WILMINGTON, N. C: Thursday Morning, Oct. 5, 1876. BY TELEGRAPH. AFTEKtVOON REPORTS. FBOa WASHINGTON. Colorado senator-Existence of Vul can tonflrmed-lndlan oaf rase in Texas-Decision In Distiller's Tax Case. "Washington, Oct. 3. The result iu Colorado will briDg Mr. Cliaffee, another of the Jones-Sharon class, to the Senate. A special from Paris says the existence of Vulcan is confirmed. Texas advices say twenty-five Indians Struck the Neuces river on the 28th ult., swept down the Sabine river, below Trio city, attacking the ranches and chief camps, ancLkilling three whites and several Mexicans, and are cow passing out up the Neuces river, in the ; direction of Fort Clark, with over one hundred head of horses. Citizens and soldiers are in pur suit. This party has committed more devil try than anv Dartv for several years. Judze ShiDman. of the United States Circuit Court, has decided the following case in favor of the government. John Tlollaran. a distiller, made a true return of ail 8Dirits distilled by him. was regular ly assessed, and the tax collected by de- straint; afterwards the government brought suitiUDon his bond. to recover nearly iow, which was the tax under section 20 of the act of July 20, 1868, eighty per cent. Of the producing capacity or ms aisuuery, as ue termined by offlcml survey, less the tax al rbatlv collected. One Devlin, a surety, rs iiiione served in the case. Devlin 'set up m defence' the assessments and previous col lection of taxes upon true returns of spirits. actually produced, and that no lawiui as sussment had been made. 1 he case was K.r tl.n r'.n rt iirhr.il IlkA nirrt'Pil cit'llr- merit of fACtein substance as abpve. it POKBIGV l.MXiSLLIGENGB. ' 1. . m ... r.ninln f. AnAmllllifl Af Cuba The Porte' Answer to the Powers Russia's War Prepara tionsPeasantry Near Batak Starv ing Warlike Article from Andras- )) Orgto, &c. jfe 'r V . London, OcV4. Tlic StandareTs Madrid dispatch says i ' ii - 1 1 I T 1 ( ir..- Will, campus win repiuce .luveusj as cajJ- isin General of Cuba. The lim ' Vienna dispatch says Francis Joseph's answer to the Czar was- handed j yriritcrday to Gen. SumarakofL' The same vltepatoh says the Porte's answer to the Powers is very grave, for it reopeus the whole question, and strengthens the opinion of (hose who have maintained that more persuasion was useless. A Reuter telegram from Belgrade siys it is asserted" tuat riussia has ordered her rail roads, leading to Turkey aud Roumania, to have sixteen trains daily at her disposal, and has requested Roumania to have the roads similarly equipped. .The Newt? dispatch from Bucharest says the peasants in the neighborhood of Batak are starving, as the Turks forbid threshing until the tithes are paid, The Times' Vienna dispatch says 7.0C0 volunteers, including 1,800 officers, are m Bervia, and that 2,000 more enlisted. The Neios" Vienna dispatch savs the Pe&ihe Lloyd, Andrassy's organ, published a warlike article yesterday, showing the ne ressity of Austria defending herself against Russia s designs. COLORADO. The Republicans Carry the Election by a Dcclled majority. Denver, Oct 4. Los Animos county gives a Democratic majority of sooJJemocTatic loss of 73. Ives a Democratic maiority oi loo; a loss oi oo. 1 he Republicans have undoubtedly car ried the State by a decided majority, and both branches of the Legislature, which elects two United States Senators and three Presidential electors. DELAWARE. The Democrats carry Election cor In spectors. Dover, October 4. The little election for inspectors through oat the State, a semi-indication of the coarse of the State in the big election, re- Ktilted iu favor oi the Democrats. Senator Bayard was serenaded last night. .OUKMiN IMliLLHJENCE. The I sieru war 1 he Porte'. tx -(ie lor Resisting t lie JDemands of .lie Powers Austria's Attitude as lo the Proposal of Russia I"'urk.ey Re presented: to be Willing to Grant an Armistice at the Suggestion of Eng. land Spain aud the United States, London, Oct. 4. The "Tberapia" Correspondent of the Times, in a letter of September 2th, fays : "The Porte grounds its resistance to the demands of the Powers on its alleged ina bility to crush the passions of the mob. Its ultimatatis is a threat of the massacre of Christians. Turkish. Ministers allege that they are constantly receiving anonymous let ters, and that placards are placed at every curuer of Stamboul, threatening popular vengeance on the government if they ac cept conditions incompatible with the dig nity of the Empire. Shrewd persons are inclined to believe that the menaces are prearranged by the government itself, but many European residents, and even some of the diplomats, especially Mr, Elliot, British Ambaassador, are disquieted by them." The panic in Pera is almost as gen eral as in May last, at the time of the Sof ta movement. The Tiimti Berlin dispatch says the Tur kish Cabinet is understood to have de clared that it cannot be expected to en dorse the programme concerning which such differences exist among the Powers themselves. There is every reason to be lieve that Austria will decline to make com mon cause with Russia as long as Andras sy remains in office. The correspondents of thelime$ and Tel egraph agree that Turkey,' in answer to the Powers, refuses to grant an armistice. The Paris correspondent of the lelegraph feels not assured that Austria has definitely re fused the Russian proposal. Meanwhile Austria has communicated the proposal to other Powers. Another dispatch says Austria declares she will not undertake the occupation of the Turkish territory except at the request of the Powers. A Belgrade dispatch to the Mm says Turkey is disposed to grant an armistice of three weeks at the suggestion of England. In confirmation of this the Telegraph's Paris correspondent says he has reasoB to believe that England has already-taken the initiative by requesting Russia lo wait till a SLe,a himae t0 inauce Turkey to come to terms by fair means. . Belgrade, Oct. 4. v fl?ue lan, hM. wrilten Gen. Bamara koff.tue Czar's Wede camp, a letter of apology, exculpating himself in the matter of the royal proclamation. London, Oct., 4. A Reuter telegram from Madrid says all the differences between Spam and tho United States have been arranged, and that a friendly feeling now prevails between too two governments. WASHINGTON. movements of Officials Postmasters Commissioned Political Noteft-ThO President Pardons a Whiskey Fraud Convlci, dec. Washington, "Oct. 4 Nothing from Colorado through regular channels since two O'clock this morning. . The President and family are expected tomorrow. A Cabinet session is called for Friday. All the members will be present except Cameron and Taft. The President has commissioned Ida Walsh, a Postmaster at Hot Springs, Ark. , and Wm. J. Cannon at Spartanburg Court House, S. C. The Star has the following among its poiitical notes: Solon Robinson, for many years the agricultural editor of the New York Tribune, and now a resident of Flo- rida, says, although a staunch supporter oi liaye?, that Florida will certainly go De mocratic, and that he will cast his vote ior the Democratic State ticket. It is time, he thinks, that Florida had an honest State government. The Democratic nominees for Congress will also be elected. The .President has pardoned Jos. tt. am, sentenced by the Indiana Circuit Court to two and a half years imprisonment and five hundred dollars fine for whiskey frauds. The Agricultural Department reports a decrease in the stock of hogs in the pork packing districts east of the Mississippi, a small increase in Iowa, and a large increase west of the Missouri. 1 he average for the corn region of the West is made o$ per cent, less in numbers thau last year, with a very small decrease in condition. COLORADO ELECTION. Latest News from AH Sources The Hepubllcaus Carry the Stake. New York, Oct. 4. A telegram was received from Colorado to-day, at the headquarters of the Republi can National Committee, declaring that that State had gone Republican, and that the Republicans had elected the Governor and had a majority in the Legislature. At the Democratic headquarters the fol lowing dispatch was received: Returns come in slowly, but are most encouraging. We claim the State officers and Legisia-, ture. Chicago, Oct. 4. The Times'1 Denver special say s the elec tion was quietly conducted, yesterday, though there was great excitement all over the Stale. Gov. Routt called out the State militia to suppress a reported outbreak on the Southwestern border, and indications now are that the vote will be very close. Returns favorable to the Democrats come from Colorado specials. Majorities for the Democrats are reported from Central Utly, Black Hawk, Trinidad, Boulder arid other places, the State, county and legislative tickets being successful in those: places. The Democratic headquarters at Denver s the scene of the greatest excitement, and the Democrats claim the election of Hughes for Governor, Patterson for Congress, and the whole legislative ticket. i Denver, October 4. Official figures are coming in, and show still heavier Republican gasns and majori ties than last night's dispatches indicated. Arapahoe county gives the Republicans 420 majority, and Boulder county 1419 ma jority. The Republican gain in the two counties was l,la3. 1 he Democratic i loss in Los Animas county,their strongest coun ty, will be 25 per cent, more ihau be fore estimated, and they lose a membejr of the Legislature in that county. The Dem ocrats concede the State to the Republicans by 2,000 majority. The Legislature will be two-thirds Republican in each house. The Chairman of the Republican State committee claims 21of the'26 counties ini the State, and three-fourths of the Legislature. LATER.! I There is no longer any doubt that he Republicans have carried the State by a majority approximating 2,000. Ulhcial figures show a ratio of gains, by them, which, if sustained in sections not beard from, must increase the majority 10 2,500. KENTUCKY. A Grandson of a Former President of the United States Murders a Ladr for Refusing to Marry hint Postal Commission See. Cinncinnati, Oct. 4. William Henry Harrison, grandson of the former President of the United States, at the residence of John H. Moore, in Boone county, Kentucky, made a proposal of marriage to Mary, Mr. Moore's eldest daughter, and being rejected, stabbed her nine Limes in the breast and face. A fatal result is feared. Harrison is 40;years old, and lo t his wife about a year ago. He bad been visiting Miss Moore frequently, but received' ho encouragement on account of his dissipation. Louisville, Oct. 4. The Postal Commission left for Atlanta last night. At iheir last session here a number of prominent business men appear ed before the commission and made a sug gestion concerning postal transportation. A majority declared in favor of last mails, advocating two daily trains from New York, one in the morning and; one in the afternoon, saying the whole South would be benefitted thereby. iYI ASS A Clt u sis r I 4 Troubles of a Balleonlat dppoaltlon to Butler, Ac. ; k. Boston, Oct.JJ. D L. Thomas, who left Bridgefield, Con necticut, yesterday morning. Was pitched into a tree at Rockland, Mass., this even ing, and his balloon floated out to sea. A movement to nominate a candidate to run against Butler in the Seventh District was consummated to-day by a meeting of prominent citizens of the District. J udge Hoar accepts the nomination. I" NKff YORK. Resolutions or Recpect Receipts of Sterling from London. &e. New York, October 3. The New York Associated Press, at a meeting held yesterday, passed resolutions deploring the death of the late Joseph War ren, of Buffalo. Fifty thousand pounds sterling were re ceived at the assay office from London to day, making a total of 210,000 pounds. BLKCTB1C SPARKS. The straw goods factory of! Messrs. D. D. Curtis & Co. in Newfield, ' Mass., was burned. Tuesday night. Loss $80,000. The thirty first annual session of the Na tional Grand Lodge of colored Odd Fel lows opened at Memphis yesterday, with foity-six delegates. An Augusta (Ga.) dispatch savs the elec tion passed off quietly there. About 2,800 votes were polled, of which Colquit re ceived2,200, and orcroas.600. The National Pork Packers' Convention assembled at Iudlariapolia yesterday. The Western and Southern States are represent, ed. More expected. I9B WStiHEa KEPOHI War Department, Office of Chief Signal Officer. Washington, Oct. 4-7:S0 P. Probabilities. For the South Atlantic States, rising followed by falling barometer, warmer southerly to easterly winds, and: increasing cloudiness will prevail, except falling tera p.rature in the Carolinas. DOMESTIC ia AHKIil. Wew York, October 4 Noon. Financial. Stocks active with a better feeling. Money H per cent. Gold opened at 110 and closed at 109$. Sterling Exchange long 488; short 484. Governments active and lower. State bonds quiet at nominal prices. j Commercial. Flour a shade firmer. Wheat 12 cents better. Corn advancing. Pork quiet at $17 00 for mess. Lard heavy steam $10 90. Spirits turpentine firm at 35 cents. Rosin quiet at$l 902 00 for strained. Freights firm. Cotton dull, with sales of 531 bales; up lands 10 5-16c; Orleansllic. Futures weak, as follows: October 1010 15-lCc; No vember 10 31-32llc; Decemberll 1-16 Hie; January 11 7-32llic; February llf 11 7-lCc; March 11 9-16llfc; April H$ 11 1310c. New York, Oct. 4 Evening. Financial. Money easy at li2 per cent. Sterling exchange firm at 483. Gold weak at 109 109$. Governments active and lower new fives 114J. State bonds quiet and no minal. Commercial. Cotton dull and easier, with sales of 330 bales at 10 15-16 cents; consolidated net receipts 80,871 bales; exports to Great Bri tain 19,697 bales; do. to France, 3903 bales; doi to Continent 3300 bales. Flour low and medium grades 510 cents better, with a moderate export and home trade de mand; other kinds without decided Change superfine Western and State $4 50($ 5 00; Southern flour a shade firmer com mon to fair extra $5 256 30; good to choice do. $6 358 50. Wheat about 1c belter, with only a very light trade report ed, the export meeting the advance asked, aud the small supply offering, together with firmer freights have materially checked business old winter red Western $1 10; new winter red Western $1 20$1 24: new white Western $1 301 32, Utter for extra- Corn i cent better, with fair export and home trade demand ungraded West em, mixed 5759c; graded yellow CO cts. Oats without decided change with mode rate trade. Coffee Rio quiet and firm Cargoes 15f19cts gold; job lots 1620cts gold. Sugar dull and n rainal 8f 9 cts tor fair to good refining; refined unchanged. Molasses quiet at 4054c for New Orleans. Rice iu fair request at 5Gc for Carolina, Hud4i(5c for Louisiana.: Tajlow heavy r small loti 8 13 16 cts. Rosin unchanged. Spirits tuipentine dull at 34J35c. Poik a shade firmer, closing steadyat $16 95 17 10 Lard opened steady and afterwards became easier and el ided firmer prime steam $10 8010 81. Whiskey decidedly firmer at $1 13. Freights firmer for grain. Cotton net receipts 378 bales; gross re ceipts 8,924 bales. Futures closed steady sales of 20,500 bales, as follows : Octo ber, 10 15-16 cents; November 10 314S2 cts; December, 11 3-32lli cents; January, 11 732llcts; February, 11 13-32 11 7-16 cents; March, 1119-32llf cts; April, 11 25 3211 13-16 cents; May, 11 3l-3212 cents; June, 125-32 cenls; July 12 5-32 12f cents; August 12 5 32 cent3. Baltimore, Oct. 4. Flour active and strong Howard street extra $4 505 25; cily mills Rio brands $6 256 75; other grades unchanged. Wheat active, strong and higher Pennsyl vania red $1 221 27; Mai viand red, good to prime, $1 251 30. Southern corn quiet; Western active and firmer. Oats steady and firm. Rye quiet and steady. Provisions steady, firm and unchanged. Coffee strong and Unchanged. Whiskey nominally firm at $1 14. Sugar steady. St. Louis, Oct. 4. Flour sleaily and firm for sound medium extra $4 505 50. WheatNo. 2 red fall $1 221 22; No. 3 do $1 121 12. Corn quiet and unchanged. Oats firmer No 2, 34 cents bid. Rye firm at 5858f cents. Barley steady and firm for sample lots; Kansas and Nebraska 6085c; Min nesota 80c$l 15. Whiskey steady at $1 10. Pork firm small lots $17 75. Lard ; summer steam $10 25. Bulk meatsin fair demand; clear rib and clear sides 8f9ic, and 9c for uplcounty. Bacon active and firmat78, 1010i, and 10il0i cents for shoulders, clear rib and clear sides. I Cincinnati, Oct. 4. Flour in good demand and a shade high er; family $5 405 60. Wheat active and firm red $1 121 18. Corn in fair de- rnard at '4748 cents. Oats dull at 38 40c. Rye in fair demand at 65G8 cents. Barley in fair demand and firm at $1 05 l 12. Pork strong and higher at $17 00. Bulk; meats in fair demand and higher; shoulders 7ic; clear rib sides e9c; clear sides held at 9f 9c. Bacon quiet i and firm -shoulders 88ic; clear sides! 10c; clear rib sides 10c. Whiskey, steady and in good demand at $ 1 UJ. COTTON MARKETS. Savannah, irregular at 10J- cts receipts 2,757 bales: Mobile, quiet at 10 cents receipts 1,802 bales; Philadelphia, qujiet at lit cents receipts IU bales; JNew Orleans. I quiet and easy at 10 cents receipts '3,533 oaies; mempnis, uuu ana nominal at lUf cents receipts 1,209 bales; Norfjolk, quiet at 10 cents receipts 3,571 balds; Galves ton, easy at 9 cents receipts 3.Y19 bales; Boston, steady at 111 cents receipts 142 bales; Baltimore, duH and easy at lOicts receiptsl42 bale3; Charleston, lower t 10 cents receipts 3,140 bales; Augusta,! good uemand at U cents receipts 3,149 bales. KOKK1VN MAKKKI. Liverpool, October 4 Noon. Cotton dull and easier; middling uplands 5Jd; middling Orleans 6d; sales of 8,000 bales, including 2,000 bales which were taken for speculation and export; receipts 17U0 bales, or winch 900 were American. Futures weak and probably 1 32d cheaper middling uplands, I. m. c. October deliv ery, 525 32d; November and December de livery 5 25 32d; December and January de- HverV. 5 25 82d miHdlintr linlnnrla 1 m n new crop, shipped October and November J 1 , - UJIUUUU, i. m. J. , per sail, 5 25 32d; shipped November and December, per sail, 5 13 16d, also 5 25-32d; saippea uecemoer and January, per sail, a vi ma. LATER. ! Middling uplands, I. m. c, October and November delivery, 5fd; November and December delivery 5fd; middling uplands. 1. m. c, new crop, shipped November and December, per sail, 5 25 32d. jniaunne uplands, i. m. c, new crop, shipped November and December, per sail, 5 13 16d; shipped October and November, per sail, of d. i in xew crop miaaiing upianas, l. m. c, shipped- January and February, per sail, ou. Liverpool, Oct 32 P. M. jp mures Bieaiiy miadiine ud ands. 1. m. c, October and November delivery. 5 25-32: November and December delivery 5 25 32d; jj-tsnruary ana narcn ueiivery, 5 27 33d, Hoop Iron, Hay, &c. gQQ Bdll HOOP IRON, !)AA Bales EASTERN HAT, For sale very low by aug tf WORTH WORTH, 1876. FALL CAMPAIGN, 1876. OPENED :m: 36 Market St. ik: A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Staple and Fancy DRY COODS. ALL THE LATESjr I ' ,-t ' ;. TT'- r. h . f i tv DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, FANCY GOODS, j j EMBROIDERIES, MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, EVERY THING THAT CAN BE ASKED FOR IN A FIRST CLASS M O-OOIDS STORE, At Prices to Compete with Oct 1-tf COMMERCIAL. WILMINGTON MARKET. STAR OFFICE, Oct 4. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market quiet at 31 cents per gallon for Southern pack ages. t bales ot llis casks at quotations. ROSIN-Marketdullat $1 50 for Strained aud Good Strained. No soles to repoit. TAR Market steady at $1 40 per bbl. Sales at quotations. CRUDE TURPENTINE Market steady at$l 25 for Hard and $2 10 for Yellow Dip and Virgin, the latter subject to a reduc tion of one fifth. Sales of 117 bbls at quo- tations. COTTON. Market quiet, with sales of SO bales at 9$ cents for Low Middling and 100 do. on a basis of 10 3-1G cunts per lb. for; Middling. Ch tinrlenton Naval Stores Market 1 1 - ''t - et. p The feceipls were 182 casks spirits tur pentine and 9o8 bbls rosin. The market was quiet in consequence of less favorable telegrams. Sales 100 casks spirits turpen tine at 32ic per gallon for regulars, i Rosins were without transactions of note ; (Jrude turpentine is valued at $1 25 per bbl for virgin ahd yellow dip. MARINE. Port Almanac October 5. Sun Rises . .1 Sun Seta. . J , 5:57 A. M. , im P. M. 7:59 morn. 5:29 morn. .Ili42 High Water (Smithville). . " 11 (Wilmington). Day's Length ARRIVED. S mr D Murchison. Garrason, Fayctte- Villi. Wllidms fc Murchison Siuir J ti Under li ill. Lnlham. Sinithviii J U Nell. Steamer Dixie, Piatt, Smithville, O G rarsley s Co. Schr Samuel, Styron, Lockwood s Folly, with naval stores to Anderson & Loeb. Br brig Valero, 409 tons, Fultjon, Hali- faxj N. S.. master. Nor barque Cato, Kittelsen, London via Sandy liook, li L tleide. Schr Annie L lover, 298 tons, Podger, New York via Delaware Breakwater, mat ter, with salt to Binford, Crow & Co. Barquentine Minnie Hunter, 453 ton?. Woodman, Hull, Eng., via Delaware Break water, Williams & Murchison. CLEARED. Steamship D J Foley, Price. Baltimore. A D Cazaux. Steamship Regulator, Doane, New Yoik, AD Cazaux.! ! Stmr D Murchison, Garrason, Fayette- ville, Williams & Murchson. Stmr J S Underbill, Latham, Smithville, J H Ncff. Stmr Dixie, Piatt, Smithville. O G Parsley & Co. Br hrnz Signal, Williams, Glasgow, Alex bprunt & Sou ochr Lucy Holmes, Tee), Jeremie, Havti, Northrop & Cummini?-. Schr Samuel, Styrou. LoekwCHxl s Follv, Anderson & Loeb. Klit 1CI 11S. Cotton, j L 499 oale3 Spirits turpentine... 137 casks Kosin. . . L L I 878 bbls. Tar : Crude turpentine 88 bbls 174 bblf RXPURXS. COAST vVlSE New York Steamship Regulator. 1,000 bales cotton, 400 bbls tar, 200 do crude turpentine, 200 do rosin. Baltimore Steamship D J Foley 6,410 bb s rosin, 100 bags peanuts, 25 ba'.es cotton FOREIGN. Glasgow Br brig Signal. 900 casks spirits turpentine, 1,634 bbls rosin. - jekemie, llATTi bchr Lucy Holmes 67,510 feet pitch pine scantling, 10,013 feet dressed flooring, 51,835 shingles. School Books. FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF SCHOOL BOOKS, f i j Q' E r i" 1 i For all Schools and Classes. Parents h-vin School Books to buy will find it to their interest to call or send to the. : Live Book Store. Teachers supplied at REDUCED RATES. Country Orders DromDtlv filled at th TrkmnraTi PBICRS at HKINSBKRORR'8 ct 3 tf 89aad 41 Market Street Furniture and Carpets. bargains! bargains! EXAMINE OUR NEW STOCK OF Furniture & Carpets FOR TRE FALL TRADE, Now on exhibition at OUR LARGE AND ONLY COMPLETE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KIND IN THE STATE. . A. SMITH & CO. Manuf actarers and Dealers. sept 27-2 w NOW AT j9l T Z ' s , 36 Market NOVELTIES IN ' H'l'.JlL; tt."!---. ri-' '-''I '- : i "I - -I '"! i.H it I i:tl' 1 any Retail House North. M. M. KATZ, ; 36 market Street. SH1PPING LIST. &lt of Vessels In the Port of Wil mington. N. C, Oct. 5, 18.76. STEAMSHIPS. Raleigh-, Oliver, A D Cazanx BARQUES. ; I Dolphin (Br. BiUqueutine), 299 tops, And- . lews' I Atprunt&Son BRIGS. Euroclytlon, 2(U.tuns, Lurlnir, j! G G Barker & Co R Von Reiitiuiu (Gcr.), 293 tons, Kv Ster, .E Peschau & Westeimann Signal (Br.), 304 tons, Williams, A bnrunt & Son Eleeta (Br.), 410 tons, Crosby, Master SCROONEiiS. ! Schr Lucy Holmes, 108 toes. Teel, j G G Barker & Co Schr Mary D Ireland, 265 tons, Leeds, Harnss & Howell Albert Mason, 285 tons, Rose, Harnss & Howell Sidney C Tyler, 2S5 tons, Bariitt, tlarriss fc Howell lilst of Vi'..?;s ior tUe Port of 11 : .it i :a - ' i inlustoti. North Carolina. BARQUES. Dr Lacker (Ger.), Boer, Hambui Lr, Sept 131 h. Methilde (Ger.),: Bredenburg. Liver 8ld 8ept IStlL i Minnie iiuuter, , Lewes, Del., sailed Sept. Gabrielseu (Npr.), L Bristol, 8ldspt 14ih. 25ephyr(Nor. Brigantine), Jensen, White haven, Aug. 10th. j Hermaun Uelrar-cich (Ger), Oesterreich, Helvoet. sld Aug ,12 Von Hay den (Ger.), Cartlow. Douslas. Sld Aug. um. i ! BRIGS. Ocean, (Br.), Weichman, Bristol, sa Sept 11. rv Success, (Br.), I Johnson, Plymouth, Eng., Albatross, (Ger ), Gloucester, sld Sept . .j . . ilu-.- : lUl - 11. Velero, (Br ), .), Fulsolij Halifax, sld S pt inn. Eleanor, Pa ntciow, Lund i;. i. UU1 on, cid Aug ya Burtha (Nor.). Bristol. u oepi o iu .1 ,! . O a. Diana, Joassen, Bristol, sld Sept 30tb. bUMOONEKS. Anna E Glover, Belger, New York, Sept 13th. M E F Taber, Bragg, New York, sailed Sept 27th. Wave, Crest, Wichenbacb, New Yoak, sld sept soth. FOR RENT For Rent, My DWELLING HOUSE, en Mulberry Street. I altso have a little Furniture in ! ' Hi 1 " 11 "li I I ! . E: J I I the house for sale. eept 80-t.f JOHN McRAE. For Rent or Lease, That larce and desirable STORE, nnder the National Hotel," on Front Street, now occupied by Mr. Henben Jouvs. The iMore win be rented or leased Ior a term Kor terms apply to J. R. DAVIS. J CI 17. spt 10-tf AtthePnrcell House. For Rerit, FROM 1ST OCTOBER NEXT. THE desirable HBSIOENCE, convenient to bu- sint ss centre, snuatea nort beast corner Front and Oranee Streets, now occupied bv A. II. VanBokelinJEha. Also, teveral Binaller Houses Applvj to W. G. FOWLER, sept 13-tf W F Su Cor. Ain and Front Sts. For Rent. The TWO-STORY llOLSE, on corner of Third and Red Cross Streets, ! M ; opposite St. John's Church Also, the TWO- STORY HOUSE, on Third Street, second door from the corner of Walnut street. Apply to sept 24-tf J. F. OARRELL. For Rent, FROM THE 1ST OF OCTOBER NEXT: ill That desirable STORK, on thA rnmpr of Market and South Water Streets. Ahjo, the WHARF, wllh OFFICE, suitable for a small business or Lighterage Wharf, k A'ao, that desirable DWELLING, on the East side of Fifth, between Dock and Orange Streets. Also, the DWELLING, known as the KNOHL HOUSE, on Fifth, between Market and Ptincess Streets. Possession can be given immediately, if so de sired. For terms and other particulars apply to 8l7- H. B EILF.RS. A Card. HAVE BEEN AT CONSIDER BT.lE EX- psnee m reutung my House and putting it in verv nice order for BOARDTNO Thai. t toining BOARD and getting comfortable ROOMS, can be accommodated la a lew days, say the first of October proximo MARY i", PICKETT, Bept 30-lw i Market street. C. H. WARD'S Barber Shop, North Front st. South of Dawson's Bank, WILMINGTON, IU, C. CUTTING SHAVING AND DYEING DONE IN THE LATEST STYLE. Je 1 1-tf Notice. Foit SATURDAY'S MARKET nRPvudvd 0aL r,mi tt m. Z"T ' y A mi uuH ikj BespectfnUy T. A. WATSON. sailed iled '111! HI a . 53H w ... 'M J . . J. ftinOl iiiiiii lii A a a IB BC3-ITS! Grand Annual Clearing Sale of Dry Goods o tt 45 MARKET STREET, . . j f Desire to call the attention of the public generally to their ANHUAL CLOSING SALE and would state that all the Reductions we Claim to make are BOJfAFlDE We propose closing out all such Goods as pertain to SPRING and SUMMER WEaL The Priees marked will speak forthemaelves. f y ' -i ...?..-. .j. . i' . .r?. 1 i . tr i-.:-ir t jit F ' - f -. . V-: fi . .. i 1 'i - i li i - SI 1 Cassimeres for Men and Boys' Wear DRESS Lot Figured and Striped Grenadines, lo Hamburg Edgings and Insertions, -jr.! (ALL REDUCED.) - - V i - I -IB -l-r-J. ! Srf-.tS.lB .'; 4 lift. i r j i'i i i . Flannels, Plain, irMM hie i c rt fvrrfi i ittim hi i iiiim mm mm inii also SETTLE the question which Wamsutta AUJttade Shirts, 2100 Linen, 75 B3fCall early and make your selections, you came too late. FRENCH PERCALES, 15c, worth 40c ETNo space to enumerate. Call and examine, aug B-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Sclaool Book Depot, T7ROKT STREET. P PABBNT3. TEACHERS, and .- COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Are ftivited to compare prices before deciding where! it will be to their interest to bny. ! oct4-tw j S. JEWKTT. J t - : - Cheese and Crackers, i OHOT AND GUN CAPSj ? PAPER and PAPER BAGS, For salejby HALL & PEARS ALL. September Mullets. LARGE. BRIGHT and FAT, JU&T FROM FISHERIES, For sale bv fept 54-tf RALL & PEARS ALL. Pistols. Pistols, JUST RECEIVED, ONE OF THE LARGEST INVOICES OF PISTOLS ever brongntto this market, which w have auaiked at very LOW FIUUKH.S. Call ana examine. octt tf HILKS MTTPCmHON. Barrels C f: in ortnern es, At a Low Price. Geo. Myers, 11 & 13 South Front St. sept lC-tf Use Only the Pure Sweet Mash "Whiskey, and Blue Grass, f i FOR SALE Greo. Myers, li and 13 SOUTH FRONT St. sept 16-tf Fi JUST RECEIVED, ANOTHER SUPPLY OF BAMBOO POLES, SILK, LINEN and COTTON LINKS. SINKERS. COKE, FLO ATS, HOORS, CRAB-NETS, &c. Uy i . EO. A. PECK. ang 19-tf No. 25 South Front St. ; , . Sundries. !l ' i H. 9 V I - :M : ' t K A A Whole arid Half Rolls BAGGING, 1000 Buncl5e8 rrow and Spliced TIES, 1 AO A Lba Baggtog TWINE, "JOOO Sacks American, Liverpool and Marshall's SALT, ALSO,- AXLE GRKASE, BACON, BUNGSi COFFEE, CORN, CANDLES, CANDY, CHEESE CRAC CKE RS, CANNED GOODS, HOSFORDS'S BREAD PREP .', i SEA FOAM, SPIRIT BBLS HAY, HOOP IRON, SHOT, SOAP, SUGAR, STARCH, GLUE, LIME, LARD, LYE POTASH I INK, MATCHES, J i I NUFF. TOBACCO, MUl 25 - : i I '; r Mflh hoice '" i I ' t ', '.-.1' m I It I 11 71: I . 1. if . For sale by sept 24-tf j WILLIAMS MURCHISON. Nori Carolina Cassimeres. AN INVOICE OF THESE DESIRABLE GOODS, embracing all Trades received direct from the Manufactory. An examination of these Popular Goods respect fully solicited. For Youths' and Boys' SCHOOL CLOTHING, and for Gentlemen's BUSINESS SHITS, they de servedly stand in higher estimation than any other Goods made in the country . The prices at retail are very moderate. 1 1 I !: . i !j. j. I ! Cash orders filled for Merchants at Manufactu rers- rrices. aug 25-tf DAW HEDRICK. Removal. Tlf LONDON, if A, and ALEX. T.. & JOHN LONDON Have removed their LAW OFFICE to the HALL Of PICK on Front Street, second door from comer of Cheannt. oct l-2w Chiquita, A GENUINE TEN CENTS CIGAR . FOR FIVE CENTS, Nrranted lo cm tain FULL Havanni Filers. Un less they give entire satisfaction money will be re funded, Ferris' TRADE MARK MEATS, ior sale by sept22-tf JAMES C. STEVENSON. Lime. Lime. 1500 mu FRBSH UMK' ip- Just arrived and landing. og 25-tf WORTH WORTH. OIiT, R-.O D i c GOODS. Twill and Opera. iTiiiiun in r i i mh vi i m jm rmi m i w. h i Store it is your interest to buy frith, I and don't say we haye not got them Cts. BRQWN & BODDI0K it Fire and LIS Iiisnrancl Agency i J. A. BYRNE SC0. Representing over $G2,O0O.ooo EBr-OFFICE-Commercial Exchange North Water Street; ftb 25-tf PIEDMONT & AR1LNGT0S TIP- t 1 LU:i A Line insurance uompan 1 Rfchatond, Virginia. rl Ovr 22,300 Policies Issued, ' ,1 I I1 1 I : Annual Income Over $ ProOTsiie! froproiis! t-tirlj "R-.M iff j I a i S i ! ' rr . SMALL EXPENSES, SMA1J, LOSSRS INVESTMENTS, Aj'PLS FESRftV AND GOOD SUPJ'LlfS fff Prcntlitxnti a!t, (tol!cic l.ibert.1 Annual division of Su ARTHUR L, Jr. Office for the present with T. F. Wood, Medi cal Examiner, en Market , mil uun) wefl oi Green A Planner's drag stoH, Wilmington, N. C. September 2-tf 1 1 INSUHAJSfCi of4 I ROOMS Atkinson& .anniM, I ; Ml $70,006,600 Assets teprcsenied. FIRE. Ins. Co. of North America J . . .Philadelphia. Pheniz Insurance Company New York Continental Insurance Co .e New York. N. British A Mercantile Inf. Ce .London. Hartford Fire Ins. Company . Hartford. National fire Ins. Company. Hartford. Springfield F. AM. Ins. Co....... Massachusetts 91ABME. Mercantile Mutual Ins. Co.!.' New York Las. Co. of North America, j.. Philadelphia. LIFE. Connecticut Mutual Life Ins. Co,...Harterd. Marcn k-tf T? N COURAGE HOME IONS. mm THE NORTHS CAROLINA HOUSE INSURANCE COMPAQ, RALBICafi, N. C. This Company coattreuOB to write Pol idea, V. f ' i rates, on all classes of insBrable property. All fosses are promptly! adjusted and paid. Thr "HUJiut" is rapidly growing in puDiic iavur, appeals, with confidence, to insnrersof property n North Carolina ft W Agents in all paito of the State.! j0 R. H. BATTLE, Jr., President C. B. ROOT, Vice President. ! BEATON GALES, Secftetary. PULASKI COWPER. StaDerviBor. ATKINSON AfMANNING, Aoaim . tag l-tf Wihnington, S. C. i " Bananas, Peafs, Grapes, &c. A FINE LOT OF CEBHCE BANANAS. UN CATAWhS. and MALAGA OBAPff. DUCHESS and BURRS f)KlL PBAKf, iWC LARGBLAPPLK8. COCOi NUCS, FRESH CANDIES, AcTreceived to -day at U H is. G. NOKTHSOP'S i oct 4 tf Fruli Bnd t onfectiouery Store. John Dawson's QLD ESTABLISHED! HARDWARE ; j HOU-E I Tfla ? find the LARGESt" kssOR)TM ENT - f HA i.Riof all kinjp, inkl fct the LOW LM Mr r. inn. . 1 . I III . to WAR PRICES in the city oct l-tf ros i.ao an a Markets rei SADDLES & HAENE'JS Hayden & Gerhard's, Third St, between; Maraet ana rrui- Another lot of Hl.UOND-tlAlNi MUl ""11 1 SAHDLKS. THE . 1 .For the Campaign. THS CANVASS NOW OPENING IS 1 THE important in which the pe pie of North na have been engaged elnce themomenums f of 186J. Upon Its result depends thj weal or w the state and Union. 1 .. y in THE RALEUtH SENTINEL wi 1, as ever, w the front of the fi,ht, sustaining fea-leswy. ra tnrnuy tue candidates or tne anv" st,,c tic party, and the actina and nominees er ine Democraiic Conventifain. To this Pfs. in wnoie power ana mnuenceoi a juu ;hlii;r- .l . ; 1 i r i..t u iarve UK m the past, has done whas it couw io , it eats, and preserve the! rights and libertM" people of North Carolma cT(rr In order that it may Sbe within the meane o' c fi Democrat ra the Stole t read ia ':htiih CaTWTTNffT 44nrt r, .anvtas WP have 1 lu country ning to the I5th November, a period of four m DA EDITION. 1 Copy... 6 Copies.. 10 Coulee. . 4 10 o . 17 W WETTKJ.T IDITION. ..50 cent- 1 Copy I tBecf In every case the mbney must accmcpas tf .r I i i der. 4- THE MORNING STAB BoiBtmS BRY fa completelin all all .ffiPSB and is in charg of on of themes! in the State. li i ! m. f Pram! - .fi I- UJ .1 I I f SENTINEL an iriti.li heaplyaiid expedtttoasiy. !

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