. I j . ii i il I Ifl it 'it Is v f I.,; 5i ? ! 'j M ill i 1 !: If if n ormtta gtar. Br WILLI A.OT H. BKBNABD, WILMINGTON N. C: SATtjiioAV Morning, Jani 13, 1 877. OtiNKLING'S OPPOUT'DNlTli Of fall men now betore the country - the vantage ground lor a great repu- t of inn annpara to" be held by lion Roscoe Conkling, Senator f rom New York, lie has long enjoyed the rep utatjon of being one o niM fn th U. S. Senate, aud his f& theme oi . ivmaio iv"" ""r"r ! i al caDital. and of Bohemian; penny-a-liners generally, Hef ha. . party ma , has ge-e- been a decided In former years ho has been known x tioo oVinvA Viin surroundings, and is surroimdines. and , . J I'lA ta oKiS -i to, speak out clear! ?rS T;:, T .xe ? ' ... speecn ornis in T ot congress to gu behind the retoraa f . 1: ... "I he ' said things: k0 iflnnnnm it liims ont tnai mere uas.i . J i 1 " no election at all; suppose the wnpie eiec- elec-1 rsSsSta power or a mob rode over the election, and, !!?0i:iS: quire whether those certified wen lrwA ap- m.;:SSiLjW -. anil 'ii 1 1 1 Mi.rrK i.uiuu Mvm uwwjm . ultimately of the inforuation at seems premature now to consider; the in- formation may be ol nttie .vaiue ir you IVllUHMVU ' p please, yet surely we can suppose plenty oi s of it within the admitted uses to pe maae Bfnrtn nf thA nnnstitntlOO. I ' I "Butlgo further than to maintain the naked power of Congress to inquire. -1 J insist mat we can uuiize mo u inquiry, and employ the facts taevr wtitm J upon counting or refusing to count electorat ouws jur jrreatucii w r .''To ascertain and: make record oi : the I f Vta T will vote for the resolotion. This I alone will be wholesome; and 1 wui yoio fnr it ftlsn for the use we mav make of the f facts in counting eiecroriuvyica . :r nnn T.nioofiir. rr wnu'ti iiimv r icruiiLiiuK au v uuiw j,vi.uiuB i come within our province. ' ; I . - . -, jr -11 ' I There is no evasion here; all is open, direct, clear. We hope he wilj stand by that record. We can go farther, we believe he will stand by 11 stand by it; We HO? 'hsrVe good reason to think so because of his recent truly admirable, itatet- XXI li 1 1 A. C: MLM -rwMww . r 3 LiL. ..ai1 I occasion ot lnirouuciug tuB uiwiviia i of the Ivew York business men and I bankers. That speecn, snort, as it i was, was digmned, able ana eievatea, and lifted him far above the ignoble J herd of party clacquers. tbat were rangea arounu umu. iu r Journal of Commerce doubtless I speaks advisedly Whef it avers that by the words, few but fit, which he uttered on that day "he has j made I more friends among the substantial men of the two parties than by any 1 .'V.n cnaanH i a nf 110 Tin nllfi IllB. I , f , . , . i It declares that his remarks are worthy to have fallen' from the best .J, , . I, , tj1 men in the best days of the Kepub- lie." And so we think. They placed u: : ' -. s-. ntt;fnito , , , - . . , TJM.L -t oetwe tne American peopie. xi tie uuiy . tl t- . I v 3 1 w i i I-f great and serious difficulties that en vi- - ' , . ' 1 u; v ron iue country, tue preiiKB s um ... . , i . jj it upon himself and State, but he will wintheanDrovalofa'vervlarema. urnn na win nnr. nniv rni hi'.i. irrHHb iw hii , 1 i jorityof the most intelligent people in the United States. He holds a ' . tne oenate commiueeoi seven, -com- , . . 4, , i.. posea 01 iouritepuoucansana ;mree Democrats. He holds therefore the him to balance ofrpower. T ; er. ,xm tA O.U IO A V A say which shall be sustained, right or wrong, fairness or fraud, iustice or .. . usurpation. He can to a great extent shape the action of that committee. If he is conciliatory, firm for the u r -.u 1 .u right, faithful to the Constitution, he may win a name infinitely great- er than the one he has borne hereto- . . fore. wtlch is the able, conservative organ - of the business centres of New YorkV ! says: "If he stands unflinchingly on this 1 plat form, as a member oi that committee, be can do perhaps more than any man to . get ;o Mnntro n.. nf tl. Amr,.n....M..t. In doing this be and others who work with vvuuu viih vi. ia v uiuui a uogiuvuiv, A.U W L-"" re tuue ot au Americana out tutr pouuciana. There are no vital issues between the two great parties now. He one snon thpv mnv hrAfllr nn and combinations be formed; and in that fu - tnrA thn lPrtrohin -roill Tallin Ihnsa i man. ;r.v: Z":. ..;..z:xi and faithfully in these days of doubt and Tl litl DIM W jKM. feUU 1AIUU11 V llllinh 1IBL1 IIILII.nil V aisiress." . y v ' M1 i na nnTioirr . r tin a . ThAniiAfc a a. not to have the te light shows -man Administration has sent no messages that betray corruption and rascality, why resist their publication? Let 7 -f u i. them remember, if they are innocent. , : . . . M wnai, tnat true poet liobert J5urns wrote in the last century: . i Here's freedom to him that wad read. " Here's freedom to him that wad Write; 'There's nane ever fear'd that th& irnih should be heard. ----- . But they whom fie truth wad indite." most important situation. He jis on J m.:", .."f - ii:! ,,. . ' .4 "T. . 7 cord, an insane man, has just been atrested I the postofflce, prepaid, directed to the De ...' o. .:..... J liL? Of Federal 161 if-ifti'- 'ttnfe nnt.snniV thousand Other Creatures Of Similar in V VrV H. .h a k-l fcK 1 fendant at barhngton. in the State of South Caro- Tt'AmcA-irri Senatoftf . Sherman and BooltvSreil made very bitter, malignant speeches m the Senate tvjew data agof Slei man wnn anramurumifiiD in u uic votedoess-fo jfells in3e Retn-ile . rJl..i? .,ajHWMi?h.w ot .. citi.; : Tjariisau iuroui;iiuui. jiuio t mo I oi r '....U- ,-- . -,.;fi ov hio I fiercdiiT lU MeW specimens of I t- 1. 3-L -1 t I iiinniBatimn in whhiimw umiiumuwu coarse the DembCFatie'liArtf, jatid4f f an idmahimU&m, W . . " . .. v . I his first impressions iron tnose two i ,w l:Ci....:ii.r3jUikii 'li;iw,M,Kow J,ana attractive,, woman, , wnen Be inaa i tithe ablest M""0". t . . .& I' T . . . 1 concludea,hat moW .. -::'."! .ivLLii'i'Ji ii"r'VJ-ivu ' 1 i V; penom jftdr - n 8ettlinaf"t1 wwi , wwwhvmo. r. . : 'very easy to ' saK y'QtrJ itfe,' another,'? WMTH l 'xinnnnio.ona 1 It ial aisProvo wh;i and" Boutwellhava .nalaense of ha I iiYt.Ktf of ifcHirtlj so' .thU'exi ircr"" ,"V7IT nRT..-.n ' . i' - Knn, nmiinBoafitDrinn " tnif tinonlf? i : Kiik i.na counirv wiu. iiuii uv luuieu ixiuult i . ! - - ' " I loncer by such deliberate malevo- lence and gross perversion ot tacts, lence and cross perversion -of facts. I the;of the:ipth;,therois;A conversation i ireported between : the j reporter and a JRepub&ari:npQn the "s character of tho7 tvo speeches The Republican, whojtbe tw Sen- atorg ferociously-denoamJinff the . . . .- i - I the De- iuuuia, 0iu. . ..i . ; , . "They seem to be tryidg tq carry the eiec- toral count by aa attempt to prove that the I Rpnnhtivin nftrtw nitnnni rloasnrlho nf rinJ I ce8s than the Democratic. j But the ques-I tion does not lie 'there: you: mightiaa well I argue mat tfoy.,.ttayeaougnt to bedeclared I nrrn that On v: HnVftiiimrrht to hAlpHnrpfl eiecteo ( becauaft tie haa a heavief tieard Mr. Tilden. ;The quesdon Is, Who haa goi iub muab vuvcttr.atiu wqoerer- na must ge pre8idcnt that questions, remains to be niniriflii Ttnth Rnuiuta 1ma. r,t r.mm!i- I ipes to the disputed States -jtd fihd out about u ,nj AUmtinn fk.rwL...,:,. I party is ot no importance: it;us see who . . i i . j i . . . I wua lainy eieuveu, .buu iwiieiner i n was i Hayes or Tilden be ought to be out in." ? ' I . i s I The-ETr3m?OTrespondent adds: ' I . , ; t U . ' . ' : - v 1 beard innrivate among Republicans than I " waa some v weeas ago, ana speecnes evt- ueiJMj iiiKJuueu w sur up.excuemeni tn me i country gain noW followers here. Senator I vv ngnt s speech, the other, day js regretted X bytbe greater number of Republicans in uw.ii AAVUOO BO uuoaucu lUl auu UBWlOtS. t ;i a; J..-..f .1 uoiicvw , i,ue oaim, . uigomea, i earnest appeals -of the business men I oi jMew. iorK, rnuadeipbia and Cm- I cinnati are ..exciting ; a v healthful, I peaceful, calming ; influence.; j Both j parties are toning down,, .None but I wremo uieu ueaire a ngni. ne law I is to be the "great arbiter. Asr Gov. I Vancaft fefjyd.'.fritam- sands- -eel -ShDvv' us the law; tbat I BUfficetb. us.M ' . . ' - ! . i ' l' ' " I RR A1TRHT TA HAVn HMICii I M . . Va- . -tlt, a U rr . &. - b. I ray judicious New York Journal of ' ' p t-. .,! of G0 -fJJ' iWi"iar6siuf Indiana, j -'It commends flT, -ol. .. imS ..j ' " .f, 2 7 1,on Presidential trouble, and thinks he has set a good example !tb I i . r j - I nis official brethren for All timei The f times-AWost extraOTdirraft and re-: I . ..v ... . ,MV,. j .'1 1 laire m08fc extraordinary treatment. I u u . . . ; ,. I In the piping times of peace when all , . t, . il - i... . . 18 qmet &bd no feara jare felt ff thl Btabmty.o;go We Jn-1 I -,.V- . . . i I u l0lUeP awu& iru . a". . km an annin nnw- v v ' 1 ,; .tot. ;-- i,7r- "w With f hA i1nrai. f p .v; ""ernes oj usurpation anq vior-. leW i4f5me Vdent.- ."'We lence, it-jaK umeo M silent. We I 1.. If T .-1 . V- , v, eiieve,tnat uncle, p ue-j.eans !Wil- liams oaS t0 have; .spqfken manly aHU ras Denait ot -mn co."Dir7f aP g , Wmt j and the other cons demanded and would have a fair, hone8t flettwent of , thfi ifS now threatening theyery life ot the national! IiX3nlQli ' . . . . 1 ' ii ,'Th,'Kr..,v.u.tti:j' -i : , T , " T? ?T wmg telegram from its New! Or- leans representative 'relative to Gen. Lohttsireer: .aO'SIIiriU U -t-, .., ri v.; w . w i 1 Gen; Longstreet' was inferviel?id by juui vu;icauuuueni to-niE-ni. ann fiTnupsmPrt t ii. .. . .-. .ci I ula COUVlCUOn Uiai '.lUB iNlCHOllS 1TQV I . i - - . .tm " f "raent .bad been t fairly elected; that it .f,AH -A fc i T"" "TJ?" IT. .f I " ' . r ""u reuugHiiung; 11 is any I JSfcr2d in MB York c Illi- I ' "wr.uv'f'WW,iiHBUT luumi dauon. so-eaUea. occunedil iMa eleminn."' m . - DyA 1J ff"" 8 1 il ma7 have occurred LT5i,LT:f'aT?."'"MMvv?r. iuc wce ui. uie returns iair indication of thPTA.uita onri Tx. Jl.M m . i. . - . . . i , m . . .1 r ' r.PnCe8. .fel?f ft?Sher -M vuv. vuauuict w.Tfc"SPrIn4lrJW JU l ro",ssr -a.gas8iz,s contriDUllOUS IO tbe leerams brought to I no aion in me matter whateverJ but, K- y- lwwa01.B D,eyooa, natural history of the United States will lfest guilt. If, the in favor of-tNi -i world better fox, bis havmg lived in it. j His American star fishes. ' ;" 7 I K u t ""TV? DU ov? rI'i,,V"T:i v T 'f bales, ad unpbeedehieb sale, wat' ident.of thewvYork Herald writes , . . i ' r , , , ... made on that dav. I.ThA roaann hkrX h imDrovement a4n i. th Uir tne lmproyement. abroad is teamall """W1" auu lBe I interior townsa coupled, . with I-: f.; . 7 the i TTnciAAna nnmiitiAn j-. 4 w A. prosperous condition of the trade in buo luouuiuutuiiiii msiricis. Hi) BB8DLT OF A SECOND Mi MIAOU. Commodore Vanderbilt married jive years ago hiseecohd wife, who Wr Miss Crawford, a native o4Mo- f1. - tftO late em: Mobile. iiishOD Mol viereL ot the . uicmvjuisi, vuuiuu, aim i iraiucui v thfhderbilt rerSltytashr m j fp.L 1 vniK. 1 rilUUWIifi HI HI Tltt t - i , i D a first ouam Mrs. YanUer- f f ?? - T" nacre . witn a Romnarati vrI v vouner ;. kfrt.r.iT-. Triv1 at thff9(1ni.oi aovf 4Kat. of wa8 induced to give ; one J veroiiv .namea aiter Dim. - w oat couia I ld geiitleW?,.JB,t., greater bene- l.bUiWed ftoheuni of UT.U19 UWIlUlilC. 1UB U1U VU1UU1UUU1C - t - ' .:- , - f . was ; brought in contact with such ab.eminisurs.f the gospel Bish. o, Mo- n afia otners. and be; began tpyield to Christian influences. (The result ..was.K.he became a; discioJe of - . v- . . 3 1 . A doubti flowed from his last fortunate i i ...... i . marriage., - that wainage.. " may . mention .magoifibeftU gold ; watch year or o Ago present from bis Aged Wend,. had caused it to be lmportei cost of some $400, we belieVe. i ..-. ( - . ! , . . - . BANBilNG ON TIIK SITUATION. Among the speakers at the Wash- loglpn Democratic mass meeting on . V . o.W J . ' i.LU. . . r. . , , : ; i. ; I mngT J9" made a ronsmg sttimp Rnopnh H said ; 'They tell ua now-a-days that they ave no. use for Democrats. When the rebels drove them back oell-mell from BdU.Iiun. didn't they come over nd get our AtcClel- Janl? '?orf an1! lHei.l army ln. 're, heVe'him? Didn't thev get our McClel- " l"c.1"B,' evi.,crw 'V4?"1" wRm nfmir nrivmi narir nmin mnn'r ih,v i b- . r"j g our oseoranxto help themr ! When the Secretary of War. the elder Cameron. lost the confidence of the people and could not perform his duties, didn't they come may use fraud, and we will be patient. We may eveo llow their, frauds to sue- ceed; but they ahall use no force. I want to say to theae men. 'Not abavonet must enter that house ' "(pointing to the Capitol. ) qik! . 1.-1.. . i ' A UEBO, Henry'lalop Melvor a brave and deserves to adveotnon Rootsman ! be better known. The Rah way, N. JM National Democrat gives this brief sketch: ? "Henry Islop Mclvor, a native of Edin- burgh. Is a leader in the Servian army. He $?J$Z .fT 'Z.iS TO smallest number. He gained a medal in tuo luuiKu uiuuuy, lougnt uauw u-arioaioi in lfttft. nnrler Tv in 1SI1 tnr th lvTo-r! w J - mmm A w HAW a cans after the rebellion, and with the In- 4;.. .bin.!.k. rn. i tt . i. Cretan rebellion, aerved in the patriot army in Cuba tor a wnile. and then had a eaval- ry command, in Egypt I He fought in France under Faidherbe igainst the Ger- mans, turned up in Paris as a communist. went to Herzegovina as a correspondent of a London paper, and is now aleader.of irregul,r8- 'It reads like a huge loke to hear a xr v i ' T, . - i New York paper talking of a street ngbt between two men being a Bhock ..... ; , -,T . ; r to the omlization- of the North. : i We , sh should think that a people who had nar8.ed and care88ed such specimen representatives as Butler, Boutwell, Uallrn.r. A TJU 1. fl-XT " : f . Desiaes mr. Hayes are .... .ii. , itiiii 11 1 ' immitiihi 'iini a 1 . ' - l.. - aSDirations: nrineinles kna nnininna , . ' -" 7 .fT !. r 1 ' 1 wum,0u i c w dwuu a, rati ug - gle between two youug'athletes: 1 Kl wetweeu iwo youue ainieies. xui I a I. . r, , , n 9iae loiKsare easuy snocKea at small .things, when they seem abun- P""" 1.0 -pus up wiin a vast amount' of rascality, venality,! de bauchery and ; crime. But a New York editor most have some new ex- on, or he is miserable HUU IUUVU9U lable. Coinmodore vanderbiit's .chanties I were expended by himself. He gave 1 - .1 150.000 to the Church of the Stran I ' . L gersf and $1,000,000, to the Methbdist tt . .. . -k-r , , f, . i umveraiLV aL XMaanviup. nnmeri in I . , is '.,.,7. " . I ". V : " ' 1 his honor, and these we believe are h all. 'He left over, iBfty millions but ' '. . ' , , . i no. pne cen. goes to oenevoient pur- else where, the pld gentleman gave nothing un I . , ...r "tne was very oia. ine Baltimore - I I ' -Gatetto- says:'4 - ' 1 Tninant.nv v.n4,h i'-.--,CAfr .k ,Uv.m .. 6.0 nyin. i. manv but alwava to hialown' advantftoHr -.v-;. ton correspon- ,shere lStio donbt that 'the niore tli i8tioa " bed-bya the members of . I bpth,,f House.;tae'f mor .opinion iXTT "Tk:."," viTlT dation for the claim that the Vice Pfesi- aent nas tiitrcynmnuitonai power to jcount tne , vote, .aieanume every day or two pro- auces some new plan lor evading thw dim- culty.?, iiithi'iiv 11H cruvu fi r ninfF rn r a 1 -1 a r-r. iia a .1 . a : . . 1 . - . UAiaLil IO UUk UUD LIM Bin I III IIIWHI I . I ) 1 They do say that Judge Trumbull will be voted for against Logan,, and , .. r, , , . : maybeatimi What a glorious swap for the country that would be ! si .A. iii . M times.-.Since the above- was written. .,;o -.flW T.inrkilnmfnn. m i lino liunnm jjPiviaiaLnrG nau nomma- i ...... -m- i. TT -T TV . . I tea mm. xiis uominaii.qu accepia.- l ble t0 the I4berais?whicii:will iusnre his election. New . York merchants are flatter l,mLl' i (.ot mill V.Q a good trade .this Spring; Tley aie it toe Domical.; muaaie couia oe but not without., .The Sqnth, if wise, will buy ver, li.hUy. ' ' ; ' The Baltimore ww makes this re mark, which deserves' indorsemept; MAs we have before said, if Mr. Bennett committed such "offenses as were ascribed to him, it would have been better for him ' f i.- ' LA- 1 1 . 1 J 1 .t.'i.' to have made a manly apology, i May family, having got rid of hitnt 1 iSSSJSSSS io nave maae a rauuiy upujugy, buu, iuo Mr. may .breach of the !aw " The property "holders of SoathCa-1 rolinCare rallving' strongly j to the Hamnton Government., are I ... - ' I yjuiS tueii tajLcs yiMujjJuy, .tiiu bu i errant i" t he Artt.hustnsm ivf 1 h nennle I there is an active riyalry in endeavor ing to be the first to pay.- K i Vanderbiit's will is to be contested, it is thought. It is a pity a very rich man is not allowed to have- his own win. -' ' ':":v;:rir:;v:.: Hpn. Alexander i H. Stephens had a Hemorrhage lrom tne langs on last Friday. . He is again convalescing rOMMCAL POITS The Boston Herald pertinently says: "We had one' long bloody. war to save the Union. Must we nave another to preserve the Constitution f" , j ( j i. j - Governor Hayes has something 6 gBy in h5s message concerning rK:!. o..." Ii"5.,r"" ? party po- not a word concerninff Returning Boards and frauds in o . . lj . elections. It would have been a good op portunity to have congratulated Ohio on having no Returning Board, aod to have warned his people never to institute a' Re turning Board. Jsaslviue American: ' - The proof 8 are conclusive that Mr. Hayes, in his eagerness to get the Pre sidency, even on a "tainted" return, has attempted negotiations (through his repre sentatives in Washington) with various Southern Democratic members of Congress, for the purpose of securing their votes if tne election goes into the llou3e. It is known, and the quast-denials of some of the Republican papers do not help the case for them or for their candidate. Hartford Timet. Tne Democrats of Maine, thro' their State committee, demand that "Con- cress shall honestly and imoartiallv ascer tain the result of the election uoon the same principle and through the same pro cess by which the results of all previous na- .! 1 1 AS . . uudu elections nave oeen ascertained, ana declared since the foundation of our go vernment." And thev Died ee the 60.000 Democrats of Maine to render willing obc- aience to sucn a aecision. Tnis is manly PERSONAL.. --J . John Hendricks, youngest bro e-r ?L G Henrs. died foat Delhi, uuiu, uu x-iiuay ui Ittik vy eclv. - Ebenezer Jolleff, a bachelor of sixty, living at Branchville, in Connecticut, was recently found frozen to death in his bed . George Eliot was a pupil i of uernert cpencer, wno, tnirty years ago, asked her in marriage. She is now fiftv- teven, and has made $500,000 by her : wri tings. One Of Mr. Beunett's sports is cut off, but he can a-poZo-gize for not going If .!... 1 r . . . . . . Maying any more by refe?riog to hisSduel .flffi I " rv.,.., vtwiiuiu ;me rresiaency, Mr. Robert Mc- I , .y v..vM be said contained the returns from all the States, including Dade county, Plorida. 1 ana tne ouuaozea pansnes ot juouisiana, and which he declared showed plainly that ne was elected president of the United States. Mr. Gladstone having been re quested to advise a "Young Liberal" in the selection of a few eood books, recommends Green's 'History of the English People " "Hallam'8 Constitutional History of : Eng land," "Ranke's History of England," "Guizot's History of the Great Rebellion," ana "Birjsi. Mays jfarliamentary History . . 1 It ui m " .... partisanship." " Mr. Vanderbilt was j asked one day; what was the secret of his success in f about it. All you have to do is to attend to your business and go ahead." i At ano ther time he said: "The secret of my suc cess is this, I never tell what I am going to do until I have done it." This was nearer the mark. He kept bis own counsel and never betrayed hia best friend himself. LITERARY NOTES. -. Mrs. Jfiatt. one of. the most original of American poets, has just pub- naueu aaotuer volume oi verse. The best , criticism, altogether, we have read on "Daniel Deronda.'? in in the Atlantic Monthly, from the pen of Henry iuiub, jr. 1 is uiguiy uiscriminaung. A posthu mous addendum to Canon F. W j Farrar'a' ' ! sermons with the title; 'Ia the Daysof Thy Youth," are out. is nis sermons, are as cnarming as his "Life ofCliit."jone of the most in teresting books ia on language, ft will be retreaning to read tnem.;; i --.The great FrencbencltclOpffidia ,of LorousseTentiUedJVGrandflLtionnaire TTniversel da XlXme Ricola " h I completed tlie ' publicatiohof thefif- I teenth volume: The price of the whole I work is M&francs and the amount of mat- ter it contains is more than double that of any existing cyClopsedia of modern date. ! TWINKLINGS. 7 ... "77. . , - 1 he public debt was increased .in December to the tuneof over 13,600,000. ff cretary Morrill m ay well be Bet Sown as the:Ex-cbeck-her. A . :7 - ri mouo- r ecbo fdr- s board 8S that Mr. Tilden would be all right. Aogusta Constitutionalist: A woman only 7 stubs lier toe once to a man's J R 1 T r ill r vhutV chfl nnoc elm trrna Afxun 1 f IT't . ou v " " ft.ilinrvpnptg olinrn ..ml .nt. . . r . 2. . stamp out ot Dotu emows. , : i -- A rqcent scientific, bk Jias the songs of birds set to music. l and ciyes a very nice composition on the. tomtit. Now let tne autuor give the Koman candle note of the torn cat in Wagaerian octaves. -eoOO out of EvrL. r'i Ah orange, ricli aiuifipe, : " He gave to me one day; 1 v An orange big and round ' I scarce knew what to say. : . I pondered deep and long; : ; At last did thought divulge The reason why he gave ; It made bis oocket bulge. ' PAL.MI3TTO JbE AVES. Governor Hampton has ap- 1 pointed for r Qrecnville county Wm. W.' uureaiiit .treasurer; . auu lieu Morgan, ' . it m : i . j t- ! m Auaitor. . large number of gentlemen: rens. iney are quartered at the, several hotels of the city, and are brought thither . nfmee. ; , by a summons from the benatonal com- i Mrs: Elizabeth Pringlerelict of the latJJoho Pringle, ' died on Sattfrday night, December 30th at the residence of her son-in-law, M. D. liee,; near Concord Church, in Sumter couniy. : She was about eighty years old. Mr. Wentworth Durant; resid ing in the neighborhood of Flowden s Mill.' riorl lio om(b-a Iaiioa lirAlvan ?ntn fhvAnnU UHM iJUIO DUIVAb UUUOU .tiUAVU&LIA the rooff and a quantity of meatjearried off bv roeues. who succeeded in settinc away witnout being discovered. Hillsboro Military Acadeiny, HILLSBORO, N. C. !. I rj HK SPRING SESSION OF THIS CLASSICAL and Mautematical School commences January 15th. For circular, containing fall information, address the Principals. HAMILTON & MORSON, jan s-xtawsw weaKsat I LEA & PERRIX S CELEBRATED PRONOUNCED bt '-" EXTRACT connoisseurs' Of a LETTER from a MEDICAL GEN TLEMAN; at Mad ras to his brother at TO BE THE WORCESTER, Mar.lS5U 'TeU LEA & PER KINS that their Sauce la highly es SAUCE," : teemed in inua,and is In my opinion he And applicable to most paiataDie as EVERY VARIETY well as the msst wholesome Sauce OF DISH. that is made." Worcestershire Sauce. LEA & PERRLNS' SIGNATURE is on EVERY BOTTLE. JOHN DUXCAN S SONS, jyS-oawly Sat j NEW YORK. s UPERIOK COURT, COLUMBUS COUNTY. John A. Manltsbr. Trustee. J. Frink and others, Flalntiffs, sainn ; O.H. WUliamson,: , Defendant. SUMMONS. . ' The State of North Carolina, to the Sheriff of Co- lmmBos uonntyT-wreeung: , Yon axe hereby commanded to common O. H Williamson to appear at the next term of said Coart, te be hld at the Courthouae in Whiteville, on the fourth Monday after the second Monday in I February, ISTT, to answer the comp) MfwSA laint or tne saia fail to appear at Judgment accord ing to the complaint filed, together with the costs of mis acuon. -( .,-, . Of this summons make due return to the Clerk of said Court for the County of Columbus. Given under my band and seal of said Court, this W. M. BALDWIN. Clerk of said Court. ; SUPERIOR COURT, COLUMBUS COUNTY. John A. Maultsby, Trustee. Plaintiff, vs. r.: ... ! O. H. Williamson, Defendant. It appearing to the satisfaction of this Court that the above named Defendant is not a resident of this State, and cannot, after dne diligence, be foand therein, and that the subject of this action ia real estate, in this State, in which the Defendant claims interest. - - . s Now, on motion, it is ordered that publication of the summons in this action be made in the MoBNTNa Stab, a newspaper published in the City of Wil mington, once aweek for six weeks, and that a copy of the gammons and complaint be forthwith depos- Una Tinfoil IMo fKlh na. Af nnv.mks. 1M : t .UAB U.J VT.UAV&, lOIU. W.M. BALDWIN. C. 8. O. Albx. T. A John Londok, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. utao-uawow oat - . 1877 MUSIC BOOKS FOR 1877 THE ENCORE ! GREAT BOOK FOR SINGING pLASSES, MUSj- CJAL CONVENTIONS, CHOIRS, ACADE ! MIES, AND MUSICAL SOCIETIES '"' THE ENCORE was compiled by Ei. O. EITIGRSON. whose well known tact in fHnrprn ing and providing for the popular taste in music, is ampiy uiasiratea in us pages . xnere is a fine King- iuk ocuuui ioBxve. wiui aounaanz nroviBion or nae. f ul and Dleasinsr exercises and tunes for nrantice ; and, in addition, a large collection of Glees, Part Songs, Ac, with a number of Sacred Tunes and Anthems. Thus it is just the book for all Musical Associations, Choirs er Societies that require easy. geuuu uiufiic xor practice. j : ' PRICE, 75 CTS., or $7.50 PER DOZ.i PUP QATTT'PATTniff byf-o. embrson.is 1 11 D oALUlAliUll. a larger book than the ENCORE, has fewer 'secular nieces.- but a great many more Tunes and Anthems, and is a first class dook lor tjnoirs ana singing schools. . $18. or $12.00 PER DOZ. Either book mailed, post-free, for Retail price. Oliver Ditson &;Cd., ; . BOSTON; CHAS. H.D1TSON A CO A CO I J N. Y -1 J. E, DITSON A CO. 711 Broadway,.! Successors to Lee A Walker.PhUadelphia. jah 10-dw2w Wed S6 Sat THOS. A.- McNEILL. FRANK McNEDLL jyjr-cNEIl.1. Oc iricNEILiIi, ATTORNEYS LUMBERTON. ROBESON CO., Practice In Robeeon, Richmond,' Bladen and Co mmons counues, jrzompt aoennon to ousiness. jau o-ua, vv iiu Plows. Plows. STORE, AND ARRI ia DAILY. ONUS ft the lanreet and best assorted -atocktr of piiwr ever in this market. We have every kind used in this Bection, either Bteel or Iron, for Plowiae or Caltivatine. Call and examine before 'nnrchaMnar elsewhere. We guarantee prices as low as; any Factory North or South.:' v !- j aa7-tf GILES A MURCH1SON BUSINESS CARDS. l ss" inn ar ITS ft fs I Corner Front and l)eli M.v WIWHNGTOR, S. t ;' xxrm I01ESALK GROCEKS VVi , IN AI-LIT BKAjNGHU: Couii"trv taertJiants will do well M calling on us and exftmininx oar stock- iiov 19-tf H.fiA. STEDMANj Jr.' ELIZABETHTO WN; N. G. Jnly7:l&Wlf. .... : . j Cotton feNayal Stores. t Woody &c Gurrie, General Commission Merchants WILRIINGTON N: ?.; H' , . QUICK SALES AND PROMPT RETURNS, J. Jn.CHASTES & SON. M ; Commissioii Merchants " ,:'': WILMINGTON, N. C.i i-'ii COTTON,' ; NAVA1 r STORKS J ANO GOUNTKY , QUICK SALK8, SMALL CH ARGiW. fit,-PROMPT Uefer to L B. CHtAINGJSR. President of Bank of NewHaaovef. Jan27-lv SPOETSBIEN'3 Of TiTfl Tltl pd MoPfi'inci BOOT MOCCASINS, . ,lS:;:, ; SHOE PACES, ,.-:;):; -.: LADIES' KOCCASINS, t , .' : .. aud' ' . ' ' '." i -. ' . 'CAMP SLIPPEKSj, made from carefnlly selected stock, iu the best man ner, at prices to suit the times. i send ror uircciar ana race .Lists. MARTIN Si UOTOHINQS, . P. O. Box 368i oct 17-D&Wtf 1 Dover, New "Hampshire. ! mi . . - JTUTe jDreCl better ' If HPS I i r - For Sale, IRED BY. THE RECENTLY IMPORTED LA- VERACK Doc "DON." who is own brother to the world-renowned Field-Trial f winners, "Countess"' "Neuy,' ana "fnnce.l. .so far as figures hare been made public, this is the highest priced dojr, with the single exception of Mr. Burges'a "Rob Roy." ever imported. These celebrated dogs were fcred from Laverock's "MoU I1L" bv his "Daeh II ." from which pair more prize winners were bred than from any pair wnicn ever existed. They have a pedigree running oacK ror eighty years without a stain. j kutott f U70 IX n, liUIV VJUFUOH Oat Of "BeSS." She OUt Of "Pollv" bv l)nk of finr. I-don eired by Stoddard's Duke, he by "Ranger," out of Lord Edsercomb's 'Belle." tian "Ola Kent," the great prize winner. ; rne j-ups were oorn August 2d, 1876. I'rice $35 each, boxed and delivered at Express Omce in Phil adelphia. Address ' ; Jtt VON CUL1N, sept22-D&Wtf Delaware City, Del. POWDER Kentucky Bifle Powder Blasting Powder. Deer Powder, h Large Supply Constantly oit .Hand, fflaiiufa&etured by tbe Celebrated. ' HAZARD POWDER COMP'V. . . FOR SALE BY : ' WILLARD J3E0S. dec 14-tf AGENTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. For the Holidays; JVADIES DRESS GOODS, . , AT A REDUCTION IN PRICE ! SEAL BROWN, ' MYRTLE GREEN. f - .and SUPER BLACK BLACK LYONS SILK, various qualities, : v : ; HDK'FS, HOSIERY and CORSETS 4 In aU the Staple Qualities. J Will Open on Tuesday ,: ' A BEAUTIFUL STOCK of DESIRABLE GOODS - Embracing . , Two Hundred Pieces Handsome Prints, Super Bed Blankets, Shawls. Paris Kid Gloves, of superior quality, ! , for Ladies and Gentlemen. On Hand, A Complete Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Fancy Cassimeres and Piece Goods.; Also, the v . . BEST BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS and DOESKIN ' In the City, manufactured ToiOrder. in Good Style and at Lowest Prices. HEDRICR. dec 17-tfDAW Mountain Butter & Turkeys. c HOICK HAMS AND BREAKFAST STRIPS, Bacon and Bulk Shoulders, ; -Mullets, Blue Fish and Mackerel, Cheese, Pigs Feet, Ac : Peafand Beans to arrive. To enable us to sell at Low Figures buyers must bring the CASH. -Any who have not paid their accounts are ; re quested to think of us, , fJSTTJSWAI SS KUUULlVSiM, , Brokers and Commission Merchants, Second door North of - jan6-tf Princess and Water Streets. , PARKER & TAYLQH, 'U' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I ?M Sealers in Cooking & Heating Stoves m Tin and Sheet, Iron Ware, House Furnishing Goods, &c ! 'V 1 dec 15-tf . WILMINGTON, N. C. Now Is tlie Time to Buy j yihwiPHRISTMAS: GOODS. Latest Styles of NOTIONS always to be had at wm.;Kz;eb,s, i EXCHANGE CORNER. j ' His Stock of Goods suitable for .'Christmas and Holiday Presents surpasses what ' be over had be fore. 1 . ( , (, - - V .';. -1 L - NO HUMBUG. Every one knows that, and Ke- I ceives Value for Cash. v j - i ""Lowest Prii "Lowest Prices 'Charged No use in mentioning specialties. decli-tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. f Tcpregentaig 7.' Ti-''-: rvu',ul rroBDertiio 16U wanted erefywhEre.' The Ktsgeai i'l iii,.. IU mm w A KOiaB mar'A fawM L " . -ii single Bocks fad . Also, Agents wonted on MAGNIFICENT FAMILY BIBLES. 'ST,ru,S.?r ii vi m iivtu iui8 Wrpn all MAGNIFICENT FAMILY BIBLES. StiDerkr , all others. With invaluable ILLUSTRATED i , w and bUKKB niJNUiiiu. 'lnese Boeks bpHt Tv. World.; full paiticdlars free Address u,ucina . . . '.: . ; JOHN JB POTTftrt & CO . , i ...PubiLshers, Philadelphia. ' H. HALLETT & CO., Portland. M,i Augnsta, Maine. - tlJjrt" . O?; EXTRA FINE MIXED CARDS, with na-e ZOn1 cents., post-paid. L," JONES s Tco.l' expenses paidT Gem Mfg. Co.. St. Loais. The Little Eok and Fort Smith RAILWAY. ; HasTfor Sale 51 9. (I)i1lAT HOME..Apente'wanted. Out VJL4Q Stand term s free. . TRUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. $2000: And other Valuable Premiums, ! GIVEN TO THOSE WHO WorK : for tiie Times. . THIS' CINCINNATI WEEKLY TIM K : Published for 83 years, ,1 has a National character and influence with patrons in everjr ouite nuu xerriiory m me union, ana or all shades of politics. EVERY PATRON OF THE TIMES in nmr. ed. free of charge, with anllrastrated Year .hnnlr nf valuable information, for 1877, alone worth the price of the paper. - t. r . 7 A Snre-Sfiot. .; LoBg-Ranp Bevolrer 'WtU SeSu diambers. Specially adapUd ror tne pocket ; loads without re moving the cylinder, which revolves automatically wnen tne Hammer is raised. It is made of the best English steel, nickel silrcr plated, and has a long, ae curate range. The retail Driee of this Revolveris $5; but the publishers of the Weekly Times, by special arrangement with the manufactu rers, are enabled to send it, pott-paid by mail, to a'l who subscribe for the Wbbklt Tims, at a trifle over the wholesale price, namely, $4, which will pay for both the Revolver and Tunis. Or, any one who will make np a club of 15 subscribers I er the Tihes, at $1.60 each, shall receive a Revolver for his services. , :i ; :' ' i , .A "IP16 Py of the Tikes, with our Illustrated List of Premiums and other documents, will be sent, free on application to ... . CINCINNATI TIMES 0 62 WEST THIRD ST., CINCINNATI, OUIC. Sin tfl $9fl WT daT 8t borne. Samnles worth 5 bTXHtOK & Co., Portland, Maine. dec 30-dw4w THE SNEIDER BREECH-10ADIN6 Prices, 50 OO to 250 00.' MUZZLE-L O AD ING G UNt- ALTERED- TO BREECH-LOADING, Prieee$4O00 to $100 OO. -; Clark & Sneider, : . MANUFACTURERS. . .. ,- S14 West Pratt Street, '' ' Baltimore. Send for CaUlognn. i. , ? deo 22-DAWtf erase "W". T0LIEYS FINK EN G LIS II Breech - LoadihgGuiiSi We have for many years, with great success, made, a specialty of building Fine Breech-Loading Gunn to the SDecMinBtrnctianB nf IniMvtanai arwrtamM Making for a large and select trade enables us to, give greater care and attention te the fitting, shoot ing and general finish of our Guns than can be given to taose (inn bought by the retai. trade from manufacturers who Drodnce for a General market. We solicit the patronage of , those sportsmen who are Judges of Fine Gnus and who know the impor tance ot having their Guns made to fit them. We are prepared to accept, orders to build Guna or any weight, gauge, proportion or style. -. Bband. i . , ; Pbicx. PIONEER .. .... 65 Gold. TftT.T.TfV QO STANDARD .'...';.. ..i... 115 NATIONAL.....:,..;.... J........ 140 CHA LLENGE.. ; i 180 PARAGON .,225 Full Hlnstrsted particulars with references and instructions for self measurement forwarded on ap plication. j. w. TOJULKX, Branch Office. 2d Maiden Lane. New York. Manufactory, Pioneer .Works, Birmingham, Eng. Me ETALLIC CARTRIDGE. MILITARY, HUNT IJNtt AJMU UtUCKUMUUK" KlFLitiS EXCEL' ALL OTHERS IN ACCU ...RACY. STRENGTH AND ..Ml ; f SAFETY. 7 No Premature Discharge Ever Occurs Every Ride warranted good shooter. Calibrf. 40, 44 and 50-100 of,an inch, and of any desired length. Charge f powder from 50 to 105 graias. Weight tl balls front 220tb 51ft grains. Stock, plain; alst--Pistol grip and. checked. Sights: plain; Globe ano Peep Sights; Vernier with interchangeable fron alghi s . and ; Wind-gangc. ! Ryery ' variety of an mmdUon for above guns, constantly on hand. Prices from $30. to 125. SHARPS RIFLE COMP ANV, septSl-D&Wtf. ' Bridgeport. Ccnn. S. W. Groodridge, Graftoxt, WindUam Co Vermoni : ! ;: MANUFAfJTURER OF Fine Fistinfir ;Rods of all kinds. Partica-ar attention paid to making rods adap to Sonthern trade. ' , ''' ' Rods of any desired pattern MADE TO OMDEH on short notice and at reasonable prices. Send for Circular. Inly 18-DAWt ! High-Bred Dogs. iiNGLISH. IRISH AND GORDON SETTERS or the Choicest BlQd", with gnaranteed pedigrees 7 ..U: :- .V- FotialebyM 'i ' i .. , -,, K, P. WELSH, u

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