remains jvere for warded to Cheraw Friday. f J Tbat Bale or Cotton. , .That bale of Cotton which is being sold for the benefit of the Orphan Asylu&, al luded to by us a few days ago, was bought byJPhalanx and Excelsior Lodges,' F. & A. M..;of Charlotte, a few days aince, for $75,. It was then shipped to this city and is now i.u the bands of the 'Orphan Asylum Com mittee of . fit. John's Lodge, to- ,be sold ap&in - It nasi started nh ita miasion hv a gentleman bf Yayne county, understood to . A . iij;.- fi.K to iui( gush' luvjuuiut uvnuuuiu i 4 ia . -. , ; L ... ( HlKh od Charlotte, now amount to $250. Of course the fraternity here will not place a value on the now famous bale . less! than it lH3 UCVU CBilUlabCU lib UIOCWUCIC. Tbe Flftb Ward Cib. I A meeting of the Fifth Ward Tifden and Vance Club was held last night, j Mr. 3. J. King was appointed Secretary pro tem. ' '' ; f ; A committee of three, ' consisting of Messrs. ! J. Sidbury, Wnx. Biddlc and Br- ant Swan was appbinted to raise fwnds for securing a flag pele, to be during the coming week. raised some day Mr. J. C. Millia 'was appointed a corn- mittee of one to secure and take charge of lights, transparencies, banners, &c.4 for the procession this evening, i J i ! The meetihg then adjourned, with the understanding that the Club would meet at The Oaks this evening, at 7f Lip'clock, fnr ih nnrnnsa f forir.lnr in line and the head bf the market where , , . .,, . , ' , . Ihn ttrann ' Yrfnnaafr "twill hn fnrmpil in 6,t..w honor of Senator Kansom. Special Tram In consequence of the! .quarantine regu-j lations now In force in reference-to the ran- ning of traifis in the city, on and after to- day, until -further notice, there will be run a special train, ', leaving the old passenger denoLon Nntt streeL at 5:45 P. M. and ar4- rivine at 70 A. M.. connecting beyond the Union Depot with the 6:25 P. M. trainleav, ina and ihe 755 A. M. train arriving from . ... . . . - . 1 ..... Cbaace e( senedale Oar Kventoff On and after Monday! next the. schedule on the Carolina Central Railway will be changed, the mails, express matter, &c.'; leaving here in the. morning, as was the case before the present schedule went into effect. This will render a change necessa- ..,......' . . !. ' 'i ry in Ihe office of Thk Mokniko bTAtt, which "will be the abandonment of obr evening edition. : Mi Seeoiitf Ward Benaoeratle Club. The members of this club and all other .Dessocrato of the Second ward are request- cu tu uwuiuiii iu ; iiuiik ui uuuu . . nrta ...... . . m . 9-1 . .1. ; .1. s Dime; uu 1UUU succi, v ijunuva, iu Xuegd ; eyenintoJ form. procession for g. demon8traVix)I1 io honof of our stoiei on imru Bireei. ai 4 ucioca., u distinguished . Senator M. W.y Ransom. Torches will be provided at the place of'as-- Torches place jsemblv. . i i ...n.. Hxtunitn. i ..i-TTfc .Another Centennial excursion i$ beidsr goiien up, w leave ucuij d uuu vu ii 20th inst.; and to go by the way, of States- vUle,! Charlotte, .Wilmington ! and Ports- mouth, taking the jBay line of steamers to liaitimore, ana tnence to rnnaaeipnia oy mm raiL The Haverl? Rllnatrela. 1 ' 1 1 " This excellent ininstrel troupe, the same that appeared: here onV former occasion, and. which has - been playing' recently iq crowded bouses in Washington, Baltimore. and .elsewhere, is billed far-; the Opera House in this1 city on 'Saturday 4 nexb the I .... . . , v.; .( I 17 Mil rf I lom instant. ,r ,, t . -,".' A - , . a , 1 '1 ;. Ktbe. course of . his speech ,at Whileville yesterday Sehator Bansoa paid' a very hizh compliment to the abiljtietana standing In Congress f.of Congress fof 'll'oQ.; Alfred II.: Waddell. .a ; i kiwi. - u. ui.'.' jiio urucHH cm. - urm no r t n' r i n n 1 . aw ' niu. u ... ... . i".- 1, & m Si t it WILMINGTON, N. . ' . -.i ,.!t J Death or the "fliyaterloua 8tranerer. The young man alluded to la Saturday's paper, who came here i 1 --- ! - I week . previous to h ... . ! L. ... at date, staling Liiat file warned ail tue I .5.. - - I"! , way f rotn Charleston; atvl who gave?. Bis name as Archie ClydeJ died Sunday inorn ing and was buried yesterday. His disease was typhoid fever. It .will be remembered I that he came here sick and was at once I placed' in a hospital beyond the limits of I .he city. He stated that he lived on water- melons and fruit . during 6harle ston ' here, and from his. trip from I what we can . -. - I 1 1- earn the immense amount of seed be swal I 'owed with the mellorjs had something te I do with his death. jWe have already al- j luded to the mystery which seemed to sur round ihe unfortunate I young fmani. His story waa that he formerly, lived in Nor folk, where his father kept a grocery jstore, and that he taught school somewhere near ere. That he.left Norfolk aud went to Richmond, where be WAfl in the fimnlor nt i Captain Hayes of .the schooner CbnkanJ Iith whom he Subsequently bad a vernor, Thos. J. Jarvis." These are jfol ifflcuUy and left thiyes3eljlpgethe with lowed by another shield on which is in- his clothing and four months pay! He gave his' name as Archie: Clyde, but, as we Jtated in Qur former article on the subject, letter purporting to come from bis moth- er was found on hisjpersion, the contents of which would 'indicate that; he ivas! going ujr a. nuiiiiuus uuuio. jm? uuiur jo nvwu i n Norfolk of any such a person as Archie I Clyde and as tbename ss evidently a ficti-f tious one, there is .no certainty as to the dentity of the young man oV 5 where he formerly belonged. He is represented to have been a young man of , fine ( personal appearance. His remains rest at the foot pf a tree near the house; where he died, and bis name (or the one bet went by) haB been' I . . . i . . . . I uuiim iuc tree b iubi ijic grayc.vau uefo- i kfter be found. His relations, if they shall hereafter be discovered; will have the con solation of knowing that he had good at tention during his sickness. . j ! " . m m :m ' L Ganrcn ImDroVtmtulii i i Those who attended services at the Fifth Street M. E. Church Sunday, Were agreea ibly surprised at the decided improvements that have been made j in the internal ap I mearances of the edifice: within this last two tor three ' weeks. .The Dulrjit has been' J !. iL l . . II !. .' . . . . I i ; lowerea ana, logemer pun its surround ings, neatly paiBted; the inscription in the rear and above it, "Come thou with jus and we will do thee good,'! has been retouched and brought out conspicuously;' 'the posi tion of the galleries has been changed, so that the congregation now sitting therein I can have a view of the preacher from any I part thereof ; the pews : have been painted I mahogany color, the columns of a gray V. I ' - - i P granite color, and the windows have all been overhauled and-put in pro per! repair,' while the walls and wood work generally have been neatly whitewashed and painted, altogether presentins a very handsome and neat appearance, reflecting ; much credit - , : Jt. i . ! . upon Mr. George Irvio'g, who executed the work. lUTasUtratc'a CourtJ t . . I i a Tht following city cases were disposed of . T.i:MV..,,MM Jorrio m,!n. ! I by Justice Cassidey yesterday morning: Josiab Cumber, charged with disorderly conduct on the streets, on Sunday, dered to pay a fine of j$5 and costs. was or-1 .The same, charged with assault and ba ici mu iuiwu ""V """'"r0 I Of-a citizen, was ordered to pay u fine of $20andcosts. f j ' nahnah Brown, charged wUh assault and oaxiery oaiue puwn, vi iiyrew, , .. 1. il l i ; .J I DOIU coioreu, was oruereu io oc imprwqucAi lor ininy aaya.. t , I J. S. Baily, charged with assault; and bat tery on the person ofDorcas Frank, and with disorderly conducr generally was or- dered to be imprisoned for thirty days, h r-r""" , 7" i conduct on the streets. Judgment suspend- eg on tne4ayment oj costs. ! ; V I ' ! : j t I , Two or three trifling cases were dis- missed.' ,,' f. ' '(;' " I ; B. and fT. U. Asrlealtvral Society. We tender our acknowledgments lor an .i.JL. a wj4v A f a MAvanfh Annual . , i . ii I .v , J . 'i.A Fair of the Roanoke and Tar River AgrH I . j . j j i ' CUUUW pucieijr, tu uo uu .iiuu the 24th25th, 26thand 27th days of; Octo-; ber, 1876. In conveying the. same, the en- ergetic Secretary, Dr. H.'E. T "Manning, makes the following flattering statement : . Vlhe Society is jout oi ,det)t. ..'.me pre- miums .are larger jthan- have ever before betb-offered; thelofflceri are geutlemen Well known f of their energyana zeaij mq f riends ol' the Society in Virginia Land: North Carolina are1 using their jbest efforts in its behalf, and altogether,1 we hope, and expect, to have the moJ attractive exniDi- tion ever seen in Easterd Carolina.' ;4 .'! A I i a a ' ! - arrived Safelv. f - - -1 - ' - 1' ' We are glad to ! learn; as we do from a speciat cable telegram received hereyester- n thU A m6ej o gentlemen call day, that the German barque. Claudia, Capt. . eTening to thr re8pects idsG after f j to the distinguished visitor. Owing o, his had reached Grayesend safely. n It will be de81- 0 be ia' uarne; constantfy during remembered that r hac. family i0f ..Mrt(Ed.-- theoanvass. he will remain in . Wilmington uvrd escnau, uerman; imperial, for this port, embarked t pa the via&ata.iox it trip to MrP.'sjancestrat home, anainai a eon oi Air, u s. uiagpmoewi.yxwv nraa ntart nmnoc the baSsencers. ... - ( '' .l..".' B 'T - JT C. i ..1 Jerre Forbes is f 'aH tight?) at least he lavs he is. " Wef hear, that : hff was at pn;6t th olftiwd chrircnes-Snndsy nicbt, stands ing out itt iront'of the! same smoking his. clear as Hndenenaeni as a wood : sawyer'.V As Jem aipiit Hbt ten years and; only I two or tbree;monlha,hemsybe5 lered fortunate. indiTlduaL' . Will rcelleney "rise andexplainf . - - served considered 'His Excellency " rise and explain Somebody asked. him bow, netoqtPiwa. itansom Bssw wiwusaiwu(, iBiuii. penUentia!ry;a'od he replied Uiat GoyiJJrog All who 'ta&f have lanterns oetdnging io den oardoned him and about twenty others.1 tbe Fourth Ward," or f wbo' may know or C, TUESDAY. ; SEPTEMBER i 12.1 1876. The Champion Campaign Banner.! The huge Democratic Campaign Ban ner, which has been in ' course of prepara tion for some weeks past, 'was suspended last evening from Messrs. Green &Flanner's j drug store, on Market,' between Front and Second streets,to the Carr building opposite, amid the shouts of the crowd who had as- sembled to witness it. the firine of rockets. &c. : On one side of the banner, the dimen- stons or which are 21 by 36 feet, is, a fine representation of an eagle, with a .scroll suspended f rom his beak, on which are I! .1.1- 'I jj .im.li ''.-:'' 1 scribecLthe words "Tilden and Reform" '' 'Vance and Victory." Below this comes, m large letters IV. For President, SAMUEL J. TILDEN; For Vice President, i TH03. A: HENDRICIvS. Then follows two shields, one on either side of the banner, on one of which ap- near " Pnr 'fln nrnnr 'Kdhiilnn R.V.VanhA and on the other, "For Lieutenant Go- scribed, "For Congress,! A. M. Waddell." On the reverse side of the banner appear the names of our entire 'State ticket. The banner is neatl v eotten ud. handsomely or- lamented, bordered and flu ged, and makes i splendid appearance. I It was painted by jnr. j.-A. Milne, and renects much credit iinnn his taste and skill, and was thrown tn the breeze by Mr. ThosJo. Wroten.'alded by competent assistants. May it wave in triumph art the meruing of the 8thof !No- yemboi, a.l Til-den as an indication of ike success: which we confidently be' ieve aiwaita tne great party oi itelorm. . Geiei-al ICauaom at Mbttevllle. 'tliu ' ananiul . train i.npf.rd o ir fivini i ouwviHi nam .ivowviuar .i wui . - . i , i- s V J Whitev! le Columbus earned Senator. Ransom and WUUIJ, aj uuiu'jcr or yy iimington .Democrats. A delegation of citizens, met the party at tbe 'depot, and escorted them to the village. The ' speaking commenced at 12 o'clock. A stand had been erected I in a grove' of large oaks, and there was plenty of stand ing room, r The audience numbered about one thousand by the closest computation "The meetine wis Oreanized bv John W. iJ. - A - - 1 tl'. '-:--!. 1 . ..it i . L i ' L ' juius. jiisa.j in a oriei ana wen received ad dress. Col. H. B. Short introduced Sena tor Ransom, who spoke two hours and a half most ably, practically and effectively. The speech was a review of the recent ceurs'o of national politics, the policy, of the Repuublican party, and the ground of Democratic . hope in the present cam. paign. It was largely statistical, but pre was i luminously compacted, and - I - : sented in the logical form of all the distin guished gentleman's speeches. Clearness oil statement, beauty and!; grace of style, uuaffectednees of habit: and cogency! of reasoning characterize all of General Ran som's addresses, written and extempore J In the address yesterday there was less of that bklliahtTrhetoric which he employs soef- -J..f;i. -LL olL'-j.' Ji J' 1JJ !i leeiiveiy in ms ouunioriai appearuuees auu .t .i.l.i ur.. ! i. r 1 ! . 1 ciiiir Kiuimi f Kirm il iif hit h ifiirir-Mi fitiii. ''7' - B "1 7" Pf'Sn argument, persuasive, conviacing,. conclusive. . The people listened with peopl breathless attention,! and there is no 'doubt that the visit of the eminent statesman has oeen the means of imparting strength to the already brilliant Conservative name in Columbus.; RxlADtlTA nabbcrv. s Th resideQCa Df iirf. J.1 D. Waodyj on Flfthi .between Iince ttreel8. vaa eEiereri Snndav nurht l and -nMid of n snm of monev amonntin to "T-. ' ; i ' . i . ln7 Mr W,h.H rnrfil th tdahav n h a norket for several dava with the inten and at night was in the habit if put. tiag it under his pUlow. ; On the evening n qaestion. boweve, he left It in his coat pocket, which was on a rack in the passage, MV- i;m niyt . Xt.d fL ayu ovauv vi luv vs ui atuw hi.uv kuii. tered through one of the! front windows and stole the money, Ot course there is nbcluetoAheperpetorpfthetheft. Thermometer Keeord. The following will show the state of 1 the A V A -A- - A J " I A 1 . . 4.85 yesterday evening, Washington mean ' . . . u, . T.i. ,i .i iiauOy wka kovvi vauiw ii vui tuu uuujj wmijvwiu . afl . , th KiVnal Offlft In lb s r.ilv -v, nsl; 7 uQ5 Cairo, 8 .-Y.7.'.'! , " w Charleston, 85 iQ9!nnlV r r f Montjacmery... .73 JNashvllle...! - .74 New Orleans, . . i. .85 New Yorki...L.59 Norfolk... J....L. 75 Pittsburgh,!.... U(59 PuntaRassa,.....80 Fort Gibson. . . .;t78 Galveston,.....; 82 JSkiWV-VilSS Savannah.. . . . . . .83 Shreveport, .81 Key vVe8t.......l.80 Knoxville;. ! ! . !!!72 St. IiOuis,. CO SL! Marks,! . . . . 89 . i. .89 85 LyUchbUrg, . . . . .j.74 Mobife A' ! 75 Vicksbure.1. Wilmington,. j, - ' 4 lb the city. 1 Hon.TMalthew W. Ransom. United I'n.-i.- a ... ij. n;ih ii. (ri.nl 'tiruUu i ttPrTerirlenpfl onjy today, addressipg .' our citizen , to- i ik . ieio-.ob mogt probably, Weonesday morning. Gen. Ransom will speak, at Hillsborol on atur- I u... . l l , J. i.vcl U. u -J . UNIT mT ' da.! "I I Fourth' tVard Desaoeratleeiab Once BI or to she Ffowtrf ' f j- p All members of this . ward ; are earnestlj 1 requested xoassembM .at; Hibernian Hall thU (Tuesday) evening,' at 7i VpIocK;i march tepoy hear -what Senator; J any .who baTe,wiU tery ucJs oblige, -iba Club by either fringing' or sendiog them to Xlsssra.' Parker & Taylor,, who .will ?fin the same with oil. , ! -1 - 1 Another Reformer, i . - I I i. . The tendency to reform, in one respect at least, is becoming quite general among prominent Republicans. We hear j of a great many disgusted members of the par ty in this State, and tb the constantly in creasing list we now add the name of one who speaks his sentiments in the follow - ng commun cation : ! : A CAKD. To my BepubUcah friends and ; the public generally : During my! political career I have endea vored to act honestly, and, I certainly : feel tnat 1 nave acted conscienEously. and; 1 am compelled to admit that I like and endorse some of the principles advocated by the Republican party; but, gentlemen, ! do not, cannot approve your plan of operations. neither can I like that element which fen-' ters so largely into the composition of the pariy in me oouiuern Diaies. a poor wnite or colored j man, i must - in order to be a ..consistent Republican, I learn to associate with; the vilest of the vile, and support "the nominees of j the party;" though they may be as viscious as the hyena,; and as ignorant as the untutored African savage. . I have done this as long as 1 can. so from this good hour I shall go for that Reform which I see to be so ne cessary in the administration'Of the affairs of our government. Now, my dear friends Of the Republican party, while I hope you may . 'be successful in your fields, your workshops, etc., may you. succeed, at the oauoi pox, never, au re voir, i . iu J 'i. H I J, D. CELLARS. South Washington, Pender county,! Sept. XUtn, 1870. t; "ji.j Duplin Record please copy. Jumped Overboard. I j An excited individual came out of a bar room on Market I street last night, walked deliberately down to the cap of the -wharf and plunged headlong into the river, with the intention, it is supposed,; of drowning himself. Several 'gentlemen rushed. to the rescue and finally succeeded 1 in hauling him out, when 1 he went his way, "a ; wiser but a wetter man.H ; 1, . :: u . C1T ITEM a. Persons livtne in nnkealthv tocalitien mav avoid all bilious attacks by taking a dose of Dr. Bull' Ve- Seuble Pills occaeionahy to keep the liver iu a . ealthy, action., i I ,,.,4, ;- t;: ii. M!?ll'i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. New Eiver Oysters ! First of the Season ! ii. JUST TO A FINE LOT HAND -AT j THE CENTENNIAL SALOON. ! Bept.l2-lt IE. QJ BARNITZ. OT. PAUL'S FRRIAI.K SEMINARY. O ALSO. A GERMAN 1 AND ELEMENTARY BCHOOL FOR BOYS. I m III The -erciees of this Institution will commence on TUESDAY, October 3d, In the parsonage or tbe Lutheran Church, on Sixth, near Market Street. uor patrons may oe aoMuea of the f ouowin? ad vantages thorough instruction, wholesome influ ence, large and commodious school rooms, ample ground for recreation, and prices to suit the times. 1). BERNBEIM. septl2-8vr Tn'Th Su ; i; i' Pr'ncipaL . I 1 Wilmington &! WeUos Railroad Co. OFFICE OF OEK'L iUPERINTKNDENT, WILMINGTON Sept 11, 1876. On AND AFTER TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12th, Passenger Trains' on this Boad will leave the uia uepoi on is u tt street, at ixu a. m. ana 7:uo ! ju., ana arrive at tav a. m. and e-.su r.ta. - I li i s JOHN F. DIVINE, ' sept 18-lw . f., .. :h - 1 .;. ; I Gen'l Bnpt. . I- f. I'J! Wilmington, Colnm. & Angnsta R.R. Co. GENERAL. SUPT'S OFFICE, ; . WILMINGTON, Sept. Ill, 18I6. Notice. On ACCOUNT OF THK QUARANTINE REG- f 1: I ' ill - : ' iH ! t- i M I.: -1 nlations established in regard to the running of ii . i ji - ! 1 11.. "-'I.. , 1 . . ... n 1 trains in this city, there will, on and after TUBS '- i" V . I I"' !' ; ; : .1- jl " ' I . , Qiii i juaijuai. ibU in iuu si. oxuAaiJ TRAIN, leaving the Old Passenger Depot, in Kutt Street, at 5:45 P.M., and arriving at 7:50 a. M , connecting beyend the Vhion Depot .with tbe 6:2 r. m. -iTain leaving, ana ine t: a. m. Tram arriv ing from the Sonth. i ; r T..D. KLINE,- -Jj sept 13-1W M ; A Bsr. snp t. Removal.1 Tt.f Y STORE WILL BE REMOVES ON WED iVl NE6DAY. 13th inst.. to mv OLD STAND, on MARKET tTKEKT, North tide, second door from second street,, under tne MANmrsu uuubjc. ....... w . ti w i .... r J ...VfUua, II V. t .11 v. . fer to them a KLLLi STOCK of FRESH -UROCE- CEKIEs at REDUCED PRICES. M l M l sept9-tf j T JAMES C. STEVENSON. Ishmael and Seif-IJaised. ) THEY ARB THE TWO BEST NOVELS ISSUED il f I . FOR. YEARS,. ji .'I; it . BY MRS. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH. Eighth Edition Now Ready. I .-; Jj . I : I 1 I' L'iii .-If . I-.'. Selt-Raised. i ';..: ---' i ' -'. -i--.it. il. i.u BY MRS. E D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH. i-.. I! ; -Hft: (-; r -tf ' . . vr i;l v: Sixth Edition Now Ready. t; i , J For sale at-- Mil ' DXINSBERGSR'S 1 sept 9-tf j; Live Book and Music Store.; iTHE I.!' Hiimpty-Dumpty !' AND Fp-to-Standard' t IMPREGNABLE CIGARS! ' ARK LEADING TN THIS ' MARKET. . Trv thm fmA lwi mnvlnrtpfl. - jii-r. T. u .JSAa .VAtttarx vtusinj.- RABLE TOBACCO GOODS, by , t J 7 . . septB-tr , . D. PIG6TT. JUST RSCSIYJKDk ANOTHER. SUPPLY OB -&i&b?wnkk ; itooRCRAB-NETs, 1 aogW-tf , No. as Sonta Front st iBaMBOarOLKS, BlLBi..iaai anuwAiva L1. I', WHOLE I NO." 2.846 MISCiXLANEOUS. German Pic-Nic the .Wilmington gardens ION WEDNESDAY i EVENING. ' the ?13th Inst., comi : ....... r -.. i t mencing at S o'clock. All Germans respectfully invited. sept 10 3t BY.THB COMMITTEE, 1! JustlEeceived, rpHE FALL AND WINTER SILK HATS, I 1 AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF i). -,- -- 1 1 1 1 - ii , -i . j i - i - i ! i FINE STIFF, AND SOFT HATS? ; ! At HARRISON & ALLEN'S, sept 10-tf I t City Hat Store, S9 Front it Grass Blades. ! REAP noOKS, ' SNATHS, ! GRASS HOOKS, SCYTHE STONES. DTTTfiH BfiYTHRH TAN MILLS, FEED CUTTERS. Also, a large assort ment f AMES' 8HOVEL8 and SPADES, at the Lowest xaah frices tn itfce city; at the Old Esteb llshed Hardware House ef .JOHN DAWSON.- I sept 10-tr . ! jl9, SO and 31 Market street. I i i VEEY SOON . . t i : ! 1 1 , . ... OUR FALL STOCK OF CLOTHING WILL BE OPENED. : If-- i- MUI INSON A CO , sept 10-tf Clothiers fend Merchant Tailors. Country Merchants, j JA TTENTION 1 WHY DO YOU BUY YOUR XX HARDWARE Nerth, when yon can buy so much nearer home at the same; figureg, and find as large an assortment at our House as you can any. where, and we do not! compel yea to overstock yoargelves by forcing you to buy foil packages when your trade only requires one package. I Call tn and examine our stock, or .send ypuc order, which will receive irar c:osei acienuon. sept 10 tf ; jttlLKS A MURCHISON. II . . I 6 : J 'N ! Hamburg-Bremen Fire Ins. Coi or Germany. i i THE ONLY GERMAN INSURANCE COMPANY f I DOING BUSINESS IN AMERICA. Assets over $2,250,000 Gold, iRates of Losses to Premium Receipts in the Uni ted States, for 1875, $28.62 to $K0. Losses paid in United States, over $1,200,000. - I JOHN WJ GORDON & BRO., ! I. uenerai Agents, sept 10-tf 24 North Water Street. I ' Notice. THERE WILL BE A! MEETING OF THE DE mocratic Conservative Committee, for the Third Congressional District, at the PUKCELL HOUSE, in the;Citv of Wilmington, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on TUESDAY, 12th of September.! It is desired that every inemDer or tne uommittee -be present t !' . "I . j : ST. CHAS.M. STEDMAN, fept 3-td (Jn&lrman. SOHOOL; t. , I FOE YOUNG LADIES. Misses Kennely aM Hart. Principals. lit THE NEXT SESSION OF THIS INSTITUTION will begin THURSDAY, th) 5th of OCTOBER. ;: i :;! ' : - f I : IM if - : t : . ! : !! J! I FRENCH,' GERMAN and DRAWING, &V&hU la addition to the regular English Course. ' ' i ; SCHOOL OF MUSIC under ths charge of Profes sor XL V Art iAAKtt.: .4..tl..-l . Sept 6-1 w slw&teodtOctS p-i - : , Edffewortll School, . . i i! I'l ": "l " ' "v t' '.' i Nl" ";' - : ' II- Na 59 iTaBilin Street, Baltimore. Ud. Fran GLISH $ ENGLISH AND FRENCH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR I. YOUNG LADIES. TO.ru. Bk P. LEFBBTRE, Prlnelpal. The next Scholastic! Year beeinS THURSDAY. Blur. xist. jror uircaiars apply to tae I1 angia-ew r hi - i - ryiNuirAL. ' rs. G. W. Sunge OFFERS HER SERVICES TO HER FRIENDS U and the Dublic seaeraiiv. as Instructor in Plaia Sewing, Kmbroidery, Canvas Work, Netting, Knit ting, Crocheting, Abl 4 Sha will be happy to boo all who will so kindly favor her with their patronage, at her residence on Fifth, between Ann and. Nun Streets, on MONDAY, the 34 or OCTOBER I . Class hours from 3 to 5 P.M.; on Monday 8,Thurs- days and Fridays. I i : .. I- t - . i: I m Terms $1.C0 per month. I " scptff-4t i!-r Notice. Il I- I ; . 71! ! " WISH TO INFORM MY FRIENDS AND THE public generally, that Ii have commerced tbe RE- TAli. in. & M DUS LW BOH. at H I ALL KO. O, HAU- KET HOUSE, where I shall kceo constantly on hand a Select Stock of BKb-fJ MUITON, PORK, POULTRY and GAM Ki l i I H n i septl-tf ! UespecUol y, IT. A. WATSON. T" -'fir h j 1 I " 1 ! ' l I1 '": Bacon, Baggingi Ties, &cJ A A A Sacks SALT, Marshall s Fine and Lisbon rj 2000 Bushels riime White CORN, . I. ( . 1 f . i ill:-. 1, I - i ;"!i r I 100 Boxes Dry Salt and Smoked BACON,! -Of A Whole and Half Rolls BAGGING, I JJJ i ; 1 l 1 I 1 ' s 1000 Banlle8 rTOW td Spliced TIES, gQQ Barrels FLOUR, all grades, ' -jQ Bags COFFEE, all grades, 1 150 Barrels SUGAK' aU r"de8' ' 0 Art Barrels S.H. SYRUP,- ; J ,ij r Hhds choice Porto Rico MOLASSES, 5 1 -- : I j) i 1 1 li ' .' i -4 -.- . .1 m j ' i j :. -t r rt Gross N. Y. and Swift A Courtney's ! ! JOU !i I i MATCHES 150 Boxes 80AP, Toilet and Laundry, Boxes CANDLES, .I 7K Half Bbls and Boxes SNUFF, 75 X Boxes TOBACCO. ALSO,- In store, Little Rivet YARNS, Lake George, Leb anon A and Manchester SHEETING, t . ' ' ll- I. III. For sale by' . j 1 piio tf Be ; WILUAMS Js MURCHISON. Hillsboro Military Academyi THET FALL SESSION 07 THIS SCHOOL WILL OPEN JOLY S1ST. Students prepared for any University or OoUege. Fer Circulars apply to1 the principals. i . ujuuitiun s muhour. . e u-suwzm T4sat - f r 1 ,l l.J St-PauPo 1 --r Cchstan-Anerlean Institnte; riMIE SEVENTH ANNUAL KKSTTJN 'oFTHIS A X School will open about the 1st of October next. juae notice 01 particulars will oe given "Peiore epenin?, - i i ' i MRS. E. L, RUECKBRT, septS-tf Sa&Tn j PrincipaL t IOBJOAJS ......... 9 DO s vars..'.i'..v...'.i.a....i.. Iiu !' on wek. ......... 8 60 Two weeks.......... , StO Threaweks..i1.,.............. S 60 One mOTtnT7..7............ ....... 8 tw Two months. ,,........ ...... ...15 00 Three mont..........'.... .9 10 Biz months.................. ...85 00 - one year... bb wi E7ContraeS A A viwiiiflmjni tm tabtm m dmmk Uonately low ratea. t j , ; Five Squares estimated as a quarter-column, aid tan squares as a kaif -column. ; Miscellaneous. IFEWFIOuTl!; i .IIEW PLOTOI Xj2v:nt?5ELOUIt:!' J j 1 4 J ' 1 It ''A' L l" 1 Special Attention ! ' IS CALLED TO OUR Superior Quality ! FLOUR, made fromt" ' NEW AVIIEjlT, and always . 1 'I hFUEras31IOl7JffD,at 1 imEBCHAnr Hli.LV, 1 s Fer sale at LOWEST, PRICES, by I ill B.j F. WITCH ELI SON, " ieptl0-8w j" 1 ' Preprietors. I Sundries. Sundries. SWEET AND SALT SNUFFS. , ; I itC - 4.- .... TOBACCO SMOKING AND CHEWING-varlous uraaes anc uranas. u Large and ample I j :H';i.:.j , stock to selec from. (.. .' t FLOUR various Brands "Galloway." "Bonton I 1 "Oar! Own " "Baker's Choice," "Bouaty. i' I i j 1 f Aj AV. raaey." t'c . ?.. ! : MEAL WAT52t"MTLL--IAILY GROUND. CORN, HAY, HEATS,lPORiC tiAHf, BUTTER DSltr. Ll UUUaS, FlbU, CIGARS, NAILS. GLUE,' BUNG8. ' PAINT. HOOP IRON.. TIES, CANDY, SOAP, CASTOR OIL, I I: ; , i. ".; '.- ! -'.:.-fiivi- - .- : : r PAIN-KILLER, LAUDANUM, PAREGORIC, ES- f . WOODEN WARE. - : CHEESE Small Boxes for Summer Trade. ill ; i . - i 1 - -i -i- . li . : . AND EVERY ARTICLE USUALLY KEPT IN A WHOLESALE GROCERY. 1 1 U 1 :..iT.i-"i r... i is i.k'ijo i.- "i - tTQlve as a call or order direct to ' v. ADRIAN & TOLLERS, aug 13 tf ' Corner'Dock and Front Strreta- Hbop Iron, Hay, &c. gQQ Bdls HOOP IRON,, . , 9AA Bales EASTERN HAY. r : On. l. 'I.' : 1 .a. 4 : I 4'VI JMUV IfiJ 1UH ...41 . i : 'j WORTH WOKTH. ausr 25 tf I Lime., I Lime.. 1500Bbl. FRESH UME,;. I I m ! Just arrived aBd landing. . aug25-tf - . i I WORTH WORTH: 20 PER CENT! HAVE JUSTltECEIVED A FINE AS SO RT ment of .. . n . u n . ' i . : 'l American Watches, which I will sell 20, Per Centi Cheaper I than any house in the City. Fine assortmenf df ITtflvrEB' WrTClIES. 8EAL andiLAIN GOLD R1H(SS, Ladles' and Gentle men's CHAINS." ' x - r ' rTWorkleft witk me will be neatly executed All I ask of the public Is to give me a trial. -" I 3 t ! !l : . ,) . J .iV ft. .. ALLEN, ' ! Jy 18-if . Corner Front and PrlnceM sta Bottled Lacrer Beer, Imported, "AND FINEST EVER BROUGHT OUR! IMMENSE BALE OF IT SPEAKS "FOR ITSELF. t Georgie's Bank Codfish. A 2JEW INVOICE OF f " i 1 I, .1 ! I...''! .. : i .!.. ... I, ''. .. Cooked Canned Heats, . 1 j - .. M ' Li'--! " 1 I--'' " -v'-.f I New Canned Fruits, '-' : and Vegetables. Fresh Ground New . ! Process Flour. ft Ti-t - " FOB SALS ONLY BY ;Geb.v Ilycrtf, 11 & 13 SoutlY Front St. ff Hi: .j:5'ivJ.i .;;v- n Jy-U Falling !,J ; c eaasai '''."' ' : aa ! iaumor; 1 , ... XTOT WITHSTANDING THE EXCEEDINGLY warm' weather! the prices of my SUMMER' CLOTHING contiauo to faJLj r ; u f ; ? 4. ; t. j K ALPACCAS and LINENS at leavy inscount.) v; t9ONE HUNDRED White Marseilles VESTA ' dosed out at FIFTY PERxCEMT. less than 'the re gular price. r - rrr V Mercnant Tailor and Ctotale. A augmf i ' f , A 1 i j; i, t7 Market St. Sugar-House - Jloliisses. . j ,. j Bbl 8agv.Hooae MpLASSES, , ,.-v "41 M .-!i aept 10-tr For sale by . ' "v r . , . T KSRCHNXS Jt CALDES BROS. : TT nrrrr if Salt; Bagginff ancl-Cic. i 1 AnA r.v. t.nrieirttinil 'At.rI,. -J...' 4' M Kft Sons aod souactandara - - ! 40U I i l, ' - BAGGING,. Tons New AXSOWTIfS, i ' tA ,riec4'-;x' f .e .'-", fc,.v ' l .? Tortleby tept 10-tf KEROHNSR CALD.ER BROS. . I Oriental Ponder. : vf Art Kegs Bine and Blasting POWDER, 1 VKm Wot and No. 8' Falcon - ' " i' Sportiag POWDER, IAA XK62S No. S Dnc&lsz ' -..i ' For a a bv sept lt tf 1 KERCQXZS CALDES BS9S 'I, l: ..s Flour, Cuar c: Ccffco A CAA Ul FLOUR, aagradea, 5 -1 'Clli ,tfk lVV r" . ' ' ror sale nv f sept 10-tf KEBCHNEB 4 CALDEB BROS. iff t - '.'-. I I