. - ,. I.,. . . & MOBNINQ STAB wm. ii. rerwarr. By DAILY BCKPT MONDAYS. 10 mm Doetase paid, 7 00 4 00 SB 1 .L,th. I ... I it 1 00 Abscribers, deBvln an, Prtoftte On oOity s"Sts Pr week. Our City Agents ar tt r v . , r,Xttorwottais-thPi. VOL. XIX. NO.; 39. Ml " kpbvbf or this field. or ye-ful'y exPeu,,cu "WH e negroes, but none took effect. ..... .Infinitely in this issue of Uuring this time Jnrlna Vnml , 1 10 8llc rf I J l ' w. , 'Q w VHS W BO I hkl the vote of each Pre- aadreflng the head of the procession l" i : tar,. : ieBtial canu.ua - - , lb a' . ...p.it?.l bv the Kepublieans. over '. 14 l'""v I !' '. ... .1.. ...... A l... . U TV I SiriICk t.h hruiQo , . aonfiileiitly claimed by theDe- "roc the house. Luring the riot rlt thai Mr. Tilden has 184 ,nd were broken out qf Dr. goeitbS lMl , . , Blacknairs private office in the Yar- uio' . i m .. . . one less inao euuugu iu eieci borouuh Houm. n,.rl l UVi.il' ""J Ul"re u n. Vfli' ... .. i . The States inus wmceueu are privme par or. , Mhv'or Mt.lv . " la. ivi,,ware, " . t Willi the cannon which 'wa accom- n.kr Marviana, nwsiwii xnis- panjing the procession, and he fear ,.ft- Jersey, lNew xorit, ioriu mapuuu in me negroes bv this ad- 6 SOU") ...tt fennessee, Texas. Virginia "u 1 f linen. , 6" I Carolina Ihese States fthe in ,m ..laAtnral votes. ive 10 It is confidently believed that Flo as also gone Democratic hy a j of from 2,000 to 2,500 votes. miionty Tbia State cives four votes, which Mr. Til Jen 188 votes, three are-ian enough to elect him. Loui Bjm has evidently polled a Demo criiic majority, but it has already in Nash. tone Li eiven out that a large number .tt.. .:u w . 1 I . 0 f Democratic v.uw w... n.iw,, w .1 1 .... mm i .1 r Iwior.l urltw.l. i .1 composed of the most unscrupulous KdciU Oregon is claimed coufi (,,ltly i,v the iali-als, but we do u ,t believe it is possible to h;iei e w;L'il the returns in sufficient ful JJ to determine the result. The JlluijiW nf iV whole matter at the jime we write (12 o'clock at night) has School. )y cars of igaiS 1 HflL Xliucu io vci laiiujf vwuuijr. UteA bv a small maiority. Hon. A. M. W addell is re-elected J, - hv i maiority i angina from 1,500 to I ' . J I miffta .tin MU M4Mnnl opnnmlrulo dudpit. I k Li Tl,i Si file ticket is e ected hv ? j- i wuere frum 8,0(0 to 10,000 majority, and thesmendraente have been carried by a smaller majority. We have heard from twenty-lour counties unofficial- U and the net Democratic gain is sbuat 5.000 an average gam of some two hundred to the county. The Legislature has doubtless gone Democratic, and seven Democrats are no doubt elected to Congress. We rejoice with our friends throughout the country in the great victory we have achieved at home, nd the great nat triumph that j appears to have crowned the fforts f the -jnroil ami true men of the f . I T Uilil'll LOUIM1 At A. There weina to be iittle doubt that the Democrats have canitMl Lc ui.-iana by a decided majority J but our tele- irm iixlicate that the Radical Re luming Board have already deter- miued to give tbe vote of that State to the Hayes and Wheeler electors on kLL.A nf miimij.! .n.Ji -ill tA 0 "k"wwi i tope pai-t of the Democrats. It is ikliadkai ration in Louisiana to ,, ,, T. , . I "-..uuic tue jemocraiH uui ir netr well-earned vi(-.LnritH. aii ii wi look Fur Iih wextAion in the general rule, HEN I i. KO ATI ACK IM KALKK.lt. e copy tiie following account of the shameful conduct of the negroes p Kaleigh on last Monday night, a foief telegraphic report which we piiblisbtd Tuesday, morning. It ap- Wis that ''Kotatinu" Dick 13ader to t i. ..t -..5u,K , ,rw.i u. wue wirtbouse a crowd of negroes, who Mm .... .i j- t-j: tWru.ng W una aai- t "pouter, when tbe Democratic lesion passed. The negroes ,new Rome stones at the torches, and " wrueij the carriers. rjfhe News vitam Chief of Folic, Jo. A 'N sait into the crowd to qneil r umht1ih.. wh'ii be Was fet If'" " the in aroei and driven with Ks aiwl r t ks to the Yar 'l n- . ..ut ttns Mine i) i.it was a sa tit led by a fwtceuian iSamuei Belts ran ! -.1 j, lie ?" M-l-araU- tht-m, ad . wm 4;Hking -v-ajuni ont of the crowd when H;iS "i 1 lilt-lit iT u a ii ml a r rat n 1 , ariiitj.i with c;i;k and rock, I'l"' hp was ut. ami he was struck III. L . a ; 1 ' t : - ." ht-a.. wiiri a s: k k. tit was so alter using hi-i billy until rokcu anl nsele he had to i f i.: . r ' in me. Uii I - III CI 11 IK H M ilC Ij -i .1Z .1 I. 1 . '"h and Jack Beasley went into Ihu i viUWu wi,tn. thHy were Mi upon "Ki ilianiier. Fincli KAil a lout f1' cut in Inn head, from which the y(,(t flowed profusely, covering his win l "worn. Dook Sorrell, the Se- litry of the Heoublic.an State Ex- "'IliV'e " ( llimm!' In. ol .....tr 1J,. nsluu I lhe d WrUl hofctle. Mmb- ,"IU hadlv anrl .lrorm o rrroat .leal 0t b hwi.l -;-ja - mT--- a ii..:.-. . Jtie receiveu Also "'Illl wonnrl k. Wvei eral snile mshedin. and in tbe melee " V... I IIU CM UM s, i i av Joes was knocked down : l)au'y hurt, and Mr. WtH. Separk " V1 coiiHiderable injury. nrat pintol shot was tired by a Kr iwinoj tu t i :.. : m.,u. ; .u ".""". w"",n Lu,l" 1 Vl80r of Reeistration for the RWtAH. TM . . - . . n I i MTri.r r. r i hn s otn uroir Tm? MnRrTn ---rjj -A T JS -M- OJ-L. OL-A. I ; ...J 3 . 4aHF?0- -sWi I wI:i- J M ",' f ;i I f fiuy. . . t five shots were subscduentlv fired I . coiuwuoe. a smot was bred, , oeneved at bim, which passed tbe heads -7-- - w. v WW RIJU . iirivat omce in the Yar- . vf 10 ine Mayor commands that L , a .. ' .1 o pcaue ue resiorea, anally quelled I riot. i I TT. Spirits Turpentine. . Librarian Pumell has Teaiunad. Next. ! . 0 The crops are siiort ohe-fo utth uie uson secucm. The diphtheria is spreading in The Old Folks Festival at Chat- 468. L. . - I received 2UU. I Treasurer Jenkins has iRianpr). I ...1 n-i . . . 0 l iaKe p,aCe on aaa inst. 1 wemy-seven persons professed L592; Secretaiy of State Engelhard 105, ,vCr,u.. ai nve uraacu uapttst Church, Wake couuty. Ii vev . a.i . rmmara, Ot Italeigb, T r ... 1 . J ... I bee 1 eu lecsunmt before the Bingham 1 fct i.mTk.... 1 1 1 . , , j General Kenau 112, Hargrove 593. Cou loe Duncans had nts hand bad- , , , , , crushed between the bumpers of two g at Newberu. . The Charlotte Democrat says leriflK House about twenty five years ago "a shower Wilson 577, Uil flesh and blood" occurred in Sampson Charlotte Home: A man in Or- yj ,hief framed I 'vr It proved to be the Raleigh Constitution, fit "! ' v"", Senor Raphael Cabanas, of Mexico, and Miss Kosa Morrison, daughter of Rev. W. N. Morrison, pastor Of the Pres byterian church at Asheville, were mar- necrin fhdadelpbia recently. News: Sheriff Ferebee, of Cam den county, has applied to the Governor to issue a proclamation fur Allen Trotmnn, nowinjiil at Portsmouth, Va. Trot man was indicted in Camden county for house breaking. Says Shotwell, of the Soutiem Some; Zack and Kil went down the hill Waving the bloody shirt; Zack fell kechug and broke his jug, And Kil rolled in the dirt. Rev. Robert Drane was or- dained to the order of tbe Priesthood at j Tarboro on tbe 29th ult.. the ceremony be ing performed by Bishop Atkinson, assist ed by Itev. lira. Watson, or St. Janes' ( lunch, Wilininglon, and Lnesnire, or Calvaiy Church, Tarboro. Little Jo Adams, son of the proprietor of the Adams House, bas con structed with his packet knife a perfect model of a full ngsred schooner, it dis- plays a a great deal of ingenuity and a I : , ... . " , - J i T- I talent that should be cultivated. Tarboro Southerner. Five d rummers were arrested at Statesville for refusing to pay a. special li cense tax of S10 for the privilege of selling goods in that; town. They gave bail for appearance before tbe magistrate r,,nrt tolie held this week. One was trom Wilmington. James C. Calhoun has always resided in Ashe conuty, is 88J years old, i,,, nr.V(.r missed three men a a dav when nmlil iet them, never took a dose of medicine nor made use or spirits, ana nas promise of a score more of years. 1 he ex ample of Mr. Calhoun is a pattern for those who utsire rood health, length of days, and a ripe old age full of honors. -StatesviUe American. Newbern Nut Shell: We learn that David Watson, a colored man living m South Creek, iu Richland township, was riding in a cart with Bryer Garner, another colored man, on Thursday, and tbe two got discassine politics. Watson averim his intention of voting the Democratic Garner drew a knife and stabbed Watson in tbe breast, inflicting a danirerous wound. At last accounts the woDUed mkQ w,3 .live, but in a very crit- ical condition. THE .O NKW ASVKKIISBMKNr. Geo. G. Barkeh Lime. Munson Overcoats, &c. D. Pigott Cigars, tobacco, tc. Haiiuimjn & Allbn Tilden bats. L VoLLBhS Prunes, currents, &C. S. R. Ethkkidgb; Mountain 6eef; RhJSTiMO Pews Slf James' Church. Mebting WiL A Coast Turn pike Co. Ckqnlt & Mobkis Fruits at auction. Pbttkway & ScnoLkEH Country sup plies, &e. Local Dot. The Mayor's Court hall no ses sion yesterday morning, there being no cases for trial. The Wilmington Light Infantry have decided to visit the Fayelteviile Fair, which opens ou the 15th inst. A meeting of the Fifh Ward Democratic Club will be held Ibis (Thurs day) evening. L- 'Northwest winds, backing id warmer southwest, rising barometer, and nartiv cloudy weather, are the predictions IUul. lj l..r i Tbermometer Kfcord lne lOHOWlUK will ouo iuo dwk w. u m. . 111 1. .Un .l.,l r.t k. thenBoaBetr4 Ma meauiooeu, ai 4.31 yesterday evening, Washington mean time, as ascertained from the daily bulletin issued from tbe tmm0:mm.Ws AuiuaU,... .T; ; :jgf .tiBlrg'j&4i;Vtf f: Charleston,. 54 1 tgPmery,.. . , Ooraicaao. 4 1 New Orleans,. . . .oo aiw.n 65 PuntaRassa 68 jkiovnta SifiSi Mark,.. 67 ... -. ' mi 1 r:ll J Ka u v wia o w u u uuiuu WILMINGTON, N. itieu.. f10 e W'e ;iai returns from the various wnia r iiiu .m " " ... viij, ..v . w... but of the four township, outside of tue city, as follows: FIRST WARD. . . Upper Division For President Tilden 122, Hayes 465; Governor Vance 123, Set tle 465; Lt. Governor-r-Jarvis 122, Smith aok. a,.. .., u... .u.i , Albertson 47- AiiditnrT.ov 121 Rnillv . ' 466;Treasurer Worth 121, Wheeler 466; arsoo ; Attorney tfnera,-nn tlargrovp 400. uon- "auu6U "u'j' dcuuw "M"" 1 ' ' "utuerioru A Hfinoo niJ..m too u too w:i.n uuuam ju, iw h iwu OJ It:n Ann www uiu 401. neasurer uicaves 110, 1 .. . . . newieti 407. Kegister L.ove 121, Samp son 464. Surveyor Brown 119. Lind 464. County Commissioners Williams 117, Mar tin 113, Vollers 118, Madden 117, Sanders T18, Kidder 468, Waguer 464, Van Am- ringe 463, Holmes 463, Nixon 464. Coro- ner jiaec 1 18. Hew ett 466. Sheriff Fennelf 120, Manning 463, Black 2. Amendments uatitication 119; Rejection Lower Diomon For President Tilden 110. Haves Sat. Governor Vance 112. ' SeUle 583. Ll Governor Jarvis 112, Smith Albertson 573. Auditor-Ive 112. Riley ra:? rrrOQii.r VV.nl. Ill VVw...lt.r KU4. amM!rinteiide.it of Pu.l,li: Inslruclioc ...w .... . . .. . . u . crio ... Scarborough 112, Carson 593. Attorney - Wiittiiell Ul.Uanaday o9. Seuator- Worth 120. Moore 556, ltutherford 1, Scat- House Dunham 118, Pearcell8, 11 574 Treasurer Gleaves il7. Hewlett 586. Heeister Love 117. Sampson 689. Surveyor Brown 119, Lind 581. County Commissioners Williams 118, Martin Vollers 119, Madden 118, San ders 118, Kidder 584, Wagner 574, Van ! Auirione 592, Holmes 562, Nixon 579. Coroner Bagg 116, Hewlett 586. Sheriff Fennel 1 114, Manning 577, Black C. Amendments Ratification 118, Rejection 592. SECOND WARD. For President Tilden 331; Hayes 157. For Governor Vance 331, Settle 157. Lt Governor Jarvis 331, Smith 156 ; Sec retary of State Engelhard 318, Albertson 156. Auditor Love 331; lteilly 157; Treaa- urer Worth 331. Wheeler 157. Superin- I-indent of Public Instruction Scarbor- ough 331, Carson 157. Attorney General S . - Kenan 331, Hargrove 157. Congress Waddcll 320, Canaday 164. Senator Worth 331, Moore 133, Rutherford 9. House Dunham 327, Pearcc 327, Wilson 151. Rill 150. Treasurer Gleaves 326, Hewlett 152. Register Love 326, Samp- sou 152. Surveyor Brown 327, Lind 148. Couuty Commissioners Martin 327, Wil liams 326, Madden!32G, Vollers 828, San ders 324; Kidder 153, Wagner 146, Van Amringe 144, Duncan Holmes 143, Dela- ware Nixon 150. Coroner Bagg 826, Hew . lett 151. Sheriff Fennell 323, Manning 147. Black 9. Amendments Ratification 331; Rejection 153. THIRD WARD. For President -Tilden 304, Hayes 811. For Governor Vance 304, Settle 307. Lt. Governor Jarvis 302, Smith 305. Secre tary of State Engelhard 287, Albertson 807. Auditor Love 802, Reilly 806. Treas- prer Worth 802, Wheeler 306. 8uperin lendent of Public Instruction Scarbo rough 302, Carson 306. Attorney General Kenan 302, Hargrove 306. Congress Waddell 288 ; Canaday 327. Senator Worth 308, Moore 380, Rutherford 5, Scat tering 1. House Dunham 301, Pearce 302, Hill 294, Wilson 295, Scattering 1. Treasu rer Gleaves 302, Hewlett 301. Register- Love 301, Sampson 301. County Commis sioners Martin 306, Williams 302, Mad den 302. Vollers 305, Sanders 304; S. N. Martin 0, J. H. Chad bourn 5; Kidder 304, Wagner 299, VanAmringe 292, Holmes 292, Nixon 299. Coroner Baee 801. Hewlett 301. Sheriff Fennell 299, Manning 302 Black 4. Amendments Ratification 304 Rejection 809. FOURTH WARD For Pi cm, lent Tilden 285, Hayes 303 Fr Governor Vance 284, Settle 303. Lt Governor Jarvis 285, Smith 803. St ere taiy of State Entrelhard 277, Albertson '60S Auditor Love 2fcU, lteilly 303. Treasurer ' Worth 284, Wheeler 303. Superintendent of Public Instruction Scarborough 284 Carhon 803. Attorney General Kenan 284 Hargrove 303. Congress Waddell 273 Canaday 308. Senator Worth 295, Moore 274, Rutherford 2, G Z French 1. Housed Dunham- 284, Pearce 285, Hill 290, Wilson 294. Treasurer 'Jleav. 8 28 1, Hewlett 297 Krister Love 286. Sampson 295. Ser- veyorlJruwu 287, Lind 294. Couuty Com in ssiduea Martin 289, Williams 288, San deis 286, Vollers 289, Madden 286, Kidder 299, Wagner 291, VauAmriuge288, Holmes 289, Nixon 299, scattering 11. Coroner 11 282. Hewlett 299. Sheriff Fennell 283, Manning 296, Black 1. Amendments- Ratification 285, Rejection 801. Finn ward. Tor President Tilden 242, Hayes 526. Fur Governor Vance 241, Settle 525. Lt. Governor Jarvis 242, Smith 524. Secretary of State Engelhard 232, Albertson 025 Auditor Love,fli, Bey 585. Treasurer Worth 242, Wheeler 625. Superinten dent of Public Instruction Scarborough 242, Carson 525. Attorney General Kenan 243, Hargrove Congress WfidiJ 22 Canaday 582. Senator Worm 8M Moore,488.: , flquseDnntoWL 5, Pearce Hill 497. Wilson 499. Treasurer ves 237, Hewlett 588, Register Love 24r,sSimpilrm888; Surveyor Brown 841 L:nd 5T7. County Commissioners Mar tin 248, Williams 248, Madden 242, Vollers I f . 1 C, THURSDAY, NOVKMBER 9 1876. 212, S iuders 242, Kidder 521, Wagner 519 VanAmringe 509, Holmes 513, Nixon 516. Coroner Bagg 228, Hewlett 534 Sheriff- en nell 242, Manning 521. Amendments Ratification 242, Rejection 496. CAPE FBAR TOWNSHIP. For President Tilden 32, Hayes 279. For Governor Vance 32, Settle 279. Lieu tenant Governor Jarvis 32, Smith 279. Secretary of State Engelhard 32, Albert- son 279. Auditor Love 32, Reiley .279 Treasurer Worth 32, Wheeler 279. Su perintendent of Public Instruction Scar borough 32, Carson 279. Attorney General Kenan 32, Hargrove 279. Congress Wad dell 28, Canaday 280. Senator Worth 28, Moore 275, Rutherford 4. Hoase Dun- iam 28, Pearce 28, Wilson 277, Hill 277. Treasurer Gleaves 80, Hewlett 278. Reg isterLove 30, Sampson 278. Surveyor Brown 30, Lind 278. County Commis sioners Williams 30, Martin 31, Vollers 28, Madden 31, Sanders 51, scattering 10. Kidder 283, Wagner 269, Van Amringe 263, Holmes 273, Nixon 277. Coroner Bagg 31, Hewlett 278. Sheriff Fennell 31, Manning 278. Amendments Ratification 81, Rejection 279. MASON BORO TOWNBHIP. For President Tilden 68, Hayes 68. For Governor Vance 63, Settle 66. Lieuten ant Governor Jarvis 63, Smith 66. Sec retary of State Engelhard 62, Albertson 66. Auditor Love 62, Reilly 66. Treasu rer Worth 62, Wheeler 66. Superinten dent of Public Instruction Scarborough 62, Carson 66. Attorney General Kenan 62, Uararove 66. Congress Waddell 63. Canaday 67. Senator Worth 65, Moore 62, Rutherford 1. House Dunham 63, Pearce 63, Hill 65, Wilson 68. Treasurer Gleavtaat, Hewlett 82. Register-Love 6$, Sampwou 66. Surveyor Brown 62, Lind 67. County Commissioners Martin 60, Williams 62, Madden 59, Vollers 63, Sanders 63. Kidder 68, Wagner 76, Van Amringe 68, Holmes 65, Nixon 65. Coro ner-ling 58, Hewlett 74. Sheriff Fen- icil 64, Manning 66, Black 1. Amendments Uatifict tion 62, Rejection 69. HARNETT TOWNSHIP. (Unofficial ) Tilden 110; Hayes 235. As compared with the vote for Governor in 1872 Tilden loses 124 io the First Ward, gains 105 in the Second Ward, gains 13 in tbe Third Ward, gains 16 in the Fourth Ward, and loses 8 in the Fifth Ward. A net gain of 2 for Tilden. Canaday, for Congress, gains 221 over the vote for Mc Kay io 1874 Scr Faiber Jaiuen U. While. We learn with regret that tbe Rev. Father James B. White, who has for a number of years been assistant pastor at St. Thomas Church, of Wilmington, has beer assigned to a new field of labor by the Rt. Rev. Bishop of this vicarale, and will leave us for Newbern, his future home, in a few days. Father White has endeared himself most closely to the members of his congregation, and will leave behind a sor rowing flock, whose hearts, while they swell with gratitude in memory of his many deeds of sympathy and love in bis daily ministrations and tolls among them, will bend sadly under the affliction which bis separation from them will give. He will exchange places with Rev. Father Town- sbend. We hope tbe change may be agreeable and profitableMo both pr ests and people. iuqneit. Coroner Hewlett, being notified, held an Inquest Tuesday over the body of Captain Charles L. Swan, of the British barquen tine Nancy Holt, who committed suicide on board his vessel, at tbe wharves of the Wil mington Compress Company, on the day previous. Tbe jury returned a y er diet th a deceased came to his death from the com bined causes of laceration of the throat and overdose of laudanum by his own hands Deceased was buried in Oakdale Cemetery on Tuesday afternoon Magistrate Court. Washington Hill, colored, was arraigned before Justice Gardner, yesterday, charged with committing an assault and battery on the person of one Joseph E. Johnston, who claims no identity with the hero oj the "Lost Cause" of that name. Defendant was found guilty, and ordered to pay a fine of $10 and the costs, iu default of which he vvsis committed tu jail. KIVKB AKO HI.IKINB ITBJKM. ThfGerraan.br ig Dr. Slrousberg,llorzl , sailed from Bermuda November 1st for this this port. The British brig A uyustus Buck arrived at Deal from this purt, on the 5th imt - AMueiiraSNTB'--'FheHtr 'foers anil all such as keep late hours, are very liable to contraci a severe Couuh or cold. A sofeand reliable cure is Urr Bull's Couuh iup. The price.iajury tt.ctfc f Baltimore, Nov. 8. Floqr, quiet. steady and unchanged. tteaJju Pennsylvania red $1 28133; Maryland red, good to prime, $1 28af0iWr11 40whfte $1 25 1 35 Boutliefn Born T atftfvt but lower for white; Western firm and a shade higher; new Southern white 4850e; yellow 5u 52c Oats and rye steady. Pawvisions firm, quiet and unchanged. Coffee quiet and unchanged. Whiskey dull af ff 12. Sugar Ljvskpool. Nov. 8 4 P. M. , Mebds, f.aCw.iFSUuaaad March delivery, 6 916d; middling uplands, L m. c. new crop, shipped October and November, per sail, 6 15-32d; shipped De cember and January, per sail, lVB3d; and January delivery, auc .-s!, ,, : :- , ,t LATER. Futures strong; middling uplands, 1. c, new crop, snipped r eoruary ana marcu, persail.Clldr K m m fl v :Vri 'jJFu M-- A m.. ,A ;: .1.1 ' -i.'-ii't TUB ELECTION. Return from tbe State. Below we give the returns from the State by special telegrams and from other sources up to the hour of going te press: .. JOHNSTON. Selha, Nov. 8. Johnston county gives a majority of 490 for Tilden; Vance 264, Jarvis 198. Davis 476, Scarborough over 500, ratification 200. DUPLIN. Magnolia, Nov. 8. Duplin gives nine hundred and fifty ma jority for Vance and Waddell. MARTIN. Tarboro Nov. 8. Martin county gives one hundred and seventy Democratic major ity. WAYNE. Goldsboso, Nov. 8. Wayne elects the entire Democratic coun ty ticket by an average majority of 100, a Democratic gain of 300 on vote of 1873. The following are the majorities in Wayne: Amendments 13; Vance 39; Til den 94; Dortch 98; Stanford 103. Com missioners 63 to 96. UNION. r Monroe, Nov. 8. The following are the majorities in Union county Tilden 835, Vance 836, Steele 1, 035, Liles 926. Amendments Ratification at least 800. Austin, Independent, is elect ed to tbe Legislature by 230 (official) majority- BLADEN. Abbottsburg, Nov. 8. Official Vote Tilden's majority, Vance's 5 a gain of two hundred and forty-five over the Merrimon vote. Amendments Rejection 107 majority. CARTERET. Beaufort, Nov. 8. Tilden and Vance get 416 majority a Democratic gain ef 93; Waddell 367, and Ratification 385, with one precinct to hear from, which will give about 30 Democratic majority. COLUMBUS. White vi t.i.r, Nov. 8. We have for the State, National and Congressional ticket, at Wbiteville, 160 majority; Williams 240, Lee 100. From all we know at this hour, it is now certain that we have carried this county by from 675 to 700 majority, being a gain on tbe Merrimon vote of nearly 300. Legislative and county ticket elected by a large vote without opposition. RICHMOND. Rockingham, Nov. 8. The Radicals carry this county by about 120, a Democratic gain of 88. LENOIR. Kinston, Nov. 8. This county gives Hayes two hundred and ninety-two majority, and Settle two hundred and seventy-seven, a Radical gain of four; against ratification three hundred and thirty. Settle's majority in Green county is one hundred and eighty-nine, a Radical gain of twenty-eight. IREDELL. Statestoxe, Nov. 8. McDowell 420, Catawba 1,420, Caldwell 800 for Tilden. The amendments are a little ahead of the ticket ONSLOW. Onslow gives 900 majority for Vance, a Democratic gain of 500. ROBESON. , I 1 Ltjmberton, Nov. 8. Editor Star: I band you herewith the ma jorities in Robeson county; Tilden 878; Vance 333; for Congress, Steele 896. For Legislature, Rowland 291, McRae 810 Amendments 200. These figures may be slightly changed by tbe official vote. Merri mon's majority four years ago was 48. The whole county ticket is elected, which defeats Dr. R. M. Nor ment, the chief Mogul of Radicalism in this county. BRUNSWICK. Smithville Township (excepting Mosqui to Branch), gives Tilden 180, Hayes 163; Bennett 181, Sikes 163; Cowan 180, Rue sell 164; Ratification 178, Rejection 164; Vance 179, Settle 184; Jarvis 180, Smith 163; Kenan 180, Hargrove 168; Love 180, Reilly 163. Waddell 179. Canaday 163. Sheriff Walters 181. Taylor 164. Regi ter Guthrie 185, Ross 158. Last report from Mosquito Branch gives a Democratic majority of SJ. At Smithville birth par ties voted their entire strength. Our gain over last election is 88.. The vote at Freeman's Cross Roads Northwest Towuship, was as follows; Sen ate Sikes 199, Bennett 131 ; House Hue- sell 198; Cowan 131; Amendments Ratifi cation 180, Rejection 189; Congress Wad dell 183, Canaday 801. Balance of ticket about, as above. , I . . "! " III!.'; ii . .a -. ft . PENDER. i Rocky Point, Nov. a There are large Jienfeerattc gams in Peuder. FdffliM, 'Democrat, fer elected Sheriff. Caswell township gives Waddell 17 majority. J ' 'is i hi mt F. M 3a.iojuLiijk.avj0. &fidVfl WT0,TTT iXTfAITO ; . . .Btatesville, Nov. 8. I fit! The following counties giye Democratic majorities: Iredell- 1,186, Catawba 1,421, Cleaveiand 1,018, Caldwell 800, Buncombe McDowell 420, Alexander 400, Burke sr. i i- : a -j - ..:!.: 1ARBORO, PtOV. O. Edgecombe polls the largest vote ever Ten townships give a Democratic gain of 88, Republican gains 826. Pitt gives about 250 Darnpcraq ansjority, Nash county, Demoora The amendmeats lead Edgecombe gives a Democratic gain of 107 and a Republican gain of 319, a ne Republrcad gain of 213. ' ' '" 3a -f? WHOLE NO. 2,896 In Beaufort tbe Democrats gain 200. Statesville. Nov. 8. Iredell county gives a Democratic ma iority of between 1,100 and 1,200 a Dem ocratic gain of 407. Alexander county Democrats gains 246, Stephenson being elected over Carson, In dependent, to the House. fracas la Tarboro. Special Star Telegram Tarboro, Nov. 8. There was a small fracas here to-night. The negroes don't relish Democratic re joicing. One drew a knife and swore no white man could arrest him, and in a melee which ensued he severely cut Wm. Hum ber, white, but was finally jailed. All quiet now. I 3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice. X HE PEWS IS ST. JAMES' CHURCH, TJN erjthe control of the Vestry, will be Rented TO DAY, at 12 o'clock, at the Church. I . JAMES ANDERSON, ' nov9-lt Secretary. Overcoats, B 8DITS, : DRESS SUITS. TRUNKS, BAG?, and GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, Fresh and Cheap, ai b nov 9-tf MUN80N'S. Tilden Hats! QILK, SOFT AND STIFF HATS, LADIES' STRAW AND FELT HATS, HARRISON & ALLEN'S, City Hat Store, 39 Froat at. At aov9-tf Lime. TOST RECEIVED, A SMALL LOT Off FRESH THOMASTON STONE LIME, For eale low by . GKO. G. BARKER & C(. nov 9-3t ; f New and Fresh T) RUNES, CURRANTS. X OAT MEAL OAT GRITS, PEARL BARLEY. RYE FLOUR. PARSNIPS, CELERY, and . SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE CIDER, At L. VOLLERS , nov 9-tf S. E. corner Market and id ata. r- Mountain Beef, ENISON, PORK AND SAUSAGES, At the NEW MARKET, Carry's Block, Second Street Don't forget, nov 9-lt S. R. ETHERIDGB. WilmiBgton & Coast Tflrniite Co, A CALLED MEETING OV THE BTTXTlCnOT- ders rf the above Company will be held at the IM III llll -Wt-vTT.i n .... ruilUAI.li nUUSJ. 1 nlH SV TH HS ItY Ni jw; Miou r, la. By order of the Board cf Directors. y . JBWETr. nov v-ii Secretary pro WILMINGTON, N. C, November 9, 18:6. Dear Bin : We save a well selected stock of "Tilden," 'Vnaee.w and "Hampton" CIGARS, TOBACCO, S.noKEllS' ARTICLES Pay your losses by purchasing witn currency or as. . PIGOTT, TOBACCONIST. oct 2 a-tf M. CRONLT, Auctioneer. BY CRONLY & MORRIS; ' . , ;. - j Oranges, Bananas, Pine Apples, Cocoa Nuts, Limes and Sugar Cane, THIS DAY (THURSDAY) AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M we will selLln front of the Store of J, H. Neflt, on board the Schooner "Julia Elizabeth." lying at Wharf, foot of Dock Street, a eargo of SELECTED jriturr, via: . ' 40.000 PRIME ORANGES. 180 Bunches BANANAS, 30 Doz. PINE-APPLES, 350 COCOA-NUTS, 5000 LIMES, lOO SUGAR-CANE. nor 9-lt WiU be Sold. JOT HELD LONG, Mountain Batter. Table and Cocking. Gilt Edged Goshen Butt r, Choice Mallets, Trout and Blue Fish, lUh Roe, Egxs. Chickens, Potatoes, Onions, Ac. Mackerel, Bacon Shoulders and Hams, Northern and Mountain Apples. The GEESE and DUCKS are in transitu. If not in want tell yen r neighbors. PETTEWAY 4 8CHULKEN, f V Brokers, t-econd Door north oi corner a. v 8-1 vr rriucesa aud Water sts. Our Latest Bulletin. lW AnniTTON TO TWB 1XTBNBIVB AWI V AhlED AhSOKTM KNT OF DitV GO-' DS which we advertise in another column, we have last re e-iv. A Superb Lot of Ladies' Cloaks & S h a wis FOR ELEGANCE OF STYLE AND QUALITY THEY HAVE NEVES SEEN EQUALLED IN WILWINOTON; i.M naiifj wh fiffciniifl iHsf irmi i ' T - ALSO, JUiT ARRIVEP, One Hundred arid Fifty Dozen Gents' Silk Ties, Which we offer at prices NEVER BEFORE AP PRO ACHED in Wilmington. Lot mUk 15 Cta. Each ; 2 for 26 CU Lot Ho. 2, 5 CU. Each. WS sk RODDICK, aov.'P-lwif. Oaf.. 43 market t. -Hh '"! l I li t 'i'. l'ji' '. -OR AHR8' CHURCH, Apply te' JOHN LONDON, nov 7-1 w ' nail Office," Front St. Hi UVli ' w. llll I i " I II 11 MBB HATES OF ADVERTISING. Ou Square .... ..fl 0&- .;.... l W ye . . . .V. ..... . . four days . -Sss Ave days..... 3 0d one week 8 50 Tali ........ 6 00 I " " Three weeks..... 50 ;.. " unemomn ;. ..... ........ o " 1rAMfln . US 00 One month. Six naatbs........ " tiiiT " ' ne year CP" Con tract Advertisements taken at nrcpOi- lionatcly low rates. Five Squares estimated as a quarter -column, and ten squares ae a half -column. MISCELLANEOUS bxt :r a, j BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street, NOW OFFER Unequalled Inducements ! IN ALL THEIR DEPARTMENTS. BLACK AND .COLORED SILKS, At Lowest Prices Sold in Wilmington, t FINE DBE8S GOODS, OF THE LATEST PARIS STYLES, At Lowest Prices Sold in Wilmington. 1 SLACK CANHKERES, BLACK SILK WARP HENRIETTA, COLORED CASHMERES, And a GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS of tbe Most Fashionable Colors, just received from New York, and offered At Lowest Prices Sold in WiimingtcE. A Great Variety of the Newest Styles cf BLACK DRESS GOODS fcr MOURNING, c. At Lowest Prices Sold in Wilmington. FLANNELS, BLANKETS, lil H i IS BROWN AND BLEACHED COTTONS, PRINTS AND REPS, At Lowest Prices Sold in Wilmington. CAS8IMERE8, Etc., Etc., For LADIES', MENS and BOYS' WEAR, At Lowest nice twiquinw ununerton. LACES, BILK HANDKER CHIEFS R1BB t NS and TIES, in all the Prevailing I CARDINAL RED, NAVY BLUE, Etc. At Lowest Prices Sold in Wilmington. LNENS, LINEN DAMASKS, & HOUSEKEEP ING GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, At Lowest Prices Sold in Wilmington .! " fi hh HOSIERY ANT) TTNnJSRWTHAn. i m li Of the Best Manufacture, for MEN. WOMEN and . CHILDREN, At Lowest Prices Sold in Wilmington. - ' Shirts for 50 Ms. Shirts for 75 Cts, Shirts all made cp, With Ger.uine Linen Bosom?, fur co eenis. Shirts made of Wamsntta Cottoii, ith SlfO l inen Bosoms, all complete, hut Buttons and Button Holes, for 75 Cents. NOTHING IN WILMINGTON EQUAL TO : THEME OR THE MONEY. FRANK LESLIES CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR 1876 AND lffi. CORSETS ! CORSETS ! ' -CORSETS ! BE51E1BEU! That these Goods have inst arrirert from ti e Nor thern markets, tre of oar own personal selection. specialty adapted to vs iimington trade, and ottered At the Lowest Prices in "Wilmington. BROWN Sc RODDICK, ' 4 nov 7-tf 45 market Si. iano Fish. Fish. Fish. Q0 Bbls A No. 1 MULLETS, i 25 Bbls No. 3 and h omi -.id Jo imtUT. viuu yi: inn bws, x Bbjs, AW 1,2 an .el: nov 5-tf 'KERCHNER 'tt C ALD BR BRO.1 r ja n ai r'. il aj ri bfofc Molasses. Molasses. 1 A A Hhds CUBA MOLASSES, i ,250 B8 -3iossp, For8aleby - nov 5Af KERCHNER A CALDER BROS. li i : . 1 I BJ 0 i . Bagging, Salt & Flour. K(ft RollB and Half RoUs "Standard" OUU BAGGING, 5000 8ack LtVBKPOOL 8ALT' QAA bbls FLOUR, all grades, OUV Forleby J " 1 ,.1T i it-.,.. J t. nov 5-tf KERCHNER OA LDER BROS. For Picklinsr, FRESH CAULIFLOWER .! '.'i.l : vt .1 L'.ti.lf-siiS i -.' a nov4-tf I al JAMES C. STEVENSON'S. UsiOI Choice Butter. WwL Send for it.' " r' "1 - . Jo .... -i ... 1.. NEW BUjwuT. .1'V-L: h'i-ll-.r.j GOLDEN AMBER ' and N. OilBYRUlt I -r'l Jul ' il'j'.'-ii At -i. - . . GEO. MYERS', nov 5-tf , U and 13 South Kront SI. m Iy the i i' UiaoiMil SWEET .- a man ur.Ui Mm: H Ouljr vjdjfl 1j mti! v' At OBO. MYERfTi nov 5-tf H and WPouth Front St. ' 'At ! J l J!isci -r lil (,05JVA- sons CARTOON OF THE J GUBERNATORIAL RACF. This Cartoon of the Kace for the Governor ship between Vance aad; Settle, la attracting tbe atten tion and exciting the comment of all daises of our people at the Live Book Store. Pianos, Organs and Rciodcons Are now being sold to suit the times, for Cash, or on the Instalment ' Plan, at HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book and Music Store. nov 5-tf High-Bred Bogs. JCiNGLI8H, IRISH AND GORDON SETTERS, of the Choieest Blood, with fruarantced pedigrees .1 For sale by E. P. WKLIT, York, Penn. nov 7-DAWtf 1 ;

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