P0BLIM1BD DAILY BY Iff- 28 4 00 S S5 .. 1 00 delivered to tnj aartotthe 0"T.hscribers. -a- f ?!CT i JesTfawrallgs ssonthata is trmtDg wlih energy. .us, rnr recruits and will mo- .rmVcorr. England "'"iTormed Austria teat she will not ap ,,s . nerle in the armed oocupa- i The Parte Timet cor- of Turkey lion gays peace can only be main ,.oonuett. . 1 hi CUUll'vuv-. 0 I German gnu mechanlca for six . Las Tunis, in Cuba, has ...ilia : aptured bj the , insurgent no money" v-w .i rote In is small but largely Democratic. Ger Kauooal Banks called on for a state """" . it nn on second instant at fJJJU V J that l'"' .... - m IMnl. n fk. liacotl uas acu v.iv . ihpm to imnose a seneral Powers idtiuus. w ; , - mnesty or a six months armistice. UteQter telegram from Vienna says that A,iri h no idea of breaking with ltus. An express train on Great West. tit n-.A thrnWIl into a ditch. Five ..mi umu loyees killed; passengers escaped. state Prohibition Convention in session at St Louis. Only some thirty or forty deje" ' Spirited races at Jerome FarR: !!l No yellow fever at Charleston save or four sporadic eajes. general iUitines Campos has betn appointed Goj ernnr General of Cuba. It indicates the ri)dSC of the Madrid goyernoient to crush the fulmn iueurrtciit.e. Post- master General Tyner iroff a campaigning jB Iidiua. News from Havana states . .mi, insureents before evacouting Las Tuuisbnrut the place, escoftiig (he sick J ,lul w.mrjded to some distance, taking vita tbem the prisoners, with the excepr lionof Gen. Toledo and bis officers who wefc liberated. 8uspicku because of the liberation of the officers has been aroused Ddan investigation is demanded. Captain General Jovellar has left Havana till) two companies of troops. Matters look serious, and the insurgents have re cently dbplayed mnch vigor and boldness. Ueary desertions among the Spsniads iuie taken place. Colquitt elected GoTernor of Georgia by 40,000 majority. Tne Legislature is largely Democratic. New York markets : Gold, I0&r109f ; cotton, 1021011-18 cents;-spirits turpea tine J4 cents; rosin, $1 901 ?5. Spirits Txupentine. -Prof. W. C. Kerr will deliver a kciure on climatalogy at the State Fair. -The friend of Temperance is lobe removed to Winston. -There is not a case of sickness within several miles of Trinity College. - Very fine tobacco is grown in Leooir county. - Diphtheria is prevailing in Guil ford county. Te TJ. S. Court is in session at Greensboro, Judge Dick presiding. is greatly rn need of funds. - J. H. Milts, Esq., the excellent foperintendent of Oxford Orphan Asylum, " jt out from an attack of bilious fever. -Four negro convicts for the jwnitlbtiary have arrived at Raleigh from lartin county. -A son of John W. Taylor, of Chatham, ajed-12, fell a distance of 35eet 'ruin a tie , receiving serious in juries. - The Greensboro Patriot says .'he 6$ bushes in that town are Ailed with "1 fruit, and strawberries may be found. - Mr. Jas. C. Fields, ot Robeson wnty was killed by being thrown from liis mule against a tree. - Three "hundred and ninety-four OctobM3COU011 Wer8kald Charlotte on - Davidson College has a larger lan nlnnn . L. . iL to many old students hiisftdt returned! baa, had for years, have" not returned. Col. Jno. A. Gilmer had his I i VI ; hw5A- Borden. Esq-, of Gold hand badly lacenated by a Won gin. No bones were cuV . 8t uBjP Giona will preach at Mark S ChorAh V.i n- a 'J.onSuTst. Cort there are 263 K v.Ma civ to be tried. A -Uttaiuy cases. .Z?00- - P. Battle has iuat r uTnf rner ha8 Glared himself - tieorcre Gr'ikKtA Mountain gold ' -"iuu couuty. num. who has hen rin New New Ymk fi,r t i..w ? ,s 'fnproTiDir. bnf fs mill 'rt.ffltfiLKUi on AT,cuec8or b illaea.. bis illness. 18 we oi tl L f UUDOr. "tenniii aod haft immediaieiy on A great fraunt . :.i ' St c!rthWtv doing immense aef ea. a I mm asms, tviufes by a cane o hanaa but till ecooeta, T 141-.1 o urh.n. , "exweH & Uo.. of i' -"". nave TOAUf.itj ... . " yo., oi u " nial t.k'r iue waro ax me, HaiSa hlb,tlon for lhe Joestsmok J a tt it.,., V. IIPBIQ. . I, tmous, will Qranvyu Wlbie rpi; "uereae xtaa erv re- 'y for hi r " ""y fr GramrWiv od a ftklU. Hi as - T n i i hi eilur bone. Mrs. er a btb abd broke her ggBgg JWPI WW IMMSL. 'gagBSlSJlBiSSSSSgBg.. jf . Jj. ,jpt1 1 The Morning VOL. XIX.-NO. 12 bentmel: A an it haa Wn a. tered In the United States Circuit Court for w UTn Di8t.rict 00 complaiu tof Daniel W. Vnushan, of the Stateof Rhode Island, against the Wilmington & Weldon, North Carolina Central and Atlantic & North Oarohoa Railroads for the use of certain patented springs to their oars. We learn that a areneral fisticuff fight occurred in MorRanum on Saturday, wnicb was kept up tor a considerable time, owing to the fact that the Mayor was sick, and that there was no officer In town to in. terfere. It all originated from someone InsulMng an Irish pedler who, true to the instincts of his race, resented it with a blow to the offender, when a general roW en sued; No deadly weanona were used hA no very serious damage done to any of the participants. Charlotte Observer. The State Canvass. In Wilson there are thirtv-two Tilden and nce flags within sight or toe tjourtnouse. Rutherford county is regarded as safe for the Democrats. Many Re publicans have come over The prospects in Rowan are very cheering. A good tioket is it. the field and success is assured. Over two thousand people heard the discussion at Elizabeth town, last. Wednesday, between Vance and Settle. . Tue crowd was quiet and or derly. The 'news from the West continues to be cheering. Vance will get an increased majority over the Merri- tnoo vot. Many white Ueuubli- cans are coming over daily. We are glad to see that the vete ran Senator in past years from Hali fax county, now probably 78 veaia of aye. spoke, the Other day at Bra- per's X 1 toads iu favor of Ti ldeu and Vance. UiiLsboro Recorder: Various ru mors of independent and opposition candidates are in circulation hardly sufficiently authentic to give (hem I Oil credence, yet with a strong air of probability about them. The Concord Sun says there is to be a lrig Democratic meeting at Gan-! dereburg, in Cabarras county, on the 7th. and among the speakers expected are Maj. Montgomery, Paul B. Means, Capts. R. P. Waring and R. A. ShotwelL Oxford Torchlight: We under stand upon pretty good authority that Mr. Hid. JL.ycn, Radical nominee for the Senate, and James A. Bul lock, upon the same ticket for Sur veyor, hare both refused to accept. thus creating considerable flutters lion in the Radical camp. Our beloved Vance will speak in about 40 miles of as next Thursday, and many people in this section are preparing to go to hear bun. . There is no use of his coming to Nash, as we have no snakes here for bint to kill, yea we would aH like to hear him. Battleboro Correspondent rf Roanoke News. Messrs. Edward Conigland. J. B. Zollicoffer, T, N. Hill, Spier Whita- ker, W. H. Dav, H. E. T. Mahning, A. J. Burton, . M. Orizzard, R. O. Burton, Jr., and J. M. Mullen will soon begin a thorough canvass of Halifax. That is the way to do it. Some of the gentlemen are already in the field; - Speaking of Grange politics, Xfae Recorder says: We think we cad as sure our readers that it is all right here. The Sugar Hill meeting hasjhad no effect. Independence has no tioiu in this county. The people are .of oneway of tbinkine, and they will work out their through their votes. Zeb v ance ana J oe v avis wiu crry the county by from eight hundred to a thousand votesr - Merit- the pre diction. . . , r rmM' -rts'tfi njbht AOVEKXXSflfKENTS. 1 John W. Spaulping Lost Mektxug Mount Olivet Council. Gbo. L Shtjttk New Opening. D. D. Dodge Williston Acad emy . f V W. & W. R. R Change of Schedule. Mketisg Pbilomathean Literary So- H5ty, f Loeml B(. Meeting of Mu Olivet Council, F. of T., this evening. The temperature yesterday was rather bfatn for the season. .. wsxjj. The regular meeting of the tag. A special raeetiug of the Philo- mstbean Society iH Ue ItflutWa (Fwsay) W. S. F. E. Company eery, liquor and cigar store at the late Mr. Kunge's stand, northeast corner of Second ,and Market streets. Mr. 6. II. Kelley, of this. city, leaves this morning to take charge of the telegraphic office at Beaver Dam, t atyatiks thia M MMlott)s J A curiosity was discovered yes-a terday in tbeperson of an individual, Jate- Itf inmmrl in hllflineaa in alita att wlftVl v - - "JSHr5- mm. Humr man i i We wotjld suggest to those, of our foreign-bora friends who have not yet become naturalized, that aH who can pos sibly do so should get out their papers in time to vote at the coming election, They may never base an opportunity of voting at a more Important One. WILMINGTON, Caae of Accidental PoUoulns-4 sad Affair. The sad intelligence comes to us from Rocky Point, Pender county, of the death Of Mr. J. D. Smith, on Wednesday last, fim taking poison. Mr. Smith resided about four miles above Rocky Point depot, where he was engaged in farming. Being unwell on the day in question, Dr. Porter, a well known physician of the neighbor hoods was called in, who administered quinine, as he thought, to the patient. After the medicine was taken the Doctor was informed by Mrs. Smith that she was also feeling unwell, whereupon a dose of the same medicine was prepared for her. During its preparation Mr. Smith suddenly exclaimed "My God, Doctor, I am burning up 1" Mr. Porter, not attaching any par ticular importance to the remark, simply said, "Hold on a minute and I' will attend to you." Having given a dose of the sup posed quinine to Mrs. Smith, and also to a Mr. Scott, a gentleman stopping at the house, who was likewise com plaining, Dr. Porter next turned his. at tention to Mr. Smith, whom he was sur prised to find suffering with a nervous twitching of the body and muscles, and manifesting other decided symptoms of the presence of strychnia in his system. Dr. Porter, taking in . the situation in an in stant, exclaimed in consternation, "Why, Smith, you are poisoned I' He immedi ately jumped upon hie horse and rode with all speed i to his - house for the purpose of securing the necessary antidotes, but when he returned to the residence of his patient he found him a corpse. The an tidotes were administered to the other two, however, and they recovered. Dr.' Porter, we understand, can only ac count for the unfortunate circumstance that led to the death of Mr. Smith on the hypothesis that the bottle or phial con taining the quinine had: been tam pered with and a portion of strych nine mixed with the harmless drug. He had had the bottle in his possession for some time, and had been in the habit of administering quinine from it to members of his own family. These are the facts or statements as we have them from gentle men direct from Rocky Point. Mr." Smith, the victim of this unfortunate affair, , was a native of Anson county, and was about 40 years of age. He was well known in this city, having been formerly connected with the Porcell House in the capacity of a clerk. He leaves a wife and several children, with a large number of relatives and friends,to mourn his untimely death. Flrtta Ward Democratic CJtab. The Fifth Ward Democratic Club had their regular meeting last night, the Presi dent, Capt. B. W. Beery, in the chair. After the usual rout ine business had been transacted, Col. E. D. Hall was called upon apd addressed the. meeting in one of his happiest efforts. He was followed by Mr. L. II. Bow den, President of the Third Ward Tilden, Vance and Wad dell Club, who said some encouraging words, and by CoL I JJ W, , Atkinson, who made a. fine speech, reviewing afsome length the Con stitutional Amendments, arguing upon the necessity of their ratification by the people at the polls, and adverting in a masterly manner tojthe corruptions generally of the Republican party. At the conclusion of the speaking a reso lution was adopted to the effect that the proposed flag raising should take place on Thursday evening next, at 8 o'clock, arid a cordial invitation was extended to the other Ward clubs and to every Democrat in the city to be present and participate. A grand rally is expected on the occasion, as promi nent speakers will be m attendance. Fine Potatoes. ' , :.... As an evidence of what can be accom- by a little effort and a proper sys tem of culture, by agriculturists in this sec tion, where the soil is so abundantly pro lific whei properly utilized, we wbtdd menton the fact that Mr. A. B. Croom, of 1 South Washington, Pender county, has this year raised Some of the finest yam po tatoes, perhaps, ever brought .to this ja ket, which were grown oh sandy land and Without a particle of manure. Pender po tatoes and Pender Democracy can always :;,r , f&bMlied on as being up to the top .notch!" -' ' '' " '' ! Yellow Favor Belief Wim tH)ds , We have received by express . from Mr. J. Bj WJlkinsoo, o .rkW, BJadeji county, a Qbop of twenty chickens for the eilo fVvr soSererf Of r uasw.ck. ( ve j;i ve the napes tl to UH1UW" as follows: Mrs. Mary McFatter,icmcaen ; Miss Mary J. McKee, 2 chickens; Miss LMary McFatter, 1 chicken D. J. McKee, 2 Uhickens; Jeannette Kelly and Willie Kelly, 1 chicken each; K. J. McEwen, 2 chickens; and Mrs. McKee, Oliver McKee, Laura Mc Kee, Johnnie McKee, George BaUentioe, Mary E. CromaKie, Katie Cromartie, John- nie Cromartie. Lelia Grieg and F. W- M ianicoljf each,; the ck4cMi)a.f!ereifof warded meirdestinsoB jl evening, i mavor'a COart. The only cases disposed of by the May or's Court yesterday morning were those of Marv Gause and Annio Blulock, charged with dhrderty-' cohdtict, ho were found guilty and sentenced to work-for thirty day8 on tbe streets. bnecasewascbdunuedbverforatuture . . seaman belooctuc ou tue schooner Annie JB. Ctocer, now in port, was arrested yesterday on tbejarfa of !4eeert ytJhls vessel He was lodged in Urn guard-housed for safe keeping, where he will await the captain's pleasure. bearing-. .N. C, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1876. Reform in the County Government Candidate tor Couuty ContnalMlon era. A meeting of prominent and influential Republicaps, while and colored, was held in Harnett Township, in this county, on Wednesday last, and another of a similar character in Cape Fear Township, yester day, in which it was unanimously resolved to support Messrs. Edward Kidder, James H. Chad bourn and Silas K. Martin, of this city, for members of the Board of County Commissioners. The sense of the meeting, We understand, was that reform in our county government was absolutely neces sary, and that to secure this honesty and capacity must be considered paramount to everything else in the choice of County Commissioners. , . Other townships will probably take ac tion in the matter shortly. . WUaalaffton. The Lumberton Hobesonian says; "We paid a flying trip to Wilmington last week.. We were gratified at the marked improve ment in business since our visit there a month ago. The wharf is perfectly alive with trade, and cotton is rapidly going in. The dry goods men are also beginning to enjoy a good trade, and. they look forward with high hopes. Several of the merchants are moving into larger quarters." Flag Ralalna andspeablugat White- ; Jville. . I L , L " We are requested to announce that the Tilden and Vance Club of Whiteville, Co lumbus county, will raise a flag on Satur day! the 14tli insf . All tbe other Tilden and Vance Clubs and all good Democrats are respectfully invited to be present! Dis tinguished, speakers ..are invited to address tbe people at that time, and a grand rally is expected in favor of Tilden, Vance and Reform. Tlinriuouicter Hecord. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.31 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Augusta,. 78 Charleston, .77 Corsicana, .67 Galveston, 86 Indianola, 79 Mobile, 75 Montgomery, 75 New Orleans,.... 76 Norfolk,.... 72 Savannah,... 69 Wilmington, 73 I - 1 Higher, followed by falling ba rometer, winds mostly from the southeast and southwest, stationary to rising temper ature, partly cloudy or cloudy weather, with rain areas, are the predictions for this latitude to day. I R1VEK AND1UAK1NK1TEMS. The Brig Frisk, Trefry, sailed from Texel, October 2d, for this port. The FeTisale, Finkelsen, sailed from Bordeaux, September 19th, for this port. - The Ledskjalf, Andreasen, sailed from Pau iliac, Sept. 19th, for this port. The German Barque Br. Lasker, De Boer, from Hamburg for this port, was ! off Fofkeston September 20th Headq'rs Dkk. Ex. Committee, ) South Washington. Pender Co., N, C, Oct. 2, 1816. )m The Democratic Township Convention of Pender ceunty will be held on Saturday,' the, 7th iinst, for the purpose of electing (8) delegates to the County Convention to be held at South Washington on Thursday, the 12th instant. It T. Sanders, k Chairman. Secy Additional Appointments for Host. Georg-e Davis). Mr. Davis will address the people at lhe following limes and places: Hillsboro, Saturday, 7th of October. Salisbury, Tuesday, 10th of October. Greensboro, Thursday, 12th of October. Reidsville, Friday, 18th of October. Selma Monday, 16th of October. Hon. A. M. WaddeU'i Appointments, l Col. Waddellwill address hi3 constitu ents of the Third Congressional District at the following times add places: ' Friday, October 6th, atTbint Caswell, Pudercouatv;ll , ...... ; .; ; Saturday, October. 7th, rt at Harrell's Store, Sampson county. " Monday, October 9th, at Clinton, Samp son county. Tuesday, October 10th, at New ton Grove, Sampson county. Wednesday, October 11th, at Faison, Da plin county. , Thursday, October 12th, at Kenans ville, Tiunlin cunutv. ' '., .1 Friday, October 18th, at! HalUville. Dd- Jin county. w ? rtj Saturday, October 14th, at Cathuriue Lake. Onslow county. ' ,; L I Moaday, October 16thr at Jacksonville, rfSkw county. Tuesday, October 17th, at.btump bound, Wednesday, October ISth.at Saudy Run, Pendercounty. ' Monday, October1 28d, at Newport, XJar teret county. , ' ' ' Tuesday, October 24ih, at Beaufort , Car teret cbunty.r, , Wednesday, October 25th, at Cedar Island, Ca.feret bounty. Friday, October 27Ui, at Sander's 8t ore Carteret county. The Mall. .... ... i . .The mailB will tAoaa at4he Oltf PostOf- 'rice ttntil further notice as follows: ItHra. ,hrou&Ja atf4, WPSr . V . malls uaiiv. . ...u 6:30 A. M. I Mails forth,e N. C Railroad, .. aua routes supptivu uicic f roTri, at. Southern mails for all points South, dailv. . 6:30 A. 530'P. M. Q:$Q A. M. Western mails (C. O. R'y) daily Fayette ville, and offices on Cape Pear River. Tuesdays and r. dailv G .-00 A. M. offices every Fridav ...... . . 8:00 A. M. Tbe Bmithyiiia mails, by staamboat, close at a A. M., daily, except Sundays; I Mails for Easy Hill, Towa Cteek, Bup- ply and Sbaliotte, every Friday at fi A. M. Kills delivered from A M. to jfJO P. M., and on Sundays from 8 S0t A. M. Star Appointments of Rev. W. S. Black, Presiding Elder, Jor his fourth round of Quarterly Meetings bn the Wilmington Dis trict for the Methodist E. Church, South, the present Conference year: Smithville, at Smithville, Oct. 7- 8 Onslow, at Tabernacle, Oct. 14-15 Wilmington, at Front .Street, Oct. 13-19 Elizabeth, at Bladen Springs Oct. 28-29 Bladen, at Antioch, Nor. 4- 5 Whiteville & Waccamaw Mis'n, Nov. 11-12 Clinton, at Goshen, Nov. 18-1 9 Topsail, at Rocky Point, Nov. 25-80 CITY ITEMS. If .yon have been drinking too much, which how ever you should never do, a dose of l)r. Bull's Ve getable Pilla will place you in a good condition again. Book Bikdkhy. Thx Moainae Stab Book Bind ery does all kinds of Binding and Huling in a work manlike manner, and at reasonable-lpricea. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books', or other work, may rely on promptness in the execution of their orders. Transfer Peintiko-Inks. Inraluable to rail road companies, steamship companies, banks, mer chants, manufacturers and others. They are en during and changeless, and will copy sharp aid clear for an indefinite period of time. Having just received a fresh supply of these inks, we are pre pared to execute orders promptly and at moderate prices. . 1 I MABBIKB, GALLOWAY STIOEBT.-At BL Paul's Spisco pal Church. Chatham, V a., Thursday ;even tog, Sep tember 38tn, at 7 o'clock.- by Rev. Geo. W . l)ame, lr. W. c. GALLOWAY, of Company shops, H.G., and Mifcs KATIE V. STREET, of Chatham, Va. NE W ADVERTISEMENTS. Mount Olivet Council. rpOB MEMBERS OF MO01ST OLIVBT COUN X OIL are requested to attend a Regular Meeting Of the Council this (FRIDAY) Evening, at 3V o'clock, as business of importance will be brought before the meeting. - - Br order of the President. OctS-lt W. C. HARROW, B. 8. FuilsiatliBai Literary Society. QPECIAL MBBTING. Members are notified to assemble TO-NIGHT, the 6th inst.in the Hall of the Wilmington Steam Fin Engine Company. No. 1, at 1H o'clock prompt. Members who have, been notified to assemble elsewhere will please note change of place for meeting. M. 8. WILL ARE . oct6lt Secretary and Treasurer. .. Williston Academy AND Normal School, CORNER SEVENTH AND NUN BTS. ' km aebool Year Begins October fHb. Those wishing to attend should make application t on or before that date. m TUITION : Per School Month of Four Weeks, . . $1 oo Strictly la Advance. D.D, DODGE, , Snp't- OCt6-3t New Open ing t Received 4 -AT- -.1 i ! if ETJNGE'S OLD STAND Northeast Comer Market sad Second Sts., A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Groceries, Liprs and Cigars. LIQ CORS AND CI (JARS A SPECIALTY. TEE BEST OF EACH ALWAYS ON HAND, 13" Also, SEVEN or EIGHT COMFORTABLE ROOMS FOB RENT on upper aooh Call on GEO. L. EHUTTE, oet 6-tf . N.E. cor. Market and Second sts. Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. Owm ov Gxk'l SlTFZIUirrXNDmT, I WUmington, N. C., Oct. 5, 1876. f ON AND AFTEB SUNDAY, OCTOBKB 8th, 1S76, Passenger Trains on thft Wilmington & Waldos Railroad will ran as follows : . I - , . DJLT TRAIN. - i ' Leave Wilmington, Front St Depot, at 7.45 A. M. Arrive atOxadsboro. J 11: 4S A. M. Rocky Mount 1:40 P.M. Weldon a 3W0 P. M. Leave Weldon daily. 11:41 P. M. Amve at Rocky Mount a as P. W. Goldsboro 4 OS P. M. W Urn ing- on. Front St. Depot, 1 M. - - r i s i - r - v i MGIiT THAIS, WITH PASSENGER COACH ATTACHED. Leave Wilmington b"T Arrive St Uoldsboro. . . . i : Rocky Mount Weldon .At a-nrp. i... . j.kt IS 45 A. M. , a. m : ! 6 15 A. M. Leave Weldon, dally, .. 10 P. M, .J 1J:I R M. Arrive at Kooky Mount. . Goldsboro. . . . , I'M A. SI. :.ill.v.,. 8 15 A.M. It Wilmingtim The Hay Tram uiaM.es close coEbuctiuu ut Wei diiii (or all- Mints Nortit 4 Btv l ic dcilv except Sunday, aud ddly.via Richmond sp4 all- 'MlmhM iO! s.,-a'J 7nfsB: Night tran makes close connecflnne at Weldon with 1 raii.f.'r Petersburg ind Richmond. "- flrtiiibnl nnil dnminnr Mnnbinn I n Duiuiuii aua D6ui)i' mawuic wmrn LOST, TH,UR8DAt MORNING LAST, ON THE Carolina Central Train, a small HAND SAT- ' uui-is. Any mrwrmauon concerning uie tame wHtpwisy rfffived. k ' Ji . V. spauldinq , oct5-lw , Rorinaale, M. O, CIIIWK. Any mlwrmatlon concerning tne same FaU inter Styles gTIFF AND SOFT FT HATS, ; ; ,. LADIES' STRAW AND FELT HATS, At HARRISON & ALLEN ' S, ti . 1 oct 5-tf aty Hat Store, Front at New JJaTW GEAHAM.IPOUB, NEW BYE FJsOUB. NEW CROP, Justfaisiore. HA& D. MYERS & CO., cct 5-tfD& W 5 and 7 North Froat St i rf r f sa'i-'vs n wit, in WHOEE NO. 2,867 MBCfiLLANEOTJS. Savanna Oranges. QHOtCB SATING AND COOKING APPLCB, LEMONS, PBBSEBVES, CITRON, NEW LAYER RAISINS, Ac, CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., ' oct 5-tf B&W s and 7 North Front 8L Fine teas, UNPOWDER, IMPERIAL, HYSQN, OOLONG, JAPAN, ENGLISH BREAKFAST, Finest Fall-Flavored Teas Imported. For ssit by CHAS. . UTEKS & CO. octS-tfD&W o and 7 North Front St Sugar-Bouse Molasses, 250 Sngar"Hollse ML ASSES, jror sale oy . : KEROHNER CALDBB BROS, OCt 5-tf Salt. Him Salt. QAAA Sacks SALT, For sale bv ' ' " ". IT n KERCHNER & CALDER BRS oct 5-tf - ( ' f " I 1 ul " a i I ! " T ; t 1 Bagging and Ties. 2Q0 Rolls BAGGING, 200" i 4 Tons Pieced ABBOW TIBS, S Warn I tt " du i - m hi act s-tf BB BUHNER & CALDER BROS. Bice, Flour. Coffee, &c. Q Tierces CAROLINA BICE, 600 bbli FL0UK' r8' JQQ Bass COFFEE, KA Bbls SUGAR, ti:' F 1 For sale bv 11 ! . a 1' 1 it . L .11 .1 oct 5-tf KERCHNER A CALDBB BROS. Superbly Grand WJ ILL BE TBE OPENING VV . OF CLOTHING TO-MORROW. ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. MUNBON CO. - T The Buffalo LitMa Waters ! Their Great RestoratlTe Yirte. XhE EXTRAORDINARY RESTORATIVE VIR tues of these Waters, wita the wonderful cures they have wrought in various forms of Chronic Dis eases are attested by physicians of the highest emi nence, prominent politicians, learifc Judges, em inent divines, and by a host Of restored invalids, es pecially in affections of the KIDNEYS and BLAD DER (in which they are claimed to be unrivalled), in DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUS DISEASES, GOUT, RHEUMATI&M, PARALYSIS, and in the PECU LIAR DISEASES OF WOMEN. They are highly recommended bv some distinguished medical men in tbe Nausea and. Debility oi Females when in a specially aencaie conaiuon. These Waters, in cases of One Dozen Half Gallon Bottles, are delivered on tac Railroad, at Five Dol lars per cash In advance. i ' Springs Pamphlet seat to any address on applica tion. ' I HV If .a THOS. F. GOODS, Proprietor ' Buffalo Lithia Springs, , 1, ; "!'" Mecklenburg co., Va. septSfe-SUwly TttAFri; - ,, ;. Sundries. QQ Whole and Half Rolls BAGGING, 1000 Bundle8 'awandSpUcedTIES, QQA Lbs Bagginj TWHfB, II AAA Sacks American, JLlverpoCl and WWW T; Marshall's SALT, fit . , j I; j I- ALSO, s vt tx in t'-d'atm 1 t a yiJ i i. '0 LE GREASE, BACON, BUNGS, COFFEE, CORN, CANDLES, CANDY, CHEESE CRACKERS, CANNED GOODS, HOSFOBDS'S BREAD PREP., SEA FOAM, SPIRIT BBLS MAY, HOOP IRON, SHOT, , SOAP, SUGAR, STARCH, ' GLUE, LIME, LARD, LYE , i -til J; t ii! Sfl.-f lit:! iiui i?-. IN POTASH, INK, MATCHES, NUFF. TOBA O, MUIXETS ':. For aula by sept 84-tf WILLIAMS MUBCH1SON. eptS4-tf 25 f ifr ioe L"i!n nji-ffi ah Northern Apples, tt : -a: j : . Greo. myers. 'iepi'li-tf WrBt Fronts. 4. ... . . i ,y Use Oniy tile 1 -ii V-4 ftem da Mash Whiskey4, and Bluf Grass, FOB. SALS ONLY BY ii Geo. Myers, sjptJc-tf It and IS SOUTH FRONT St. John Dawson's QLD ESTABLISHED HARDWARE HOUSE IS THE PLACE rmvita ia uw oct 1-tf os. 19, 30 and 81 Market street BATES OP APVKHT181NG. On Square one day 1 00. two days, i so three days.. j ie fourdays.....,,... a fin fire days.... ........ 3 to one weak ... z se Two weeks, fi CO Three weeks, 1 6 80 One month 8 00 KIa MM.ik mm nn to tt tt 7hre3 inoiitJaJ . . . . .......... .......SS ' Six moBtAe...... 00 " Oneyear.. ,.. .' tO nr Contract Adverttsemeals tana at prep -tionately low rates , Wveaqnaresestotted as s quarter-column, asd tan squares as a half -column. MISCELLANEOUS. - School Notice. i HW TJNDRRSIGNltri FDRPOSTCa OPKNIN a SCHOOL FOR BOYS, on n FKTDAY. OCTOBER MU, In Which will be taneht the nah.l Kmrtiohi Branches, Latin, Ureekand Illgfter MatherJiMicV. In consideration of the financial depression, tho following verj reasonable rates will be chaiged for Tuition : Prfwry BraBdies. , . $SJSC per month.. Litermediate " 88f Higher " ......... OH " Classics, pi 03 extra Payable t ead of each month; Pledging myself to do my duty, I respectfully ask a share of the patronage of the citizens of Wilming ton. JtfS.'L. BEEN, ct3-lw Principal. How is the Time to Buy Your Coal. RED OR WHITE ASH GRATE COAL. O. Q. PAHHi.av a i n oct 3-tf Corner Oranaa and 8. Water at.. B I C F I S H c X - - ....... . -. -, - - - The Prettiest Cargo of Fine, Frit and Large MULLklTS, CAUGHT THIS SEASON, AT ''' ' Lewis' Celebrated Fis&ery, (Always the Best,) , JUST IN AND NOW OFFERED TO THE TRADE. SEND ECf ORDERS AND BE CONVINCED. erWE GUARANTEE, efi ADRIAN YOLLERS. sept 88-tf Ale and Porter. Direct Importation from Eng land; 231 zen Pmta BAji8' ale " Quts v do. 91 Pints BROWN STOUT PORTER ,:' .:' : if' For sale at American Lager Beer Prices, sept 14-tf bin Ford, crow & co. Gott Uns. HAMBURG BREMEN INSURANCE COMPANY , OF GERM4NY. Assets $2,300,000, Gold S. V. DOWEIN, Manager, T ' F. O. AFFELD, Aesistant Manager, New York. TRUST GUSTAV SCHUAB. Of the firm of Oelrichs & Co,, Hew Y01 k HENRY R. KUNHAROT, ui tu arm or Kunbardt & Co., New York. IWCES.-G. AnisincBTasCo. . N. Y. : Ui U. n Br Dn. Vamp V-W . r- ' 1 a r and New York; Greenebaum Bras. Co.; N. Y.; Chaa. H. Meyer, German Consul, Philadelphia: Yon Kalff A Arena, Baltimore. : JNO. W. GORDON A BRO., Gen. Agents, oct 1-tf No. 84 NORTH WATiBteT. Fall and Winter CLOTHINfJ. GENTS GOODS. CLOTHING, GENTS' F G GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS MERCHANT T MERCHANT TAILOJ ' MERCHANT T. SUITS, WEDDINfi 8TTTTH. OVERCOATS, ALL NEW .GOING CHEAP. OVERCOATS, GOING CHEAP. OVERCOATS. AT 1 GOING CHEAP , A. DAVTD S,' Merchant l ailor and Clothier. octUf V ' STMalrketSt. THE f AND Up-to-Standard IMPREGNABLE CHUBS ! ABE LEADING IN THIS MARKET. Try them! and be convinced. GREATEST HtABIBTY DESIRA- BLE TOBACCO GOODS, by- k a-i.i D. PIGOTT. Ml T Received, A FULL LINE OF THE 1. BEST KNOWN BRANDS IN BLACK MOHAIRS, BRILLIANTINBS, AND ALPAC A8 JN ALL GRADES NEWE8T DESIGNS IN ! DRESg QOODS AN1 CALICOS. Tnu CHEAPEST LOT KDUINGS EV BLANKETS, Fj At School Book Depot, pBONTEET. FTBACHli9. sai CiSFir jsmullM; Are inviteil to com imnare n rices before Sad where it wUl be to their mtere to bny. oct 4-1 w 9. JEWETT. Pitftols. TUST RECBIVaD,JONjt TUB LARGEST INVOICES OF irouzht to tUa market, wblen ru at very LOW FieUBES. CaU and examines. OiLBS MUBCHISON. The Piedmdat Pres, HICKORY, N. d, wwitss Wily paper PUBLisnsD m ca M tatrna coonty, and has- an extensive on farmers. adall of bnsi- wlb-Jaw! State. intePaBSaiaa AKB DEMOCRATIC P. mcdiam tor ajreitlams: t Wtsfsn Liberal teraui allowed on yearly $2 ia advance. Address MURRILL k TOMLINSON, Editors and Proprietors. mar 26-tf Mit 9 FDRNI8HINO ORNISHIl AIL03ING i RING ( AILOR1NG i aSMBl5 aTTsrHWTCfcaBftBTi LANNELS ana SHEETINGS, J. 4c U. KAKIMNM, North tffsmik a j 3