THE MORNING STAB. PUBLIC USD DAILY BY 0F gWWOKIPTIOH OT0TAC: ai year, wr--ff-.; 18 M 1 no nreemont ine month city, F'ied to collect for mot than 8 months in got a'n 3ance. rn outlier. York Zferd- acknowledges, on the slimoDy of Judge Settle, that Gov. Vance rdn't make use of remarks imputed to him Vat papr which were quoted from one of A. Bismarck, D. T., dispatch reports arrival of Indians from hostile camps at jCt Peck, in quest Op ammunition. Madrid dispatch Co the London Ttmes that the demonstration that was to 8 ' t the ex-Queen Isabella was abandoned from fear of disturbances. - : A Rome dispatch reports the Pope and Cardinal Antonelli as very seriously ill. The florth Atlantic squadron has assembled at lUmp-on Roads, preparatory to being as- ed to a winter cruise among the West jfjies. They will remain at the Roads until the disappearance of the yellpw fever from the Southerji coast, and will drill daily Babcock and Somervillo have kin acquitted, the jury remaining out for tw0 boors. George Alfred Lawrence, an English author, is dead. Alex andria correspondent of Times reports that Hatch Pasha. Kyptlan commander-in-chief, and his staff, have been captured by the Abyssinisns. - A violent hurricane at Porto Rico occurred on the 18th. Bridges swept away and eight coasting gchooners lost. Cane, rice andcoffee crops mined. Consular agents report; great loss alon? the North coast Result of the International shooting at Washington, M;ij. Fetrton won tie Irish Swire, Blade the Australian, and Rae the Scotch. New York markets: Gold, 110; cotn, 11 JUIH , ' - 1- 11 31(feent8; spirits turpai ,osin, 2 002 10. j Mine not cents; MURDER WILL OUT! , j ; Holden's Confession ! Tks Purposes of tec libra Kirt War! -'I Ft" The reader will remember the fear ful days of 1870 when V. W. Hol den, then Governor of -forth Caro lina reason of bayonets and threats, trampled upon the rights and liber ties of tho people, overthrew the civil law and substituted that of cut throats and desperadoes, and sent to jail some of the purest and best men in North Carolina. It will be re membered that some time in the spring of 1870, John W. Stephens, a Radical member of the Legislature from Caswell county, was mysteri ously murdered, and on the morning after the white citizens of that coun ty lial held a political meeting in the Yancey ville Court Unuse, the body j of the murdered man was found thrown upon a pile of wood in one of! he offices oa the first floor of the building-, a rope drawn very tightly aroun l his neck, and a deep wound in bis body. It will be recollected what an intense excitement was cre- ted throughout the State how the adical leader tried to fasten the eed npo;j some of the foremost citi- tw of the county, and how the pa pers of that partyh every section sett up a bitter cry of execration a Mfect howl of denunciation. It illbe remembered how Governor Holden organized his band of ma udW and ruffians, gathered chiefly fan Tennessee, under the. oom tand0f the vindictive and vii Jpui Kirk, how he dragooned He counties of Alamance and Caswellarresting old men and middle aged raeVi, without any warrant of au lhoritF ober than such aa was given b7 high-handed tyranny, among them Mkinguisbid Judge Krf a raem Hr of th Baptist Uborch.tbe vene '1' Dr. rtoasi, a ruling the pVUrfab uroh, and Mr. Bow, "p'l'H steward iu the Methodist ppcti in Caswell.and confining them Ju lilt! Cijirt House under a guard pp)Hed of the vilest miscreants lj be gathered from two "8 All this and much more, will renenjbered that we have not 'm to Hbggest. J,a,,y theories were broached and "hissed as to how and when the r,,r Was perpetrated. Holden 9 ,,5 endeavored to baveftrank 1,eV, an excellent citizen and ex ' enff of l"e county, convicted of h"itne. Orhof Mhhi - irfi- lllcaled. But at last, after over six Vft'i j 8 ibej true story has corrie to bl and! iu a w,v lhat w in defy ""Miction. Saturday morning Major C. W. f. YJ' " ii a u jusii roiurueu forr snoro, Moore county, iu- eoi,fe8s nuiuen uau miue a T """" ume ago w uev. a, editor of xheBiblinal Re J.'!u ,,,,hlished at Haieigh, in which K!(wleded that. Si NLJ i r u iy members of the Ksdicat " !)-tliat this was done that the The Morning Star. VOL. XIX. NO. 8. crime of murder might be fastened on prominent members of the Democratic party that it might di vert the attention of the public from the rascalities of the Radical party, and that such a tremendous impres sion might be created throughout the country as to induce the Northern States to sustain the policy of that party. Holden said that the Kirk war was set in motion for party ends, and that it was a part of the infa mous programme not only to arrest, but to have Jndge Kerr and other leading citizens hanged. This is about the substance of whati we obtained fromlVIajor McClaramy and other sources. It- seems that when Holden was anxiously seeking to have his political disabilities removed he became quite penitent for his great crimes. He sought the aid of Mr. Bailey, and no doubt of other brethren fh his church, to aid hib to secure the so much coveted end. Mr Bailey, moved by compassion; prom ised to aid him upon the condition that he would not again enter politi cal life. Holden agreed to this, after having disburdened bis soul of the great sin he had been guilty of. He has back ' npon his promise by becoming th chief editor of the Ra leigh Constitution, the Radical cen tral organ, so Mr. Bailey feels him self now released from tho imposed conditions of secresy, by . Holders violation of his sacred promise,; and he now tells the country the true atory about the murder of Stephens. We failed to receive the Ra'e'gh News last night, and the Sentinel is silent about the startling and impor tant revelation. We hope in jour next to give more definite and fuller details. arjBUB city. NKW DVEUTiiSKnKM s. Lost Gold spectacles. . j Focki A sum of monc-. M. M. Katz Full campaign. Giles & Mcrchison Pistols. Munson & Co. Fall clothing. Jas. Nolan Street car notice. A. T. & J. London Removal. John Dawson Hardware, &c. Harbison & Allen New style bats. J. W. Gordon & Bno. Gott Mit Uris. Ckonlt & Morris Furniture auction. A. Selioman Selling out stock cigars. Ckonly & Morris Real estate auction. A. David Fall and Winter clothing.i&c,. A. Popk October Centennial . excur sions. : j " , . C. D. Myers & Co. Purest and finest liquors. j - Kerchner & Caldeu Bros. Groceries, &c. . &c. i Local Dta. The pulpits of both Methclist churches will be filled as usual tb-day. This section was visited by two considerable thunder showers yesterday. -4 Rev. C, Mi ayne, of thelSe- oad Presbyterian Church, has returned, Dd will occupy his pulpit as usua to-day. i l A regular meeting of the Second Ward Democratic Club will be held at the Court House to-morrow (Monday) evening, at 8 o'clock.' . i f The contributions from this ity to the yellow fever sufferers at Savannah and Brunswick, Ga., thus far amount to $1,837 39, so far as is known. The interments in Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery during the past week numbered . seven, of which one was an adult and six were children. p Stationary or lower tempera ture, northwest to northeast winds, rising barometer and partly cToudy weather,, are tbe predictions for this section 4oday,' "Can I carry your basket sir ?" is the question which aafcoys our market goers, there being any quantity of urchins willing and anxious to bear the burde for I a rnniHflrtinn. 1 " There are now five cars on the street railway, running constantly on the main track, and will hereafter pass the switches regularly every ten minutes, doing away with tbe delays which were fonneily experienced. .' j . . I i Io consequence of the latrge increase in our city circulation, within the part two days, we fear the carriers jmay overlook some lol our friends. We shall be glad if city subscribers Will notify us of any failuies or omissions. A gentleman residing on 4 the corner of Fourth and Campbell streets had his inside gate removed from its fastenings, Friday night, by some mischievous party. Upon discovering ihe faefr, yesterday nfrorn ing, be was ready to exclaim with tbe Irishman, "Well, be labers, that Bates all r ' Would it not be a goo4 idea for the various benevolentorganizations of our city, such as the Masons, Odd Fellows, Benights of Pythias, Bed Men, Ac, to send lodge contributions to their suffering hteth ren in Savannah and Brunswick ? In this connection we must not omit to mention that Stonewall Lodge, K. of P- has already contributed $10 for this purpose. WILMINGTON, A Mjiterv Solved. In our issue of te 21st msk we publish ed an account Of a stranger, apparently about 50 or 55 years of aee. beiu z found ead in an old and partly dilapidated out bouse at the old depot of tha W. & W. Railroad. An inquest was held over the body by Coroner Hewlett, when it was shown that the man was a tramp, who bad arrived here on the evening previous to the discovery of his remains, having been found sick somewhere in the neighborhood Of Burgaw and kindly taken on the train, bound for this city. A brother tramp had stated that deceased came from New York, having walked nearly the entire dis tance in bis company, that he had for mei ly been connected with some large mer cantile house, and that he had respectable and influential connections in that city. The only thing found on his person was part of a business envelope, soiled and torn, bearing the inscription ,4Mr. J. D. Smith B. B. Tilt & Son, 477 Broom street, New York, N. Robert Smith." ; A day or two after the inquest had been held, and the remains of the poor stranger had been interred in tbe pauper's burying ground near this city, Coroner Hewlett wrote to Messfa. B. B. Tilt & Son, at New York, detailing the circumstances above referred td, enclosing the fraction ot an envelope and! the notice of the case published in the 'Star, and yesterday the Coroner received the following reply, re moving all doubts as to the identity of tbe unfortnate stranger. "New! Yokk, Sept. 26ih, 1876. "Mr E. J). Hewlett: "Dear 8ir kessrs. B. B. Tdt & Son have handed me a letter received by tbem from you this day. I have no doubt the body is that of Robert Smith, and I recog nize the portion' of envelope enclosed gb one handed by me to b m I have for Warded your letter and enclosures to his wife, Mrs. Lydia Smith, care Of Mr. J. F. lie Blond, Wilstach, Baldwin & Co., 148 Kace street, Cincinnati, O. "I beg to express my deep appreciation of the trouble you have taken in this mat ter, and remain i "Very respectfully, 1 "J. D. 8rrte, "B. B. Tilt & Son, "4i7 Broom street, New York." Tiiden ana Vauce club In Cape Fear Township -1 1 : According to previous notice, the citi zens of Cape Fear Township met at Mr. C. Schruver's store, and formed a Tilden and Vance Club, by calling Mr. John Casteea to the Chair and requesting Mr. Frank Davis to act as Secretary! On motion of D. S. Sanders, a committee of three was appointed on permanent or ganization. During the absence of the committee about fifteen members enrolled their names. Through Mr. Frank Davis, the Chairman of the Committee, tjlie following officers were nomiuatcd and Unanimously elected: President D. S. jSandera. Vice President J, jw. St. Ge ,rge Secretary A. J. Graddy. The following Committee on Constitu tion was appointed: Frank Davis, James Davis, Alonzo Miller. ; j r A working committee of live was then appointed, consisting of Jackson Wood William O. Johnston, Jas. B. Cowan, Ire dell Johnston, John; Casteen. On motion, the meeting adjourned to .meet at 3 o'clock, ous baturday, the 7th instant. Mortuary Sialism . As an indication of the remarkable good health that has prevailed in this city during the past month, generally considered one of tbe sickliest in the year, we give the following official statement of the number of interments in Oakdale Cemetery : Office Secretary and treaterer, ) , . y Oakdale Cemetery Co. ) During this month there have been but nine interments in Oakdale Cemetery (white), of Which two died in the country. Ages 4 months, 9 months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 30 years, 2 at 44 years, and 1 at 45 years. Total, 9. V Diseases, as reported Diptheria 3. con sumption 2, meningitis 1, bilious fever 1, congestion 1, liver disease 1. . Total 9. For the week just Rosed, 3 interments, included in the above statement. 1 ; Richard J. Jones, Secretary and Treasurer. Wilmington, N. C, Sept 80186. Id Pine Forest (colored) Cemetery, for the same period, there were twenty inter ments, nuking a tottd of twenty-nine for the two cemeteries, j : ; Rnljfl Bally !! , Our aba ot standard-bearer for this Con- ipi Colonel AUred;l&Wd- dell, is expected, to addi ess his conit n uents of this city from tbe grand stand on Fifth, between. Cheanut and Mulberry streets, on Wednesday evening, the 4tb of etc ber. Let there be a grand rally on that OS' Citsion to bear our distinguished favorite, and let the officers and executive commit tees of each club see that the full strength of their respective wards turn out. Houori 10 the Deid. Tbe funeral ' of John1 Connor, colored, who was drowned at sea March 31st, 1876, ofT tbe schooner Aim Shepbrd, -will take place at Christian CbapeJ, in this city, to day at 3 p. m. He was a member of Golden Lyre Lodge ISfo. 1008, G.;tJ. 0. .of O. F,, which, wtyjrf'ree Love Lodge tNo. 1469, will eet at th lodge room of the former at 2 p. m., and march in procession to the church, starting at tea.amMtftt o'clock. , . Bitten hr a Snake. A colored man by the name Of John Mc Rae, while bunting firewood on Eagle's Isld, Friday eight, was bitten on the leg by a moccasin snake. The usual remedies in such cases were applied, and at last ac counts the patient was in a fair way to recover. i m . - " ' .: N. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1876. October Centennial GxoamloM, The Wilmington and Weldon and Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta Railroads and their connections wil offer, during October, to all citizens along their Hue the opportunity of visiting, the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia at one first class through fare, by a series of excursions upon specified days, the first of i which will leave Wilmington on the 4th in8t., at 7 p. m , running via Richmond, Quantico and Baltimore, passengers there in reaching Philadelphia at 6.50 p. m. the nexf day. Round trip tickets from this place will be sold at $20. j Tickets for these excursions will be good only going northward as far as Richmond on the particular train and date specified, but are good to return by any train within I- 14 : sixty days. Strt-Inc a Child. Late Friday evening considerah e excite- ment was created in the neighborhood on Fourth, between Campbell and Red Cross streets. A pistol was heard to fire, followed immediately after by most startling and heart-rending screams from a child. Of course it was at first thought that the child had been shot, but upon investigation it was found that a colored boy seme twelve or fifteen years of age bad stricken a small colored child'' over one of its eyes with a stick, inflicting a severe wound. An offi cer wt close at hand, but tbe boy disap peared so quickly that it was found impos- sible to capture him. ij fry.'!,- Tbe Xltdeu Guard., The kyPw Democrats of this city are forming au oixnmzation to be known as the Tilden Guaid, to serve, aa an escort to speakers, &c, during the campaign. Tbe organization already numbers about seventy-five, and is expected to reach one hun dred aud fifty. The guard will be uui formed and will bear lanterns formed in the shape of a star, Tbe Y ellow Fever Relief! Fund. j ' U; Since our last issue we have received the following contributions for tile yellow fever sufferers at Brunswick, Ga. : From a portion of tbe officers and employes of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad $33-75 Widow's mite. 5 00 Moses Hanstein. 1 00 444 75 The Concert, i The Wilmington Cornet Concert Club will, as we have already stated, give their proposed concert and festival in aid of tbe yellow fever sufferers on Tuesday, October 3d. I The ladies are again urged to assist the gentlemen of tbe Club in their com mendable undertaking. Contributions o all kinds will be acceptable. Rlnet Renew 111 Bond. We learn that the County Commissioners havle ordered the Clerk to notify . James lleaton, Clerk of the Superior Court for' Nuw llanover county, that if he does not present himself and renew bis bond, as re quired by law, by Monday, the Oth inst., the office will be declared vacant. , S. IMVKK AND OTiVSilMB ITEM? MS. Tho rain yesterday will probably pro duce another slight rise in the river. j-j-Tbe Norwegian brig Mira, Ster, ar rived at Helvoet September 27th, from this port. The steamship Pioneer, Wakely, Sailed from New York September 28tb, for. this port. The steamer Waceamaw will tow. the German barbae BurgermeMer Kersleiii down tbe river this morning. .: ,'fT0 . ! -- The BriUsh brig Eurodydon was re ported in below yesterday. A schooner, name unknown, was also, reported off the Inlet yesterday morning. tm m mm tm ; l tik W. H, Bernard, tq.: j rb M Deab Sik: I beg sufficient space in your paper to correct the item concerning the race on Wednesday last between the Frolic and Carolina. In the first place, the Frolic Was inTite ndip:tedto race the Caro tin, as Mr. Fowler, the Captain of the. Carolina, went from Maaonboro that morn ing especially to sail her. Secon dly , the Frolic beat the Carolina two minutes and fifteen seconds over one half the course. And again, tbe Corotftadid not sail over a part of: tbe course under ber lib aloue, as ber mainsail was not entirely lowered; tbe throat gave . way letting . throat partially down, the boat layiag closer in the wind then than at any lime during the race. ' ' . . !; .;n iFblMor THB FKOlflCf . ( AddUloual AlOliiti-eata ;fr p George Davis. ; ', If.'Davis will address tbe people fit tbe following, tune and places: . : jy Oold8b(oro, Tuesday, 3d of October. . f.. ialeb, Thursday, 5tb o( pctober. j Hdlaborp, Saturday, 7tb jq October. ; Sababury, Tuesday JOtb of OctoVec. J Greensboro, Thursday, 12tb of October. Reidevilte, Eriday, 13tU ot October, j Seltna, Monday, 16th of October. Hon. A la . W a d deli A ppolii tmcuu. CoK' Waddtftl will address bw ecmstltti- ents ot ihe fbnrd XDOajfressioiiel Pistrrct'Mi! the; following heS and places: Md-Haj, October 2d, at Waccarar Brunewick: county, ii f( . Tueaday , Qctoljer Qd, atljockwood's Folf lv firidirfe. Brunswick county. . . . ' Wednesday, October 4tb,at Town Creek, J UrunsW ice county. r r 1 Tbtfraday, October tb, at Lhtijs Creek, Pender counlv. j : i :.: c Friday, Octobe 0U, at Point j Caswell, 4 SSof ?to1er -7thi; k barrel! Monday, OctobeTth, at Clinton, Samp-) son county. L-J ; .. , .Tuesday October l(Hh, at Jfwton Grove, Sr0e,daxtfeorlith,t Dtr plin county. . TUursuay, uciooer vain, at aruaniie, Duplin county. 1876. FALL CAMPAIGN, OPENED v. 36 arket St. l CO MPLETE Sta m ii j I and Fancy THE LATEST DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, FANCY GOODS, f!; MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, EVERY THING THAT CAN EE Xa-3T GOODS STORE, At Prices to Compete with ,1 W t ..;iv WW oct 1-lf Out Cbarehei To-Bay. First Presbyterian Church, corner and Orange streets: Bey. Jos. B. Wilson, I D. !., Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11a. m. and. 8 p. m. Sabbath school ex ercises at 1 o'clock, p. m. Leciure every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Second Presbyteriau Church corner of Fourth and Campbell streets. Bev. C. M. Payne, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Sabbath School and Bible Class at 4 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednes day at 8 p. m. Seats free. St. James Church, corner of Market and Third streets. Bev.JJr. A. A. Watson, Bec tor. Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. Morn ing Prayer and Celebration at 11 a. m. Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. Sunday school at 4 p. m. , St. John's Church, corner of Third and Bed Cross streets. Bev. George Patterson, Sector. Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. Morning Prayer, -Litany and Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at 5 o'clock. Services at St. Paul's (Episcopal) church, corner of Fourth and Orange streets, as fol lows: Services at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. Bev. T. M. Ambler, Rector. Seats free. St Paul's Evang. ' Lutheran Church, corner of 6th and Market streets, Bev. G. D. Bernheim, pastor. 'English service at 11 a. m; German service at 7Jp. m.", Sun day school at 3 p. m.. Weekly lecture on Wednesday at ?i a. m. Catechetical in struction on Friday at Z p. m. Front Street M. E. Church (South), cor ner of Front and Walnut streets: Bev. J.B. Mann, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school at 4 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 L o'clock. Young Men's Society!, Friday night at 8 O'clock. f Fifth! Street Methodist E. Church (South), situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets: Bev. J. M. Rhodes, pastor. Ser vices at ii a. m. and bJm m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m Prater meeting .Thurs day Aiu4 at 8 oclodk. Young Men's priyer meeting Wednesday evehing at 8 o'clock. Class meeting Sunday evening1 at Si o'clock ; first Baptist Church, corner of Market Fifth streets, Rev. James B. Taylor, Pastor. Services at 11 a. pi. and 8 R. na.j, Sunday School at a. m. Young men's prayer meeting Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. 1 Regular church prayer meeting Thursday ulght'at 8 o'clock. I SerVfces'aBt. Mark'(coloed) Episcopal Church, corner 6th and Mulberry streets. Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. Morning Prayer at II O'clock.., Evening grayer, at 8f o'clock First Pres! esbytVrian Church, (colored), 8tb' and Chesnut Streets; Rev. D. J. Sahders, pastor. Preaching at 11 O'clock, a. ; and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 9 o'clock, a. m. First Baptist Church, colored, on Fifth aud Campbell streets. Sunday School at 91 a. m-; preaidbfnsf atlOl a. n!.-; 8 pMnv and 7 m. 1 Rev. W. tt. HdWeH5; Pastor.' ; 3 frlhHy Chapel, . L Churcbi 7th und tirhnSwfck slrfeets. Rev. Z: T. PearsaH. Pas tor, Services' at 11. o'clock; -a. WJt 8f p. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. ifeww ivegisier 01 eeuu ibhucu rr .1 T ' . r TV J.. - 1 1 tbree marriage licenses during the past week, of which doe was for wbite andtWo jWere ior coiorea coupies. ... . I 1 S s ' m'mM'm . r.u 4 ;i-a,-K a a ssims.v -u --j-- IT If ron have a rick Beadcbe Uko a dose of Dr. Bali's VegeUBle PilU ; we know you will And relief. Late PAfaB.-rToKffria' NWf fltand, apnttr ' S. - mm " . i m L ll.'i nt New T6r Ledger, (MhAey Writer ami1 fm srae P roni oireei. we are luueoieu. iur uupicD ui mc Leslie's lUuatroted Newspaper for the current wetk. . The Stand will remain open until 11 o'clock this .--s-jii i'i. .-Jt V ')' ji'l ii!; f.jw.R ;Ti MUfJWUlUJH B5d- work, may rely on promptness in the execatioii of . their orders. TBAtfsFER FBiNTiNe-lNKS. Inraloable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, mannf acturers and others. They are en during nd: changeless, aadd- eppy Aarp ail ripar for an indefinite neriod of time. Havine inst LU Att NEWTON U mlnU& "telea?. curcle of deeiailMadini a4 gffc maaiike maaaer, and at reawaple toricea. Mer pkIcES to the city. ' -.L.4;it fthMtIl&l--SSe-Mk Boolfc'rfitek- 7-octl4f' Nos 1. .iWAfl desoe Septe ur-adeparturef113 ftlg ' WHOLE NO. 2,863 1876. ill NOW AT T1Z 36 market n i ASSORTMENT OK NOVELTIES IN EMBROIDE ASKED FOR IN A FIRST CLASS any Retail House North. M. KATZ, 36 Market Street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 51. CUOXLl, Auctioneer. : BY eONLY-& MORR13.- - i 1 '-r:'' ' Beal Jlstate at Auction. BY CONSENt OF ALL INTEEBSTKD, WB will sell, at Exchange Corner,! on WEDNES DAY no&4th iaet, at 1Q o'clock, A. it, THE HOUSE AND LOT, 40x132 feet, Situated upon South side of Orange, between Se cond and Third street, late property of Bev. B. . HosUns. dee'd. octl-2t SnW M. CBONLY, Auctioneer. IbY GEONLY MOEEIS, ' ; m, n m HonseMu and Kitctiea Fnrnitnre ND OTHER ARTICLES, AT AUCTION, In AT OUR SALES ROOMS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3d, 1878, At 10 o'clock, A. M. oct -it SELLING OUT! ! if- . .1 i SELLING OUT ! ENTIRE STOCK OP Havana and Domestic OIG- S. MUST BS SOLD, - AT No. 3. SOUTH FRONT STREET. A, SELIGIU AN. oet i-3t m jLiust, iM0m V ii VN WEDNESDAY, THB 2TTH INSTANT A pr o GOLDEN SPECTACLES, oa Front Strt, betwee Mulberry and. Red Cross S noaer win oe gnu oiy rewaraed by lea' gtnesai at uie a l ak umt'u, OCtJk Near union depots Saturday mob- ing, a SUM OF MONEY, which the owner may have by calling at the STAB OFFICE and paying for this advertisement oct 1-lt -If - ft Q LIccL If MIS Pass switches regularly, every ten MINUTES. No delays, Five Cars running con stantly on Main Tract. "Viritbre to Cemetery can rely on sure connections and a nick transit iy on sur oct l-lt JAB. NOLAN, Snpt 11 v v --xoAjax, ' ' m.tTTT.r.Kn lMr. -1 ; t ;rpir PUREST Rtfi WHISKEY 9$ y;- -'; ,:; i EVER HAD ' jJ4 MADE AND 60LD BAUMGARDNER'S VIRGINIA RY8 WHISKEY, j 4 i i m il Alii- i, . 9 I i t, i him ELECT 1 L mm VALYPPTVIRGINIA KX WHISKEY, , r. . n Li! OLD NORTjH .CAROLINA ?0 8 WHISKBK. . i iii I M a kWrr ' . I ! ' I I lrThese are the PUREST and FINEST' UN i (iUORS dis:iUed i-i 1 his country, and arc soid by 4 ' H ) CUAS. ii. JIYEKS ACOU : oct i-tfDAW- :.; ; . and U dfortb Troat 8t John Dawson's j QLD ESTABLISHED HARDWARE , .. . . HoulB is t; : THE PLACE f. HARD- CAeJl Market 8rfet. Pistols. i T RECEIVED, ONE OF THB LARGEST INVOICES OF aewtoFICflS.. Call and examine. PISTOLS erer brought to This market, Which m Lf -K1I1U V cl. -- 1 j-r-1 . 7 Tn7: i v fM.W ,.- y.,i ltZTlil for - oct i-?w AM M 7 cb DRY GOOD 1 m rfi. m 1 .j ; "... li -- ji-i oh. . h riXJ MUUItK A- i ol Chesnut. ",r.IL ' llAW5Srl J 1 AS . 1 aa iouraajs,,..,. . 4... .. 8 S da I 0ft a rA five days - J a' . 0 fW .'v- S ' 0 " Thre week.. 8 80 2&;:::::::::: :: llio " One year. ...Si' to Contract Advertisemeata taken at prop - tlonstely low rates. Five Squares estimated & a qaarter-colnmn , tr. A tm enare aa a half -colnmc. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. One Fare! 1876. Centennial Excursion ! T PHILADELPHIA ! DTJIllkG OCTOBER, 1876. WILMINGTON & WELDON, WILMINGTON, CO. A AUG. R. Eds , PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, WiunNOTOK, N. C, Sept 80, 1876. THESE ROADS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS will offer, darmg OCTOBER, to all Ciiizens along their Line the opportanity of visiting the CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION AT PHIL A DEI - PHIA. AT One First Class Through Fare By a SE RIES OF EXCURSIONS npon SPECI FIED DAYS, the rat of whjc wUnvoWlL MINGTON at TP.M., OCTOBER 4th. and runnii Via KichmoHd, Quanlico arid Baltimore, Pasgengera thereon will reach PHILADELPHIA at 6:50 P.m. . the next day. TICKETS for these IXCCHS: only uulnu OKTHWARD as far as RICHMONI on me parncniar train ana date specified; bntare gwiu io renin uy Beine Firat-Clai )od to return by any Train within thii ty dy. Being Flrst-Claaa Tickets, Transportation wUl be l TrTn of that rmm T : B " on Trains of that Class. Prices of Round tVlp Ticket are Herewith : FROM W. W. R. R. 8TATIONS. Halifax, Enfield, Whitaker's, BatUebero', Rocky Moimt, TaijMj' $18 03 Bbarpeborg, Toifliot. Wflson, Black Greek, n Plkevihe.... ....... oo Goldsboro' i.-. .... li-Ott Monni Olive nOey-r-- 1 18 45 1 M 10 V.i ss 19 45 19 60 Falson's.. Bowden's Warsaw . . ...... T " 1. ..... . it ...... Magnolia Teachey's, Duplin Road. Leesburg. iiockv i.'Le'esb Point.:. S..... t T 30 f Wilmington ,.. 30 00 FROM M C. & A. R. R. STATIONS. Brinkley's. . Flemington WhiteviUe.. Fair Blnff., Nichols'.... Mullen's... Marion Peedee Mar's Bluff . ,,.. ....$S0 93 h 4 . . I J ... !....'. SI To mm 2 . S5 . 3 15 CO . I SO DU 23 90 34 m H 75 95 00 35 00 flUlOBVD. ...... ... Ebenezer. Tnmonsville. Mavesville. Snmter. Wedgefield, Wateree, Eastover. f5 00 Columbia .1. ...... 25 00 tT Persons at Local Stations along the Line cm obtain their Tickets of the Station Agent on the day the train passes each point or by applica tion to the undersigned. A. POP?, ecl-tf . General Passenger Agent. New Styles Hats. T7INE SOFT A ND S STIFF HATS, -.1 flHii 1 LASSES' STRAW HATS At HARRISON & ALLEN'S, oct 80 tf -City Hat Store, Front st. , HULL XU.1L una. f wjlI T Ti r - f HAMBURG BREMEN INSURANCE COMPAHV, OF GERMANY. Aset $2,300,000, CiJ. I S,y. DOWEIN, Manager, I u ' H ..'Hi F. b. AFFELD, Assistant Manager, New Tf t. M J TRUSTEES. arnvriv Rnrnrait. - -.aid .11 U Of tbe firm of OelricSa '& Co,, New Yo JN B. U WHAJKUT, SOf the firm of Kunhardt & Co., New York. knce8. G. Anisinck & Co iifi Y. ; H. B. 5 Co.. New York; Goesler A Co., Beaten , York; Geeenebaum ttom mJL.-,. i;nas. a., meyer, werman uonsui, rnuaaeipmaf Von KatS & Arens, Baltimore. . JNOlW. GORDON B0. Gen. Agents, oct 1-t? No. 84 NORTH WATJCR bT. mm m. mm iiij 1 CLOTHINR. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS' CLOTHING, GENTS' PDRNI8B1NG GOODS. . CLOTH I IMw, UJN T' rurtKIir UUWUf, . Pf 1 BIICHANT TAILORING GOODS, M EMC HAN T TAILORING GOODS, V MERCHANT TAILORING GOODS, SOTTS, CHEAP. CHEAP. OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS., ALL NEW . GOING CHEAP. nnixr 1 nuta n OATS 1! GOING CHEAP, VID'S, Merchant Tailor i . 4 ! . ' . 27 Market St. 4 . vrt RoitaBAGfefifc1 U. ; muni "5 T6ns Pieced ARROW TIESV Su 8. '50 BV1 8ngar"Hoa8e MOLf8838 ce, Flour, CofFee, &c. r: ' .''1, Q TtereeajpAROLJNA Wt, g0(b WirDa. fiUl 100 M Ji , 1.. it 50 V ');" T' rs. G. H. W Eunge OFFERS HER SERVICES TO HER PJ and the nubile, irenerallr. as Instractor HewiaatfBttbroider CMivm Work. NetUne. ting, Crocheting. &c. She wiU be happy to see all who will so Madly favor her with their patronage. at ber residence oa Kirtn. Detween Ann ana nan Streets, on MONDAY, the Sd o OCTOBER. ,Cass hoars from 3 to 5 P. M., on Mondays,Tanrs- 31lnilry8., -1 -t ' : Tr, m. f L00 per month. , , T septiju 4t DERABLB EX patiinr it in very 00- ar. eeptau-iw Clothing! Clothing' DURING THE BALANCE .Ofe THIS "CEN TENNIAL YEAR" we shall have a daily GRAND OPENING, (Sundays excepted). The Ant will be to morrow morning. Come and see us. octi-tf Clothiers an MeanTsiloHi. . .. - OV1SKU I t II 1 ni .oetl-tf 11 "i ' i r 200 1 Ho . ror sie oy ott Uf : KBHCHg CAIflll B OB. Salt. Salt. Salt 3000 cll 8AWy' i' f ceti tf 0rRCNER A CALDER BROS la Plain Knit. A fiord ated la a few dayajsat the ant MARY K PIOKBTT. nr. r- w w w ' Market stree 4l t Li ii ' ui in

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