14 t t Mull ' "' " ir i M niiiMMrri anilliimipM II w i i " inm rmmi ib.mhw Lwmm n wiai mi . .. I - - - ' - f , . -' K.-m - ,- ii , r i ,., - L'J " MHHM...- ! mm ;T.' '.W-i. .. t W. 2 vtbi iiiiziiiNAtinM " f Dies of .North Carolina lansDrndetfctf! .- - - . - t' J. Editor.. l v-- j.'jr f i .r ,- j m ciceuo T7. UAiniisj j ,r; , . r f Always, untir a reeQt period, havfc est datieg of .goyerament, to; secure toiha citizen a medium of exchange of unvary ing valueiuTbis JmDliea a return to a anecia 1 basisftnd rio substitute for it can be de- reached ,rtjhe Pearliest ,possibK moment COTsi-t'wih a fair regard to tha Interests of debtor class. .: t-r--!,:t arfceiy vvyuiuivuvp. ,w jwu, lucu, CUbU ICglSKUlUU S'i - -I V-krt it ' 'V 14 f I of w41Jtjeasure a -feraduat-ktujaf to specler jjaj ujcuis, buu , put- u mediate ; Biop 10 tuo viutiuaiiuiia iu iut value ; ot lua cur rnatter of khistdr that lid has taonfi pVjj(j.thiniiUii t his i-:;"-if.? ' V ti-4vi !i-.n-i; t; f dns chivalrAalhO6rLhCaro-i DemwraticILeioto; ticket J if g. OTat a he of aud joia XflMMKI, 4;; vy. .-x'lT- :Ni i awaken rwhat pride tf thfei ther eipftej! Society Slras II , TflOMA'S'l. HEHBEIOKS ""4 past ; 16 f eipile! Society Was fthen 'able toiprpdacej grand men-rno other couldto borne, by . such a mother. Society was safe.' an society was honorable, taons, and last six or seveh years to nttei-ances and to' destroy- the very and society was vir- Bbciety-J was ianly. e came with flhe men nored the oldState in 1868. F ) ".'j.';!-. i ' ,. I ' 'lit, Let their names bo.accarsed in the j i i! t fi -i ' : L-1 ? r . fi jt. iJL KJft :3JL f 13 C. LATHAU, J3--. 'EIN V. -WOOTEN J 5TU ,"' ;' '..3 monwealth rintil hardly a trace 6f !its! former ii obleriqeau ty v as hf t.. - -Th e .CpnstUutiQn b. J 8Q8, it is, f airf io'lky was ,the;Titest: abortions ever lknwn in political rnalpracticetf 'It: '-s--1 lri- f ah)aa ' .-btyiindaH ;!roTmilaTl?5'::-;bu t ri nciple'or jpoljcjr wiiich'lie pretend id to favor so warmlv, who vJr i:3 INDIAN CAMJriAlON is the nominee bf 'Grantism who is iLm Lr-i...h' 'IJJ'LJ vuC yjju.c-.ieau sbi up oy , Cameron, and corraotion. .:FW Will nnf vuauuier oo vo ,tno soeciai if tends J naa,an fnr to- - of' that erudite - rhetono of his about IjE GRAPH; appointing the b$st..rneni: to office,-re-,1 gardless " of party, ' and making the ptyanibhij ibftUt! jpojllelarney do?d;f He isihlgrSlalewithlliisf sort of decoy-di ck. He mast use :pt -wlltt corttintte always WreWpgrr byj'any such gudgeon fastened l hia FPsiyiP?itl,pinnoojfi. lie has been cheated aridt bahsboozUd for at least eight years, and he will not be de-j ceivedjby any candidate1 'who ha Busiameu wrann i dantifr -bis lone1 and Hehas fuglemen of ' the'; President- been "cheek by jb wF with Grant and! Pa-Vf ? l?.0 has ?e. iimself up'asj, the his1 set chamon of hardoneynd b4ifi1b0.!Afid eoiaHijiio tfW nit' hi dkter'abcetial : the asaloos as Grant," ant! nostra1 bevond J Grant t (C -. j t . mm rT-rT'ylm m administratidniihat are cheap, and WJtt. E. GLENN wnuus auu mioieraDie as it was with i f lho North -OaroliiMk-hdbit j ' erldu- -:." u i i K ranee and the dislike of chan ti .. . - : .it -.-,,,.-.-"i.---.----.Si-.r' revolution s6 charactbristic jof our ffo and fyt n -cau hnjerifv a all of 4 their 'assaults upon vjt- aA& IJIO WCllUlUlatlVCOf M : I That plat form dndorseB Graii 1 1 arid . .. .... . T , I endorse prorounu A.-.C ni..IAj.tk. .. 1JL'- TTT1 f I j, 1 .ii- :, ' uViuevyr.UH paper. VVIOrOS I nMvnt. Viw VTan s ma neiaia to Uie-DeOnl: wsuence v now "wHen ? lirnni - r.. . . i : i tr - r it. r j ; .i i t - v 1S68 II had'hor then upon it; ynelld WlecUon9Jinnhoath I' vTCT-: T- :kirr nH .e: W lormer he. would willuiir. ; Ilfs declaration bp-nmJ. tl,o Wattjiw humbugged the, i ' -i , ord i ot the x'aranai.rn ; It ICayard ort fl;'Pate4 llitary Wi i.rtap nu'PTrrP' Rpnt 19. a p ut T . -f - w r S A? nAt v ' "j. Lit- i O 41 t- jiiiiii 1 Triiii. i -t v-i4w-H :;E. . i.-S;;ii4'ft M 1A iTA'Cti 'CntXi ii-KTS.M"he ,10 ine euec( Da part or tue qoians naya i yuw wLTepon. j : l'.itvJti'4LS. I M P: -r ;: gone back, and Oen. Crook is apprehen- TAR.Market firm at 1 S!l BO. Bales at I atomanh , n iiiTT n tiers sivr&f Mar wagotf tram: TO quotations, A special disDatch- from Terra's cam on the Yellowstonei trear , Glendifa,Sept. o, via liismarcK issued an order! Angasta, MtUi" Sept. llf says -j Gea.rerfy. and Tf QW J)h r J5 of 2i his morning dissolving his I tatibus f h:it:.:Vt'dl:h opatuigun? r Geo Gibboa,Jwittt the r4vrrtW-mrXi 'Efc Montana troops. leaves in the iWQO, WHO Moore's battalion f! V CtlUfiE TURPENTm--Marktet stea- f - . ADVfTJ eye-signt.. Write for TO, airy and Ma1. I 6th infantry wiUi patrol, tbe norlhi morning f0rr""r:-;rtnr B1.J thetTth JM9$P.t8 for3Irdd ingSaes of l,hale at 9 ithat hwa iwte,Ki Of! the and 59 do. at 10 oents per lb. . m hi m l".SSiorortt ,bank-6f ' utY"r." fl Kt - rr-HuWog.n1 ineiiellowstonw moruer. tcpreventiany Cliarlestoa'1 Naval stores market, "'CTAirjrtEntNt; i'FnTi band of hostile: Sioux that' may he retreat. : Uy ? IpftihisiptW ffM'k . p Fordewilption, ton Im&Sw Col.. Otis, with, the ,2d infantry, j will re- TentiBe ad 260 bbls rosin UTher I .' . 1 11 ". V T rCT!ffS.SII!L packages,, CrudAtarrnMpft. tiially at annd cjmuin.ia cQflceraea;;;jBivervrjo0y! laicamp is deligated. as It! ixas been: evident for la longtime that wf ivre not likely to accom plish much good, by .remaiDing-in thefield llf f'Jfdt- M'l make. T.B. K. TafV Order. - i lion-J iiereUikf 0. IZopublicmi Majpr . . w- r. . . . ivo, oiin Tna I . ' ... 1 UUU 111 CB.CH DTitnA AMa . a . T WUUmi.: nth. NeVy . I'. ' i 1 MM i - PoktlakdJ Sept. 2o4 towns gi ve Coririer Stocks l active, -unsettled., and.feverish Money i per cent. ; ana closed at .109$ . .1 : . i ' f i i , tl, I Bera as rnhne vrmtm ",Bna.to iS27 fonrtj j f 1 fi -nTT UD 111 Proportion Also. &ii tne Keiigioui Mechanical. 11 edfitaj - ofiK.' seoteiriUer 12 -TS t nl Ham 1. T " Gold ooened at 110 P l!rf"KUI ti 1 "r ii I "B. -""""cm, xasDion, and other nri"'W Sterhne Exchange- r taaiit verr mmnM. ni 8Pecna c 1 res eaq7:"4 Btate bodsTerinesseesJold -Aocs nipiptoa-riSiiC lioberts 26,967.1 ! JSet ana .Virginia consuls lower rest better ? aflyertsu;dl to imow "i? "'i3ortty-'-ta''i: J.CTfSi iiiSySJSKKSS ..w';d il2 " npmnas ; ii u-ioc: yrieans life' ' Jrotttrea.l JJJJVm,-witk (kil September MrHi limtr 17-32-C: Great -KewmwiKW-ltoaatfii." ; ; ..i, .u., iuir. jy i ti laauuus uavceen maaeor attempt- iiy. fYH"" " J1 ?iT eignt; years under I uujeu ' ..-'. V'.fTtv.-irr- . fif . 1 1 Oaused the people , to bauser on tho I A ' !H . - -1!.! J 1 7 1 "ft int. il oarro l..Ui ! r i i tj . i ! i xv. reuorteriOt tue iiorz haa hnni i r'. .-vr "v ':ttji "va ZKBUJ.ON 11. VANCE, THOMAS GO Alt l yrrjAiRvis,;; Of fitt. ; THOMAS fS KE NAN, I ' Heiurns from 170: Talbot gavjj Cuoner lew; with - Senator IJayard on tha I The towns oi. iiiorneyriienerai Tan a inary "ofder turmncr 1 over Smith in mi haseen stronger than the ballot, .7 ff " a iULifte,;sworcr of tlhe despot 'has lt.-Thi8 ord rate lonor and nrsvirlndTr nrvkn v.' I been mightier than tha Tipn-rifJli.xo- I in llimi in dfj. I .1 t .1. ., V '11. . I J. . -. ! .- i ... ' i I i, I I .n . J. . i : t: I Ittnnlilinnn': ixnSlKtaa1 .M.l.nii.l..J,l oucF wi kvwuuu, uow operates to n n " "T tai,"i. 9ouin r , Jr . ,v Vlt'"vri I ine Kepubiicani twill have two-thirdi threshold of a fratricidal war and de liberate final prevent a eigrtrinstramqnt straraent Will entirety.' The - - - . F isao rr 'r brthe Ctitutioni MmSS what legal effect can -it have in bind- atira. j ,1 1 'Cthe iog.good citizen? :,.f '-.- ,;:, H'- " 11 -l .'-U;' ' Tiki ;: ' flECBETABT OP STAtR, .. j JOS EPH'lAVtl NGE LHARR, rendinjf bf the for-1 parblinii, and our Own State in i?a it nf IRrtft. TKof 1 aoai JBU. tellJ the sad Ht.nrb- if tho I inn, .i io never bd altered; in its 1 Hedou8 wrong, and; bow Grant Sen. IS. Upob. me it would .menameuts proposed - ttllf ,v by the Convention of 1875 will flmibt.. ?ueh' . .t. i . ... i ,.. i . - - ir ; . I v . less be adopted, and will worfef mrinh Hqe American -. tiav SI i Sen opened quiet, -as j follows w. I 11 l-32llcr 0 Boston, Sept.; 12 u t.l lfpllimo frnm AQ it --it 1 - A ' - -- w mr. m . uu w i&VJ W TV UO 1 U L11C 111! II JllII" his Daifio1 mifwinn k j - LiAU I none i .between,' the decisions of khki grcssional Districtlof Maine mr UnriaAv fatal ed his bromW r OUTV e mi t ltrF. i"f"HOTS C-r .1 A , i T w I NPnSA T rf IITTT nd n - r.--. J M anv a vnip. a Ulfl UllLV. urUUUUJV Ul October iNovemberlllTS2c December ! 11' 17-32 5W5ff tnpra Utoe cipaiNe 11 9-16C; January ti'Slirit i I Bing price) to 8UPKIUKTKJIDKNT OFTHB Nwm! ; H-w ti ) -l American Newi .v New York, i " rv,1,uw , OP. NEW HANOVER. JOHKumLiWOTH, Spirits mn ft! . i-f. ir w"r ii . hri fr London Sepq li oon. I ft ri i'F " 4 M fine found sum to. fied any cWside- ' Mave learned wfit is Wire ' J - , omciala entrusted ,m oFaroN. p . profiiablej; woik foj three JnhW ?f W1es t0 hn vkes. What confi- and prepare L hold him ! and SI good, ind;a fethwA peVied their mayihereafteilbe erradnklfV effpRt ftd 1 dqplicUy wil ! fOneJ bhhe Ahiend sideration in this 'cadvass is that Te- pottedi t$aad Iating to suffrage. $h erstf section hl,s tyrannical! of 'Article Vt is a: ment of the general dence1 in tnWT f,nm mL f4 louder tha'n their words.1 I TW. do JTw fel ? afasbionabtojlptel, oa; Broad w.y iihe icw tWaOtttij . , h j'.. . f.M4 J'- !-tri ' i i V i . i I .,, r , - "-"y " juugmeui, it, i secona, a sailor louna sick! at a sailors' I nt 1 1- J i i , l ninety days, thus purifying ifieal- 81 We man can, be;entieed by the wlU behoove all citizens fwho desire J hoarding house, 6i Market street. Evans I Market for yarns Liobriiet Wryyfoi'Virffiiiia jvuvu miuaiine1 u dliner Orleans 6 3-16dJi eluding 2.WW which werta.ror apWrri L&? I and export; jreceiplsl 16,500 ! bales,' J, wefe), to LawL Keaiciae. EBginVrinV. Whi .pro A ma-inon EV.t..-- 3 . A RlCnUDNj if Ann IV fiu- r?-".r? ..r explicit Jstate- res need not 'sin ' and reconeiliaiibn Deiieyed. 'lheir a( .4 t rJL6vif. i. y - OF HAYWOOD, ii .1 . J J s , pui tij lug U, Ual ti , j , j vuc , f " v uwoai w i 0 " , v " . i uua J .jui M -i -V1 aWrtfnSitrwtrta more, certain. , jtJy it tHe arts! of the P'Pe away, as he does in his letter of 8taht ji.epuDiican ballot p greatly circurnscribed an cIIaT. va J lVZ I " no cause for. alarm as the season Ijsj too f tober and Nowmbet d severe condemnation lof f far advanced. . - j j j l i T 1 I middling, uplands, t mpt hplawfully j" and. jdan-If ' lJ.: ' ' ' :m W'-i'1"' ''-Ifh -;f ! J ber and November! p enlarge j Federal II au-- officialsj entrusted J-.i.t tt :o?rc teles ss JESSP; J; YEATES ; OPJIEBTFOED. fHIK&'DlSTiBICT, Jhe rind ovef , whiefi Mrs Zacb!a?iah Chandler presides -ivill baveiftp ie I c?nsiderably elbng4ed. Mr. W.i PJ Oanaday will ha,vc to stretch his own nee can bd placed iasuch Ik re mer and peace-maker 3 has not on and prepare tjo hold him and '.: jsyjry J. A rk- subordinafe who shall act under bis natSHayes, when r?VUCtn? .to the laws of , ' ; - tate which tfiey shall invade in' ord of condemnation ecution. While I cannot beli More K pa u lalt Trenpafor CnbaIT hire IXaudlcap Usee, i A :: 1 jlADHtb, Sepf.ul2 .1 .. A nl . i A .M-A. f. . . ' I. I II . t i uciauiiiiieut wi a.yuo SDamsh i troarw m ciuuiuua jinc l.yin ot (.jsepiemoerj to r tt ROD THE AHEBICAH V 1 C-i . I )ka-aBectae. feaUK Uhutratoa . UDlandsJ L m. kj'OlJriT5iauJ. f 89-D4W4 lis-,'-'. - ... !;;J I: l, t: ... g u iu mwvmiifcti&n a 1-oursa atrins-anfl Kli TwotSnUl n5 Ppcretary ot War. to trse the x ti' tyiaviLUijC w f i i i i - - . . h . - .-. " i t . , x t wwwwuiu biuuo u a - . , w- 1 i ir h? baa not one word mJlKl'l rr""" e5ecaW::: I cannot believe nrrH ltv",!" "lurr u4 Cameron, tne ithat hewill venture oraoti-naHirt AL.: Secretary of! War, to te the arriiv of force these monstrous assumntionsof 1 1 Atponcaster. 1L8 I . . futliJ ucwic IUC cuu HI i i iinis moutu j ic those who propose to act under his and Oglethorpe tliird f F0UEJ3J. DISTBICT, JOSEPHRJd DA VIS, i I .. I I - !-..,. 1 lucuuuieuis. ii ior nothintrt pIco i-v-t'vo v(vu ouiuiers ana peaces Itlle result a. . I v London, Sept. 12,; j toay, the race ! for the n i.4itv:iiMl isivim tttel.-a-'.w.-il AEJiED BREECn-LOADDiQ, .Prteef' '1$4 OO to :$i)0. 00. - luiv A. U A V I the bonesCretpTStatefehouldt-r le?,4 lPI-KANKXiat. V . but. tp -intimidate and President Grant, with his Secretaries Ii ypte fpr these amendments, a4d help' Ifr6ecute " the white . voters- of ot ,v?r Mie f avy and the Interior,5 CIIARLES-rONi - Xbejciiy Quici-Severa. ArraU Artnexl Nesroea. , iiartston, Sept 12, S!ioo!:Fiiiig --i B, AJUreEMBNT.j I AbVENT'D'KB ATHu ImiS $1.00. 3 MohthA ilarMiSneMer, 1 1 lii 34ANTJPACTUREB?' ! . j ; 4 : , H Wert Piatt Street, tii'th- Baltimore : - I .-t.-.!;;i i. , t il. L' Send stamp for specimea co&y to ,AprD6-tf ; j j 1 j 31 Park Row, New York ' Bank of fHcjmHaitbver St t u iiiiiiij: uays residence in a4 ftrtririftr'oKi1 ; UU QlS-Slience at such a tirrin I man. tlleVerieral 'of 'tho amW nKJ.. I r arrests were fnadnUw iha-rirAinA kfWiAL Jr1;r f 1:S in aia-sri?".r"-" i . t hi -r t-v-i -.-1; 1 I 1 1 .n I- . j -i .-:3& r7--rr.Tf--r v niouuooiuu i . ! ! Is'l ... i The old clausd pjrideaFtbat Mtwho' the States to uold free eleetionWnifU bellow reVer i&epart-Aid. iakld W(fififawfc; STEELE, JHON ft VJBm ; rempta :WaffWrtj?fjfej Peppl4;are ;tbes if the t der their own ajtbority. :If suelr aiP escape: public reprobation, Or Slek and JDeHtiutc Chain- Surplus1 Fund , j , :.. :'i - . I i il . i- Ml ;'a?.W : I 'arrests were frvsiflpllw tlio Wfti;7. .i.i-k r Jy 1' r ;-y ' ' '' 1; ' M ; ! -.-ml . lit . 'T I--"TiT I B - : . I J? ' ' . - -t . : t 1 i : - ill . r ' i .i; J T-"" . i i . r i-' I l.i.ail B .111(11(11 waa a a- , i , ,u as uuiispiracy IO I I i ,wrrAa. jnvacfe tbe PlainlVl-eaeTii.rl inh- XP I ; 4 . . . -i i .; j. ; y r :"" v, D. It. , (I -RTrTTTllfYNm , i SEVENTH DISTRICT -.: iywanyb,Mnfamona wimk, -IZ- ve :ppnjtnaiea Jttayes as : una M "AtiriaKall! Sitfal jr-diJf ' Mraat's successor, K In t.Knir hnAa tnemsi !? .r: rfr-r?Tffr (TT Hvwr I trt -.. -i.j .,,,,4- ,j f t, : Ktainmg m .power anv IbLii-.J.. 4.' v : -manipulated into anv shank' Tr,oVr ui i.j"L?Wi 1 '-. I - W ILLIa M' 'IT. j ROB 13 1 k S , L0? n; wield "4' i: r YmSeIM uaP8 ior tremendous wrong td twU'I -ii,'Uii ti I ! S neigbors- and U Estate, t The. t -' i .... I - .- 1 ..: j . -I- v - ,, li' I H I-'- -- -a. , ,1; I ? l.OTd.u.aiU UCUfcCiUUKI 1 t. people of all the States remain5 Lhe lrQtaM "f"61118 sin hport '3 , . - . i111 iJvTI"s ior me sick ana itbeir. mam l destitute. L1 Mi51-' j I t- 3 l.....su i-t i J, . ..' 'i - - I I-.. J.: w. I .. . . . . I J ! .ftSA'AAAt sir. UMmw " i' - 1: ifl I i5-'11-1.' '.f 4 -J. 1 JI -T ' I 4j ;mv;;; Mtropnianiut F f M I-J ! l.-"'-V ! IJ'.IC poNAm.jioaAK - f -1-4' .1 VOliERS ATKINSON1 's' .-Wis j . - . -,- . ETS KB ! n ! '. IS II I .C-. j, JK03TH DISTRICT, I- . .'I r i - - : UO BERT B. VAPE 1 rfyrMP'y OF !5fPC?n;? ? Stale;-ahd in fa j reopect 4o those -wbo commit I-- ! --- - 3"-- - -" - IT 1 - i .- . -li j mo ta-oeti oontravenirig the- laws' of I atdimaTf,:bj!i cninuiali under-the ban. And "mere ill stamp am .1-4- . p. . VMVtl I !! kinase ana vtAnv III i f i.. i ! - - t f f i ,J section supplies ttie nnhflVUTO;. nee more, rant: declared him-, u - i .1 nw j on.5 It declares that no "whoj upon cPnvUtion or con J ''in'-' open' court, shall hn ndi "criihkif hf fMUnJ -''ifiuL J 1 mined friend o "crime infamous bv the lawkrif th;i Vc. r?I?.I?nr: '-.- . t cl.N . I'ever erfiend fiirw nereatter. commiUed. i -3:7 ' i'J r.M ;f: shall be mmka. gfaftn;o.l0wtng u-5"":"-: . i '4v'Fi,--1 " - tamly $ tra'tisceods.-'k aov..-thi'iJo-:tKJ! ii Licietuii Biiau lie . rpatnrixi iiriim li - - i - r j tts... "'" ,oisiam eeawiui, their, own; "- "a:, L M ; ; 1 old- f -" Vlif ""p ,pTf "-..viuiwvm. m.;t ll.c-jth ,r.'nL';f t-Ai ar. itMi .,4 K-, Tbrim.t.. l I 4 'T".Y ' -ill :' iar. Tmini'lnracBdi1iiatWr f I- ! 1 -f -: , . j w . i.; if 3 -;ni 1 i.ji I -w bav Tor uanV yeirC with great unicesa, mue. H!. ' rlf I :to the apecia) intruetions of individual uporumo ,(3. JP. LITTLE,. J I Makiiigferrflafgeand select trade enables n iL " J,-"1'- .1 . EVe greater care aad attentiottt the atttag, Aoot- .IL. B. BOBDEN' i lHstaadgeneral anisa.of.oar .GuniLthan can be ' Is "KDDELLt7 J I manufactorera wha pcodaeefraeueral wrket PCaaWer. f.W r. to. . iriAjUf Wttrf 1 1 taace of ftavbig their Ova made to at them. t :' il . .The followinff -will ihnw lhn etata .stations mentioned -Washington mean uromtae dailv bulletin iasnpfl 1 Sug irom toetenor.of po frP tne signal Office in this city : 1 i-Xa 1 Montgomery, We are prepared to accept ordert to baild Gam any weucnL: eanse. Draoomoa or eiyie. . wbI.....(i.,M,i...;JJ.J.,U,w .v; P"on shal be restored U the X lkH H Uch "rights of citinste t, i: j '. , ' 11 v . . itUUIUUirU K1V1I BAr.! I lima H un iX"W. j ku il i. ' rii . rtfoeextent on l ugusta,. Noiiblatapt Radicar toth; sides, jone wouldmaiiTne n the CaiW. jfr. t io4W u r.j; niaioritv of jVorth iai; aarieston, i; i , ii nririrr r r a tnw w kf i .r m i - H BiemBe to conn-I Jon i i I I HT A pyTi A R Fa 1 i. - ' ' l-i 115 w t.- ... "t ..MMWBvAVi hcmixENQE:::j.":::.j.L.u i .at ' OA. i-.uj uOTi.T-jsr-i.-TJTfil.'rr' ""rtf II ;-..-jTaaane"PartMBiafawita.iiexere Ume MACK'S ANALYTTHAT. ITOTtrnTt ?fa,T Btnueu uy law. ,3 rt , i , , . 'i , H i)'l ;l' , Always jtavortng practical Reforms, I spectfiillyfcair your aUtntiyu to one nr. buuwui itinir itivnninii mHiri i. I i.i .i .; - I .. o "t";"b '" vu- iivuiu nae -t -. Ti ri f ' .'vvM, ceueoi a sateguartl as this meets with r-- itutvwgres&i' t it, is-.; OnarWW sernK-peuiirrel it:-" 1 & , i I : 'f,mrS!iB wformmMciYAl.Tyice.-.pf .the Ugntry, f -.V-r WOii.Wl'Sire the unquithfaed auftrova of 4thi lw-1 1 wduld haVjeit iJo IbeWii rf iim ! aeemedsuiScieU abidli; L N.Jfcl, Hf,b k, audWiplMees. m l l.v- the bust-oraanizl.il: nAtSt;iW -rr- F " : a. pot squire eu1idviice; eftid kiuusedt , ,,fi J.:i.j .''.U.l.lfc..'.- 1 O -TT'5Iliv?',"""l'M''Vi; I IDUhmll I.u..o .J - I J II IIIH Xui.o . I .1' ., . I i . - I , freilw!Westl'erJjhel liSlM BL&&mWjti C mple e. t would have nt'fcvern 'noftlid . - r- - ! ,'.!- r " : I vu vwuuiilUII. , -t. - . IrinUlft hlltWlQ' li! ! ! - f ( r n n i -fc - f au t r - ! ... ir- i ii r v v ix i i 1 1 . -an - rir.i irintr 'on- - I , . . kaiuk call tlLi IWiint mania V : s-1 t . - . . . Tr! . , - tei ance ahy such implication. acotia ibedriunch ,;oftsplendid ihips w a matter -f evervflday xocoiirrencei mebutly rauKt. bJ::mistaken;in. the Katfiueut tlfjat j the iiiippin interest If ePWL or. shipbuilders ihave 'ry iji-eat fiiith in :ihe futurev :) j'-togaJ bistort 'of XI r. Leek bpiiial Life ir' the Efh&enlh' C'eiutu-' Id no particular has GranMahowerf tiatn'MofV!vi:S.jfn iifet- jM-li.1- J " uuuo llldiil UB Wail' t - " K v' nesridJinceWjhh 6f Siegfried : i a.;.. l;i Ji.'ALi i-. iit jj'.l- Mtr Gibson. . : vrarvcBlwa.-. , Indianolai.i Jacksonville,. i. ft.ey west,.i. ...; Knox vim LvochbureJ Alobile, 66 54 f Nashville, .. i. I new Orleans, q i a imi Goueciion or muBic Branca Oflce, 29 Ma!des Lane. New York. i&nfactorr: 'opr Workd. ' Birmliishiun. 63 ?5 79 80 79 0 6- ...:e9 New York,. 4... JNorrolk,.... Pittsburg, i .. Punia Rassa,' Savannah. reyepctftty Ol..4LiOUI8Ji;. . StMarks,1 Vtcksborg,..;... ington, n .Ti-iilV.li P' ;MtoryToaeier Works, 'Bini v i W AOUNJUt JQ All il OF FOTT R 1 Lfin iHTmTWsl.t Jl ' 'J .60 Hft il L Tri-lf.'- -Ti .-a-'- iLl -c- -."-i'h.-it;-t?IS.'f-BIH-AD,ir,.CRBKDMOUK"1 iuri, 1,:t r-Sll;t" WH: fP?" .W S MWXiK i 0Br .OU I UlllU. Art I I I 4 I contains the. eabetance iiWkad.4re.tlnilatory i ft e of all that baa Ver beei; 'fI?Wt; , and la almoet a necoiftv for ! 40, 44 aad 50-100 of an luck, and Of jKitshk'fccr.:iWlli!OTS t t ut. irrTvwuuuu.uamaTa luramrrarin i . ,--. - : ; t:. - i i , , . ii U onntoiot Btrjrv a ! feeling as CBw I ,uu 'jt-ii 'fi.ir; - i .u ufFor the. Star - , A-V thnt ViiiiptoTlffAitT-tt . !i : af!;.;itttt-j,8ii(rroa ttiat toIIowtfbem. v "!rV:lUB Ha" N f-'il lint -iiiafiVX-'KTIiftj:.i tvne. aniLKeuuhliftAn rUn.i. n , -S-Lii!-:lii-t-j.i ,Lf hWisHn.a tli i.rLv Ii... heed uot flau ; : mu ponnnci, mat mpeis theilaw- n : "?j AsrantUr f: 'vJ .. !..fe-f.ri;?vi '"ri'Kpf1''- vmUwT5 : r Saxon aystel i b :V. whieh ai'i ""XoSW . Mndtria'dWMierW olBrwiseJhlem ;;.whS,E Strol l f-yet-fgnffiea,ia'Ui . which arranged for the pufliiWent Pmahla-pefisijiirirf rJ . y , 7t 'WM' Jogndn tfr.MCM?ddo8ou; Of criminals, andtB-' of Ku? apVili:hia,hecAMetheyr S rr, ; of frtemJe Lehigh J 'I .".j-. O' fc 'p'f 'f ! Wluff? ' f.U ;iai od- JVU .tn h,Jj! 1 M 'tHrw't A.vl 'jiriv- ' ... I r.-v v ' :':.;'. V' ; r-' ':'! i i;- -I- '''t-.'-'-,::;: ;t;-r'" . i'-,f'T?-:.:;-.viW'Y': t-'n"--'-"'' ;- K.Mf.'B-:J-N"-r ;,;, - ,59 1 "enontheaabJect;anaiealmo6taneTO 40,44audlOoiwl.ck ,73 i moore rcyetopedittlCiuiBi i fliMfl Wiia frok.Tsjri JC3UL j Ijb JLLl jLlOi J JlictlOnftrv ITnaial Tf-flTa or S peepNkatai 'KTeAie tUiaterchkiiUbte ft T'fed-n11 -fli1-'' Of theae tkreynaeful tarftortllaVt i iimiKr', Wtaoa cf ;the law book,.an tbfcttoS;: "v'cMV 'r! !. IA IQ ; . mbMatiee fAU'tha? l8ii ttwgrtCjto i .Jt t li'SARli jfcrk J?.VMT. I ptttberltook Mat; pMt-uyd, for rSaO pfice. 'fi ' j ... L . : ji' P- i:ife;ihul't .n.ai::L"JaL'i jiaa: I C;r4iltoii..ViiidbRni Co. Vcrm'' ; i." ff-i : ti -- i: -r.-T- -..1::.tt-; . 9 . , : . h . . . m ,i 4 PiiRT.riiiiimBimurii .mn . J I WAvlkAV PKil.i4AlVvVt. I JiUHaK MAHtFAfeTCEER'" Er:H? C I -TftaWr.i, 4 HA. fflalf.aari.,.aaAA , n ' er himself that bis proJ leigh, has: wj-iUen.a sensible article on Sareo formifexceed doantit J ttrayiawe Uik hit w. r'l tl iwt. j ;1 hordnr to Hot. JT 1 If . ''THE FIELD. Is a complete: irebkJt tesJeiekjif ra I biBDiaAiiadv.Wi :lWlZT:?tF I : '.hKltl A '.H't fi hin'CR ; 1 -,, - k t nu, iiU5ir. " - ' - - " -ai iniiiiata t .lif l'-;:.. '" Praixa! thnea.on Uld will colnmna any thin ta or degrade ooblic aeatin THE pnbliahed West of authonty among the XStatK.?? !rt:vn AWteooWiapaa wdnkso, v . 11-- r- v-""" . . t -t t 1 : a tuwatoua ri 11 . - uluiimhui' buiuilidu tw General A7entifB " ftWF. OWWfci. V: inf. T.lln mt ffn nll iJilmi t'1 r-. ".K"I '3.-H5T .5 . i i.' m: stjs w a kc, Dean of, Law r : . Jyao-amii lOSWCalrd.M!"'8. I ;