TflE MORNING STAB. B y ui. 11. BEttMABD. yUULISBKD DAILY EXCEPT MONDAYS. ru or Bvaaaatmam in advakob: ur (by mail) postage paid,.;....... $T00 Ttr"! ::::::::: OsibBUbers, dUvedln any partotthe city. rtv0riaed to collect for more than 8 months in net11? fifteen Ceaw P wwua- akiuuu OVTLINKS. be Vienna correspondent of the Lon don Times says that England, France and , have accepted the armistice, but Auo- ja ff0Uid not say definitely what it would jo until it had learned the tiewa of Ger many and Russia, but intimated that the lernis could be accepted. It is thought that Austria will not decline much longer to ive her assent An artillery company from Fort Ontario off for South Carolina. jt jS reported that the British Parlia- m Dt will be convened on account of the aspect of European affair. Lud Nupier, of Mastdala, has been ordered l0 bold himself ready to take command of ilie army. Russia has twenty-one in-nclads. England is preparing for j, - The Russian ambassador at Constantinople has returned to that city fioin a leave of absence. The En- lI suip Jumna left Portsmouth with 924 lrliltoy and more lnan W fflcer8i &c; she will stop at Gibraltar and Malta for orders, iu case.the troops may be needed else wliere . Less panic in the London Exchange mirket, but no indications of re covery of confidence. -' The Greek Government wants to call out 60,000 rcen J a credit for 50,000,000 drachmas. Fourteen gnrrisous have left east ern garrisons for South Carolina Tlie awards of the Southern Claims Com mission awaifthe return of Secretary Onso t ,,b from PhiladehpWa.- Colored Ma mas at Washingtou indignant at the post M mcment of the rrcognitioh of ttw;ir bre i;rt.i) in Ohio by the Grand Lodge of that , L Official majority of Barnes, itafaal, in Ohio is 6,002. Planing belong to O. D. Chicago, burned; 84,O00. Ilurricane -at Kut West; the ctew of the steam tug God tiey.Keeble were all drowned, they refus ing to leave the vessel 'Wednesday night. 144,171 persons attended the Centen nial Exhibition yesterday. Two bsf uries from Boston and one from Philadel phia, 90 men in all, left the latter city for Columbia, S. C. A Berlin dispatch siys the Great Powers are supporting Rus sia proposal to the Porte, which is nearly the same as that adopted by England. The St. Petersburg Golo has msde a vio lent attack on Disraeli The Express, a s ui-oflicial journal, regrets the article. It is rumored that Servia and Monte negro have determined to accept no armis tice. Every capital in Europe is tele graphing io every other capital, "Is it peace or war." The publication of Russia's ixj.e refusing to agree to a six months' armistice in Germany's official paper, is re garded as an assent to Russia's position. new iurn inarMjis: ijoiu, xxufiii ; coton, I0ill 1-16 cents; spirits turpen liue,35i36 cents; rosin, $1 902 00. , j ANOTHER Ot ritACE. ly reference to our night tele grams, it will be seen that the op pressed and intimidated negroes of South Carolina (such is the style of Northern papers just now), have again made a murderous attack upon unsuspecting and peaceable whites, killing one and wounding two. Even the presence of United States officers was not enough to pro- j ted them. One was wounded after the officer had got upon the ground. Aud yet papers north of the savage kind will only see in such assassina tions fresh evidence on the part of tie South to coerce, intimidate and slaughter the poor, harmless, peace loving colored people who are shout mg for Chamberlain. And Graut fffl find fresh inspiration to warm up a s oratory, and new incentives to a arof extermination, if need be, to tarry out bis satanic purposes. The "State Canvass. Granville has three negro Radical "ndi'ataur the Legislature. Win. Johnstou spoke at Char- lj'te Tuesday night. ''itt countv is pledged for a Vance "")"niy of 250. The canvass of the county candi- has commenced in all of the U'iu'tlt8. thought Mr. James Crans, '"nocrat, stands ajood ehnoe to JJ fWiep L Moore, Radical cao (He for Sheriff of Granville. . Gov., atVtbe lelusion of Jeech at Graham, was presented about two bushels of boqucts. c,n T Cm was Prfe-ly ngifi fou i WaS cone Ped' an1 had V stiver quarters bung Around the an ornament. It was set in pherge ll n d so me, pure silver goblet. goblet and all were presented to ine Governor. 4ZrorTDdZl ! the RandolPh "ilT . 'from Karke county, says: Burk I d a P1' meeting in to a.,6' W re a sPeecb was delivered voter. kaailence of three hundred the I y Gen' Robert B- Vance, and aadil ,nly onw Republican in the lior tJCe; in town of KioeU ndl! - ve8bQt one Republican, 1 w an invalid and never votes." " if n601" 8aid a .Norther Man, Cussed tHe market, and stopped ; mome m to bear what was go- ''Jiiiin 18 aorn Carolina, ' when U '8 P8ble for a "Jaij as that even to aspire to ggggsgiigg"l'iW"MMM,irir'TTTtla l i ji i - - . . . ' . a isiiiiigMg ,. 1 -W.1JF1 .i!.'A")..'J.lfill fi'Va v. .-.eag!-mmMmm&iart , m-zm VOL. XIX.-NO. 22. ConeresS!" He was BronV.r, e ixr r. MUanaday, the Radical candidate for Congress in the Wilmington dis trict. Charlotte Observer. To show the deep iuterest taken in the cavass now progressing in our State, we note the fact that the vene rable and worthy Mason L. Wiggins, Esq., who, for many years, represent ed so ably and efficiently and honest ly the old historic county of Halifax, has made several speeches to his fellow-citizens upon the great issues be fore them. He is now in his eighty second year, and is in good health, with hm intellectual faculties in un impaired vigor. May his years be long in the land he has served sd well. A correspondent of the Richnicjnd (Va.) Whig, writing from Greensjbo ro,N. C, Oct. 13, says: ji "Since in the State I have visited seven counties, and conversed freely and intimately with many of the leading citizens of these coHiitiep. and have yet to find the person who has any doubt ofjJGov. Vance's elec tion." J Ho . heard Vance and Settle at Hillsboro, and thus writes: "Without, attempting to givei a description of the discussion, I.Will simply say that Vance is the mjst ruwci mi mail ueiore me masses tnat ever heard, and his effort showjed that m$ knows well haw to affect the hearts of the people." Here is the way Democrats are treated by -Concord roughs. lhe &n says: Fi-idsy night, as Hon. P. jli Means closed his speech, in front Of the American Hotel, at Concoid, some rascal threw a rock at htm, which, however narrowly missed his head, aud Struck Mr. Ed. Miseuiietm er, knocking him insensible for a while. At the depot, where the crowd were awaiting the train, seve ral whites suffered severely from be ing struck by rocks thrown into the crowd. It is needless to say what would have become of the guilty parties had thev male themselvpti nown The Newbemian states that in "Jones oorinty on Thursday last the citizens of White Oak and vicinity, turned out en masse to hear Johu S. Long, Esq., of that city, who, by in vitation of our leading Democrats, delivered one of the best speeches for Tilden, Vance and Reform that has ever been made in that locality. At the conclusion of Mr. Long's able address, two colored voters of that precinct pnblicly announced their in tention to vote, at the coming Presi dential election, the Democratic ticket 'straight,' and said they didrft 'care what niggers knowed it' jas they were 'in for a change in this whole country and no more foolin about it.'" ; Some years ago a very worthy ne gro man, then a slave, came near be ing hanged, when it was known that I it would have been a legalized mur der. The Oxford TorcIdightt in a long account of the reception of Gov. Vance and the discussion that followed, says: "One of the first persons to greet Gov. Vance after he appeared upon the stand was Alex Royster, a color ed man, better known, perhaps, as Alex Thorp, who, during the war, while Vance was Gov.ernor, was con victed of murder, but, upon the peti tion of a very large number of white men that questioned the propriety of the verdict, was pardoned by the Go vernor. Amid all the political up heavals that have since transpired Alex has not forgotten bis benefac-tor-a-nd will not forget him on the day of election.". The Mechanics' Tilden and Vance Club of Raleigh have issued a stirring address to the mechanics of North Carolina. It thus arraigns1 the Radi cal party, and most justly : For eight long years the Republi can party bas been a party of promi ses never fulfilled It has betrayed every trust com mitted to it. It has proved false to every pledge of amendment and reform. It has debauched the civil service. It has established and maintains an oligarchy of office holders, who fatten upon pillage. It has wrecked the prosperity of the people. It has robbed you and us. It has created aud cherishes cor rupt rings of all kinds. It has subordinated the welfaref of the masses .to . the interests of the few. ' .' l . It has throttled labor. It has paralyzed business. It has poisoned the well-springs of morals. It has stifled civil liberty, and now it seeks, with an assurance that it fearful, to blind the eyes of the peo ple to its dark record by flaunting in their faces the lddy-sWrt." It seeks to evade the stern issues of the hour by opening anew the wounds of the civil war. The question for us to -consider in -'' . TTTfll . I u.S ft- a l ! - I idis crisis is: w im ice iriurapn 01 mis party conduce to our material pros x rj f n t k i i a k V . rv. y'j . . ; hi J0fl . , '- . 2 WILMINGTON, perity ? Or will not a change of ad ministration work beneficially to the laboring classes ? Our individual prosperity depends solely upon the prosperity of the communities in which we lie. If business is stagnant, we suffer. If enterprise languishes, we feel the ill effects. TUB 8?aTkAIR. The Raleigh Sentinel says: There was hardly an average crowd for the first day yesterday. The en tries were even better. A great deal was being done yesterday that should have been done the day before, and to-day the grounds will present a more filled-np appearance. The sta bles and track look rather nobby with the trotting sulkies and boys in jockey caps, and much horse talk is swapped over the speed and bottom of different nags. The show of cows was ery fair; hogs ditto, while Nor wood's sheep are the finest ever brought here. The display of poul try is very godd and a great many varieties are represented. There are dead loads of sewing machines. Somebody has shaken an apple tree in the fruit department; the stands are alive with them.j Mr. Blacknall, of the Yarborough House, was arranging for display some of the most beautiful cakes we ever saw. Harp, the Raleigh coach builder, exhibits carriages that would do credit to Brewster, or Minor and Stevens, of New York. Denson has a display of floweis to please the poet's eye. Professor Kerr exhibits from the museum Indian relics a pestle of live oak that was found pe trified four feet under ground in Ons low county; an Indian leather dresser, found iu Moore county; a shark's tooth marbled, andi a fossil, both found in Lenoir; a mastodon's tooth, found in Lenoir; an Indian dirk from Caldwell, fossil wood from Moore, &c , &c. W. H. Crow has on exhi bition for a Newark firm a giant wheel jack, for lifting carriages, wagons, &c, and facilitating the ope ration of greasing the wheels. It can take off four wheels in three minutes, and with it a boy four years old can raise 1,500 pounds. Mr. Crow will enter his span of black Morgans in the horse show Thursday. In the evening races Lassiter, the black filly, won the trotting race. Hope won the one-half mile dash in 53. Staton's Senipher won the mile dash in 1.54. The road was lined all day with wagons loaded with fresh entries,and four cars stood packed on the Ra leigh & Gaston road. Rufe Stanley's band enlivened the grounds with good music. Two more bands are expected to-day, and a large swell of visitors will no doubt be added to the crowd. The fair was opened with a Bhort and appropriate address by Gov. Brogdeu. Spirits Turpentine. A heavy frost in Granville on the 1 1th. The Good Templar Lodge at Oxford numbers forty-four members. Snow and hail fell in the Wel don section last Sunday. Wake county canvass suspend ed on account of the fair. A lot of cotton was burned in Raleigh on Tuesday. : The Rudjsill mine, near Char lotte, will be re-opened and worked on an extensive scale. , Mrs. H. M. Scott, a Raleigh printer's wife, exhibits some exquisite hair work at the State Fair. ' The Press Gang appears to bo abundant enough at lialeigu this week. Ah, you dead heads! Rev. Mr. Sheppard, colored, of Raleigh, baptized 137 converts, near Ox ford, a few days ago. Maj. J. G. Ballew, a gay widower of Hickory, has married Miss Rouseau of Wilkesboro. 1 Four cotton thieves have been arrested near IJaleigh. They are in jail one white and one black. Seven negroes (all Settlers) have been seat to the Wake county work-bouse. There; how. The Rocky Mount Mail has !eeu S'.lJ tit Maj. W. Avery, now of Nash, but formerly of Johnston. frt Charlie Sherwood, of Concord, a you tli of sixteen years, and a former com positor in the Sun office, had his right arm torn completely off by a cotton gin. j . j WiUiam Meissimer, now, tq jail at Statesville, under sentence of death for tue murder of Mrs. Sarah Heileg, has con fessed bis guilt. Rev. E. M. Forbes, of New bern, exhibits a number of curiosities of Indian aud Chinese manufacture at the Fair in Raleigh. Hillsboro Recorder: Two daugh ters of John Murdock, of this vicinity, dad last week of typuoid fever. We hear of several cases of the kind in the country. Mr. H. Huntley's gin house, in Anson county, was set on fire, but fortu nately extinguished iu lime to save the building and contents. t The next term of Mecklenburg Court begins on the 20th of November. Al ready both the Stale and civil dockets are heavier than ever. -h Newbern has a young thief named Bob Williams, who has been sen tenced to two years in the penitentiary. He is described as a "youthful villain.'' We are glad to learn that the circulation of the Robewnian is greater than ever before. Long may it wave "O'er the land of the free and the 'home of the brave." Two wagoners, by the name of Brewer and Lawrence, got into a fight near Statesville. on the 17tb, when the for mer was cut twice severely in the neck, and . . -i N. C, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1876. inflicting severe wounds in the shoulder and thigh. Rev. Jesse Rankin, of Lenoir, who has been gradually sinking for a long time is not expected to survive but a very short while. Mr. Rankin had charge of the Oxford Female Academy, then a fa mous school, nearly forty years ago. This from the Sentinel: "In the agricultural department George Allen walks away with the public on a cotton boll which' is the greatest curiosity in the cotton line ever put on exhibition. The boll is as large as a small pine apple and contains eighteen locks and weighs H ounce. It was raised by Cicero Green, near Newbern, and is called the Green-Cheatham variety. . Governor Brogden declined to name a North Carolina day at the Centen nial Exhibition. The Hem says: "Go vernor Brogden placed the reason for his refusal on the ground that the majority of our peopre wfto could afford the trip to Philadelphia had already gone there, and they could not conveniently go again, and thai the few who would attend now on any day named would make but a poor repre sentation, numerically speaking, for such an august occasion. T JEL" JE3 CITY. NEW ADVlSttl-lSKftlBM'S. A. B. Perse A card. Cbonly & Morris Auction sale. Jas. C. Stevenson Buckwheat, &c. Brown & Roddick Dry aud fancy goods. See fourth page. Local Dei w. . Cautionary signals were ordered for the South Atlantic coast last night. Maj. C. M. Stedman addresses the people at Town Creek, Brunswick coul i , to-morrow. Don't wait until the rush com mences, but register at once and be done wi.h it. The joint discussion between Maj r McRae and Judge Russell comes off at Kooky Point to-day. The friends of A. R. Black, Esq., we understand, are determined to run him for Sheriff at the coming election. Such a perfect dearth of theat rical amusements has not been known here before in many years. Only one copy of the Raleigh News and one of the Sentinel have been re ceived at this office during the present week. Again we ask, what is the matter? A rather deeply colored indi vidual was asked yesterday how he stood on the question of the sheriffalty. He said that he was a Black man every time. Don't forget the Democratic meeting at Humphrey's, in Harnett Town ship, to-morrow. Maj. C. W. McGlammy and others will speak. Solicitor Norment has arrived to look after the cases which are to come before the approaching Jterm of the Supe rior Court. Registration in the. Second Ward, up to yesterday afternoon, footed up 89, of which 14 were white and 25 co lored. The figures were reversed by mis take in the statement in our last issue. Col. A. M. Waddell, our candi date for Congress, was home yesterday for a brief respite from the arduous labors of the canvass. He goes hence to Carteret, speaking at Newport on Monday. Gen. Allan Rutherford was in town yesterday. He has probably come to "lead the forlorn hope" in the hopeless struggle in which his Republican friends are now engaged. Rapidly falling barometer,near ly stationary temperature, easterly or north erly winds, increasing to brisk, high and gales, cloudy weather and heavy rains, un der the influence of the hurricane, are the predictions for this latitude to-day. Thermometer Record. The following will show the state of the thermometer, at the stations mentioned, at 4.31 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from the Signal Office in this city: Augusta,. . .... Charleston, . . . Corsicana, Galveston,. . . . indiauola, Jacksonville, . . .Key West, .Mobile ! .06 .09 .85 .80 .80 .75 .75 .70 Montgomery, 65 New Orleans, 75 Norfolk,....,.... Punta Rassa, . . . . .75 Savannah,... .... .69 8t. Matlvs, 79, 67 A fycluiie. According to the ,rMeteor logical Re cord," issued from the Signal Office, in this city, yesterday, lively times were beiug ex perienced on the Florida coast, especially in the vicinity of Key West, where the ve locity of the wind was estimated at seventy-four miles per hour, exceed iag .the force of the hurricane of September 17th, which was so destructive on our coast, by at least fifteen miles per hour. m m m Magistrate' Court. Jere Shines was arraigned before Justice Gardner, yesterday morning, on the affida vit of one Alice Williams, charged with assault and battery. Defendant was found guilty and ordered to pay a fine of $5 and costs. The same defendant, arraigned on a jieace warrant sworn out by Alice Wil liams, was ordered to give bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance at Court and -to keep the peace, in default of which he was committed to jail. Personal. Col. Thos. S. Kenan, Democratic candi date for Attorney Gene ral, is at the Purcell House. He paid us a visit yesterday, and is just from a brief campaign in Onslow. He and Col. Waddell made several speeches to the people of that county, who win give a good account of themselves on the day of election. ' Fayettevllle Wins. The contest for the prize flag and plume, wuiuu uamt: uu at itaieigu yesterday, re sulted, as will be seen from the following special telegram to the Star, in a victory for the Independent Light Infantry Com pany of Fayctteville, which, of course, we must consider as next best to a triumph for our own boys, who came in second in the match: Raleigh, Oct. 19, 1876. To tfte Morning Star: . The Fair is quite a success, the exhibi tion and attendance both being good. The Independent Light Infantry, of Fay- etteville, won the prize flag, and J. W. Maltsby, of the same company, won the plume. Wilmington came in second, R& leigi. third, and Newbern fourth. The con test was quite close. v The weather was very dusty, but other wise pleasant and auspicious. The Jtlitrliie Morpltal. In company with Dr. W. W. Lane, the Surgeon in charge, we paid a visit to this institution yesterday. We found the hos pital in excellent order, the rooms all nice and clean, and the establishment provided with every necessary convenience. In visiting the various wards we found several very interesting cases now under treatment. Among these- was a young Frenchman who had been suffering with a dangerous abscess in the pit of the stomach, a peculiar location f or 6uch a disease, and requiring very skillful and delicate manip ulations to reach and treat it effectually. He is now in a fair way to recover. In anotherrfvard we found a colored patient, who claims Brazil as his place of nativity, and who can speak only a few woids of English. His malady is not of a serious nature. In another part of the hospital was. a colored man, Jere Bishop, who had one of his hands badly crushed between the bump ers of two cars at the depot, on Saturday night last, and who will be fortunate if his hand is saved. There were several others suffering withvarious diseases, but not suf ficiently serious to warrant special mention of their cases. The culinary department of the hospital is in charge of an experienced steward. It is designed by Dr. Lace, the Surgeon in charge, to make the institution also a city hospital, where the victims of accidents. by railroads or. otherwise, requiring surgical attendance, ond who are not able to bear the expense necessary, can secure the re quisite treatment without having to be sent to the county hospital at the Poor House. For tbe Yellow Fever SuiTerers. -r We received yesterday a contribution of $13 00 from tbe Brown Maj-Bh, BTaden county (Presbyterian) Sabb&ttY school, for the benefit of the yellow fever sufferers at Savannah, Ga., which, with a small amount already on hand, has been forwarded to its destination. We would here take occasion to State that the Superintendent of"Health, and President of the Savannah Benevolent As sociation, Mr. J. H. Estill, of the Morning News, have announced that no further as sistance is now needed. The fever at hut accounts was rapidly abating and the funds on hand are thought to be ample to carry them through. Tbe Festival. We are glad to learn that the festival at Temperance Hall 'last night, under the auspices of tbe young ladies of Front Street M. E. Church, was quite as success ful as could have been expected, consider ing the threatening aspect of the weather. The attendance was very good, the oysters, ice cream, &c, were better, and, what was more to the purpose, there was a very com mendable disposition manifested on the part of the crowd to "invest their small chaoge" for the tempting delicacies offered Crookedness In me mall Service Special Agent Alfred Morton, of thejPost office Department, arrested Alexander Sin clair on the night of the 18th instant for robbing the mails, Sinclair was a substi tute route agent, running between this city and Charlotte, and had been employed at different times for the last year as a substi tute for regular agents in their absence. The proof against him is said to be com plete, and tbe public may be congratulated at the effort to protect the' mails frbm rJe- nrt'ritttimiK. i Uflin 'iKlKO .1:ti iTlayor' ( ourl. Tbe only case before the Mayor's Court yesterday morning, Acting Mayor Cassidey presiding, was that of Beverly Scott, charged with assaulting a policeman while iu the discbarge of bis duty. Defendant was found not guilty and tbe case dis missed. . " ' ; niff'WTfl 8JBAK.fNC At FA V t I'TK VI LLi F. I For the Morning Star. ' Fayetteville, Oct. 18. Mr. J. I. Macks spoke in Town Hall to night to about three hundred citizens. After bis speech the following resolutions were introduced and adopted ; Resolved, That the thanks of the Tilden and Vance Clubs of Cross Creek Township are tendered to Mr. J. I. Macks for his in teresting and eloquent address this evening. Resolved, Tbat we tender to our Israelite members of tbese clubs our recognition of their service in procuring us the pleasure of hearing this brilliant examplar of the virtue and patriotism of their race. f Clarendon Bridge. i - r .- i - CITY ITKiTlS. Rkw abd. We will par s reward of one thousat d dollars lor any certificate published by us regarding Dr. Buil'B Coah Bjrup not found genuine. A. C. Meyet Co., Bahimore, December 1, 1873b Book Bikdet.t. Tkb jsobhiks bta Bjofc.JfiaA ery dees. all kinds of Binding and Ruling la a work manlike manner, and at reasonable prices. Mer chants and others needing Receipt Books, or other work, may reiji on promptness m the execution of their -7 WHOLE NO. 2,879 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. New Hulled Buckwheat JONSLESS CODFISH, SMOKED SALMON, EARLY ROSE POTATOES, RED APPLIES And the CELEBRATED FATAP8CO FLOUR, ia BbJa., Half Bbls. and Retail. J AMISS V. STEVENSON,. OCt20-tf Martet Street Auction OF FURNITURE, FILES, FEATHER BEDS, ' FISH, FIGURE-HEAD, with 10 Bales HAY, At oar Sales Rooms, this day (FRIDAY), at 10 o'clock, A. M. CRONLY & MORRIS, oct 20-1 1 Auctioneers. A Card. E DITOR STAR Dear Sir ; A rennrt ban heon put in circulation prejudicial to my interest, to the effect that I am one or the thirty-six of the Foreiam born-citizer.s of this city, who, at the coming elec tion, are to vote the Radical Ticket. " ' To brand the report as a LIE woald fail to ex press my sentiments, but I -know no phrase more applicable. 1 have from my boyhood been, and am bow, a DEMOCRAT, hffllia&nbut little with the so-called Conservative element which very natural ly crept into my party, as one of the results of the war between the States. - I have no concealments to make of any opinion pf mine, be it Religions, Political, or what else. I be eng to that-race who hesitate not to declare their sentiments in private and in public alike, regard les of the consequences, always relying on having truth on their side. 1 allude to the Celtic Race. Providence permittiag me to Uve to see the 7th day of next November, I Bhall vote the following ticket, vis : ; For President and Vice President. Samuel J. Til den and Thomas A. Hendricks ; For Governor and Lieut. Governor, Z. B. Vance and Thomas J. Jarvls : also the entire Democratic State Ticket, with the Constitstional Amendments, the success of which I regard as of more vital interest and importance to my adopted State than all the rest combined. Very respectfully, oct2tMt , H A. B PERSE. Lost, Ac. CARPET BAG. WITH VAT.TTABr.lE TtW- jecis, jen on me cars between Lanrinburg and this city, on Monday. The finder will please leave the same either at the Stab Office, at Messrs. Aaron & Rheinstein's store, or- notify Messrs. A. fc R. of its whereabouts. A liberal reward will be paid for its delivery. , oct 19-3t A Card. E REGRET . TO ANNOUNCE TO OUR friends and customers the death of Mr. ELI MUR RAY, the Senior member of the firm, on the 13th instant. The business of the confirm will on nn as LrnitA. fore. Under the direction ami mnutmnit wEi Surviving Partner, withont interrapttan. We hone to merit and reei ve & rmHnninra n the patronage and confidence heretofore so liberally MURRAY ft CO., oct 19-lm isy UJHJ. SLOAN, Surviving Partner. Silk and Stiff Hats. JTJ1INE SOFT KBLT HATS, JLADIES' FASHIONABLE STY WSS, (UMBJEI4,Aa,BAaS,Acr ' At nARRtSON & ALLENmu oct 19-tf City Hat Store. 89 Front it ' .! J 1 . -' " : Head - Quarters ! 90 -OF- CHOICE GROCERIES, No. 8 North Front Street. Will Open on OJ Wednesday, October 18, 1876 Tag '' Most Complete & Compact Stock OF CHOICE FRESH fj Jfil Family Groceries ' EVER OFFERED - To tic Mffl Wafeli Wilmimtton. ' y i .',- ;. U oU;m --Jtl-i ,.';.i CONSISTING IM FABT OF , ; JbcGAHS-AU Grades." C . . . :- i v t.i ! 311U O F F E E Java, Laguyra and Bio. TeAS Gunpowder, Imperial, Hyson, English j Breakfast, Oolong, &c, Ac - Jb fcOUR Plant's Extra, McKoy's Extra Family. Pride of. Baltimore, and various ' other Brands. lPvr iV-I BATS Choice Small Hams, Breakfast Strips,' Sugar-Cured Shoulders. Dry -Salted Sides and Shoulders, Fulton Market Beef, Smoked Tongues. Boloena Sausages. ' Jb ISH Be Mess Mackerel in Kitts and Barrels I r f! Ex No. 1, tor No, 2; Codfish B ouu Dvucic)B vuuua . UTTER-All Grade? THE VERT BEST TAjshu Medium and Cooking. HEES E Genuine Imported English Dairy, utacn uesa rue Apple ana JCxtra jream. CRA RACK EEtS-Of Ever? Varietv and 8; via. V4NNEO nons-WHson's Oqok .orned,l. ueer ana Tvugue, Bdneiess Sar- 1 , diuee, halves aad qnarterB; Deviled ' Mam. Tnrifcf, CMckoii and Tbnrne, .n.parajus, vrreeu uorn, xomatoes, B ' Beans and French Peas, PeichesV Pin-, apples and Pears, Salmon, Lob-t,-oyster,-Ac., &c' m T7'TT1 RESERV ES Canton Ginger. Shakef pVe serves. and the varieties made tor i P tC K I. KS Tm pon ed and1 Borieitfc, plhts, Jts Amdi naom wI6i C pom COA PS A fine erlection of Toilet aad Laundiy Sa POLIO-Hand and Paint ' J C A N DL KS Patent Spetm, Parafine Wax and I Adainautino. M b UST A KLI-French inglasj; Colmnn's Mus ( :, tard, qaartvr. halves aud poonds. O A I CES -Worcestershire, Tomato and Pepper, ad torssmg, Hors Bdishbweet O t, IV ES-Stu fifed and Plain: J..- H ma Wood and if. cow WiktiiA com BliAC IPfe-BlackingBrnehes, Clothe Pins and Clothe lines. ' i X K UITS Oranges, Lemons, Appier, Dried Apples and Peaches, Cranberries, Raisins, in quarters, halves A whole VjlGABS-Thirty Thousand, from common to best imported. To, ACCO A eood selection. -LIQCOKS Walters nine Paker inn nth er); OW Virginia Glades, MeKoy i yive TTiute, nue aonand Utn.Uen- Apple Bramdy,Ceok- j AND VARIOUS ARTICLES TOO NC- j oct 13-1 w THOS. M. HcEOIf 'JES tj" a oq 1 60 2 CO S 60 8 (k) 8 5 5 CO 6 60 8 CO 15 00 two dare,. M :: r. three day.. fire days. one week y njMBfe.n. .. ......... Three weeks TWO mOHTJXS Tnree month " " Six months. ... to ...85 00 ...51' 00 . aTassM As til fj? contract AdverOsemenu kionats r tow ratea. t rv . . at prone: rrve 8ju.vei sstmatEO as a qaarter-coiumn, and SK nau -coiumc. MISCELLANEOUS. If7, QnelYre? 1876. Centennial Excursion ! TO PHILADELPHIA! TUESDAY- OCTOBER 24th, 1870. k J.X Villi Vl-'-L L JU wu.JuntfTU.pi WKLDON, WIIiNGTON, COL. & AUG. R.E.'s, ' PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 18. TtflB8E ROADS AND THEIR CONNECTIONS will offer, to Citizens along their Line, the LAST opportunity of visiting the , , Centennial Exhibition AT PHILADELPHIA, AT Dae First Class Through Fare Th Route of Centennial Tickets sold for this Train will be via RICHMOND, WAMHINGTuN and BALTIMORa, feaetorPUDHIA at 6 A. M. 25th. TICKETS for this EXCURSION will be good GOING NORTHWARD, only on Hie particular teain and date specified, and ate limited Ao: reium by any Train within Twenty Days. Betae First Class Tickets, Transportation will be on Trains ef that Class. Prices of Round Trip Tickets are as Herewith; , , FROM W. W. R.R. STATIONS. Halifax, Enfield, Whltaker's. Battlebore', Rocky Monat. Tarboro' . Sharpsburg, Tolanpt Wilson, Black Creek, $18 00 18 CO 18 00 18 41 18 10 10 Oo 9 i5 19 45 19 80 so to SU (0 Goldsboro'..,... ."" Dudley I i J. ....,...;.. . .' ,' .' ' J T V J ; Mount Olive .;" 5owden"av: ;?:;t: :: ::r Warsaw., ....."."." Magnolia ........ .v. ..... SX " ', Teachey's, Dnplia Road, ieetburg, Reeky FROM W.. C. A. R.R. STATIONS Brinkley's Flemineton. . $90 90 21 75 a 25 . 23 15 28 f0 23 00 24 30 24 15 25 ra 25 tO Whitevule... Fair Bln.... Nichols Mullin's Marion Peedee.. ... Mar's Bluff .. a s . , -i ipmonsviue, Aiayesville, Knm- ter. edeedetd. Vim bitn rn Columbia -. T. . . .! S5 00 fe-Persons at Local 8tationa rilanv thp T.fnii pan obtain their Tickets of the Station Agent on the d7 the train passes each point,' or by appiicsticn io w"i uuaemgnea. A . rVrti. QCtltrri , ; . aenersljEassensAgept. , THE CAROLINA CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. WILaUSQTQJt C Oct 15, 187ft. Notice to Shipners, O- rJ rv ji - r FT P M f N AND 'AFTER MONDAY, 16TH INST.. NO Freights will be received at Depot C. C. Railway Company, a ter 4.38 P. M. - 1E, V, Q., JOHNSON, octl5-lw Gen'ISup't. O-O TO MUNSON'S, tLOOK AT THE . TRUNKS, BAGS, UMBRELLAS and CLOTHING, THEN octW'tf Direct Importation ! T TWHtHii movaia 8 8AGO 88d,. A't ENGLI8H CHESTER CHEESE, CRBAM FACTQST CBSESE, ANCHOVY8, DUTCH HERRINGS, ORANGES, LEMONS. APPLES. NUTS. CANDIES, Ac, Ac. At . 0EO. L. SCHUTT'S Grocery, RUNGE'S OLD STAND, !Qctl8-lw MARKET STREET. Notice to tlie Public. fi a i q ,ki . . i it The Mozart Saloon, 1$ STILL RUNNING, AND HAS t C ! The finest Liquors. Wlaes. cigar aim Veer In UitTCfl y. " . y.. grifJKd I) ) UOJUJ 1JUS iTULLO WLNti i "PHILADELPHIA, T. 1875. 1 Jotor BmjA, It. -am l Adii "We Wave the honor to ia yon that tie Centennial Exposition has awarded us the Premium for the best DRAUGHT BEER. This Is the gratifying result of our untiring efforts to please the taste of the multitudes of these United States. : h j yytlh&VfT1tf i-1 j i tj h f. j , "BERGNER A ENGEL." I also sell the ST. LOUIS BOTTLED BEER. which has taken the Premium also as BOTTLED BEER. . tntt J (..,,. l:.A.U i ' laBOnly place where B. A E. BEER is sold . fOYSTERS STEWED and RAW. ' BILLIARD ROOMS ABB IN ORDER. pet 19-at PROMHETOR Stationery and Blank jn JOQM ; k'tiAmUi'ti LARGE AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of LEGAL CAP, FOOLSCAP, BILL CAP, LET TER, packet . note, commercial note, anfiTBTWQXE;FAPWU , Jv : Frendaad English PAPETERIES, latest tl yles. ! BLANK BOOKS of every description, ( I lo li mhApH I JaM ni' OCtlt4! Lire Book and Music Store. Liverpool Salt. 0QQ Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, bv 'jflfl Oct 19-tf KERCHNER A C ALDER BROS. i ' i .-. . . Fine Pasture Fed Beef AT STALL No. 6 MARKET HOUSE - 4BSfaanafl aV B s .a '. a j 'i oct 10 tf T. A. WATSON. r l . ii;